The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 29, 1871, Image 4

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Telegri ph & Messenger, SUNDAY WJU1W, OCT. », 1W1. i m»i:r the FLAMES. A» Adtmlnrr or tin- I <>r<si < rlrrau Who “ K toy (Hi to Sec It Out." A rain nurod Allison Weaver, who n Detroit from I : Huron on Wednesday, narrow and curio s escape from being roamed alii.- in the Non, woods. His Rory Is told in the Dotrolt Free fiw of Ttausday: Weaver is a sin ( fe man, about fifty yea™ and served aU through the war in an Ohio regi me m of infantrj Up to t»° at werk for a roan named Bright, ten front i'orostvilla, a* fireman of a shingle Two or three dayi before the flame*, which eventually destroyed that section. Bright and his family left for Fmestnaej tho next day all tba men employed ■»« -- place either followed hi* example or made taste to reach their home*. On learn*, Bright to- formed hia men that the fire would twerp Oat way, and wanted them to lose no time in tnaWng their eaeape. Haring no property to. “*? or family to take care of, WeerM determined, he ana, “to stay and see th V' i ”5f J . 0 ■ meaning that he intended raring the nuUif p» aible. lie has a stubborn sort of a spirt, mid the feet that everybody else went indaeed him to ta^on as the men left be set to work buried aU the provisions toft in **“*»“■••£* during the day buried the knives, beta and other light machinery of the mill, as weU as a store and a quantity of erockeryware. The™ r<3 water in the vicinity of the mill. miles mill. ■ of the i store was and Dlentr of water in the vicinity of the mui, ana Keflffed several barrels full, besides wetting down bouse, mill, stock aryl every thing which would bum, scattering several hundred primills of water on the ground around the buddings. be began to Jeer his absent oomredes. But aelbooaocit soon left him. About ten o dock heavens were so light that he could see the smallest objects around him, and there was a roariog in the forest which sounded like waves beating against rocks on tho shore. He began to a aspect that be would soon receive the visit predicted, and aoeordingly made preparations for it. In leveling up the ground around the shingle mill, earth tad been obtained by digging here and there, and Weaver went to work and dug one of these pita deep enough for film - ftUml op in. ... no the n filled it nearly foil of water, and took care 0 to saturate the ground arouudit adiriance of several rods. Going to the mill, he dragge out a four-inch plank, sawed it in two, and sa< that the parts lighly covered the month of the little well.” “I kslkeriated it would bo tech and go." said be. "but it was tho best I could do." At midnight he bed everything arranged, and tho roaring then was awful to hear. Tho clatring was ten or twelve acres in extent, and Weaver aaya that for two hours before the fire reached him there was a constant flight across tho ground of small animals. As be rested a moment from giving tho house another wettin down, a homo daabol into the opening at fu speed and made for the house, where he stopped and turned toward the fire. Weaver could see him tremble and shako in his excitement and terror, and feU a pity for him. After a moment the animal gate utterance to a snort of dismay, ran two or three times aronnd the honse, and then shot off into the woods like a rocket. Not loug after this fire came. Weaver stood by bia well, reedy for the emergency, yet eurions to see the breaking in of the flames. The roar, log increased in volume, tho air became op pressive, a olond of dust and cinders earns show ering down, and be oould see the flames through the trees. It did not nut along upon the ground, nor leap from tree to tree, bat it earns on like s tornado, a shoet of llama reaching from tho earth to the top of the trees. As It struck the clearing ho jumped into his well end closed over the planks, ils oould no longer see, bnt he could hear. Ho say* that tho flames made no halt whatever, nor ceased their roaring for an instant, bnthe had hardly got tho opening closed before the house and mill were burning like tinder, and both wero down in five minutes. The smoke came down to him powerfully, and bia deu was ao hot that be oould hardly breathe. He know that the planks above him were on fire, bnt remembering their thickness, be wait ed till tho roaring of the flames had died sway, and then with his head and hands turned them over and pnt ont the fire by dashing np water with his hands. Although it was a cold night, and the water tad at tint chilled him, the boat gradually warmed it up until ho says that be felt very oomfortable. lie remained in bis don until daylight, frequently turning over the planks and patting ont the fire, and then tho wont tad passed. The earth around was on fire in spots, house and mill were gone, leaves, brush and logs were swept clean away, as if shaved off and swept with a broom, and noth ing but aoot and ashes wero to be seen. Af tor tho fire tad somewhat cooled off Weaver mado an invi that oonridei been saved, although ho lost'all hia provisions exoept a piece of dried beef, which tho fire had oooked sain an oven without spoiling it He had no other resource than to remain aronnd the plarn that day, during the night, and the greater part of the next day, when the ground tad cooled enough ao that be could pick bia way the aito of the burned village. Ho was nearly twelve hours going the twelve miles, as trees were falling, logs were bnrning, and the fallen Umber tad in some places heapod np a breast work, over which no one oould climb. A MELTING STORY. Ous winter evening a country storekeper in the Green Mountain State waa about closing np for the night, and while standing in the snow outside, putting np tho window shutters, saw through tho glass a lounging, worthless fellow within grab a pound of fresh butter from the shelf and oonoeal it in his tat. The set was no sooner detected than the re venge was hit upon, and a veiy few minutes found the Green Mountain storekeeper at onoc indulging his appetite for fun to tho fullest ex- tent.snd paying off the thief with a fsceUonssort of torture, for which he would have gained premium from the old inquisition. •T say, Beth," said tho storekeeper, coming in and closing the door after him, slapping his hand over hia shoulders and stamping the snow off his feet. Beth had bis band on the door, his tat on his bead, and the roll of butter in his hat, anxious to make hia exit as soon ss possible. “I ear, Beth, ait down; I reckon now on such a cold night as this a little something warm von..I not hart a fellow.'* Both felt very uncertain; ho had the butter and waa exceedingly anxious to be off, but tho temptation of something warm sadly interfered with his resolution to go. This hesitation settled by the owner of tho butter taking Seth by the shoulders and planting him in a seat close to the stove, where he waa iu such a manner cornered in by the boxes and barrels that, while tho grocer*—*—*' ■■ ability of .. before him, there was no pos sibility of getting out, and right in this very plsoa, sure enough the storekeeper sat down. ,i 8 ? U V reU hsie a little warm Santa Crux,” ■aid the Green Mountain proeor; ao he opened the stove door, and stuffed in aa many sticks as the place would admit; “without it you'd freeze going such a night as this." Beth already felt the butter settling down closer to hie hair, and he jumped np, declaring he must go. “Not till yon have something warm. Seth • Beth, come, I’ve got a story to teU^i,” and Beth waa again rushed into hia scat by hia cun- 2SKfe her *’" * ia °" »***“■ “Sit down—don't be In such a hurry,” retorted the grocer, pushing him back into bia chair. "But I've got the cowu to fodder and the wood to split, I most be going,” said tho perse- emeu chap, "But you rnusn’t tear yonnelf away, Seth, In this manner. Sit down, let the eows take care of themselves, and keep yonnelf easy; you appear to be a little fidgety,” said the rogueiah grocer with a wicked leer. The next thing waa the production of i smoking glasses of hot toddy! tho very sigh ZffEhffwould 8 have can imttm^rTcn^Iw 5 ^” la*?**’ now > 11113 J° n can batter it yonnelf, said tho greoer, with an believcJhi^Sf n ^ t A2SS!!? ,, ?* t 9001 84111 believed himself unsuspected. Seth, here's— ben e a Christmas goose, well roasted, ch ? I toUjou it’. thegnSSTto creMtaHSaTSeth: don t you never use hog's fat, or common eook- lug butter to baste it with; come take your bntter—I mean, 8*th, take your toddy." ^ Poor Seth now began to smoke, u well as melt, and hU mouth was hermetically sealed o£^ aa though he had been bom dumb. Streak after streak of butter came pouring from under his tat, and hia handkerchief waa already Soaked with the greasy overflow. Talking away as if Inn-loving grocer stuffing wood into the stove, while poor gj*"* 2** with his back against the <££ B #6ai “ t 010 red hot *ia the grocer. “Why, \Vhrdra't™?uv P ' r,pi "v U if J° a were warxS? I Here, let me '•No/'exeUimea poor ^ rnuM go. Let me out, I ain't weffi Letie A greaxy cataract ,™ now pouring down the poor man a face and neck, and soskinc S: clothes, and trickling down his body 8 into hU boots, so ho was literally in a perfect bathed oil* “Well, good night, Seth,” said the humorous Vonaonter, “if yon will go;” and adding as ho darted ont of the door, “X say, Seth, I reckon the fun I have had out of you is worth nine- pence, so I shan’t charge you for that pound of butter in your bat.” /"> EOROLA. QUITMAN COUNTY—James T. Ur Crawford of eaid county baa applied to me for exemption of i*tr»oaalty, and I wi J pxaa upon tho tAiQO at 10 o’clock a. m., on tho 7th day of TOmbcr, lh7I, at my olLoo. October 21.1&71. octSG io» ‘ W. r JORDON, Ord’y FAIR WEElK.I • VISITORS TO THE GREAT STATE FAIE Must not fail to visit tho establishment of Mesrs. J. W. BDEXE & GO, No. 60 Second Street, (Next to Baptist Church.) If You Want Books, Go to Them BOOKS FOB THE YOUNG, BOOKS FOB THE OLD, BOOKS FOB THE BOYS, BOOKS FOB THE GIBLS, BOOKS FOB MEN, BOOKS FOB WOMEN, " BOOKS FOB SCHOOLS, BOOKS FOB HOME. If you want Writing Paper and Enrelopes, Oo to No. GO Second street. They hare a greater variety of PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY Tii.ii any boose in Georgia. Have some NEW 8TYI-E8 never shewn in Macon before; besides rENS, PENCILS, YISITINa CARDS, GAUD OASES, WOBK BOXES, WHITING DESKS, Indeed, everything to intoreat and instruct. Call and see the house end examine Goods and | prices before buying anywhere else. oetaO tf SELLING AT COST. J LABOE Cooking Bangs, 200 Cooking Stoves, 30 Heating Stoves, 75 doz Table Knives, GO doz Pocket Knives, 200 doz Tea and Tsblo Spoons, 70 doz Plated Spoons and Forks, 25 doz Stand, Banging and Bracket Lamps, 100 doz Ooblete, Tumblers and Glass Setts, 30 doz Cedar and Painted Pails, 30 doz Brooms, 20 doz Sifters, 60 doz Clothes Horses and Shoe Brushes, 100 doz Bartlett's Blacking, 60 doz Brass and Japanod Candlesticks, G doz Feather Dusters, 8 aetts Toilet Ware, J5 setts Copper Measures 81,000 worth Tin Ware, 2,000 Fruit Boxes. 2,000 lbs Hollow Ware, 600 lbs Sad Irons, 200 pair Trace Chains, 1 large Frees Chain, 1 splendid sett of Tinner's Tools, Benches, otc. Pad and Door Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Scales, Meat and Coffoe Mills, Andirons, Shovels and T< ------ - thing store. Q O 3 \W n Q Z g 3 m o hrj Q O h3 O 3 m o tr* g M h3 W U « o P I o I3 4 * © 8 © I p p Pi p © Tongs, Lead Pipe, Sheet Copper and every- I t usually kept in a houseful-rushing and tin U1 i. TEEMS CASH. m B. F. WOOLFOLK, Eg 16 Third street. TREMENDOUS STOCK GENERAL GROCERIES NOW BEING DECEIVED BY RO&ERS & BONN, And tlioy are offered for sale FEARFULLY LOW. IN STORE 2,000 sks. Family &Extra Flour, 200 barrels Sugar, 300 Mils. Liquors of all kinds. STOCK OF BACON AT PUESENT SMALL. I P Pi <5 o' © -t I CO m pi p* o JUST ARRIVED. O* S*. © TO 3 H* TO. P* B 01? 100 bhls. CHOICE RED APPLES, p cf ROGERS & BONN. COTTON I CAMPBELL & JONES Again offer their services to Planters and Mer- Varelunsii & Commission Mercians, And ask a oontinuaneo of tho patronage so liber ally given them the past season. Close personal attention given to the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON, and to tho filling of orders for Bagging and Ties and Plantation Sopplies. Refer to the patrons of tho past season. Bo- member the place— Iron f arelionse, Poplar st. f Macon, Ga. P. H—Agents for the Win ship Improved Cotton In and John Mcnyman A Co-’s Ammoniated Dis solved Bones, which we now offer at a reduced ptioe.sept 3m GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. ESOkDWAT, SEW TOOK, II. L POWERS, ... Proprietor. ROBAMtiS O IThe ingredients that COMPOSE KOSADALIS re published on every package, then loro jt is net a secret preparation. consequently PniSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms. Rheum i - tism, Skin Discaici, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of i . Blood. OUE EC77LE C7 S0SA3i..:: will do more good tiian ten bottic of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS lave used Rosadalisin theirpractiro for the past three years and freely endorse it as a reliablo Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore. DR. T.J. BOYKI.V. “ DR. R. W. CARR. “ DR. F. O. DANNELLY, •< DR. J. S. SPARKS, of jtlcholssviUe, McCARTHA, Colombia, DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb, Jf. C. USED AST) ENDORSED BY j- french A SONS, Fall River, r. W. SSimt, Jaclwn, Mirh. * F. XV HEEL Kit. I-im. mt HALL. Lima, OCT* SAarLoAlcFlSDENf'S'^fiti- boro, Tcna. Our apace villcot allotr of lay ex* tended r. marks in rrl.Ucn to the virtnesafRosadalis. Tothe Medical Prolession are gnaraatee a Fluid Eu- traetsaperiorte any they hare ever nsed In the treatment of diseased Blood; and to theatBicfed we say try tohcat'i 5 ' 403 3rt * wtu ** restored aa. fflanwB * co. v Manufacturing Chemists,' HatTtsoxx, Mn. > ui Kl > ►9 H O w S g 03 0 p* TO I s OD (0 5 % a a H v* X ► l % a $ H 0 Id 0 p > 0 m z H CD 11 0 n H I m 0 > r m o n m m 0 m VJ 0 0 0 r c DO r m T > 0 3 0 D C > z 0 I— Q 0 0 IS H % k! 0 0 b QD Q 0 DIAMONDS, WATCHES, z o o to <3 <5 z s. as Du © O e p p- m •"S © « r JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. arrhea, Dysentery and Summer Complaint in ehildren of all aces. It is tho Great Infant's and Children'* Soothing Remedy in all disorder* brought on by teething or Watch Work and Repairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted, AGEXCY OF THE GR0YEE & BARER SEWLYG MACH1SES. jnno 14-tf MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS, TAKE NOTICE JUST RECEIVED AT SMALL & GAMBLE’S WHOLESALE FLOOR AND PROVISION HOUSE 1000 SACKS FLOUR, ALL GRADES AND: SIZES, i CABS CHOICE WHITE COBN, 2 CABS TENNESSEE OATS, 53 CASKS A HALF CASKS C. B. SIDES. 50 CASKS & HALF CASKS SHOULDERS, 63 SACKS CHOICE BIO COFFEE, 75 BOXES TOBACCO, ALL GRADES, 25 BARRELS SUGAR, 50 BARRELS MOLASSES, NEW CROP MACKEREL, ALL NOS. AND SIZES, 53 ROLLS DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, 500 DDLS. EUREKA TIES (BEST IN USE) 50 BARRELS WHISKY Tho above Goods, with everything else in our lino, will bo sold it THE VERV LOWEST JP-rrAXCLDS. Either for CASH OR ON TIME. Satisfaction guaranteed, or monoy refunded. Try us ono timo, and you will bo certain to try us again. GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE, * VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. TO AND FBOM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. —a gjSjs A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE A priTate Coun selor to the Mar ried"::’.:' ;e about guide. asMist: on the physiolog ical mysteries and revelations of tho rhy.ical sys tem. how to preserve the comrlexion, etc- This is aa lntercri'.ns work cf 221 pages, with num erous engraving, and contains valuable information for those who are married or contemplate marriage; still it is shook that oaght to be under look a r c key and notlaid carelessly about tho house. Sent to any one (free of postace) for 50 cents. AddrcssDr. Butt’s Dispensary, No. j eighth street. St. Lonis, Mo. ■W NOTICE TO FOHTUNATK. Before THE AFFLICTED A. J CN- e~applying tothe notoriousQuaoki whosd- vertise in public papers or using any Quack Rem edies, peruse Dr. Butts’; work, no matter what your disease is or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mai on the diseases mentioned in hu works. Office, No.l N. Eighth street bet Market and Chesnut St Louis. Mo. LOOK TO YOPB CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. :mrs. WHITCOMB’S SYRUP. MRS. WHITCOMB’S SYRUP MRS. WHITCOMB’S SYRUP. Cures Colie and Grip ing in tho Rowels, and &oilititates the process of Teething. Subdues Convulsions and over comes all diseases in cident to iniants C pS CENTS. —pared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO- SL LooIl M«. Sold by Druggists and Dealers In Medicine every whflf* ane!7-^.Vwi* The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WAIsKER’S CAIJPOBH1A VINEGAR BITTERS, 3-a Hundreds of Thousands - °“ Bear testimony to their Wonder- £sy IblCurativo Effects. — g*s SSg THEY ARB NOT A VILE "S3 ^FANCV D R 1 N YC .*«! Mado of Poor Rnra, Wlalalty, Proof Spir and Sefnscd Llqnors doctored, epiced and sweetened to please the tMto, called ‘‘Tonics." "Appotisera," Restorers," Ac., that lead tho tippler on to drunkenness and rain, bnt are a trua Medicine, mido trom tho Native Roots and Herbs of Califor nia. free from nil Alcoholic stimulant*. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER anil LIFE GIVING PBINCIFLE, a perfect Renova tor and Invigor&tor of the System, carrying off all poisonous mattter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bif according to directions and remain long unwell. For Inflammatory nud Chronic Khcn mutism and Gout, Dyspepsia or IiKlfgcK- tlon, Dillons, Remittent nud Intermittent Fevers, Disease?* of tho Rlood, Elver Kid neys and Rlndder, these Ritters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood v which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Fain in the shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness. Sour Eructations of the Stomach, bad taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart. Inflammation of.the Lunjs. Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dys pepsia. ** . s- .x - u- — * —. late the tor _ of unequ&I- impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES. Eruptions. Tetter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head. Soie Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs, Discolorations of the bkin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the systom in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most in credulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting throughthe skin in Pimples.Ernp- tions or Sores; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS lurking in the system of so many thousands, ore effectually de stroyed and removed. For lull directions, read care fully the circular around each bottle. J. "WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists and Qeneral Agents. San Francisco, Cal., and 32 and 34 Commerce street. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. THESE TIMES A WEEK-TIJE8MYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS, ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. S A YOTAGS 10 TO 12 HOPES SHORTER via CHAELESTON. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. And connecting Roads Wont, in alliance with tho Fleet of Tliirteon First-ClaaB Steamships to the abovo I Ports, invite attention to the Quick Timo and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in the I Cotton States at tho I PORT OF CHARLESTON. Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and raasengers not exceUed in excellence | and capacity at any other Pork The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the Lino: ■ TO 3STBW TTORK. GEOHGIA; VANILLA, LEMON Etc., Fop Flavoring Ice Cream, Cakes & Pastry. TIIOilFSOX, STEELE & PRICE M’F’G CO. Depots, Chicago and St. Dools, MANUFACTURERS OP V DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER, AND BLOOD ENRICHER. * GO AND EXAMINE THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES At No. 86 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. JACOB SCHALL, S AVING recoived his extensivo Fall stock of BOOTS and SHOES, takoe pleasure in anno rrra -„ . l ua P*Y on5 '. !lnd trad0 Generally, that he is fully prepared to serve his customers witK? ,0 ; in his line, from the common Brogan to tho finost French Boots and Gaiters. HavinV direct from the manufactories, he can offer enporior inducements in prices, and he his opportunity of sustaining his well-earned reputation for superiority of goods. ° ected °o He would farther announce to the trade, and especially to shoemakers in Macon and vicinin «, . L has on hand a large supply of Leather and Findings, with which ho can serve them at rates th.i '“V. h * vorably compare with those of any 8outhcm establishment. Their attention is particnlarlvs.iiLT. S~ fact that he can famish Loather cat to all sizes, crimped Fronts, Bootlegs ready-fitted 17nUf? . thl * kinds, etc., at a very small margin. 1 ulleu ' uppers of all In tho Custom Work department, he still employs first-class, superior workmen and hia m,.. can be supplied, now as ever, with Boots and Shoes, of the finest French calf-skin and th« ,T.i rate workmanship, at short notice. 0 mo,,t cl * v “'- seplO 3m > most clabo. JACOB SCHALL. 86 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEOBQLA Schofield’s Iron Works, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS -a.3xnr required size. SAW MILLS, GEIST MILLS. MILL GEAETNG, G-IN GHAEING (ORDINARY, OB GRAHAM’S EXTRA HEAVY), SUGAK MILLS AND KETTLES, IRON RAILING, OF ANY DESIRED STYLE, AND AT TRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY. SHAFTING, PULFIES, ETC., J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. STILL AHEAD, Onr WROUGHT IRON COT TON SCREW PRESS is tho only Cotton Tress that has etood the test, being used ever since the close of tho war. and is in greater and moro increasing drraand than Onr WATER or STEAM POWER PRESS is becoming Being tho IrlOST ECONOMICAL to those having a WATER TOWER OR STEAM ENGINE. It can ali*o bo rnn rora the band wheel shaft of gin gear. MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodhnll, Commander. CHAMPION. B. W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON, James Berry, Commandor. JAMES ADGER. T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER * CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. S. Crowell, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA, T. J. Beckett, Commandor. CLYDE, J. Kennedy, Commander. ASHLAND, Ingram, Commander WAGNER, HUGER & CO., • WM. A. COUBTNAY, Agents, Charleston, S. C. SO ]=»VTTT . APE IiTaiaTAl VIRGINIA, EMPIRE, Alex. Hunter, Commander. C. Hinckley, Commander. s«TT.nen DATS—THURSDAYS. WM. A. COUBTNAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C | TO 33 a t.tthtoh'r- FALCON, MARYLAND, Ilainio, Commander. Johnson, Commandor. ^Dattom'commander. Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day. I PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S C. | Rates guaranteed as low as thoso of Competing Linos. Marino Insnranco one half of 1 per cent; THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS | THE GREAT RECUPERATOR OF EXHAUSTED ENERGIES. The most reliable Blood Purifier. The sure Repairer of Broken Health. The true Nerve Supporter. The Permanent Strength fienewer. The most Energetic Tonic. In all cases of Debility, Poor Blood, Weak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it surely and durably benefits. Sold by all PruygUtt, or the Manufacturers on the receipt of f6, will send, by Express, 6 Bottles, which is sufficient for S or 4 months. Prepared only at tho Laboratory of Thompson, Steele & Price 2£’f’g Co, runurAcTCMU or DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER. Special Flavorings Tor Ice Cream, Cakes A l’astry. 217 sal 219 LASS 272227, - CHICAGO, ILL. 227 820080 272227, - - - 27. L02IS, W. Can be had at all the State-Rooms may be secured principal Railroad Offices in cored in advance, without extra tee, in all Alabama, Tcnnessco t by addressing Agents of tho' DUta-HWUU UUj UU BTUlrtU Ul auiautc, WlUiUUt UAU1S uj ouiuccotuf, Aik v* ships in Charleston, at whose offices, in mil eases, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berths assigned. The Through Tickets by this Ronto includes Transfers, Meals and State Room,.while on Ship The Sonth Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad. And their connecting lanes have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and I Passengers between the Northern Cities and the Sonth and West. Comfortable Night care, with tho Holmes' Chair, without extra charge, have been introduced on the Sonth Carolina Railroad. First-Class Saloon at RranchvUle. On the Georgia Railroad First-Class Sleeping Care. 'it promptly transferred from Steamer to day and night trains of the Sonth Carolina Railroad. | Close connection made with other Roads, delivering Freights at distant points with great promptness. I The Managers will rise every exertion to satisfy their Patrons that the Line VIA CHARLESTON cannot | For Agent, Sooth Carolina Railroad one 20 eod-Gm it Charleston, S.C.; B. D. HASELL, General I TOKENS, General Passengerand Ticket Agent, | ALFRED L. TYLER, Vice-President Sonth Carolina Railroad. Charleston. 8. O. Ths only kind made by a practical chemist, ns well as physician, with special reference to its kealthfbl- ?“*• »/ articta Uat aid digaUM. Hr/«t §SBL?attttST&SSSZl oolj ^whito («weet) and light, but wholesome and nutritious. Use it; prove it. If not as recommended, we forfeit right to truthfulness. worth- TM WBi 8 " 02 SPANISH E. AD AYS. IL Adams, Razemore & Ware, PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE, NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT, I Tnoe. w. zvaxs. arenn c. oannxzn. I v. n. ntJTcnzsox. w. b. siltox. Evans, Gardner & Co., Importers and Jobbers of I DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS A GLOVES, j Noe. 537, 533 and 541 Broadway (first block above St. Nicholas Hotel), C. B. WOOTEN - , | ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. | OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK. oct22 ly* eopt -GdeodwlyJ SUNDRIES. I O Art haahels Seed BYE and BARLEY. | 4UU 100.000 choice CIGARS. GOO dozen fresh Core OYSTER 5 , 3,000 sacks choice FLOUR, 20 kegs FULTON MARKET REEF. 10,000 handles TTF.S. 1,000 rolls BAGGING, If yon wint good bargains, call and see oct22 U SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. N entering npon a new cotton season, tender to the patrons and friends of and to all others who may Their attention o Adams ARazemcre, and to all favor them with their patronage, will be given exclusively to the Storage and Sale of Cotton. And to filling orders for Bagging, Ties and Planta tion Supplies. Asking for a continuance of the generous support accorded to the old firm during the past season, they pledge themselYes to giro unremitting atten tion to the interests of their patrons, liberal advances made on cotton in etore. aepC difcwSm FOR RENT. 1 STORE, also a amt of rooms suitable for a cot ton buyer. Apply at THIS OFFICE. eep5 tf OVER GAITERS TTOBsaio by Jj F. L. GROCE, octlO tf Hollingsworth Block. DAXUBY cfc CO., xst inuuo. 325 wist EiLTixoxr srairr, WHOLESALE Fruiterers and Candy Manufacturers BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. ler-Udi-rim* ixsxs cass. MISS A. O’CONNOR H AS now on band an elegant assortment of Mil- iinery OoodB, Sash Ribbons. As I mention Real Lace in Valenciennes, Duchesse Lace, Beal Lace Sets and Collars, rang ing in size from small to largo. Ladies’and Misses’ French Corsets. A large stock of Fine Furs, Swans’ Down, and Zephyr Worsted. A fine stock of Jet Goods and Fancy Goods- A well eelected stock in Beai and Imitation Hair Goods, and other different styles of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention bore. All orders promptly attended to. Cotton Avenue, under Biddle' * Macon. Oa CJSOWSr SHERRY. ’.Photograph Gallery' I 'T’HIS jnatly celebrated brand of Wine isimported octlStf I -L direct from Cadiz, Spain, and is certainly the I purest ever offered in the Southern market. purest Price per case 89 00 Price per gallon 3.50 For ealo by A. L. RICHARDSON, Importer of Spanish Wines, eep!2 Gm 124 Ray street, Savannah, Georgia INSURANCE COMPANY. U SETS, . . 818.360,000, GOLD, | After paying its CHICAGO LOSSES, Which were paid immediately. J^ATES as low as any first-class company. Pays promptly all losses. All kinds of insurance effected. | SABIUS W. OliZB. W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of | BOOTS AND SHOES, 133 AND 140 GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Represented by Coi. B. W. Hogan, of Georgia. oct8dly* ON CHERRY STREET AGAIN.. J. BLOCK, Agent, would respectfully in- 1>JL form hia friends and the public generally that * *_ tfwet, with a large lithe Cherry atre< ice Cigars, embracing all t Onr HAND PBES3 ( ndoed, as all of them are,) i* too well known, and haa established iteelf as the TLANTER’S FAVORITE. Aa there is no comparison between a cast and a WRC tTGHT HtON SCREW, we do not recommend CAST IRON 8CREW8, though we make them for those wanting a CHEAP Preae. Send us your orders, or send for Circular and Prioe THE WILCOX PATENT HORSE POWER Wo claim to bo SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER for Ginning Cotton, nnd it is the only Hons Power made that wo know of that can supercede the ordinary Gin Gear. J. S. SOHOFIELB & SON. LAWTON it WILLINGHAM, SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON & LAWTON, COTTON FACTORS Warehouse ami Commission Merchants FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. N Publishing onr card, wo claim nothing moro for onreolyes than a determination to do onr DUTY towards onr cuatomora. By strict attention to our business, and studying tho intoreat of ocr patrons wo have boon abla heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that all who will give us & fair trial will continue to patronize our house. wgjja LAWTON & WILLINGHAM. ERNEST PESCHKE’S octai-tscpit L O. PLAOT, Agent, Macon, Ga. he id again back on stock of the moat choice favorite branda, and Chewing and Smoking 1110 pur P c ^. e 01oDservmg tho meridia Tobacco of all descriptions. His store ia the exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of next door above Valentino’s Saloon and Reetau- lant. Give him a call, all you who lovo a good cigar or quid of tobacco. eop9 2m !!^acon Standard Mean Time. H AVING perfected my arrangements to correct tho slightest error in the time-keeping of my fiae Regulator, by the erection of an observatory and ono of the moat approved TRANSIT INSTRU MENTS,^ for tho purpose o^observing tho meridian passage of tho sun and stars, I will be able to keep Ewpeclal Attention paid to tlie Kepairinsr and rating of Cue 'Watches, as well as all kinds of new work mode to order. july27-ly