The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, October 31, 1871, Image 2

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Telegraph & Messenger. TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. SI, 1871. Km* IMBHh Hon. John Bosk*. ■oo-in-Uw of our towns man, Maj. F. K. Shackelford, wan one of the few Demoenta recently elected to the Senate of OftUfor&i*. The LonisviUa Ledger, of the 27th, aaje: Gen. Thomas Johnson, of Montgomery, waa yesterday married to Miaa Peteia, nleoe of Judge i'etoia, of the Court of Appeala. Theywero at the Galt Honae last night, an mate South to spend the winter. Ban Snoormo.—Whaley, a reporter for the Charleston Daily News, and Trial Justice Mack- ey, emptied two flre-barrel Colt’a resolsera at each other on Broad atreet, Charleston, on Fri- day laat and nobody bit That reminda ns of a "sanguinary duel" down in Florida some yearn ago, wherein the parties blazedat each other f£ two boor. and . half and hit nobody, exoept an onfortonate boll yearling, which hap. parted to be browsing about forty rods off. Fi nally, they gave op in sheer exhaustion, and that “light" did much to check the paaaion for daolliog. Exmotuwoa or ^Taws.-hnIM^ «»• has bean formed for a thorough exes, watioo of the bed of the Tiber, whit* U aop- nosed to contain boundless artistic and arebreo- locical troaanros nnder ita yellow sands. It ia said that every reyolntion paid tributo to the river. The Tiber received the status, armor and even the diadems and insignia of unpopular emnerors • and when barbarous enemies than* denxl at the gatoa of Borne, the inhabitants, hopeless for their lives, throw everything in the yeUowrtver which eonid be valuable to the plundering foe. The eobeme baa enlieted the interest and means of many artists, antiquaries and learned men in Europe. Cnuacsxs DneTsoran ix Cmoaoo.—A list of the churches destroyed in the Chicago fire shows the following classification: Baptists 4, Congregational 2, Protestant Epiaoopal tl, Evan- ikI Lutheran It, Jewish 2, Methodist 10, Presbyterian 8, Itomau Catholic (ineiudiogoou, vents) 14, Swedenborgian 2, Uniterian 1, Uni- versa Ust 1—total CO. There were also several mission establishment* not included in the above enumeration. Couluis Wrr —Hero is something which ro- minda na of old times. We find it in a New Y4rk letter to the St. I/>ois Advocate : The newlv elected assistant bishop of the Protestant Epiaoopal Church in Booth Carolina ia the Bev. William Bell White Howe. Wb«n he waa a Mud. ut in the university of Vermont, a bnrlmqnn programme of a junior exhibition wae published. It imitated the style of the tri ennial oaulogiie. and in it the future bishop ap- peered as tlulieimns Tintinnabulus Candida* (fUMiwdo / So dooao ia tbo smoke from the hurting for- eats of Wiaoouain aud Michigan, whieb covers Lakes Huron and Superior, that the steamer Arctic, the crack veasei of the upper lake trade, on her lsat trip down, was fifteen hours in find ing Marquette, after sbo wsa off that harbor by clock aud compass. Snob thick darkneaa did the amoke eatabiiah, that the steamer’* lamps wars kept burning all day Ibe same as at night. Tub Finn *t Chicago SuinfXD Ur.—It is es timated, opon wbat may be regarded as good authority, that the fire eovered over 2,000 acres iu the heart of the city; over 20,000 buildings were destroyed, and 93,000 persona diapoaeased of their borne*; !K>,000 buildings are left stand ing : .10,000 people have loft the city, and 280,000 remain. Upwards of sixty of the finest ehurcbe* were totally destroyed. Five groin elevator* were burned, with 1,COO,000 bushel* of grain; eleven elevator* remain uninjured, containing .1,000,000 bushels of groin. One- half of the enure pork product wa* burned, with the lAnio proportion of floor. Eighty thousand ton* of coal were consumed, and about tbo Heme amount is on hand. Fifty million fret of lumber were burned, aud two hundred aud forty million feet remain nnbarmod—nearly one-qnarter enough to robcild the waste places The stock of leather was reduced to abont one quarter, the value of that burned being about $95,000. The greater portion of the stock* of groceries, dry goods, aud bools and shoe* were burned, with more than one-half of tbe ready-made olothing, but the quantities destroyed were scarcely equal lo three weeks’ supply, and are being rapidly replaced. Abont ten par cent, of the currency waa burned. A careful average of these larger items with smaller one* show* that Ibe city baa anffsred • loaa of not lea* than twenty or more than twenty-five per cent, on her total assets, real and ponmnai. Tbe terrible personal ex periences published in tbo Eastern papers are at*ted, aJmoat wiihont exception, to be fabrica tions. Paaxmo ran the Eiirroni.—Bev. Charles Voysey, the English clergyman condemned for heresy some time since, is attempting to fonnd n new ehuroh. Among other novelties, he naoa • litany whioh conlaina tbe following beseech- mat: “That it may please Thee to help all literary persona and editors of the pnblio press, that they may nse all their powers in the eanse of troth and rlghteonaneas, and rite above the praise and blame of men.” There outfit lo be nothing heretical in each •n addition to the prayers of tbo congregation AI1 editors need to be prayed for—some groat deal more than others, it ia true; bnt will hurt none of them. Tbe people who hold daily converse with the thirty millions of read, an and thinkers who oompoea tbo population of the United States, might to be nnder a eon atant aanae of their responsibility to God and tbeir country. They ought to be very earcfnl to avoid errors of fact and of opinion. They should be a* chary of pandering to prejndioe, and all those evil passions which distract tbe State, aoclety and the ehnroh as the fanner ia to sow pure seed in the ground There is no dais of'men in the wide world who wield so extensive an Influence; and as population and knowledge increase, tbe pros* outruns them as the aooepted and universal agent of public in. formation. If, therefore, the newspaper proas fails to imbibe a deeper and graver senae of ita own aooonntabilily, it is cqnally untrue to itself and to theeonntry. It will be nntrue to its minion and will be eouipelltd to undergo a re volutionary ordeal. It will be oompeUed to txt- oome more judicial, unprejudiced and impar tial. To view facta and events from nnbiaaed standpoints. No wise man wants to be misled on any point, and even the man of strong pre judices, become*, at last, impatient of a pander when he begin* to suspect it In this age of cniveraal and rapid movement—physical and intellectual—the people will demand auoh in creasing earnestness, candor, freedom, inde pendence and troth from the newspaper press. Wnxax u rax Foot KiixasJ-There is s very aotive, oouiplete and dangerous fool somewhere down in East Fioripa, who ia doing mischief to that oountry through the papers. A few weeks ago h* introduced to the proas a terrifio account of an extensive eaving of the limestone Croat in Marion county. As Umeainks are only too oom- rnon it Florida, the story waa credited to a great extent—much, we suppose, to the drainage of a very valuable comity. There is a wide spread deal re among people who bny land to have ita aarfaoe stay permanently on top; and the story of this geologies! performance, wherever whole square miles suddenly sunk below water, has been road by thousands who will never see the laugh over a successful hoax. The same fertile genius has started another frightful narrative of a grand ernption of the alligators in Orange oounty upon the people and cattle thereof. Now, ae there are too many alligators in Florida for comfort, the puhho sensitiveness on that point does not demand irritation at this time even in way of jest. Evidently the fellow means to go throngh with all the horrors seriatim. He ha* got next to write a hoax founded on the poisonous snakes which aie somewhat numerona —then upon the aoorpiona and forest spiders the sharks and atingaroea, and finally upon the mosquitoes, wherein hi* wildest hoax will be no groat exaggeration. If Floridians want immi gration they should spare no expense to atop these papers. VI4COM A Mltr.v.swIt K It. K. ‘•Development” Ex traor«linnry,“Over (lie Left-” Months ago we raised a note of warning our friends in Southwest Georgia to beware the Kimball money, and the danger of confiding too much in the promises of the managers of the Brunswick and Albany Bail road. At Ibe time of tbe passage of tbe bill through the agency of lobby workers calling themselves Demoenta, and who, it is currently reported, “Aad their reward," it was openly charged that members of the General Assembly had been bribed with shares of tha capital stock to grant the State aid called for. This charge has never been refuted to tbe satisfaction of tbe people. Wbat we wish to denounce at this time ia tbe wrong which has been inflicted upon the inno cent bat credulous people of Southwest Geor- Hard working, necessitous mechanics, have the wretched staff yclept "Kimball money" still on hand, and cannot pnrehaie a morsel of bread with it. Honest contractors who bought moles and carta, hired laborers, and abandoned their ordinary pnnnita to fulfill their obliga tions, are left without employment, and worse still, 7uire not been paid for their labors. One of these, a bridge contractor, told the writer re cently, that with $J,100 owing him, he had been refused credit at the company's commissa ry for a sack of floor. Another salaried offioer, a most worthy, efficient, and needy gentleman, has several hundred dollars due him, and his family suffer for the want of bis earnings. More than all this, stimulated by poeitivB assurances that the road would certainly be completed by November first, buildings have been erected in Gnlhbert, large stocks of goods purchased, and preparations madp for a heavy trade. How stands the matter? Many valuable stores are withont tenants, hundreds of destitute laborers, many of them unpaid, are out of employment end can get no work at this season, and tbs peo ple are gloomy and disheartened. AU honest men viewed the grant of $23,000 in gold per mile to thi# particular road, aa a frond upon the tax payers of Georgia. They were con firmed in this belief when a bankrupt Badical adventurer was elected President, who immedi ately subsidized with “white money”and tempt ing contracts, ail creation, to pnsh tbo work throngh by hook or crook, (mostly crook, how ever,) before the Legislators could give tbe coup de grace to the whole concern. Tbe bonds to tbe extent of five millions of dollars we are as sured, were issued, and duly signed, and placed in tbe hands of Gov. Bollock. How many Kim ball got, or what oar non-resident Governor has done with the balance, this deponent cannot say. We hope the people’s Representatives, however, will take speedy measures to find out. All Ibis is tbe resalt of a stupendous specu lation, whioh would, even if successful, have feathered the neats of a few only, and left the ovarbnr^pned tax payers of the State to carry the bag and bear tbe harden. People of Georgia, behold the folly of State aid promiacnonaly to all railroad enterprises. Learn a lesson also from the dearly bonght ex perience of your sister State of Tennessee. It is very safe to say, whenever a railroad project will pay, capital and labor will assured ly nnito to constrict it This will prove a trne tost in a majority of eases, though exceptional instances may arise when pnblic help might be expedient, because beneficial to all. How many of snch can be pointed ont? The Georgia Legislature Meets to-morrow, and begins what can hard ly fail lobe a laborious and exciting session. The subjects ooming before it are momentous. There most be a careful, olose and fair inves tigation into all tbe affairs and administration of tha State government since 1SC8, and deci sive measures taken to protect the State from bankruptcy. The jndicial system most be vised and amended. New election laws mast be passed. The system of Stste aid to railroads imperatively demands correction. A new edu cational system most be adopted. A new Legis lative apportionment will lie necessary. These are among the great measures of the session. No time should be lost in taking,tbem in hand. The session is only sixty days long, and there no margin for waste. Every white man Goorgia longs to see this Democratic session characterized by vigor, energy, pradenoe, dili gence and a high patriotic devotion to the beat interests of the State. 8hal! we see it ? THE GEORGIA 1‘KKSS. Bibb County Delegation. Bibb county demands that short work shall be made of the bogus Badical ticket from this oounty, elected by negro boys under age, and Imported African ballot box staff era from Jones, Ilona ton, Crawford, Twiggs and Monroe conn- ties. The evidence has all been taken—the ease “ “* d * out—let the contest be abort, and the molt sudden. Oonmi Floras*.—Ta„ telegrams of Sunday make the following exhibit: The receipt* since September are 363,039, against437,622 in 1870. 1871. .. 219,536 1870. 231,802 39,429 509,000 63,000 *26,277 At all the porta. Interior In Urerpool.... American afloat Indian afloat 1.208.3C6 1,069,508 Showing an excess thin year of 138,858 bales. Oh the AViso.—Sunday’* telegram* report Brigham Young and Apostle Hyde on the wing for Mexico—fleeing from indictments in tha Federal Court. Vnde Itnllork. Our press dispatches last night announce the res gnatlon and ignominious flight of this miserable carpet-bagger, who has trodden nnder foot and robbed a defenceless people, nnder Federal backing, for three years past, doubtless saw tbe handwriting on the wall, and ooolil not faee the Deuiocrotie mnsic. Doubt less, both Kimball and bis frightened Excel lency have taken care of themselves by West ern and European investments at the pnblio expense. They are having lively times in our Georgia Chicago. Death of Mrs. N. E. Qmtrleriinin. In another column will be fonnd a notice the deoeaae t f this mother in Israel on Tuesday, the 2tth inst., near Unthbert, Georgia Mrs. Quartennan was a native of Liberty county, and relict of Thomas Qaarterman, Esq., one of the Puritan stock, who emigrated from Dorchester, Eogland, to Dorcheeter, Massachusetts, thence to Dorchester, Sonth Carolina, and finally 1752, to Midway, Liberty county, then known as St. Johns Parish. For many years she was a member of old Midway, tbe mother of churches, and a devont and consistent Christian. Possessed of gentle and winning manners, and a heart fnU of the milk of bnman kindness, she was greatly beloved by her numerous friends and kindred. Mrs. Qaarterman was ibe mother of the wife of Mr. Milo Freeman, oar fellow townsman. Her remains were transported to the old moss- grown cemetery of Midway church, where they will repose by the side of her husband and rela tives nntil the final resnrrectioD. Peace to her ashes. 1 he Industrial Exhibition. On Monday the onee crowded halls of the State Agricultural Association were well nigh stripped of their oontents, and presented “a beggarly aooonnt of empty benches.” Floral HaU looked faded sod deserted, tbe very ghost of its former self. Indeed tbe F air ia virtually at an end, and tbe turf men and sporting bloods and betting characters have possession of the grounds, and horse flesh is in the asoendont. The races were well attended, intensely exciting and closely contested. Oar looal columns will give the particular*. We begin the publication to-morrow of the long list of premiums awarded daring the Fair. The Exposition has been a signal success. The Daisy. We were indebted to Mr. Milo Freeman, President of the Combination Boat Club, last week, for a pleasant excursion of several miles on the waters of the Ocmnlgee, in the pretty steamer Daisy, named in honor of Mayor Hoff’s daughter. The tiny croft is thirty-two feet in length, eight feet wide, and draws eighteen inches of water only. Her model ia graceful, and almost withont effort she moved the rate of fourteen miles an hour. Quite a pleasant party of ladies and gentle men were on board, and all seemed to enjoy the trip exceedingly. The Daisy will be in great demand for pio- nies and pleasure excursions. New Hooks at Barke’s. Glaxton, Renisen & Haffelfinger, Philadel phia, have just published “Bertha, the Beauty," a story of the Southern Revolution, by Mis. Sarah J. C. Whittlesey, of Alexandria, Virginia—a tale of abont 400 pages—and no doubt the experience of many a Southern beanty since the war is worth telling. Harper's Illustrated Almanac for 1872 is a calendar of the fanny order and full of spirited illustrations. So also is “Josh Billings’ Fanner's Almi- nax,” just published by Carlton. All for sale Barke’s. Twiggs Cochtt AoMcn/mui. Socirrr.—On the 28th instant a very large nnmberof the best and most substantial planters in Twiggs connty met at Twiggs Lodge—the meat central and ac cessible point in tbe oounty—and permanently organized an agricultural society with the above =»me, and elected the following officers: Dr. W. O. Daniel, President; CoL AVm. Faulk, A’ice 1 and Judge W. L. SolomoD, Secretary and Treasurer. Ateasti News —The following was tha vote on the candidate for Mayor: John H. Janus 1,036; Lather J. Glenn 702; William H. Hal sey 425; M. J. Ivy 18. Death or Kit. N. M. Csawt ,xn —The Con stitution says intelligence was reoeivrd in that city Saturday morning, of the death of the Bev. Nathaniel Hioon Crawford, D. D , at his farm in Whitfield oonnty, on Thursday night, from paralysis. He had suffered from paralysis, which affected his tongue, for about a month, and it gradually spread nntil his throat and head were affected. Bev. Mr. Crawford was the bod of Hon. William H. Crawford, (at one time candidate for President of the United States) and was abont sixty years of age. Nathaniel Macon Crawford was one of tore’s noble men. Generous, magnanimous and liberal, there were vary few riper intellects, or more cultivated men, in the Baptist denomina tion of which ha waa a representative man and leader, than he. He illustrated the beanty of tbe Christian religion, and waa gathered to his fathers, fall of years and honor*. Tha same paper says on Friday night Dr. and lira Willis Westmoreland gave an entertain ment in honor of the two distinguished Demo cratic statesmen, temporarily sojourning with na, Senator Bayard, of Delaware, and Repre sentative Voorheee, of Indiana It was one of the moat elegant and recherche social occasions we have ever witnessed. A coital or Mxasas. Lons Mo.nthoixin, W. A. Kent and Henet Slteb.—Tbo Savannah Republican of Saturday says the above-named gentlemen, who were the victims of a dastard ly outrage by a band of lawless negroes on last Sunday morning, while protecting Mr. Mont- molliu’a plantation, on the Savannah river, ar rived in this oity yeaterday, from Blnffton, S. 0., by the steamer General Scott Mr. Slyer, who was severely wounded, still suffers very much, and when he reached his home in this oity, was in a very critical condition, bnt we are ibid to learn that be ia now some little better. Jr. Montinollin’s wounds, though not seriona, are very painful. Wo learn, however, that he is doing aa well ms eonid be expected. The con duct of the negroea toward these gentlemen after being wounded, was ontrogeona, and if there is an; such thing as law and jnstioe in Sonth Carolina, we trust that the villains will be brongbt to speedy trial, and severely pun ished. The nnfortonate gentlemen speak in high terms of the kind and hospitable treat ment they received at the hands of the white people of Blnffton, who did all in tbeir power to contribute to their comfort. The ootton receipts in Colnmbns on Saturday were 151 bales, against 451 the same day laat year. Receipts from 1st September to date 8,507 against 17,187 tosame date lost year, Columbus Stocks.—The Son says 0. S. Har rison sold, Tuesday, at assignee’s sale, 90 shares Eagle Factory stock, (not Eagle and Pm nix,) on which $100 per share has been paid, for $275 for tbe whole lot (the Eagle is an ante bdluns, 18C5, Federal burned factory); 87J shares Southern Insurance and Trust Company, Savannah, brought, as a whole, $1G0; 9 stmt, a preferred stock Mobile and Girard Bailrosd, Bold for $111, and six and a fraction shares, not preferred of same, for $20. Tbe last two show the scarcity of money. Bbuxswigk.—We call the following from tbe Seaport Appeal of Saturday: Steamship Ashland.—This New York Steam er arrived at her wharf on Wednesday last with a large freight. Besides a considerable amount for onr merchants she had a large freight for Macon. Themexchauiaof the interior are learn ing the beat route to ship I heir goods. Captain N. S. Fcjnet.—Onr esteemed fellow citizen Captain N. S. Finney, wbo ia always zealous for the promotion of the interest of onr city has returned from his trip to Europe whither he went to inaugurate measures looking to the development of onr port. Capt. F. ia cheerful and sanguine as to the fntnro prosperity of Brunswick. Sudden Deaths.—On Monday or Tuesday morning last a colored emplovee at the mill of Cook Bros. & Co , fell dead withont any apparent canse or previous complaint, and on AVednesdav another fell from tbe wharf of N. S. Finney & Co., and waa drowned, jeet to fits. Recognition of Valuable Szavices.—The City Council on Wednesday night last in rocog- ■ slks Too finch. 11 wo may credit the report of an inter viewer in behalf of the New York Commercial Advertiser, the Russian Minister, Mr. Catacazy, ia one of the most impudent of diplomats. He is aa lofty in his pretensions as Genet himself. Here is a sample; “ What will be tbe result of this difficulty ?" “ Well, after the Grand Duke returns, I shall also return to Russia on a leave of absence. I shall suit be Minister. My government, Prince Gortsehakoff, and the Cxar eipje-s al most daily fall confidence in me. I know I am right, and that, when a fnU history of every thing ia known, yonr countrymen will be my atrungest champions. “Wnl another Minister be sent in yonr place?" “No, tbe mission will remain vacant nntil there shall be each a change at Washington as that it will be pleasant for me to return. If I could pnblish a toll statement of facts, I eonid pat myself right before yonr ~ " simply stand still where I am. Lies and scan, dais wiU die after awhile. I am in a diplomatic position. I can address yonr government diplo matically, bnt it would be Tery bad taste for me to issue an address to the American people. By- and-by everything will be published. I can re * fate nothing throngh the pnblio press over my own signature. I know a good many silly stories have been set afloat from some source in Wash ington. They have approached Mrs. Grant and Mr*. Fish with die*, I will courtesy to Madam Catacazy. According to Mr. Catacazy the gosip abont his wife ia all very wide of the mark: “She was the daughter of Fitz James of Ber wick, and sixth granddaughter of King James of England. I know her when she was a little girl in France. I also met her in Odessa, on the Black Sea, where herf amilyhaTe large estates.” “Waa Madame Catacazy in the United States •new advertisements FOR SAFE. 1 OFFER for sals my baantifnl Morgan Mare ahich rtc-ived the premium at the Fair as the beat four year old Mare on exhibition. Also a new and elegant Park Pine ion, sold separately or lo- 5 ether. Can be seen at Swift A Archer’s stable, ‘erms Terr reasonable. B. D. HAT.T.. 00313i* BELLIES! BELLIES! 5Q BOXES FRESH BELLIES. Just received. GEO. T. BOGEBS’ SONS. APPLES! APPLES! 5 0 BARBELS RED APPLES. Just received. GEO. T. BOGEBS’ SONS. . „ ... . „ . ,, BOOTS AND SHOES, simply stand still where I am. Lies and scan- ' p. t._ GHOtTR F. L. GROCE, Hollingsworth Block. LAST NOTICE!! Secnre Yonr ChristaS New Year’s Gills $1,0 00,0 o o . $ th tb^storiro! 1 bntbmhto^Lfuf I "R Y tbe ot the act of the Legislature of ll. JJ Kentucky, of March IS, 1871, the Trustees of ^ ta tbeir | the Public Library of Kentucky, will give a GRATfD GIFT CONCERT, AT LOUISVILLE, KY., Saturday, December 16th, 1871. 100.000 ticketo of admission. 810 each, curren cy, half tickets, $5, quarter tickets, 82 50. Tickets will be sent by registered letter; the mon ey for them may bo sent by P. O. money order, greenbacks or draft. Each ticket consists of four quarters, value $250 previous to yonr arrival here as Minister in I each. The bolder is entitled to admission to the 18G9 ?" I Concert, and to the valne of toe gift awarded to it I “Never.” 1 or ita fraction. 8559,000 in greenbacks will be distributed to hold ers of tickets, in gifts of from 8100,000. too larg- I eet, to 8100, the lowest, being 721 gifts in all. The Concert is for tbe benefit of the Pnblio Li brary of Kentucky. The Citizens’ bank of Ky., is I Treasurer, and Ibe corporators sod supervisors are I tbe Hon. Tbos. E. Bramlette, late Governor of Ken- I J. 8. ficlrofleld A Son. These enterprising machinists of our city car ried away all the premiums tot cotton presses at toe late Fair. Their screw anff ootton box, which was longer by 20 inches than any on ex- I lucky, and 27 of the most distinguished and re- hibition, waa adjudged to bo the most snbatan- ^^“^“ed^l'are ^ndpal business mans- I tad. The thread to the former being cot from I ger of toe very successful Gift Concert for the ben-1 solid iron, worked very easily, and with care is capable of lasting for an indefinite period. The first premium was also awarded for the steam and water power press of the same gentlemen. efit of toe Mercantile Library at San Francisco, haa been appointed agent and manager of this Grand I Gift Concert. The drawing and distribution will take place in public, and everything will be done to satisfy the bnyers of tickets that tbeir interests will be as well I which packed a bale in two minuter, and was I protected ms if they were personally preeont to en- very completo. It affords ns pleasure thus to chronicle the sncccss of onr nativa machinists, of whom wo have a goodly number who reflect honor npon the central city of Georgia. JarnrH S. nook lor Senator. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Having ^ seen the names of several gentlemen suggested I advertisements oonwqnent on*'the^disastrous con- perintend the entire affair. For tickets and information apply to O. B. PETERS, 120 Mainst„ Louisville, Ky., No. 8 Astor House. N. Y. H. N. Hcmpsted, No. 410 Broadway, Milwaukee, AVia. M. A. French, A’irgiuia City, Nevada. M. A. AYolf, No. 816 Chestnut st., St. Louis. Tickets also for eale in every prominent place in I toe United States. 1 Owing to the general derangement of mails and I suggest James S. Hook, of Angnsta, who ia the very soul of honor, a ripe scholar, a deep thinker, a staunch Democrat of high character, elevated patriotism and a glorious intellect, in whom Georgia might bo proud. AV. ‘•Chemical Manures.”—This ia tha unpre-1 tenuous till" of a work issued by toe Plantation Publishing Company. It is the "agricaltnrol lectures delivered at tbe great Frenoh Experi mental Farm in Vincennes, in the year 1867, by George Villa,’’ translated by Miss E. L. Howard, of Bartow connty. Miss Howard haa j It waa said be was sub-1 done a great work for toe country. It was a task of much difficulty, requiring not only a 01 o (I) m 0 o z 0 et buyers as aoon'&a possible. No order will be filled I /a at miiu office for less than $10. oct31 eodl2t C1IAJS. B. PETERS, Manager. \JJ THE GEORGI A HOME H .INSURANCE CO., Of Columbus, Georgia ^3 CD jH P hi m CD m p P P- o GRAND B. A.. GOLD MEDAL AWARDED WISE <& no. BUCK (Brilliant Cooknig Stove —AT THE— GEORGIA STATE FAIR, OCTOBER 26, 1871. AFTER ACTUAL TRIAL —WITH THE— Great Benefactor and the Stewart Cook Stove ANOTHER GLORIOUS VICTORY. GRAND GOLD MEDAL AWARDED 'BUCK’S BRILLIANT, —AT THE— IUST E) W ORLEANS FAIE APRIL 28, 1871. throngh the pnblio prints, aa snitable candidates I Bagrations in toe West, too tale of tickets in this I for tbe seat of the United States Senator—some I enterprise is extended to November SO, 1871. at [ of whom are well and favorably known, and I which time the main office. 120 Main st., Louisville, would be highly acceptable to the Democracy • wiU doee for adjustinent of «oonnta andbue- of the State; but who would, if elected, by No orders except by mail wiU bo received “ ^ , I * ,ter Dcc let. »nd no orders by mail will be filled reason of inelhgibilUy, not be allowed to take irtor Deo. 10th. The New York office will close their seat; as no sane man can expect the pres- Dec 10th; other agendas Deo. 5th. Every ticket ent administration to admit any Democrat to I unsold Dec. 14th will be cancelled tar ita No. The | a self, if there ia tbe shadow of an exense for drawing will take place in public, Dec. 16, 1871; keeping him out It is, therefore, to be hoped I commencing at 7 a m., and continne until the 721 that the Legislature will hazzard nothing on this gifts are awarded. Payment of awards will corn- point ; bnt elect a man who is eligible and com- ? ec j 9 .»* 9 °’ clock A Gircal&ro f *'™rd9 potent The State has several such, among E 1 ? •“ f “ und at «very agency as eoou as toev can ,v TwJy •*> issued correctly, aud will also be sent to all tick- whom I would suggest the name of tbe Hon. «* bnvers aa Konr/Wwiii Incorporated... Capital and Assets 1859 ..$191,959 55 m m Untouched by tha Chicago and other disasters. mtion of tbe valuable services of Hon. James familiarity with scientific terms, but a change Houston, in reooyeriDg the town commons for I from French weights, measures, and currency thorough knowledge of the French language and I continues to famish indemnity against loss by firo on all inaonble property at adequate rotes. J. RHODES BBOWNE, President the city, donated five blocks of lots on toe com-1 to onr own. mons to hia family. Raunt ridge bad a grand passige at arms and I The State Agricultural Convention at ita Bomo session endorsed it in the highest terms. [ toomey laat Wednesday. Charles Munnerlyn Tho work has aIready reached its lhitd editl0D . (third) was tho victor, and Miss Lncy Branch, of Mitchell, the Queon an^P. G. of tho occasion. In Jail.—Up to last Tuesday they had 85 of I WITHIN ONE-HALF MILE OF THE DEPOT AT I D. F. WILL COX, Secretary. GT Application i received and policies iBenod by l WSI. W. CARNES, Agent, oct!7 dGt tMttawlm Office 8C Cherry street. A PLASTATIOA FOR SALE, Speaking npon a hasty survey of the State the best citizens in York connty, S. C., in jaiL FORT VALLEY, Fatir in M icon, tho Colnmbns San says: I Tho arresth are generally made at night, and We were at the Fair Thursday. The grounds parties are hurried off with toilets very inoom- and houses are beautiful, not surpassed by any- Ieto . Wben they enterH ho dungeon they strike I ft”* « thing in this oountry. The exhibition is a very | _ iU t u ° J | has a dwelling bouse, ^containing four or five rooms, good one. The orowda are not bo Urge as at toe Fair of two years ago; bnt they have averaged from 5,000 to 15,000 per day, increasing as the exhi bition goes on. The gronnds and improvements np that good old hymn, “My country, ’tie of thee, Land of tbe noble free Of thee I sink.” Also the Star Spangled Banner ad libitum. I and success of the undertaking, show what plnck I If it ia sweet to die for one’s country, isn’t it and energy, represented by Mayor Hnff, can ac- sweeter still to rot in jail for yonr country ? eomplisb, wben baoked by toe municipality of a wealthy city like Macon. The beanty of toe State waa magnificently illustrated. A married Udy of this city, as she always is, was toe focus of general and deserved admiration. A yonng lady of North Georgia b«r 24th. 1871, Mas. Sabah E. Quabiesmajc, of waa, undoubtedly, withont a peer aa regards Liberty County, Ga., widow of Thomas Qaarter- ard other oat- buildinga, also a gin-bouao and I screw. This settlement ia within tlireo-fourths of a mile of the Churches and Academics in Fort I Valley. It is a very desirable place and can bo I bought at a reasonable price, if application is made ion to WM. J. ANDERSON, cc; 29 fit Foe* Valley, G\. BOARD. A FEW persons can be accommodated with I board and lodging, by immediate application, [ At the residence of her eon, Dr. K. A. Quarter- I at the large brick building on the comer of First man, in Randolph Oonnty, Ga., on Tuesday, Or-to- j and Pine streets. oct7tf loveliness. The press had a house to themselves, they did is nobody’s business. They all admired man, Sr., deceased aged seventy years, one mouth | What | , nd throe weeks. She endured her sufferings with patience and ro- rejoicing in Christ her Saviour. She bade adieu to her children and grand-children present, and left her love and farewell for the absent ones, telling to meet her in Heaven.*’ • “ Life** duty done, aa sicks the day. Li,iht from its loid the spirit files; While heaven and oarth combine to say. How blest the righteous when she dies! to U Mac“n. lb0DBht *“ ^ Bh ° n ‘ d I We clip the following from the Colnmbns Son, of Saturday: Steameb C. D. Fbt Suuk—Boat Total Loss | thorn all —Fmight Damaged.—Thursday, about noon, the steamer O. D. Fry, which had left hero a few hoars before for Apalachicola, was ran on a snag at Wright’s Landing, twenty-five miles below Columbus. She instantly sunk, the log tearing a big bole in her hail. Where she struck toe water is ten feet deep. Th.log, however, bears her np. Tbe steamer ia a total loss with the exception of tbe machinery and portion of the cabin. She bad on board eight to ten toon- sand dollars’ worth of mixed goods, shipped from this point, nearly all of which will be saved —some, however, in a greatly damaged con dition. Some flour in sacks floated off. The Palaoe Mills had a good deal of flour on board, . „ _ _ i and Mr. Greenwood considerable good*, which TUESDAY'S RACES, OlT 31, 18)1. be waa sending below to his other store. No | 1 insurance on toe freight The canse of toe accident was toe pilot, a negro named Jane Jenkins, made a mistake in the bells, ringing toe one to go forward instead of the one to back the boat Capt Abe Fry commanded. He ia one of theoldeat and'Lost competent effieea on to. | By‘town^: dST^Statr 1 S^‘7aL£ The Fry was built at Pittsburg in the fall of 1865, and brought here in November of the same jear. She cost Barnett A Co. $32,000. Not l ong ago she, with toe other boats thay owned, was aold to the Jacksonville, Pensacola and FOR SALE. 1 Second band WALL TENT, 14x14—good as new. I Alao. one SHOW CAaE—not ae good as new. Inquire at once. D C. HODGKINS & SON, Dealers in Guos, 59 Mulberry et. Macon, Ga oct 24-tf- E. L. HiSNEY & BBoS. > 0 0 z 0 m 0 3 o Q F O H M g Q K Best Baked Bread. OVEK THE FOLLOWING STOVES, ON ACTUAL TRIAL, | HAEM0HTA, PHILANTHROPIST, FASHION, MOUND CITY, GEM, AMERICAN, GENERAL, STEWART. BAKEWELL, TIMES, CHARTER OAK. . —ALSO, AT THE— MEMPHIS FAIR, AFTER -A-OTTJ^lH, TJEfclAL —WITH THE— | CHARTER OAK, CHARTER & CONTINENTAL. I OVER 300,000 HAVE BEEN SOLD Iff THE I'MTED STATES ALOR! Every Stove Warranted to give Satisfaction, Or Money Refunded, LEAST FUEL. BEST BREAD. SHORTEST TIME. B. A. WISE & CO.’S, CHEERY STREET, MACON, GA WAIT. WAIT FOR THE BIG SHOW 'IB, That will Visit the Soulhfrn States this Winter. they have returned buninees at tbeir old stand on I Poplar street, iu tbe little wooden building next to I Blake's low block, where will be constantly kept on | band a full supply of ► very thing that ia fonnd in a T .. . . . w> _ . j MEAT MAUKtSf, anch a* fine TennoNbee Beef, tbe I In this city, on tbe 30th instant, Bonn, youngest I ^ 0 f TenuoMue Potk, Bo cgua Sansagea, Pork I son of Charles H. and Laura A. Rogers. | Saus«g< 8, Sm k xl Pork Sauaag* a, Boghead Cbeeae, I e c. They iuakt> I'urk S&uaagra a apeciaity. And I •vrTiivit a mmnmTnmfpwrnn I iuvite all wi o have not tried them to give thim a I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I ®*JI- Tbeir uuitto ia topleaae, and they are pleased. I 1 Their at ail at tbe General Maiket ia alao kept well I FilIR GROUND RACES FIRST RACE. Watch Race—1 Mile. 1. Got A. 8. Hamilton enters ch. m. Scratch—6 I years. By Sligo, dam by Aonte. Color red and | 2. H. Lugford enters ch. f. Bell Budeil—2 yean. | buppiied every momiog with the beet oct25 St. JUST inT ’’at Tennceaee Da Cali early, before they are all sold. J H. ANDERSON & SON, ec!28 tf No. 10 Holiinguwoith block. Q O- • a m M SECOND BACK. For Banning Horses—open to tbe world. Mile | heats. Sin 5—Parse 81,000. 2. J. T. Jewell enters cb. g. Donovan—6 years. TAILORS WANTED. W ANTED immediately—two or three Journey- I man Tailors Apply at the oct!9tf aPOTSWOJD HOTEL OFFICE. FREE LUNCH, E VERY day from 10 to 12 o’clock at R. Phillips 1 Saloon, Third et, nnder tbe Flojd House, Also, Fresh Fiah and OyBtera received every day. oct25 6t R. PHILLIPS. _ „ ... , NOTICE! Mobile Railroad Company. No insurance on I ^ BaU ° tin ' 34111 by Amb46S4dor - 00,018 Uuo - iod I rpnEKF. will bo a MEETING of tho Stockholders her. 2. Sol. Johnson enters ch. m. Mollie Doyle—6 1 of tbe Macon Ice Factory, at tbe Office of the I Cotton 8tatea Life Insurance Company, on TUES- I “Can tRaise Hay.”—We saw yesterday more years- Colors red andnlue. , . .. - than twenty wagons, from one to six-horse, 3. T. Clark enter* ch. h. Village Blackemitb—5 I 31efc hurt., at 11 a. it., for election of nine loaded with hay. It readily brought 80 cents an I years. By Vandal, dany by Wagner. Colors black I Director* and organizing, hundred pounds. This hay grew spontaneously, I and white. I J. M. ] and this year the farmers were wise enough to I ^ Wiiliameon enters ch. b. Jno. McDon- astro it. It makes better food for stock than fod- •£-* J? 418 - S,® 10 !™ »»ck, dun Lad, Sdffie, by der, and is preferred by toe liverv stable keep- ™ 5 P ' ^ 8< c ’ N 5!?: 0 ™ B i ere to such Northern and Western day aa they Btffietodam by Bed Eye. Sto relufd blue. 1 'Sko Up.—-The guano dealers report farm- M™.^^Tem^b5^ b ^t^ SITUATION WANTED. . BOABDMAN, W. A. OHEBBY, W. B. JOHNSTON, O. G. MEMMINGEB, Jr., J. K BANTER, Stockholders. era aa settling their indebtedness very promptly. They do not owe much on this BOO re, nowever. Tbe Sew York Frauds—A Final Ex plosion. Tammany Hall went np finally last Thnrsdey. On that fatal day Samuel J. Tilden, Chairman of toe Democratic Executive Committee, drew forth a mass of tablea, compiled by him with great care and labor, showing abont six millions 7. Tbos. Dixon enters ch. g. Bob Shelton—1 ,em. By Australian, dam Lavender, by Wagner. Dross red and red. THIRD RACE. For trotting horses, that never beat three minutes. Faroe 8250. 1. T. P. Bosch enters blk. m Gentle Annie. 2. J. T. Harr entero r. g. Basil Duke. 3. - O. Towlea enters Combination. 4. W. H. Boyce enter* r. g. Rip Raps. The first nee will be called promptly ai P. M. Fools will be sold by Mr. H. Langford at toe lY a Lady of extensive experience as a Teacher I > or Housekeeper. Can give unexceptionable references. B* efer For particulars inquire at THIS OFFICE. STRAY MULES. TVT0TICE is hereby given that two estrsyed I _L it Male, are now in my possession at Griswold .'die, I which the owner or owners can obtain, on proof of I ly at X o’clock °’£^ l P . 41ul F 4 ^ 6111 of A. L. MAXWELL. | Mini) THINGS FOR THE FAIR. B. & W. B. HILL, as Chairman of toe Bond of Supervisor*, throngh warrants in great part fraudulent, and unfortunately, at corresponding dates, deposits of corresponding amounts in the Broadway Bank to toe credit of three confederates in the gigantio frond—E. A. Woodward, Andrew J. Garvey and Wm. M. Tweed. The remarkable coincidence between the drafts and the personal deposits left no moral donbt of the gnilt of the parties. Two of them have fled from jnstioe. Attorneys at Law, NO- 88 (UP STAIRS) CHERRY STREET, , Macon, Ga. DME TOsK'i'.xV within tnelecal hemicf-ale. Wore the Court-toure door in the town of Vienna, thefollowinx eroperty to-wit: Lots of land Kao. 15i 153, 168. 1691 and _ , , part of lot. 161. and 17B, conuunx one thousand Tweed waa arrested last Friday on a bench war- »«»* more or less, kmwn as the Coley plantation. rant, and ia to be tried at Albany. Ho gavo I of , Do!jy! n Sold to 'uuiify'i^Sarerior Coart bail in the sum of $2,000,000. It ia possible coi‘£. 0 « < d^V Aa/gSr* « ?jtaci£u° r i <w““fu .**&?: W^hrooi rpAYLOB SHERIFF SALES —Will be sold be- A fo e tbe Court ■ • oue door in the tows of Bader, in raid county, on the S»t Tnrod-y in December the evidence may be legally defective, bnt there no reasonable donbt of hia guilt. Tweed's plunder amounted to about $1,000,000, ont of gross amount in warrants of $6,312,541. The Times of Saturday states that Tweed baa I been busy during toe past few weeks biding I property to-Vu: away all hi* personal aud real estate. His stocks “ ” have been nearly aU sold or transferred. All L . . . , . —— , I•„ t l.,* in iKiiSi.k—s—— j I net daiac one aaedred aeraa more or laa. with in>- honaea and Ion in tola city have been made provemenu thereon, l.evi—i on as the property of 1 T to relatives. Over f.ur millions worth of John T. Uiiffin, tosatlsty a 6 fa. isrued from the ga-l his real estate has been thus transferred within ~ tbe pest few days, and j eaterday he made over ' Richard M. Tweed, his son, real estate valued "POURING The Fair Week we will be able to sup- I [ ply any quantity of CHOICE TENNESSEE BEEF, FINE TENNESSEE MUTTON, SPABE BIBS, BACKBONES, SAUSAGES, FINE NORTHERN and WESTERN APPLES, CHOICE FLORIDA ORANGES, DRESSED TENNESSEE TUB KIES and CHICKENS, 500 dozen FRESH EGGS, M® P CD m ef P c* CD >t7 a ' next, withia the lc**i h-ur* of uJe tha followia* I Also a fine lot of CATAWBA GRAPES, and „ — fix. issued f penor C-.urt of Tat lor county, ia favor of W. D. Al ien John X. Griffin. Property pointed out by pliuntifl * attorney. BAR AND BILLIARDS, ‘THE GLOBE,” ON THIRD STREET, TTNDER tho proprietorship of JOHNB. GRIF- U FIN, liaa recently been beautifully frescoed and decorated, and is now fitted np with three of the finest BILLIARD TABLES in tho city. THE BAR ia supplied with the best Wines, Li quors and Cigars that can bo had. Call at the finest Saloon in the South and spend a pleasant hour. You will receive a hearty wel- come. oct 18 eodlm $975,000, including his5thavenutxresidence j mark*I J. V. Leried on a/tEe projKrtyo? iM? oomplaint has been made egaiust Tweed aud | T^lor S>Snty^m tav« of ”G Ba“«?ln v?. T J. WANTED IMMEDIATELY! A GOOD Milker, one or two Farm Laborers, and an active spry Boy. To a family containing w o a, a ,w , . , ad, a comfortable bouse will be fornibhed and lib-, MMMua^Muaouiuduuuonoi Haddock s Station, on the Macon and Angnsta Urel wages paid. Apply to the eubsaiber at his U T/W- o-nrl /~il • lilroid, and onr friend Tbomis O. Bowen, res ; dence. tbr. e m J s from If icon and one nilo "IGU & 3110. -t>Oy to Glotlling, . _ i frr.m Twl.iinf'l’eH’fi Ktnffi. lfitl liLOV.n a* tllA (flAGn I Sl-l finH ftifi Rmailtriw ^nnnnaifA Ven. V x_ x-r__ others before Judge Barnard, which demands | Bier, judgment for the people of over $6 000,000. Nxw Post Ornez in Joxzs County.—We are lad to say that a Post-office has been established everything else good to eat. Call and see us. J. H. ANDERSON A SON, oct2j d&blw yp. 10 IIoIliDgawortli Block. BABY CABS. HP HE finest assortment of B^by Cabs and Per- j srr ~ izbs-t sy* l OCtl5tf * JAXES WILDE, JH. JOHN S. WILDE. JOSEPH WILDE. JAMES WILDE, Jr., & C0-, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MUSIC LESSONS. V CZURDA, Just returned from Europe, takes . great pleasure in informing hie many friends and patrons that he now ia ready to resume his lessons in music. Orders left either at the Academy for the Blind, or at Guilford's Store, will be promptly attended to. Railroad, .— Esq., appointed Postmaster. This wUl give our ft^ ZsddmgfleU’s Store, mid known as the Cason friends all around there the daily news. SITUATION WANTED. B Y a gentleman and lady of experience aa Prin- cip&l and Music Teacher in a good village or 314 and 316 Bxoadwav fouDoaitA v«»ir I * ho °* ^ chooL Correepondence solicited. BsilsUebwy references given and required. oct2S cod31AwL* JNO. J. RILEY. pit GR New York. Represented by R. 8. Spalding. Address' oct2C d2*wiwAwIt WEEKLY AMERICAN, Talbvtton, Gib THE ONLY AND ORIGINAL OLD JOHN ROBINSON. Sixty-seven years of ago, with an experience of over Fifty Years in tho Sonth as owner of a Menagerie and Circus, on his grand ANNUAL TRIUMPHAL TOUR, Through ail tbe Sonthern States with THREE MONSTER PAVILIONS—one exclusively for th3 Museum, another expressly for the Menagerie and Caravan, the third devoted to the Equestrian Enter- menta. All adjoining and connecting together, but only ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION, and one ticket admits yon to the entire combination, Menagerie, Caravan, Museum and Circus. WAIT FOR IT! WATCH FOR IT!! GO AUD SEE IT!!! The only’real£Menagerie, Museum, Caravan find First-Class Circus on the road. 25 Gold ami Crimsoned Cages, Drawn by beautiful matched Cream and Dappled Horses—all the Circus retinae. Largest and best parade ever seen on tbe pnblic streets. FOUR MONSTER LIVING SEA LIONS! With their yonDg Platyrhynchus Leonenus, or Sea Elephants, with mane erect like forest monarchs, re quiring over 200 pounds fresh fish daily for their subsistence—the only ones on exhibition in the world and be seen in this Menagerie at all hours, sporting in an artificial lake of ocean water. A Wild Tartarian Monster Yak, From tho deserts of Tartarv, with long, beautiful hair growing from his book to tho ground. The only one on exhibition in America. Don’t confound this with any small show or menagerie, bnt bear in mind that OLD JOHN ROBINSON, tho Leviathan, is triumphantly marching on and will positively ex hibit one day only at MACON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1871. Don’t confound this gigantic organization with any other show bearing tho name of Robmeon. for is in no way. shape or manner connected with any or either of them, but it is tho only original ola sonu Robinson, who has owned and managed for tho past fifty years, throngh the Sonthern oountry, ana n spent years of toil and vast sums of money to bring his monster Museum, Menagerie, Caravan ana cia to tbe high state of perfection which it now assumes, THE CHALLENGE CHAMPION SHOW OF THE WORLD! N. R—To the Lovees op Fise Hobses.—Tho particular attention of stock raisers and every one eleo called to the eplendid collection of thoroughbred imported Horses and Ponies, from almoet every climeunder the son. The boantifnl Arabian, tho magnificent Andalusian, and toe high mettled barn oi the deserts may be found among tbo vast congress of equines now attached to this monster show, ana tho proprietor would esy to those who do not care to visit tho exhibitions, that the beautiful portable stables which are attached to tho groat Three Tent Show aro opon at all times for pnblic inspection, nee of charge, and he cordially invitee everybody to caU and view the largest and finest assemblage of im ported thoroughbred circus stock in America, where every attention will bo shown them by tho attaches “* the exhibition. REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE! Do not forgot that wo aro coming with an avalancho of talent. Wait for us, for wo aro comics- oct25eod7t