The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, November 04, 1871, Image 2

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Telegraph & Messenger. SATURDAY MORNING. NOV. 4. 1871. Xfw» Ilrms. Tr South Cuouu Ku-Kunc.—The New York Herald bee lent out ■ commissioner to in- quire into affaire in Booth Carolina, and hia lint letter will be found in oor edition to-day. We take leave to commend it to the particular attonUon o( the reader. It ia the statement cf a party, who if prejudiced at all, ia eo againat and not in favor of the peopleof South Carolina. Well may he claim, that hie revelation* will excite surprise. Nxw Pouticai. Mors is ltosrox.—The llo* ton Advertiser ootnee oot in an editorial mam feeto, which is charged by the Herald to have been prepared under the supervision of Senator Sumner and Secretary BonlweU, proposing to prevent a achiam ia the Ksdieel party by re moving aU pretext for it Tbe plan U to fall bank on the original idea of the Constitution— and nominate trusty man a* electoral candi dates, unpledged to any particular presidential candidate leaving them at full liberty to fol low their own diaeretion in easting their vote* In the electoral colleges. The Herald says the Advertiser ia striking out in the right direction, and will be sustained by “an awakening public Bbutob Snotcs recently addressed a latter to a convention of negro re in Colombia, S. C., in wU<* be conjures them, bv every consideration of raepeot for their own race, to insist on a common occupancy of all public conveyances and eooommodsllons will) the whites. Ho says ea yuerf will not meet tbe ease, became that ftwyfliriy** tbe dimoiblfl distinction on s coo out of color. They moat occupy the name hotels, tables. Steamboat cabins, railway can, and tbe jmwe seats in churches, public balls and thea tres, and the tame accommodations at the pub lic baths, etc. They most, show, in a word, that the negro is just the same as tbe white nun, only a little improviS, and this mnst be the grand Radical platform in 1*7:.’. Gorauioa Bruori os ms Tkayei/i.—A Washington dispatch of tbe noth nlU, in the New York Hun, aaja : Before preceding to New York, Governor Bollock tarried in this city long enough t«> intlmato to 1 diatingnlabcd Pennsylvania Senator that be »r>i* about to troth hit ha Hit- tf Uatrjio fureter.. In tbe ooiirae of this conversation Bollock said he had re- aignad tbe Governorship of Georgia and placed Iba aamo in the hands of tbe President of tbe State Senate. According to very recent Geor- gia advisee, tbe Governor has not taken this atop unadvisedly. The Legislature there is alroadj preparing to impeach him. and the Attorney General has been inatrnoted to insti tute criminal prosecutions against both Bollock and Kimball for coining large amouota of Hl*e I Kinds without authority of law. The connec tion of this official with Iho lata sale of tbe Btate railroad was also being made Iho subject of Investigation. In consideration ef this state of affairs. It ia said lbs ex Governor is lint exorcising a necesssiy emtion in peremptorily resigning bis high offleo. Isirat.Tr in Tnaux Manas. —Home enterpris ing hoot an<l shoemakers in Bosloo have been refused a patent for a trade mark, consisting of hkenuxaea of General late and Stonewall Jack- aon impressed upon the leather. The govern- luent waa of opinion that these leather likenesses “tended to encourage disloyalty In the South It must he confessed that in this, iui in moat other matters, tbo Northern brethren display groat practical aagicity. They make “South- ora disloyally" tbe grand political hobby upon which they ride into office and |>ortion out Iho United Stales Treasury, and thru, on Iho other hand, Ihey work “Souiborn disloyally” in the interests of Southern trade. They make It pay both ways. And as to these leather portraits, they were only one of a thousand dodge* of Ibe same kind—from a cotton pocket handkerchief •mblaxoned with the Confederate flag, to a Bob IjM regalia—a Stonewall hat or i< Dixie cbnrn. The Boa ton shoemakers surely failed to "mint linen" with aometbing required of tyetn, or the Commiaatoncr of Fatenta would never have made the first discovery of “disloyal trade marka” in their case. Their predecessors were a legion. Scott ts. Gxint. —The Cincinnati Enquirer nominal ee the great l’cnnay lvania Railway King. Thomaa A. Boott, againat Gen. Grant for the Presidency in 187:.’. Tbe eontrovany, it seems, ia to tarn on the question of financial Ability— the art of money-getting. The Enquirer thinks Boott ahead of Grant in that particular; but we are not so well saanred of that fact. Boott con trola several hundred millions and pays dirl deads ; bat it is whispered that be borrows money to do it, while, on the other hand, Gen. Grant, on a salary of f 25,000 a year, has saved up (so It is said) half a million dollars in two or three yean. In the way of solid profits we be lieve Grant ia ahead, and it would never do to pat the Democratic party on that iasne alone. Bora Tweed might poaaibly show as rapid aeon mutations aa Grant, hut then they charge tbe Boas with downright stealing, and plain steal ing implies no great financial ability. On the whole, we can’t be elear about Boott HU we read through the Pennsylvania Central Railroad -Itathcr Ilnzy." The Tribane draws it mild on the absquatu lating Bollocks explanation of bis flight in the above phrase. If old man Greeley is as booeat as hia friends claim, and aa ha doubtless tmlieves himself to lie, bo will hasten to lift that affidavit just so soon as all the evidence is paraded on the subject. So far from there being anything ••haxy,” than, about it, there will bo rather a loss for word* to express the exceeding luminos ity of tbe sffair. Wo hope to bear from tbe Tri- Tns Enrnno or Faxrn Down South — It Slums (mys the New York Herald, of Tuesday,) aa If Iba wbols oountry were being swept by a oyolone of offlmal fraud and oorrnptlon. Be sides the astounding developments in this oily, we find that startling frauds have been discov ered in relation to tbe Tennessee bounty olaima, and that a von ona of the usually high-toned and honorable communities in Kentucky has been similarly afflicted, resulting in the arrest of the Mayor and many officials. When we take Into consideration the enormous railroad swin dles in Georgia and Alabama, and the notori onaly oormpt practices of the Louisiana Legis latore, we may well aak what la becoming of us aa a civilised nation. Thera ia no mere “cyclone" of fraud in the South. It hat been a steady and uninterrupted taro peat for six yean—a ebronio simoon, blasting everything it has touched. Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana are certainly in no worse case than the Carolina*, Florida, Mia- aiaaippi and Texas. Tbe whole has been one dead waste of extortion and robbery nnder loyal pretences. The Washington Chronicle publishes an as tounding bit of news. It saya tbe Kn-klnx Committee feel confident that they will be able to show that the ecormons debts whieh have been saddled on the reoonatraded States, amounting to soma *227,000,900 have not been erected by tbe carpet-baggers, but are tha re sult of the depredation of Confederate I Kinds. The explanation to be made la lltia, that t|je Dew governments have been oblige*! to replace moneys belonging to tbe sinking, university and school foods, whieh had been l»*t through investments in rebel securities. Aa the New York Run remarks. Ibis ia about ** ort *° *Wlewaah fraud that baa yet baen attempted. In the expiredve language of 8hakeopeare, it i* "too thin." Tfcrex ia a heavy law suit pending, which in volves tbs entire University property at Chapel HU^radand personal. So saja the Raleigh Moarox Hocax.—Messrs Brown A Co. send ua aoopy of thiakrdvel so long locked for and eagerly expected by all who Gastcd on “Valerie Aylmer.” We say feasted, for that word does but literally act forth tha universal and interne pleasure all who read It, found ia the perusal. No novel ever written by an American author, at laeat, found mote admirers at tbe Booth, especially, than it did. Mias Fisher won a wealth of highest praise and admiration by “Valerie Aylmer," and “Morton House,” we ere assured, win hasp up her treasures of enthusiastic popu- lsr commendation to overflowing. It has been running in aerial parts In Appleton’s Journal, *J~ *“* P*®«d one of tbe strangest cards of that popular p,p, T . Both chapters aa we read la that farm showed, perhaps, on improvement ouTdretaAytamclnrem. rwptetgj » cd ve confidently look forward to a genuine tract in leading it at oor leisure. To Dirrxawcs -Tie President’, procla mation of thanksgiving follows doao on his warning proclam n ion to Sooth Carolina. first gave notice that in five days he would de clare martial law—about half the lime requirad to serve tbe notiee. He might aa well have i M ued a proclamation forbidding “ loyal ” Congressmen from robbing the Government, when Mr. Stokes had already pocketed the Tennessee bounties- Tl»s »<rond grtes over thirty dati- to prejiare for tbank-'-nving. The Administratii>n seems to be of opinion that it requires more time to prepare fur thanksgiv ing than for martial law.— II • ’ tugtoll Patriot. * The Tiintb’ comment* were admirably in keeping with the character, or rather the lack of it, of that cur-dog, thick and thin sheet. It waa eminently proper that Bullock’* first de fender should be toned in a paper that to-day enjoys tbo proud notoriety of being, if anything, a little more disgustingly trewly loyl than even Forney's Prow. Clews pretty much runs the Timea, and of course it should apeak oat for Clews’ bond-gorged friend, Bullock. Wait HU Republican papers like the Springfield Hepubli can, the New York Son, and Cincinnati Com mercial tackle Bollock, and see if they find any thing “hazy” in hia character or conduct as il lustrated in bis superbly mendacious and inso lent address to the people of Georgia. “Hazy, indeed 1 llrtitorlnl Correspondence. Atuxta, November 3, 1871. Nothing of importance transpired in either branch of the General Assembly yesterday. Our telegraphic summary last night embraced every thing. Tbe Dunlap Scott resolutions were folly considered in a joint caucus of both houses after adjournment, and tbe minority report of tho committee to whom they had been referred waa adopted by an overwhelming vote. This acknowledges Conley as possessed of Executive authority dt facto or ad interim, and announce* the General Assembly organized, and ready to prooeed with the usual routine of business. The astounding canard of Bollock will meet with an effectual checkmate by this temperate action of tbe Legislature. No Moody Kn-klnx telegrams will confirm the atrocious falsehoods of Ibe guilty fugitive from justice. Tbe air, however, ia thick with rumors of Federal inter- ferenre in Georgia affairs. It ia asserted that martial law will be proclaimed and the writ of habeot enrput suspended. Nothing can be too despotic and high-handed tor Grant and bis minions; bat thi* diablerie would ont Herod Herod in the catalogue of hia usurpations. Fortunately, wise and moderate counsels have prevailed and our Dictator will have not even tbe semblance of an excuse for inflicting bis bayonets npon ns. “JVou- eerront" aa Father Ritchie would say. Among tbe offioera elected was the veteran Jesse Oalin, to hia ancient post aa Messenger of tbe House. Hia nimble step and smiling face cirry ns back to good old ante-bellam times, when majorities ruled and tbe country was free. Tbe action of the caucus looks to the speedy passage of a bill ordering a special election to fill tbe nuexpired portion of Governor Bol- lock'* term. It is even mooted to make the Democratic nomination in joint caucus of tbe two boose*. Wo do not beliefs, however, that proposition finds much favor with tho members, as it would bo n violation of tbo people's prerogative, to select their own standard bearer from delegates alius, it front their midst in primary assembly. In iIichc railroad times a notice of even fifteen days would Mtflico to bring together a large mid representative Convention. '1 bis is tho only course which would ensure harmony and prevent bolting on tho part of (be several aspirants whoso names aro men tioned in connection with Ibis high efljpe. Of oonran even thirty or forty days' notice is tbe least wbicb would bo allowed tor so important an election. A* will lie seen in iboir proceeding*, tbe Legislature is again tinkering at the interett jueMiuu. Uow long will it bo before Hound maxims of political economy ure allowed to obtain on Ibis subject? Money, like any other commodity, derives it* value from snpply and demand, and ia worth what it will command freely in tbe markets. The impossibility also of enforo'ng usury laws render them practically of no effect. Whether tbo General Assembly will adjourn after the passage of tbe election bill, and await tbe installation of a new Governor before pro ceeding to general legislation, remains to be seen. We hope they will do so. ^ H. H. J. Usdby Laws.—The public drift is pretty elearly indicated in the general attack npon the asnry laws in the Legislators. Liws fixing tbe price of money are always evaded, aa a matter of oonrse; but as tbe evasion is more or less dangerous, it impairs security and tbe damage most be compensated by increased rates of in. teresL Usury laws, therefore, only make money dearer. It ia a grotesque commentary on the statute limiting interest in Georgia to Sight per cent, that everybody knows that eighteen to thirty per cent, is tbe current rate all over Georgia. Tbe law ia a dead letter, and a dead letter statute ia the most dangerona kind of a corpse. A law declaring that where rates of interest are not specified seven per cent, shall be tbe rule is all that ia necessary. The Atlanta New Era baa discovered a fatal bar to a special election to fill Bnllock’a vacan cy, in tbe Constitutional provision in regard to ibe regular election, that tbe votes for Gov ernor shall be oounted on Ibe day after the Legislatnre is organized. We are glad to see he ean find nothing stronger than that, for bis Own good sense will tell him it amounts to nothing. Tbe dear grant of power to provide tor a special election carries with it necessarily every power needful to give effeot to the elec tion. Anotsss or Miss Ancons Busin.—Brown A Go/ have jut received from Carlton, another of those oharming little talos by Mias L. M. Aleott—the series of which began with that aprigh'ly story, “Little Women." Nothing in the way of javenlle literature, iasaed from the Ameriosn press in twenty yean, has excited so great interest among young and old, as these attractive stories by Miss Aleott. Vabioc* T.vLEa.—-The fugitive Governor of Georgia teems to be disseminating various and contradictory statements as be scoots along. To one ho aays he flsd from tbe Ku-klnx to uve hia life—to another that he has left a full state ment with Mr. Conley, and will be back to tain it before the courts, and to another that be trashes hia hinds of Georgia forever. Freud! I in migration to Georgia. Secretary Lewis, of the Georgia Agricultural Soeiety, sends oa Iho following letter from Dr. H. II. Tucker, now in Paris. It seems to ns the , infoimation and suggestions it contains, should induce further inquiry at oaca j Pams, October 1C, 1871. lion. D. II* Xetett, excretory, eta: 1>eaa Sis: I have just bad a conversation with M. E Irnond Farr one, editor of tbe Official Journal of tbe French Government, in which be assured me that it proper steps were taken, a large tide of French immigration could beta ro od to the State of Georgia. The class of immi- grants, too, are tbe very kind that we meat need —cultivators of tbe anil—men who are accus tomed to work and who expect to work. Knowing Ibe importance to our State of such immigration, and knowing tbe interest in the subject felt by the Agricultural Association of which yon are tbo Secretary, I take the liberty ef suggesting that it might be well for yon to call the attention of that body to the statement above made, noj also to correspond with Mon- sieor Fsrrenc, who will readily give yon any information yon may require. Of course yon have been astonished, as all the rest of the world has been, at tbe immense amount of surplas capital in France, which re- Cent events have brought to light. I am in formed by French citizens of high intelligence, that proper invitation and inducement* might secure the use of some of this capital tor busi ness enterprK, * of any kind in the Biaio of Georgia. As I do not propose to negotiate in business transactions myself, and as 1 desire no appoint ment of any kind, either from the Stato or from any of its citizens, you will perceive that the biota I have dropped are entitely disinterested. I have written to my friend A. O. Baron, Etq., of Macon, in almost the same words as those nsed in this letter, and would suggest, that if you feel disposed, it might be well to oonfer with him m regard to the matter in hand. I am, air, very respectfully and truly yours, IL H. Tccszs. Tux Gaarmq. THE GEORGIA I*HESS Brown A Co. have the last ***** Gtia magnificent aerial, which really seems to grow more excellent with each issue. Its illustrations are incomparable, and its read ing matter such as riodieais. t only funnd in English po- The pickpockets at the Augusta fair thns have had only jean rations—one gold watch be ing all that waa reported up to Thursday night. AYe clip these items from tbe Chronicle and Sentinel of yesterday: Tbz End or a Case lisa Txaoztt —On yes terday morning the Chronicle and Sentinel published the fact that a little boy living in Edgefield county. South Carolina, shoot two miles from Hamburg, had been, murdered by bis none. On jsatorday we received fuller psr- ticulars of the sffair, from which it seems that the tragedy has been supplemented by still an other deed of blood. It appears that the mur deress was a nurse on the plantation of the gentleman whose child was killed. Being in censed tor some canoe or other, she deliberately took a shot gun and killed the lit-Je boy. who waa only two years old. Tbe woman then flrd, and hot pursuit was organized. She took the road to Graniteville, and waa arrested about ten o'clock in the evening. Soon after her arrest she was taken in -custody by the deputy sheriff of the county. Shortly after this, while the prisoner was walking along the road between two constables, suddenly a shot was fired and the woman fell dead. No one knows who did the killing, as the shot came from a crowd of men at a distance from the spot. The names of the parties are not given tor tbe present. Buna wav and Aocidznt —On yesterday even ing a rather singular accident occurred, by whieh a frolic .brought its own punishment. From what we can leant of the affair, it aeema that just after tbe termination of the race a party named Blackwell, from Elbert oonnty, and atviaitor in attendance on the Fair, wished to oome from the grounds to Broad street. Doable to get a conveyance, he took possession cf a buggy belonging to Mr. J. B. Ponraelle, and making a little negro get in with him, started np town. Mr. Ponraelle discovering what had been done, started in pars nit. Blackwell drove very recklessly, and when turning a comer he and tho negro were thrown from the buggy. Each of them bad his left arm broken, and medical assistance waa summoned. Tbe police- man who cime to arrest Blackwell tor taking tbe bnggy, found him under the care of a phy sician. Savannah shipped 2,210 bales of cotton, val ued at 8188,224 47, to Liverpool, on Wednesday. A very colored Othello shot and winged his saddle hned Desdemona, at Savannah, Wednea day night. Tbe wound was “some where below the knee,” but she was too modest to let the M. D.’a examine it. Henry Smith, who shot and killed Lawson, the sailors’ boarding house runner, at 8avan nab, on Wednesday, was arrested and bailed the next dzy, but immediately after was re arrested, and is now in jail. While riding in a bnggy on the Fair Ground at Augusta, on Wednesday, it was upset and Mr. and MissByne, of Jefferson county, thrown ont, and the latter rather severely hart. J. M. Gray’s jewelry store at Valdosta was robbed of twenty watches and a lot of other valuable jewelry, on Monday night. Jack Fairchild, a tender blossom of loyal color, aged only 98 years, married “old Annt Toney Clarke,” aged 75, at Colnmbns, the other day. How sweet ia love’s young d-r-e-a-m! ‘ We clip these items from the Colnmbns Son of Thursday: Laege Yield.—Mr. Joe Desmond, beyond Wynnton, made 365} bushels of sweet potatoes on one acre of land. Samples have been en tered for premium at our fair. Hossx Killed.—In the afternoon of yester day a man whose name ia given as Doc Harris, dashed with a horse and buggy through tho Fair Ground gates, and then commenced lashing his horse and sending him pell mell through the crowd in every direction. Policemen ordered him to stop, and tried to catch his bridle, bnt all was in vain. He dashed against a carriage. A lady inside fainted. Several children nar rowly escaped. As a last resort to save life, the gate keeper, Mr. R. A. Wood, seeking an op portunity when his shot could injure no human creature, aimed at tho horse while in a gallop. The ball struck the animal in the shoulder and killed him. The man was carried to the guard house, bnt was released on heavy bail. Wo un derstand ho is from Harris oonnty. Intoxication the cause. An old man named Lee, who lives near Co lumbus, had one of his arms badly shattered, Tuesday last, by being thrown from a wood wagon. Tho Lawrenceville colored troops are patting ap their winter supplies of meat, and coinci dentally, many of the “ white trash’’ hogs tarn ont to be of the biting variety. In jnmping from a bngoy one day last week Mr. 8. G. Howell, of Gwinnett county, was kicked by bis horse ond his leg badly broken. Col. Jas. P. Simmons and family have moved from LawreneeviUe to Norcross. In tbe course of a discussion in Gwinnett oonnty between Messrs. Robinson and Mitchell, both established their points by being severely stabbed. We clip these railroad items from the Rome Conner, of Thursday: The Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad still suspended from Chattanooga to A tills.— Stanton was arrested last week and carried to Montgomery and released on a bond of $4,000. He has now gone to New York. Memphis Bbasch RanjtoAD.—There seems somehow to bq a “fly in the lock,” and this en terprise haDgs Are. We understand that some little legislation ia necessary before the work shall be actually commenced. It is hoped that satisfactory arrangements will be made, and the work begin at an early day, in good earnest. CmitoExz Railroad work Still Prooressiso. The track layiDg on the above road is going on. Tbe narrow gange track is being laid between Taylorsville and Bock Mark and will be com pleted to the latter place probably next week. Cedar Town is anxiously awaiting the sound of the whistle. Tbe Courier, same date, also says: Aubests bx United States Marshal.—We are credibly informed that under tho direction of a deputy United States Marshal, the soldiers that pn-sed through Rome last Monday have arrested James Casey and Thomas his son, Dstrid Lowry and Jaoob Thomas, of Polk county; also Dun can Monroe and bis son-in-law, of Haralson oonnty. They say they expect to make other arrests in that vicinity. It is oonjectured that true bills were found against these parties in the Federal Court at Atlanta. They are prepar ing to give bail. The stockholders of the Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railrord have elected A. J. White, President, and W. A. Huff, of Mscod. and Messrs. Boynton, Chapman and Stewsrt, of Griffin; Whitaker, of Fayette; Wilkinson and Smith, of Newnan; and Camp and Long, of Carrolton, Directors. The work will be pushed ahead. The Constitution, of yesterday, says: Old Folks at Dome.—On the 1st inBlant, Justice William M. Butt married Bueben Don aldson, of Gwinnett county, to Mrs. Polly Bryan, of this city. The bridegroom waa 7C, the bride GG, and the Squire G3. The ceremony was performed in a house that was erected be fore tbe war and escaped the torch of Sherman. L Salmons ,fc Alexander, wholesale hat and cap dealers, of Atlanta, have suspended. Ex-Alderman W. O. Anderson, of Atlanta, died of paralysis, on Thursday evening. Tha Dalton Citizen of Thursday says the chestnut crop of that section ia very large this season, and the price ia $4 per bushel. The Citizen also says that wild pigeons are very plentiful. Several roosts have been dis covered in the White Oak Mountains. Parties from Chattanooga and Cleveland go ont near ly every day, tor tho purpose of enjoying the sport. One party from Cleveland went out last week and killed between five hundred and thousand. It wonld not be exaggeration to estimate the number of these birds among our mountains and ridges at millions. Titles to Properly. To atari with, there has been an absolute de struction of all legal evidences of titles to prop erty in Cook oonnty. The annoyance, calamity and actual distress that will arise from this mis fortune are not yet properly appreciated. The suggestions that have been made as to the rem edy are not, thns far, adequate to tbe emer gency. It is not merely that something mnst be done, bnt that this something must be equal to the neoeaaitiea of tbe case and must be dune quickly. Chicago must draw its funds from outside with which to restore its business blocks. These funds cannot be procured, unless in individual u:.d cxc.ptional cases of ;*>rscnal confidence, without a means for legally fixing the condition of titles. This it one of the obstacles which, for the preservation of Cbioago interests, mnst be quickly displaced. Another ia found in the abundance and obstinacy of “fqnmttera,” who have already begun their operations. A lease of a certain piece of property in tbe burned district was made a fen- days ago, and, when the lessee proposed to clear away the debris in order to commence a permanent bnilding, he found that a shanty had already been thrown together on the ground. The “squatter”in possession claimed that he had a lease “from a man in Omaha,” and refused, point blank, to badge an inch. Of course, this appears very rid.calms in one sense, and very outrageous in another sense, bnt the fact remains that there ia no way, under the law, for the real owner to show his title and to seen re the immediate re moval of the *• squatter " in possession. The ingenuity of lawyers is proverbial, and these, and manifold other annov&noee and ont* rages most be overcome. Their ingenuity must be utilized now if ever.—Chicago Timet. Fonqulri-TinvIIIe Akerntan In tbe Role or Jtnncliausen. —OFFER AT— Valuable Property for Sale. JOHNSON & SMITH Wasnrvc-V D O Vowmher t ... | /"VH tha first Tuesday in November next, will be 1 ^. wainirKjow. u. u,^ovember I.—.Attorney (J B0 ld before tne Court-home door in the city of j General Akerman, having jnst returned from ji»con. tbe following valuable property: I t he nil rt 1,1! law district in booth Carolina, hia I The Brick House and Lot, fronting Walnut street detailed his observations, and expressed his 1137 fee: and ltil feet on Second street. opinion with regnrd to the existence of the Kn- I One Lot adjoining, 70 feetfront on Walnut street _ klux in that State. He says that he has ascer- —running back 2G4 feet, containing several out- TjArirpc-f" IVIelT"k6 b JPriCGS uined that it does exist under such names as the buildings. _ . “Invisible Empire of the South,” the “White . T“'.°' a! . a * f6et «•* on Seoond street, running Brotherhood,” etc., and that a majority of the toingtae House and Lot formerly occupied entire white men of t-jit section were ra its I by Gen. Howell Cobb. For terms, or purchase at I membership or under its control; that it3 ob- j private sale, or any other information, apply to 1 jecta, aa euitxdied in its oath, were: Defense | au-27-td JOHN B. COBB. of the Coosti* ntton as it was; resistance to Bad- novcc wrairTwr' ical investor, and the protection of widows and DltLQj-lTl A IVaii tti orphans. The penalty of treachery, provided a «IS3 WILLIAMS, No. IS, COTTON AYENTJE, I bj Mift 04*.b, ia death. He further claims that | j\f juat returned from New York, and is | First Annual Exposition 150 half casks G. R. Bacon, ten mnrdera have been committed, twenty col- rejw3y to receive orders for Dreaa-H&king in all ita ored achojl-hourias burned, five hundred minor I department*. Thankful for the liberal patronage outrages committed in York oonnty by the Ka- I ehe bu heretofore received from the Isdiee of M&- - - T ■ • - • - - 1 —1 sriwiwfHs olio tm wm NaMww n t6p&r6d thffw octlS lm* 3UCAIUJT AAOU LUO I : - pe punishment. The Attorney SITUATION wasted. I ~|^Y a Lady of extensive experience aa a Teacher | country to i General thinks that most of these outrages were I organization have surrendered themselves and 1 confessed, on the gronnds, as he supposes, of receiving amnesty. When he left Yorkville ninety men had been arrested on a summary process and confined in the Yorkville jail with- THIS OFFICE. 25 boxes While Meal, 100 robs Bagging, 500 bundles Arrow Ties, In addition to a toll stock of Groceries anil Planters’ Supplies. nov3 Gt WILL BE HELD AT SAVANNAH, GA. COMMENCING ON THE ft\ EOBGIA, BIKER COUNTY.—Calvin Cook \JT applies to ma for exemption of personalty, - . - —. . - — i and I will pass npon the same on the 15th day of ont a hearing and without bad. As to whether November; 1871, at my office at Newton, at 10 the prisoners wonld be granted a hearing or not, o’clock a. m. CLEMENT GOBE, ho does not say, bnt claims that tha Department | nov3d2twlt* Ordinary. n^amSion^th^Kn ^ EOBGIA, BAKER COUNTER. H. Barbra , sassssass ^ibdbke & co:s book store. Administration view of the eitQation. The Courier-Journal is a scandalously imper tinent paper, and for “odorous” comparisons it is rather ahead of any we are acquainted with. Jnst read: Tho Boston Journal, whioh doesn't admire the I foTniR politics of the Courier-Journal much, threatens 1 Da4 to annihilate ns by turning loose npon ns the Atlanta Sun. “What are yon going to do with that little weepon yon’ve got there?" asked a Californian, with a braco of navy six-shooters in his belt, of a Bostonian who had one of Smith ■V Wesson’s packet pistols. “Why, answered the Yankee. ** CLEMENT GORE, Ordinary. NEW BOOKS 121st DAY OF NOVEMBER — TUESDAY, AND BE CONTINUED FIVE DAYS, AND LONGER, IF CONSIDERED ADVISABLE BY THE BOARD Notice, City Tay Payers. I Ail instructed by Council to notify all parties ] r ft 6 . a St(“ Ux a *V*g? JSfJS The Wilds of Africa-fcrBoye *2 50 paid by the 15tb met., and that no farther time will ' ’— 1 Spark of Genius—Kellogg 125 Besnrrection of the Redeemod—Boggs 125 New edition of Fam Slick—Illustrated 125 CHAB. J. WTT.T.TAMRQy, Tre&s. FOR SAXEl THE EXPOSITION nA A bushels Choice SEED WHEAT, Z\J\j 200 bushels BARLEY, novl 6t For aalo by E. PRICE. 3TOI& T? T!*N V T J Wbat the M*n Siw, and otner tales *2 50 | I’m going to defend myself with I q STORES and one office room, in Washington A Lost Life—By Emily Moore 160 it; if anybody insults me 1*11 shoot him.”— I Z Block, Mulberry street. Apply to “W#dL" said the Californian. “I'd advise von novl St J- M. B0 “Well," said the Californian, ‘-I’d advise yon not to do It, tor if anybody were to shoot me with that there thing and I was to find it out, damfi didn't kick his head off.” The Phfloeophy of Eating—Beilewe 2 00 BOARD. I off f° rt be Sea 160 j FEW Poraona_can__bo_aceommodatea_ | An,*ri*.n WnnAerlind 150 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. board and lodging, by immediate application! at tha large brick building on the comer of First I The Orphans of Glen Elden 90 and Pine streets. octTtf | Spmgeon’s Gems 150 ■ppwir TJ.T’TOTTTV/a I T AM prepared to accommodate two or three gen- I Fo118 Fori 8 ® 2 00 J. tlemen on liberal terms. Booma with private T —>, TCUin™-Farmers AHminxi’for "72 S 0 rpHE renting of tbo Pews of Christ Church, for | entrance, plating oocupante under no restraint in | Joab BUhnsa I anncrs AJInnn * x ror ^ * " ” “ Naet’e Illustrated Almanac, for *72.......... 30 Overland, by J. W De Fneat 1 00 Lady Judith, by McCarthy 1 25 Birth and Education—Schwartz 100 X the year ending November. 1872, will take going and coming at late hours. Be place at the Cburti, Monday and Tnosday, tbe 6th ner First and Fine streets. I can bo and 7th. E. F. BEST, I business hours at tbe 1L4W.B.B. novl 2t Beefy and Treat. novl tf Residence, ccr- seen during | depot. J. W.BLACKSHEAB. MOLASSES! MOLASSES! on HOGSHEADS CHOICE MOLASSES, in fine | TT A , 3 now °? order. For sale cheap, by JJL linery Goods, Sash Ribbo; novl 2f> Tones A BAXTER. I mention Be»l Lace rn Valenc! MISS A. O'CONNOR AS now on hind inelegant assortment of Mil* _ I Fire in theWooda 1 50 Dachessa Lace, Beal Lace Sets and Collars, rang- FAIHDPTT 46 I ing in size from small to largo. Lidiee’and Misses’ I Besides a fresh variety of other hooka too nnmer- l.UliltIilihA9. French Corsets. A large stock of Fine Furs, I SOMETHING NEW, AND JUST THE THING, Go°cJ£’wd I^Good^A wellTelectad * ouatoname - Just received by 1 atock K< * 1 “ d toiUUo no4 It F. L. GBOCE, Htl.ii g,worth Block. The Battle of Books—By Gail Hamilton 1 50 | ^ ILL EMBRACE E\ ERY MPAFtTSEJiT CF INDUSTRIAL LIFF, What the Man Siw, and other tales IN THE FOLLOWING OliDEB OF ARRANGEMENT: 1st Department stoc)[ 2d Department Products of the Soil 3d Department Domestic Manufncturea 4th Department Manufactures in Cotton, Wool, Linen and Silk 5th Department Manufactures in Iron, Brass and Steel 6th Department Manufactures in Geld, Silver and Platinum 7th Department Manufactures in Leather, Paper and Fibre 8th Department Manufactures in Wood, Cabinet Work, e!c 9th Department Manufactures in Stone, Clay, Sand and Plaster 10th Department Fine Arts, Models, Designs and Musical Instruments 11th Department Chemicals, Medicines and Minerals 12th Department Miscellaneous and Special Premiums BDRfciLAR-PROOF Call and see our stock. Any book sent free of stock in Beal and Imitation Hair Goods, and other different styles of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention here. All orders promptly » tt « n / ? a <J to - postage on receipt of annexed price. Cotton Avenue, under Biddle’s Photograph Gallery, | 1 F I Macon, Ga octlStf THE PREMIUM LIST PROPER IS COMPLETE, AGGREGATING $15,000! J. W. BURKE & CO., No. GO Second street. AUCTION SAXE, mks> DESSAU T -to—’ats’* - -—| THE GEORGIA HOME X of my store, 87 Cherry street, 7 head of very fine MULES, wagons a?d_HABNESs,_a]so_ | latest Novelties in Millinery, CLOAKS, 8AILOE SHIRTS, POLONAISES, | Medals in Gold, Silver and Bronze, with the Diploma of the Association, will be Awarded to Meritorious Articles. 1 very fine BRUSSELS CARPET, Dry Goodi, Notions, etc. no4 It INSURANCE CO., Of Colmnbns, Georgia IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY SPECIAL SHEBIFF’S SALE. And all the articles necessary to complete a r _ FASHIONABLE OUTFIT, Incorporated AS Tlnraday, the 9th inat., will be cold, as per- Capital null Assets the brick store borne of Collins A Heath, fronting on Seoond etieet, in Macon, Bibb oonnty, to-wit: 10 head of MULES, 1 lot oT BACON, 1 lot FLOUB, 1 lot of 8UGAB, llot of HAY, 1 lot of CLOTHING. And sundry articles of general Groceries, not if P. W. DOYLE, Sheriff. GROCERIES. GROCERIES j I -J PA sicks new crop BioCoffee, | lOU 300 cases new Cove Oysters, 200 barrels refined Sugars, 200 boxes Cream Factory Cheese, 100 hbda. Western and Tennessee Eicon. 25 tierces S. O. and Pig Hams, Beef Tongues, Dried Beef, 8. 0. Breekfast Ba- I ■ con. Mackerel. Shad and White Fish. Large lot of I B IBB COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE.—To be aold, I Bagging and Ties. Our stock is daily replenished by order of the Court of Ordinary, tho follow! £,hll?the le&dtog .Riote? and wfil bo tola at ing property, to-wit . One estray Cow. Descrip- small profits. tion: aemooth crop in left ear; flesh marks, white Come and Boons, if yon want good goods and color, with spots on each side of head and neck; good bar-sine. T* ta ? d ^ t » w X nty , doU *?’ £** e Jl 0 taka P'* 8 ®,* 1 Mr - novl tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. Lewie Wilder’s place, in the Warrior District, on —- — November 13,1871, and between the lawful hours FRESH ARRIVALS; “nUltt P. W. DOYLE.Sheriff. | 20 b?IeB -? lorid . & S. raD 8 08 ’ 25barrels_Eed Ap- T HE Association announces the following valuable improvements to be placed on exhibition and thoroughly tested : FOWLER’S No. 1 and No. 4 SYSTEMS OF STEAM PLOWS, WIXLIAM80N8 ROAD AND FIELD STEAMER, FOWLER’S STEAM DITCHER AND CLEANER—in addition to a vetr .1859 I lar 8° collection of improvements in Machinery for the Plantation and Shop. In addition to the Association Premium, Special Premiums aro offered by Messrs. Saunders. Goodwin he Miller, and by the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Sivaunal). for tbe* best bale of middling up land cotton, and the best five bales. This includes yield per acre and quality. Untouched by tbe Chicago and other disasters, continues to furnish indemnity against loss by fire | on all insurable property at adequate rates. J. RHODES BROWNE, President. D. P. WILLCOX, Secretary. gdT Application! received and polities isaned by WM. W. CARNES, Agent, oct!7 dGt th2tawlm Office 86 Cheiry street. OHROMOS I £t\J plea, 5 barrels Tennessee Eggs, 20 barrels Buckwheat Flour, 50 boxes new layer Raisins, 30 I 0 „ „ . ... , _ I tube Goshen Butter, 20 cases Sardines, 2000 sacks N Sunday last, between the Weeleyan Female choice Floor, 50 sacks seed Bye and Barley, 600 Colic-go and Mnlberry Street Methodist Church, I Blc ks sood Oata, for sale by REDUCED PRICES! LOST. a gold society badge marked S. D. Crutcher. A anitable reward iaoffr red for ita return to tbe owner at tbe College. no4 2t* SEYMOUR, TINSLEY he CO. Another Fair. MERRITT & BRO. "4 XT ILL open their MEAT HOUSE on Satnrday, I VV the 4th instant, on Cotton avenno, opposite east point of Triangnlar Block, second door above I the alley, and will keep constantly on hand tbe bnt Tennessee and Georgia raised Beef, Fork and Mutton, and Santage of all kinds, in abnnd- | anco, at wholesale and retail. Thankful for past favors, they respectfully solicit a continuance of tha patronage of their friends and the public gen erally. Oor motto ia "Tho Nimble Penny.” no4 6t HEAD QUARTERS JpOR HORSFOBD'S BREAD PREPARATION. HUNT, RANKIN * LAMAR, r2 tf Druggists. BE SURE THAT YOU BURN SAFE OIL.j Tlie Premiums on Cotton Aggregate $1,200 In addition to the Association Premium for Blooded Stock, liberal purees will be offered by the citi- | zens on a test of epced. Special attention will be given by this Association to the Legitimate Industries of Life. But such amusements allowed under the auspices cf properly organized Associations, as will entertain our visitors, aside from poisonal prejudices or individual opinions. All communications zddreesed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. Entries of all articles must be made by 12 o’clock Tuesday, the lirst day,of tbe exhibition. Any lady entering more Ilian one article in tho Department of Domestic Manufactures will be charged | but one entrance fee. H, D. CAPERS, Secretary. P. S-—Railroad and Steamship Lines will extend the usual facilities. ONE-HALF FARE during tbe | exposition. SEND FOR THE PREMIUM LIST! * nov3 tf D E8IRING to reduce our large stock of PIC TURES—some of which was exhibited at tho | I late Fair—we offer for tho next Thirty Days, Our stock at very low prices. Now ia the time to I secure pictures at REDUCED BATES. GRAN® GOLD MEDAL AWARDED W J. W. BURKE * CO. E are headquarters for B. WISE & CO., BUCK’S EX WARD HAIGHT Ss C0-, B ANK.ERS. No. 9 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. I WESTS EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE OIL. HUNT, RANKIN he LAMAR, Druggists. MIX & KIRTLAND, Wholesale and Retail dealers in COMMISSIONER’S SALE. BOOTS AIYD SHOES. Brilliant Cooking Stove, No. 3. Cotton Avenue, and G6 Third St. MACON, GA. T _, . , , I T> Y virtue of a decree of the Honorable tho Sn- KB business of our firm is tbe same as any I perior Court of Bibb county, I will offer for f—*,® °f National Bank. £ ,i 8 on til0 flrat Tuesday in December next, bo- inffividuala or firmsibanMng with na may deposit tween the legal hours of Sheriff sales, before the and draw as they please, the same aa with any I door of the new Court-house in the city of Macon, hank, except that we allow Interest on all balances t0 tto highest bidder, tho lot on the corner or Wal- (Offivepar cent). „ I nnt andPirat streets in the city of Macon, whereon Wo boy and stll Bonds, Stocks, Gold, Bniineas th8 colored Methodist Chnrch lately stood. Sale to . Papers, and collect business notes and drafts bo made aubject to the confirmation of the preaid- TXTOULD inform their friends and all in want of tbronghom the United States, giving prompt re-. I Judge of eaid Coart. Terms of sale cash. I y V Boots and Shoes of any kind, that they have ~ “ on hand one of the largest and best assortments to I be found in tbe city or State. They cordially invite their numerous old cna- 1 tomera and all others in want of any thing in their —AT THE— The Hiram Pkilllpps’ Place at nov2 lawtda Auction, November 20. I rp H E enn or I. L. Harris 4 Co., wholesale and | T HE above named Excellent Farm near Cedar | X retaildealera in Drugs, Chemicals, eta, is this *" " Town, will be sold to the highest bidder, No-1 day dieolved by mutual consent—Dr. L L Harris, vember 20. I retiring. The bneinesa will be continued at the The place contains 700 scree of the heat land in I eame stand by O. J. Harris and H. J. Peter, nnder Cedar Valley, within a mile of Cedtr Town, with j the firm name of Harris * Peter, exoellent Two-Story Dwelling Hon.o, Gin House C. J. HABBI9, mod Screw, and all necessary out buildings. There I H. J. PETER, ia an excellent Iron Ore bed on the place. November let, 1871. novl d3tw2t | examine. Thoy pledge themselve to sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES. Either at their Old Stand No. 3 Cotton Avenno, or their New Store GG Third Street, Macon, Ga. oct 21eod2m&b GEORGIA STATE FAIR, OCTOBER 26, 1871. AFTER ACTUAL, TRIAL —WITH THE— Great Benefactor and the Stewart Cook Stove, ANOTHER GLORIOUS VICTORY. In retiring from tho drug business I would res- WANTED IMMEDIATELY. pectfully aak my friends and patrons to continue . , „ - , , ” r t— - _, . .. I t GOOD Milker, one or two Farm Laborere, and I XV an active spry Boy. To a family containing I all, a comfortable house will be famished and lib- , . _ —- ——, -- . . — ., — , oral wages paid. Apply to the subscriber at his and ran be found at tho Brown House, and persons Qjrr ratuny STREET AGAIN, residence, three miles from Macon and one mile desirmg to do eo, can consult him relative to their k/XJX/Xkli 1 OAAfcXiiiA AUAi II. from zj^rngfield’a Store, and known aa tho Cason NOTICE. F OR the benefit of thoee suffering with diseased SgS*ASS' eyee. Dr. W. A. Hooten. of Atlinta, Georgia, rerommendinevery way worthy of their confidence, will be in this tita on the 22d, 23d, 21th, and 25th, n0Tl 2n L “■ UAKKIH. | found a " ■ He wfil also Hawkinsvfl’o. on tho 27th and I ]\£®: J ’ Agent, would respectfnUy,in-1 place- Gtb. 7th and 8ll ? Cambridge 0:h and lOtb: Camilla, ■a. V. •IkLiV/L'IY, AgCUl, WUUAIA A coy OVU UAJ VLl- l X form his friends and the public generally that I oct28 eodotawlt »ih; Jsraup, qthm^80th; Ytofa^tal and*I Gth 7i^?nd^Lh• ol?, d *nh i' Btock of 11,0 moafc choice Cigara, embracing all tho *tn V 17«t,a»dHkh; Ararnfa^ltth,Mhandfflat; “LvfvafeSs ^ioou .nd Ztau! ^Teuma?Aratii»^^iin ie Fortorffierinformation | d^ar 0 rqifitlo?robseco. & ^ ^ JNO. J. RILEY. BAR AND BILLIARDS. write fqrcircnlar, Atlanta, Ga. He will on hia second trip—commenting on the first of January, 1372, after visiting Augusta, Sayan- | nail, and some other intermediate points—visit the above named places the second time, uovt w2t* sep9 2m I FOR SALE. SAVE COMMISSION AND ORDER YOUR ‘THE GLOBE, 5 ON THIRD STREET, A Itrjo bun d tv°in iZlSiutflt I TP*K? SSSfhS? toaudfuUy^reSfd I and decorated, and is now fitted up with three of I ffi’a% b Krb^“e d ictile;? I «“> finaat BILLIARD TABLES in the city, site npon tbe land. The Baicbridge, Cnthbert and Columbus railrosd piraes through the tract. Ap ply to JOHN B. BUCHANAN, Outhbert. or at this I office. novldAwtf A PLAXTATI0A FOR SALE, THE BAB ia eupplied with the best Winea, Li- | quors and Cigars that can bo had. C&ll at the hneat Saloon in tho South and spend & Dleaaant hour. You will receive a hearty wel come. octl8 eodlm A BARGAIN. GRAND GOLD MEDAL AWARDED BUCK'S BRILLIANT, 1ST E W O RLE AN S F AI Ri APRIL 28, 1871. WITHIN ONE-HALF MILE OF THE DEPOT AT I rpHE undersigned will sell his Premises Bello unwT VATTFY J- View, containing six acres, more or less, on Firm ysi.i.r.x, I t k Q jj 0 aston road, about ono mile from the Conrt- C (MftMHTO about 3S5 acres of lind; 225 of house, in the city of Macon.. The grounds are which is cleared and in a good state of cnlfiva- tastefully laid ont and embellished with evergreens tion. the balance of the land is well-timbered. It and flowers, an eicollcnt well of pure water; and has a dwelling house, containing four or five room*, all the necessary out-bonsee. The view from Wmd- and other ont-bmldings. also a gin-house eor Hill is unaurpaesedlbvsnya'tauri Mscon. ^Tbe screw. This settlement is within three-fonrths of furniture, sU new, wfil likewise be disposed of. I a mile of tho Churches and Academies in Fort The house is first-class, nearly new, and contains CHOICE ROSIN-LEAF UPLAND. Vslley. It is a verv desirable place and ran be ten rooms, the titles to which are indisputable. ho unfit at a reasonable price, it application is made I Terms $12,000—one-half rash,balance to be detcr- eoon to WM. J. ANDERSON, r DIRECT OF G. G. GUENTHER’S HAY PRESSES CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY. Address 21G WEST RANDOLPH STREET, novl Stdlaw Chicago, HI. I oct 29 Ct Port Valley, Ga. DR. EMERSON PROPOSALS. H AS returned and will reeume the practice of n EOBGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Propowda will be ! DENTISTRY at once. nov3 dtf | received until the 11th day of November, 1871, a tMVBTTnr T A urn u nvrp a 11 f° r building the bridge of the Tobeeofkee Creek on A A LlN Hull i A* A II AI IS Ui£aS 5 Columbus road, known u Johnaon’a Bridge, and AYING more land than I need. I offer for sale for bnilding the Bridge over Tobeeofkee Creek it , two lota (405 Acres,) part of my plantation on Bearcey’e MilL The Commiaeionere reserving the tfedar Creek, in Pula*ki oonnty, nine miles weet of I right to accept or refect any bid. Hmiriuneville. 8oil exceedingly fertile and location Propoe&la to be filed with the Ordinary of said aa healthy aa any in iliddie Georgia. Fart of each I oonnty. lot cleared. Each tot will be sold separately if de- PUna and speciilcations will be found on hie in tired For full particular* and terms, call on me I Ordinary’* office. borne or a3drees mo by letter at Ilaskinnville, O. A- THARPE, ) i. W. C. HARVARD. I D. T. DBIGGAB3, > County Commiaaionera. novS lwdwlm I J- W. STUBBS, J oct22td A. D. WKDELOCK* H. B. STABS. "WHEELOCR & STARK, Snoceeeora to South wick A Wheelock, WHOLESALE DXALZBS IX BOOTS &. SHOES, No. 10 WAI1BEN STREET, NEW YORK. larahall ville, Ga REAL ESTATE DISTRIBUTION OF MEMPHIS. DR AWING 9.h OF NOVEMBER INSTANT. T EIRtime n quixod to perfect arrangements. Ap- j ViL-ati-ju foi MiiAresj will be made to agent* up to Novtm&er «ih. after which all order* will be filleo bj the Borne Office, 44 Odam street, Mem- phia, up to t* ■ ' v cniug of the £th. nov3 6t BABY CABS. r P*HE finest ioeortmect of Baby Cabo and Per ambulators ever received in this city. For Bale cheap by CARHABT d CURD, oct 15 tf .a mined on by seller and purchases. I oct26 2tawlm* JAHES T. WILKEBSON. E. S. POE & CO. HUFF’S BUILDING, COTTON AVENUE, J Have Just received— 10 boxes London Layer Raisins, 10 half boxes London Layer Raisins, 10 quarter boxes London Layer Rxieins, 5 boxes Citron, 300 ponnds choice Currants, 5 boxes Scbepp's Deselected Cocoannt, 5 bbls. fine Noiibern apples, 5 bbls. fine Northern potatoes, Syrnp. Molasses, Whisky, Soap, Candles, Lard, Spices, Sugar and Coffee, all grades. Canned Goods all kinds, and aU goods that are usually kept in our Line. Best Baked. Bread.. OVER THE FOLLOWING STOVES, ON ACTUAL TRIAL, HARMONIA, PHILANTHROPIST, FASHION, MOUND CITY, GEM, AMERICAN, GENERAL, STEWART, BAKEWELL, TIMES, CHARTER OAK. —ALSO, AT THE— MEMPHIS FAIR, AFTER ACTUAL TRIAL —WITH THE— | CHARTER OAK, CHARTER & CONTINENTAL. OYER 300,000 HIVE BEE.Y SOLD IY THE EXITED STATES ALOM! JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, AND FOR SAT.P, JQQ tor elalTJSHPOTATOES, A l.rge lot BACON, fO d< zeu CHAIRS. COLLINS ± HEATH. DESIRABLE LANDS FDR SALE. *\ V~Y Oakland and Howard Farms, on the Macon LEA & PERRINS’ SAUCE, | J1 and WeeternRailroad, ten milee from Macon. If desirable, will be cut np into lote to suit the convenience of parchaaere. Good l*nd—fine water —and unprecedentedly healthy locality; conve- z nient to Macon; highly enitable for fruit farma J unrivaled for ita flavor. and market gardens, and country residence* for j We are directed by Messrs. Lea & Perrins to j town people. Titles indisputable, and term* rea- I proeecute all partiea making or vending counter- I eonable. Apply to Butt* £ Brother, Macon. I feit*. JOHN DUNCAN’S BONS, j iepli*eodJm* A. LeSUEUB" | augl5-eo<36m Agente, New York. We have, and are receiving overy^dxys, R I Eygry SfOYe Wamnted lO give Satisfaction, Or MOIiej RCfUn(l0(I. I L. Mott’* beet Family agent*. Pronounced by Connoiaeeurs ‘Th.e Only Good Sauce-’ It improves tbe appetite and digestion, and it is J LEAST FUEL. BEST BREAD. SHORTEST TI3IE. B. A, WISE & CO.’S, CHERRY STREET, JIACON, GA.