The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 19, 1871, Image 3

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Telegraph & Messenger obeat opening BALTIMORE CLOTIIIXG HOUSE CASSDIEEE SUITS, at *12, worth *18. DERBY SUITS at *90, worth *25. BI.ACK DRESS sens at *25, worth *35. BUCK DOS SKIN PANTS (large leg.) at *10 werth *15* CASSIMEBE SUITS (extra rirre, to fit the big' gMt Deo in Oeorgia) at *26, worth *35. BOVS' SUITB (to fit any fixed boy in the city) , t price, to «nit the time*. Furnishing Good* of all grades, at the Dame rate*, (•retiring weekly tha lateat atylea of Scarf, and Bow.. rurebuen will bear in mind that this i. no hum- t .,,, call and tea for yoareclrce. U. niRSB 4 BBO., Cor. Cherry and Second at*., under the Building" octl5 lm new goods, new goods aKCZlVKD AT TUX SEW YORK STORE, Every day. W. A. SPECIAL GALL! norsoN et- co, 11 SECOND STREET, luvtte early attention to their atock of STAPLE A\D FVM’Y DRY GOODS Alao, DRESS SUITS in a variety of material* CLOAKS, FURS, WAISTS, CASUMI'.RE CIjOTU, and FLANNEL BACQUES. VELVETS, VELVETEENS, LACES, TRIHMINOH, BUTTONS. KOTIOSB, FANCY GOODS, Etc., Etc. All of «lnch bare been carefully eel acted and laid 111 at the vary lowoat Naw York prieee. and will be told at a "null per ocnUgo upon coat and charge* Buyer, will find it to their advantage to givo to line atock a careful examination before making Ibeir purchase.. nctio tf w, a. iioraoN a co. JUST RECEIVED. A nice aaaortment of Real Point Appliquo Laces, GUIPURE and VALKNCIE.NNE, Alan, latest style, of Point Ap^Rque, Dachau, Kngl.sli Thread and ValencicnnrLaco Collar», Parfact haaotjee, at vary low pricea, at the NEW YORK STORE S. WAXELBAUM, BBO- 4 CO., 15 and 17 Second street. FALL GOODS. OUB STOCK or Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods NOTIONS, ETC., a now full and complete. Wo have the largest and most varied stock wa have ever exhibited to the trade. PRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE, AND PRICES LOW. Our motto is •• Short 1'rbllts and Quick Sales,•’ And wo feel confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor na with their patronage. IVe respectfully invite the public to call and ex amine onr atock. W. A. BANKS 4 SONS, *rp30tf 13 Second at.. Triangular Block.^ ' LADIES Sheu!d not fail to examine our new stock of BILK VAIiOUHS, From *1 to *1 50 |>er yard, at the NEW YORK STORE, 15 and 17 Second street. line of dark shades of PINE SATEENS. All the latest varieties in colors, at tho NEW YORK STORK, 15 and 17 {Second street. A largo lot of HANDSOME POPLINS, Fre(|i 25c. 30o, 35c, to 60c a yard—astonishingly low prieee -at tho NEW YORK STORE. IMPROVED COTTON TIES. Joat in at tha Daxrso Highwat Eobbxst.—A most outra geous and daring robbery was perpetrated juat at night-fall on Tneaday evening list on a < ored hartrmnn named Clinton Wilder, while turning from having carried a gentleman fust beyond the city limits on the Jones county From *125 to *3 pec yard, twenty per oent. cheaper I rold - NFW YORK STORE, Twenty pieces 33 Ij -dk. C 331 SILKS than the same goo a can be bought else where in the city. 8. WAXELBAUM, BBO. 4 00., 15 and 17 Second street. According to the version of the backman, not less than eight robbers beset him. One seized bis horse by the bridle, while the rest, coming out of a thick wood near by one at a time, each armed with a club, and arrayed themselves around hi. and demanded hi. money hi. life. The hackmin leaped from his back and attempted to release his horse from relentless robbers, when be was seised by the WALTHAM WATCHES. 3-1 PLATE, 16 AND 20 SIZES. ThKSSlMlkatm.1V.tA . , .. . | AHWIUbH 1VWUCIB, WUCU UO WU BOJJCU UV ICO and are made with and without item winding’at- blnd » dashed to the ground and his pockets tacbment.. I rifljd of $22 in money. Wilder thinks his movo- £ *^JSd —S “ “ d that his being anvwbno at their respective price.. waylaid and surprised was the result of a regn- 5“ .“* d * of **“ P ewemt pattern*, iar conspiracy to rob him. He lays the robbers On/Ttodc of tbeaa < WatcbM°b?i>ow the largest, I wen ^ coIored men > that he thinks they and our prices, all things considered, are the low-I belong to n clan of idle, vagabond gamblers ret tn the city. » b ° th« city. One of the crowd proposed oet3-tf 505 and 667 Broadway. New York. | to take the haekman’a watch, but the crowd said that would only lead to their detection. This affair but too plainly shows that there For Mourning Dresses. Tho well known HENRIETTA CLOTH. sQk and | “• UwIe * 3 h""** of I>*d men lurking and prowl ing around and lining all the byways in and about the city to make raids on all proper oc casion. daring oar State Fair. It behooves the officers of the law, and espe cially the police, to be on the alert and arrest wool, at the NEW YORK STORE. 15 and 17 Second Street Dl*. Hurley’s AgU© Tonic. 111 "“P*®* 011 * pereonswho cannot give a satis factory account of their incomings and out- I'nrely Vegetable! No Anienlr, No Jlerrnry I 801ncS- to Its Composition! Srscui. CoionTTZEs.—The several ladies and A-O CURE, NO FAY. i. direction, be followed. Bremen who have brem appointed on special No danger in taking an overdoae, aa we pat I committees to superintend the arrangement of no poison in our medicines. One dollar per bottle. I of the articles entered for exhibition, have so Dr Hmiov’s Stnniacll Rilfprs »I f “ promptlr "P 0 ** 1 ’ “ d hlve very efficiently I/I. Hill It) a SlUIHUUl imicrs . performed their varied duties. We trust that TS the remedy, par excellence, for all diaeaaea I they will not weary in well doing, bnt will de- LUKL&Z 4^ i lf;.,f i KdS2uon: t ^ , Si «*• “ '« « U-«r » b oI. attenuonto kindred ailments, where a gentle and permanent I the dalies required of them. And in this eon- Oim doNar*per'l«tUe* p,Buxnt *» nection we wonld stole that not only the spe- ——- — ’ oially named persons aro expected and request- a II I I A - I aareaaawa* a.. ->a- » MW t-awtcitu AUU 1CIJUCN* Jr. Hurleys Syrup Of Ssrsspsrillsi I «d to aid andaasistin this m06t laudable object, but that every citizen of Macon is interested, ..... . and should do all they can to provide what is TC5r££n , ?*»!S toSoMXripS t For «-*■»<». • ^7 or girf fession ss tho moat reliable. Marching and barm-1 in onr city bnt what has the time to pro- lee* alterative within their reach, and a. a Blood I mra . wreath of flowers or everereem, Purifier it certainly stands without a rival. Ono ** 0 wreath ol Bowers or evergreens, dollar per bottle, | or something of a similar nature, and they if. Seabrook’s Infant Soothing Syrup ill bo most acceptable; for tbero is a vast T HE indiepcnsablo remody in the nursery. No | spsco of wall and ceiling to cover and adorn. more nee for laudanum, paregoric, Bateman's I Those who propose miking such wreathes will Drops, or other strong opiates. Nohad effects from 1.. . the use of Seabrook’s. Health to tbeebild, rest to | h® supplied with twine, eta, on application to ■lie mother, and a dear conscience to the vendor. I Mr. Connor, at Boardman'a book store. Let 25 cents per bottle. I each lady and girl in the city read the notice of Dr. Harley’s Popular Worm Gaudy I M *y° r Huff especially addreessed to them, and 8 really all it claims to be-a SFECIFIC-remov- JJ* * coord “8 , y- “° l ,et them thmk that ing all wofich from the human viscera. No barm-1 can m enough without them; but let each fnl effect from iu nao. Children love it. No dan-1 and all do what they can, and there will surely in giving an overdo^ 25 rents p«w boa. beenoneh . F.r better that there should be too Dr. Seabrook’s Elixir of Bark and iron. I “ achth * n 400 THE Great Tonic and Appetizer. One dollar per I Loos Out ros Shabfebs.—It behooves our 1 bottlo.^ Ml tor^salo^by druggists everywhere. citizens to be upon thoir guard against the “ ~ r* --- 'crowd of thioves, pickpockets, and roughs of all descriptions, who will donbtless be attracted by tho large crowd expected at the Fair. They will bo like a raging lion seeking whom they may devonr, and will assuredly permit no op portunity to escape for tho exercise of their ne farious occupations. It is true that Mayor Huff, with oommondable forethought, lias increased onr police force and appointed a number of ex seplSeod&wtf Louisville, Ky. THE SERGE CLOTH, In all wool, for Ladies' wear, at the NEW YOBK STORE, 15 and 17 Second street, Batchelor's Hair Dye. perfX n S2m^tS?.blo*lSd b Sit!S.S;^ r ^ rieneed detectives to watch these gentry; but it is disappointment; no ridiculous tints or dlsmgreealo | necessary on the part of oar citizens to do tbeir odor. Tho genuine Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I share, and see that windows and doors are well SSEftMSS “™ ed * ***• “ d to -ell in mind that not contain a particle of lead or any iojoriooB com- I “*n ounce (of lead) prevention is worth a SlIkELKY 7 *" dr,,KKi,U " F “^?3d 6 e^v D P° nnd of cnre -” An oId bnr B ,ar ’ wten Giving in his experience, stated that a terrier dog con- A silver modal was awardod Dr. Trice's Cream Baking Powder at the Stato Fairs in New Orleans, and st Decatur, Ill., for being tho purest and best. His special flivorings are eqnsily good. Tax Ir.—Mrs. Whitcomb desires all to try her Hjrup; it is tbo groat children's soothing remody, and sold at the low price of 25 cents. fined imide a house, and a knowledge that a colt’s revolver was handy, were certain safe guards to any residence. If this bo true, ter- tiers will bo in demand. Fins Distlat.— Wo witnessed a fino display of “fish, flesh and fowls" at Carlos’ saloon on Drsrarsu—Nothing will so permanently givo | Mulberry street lost night On a large marble tone to tho digeeUvo organs, regulate tho appetite, top ubIo wero tastefully arranged squirrels, venison steaks, Tennessee Enrichor. A single Untie will convince the most Bt °* ks ’ “" Kon ° h ° P "' P° rk “"“8“ incredulous of iu buUding np quaUtles. It acts at I s P* te ribB - yoi°K chickens, diced msgno- once by increasing tlio sppetite, renewing tbo old I hnhsm, crabs, shrimps, and several varieties blood, toning np tho stomach. All are requested of A* 11 , whilo a large card announced “oysters try it, and of its good results they will he satis-1 in every style." We have sampled several of fled. Thompson, Steel 4 Price manufacture it, as I these “items” and found oat that they wore also Dr. Price's Croam Baking Powdor and Special I good. One of Carlos' broiled beef steaks, with Flavorings. Hold by drnggistn and grocers- | fried potato accompaniments, wonld be a suits- oct6eodAw2w Jor to the Woild! Woxan is Fbee !—Among tbo many modorn discovorios looking to tbo happi- ble theme for Tennyson's muse. Lmsnan.—Tho worthy Treasurer of our city, ness and amolioratkm of the human race, none is I OtpL 0. J. Williamson, informed ns yesterday entitlod to highor consideration than the renowned I that he hod been notified to draw upon the remody—Dr. J. Bradfield’s Femalo Regulator, Wo- Central Railroad Company for five hundred man's Best Friend. By it woman is emancipated doIUrSj ^ ^ amoant or ^5, ootrfbu- from numberless ills pecnUsr to her six. Before Uon t(J ^ ^ f . ir ^ they wave. “- magic power all lrrogulontios of tho womb von-1 It euros whites. It euros eupproeeion of tho | Tna Wxijrsss.—St T. 4 B. F. Walker’s estab- mensos. It romovos uterine obstructions. It cures hshment on Cherry street is fall of vitality as constipation and strengthens the system. It braces I W8 jj u yjtaliziog provender. Here daring fav- the nerves and purifies the blood. DmAK 0 rable weather ono can got almost every thing os tbonsonda of womon wiU testily. This valuable I . ,, - - . . ? - - , ' medicine is prepared mid sold by L. H. llradfield, “ 110 -J of , ,rosb food-fish oystera, crabs, druggist, Atlanta, Go. Prioo, *160 per bottle. AU fowIs ; E»mo, beef, mutton, pork, vego- respectablo drug men keep 1L Mxbbuoe Guide.—Intoroeting work, numerous engravings, 221 pages. Trico 60 oents. Address Dr. Batts' Dispensary 12 North Eight Street, St- Louis, Mo. Soe advertisement. ang!7-d4wly CITY -A-F’E'-A-IRS. THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 10, 1871. tables and fruits, besides overy thing in the world one con think of to be fonnd in e family In the way of waiting on customers they are not only Walken bat runners, bat times the crowd thronging their establish ment pats them up to their best paces and a little beyond. Bskunrun little nick-nacks to decorate yonr I parlor or yonr bed room, at Truman 4 Green's I store, where bat little money will go a long way Tbs Ueobgia No. 2 to-day at 11 o'clock. THE EUREKA IKON TIE, THE ANCHOR IRON TIE, We also bavo tbo 8WETT SELF-FASTENING IRON TIE. Prices Saxuo as Now Orleans TURPIN 4 OGDEN, Agents at Macon, Go. BATES 4 COMER. 122 Bayst., Savannah, General Agents for Go., Fla., and East Ala. Local, Br.EvxTiEs.-A bouse, mounted on a | “ mlkin S purchases, dray, passed down Third street yesterday morn ing attracting considerable attention. Wo could not loam its destination, bnt presume from its I Hunt, Rankin * Lomae.—Everybodyjahould high finish that it was forexhibition at tho Fair, read the advertisement of this firm elsewhere Da. J. S. Lawton, of Forsyth, Go., a member 1 found. Everybody needs drugs, chemicals, of tho Executive C uumlttoe, and Supennten- perfumery, etc. sometimes, and therefore all ore dent of tho Fair <>m the part of the Agricultural interested in knowing who keeps large and well Society, reached ibis city last evening, and will selected stocks of each on hand. The firm in at once go upon duly. I question fill this bill exactly, and their prices Ws wore shown yesterday tho plan of the an » very reasonable. Their motto is to “push iron gates for tho grand entnnoe of the Fair I things," and, they do it, too. No man trades Grounds. They were manufactured in Rich- with them and goes sway grumbling. That maml, Vo., and are very elaborato in their de- cold water soap they advertise is the very best aigog. I thing in that lino wo have seen. It is bound to Two of tho street con collided on Cotton I work a revolution in tho washing business. It avecne. Result: lady passenger soared, end does oU that is claimed for it, and we believe several panes or glass broken. I will do a great deal more. We have seen it Miss Lams St. Glaib, the daring lady ooro- tried and know what we say. nant, who will moke ten ascensions from tho I . ’ ■ Do yon noed a cook stove that will give per fect satisfaction for ten years or more and stand tho assault and battery of rongh cooks ? Then Fair Grounds, has telegraphed that she is cn route tor Macon. A DEI NOUN man, at tbo fall ‘’P < ^ d “* ***** I go to Truman 4 Green and buy one of the no- pecing horse, went humming down Third street £ Q Qm yesterday, somewhat to the danger of pedes trians crossing the street. Foxtt six ear loads of goods designed for ex- Notice, Notice, Notice.—I take great pleas ure in informing my customers and the travel- hibitioo at tho State Fair reached the several I mg pablio that I have leased the cigar privilege depots yesterday. in the saloon at the Fair Grounds, where all the A xjasoe number of our citizens deported via choice brands of cigars can be fonnd st al! the Southwestern Railroad, for Fort Valley last hours, day and night, during tho Fair, night. They anticipate a pleasant time at the m. Iglaces, Fair, now in progress there. | it Proprietor Brown House Cigar Store. Ous hotels are already begining to fill np with visitors to the Fair. A number of names have E. 3. Johnston is receiving a fine lot of TXinz HABE. STONEWALL FERTILIZER, For sole by TCBFIN 4 OGDEN, sspntf I. X09BQX OGDEN. GEO. D. TTiriN. Z. T. COCTEB. •JlSCTXL F. MOUNS05. OGDEN Sc CO., Cotton Commission Merchants, MACON, GA. rtOTION PURCHASED FOR ORDER. CON- idONMKNTS FOB NEW YORK, AND ORDERS FOB PURCHASE OB BALE FOR FUTURE DE LIVERY SOLICITED. Refer by rermiseion to Mirara- B. B. Graves 4 Go, New York. Untrsl Railroad and Banking Company, Savan- Messn. John W. Anderson's Sons, Ssvsnnsh. Messrs. Duncan 4 Johnston, bivxnnxli. Messrs. Bates 4 Comer, Ssvscuah. oct!7 tf been left with Mr. Jasper Greer, at Greer, Lake watches, jewelry, household elegincies and fancy 4 Co.'s, of citizens who aro willing to receive “***• “ d “*7 *» folmd * <> ld «<»n d °P- gaesls, and of others who are ready to accomo- 1 ~“ i ‘* “ p * , *~ nf ” | date transient boarders. I E. J. Johnston is offering ssme great bar- MAiKrA.ON.AD.-CoL W. H. Atwocd »ud lEss ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ jeTel ^ kted Tallulah E. BuUa wen married in Atlanta on otft #i ^ ^ the 17th inst., by Rev. E. W. Warren. A house belonging to Mr. Alike Daly ran sway | Do not remain poor with supplying fuel to an with a wagon on Bassett's Hill yesterday mom- imperfect stove. Truman 4 Green can sell yon ing, and only stopped when he reached the door a Chaktsb Oak, and yon will be surprised at of E. Price’s store, on Cherry street. He had saving in money and the perfection of its cook- heard abont that swamp hay Mr. P. adver- ing. tisea for sale. I ^y E wonld like to know how much interest Cau. at tho Georgia No. 2, at II o'clock to- onr worthy (?) Secretary of tho Georgia Agri- dry. j cultural Society is taking in onr State Fair ? I This anestion been asked minv times on Guzn, Lass 4 Co. have branded out enor- onr ute] 3nd no ono can aE5 „ r . monsly this fall, and show probably the largest y 1VT Macomtis. and most complete Family Grocery Store in 1 Goorgia. We ore glad to see theca gentlemen I Tsuhah 4 Gkeen will sell yon a set of gob- thriving. Tho two opposite bnt not opposing | lets for 60 cents, oorners of Third and Cherry streets, occupied by the mammoth establishments of Seymour, Tinsley 4 Co. and Greer, Lake 4 Co. will do a tremendous amoant of business this winter. A fixe selection of Rogers’ scissors, pocket- [ knives, razors and straps, portmonaies, walking canes, etc., at E. J. Johnston’s. octlO lOt Macon Auiad.—Mr. J. Jennings Clay tele graphs ns that he has taken all tho premiums ho contended for—one on the 17th and four on yosterday. Hurrah for Macon slock! They Farr cents for a set of bright, dear glass goblets. Truman 4 Green’s store is tho place o find them. McLean’s Coldial and Blood Purifier 13 tho carry off all the premiums, both at tho Eaton-1 best tonic and blood alterative in tho world, ton and Fort Valloy Fairs. Tin Gioiqia No. 2 at 11 o’clock to-day. You can get a pocket knife of tho best make I from Tromaa & Green. Lashs’ Mpiokul Association.—The follow ing committee of ladies and gentlemen are re spectfully, yet urgently, requested to meet at the Fair Grounds on Friday afternoon, at two o'clock, for the purpose of arranging and decorating the tables of the Ladies’ Memorial Association. All are invited to come and bring their friends to assist in this work: Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Mrs. S. Boykin, Mrs. Plane, Mrs. Dr. Ford, Miss Julia Rogers, Mrs. J. H. Blount, Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Mrs. W. Rogers, Mrs. Deesau. Mrs. Barney Hill, Miss Singleton, Mrs. Singleton, Mrs. W. A. Hopson, Mrs. D. Flanders, Mrs. E. R. Snider. Mrs. Manley, Mrs. N. Powers, Mrs. J. C. Wheeler, Mrs. B. P. Walker. Mra. A. W. Reese, Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. G. T. Rogers, Mra. Cord, Mrs. Asa Holt. Mra. D. B. Woodruff, Mrs. Riddle, Mra. M. R. Rogers, Mrs. W. W. Wrigley, Mrs. D. Brantley, Mra. L. F. Anderson. Mrs. J. W. Hanson, Mrs. Chestney, Mrs. F. W. Clark, Mra. Farrar. Mrs. Sanford. Mrs. W. Tripp, Mrs. S. T. Walker, Mrs. H. B. Brown, Mrs. Conner, Mrs. Boifenillet, Mrs. CoL Lawton, Mrs. J. R- Boss, Miss Lumsden, Mieses Howes. Miss Fannie Johnson,Miss Patterson,Mrs. CoL Lewis, Misses Shackleford, Miss Tracey, Miss Whittle,'Miss Collins, Miss Brantley, Mira Lane, Miss Wrig ley, Miss Johnson, Mias Hinton, Mias Everett, Miss Nottingham, Mra. E. P. Strong, Mias Blaekshear, Min Leona Boss, Mra. H. L. Jew ett, Misses Adams, Miss Kirtland, Miss Fort, Misses North, Mira Wadley, Miss Jones. Miss Roberts, Miss DeGraffenried, Misses Burke, Mira Ellen Hoit, Mrs.' A. Wood, Mies Dongh- erty, Miss Honoock, Mira Ella Ross. Mira Mo- Alpin, Mira Emma Powers, Mioses Ayres, Mira Tindall, ICra Edwards, Mrs. Wise, Mra. Dobbs, Mrs. Maxwell, Mira Lamar, Mrs. Cubbedge, Mrs. Lockett, Mrs. Hizlehurat, Mrs. Leo Ellis. Messrs. Conners, Theus, W. Collins, Han- cock, Ripley, Ross, Solomon, J. P. Flanders, CoL Lewis, CoL Hangham, Geo. Keitb, Norris, J. W. Roberts, Arthur Wood, Zeilin, English, Tinsley, John Walker, Willis Johnson, Murray, Bannon, Ingraham, Huguenin. Let those who cannot come send tbeir friends to do their part. Let all take on active interest. Remember Floral Hall, Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Bt The Poesident, Closing the Gatss.—Mayor Huff gives no tice this morning that the gates of Central City Park will be closed to alt who luive no bus iness there. Any ono who really bos business on the Fair Grounds con readily obtain a permit, but loaf ers, and those who merely desire to gratify an idle curiosity, will find it a bard road to travel to obtain one. Wakiteld’s Cold Wateb Soar, advertised by Hunt, Rankin 4 Lamar, is a good thiDg. With the use of cold water, the laundresses say it will remove grease and stainsTand clean clothing more perfectly than tho ordinary soap with all the boiling that ean be appliod. Soe advertise ment. Clzab the Decks.—Tho Street Commissioner warns all barrels, boxes, hogsheads, etc., off the sidewalks by 3 o’clock Saturday evening next, when, if not gone, he has orders to go for them. Does yonr stove fail to bake well on tho bot tom ? “Pnt money in thy purse" by sending it to the foundry and buying a Chaotzb Oak. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Weekly Review of tlio market. OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER,) OcronEB 17—Evening, 1871. J Cotton.—Receipts to-day 620 bales; ealea 530; shipped 327. Receipts for tho woek ending this ovenirg 3310 bales; ealea 2835; shipments 2321. We quote the market nominal at 17)4 for Liver pool middlings. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1,1871—bales.. . 1,739 Received to-day 620 Received previonaly 9,068—9,688 11,127 Shipped to-day 827 Shilled previously 5,952—6,279 BY TELEGRAPH. DAY DISPATCHES. Georgia Stale Fair. Macon, October 18.—The buildings for the Fair, which commences on the l> ss l opened on Monday for the reception of articles for exhibi tion. The Fair promises to be more successful held in the Soi than any ever 1 s South. quests b Lutnber Stock an band this evening. 5,118 Tho provision market is generally boro and prices firmer. We quote a email advanco in'loading arti cles: BACON—ClcanibSidoe (smoked) 9)4 ("\ 18 Shoulders 9 9)4 Sogar-curod hams 20 GRAIN AND MAY. CORN—White. @ 1 C5 are 1 AT. • 1 C5 @ 1 10 GUFFS 1 25 m 1 80 OATS 70 @ 75 WHEAT—Per baebol 1 09 O 2 00 FIELD PEAS 1 10 HAY—Northern 2 00 fit 2 25 Tennewso Timothy 2 00 @2 25 BAGGING AND IRON TIES. BAGGING—Bengal. 2 & 22 Lyon 21 @ “ Borneo 21 @ Gunny Dundee Pitched TIES—Gooche 5 @ Arrow .....' 5)4@ Eureka. 5J4 @ 21)4 Slornlns Market Kepore. Naw Yosx. October 18.—Cotton unsettled; up lands 19)4: Orleans 20)4; “le* !«»• Sal os of cotton futures last ovomng 12,100 bales; Octobor 19X«19 8-16@19)4@19 6-16@19?4; Novembor 19 1-I0t<*19)6,ai9)4@19 5-16@19 3-16; 9J4; March 19J4; April 20. . _ Turpentine firm 69@70. Rosin firm 120@125 for strained. Freights firm. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat quiet and droopisg. Corn favors buyers. Pork steady at 13 30(413 iu. Lord quiet. Stocks firm ami not vf ry active. Gold heavy at 13)4 @13)4. Governments dull and steady. States dull and weak. Money firm at 7. Sterhrg, long 8)4; abort 9)4. London, October 18. noon.—Consols 92)f. Bonds 9034. Foanetobt. October 18.—Bonds 9-’>i". LiYKarout- Ocober 18, noun.—Colton opened dull; uplands 9)4; Orleans 10. Lateu.—Cotton fiat and irregular; sales 10,000; speculation and export 2000 Com 33s. T.-llow 17s. Poik 19a Gd. Lard 10s Gd. Markets—livening ICr-i New Yoke, October 18.—Cotton irregular and nominal; sal-e 1190; uplauda 19>4; Oilcans 20)j. Cottou .alts for future delivery to-day 1,330 bales; October 191-16@19X; November 1»X@191-1G @19)4; December 19X@19 3-16«19)4@l» 5-lG@ 19 1-16; January 19)4; February 19)4; March 19X @19)4; April 20 Flour, southern heavy; common to fair extra 7 20 (38 00; good to choice 7 85@0 00. Whisky 95@95X- Wboxt dosed steady; winter red western 155@169. Corn moderately active and a ahado lower at 7GX<<* 77 Bice eteady at 8)4@9. Pork steady. Beef quiot. Lard quiet; kettle It X. Navals firm. Tallow quiet Freights firm. Money stringent at 7 for currency to gold, with commitaion. for turning etockj, closing easier: demands for discounts pressing; commercial paper only current at high rates; the ontflew of currency continues. Sterling weak at 8@8X- Gold 13@13X- Governments heavy and feverish; 62s 14)4. South ern securities dosed very dull and heavy as follows: Tennessee* CSX. Dew 63. Virginias 58; new 68. Tunisian as 65; new 68. Levees 64 : 8a 78.— Alabama* 96; 5s 65. Georgia* 80; 7a 90. North Carolina* 38; new 18. South Carolines 72; new Government* doted u follows: 81s 15)4; G2s 14)4; 61a 13; G5o 13)4; new 12X; C7a 12%; 68* 12)4; 10-10* 9X- BAunvixE, October 18—Cotton baa a downward tendency; middhnga 19)4; net receipts 83; gross 780; its to Great Britain —; coastwise 118; sales stock 168?. Flour qniel, firm and scares; western family 7 75 _ Wheat dull. Com firm; wbito 80@S2; yel low 77@78. Provisions and whisky quiet and steady Sr. Lons, OctoberJIS.—Flour, low grades scarce; superfine 6 25. Coro doeed dull at 90. Bagging 18918%. Pork 13 0091350. Bsoon weak. Lord nominal at 9@9%. New Obleans, October 18—Cotton market dosed steady; middlings 19%; net receipts 1302; gross exports to Great Britain 2616; coastwise ; sales 2300; stock 41,772. Floor scarce; superfine 6 25; double 7 009712%; double 7 3597 70. Cora scarce; mixed 92%<395; Oats 51955. Bran 160. Hay, prime 35 00; choice _ 00. Pork dull and lower; mesa 13 87%. Bacon scarce: should0,1 8%; dear rib sides 8%; dear aides 9%; choice sugar cored hams 1S%919-— Lard firm; tieroe 10%; keg 12)4. Sugar, new gray clarified 10%; centrifugal 12. Molasses, fair GilSXX. prime at 73975. Whisky 955105. Coffee scarce; fair 17%918- Bank Sterling 22. Sight, par. Gold 13%. WrrjnxoTON, October 18—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 18%; net receipts 213; exports ooaatwiao —; sales 41: atock 3971. Spirits of turpentine firm at G4. Rosin firm at 3(1 for strained; 3 25 for No. 1; 7 75 for extra pole; 00 for pale; and 3 60 for No. 2. Crude tnr- intine steady at 3 40 for bard; 5 00 for veliow dip; 10 for virgin. Tar steady at X 60. ArarsTA. October IS—Cotton market doeed doll; middlings 17%; receipts 585; sales 115. boycraap' to the continuit —; exports coastwise 1190; sales 1200; stock 22,531. Chaxlestox, October 18.—Cotton dosed dull; middlings 18%; net receipt* 3399; exports coast wise —; exports to Great Britain —; sales 300; stock 17,955. Mobile, October 18—Cotton closed dull; mid dlings 18%; net receipts 1775; exports to Great Britain —; coastwise 1395; ealea 100; atock 1675. Galveston, October 18.—Cotton weak; good or dinary 15%; net receipts 925; exports coastwise 99; ealea 1000; Block £5.110. Boston, October 18.—Cotton dull and lower, mid dlings 20; net receipts 75; groes 2031; exports to GreatBritxin —; coastwise —; sales 300; stock COCO. Noktolk, October 18.—^Cotton dull; low mid dlings 18%; net receipts 1321; exports coastwise 1523; sales 100; stock G0G3. llrimns, October 18.—Cotton tractive; prices drooping; middlings 18%; receipts 2100. PinTADEUgiA, October 18.—Colton market dull; middlings 19%. London, October 18, evening.—Consols 92%— Bonds GO)/. Tallow 4Ss. Palis, October 18 —Rentes E7f 16c. XiTVEBTOOL, October 13, evening—Cotton closed fiat and irregular; uplands 9%; Orleans 10. Cumberland cut 36s 6d. Washington, October 18.—The President, proclamation, suspends the Aabeoe co r ‘jmt in the following South Carolina districts. SDsrtan- burp, York, Marion, Cheater, Lsurens, New berry, Fairfield, Lancaster and Cbeeteifield. The suspension extends to all arrests by the United States Marshal, his deputies. and'Fed- eral officers, soldiers or citizens acting under the orders of said mar>h 11, bis deputies or military officer. Judge J. J. Martin. Auditor of the Postoffice Department, leaves for Alabama to be absent one month. New Yonx, October 18.—Tho Chamber Commerce memorializes the President for Gov ernment aid for the Michigan sufferers; assur ing him that Congress will sanction the ontlay. Michael A Co., wholesale grooere, are held in heavy bonds for the action of the Grand Jury upon a coroner’s verdict, that th6ir dan gerous oil caused death. Washington, October 18 —Assurances are made that there ore no injurious complica tions in General Bulloch's accounts. The an nouncement that there was a run on the Freed- men’s Bonk is incorrect. Chicago, October 18.—The number of in- beld to dote is 92. Good order continues, r is selling at tho old price. An attempt at extortion for lumber ignominously failed. All the bonks ore operating. Tho deposits ex ceed the withdrawals. Drafts on savings banks aro very light and many contracts for rebuilding have been consummated, some of which involve entire blocks. Warsaw, Kt., Ootober 18.—Gridley.a despe rado, killed a man named Worth by a shot from an npper window cf a tavern. Gridley was ar- rosfed, and citizens shot him in bis cell. Milwaukee, October 18. — The 6chooner Winslow capsized. Tbo crew were saved; bnt the wife and two daughters of Paul Kingsleep, a passenger, were drowned. Gloucestee, October 18.—Nothing has been beard of the British cruisers or the schooner Horton. Jackson, Miss , October 18.—The Mississippi State Fair has been postponed until November 13th. New Yobk, October 18.—Arrived, Scotia, Georgia, Magnolia. NIGHT DISPATCHER. New Yoke, October 18.—The Columbia trinuiphod again over tho Livonia by a quar ter of a miles. The failure of the Atlantic Fire Insurance Company of Brooklyn, is announced. Her Chicago losses wero far greater than at first supposed. The value of property seized by revenue of ficers at Brooklyn yesterday, Bnpportod by one thonsand Federal soldiers, is only $11,000. The National Insnranco Convention was largely attended. Miller presiding. Ue believed New Yark Companies would bo able to pay 90 per cent, of th6ir losses, bnt should have to have time to gather their resources. Ue believes the fire in Chicago the result of badly con structed buildings. Ho stated that in Paris or Liverpool, a fire wonld burn itself out in one block. Washington, October 18.—The Secretary of War directs commanding officers to give such aid to the Wisconsin sufferers as they deem ad visable. Chaoleston, Ootober 18.—Onofeverdeath in the last 24 hours. A subscription is being made np bore for the Chicago sufferers. Atlanta, October 18.—Immense gathering at Oglethorpe Park to-day—at least ten thon- 1 persons were present. Rattler won the two mile trot; Combination, entered by Fuller, won the three mile dash. Tkenton, October 18.—Tbo Chancellor de nies the injunction against the lease to the Pennsyvania railroad, and sustains her right to lease the united companies of New Jersey. Savannah, Octobor 18.—Arrived, steamships San Salvador and Montgomery, New York; To- nawunda, Philadelphia; brig Centanr, Philadel phia. Charleston,October IS.—Arrived, brig Min- nio Abbey, Boston; schooners James W. Wilson and W. G. Dearborn, Philadelphia; schooner Chas. Connery, Boston. Bailed, schooners R. W Brown, and Ida Richardson, Now York. San Feakcisoo, October 17.—Arrived, bark Haramonii, from Shanghai, with 9,800 packages of groan tea, which has been shipped east over- Fbanktokt, October 18.—Labor tronbles in Mayence resulted in a riot. Troop dispersed the mob. London, October 18. —The advices from Hague report dissatisfaction with tho Govern. menL A mob stoned the residence of Minister Colonus. Troops have been quartered in the city to prevont farther demonstration. Paeis, October 18.—The evacuation of six departments stipulated by the treaty will be completed by the 27th. These departments are declared neutral in a military point of view until the indemnity is paid, and during the de parture they ate not to be occupied by French troops. 3IIDNTGI1T DISPATCHES. Synopsis or Weather Statement. WabDep’t, Office Cotef Signal Officer, ) Washington, October 18, 7:40 r. m. ( The area of low barometer, which existed north at the lower lakes Tuesday evening, has extended sooth and eastward, with diminishing pressure, ovkr the Eastern States, and fresh northwesterly winds have prevailed to-day from the lower lakes to tho middle and east Atlantic. The pressnro has now risen slightly in Penn sylvania. Tho high barometer has moved from the Mississippi valley eastward, and extends from Ohio to Arkansas, with light winds and and clear weather. The temperatnro has risen north and west of Iowa. It has faUen in New England, with cloudy weather in Maino. Clear weather bos prevailed vory generally elsewhere. Probabilities: Falling barometer with in creasing southerly winds, aro probable lor Thursday in the northwest and on the npper Lakes. Stationary and rising barometer, with clear and pleasant weather from the Ohio Val ley to the Gulf and Sonth Atlantic coast. Par tially cloudy weather with westerly winds in Now England. Mexico, via Havana, Ootober 10.—Tho pro- nunciomento attempted here was promptly sup pressed. Profirio Diaz is reported to be on the road between Paebla and Vera Cruz, at the head of two thousand men. Tha national forces at Orizaba will march against him. New York, October 18.—In view of tho re sult of tha reoent elections in Pennsylvania and Ohio, the Pittsburg Poet comes out to-morrow for Thomas A. Scott for President, as the man to carry Pennsylvania against Grant by on overwhelming majority. Chicago, October 18.—Tho Times re-ap- peared this morning in a sheet neatly printed. Its leader deprecates any attempt of interested parties to tako business below Twelfth street, sonth division, )and says tbero can be no question about a return of business to tho burned district in the meantime. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. !!!!!!!!!!! The largest and most extensive stock of watches evor before in Ma con, can be seen and bought at low rates, dur ing tho next two weeks at the store of Wing A Solomon. It will bo the best opportunity for thoso wishing watches, that will bo offered for some time to come. To tbo admirers of tbo turf, we can show something handsome in stop watches, and also a novelty in a “repeater,” striking both the hours, quarter hours and minutes, thereby en abling one to tell the time without looking at the watch. Give ns a call, if not to purchase, yon at least can feast yonr eyes upon artistic mechanism and workmanship. Tbs Wabsiso has been Heeded Since the ex posure of the attempta mode by certain nnscrapu- loos local dealers, to palm off their come astrin gents, mode from cheap and impure materials, iu the place of the great national tonic, Hostetler's Stomach Bitten, public opinion has set strongly against these empiriea and their preparations. Their occu pation is gone, or soon sill be. When the light is let into deception it soon wilts down. Tenons who trifle with thoir own health, by using unknown pre parations, with no guarantee to anstain them, when on established specific, proven by twenty years ex perience to be exactly what it is claimed to be, is within their reach, are aura to repont their tomority. Many have done eo in this instance, but it is hoped that tho truth plainly spoken has arrested the evil. In the meantime the demand for the leading pro tective and restorative medicine of America waa never ao great as it luu been this ecaaon. From the fever and ague districts of tbo west, southwest, and south, it is literally overwhelming, and it may be said of the advices from all porta of tbo country of the cures it it effecting in dyepepeia, bilions com- plaints, and constipation, that “their name is legion.” Everywhere the sick and feeble seem to have realized the importance of “holding fast to that which is good,” and of avoiding whatia spu rious and dangerous. SAILS OF LAND. YTTILL be sold before the Couit-honeo door in VV tbo town of Fareyth. Monroe county, Geor gia, on the first Tuesday iu November next, the anda belonging to the estate of Leonard Greer, ' jreased, to*wit: The place known ss the homo piaco, containing seven hundred (700) acres, moro or lees, The Gaines place containing fire hundred (500) acres, moro or lees: and tho ltcid place, containing eight (800) hundred acres, moro or lees; also, an interest in tho Fishery at tho Long SboaLj. Terms m&uO' known on tho day of eale. JOSEPH G. GREER, I E ., LEONARD F. GREER, ( 1 lora ' sept2I-dlawAwtds SMITH, WESTCOTT «£ CO 102 CUE H nY 8THEET, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SADDLES AND HARNESS CARRIAGE MATERIAL, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, consisting in port of— SOLE AND HARNESS LEATHER, ENAMELLED AND PATENT LEATHER, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALFSKIN, KIP SKINS, UPPER AND LACE LEATHER aiisr BANDS, LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING, SADDLE, HARNESS AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE: CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, ec pt20 eodSm IN GKEAT VAJUETY, FROM $8 00 TO $50 00. T HOMAS U. CONNER, Cotton avenue, three doors from the new Comt-house, invitee yon to inspect the new goods purchased daring his reoent visit to New York. In Gent's Furnishing Goods he has a complete atock, embracing various styles of Shirts, in linen and cambric, of all sizes, for spirals or buttons, to open in front, or at the side, or in the b&ck. His arrangements are perfect for making up epoci&l orders for Drees Shirts by measurement, and he guarantees perfect satisfaction in every instance. ‘The Paragon” shirt is his specialty. Collars and Cuffs,linen and paper. Neck Ties, Scarfs and Bows, of late styles, in all colors; the best stock of Underwear m the city, contaiuing all wool, in white and scar let, meiino, Canton llannel aud joaus from which perfect fits can be had by men of all sizes; British and merino superfine and extra heavy Socks, a largo assortment of Handkerchiefs, Dressing Gowns, Shawls, Negligee Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, and a large line of Gloves, including kids, in all colors and of all sizes. In Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Umbrellas, Lunch Baskets, Tourists* Trunk and bliawl Straps he displays an attractive stock and asks attention to prices. The winter stock of Hats and Caps is ahead of anything in the State, and contains all tho styles in felt, wool and cloth, stiff Hats, of various shapes and colors, and the lightest, handsomest and most graceful pattern of the young man's Broad way Bilk Hat to be found. Men who have large beads will find a protty stock of Hats in extra sizes; doth, silk and velvet Caps Remember ho keeps the largest and best stock of Hats and Caps for children and boys. The variety of and Mieses and Chil Iren's Fora* is very great, and the prices range from €3 to $100 per set. Ho simply asks you not to purchase such goods until ;ou bavo seen his stock, which embraces all kinds of Furs from all countries, mtde with great care and trimmed elegantlv. Prices will suit you, and certain induce ments will be offered which are not customary, and which but few houses present. octll-tf ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time H AVING perfected my arrangements to correct the slightest error in the time-keeping of my fit Regulator, by the erection of on observatory and one of the moat approved TRANSIT IN8TRI MENTd, for tho purposo of observing tho meridian passage of the sun end stars, I will bo able to keep tho exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. Especial Attention paid to tlic Kepnlriug anti rating of line IVnf dies, as well ns al) kinds of new work made to order. j a ] y i7-ly MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS, TAKE NOTICE JUST RECEIVED AT SMALL & GAMBLE’S WHOLESALE FLOUR AND PROVISION HOUSE 1000 SACKS FLOUR, ALL GRADES AND SIZES, 4 CARS CHOICE WHITE CORN, 2 CARS TENNESSEE OATS, 50 CASK3 * HALF CASKS C. B. SIDES. 50 CASKS & HALF CASKS SHOULDERS, 53 SACKS CHOICE RIO COFFEE, 75 BOXES TOBACCO, ALL GRADES, 25 BARRELS SUGAR, 50 BARRELS MOLASSES, NEW CROP MACKEREL, ALL NOS. AND SIZES, 50 ROLLS DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, 500 BDLS. EUREKA TIES (BEST IN USE) 50 BARRELS WHISKY Tho above Goods, with everything else in onr line, will be Bold xt THE VEILY LOWEST T»JHIOES. Either for CASH OR ON TIME. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Try ns one time, and yon will be certain to try ns again. sapH 9 AHTET0S F. COLLISS. FttiSK 3t. HEATH. COLLINS cfc UEATII, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 69 SECOND STBEET, MACON, OA. TtOB BENT.—Ono five-roomDwelliog, with out- J. housed in complete repair. One five-room Dwelling on Arch street, with kitchen. Agents Andes Insnranco Company, Cincinnati, ..—capital 81,000,000; Oakland Insurance Com pany-capital 8500,000; Cotton States Life Insu rance Company—capital 82,000,000. oct7tf CORBIN & VIRGIN, At Walker’s Old Stand, opposite the Market, D EALERS in Fancy and Family Groccriee, Pro visions, Butter, 'Chickens, Eggs. etc. Also, Freeh Fish, Oysters, Game, etc., in their eeasou. All goods delivered free of coat to any part of the &e have ccgaged the services of Mr. C. H. Free- man, who has been catering to the tastes of the citizens of Macon for the last twenty-eight years, and will still continue to do his best for all bis old friends who may favor him with a call. sep!2 tf THE LATEST STYLES —OF— SILK H A.TS. A fine lot jnst received by F. L. GROCE. sep26 tilnovl Hollingsworth block. E. S. POE & CO. HUFF’S BUILDING. CHITON AVENUE, Havo Just received— 10 boxes London Layer Baisins, 10 half boxes London Layer Raisins. 10 quarter boxes London Layer Rabins, 5 boxes Citron, 300 pounds choice Currants, 5 boxes Schepp’s Dessicated Cocoanut, 5 bble. fine Northern apples, 5 bhls. fine Northern potatoes, Syrnp, Molasses, Whisky, Soap, Candles, Lard, Spices, Sugar and Coffee, all grades. Canned Good, atl kith island all gpoda that are usually kept iu our Line. We have, and are receiving every few days, R. L Mott’s best Family Flour, for which we are agents. oct5 tf 3XACOIV CARRIAGE and WAGON MANUFACTORY. DRESS-MAKING. M ISS WILLIAMS, No. 13, COTTON AVENUE, has Juat returned from New York, and ia ready to receive order* for Dreaa-Making in all ite departments. Thankful for the liberal patronage the has heretofore received from the ladies of Ma con and vicinity, aho ia now better prepared than ever to eerve them acceptably. oct!3 lm* STANBTTRY Sc FOX, Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants Importers of and Rccaivers and Dealers in Wines, Brandies, Gins, etc., Bourbon, Wheat anil By o Whiskies, 22 rABX PLACE AXD 17 DAECLAY STBEET, oct7 d£w6m* NEW YORK. Troy Female Seminary. rnHIS Institution offers tho Accumulated Advtu- tagea of over fifty years successful operation. Every facility is provided for a thorough coarse ’ useful and ornamental education, under the di rection of a corps of moro than twenty professors and teachers. For circulate, apply to octl5 lm JOHN H. WILLIARD, Troy, N. Y. TRUNKS AND SATCHELS. A FINE lot of Traveling Trunks snd Satchels. Jnst received by P. L. GROCE, octS tf HoUing3woith Block. Notice to Tax Payers of Bibb Co. rpHE Tax Books for collecting State and county A taxes for 1871 are open. My office ia at Collins Jc Heath’s, No. 69 Second etreet. To those that wish to pay now, I will continue to tako City and Brunswick money for ten days only, after which time Greenbacks will be demanded. F. M. HEATH, oct7 tf Tax Collector Bibb County. 7A1EHTIN0, FREEMAN & CO., MULBERRY STREET, (Nearly opposite New Court-bones). Having organized the above establishment with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, In every Department, Are now prepared to mannfactnre or repair CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND WAGONS, In a number one style as regards workmanship, mite'ial and finish. AU work thoroughly warranted, and satisfaction guaranteed. Come and try us. oct4-eod2m TA1UAB1E LANDS FOB SALK FOR COTTON, AT VERY LOW BATES, At Twenty Cents per Pound. E leven HUNDRED ACRES—splendid lands— near the railroad, at $10 per aero. Btock and provisions indaded in the above basis. Seventeen hundred acres of river lands, six miles from Rail road, 6ame rates. Three hundred acres in one mile of Marshalville, and many other, valuablo planta- Such bargains wero never offered before. These lauds are all iu Macon county. W. H. REESE, Attorney at Law. octU tf MarsbalviUo, Ga. SELLING AT GO LARGE Cooking Range, 200 Cooking Stoves, 30 Heating Stoves, 75 doz Table Knives, 60 doz Pocket Knives, 200 doz Tea and Table Spoons, 70 doz Plated Spoons and Forks, 25 doz Stand, Banging and Bracket Lamps, 100 doz Goblets. Tumblers and Glass Setts, 30 doz Cedar and Painted Pails, 30 doz Brooms. 20 doz Sifters, 50 doz Clothes Horses aud Shoo Broshes, 100 doz Bartlott’s Blacking, 60 doz Braes and Japaned Candlesticks, 6 doz Feather Dusters, 8 setts Toilet Ware, 15 setts Copper Measures 81,000 worth Tin Ware, 2,000 Fruit Boxes. 2,000 lbs Hollow Ware, 600 lbs Sad Irons. 200 pair Traco Chains, 1 largo Proas Chain, 1 splendid eott of Tinner a Tools, Benches, etc. Pad and Door Locks, Hinges, Screw*, Nails, Scales, Meat and Coffee Mills, Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, Lead Pipe. Sheet (Topper and every thing usually kept in a Uousefornishmg and tm store. TERMS CASH. K p W00LK0LK , octSlm 4G Third street. TREMENDOUS STOCK -OF- GENERAL GROCERIES NOW BEING RECEIVED BY ROGERS & BONN, And they are offered for sale FEARFULLY LOW. IN STORE 2,000 sk*. Family & Extra Flour, 200 barrels Sugar, 300 bbls. Liquors of all kinds. STOCK OF BACON AT PRESENT SMALL. JUST AREIVED. 100 bbls. CHOICE RED APPLES. B0GSBS & BONN. THE COTTAGE, THE BEST COAL STOVE IN THE MARKET I Which has a reputation not equaled 1 IMPROVED IRON WITCH. Several other patterns, all guaranteed. BOX and OFFICE STOVES, GRATES to enit the demand, HOLLOW WARE, FIRE DOGS, SADIRONS, SHEET IRON, SHEET ZINC, STEAM PIPE AND FITTINGS, BABBITT METAL. PIG UN, TIG LEAD, SOLDEB, KNOB AND PADLOCKS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Foil Lino of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Pressed and Plain TIN WARE. All orders promptly attonded to. OLIVER, DOUGLASS A CO., oct!2 12t No. 42 Third street, Macon, Ga. FOR SAKE. rr»HE GEORGIA HOTEL PROPERTY, situated immediately in front of the Passenger Dopot, Griffin, Ga. This ia now conceded to be the best opening for a large hotel onterpriso in Georgia, and lacks nothing but a little capital and enter prise to mako it tho best summer resort in Georgia. The location ia everything desired for the conve nience of transient guests. The house needs repairs or new building, and the inability of the proprietor to improve is the only reason for offering to selL Terms—One-third cash; one-third first January next, and balance first of January, 1873. Address JAMES A. SMITH, octfJ lm Griffin or Monteznma, Ga. MRS. F, DESSAU Has just roturaod from New York, and has on ex hibition tho Latest Novelties in Millinery, CLOAKS, SAILOR SHIRTS, POLONAISES, And all tho articles nocessaiy to complote a FASHIONABLE OUTFIT, To which she invites the attenlion of her customers octl 3m and tho public. NOTICE, O N and after to-day, the following rules will be observed at the Central City Paik: Trotting horses will have the exclusive nee of the mile track for exercise and training, from daylight until 9 o'clock in the morning, at which time the track will be thrown open for the free nee of all parties until 3 o dock p. if., whoa it will be taken possession of by tho running stock and need by them until 6 o'dock, when it will bo again thrown open for the nee of visitors snd others wishing to drive on it. This restriction upon the pablio has been found necessary in order to harmonize oil in terested, as well as to giving ample time for the training of the horses now on the ground and to ar rive. The hud track, or half mile tack os it ie colled, is at all times free to the public. Mr. Raney has been placed in charge of tho track to see that those regulations uo observed impar- n £: Mo ") u preserve order on tbe ground, as all officeroftbo city, and must be eo roepoctcd by an until further notice. eeptlstoct22 IV. A HUFF, Mayor. ■SAVANNAH (GAJ C0HSER7AT0RY OF MUSIC, (Established 1870.) S. N. PENFIELD, Principal. Graduate of tho Leipzig Conservatory. rpHIS Institution was founded for tho purpose of X. furnishing to the people of tho Southern States a thorough mu-ical education on'too basis of true art, an education not simply of the fingers or of the voice, bnt also of taste and style. Instruction is given in Piano, Cultivation of the Voice, in all Instruments and in Musical Theory in private or claes lessons, by efficient and experienc ed instructors. Tho mauageie will, when request- ©a, aebist pupils iu securing pleasant boarding place* or in renting pianos. For further information call for a circular at the Music Agency of Luddon A Bates (Schreiner’a old stand), or address. CONSERVATORY OF MU8IC, Eept28-snnAUinr9tAw3t Savannah. DESIRABLE LANDS FOR SALE M Y Oakland and Howard Farms, on tho Macon and Western Batlroad, ton miles from Macon. If desirablo, will bo cut up into lots to suit the convenience of purchssors. trocd lam. imo water —and unprocodentedly healthy locality; conve nient to Macon; highly suitable for fruit farms and market gardens, and country residences for town people. b Titles indisputable, and terms rea sonable. Apply to Butts A- Brother, Macon ; sep!9eod3m* A-LeSLEUR-