The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 22, 1871, Image 3

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Telegraph & Messenger. great opening At Ilia BALTIMORE CLOTIIIXG HOUSE, CASSIMERE 8UITB, at *12, worth *18. DERBY BUira at *90, worth *25. BLACK DREES 8CXT8 at *25. worth *35. BUCK DOE SKIS PANTS (largo leg.) at *10 worth *15. CASSIHEBE SUITS (extra elxee, to fit the big- get men In Georgia) at *25, worth *35. BOVS' fcCira (to fit any sized boy in tho dty) at price, to eoit the timer. Fumiabing Goode of all gradee, at the eame rat, Receiving weekly the latent etylea of Scarf, and Dow.. rurchaeere will bear In mind that this i« no horn- bag. Cell and toe for yoonolTen. H. HIRSH A BBO., Car. Clierry and Second eta., under the Tri.ioaanj Buildmg. octlB lm FALL GOODS. oub stock or Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods NOTIONS, ETC., • now full and complete. We have the l.rgeat and most varied stock we have ever exhibited to the bide. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE, AND PRICES LOW. Oar motto ie •• Short Trodls and Quirk Salts,” Ami we feel oonfidont of giving eatiafaction to all who may favor ne with their patronige. We respectfully invite the pufdic to call and ex- a- ine car stock. W. A. BANKS A SONS, wproif 43 Second at.. Triangular Block. I.ADIES Should not fall to examine our new .lock of bilk: vaxjouiis, From *1 to *1 50 per yard, at the NEW YORK STORE, 45 and 47 Second street. SPECIAL CALLl W. A. UCPSOKT db co il SECOND STREET, Iuvile early attention to their slock of STAPLE AM) FAXCY 1)IIY GOODS. Also. DRESS SUITS in a variety of materials. CLOAK8, FURS, WAISTS, CASSMERE CLOTH, and FLANNEL BACQUES. VELVETS, VELVETEENS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, Etc , Etc. All of which have been carefully ..elected and laid in at the vety lowest Now York prices, and will l>e told at a small per centage up an coat and chargee. 1 l ivers will find it to tboir advantage to gtve to Hue atork a careful examination boforo making their purchaaos. ocilO tf W. A. HOPSON A CO. JUST RECEIVED. A nice assortment of Real Point Appliqno Laces, GUIPURE and VALENCIENNE, Also, latest etylea of Point Applique, Diubeaeo, English Thread and Valendenne Lace Collars, Perfect keauLcs, at very low pricoe, at the NEW YORK STORE —or— S. WAXELBAUM, BBO. A CO., 15 and 47 Second street. 55 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA., T HE nnderaignod lias the pleasure of inform ing hie friends and the public, that ho has re cently refitted and furnished tbo above houso will) all that ianeceaaa.y for the ccmfott and amuse ment of gentlemen, and it shall bo excelled by no lienee in the Btato. Only the parent .ml beet ’ <iaore will be kept, and he will continue to keep Gitoen’s Family Nectar, (1840 Whisky.) the beet in the world. Ho lias also added t jother Billiard ta lilototho Saloon for the aoo* nmorlatiouof the public. Under manyobligatioue for past patronago, lie will endeavor to merit Us continuance by keep ing an orderly houso, and conducting it in first-class style. P. O. BUSBEE, oct221w Proprietor. A largo lot of HANDSOME POPLINS, From 25c, 30c, 35c, to 60c a yard—astonishingly low pricee—at tho NEW YORK STORE. IMPROVED COTTON TIES. THE EUREKA IRON TIE, THE ANCHOR IRON TIE, Wo alio have the SWETT SELF-FASTENING IRON TIE. Prices Same as New Orleans TURPIN A OGDEN, Agents at Macon, Oa BATES A COMER. 122 Bayst,, Savannah, General Agonta|for Ga, Fla., , and East Ala. ZUDE »ARK. STONEWALL FERTILIZER, For sale by TURPIN A OGDEN. **p21tf OGDEN «fc CO., Cotton Commission Merchants, MACON, GA. QOTTON PURCHASED *FOB ORDER CON SIGNMENTS FOB NEW YORK, AND ORDERS FOB PURCHASE OB SALE FOR FUTURE DE LIVERY SOLICITED. Refer by Permission to Moure. B. R Graves A Go, New York. Central Railroad and Banking Company, Savan- l leeare. John W. Andereon's Sons, Savannah. Messrs. Duncan A Johnston, Savannah Mot sit. Bales A Comer, Savannah. oct!7 tf VISITORS TO THE FAIR Should net neglect to call at the NEW YORK STORE And examine the new and luge stock cf STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Embracing all the latest styles in every branch. We also invite the attention of WHOLESALE HEALERS. Hating enlarged our Wholesale rooms, we hiTe now on hand one of tho largest and most complete stocks in the State. 8. WAXELBAUM, BBO. A CO., octtttr 45 and 47 Seoond Street A handsome line of duk shades of PIKTE SATBEETH. All the latest varieties in colon, at the NEW YORK STORE, 45 and 47 Second street Dr. Hurley’s Ague Tonic. Fnrrljr Vegetable! No Araenle. Ho Jlrrcnrj In Its Composition! N c O CURE, NO PAY, is directions be followed. No danger in taking an overdose, aa we put no poison in our medicines. One dollar per bottle. Dr. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters I S tbo remedy, ptr excellence, for til disease* arising from debility, disordered etomscb, loss of appetite, torpid liver, indigestion, and all kindred ailments, where a gentle and permanent etimulant and tonic is required. Flessant to take. One dollar per bottle. Dr. Hurley’s Syrup of Sarsaparilla mm IODIDE OF FOT.1SII. T HIS Preparation has long been recognized by the most eminent minds in the Medical Pro fession as tho most reliable, searching and hum- lens alterative within their reach, and as s Rood Purifier it certainly elands without a rival One dollar per bottle. Dr. Seabrook’s infant Soothing Syrup T BE imlixponsablo remedy in the nursery. No more nee for laudanum, paregoric, Bateman’s Drops, or other strong opiates. No bad effects from the use of Seabrook’s. Health to the child, rest to the mother, and a clear conscience to the vendor. 25 cents per bottle; Ur. Hurley’s Popular Worm Caudy I S really all it claims to be—a SPECIFIC—remov- irg all worms from the human viscera. No harm ful effect from ita use. Children love it. No dan- ger in giving an overdose. 25 cents per box. Dr. Seabrook’; Eluir of Bark and Iron. T HE Great Tonic and Appetizer. One dollar per bottle. All for eale by druggists everywhere. J. W. SEATON A CO., “ eeplSeodAwtf Proprietors. Louisville, Ky. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS HECX1VZD AT TUX NEW YORK STORE, Everyday. Batchelor's Bair Dye. This anperb Hair Dye ia the beet in the world— perfectly harmless, reliablo and instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints or disagreesle odor. The genuine Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces immediately a splendid Black or natnral Brown, leaves the hair clean, soft, beautiful; does not contain a particle of lead or any iojorioue com pound. Sold by all dru&giata. Factory, 16 BOND STREET, N. Y. oct Sdcodly CITY -^E’F.A.IiRS. SUNDAY MORNING, OOT. 22, 1871. Wz are requested to giro notice that Rot. J. G. Ryala will preach in the First Baptist Church this morning, at 11 a. m. Shooting Aefiut.—About five o'clock yes terday morning a Mr. Mullens was shot by one Mr. O'Connor, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Maxwell, near the Central Railroad depot O'Connor is a watchman at tho depot. We did not learn the business of Ur. Mullens. The ball took effect in the fleshy part of the leg in flicting a painful, but not dangerous wound. Gnans, Okapis.—A large lot of Isabella and Catawkn grapes just received at S. T. A B. F. Walker’s. The Giokoia No. 2.—This place of resort is conceded to be tbo largest and. finest Restau rant in tho city. Everything is served np by the best cooks in the country, and all that is needed is to give them a trial. Oxe Moke.—This morning wo enternpon onr list of safe insmanoe companies the old /Etna, of Hartford, Conn. Messrs. E. C. Granniss A Son are agents in onr city, and their card can be fonnd in onr advertising columns, to which onr readers are referred; This company is too well known to need commendation at our bands. Suffioe it to say, it is perfectly reliable and trust worthy. Arms and Okanoes.—Just received, at ri. T. A B. Walker's, a fresh supply of fine apples and oranges. You can get a genuine imported Havana Ci gar for only 10 cents, at the New York Grocery Store. Those of onr citizens who are looking for security in insuring their property will do well to note the card of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, published elsewhere to-dav. This is one of the oldest and strongest companiesin the United States, careful and conservative in business, but furnishing undoubted security to its patrons. It has been issuing policies on property in this city for more than thirty years, and by promptness and fair dealing has made many friends and no enemies. Fkelh Fish.—Wo will have a fine lot of Black Fish and Whiting in the morning S. 1. A B. P. Walker. The State Fair opens to-morrow morning, and with tho present lights before ns we pre diet a grander sneoesa than was ever before seen in the South. And the Old Wooden Drug Store cn the corner of Cherry and Second streets opens at the same time to sell drugs, chemicals, paints, oils, perfumes, ete., so low that it will astonish the visitors to the city almost as much as the Fair. Boar this in mind when you go to buy. — Stkaxoeks visiting Macon should not forget to call at tho New York Grooery; Store, Seoond street, Dam oar's Block, Macon, Ga. Pcoh's Galleet op Akt.—We had the pleas ure, on yesterday, cf examining the splendid photographic views of the Central City Park, add its tasty buildings and surroundings, ex ecuted by this admirable artist. They are strictly correct and beautiful, and finished specimens of photography, and evince how ranch even nature can bo improved upon and embellished, by the divine institutions of genius. Mr. Pugh has filled up and famished in elegant style a suite of six rooms for the ac commodation of his patrons and visitors, and is prepared to take single pictures, groups, and sketches of soenery and buildings in the neatest and most approved style. He will, also, set np his aparatos in a tent near the “Editor's Cottage,” is tho Fair Grounds, and will bo ready to take views of the aoanee ss they transpire, or sketch the like nesses of all who may call upon him. His tent will, doubtless, be a very popular resort during Fair week. A riNC selection of Rogers’ scissors, pocket- knives, razors and straps, portmonaies, walking canes, etc., at E. J. Johnston's. octlff lOt One Moke All Right.—We hear occasional ly of an insurance company coming ont whole footed ftom the Chicago fire, and it will be well for our business men to watch with a hawk’s eye for those that are most solvent The fol lowing dispatch was received on yesterday by Mr. S. M. Farrar, agent in our city for the Pacifio Insurance Company, of San Francisco, California, dated October 19: “We make pro-vision fer payment of all losses and resume business immediately. Assessments will nuke good all impairments of capital. Act with promptness accordingly. A. J. Ralston, Vico-President You will accept risks. Fbaxk, Hake A Lockwood, Gen'l Agfa.” The Horn u at Hand.—After waiting, work ing, talking and writing until almost everybody was getting tired hearing of the State Fair, the time has at length arrived, and the show is ready to open. How or where to begin to write upon the subject, now that the event is actually upon us, we know not. We publish in this issue the programme for Monday, and will continue to publish etch morning the programme for the dty. We called upon CoL Lewis, Secretary of the State Agricultural Association, yesterday af ternoon, and from him heard of many interest ing features in the exhibition. Prominent among which are the entries of Mr. Richard Peters, of Fulton county, who has devoted more time and care to the improvement of stock than any other man in Georgia. His list embraces horses, both thoroughbred stallions and stallions of all work, Alderney and Brahmin cattle, Cashmere goats, Merino sheep, Berkshire end Essex hogs. CoL L. has also received notice from the agent of the Abel loom, that be will be present on Monday with this most wonder ful piece of machinery of the century. A new patent of a steam engine invented by a Mr. Hall, of Washington City, a great curiosity and held to be a vast improvement, will be on band. The oontest between the many improved gins will be important and animated. The contest, also, between the steam engines will be a very im portant and attractive feature. By no means the least among the interesting CfRtcets will be that of the different sewing machines. The ladies are specially interested in this, and they never do things by halves, or become halfway interested in anything. Entries of goods and arrivals by freight and express are coming in from all parts of the United States, from Maine to Texas, and the Secretary reports the entries thus far equal to, if not ahead, of those of any preceding State Fair. Sorely, the grounds are magnificent, or as a correspondent of a celebra ted New Y’ork journal remarked yesterday after noon, that word doesn't convey an idea of their beauties. Ample accommodations are afforded for exhibiting everything that may be brought, and onr people are fnlly aroused upon the sub. jeeL Lst come as many as will and we guaran tee to them safe, comfortable quarters, with the best of fare dnring their stay. How Close—Tho differences in the receipts of cotton at onr warehouses on yesterday and the day before is only fonr; the difference be tween the sales of the two days iB only two, while the sales and shipments of yesterday were precisely the samo. It will be noticed, however, that the sales are much lighter than the receipts, thongh the receipts are light enough. Planters are determined to hold, and are oniy parting with such quantities as they are forced to, in order to meet their indebted ness for supplies famished daring the year. We are glad, indeed, to learn from onr bankers that the planters are generally meeting their paper very promptly. Some prefer to pay farther interest, and onr banks are very kindly extending thirty days, when it is desired. Fortunately the indebtedness is not so heavy aa formerly, and we will be able to play bear a little ourselves this season. It is getting high time that we should realize some of the profits of onr labor. We have been slaves for Northern sharpers all onr lives, and so long as onr Southern people persist in the suicidal credit system—living one or two years ahead of onr incomes—mortgaging our crops all away before they are made, and in many instances before they are planted, so long will we havo to do the work and New England negro-worshippers reap the profits. When will onr eyes be opened ? The Closing Scene—Yesterday afternoon a rich scene was witnessed at the Fair Grounds when the hands had finished their day's work. For weeks they had been toiling almost inces santly through storm and sunshine, manifesting an interest in tho work they were doing rarely seen among laborers. Day after day had onr worthy Mayor walked among them with words of cheer; snd thongh the task had seemed an herenlean one they at length saw it completed. When their tools were laid aside they seized upon Mayor Hnff, and, hoisting him npon their shoulders, carried him all about the grounds, perfectly intoxicated with excitement and giv ing vent to their feelings of joy with one un broken shout of mirth. They are surely entitled to credit for the zeal they have displayed in performing their duties. It re Tkue?—We havo seen it with onr own eyes and do know that there is a reception committee at the depot who can and will gladly soo that every guest who arrives during the Fair shall be cared for. Don't fear that yon will lack for shelter or accommodations of any kind. Never wore an entire people more en thusiastic npon any subject than are the citi zens of Macon upon the snbjeet of tho State Fair. They havo manifested a liberality such as tho world can never outdo, and all seem to vie with each other in their anxiety to do some thing to assist in the great exhibition. Come along and bring your families with yon, they will all bo cared for. 2t E. J. Johnston is offering same great bar gains in fine gold half sets jewelry, plated ware, etc. Give him a call. Exhibition of Oaxbiages, Buggies and Wagons at the Fans.—We noticed yesterday, that onr yonDg friends, Messrs. Collins A Little, on Cherry street, were very busy preparing and sending work down to the fair. This display of carriages and buggies is very fine indeed—con sisting of Cabriolet carriages, top and no top buggies, both end and side-spring—made by the following colebreted manufacturers, Abbott, Downing A Co., of Concord, New Hampshire; Durham, Booth A Wooster, of New Haven, Conn.; Kimball, Bros., of Boston, Mass., andN. B. Williston’s Brattleboro baggies. Their speci alty seems to be to meet the wants of every locality and to snit their customers in all kinds and classes of work, in quality, style, finish, and durability. We would advise all who visit the fair to give them a call, or get one of their now circulars. In the line of wagons they can’t be excelled, having on exhibition at the fair grounds twenty-one different kinds, of all sizes, from a one-horse to a heavy six-horse. We noticed the foUowing familiar names on tho end-boards: Abbott, Downing A Co.’s Concord work, Stndebaker Bro.'s, of Indians, White- water Manufactnring Co., Wm. Barker, of Buf falo, Wm. Tingley, of Louisville, Ky., William Ramsey, eta, etc. The display is not only a credit to the manufacturers and to Collins A Little, bnt also to the society itself. Tckketb, Tuexets,Tukxxie—We are receiv ing every day fine, large, fat Turkeys, and for sale cheap by 8.1. AB. P. Walkers’. Dolus veksus Dollae—'Twos said of old, ’‘when -Greek met Greek then came the tug of war;” but in these latter days the strife between the dollar stores is even more obstinate and implacable. Both claim to be the “original dollar store,” and the “Great Monitor” waxes very wroth with the redoubtable Pike, and is down npon Ins Milton jewelry. Now we happen to know that ornaments made of this material are in great request in the City of Gotham, and are deemed both attractive and fashionable. In point of fact, too, Pike did occupy the field before his antagonist, and runs, therefore, the original Macon Dollar Store. Moreover, he is a real live man, and offers a multitude of pretty things at ridiculously low prioes. He has a prominent stand at the Fair Grounds, also, and wo doubt not will make many a country maiden happy with his elegant bijouterie and fancy wares. Now let the “Dol Bus” moke peace, and chink in concert onoe more, and then they will be happy. Smokes*, Attention !—Before going to the Fair go to the New York Grocery Store and get a Frolic Cigar. “Stitch, Stitch, Stitch.”—So sang the anthorof the “song of the shirt” when woman's fingers had all the work to do; bnt we suppose that when Foster, the celebrated spiritualist of New York, calls np the comio Hood from the spirit world and reveals to him the mysteries of the sewing machine the old fellow would like to take it all back again. At all events, the ladies of the present day do not feel as they did before the invention of the celebrated Florence Sewing Machine. Now the work of a day is done in an hour by this wonderful machine, and with a precision and neatness not possible to attain with the finger. Guilford A Hill are agents for the sole of this wonder of the nineteenth centu ry. Everybody should see it at work by sieaxn, os it will be on exhibition at the Fair. They sell all kinds of musical instruments from a jows-harp to an organ. McLean's Cobdial and Blood Purifier is the best tonic and blood alterative in the world. Templeton's Southern Stak Compant—Mobs Fun roa the Faie.—This justly celebrated com pany now on a general tour to the cities of Georgia wifi give two exhibitions daily, under a huge pavilion purchased expressly for the oc casion, on the Fair Grounds. They have recently visited Savannah, Augusta and Atlanta, and the papers from each of those cities are load in their praises. The company is entirely divested of any and every vestige of the outrageous Black Crook, and visitors are assured that no indecencies will be tolerated npon the stage. They propose to give a performance every after noon for the benefit of visitors from the country who do not wish to remain in the city daring the night, and for the benefit of night visitors they will hold forth every evening. We bespeak for them foil houses, as the name of Templeton is sufficient to insure success in any theatrical oompany. See their advertisement Skating Rink.—This popular and fashionable remit will be open every morning at9J o’cloek; in the afternoon at 3 o'clock, and night at 74, dnring the Fait Autumn.—The brown leaves rustle by our doors and autumn winds make mournful music through the leafless boughs. Bleak winter’s stately steppings may be heard, and soon his cold blasts will whistle at our ears, but what does W. P. Carlos care for all that ? His saloon and grocery establishment are still supplied with everything that is good to eat He says that if anybody in Macon suffers from hunger this winter it shall not be his fault, if plenty of something to eat at reasonable prices will do them any good. Go to see him at Ells’ old stand. _ Pacing Race—Yesterday evening at Central City Park came off quite an exciting race be tween Capt. Pounds’ bay horse snd Mr. Marr's black gelding. The race was mile heats, best two in three. A large crowd was in attendance, and they were apparently highly pleased with the race. The black horse won two straight heats, and was evidently the fastest “goer” of the two. Every firing passed off harmoniously. Fine Grates.—Felix Corput, jnst above us, on Second street, received a fine lot of Isabella and Catawba grapes yesterday, which came through in fonr days. They are in peifect con- dition and delicious in flavor, bnt in order to get any eatly application most be made. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! ! ! .The largest and most extensive stock of watches ever before in Ma con, can be seen end bought at low rates, dnr ing the next two weeks at the store of Wing A Solomon. It will be the best opportunity for those wishing watches, that will be offered for some time to come. To the admirers of the tmf, we can show something handsome in stop watches, and also a novelty in a “repeater,” str'king bo'h the boars, quarter hours and minutes, thereby en abling one to tell the time without looking at the watch. Give ns a call, if rot to purchase, yon at least can feast your eyes npon artistic mechanism and workmanship. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Dally Review or the market. OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, > OcrouEa 21—Evening, 1871. j Gottoh.—Receipt* to-day 623 bales ; e&loe 334; aliipped 334. It ia almost impossible to quote tbo market, as it has been weak and dull throughout. Au extra nice article would have brought 17c at the close, though nothing except (he best could command those fig ures. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1,1871—bales.. 1,739 Received to-day 623 Received previously 10,971—11,594 13,333 Shipped to-day 334 Shipped previously 7,385 —7,719 Stock on hand this evening The general market is unchanged. BACON—Clear rib Sides (smoked) Shoulders Sugar-cured hams GRAIN AND HAY. CORN—White. MEAL 1 GRITS :. 1 OATS WHEAT—Per bushel 1 FIELD PEAS HAY—Northern 2 Tennesge Timothy 2 BAGGING AND IRON BAGGING—Bengal. Lyon Borneo Gunny Dundee Patched TIES—Gooche Arrow Eureka 5,G14 We quote: 3% @ 10 9 @ 9% 20 @ 1 C5 cs a i io 25 @ 1 80 70 @ 76 90 @ 2 00 1 (0 00 @ 2 25 00 @ 2 25 TIES. 2 @ 22 21 @ 22 21 @ 21% 20 18 14 5 @ 6% 5%@ 6* 5%@ 6* Mornlns jiarUrt Report. New Yonx. October 21—Cotton unsettled; up lands 19%: Orleans 19%; sales G00- Sales of cotton fotoroa last evening were 13,000 bales; October 18%@1813-16; November 19@1815-16 @18X01813-16@18%; December 19@191-16<©19% @18 15-16@18%@18%@18 13-16; January 19@ 19 1-16@19%@X9%; February 19%@19%@19%; March 19%@19%@19.11-16@19%; April 19%(3 19 U-16@19%. Turpentine quiet at 69%@70. Rosin steady at 415 @4 20 for strained. Freights quiet. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat quiet and slightly favors buyers- Corn dull and drooping. Pork dnH at 13 25. Lard quiet. Stocks doll and quiet. Gold quiet at 12%@12%. Governments steady and dull. States dull and steady. Money firmat 7. Sterling, long 8%; short 9%. London, October 21, noon.—Consols 92%. Bonds 90%. Paris, October 21, noon—Bentos 57f 35c. Liverpool, October 21, noon.—Cotton opened heavy; uplands 9%; Orleans 9%. narkeU—Evening Report. New Yobe, October 21.—Cotton unsettled; sales 1474; uplands 18%; Orleans 19%. Cotton ealea for fature delivery to-day were 13,000 bales; October 18%; November 18%@18 11-16@18% @18%@18 9-10; December 18 11-16@I8%@18%@ 18 9-16; January 18%@49 3-16; February 19j;@l!fc March 19%: April 19% Floor dull and declining; common to fair extra 7 15-0(7 75; good to choice 7 80@9 25. Whisky 94%@ 95. Wheat closed 1@2 lower; winter rod western 1 51@168. Com dosed 1 cent lower at 76%. Bice dull at 8%@9. Pork lower at 13 00. Lard heavy. Naval* steady. Tallow qniet. Freights quiet. Money 6@6; discounts are in demand. Sterling steady at 8%<g8%. Goldl2%@12%. Governments dull; 62s 14%. Southern securities dosed dull; Tennessees 63%; new 63%. Virginias 58; now 62. Loniaianaa 65; new 67. Levees 63; 8s 75. Alabamas 98; Ee 65. Georgias 80; 7s 90. North Carolines 37%; new 19%. South Carolines 72; new 43. Governments dosed as follows: 81sl5%; 62s 14 V; 64s 13%; 65s 14%; new 12%; 67s 12%; 68s 12%; 10-40s 8%. Baltuoke, October 20.—Cotton doll and lower; middlings 19; net receipts 97; gross 377: exports Great Britain ; coastwise 111; sales 175; stock 1730. Sr. Louts, October 21—Flour quiet; low grades weaker; w inter superfine 5 C0@5 25. Com a shade lower. Whisky 90. Fork quiet at 13 00@13 25. Bacon easier; shoulder* 7%@7%; dear sides 8@ 8%. - Cincinnati, October 21—Flour dull and lower. Com steady. Fork nom : nal. Bacon in fair demand shoulders 7%; sides 7%@7%. Wtfisky 91. Louuvule, October 20—Bagging dosed steady at 16%@18. Flour firm. Provisions quiet and steady. Fork 13 50. Bacon, shoo'ders 7%; dear eidee 8%. Lard 9%; kegs 11%. Whisky 94. New Oeixans, October 21.—Cotton market dosed doll lower; middlings 18%; net receipts 2033; gross 2629; exports to Great Britain ; coastwise ; to the continent H54; sales 1000; stock 43,301. Floor firmer, superfine 612%; double 6 90@7 00: double 7 25@7 50. Com scarce at 1 £3. Oats da” and lower. 62. Bran 150. Bay, prime 35 00; choice 37 00. Tork, no demand; held at 14 75@15 00. Bacon easier; ehonldots 8%; dear rib sides 8%; clear sides 8%; choice ergar cured hams 18%@19— Lard ecarce; tierce 10%; keg 12%. gogar firm; centrifugal 10%; good fair 10%; yellow centrifagal 11%. Molasses taeier, ft-ir 6’(SCI; piime 67%; choice 70. Whisky firm at 93*105%. Coffee scarce and fi-mer; text 1S%@18%; prime 19%@19%. Bank Sterling 21%. Sight, par. Gold 13%. WrumsGTOS, October 21—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 18%; net receipts 267; exports coastwise 458; ealea 73; stock 3114. Acousta, October 21—Cotton weak; demand fair; middlings 17%; receipts 1758; sales 300; stock 8860- Savannah. October 21.—Cotton in good demand; middlings 18; net receipts 1872; exports to the con tinent —; coastwise 1521; sales 1160; stock 28,721. Charleston, October 21 Cotton dosed dull; middlings 18; net receipts 1737; exports coast wise ;2351; exports to Great Britain —; sales 300; Motile, October 21—Cotton dosed doll; mid dlings 18%; not receipts 2887; exports to Great Britain—; coastwise289: sales 1000; stock20,338. Galveston, October 21.—Cotton del; good or- diniry 15%; ne: receipts 662; exports coastwise —; to Great Bri*-in —; silos 150; stock 25,939. Boston, October 21—Cotton doll; middlings 19%; net rooeipto K9; gross 1115; exports to Great Britain —: coastwise —; sales : stock 6000. Noefolx, October 21—Cotton market dosed dnll; low middlings 18; ne: receipts 2232; exports coast wise 720: sales ICO; stock 8252 Memphis, October 21—Cotton market dosed dull; middlings IS; receipts 3290. Philadelphia. October 21—Cotton dull and weak; middlings 19%@19%. Liverpool, October 21, OTening—Cotton closed heavy; uplands 9%; Orleans 9%; sales 8000: specula tion and export 2000. Pork 47s 6d. Marriage Guide.—Interesting work, numerous CDgravings, 221 pages. Price 50 cents. Address Dr. Batts’ Dispensary 12 North Eight Street, St- Louis, Mo. See advertisement, augl7-d&wly A Word op Advice.—Mothers know the impor tance attached to the care of teething children. Read the advertisement of Mrs. Whitcomb’s Syrup n another column. 33Y TELEGRAPH. DAY DISPATCHER. Philadelphia, October 21.—The National Committee of the Union League met to-day, Gov. Geary presiding. A communication was received, requesting a thorough reorganization of the League in Louisiana. A national council was called in Philadelphia, December 13th. New Yonx, October 20.—The Administration wing of the Republican party, to-night, nomi nated Fracz bigel for Register, Geo. C. Barrett for the Supreme Coart, and Charles P. Daly for the Court of Common Pleas. The ticket is the same which was nominated last night by the Reform Democracy. Salt Lake, October 21.—The poligamy trials are progressing. The Mormons plead that they had no intention of committing crime in plu rality marriages; that the intention is essential to convietion; they conld not be guilty of adul tery, because they married according to the nsages of the Mormon Church. A number of additional arrests for lasciviousness have been Washington, October 21.—The Southern overland mail coach was attacked near Trini dad, California. The horses ran away and the robbers got nothing. Berlin, October 21.—A distinguished prelate —an emissary of the Pope—was referred by the Emperor William to Bismarck for an an swer whether it would bo allowable to hold the approaching conclave outside of Rome—some town in France for instance. Bismarck evaded a reply. The Emperor sent an auto graph letter of sympathy to the Pope. London, October 21.—It has transpired that the Gastein conference agreed upon energetio measoresfor the suppression of the international society. Italy refused co-operation, because its labor agitators oppose the international society. Rome, October 21.—The Cardinals advise the Pope to qnit Rome to preserve the independence of the Papacy. The Pope has almost determined to depart when the Italian Parliament is con voked. NIGHT DISPATCHER. Baltimore, October 21.—Tho committee re ported against the representation of minorities and changing the name from convention to council. Ail canons adopted take effect first of January after adjournment of tho conven tion. Also, the committee reported against any change in the eanon regarding the intrusion of ministers into the parishes of other ministers. Richmond, October 21.—Tho application for an injunction against the Virginia and Tennes see Kailread entered by J. E. Tyson, of Balti more, was dismissed this morning at the instance of the applicant, he withdrawing his motion and paying costs, ete. New Orleans, October 21.—Metropolitan po liceman Lischinsky was convicted of murder without capital punishment, for clubbing Chas. Hanson to death last September. Washington, October 21.—The President re turn tomorrow. The Secretary of War returns on Monday. A detachment of rectuits is ordered from St. Louis to Texas. The RuEsian fleet is momentarially expected. A special train of Pullman cars is waiting to bring the Prime minister here. New York, October 21.—The following cor respondence explains itself: Chicago, Oct. 20. Wm. Oeton, President,—I am instructed by our Board to express their warmest acknow ledgments to your company for the assistance rendered to the people of Chicago hy Gen. Stoger in perfecting our telegraphic communi cation between the varions distributing points. (Signed) Wist Dextek, Chairman. Chicago, Oct. 20. Wm. Orton, Prosidoat,—I desire to express the deep thankfulness cf our city to you, as President of tho W. U. Telegraph Company, and also, through you, to tho Atlantic Cable Managers, for the kindness rendered to our suffering people, in prompt transmission of our very numerous messages free of charge. (Signed) R. B. Mason, Mayor. In tho Sappho and Livonia yacht race, Sap pho appears to be gaining steadily. She is two miles ahead. Sappho won the race by thhty- one minutes. We have not got the correct time yet. Cincinnati, October 21.—It ia reported that numerous woodlands in Campbell county, Ky., are burning fearfully. Alexandria, seven miles from New Post, is threatened. New Yoke, Odt. 21.—To-day the largest single contract for a Railroad construction ever mode for work in tho United States was closed by Col. W. D. Mann, ex-officer of tho Mobile and Northwestern Railroad Compamy. The con tract is for tho entire line from Mobile to Hele na, Arkansas, (350 miles), and to be completed by December 31st, 1873. To commence work at once and pat fonr thousand men on as rap idly ns they can be gathered. Men for a largo section of the road are now being employed in Great Britain. Chakleston, October 21.—Arrived, steamer Manhattan, New York; ships Olivo Southard, Richmond, Me., Nautilus, New York; bark Al- biana. New York. Savannah, October 21.—Arrived yesterday, steamship Leo, New York; cleared to-day, steamships Montgomery, San Salvador, New York York; Tonawanda, Philadelphia; ship Screamer, Liverpool; bark, Silas Fish, Liver pool. Lonoon, October 21.—The workmen on a strike at Lincoln drove off the police and at tacked the master-workmen’s houses. Charles Babbage, the mathematical author, is dead—age 79 years. Napoleon has returned to Chiselburst. He believes the present government to be weak and inadequate to meet the wants of France. The National Insurance Convention to-day considered the establishment of an office here to record risks taken in this and other countries to prevent frauds. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Synopsis or Weiuitcr statement. War Dep’t, Office Chief Signal Offices, I Washington, October 21, 7:40 p. m. ) Area of bigh barometer moved south-east; is now off Cape Hatteras, and a quite low bar ometer apparently prevails in Canada, where the pressure has fallen very rapidly to-day. Southwesterly wind3 increasing, and have pre vailed in the Middle Atlantio and the lakes. Norteasterly winds in the South Atlantio States and southerly winds from the Ohio Valley. South and westward the temperature has risen from tho East Atlantic westward to the Missis sippi. Cloudiness has very generally increased and light rain or threatening weather is re ported from Southern Florida and at some points in the Ohio and Missouri Valleys. Probabilities: The borometer will probably continue to fall, and cloudy weather, possibly with rain, will prevail on Sunday from the Golf eoaat to the Ohio valley and middle States. Brisk southwesterly winds will be experienced a short time on the lower lakes and east Atlantio. Southerly winds, with threatening weather, will extend eastward into Illinois. Westerly winds with pleasant weather on Lake Superior. Washington, October 21.—Gen. Belknap ad dressed a letter to the Solicitor of the Treasury, Bonfield, inquiring whether steamboats whose certificates have uuexpired will be required to »anew inspection under tho new law. Bon- 1 concludes his letter as follows: “Taking this view of the qnostion presented in yonr let ter, I would suggest that yon cause, as rapidly as tho convenience of the officers will permit, a new inspection to be made of all steamers subject to the provisions of this aet, m order that owners thereof may be correctly advised of tho additional requirements of the present law.” Pams, October 21.—While Prince Napoleon was on his way to Marseilles, as the train stopped at a town in Valence, the people who had heard or the Piinee’s journey, gathered about the railway station and demanded bis surrender into their hands. Being informed that he traveled under the safe conduct of the government, they vented their hatred in hisseB, yells and threats, which followed tho train un til it had passed the limits of the town. London, October 21.—Henry Howard, Agent of tho British Government at Washington, in the matter of reception claims of British sub jects npon tho United States, hes been instruct ed not to present any of th se claims until the claimant has filed, at the office of the Commis sioner appointed under the treaty at Washing ton, a formal statement of claim, required by the first of rules adopted by tho Commission. Post Au Pkixce, October 21.—Tho com mander of a Spanish man-of-war having de manded the delivery of the fillibnstering steam er, Hornet, the Haytien Government refused to comply with tho demand, whereupon the Spanish Consul hauled down the Consular flag, and went on board the man-of-war, which at once started for Havana for instructions. Jot to the World! Woman is Free.'—Among the many modern discoveries looking to the happi ness and amelioration of the human race, none ia entitled to higher consideration than the renowned remedy—Dr. J. Bradfield’a Female Regulator, Wo man's Beet Friend. By it woman is emancipated from numberless ilia peculiar to her ecx. Before ita magic power all irregularities of the womb van ish. It cures whites. It cores suppression of the menses. It romoves uterine obstructions. It euros constipation and strengthens the system. It braces the nerves and purifies tbo blood. It never fails, as thousands of womon will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and eold by L. H. Bradfield, druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price, SI 50 per bottle. AU respectable drag men keep it. Bead the foUowing from Rev. G. R. Harding: Richmond, Va , August 31,1869. ProprietorsEotadalu—Gentir. Foraperiodof 12 years my wife suffered greatly from general debility, with great tendency to dropsical effusions. In tho meantime she had repeated attacks of hemorrhage of the longs, with chills, etc., in fact, all tho symp toms of consumption. She used many different remedies, bnt without benefit, until she began the uso of Eosadalis, when, after taking two bottles, showas restored to her original health and vigor, and is to-day a picture of perfect health. Roea- dalis is a household word with us and our neighbors. A New Sermon—A Fact.—Last Sunday night week a strolling colored preacher was permitted to preach in the Calvary Baptist Chnrch, of Columbia, when he delivered himself of the following: “Brothers and sisters, friends and hearers, backbiters and gospel-rebakers, yon will find my text in the — chapter of the Psalms of David, and the — verse, which reads as follows: “Mercy and truth connect together, righteous ness and peace have kissed each other.” Now, I draw the following three propositions from this passege: 1. That the devil never was in Heaven. 2. That God never made a black man. 3. That the seven horns of the beast were the seven oorrnpt Governments of the Roman Em- pire, which David gave this text nnto the sons of Korah that they should live after the com mandments of God.’’—Charleston Courier. Chicago was a perfect tinder box. The num ber of booses in the city, by the report of the Fire Marshal, was 48,867. Of these, 44,370 wera constructed of wood, 8,G97 of brick, and 9L4 of stone and iron. It ranked as the fifth city, the population being, by the last census, 298,977. The protracted dronth, which render ed the wooden buildings highly inflammable, and the fierce wind blowing at the time of the fire, made it a matter of almost impossibility to check the flames after they bad spread any con siderable distance. The last version of the G. Washington story: A youthful hen found an egg, and, yielding to the maternal instinct, sat npon it until the pro cess of incubation was comple.t* Her mother, who had laid the egg and had taken great pains in shaping and coloring it, cams along, and see ing only the broken shell, bnrst into tears and said : “Alas, my daughter, who has destroyed my favorite egg?” The feathered offspring qoickly responded: “I cannot tell a lie, mother; I cannot tell a lie ; I did it with my little hatch it.” The nine fire insurance companies of Hart ford since their organization have paid losses amounting to over $59,000,000. The Chicago fire insnrance amounts to seven or eight mil lions. Just in at the NEW YORK 8TORE, Twenty pieces eljack: silks From *125 to *3 per yard, twenty percent, cheaper thin the same goo a can be bought else where in tho city. 8. WAXELBAUM, BRO. & CO , 45 and 47 Second street. W. A\ - CARNES, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Office Ko. 86 Cherry St., 9!acon, Ga. Capital Represent oyer $20,000,000. M Y Companies aie all sound and solvent, and I am prepared to write Fire Insurance Policies on all desirable Risks at adequato rates, and give UNDOUBTED SECURITY. Policies written in Noitliern Southern or English Companies. oct20 tf WM. W. CARNES, Agent. THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO„ Of Columbus, Georgia Incorporated..................... Capital and Assets 1859 $191,959 55 Untouched by the Chicago and other disasters, continues to famish indemnity against loss by lire on all insurable property at adequate rates. J. RHODES BROWNE, President. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary. Applications received and policies issued by WM. W. CARNES, Agent, oct!7 dCt th2tawlm Office 80 Cherry street. For Mourning Dresses. The well known HENRIETTA CLOTH, eilk and wool, at the NEW YORK STORE, 45 and 47 Second Streot. NOTICE. Mayob’s Office,) Macon, October 20th, 1871. f T HE following rales and regulations will be ob served in the city and at the Park, daring the holding of the Georgia State Fair: The Fair will continue for six days and entries will be received at the Secretary’s office until next Tuesday afternoon. The time is extended to ac commodate all who may be delayed. Dr. James 8- Lawton has been nominated by the city and confirmed by the Executive Committee, as General Superintendent, and will assume control of Fair Grounds on Monday morning. 23d inst. The President and Executive Committee of tho State Agricultural Society have entire and exclusive control of the management of the Fair. Tho gate and tickot system, together with the renting of all privileges and control of tlio Police force ia to remain in charge of the city authorities as heretoforo. Visitors arriving on any of the trains will get any information they want in regard to board or lodg ing, by calling at the Reception Committee rooms in general passenger depot. All carriages and hacks taking passengers to and from the Fair Grounds will charge 25 cents for each trip. Any driver who shall be found charging more than 25 cents will be arrested. All parties in the city owning carriages or hacks will be allowed to ran them daring the Fail with or without license, pro vided their charges do not exceed 25 cents. This or der is issued by direction of the City Council of Ma con, and for the purpose of increasing facilities for getting to and from the Fair Grounds. All parties visiting tho Park must go in threngh the front entrance and come ont at the side gates. Drivers of all teams must confine their horses to a walk after entering the Fair Grounds. No fast driving allowed under any circmustances. The gates will open at 7 a. m. and close at 6 r. si. each day. Open again at 8 p. m. and close at 11 at night. W. A. HUFF, Major. 03t21-tf ‘CASKETS! Latoat improvement in METAL CASES AND CASKETS; Also, latest stales of WOOD CASKETS AND COFFINS, Elegantly finished, at greatly reduced prices 3?* U Art-KTITU' XIS. A very extensive stock, all alylcs and prices, cheap for cash. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Mstiresses, Shades and Wall Paper. THOMAS WOOD, octl9 2aw2m Next to Lanier House. At Fair Grounds and for Sale. 40-horse power PORTABLE ENGINE, complete, One A1 SAW MILL, with fixtures, complete, One of J. A. Fsy & Co.’s 24-inch DOUBLE SUBFACERS, MATCHES, 12-inch, with Header attached, and with or without Resawing Machine and fix tures. One of Blake Bro.’s large size STONE or ORE CRUSHERS. One 15-horee power PORTABLE ENGINE, complete. Suitable for either agricultural or mill purposes. For further information inquire of H. R. BROWN, Agent, oct20 lOt No. 2 Cotton Avenue. H MISS A. O’CONNOR AS now on band an elegant assortment of Mil- ■ ■ lmery Goods, Saab Ribbons. As specialties, I mention Real Laco in Valenciennes. Thread and Duchess e Lace, Real Laco Sets and Collars, rang ing in size from Bmall to large. Ladies'and Misses' French Corsets. A large stock ot Fine Furs, Swans' Down, and Zephyr Worsted. A fine stock of Jet Goods and Fancy Goods* A well selected stock in Real and Imitation Hair Goods, and other different styles of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention here. All orders promptly attended to. Cotton Avenue, under Riddle’s Photograph Gallery, Macon, Ga oct!8tf MIX & KIRTLAND, Wholesalo and Retail Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 3. Cotton Avenue, and C6 Third SL MACON, GA. W OULD inform their friends and all in want of Boots and Shoes of any kind, that they have on hand one of the largest and best assortments to be found in the city or State. They cordially invito their numerous old cue- tomers and all others in want of any thing in their line, usually kept in a first-class storo to call and examine. They pledge themaelvo to sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES. Either at their Old 8tand No. 3 Cotton Avenue, or their New 8lore GG Third Street, Macon, Ga. oct 21eod2m&b DAVENPORT A SPEER, Agents at T. S. POWELft, Agent at WH. J. ANDERSON* Agent at JNO. A. DAVIS, Agent at C. C. KIBBEE, Agent i\ A. It. WESTON, Agent at F. S. JOHNSON, S. S. DUNLAP. HARDWARE. JOHNSON & DUNL. p 72 Third Street, Macon. 9 I MPORTERS and dealers in Iron of all eizea and kinds, Stool of various kinds. Hardware of every u srription. We are dailv receiving goods, and can assure buyers that our stock is a good one. TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. Onr stock is large and having been bought for cash, and much of it from first hands, we offer it at low prices. . . „ . . .. H DIS3TON A SON’S SAWS. Of these, we have Circular Saws embracing all sizes, from the small est to 54 inches diameter. We keep Cross Cut and Hand saws of all kinds and sizes of teeth, and fcol safe in saying there is no better saw made. . „ . .. MECHANICS TOOLS—Kept in every variety or kind and new invention: Augers, Raring Machines, Chisels ready for use. A11 sizes of Hatchets, and many makes and styles of Ax®s, embracing the best and largest Broad Axe. Bradley’s Drawing Knives, Trowels, plasterers tools, Pl^es or every size aod shape. Grindstones, Files of all kinds, used by mechanics and mill men, who will find they have served their interest in looking at our stock. . _ BELTING, both RUBBER AND LEATHER. HOU3E BUILDERS’ GOODS. Of these we have a su perior stock, embracing all new things, especially of Locks, of which we have some **tra Rood ones; particularly night latches and locks. Hinges of every variety in shape and size. N ails, or every kind and size. HOLLOW-WARE, of all kinds. WOOD WARE, an assorted large stock. Doty’s Washing Machine and Wringer.^ VarniHheii of all kinds. Scales of several makes, embracing all sizes, from the smallest draw to thoso that will weigh one thousand pounds. D. PRATT’S COTTON GINS, of which there ia no superior, and in proof of it, our Sonior will exhibit his sale-book, which will satisfy any one of their success. Wo respectfully ask buyers to examine our stock before baying elsewhere. oct22 lw JOHNSON 4 DUNLAP. GEORGIA HOME I1ERMCE COMPffi, INCORPORATED 1859, D. F. WILLCOX, C eerctary. CAPITAL, *350,000 I J. RHODES BROWNE, l’rcs. Tlie Charter Makes Stockholders Individually Liable. ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1870, - ■ - - - - $495,406 45 Premiums Received and Losses Paid since 1865. Received in 1865-6....*, Received in 1867.. Received in 1868.. ..$103,969 68 .. 141,881 18 .. 159.653 71 Paid in 1865-6... Paid in 1867 Paid in 1868 Paid in 1870 - ...$69,339 88 ... 73,342 12 ... 95.283 01 ... 98,763 17 Agents at all Prominent Points throughout the Southern and Southwestern States, to whom apply, or to D. F. WILLCOX, Scc’y, Columbus, Ga. AmeriniM. I'nlbben. Fort Valley. Albany. inayl4-lawly WM. W. CARNES, Agent, Macon, Ga. OFFICE. SOUTHEAST CORNER THIRD AND CHERRY STS T HOMAS U. CONNER, Cotton avenue, three doors from the new Comt-houpe, invites yon to inspect the new goods purchased daring his recent visit to New York. In Gent’s Famishing Goods he has a complete stock, embracing various stylos of Shirts, in linen and cambric, of all sizes, for spirals or buttons, to open in front, or at the side, or in the back. His arrangements are perfect for making up special orders for Drees Shirts by measurement, and he guarantees perfect satisfaction in every instance. “The Paragon” shirt is his specialty. Collars and Cuffs,linen and paper, Neck Ties, Scarfs and Bows, of lato styles, in all colors; the beet stock of Underwear in the city, contaiuing all wool, in white and scar let, merino, Canton ll&nnol and jeans.from which perfect fits can bo had by men of all sizes; British and merino superfine and extra heavy Socks, a large assortment of Handkerchiefs, Dressing Gowns, Shawls, Negligee Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, and a large line of Gloves, including kids, in all colors and of all sizes. In Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Umbrellas, Lunch Baskets, Tourists’ Tiunk and fch&wl Straps ho displays an attractive stock and aaka attention to prices- Tho winter stock of Hats and Caps is ahead of anything in the State, and contains all the styles in felt, wool and cloth, stiff Hats, of varions Bbapea and colors, and the lightest, handsomest and most graceful pattern of the young man’s Broad way Silk Hat to be found. Men who havo largo heads will find a pretty stock of Hats in extra sizes; cloth, silk and velvet Caps. Remember he keeps tlie largest and best stock of Hats and Caps for children and boys. Tho variety of Ladies’ Furs asks you not to purchase such goods until you have seem his stock, which embraces all kiodaof Fute from all countries, with great care and trimmed elogantlr. Prices will eoit you, and certain induce ments will be offered which are not customary, and which but tow houses present. octll-tf HARNESS AND SADDLERY. SMITH, WESTCOTT £ CO. 102 CHERRY STREET, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SADDLES AND HARMS CARRIAGE MATERIAL, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, consisting in pint of— SOLE AND HARNESS LEATHER, ENAMELLED AND PATENT LEATHER, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALFSKIN, KIP SKINS, UPPER AND LACE LEATHER GIIST BANDS, LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING, SADDLE, HARNESS AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, IN GREAT VARIETY, FROM $8 00 TO $50 00. sept20 eod3m MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS, TAKE NOTICE JUST RECEIVED AT SMALL & GAMBLE’S WHOLESALE FLOUR AND PROVISION HOUSE 1000 SACK 1 FLOUR, ALL GRADES AND SIZES, 4 CAR3 CHOICE WHITE CORN, 2 C4RS TENNESSEE OATS, 50 CASKS A HALF CASKS O. R. SIDES. 50 CASKS A HALF CASKS SHOULDERS, 53 SACKS CHOICE RIO COFFEE, 75 BOXES TOBACCO, ALL GRADES, 25 BARRELS SUGAR, 50 TURRF.T-a MOLASSES, NEW CROP MACKEREL, ALL NOS. AND SIZES, 50 ROLLS DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, 500 BDLS. EUREKA TIES (BEST IN USE) 50 BARRELS WHISKY Tho above Goods, with everything else in our lino, will bo eold at THE VERT LOWEST 37F4ICES. Either for CASH OR ON TIME. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Try as one time, and you will be certain to try ns again. septlO BAR AND BILLIARDS. “THE GLOBE,” ON THIRD STREET, TTNDER the proprietorship of JOHN B. GRIF- U FIN, has recently been beautifully frescoed and decorated, and is now fitted up with three of the finest BILLIARD TABLES in the city. THE B.AB is supplied with the best Wines, Li quors and Cigara that can be bad. Call at the finest Saloon in the South and spend a pleasant hour. You will receive a hearty wel come. oct!8 eodlm DRESS-MAKING. M ISS WILLIAMS, No. 13, COTTON AVENUE, has just returned from New York, and ia ready to receive orders for Dress-Making in all its departments. Thankful for tho liberal patronage the has heretofore received from tho ladies of Ma con and vicioity, she is now better prepared than ever to servo them acceptably. octlS Zm* ICE. ICE. ICE. T HE Macon Ice Factory is now ready to sup ply all demands for Ice. *10 per ton of 2000 pounds at factory—*11 per ton on board tho cars. The above are prices for one or more tone. Send along your orders to oct3-lm M4C0)( ICE FACTORY. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR Offer low for cash a full lino of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, KEROSENE OIL, WINDOW GLASS, HOSTETTER’S, PLANTATION AND VINEGAR BITTERS. Swift A Courtney Matches, Snuff, Soda, Starch, Soap, otc., etc. REMOVAL, J tt <fc SON have removed to No. . in HolUneswo^th block, comer of tho alloy, ere tbev wT keep const’antly cm hand a full ", f e Mutton. Pork, Sausage and a FamUr Groceries. eS P 26tf