The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 29, 1871, Image 1

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rn Izia J.JA3 « AND MESSENGER HVt Lisin', Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29, 1S71. Number 6,164 n Ti lrerapb Building, Moron. •ml u 1 Messenger. one year. ,'i . , monthi - • — - ,\.*«kly Telegraph and *10 00 .. a oo .. 1 oo .. ., nth, * ™ „ N Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, »* ,«clamise, 1 ye»r J 00 , j pjiiUe y •/ • 1 00 ■ „ »]«.y» In advance, end peper • topped 1' V i n tb» money mum oat, nnleee renewed. >, AtuAoojrojrre with r. w. sums A oo-'* rrnucATToia. TelrRMpb A Messenger end Farm end Homo D»‘ Weekly Tolwrmph end Messenger end ' " r»rm »nd Home. 500 r ni Chrwtian AJvocate with Weekly.... 5 00 ! A.'» Slifteriiie 4 00 ' -p . im!4,'r“pr.t u where remitteecea ere mede JZtio ti* <>d“ of publication. --., r onnaolideted Telegraph end Messenger » lw K® circulation. pervading Middle, "■ end Snath we it are Georgia end Weetern , .1 .. .1 Uid Middle Florida. Adrertieemente et Li nail r rale*. In the Weekly et one dollar per ^ I tl.iet-qnarttrs of en inch, each pnblica- ;,;;.i!men.lxmld be mede by express, or ' ,n n,. nev ordeiaor reftietered letters. SPECIAL NOTICES. historian. And we will farther edd «b»* el- I tbongb Col. Tbweett bee been bring in At- lente sererel month* we believe he ie still honest.—Federal Union. col rznasox tbwxitt. . . W.nnhl>.1, _,.e -I .. , „ | to endorae this medicine: it is appreciated riant et - ., ,, to P****nr<i the eommnnieetion I home, end wbarerer it hea been tued. All teat ia or Baldwin, recommending the Legielatnre eak.d ia to ciro it e trial, and wo hero no foer of the to elect the gentlemen whose name heads this ranlt. SAVANNAH CARDS. TESfiaoyiAiAt It may bo obserrod that no attempt ia made to bant ap ont-of-tbo-wey or unknown place! to find nainea | FANCY GROCERIES, MINES, ETC, TRY Simmons 3 article as Comptroller General. Editor* Constitutionalist : Allow me through your oolomne to auggeet to the Legislature the propriety of electing to the offioe of Comptroller General, CoL Peterson Thweat, the former „ efficient Comptroller. When he firet went into , , , _ _ *11 00 that offiee. in 1 sen althoaoh from ita first m I blV KR DISEASE and Indira r Xcieicrapb and M.-seoger and Farm -ESiS I tion preyaU to a .renter extent ^id Home ... . .. 4 00 LIBERAL Cinu ADVANCES 0N| COTTON. GROOVER, STUBBS & CO. | Savannah, Ga. UUiehment ita detiee were manifold, it waa I Uen>"^bly anr .thTrmrildy, considered an offioe of little or no importance: I relief ia il.ui anxiou-t, sou*. bat upon being elected Comptroller, Colonel I * Thweatt found a large amount of old tax and iJSSi&^'wufefactioa Tin; vKOKiat i*iu:ss. CdLorore Cottow Btcnra on Thnnday, ffTt or.* against 508 balee the oorreaponding lij laatjear. Received to date 7,011 bales. 4,656 bale*. Reoeipta last year to date Phobzss or Coniinca.—A New York dram, who has travelled over all the important v-ibern eitie* during the lent few weeks, ar- ' ia Colnmbni yesterday. He gives oat ,' 1, u hi, opinion that onr city exhibits note indications of real and aobaSential pro. „ iban any other that he has yet visited. HeTright. When we contemplate the wonder- IJ recaprrative onorgy displayed hero daring lir past five year,—an ora in which onr people ,, bibs, have been ground to the earth under oppressive heel* of poverty—even a dracci-r mn»t feel impressed with the spirit a,i viiu which ha, been displayed in onr mulct. Oar progress ha, not been of that mnahroom Kirt »tin’ll mi wither in a day, bat ie of the BWit nolld and anlwtantiel stamp. When proe- prriivahall have onee more lieoome general aronghont onr section, then will be seen more rlrarlj the prond position Colombo! ia destined to occupy. Tto L'olnmha, and Aaguata paper* are foil of their approaching Fairs. Tbo Chronicle and Sentinel aay,: All donhis a, to lha coming Cotton State, Exhibition can tie aet aaido liy an examination of tbo entry hook, in the Society’s offioe. A noticeable fact onnnected therewith la that (xbibilor, from abroad are more anxioa, to Iteare, make their entries and receive their ticket, iban onr homo people. The latter «bon!d not put olT until the last day what eon t„ ,i„ n e now, and the earliest possible attention to ibi, neevsaary duly will facilitate the work of the office very much. Am ron Cmcaoo.—Wo aro permitted to make the following dispaich public, which was sent from Augusta several days ago: , AfacsTA, Ga., October 15, 1871. r f„ ti„ Honorable Mayor oj the City of Chicago: Please draw on ns for one thousand dollars, ml distribute it among your afflicted people. Branch, Sons & Co. Maj. T. F. Brunch, Iho snbfcrihing member uul loading spirit of the linn, was a gallant of- loer in a prominent Virginia regiment, and, as a prisoner of war, waa drawn a hostage, and finally, with ninny olbera, was planted in range of iho puns of Fort Sumter.—Charleston Ears. The Savannah Republican, of Friday con tain, the following: A, no ono disposed to invest appears to have money enough to bay tho Republican entire, I t ier for sale one half interest in tbo establish ment With n purchaser competent to take en tire superintendence of its bnaineaa affairs, liberal tirrn, will ho made. None others need apply. Tax PnorRirrou. lisrXBUK’K AND A MUST RAILROAD FeOCLA- kittox.—Wo have been thinking over this doc ument, and we confess we are a little pnzzled. The Governor probably means well, but we can not aro dearly through the auto as be pnts it. The law authorising tho State endorsement of the railroad bonds, gives power to aeiza and operate the roud in tho event tho company rhonM foil to pay tbo interest as it aeeruea or Iho principal us the bonds mature. Neither of these events has happened, and yet the Gover nor has seised Iho road and pat it in tho bauds of nn agent of the State. Uaa the company abandoned tho work ? In that ease we can aeo how the Governor might intervene in ordor to lecure iho State against loss. Bat there is no evidence of tho fact, and the Governor doeanot put Ins aet on such ground. And again, we cannot sdo what the Governor of Hie Suite has to do with the private interests of nli/.-ns who lisvo perform* d labor upon, or famishi-d material for the conatruotion of the mad. Bo says he seizes the road to secure these parties—by wbnt authority of law ? Do not these creditors of the road stand on the aims footing with ali other creditors, and ia rnMoniary for the Governor to intervene to en force the settlement of private debts f And again: the Govoraor gives notiee to tho b ’,,1'unilers— those who have purchased them front the company—that unless the company shall pay ita laborer* and oontraoton, the State will nut recognize her obligation as endorser. The question arises: What have the bondhold er! tu do with the relations between the com pany and its employes and contractors; is it nominated in the bonds that the company most act squarely with ita employees and contractors, or else the State, aa an endorser, will not be lonnd ? We think not; and yet the Governor aecma to proceed on the idea that some suoh condition exists somewhere. We are in the dark on these points, but we hope to bo enlightended when the Governor shall return and explain his movement to the legislature. IrnoE Hook fob Senator.—A correspondent of the Augusta Uonstilutionalist proposes Judge James S. Hook, of Richmond, for Senator, and the Constitutionalist says: Xo name will be presented before the Legis lature for that responsible office, embodying a finer combination of pure personal character, exemplary Christian virtues and scholarly and professional attainments. Indeed, it ie rarely the cate that any oommnnity can boast as high • type of the Christian gentleman, the benevo- l'-nt man and the good citizen, exemplary in all things from hiayouth up, combined with superi or talents, and sound, statesmanlike judgment. Judge llook is endowed with those solid quali ties of mind which give proper balance to character, self-reliance in forming opinions, and independence in carrying out convictions. We nbimt this estimate to the verdiot of those who •erred with Judge Hook in the Legislature of 18ikI and the State Convention of 18th!, as well aa to his professional associates, in foil confi dence that tho picture will not be pronounoed overdrawn. Tun Wilkes Cocstt Fair.—Tho Washington Gazette says: On next Tuesday week, the 7th proximo, the annual fair of the “Old Wilkes Farmers' Club” will open at this plaoe. This exhibition, in spite of creokera, is going to bo the best local Fair in tho State. Tho beautiful grounds purchased by the club ato rapidly approaching completion, and we challenge the State to show a more beautiful spot for such an exhibition. The whole club, but the committee in charge of the grounds especially, are working with the moat common. daWe energy to have evorvthing ready in time, and it will be ready, old Wilkes always has been and always will be. Our citizens of both sexes are greatly interested in getting articles ready for exhibition, and every man, woman and child >n the connty ought to hnvo something to show at the Fair. Financial Condition or Savannah.—The Ad vertiser summarises the Finanoe Committee’s •Utcment aa follows: It will be seen that the committee report °pon the information and figures furnished them by tho City Treasurer, Captain John U. Johnson. The summary of the report U as fol lows: Current and extraordinary expense, from October lat, 1870, to September 80th, un *623,000 Amount of receipts from taxation during that time f. 500,000 if not all of these claims were settled, and a I attacks. Palpi! largo amount, some *20,000 or *30,000 were I Dapraaaiont " soon brought into tho State Treasury. Tho I SS-S SIM a tax system was rather loose and undigested, and 1 A man; things liable to taxation were not returned, and the taxes were principally thrown upon the I . eu “ land and slave, and other agricultural interests. 1 ,l pl The taxes were then 9 or 10 oenta on the *100, but Ur. Thweatt waa not in office more than two or three years before through his efforts in amending the tax laws, the taxes went down Gi oenta on the *100. Before his going into offioe the people of Georgia knew but tittle or nothing of the resource* of their State. There were no statistics provided for or required bylaw, show ing a consolidated statement of the amounts of the different objects of taxation in the several counties in tho fctate. But shortly after going into offioe he voluntarily undertook the task of spirits, or Bines r d other symptoms MON’S LIVER BEQ- .1 tbs boat remedy for -or been aiaeovered It . eleetlly. and betas a vesatabls compound, can do irjury. Ilia harmless in every way; it baa bean tued (or 40 and hundreds of tbo rood t from alt parts of t‘ try will vouch for ita virroaa. R ESPECTFULLY inform the Merchants and Planters of Oeorcia, Florida and Alabama, that their LARGE FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, capacity 25,000 baits, ia now ready for the storago of oottoo, and that they are sow prepared to make an d I liberal cash advances on cotton in store and to bold bt af- a reasonable length of time, charging bank rates of its interest. If you want money, send your cotton to ' GROOVER, STUBBS A CO., 1 aug29 dGmiwlm Savannah, Ga. Stomach! I *«■ *• ootjiartin. John rutNNZRT J - GUILMARTIN & CO., COTTON FACTORS imp. HUE 88 Cherry Street. W E have now thoroughly refitted and repainted this celebrated Old Grocery Stand and have filled it from top to bottom with a stock embracing cveiy variety of Eatabloe and Drinkables, which o offer to tho public. General Commission Merchants j BAY STREET, 8AVAS5AH, GA. AQE5T3 FOB Regulator. Fancy and Family Groceries, Consisting of AMERICAN AND ENGLISH PICKLES, BAGGING AND IRON TIES ALWAY8 ON HAND. I OLIVE OIL, PRESERVES and JELLIES, all kinda Jewell's Mills Yams, Domestics, etc., etc. Canal Facilities Extended to Customers. aog20d4mw6m* W. DUNCAN. J. n. JOHNSTON. M. 5IACLXAN DUNCAN & JOHNSTON, COTTON FACTORS 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Will make liberal advances on Cotton and other j Produce consigned to tu. aug20d&ir6m* We moat respectfully refer to Hon. Alex. H. Stephens. Jno. W. Beckwith. Bishop of Georgie. Geo. 8. Gbear. ex-Major of Macon. Gi. Hon. Jno Gill 8horter. ex-Goverucr. Alabama, enlightening the the people of Georgia noon I ' - I Jno. I!. Gordon. I ASD these things, and tho Jtafioa ahowinfthe ™t i,?.* Tl ' aTid wm *’ D ’ D ” Pr “ 5d<mt 0rI * thon> * C ° I - j General Commission Merchants mammas of Georgia first appeared in the Con-1 Itiahop Pitre*, of tbo M. E. Church ofGa. stitutionaliat in 1855. Gan. W.S. Holt.Presidents. W.B.R.Company. Befor. Mr. Thwoatt’a going into offioe, such KJdKyftH. waa tho meagre manner and atylo of all reports I C. Maatorar n. Etc, ox-sheriff Bibb county, made from tho Comptroller’s offioe, the people I Dykes and Sgarhawk, Editors Floridian, Tallaha^ learned or oonld understand bnt little of tho W. Barktu Macon. Ga. operations of the State government, its finan- | Virail i>owrn. Eaq.. Superintendents. W. R. B. Groovilla Wood. Wood.-.’ Factory. Macon, (ia. Hon. C. B. Cole, Judra Superior Court, (ia. C. A. Nnttinx, Esq., President City Bank, Macon. Stephen Collin*. £cq., ez-Mayor, Macon. Ga. J. C. MeNairy, Esq.,arzn of Lord and McNairy.Now York. W. P. Good all, Caahlar City Bank, Macon, Ga. J.F. Winter, K*q„ Columbus, Ga. W. H. Risley, firm of Hairell and Risley, N. Y. cial condition, ita debts, assets, Ao. Bat from year to year such a succinct and dear exposi tion of each things, and such wero their im portance and interest, from the manner in which they were presented, that the j were gen erally copied in the New York and other North ern papers, and from no other aonreo did B. XL ANDERSON. GEO. W. ANDERSON, JR. JOHN W. ANDERSON. J50. W. AXDERSOX’S S0SS, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants starch, candles, and anything ouo family may need. CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES Of every variety, DEVILLED HAM, TONGUE, TURKEY, LOBSTER SALAD DRESSING, ANCHOVY PASTE, YARMOUTH BLOATERS, SPICED SALMON, FF.ESH MACKEREL, in cans, CHOCOLATE PASTE, FINE TEAS and SPIOES, " PEARL BARLEY, OATMEAL, SAGA, TAPIOCA, and MACOARONI, SHAD and SALMON, in kite, MESS MACKEREL. FULTON MARKET BEEF, PICKLED FOBK, Georgia eredit derive greater support and en-1 T K°n- J»“«o Jackson, firm of Uonell Cobb and haneeimmt, than from these reports of Mr. | £L. kTtUCilumbu.. Ga. If in bottler and honest days Mr. Thweatt’a service, were of so much benefit to the State, is it not reasonable to suppose that at this time, after Radicalism has had fall sway for several years, his aervioes will hereafter l>e doubly val uable to the State. That Bollock has used the State money most extravagantly and villainously ttvTLIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CON SIGNMENTS. augTO diwGm J. H. ZEILIN A CO.. Macon. Ga. FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ang 12tt ON MARRIAGE. TTAPPX RELIEF FOB YOUNG MEN from the JZL effects of Error* and Abusos in early life. Manhood restored. Nervous debility cured. Im- I wm. n. TISOX. WM. W. GORDON TISON & GORDON, I COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS 112 Bay Street, Snvannali, Ga. n„ on. doubt*. If by cltme inveriigatton any JSSSSSSnu!*£*£!ot of his rascally expenditures can be recovered, I treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books | who so wel* calculated to detect them and ex-1 and Circulars aunt free, in sealed envelope*. 1 pose and recover them than Mr. Thweatt? Addreoa, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South If there ever was a time when the people of I Ninth at-, Philadelphia, Fa. eepS 3m Georgia needed their moot intelligent, tried, I ; experienced and honest men in such offices aa Cause and Cure Of Consumption, this, now ia the time the; want them, and I pro-I _. .... nn*. flnl Thweatt a* tl.e man fn. Gnmniniiu. I Th» Primary cause of Consumption 11 denotement wee Dot. xnweott OS Vie man for Comptroller I of tho digestive arcana. This deranrement produces General. Baldwin. | deficient nutrition and assimilation. By assimilation I mean that process by which the nutriment of tho The President nntl Hi.sProclamation I fdToVIhVSidy.^Pemom^arith dtae-Aon 1 tbu? i!.*! I BAGGING AND IRON TIES ADVANCED ON I In Hist Conduct Justified ? paired, havinc the a_li»htejt prodiapoeition to pulmo- CROPS. ' nary disease, or if they take cold, will bo very liable I to have Consumption of tho Lunas in some of ita I Liberal cash advanced made on Consignment* I day. ainco, preliminary to a^edaration of mar- I of angSWAwCm* tial law over a large portion of South Caro- | Question and healthy assimilation. The very first! lino. The President then, with all the Cab. to be done i* to deaote the stomach and bowel* inet tffitem except Secretaries Fish »nd ^mno^rD^th.D^ 8AUIDERS, G00DWO & MILLER, Delano, left the seat of government, on a plea*- I tion*. and then roue up and re*tore the lirer to a I nre exenrsion to the northern bonndariea of I hjalihy action. Fortbi* purpoee the surest and ben England. Tho President stopped at Bos. ”^,rtom«hand “ wrilofllUhodea^dmor- ton on the pretext of seeing a stouo laid in the bid slime that ia causier dutaao and decay in tho wall of the new poet office building. He attend- I whole system. They wifi clearout the lirer of all dis- , atESiBa&'SSitaSt S®SS? s '^ liiS3ES l Commissio11 Merchants, did residence of Alvin Adams, Esq., on Chest-I The nouiaeh, bowels and liver arc thus cleansed by nut Hill, and at a late hour on Sunday he dined of Behenck’s Mandrake Pills : bot there re- l:, p. nn , iu__.i liinn.l . , I mairB in thestomachy on excess of acid, tho ocean is with bis Honor, Ssmnel Hooper. Dined and I torpid and tho appetite poor. In tho bowels the lac- feted by his Boston friends, post offioe and rev-1 teals aro weak, and requirinr strenrth and support, enne officials on Sundavand Monday, he left on “ in aoondition like this that tchenck’s Seaweed »... T> . tt.i.a „v-il .i. a I Tome proves to_ be the most voluablo remedy aver CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY. This la a specialty with us, and wo claim to have introduced many new varieties, such as tho or iginal | WALNUT, GLAZED WALNUT, COCOANUT CARAMEL, JELLIED COCOANUr, CREAM WALNUT, And numerous others. COTTON FACTORS —AND— HO BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA., 91 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE, MD. Liquors and Cigars, Comprising ail of tho best brands, Domestic and Imported. Libera! advances made on consignments. Agents for Chesapeake Guano. aug30 3m Expense* over receipts * 63,000 ( The supposition is that there wilt be a redac tion of *40,000 expenses during the next J«r, which will reduce the deficiency to rJ3,000, which, added to other expenses now •ocumuUting and to seonmnUte, from onr in- tonal improvements, will increase the defi ciency to *204,205, which must be raised by taxation or additional bonds. Col. Peterson Thwcnff. We publish below an article from the Consti tutionalist recommending tho Legislature to Meet this gentleman Comptroller General We aa>( heartily endorse all that is said in his favor, and wilt add that we do not believe the "•gialatnre can find in the whole State a man •JJT **y batter qualified for that important ®Ooe. Before CoL Thweatt was elected the an- ®n*l report of the Comptroller was a small pamphlet containing tittle or nothing bat dry CoL Thweatt soon made his report* a jwy interaating book, containing much useful ted intaroating matter, and many valuable sta- t»*ti«s, which will bo important to tho future Tuesday for Bangor in Maine, where there is a*tibiae. aid'S“us. iiU ZSX.SR fair and norm races. I ail excess of acitl, makiox the stomsch sweet and President Grant bos neglected bis duties at it will give permanent tone to*i his important. the seat of government all summer. No other itZnmSSmtSt'UZZJd dira- “’ KKTCIn7 *- President of the United States ever abandoned I don, andnltimately make eood, heal thy, livinr blood. 1 TrT,in/ the plaoe of biaonicial dntios as President Grant I After this preparatory treat ment, what remains to hMdone Living in luxurious ewe at Lemg ^“„“%“r?ch c SkqT^ O ? n i , 0 t 8^.p' 5 .‘nIpS: Branch all summer, be baa spent the fall months, I monic Syrup nourishes the system, purifies the blood, oo far, in attending homo fairs from Pennsvl- I and is readily absorbed into the circulation, and ▼ania to Kansas, and has himself put three fast „ z , ltw . * *,j_ _ TV. J , jii I ripens all morbiu matters, wnethcr in the form of ab- ooltH into the trotting nng. He 1« still going, I «cesscs or tubercles, and Uien assists nature to expel flashed with excitement, dining and drinking I all the diseased ma’ter in the form of free expcctora-i ** ^*---v-' _ . week ^ava and on the Sabbath • and one would I tion « w ^ en °o ce it ripens. It is then, by the rreat I X*5 Jf* p- Calhoun, President Fourth National weeKCaya *P? _ e °° e . 7° U i, baalics and purifytaV properties of fechenck’a »ul- Bank. N. Y.; John J. Cisco & Son, Banker., N. Y.; imagine that he has not been and is not in fit monie 6 jrnp. that alt uleero and cavities aro healed Morris Ketclmm, Bankor, N. Y.; J. N. Norris! condition to discharge the grave duties of the I up sound, and mj patient is eared. I Cashier First National Bank Baltimore * M McMi- u cool head, or with coolness and deliberation. a0 tkftf th , body will stow In flesh and retstronr. If “S 856 ” Was his proclamation in relation to Booth I a parson ha* diseased liras*—a cavity or abscess there ' Carolina necessary ? If it was, then an alarm-1 —*• c »vity cannot heaL tha milter cannot riren. so ing state of things exists there, which peremp- ^r of t'hi*^ lively demands the presence of the President nutrition, the body to *row in flesh and set fat: then at tho Beat of government. Bnt the President I Nature Is helped, the cavities sill heal, the matter himself looked upon the South Carolina troubles aa of Km all account, when ho abandoned his I true ad only plan to cure Consumption* and if a post of daty within a few hours of the time of I person is % cry bad, if the lun^s are not entirety de- iRsninc his proclamation, and started on & stroyed.orevenifone.lunxis entirely rone, if there jdewnre journey^to Bangor, In Maine. Or? if I TlUlltI *' ft ,n othor heal cp. there he did consider the situation in South Carolina | I have seen many person* eared with only one MARKET DEPARTMENT HETCHUa & HARTRIDGE, | Bankers and Commission Merchants, Exchange Building, Savannah, Ga, RzrxBENczs: Moses Taylor, President City Bonk, F. W. SIMS &. CO. KATAX.VAH.OA., COTTON FACTORS a. n. hautridge | Fresh Toddoseco Roof, fork Sanuges, Northorn Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Fish and Oysters, Turkeys, Chickens, , Eggs and Butte Givo us a call, and seo if we can’t please you. S. T. & B. P. WALKER, 88 OHF.RBY STREET. General Commission Merchants T>op - f —. Bagging and Ties supplied, and advances mtdo I * snoh os to demand the proclamation, then he •ld»te — I on coneignmentc. verv deliberately abandoned hi. poetin an hoar *SS*Jin*SSSf^th.^SS! of danger, simply to gratify his tasto for tray- sweeten and strengthen it, g*t up a rood direstion. dine and wine dinners. I *nd five Nature the assisunce she needs to clear the eSotb Carolina has been under the control of thm * 5 to ® lan **’ wl “‘- reconstruction sets and Badioal rule for six | It ia importasT that whila uttas Schenck’a Medi- IVILLIA3I II. BURROUGHS, [ Hums BUII.DIKG, COTTON AVENUE, Have Just received— years. Has it oome to this strange pass, that I cine, care should be axeroisad not to take cold: keep I (Senior of the late firm of Burroughs, Flyo A Co*), *. ..... - .. . or l i _ _ J n s\TM i n enM nml damn areathar • a rnid ni*kl •<» I * th« !tiI1viH!Im of tho Kioto «r,i nnshln to 1 in-door, m cold and damp weather: avoid niaht air. the antbontles or the state ore uname to i d ttk e outdoor uz«rcii*«nly in a senial sad warn manage ita local affairs, to pnmsh burglaries I , an! hice. and aasaulta ? If so, it is quite time that the I I wish it distinctly understood that when I recom- Preeidentshouldwitedrawliiapwlamationajmd ™hUeuifatJay mediriMsl U Ido*aofor^speehriroa- I Conaignmonta rerpcctfully solicited, and liberal his military rn.e tliero, and permit the people \ man who has but partiollv recovered-from I advances made on produce in etoro. ang248m of South Carolina to elect a Governor, Legists-1 tho efioeu of a bad cold ia far more liable to a ro’apso f Factor and Commission Merchant, SO Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. T. C. CLAY. GRIFFIN & CLAY, tore and municipal officers, who will protect I than on; who has bean entirely cured: and it ia are- - - a \-„l 1,r.,V n ,^ I «i-' el r th0 »»»• in rezard to Consumption, to font w - B ’ OBtmx. persons and property as well as theyare pro- I u thelnnrs ara not pertoetly healed, just so Ion* ia 1 tooted iu any other State.—Hartford Time*. I there imminent dancer of a lull return of the disease. 1 Hence itia that ieo strenuously caution pulmonary i -rs s , „ patients acainit expoatas themaelve* to an atmoa-1 COltOll FaClOrS and General ConiHllS- phero that ia not xenial and pleasant. Confirmed „• -, r , eonsnmptirea’ lnnza aro a mass of sores, which the | ’ S1011 jUCrCHlUltS, ler.-t ehanre of atmosy hero will Inflame. The stand RAILROAD TIME TABLE. MACON AND WZSTZBN niTT.BOAD. No. 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Macon Atlanta teas , pot, with I _ | 7.55 A. m. 2.10 r. M I ins blasts of winter or the ehilltas winds of sprtaz 2.50 r. M. 10.25 p. M autumn. It should be carefully shielded from all lr- Mne, nmaamtaira im.sniB. | ritatins % tafl_u*nces.^Tho ntmost^cantion lzavx. AaaiT*. 8.20a.m. 6.25 r. x Bronawick 5.00 A. X. 8.55 P. u I tritious diet, and afi tbo medieines eontinnad until Savannah 7.00 P. M. 8.35 P. M the body haa restored to it tho nstnrol quantity of HawkinaviUe 6.46 A. M. 6.45 p m Cesh and strancth. Mooon 8.05 p. M. 10.30 a. m I I was myself cured by tbu treatment of the worst m—oq (MO p. w. B.50 i. w kind of Consumption, and have lived to zet fat and I hearty these many years, with ona Inns mostly rene. .... I I have cured thousanls since, and v<ry many have 10 boxoa London Layer Baislns, 10 half boxes London Layer Raisins, 10 quarter boxes London Layer Raisins, 5 boxes Citron, 300 ponnds choice Cnrrants, 5 boxes Schopp’a Dessicated Cocoannt, 5 bbls. fine Northern apples, 5 bbls. fino Northern potatoes. Syrup, Molasses, Whisky, Soap, Cindies, Lard, Spices, Sugar and Coffee, all grades. Canned Goods all kinds, and all goods that aro savvy i secret of my sneecss with my medicines consists in my •TM. W i ST, » ability to tnbdno inflammation instead of .provokins I im - .... . , i J™ A - * I it. as many of the faculty do. An inflamed lnnz can- I make liberal advances on Cotton consigned I jjept i n our Lino. 6.05P. M. 8.35 P. M I n0 L with safety to the patient-bacinosed to tho hit-I to ns. sep7 6m | lasts of winter or the ehillins winds of sprtar or I I We have, and are receiving every few days, B. “ A- n. COLQUITT. JAS. BAGG9. H. H. colquiti I L. Mott’s best Family Flour, for which wo aro agent*. octStf observed in this particular, oawithoatitacure under I almost any eireamstaness is an impossibility. The person should be kept on a wholesome and nn- „ . V! Enx -1 hot® eared by this treatment whom Macon 7.00 a. M. 4.51 r. m ,een. 6.20 p.m. 6.15 a. m| AbontthefirstofOetoberl export to taksposse*- Savannah 7.16 a. m. 6.25 P. M I sion of my n*w bnildins. at the Northeast Corner of | ■ t COLQUITT & BAGGS, Cotton Factors jnnd Commission Merchants I DEALERS Cl OUANO AND SUPEEPHOSTHATES, No. 70 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. aug20d3m* CORBIN & VIRGIN, At Walker's Old Stand, opposite tho Market, 7.00 P. m. 5.15 A. M I ttxth sad Arch Stmts, whsre I shall lx pleased to Train from Gordon to MilledireviUa and Eaton- I ri I* f, d I, lc * H* *** m,r require it. I Pull directions accompany all my remedies, to that ton oonnotts with down night train from Maoon and | % p ,„ on in any part of the world can be readily np day tram from Savannah. ■——— ■ ■ “ "i.on,. i-i. „„ Philadelphia. Enfanla LZAVX. .8.00 a.m. 4.35 a. m I 8.50 p. ». 6.00 a. M 7.45 A. M. 4.58 P. M 5.10 P. M. 10.00 A. M D EALERS in Fancy and Family Groceries, Pro visions, Batter, Chickens, Eggs, etc. Also, Freeh Fish, Oysters, Game, etc., in their season. All goods delivered free of cost to any part of tho city. We have ongaged the services of Mr. C. H. Free man, who has been catering to the tastes of the citizens of Macon for the last twenty-eight ye lis ftpStf Pbiladelpb JOHN F. HENRY, (No. 8 Colleys Place, New York.) lsaadall* Read the following from Rev. G. R. Harding: Richmond, Va., August 31,1869. Proprietors liosadalis—Omt*: For a period of 12 years my wife suffered greatly from general debility, 8.05 p. M. 4.45 A. m I writb great tendency to dropsical effnoiona. In the maoon ato adouva xjmaoad. moAntime riie hod repeated attAckc of hemorrhage xsAia 6.25 A. m. 612 p. M 8.15 p.m. 4.10 a. m Columbus 12.45 p. M. 11.00 A. S1VAK5AH, GI. 6.301 6.30 y. M. Augusta 11.00 a. M. 5.80 r. M WM g Wi but without benefit, until she began tbe I westxsn and ATLANTIO RARAOAD. n * 8 of Boaadaiis, when, aftor taking two bottles, Will attend diligently to all butinees confided to I lzavx. axvvx. ahe waa restored to her original health and vigor, I his care. ang24 Cm Atlanta 10.30 r. M. ’ " * - 1 —* *- *- ’ —- - 1 ^ 6.00 a. x. A. S. HARTRIDGE, Colton Factor and Commission Merchant, 108 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. Famishes Bagging and Ties to planters, and ad-1 Yoncea liberally on conaignmonta of Cotton. I ^ non< ^ a w “° favor him with a call. aepl2tf ecp7eod3m r, M. FARLEY & CO., COTTON FACTORS, | C4 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. LrnEUAT. advances made on consionments. oct4 3m CHARLES N. WEST, MISCELLANEOUS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. R ATLTtOADS and steamships. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES & WAGONS, WARFIELD’S Victorias, Cabriolets, Phaetons, Single and Double-seated Buggies WAGONS, DRAYS. Etc., Branch Repository, Third st., Macon, Ga., Where if yon will call on Mr. A. W. Chapman, he will sell or older any kind of vehiclo that yon want. I SOMETHING WORTH KN0W1M. I ™nc mail steamship co.-s TIIBOUGn LINE TO CALIFORNIA, | nwrTtvrA aud sriAPA.isr, Touching at Mexican Ports AND CAHRYIXG THE U. S. MAIL. | Fares Greatly Reduced. O NE of tho largo and splendid Steamships of this lino will loavo Tier No. 42 North liivor, | foot of Canal stroot, at 12 o’clock, noon, on tho 15th and 30th of evory month (except when those dates fall on Snndav, and then on tho preceding Saturday ), a sPTVtVA I.T,. connecting, v.a Panama Kou- Wo are now receiving daily a Urge stock of COLD WATER SELF - WASHIN6 SOAP WILL DO ALL THAT IT CLAIMS, VIZ: It wiU Wash Clothes without Boiling, It will do it withont a washboard. It will wash them in cold, warm, hard, soft, salt water, etc., It will save fire In tho summer. It will save steam in tho winter. It will wash Woolens and not shrink them. It will cloanso Paint and restore the Color. i 7— . r u- It wiU wash Silks, Satina and Lacea to look liko to |&^Tchto“Sraers leave San Fran- It wUl save time and labor. “ ** It will not inj nro any kind of Fabric. “tted p^nda of Bag^o aUowod to each It will do more than any other Soap ever known. L^t. Baggage Maatera accompany Baggaga We know we have tho most wonderful Soap ever SSeDrotcctorm^^ajrcaw'rcceived ontho dTitim invonted, and .imply aak that you TRY IT. SyUtomaStag,ftfmSteamboats, Rrilroads. and with ASPINWALL, connecting, via Panama . way, with ono of tho Company’s Steamships from Panama for SAN FBANCI8CO, touching at MAN- ZANILLO. _ All dopartnrea connect at Panama witn stoamera for South American ports. Departuro of 15th MB. W. W. WOODRUFF ia owat IleiMlqnnrtcrs, 678 Broadway, New Vork, Haying Manufactured, selecting and chipping, ESPECIALLY FOR THIS MARKET. passengers who prefer to send down early, k An experienced Surgeon on board. Medicine ana attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or further m- I formation, apply at tho Company’s Ticket Olhce, on tho Wharf, foot of Canal stroot, North River, New York. mar21 ly» • F. B. BABY, Agent. NOTICE. I Change of Schedule. ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. ung!7tf DEMABEST A WOODRUFF. COTTON STATES CAMPBELL & EAGLISH, Life Insurance Co. PIUttCIPAL OFFICE, MACON, GEORGIA Authorized Capitol @2,000,000 I Guaranteed Capital 500,000 I Deposited with Stato Comptroller for se curity of Policy Holders 150,000 I W. B. Johnston President. W. S. Holt Vico President. Geo. 8. Oeeak. Secretary. J. W. Buiike General Agent. J. Mekcer Gbkzn, M. D. Medical Examiner. I W. J. Maoill Superintendent of Agencies. I 0. F. McOav. .Actuary. J INSURE ON ALL POPULAR PLANS, INSURE YOUR LIFE AT HOME. ALL ITS FUNDS INVESTED IN GEORGIA. ALL LOSSES PAID WITHOUT DELAY. IT IS MANAGED WITH ECONOMY. ITS POLICIES ABE NON-FORFEITING AF TER TWO YEARS. Jnl8tf F. M. HEATH, Special Agent, Macon. Georgia. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Druggists, Macon, Ga. DEALERS AMMMSUMERS Will find onr stock of | DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, GLASSWARE, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, oto., | Complete, and we invite everybody to call and seo I OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD,'! j Augusta, October 6,1871. f HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR. | j; an q after Sunday, October 8, 1871, and until farther notice, tho trains on this road will run as follows: NIGHT TRAIN—DAILY. Leave Augusta 1 7.00 v.u heave Macon. 6.30 P.X Arrive at Augusta 2.45 Arrive at Macon 2.30 A.X DAT TBAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCKTTED). Leave Augusta 11.00 A.K Leave Macon 6.30 A.X Arrive at Augusta 5.30 p.k Arrive at Macon 7.36 p.k tfSTPaaaeDgera by the night trainleaving AHguata at 7 p. u. will make (dose connection at Macon with Southwestern Railroad to all points in Southwestern Georgia, etc. £3“Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 P. sr. will make close connections at Augusta with northward bound trains, both by Wilmington and Columbia; also, with South Carolina Railroad train for Charles ton. Passengers leaving Macon at 6.S0 A. at. make ...... . -. * close connections at Camak with day passenger E dosire to call the special attention of all I trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all who are dealing in LIQUORS to tho I points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going [ fiortli, and with trains for Ch&rloston, also, for . Athens, Washington, and all stations on the Goor- LARGEST STOCK I gia Railroad. ' ity Passengers leaving Augusta at 11 a. m., ar riving at Maoon at 7.35 p. il, make close connection with trains on the Southwestern Railroad, etc. Of tho those goods over offered to tho wholesale I No change of cars between Augusta and M&- trado in this city. We deal in Liquors, exclusively I con. First-class coaches on all trains, and we invito a careful inspection of our stock of | oct8tf 8. K. JOHNSON, Bup’t. • WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, 56 Cherry Street, Macon. Ga. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE! FOR COTTON, AT VERY LOW RATES, At Twenty Cents per Pound, j jtLEVEN HUNDRED ACRES—splendid lands— It near tho railroad, at @10 per aero. Stock and irovisions included in tho above basis. Sevontoon inndred acres of river lands, six miles from Rail road, same rates. Three hnndrod acres in ono mile of MarsholriUe, and many other valuable planta tions. Such bargains were never offered before. These lands are sU in Macon connty. W. H. REESE, Attorney at Law. octl4tf MarshalviUo, Ga. BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES, GINS, CHANGE OH SCHEDULE. | NO CHANGE OP CANS BETWEEN AU GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE,) (innnoia C’entiial Ratohoad. - HUMS, In barroU and case. DIXIE WORKS, HAWS, GEORGIA, Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix, Propr’s„ Contractors, Builders, and Dealers in DOORS, SASH, BLINfiS, BRACKETS, MANTELS, WINDOWS AND DOOR FRAMES. WHITE PINE WOEK, SCROLL WORK, And all sorts of Turning done to order. Bo »dy Dressed Flooring, Ceiling, Rough Lumbe and Lathes in any quantity always on band. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Geoboia Cehthal Rahhoad, Savannah, May 27,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, tho 23th inet, Passenger Trains on tho Georgia Central Railroad will run aa follows: UP DAT THAIS. Leave Savannah 7:15 am Loavo Angnsta 8:15 A M Agents for Hazelett’s Old Winchester Rye, and I Arrive at Angnsta 6:38 p m Hudson G. Wolfe’s 8chnapps. I Arrive at Milledgoville 8:45 r M octgl tf CAMPBELL & ENGLISH. | Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 P M Anivo at Macon 4:51pm Connecting at Angnsta with trains going North, and at Macon with trains to Colnmhns and Atlanta, nows DAT THA1X. Leave Maoon 7:00 am Loavo Augusta 8:15 a M Arrivo at Angneta 5:38 p m Arrivo at Savannah 5:25 p M Making same connection at Angnsta aa above. NIGHT TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Savannah 7:00 p M Leave Angnata 8:30 p at Arrivo at Macon 6:15 a m Connecting with trains to Coinmbus, leaving Maco at 5:25 am. NIQXIT THAINS OCINO NOHTH* _ , Leave Savannah 7:00 p M WM. E-- TANNER & CO. I Leave Macon 6 20 PM | Arrive at Milledeevillo 8*45 p v STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and Arrivo at Eatonton............!.....'.‘.".‘xo!45 pi 8AW-MILLS; I Arrivo at Augusta ** * 2:45 am BARK, GRIST and PLASTER MILLS; I Arrive at Savannah 6-30 tai DO ILEUS, FORGINGS, CA8TD1GS, of IRON or I Making close connection with trains leading Au- BRASS, MILL GERHIG, eto.; gusts. Passengers going over the Milledgevillo and Engines and Saw-Mills of various sizes aIwajb j Eatonton Branch will take night train from Maoon, 1 1 diy train from Angnsta and Savannah, which con nect daily at Gordon (Sundays exccptod) with the CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND. VA. I on hand. Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines, etc., repaired and sold on commia- I Milledgevffle and Eatonton trains sion or exchanged for new. All other repairs 1 promptly and satisfactorily done. Freights to all points tow. Send for descriptive circular. jn!7 d awAwtlldecl8. H. B. BROWN, Agent. I I5AE>\1UD II ILL. WALTER B. nUala B. & W. B. HILL, Attorneys at Law, No. 88 (np stairs) Cherry et, Macon, Ga. TX7ILL practice in the Superior Courts of the j _ Ml 1IIT1 VV Macon Circuit, and in the Supreme Court canscs frequent colds, especial?; to those who go I 5?^ toe Federal CoarteatSavammh and Atlanta. An elegant Bleeping car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO AT.T. POINTS can be had at the Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski Houao, comer of Bull and Bryan streets. Office openfrom8AMtolPM,andfrom3toCpsr. Tick ets can also be had at Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, maySO tf General Superintendent. • ^OT only does it eave labor, fuel, clothes, etc, | . _> bnt by using it, honaekeepers get rid of the annoyance and discomfort of hot water in summer, and of steam in the house during the winter, which CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFIOE, Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, Ga., May 23,1871. can.cs frequent colds, especially to those who go /"VN and aftor Sunday, the 23th inst.. Passenger from a eteaming, hot wash-room to hang out I ■‘■ho senior partner will attend the Courts of other M TVaim, 0 n this Road wiR run as foiiowa • ° clothes Thousands of testimonials to ita great ex- “ heretofore. Commercial collections, w “t ' ceUenceeonld readily be obtained; bnt no evidence | conveyancmg and other office business WjU re-1 Tj ,, vn ^dfaula passznoxb ibain.^ ^ _ _ X.n Annal 4hst i!aptvad fpnm nnA ( a nvm nKanmrafinn I CSiVArrOniDt attention OCt22 tf I . . _ .C.00 A. 2 can equal that derived from one’e own observation I ceivq prompt attention and experience. To know the virtnea of this eoap, you have onty to try it A single bar will do the ordinary week’s washing for a family of eight por- HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, STANBURY & FOX, octll-dAwtf Solo agents for Macon. FOR SALE. rpHE GEORGIA HOTEL PROPERTY, eitnated immediately in front of the Passenger Depot, Griffin, Ga. This is now conceded to bo the best opening for a large hotel enterprise in Georgia, and locks nothing bnt a little capital and enter prise to make it the beat summer resort in Georgia. The location is everything desired for the conve nience of transient guests. The honse needs repairs ornowbuilding, and the Importers of and Receivers and Dealers in Wines, Brandies, Gins, etc., Bonrbon, Wheat and Ryo Whiskies, 22 PAHE PLACE AND 17 BAH CLAY STREET,, Arrive at Enfanla 4:58 p. m. Leave Enfanla 7,45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 4 : 35 r. n. Connecting with tho Albany branch train at Smithville, and with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Culhbert. E UP AULA NIGHT PHEIOHT AND ACCOMMODATION THAIN. Loavo Macon 8:50 p. M. Arrivo at Enfanla io : oo a. m. Leave Enfanla 5 : io p. m. Arrivo at Macon 6 : oo a. m; Connect at Smithville with Albany Train on Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday ana Friday nights. No tra leaves on Saturday nights. COLUMBUS DAT PASSHNCHH TRAIN. Leave Macon... 5:25 a.m. inability of tho proprietor to improve is the only THTnVI23LlM tfc GrREEKT, Arrive at Coinmbns it!nn , rctinn fnr n*Tofiner to ttoll 1 U Z . MRS. F. DESSAU Has J fist returned from New York, and has on ex hibition tho Latest Novelties in Millinery, CLOAKS, SAILOR SHIRTS, POLONAISES, And aR tho articles necessary to complete a r;r ?• vith ^• tc -’■“ATTORNEY at law fashionable outfit, SO A. m I toms of eonsnmptioo. She need many different I >v » I To which she invites tho attention of her customers and the public. Chattanooga 6.20 r. m. 630 A- M. 1-42 a. M and is to-day a picture of perfect health. Rosa- I 2.45 p m 10*00 a! m I ttidi* 1* * household word with os and onr neighbors, f Yours truly, G. R. Haedecg. First NaOial Baii of Hacrn. BANK OF DISCOUNT. DEPOSIT AND COI- IiEOTION! CIBBEDGE& HAZLEHURST, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR Offer low for cash a foil lino of and Uncorrent Fonda. E XCHANGE on New York for sale's! lowest enr-1 Collections JInde on nil Accessible rent rate. — - - Exchange bought on New York, Philadelphia anc Savannah. Advances made on Bonds, Stocks. Cotton in store, or shipments of cotton to good Northern, Euro pean. Charleston or Savannah houses. Collection* promptly attended to in all parte of the United States. Onr circulation ia amply protected by United States Bonds. L O. PLANT, President. W. W. WaiQLZT. Cashier. ~ Plantation For Sale. A BARGAIN in a plantation, six miles from Ma con. can be had by calling on tbe under or Turpin A Ogden. The Bloom place, coni 1,721)4 acres, half rich creek land.ljing on Tobeeof- koe Creek; the balance, pine land of good quality. About 225 acres creek land are in a high state of cultivation, aa also upwards of 500 acres npland. __ _ 1 _ .The improvements aro good and ample. These Bankers and Brokers DRUGS, MEDICJINES, I I year, and I will bo pleased to go over it and show MACON, GA. I PATENT MEDICINES, tho land and cropB to anyone wishing to purchase. Terms part cash; time payments easy. R ECEIVE DEPOSITS. BUY and SELL ex- n ™ rT . Tt ., Tl vm™,.,, ______ If not told by tho 16th of December. 1871, the CHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS | VVU1TK LEiD - LINSEED OIL, KEROSENE OIL, place will bo for rent. J. N. SEYMOUR. WINDOW GLASS, °ct<-tf Points: C?“Offico open at all boors of the day. septl-lyr CUBBEDGE & lLtZLElICKST'S SAVINGS INSTITUTION. I HOSTETTER’S, PLANTATION AND VINEGAR BITTERS. | Swift A Courtney Matches, Snnff, Soda, Starch, Soap, etc., etc. oetStf . _ . .Land and Cuthbert Property, j ISTEBEST PAID ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 I np HE subacriber, wiabiog to remove, offers for FRENCH INITIAL PAPER ENVELOPES, A NEW STYLE, Jut received and for sale at prices that CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. J. W- BURKE A CO., No. 60 Second Street- BOARD. A persona can be so tootd and lodging, by immediate application, at tne large brick building on the corner or First and Fmo streets. octTtf TO *5000. O FFICE HOURS, FROM 8 a. x. to 6 r. M. febS-tf AGENCTY- | Savannah Bank and Trust Co., 0APITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS, all paid in I ADVANCES SLADE ON COTTON. ENCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD DEPOSITS RECEIVED, FRESH ARRIVALS. Desirable Groceries. Q A tea. choice TENNESSEE and S. C. HAMS, OU 250 bbls. refined SUGARS. 10 hhda. DEMAUABA SUGARS. 20 boxes S. C. Breakfast BACON. 50 bbls. Choice Eatirg POTATOE3. 25 kegs GOSHEN BUTTEB, 20 kegs BUCKWHEAT. 600 pkga. new crop MACKEREL, 200 sacks new crop BIO COFFEE, 500 sacks VIRGINIA SALT, Tbe above with all the leading articles in tho -L sale his plantation of 740 acrea, 430 cleared— divided into four settlements, with comfortable out houses, gin honse and screw, eitnated 83< miles STo^Stafrom ItartauSl? mSSSZfifSEi I groeeety line, for sale vero low by" | ^^tvroX&^d rott^Sl * ° oct22 tf SEnfoUB, TINSLEY A CO. CUTHBEBT PROPERTY. ICE. ICE. ICE. House with fivo rooms and out buildings, with 55 I rrvjjE Macon Ice Factory is now ready to sup- acres attached. A two story store honse, and a p lyl u demands for Ice. @10 per ton of 2000 small etoro room in the roar, fronting two streets. I A tan yard of four acres, 52 vats, with four bmld- I ing*. No tan yard in Cuthbert in operation. Twenty acres woodland near the race track. And the place on which he lives, ono mile north of the eqnaro, on Lumpkin street, cf 130 acres—cue half cleared, good orchard and a senppemong vineyard ponnds at factory—@11 per ton on board the cars. The above are prices for ono or more tons. Send along your orders to ocl3-Im MACON ICE FACTORY. DRESS-MAKING. IA„ Tfliipli Tnfprpgf irill Tin AUorrod I necessary outbuilding*. This ia a pretty place and be accommodated with I Ull UU11H UHITBl Will DO AUOWOd, valuable property. Above property wiU be ex- aa Antit-Tu upon. I changed 1 or Texas or Atlanta property, or sold for I ono half cash, balance in ono and two years. jan25-lx L C, PLANT * SON, ail*. 1 oct25 Im» • A: B. McAFEE. of 8acre* jnstbeginntngtobear. Househaslrocms. j VfIS3 WILLIAMS, No. 13, COTTON AVENUE, | a verandah in front a twelve.foot, amj all J%1 has Juat returned from New York, and ia ready to receive orders for Dress-Making in all its departments. Thankful for the liberal patronage the ha* heretofore received from the ladies of Ma con and vicinity, slio is now better prepared than ever to servo them acceptably. oct!3 lm* reason for offering to eelL Terms—One-third cash; one-third firet January next, and balance first of Jannary, 1873. Address JAMES A. SMITH. 0Ct6 lm Griffin or Monteznma, Ga. Acknowledged Everywhere AS THE BEST BOOTS AND S H O ES: | THOSE FASTENED WITH CABLE SCREW WIRE.! The pliability, durability and economy of theso . _ , , ... - Goods aro fast rendering them tho moBt popular Bole Agents, Macon. Ga. G ooda m the market, their superiority over either sowed or pegged work being apparent on tho first trial. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ang27-3mo COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. C OL. GEO. T. FRY, well and favorably known in Southwest Georgia, will commence o campai for tbe COTTON STATES LIFE INSUBANl he has worked so successfully heretofore. J. W. BURKE, ecpl7 2m General Agent. SAVANNAH (GAJ C0USER7AT0RI OF URIC, (Established 1870.) S. N. PENFIELD, Principal, Graduate of the Leipzig Conservatory. T HIS Institution was fonnded for the purpose of I Beerman <t Knrtz. furnishing to the people of tho Southern I I States a thorough mtuical education on the basis | Leave Columbus 12:45 P . k. Arrive at Macon g:12 p. m. COLUMBUS NIGHT ntEIQHT AND ACCOMMODATION TBAIN. Leave Macon 8:15 p. m. Arrrivo at Columbus 4:45 A. m. Leave Columbus 8 05 p. m. Arrive at Macon 4:10 a m. VIRGIL POWERS, jnnlO ly Engineer and Superintendent. ATLANTA WATER-CURE. D R. F. KALOW, lato of Gormany. would moat respeotfullyinform thecitizons of Atlanta and 1 the surrounding country that he has opened an es tablishment on Hunter street, in tho Larcndon Honso, for tbe cure of all chronio diseases. Special attention given to tho following disoaees: liver Complaint in all ita forms, Syphilis in all its forms, Fevers, Epilepsy, Sterrility, Asthmas, Lameness! Nervousness, and diseases peculiar to women, otc. I refer to the following persons, who have been and are being treated at my establishment • Mr. J. W. Rucker, of Chapman, Rucker * Co. • Major W. B. Cox, of Cox A Hill; Capt. J. M. HiU, John and James Lynch, T. J. Hightower A Co., J. Fioishel. sop8tuoeAson3m BIBB SUPERIOR COURT. of true art, an education not simply of thefingers I QTANDS ADJOURNED till Wednesday Nov 1st or of the voice, bnt also of taste and style. O at 9 o’clock a. m. Parties, Jurors and Witneases Instruction is given in Piano, Cultivation of the will bo in attendance promptly at that time 6 Bv Voice, in all Instruments and in Musical Theory, m I order of the Court. * y A B IIOS3 ^ COMPANY, in October next. He is a duly anther-1 ffTffroria*. l«so^s by effictot ^ experieno- _oct25weAan Deputy Clerk. pupas in e^g pleasant bonding VALIANT, JONES & CO M | place* or in renting pianos. (Successor* to Valiant & Jones), IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, CHINA, TABIE, GLASS AND QUEE.VSWARE, NJ3W MIXiIj. SWlDLEHllT & AUSTIN! B EG leave to inform the public that they have established a GRIST MILL on Fourth street, near the Macon and Weetern Railroad crossing, where they are prepared to grind GBITS AND MEAL OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY and at reasonable rates, and they will deliver Grits and Meal to any part of tbe city, and grind Meal for toll. A call is most respectfully solicited. aug27tf | places or in renting pianos. For further information call for a circular at the I Music Agency of Ltxdden A Bates (Schreiner’s old | | stand), or address, CONSEBVATOBY OP MUSIC, sept23-sim&tliur9t&w3t Savannah. WASHINGTON DESSAU, ATTORNEY AT LAW JUCOS, GA., 4 SOUTH HOWARD STREET, BALTIMORE. sepm24dACw HAKDEMAN & SPA11KS practice in the Courts of Macon Circuit: I with NifihAtH At TarkHon I j ai ?f*.P a trond. They are at their old stand, ready •oet2i-mldGm | and wihing to servo them in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. W ILL. Office—With Kiebets & Jackson. )d2 THE LATEST STYLES —OF— SILK HATS, A fine lot jnstr eceived by F. L. GROCE, eep26 tilnovl HoUingsworth block. JAMES WILDE, JE. JOHN S. WILDE. JOSEPE WILDE. JAMES WILDE, Jr., & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of CENTRAL CITY PARK SALOON. T HIS 8ALOON will be opened, from this date, to all who visit tho Fair Grounds and need spiritual refreshment. Only the finest Whiskies, Wines, Ale, Porter and Beer, will be sold. To those I TVTeTl’s and. Bov’s OlothinfT, I -** tagea of over fifty years eucceesfuToperation. who know me, my word will be Bnfficient. To those * “ ® * I Every facility ia provided for a thorough course - ’ 1 .314 and 316 Broadway (opposite New York Hos- of useful and ornaientid^dneation, under the di- pital), New York. Eopreoented by R. 8. Spalding, reetion of a corps of more than twenty professors oct8d2m* ■ „ 3**7 ? e6m lt unnecessary to make pledges—for by their fruits ye shall know them.” Judge ua bv these we aek no more. Your internet ia our inter- eat; and our long experience enables us to guard ■ and advance it. Moro we cannot promise—more yon will not expoct. The usual accommodations extended to those who honor ns with their patronage ac S 2G 3°* HARDEMAN A SPARKS- Troy Female Seminary. 11 (HIS Institution offers tho accumulated advan- who do not, I can onlyreferthemtothe old adage: •The proof of too pudding,” etc. Kespectfoily, GEO. D. LAWRENCE, oct4tf Proprietor. BRES, jr. b. Factor & No. 196 Gravier Btroet, New Orleans. un20 dCmwSm F. J. RAGLAND, Agent. FOR SALE. 1 Second-hand WALL TENT, 14x14—good as new. Also, one SHOW CAoE—not as good as new. ' Inquire at once. D. O. HODGKINS * SON, Dealers ia Guns, 59 Mulberry at Macon, Ga. I ocl 24-tf. and teachers. For circulate, apply t< T.rARD, Troy, N. Y. oct!5 lm JOHN H. WILLI BABY CABS. fJ'HE finest assortment of Baby Caes and rer- ambnlators evor rocoivod in this city. For sale olioap by CARHA15T * CURD,