The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, November 01, 1871, Image 4

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SELLING AT COST. lalBQE Cooking Range, HOOOookinx Stoves, aamaia 75 dox Table Knives, 300 do* Tea and Table Spoon-, 70 do* Plat ad Spoon and Fork*, ) do* Plated Spoon and Forki 1 dox Stand, Hanging and Bra » dox Goblet*. Tumbler* and r and Bracket Lamp*, 100 do* OoblaU, Tumblara and Olaa* Salta, SO dox Cadar and fain tod Falla, 00 do* Sifter-. 50 doa CkHba* Honas and Shoe Bnabaa. 100 dox Bartlett'* Blacking. „ . 00 doa Braaa and Japaned Candleatioka, 0 dox Faatbor Doatara, SaatlaToUat War*, 01,000 worth Tin Ware, 2,000 Fruit Box a*. • 0,000 lb* Hollow Ware, 000 lb* Bad Iran, 800 pair Traea Chain*, 1 ajjaiSdeettof^tonar’a Tool*. Benches, etc. Pad and Door Lock*, Hinge*. Scrawi KaUa, . Meat and Coffee HiUa, Andiron*. Shovel* , Lead Pipe, Sheet Copper and erery- in a hocaefnrniahing and tin kept in i a CASH. B. F. WOOLFOLK, 45 Third atreet. K. R. R. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF! CUBES TIIE WORST PAI5S ia nios one to twenty minuter, hot om: hoi k after reading thi* adrortlaement need any on SDFFEB WITH TAIN. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOB EYEIiY PAIN. It waa the drat and ia The Only Pain Remedy that inatantly atop* the moat excruciating pain*, allay* inflammation*, and cun* Congestion*, whether of the Lange, Stomach, Bowel*, or other glaada or organa, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTE8, no tbiMm how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden. Infirm. Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or proetraiod with diaeaae may euffer, HAUWAY’N HEADY IIUW Will afford Instant Ease. Inflammation of the Kidney*. Inflammation of the Bladder; Inflammation of the Bowel*. ... Congestion of the Longa. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysteric*. Croup. Diptheria. ... Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Toothache, ... Neuralgia, Rheum*tiam. Cold Chill*. Ague Chill*. The application of the Iloady Itchcf to the part or part* whore the pain or difficulty cxiata will af ford eaee end comfort. Twenty drop* in half a tumbler of wator will in a few moment* euro Crampe, Snaem*. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, hick Headache, DiarTlitea, Dyeentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowol* and all internal Paine. Travail r* should aleaye cany e bottle of Railway'* Ready Relief wth them. A few drop* in water will prevent eicknew* or pain* from ciiange of water. It is belter Ilian Froncu Brandy or Bitter* a* a atimu- Unt, FEVER AND AOI1E Fever end Ague cured for fifty Cent*. Tbeio ia not a remedial agent in thi* world that will cure Fever and Ague, and ail other Malarious, Bilone, Scarlet, Typhoid. Yellow end other Fever* (aided by Railway'* l’illa) »o ipiick aa lUlway'a Ready Be lief. Fifty coula per bottlo. HEALTH, BEAUTY STRONG and TURF. RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH and WEIQI1T—CLEAR SKIN and BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Secured to all. DR. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS HADE TIIE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; So quick, bo rapid are the change* the body un- dergooe, under the iutluonceof this truly Wonder ful Medicine, that Every lluy nn Iucrenne lu FI call and Wrliibt In Neen and Felt. TUE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER I CAMPBELL & EXGLISH, WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, 56 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. w E detire to call the apodal attention of all LIQUOI who are dealing in LIQUORS to the Q O 3 GQ w LARGEST STOCK Of the tbeee good* ever offend t* the wholesale trad* in thi* city. W* deal in Liquor*, exclusively and we Invite a careful inapection of our atock of BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES, GINS, O BUMS, In barrell and ease. AgenU for Hazelett'a Old Winchester Rye, and Hudson G. Wolfe’* Schnapp*. octet tf CAMPBELL A ENGLISH. Q O i-3 O as LAST NOTICE!! Secure Your Christmas & New Year’s Gilts | $1,000,000.^ B Y the authority of the act of the Legislature of Kentucky, of March 13,1871, the Trustee* of the Public Library of Kentucky, will give a GRAND GIFT CONCERT, AT LOUISVILLE, KY„ Salnrday, December lGtb, 1871. 100.000 ticket* of admiaaion. $10 each, cuiren- ey. half ticket*, $5, quarter ticket*. $3 50. Ticket* wilt be eent by regiatered letter; the mon ey for them may be eent by P. O. money order, greenback* or draft Each ticket oonateta of four quart*re. value 8250 each. The holder ia entitled to admiaaion to the Canoert, and to the value of the gift awarded to it or its fraction. $550,000 in greenback* will be distributed to hold er* of ticket*, lu gifl* of from $100,000. tbo larg- it, to $100, the lowest, being 721 gifts in all. The Concert i* for the benefit of the Pnhlle Li brary of Kentucky. The Citizens' hank of Ky., ia 7 restorer, and the corporator* anil tuperviaora are the Hon. Tbo*. E. Bramlette, late Governor of Ken tucky, and 27 of the most dietinguiabed and re spectable citizens of the State. The undersigned, late principal buainees mana ger of the very saecee*fol Gift Concert for the ben efit of the Mercantile Library at San Francisco, has been appointed agent end manag. r of thi* Grand Gift Concert. The drawing and dielribution will take place in labile, and everything will be done to *ati*ly the ioyera of tickets that their iuterorta will be aa well protected aa if they wire personally present to eu- perintend the entire affa’r. For ticket* and infoimatiou apply to C R. PETERS, 120 Main at.. Louisville, Kr . No. 8 Aator House. N. Y. II. N. Hemjnted, No. 110 Broadway, Milwaukee, I O & Every drop of the Saraapariilian Resolvent com- mnuicaiea through the Blood, Swoat, Urine, and other fluids and Juice* of the system the vigor of life, for it repain the waatea of the body with new and eoaud material. Bcrofula, Syphilis, Consump tion, Glandular Disease, Ulcere in the Throat, Mouth, Turnon, Nodes in Uie Glands and other part* of the eyitem, Boro Eyee, Btromorou* Dis chargee from the Ears, and the wont forma of Skin lliaea “ •tee, Eruption*, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spot*, Worm* hi the Flash, Turnon, Cancan in the Womb, end all weakening and painful discharge*. Night Sweat*, Lon of Sperm and all waste* of the Night Sweat*, Lou of Sperm life principle, ere within the enrativo range of thi* wonder of modern chemistry, and a few days’ nee will prove to any person using it for either of tbeee forms of disease it* potent power to cure them. It tlio patient, daily becoming reduced by the waste* and decomposition that i* continually pro gressing, succeed* in art eat log tbeee waa tee, and repairs the aamo with new material made from healthy blood—and tlua the Sanapanllian will aud does secure—a cure ia certain: for when onoe this remedy commence* Us work of pnnflcation, and aneeeeda in dinuutehing Uie lose of waatea, it* re pain will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, the food wUl digest better, appetite improving, andfleab and weight increaatni mil weight increasing- Not only doe* the Saraapariilian Resolvent exeel all known remedial agent* in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases; but it i* the only positive cure for KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS Uriuaiy end Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Drop.v, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright * Diaeaae, Albuminuria, and in all case* where there are brick-dust deposit*, or tlie water D thick, cloudy, mixed wiili substance* like the while of an egg, or thread* like white silk, or there lea morbid, dark, bilions appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain ix the email of the back and along the loine. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elrganUy coated with sweet gum,pnige.regulete, purify, means* and etrengthefl. Radway * PiU*, for the cure of all disorders of the stomach, User, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nervone constipation. — Wf omUtoqms, in- digestion, dyspepsia, biliouanevs, bilious fever, in flammation of toe bowels, piles and aU derange ment* of the internal vinosra. Warranted to effort a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minorala, or deleterious drugs. A few does** of Redway's Piil* will free the system from all the above-named disorden. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Druggist*. Bead *• False and True." Send one letter-stamp to Radway A Oo., No. 87 Maiden Lane. New York Information worth thousands will be sent you. Jun*23ddeod£**-ly A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. teal mysteries and revelations cl A private Gena- aelorto the Mar ried erthoee about to marry, with the lateat discoveries *•&*>»« <° preserve the complexion, etc.. Ihla la aa i.nterwup* work of tU paxes, with sum- 5—and contain! valuable {nformatiox fur too** who are married or contemplate man lass; •nllil !• a book that ought te ba under leek a i. try and act laid carolamly about the house. * Addraw“- Poataxe/XvN- cent*. labtk AddrewDr. Butt's Dispensary,’No. •treet, M. Lsuii M aw NoriCKTO FORTUNATE. Belora applyini to the notorious Quack* wh . ad- varti.e In public cai-eri or uainx any Quack Rem- wim. rcru.«c Ur. I»i * ‘ - THE AFFLICTED A j liK- LOOK TO VOIR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. wurreokm °mksT‘ WHITCOMB’S Cure* Colie and Grir- <n*Jn the Rowel*, and _ i‘i*iititl> pun .si el Teethlr*. Subdues Coernliion* and over comes ell Ji-eate. In- eiaeet to mtaets and -fat.-Iran. Cure* Di- arrev*, l>y,*<uery and H Complaint CENTSt PRICE M. A. French, Virginia City, Nevada. M. A. Wolf, No. SKI Chestnut at., St. Lonis. Tickets also for eale in every prominent place in the United States. Owing to the general derangement of mail* and advertisement* consequent on tlie disastrous con flagration* in the West, the tale of tickets in this enterprise ia extended to November 30, 1871, at which lime the main office, 120 Main at., Louisville, Ky, will close for adjustment of accounts and bus- smess. No order* except by mail will be received after Dee. let, and no order* by mail will be filled after Deo. 10th. Tbs New York office wUl close Dec lOtb; other agencies Dec. fith. Every ticket unsold Dee. 14th will be cancelled by its No. The drawing will take place in public. Dee. 16, 1871; commencing at 7 a. M., and continue until the 721 gift* are awarded. Payment of awards will com mence Dec. 19, at 9 o'clock a M. Circular of awards anil be found at every agency as soon as they can be iaeued correctly, and erill also be eent to aU tick et buyers aa soon a* possible. No order trill bo filled at main office for lees than $10. octal eod!2t CIIAS. R. PETERS, Manager. >S (T> d B CD •P* TREMENDOUS STOCK p < p p o © o’ © p GENERAL GROCERIESler NOW BEING RECEIVED BY CO fcs pi ROGERS & BOXJN, & o £ And they are offered for axle FEARFULLY LOW. S’ *-i \>d p r-i c-t- IN STORE I* 2,000 sk^. Family & Extra Flour, | 200 barrels Sugar, era 300 bbls. Liquors of all kinds, r* STOCK OF BACON AT PRESENT SMALL. S’ JUST ARRIVED. 100 bbls. CHOICE RED APPLES. > m Kj ROGERS & BONN. C O TJT O 1ST ! CAMPBELL & JONES Stf > h3 Again offer their servioee to Planters and Mer chants, as And ask a continuance of the patronage so liber ally given them the past season. Close personal attention given to the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON, and to the filling sfgorders for Bagging and Ties and Plantation Supplies. Refer to the patrons of the past season. Re member the place— tod Warehouse, Poplar st., Macon, Ga. o h-t •-3 M W M GQ H3 P. S—Agents for the Winsbip Imj raved Cotton Gin and John Merry men A Co.’* Amcioniated Dis solved Bones, which we now offer at a reduced price,sept 3m S’ *S HARDEMAN & SPARKS ci o END their annua] greeting to their many friends _ 1 and patron*. They are at their old stand, ready and willing to serve them in the P P Pi (D Storage and Sale of Cotton. crais. Ccttkii . « w* ckiitir^n at all on, Is^ M^ * U * 0RAIrX0K MEDICINE C0„ St Drn »vii t i Mil Dealen la Mad'rtneevary OVER GAITERS TJ'OB uie by F. L. GROCE, ***10 tf Hollingsworth Block. A. S. HARTIUDQE, Cotton Factor aid CouiDiission Merchant, 10* BAY STREET, 8AVANNAH. GA. -»»».»**, DAiaiUAU, UA. Tie* to planter*, andad- up7eoSm 00Mi « l ‘ B >«Ba of Cotton. DEA A PERRINS’ SAUCE, Proix ancon by Oonnotane® , “The Only Good Krmce-” ^i. Wean* directed by Meean. Lea A Patriiu sr“ aaglfl »ud*m Agents. Newtek VALIANT, JONES & CO., (Soooeesora lo Valiant A Jonae), IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, CHINA, T.Ui K, (.LASS AM) QUEEXBWARX, « SOUTH HOWARD STREET, BALTIMORE. malklMn They deem it unnecessary to make pledgee—for by their fruits ye shall know them.” Judge na by I these—we ark no more. Your interest is oar inter est ; and our long experience enables ua to guard I and advance it. More we cannot promise—more I you will not expect. The usual accommodation* extended to those who honor aa with their patronage, angle 3m HARDEMAN A SPARKS. a. E. XDJLXS. S. X. BJtZEXOSX. lamini W.TiT Adams, Bazemorc & Ware, PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE.! U s x H 9 0 K H x ► ► % % Y n o a 0 0 H ► H 0 ”0 H I ni 0) > r m o n J m m 03 ni VJ (f) 03 0 r c CO r m D > 0 3 0 0 C > z 0 Q 0 0 > o m z H 03 o e* 1 9) a % o o 0 OQ 8r Q 0 T. C. NISBUT, CANCERS CURED, H AVING been afflicted with Cancer, 1 was cored I ini ' GO AND EXAMINE THE BXTENSIVE STOCK OF - Iron |BOOTS AND SHOES At No. 86 Cherry Street, Macon. Ga. MACON, OBOH.GrIA. MANUFACTURES i the year 1850, after trying many prepara* I tiona and Cancer doctors. I hare no new remedy to offer but the same old I remedy with which I was cured fifteen years ago. I I have eince been practicing with the same remedy, and have been successful m a number of cases, a few of which 1 refer to below* as living witnesses of the virtues of my medicine, some of whom* I like myself, have been cored a number of years, and yet have no symptoms of Cancer returning: Mrs. H. B. Bloodworth, Liberty Hill* Ga.; Mrs. Fannie Settle* T" * “ ’ ~ ~ Griffin, Ga.: Mi John Stillwell, „ Indian Springs* Ga.; Mrs. James Carmichiel, Me- I DonoQgh. Ga.; Wm. N. Fambrough* M. I)-, Senoia, [ Ga.; Mr D. G. McKinney* (Houston co.) Macon, Ga.; Mr. Jas. Douglass* Greenville. Ga.; Rev. H. I 3*n offer suj J ACOB SCHALL, STEAM ENGINES, SAW AND GRIST Shafting and Steam Boilers, MILLS, Srt JSd^Idd^dto L.S lil W 0f the ““ r U&mC8 I rare’workmanship,°at ehoTnoU^ ’ B °° tS “ d St ‘ <>6a ' ° f «- I cheerfully bear testimony to the fact of Mr. J. M. Hai * ' - physicians had failed to relieve her; and I firmly believe his Cancer treatment to be a specific for Cancer. L. A. HANSE, Macon P. O. IRON RAILING AND ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, MILL AND GIN GEARING, AND OTHER CASTINGS, THREE E0LLER CANE MILLS IN IRON FRAMES. ORDINARY I To th.e Afflicted! I I prefer not treating doubtful cases. After sat- CANE MILLS, FROM 11 TO 18 INCHES DIAMETER. | ^«|“!^ r y d < ^i^ 0 y p 0 i ^“ cert0 ma iad 1 KETTLES, sfplfl 3m i calf-skin and themoTtTaS JACOB SCHALL 86 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GE0BGIA. give you my candid opinion. At your request I will visit your houses a hen dr-1 cumstances permit. FROM SO TO 130 GALLONS AND FROM PATTERS MORE NEARLY AVERAGING THEIR NOMINAL I an?tSirov toiv* iv thf. sviTt! ' sent with safety in registered letter. Communica- tions strictly confidential and promptly answered when stamp and envelope eent addressed to your- , self. Address J. M. HARDAWAY. This Power has been three times aa long at work as any applied to Ginning, and with what success let I Liberty Hill, Pikeco., Ga. the following certificate show; I Those to whom it may be convenient, may call I Mir.i.rnogyiLLE, February 14,1871. I upon T. J. Hardaway, Bouthwestera Baiiroad, who T. C. NISBET, Esq.—Dear Sib : [ attended me in my affliction and lias been with me lam ttaing one of your Hone Powers forgirming my cotton. It has been in uaeabont three years, and in several cases since. He may be addressed has ginned about four hundred bales of cotton. I think it well adapted to ginning. I gin two bales a I through the postoffice at Macon, Ga., nr Eufaula, day on a forty-saw gin and with two mnles. My gin is situated in an old negro cabin and the power ia | Alabama. J. M. HARDAWAY. ield s Iron Works, MEASURE THAN ANY PATTERNS IN THE STATE. HORSE POWER FOR GINNIN ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON. GA. COTTON. STEAM EKIMES ANS WEEKS placed outside. Price or florae Pott er, with IRON FRAMES—Guaranteed, J. A. 8ioo oo July 13-d2tawAw6m ^a-KT-ST 3?8.flSC?TTXXT.E3X3 SIZE. COTTON AND HAT PRESSES. Metropolitan Works, CORNER 8EVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND, VA. I WM. E. TANNER & CO. STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and I SAW-MILLS; I BARK. GRIST and PLASTER MILLS; BOILERS, FORGINGS* CASTINGS, of IRON or 1 BRASS, MILL GERING, etc ; Engines &nd Saw-Mi 11a of various sizes always | on hand. Steam Fit tinge and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines, etc., repaired and gold on commis- I eion or exchanged for new. All other repairs j I promptly and aatisfaetorily done. Freights to all ptiinte low. Send for descriptive circular. Jul7 >1 awAwtildecl8. H. R. BROWN, Agent. SAW MILLS, G-RIST MILLS. MILL GEALING s GrLiSr gearikg (ORDINARY, OB GRAHAM’S EXTRA HEAVY), SUGAR MILLS AND KETTLES, IRON RAILING. OF ANY OFSTOITTV MTVT.I? Avn am -nnT/rna TAnmn OF ANY DESIRED STYLE, AND AT TRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY. SHAFTING, JPTJILLXE^, ETC the^rimea^ffive’SYcau'hBfore purehartng3*We Su ^now* fox'GASJEL Bty ’ 8 pric< *^° J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. SPANISH HORSEPOWER. HAND POWER. These Presses, from actual tue, have given as mnch satisfaction aa any ever introduced, and on ap plication I can fornish a circular with several hundred namea of planters who are using this Press, and am willing to mbids by their verdict as to its merits. A newimprovemauthas been introduced intotheso J Presses which enables tlie packer to pack cotton in the box with more facility than any arrangement heretofore in use, and admits of a longer cotton box. These Presses, it is believed, can be fnrnishedat - less price than any other. il i: ^ J> ON HAND AND FOE SALE: Iftw 40-horse Engine, .... 1 Sew 25-liorse Engine, - - - - 2 New 14-h.or8e Engines, $1000 800 500 CROWN SHERRY. “jpHXS justly celebrated brand of Wine ia imported Send for Circular, containing cuts, description, and price lists of the various kinds of Screws. JnnSO jawAwtm opor direct from Cadiz, ^pain, and is certainly the purest ever offered in the Sonthern market. Price per case $9 00 Price per gallon 3.50 For eale by A. L. RICHARDSON, Importer of Spanish Wines, eep!2 Cm 124 Bay etreet, Savannah, Georgia SiDAUS Fourth Street, Near Brown House, Macon, Ga. BUILDS -A.3STD REPAIRS STEAM ENGINES, 8*w, Grfea and Flour Mil!*, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Boxes and Gearing for min' j work generally. IRON RAILING, For enclosing pnblie square*, private dwellings and Cemetery lots ; also all kinds of Ornamental Iron | work, Brackets, Vices, Chairs, Iron Fronts for Stores, Window Capa and Sills, eta PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING MACHINERY. I make the best HORSE POWER in the country, it nover fails, runs light, simple to put np | and lasts well, and is cheap. The INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE JtOSADALIS published on every package, there fore it is nol a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE 17 It is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of t! Blood. ONE BOTTLE C7 ROSAEALIj will do moro good than ten bolt Ira of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalisinthcirpractice for the past three years ami freely endorse it as a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. Our WROUGHT IRON COT TON SCREW PRESS is tbo only Cotton Press that has stood the test, being used ever since the close of the war* and ia in greater | Our WATER or STEAM POWER PRESS is becoming [ VEHY" UOUTTL1A.R, Boing the MOST ECONOMICAL All Work Made Good. DR. T. C. PUG IT, of Baltimore. DR. T. J. BOYKIN, “ DR. R. W. CARR. « DR. F. O. DANNKLLY, “ DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Aicholasville, to those having a dec2-2tawly E. CROCKETT. Macon, Ga. . K .Y-. WATER POWER OR STEAM ENGINE. ft 0 V P & Hi GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE,] VIA CHARLESTON, S. DIL^J. L. McCARTHA, Columbia, DR. A. B NOBLES, Edgccomb, N. C. I USED AND END0ESED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, I Mass. [p. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. I A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Caordonsvllle, Va. SAM’f.. n. MpfAnnrv I It can also be run rom the band wheel shaft of gin gear. Our space will not allow of any c C. tended remarks in relation to the virtUCSOf Rosadalis. Totho Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ex tract superior to any they have i used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and tot he afflicted we say try TO AND FROM Rosadalis, and you will bo restored BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW TORE, BOSTON,! Rosadaliaia sold by all Dni—ists, price $1.50 per bottle. Address S3. CL32SCTS & CD. Manufacturing Chemiits, BAtTixoaz, Mn.. AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. aept -Sdeodwly DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. tco well kuouu, and has established itself as the PLANTER'S FAVORITE. As there is no comparison between a cast and a WRC UGHT IRON SCREW, we do not recommend CAST IRON SCREWS, though we ^ make them for those wanting a CHEAP Frees. 8end us your orders, or send for Circular and Trioe THREE TIMES A WBBK—TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER via CHARLESTON. TOTAL CAPACITY 40.000 BALES MONTHLY. THE WILCOX PATENT MOUSE POWER | We claim to be SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER for Ginning Cotton, and it is the only Horae Power made that we know of that can supercede the ordinary Gin Gear. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. LAWTON & WILLINGHAM, THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, VANILLA, LEMON Etc., For Flavoring Ice Cream, Cakes & Pastry, And connecting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steamships to the above I Ports, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the buainees public in the Cotton States at the NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT, aa.-wajns'a.EC stfs MEDICAL COLLEGE. Adam* Ar TtaTamnra ant 4n all ntL.n. _l.n ___ I Adams A Bazemore, and to all other* who may favor them with their patronage. Their attention will be given exclusively to the Storage and Sale of Cotton. for a continuance of the generous support *- old firm during the pa.t season. they pledge tbemeelvra to give unremitting atten- apparatus, museum, etc., together vuthtbe adranl THE 15th SESSION OF MEDICAL LECTURES IN THE SAVAN NAH MEDICAL COLLEGE, mi COMMENCE OX WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1SJI. A ND continue until March 1st, IS72. With a full organized Faculty of experienced Practi tioners, a bui 'ding complete in all it* appointments. lion to the interests of their patron*. Liberal advances made on ootton in store. **p6 dAwSm DARBY db CO., naxiv SCILDUO. 335 VEST StLTIXOKB STXKXT, WBOLENALE Fruiterers and Candy Manufacturers Baltimore. Maryland. Tiaus eras. tagee afforded by tiro ianre and extensive Horn.tale, the Savannah Medical College offers fadlihea for Medical Instruction equal to any institution in the country. The Introductory Lecture will be de livered by Jnriah Harris a, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. For further information address W. DUNCAN. M. D , De*n of Faculty, or THOMAS SMITH, M. D , oct4-2*wlm Secretary of Faculty grand central, hotel. .J. naoin-war, x EW ioek, II. I~ I'owtiw, . B. BRES, Cotton Factor & General Com. Merchant No. 196 Grxvier street, New Orleans. un20 d6mw8m F. J. RAGLAND, Agent. PORT OF CHARLESTON, Offering faatitiee of Rail and Sex Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled in excellence and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean SteameiB are regularly on the Line: THOMPSON, STEELE & PRICE M’F’G 00, Depots, Chicago and St. Louis, MAKUFACTUBERS OF DR. PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER, AND BLOOD ENRICHES. TO WBW MANHATTAN, M. S. Wood hull, Commander. CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON. James Berry, Commander. JAMES ALGER, T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER A CO., Agents, Charleston, 8. a GEORGIA, 8- Crowell, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA, T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE, J. Kennedy, Commander. ASHLAND, Ingram, Commander WAGNER, HUGER A CO., WM. A. COUBTNAY, Agents, Charleston, S. 0. TO PHXXiAEIEIjIPIIIAi VIRGINIA, EMPIRE, Alex. Hunter, Commander. C. Hinckley, Commander. StTT.rxn DATS—THURSDAYS. WM. A. COUBTNAY, Agent, Charleston, 8. O | TO BAIiTIDSORFl. FALCON, MARYLAND, Hoinio* Conuxundcr. Johnson* Commander. SEA GULL, Dutton, Commander. Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TBENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S a | Rates guaranteed aa low aa tboso of Competing Lines. Marine Insurance one half of 1 per cent; THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS I Con b© had at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tenneaeeo and Miaairaippi State-Rooms may be secured in advance* without extra charge, bv addressing Agents of the Ste ehipe in Charleston* at whose offices* in all cases* the Railroad Tickets should bo exchanged and Berths I assigned. The Through Tickets by this Route includes Traneftre, Meals and State Room, while on 8hip bo aid. The South Carolina Baiiroad, Georgia Baiiroad. And their connecting linos have largely increased their facilities for tho rapid movement of Freight and I Pawotigera between tho Northern Cities and the South and West. Comfortable Night cars, with tho Holmes^ Chair, without extra charge, have been introduced on the South Carolina Baiiroad. Firat-Claas listing Saloon at Branchvdle. On the Georgia Railroad Finst-Ciaea Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from Steamer to day and night train* of the South Carolina Railroad. Close connection made with other Roads, delivering Freights at distant points with great promptness. The Managers will use every exertion to satisfy their Patrons that tho Lino VIA CHARLESTON cannot be snrpaeatd in Dispatch and the Safe Delivery of Goods. For further information, apply to J. M. SELKIRK, Sup’t Charleston, S. C.; B. D. HASELL, General Agent, P. O Box <979, Office 317 Broadway, N. Y.;S. It PICKENS,GeneralPaeaengerand TicketAgent, South Carolina Railroad ALFRED L. TYLER, j one 20 eod-fim Yice-Preeidcnt South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. O. THI GREAT RECUPERATOR OF EXHAUSTED ENERGIES. The most reliable Blood Purifier. The sure Bepairer of Broken Health, The true .Verve Supporter. The Permanent Strength itenewer. The most Energetic Tonic. In all cases of Debility, Poor Blood, Weak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it surely and durably Benefits. Sold hyall Druggiiti, or the Manufacturers on the receipt of $6, will tend, by Exprcst, 6 Bottles, which u sufficient for 3 or 4 months. Prepared only at the Laboratory of Thompson, Steelo & Prieo ll'f? Oo, xisurtrrcans or OR. PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER, Special Flavorings Tor Ice Cream, Cakes A Pastry. 217 act za IASS 2I3S57, - CZlZiZZ. iU. 327 ss:::a sisssr, - • ■ 2T.icno,iH. bra practical chemlri, see a, ghjtiriao, with .pedal reference t “ only white wwtewTriSt GfS?,by TIIOXPSO.V, iiiS & FJUCE , Chicago and St. Louis. RFC CO. SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON & LAWTON, OOTTON FACTORS Warelioiise and Commission Merchants FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. P Pnblishing onr card, we claim nothing more for ourselves than a determination to do our DUTY towards our customers. By strict attention to onr business, and studying tho interest of oar patrons we have been able heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that all who will give us a fair trial will continue to patronize our house. augl6-3m LAWTON & WILLINGHAM. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. H AVING perfected my arrangements to correct the slightest error in the timo-keeping of myfio 0 Regulator, by the erection of an obsorvatory and ono of the moat approved TRANSIT INolBU' MENTS, for the purpose of observing the meridian passage of the sun and stars, I will bo able to keep the exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a e Especial Attention paid to tlio Bcpairinff and ratios of line Watches, as well as all * ^inds of new work made to order. july27*ly