The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, December 07, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. THURSDAY MORNING. DEC. 7, 1871. (lone Before. Tbero'i a beautiful face in the (Unit dr. Which f allow* me ever end new, With smiling ms sod smber heir. With Toicsisssttps, yd with brsdh of prayer. 1 bat cannot bear. That 1 fed 1 Of gol.l Tbs dimpled hand and Lie low in a marble i I stretch my band for a deep of old. Hot the empty air is strangely cold. And my vigil alone I keep. There's a stales* brow with a radiant crown, And a cross laid down in tbs dost: There's a smile where never a shade comes I And tsars no aura from those dear syes How So aweot in their Innocent trust- All. well! and tnramer is coma again, Jtahoh^itKmSTlUsareSof pate. As it floats la the ranahlne and rain. O’sr the hearts of the world's great throng. There's abeantifnl region shore the sHcs, And I ioeg to reach its shore. For I know I shall find my treaenro there, The laughing eyes and amber hair Of the towed one gone before. Foreign Soles. yon TUX TIUBOlUrH AXD XZUKXOEE. The elocution of Iiosael and two of bis ool- laagaes baa made a painful impression in France. Though the alarming want of stem discipline fa the army, KMnnod to demand that the aen- tnoos of tbs court martial should be rslent- lasaly assented, popular sympathy was troani- moomlr enlisted in Itosael'a faror, who bad siren proof of superior qualities. And Franos har- ing so few Using talented men to boast of, that aba most draw her inspirations from her heroes |n bronxs, It war argued that the country could not afford to lose s man like Cosel, who promised to play some day a prominent part in the annals at Franoe. Bat Thiers seemed to consider the execution of the judgment ren dered s polities! necessity. If ism 1 had s clear insight into the wants of Us eountry and knew what it needed. It is said that bis last words, to a friend, illustrating the excellence of bis judgment, were these, "If you hare not, before long, crashed the army, it wiU crash you. It has always been pretorisn, and baa always formed s distinct party, whereas it should be national. Danger is p re Ming. Republicans bars abandoned in- correction. Yon did not like the men of the 18th of March—I did not like them ; but it waa neoeasary to join in order !o restrain them.” Cremienx, one of tbe leaders of the insurrec tion in Marseilles, was also executed. Ha was, at an early boar, taken from his cell and shot within a short distance outside the walls. He ref used to bo blindfolded and died brarely, bis last words lining "Vive la Uepobhqoe.’' There is a general uneasiness prevailing throughout Franoe. Tbe public mind is un settled and no ons seems to believe in the sta bility of the present government. The authori ties are exercising great vigilance, and hare oonoentntc.l many troops in Faria. A squadron wilt remain at A jaeeio, Corsica, for an indefinite period to prevent any Imperialist rising on that iSist tho home of the Itonnpartes. Tbe threatening complications between Bra- ail and tbe German Empire will be amloably solved. The difficulty originated in gn alleged sees nit and subsequent imprisonment of Ger man sailors in tbs streets of ltio Janeiro. As Uie Brsxillisn government was lardy in repair ing tbe injnrles Ibns inflicted on German sub jects, tho Berlin C.hinot bad ordered n squad ron to sail to Brazil to support its claims, in ease of need, by the thuD.l. rof cannon. In the meantime, however, intelligence baa been re oeived that the prisoners have been released by order of the authorities, thereby rendering an amicable settlement probable. The pnblie press throughout Germany ia commenting with indignation on the frequent assassinations of German soldiers in tho depart ments still held by Ibe Imperial troops. Tbe (Mpen, dwelling on the almost total immunity of the perpetrators from punishment, demand that the government shall take onergetio meas ures to put a stop to tho outrages. Those dis tricts htva accordingly been declared In a stale of siege, and offender* will bo tried by German oouru-martia). Twe Frenchmen wbo were con- viotad of having assassinated a sentinel were shot by the Germans at Epernay. A German squadron of evolution baa been ordered to practioe in the Atlantic. The lower House of the Diet passed the tri- snoiel hngot on its second reading by a small majority. Tbe items of expenditure were sharply criticised; and ibe opposition to the alleged extravagance being very strong and de termined, Ibe government waa only ensbled to carry tbe bill by telling tho House that Ger many should prepare for the fntnre; that France contemplated revenge for her defeat and would aaek it aa soon as tho indemnity was paid. The only safety for Germany waa in her array which should nealber he weakened nor neglected. Thanksgiving day waa generally observed by the Americana residing abroad. In Vienna, Jfiy.mlniatarof theUnitod States to Austria, gave a aupper in celebration of the day. In a speech made on that occasion, he allnded to tbe pres ent proud position of the Repnblio, and the ond of local corruptions before tbe assault*of a fear- teas press and honest man of all parties. Tbe ooneioslon of tbe Trad remark Convention be tween Austria and the Untied States was signifi cant of increasing tbe Interchange of manofao- turoe of the two oountries, to which tho ap proaching International Exhibition in this cap ital would give an impetus, by presenting Amer ican productions for tbe first timo in Eastern Europe by the aide of those of Western Asia. Thera were serious disturbances occasioned in Brussels by tbe appointment of Do Decker as Governor of a province, by the Belgian clerical ministry. De Decker, a former member of tbe Cabinet, baa been very upopular sinoe his inti mate associations with Lugrand—Dnmooeeau, a I'apal Count, who, three yean ago, fled to Bnxtl after having ruined thousands o " in humble life. This hold adventurer managed to Introdnee himself into tbe first cir cles, where be sneereded in finding eager lis teners to hia vast and daxxling projects. Being support ad by very prominent men wboae influ ential names would figure on the Board, he founded, without any teal basis, a number of finanotel establishments, one engrafted upon tbe other, for which the poorer classes hastened to subscribe their hard-earned savings. In due time the airy fabrio collapsed, and the great benefactor of the poor became invisible, leaving hia dnpea behind to vent their impotent rage in tend execrations. The examinations ordered by Ihe Govern ment into the state of tho various companies, almost conclusively proved that men like Dedeckerbad notbora ignorant of tbe swindling charaoter of the transactions; bur, tempted by large dividends and salaries as Directors and Presidents, bad affected to place the utmost re liance in the new institutions. Hence this pres ent outburst of popular indignation against tbe Ministers who dared to appoint De Decker to the lofty elation of Governor of a Province. The King waa finally compelled to give way to the will t.f the people, by dismissing bis Cabi net. The capital ia generally in a revolutionary mood, and the 30th of Angnst being one of the fete daye of the Communists, gave rise to fre quent collisions between large crowds parading tne streets and representing opposite political parties. Jaxsto. Teylor County. <>rorgtn. Bureau, December 2, 1871. A portion of the Democretio party of this county met this day in the Court-hoove for the purpose of appointing delegatee to represent the county in the Gubernatorial Convention to meet in the city of Atlanta, the 6th inat. The meeting organized by electing Colonel W. 8. Wallace, Chairman, and James D. Russ, Secretary. Tne Coainnan, on taking the chair, briefly and pointedly explained tbe objaot of the meet- lap, whereupon, on motion of Major J. H. Hot- ney, Hon. Win. G. Bateman and Sites Monk, E-q , ware appointed delegates to represent the couo'j in said Convention. Major Halary here introduced tbe following resolutions, which was unanimously adopted by the meeting, viz; Resolved, That while we will not trammel our delegatee wilh instructions, yet we cannot for bear axprewalng it aa the aenee of this meeting, that tbe pubho ml arret would be eminently subserved and protested by the election of Hon. J anise H. Smith lo the present vacancy In the Qaberntiorisl offi-e; end we believe it to be the with of this county that our delegates should contribute all in their power to have hia name plaeed before the people of this State, as our candidate for Governor, at the approaching election for that officer. On motion of O. M. Colbert, Esq flXhe Secre tary was requested to forward a oopy of the minutes of this meeting to the Tzuoxira aso Mammon for publication. (to motion of R. Mantfort, Esq., the meet ing adjourned eine die. W. 8. Wll.T.ilTW, JawxaD, Eciv Secretary. J, H, HERTZ & GO,. CLOTHIERSI 90 CHERRY STREET, Have now on band a complete stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! LARGE, FULL AND WELL ASSORTED. ■A.T SIS. Business Sis fletrojtolitau Works, OOBNEB SEVENTH AXD CABAL 8TEEETS * RICHMOND. YJL WM. E; TANNER & qo STATIONARY and PORTABIE ENGINES .J SAW-MILLS i Trtna GR18T and MASTER MILLS; BOILERS. FORGINGS. CASTINGS, of IRON or BRASS, MILL GEKING, etc.; EllglDM ALi.' SAW-iL.1* of Ttriocs l--OS aiw&ja &cau Fitting® and Wrong lit Iron Pipe. Old Elgin**, otc , repaired and •old on oemmie- alon or exotiaagea fv new. ^ ether repeal promptly and **UsfActorilj done. Freights to all point® low. Kfvid tor deeoriptire circular. Jnl7 d nrft w uldoclS. n. R. BEOTO, Agent. A.T S15. -A.T SIS. A.T &20. AT S22, A_T S25. AND AS FINE A8 640 PER SUIT OF Coat, Pants and Vest, SACK, DERBYS WALKING COATS OF THE LATEST STYLES. WE HAVE JN DRESS SUITS ! BLACK AND COLORED Cloth. Coats, BLACK AND COLORED DIAGONAL COATS, OF THE BEST IMPORTED MATERIAL, In Single and Double Breasted Chesterfields. A large assortment of PASTS, FROM $1 TO $15! FLY OYEBCOATB, IN COLORS. SALK OVERCOATS, TALMAS. And the New Style KING WILLIAM OYEBCOATB, On band. S HE I !R T S ! We make a eperialty of the celebrated The Best in the Country. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. [SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER! And a fit warranted, at stock prices. In additoo to the above, we keep the moat com plete stock of In this city. We invite an inspection. THE iLATEST STYLES r 0F ‘HATS Constantly on hand, and raoeiTed as soon aa out. NEW LOT JUST IN. AH of cur goods are first clua, and are guaranteed DONT MISS THE PLACE: the WHITE STORE ! 90 CHERRY STREET, Brtwren B. A. WUe A Co.'s and 8. T. A B. P n huer ®. Q o 3 GQ w Q 3 s w 3 GQ O Q O h3 »-3 O 3 GQ O tr 1 M Q n td O « o p i H- o & 3 © s © s I pi p M C+ r © OT *-f © d 8 © p* S’ •-» s © OT m ts 4 I TO H > m *< ^3 O M 3 3 § OQ t-3 S’ ►f w. P 3 P. OT (D 10 s X 1 0 *0 a ► 4 ► % h 2 W e a o 0 0 M ► Q 0 * & 0 9 o fcj ” P m z H CD 0 <♦ n 0 0 M 31 2 i & m £ 11 m jj} o 1 9 S ® m u m 2 (D & § % IT] CD CD 0 r c id r m TJ > 0 3 0 0 c > z 0 I- 0 0 b OD & Q 0 Encourage and Patronize Home Institutions MUM ACTUAL WISIHSS COLLEGE -AND- TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, WITH DEPARTMENTS FOB AJJJOIENT iLKD 3MOUERN' IiAWGUAG-ES B. B. EUSTON, ......... President, Open Daily from 9 a m. to 1 p.m —3 to 5. Night Class 71-2 to 9 p.m. NO VACATIONS—PERIOD OF STUDY UNLIMITED. rpnisi I cum: »ion,BU TERMS: PAYMENT IN ADVANCE. PURELY SOUTHERN INSTITUTION, designed to prepare young men f cummenda itaclf to the eonfidenee and patronaae nf the Southern pnblie for its BUNG THK OLDEST INSTITUTION OF THE KIND IN THE CENTRAL SOUTHERN STATES Hie value of the Practical Education given, and the eonndne<a and popularity of many of our arrange- menta and Mesa original with ua,is evidenced from the fact that Inuitutions recently located in this and and eome of tbe adjoining States appear to be adopting them, transcribing them verbatim from our An nual Journal and Catalogue into their circulate. There it a tpecial Profeaor for each Department, thus taring tbe time and the money of tbe student. The practical plan panned here is unquestionably tbe beat fortune parents eon bestow upon their sons, enabling them to enter at onoe upon basin sea and to earn from 611)00 to 63000 annually and at comparatively little time and coet. Z'TTXjXi btjsiettss couhse. PENMANSHIP. BOOK KEEPING, ARITHMETIC. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, tbe knowledge of COMMERCIAL PAPER, BILLS, NOTES, DRAFTS, Each of the above can be taken np eeperately. SPHCfAT, BRAJXTOgMH, Are HIGHER MATHEMATICS, the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, TELEGRAPHY, ORNAMENTAL PEN MANSHIP, and PEN DRAWING, etc. ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. A department under a thoroughly competent teacher in LATIN, GREEK, GERMAN, FRENCH and SPANISH. Terms made known on application. SPECIFIC INFORMATION. Tbs city is proverbially known as one of tbe healthieet in the entire South. Time required to complete the Business Course, with fair application, about 13 to U weeks. Students called home can return at any time and complete their oourae free of charge. The immense business -annually transacted here affords excellent oppoitunitiee for young men wbo complete their etndies creditably obtaining situations. Parents and gua-diana haring sons and wards to educate are assured that the temptations to dissipation and extravagance are fewer here than in larger and more Northern cities. Board in good families 630 to 625 per month. A diploma awarded to all who pats a satisfactory examination. This is a sure pass port to bcaineas circles. Premium awarded overall competitors to Prof. B. B. Easton, at ths Georgia State Fair, 1871, for tbe beet and greatest variety in Penmanship, Pen Drawing, etc Fur endorsements of our excellence in this department by the leading men of tbe South, testimonials of graduates in leading Aims as a " School of Business," specimens of writing, and all particulars, send for onr Collage Journal and Catalogue. Address SECRETARY GA. ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Box 236, Macon, Ga. detSeodlm 60 AND EXAMINE THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES a At No. 86 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. JACOB SCHALL, AVISO reoeived hlaextensive Fail stock of BOOTS anl SHOES, takes pleseure in annonneing to line, from the common Brogan to tbe finori French Boots and Gaiters. Having purchased direct from the manufactories, be can offer superior inducements in priced, and he has neglected no opportunity of containing his well-earned reputation for superiority of gAods. He would further announce to the trade, and especially to shoemakers in Macon and vicinity, that he has on band a large supply of Leather and Finding!, with which ho can serve them it rates that will fa vorably oompare with those of any Southern estabUehmaut. Their attention is particularly called to tbe fact that ha can furnish Leather cat to all sizes, crimped Fronts, Bootlegs ready-fitted, Uppers of all kinds, eta., at a very small margin, In the Custom Work department, he etill employs first clast, superior workmen, and bis customers can be supplied, now aa ever, with Boots and Show, of the finest French calf-skin and the most elabo rate workmanship, at short notice. JACOB SCHALL, s»p19 3m 86 CHERRY 8TBEET. MACON. GEORGIA. SCHOFIELD’S IE0N WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. STEAM ENGINES AND BGZLEBS Of all sizes, for Saw Mills, Plantations or any other purpose- GRIST MILLS, MILL GEARING, tbe best 8AW MILLS made in tbe South, IRON RAILING, LEF FEL'S WATER WHEELS, (received tbe first premium at the Georgia State Fair. 1871), GIN UFARING, (tbe only substantial article to run gins), SUGAR MILLS and BOILERS, (tbe beet made in the State), ScLiofleld’s 3?atent Cotton Presses! TO RUN BY HORSE, HAND, WATER OR STEAM, Received all tbe premiums at the Oeotgia State Fair. 1871, for BEST COTTON PRESSES, (all tbe articles we exhibited). SHAFTING, PULLEYS and HANGER3, MACHINERY of all kinds, IRON or BRASS made to order. We are determined to keep tbe reputation we btvo always enjoyed of mannfatnring or repairing Machinery, etc., in the beet manner, at lets coet with promptness, and to the satisfaction of all. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, to* * X © ft © 0Q ■S ft o -J o co <3 (5 2 JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. Watch Work and Repairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted, AGENCY OF THE GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINES. june 14 if JR. JR- JR. RADWAY’S BEADY RELIEF! CUBES THE WORST TAIXS IN Pit on ONE TO TWJCJffTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR after reading ibis advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAYS READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOB EVERY PAIN. It was tbe first and ia The Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops tbe moat excruciating pains, allays inflammations, and cures Congestions, whether of tbs Lunge, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating tbe pain tbe Rheumatic, Bed-ridden. Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY’S READY REUEY Will afford Instant Ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys. Inflammation of the Bladder. Inflammation of tbe Bowels. Congretiou of the Lungs. Sors Throat, Circuit Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysteric. Croup, Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache. Toothache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Cold Chilis. Ague Chills. The applicatton of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will at ford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments euro Cramps, Spasm., Soar Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache, Diarrlnea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Uowols and all internal Paine. Travelers should always carry a boitle of Bad way's Beady Relief w th them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It u better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimu lant. FEYER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents. There ia not uromedial agent in this world that will cure ~ ' " and all other Malarious, Biloua, Yellow and other Fevers (aided Pills) so quick as Badway’s Ready Re- hef. Fifty oents per bottle. HEALTH7beauty 8TRONG and PURE RICH BLOOD-INCREASE OF FLESH and WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN and BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Secured to all. DR. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; So quick, so rapid are the changes the body un dergoes, under the influence of thiB truly Wonder- fal Medicine, that Every Bay an Increase in Flesh and Welch! Is Seen and Fell. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER ! Every drop of tho Sarsaparilliau Resolvent com municates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes ot the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consump tion, Glandular Disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of ths system. Sore Eyes, Btrumorous Dis chargee from ths Ears, and the worst forms of Skin Dises'cs, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, 1 rysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in tho Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and paintul discharges, Night Sweats, Lots of Sperm and all wastes ot the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder ot modern chemistry, and a few davs* n=o wiil proTS to any person using it for either of these foims of disease its potent power to cure them. If tbe patient, daily becoming reducod by the wastes and decomposition that is continually pro gressing, succeods in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this the Sarsaparillian will and doee tecure—a euro ia certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and Bucoeeda in diminishing the loss of wastes, its re pairs wiil ba rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing bettor and stronger, the food wiU digest better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does the Barsaparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agents in tbe cure of Chronic, 8crofaloua, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases; but it is the only positive cure for KIDNEY AND BLADDER. COMPLAINTS Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppago of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick-duet deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sub tanoos like the white of an egg, or threads like white eilk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bononlust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation whon passing water, and pain in tho small of the back ana along the loins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet rum,purge.regnlate, pnrify, cleanse and strengthen. Itadway's Pills, for tho cure of all disorders of the i; wSiecSel constipation, costivonces, in digestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilions fever, in flammation of tbe bowels, piles and all derange ments of the internal viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. A few doeees of Radway'a Pills will free tho system from all the above-named disorders. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Druggists. Read “ False and True.” Send ono letter-stamp to Badway fc Go., No. 87 Maiden Lano. Now York. Information worth thousands will be eent yon. june23ddeod£sw-ly Factory East End Hasol Street, Mines on Ashley River. WANDO FERTILIZER, RECOMMENDED BY AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS AS A SPECIAL MANURE FOi: COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, AND OTHER GRAINS, GROUND ASKLEY RIVER RONE PHOSPHATES. ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOB COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. MESSRS. XtAWTOH & WILLINGHAM, Agents, Macon, Qa. WILLIAM C. DUKES & CO., dec2 deod&wlm General Agents, Charleston, S. C. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. MILLIONS Hear Testimony to the Wonderful Curative Meets of DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA W. & E. P. TAYLOR, Corner Cotton Avenne and Cherry Street, -DEALERS IS— Furniture, Carpetings, REGS, OIL CLOTHS WINDOW SHADES, ETC. DIARIES! DIARIES! EXCELSIOR DIARIES FOR 1872! WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, FOB THE POCKET, COUNTING BOUSE OTHER PURPOSES. For sale hr J. W. BURKE A CO , dec3 tt No. Second street, Macoe. Ga. ixxa wnziz, rm. jobs s. want, josot wnxx. JANES WILDE, Jr„ & CO., K&nofictnrert And Jobbers of Meii^ and Boy’s Clothing, 314 And 316 Broadway (oppoatta Naw York Hot pitAl). New York. Kopretectad by R. g bpAidiog. iiihFUi i* METALIC BURIAL CASES AND CASKETS, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins «nd Caskets. C3" Orders by Telegraph promptly attended to. novl8 3 C. B. MIMS. C« B. Williams & Co.. Hat 9 , Caps Furs, Gloves, Umbrel las, Etc., Etc., 26S end 270 Onnnl Street, (Near Earlo'i Hotel,) XE\V YOKE- M ERCHANTS needing nice and s*ytUh Hats, Gaps, Fare, etc . at most reasonable prices and liberal terms, will do well to patronize C. B. Wd.izms A Ca To my friends, wbo have so liberally patronized ms tbe past year. I can only prove my grauiuda by being ever watchful to their interests, snoring them that they shell ahrey. get their Hate, eta, at their mldjt. AH order, will receive my prompt and peraotul attention. Bespectlolly nov5 2m C. It. UGIA SPANISH GUANO- pUEE PERUVIAN of direct importation, at Government price*. 33JO pounds to ths ton. R. Gr. LAY. Agant for ecLsignees ia U. B., Stnsrah, Gi. sort 4m CROWN SHERRY. 'T'HIS justly celebrated brand of 17106 is I JL direct from Cadiz, Spain, and is i ie ia imported ^ sMvrt pur set ever offered in the Socihem market. Price per ease i 65 CO Pries per gallon 3.50 For sale by A. L. RICHARDSON, Importer of Spanish Winee. erp!2 Cm 121 Bay street. Savannah. Georgia J. B. BRES, Jetton Factor & General Coe Mcrcliant No. 196 Grarier street, New Orieanr. un30 dCnw3m F. J. RAGLAND, Agent. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. VINECAR BITTERS D A CO, VngglUM and 34 Commuce £t,K«P Vincxor Bitters sre not avfle Fancy Drink. Made or Poor Uum,rSVhl.Uc7, Proof Spirits nnd Refuse Liquor s doctored, spiced and sweet ened to please the Uste, called “Tonics.’ “Appetis ers," “ Restorers," kc- that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bat are a true Medicine, made from tbe Native Rootaand Herbs of California, free from all Alcohoiio Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Benorator and Xnvlforator of the System, carrying off all polsonona matter and rettorlnr tbe blood to a healthy condition. No peraon can take these Bitten according to direc tions and remain tong unwell, provided their bones arc not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, aad the vital organa watted beyond the point of re pair. - „ They nro a Gentle rargatl ve na well ca a. 1 Tonic, possessing also, tbe peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent la relieving Congestion or lnfitm- matlon of the Liver, and all tho Visceral Organa. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether In young or old, married or tingle, at the dawn of wo manhood or at the turn ofUfe,theteToiilc Bitten have do equal. < For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma tism and Goat, Dyspepsia or Indigestion,’ Billons.Remlttcnt and Intermittent Fevers,' Diseases or the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters here been most successful.' finch Diseases ere censed by Vltlntcd Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Heed- ache, Pain In the Shoulders, Conghi, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Four Eructations of the Stomach. Bad taste In the Mouth, Billons Attacks. Palpitation ofthc Heart. Inflammation of the Longa, Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, end a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offspring, of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach end stimulate the tor pid Brer end bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy la cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole eystem. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Bhsnm, Blotches Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Car. Dancies, Bing.Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erisip. elas. Itch, Bcnrik, Discolorations ot the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug np and carried out of the system In a he rue of there Bitten. One bottle in convince the most Incredulous of their O . Clfanac the Vitiated Blood whenever you And Its iSi/lSSUji= clearueIt when itlafouLred SStolU^ 0 blooa 7““ ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard. M ean Time. H AVING perfected my arrangements to oorrect the slightest error in the time-keeping of my flue Regulator, by the erection of an observatory and ono of t‘ f the most TRANSIT INST11C- Regulator, by the erection of an observatory and one of tho most approved THAI MENTS, for the purpose of observing the meridian passage of the Bnn and stars, I will be ablo to keep the exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. Especial Attention pnlrl to tbe Repairing? nnd rating of line Watcbcs, as well as nil bind, of new worlz made to order. julyTMy GRFAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, HEW YOKE, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. THEBE TIMES A WEEK--TUE8DAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAY;. ELEGAM STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATION. SEA YOYA&E 10 TQ12 HOURS SHORTER ?ia CHARLESTON. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, And connecting Roads West, in ailianco with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steemships to tbe Porta, invite attention to the Quick Time and P.egnlar Dispatch afforded to the butmem pnblie in the Cotton StateB at the PORT OF CHARLESTON. Offering facilities of Rail nnd Sea Transportation for Freight and Pasatogera not excelled in excelled® and capacity at any otk*r Port. The loUowi&g bplendid Ocean Steameru are regularly on the Lite: 70 new ttorb:. abort time by tbe t szzxzs.™ J. WALKZE, Proprietor. B. H. MCDONALD * CO., Dnifgfets aad Gen. Agents, Ban Francisco, <">],, and S aad 84 Commerce Street, Xetr York. \j SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAXJEB& A. D. WXaLOCK’ H. B. STABS. WHEELOCK & STARK, Successors to SoaUnrick 4 Wheelock, XTSOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, No. 10 WAR SEN STREET, NEW YORK. 3LAWnlblnz, • - MnrshnllvUIc,Gn. FRENCH INITIAL PAPER MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodlml), Commander. CHAMPION. R. W. Lockwood, Commander-- CHARLESTON, James Berry, Commander. JAMES ADCiER. T. J. Lockwood, Commander JAMES ADGF.R & CO., Agents, Charleston, S- G. GEORGIA; S. Crowell, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA, T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE, J. Kennedy, Commanfltr. ASHLAND, — Ingram, Commander WAGNER, HUGER & CO., WM. A. COURTNAY, Agents, Charleston, S. C. VIRGINIA. AIax. Hnnter, Commander. TO 2?E[IIjA.r)EIir»ECIA.i EMPIRE, C. Hinckley, Commander. 8 a mao Days—THURSDAYS. WM. A. COURTNAY, Agent, Char eston, fl. C TO BAIjTIMORH. FALCON, MARYLAND, Hainio, Commander. Johnson, Commander. SEA GULL, Dutton, Commander. Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day. „ „ PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S C. Rates guaranteed as low Zs those of Competing Lines. Marine Insurance one-half of 1 per cent; THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be had at all tbe principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi. Stato-Rooms may bo secured in advance, without extra charg - -- *" ships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all cases, the Railroad assigned. The Through Tickets by this T board. ENVELOPES, BBOZDWAT, JfXW TOXX, east 1 QCtflOtf A NEW STYLE, Just received and for isle at prices that CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. J. W- BURKE * CO , Ko. 60 Second Street- , by addressing Agents of the Slean- , -JCketa should be exchanged and Bern s a Route includes Transfers, Meals and Stato Room, while on bbip- The South Carolina Ballroad, Georgia Railroad. And their connecting Lines bare 1«^ely increaeed their facUitioa for the rapid movement of Freight and Paaeeogere between the Northern Cities and the South and West. Comfortable Night cars, with the Holmes* Chair, without extra charge, have been introduced on the 8outh Carolina Itailroad. First-Claea Eating Saloon at BranchYflJe. On the Georgia Itailroad First-Claaa Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from Steamer to day and night trains of tho South Carolina Bailroad. Close connection made with other Boada, delivering Freights at distant points with great promptnew. The Managers will use every exertion to b&tisfy their Patroaa that the Line VIA CHABLE8T0N cannct be surpassed in Dispatch and the Safo Delivery of Goods. For farther information, apply to J. M. SELKIRK, Snn't Charleston, S. C.; B. D. HASELL, General ^ ge ° t »_ p - 9; ^2 Office 817 Broadway, N. Y.;S. B. PICKENS, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, South Carolina Bailrc&d JtmeSIO eoa-6m ALFRED L. TYLER, Tico-Froeiilent South Carolina Railroad, charleston, 8.0.