The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 24, 1871, Image 4

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i Telegraph & Messenger. TUESDAY MORNING. OCX. 24, OTL THE <;eoicgia pbexs. The parties from Dooly county wbo have been in custody of lb* United Staleaoffictoto of Sa vannah for acme tiiao on the charge of illicit duelling, bare been released on #2,£00 bail each. J. E. Hicks, a resident of Gainesville, Fla., died at Savannah, Saturday morning. Tbe Savannah News, of Saturday aays: AaarrzD.—Tbe steamship Leo, Capt Dear- txirn, from New York, arrived on yttUiinj. We noticed among her freight, many pa< for the Maoon Fair. A fulTrigged set offlylng hones were aboard, which are intended, we rappow, m ft moftON of mmoMont daring loo Chilis and fever, with a sharp aprinkling-of typhoid fever, are now prevailing in Elbert county. lira a. D. Meador and Mr. Emerson A. Bartlett, both well-known residents of Brona- wick, died last week. The Brunswick Appeal, of Saturday, says: Tin Caors or tu* Cownr.—We learn from Mr. dames M. Cooper, one of the largest and moat intelligent plantera of our oounty, that the rice crop of the present year will fall at least thirty or thirty-fire per cent, abort of that of last year, and that possibly the deficiency' may reach fifty per cent. Tbo cotton crop will not ezooed one third of that made last year, and the corn about twenty-fivo per cent, of last you a crop, lalor, we are informed, to in a b®“® r condition than aineo the close of the wsr. It la offering more freely end at lower rates. One nonroe of gratification amid the Agricultural dtoaatora of the year to found in the fact that the indebtedness of the planters for advances to not so greet ss In former years. Tbe United Steles District Court met at Sa- vonnah yesterday morning. The Advertiser Bums up the docket as follows: Seven common law and bankrupt eases; three poatofilce cases; twelve criminal cases; six seizure cases; fourteen admiralty canes, and five equity and bankrupt cases. The Unitod States Circuit Court meets on the !Uh of November, with the following docket. We quote from tho same paper; Two hnndrod and fourteen miscellaneous eases, thirty hUvo cane, four suits on official bond, ninety-nina custom suits on bonds sod penalties, two quo warrantor, eleven criminal cases, nine removal cases, one appeal, one tcire faciaa, etgbly-nine cases in equity, miscellaneous cases, seventeen United States oases and appearances, and two bnndred and twenty-six lauik oases. Tbe champion mean man lives at Columbus. He takes bia spito out by cutting and ruining a pair of bellows belonging to a hard-working negro blacksmith. Tbe Bun says Columbus has spent over $2,- 000,000 in factories, foundries, and buildings of various sorts, since the war. Tho schooner Wavo arrived at Savannah, Ssturday, from Nassau, with 20,000 oranges— the first cargo of the season at that port. The missing Savannah cirgar maker Wald- heimor, has tnrnod up in Atlanta with a govern ment situation worth $00 a month. Being trowly loyl of courso bo will return those stamps borrowed before ho disappeared from Savannah. A high-headed colored aristocrat of Savannah resented some InqiertincDco offered him by a “while trash" clerk in a hotel last Satnrday, with several doies of an iron poker. Tbo clerk was severely bruised. Tbo Columbus Sim of Sunday says: Buoozsarur. Work.—Daring tbe past two months the Baptist Church in Griffin of which ltev. Ur. J. Jl. DcVotic, formerly of this city, is pastor, has received nbont 120 persons by totter and experience. Of theso 17 havo been immersed. He has not boon in Griffin two yean; yet over 200 persona have been added to bis church. Wnxiaai W. Wiosox, Jr., of Houston county, aged seventeen years, with the occasional assis tance of a negro boy, prodnoed the following crop this year, on aomoof the common pine up lands of his county; 180 bushels corn, valued at $480; 4,£00 pounds of fodder, valued at'i 25; 100 bushels peas, valued at $125; 4 bales cotton, valued at $:!15. Total value of crop, $0711 25. Id addition to tbe foregoing, young Wagnon cultivated a largo vegetable garden. Tbe gin bouse of Mr. John Skinner, of Floyd bounty, was burned last Thursday night and a largo quantity of cotton destroyed. Incen diary. Tbe semi-annual meeting of tho Georgia Press Convention will bo held in Atlanta, on Wednesday, November 1st Newspapers will plesso send their does dnes to 0. H. 0. Willing ham, LaQrange. FRANK I’.I.AIIt ON THE NFIXATION. The Smith SSnat not stand Hark—Better to 4'mteede Men than l*rlnri|!lea-<'nrl hrhnra and our Foreign Friends. Mowroosnuir, Oetoiler 20.—Gen. Blair, of the anb-Ko-klux Committee, in a speech last night allnded to the proposition that in the next Dem ocratic National Convention the Sonth decline to bo represented, but accept whatever candi date for President the Democrats of the North offer, ne dissented from the proposition, as did every Democrat in the West and North. Tbe triumph of the Democratic party is tbe safety of the South, and who should guatd its safety but Sotbern men f If they fail, may not others prove faithless ? The South has no question of personal favorites, but their choice will fall on him who to most likely to carry the banner in triumph. If the South faila to send her prudent and wise men, it will be claimed as a refusal to go with Northern Democrats because of tbe New Departure, and because the spirit of rebellion still burns nnder the mouldering ashes. Ho w no friend of the Now Departure, but believed ._ the patriotism and purity of motive of those who had chosen that path. While he would never yield hto own convictions as to the oonstitu- Uonality of the usurpation of the Radical party, 1* was willing to fight the Radicals in any shape Out the Democratic party may determine. He believed the new departure policy failed to bring suooms in the election this summer and autumn for the reason that it was a confession of inabili ty to earry the elections upon our own princi- plea. In that confession the party failed * > ®!S r ® the People in harmc with the platform. Thus, while 8outhem Demo- orata were disgusted at the eoneession, no Re- conciliated. The future don’t look good nnder the losses of the summer and autumn. The Republican party contains in ° l 'rk° 0< * nt ’ biM * rn *“. rivalry and disaffection. The renomination of Grant could not, in hta opinion, bo defeated. He is unimi'hn'l’J i" in'* Ke P nbI >ean party, and he WjU? ’ Ul ‘- °°1 ntI y « large. He will dictatobtoown nomination. Some of tho most conscientious, able and oonngeons men, stand- ing highest in the Radios! party, will leave it ! T m b “ TO their ,bi P* when they fail to defeat the nomination, and take good pains to defeat hto re-election. ’ K Instead of going for a new departure Blair HSwT 1 *° Rnar * nl «« to dinppolnted pobUeana by the nominaUon of a Repabli- ca, who would draw to ns by . much stronger guarantee than the mere words of a platform ?£f?5 M t of , U ‘ 0 * 8 Appointed with Grant sodtbo Radical party. We could all vote for a Republican who favors universal amnesty and to ««ainst Kn-klnx bills and military towa Vir- ShlJJ tte Demoe- raey of the Sonth hesitate to foUow her exam- IdhLTri ot in *od ^. d 1110 Presld ® n tial election, be believed give a larger majority than any other i. Democrati J]party* J” of . foreign birth are the men to whom we are to look in tbe coming straggle. They come from countries where despotimn to b *d8eaand IgnSaud are leading man ftodftblest reorMeatativo is now proclaiming h^ l °?'n “™?‘ “J hto administration; that •**?“ bj* departure and burned hto ships. gsatstess u> rf»f *olidly to the last man Z»tost all diaf nnehuemenu and for universal amnesty. IVy aro opposed to Kn-Klux togSmSS •gainst the suspension of hates eorpu^Tand “f the Democrats pat forward a man, or accept i?*™ h* P nt for,r * rd by others, who t 5, e “ S. * FAIR WEEK.I J, H, HERTZ & GO. VISITORS TO THE OltEAT STATE FAIR Moat not fail to visit tbe establishment of l J. ff. BDME & GO, No. 60 Second Street, (Next to Baptist Church.) If You Want Hooks, Go to Them | —THXT SAVE— BOOKS FOB THE YOUNG, BOOKS FOB THE OLD, BOOKS FOR THE BOYS. BOOKS FOB THE GIRLS, | BOOKS FOB MEN, BOOKS FOB WOMEN, BOOKS FOB SCHOOLS, BOOKS FOB HOME. I If you want Writing Paper and Envelopes, Go to No. CO 8econd street They baTO a greater variety of PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY Than any bouse in Georgia. Have soma NEW STYLES never shown in Maoon before; besides PENS, PENCILS, VISITING CARDS, CARD CASES, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, | Indeed, everything to intereit and instract Call and see tbe bouse and examine Goode and | prioes before boying anywhere else. oct20 tf ! clothiersi 00 CHERRY STREE 1 Have now on band a complete stockof FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! LARGE, FULL AND WELL ASSORTED. GREAT SOUTHERN (FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. TO AND FROM (BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. *«ii2«£e3ij8Ssi THREE TIMES A WEEK-TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. ELEGAYT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. CAMPBELL & EYGLISH, WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, 56 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. W E deeire to cal! tbe special attention of all who are dealing in LIQUORS to the LARGEST STOCK Of the these goods ever offered to tho wholesale trade in this city. We deal in;Liqnoro, exclusively and we invite a careful inspection of oar stock of BRANDIES, WINES, 60 AND EXAMINE THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES At No, 86 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. J ACOB SCHALL, . 1 Brogan to the finest French Boots and Gaiters’"m^'L'' uu ev «rr direct from the manufactories, he can offer superior inducements in prices, and he i,M™ K Purchased opportunity of sustaining his well-earned reputation for superiority of goods. 118 nc Siect<Hl no He would further announce to tho trade, and especially to shoemakers in Macon and has on hand a large supply of Leather and Findings, with which he can serve them . t "'>1 he yorably compare with those of any Southern establishment. Their attention ia narbrnU.? 3 "W *>U ft fact that he can furnish Leather cat to all sizes, crimped Fronts, Bootless reade fio , 5 ^ allea to the kinds, etc., at a very email margin. b a - Uppers of all Initho Custom Work department, ho still employs first-class, superior workmen i , - can be euppbed, now as ever, with Boots and Shoes, of the finest French calAat-m .’A comers rate workmanship, at short notice. “* km the moat ciabo- JACOB SCHALL 8C CHERRY STREET, MACON. GEORGIA. sep!9 3m WHISKIES, GINS, A.T S13. A VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER via CHARLESTON. | TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. RUMS, In barrel! and case. Business Sis Agents for Hazolott’a Old Winchester Bye, and I Hudson G. Wolfe’s Schnapps. CAMPBELL & ENGLISH. Schofield’s Iron Works; ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. .A.T ©15. A.T ©18. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, COUNTRY MERCHANTS STEAM ENGINES AND BOIT.FRS Ana connecting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Clasa Stoamshipa toithe.above „ “ ' l ~" ' ' “<9 vIIJ|Jh|j And connecting Roads Weet, in alliance with tbe Fleet of Thirteen First-Close Stoamshipa to the above I Porte, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to tbe business public in the I Cotton States at tho PORT OF CHARLESTON, Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled in excellence I | and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the Line: TO WEW Trorj-E;. GEORGIA; SELLING AT GOST!! A.T ©20. j LARGE Cooking Range, 200 Cooking Stoves, SO Hosting Stoves, 75 doz Table Knivee, CO doz Pocket Knivee, 200 doz Tea and Table I Business Ms MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodhull, Commander. CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON, James Berry, Commander. JAMES ADGER, T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. O. 70 doz Plated Spoons and Forks, 26 doz Stand, Hanging and Bracket Lamps, 100 doz Goblets, Tumblers and Glass Setts, 30 doz Cedar and Painted Pails, 30 doz Brooms, 20 doz Sifters, 50 doa Clothes Horses and Shoe Brushes, 100 doa Bartlett's Blacking, 50 doz lirtsa and Japaned Candlesticks, 6 doz Feather Dusters, 8 setts Toilet Ware, 15 setts Copper Measures $1,000 worth Tin Ware, 2,000 Fruit Boxes. 2,000 lbs HoUow Ware, OOOIbaSsd Irons, 200 pair Trace Chains, 1 large Press Chain, 1 splendid sett of Tinner's Tools, Benches, etc. Pad and Door Locks, Hinges, Screw*, Neils, Scales, Meat and Coffee Mills, Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, Lead Pipe, Sheet Copper and every thing usually kept in a kouseforniehing and tin | store. TERMS CASH. R. F. WOOLFOLK, oct5 1m 46 Third street. TREMENDOUS STOCK A.T ©22. AT ©25. AND AS FINE AS $40 PER SUIT OF Coat. Pants and Vest, SACK, DERBYS WALKING COATS OF THE LATEST STYLES. S. Crowell, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA, T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE, J. Kennedy, Commander. ASHLAND, Ingram, Commander WAGNER, HUGER & CO., WM. A. COUBTNAY, Agents, Charleston, S. O. TJO I’SXIjA.DBLjT’HIA.s VIRGINIA, EMPIRE, Alex. Hunter, Commander. C. Hinckley, Commander. Sailikg Days—THURSDAYS. WM. A. OOURTNAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C TO BAIrTIMOEUR. (FALCON, MARYLAND, Hainie, Commander. Johnson, Commander. SEA GULL, Dutton, Commander. Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleeton, S C. Bates guaranteed as low as those of Competing Linos. Marine Insurance one half of 1 per cent; THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS VISITING MACON l X)TTXLX3XrG- I*XX23 FAIR Will find it to their interest to look at OUR STOCK OF IBOOKS AID STATIONERY.! FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. —WE 6 EI.I. SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, PENS, INKS, SLATES, etc., *At a small advance on New York rates. Can be had at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi. i may bo secured in advance, without i orgia, Alaban State-Rooms may be secured’in advance, without extra charge, by addressing Agents of tbe Stoam- I ships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berths | assigned. Tbe Through Tickets by this Route includes Transfers, Meals and State Boom,.while on Ship | board. The South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad. I And their connecting Lines have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and I C3-X* A.K-ST BLEQUriaED HI55E. SAJW MILLS, GKRIST MILLS. MILL gearing, G-IIST GrEA-RHSTG, (ORDINARY, OR GRAHAM’S EXTRA HEAVY), SUGAR BULLS AND KETTLES, IRON RAILING OF ANY DESIRED STYLE, AND AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY. ? Notice to Tax Payers of Bibb Co. I O, Hr*TTJLi31iXE!S, ETC., T HE Tax Books for collecting State and county Machinery, put up at firat-class IRON WOBKS, put up in the beat style and at prices to suit taxes for 1871 are open. My office is ot Collins tUe hmes - Glv0 uaacaU before purchasing. Wo will sell low for CASH. P 81111 & Heath’s, No. 69 Second street To those that I _ _ _ __ C^^y^Wy^Sl s * SCHOFIELD & SON. time Greenbacks will be demanded. F. M. HEATH, oct7 tf Tax Collector Bibb County. The Great medical Discovery t Dr. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, ga Hundreds of Thousands a. r* Bear testimony to their Wonder- £ e 3 ° o fai Curative Effects. g ~n glijWHAT ARE THEY a; s ^ If s Give ns a call. oct20tf J. W. BURKE A CO , No. GO Second etreet. STILL AHEAD jht promptly transferred from Steamer to day and night trains of the Sonth Carolina Railroad. I Close connection made with other Roads, delivering Freights at distant points with great promptness. Tbo Managers will use every exertion to satisfy their Patrons that the Lino VIA CHARLESTON cannot I be surpassed in Dispatch and the Safe Delivery of Goods. For farther information, apply to J. M. SELKIRK, Snp’t Charleston, S. C.; B. D. HASELL, General I Agent, P. O. Box 4979, Office 317 Broadway, N. Y.; 8. B. PICKENS, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. I South Carolina Railroad ALFBED L. TYLEB, jono 20 cod-Cm Vice-President South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C. GENERAL GROCERIES NOW BEING RECEIVED BY DRESS SUITS ! fHEY ARE NOT A VILE §2§ FANCY DRIN'K.ll Our WROUGHT IRON COT TON SCREW PRESS is tho only Cotton Press that has stood tbe test, being used ever Bines the close of the war. and is in greater and moro increasing demand than BLACK AND COLORED ROGERS & BONN, Cloth. Coats, BTJILLS AND LLP A. lit S Made of Poor Rum, Whlshy, Proof Spirits Our WATER or STEAM POWER PRESS is - ■ ■ • ‘id and | becoming VERY POPULAR, ££ flT6 bnndred ,oei « ht TT ON MABBIAGE. XI affect. Uf“ MEN from tho P-dunontMs?Dd- Ni^rS^^^^nnsouih STANBURYLl^i;^- Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants Importer* of and Receiver* and Deal era in Wince, Brandir*. Gin*. ci c ^ llaurpo- Mlirul nud Kje Wiilskle*, * 22 raxz macxavD 17 aaacuT min, NEW YORK. eatdMa* And they are offered for sale FEARFULLY LOW. IN STOBE 2,000 sks. Family & Extra Flour, | 200 barrels Sugar, 300 bbls. Liquors of all kinds. STOCK OF BACON AT PRESENT SMALL. JUST ABBIVED. 100 bills. CHOICE RED APPLES. | B0GEBS & BONN. Fourth Street. Near Brown House. Macon, Ga and Refused JLlqnors* doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called •‘Tonics, ,, Appetisers/* * Restorers.” Ac., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rain, bat are a true Medicine, made trom the Native Roots and Herbs of Califor- ma. free from nil Alcoholic Sfimulaiils. STEAM ENGINES, Saw, Gries and Floor Mills, Shafting, Fnlloys, Hangers, Boxes and Go&ring for mill- | They are the OKCftX blood plbifikk and ™ W?INu I*itIXCIPIaa perfect Renova tor and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all I , _ __ . poisonous mattter and restoring tho blood to a HI ^ f V f tf A S IT ? fV*T f ^ I healthy condition. # No person can take these Bitters Jlv LM IX IJjI IN Vjt, For lnflanaaBMoiy >< u<i >i C9ura*aM r Kli«aa‘ 7 I I matism and Gout. Dj qiepsia or Indlges- For enclosing pnblio aqnare*. private dwellings and Cemetery lota ; also all kinds ot Ornamental Iron I rion.^tlltoua. Komittrnt nud Intermittent OF THE BEST IMPORTED MATERIAL, ^ | *<*», BraekaU, V«», Ohaita, Iron Fronts for Storm, Window Cape and SUla, etc. PABTICULAB ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING MACHINERY. BLACK AND COLORED O O TJT O 1ST I CAMPBELL & JONES I Again offer their services to Planters and Her-1 chants, as Warehouse & Commission Merchants, < And aak a eontinnanoo of the patronage ao liber- I ally given them the past season. Clone personal attantion Riven to the STORAGE I and SALE of COTTON, and to the filling of orders I for Bagging and Ties and Plantation Snppliee. Refer to the patrons of the past season. Re-1 member the plaoe— ton Warehonse, Poplar st., Macon. Ga. I P. 8.—Agents for the Winabip Improved Cotton I Oin and John Menyman A Co.’* Ammoniated Die-1 solved Bonea, which we now offer at a reduced | prico.eepl 3m Single and Donble Breasted Chesterfields. A large assortment of PAMS, FROM 81 TO 815! FLY OVERCOATS, IN COLORS. SACK OVERCOATS, TALMAS, And tho New Style KING WILLIAM OVERCOATS, | On hand. SHIRTS! We make a specialty of the celebrated 1 make tho best HORSE POWER in the country, it never fai if, runs light, simple to pnt np I and lasts well, and is cheap. Fevers, Diseases of tlie DIoo«l, Liver Kid neys and Bladder, these Bitters have been moat successful. Midi Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive orgaus. Being tho MOST ECONOMICAL to those having ; All Work Made G-ood. WATER POWER 03 STEAM ENGINE. dec2-2tawly 2. J3ROCKETT. Macon, Ga. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, *. E. anon. n. m. baxzxoex. asannacB waaz. | Adams, Bazemorc A Ware, PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE, NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT, O N entering upon a new cotton araaon, tender their eervicee to the patrons and friends of Adams * Bazemorc, and to all others who may ““““I Storage and Sale of Colton. tojJ < o flu jpg order* for Digging, Tie* and PlanU-1 o -J o co C5 z oe 06 (0 © ra A « DYSPEPSIA OK INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain in the shoulders. Coughs, Tightness I of the Che?t. Dizzine-s, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, bad ta3te in the Month, .Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart. Inflammation of.the Lungs. 1 the an A a hundred I It can also be run rom tho band wheel abaft oCherpainfu! symptoms, aro the offsprings of Rys- | 0 f g in gear . P .Aiey invigorate theStomachand stimulate the tor- | Pid lijer and bowels, which render them of unequal led efficacy in cleansing tho blood of all impurities, ana impartinsrnew life and vigor to the whole system. I OR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt I Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimpled, Pustules, Boils, I Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eye*. Erysipelas, Itch, fccurfs. Discolorations of the bkin, | Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name I or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. I One bottle in such eases will convince the most in credulous of their curative effects. ] . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting throughthe skin in Hmi les.Erup- tions or Sores; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, fAPU, and other WORMS lurking in the J system of so many thousands, are effectually de- I an< ^ removed. For lull directions, read care fully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER. Proprietor. R. U. McDONALD & CO*, Druggists and General Agents, San Francisco, | Cal., and 02 and 34 Commerce street, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. Our HAND PRESS (indeed, as ail of tliom are,) i too well known, and has established itself as the PLANTER'S FAVORITE. As there is no compaiieon between a cast and a WROUGHT IRON SCREW, wa do not recommend CAST IRON SCREWS, though we .. make them for those wanting a CHEAP Press. Send us your orders, or send for Circular and Trice JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. Watch Work and Bcpairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted. AGENCY OF THE GROYEE & BARER SEWING MACHINES. juno 14-tf- THE WILCOX PATENT HOUSE POWER Wo claim to bo SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER for Ginning Cotton, End it is tho only Horse Power made that wo know of that can supercede the ordinary Gin Gear. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. my28-toct29 The Best in the Country.) A BOOK FOR THEiMUiLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER ! I leal mjiteries and revelations ol SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. A private Conn' lelorto the Mar- riedortkoeaabout to marry, with the latott dtooovari** on tha phyriolox- tho physical sn And a fit warranted, at stock price*. ^A»Hnj for a continuance of the p , tothe ou. firm WS^ESf S2SJ iueD - Liberal advances made on cotton in store. eepG d±w3m for those who are married or contemplate mariiaze: •till it 1* a book that oozht to be under look a < c key ad notlaid carelessly shout the home. Sent to any one (free of postace) for 50 cents. Address Dr. Bntt’s Dispensary, Bo. .a ixbtb reet. St. Lenis, Mo. aa- NOTICE TO THE AFFLICTED A J CS- FOKTUNATE. Before HARDEMAN & SPARKS C END their annnal greeting to their many friends O and patrons. They are at their old .tand, ready and willing to servo them in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. I They deem U nnneceeeary to make pledgee—for I by their fruit* ye shall know them.” Judge us by I these—we aek no more. Your interest to our inter- eet; and oar long experience enable* ne to guard and advance it. More wo cannot promise—more you will not expect. Tbe nanal accommodation* extended to those I who honor n* with their patronace. *0X28 3m HARDEMAN A SPARKS- , appiyiuc to the notorious Quack* who ad vertise in pabiie papers or oiiuz any Quack Ram in addition to the atove, we keep the meet com- Sg&.’ffThfw JgtoiBf«£d‘So n , : h “ pleto stock of Dr. Butts caa | on the dif eases . N. Eighth street. Mo. SPANISH VANILLA, LESION Etc., For Flavoring Ice Cream, Cakes & Pa3try. THOMPSON, STEELE Ss PRICE M’F’G CO. Depots, Chicago and St. Louis, MASCFACTCEERS OF DR. PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER, AND BLOOD ENRICHER. CROWN SHERRY. P US j uatly celebrated brand of Wino is imported direct from Cadiz^pain, and is certainly the I ed in the Bout. ' ‘ In this tity. We invite an inspection. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY, wimcf> OYidencB Conference Seminary, the latest styles of hats BAR GREENWICH, K. I. | REY. DAVID H. ELA, A. SL Principal, j Constantly on hand, and received as soon aa out. NftS. bYRUP. MRS. WHITCOMB’S BYRUP , MRS. WHITCOMB'S SYRUP. Cures Colie and Grip ing in the Bowels, ani facil i tita t es the proeon of Teething. Subdues Convulsions and over come* all diseases in cident to inianta and Children. Cures Di arrhea, Dysentery and Summer Complaint in X'X'.AUia Pilct _It to the erea/lnflnt’i ^■SEidrJa’. Sooihluz R t j ia all dtoordan bronzht on by teethinx or pnreet ever offered in the Southern market. Price per case $9 00 Price per gallon 3.50 Forealoty A L. RICHARDSON, Importer of Spanish Wines, sep!2 Cm 124 Bay street, Savannah, Georgia W. A. RANSOM & CO., Hanufactnreis and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, | 138 AND 140 GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Represented by CoL R. W. Hogan, of Georgia. octSdlj* any other eauie. Prepared by tbo GRAFTON MEDICINE CO- St Looil. Mo. Sold by Dnmisu and Daalen in Medicine every- aual7-dAwly A fizat-claes Mala and 1 cmale Seminary- A thorough English courts F° >A1 OVER GAITJERS to by F. L. GROCE ooUOU Hollingawocth Block. NEW LOT JUST IN. Bay; half-way between Providence and far-famed Newport. Oo!y six hours from New York by direct route. Fall Term begins Auguet 21,1871. For in- toroaation addrrea the Principal, at East Green- *toh.B L ]u!223m Troy Female Seminary. r P offers the accumulated advan- I DONT MISS THE TLACE: THE WHITE STORE ! 90 CHERRY STREET. VALIANT, JONES & CO., (Succeisors to Valiant A Jonee), IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, CHINA, TABLE, GLASS AND QUEE.VSWARE, 4 SOUTH HOWARD STREET, BALTIMORE. sepm24dA6tr GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, and Uocher/'K.r'dprofeaaora octlfilm JOHN U. WILUARD^TroT, N. Y. naoZDwaT, sew to ex, Between B. A. Wise & Co.'* and 8. T. A B. P [ Walker’s. octll tf Evans, Gardner &; Co., Importers and Jobbers of BBY GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS A GLOVES, I Noe. 537, 539 and E41 Broadway (first block above j St. Nicholas Hotel), THE GREAT RECUPERATOR OF EXHAUSTED ENERGIES. Tbe most reliable Blood Puriflcr. Tbe sure Bcpaircr or Broken llcaltb. The true Serve Supporter. The Permanent Strength Kcnewcr. The most Energetic Tonic. In all cases of Debility. Poor Blood, tVeak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it surely and durably benefits. Sold by all Druggists, or the Manufacturers on the receipt of §6, mil send, by Express, 6 DotUes, which ts sufficient for 3 or 4 months. Prepared only at tho Laboratory of Thompson, Steclo & Prico LTi’g Co, xawuracffcuas or DR. PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER, Special Flavorings for Ice Cream, Cakes A I’asfry. I 247 -i::: lass sisssr, - chicam, tu,. 1 —7 mb sisrsr, - - - or. utna, sa. NOTICE. T HE public are hereby cautioned against pur. I chasing, importing or using, machines for the manufacture of loo, constructed by Yaaa A Lift man, at Halle. Prussia, said machines being an in fringement of tho patents granted by tho United I States to Carre A Mignon & Bouart. All parties found using or operating such will ha prosecuted to the full extent of the law. _ , . , , M. J. BUJAC, , ■ 0 A ; Attork'-y of Cure & Mignon a- Bouart. sap291m ZZofZZXtoZZ. &»to T a 0 ^5i’ Dri ' Prt “'' Mf?n m 7 by niOJfPSO.V, stkelk Bra CO. Depots Chicago rod St. tomiT LAWTON & WILLINGHAM, SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON & LAWTON, COTTON FACTORS Warehouse and Commission Merchants FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. JX Publishing our card, wo claim nothing moro for ourselves than a determination to do onr DUTY towards our customers. By strict attention to our business, and studying the interest of orr patrons wo have been able heretofore to givo satisfaction, and now havo no apprehension that all who will give ns a fair trial will continue to patronize our house. LAWTON & WILLINGHAM. ERNEST PESCHKE’S !Sd!aeon. Standard Mean Time. St ttfcH ST ° f the 6UD 1 ^ &We 10 k0eP Especial Attention paid to tho Repairing and rating or lino Watches* as well as all hinds of new work mado to order. ju!y27*lY