The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, November 05, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. SUNDAY MORNING. NOV. 6, 1871. Heavier Oio Cross. HmtIw the erom, the nearer barren: No cross without. DO Ood within, DMtb. lodgement, from the heart are d falae glare and din. O happy be With ell hi» loro. Whom God both set benootbthe «ro IXeerier Um Tbi* ie the tonclatoae God applies, Bov Duty a Rental would be weeUiiR. Covet by ebowan from weeping eyes- The gold by fire U purified; Tbo Christian ie by trouble tried. Heavier Um croM, the stroegsr faith. Tbe loaded palm atrikee deeper root. Tbe Ttae joioe eweeUy leenetb . When men bare preaeed UmeutotOtmt, And courage nows where flange** Ltko pearl* beeroth the aatt oea foam. Heavier Um cross. Um hearUerprayCT; The broleedberta B**/'**"? 1 are. And David's realm* bad oe'er beec *aag If grief bie heart bad never wrong. Hoarier Um eroaa. Um more Mlffifi- . From vale* we climb to mountain creet, Tbe pilgrim of Um deeart Wring, tbe Canaan of Merest. Tbe dcva baa here no rest In right And to tbe ark abewinga her flight- Heariarlbeoroea, tbo easier dying, DeaUt U a friendlier face to aee; To Ufa's decay one bids defying. From life's distress one then i* fro*, The cross snbttmely Ufu oar faith ToBJffl who trinmpbedoTsr death. Tttou Cradflod! Um erom I cany, j&JXZSV&ZZftn. Till for tbe c THE READ CERTAINTY. Grace Grccnwood'a obacrrotlon* of Mor. nion Women. From Um New York Times.) Those I have met appear tome, I mnitaay, like good and genUe Christian women. They are singularly simple in dress and modest in demeanor. What sadden* mo ia thoir air of ex treme quietude, retirement and repression. Bnt for the ohildren around them you would think aome of them were women who had done with thia world. I am told that tbe wives of even Uw highest Mormon dignitaries show little pride in their lord*. It were perhaps difficult to foal mooh pride in the sixteenth part of a man, aa man go. Etch the first wife of s wealthy saint betrays in her husband and household, they my, no exnltant joy of pomesstoii. An in vestment in s Mormon heart and home most be rather uneortain Block for a woman. I am as sured, though, that the aeoond wife is seldom taken without the fall oonsooi of the first. Not only srs the poor women’s religions faith and zeal appealed to, bnt her magnanimity toward her lister-woman ont in the cold. It mast be through great suffering that each heights of self-abnegation are reached. The crucifixion of Um divine weaknem of a loving woman a heart moat bo a severe process. Bat there ia aome sorry comfort in the thooght that for these poor polygamous wives .there is a no wasting uncertainty, no feverish anxiety- chat they are apared the bitterest pain of jeal ousy, the vague nightmare' toriure of auapioion, the grief and horror of the fine! discovery, the fieroo sense of treeehery and deception. They know the worst, l’orbapa it is tbe “dead oer- taintv" that gives them tbe peculiar oold, still look I have referred to. At totho Mormon men whom I have met, mostly leaders in the Church, and prominent, well-to-do^itirens, I must say that they look remarkably care free and even jolly under tho cross. Virgil, I believe, has somewhere the expression, “0 three times and four Umea happy 1" Well, that la the way they look. Contrary to my impression, I find that the seceding faction called “Godbyitea’ !did not make their new departure on the ground of opposition to polygamy, but to tho dominion of theCbureh in civil affairs. It was a rebellion againat the Uthing eyatem. Tbe leader of Ibe rebels is sUll s strong polygamist, bnt his honsa is divided against itaelf. HI* wives are loyal to Brigham—«U four of them. I am glad of it, for it proves that, in sealing a wife to himself for Umo and eternity, no Grand Turk of them all oan seal the mind and will and tongue of woman! Fire-Proof IIuildlngH. Tbo Scientific American say*: The Ghioago fire has proved that so-called fire-proof bnildinga may retard the progress of a great fire, bnt cannot prevent its onward march, when once it has gathered anffidnt pow er in the destruction of wooden bnildinga. The power of concentrated beat npon atone, bricks and iron ia UtUe npon tbaae The writer fire of 1862, and had an opportunity of witness ing the effect of fire npon several supposed fire proof bnildinga, which stood in the direct line of the advancing flames. The heat was blown npon these bnildinga with almost the intensity of a blast furnace. The wrought iron shutters, which wore depended npon to protect the win dows, curled np and warped, exposing the glam beneath, which soon broke or melted, or if sup ported by wooden sashes, was almost instantly dropped from tbo frames. Then tbo flames fonnd admission to the buildings, which soon yielded. It was noticed particularly that cast iron act ually seemed to barn, and we have litUe doubt that in many oases there was solas! bnrnii the metal; tbe same effect being product would be npon the bottoms of east iron kettles plaoed over fire and containing hot sand. Nearly every one knows that when east iron is raised to a rod beat, it apeedily oxidises or burns. The extensive nse of thia material ia, therefore, not tha beat praottoe in rendering bnildinga fire proof. In the Troy fire, it was seen that even the supposed fireproof aafea burned in most eases when they were not protected by masonry. At the great fire at London Bridge, which took place in the summer of 1861, the ready yielding of east-Iron colnmns, beams and girders was specially notioed, and formed the subject of an article In the London Uoview. The faet Is, that east iron is no more to be depended on than wood when standing amidst a really great fire. Wrought iron does better, bnt it too has important defects, among which ia its expansibility nnder heat, which, when it is used in conjunction with masonry, cracks the latter, and thus commences the work of deatrno- tion. In abort, our present systems of fireproofing need thorough revision and modification, in the light of reoent experience, before they can deserve tho confidence of the pablio. Or thirteen Western railroads on tho Now York Stock Exchange, whose earnings are regn larly reported, all, exeopt the Illinois Central, show an Increase for September over that of September, 18*0, tha whole excess CSS, or 9 per oent. The earnings of the same roads for twelve months show an increase of $3,713,426, or 7 per oent over the previous year. The Chicago and Rock Island, and tho Chicago and Northwestern dropped ont of the list several months ago, and wo aid probably show a decrease. A Political Blcxder.—An amusing thing happened at a raoent election at Martinsbnrg, West Virginia. Magistrates were to be chosen, and the impression existed that bnt two were al lowed. So each side nominated two, bnt it now turns ont that four were required to be elected, so that the two candidates on each ticket are sleeted, as tha four, two Republican and two Democratic, will just make the reqnidte nnm- ber.—Cumberland (XM.) JTetu. imMiun, 88 Cherry Street. TTTE h»Te now thoroughly refitted and repstated W thia celebrated Old Grooery Stand and have RAILROAD TIME TABLE. naoon aim wxstxas run-soap. . 7.8# a. X. 1.40 a. x 8.05 r. x. 8.38 r. x .7.88 a. x. 3.10 r.x 10.38 r. x UUYB. ARRITX. 8.30 a. x. 6.35 r. x 6.45 A X. 9.33 r. x Jockeonvile,Fla. 7 00a.«. TMr.x Jackson nils, Fla 8.43 r. x. 6.00 A. x (Savannah 7.00r.x. 7.45r.x HawkinsvUle 646 a. x. 6.45 p x 8.08 r. m, 10.80 A. X 8.10 r. x. 680 A. X lxatx. 7.00 A x. 431 r. 630 r.x. 6.15 a. x 635r.x _ 7.00 T. x. 5.15 A. x Train from Gordon to MniedgeriUe and Eaton- ten eonnacta with down night tram from Macon and np day train from Savannah. Savannah lsavb. akhtit. .600 AX. 4.35 a. x 660». ». 6.00 a. x 7 45 A. x. 4.58 r. x 610 V. x. 10.00 A. x AB1UVS. 6.13p. x 610 A. x •1645 p.x. li.oo a. x T**. 4.48A. X AABIYX. 7J6 T. M 6-50 r. x. 2.30 A. K Augusta 6-30 K x . 7.00 p. *. 2.-15 a. x VTMTXR5 A*D ATlASTIC RAILROAD. AaMT ** Atlanta 643 600 A. X. 1.82 p. X 2.45 r.x. 10 00 a. x 5.20 r.x. 616 A. x 6.30 A. x. 1.21 p. x filled It from top to bottom with a stock every variety of Eatable* and Drinkable*, which e offer to tha public. Fancy and Family Groceries, Consisting of AMERICAN AND ENGLISH PICKLES, OLIVE OIL. PRESERVES and JELLIES, all kinds CANNED FROITB and VEGETABLES Of every variety, DEVILLED HAM, TONGUE, TURKEY, LOBSTER DRESSING, ANCHOVY PASTE, YARMOUTH BLOATERS, SPICED SALMON, FRESH MACKEREL, in cans, CHOCOLATE PASTE, PINE TEAS and SPICES, PEARL BARLEY, OATMEAL, SAGA, TAPIOCA, and MA0GAB0NI, «nan and SALMON, in kite, MESS MACKEREL, FULTON MARKET BEEF, PICKLED PORK, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, and anything else a family may need. CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY. This ia a specialty with ne, and wo claim to have introduced many new varieties, such as tho igintl WALNUT, GLAZED WALNUT, OOOOANCT CARAMEL, JELLIED COOOANUT, CREAM WALNUT, And numerous other*. Liquors and Cigars Comprising all of the boat brands, Domestic and Imported* MARKET DEPARTMENT Freeh Tennessee Beef, Pork Sausages, Northern Fruits and Vegetables, Freeh Fish and Oyetors, 1,6 HERTZ & 00, CLOTHIERS 90 CHERRY STREET, Have now on hand s complete stock of FALX* AND WINTER CLOTHING LARGE, FULL AND WELL ASSORTED. Tarkeys, Chickens, Egg* and Give ns a call, and aee if we can't pleuo yon. S. T. & B. P. WALKER, 88 CHERRY STREET. TREMENDOUS STOCK GENERAL GROCERIES NOW BEING BECEIYED BY ROGERS & BONN, And they are offered for aale FEARFULLY LOW. Ilf STORE 2,000 sks. Family Extra Flour, 200 barrels Sugar, 300 bbls. Liquors of all kinds. STOCK OF BACON AT PRESENT SMALL. JUST ARRIVED. 100 bbls. CHOICE RED APPLES. ROGERS & BONN. COTTON 1 CAMPBELL & JONES offer their services to Planters and Mer chants, as Warehouse & Coffimission Merclianls, And ask a continuance of tho patronage so liber ally given them the past season. Close perianal attention given to the STORAGE and SALE of OOTTON, ana to the filling of orders for Bagging and Ties and Plantation Supplies. Refer to the patron* of the put eeuon. Re member the plaoe— ron Warehouse, Poplar st. f Macon, Ga. P. 8.—Agents for the Winshlp Improved Cotton in and John Merryman A Co.'* Ammonlated Du- solved Bonee, which wo now offer at a reduced price.eepl 8m HARDEMAN & SPARKS END their annnal greeting to their many friend* _' and patrons. They are at their old stand, ready and willing to serve them in tbe Storage and Sale of Cotton. S E by their frnite ye .hall know them.” "Jadge ns by these—we aek no mere. Your interest it our inter est; and oar long experience enable* us to guard and advance it- More we cannot promise—more yon will not expect. Tbe usual accommodations extended to those who honor ns with their patronage. HARDEMAN A SPARKS. Troy Female Seminary. T ^HKIS Institution offers the accumulated sdvon- Una of over fiftv Year* eacctHarul operation. Every facility U provided for a thorough oounp of u»*elul and omanu'iiLal education, under tbe di rection of a oort»H of more than twenty profeesora and teachore. For circular*, apply to octis lm JOHN li. WILLLAHO, Troy, N. f. B. ADAMS. B. X. BAZEXORE. 8QADRACB WARS. Ailams, Bazemore & Ware, PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE, NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT, O N entering npon a new cotton season, tender their aemoea to the patron* and friends of Adam* A Bazemure, and to all other* who may ravor them with their patronage. Their attention wm be gnren exclusively to tbe Storage and Sale of Cotton. tion 8uppli^.° rd ” ,or ^dhig. Ties and Planto- ac^riSd generoos sopport U.ey ptodj. ttmXStfSlf Z\£££2£l tion lo the interests of their patrons 45 1 Liberal adrancee made on ootton in atom. sep6 dAw3m .A.T A.T $15 A.T $18 _A_T $20 Bdsb Suits lsisess A.T S22 S25 AND AS FINE AS 340 PER SUIT OF Coat, Pants and Vest, SACK, DERBYS WALKING COATS OF THE LATEST STYLES. DRESS SUITS BLA0K AND COLORED Cloth Coats, BLACK AND COLORED DIAGONAL COATS, OF THE BEST IMPORTED MATERIAL, In Single and Doable Breasted Chesterfields. A large assortment of PANTS, FROM 81 TO 815! FLY OVERCOATS, IN COLORS. SACK OVERCOATS, TALMAS, - And the New Style KING WILLIAM OVERCOATS, On hand. SHIRT S ! We make a specialty of the celebrated The Best in the Country. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHIRTS HADE TO ORDER! And a fit warranted, at stock prices. addition to the above, we keep the most com plete stock of ITS' FUSM GOODS In ibid city. We invite an inspection. THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS Constantly on hand, and reoetved os soon aa ont. NEW LOT JUST IN. All of oar goods are first clou, and are gaarantoed u each. DO XT MISS THE PLACE: THE WHITE STORE 1 90 CHERRY STREET, Between B. A. Wise A Co.’s and S. J. A B. P i’fclk^r’ri. W najlltf G9 AND EXAMINE THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES At No. 86 dierry Streot, Macon, 6a. JACOB SCHALL, H AVING received hie extensive Fall stock of BOOTS and SHOES, takes pleasure i hi* patron*, and the tra-le generally, that be ie folly prepared to serve his ensto e.t French Boot in announcing to _ ^ customers with every thing ■>. hi, line, from the oommon Brogan to the finest French Boots and Gaiters. Having purchased direct from <h* manufactories, he can offer superior indacementa in prices, and he hsa neglected no opportunity of * x.uininghis well-earned reputation for superiority of goods. He would further announce to the trade, and especially to shoemakers in Macon and vicinity, that he toe on hand a large supply of Leather and Findings, with which he can serve them at rates that will fa vorably compare with those of any Southern establishment. Their attention is particularly called to tbe fact that he can famish Leather cat to all sizes, crimped Fronts, Bootlegs ready-fitted, Uppers of all kind*. o(o . at a Tory email margin. In tbo Coatom Work department, be still employs first class, superior workmen, and bis customers can be supplied, now aa ever, with Boots and Sboee, of tbo finest French calf-akin and tbe moet elabo rate workmanship, at abort notice. JACOB SCHAIX, s*p!9 3m 86 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. LAWTON I WILLINGHAM, SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON & LAWTON, OOTTON FACTORS, Warehouse ami Commission merchants FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. JX Publishing our cord, we riaim nothing more for ourselves than a determination to do our DUTY towards our customers. By strict attention to our bueinoje, and studying the interest of our patrons we have been able heretofore to give satisfaction, and now have no apprehension that all who win give us a fair trial wfll continue to patronize our house. angUP3m LAWTON & WILLINGHAM. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon W Standard Mean Time. r in the time-keeping of my fine approved TRANSIT INSTBU- and stars, I wiU be able to keep AVING perfected my arrangements to correct the alightest error in the timo-kee; Regulator, by the erection of an observatory and one of the moet approved MENTW. for the purpose of observing tbe meridian passage of tbo son and stars, the exact Mahon mean time to within a fraction of a second. Especial Attention pnld to the Repairing; and rating of tine Watches, as well as all kinds of new work made to order. jalyTMy DIAMONDS, WATCHES* z o o CO # a z * a> % CP O © z - w R. R. R. HEADY BELIEF! CUBES THE WORST TAIXS in rnoa one to xivkstv minutes.' NOT ONE SOUR of tor reading this advertisement need any one - SUFFER WITH PAIN. RAHWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY TAIN. It woe the first and is Th.0 Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops tho most excruciating pains, allays inflammations, and euro* Congestions, whether of the Lnngs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled, Nervouo, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, KADWAPS HEADY BELIEF ' Wilt afford Instant Ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys. Inflammation of tho Bladder: Inflammation of the Bowels. Congestion of the Lnngs. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Cronp, Diptheris. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Toothache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Oold Chills, Ague Chills. The application of the Boady Relief to the port or ports where the pain or difficulty exists will af ford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrkcoa, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels and all internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad way’s Beady Belief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is bettor than French Brandy or Bitters as a st' lant. I'EVER AND AGUE.. Fever and Ague cured for fifty conts. There is not a remedial/agent in this world that will care Fever and Agtyi, aryl oil other Malaridns, Bilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevers (aided by Rod way’s Pills) so quick as Radway's Ready Be lief: Fifty cents per bottle. healthT:beauty STRONG and PUKE BICH.BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH and WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN and BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Secured to olL DR. RADWAY’S SARSAFARILL1AN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES. So quick, so rapid are tbe ebanges the body un dergoes, nnder the influence of this truly Wonder ful Medicine, that Every Day an Increase In Flesli and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GBE1T BLOOD PURIFIER ! Every drop of the Sarsapafillian Resolvent com- monicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the eyetom the vigor of life, for it repairs tho wastes of the body with new and sonnd material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consump tion, Glandular Disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Month, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other ports of ths system. Sore Eyes, Strumorous Dis charges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, g Worm, Salt Bhenm, Erysipelas, Acne, Black its. Worms in the Fleeb, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of modem chemistry, and a few days’ uao will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. If tho patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually pro gressing, succeods in arresting theso wastes, and repairs the some with new material made from healthy blood—and this the Sarsaparillian will and does secure—a cure is certain: for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing tho loss of wastes, its re- ; lairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will : eel himself growing hotter and stronger, the food will digest better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does tho Sarsaparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agents in the care of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases; but it is the only positive cure for KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS First Annual Exposition -OF THE— WILL BE HELD AT Sn4_ V A-NINT A.H, GrA. COMMENCING ON THE JEWELBY AND SILVER-WARE. Watch Work and Repairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted. AGENCY OF THE GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINES. jnno 14-tf JOBBING TRADE CHARLESTON, S. C. FOR FALL AND WINTER OF 1871. >HE subscribers Jobbers and Wholesale dealers in the dty of tlhxrleston, 8. 0„ beg to call the at tention of the Merchants of the interior of thia and the adjoining States to this market, as being now one of tb© moat deeirablo in which to procure full supplies of all articles they may require. The wonts of tho country baring rapidly increased, with ample facilities to enablo ns to procure our eunniies direct from first bsnds in Europe and this country, we are now prepared to exhibit more varied and complete stocks of seasonable goods thin at any period since the war, and will dispose of them on good terms as any other market. 11 Daily facilities afforded for shipment of Goods to any point desired.” DRY GOODS. EDWIN BATES A OO.. No 124 Meeting street. JOHNSTON, CREWS 4 CO., No. 41 Hayne street. I MARSHALL * BURGE, No. 143 Mi CRANE, BOYLSTON * CO., comer Meeting streets- street jno and CLOTHING. EDWIN BATES * CO., No. 122 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. STEELE 4 WADDELL, No. 167 Meeting etreet Fancy Goods, Notions and Millinery. JOHN S. FAIRLY 4 CO., No. 37 Hayne street. | SELL 4 FOSTER, No. 27 Hayne street. BOOTS AND SITOKS. ”■ , ;S” sa * «o. —a— -■ 1 “”*| £ 5' HATS AJSTD CAPS. THOS. 1L HORSEY 4 BBO., No. 25 Hayne street | EDMONDS T. BROWN, No. 43 Hayne etreet HARDWARE. J. E. ADQEB A CO., No. 1S9 Meeting Street. | HART & CO., No. *9 Htpt etreet C GRAVELEY, Corner Eaat Bay and Boyce a Wharf. SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MATERIALS. B TQOMLINSON 4 CO, No 137 Meeting street. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GOODRICH, WINEMAN 4 CO, No 35 Hayne street. • CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WM L WEBB, No 123 Meeting etreet. GROCERIES. GEO W WILLIAMS 4 CO. oerner Hayne and Church etreets. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, ETC. J A QUACKENUUSH. No 122 East B*v street. JWH CHAFEE A CO. No 207 East Bay street. . BOLLMAN BROS, No —, East Bay street. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. HOLMES A CALDEB, No 205 East Bay street. I WM M BIRD A CO, Corner East Bay nd Cumber land streets. Job Printer, Stationer and Bookseller. EDMUND PERRY, No 149 Meeting Street. Type and Printing Material, Paper, Stationery, Job and Book Printing. WALKER, EVANS 4 COGSWELL, No 3 Broad street and 109 East Bay street. Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all coses where there are brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of on egg, or threads like white silk, or there la a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning seneation when passing water, and pain in the small of tho back and along tho loins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly taateleae, elegantly coated with sweet ^un,purge.regulato, purify, cleanse and strengthen, lad way's Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nervous diseases, headache, constipation, costiveness, in digestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious fever, in flammation of the bowels, piles and all derange ments of the internal viscera. Warranted to effect a positive core. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. A few doeses of Radway’s Pills will free the system from all the above-named disorders. Price. 25 cents per box. Sold by Druggists. Read “ False and True.” Send ono letter-stamp to Radway & Co., No. 87 Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. june23ddeod&sw-ly 21st DAY OF NOVEMBER-TUESDAY, AND BS CONTINUED FIVE DAYS, AND LONGER, IF CONSIDERED ADVISABLE BY THE BOARD THE EXPOSITION WILL'EMBRACE EVERY DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL LIFF, IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT: 1st Department Live Stock 2d Department f. Products of the Soil 3d Department Domestic Manufactures 4th Department Manufactures in Cotton, Wool, Linen and Silk 5th Department Manufactures in Iron, Brass and Steel 6th Department Manufactures in Gold, Silver and Platinum 7th Department Manufactures in Leather, Paper and Fibre 8th Department Manufactures in Wood, Cabinet Work, eto 9th Department Manufactures in Stone, Clay, Sand and Plaster 10th Department Fine Arts, Models, Designs and Musical Instruments 11th Department Chemicals, Medicines and Minerals 12th Department Miscellaneous and Special Premiums THE PREMIUM LIST PROPER IS COMPLETE, AGGREGATING $15,000! Medals ia Gold, Silver and Bronze, with the Diploma of the Association, will he Awarded to Meritorious Articles. IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY T HE Association announces the following valuable ii thoronglilv tested : FOWLER’S No. 1 and No. 4 bYl •rovementa to be placed on exhibition and ’EMS OF STEAM PLOWS, WILLIAMSON’S ROAD AND FIELD STEAMER, FOWLER’S STEAM DITCHER AND CLEANER—in addition to a very large cbllection of improvements in Machinery for the Plantation and Shop. In addition to tho Association Prominm, Special Premiums are offered by Messrs. Saundors. Goodwin 4 -Miller, and by the Chamber of Commerce of the city gf Savannah, for the beet bate of middling up land cotton, and the best five bales. This includes yield per acre and qnality. Tiie Premiums on Cotton Aggregate $1,200 In addition to the Association Premium for Blooded Stock, liberal purees will be offered by the citi zens on a test of speed. Special attention will be given by this Association to the Legitimate Industries of Life. But such amusements allowed under the anspices of properly organized Associations, as nill entertain onr visitors, aside from peisenal prejudices or individual opinions. All communications addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. - Entries of all articles must be made by 12 o’clock M.'on Tuesday, the first day of tho exhibition. \dj lady entering more than one articlo in the Department of Domestic Manufactures will be charged butene entrance foe. H. D. GAPERS, Secretary. P. 8 —Railroad and Steamship Lines will extend the usual facilities. ONE-HALF FARE during the exposition. SEND FOR THE PREMIUM LIST! nov3 tr T. C. mBBMT, ■ SPANISH Iron CROWN SHERRY 'T’BJB Justly celebrated brand of Wine is imported A direct from Cadiz, Spain, and is certainty the purest ever offored in the Southern market. Price per case $9 00 Price per gallon 3.50 For sale cy A. L. RICHARDSON, Importer of Spanish Wines, aepl2 6m 121 Bay street. Savannah, Georgia Metropolitan Works CORNER BEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND, VA. WM. E- TANNER & CO. STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and SAW-MILLS; IK, GRIST and PLASTER MILLS; BOILERS, FORGINGS, CASTINGS, of IRON or BRASS, MILL GERING, eto ; Engines and Saw-Mills of various sizes always on bwnri, Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines, etc., repaired and sold on commis sion or exchanged for new. All other repairs promptly and satisfactorily done. Freights to all points low. Send for descriptive circular. jul7 d 6w4wtfldocl8. H. It. BROWN, Agent. Sixty-five First Prize Medals Awarded. THE GREAT Southern Piano MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE & CO MAMTTFACTUBZBS OF GRAND, SQUARE AND IffelGDT PIANO F0&TB8, BALTIMORE, MI>. T HESE Instruments have been before tbe publio for nearly thirty yean, and npon their excel lence alone attained an unpurchaied pre-eminence, which pronounces them an equaled, in Tone, Toncli, W orkmanship, And Durability. 0“AU onr Square Pzakos have onr New Im- proved Otebstausq Scale and tbo Agbaffe I ton. _ * We would call special attention to oar late Patented Improvement in GBAND PIANOS and SQUABE GBANDS, found in no other Piano, which bring the Plano nearer Perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano Fully Warranted for Five Yean. CaTWe are by special arrangement enabled to fnmigh PABLOB OBGANS and MELODEONS cf tho most celebrated makers, Wholesale and ltetail, at lowest Factorv nricee. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists promptly furnished on application to WAL KNABE * CO . Baltimore. Md. Or any of our regular established agencies. octlSeodAwGm DOBSON & BARLOW Bolton, England, IzaTXBr.rsnzp a. d. 1790. | Makers and Patentees of the most improved 3WT AOU-XfiffErry vox Preparing and Spinning Cotton, ALSO Dotxble-CylintlerSaw Gins, and Knife Roll er Macartiiy Gins. Employ upwards of 2000 operatives. Befer to OLABK THREAD CO., Newark, N, J., where 80,000 spindles are in operation. Prices and estimates for projected mills, on ap plication to abovo address, or to P. O. Box, 8024 New York. Bov22-eodIy MAC02V, O-EOHO-IA, MANUFACTURES STEAM EMMS, SAW AM GRIST MLS, Shafting and Steam Boilers, XROKT RAILING AND ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, MILL AM) GIN GEAKOG, AND OTHER CASTINGS, THKEE HOLLER CANS MILLS IN IKON FBAMES. ORDINARY CANE MILLS, FROM U TO 18 INCHES DIAMETER. KETTLES, FROM 30 TO 130 GALLONS AND FROM PATTERS MORE NEARLY AVERAGING THEIR NOMINAL MEASURE THIN ANY PATTERNS IN THE STATE. HORSE POWER FOR GINNING OOTTON. This Power has been three times as long at work as any applied to Ginning, and with what success let the following certificate show: Hilledgevxlle, February 14,1871. T. C. NISBET, Esq.—Dear Sib : , I am using one of your Horse Powers for ginning my cotton. It has been in use about three years, ana has ginned about four hundred bales of cotton. I think it well adapted to ginning. I gin two bales a day on a forty-saw gin and with two mules. My gin is situated in an old negro cabin and the power is placed outside. J - A- 014ME - Price of Horse Foncr, wltli IRON 8100 00 OOTTON AND HAY PRESSES. HOUSE POWEB. HAND POWER. These Presses, from actual uao, have given as mqch satisfaction as any over introduced, and on ap* plication I can furnish a circular with several hundred names of planters who are using this Press, ana am willing to abide by verdict aa to ite merits. A newimprovemanthas been introduced Intotneso Presses which enables the packer to pack cotton in the box with more facility than any arrangement heretofore in use, and admits of a longer cotton box. These Presses, it ia believed, can be furnished at less price than any other. ON HAND AND FOB SALE: New 40-horse Engine, ------- $1000 New 25-horse Engine, - 800 New 14-horse Engines, .... - - - 500 455* Send for Circular, containing cute, description, and prioe lists of tbo various kinds of Screws.