The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 25, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. WEDNESDAY MOHMNG, OPT. 187K why? WMT swsrsmmk Tha stone whiehmarka on-mortal alarp. »£-?£% Nolivibg cnocb but hath its motn: Vrt all deep well who Uke thle etone. They walk to • 0<l ** 5*2«.^fflS'eI«b And round our bead with muffled sign. And is or- grassy winding sheet , Tbeydroa u tbewbiupered i»»daLWby? 8eorn. ebamn and u.-oug are mortal banea— Nor ear nor heart bare mouldering mane*. Ttev plant the larrel where w# jot. And trail the gloesy aramantb high, FAIR WEEK. J, H. HERTZ & GO. VISITORS TO THE GREAT STATE FAIR Uoat not faS to riait the establishment of i J. ff. BDRKE & CO, No. 60 Second Street, (Next to Baptiat Church.) If You Want Books, Go to Them | BOOKS FOB THE YOUNG, BOOKS FOB THE OLD, BOOKS FOB THE BOYS, BOOKS FOB THE GIRLS, BOOKS FOB HEN, BOOKS FOB WOKEN, BOOKS FOB SCHOOLS, BOOKS FOB HOKE. I And wroath the 1 —_— — With Immortalise and tw. Why? Pale loTe lanzlia not, nor fevari*h woe; Bat who leagha leas that we lie low ? Mon, deeply muring, starwatd, fain Would pierce the hope of yonder sky, They trace to Ure life a draama again. And link eorth'e broken fetter*. Why ? Ha crarea no eba'ns choae frandom a won, They only roat wboae ioring a done. the loaded dice. a Fanr.'nl Right on the Oblo-A Bernlnla- V^re or Rrarly IIMfnCentnrjr Ago. It waa in the fall of 18.10 that the writer of tbia aketcb, while detained at Loniaville await ing toe rise of tho Ohio rirer to begin bit jour ney to New Orleans, firat made the acquaintance of Mr. I lam a, a wealthy young merchant of the above named city, who had been spending tho aummorin Cincinnati, where ho had gone to aottle np aome aooounta of long standing. He waa now on hia way “ r 7 in ** Uh II hi, ?“ Ursa amount of money which be bad ooUected for tho firm of whieb bo waa ajunior member. The season bad been remarkably dry, and in oonsequenoe the rirer waa lower than could bo reooUeotod by the oldest settler; but aa the au tumnal are arm advanced, when the semi-annual rise of water might be confidently expected, many travelers arrived at Louisville to take advantage of the earliest boats for the lowei country. After many disappointments the river began to swell in good earnest, and all homed on M < ^ ^ _ lioard of their respeetivo steamers to secure I before buying anywhere else, their passage home. Mr. Hama and I, after having selected our state-room and seen to the safety of our bag gage, bad leisure to look around us and make the acquaintance of our fellow travelers. We found to our intense disgust that it had been our misfortune to take passage with aa large and aa accomplished a set of gamblers aa ever disgraced deoent society. They were bound down the river on • “professional tour” through the Southern States. Aa soon aa we were well under way the im plements of their nefarious trade were brought forth. Faro, rouge et noir and various other games were exhibited to tempt the unwary to risk their money. At first many of the gentle men on board ohjeoled to having tho cabin tamed into a gambling bell; bnt the profes sionals loudly protested that they playei only on the square, and furthermore dociared that should one of tbeir number be caught cheating the aiakoa ahould be forfeited, and be put on shore at the nearest landing. After this no more waa said, and the numerous games went on withont interruption. For some time Harris, who was known to have a large amount of money in hia poaaoaaion, and who waa an object of the gamblers' espe cial regard, firmly declined all invitations to “try his luck." lint one evening, after tho ■rapper table had been cleared, be, weary cf their importunity, or vieldingas heaftorwards , pjd ln(J Door Hjn Scr8 „ > NaUji told me, to a natural love for tho excitement of Meat uj coffee Mille. Andirons. Shovels play, consented to make one of a party of four iqj Tonga, Lead Pipe, Sheet Copper and every- who were about to ait down to a game of cards I thing usually kept in a konseformsbing and tin for small stakes, just to pass away tho time. | store. TERMS CASH. For a while my interest in the fortunes of Harris induced mo to remain at hia aide and watoh the chances of the game; but aa the sums staked wero small, aud as tho parties seemed evenly matched in point of skill, I soon tired of aucb uninteresting employment, and retired to a distant part of the cabin to amuse myself with a book—in tho contents of whioh I almost immediately became absorbed. I read on for some time, probably an hour and a half; bnt while pausing to cut the leaves (the book was a new one) I became conscious that an un usual stillness pervaded the room. Tbero waa no longer to bn hoard tho* rattle of dioe, the sharp click of the ivory “faro cheek,” or the subdued murmur of the players, liaising my eyes to see what oouhl bo the cause of the sub dued stillness, I saw that all the “bauka" had been deserted, and the players were standing motionless around the table at which I had left Harris and his companions engaged at euchre. Wondering what would induce men who were , __ _ ____ ■ accustomed to risking the Urgent stokes on the RQGrERS & BONN, turn of a card to take such an interest in so | ’ I small n game, I threw down my book, and, ap- CLOTHIERS! 90 CHERRY STREE’* Have noir on band a complete stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! LARGE, FULL AND WELL ASSORTED. DEMAREST & WOODRUFF, BRANCH CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, If yon want Writing Paper and Envelopes, Go to No. 60 Second street. They have a greater variety of PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY Than any boose to Georgia. Hava soma NEW STYLES never shown to Macon | before; borides PENS, PENCILS, VISITING CARDS, CARD CASES, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, | Indeed, everything to interest and in*tract. Call and see the bouse and examine Goods and oct20 tf SELLING AT COST!! | LARGE Cooking Range, 200 Cooking Stoves, 50 Hearing Stoves, 75 doz Table Knives, CO doz Pocket Knives, 200 doz Tea and Table Spoon*, 70 doz PUted Spoons and Forks, 25 doz Stand, Banging and Bracket Lamps, 100 doz Goblets, Tumblers and Glass Setts, 30 doz Cedar and Painted Pails, 30 doz Brooms, 20 doz Sifters, 60 doz OloUioa Horsea and Shoe Brushes, 100 doz Bartlett's Blacking, 51 doz Brass and Japaned Candlesticks, 6 doz Feather Dusters, 8 setts Toilet Ware, 16 setts Copper Measures 61,000 worth Tin Ware, 2,000 Fruit Boxes. 2,000 lba Hollow Ware, COO lba Sad Irons, 200 pair Trace Chains, 1 large Press Chain, 1 spla ‘ AT S12. AT SB15. A nr HUFF’S NEW BUILDING, ON THIRD STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. A.T SIB. Business Beits AT S20. AT ®22. A.T S25. AND AS FINE AS 810 PER SUET OF 01 OF THE LARGEST ADD BEST SELECTED STOCKS EVER OFFERED IN MACON. Coat, Pants and Vest, splendid eett of Tinner's Tools, Benches, etc. j SACK, DERBYS i. WALKING COATS TREMENDOUS STOCK GENERAL GROCERIES NOW BEING RECEIVED BY OF THE LATEST STYLES. DRESS SUITS ! BLACK AND COLORED A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE | ) riod or those about iHTTT’^ ,r ? I to iu&xTT» with the U JLltJtjCd* j latest discoveries Ion the physiolog ical mysteries and revelations of the phjaicai syj. tem. how to preserve the complexion, etc.. Thla l3 an interesting work cf 224 raxes, with num erous engraving, and contains valuable information for those who are married or contemplate marriaye; still it is * book that ought to be under look a x i key and not laid carelessly about the house. Sent to any ono (free of postage) for 50 cents. . Address Dr. Butt's Dispensary. No. j nghth street. St. Louis, Mo. ^NOTICE *ro THE AFFLICTED A. J l?N- F0KTUNATB. v a . „ _ . . Before applying to the notorious Quacks who ad vertise in public papers or using any Qn&ck Rem edies. peruse Dr. Butts* work, no matter what year disease is or how deplorable yoor condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail on the diseases mentioned in his works. Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, bet. Market and Chesnut. St. Louis. Mo. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. WtfnOOMB’9 SYRUP. MRS. WHITCOMB'S SYRUP MRS. WHITCOMB’S SYRUP. Cures Colic and Grip ing in the Bowels, and facilititatos the process of Teething. Subdues Convulsions and over comes ail diseases in cident to infants and Children. Cores Di arrhea, Dysentery and Summer Complain! children oi nt in CENTS. PRICE 25 CENT& GO AND EXAMINE THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES At No. 86 CHerry Street, Macon, Ga. JACOB SCHALL, _ . Gaiters t»._j ®verv direct from the manufactories, he can offer superior inducements in prices, and he i, 1 .™ 8 Purchased opportunity of sustaining his woll-oamod reputation for eoperiority of goods. nss oe 8iected no He would farther announce to the trade, and especially to shoemakers in Macon and has on hand a large supply of Leather and Findings, with which he can serve them »t i.. 1i ty ’ th «t he yorably compare with those of any Southern establishment. Their attention is DarticnU.?" *0 fa- fact that ho can furnish Leather ent to all sizes, crimped Fronts, Bootlegs run* 6,1to the kinds, eto.. at a Tory small margin. UpperaoiaU In tho Custom Work department, ho still employs first class, superior workmen «„d k- can be eupplied, now as ever, with Boots and Shoes, of tho finest French calf-skin «’„d cnst «rieti rate workmanship, at short notice. ““ 8Km ““ the most elabo. children of all ages. It is the Great Infant's and Children's JSoothint Remedy in all disorders brought on by toothing any other cause. Prepare! by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO. Et- ^Sokl by S brczzist* and Dealer, in Medieineevery- SPANISH CROWN SHERRY T US j nstly celebrated brand of Wine is impor direct from Cadiz, Spain, and is certainly ed in the Son ' purest ever offered in toe Southern market. Price per case i $9 00 Price per gallon 3.50 For sale by A. L. RICHARDSON, Importer of Spanish Wines, eep!2 Cm 121 Bay Btreet, Savannah, Georgia WABBEN A. HANSOM. PABiyS W. UZEll. W. A. HANSOM Sc CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES 138 AND 110 GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Represented ly Col. B. W. Hogan, of Georgia. octSdly* Evaas, Gardner Sc Co., Inporters and Jobbers of DRY GOOlS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS * GLOVES, Nos. 637, 69 and 641 Broadway (first block above St. Nicholas Hotel), octS 2‘* NEW YORK. NOTICE. T HJpnblic are hereby cautioned against pur- casing. importing or nsing, machines for the manractnre of Ice, constructed by Vaas & Litt- st Halle, Prussia, said machines being an in- frincment of tbe patents granted by the United Stais to Carre. A Mignon <fc Ron&rt. All parties fond nsing or operating snch will be prosecuted to no full extent of the law. M. J. BUJAC, 8*o Agent and Attorney of Carre Sc Mignon & peart. eap291n M«, Victorias, CaMolets, Malays, Ms aoi ftps laps Tlic Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, ss Hundreds cf Thousands £f. Bear testimony to their Wonder- ° o ful Curative Effects. 2 “-a ggsjWHAT ARE THEY ?|S ..1. FEARFULLY LOW. .VH.tofbe| stakes were largely increased, and two of the party, either unable or too timid to risk snch large amounts, had withdrawn from the table. I Harris and one of tbe gamblers, however, still I retained their seats, and with eager faoes and I shaking hands, sbnflled the eanls. Fortune I seemed to bare favored Harris, for jnst as I reached the spot he marked the last point in a I closely contested game, while the professional, I with a fierce oath, daahod down the cards and I challenged him to give him his revenge with I dioe, to whioh proposition, after a moment's hesitation, Harris assented. The dioe and on pa were produced, and the I exoited gamesters again bet their money, bnt no longer with tbe s»me result—Harris' good look seemed to bare deserted him, and his an- ^ wilVwUh Mdl^l^He SStad^vT^ 8T0CK 0F BAC0N AT RESENT SMALL. I time, until at last no less than ten thousand dollars lay upon tho table, to be won or loot at a tingle throw of the dice. Again the gambler waa snooeaafnL Harris now sprang from his chair, and calling on hia antagonist to remain where he was, repaired to his state-room, and retnrning iu a few minutes, he dashed down upon the table a largo roll of bank notes, say- tog at the same time to tho gambler: Yon have already won from me over fifteen thousand dollars. The bank bills represent doable that amount; dare you risk a like «nm •nd let tbe ownership of the whole be decided by a single east. The gambler at onoo expressed his willing- Btm do so, but declared he had not so mnoh money in hia possession. The deficiency was, however, made up by others of the fraternity, , XS,:r.?- CAMPBELL & jones he U hid^re^ r ^ta^tSl t :v^ TeW nm | ^ rUoUr * “ d Mer 'I IN STOKE 12,000 sk«. Family & Extra Flour, 200 barrels Sugar, .100 bbls. Liquors of all kinds. JUST ARRIVED. 100 bbls. CHOICE RED APPLES. I ROGERS & BONN. act!7 tf COTTON I Clotli Coats, TVt.kHK AND COLORED DIAGONAL COATS, OF THE BEST IMPORTED MATERIAL, In | Single and Doable Breasted Chesterfields. A large assortment of PANTS, FROM 81 TO $15! FLY OVERCOATS, IN COLORS. SACK OVERCOATS, TALMAS, And the New Style KING WILLIAM OVERCOATS, I On hand. SHIRTS! We make a specialty of the celebrated DOUBLE SEAT FAMILY hfl iUEY AI’.E NOT A VII.E n '§ ssFANCV DR I NX.Ill S “L^ 001 -««'<>• Whisky, Proof Spirits t'! Se< 1 , S-iunors doctored, spiced and ‘ii.Pi 0 *® 8 the .taste, called "Tonics.” on Restorers,” Ac., that lead the tippler ? n »^7^^ k ,l nn M S . 8nd (? ,n ' b “t are a trus Medicine, made trom the Native Roots and Herbs of Calitor- TffT ja /V ITCTC S.** free from all Alcoholic Ntlmnlanta. W ck It/ JaI Oi I 61*600 PDRIflUand * I U perfect Renova- WIT1I SHIFTING OR TURN-OUT SEAT- and r«tSSJ .liiaf- .j- 1011 -.: Ro person can take these Sitters accordinz to directions and remain Ion* unwell. Mammntory and Chrome Khcn- ff imi a £ ou V. PfPePri* or IntllgeN- I ftenrfttcnt mul Intermittent or Bfoou, uver Hia- ncys and Bladder, these Bitters have been VItint£l C ni&J Sn X^ ••.‘•‘cases are caused by tluated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive organs. * DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, I' ! he shoulders. Couchs, Tightness gf„the Uhlwt. DniineFS. Sour iruetations of the Stomach, bad taste in tho Month, Bilious Attacks U ea ,rt* f“fijmmauon of;the Lungs. ™“ ln the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred I sjaj ainlu “Juiptoms, ore the ofisprings of Dys- I the Stomach and stimulate the tor- P2?iml rand howels,^which render them of unequal led effioacy in cleansing the blood of all imparities. sepl9 3m JACOB SCHALL 86 CHERRY STREET, MACON. GEOBGU. Schofield’s Iron Works, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. STEAM ENGINES AND SOILEBI H.EQTJZHE33 SIZE. SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS. MILL GEARING, GLINT GKA.LINTG, (ORDINARY, OR GRAHAM’S EXTRA HEAVY), SUGAK MILLS AWD KETTLES, IRON RAILING, OF ANY DESIRED STYLE, AND AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY. SHAFTING, PULLIES. ETC J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. STI-LiL A II IG A I> Our WROUGHT IRON COT TON SCREW PRESS ia tlio only Cotton Press that has stood tbe test, being used over since U19 close of the war. and is in greater and more increasing demand than any other. Onr WATER or STEAM POWER TRESS ia becoming VEFLY POPUXiAH, Most Being tho DOONomio as. with a careless and apparently (aa he aocldenta! movement of his arm, offer at a reduced | aepl 3m B. X. BAXXWOaZ. Rninmrn WABZ. I chants, as drew clove to hia aide. I ffarelnse & emission Mentals, | i ™i*.**-** .of. «III*,*- on to the STORAGE > tho filling of ordera brown double fives, within I for Ragging and Ties and Plantation Supplies, one of the highest number that itaa mumihlA in I R* ,er to the patrons of tbe past season. Re-1 make. r” u ” " I member tbe place— iron Warehouse, Poplar st., Macon. Ga. him. JuA however a^hi'tl ^ t °»h* r< * I n P ' 8 —-Ytents for the Winahip improved Cotton to the both they aUnned lhmnThV P l> CiDK U> ® , 2 ® fa “ d Joha Merry man A Co.'a Ammoniated Dia- toU upon thofloor ,hwn8h hU *“8*™ «“><1 solved Bones, which wo now * ~ b « l“ a ‘ d n to ^“e lo^, «Twh^T^e^ ?o fl r x : d mom“,1 Adams ’ hazemorc & Ware, >ff him, suddenly seized the fork, and with a PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE, UtaraU, pinning i. to the table, at tiS same^ie ' ' C.P*"® 1 fQl1 « hia head. front the wounded man, and a| Tolley of imprecations burst from his associates. fV,.,, — -.— —— A doxen weapons were pi.-tH at the V./ »h«ir aemcea to the patrons and friends of I-”*"*"-" One moment, gentlemen,” said he. “von youreelroe have declared that, ahonld one of I ,OTBtesiDe ' runu - By this time every male paawiiiMr had * " looted around the table, and thTn.-Ki““ oo1 * by their looks and drawn weapons tha t “ev not to ba trifled with. 8o thr---—“ 7 - luctantly, to admit the tenth treurfr. Discolorations'oflhe ^ki Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally du* ap and carried out of the to those hiving a WATER POWER OR STEAM ENGINE. It can also ba ran roru tho band wheel abaft of gin gear. i . p j or naic __ I Buggies of the Finest Make tauienea. sSS^^f*52Sf2SS COAL-BOX PIANO-BODY and BENlBODY. credulous of their curative effects. . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting throughthe skin inFimples.Erup- riSnnSI £n r w : .i cl “ n, ' l t it w ?,® n itu foul, and yonr feel.ntw wUl tell yon when. Keep tbe blood pare and thohealthof the system will follow. v ” ancl “f her WOUMS lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de- *2^ removed. For full directions, read care- fully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD & I n<ir * 1 ■ A * <m ta. San Francisco, I Cal., and 42 and 31 Commerce street. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. NEAR PASSENGER DETOT, entering upon a new cotton season, tender I Storage and Sale of Cotton. [The Best in the Country. THE CELEBEATEI SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WOODRUFF OONCOR) BUGGY, I 1 I SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER! I Known an over the 8onth as one of THE BEST AND LIGHTEST If 1 ® 0 BUGGIES in nae. Tha | ASA MILLER BRATTLEBOBO BUGGY, tho HICKOf^ONCOBD BUGGY, and aU other styles of Bnggie, And a fit warranted, at stock prices. 80 foroM," w" Hh of what Harris h.d Liberal advances made on cotton in store. sep6 dJtwSm HAItDE.lIW & SPARKS *hat Harris had | O END tbeir annual greeting to their many friends ! O and patrons. They areattheir old stand, ready Iu addition to tha above, we keep the most com-1 plete stock of I “ d WiUi ‘ ‘° ,erv * loaded—tba tree pair were conoiaied to hK Storage and Sale of Cotton. aU raaUtanoe. Strong arma b* The 7 d*em it nncccezsnry to xntko pledgee—for In this city. We unite an inspection. I soon to submerge it J»° win not axpect. ._ — — ,, deaf to his niteons .nn.,1 I The usnal accommodations extended to these U»ay forced him, aud the steamer resnm£f» wbo honor «“ with their patronage. 0<V" down to? river. re * Qm8d ber I aug26 3m hSbDEMA> But long attar we HMtDEMAN A SPARKS. THE WOODRUF' I These Wagons took tho premium st the State Fair in Macon 1 h,Ta been tasted by tho Planters all | OTer Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Texas. We hfo“r other stylexof Iron Axle Wagons made by good Manufacturers, and! tbs different styles of Pnmdern «« Seminarr,ilatest styles of hats) the celeb,teu e**“S5£L.“Lr.,r*?“? l 'L__ J ’l THIMBLE-SEE^ WAGON.i Constantly on hand, and received as soon as out. I FANCY PAINTED and FANCY BODIES* EQUAL TO ANY THAT ABE MADE. Of Lis fata there*could bo iro 1 | and healthy locatioiMrerSoLir.g Ntrragraaeu I ^ of oar S 00 ^ are firet cla**, and are gnaranteed I strongest swimmerconld Out Tho S* T: between Providence and far-famed Wtild^to bogtnng and more | ^{ion ailrre. the Principal, at ^Grerir There waa no more playing on board tha boat nT that trip, and i>; tin* fir.*.: landing moet of toe| Troy Female Seminary. DON'T MT-SI the PLACE: ^r.i?i4T^^site|Tssa»sns-2r—ag— of n-’euiitSii'J'* Prevuiod for a iliorongh conreo had never touched a card I ““t* thM'twe’nt'y profJ'reora octl51m »OHN S- y. THE WHITE STORE ! I Years had passed when we met again, bnt be trembled when he spoke of that fearful night on the Ohio, and said ho hr * since then. 90 CHERRY STREET, ROSADAtlS O IThe INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE JIOSADALIS arc published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently PflTSICIAYS PRESCRIBE IT Iti3 a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Jlhcunii- tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Ccmi- plaint and all diseases of ti c Blood. 0112 207TL2 0? EOUADAL" will do more good than ton botllca of tlio Syrups of Sarsaparilla. [THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS Lave used Rosadalisinthcirpractico for the past three years and freely endorse it as a reliablo Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore DR. T. J. 150 VkLy, “ DR. R. tv. CARR. “ DB. F. O. DANNF.LLY. “ DR. L S. SPARKS, of A'icholasville, Rft-^J.^L. SIcCARTHA, Columbia, I ®8* A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AED EHD0BSED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, Mass. ’ ’ JF-,® ln TH, Jackson, Jlieh. A. F. WHEELER, Lima. Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. GRAVEN & CO., GordonAville, Va. SAJt’L. G. McFADDEN, Murfrees boro, Tenn. Our space will not allow o f an v cv. tended remarks in relation to tire Wrtuesof Bosadalis. TothoM^UcVl Profession we guarantee a Fluid E.v- have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicted we say try rehcritK J0U wUi 1,8 T««tte3 Bosadalis is sold by all Druggists, price per bottle. Address D3. CL21T2NT3 & CO. J Manufacturing CAanirts, '- BaLTIMOUZs Hd. Onr nAND PRESS ( ndeed, as ail of them are,) i too won k’nonn, and has established itself as the PLANTER’S FAVORITE. As there ia no comparison between a cast and a WROUGHT IRON SCREW, wa do not recommend CAST IRON SCREWS, though we make them for those wanting a CHEAP Press. Send us your orders, or send for Circular and Fries THE WILCOX PATENT MOUSE POWER We claim to be SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER fbr Ginning Cotton, End it is the only Horse Power made that we know of that can supercede the ordinary Gin Gear. J- S. SCHOFIELD & SON. LAWTON 4 WILLINGHAM, SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON Sc IiAWTON, COTTON ITjLCTORS Warehouse and Commission Merchants FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. JN Publishing onr card, we claim nothing more for ourselves than a determination to do onr DUTY towards onr customers. By strict attention to onr business, and studying the interest of onr patrons we have been able heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that all who trill give ns a fair trial trill continue to patronize onr bouse. angl6-3m LAWTON & WILLINGHAM. sept C-deodwly ERNEST PESCHKE’S Onr stock is well male and folly WARRANTED. ci“ e8 lr0 reduced to conform as nearly as pos •ibis to the lew price of Cotton. We can fill special ri at “hort notice from onr large Repository in | New York. „ I Mr. W. Woodruff, one of the firm, will remiin at y-unnog the winter, with Mr. A. W. n.nnm.n Between B. A. Wise & Co.’s and 8. T. 4 B. P I aa Salesman. We invite all to call and examiaio our ” or eCQ “ the * r orders, which shall have proper octlltf • attention. > octll lawtf STANBDRY Sc FOX, ! Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants I Macon Standard Mean Time. 22 fame flics awn 17 haeclai street, j the exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a seconcf. 6 ° f tt6 8tm ^ stars . 1 trill be able to 1 NEW YORK. fine INSTRU- ablo to keep 1 kn!rnr!,fww« U r vaiato tho Repairing ana rating or lino Watches, as well ns all 1 kiiisp of now work xniulc to order. jul • °7 Iy