The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, December 09, 1871, Image 2

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Telegraph Messenger SATURDAY MOHNfHO. DEO, a. 187). DEMOCRATIC TICKET FOR GOVERNOR. Hon. JAS. M. SMITH, or MTSCOOES. ▼ I ELECTION, TUESDAY^ DECEUUEU I'.'TIL Tlir ICndlrnlH »nd ttic Cinbrrnnlorlul Election. The to-celled Republican put; la in the peine of incubation upon tbie special Gubernatorial election. At flrmt, the ootmnon idee wee to etiffen their backs npon the ebenrd poeition of Acting Governor Conley, end, refoetng to go into the election, etako their fortunes on the bayonet policy and the interference of the Orent administration, to eet atide the election and maintain Conley in the Executive Chair in aplte of the epoeial election. Bat the mote they reflected on the lew and the facte in the caee, the more donbtfnl did tfab policy appear; and moreover, it b nnderetood that advioee from Washington by no meana favor the idea that the edminietration will interfere to aet aside the Conatitntion of the State in order to maintain tho Conley usurpation. On the contrary, tome- thing more than rumor aaya that a conaoltation with one of the Waahington oraclca brought reaponae neither uncertain nor complimentary telling them “not to make damn fools of them aelvea by the ground!eca anticipation that Grant wonld interfere to defeat the right of the peo ple to elect their own Governor." It would do no tnich thing; end what they ought to do, at once, waa to put np a candidate and mako the beat light they could, no matter what might be the bene. If they etood ont and refused to nominate, the Democrat* would not only vote their own men bnt a good many of the “colored Jlcpoblicana" beside; and when the latter once got into the way of voting with the Democrats it wonld be bard to get them out of it. The time had come when tho Georgia Republicans must either Sgbt their own battlca or give up the gun. O n jreaaional and Execntiva inter- ferenre to keep them atop in defianco of the ballot, waa getting too dangerous and moat lie abandoned. Inspired by tbeae outgivings and admoni tions the leading Kadieab of tbe Slate have l>ecn active, within tbo last few days, in get ting up a ticket. Yeaterday it waa confidently asserted that they bad agroed npon Benjamin II. Iligliamyof Troop, and be ia a pretty good nominee as thing* go with them. Whatever they do, they must dofjnickiy. The scheme to prevent an election aliko authorised by tbe Conatilntion, tbe law and tbo public necessities, 1a so barefaced a piece of nsnrpation that it will take on more odious features every day. The l’rinre or IVsIra, By acoounb received yeaterday morning, was either dying or deed. The report of bis death waa torrent in London, bnt ita authenticity was challenged. It appeua probable, from tbe dis patches, that bis case bad at least assumed hopelose aspect. Those reports created im mense excitement in London, and brought bnai ness transaction* to a bait. To comprehend tbo cause of pnblio uneasiness, wo liavo only to ro- member that, in evont of tbe Prince's death, tbe lineal aocctasor to tho British throne ia hia oldest son, now an infant of seven or eight years of age; and, a* Queen Victoria appears to be in failing health, not improbably a regency of twelve or thirteen yearn wonld become eosaury. A regency is proverbially a political cripple. It oannot claim the strong support of persona! attachment aud allegianco. It baa all the dif ference of personal attention and authority, and management undor power of attorney, and this change will occur at a tinto whan popular dissatisfaction and tbo spirit of revolution are beoomlng every day more rampant and un manageable, and are finding leaders even among the British aristocracy. Under Ibeao oironiu- atanoaa, tbe death of Ibe I'rinoo of Wales, although at the very best a dull and lazy bon vita nt, ia oonaidered an event seriously weak ening tbo British monarchy, at a timo likely to call tbe londeat for a atroug, active and popular administration governing in ita own right. The I.itti.e IItexa In Bad Opob.—Tbe Her ald's special Washington correspondent, under date of Monday, writes as follows: The rumors that have recently been circula ting as to a personal disagreement in tbe Cabi net, have Anally settled Upon At^taney General Akerman aa tbo offensive Minister. It ia charged that tbe pnsvnt bead of the Judicial Depart ment is quite self-opinionated, tenacious of bia own views, and rathor dlsagreeablo in consider ing those of others. Such traits have made him ao nnoomfortable a colleague that bia room ia considered more prrferablo than hia oompa ny. The special impulse to this expected change ia, bowtver, degiared to be a distinct difference of opinion on' the KtvKIux poliqy, Mr. Akerman designing that it shall be mode more offensive than at present, an opinion with wbloh the President does not aeeiu to agree. Who Mr. Akerman's ancceasor ia to be ia not known, and the change will not be made till af ter the first report of the Department of Jnatioe ia sent to Congress. Tim Grand Bad Uoaqrz.—We are dolightod to learn that everything ia tn train for this ele gant affair on the 11th of January next It has come to be regirded aa Hit event of tho social world of Macon, and wo are assured this one will ontahine even tbe last, aa brilliant as that waa. Ralston’s Uall baa been scoured, and am ple arrangements made for seeming the richest, as w*U aa the simplest costumes at a moderate • pries. We hope to have the pleasure of oliron- 1 cling one of the most complete successes of this kind ever aohieved here or elsewhere, and we feel quite confident such will surely be our good fortune. Tax lIx-oaoiNXEATioN or La non in aoooritanoe with custom and tho law of the Decalogue. This la a translation of a French work by F. L Play, a Senator of France, Inspector General of Mines and Commiariooer-General of the Paris Universal Exposition, translated by Goavenear Emerson, and just published by Clarion, Re moon A Hoff el finger, Philadelphia- It may be found at Barks A Co.'*. We judge from a hasty glance at the book that it U one of the moat original and searching enquiries into social and political philosophy over yet presented to the public. Imported Garden Needs. ltulbx, etc. Jams* Milne bee jttri imported, and now has lor sale, at Begg’a grocery store, a splendid as sortment of Sootch and English garden seeds, bulbs, ate., which may bo obtained on imme diate application. Tbeae seed inelndo forty varietis* of standard vegetables, and many of the moat approved bnlbons and other flowers, mori popolor in England. They are grown by one of tbe Royal gudenere, and may be re lied on. Bbonanr.—We copied from tbe Waahington Republican, a day or two since, a statement that this eminent developer wonld get the seat n the Senate, to which lion. The*. M. Norwood was recently elected. Ptr contra we print the following Washington special to the Louisville Ledger of Wednesday: A rumor has lately been set afloat to tbe effect that Footer Blodgett will be admitted to a seat in the Senate. A oarrful oanvaai of Republican Senators demonstrates that he will be denied admission by a two-thirds vote, whatever the re port of the oommittec may be. Tfc* Gaormc.—Brown A Go. have tbe last -November 18th—received here of this _ illustrated English serial. We here spoken to often and in each terms of k”® 0 ? 111 prslae of ita great exeellaaee, that farther oommendetton seems almost saper- floaa. We simply repeat that, in onr judgment, It stands at tho very herii of all other a similar character poMiahed anywhere. * THE GEORGIA PRESS'. , Savritlish shipped 1,633 bait* of cotton to Liverpool and Havre, on Wednesday. I James Connelly, whilo nnder the influence of what Mr. Richard BwiTeller to elegantly tor: (.1 “the rosy,” fell into the river at Savan nah, on Wednesday, and had a very narrow aqoeak for hia life. He waa fished out very wet and very sober. The new type ordered by tbe proprietor of the Savannah Republican baa arrived at Savan nah, and wa hope soon to welcome that staunch old journal in a bonny new dress, and under fall headway towards tbe port of bet old time prosperity. The Savannah News of Thursday aaya: Dnunraocs Faun—On Monday night, tbe residence of Mr. George Wright, in Screven oonnty, near tbe old Hunter Mills, was des troyed by fire. Tbe family—consisting of three adults and six children, from two to fifteen years of age—were at anpper when the flame* were discovered in the upper story, end in leas than thirty minutes, the dwelling, smoke-house, kitchen, fenoes, and in fact everything within an area of two hundred yards, were enveloped by the fire and totally destroyed. The alarm waa no Midden and tbe spread of the flames oo rapid that nothing at ail was saved from tbe conflagration. Furniture, beds, provisions— all were consumed—together srith about four hales of unpacked cotton in one of tbe npper rooms of the house. Mr. Wright wee just re covering from the disastrous effect of Sher man's raid, and his home had been resurrected from the ashes of that direful time. Tbe dwelling was a large, new two-story building, containing eight rooms. Mr. Wright and bis family are now utterly destitute, and are suf fering for tbe commonest necessities of life. They are living at present in a small negro cabin twenty feet square. Tbe municipal election at Auguste, Wednesday, resulted in tbe re-election of Mayor Ester, and tbe choice of the following Aider- men : Messrs. Lewis, Roger!, Barrett, Evans, Fouroelle, Bryson, Gargan, Philip, Doria, Young and Walsh—all Democrats. The Bads made no fight. Little Tybee Island, near Fort PateakJ, was sold at Savannah, on Tuesday, for $1,100. It contains 136_acres. The Savannah Advertiser plaoes tbe amount of Central Railroad bills recently iasned at $40,000. We hive beard a much larger sum named. Tbe Colnmbns Son has this very important item for those who are particular as to tbe qnality of their whisky. And it isn't every man who comes nnder tbat bead, either. Says the Sun : Tna Tuc* Head.—Tbe other day we happen ed in a restaurant where an old and well known citizen was “taking his'n straight." Aa he ponred out tbe whisky be held tbe glass between himself and tbe light. We beard bim remark: “I always look at my whisky to see whether it bears the true bead. Alcohol and low wince carry no bead. Pot aomo alkali in them and yon can have whatever you want, because a drop or two of extract will prodnoe cognac, brandy, gin, wbiaky, Madeira wine, or what not. There ia a bead which cannot be coun terfeited. Itawima half above and half nnder the level. It canqot be produced by artificial means. If any chemist should manage to do it bia fortune wonld be secured. Old Sam Pike, himself, wonld give a million forthediaoovery.” The Tbomasvilla Enterprise rates tbe Legis lature pretty sharply on account of its seven dollar per diem and extravagant mileage. All of which stems to ua deserved. Wo expected mnch better things of a body elected on tbe platform of economy and retrenchment. And so did tbe pooplo, if we know anything of ibeir sentiments. Cane’’ boar makes drank come—being so sharp—down abont Thomasville, and the G. T.’a have therefore classed it with Elbert county buttermilk. Very cold snap at Thomas ton. Ice iu abundance, end ground frozen bard. Tbo Columbus Sun Rays tbe Mobile and Gi rard Railroad is now doing a good business— paying expenses and something over, and will not, it is thought, bo forced to borrow any mon ey tbo current year to pay interest account General Assembly of Georgia. | PROCEEDINGS OF FRIDAY. imported for tbe Telegraph and Messenger.] The Senate met at 9 o'clock, A. it, President Trammell in the chair. Prayer by Rev. Mr. BY TELEGRAPH WAY WIN 1*.VT4 113IS. New Vole. December 8.—Montgomery Blair writes the World, urging the Democrats Hinton. On motion, the roll-call waa dispensed •***; immediately, tbe purive policy Tbe I World, editon&llj, dissents from Blair a news. The journal waa read and approved. I The Havana steamers decline to receive pack. Mr Candler moved to reconsider ao much of I agea of newiqiapers onNide tbe mail, by order the proceedings of yesterday ae relates to the ot tbe Captain General. Wa. M. Foster, the namaeeof a resolution providing for the appoint- * c,or . “ dead. All passengers are quarantined, ment cd a JoinUJpecial Committee to invest!- *>teemer Delaware ia discharged. Only four- gaterojiona matf&T connected with the Pern- cholera cases from steamer Franklin are tenttery and the farming out of tho oonvicta, on I Wl, and all but oho are convalescing, the ground that ita object bad been thoroughly Arrangements for the International Society by a Legislative Committee ap- »“ Sunday «e concluded Wood- «_ .1 erekt exoenae aud trouble. I hnU “d Clafliu will assist in tbe precession. pointed in 18—, at great expense aud trouble. Mr. Erwin moved to lay tbe motion on the table. Loat Tbe motion to reconsider prevailed nays 14. 12:30.—The gold room is excited over a base less rumor of tbe death of the Prinse of Wales, yes 19; I end a panic in the London market Gold oonse- 1 quently is strong and active. No authority Mr Smith moved to reconsider a reaolotion whatever oo far for the rumor, requesting tbe School Commissioner to resign <*dm the offiee which he now holds. I fuUy assured _°f ^e —Gilmore has returned IiTn^ caU«l W for"the previous que* I *-«“ Tho Independent Fire Insurance Company The motion was carried by ayea 23, nay* 16. 1been enjoined from doing bnainew, pend- Mr NunnaUy moved to refer tbo resolution “8 “> application to put its affairs into tbe •h. r^mmiuss on Education. Carried. I hand* of a receiver. Alexia arrived yesterday. to *bs Committee on Education. Carried. The committee appointed to look into the Nzw Orleans, December 8.—Foley’s cbesnut amountrfbuitoem before both Houses, re- I fiUy *® n the first nee. Time 1:52}. Arizona Dorted e large amount of business before each won the second, winning the first and seoond body which ought to be acted upon during the *°d fourth boats. Time 1:56 j, 1:53}, 1:52,1:53}. present session, and recommended that the sea- bfhT l “e, December 8.—Two severe eorth- idon be extended until Wednesday, 13ih inst. bare on the 5th and another Mr-Brown opposed the adoption of the re- on the 6th at Cedar City No mails or paasen port. He belie vedthot there would still remain E*™ from the East mqoe Saturday, i large amount of business whenever the Leg- bzN Fuancisoo, December 8^-The Assembly ialature might adjourn, and if any very irnpor- organized by the election of Thomas B. bhan- tant business ahail not be attended to, it can be I non speaker. acted noon at tbe session in January; further, I London, Decembers.—The first bulletin from tbat while it require* a two-thirds vote to pro- Uie Prince of Wales this morning states that he long the session—adjournment thereafter de- passed a very unquiet night, with considerable pends merely upon a majority vote. n Mr. Wellborn offered a resolution, that the session be extended until Wednesday 13th. in- le “» ■» Gungs. Thiers as- cltunve. and not longer, except by a two-thirds eared the princes that their presence in tho hall Toto b I wonld arouse animosities; that the moment is Mr. Reece favored the adoption of tbe report inopportune, and the Bonspartista, red repnb- not only expediency, but neoeeaity, as beans and legitimist journals would clamor that well aa duty to tbe people, demand* action tbo republic is menaced. Tho prinera answered npon the appropriation bill, tbe tax biU and the that they wonld not act without further oonsid- perfecting of the pnblio school system, which oration. Thiers showed extreme anxiety to de- conld all be acted upon by tbe time recoin- ter tho princes from taking seats. The com mended in tbe report for adjournment. mission npon the abrogation of tbe exile bad an The reaolotion of Mr. Wellborn, aa an amend- emergency session. Should they abrogate the ment to the report, was adopted. , ----- — ;— --- -— —. — —-— The report of the oommittoe was then adop- Thiers, under the circumstances, will probably - . * ... . . I nnnumf tn thn ieeamKIw « wanwaeSiinn fn* « ,7n. exile, the princes will perhaps enter the balk ted by ayea 27, nays 11. BILLS ON THIBD HEADING. present to the Assembly a proposition for a de fensive republican government. It ia believed A bill to authorize the issue of bonds by the I the Duke D'Aumale can carry a majority of the corporate authorities of Dalton, for edncationtl A “ e “ bl J- „ . , purposes. Passed. I 1:30—Tbe Queen is at tho Prince of Wales * A toll for the relief of O. B. Anthony, tax bedside. The morning papers are publishing collector of Clay oounty. Passed. House amendments to a toll to incorporate the town of Barnesville were concurred in. extras. Every issue increases the public anxiety. 5 p. M.—Exciting rumors are on change an- I nouncing the death of the Priuoe of Wales, but House amendments to tbo bill incorporating I tho news ia not authenticate J, and shonld be the Savannah and Thunderbolt Railroad Com' pany were concurred in. Mr. Kibbee moved to elect a Secretary pro received with great cantion. Matakobas, December 7.—Saltillo and all tbe forts are in possession of Ibe rebels. Tbe tern, to assist the Secretary in tbe discharge of insurgents are preparing to march on San tbe large amonnt of business to be transacted I Louis. during tbe remainder of the session. The motion waa carried, and W. A. Little, Halifax, December 8.—Ten persona were lost by tbe wreck of Ibe schooner Achillea from Esq., assistant Secretary, was unanimously Eire Islands. 'acted. I Havana, December 8 —There is much local On motion of Mr. Wellborn the General speculation in sugar and a heavy decline is ap- Appropriation bUl was taken np and read the | prehended when sugars begin to arrive, first time. A toll to authorize tbe town Conncil of Cal houn to aid in tbe construction of tbe North Georgia and North Carolina Railroad. Passed. WIGHT DISPATCH UN. Washington, December 8.—Senator Trurn A biU to authorize the Ordinary of Gwinnett I bnU hlB no reC oUeoUon of uttering the senti to issue bonds to build a 0>urt-to>u*e. Passed. ment attributed tom by an interviewer in tho A bill to apjKiint ceitein persons Commis- jjonjgyjlle Conner-Journal's accounts which re- sioners of Loads and It-veuue of Jlelntosh TrnmbuU as favorable to Grant’s re' county. Passed. A bill to amend an act to alter ilio Charter of Colambns. Passed. ... I Court in the case of Gossaway B. Lamar against | election. Suit was commenced to-day in tbo District in a chain gang. Senator Campbell moved to lay the bill npon I the table. Lost. Ayea, 11; nays, 27. The MU 1 AKor an ' was. ... . , _, I to-day, four of the prisoners, Porter, Childers, « Murphy and Montgomery, pleaded guUty to the A brief and full session of the Cabinet, except German. Columbia, December 8.—In the Ku-klux trial son Railroad Company. Mr. Brown moved to lay tbo toll on tbo table. Carried. Ayea, 20; nays, 16. charge of conspiring to deprive citizens of the right to vote. They reserved the right of read- tried for an offence committed in March and Pike coants©e. Passed. A message was received from the Governor oT^riT 2 It l; wdTihe HUtiog his approval of a resolution disoon tin-1 n . MA j t np ji „;_i. ju « v The marriage of Miss Lizzie ration, of Co- ning ccrtam suite against the Treasurer. Also, gSLw fo^rtificition^to tho Supreme a resolution calling upon the Governor for in- A suit—yeas 47, nays 84. Pebitt Good. The Comter*,^ English of the President'* 7? o irtain poker-hand—mighty ^ ^ ^ ••open at both ends." , Baton TtUtrapk andMomtngar ; W, lower part of Pulalki, bordering oo negro,. ao , a cattle range, are aoUcttou* to hear of ibe pm. grass of the Swediah laborers. We bad favor*, ble reports from F. 8. Johnson and others at the initiation of twelve months ago, end would like now to hear from some friends from Jones afters crop's experiment. Your correspondents wonld favor ns much by Ictung us know, as we are anxious to do that which iabeet suited to as. If they have succeeded, wa wish to do ao; If they have failed, wo wish to learn a lesson from them, and Lope they will not think bard of the enquiry. We would hkt-to hear fnpxu 1-. fiL John-ton end eth'-n ul i Your* respect!id!y, PcLASn. luuibu*, and Mr. W. II. Pope, of Atlanta, is an nounced iu ibo San of Thursday. Tbo Sumter Republican, of Thursday, says tbe np train on tbe Southwestern Railroad, Tuesday night, ran off below Brown's Station, smashing the baggage oar to piooes aud tearing other ears badly. Nobody hurt. Tho aeeident is thought to bavo been canoed by tbe spreading of tbe track. Wo clip tbeso item a from Ibo Valdosta Timoa^ ot Wednesday: Tub ALorana Judicial Circuit.—A bill to repeal tbe act to establish this Circuit baa pa ed l>otli branches of the Legislature, and only wails for tbe signature of Conley to become law, and no act of people are more pleasod i it than those tbat oompose tbe Circuit. They know that it was a Radical scheme for “a little more cider," and an unnecessary expenso tbe government. Tua able pastor of tbe Baptist Church in Val dosta, we learn, baa accepted a call to tbe Chnrch in Macon, where be will gets two thou sand dollar salary. Hia many friends in this aeetion are loth to pert with tom. Gieene oounty folks won't buy Western bogs on (be hoof at six to six and a balf cents per pound, gross. Col. Jas. 8. Boynton was elected Mayor, and Meson Cunningham, Brooks, Boyle, George, White, Johnson, Alexander and Grant, Aider- men of Griffin on Thursday. Tho Conatitntion of yesterday wakes this good point: Tim Difference.—Tbe Radical session 1870 bad sixty-four clerks for ninety days, $9 per diem, making an aggregate of $51,740 for clerk hire. The Demoeratio aeaaionof 1871 baa seven clerks for forty days at $7 per diem, making an aggregate of $2,800 for clerk hire. T be difference lietween the Radical and Demo cratic system of clerk hire ia simply $38,940, or enough tbe pay tbe wbola Democratic Legisla ture. It is the fashion, now, for Atlanta soaken to go to bed in the gutter but not to disrobe en tirely. Pulling off the nether garments is con aidarod all that is necessary. Twenty-one prisoners, charged with being Ku-klnx, were arraigned before a Federal Com missioner, at Atlanta, on Thursday. Four gave bond, and tbe remainder went to jail. They are said to be from Dade and Walker counties. We find this statement in the Atlanta Sun, of yesterday: Trial or Rxv. J. L. Pierce.—'Ihe pnblio probably bears in mind tbe grass scandal that some months ago waa circulated through the papers, with which tbe names of Rev. J. L. and a lady from Oartersville were unenviably connected. The soon dal was so great, and bore •o heavily upon not only the ministerial, but the morel character of Mr. Pierce, that it be came neoeaeary for the Conference, to which he milled to the Senate, belonged, to give tbe matter a most inquisitorial examination. When Conference met in Athene but week one of tbe first acts of the body was to raise committee for the investigation of the matter. The committee ares composed of the following ministers : Arminius Wright, chairman; II. H. Parka, L. J. Davies, F. A. Kimball, A. G. Hay- good, A. JL Thigpen, G. Y. Smith, J. H. Gro gan, J. M. Dickey, M. Calloway. D. J. Mvrick, yew 101, nays 44. J. Lewis, Jr., P. A. Heard, W. P. Fort. Before this tribunal the Rev. J. L. Pierce was brought for an examination of the chargee ago! not him. Hia trial occupied five entire days— three sittings of the committee being held each day. Tbe testimony was taken in writing, and covered SO) pages of cap paper. Every witness was subjected to the most thorough and rigid examination. Witnesses pro and eon were ex amined with like rigor. There was no partiali ty—oo discrimination—no favors shown, bnt an obvious determination to arrive at tbe exact truth in tbe What points were divulged by the testimony it is net neoeaeary to state. It is aufficient for tbe publio to know that afters moat patient and exhaustive hearing, tbo judgment of the com mittee was that Mr. Pierce was not guilty of tbe charge* that bad been made against him. Tbe husband of the lady involved, who area present during the examination, at ita close said Mr. Pierce bad bad a fair and impartial trial. From a report of the meeting of tbe North Georgia Conference at Athena, last week, in the Constitution of yesterday, we quote the fol lowing statistics of that body White members, 44,274; increase, 2144 ; local pnmeban, 419; increase, 24 ; infanta baptiz'd, 1114; increase, 68; adults baptized, 3028; in formation of the indebtedness of the State for printing, etc. A bill to anthorizo a counter-showing on a motion for continuance. Passed. Ayes, 31; nays, 6. A House resolution that one thousand copies Court. St. Louis, Dooomber 8.—Tho Board ot Trade Committee on tbo Misssiaaippi levees reported earnestly requesting congressional aid forloveo purposes and permanent improvement of navi gation and levcea. Adopted. Resolutions favoring the National Pacifio ° f „ u » < d«« tion WU be printed and generally dis- to K»» B-~neR„o. Iributad throughout the htato, so aa to dUeemi- dUcnalcd . An amendment tbat the^overn- f^.^“? ,I “?®-“ii^P^ on8preT,on!,to I ment should build the road and allow all car riers to run ears over it at specified rat os pro- 499; Sunday school*. 470; increase, 18; Sunday school pupil*, 24,602; increase, 1897; Sunday school pupil* converted. 1789; increase, 303; church periodicals token, 11,059; increase, 3691; churches, 582; increase. 25; valne of churches $532,410; increase $127,965; number of pereonegea, 45; increase, 3; the amount raised for building and repairing chore bee, $95,358 37; increase, $52,404 31; paid to pas- tore, $69,791 02; increase, $3,586 74; paid to PwaMing Eiders, $9,945 76; increase, $1,402 L ; to Biships, $1,533 75; increase, $17* 75; Dowferenoe collection for worn ont preachers, I^dow* and orphan*, $5,788 49; increase, $864 ,or Sunday schools cause, $4,779 75. Monzax improvements are almost an absolute ■ ><> *** it L if * Private house is to be sold or ^ hotel incommodes a vast t I* 1 "*- Erery for tbe oomfort of gnosu i. readily adopted b, the proprietor, of the American Housed Boston, and the I- j.-;.ari:v of hotel attest* .1-,. | predation in which their efForta are K.LJ tbo election, waa concurred in. A, 1 *;' 1 ' 0 » a “ ,oriz9 , ,ll “ oorpondo authorities | Marion.' of Cuthbert to issue bonds for educational pnr- 1 poses. Passed. A bill to amend an aet incorporating Clarks- Wxlwxgtox, December S.—The Wilmington, I Colombia and Angnsta Railroad being completed to Colombia, S. C., opens a new lino between of roads and revenne for Habersham oounty. Passed. A bill to ebango the law of distribution aa relates to the property of married women. on and after December 13. Memphis, December 8.—Tbe Fannie Bran- t I dies, for Cairo, with two hundred bales ot eot- 1 ton and a few passengers, snagged and sunk to her boiler deck. No lives lost The boat and The bill provides for tho distribution of the I _ total loss. Kravis? ■“ "bK'SiSiwSfSUSJTSaa!- ES"“aLot «»' and other officers to sell property levied on in v^. ln , Tr „„ P A other places than before the Oourt-hooae door. Passed. Philadelphia, December 8.—An examination is ordered by the court into Shaw's business. Mr. Hinton offered . resolution that hereafter D ° the Senate shall meet at 9 o’clock a. u. and ad- “ mpot , ent to . re “ lTe or P a Y tnoney. ouau nrewi W O. J>- »uu«u Amount* exceeding bonds are accumulating journ at 1 r. xt„ and meet at 3 r. a. and adjourn with heada M„, nh p. v, unless otherwise ordered by a ma jority of tbe Senate. Adjourned. Tho Senate then adjourned. House.—Tbe House was called to order at 9 'A. v. by tbe SpeAker. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Jones. Journal of yeaterday read and approved. Mr. Pon moved to reconsider tbe loss of a with tbe beads of the various dejiartmeuta. PrmmuBO, December 8.—McKnight & Co.'s Rolling Mill at Birmingham, was burned. Loss $120,000. London, December 8—5:30 p. it.—Tho pre carious state of the Prince of Wales continues. Exacerbation commenced last night, attended with great prostration. 6 p. z.—The Standard's extra says the Prince toll to amend the charter of the Albany and I inking fast. Hia longs are con- Colambns Railroad Company. On the motion to reconsider, tbe yeas and I geated. No hope of his recovery. Abotle, December 8.—Tho rooms of resort nays were railed for, with tbe following re- I for Americans are burned. Halifax, December 8.—Tbe cholera has cn Clower, of Monroe, moved to reconsider the I tirely disappeared from the French settlement passage of tho bill to regulate tabor. Motion | *} Chizzicoke. Twenty-five lives lost in Nova laid on the table. Mr. Heidt moved to reconsider the passage of the toll to incorporate the Savannah and Thunderbolt Railroad Company, with a view to striking ont an amendment Motion laid on tbe table. Mr. Bryan moved to reconsider the loss of a bill to regulate the practioe of dentistry. This motion did not prevail. The bill to prevent the sale of farm prod nets between tho hoars of snnset and sunrise in Richmond and other oonnties was taken np. Mr. Bryan offered a substitute for the MIL Scotia by lost week’s gales. New Yoke, Deoember 8.—Arrived: Adger, City Galveston and Leo. Holland, 911DN1G1IT DISPATCHES. Synopsis of WcntUer Statement. War Dxp't, Office Chief Signal Officer, > Washington, D. G., Deoember 8,7:40, p. u j Low barometer, which was Thursday afternoon between Lakes Michigan and Horen baa moved . . eastward to New Brunswick, where lowest pres- On motion the bill and substitute were laid I sore now is. Brisk northwest winds acoompa- on the table. I ay this disturbance, and now prevail in the A resolution by Mr. Wofford, of Bartow, in I Middle Atlantic Stales. The highest barome- retation to land granted to the Cherokee Indians I ter extends from Iowa to Tennessee. The waa adopted. I temperature has risen slightly on the Golf A bill to carry into effect a bill to provide for | coast with clondy weather and southerly winds tbo election of Governor to fill the nnexpired I in Texas. No material change is reported terai of R. B. Bollock, waa passed and trans- from the California coast itted to the Senate. I Probabilities.—Rising barometer and falling On motion of Mr. Rawls the rales were ana- I temperature will probably prevail on Saturday pended end the House went into a committee I on tbe middle and east Atiantio bank. North- of the whole on the tax bill. I westerly winds continue for a short time only A motion by Mr. Scott so strike ont a section I on tbe ooeat Westerly winds veering sonth- which compels non-resident persons selling by I ward on the npper take*. Southerly winds with sample to pay a tax of one hundred dollars ex-1 clondy and threatening weather on the Golf cited considerable discussion. coast. Warning signals are ordered and rau- On the motion to strike out, the yeas and I tionary signals oontinne at Oswego, Rochester, nays were railed with the following result— I Buffalo, Cleveland, and are ordered for this —jaslOl, nays 44. I evening et New York, Baltimore, end Cepe May, A lengthy and interesting correspondence I New York, between General Lewis, State School Commis-1 Paris, Deoember 8.—The afternoon session sioner, and Hon. Garnett McMillan, in refer- I of the Assembly to day was very turbulent, enoe to remarks made by Mr. McMillan relat-1 A vote of urgency was demanded npon the ing to an alleged attempt on the part of Gene- I question of tbo future form of Government for rel Lewis to have certain text books, obnoxious I France, and was ref need. Ponyer Quertier, to onr people, into oar school*. I minister of finsnoe, announced that be will Mr. Pierce stated that be had prepared the I present the budget for 1872 to-morrow. A bill resolution before Mr. McMillan's speech; that I waa presented annulling the decree confiscating said speech had nothing to do with the intro-1 the property of Orleans Princes. A vote of daction of the resolution; that he nl-joe is re-1 urgency npon the bill providing for the return sponsible for it. | of the Assembly to Faria was refused by a The Senate resolution, providing for the ex-1 small majority, tension of the session until Wednesday Axt, I Paris, December 8.—In the Assembly to-day waa set down as the special order for 3 o’clock. I a motion was made by Dnchotel for the removal A resolution, by Mr. Glover, requesting the I of the Assembly and seat of Government to Governor to order an election for Represents- I Paris. Tbe motion gave rise to an animated live in Sumter oounty to fill the vacancy caused I debate, which promises to bo protracted, *1- by the death of Hon. Wright Brady. Was I though there is little doubt that tbe proposal adopted. I bo* a majority of the Chamber in its favor. Ap- Tbo tax act was resumed. I peals of the common iota convicted of the mur- , l ! ection imposing a tax of twenty cents I der of Gens. Leeompti and Thomas, and aen- per gallon on liquor dealer* was stricken out I termed to suffer death, - have been rejected by Leave of absence was granted to Messrs, the Commissioner of Pardons. There is NEW ADVERTISEMENTS The Tribune on Grant's Last “Job.” We arc greatly gratified to find in tho New York Tribune, of Tuesday, the following plain language concerning that gigontio “job” of tbe government’s buying all the telegraphic lines of the country, recommended to Congress by Grant in bis last messago. But if Grant is to have his “rake” when the thing is legalized, wo fear brother Greeley is wasting his breath in remonstrating. Tell ns how mnch tho present- taker ia to profit by it, and we can give a toler ably accurate guess of its prospects for consum mation. Says the Tribune: Then as to “uniting tho Telegraphic system “of the United States with the Postal system,” can the President be unaware that this means bujring out tho present stockholders in tele graphs at treble the cost of constructing the existing lines, and thus enriching a small number at tbe expense of the great body of their fellow-citizens ? He ought to know this; for we have warned him of it personally, a year ago, and then advised him tbat the People would not stand it. Mr. President! be entreated to get out of this job and keep out! It ia certain to damage you if you do not; for there will be a revolting odor generated by ita consummation. Thirty millions are to be taken ont of the Treasury by it to pay for property tbat never cost ten millions; and not one dollar of that thirty millions will ever come back again. Indeed, yon tell us that the pro posed system would “secure the furthor advan tage of extending the telegraph through por tions of tho country where private enterprise will not construct it.” Not a donbt of it! Only throw the co3t of extending and maintaining tho telegraph on those who don’t use it, and we can have poles and wires, offices and bat teries, superintendents and operators; where there is no business, and probably never will be. Bat, until the ]x»t-office is made to pay ita own way, we insist that it shall let the tele graph alone. Nor will Congress vote otherwise, unless the members are plied with other than legitimate inducements to go wrong. Clift to tee Rescue !—This whiffling little carpet-bagger, who was once counted in as a Representative in Congress from the Savannah District, has issued a flaming pronunci&mento to the “Republicans of Georgia,” which the Savannah Advertiser prints in fnlL He writes from Washington City and is full of fight, the whisky there being very strong. We give some extracts to show how heavily loaded Clift must have been. He says: “I never did, and do not now, believe in shirking a fight with Democracy nnder any pre text however specious, circumstances however discouraging. “Instead of giving np the fight, let it be con tinued, and give them no quarter, till the last stronghold of the greatest foe of liberty and equal rights in this country shall be carried, and they shall surrender to tho cohorts of free dom and tho civilization of the nineteenth cen tury. “If we would save our ‘Common School Sys tern’ in Georgia, and preserve the liberties of I U Handkerchief, with Gold HonctkoieLuf King the people, we must fight it out with them, if I attached, between Mrs. Truman’s, flecond street, we all go to our graves before the cause is fin- I Mr. tlunn’s resiedene, Aich street. The finder FOR SALE. FOR SALE. O NE of the moat desirable Building Lots in tbe city of Macon, fronting 60 feet on First street, betwoc-n Oak and Pine. COLLINS A HEATH, Beal E-date Agonta. > FOR SALE. SUBURBAN Building Lots. Vory cheap. COLLINS A HEATH, Real Eetato Agents-I FOR - SALE. ! r- SHARES Macon Building and Loan Associa- JLD tion Stuck. COLLINS A HEATH. VIRGINIA H0HEIN8UBANCECO. (chaetxed 1866) Invested Capital $200,000 00 No Losses nt Chicago. COLLINS A HEATH, Agente. ANDES INSURANCE COMPANY, CINCINNATI, Onto. Capital $1,000,000 00 One of the largest and beet managed Companies in the world. COLLINS A HEATH. Agents. Equitable Lifo Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. Aeeots (March 15,1871) $15,000,000 00 Annual Cosh Income. 7,500,000 00 New Business 1870 the largest of any Company in the world. COLLINS A HEATH, Agents. COTTON STATES - LIFE INS. CO. or MACON, GA. 0 Authorized Capitol $2,000,000 00 Guaranteed Capitol 500,000 00 F. M HEATH, Agent. WANTED. M ACON Street Bailway Stock or Building and Loan Association Stock, in exchange for Horae, Buggy and Harness, if application iu made at once to de9 2t COLLINS A HEATH. Cotton States Life Insurance Ce. Macon, Ga., December 7,1871. T HE Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Gotten States Life Iuanrance Company will be held at the ofii.-e of the Company, in Macon, Qa., at 12 o'clock at. on Wednesday, the 20tb inst., for the purpose of electing a Board of DiiecLore for the ensuing year. de9td GEO. 8. OBEAR, Secretary. LOST. ^~JN tho afternoon of the 28th instant, a Loco L ADIES’ FURS, from $3 50 to $85 per set at, THOMAS U. CONNER’S. M ISSES AND CHILDREN'S FURS, in vorioty, at THOMAS U. CONNER’S. B LACK ASTRACHAN SACKS and MUFFS, at THOMAS U. CONNER’S. -PIANOS AND ORGANS ON INSTALLMENTS. HITE ASTRACHAN SACKS and MUFFS, at BALLET A DAVI8, THOMAS U. CONNER’S. R. J. ANDERSON & CO. Agent* for the w P URE WHITE FUR SACKS and MUFFS, at THOMAS U. CONNER’S. 1YEAL MINK FUR SETS, from $30 to $35. at IV THOMAS U. CONNER’S. ARK BROWN FRENCH CONEY FUR SETS, THOMAS U. CONNER S. A LASKA MINK FUR SETS, C*pca of all aizee, at THOMAS U. CONNER’S. R eal ermine fur sets, *t THOMAS U. CONNER'S. TMITATIOX ERMINE FUR SETS, at X THOMAS U. CONNER’S. R ussian fox fur sets, *now white, at THOMAS U. CONNER'S. T HE LARGEST STOCK ot FURS in MACON, at THOMAS U. CONNER’S. T HE BEST MADE and TRIMMED FUR8 in MACON, at THOMAS U. CONNER’S. dec6tf ELECTION NOTICE. G EORGIA, TWIGGS COUNTY—A vacancy hav ing occurred in tho Clork'e office of tho Supe rior Court of aaid county by tho resignation of the former Clerk, Mr. John ’H. Fitzpatrick, it is there fore ordered by tbe Ordinary of said county that an election be held at the different precincts in said county te fill said vacancy on Saturday, the 30th day of December, 1871. dec8 td J. U. BURKETT, Ordinary. DIVIDEND NO. 53 TREASURER’S OFFICE. Macon and Western Raii.roAn Co. Macon, Ga., November 5,1871. ) A DIVIDEND of (5) five per cone, on the Capi tal Stock of this Company has this day been declared payable on the 20th inst. MILO S. FREEMAN, docS lm Secretary and Treasurer. EMERSON, and SOUTHERN OEM PIANOS * n ,l MASON a HAMLIN ORGAN'S T HESE aro firat-claea inatinments. and i bought on inatallmonts or from $10 to *or “ month. Those wanting a desirable and sweei-teiTj instrument would do well te examine onrs Vf purchasing elsewhere. Ordets for all kind,'? music and musical instruments promptly attended SCHREINER’S OLD MUSIC STORE Cotton Avonno, Macon, Gl Greatest Proinction of Inyentive Gem The Original Ilowc Sewing Machine. It is simple, durable, eisity understood, and ot,; ly operated. At the Georgia Stato F«ir ls-i J? 1 ' two First Premiums were awarded to ti 16 Hover for the brat family machine ror alt kinds of w ct \ and for the btst manufacturing mochino Ti ' enporior mochinoa can be Imiight on ea,v I B J. ANDERS0\° f Agent, No. 15 Cotton Avcnno, Macon,*G a Agents wanted in every town and connlv fo South, wrat Georgia. From $50 to $500 per month S anteoa. dec3tf' watches, jewelry; silverware, etc. I am now recoiving, FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE A fine selection of LADIE8’ AND GENTS’ CUBA MOLASSES. t)A HHDS. Choice Cuba Molasses, tbe brat arti- | de of Molasses in the market for rctail- Alao 10 hhds. and 50 bbls of rcboiled Molaesos. For Bale by dec8 tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. TO BENT. T HE store recently occupied by the Fostoffico. Possession given immediately. Apply to dec6 5t J. L. ^NE3, Treasurer. TENNESSEE BULK MEATS AND LARD. 20 000 Choice Bulk Sides and Shoul- | ^ 100 Cans Best New Lard. 50 Hhds C. K. Bacon Sides. On consignment and for sale cheap bv dec6 tf JONES & BAXTER. will be liberally rewardod by leaving it at dec9-li* THIS OFFICE. ally triumphant. Bnt triumphant it will be, and that at no distant time, as sure os a merci ful God exist. “The wrongs of our poor people call loudly for redress, and the cry must be heeded and responded to by all trno hearts. “We must play no cowardly part in this fight nor bow onr neck to the Demoeratio yoke, otherwise we are not worthy the blessings we I seek. “Let then, all the leading Bepnblicans now in Atlanta, take counsel together, immediately, and prevail on Governor Conley, Hon. J. S. Bighy, ex-Gov. James Johnson, or one of a half I dozen other pare and tme ltepnblicans of abil- I vember, a email dark bay horse, with the hair AUCTION SALE. BY O. E. BESORE—Auciionezk. I WILL sell this day at 10 o’ejeck a. si, front of my Store, 87 Olieiry street. 3 Head of Horses. 3 Head of Males. Second-hand Furniture, Crockery, etc. deiO T aken up. B ACK of Finley’s Foundry, near the Second Bap tist Church, on the night of the 30th Novom- ity and prominence, to allow the party to mako rubbed off .over hie right eye. He wai an effort to place them in the gubernatorial | to a vehiclo mado^up^of^the ^running was harnessed gear of buggy with a plank bedy, in which were fonnd two ‘lit GovernorConloy reconsider his deter- ““P? “«* 9 t,,e ““ of * * 10 The°wner . vw.o uw* wwu jr - a. at- ... lean li&ve him by paying me for foeding him and mination, and contest hia right to his position ila0 for UlU> advertisement. J. B. MATTFTEWS. before the people, that mighty tribunal higher than all courts. “Let us pay our poll taxes; rapidly organize our party in every county, and poll every vote we can; then, if wo are ever so badly beaten, _ we shall have at least the satisfaction of meet- | Ono Parlor Stove, nearly new. Both in good order, ing our old enemy faco to face, and domg battle valiantly for the right. TOR SALE. QNE Cooking Stove, (No. 7 ) nearly new. Also a lot of Ciockery-ware. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. HARRIED. In Clinton, Ga., Thursday December 7, at »! NOTCIE. o’clock a. J1., byBev. A. M. Thigpen, at the real- v^esoLVED, That bids bo received until the dence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Jons H. Houses, of Perry, to Mias Faxsie Thiopex, of Clinton. It 20th day of December for working the streota and keepmg np bridges in the city of Macon one year, beginning January 1, 1872, Contractor to give bond for the faithful peiformance of contract, and furnish a Superintendent approved by Council, who must remain with tbe hands daring work boors, CONSIGN 1C US PER 3t. A IV. It. R. December 8,1871- J W O’Connor; Keith A F; Soymonr, T <S Co; W I and work as directed by Council. “Contractor to ifrr. Tin.... l n. y l /in* tf.I.■ ■ 7- iTa. I m • * .1 * - - ■ - — a 1. — At.. M ** • A Huff; Dunn A B; Greer, L & Co; Rieharde & Co; Flanders A Son; Burr A F; H Cox; Burdick Bros; J Valentino. famish and keep up during the year the following outfit—all to bo first-claaa—namely: Ten men (one at least to be a carpenter); seven boys not less than fifteen years old; eovon mutra, carte and harness -i-rn-TTT- 1 TvTrrmmrnnrrTTvrm-i i comploto; one two-horse wagon and harness, com- ]STEW ADVERTISEMENTS, plow; one two-horse plow with gear; ono two-horse scraper with gear; twelve shovels; twelve picks; six spades; four chop-axes; one broad-axe; four hatchets; two hammers; two handsaws; one cross-cut saw; two crowbars, and all other tools necessary for keeping np streets and bridges. Also, bids for keepmg np the pnmps and wells for the year 1872. By order of Conncil. J. A. McMANUS, dec9td Clerk 0. C. HURRAH! HURRAH! dlltTilS IS Mil! BOOK STORE J. W. BURKE & CO. n EOBGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY—Mrs. Ap- UT Bolie E. Hatcher, wife of Robert Hatcber, I deceased, has applied to me for exemption of per sonalty, and setting apart and valuation of home stead, and I will pass upon the same on the 23d day of December instant, at 10 o’clock A. m., at my office In Knoxville. This December 7th, 1871. J. W. AVANT, dec9-2t* Ordinary. TO RENT. T WO rooms and kitchen in the house opposite J. W. Burke A Co.’a book store. Apply on the I premises. dec8 2t Can be found a well selected end splondid assort ment of 75 BARBELS OF THOSE 3 CENT GOBXiETS Jnat received by TRUMAN A GREEN, Triangular Block, decs 3t WRITING DESKS, TOURIST CASES, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, CHESSMEN, CHESS BOARDS, CHECKERS, DOMINOES, WORK BOXES, GLOVE and FANCY BOXES, TAPIRS COMPANIONS, otc. S.T.&B.F. WALKER Now offer A FULL LINE of ■ | Fumy ail Family Groceries, RAISINS and ALMONDS, NUTS OF ALL KINDS. CANNED G00D3 OF ALL KINDS; I JELLIES, PRESERVES, BRANDIED FRUITS, FANCY IMPORTED CRACKERS. | DOMESTIC CRACKERS OF ALL GRADES, A full stock of [ TOILI3T SOAPS PICKLES OF EVERY VARIETY, AT PRIVATE SALE. T HE place recently occupied by Charley Lloyd, about three miles from Macon, on the Hous ton road, and adjoining that of James Lloyd. The place contains 125 acres—45 in the woods and heavily timbered. Majority of tho open land ia very rich and productive. On the place is a NEW TWO-ROOM frame house LATHED, one log kitchen, two cribs, one Urge negro house, fine fruit orchard, nice vineyard, etc. Its convenience to market rendors it doubly val uable, it being well adapted to vegetables, as well as com, cotton, small grain, etc- Tho place is offered for cash for tho next 30 days. If not sold will he withdrawn from market. Terms cash. Also, a fine Buggy Horse, young and fast trotter. JONATHAN COLLINS & SON. OPERA, LUNTINE AND YCST CRAINS. Handkerchief Rings, Lockets, Silver Forks and Spoons, and Casos for presentation pnrpoaes Elated Tea Bets, Castors, etc. TO which public attention is respectfully invitci’ E. J. JOHNSTON, 97 Mulbcny s.rox ’ WATCH WORK I am prepared to have done in the best mauner, at short notice and at moderate prices. oct!9 tf E. J. JOHNSTON. ONE DAY ONLY! RETURN OF THE FAVORITES! HAIGHT & CO.’S Circus, Museum, Menagerie and Balloon. GOOD THINGS TO EAT, 100 HOG3, weighing 125 pounds each. 1,000 lbs. Fat Turkeys and Chickens. 600 lbs. Sparc Ribs and Back-hones. 25 Cans New Lard- Choice Tennessee Beef. For sale cheap at J. H. ANDERSON & SON’S, dec5-tf No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. A CARD- J HAVE made arrangements with the largest and | Macon, Saturday, December 23. E xtraordinary announcement; Tho Veteran Two-Horso Rider, W. 15. CARROLL, M'me CARROLL, La Petite ANNIE, tho child wonder, only eix years old, in her feats of Equita tion ; Master WILLIE, tho boy wonder, PiroueMo and Someraanlt Rider, and tho glorious Coloqu&il Clown, G. LEE FOWLER—together.with all tho well-known Stars, Acrobats. Voltigucrs, Equestrians, etc. Mr. GEORGE W AM BOLD and hia troupe of performing Doge and Monkeys. Grand Gratuitous Balloon and Free Wire Ascensions. Among the Geological additions is a huge Terrci - moat reliable costumers in New York to hire as | tial SLOTH, and many other rare and many costumes as required for too coming Mas querade Ball. Ladies and gentlemen wishing to I select, can do eo from this date. Hire for cos- | tumea from $15 to $20. All ordera confidential, and received nntil Deoem- I bor 21at. MRS. F. DESSAU, nov2S-t31doc G8 Mulberry streot. FOR SALEi A FARM of 450 acrea, (more or leas) of fertile | land, one hundred and fifty in a high atate of cultivation, tho balance well timbered, within two milee of the city of Cuthbert. An excellent mill aite upon the land. The Bainbridge, Cuthbert and Columbus railroad p&eses through the tract. Ap ply to JOHN B. BUCHANAN, Cuthbert, or at tlua office. novldikwtf J. m, Magnificent epecimens from tho animal world, forming a grand Congress of wild beasts and birth. TWO MAMMOTH PAVILIONS—one for the cir cus and the other for the Museum and Menfigeric. F. CRUTCHFIELD, No. 70 Second street, buys I ° n ® tickot admitting the holder to both. Ouly two ~ -• - 'performances—one afternoon at 3 o clock, tho other C0IT0L Cotton on order for commission. And is also prepared to execute contracts for fu- »t 7 o’dock p m. Doors open an hoar previous, ture delivery through perfectly responsible New| Admission 76 cents. Children under 10 yeais h York houses. 1 Befer by permission to aon. W. S. Holt. Pres’t S. W. R. R- Co. W. P. Goodall, Cashier City Bank. Hardeman & Sparks, Cotton Factors. Campbell A Jones, Cotton Factors- Adams, Bazouore A Ware, Cotton Factors. decS-Gt TEACHERS! TEACHERS!! C UTHBERT MALE INSTITUTE will be opened I the 15tli day of January next. A good build ing will be commenced at once. One for temporary use will be secured and provided with beat style of school furniture. The people of the city are united upon this school. A LIVE TEACHER, who is willing for first term, to look to the tuition for remuneration is wanted to take charge. Apply to WM. D. KIDDOO, President Board Trustees, dec3-6t Cuthbert, Ga. Stockholders’ Meeting. Office Macon and Western R. R. Co.> Macon, Ga., Dec. 2, 1871. 3 MEETING of the Stockholders of the Macon ) yeans 2 | cents. W. W. DURAND, General Agent. Fort Valley, December 25; Montezuma, 2(>th; I Americas. 27th; Cuthbert. 28th; Fort Games, 29th; Dawson, 30th; Albany, January 1st. B&l&m-o of Southwestern Georgia and all of Florida during tko | month of January. decG Ot COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AUGUSTA, GA. A PARTICIPATING COMPANY. 02\.nT.a.Xj J. W. DAVIES, President- W. T. WHELESS, Vice President. J. V. H. ALLEN, Secretary. E. O. GRANNLSS & SON, Agonte. Macon. MAC0X Cm BEFXBEXCES. Hon. GEO. S. OBEAR, WM. R. JOHNSTON, Esq. E have accept the Agency of the akorc w and Western Railroad Company, will be held v.v named Company, and respectfully pre-cut its at the office of the company, in Macon, Qa., on I claims to the insuring community. We arc pro Tuesday, 2d day of Januarv, 1872- MILO S. FREEMAN, doc3-td Secretay. pared to insure property in it against loss by fire and can guarantee security to partios insuring in this Company- Participating Policies issued, entitling holders tn tlirco-fourths of not profits. We ask a fair share TTNDEU an order of the Ordinary of Bibb county °, f business, and can issue policies of the Comnrer- U I will sell the house and lot in VinevUle bo- Duraranre Company on as equitable terms aa longing to tho estate of Dr. E. C. Williamson, before I granted by other first class companies. Valuable Property lor Sale. the Court-house door in the city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next. Terms cash. JAMES T. NISBET, nov23 ids Adm’r with will annexed. Johnson, of Jefferson; Gnyton, Kennedy, Mann, and Daria, of Clarke. The House then adjourned tmtil 3 p. jr. Bbutx.—The following bills were pawed: bill to emend section 3G52 of the Code relat-1 reported last night. hope that Thiers will interpose to remove this final decision. President Thiers’ message recommends that the annual army contingent fond be fixed at 90,000 instead of 30,000 francs, as incorrectly ing to fees of County Treasurer. The Chamber waa subsequently the scene of A bill to emend lection 3805 of the Code, re-1 ancry recriminating between members of the taring to foredosnre of mortgages on [personalty, right and left. Mr. Sorter **lr«d leave to pre- _ A number of other bills, all of a local charoc- | sent a resolution eeusnnng the Committee on Pardons for ita want of clemency toward oon- vieted Communists, bnt a majority of tbe As sembly protested violently against the reception of the document, and it was returned to Mos- iw. Loxnox, Deoember 8.—Betting npon result of the Tick borne ease is quite general. “ Tho bill to amend garnishment taws was ta ad. House bills read seoond time. _ , Hoc-ax.—After some diacnarioa, which was cow. participated in by Speaker Smith, the House voted to prolong iu session till Saturday next. „ Thta was a matter of neoeeaity to bring np tbe quotations from the eluba indiraie as prevalent ' * 1 *** * odds as ten to one against claimant of property. A strike of tbe telegraph operators in London, Manchester, Liverpool and other targe cities is unfinished bosinrss of the The following bills were passed: A bill to amend section 3434 of the Code. A biU to incorporate the Monticello Narrow | SbBibL _ . Loxdox, December 8, 9:30 p. il—The phy- of e local character were die- si cions in attendance on the Prince of Wales, bos just issued a bulletin Elating bia Boyal Highness was still very much prostrated. Dcaux, December A—Tbe anniversary of the apprentice bojra at Londonderry, was celebra- Thirteen posed of. Other proceedings unimjiortanL Hoo-x.—The following bills were passed: A biU to emend tbe Jaw creating „ hen in I ted yesterday, and passed off with nnnsnal quiet >Tor of employees in steam saw mills. ! An etfierof Lundv was Imni with f>-„ mn.i A large number of local bills were passed Senate bills read second time. An effigy of Lundy was burnt, with the usual derisory demonstrations, hot there was no se rum* disturbance. a- A.MES. Merry Game of Old Maid—Price $ 10 Unde At.siin’e Dinner Party. 60 Major Panorama of Alphabets 1251 Fine Butter, Young America, Pineapple, E !om and „ . I Cream Cheese, Zsnznmmin a, or Bible Giants. 50 Patriot Heroes 60 Checkered Game of Life and Board 1 00 Golden Star and Board ICO Magic or Bomance of Life 50 Tbe Game of Where’s Johnny 25 ” House That Jock Built 25 " Little Bed Riding Hood 25 Cock Robin 25 1 Cinderella 25 * Mother Hubbard 25 Holiday Arithmetic 50 Humorous Authors. 50 ALSO, FIXE WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WIXES, Newark Cider, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. FANCY and PLAIN CANDIES, best in the market. IN THE HABKET DEPARTMENT We ore second to none in the State. TENNESSEE BEEF, FORK, AND SAUSAGE, DBE3SED TURKEYS, CBICKEKS, DUCKS, BABBITS. SQUIRRELS, WILD DUCKS, Crandall’s Budding Blocks, No. 1—Price $2 50 I - RABTRIDGE3 No. 2 2 00 BLACK FISH, MULLET, OYSTERS So ’ 8 150 SWEET ORANGES. APPLES, Hill’* Alphabet Blocks, all sizes .. Cubic Blocks, with pictures 25c. to $2 00 | EANNANA3, PINEAPPLES, COCOANUTS, etc. PUZIXE BLOCKS. Jack and the Bean Stalk-Price $2 50 j FlOUr 811(1 BUCRwIlCat FlOUl’. Ihe Three Bran 2 50 My Mother 2 60 Babes in the Woods 2 50 Tom Thumb Puzzle of Chopped up Niggers. 50 I Puzzle of Cut up Animals 75 | TOOL CHESTS For «1 50, $2 00, « 25, t3 00, and $5 00. MAGIC LANTERNS For $150, $2 00, $3 00, $3 60 and $4 00. Bobbers, Sponges, and Fluted Bolls, Magic Tops, Toy Fiatota, Wax Dolls, Drums, aud a great many Gomes, Toys, and Fancy Goods, Too numerous to mention. ETA A BABBELS Flour, all grades. OUv 8,000 eocka Flour, all grades. 20 barrets of choice Buckwheat Flour. 10 barrels Hiram Smith’s Premium Flour. We guarantee our Flour to be equal to any in 2 50 I market. Call and see ae, if yon want bargains. 1 decs tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. FBJESH ARRIVALS. I ODD BOXES Cove Oysters; 200 boxes Crocken; I ZUu 200boxes New ltoieine; 200 barrels Sugars 150 hhds. Bulk Meats and Bacon; 200 boxes Tobac co, very ch’eap; 100 barrels Louisiana and Georgia c.ue Syrup; 500 robs Bagging; 10 boxes Breakfast I Bacon; 10 tierces Homs. With a full stock of de sirable Groceries and Provieiona, will be sold with- out regard to cost. decs tf SEYMOUB, TINSLEY A CO. p EOBGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Elizabeth A. F. VX Young hoe applied for exemption of person alty, and I will pass npon the same at 10 o’clock a. M- on the 18th day of December, 1871, at my office. Given nnder my hand offidallv.- decS2t 0. T. WARD, Ordinary. decOtf J. W. BURKE A OO., No. GO Second street, Macon, Gm WASHINGTON DESSAU, ATTORNEY AT LAW BACON, GA., Wf ILL practice in the Oonrte of Macon Circuit: I v T Office—With Nishote A Jackson. oct24-lwsanAd0u THE FAIREST THING YET! GOTO BROWN & CO.’S. NO. 40 .... SECOND STREET, THAT’S THE PEACE! I ’VE just been there and taken one bid at “The ■ r——. -r--—- - —■ — —. Fairest Thing Yet.” This is none ot your Mem- corner of Triangular Block. Bo sure and call it phis Real Eetate Distributions, or South Carolina | J oa want goods at astonishing low figure?. Land and Immigration Associations, or Metropoli tan Gift Enterprise concerns; bat something real. Tbese folks are onr friends, neighbors and every day associates. I know them. Their vouchers are the very best men in the whole country. You go to Brown and let him explain “The Fairest Thing E. C. GBANNISS A SON, Agents- GREAT SACRIFICE! DRY AND FANCY GOODS! A T New York cost, to closo ont tho stock. ITav- ing purchased the entire stock of Dry Goode and Notions belonging to Mr. A. Springer, in Tri angular Block, I am offering tho samo at New Yori. cost. These goods ore all of tho very latest fall and winter purchases of Calicoes and Ladies Drees Goods. I mean what X ray when I offer these goods at NEW YORK COST!! as I will satisfy those who may call npon mo. Remem ber the place, Sprinner’s old and well known stand. ... , , day of December next at 12 o clock m Yet” to you, and if yon don’t leave a $10 note with I front of tho guard-bonso, all tho land and btu-d- • • ~ shall decide you don’t “know bow it is your- nov25 tnAetSw CASKETS! CITY PROPERTY E0R SALE. W ILL be sold to tho highest bidder on tho lClli ■ ~ “ ” ’ “ front o „ , _ j ing* that the city owns in block No. 37, known as ■Your head’s level.” “You’ve got that down I the guard-house lot, blacksmith shop, mule lot and if the court knows herself, and she thinks I the dwelling boose where the guard-bouso keeper resides. Terras and conditions on day of sate. ROBERTS, STRONG, DALY, nol7lf Committee on Public Property. VVANNUCKI. DEALER IX IZjAGBR- 23 HI 33 XI, coitox AVZSUZ, 01-r. ocxuloze xo. 2, I TTAS just reatocked his Saloon with *11 the pope- I JjL !*r brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. >n-l would be pleased to have bis old friends, and the | public generally, give him a coll. FRESH FISH AND OYSTER3 I Received every morning. no30 lm V-VANNUCKI, Proprietor EMVAUD HAIGHT As 00., A ST K: 3E! R s. No. 9 WALL BTBEET, NEW YORK- Five Per Cent, Interest Allowed on De posits. T HE business of onr firm is tho same os au7 State or National Bank. Individuals or firms banking with ns may clepo* 1 * and draw as they please, the same aa-with “J bank, except tbat we allow Interest on oU bounces Latest improvement in METAL CASES AND CASKETS; Also, latest styles of \Vj3bU4JASKET3 AND COFFINS, Elegantly finished, at greatly reduced prices. 3P , XTH.3NTI1 , XTH.23. A very extensive stock, all styles and prices, cheap for cash. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Mattresses, ] Shades and Wall Paper. THOMAS WOOD, oct!9 2aw2m Next to Lanier Honse. Valuable Property for Sale. A STORE-HOUSE at WUburville, iu Taylor I Bonds, Stocks, Gold, EoemMS county, is offered for sale. It is new and was I p 7 i )nhj _„ ea _ ote . drafts built at a cost of five to six thousand dollars. It I the United States, giving prompter®” tarns. Will be sold for Fifteen Hundred Dollars cash. Apply to NISBETS A JACKSON, deck 12t Attorney*, Macon, Go. not lm MUSIC. MILLS HOUSE, I CHARLESTON, - * SOUTH CABOLISA music at 10 eopies for $1. 300 fine’Violins, — — ... . Guitars, and a good many other instruments, which, I to no hotel in the South. as^wo have concluded to give up business, will be sold for one-half of the old price. Also, all kinds sold for one-half of tbe old price. Also, all ““d? I - T J rS° of noveb, books, paper and writing material will I Hotel, Montreal, r>psdq D. C: BURNETT, Proprietor. Late proprietor of St. James Hotel and OtUcd - -- - - dec3 3m be sold at’same rates. To this last tho attention of | school teachers is directed. nov29-tf FOR SALE. O NE vory fine set of Fu mi tore. Ten shores I Macon Building and Isian Jksoociation Stock. | deCtf COLLINS & HEATH. dec3 3m PULASKI HOUSE, | SAVANNAH, .... GEORGIA- Fronting South, s'Frontage of 273 Feet. WM. H. WELLBERGER, Proprietor. FOR RENT—HOTEL. rpHE bouse formerly known as the “Kiddo _L House,” now “Haye House,” in Cuthbert, Ga., for rent for year 1872. ‘ ’ WM. D- KIDDOO, Trustee, Cutb&ert, Ga. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. BBOADWAT, KIW IQ*Z, 88-8 n. i. powers, ocujdkm* proprietor