The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, December 15, 1871, Image 1

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— AND BY Clisby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1871. Number 6,203 Manila Tclegrnpli Ilnlldlnc, JI»coc, X. wrapt and Messenger, on* year <10 00 H'.i month* 6 00 On, month 1 00 g nu-*'*»Uy Telegraph and Messenger, 1 j uf 4 00 Six month* 3 00 SUromoto Weekly Telegraph and Maaaaoger, 66 coltunna, 1 year t 04 Bix month* 1 SO Parable alway* In advance, and paper .topped ■ when the money ran* out, nnleea renewed, txraaoio MiaintBa with j. w. araxx £ oo.'a rumjcanom. Duly Telegraph A Messenger and Farm and Home . ..til 00 Weekly Telegraph and Meaaenger and Farm and Bom* 4 00 •ieml-Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and Farm and Hwm . t , 500 I.athere Christian adrooate with Weekly.... 0 00 burke* Magaxine 4 00 Tin* arrangement ta when remittance* are made dneot to the oflloe of publication. The consolidated Telegraph and Messenger rf;<re*eot* a large eircnlation. pervading Middle, eoatbern and Soothwartarn Georgia and Wert • llama and Middle Florida. Advertisement ....unable rate*, la the Weakly at on* dollar per -i’lare of throe-quarter* of an Inch, eeehpabbca* uu. Uemiuaneea abonld be mad* by express, a* < m.ll in mono, order*or registered letter*. M-rret Aaaoclatlon* unit the 1‘rewr- a at Ion ol the Klglnn of Volrr*. We take the following intereatiag remark* upon thee* aobjocta from tb* eloeaof lion. B»v- erdy Johnson's argument before Jndg* Bond, in ib* Ka klox cases, at Colombia, H. C., on the flth mat. Be said r May it please your Honora, no man, an yon know, air, a* presiding judge, in the beginning and tbronghont Ib* eonteat—a contort fearfully d-.alating from the war wbicb grew oot of it— .u more aolieitona than myaalf to maintain the authority of tbe Union, and to deny the power „r rnr State, or any right independently of tbe i' .nautnllon, or under any tight supposed to be f .anil in tbe Constitution, to leave the Union. My voice and my vote wan, upon all proper ruiono, railed anti given to maintain the tbority of tbe Union. Hut I bad bopeil that when tboae who had re- l*llrd ageinat ita authority laid down their arm- that the war was over. I did not, in my >,«n mind, in my seat in the Senate of the Uni ts i States, charge tbe men who were engaged m that fearful struggle upon the part of the South with any intentionally improper design. They had been educated to believe that the riu’til of lacoaxion waa a constitutional right, or in tbe condition in which the Southern States Were placed at the moment tbe war was com menced, that there waa a right of revolution. I think they made a mistake—a sad mistake- hut it wee an honaat mistake. But, the war over, much as 1 lamented tbe oonrae they had pursued, I always grasped the band of a former friend with tbe same pleasure with which I bad taken It at the time of my former acquaintance with him. 'the war is not over, it seems, now. Are we in rebellion now, or does it rage within tbe hulls of Month Carolina ? They aay there was an organisation within the State of Booth Caro lina which looked to depriving aome citizens of tbs State of tbe rights scoured to them by the tonxtitntion. I have regretted it. Bat is that rehellion 7 Why, in that sense, every crime that i. perfietrated is a rebellion. Every association, whether Called Kn-klnx, a name, by tbe way, womb the I'xeeident wade olaaaio by inserting it iu his uu >,.*go, and whioh will live in all the inture as one of the olaaaio terms of the day, hectise of ita being found in tbo message. All ■ho association*, provided they are in their na ture secret, and I think your honor, tbe presid ing judge, >} not my friend, tbe district judge, have once upon a tune belonged to secret socie ties, Masonic or polilieel, societies intended to promote koo * ledge, end societies glory ing in tbe appellation of knowing nothing; bat they were haul to put down. I know we found it eo in Baltimore, and they foond it ao in Louisiana, where many men were killed in the exereiae of the object of that Know Nothing conspiracy, no doubt aet on foot for tho purpose of aooom- plishing some patriotic end; but would that have justified tbe Government of the United Biataa to declaring Loniaiana, or Kantneky, or Maryland, where tboae aoeietiea existed, in a State of rebellion? or authorizing the Praai- daut of the United State* to aeud bit troops to put it down? I do not mean to be personal, l ilt you, air, might bare been lira victim of tbe Ural arrest, lhey were political, but the vice Of *lua naltioalar society la that tt ia intaurWl to intertgfgST- v<5S m ^ °^nHl„rd requests, and no man will be ** hiaUndta q to not willing to Zt2&yt I * d with this fact, if it be true, who are B 5 upon that theory of not reoelvtngorem- ,g a man who does not vote aa they of nearly fifty per oent. more than his whole pay as an offloer of the army and Governor of 8onth Carolina daring the whole time that be has occupied those positions. A prominent business man and capitalist from Canada, well known to capitalists in this vicioity, visited Williams county and other adjoining oountiea, since Governor Hoott was here, for the purpoee of purchasing timber land with a view of get - ting out large quantities of ship Umber. He found that all the available limber land of the country round about had been purchased only a few days previously by Governor Scott. It has also transpired that, during his visit hare, be left in tbe hand* of some of his friends folly 935,000, to be invested in safe real estate. That money ia to-day in the hand* of business men in this vicinity awaiting investment. And this makes about #100,000 which Hr. Soott, of Napoleon, Onto, now acting as Gover nor of South Carolina, has invested, within tbe last two month*, in this immediate vicinity, ont of the #22,000 which has comprised tbe whole of hi* pay and emolument* since he be- gan to be a government offloer. The paltry sum of #100.000 is but a bagatelle In comparison with the #9,000 000 extra fraud on the South Caroline bonds, it ia true, hot Gov. Scott denies having made anything out of tbe bonds, and, aa far aa his Ohio speculation is oonoerned, are give him the benefit of tbe doubt. We will eharge him only the #22,On) which has come to him in tbe sbape of pay and emohunsnta—which ia all he claims to have re ceived—and credit him with the #100,000 be baa saved ont of it to invest in Ohio, at on* pop, within the last month. We would merely suggest that it isn't fair for ons man to have ail tbe money; and that tbe Governor, having feathered bis neat, ought to stand aside and give aome other loyal man a chance. How to Extbsct Comx—If coffee, after roasting, were made as fine as floor by pounding in a mortar, it could be extracted so much bet ter as to require no more than two-fifths aa much aa if it were only ooaraelv ground. An equally strong extract can be made by allowing water to stand on tbe grounds, as by giving it a boil or by filtering through it. The latter meth od ia the true one for retaining all of the aroma. When coffee beans are routed, an empyrn- maUo oil ia produoed, which, being very vola tile, ia expelled if the coffee extract be boiled. It is better to make the ground* as fine as flour, and to extract by filtration and never to boil. The San Franriuoo Examiner gravely relates the ease of a gentleman who had an nloer on his arm, which waa cured by transplanting a piece of bealtby akin from a negro to the uloersted surface. Healthy granulation at once sprang up and tbe sore healed, but the black skin spread until one third of the arm turned black. Tbe change of color is still progressing, and the doctor* express tbe belief that the gentleman will finally become black all over. Fiona Puddixo.—Take one quart of sweet milk, one teaapoonful salt, half a teacup of sugar; mix, boil and thicken with one teacup of wheat flour, wet with cold milk and stir until it boils again, then remove tbe fire. When half eold add two well-beaten eggs, and flavor with nutmeg or lemon. Add resins if you obooee. Bako half an hour. To be eaten col J, with or without sweetened cream. A worthy tempo ran oo advocate who was en gaged in getting np facts for a new lecture, vis ited a penitentiary to learn tbe experience of the oonvicts. Addressing the first prisoner he came to, a burly borflar, be said: **Uy friend, did whiskey have anything to do with bringing yon here 7" “Yes, it had all to do with it.” “How eo?" “Why tbe Judge and jury who tried me were all drunk.” Thz Jacksonville (Ala.) Bepnbliean says there is a lady living at Columbiana, Shelby county, who gave birth to a child a few days ago, at the e of seventy-three years. She is the mother several children, the youngest of whicb, be fore this one, in thirty.two years old, and the mother of several ohildren also. The old lady is doing well at last accounts. A xotnro lady became so dissatisfied with her lover that she dismissed him. Iu revenge be threatened to publish ber letters to him. “ Very well,” replied tbe lady; “I have do reason to be ashamed of any part of my letters exoept tbe addraaa." DR. LIVER REGULATOR _ 0B MEDICINE, fcrDyi- JauuJire. Coitiveeew. CampDys- GARDENSEEDS Fresh and Genuine, just arrived at J. H. ZEILIN & CO.'S. eatSTT, Siek Headache, chrocie PUrrhsa. affection, of .£• Bladder sod Kidneys, F**ar Nervoaraaas. Ckillr, Disease* of the akin, impurity of the Blood. Melancholy or De rre-rion ofSpfrita. ate. Moat of th# ailment. 1— - - ■ “ orjlill lot dil#U#J ll»Cf, waxa ■ uw mod prsTBisBi i , .- - j -, _ —. - nm affection in thir eoen'ry. asd sain many cum the 500 BOXES WINDOW GLASS, patient u not wtdua the retch of a phy.ician, it re- f naira, that tom* remedy ston'd be provided that would net ia tb* least impair the eon.titaties, and yet be arrive and .afo. That raeb ia th* character of tbs SIMMONS' KEGILATOK. there can be so donbt, tbe testimony of Sand rod. will ottablisb. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED Pain ia tb* side. Sometime* I tbs pain i. felt under tb* | bled*; ia aoma- LIVER h—- —, - 1 jjtimo* mi#liken forrheuma- ill ■ wr III—i lira in the inn. The Flora- aca uMlUciwi wuh ic*» of mppelitiaod licknes*, bow el* in cenerel an cojtire, joaetimta alUrnatior with Ux: the hud is trcnblod with pain* Accompanied with a dull, hravy cental ion. lhere is generally » ooBJivienhlo Iom of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of hasiaa left uodono somethinx which ou«ht to bars been dona. A slight dry ct it sometime# an attendant. Iks patient oomplaii wvarinea* aod debility: he it easily itartie 1, hi* are cold cr burr, in r. and be complains of apn locution iS the skf ratufied that exert * ee»n scarcely »ml _ In fa<t be dutrests erery remedy. Several of the above "mptem* attend the dur&«e. bnt eacea have oct-QTT' I when few of them existed, yet examination of the body alter death, has tbown the Liver to have been »xteiis:ve:y deranged. It should be ofed by all perfect old and younr, whenever any of tbe f-recoin* symptoms appear. It ti a purely vecetaUf comt^uud. ts not injurious to tbo moat delicate const Ita ti on#, and will keep the liver in hea'thy action if u ( ed properly. Persons livinjr io onbeaitbv localities may avoid aU bilious attacks by taking a dose oeea&ioaauy All eirw, fur sale cheap for cash at J. H. ZEILIN A CO.'S, Wholesale Druggists. 50 eases Concentrated Potash, 5 CASKS WHITE BOCK POTASH, At lowest rates by J. H. ZEILU; 4 CO., Wholesale Druggists. PUTTY, PADTiS. OILS, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, etc., etc., 8appliod at lowest market prices. to keep I delOtf J. H ZEILIN A CO., Wliolexale DmggUti. For childrea complamine of colic, beadaobe, or tick 'lomacb. a teaspoonful or more will cive relief. Ohil- dren aa well «s adults, eat meuioeo too mnett #u|rp«r. or eat somethin* which does not direst well, prodndnx soar stomach, keart- barn, or reot'eione**: a rood dose will five relief.— This applies to person* or all ate*. Many peraons. from eatihe too mach. are resiles* at night, or in day time are fidfery. wool catherinr. can't nr.derstand what they read* can't keep their theufhta on aay one sabioct so a* to reason well, or become fretful. One or two tablospooaful* will five relief. Jacxdick.—'Take enonfh Refolator after eatinf #eh meal, to prodnoeoae full action from the be wels every day. Freanant ladies will find sure relief from their heal- - ;he. co*dvenoffS. swimminx in tho head, colic, soar stomach, restlmsnes*. ete M etc. Prepared only by J. II. ZEfUS .1 n „ __ Druffifti, Macon. Ga. Price 81: by mail, $1 25. For s nol7tf CROP OF 1871 Tbe largest anil best atsorttd stock of ON MARRIAGE. H APPY BELIEF FOB YOUNG MEN from the effects or Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Nervous debility eared. Im- I wdimems to Marriage removed. New method of I vestment. New ana remarkable remedies. Book* I and Otxcnlars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, UOWAltD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South | Ninth at-, Philadelphia, Pa. aep5 3m IN THE STATE OF GEOBQIA. A S we sell to tho trade at Landreth'a prices, Mer chants will e*ro the freight by purchasing their seed of us. LANDBETITS BUBAL EEGISTEB FOB DISTRI BUTION. SEND YOUR OBDEB3 EABLY. dedO If HUNT, BANKIN A LAMAR. Wholesale Druggists, Macon, Ga. MIX & KIRTLAND, Wholesale and Belail Dealer* in BOOTS AM) SHOES,! COTTON STATES Life Insurance Co. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, MACON, OEOItGIA- No. 3. Cotton'i 51 AtviN, t-A. Authorized Capital 42,000,000 Guaranteed Capital 600,000 Deposited with State Comptroller for se curity of Policy Holders 150,000 W. B. JoHXSTOil President. W. 8. Holt Vice President. Geo. S Obeas. Secrotary. W OULD inform their friends and all in want of I J- W. Bukxt General Agent. Boot* and Shoes of auy kind, tnat they have I J- Mcacza Garxs, M. D Medical Examiner. on band one of the largest aod beat assortments to I W. J. Maonx Bnperintendent of Agencies, waste* ‘ “ ” ‘ ” Actuary. be found in tbe city or State. They cordially invite their numerous old cus- tomere and ail others in want of soy thing in their line, uauallv kept in a first -class store to call and examine. They pledge themaeive to sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Either at their Old Stand No. 3 Cotton Avenue, or their New Btore GG Third Street, Macon, Ga. oct •ilPod , 2m&b CASKETS! | C. F. McOax INSURE ON ALL POPULAR PLANS, INSURE YOUR LIFE AT HOME. ALL IPS FUNDS INVESTED IN GEORGIA. ALL LOSSES PAID WITHOUT DELAY. IT IS MANAGED WITH ECONOMY. ITS POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITING AF TER TWO YEARS. F. M. HEATH, Bpocial Agent. Macon. JnlBtf daeon. Georgia. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. **005 AMD WZ4TJLAW t»Ta ».S8Wfc! 7.56 a. u. 2.10 T. u 2.60 r. *• 10.25 T. it | moon asd BBCxrwic* naiuoaD. ixavxu anarvr. | 8.20 a. K. 5.25 r. M 6.45 a. m. 9.26 r. n 7 00 a. w. 7.00 r. u | Atlanta Maoon Brunswick Jacksoovile, Fla... 8.46 r.K. 6.00*.* . 7.00 r. K. 7.15 r. at ”... 646a.n. 6.45r u 8.05 r. n. 10.30 A. ■ 8.10r.n. 6.50 a.* OISTSAL BAILEOAD. ... ixavz. axmvx. ... 7.00 a. at. 4.51 r. w 6.20r.n- 6.15a. « 7.15a.«. 6.25r.n 7.00 r. «• 6.15 a. m Trein from Gordon_to Mm^gariU.^dEamn- JackaonviUe, Fla... Savannah HawkinsvUl* Macon Macon. Maoon acting ploying 'llow long may it plexxe your honors, doyou .hmk any SffloeJ of P tb. United 8tat«. high or lew, would be permitted to enjoy_his offloe were ho known to Tote against tho party in * The moment tt should become known to the I'rwuilent th© order wonld at ono© b© “Off wrth h*a head.” Do you mean to indict that particniartovereigutylhatpartyo wtuoh vou are honored member*. Due* 1 f rom Oordon to tame-ig*™*- -~ Carolina, In her pre^t government, ^ u^SZiecte with down night tram from Macon deal upon that thoory ? Has It not been oom i ^ from Savannah, mon to aU parties 7 Whether wise or unwise, °P “ oorrmrarrms nanatoan. TtrioUe or rtherwirtS «long M “V^ohr^rr^fVioK.^ I “ an aunmed right to interfere with the right of TO Th?Or*rt Arohiteet of the universe, by Hi* wisdom and power, ha* *> ordered that e planoU that flU the heaven* *h*'l 5? T0 * T ® Sirtr prescribed apheres. He gofrfa, by the Latest improvement in METAL OASES AND CASKETS; Also, latest styles of WOOD CASKETS AND COFFINS, Elegantly finished, at greatly reduced prices PEIRKrlTTTIlB. A very extensive Block, all styles and price*, I d C*raete“oU Clothe, Matting*, Mattreeeea, | Slixdea and Wall Paper. THOMAS WOOD, oct 19 2aw2m Next to Lanier House. COMMISSIONERS’ SALE. IXAVZ. AIUUYX. 8.00 A. At. 4.35 A. II 8.60 r.». 6.00 A. M ( fl Jasah) i Adams and others, lvgateea J iSis pSaae^our hlmor, 0 tT “ TO ?-“^ Ii ° AD - and iaauuot them involve ObatUnoog*... a ts:ss 1 dioappoint the 8.50v. i. o.™*- ■ and Joaeph Adam* and other*, 7.45 A. *. 4.58 r. n I L. Ezekiel H. Adame, are defend- 6.10 r. n. 10.00 a»m I ^ ^ Et p^lie outcry, before the Court- j * AB ^'vx. Aaarri. oSS 6.25 a. it. 6.12 r. M I. - „| e d in following lots or parcels of land: 8.15 r. nr. 4.10 a. n hour. S, ' and fortiori* of 129, ISO and 131, /Vihunbna 12.15 r. «. 11.00 a. m ii.kSSm place, altuated in the ** 805 J:"- 4iS “ I fi^diBtrirt^f Originally Dooly sissfattsscnassi, Titlee undoubted. f T pvp . An ALLEN H. GREER, JNO. M. GREER, Comznieaioners. % 0 .aoo«A»»Ar»nsrAMUtoU». awti 6.30 a. u. 7.35 r.: 6.30 i.«. 2.30 a. x IXATI. 10.80 r. XL 1.42 *.« 6.00 A. v. 1.81 r. ■ 2.45p. K. 10.00a.*| 6.20 r. At 6.30 A. n. dalO lawtd $50 REWARD. o. c. HORNE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law I HAWKINSVILLE, GEORGIA. V B —Commercial and Bank Note* and Drafts collected U bank rate, of WASHINGTON DESSAU, attorney at LAW | MACON, GA., eSaa -» M ■*! h53BWsass555r ' b B. BABSEfl. Fott Valley, Ga. SPANISH ^^trt°re“or 8 T We'diritke.^wweyer, to | CROWN SHERRY. ^ Mr. soon, or KBpoicon, Oiiio. I C. B. MIMS. ^rvrwTr^^h^i.^- Williams A& Co-*| rested to the flnanoe*y,- gule of 1 —dzaixs* 18— SIK^ol llalA, Caps. Fa»«lgk I'mlin-l. (Near Earle's Hotel,) NENV YORK- '£?/m**J£tv 0 ^“l id wiU do him the will do weU to patromze C. B. southern market. ^ | n'Xrm ~T*<* »SS5 ^ MCHABDS^N. 3 “ advantage to him. „ . , K ., I -Icr Watchful to their interest., areming «r sale cy Importer of Spanish Wrnee, . &&££&££££*& gsSsSSSS3?5te ^ w > esa m IT 1 Kl GQ O t-4 Freedman*BureaVorSoulhCateUna at ter rh^x t t^otom*S°ioyal m^ere whi^ have B. Sc W. B. HILL, Attorneys at Law- NO- 88 (Ur STAIRS) CHERRY STREET, ■Macon, Ga. oetSItf C. B. WOOTEN. M«SS=3SSSIaTT0HNET AT LAW.I Hi., and statesman. And to show that thisdla- _ •in rni.hed son of Ohio is • finaneier as well as I MAOON, GA. « ^.^r^lf^o^'pXn^he 1 OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, of the twenty-two thousand above- a few baa _ mentioned. .M.ntlnn to th* or- Of eotun* we wtU pay oetMly* Dr. GOTTLISB FISCH'S BITT2BS.' ^ preparation of the &%£££& ail r.’.atcr!u!s of the body are derived from Food. *® aU Vital Force, Health, is derived ftozoi the Foree iSSSftMStoLSs System to “h^e and I KervoosE»»erBr» *oJteo« Bniooanesslmprertbletreri SMS E'SKS Ladle* In de* S^lyJtrffiS’n if nains tbl* great preparation, angll lawly !ZS CD W tel CO h3 tei Sd K{ tei te H-1 CO tei Kl JR- Ft. E. RABWAY'S READY RELIEF CFHES THE WORST PAINS IN FKOJl ONE TO TWKNTV MINCTKS. NOT ONE HOUR after reading thia advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. BADWAYB READY BELIEF IS A CURE FOB EVERY FAIN. It was the first and ia Tho Only Pain Remedy that instantly atope the moet excruciating pains, allays inflammations, and cures Congestions, whether of the Lunge, Stomach. Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous. Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may eafter, RAD WAT’S READT RELIEF Will afford Instant Ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys. Inflammation of the Bladder. Inflammation of the Bowels. Congestion of the Lnngs. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart Hysterics, Croup, Diptberia. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Toothache- Neuralgia, Cold Chills. Ague Chill*. The application of tbe Ready Re lb f to the part or parts »here tbe pain or difficulty rxiata will af ford ease aod comfort. Twenty drops in half a tuniUtr of water will in a few momenta care Crump-, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headacne. Biarrbooa, Dysentery, Gulls, Wind in ihe B.iweie and all internal Paios. Traveler* ahonM always carry a bottle of Rad way's Ready Relief w th them. A few drops in water will pro rent eickneee or pains from change of Water. It u belter than French Brandy or Ritters as a stimu- l#nt FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in thia world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, BOooa, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevera (aided by Radway’s Pills) eo quick aa Badway’a Ready Re lief. Fifty cents per bottle. HE ALTH7BEAUTY STRONG and PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASI! OF FLESH and WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN and BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Secured to all. DR. RABWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MALE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; So quick* so rapid are tho change© the body un dergoes, under tho influence of thia truly Wonder ful Medicine, that Every Day nu Increase In and Weight is Seen and FelJ* THE GREAT BLOOD PIBIFIEB ! Every drop of the Barsapahllian Resolvent com municatee through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juioea of tbe eyatem the vigor of life, for it repaint the waatca of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, 8yphilis, Consump tion, Glandular Disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumore, Nodee in the Glands and other parte of the ays tern. Sore Eyes, Strumoroua Dis charges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acno, Black aota, Worms in tho Fleeb, Turnon*, Cancers in the omb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweat©, Los a of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of modern chemistry, and a fow days' use will prove to any person using it for either of these fotms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, da*ly becoming reduoed by the and decompoeition that ia continually pro gressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs tho aamo with now material made from healthy blood—and this the Sarsaparillian will and does secure—a cute is certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and suooeeds in diminishing the Iocs of wastes, its re Mir© wid be rapid, and every day the patient will 'eel himself growing bettor and stronger, the food will digest bettor, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does tbe Barsapahllian Resolvent excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases; but it is the only positive cure for KIDNEY AND BLADDEll COHl*loAIMS Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Liat^tes, Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases 5* * Lriclc- dntt deposit., or the water the small of the back and along the loins. DR. RABWAY’S PERFECT PURSATIVE PILLS, nuoaeoa, headache, constipation, oontiveuwn, m- I dhseation, dvspepeia, bUiousneta, bthona ftver, m- datamation "of tho bowels, pile, and monte of the internal viscera. Warranted to effect a positive core. Purely vegetable, containing no mercurv, minerals, or deleterious drugs. A few doeeea of Radway’a Hija will freotho system from all the aliove-named disorders I rice 25 cent* per box. Sold by Draggiete. Read “False and True.” Send ono letter-etamp | to Badwav A Co., No. 87 Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thonaand* will be sent you June23ddeod4*w-ly | sTxtr-nve First Prize Medals Awarded THE GREAT Southern riano| ■ ANCFACTOKT. | WM. KNABE & CO., | M antfactcrees ok 68AND, SQUARE ASD IP RIGHT PUN0 PORT KS,| baltijiore, md. T HESE Inetrnmonte have been before the pnblio for nearly thirty years, and upon their excel- I lence alone attuned an enp urchaxtdprt tin mrnce, which pronounces them noeqnaled, in 1 Tone, Toncli, Workmaasnip, And Durability. DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. VAITXLLA, LEMON Etc., For Flavoring Ice Cream, Cakes & Pastry. THOMrSOX, STEELE jTpRICE M’F’GCO, Depots, Chicago and St. Louis, MAirvPACTtTtmts or HR. PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER, AND BLOOD ENRICHER. SAVANNAH CARDS. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES —ON— COTTOIST. GROOVER, STUBBS & CO. Savannah, Ga. R ESrECTFULLY inform the Morehante and l’lantera or Georgia, Florida and Alabama, that their L\RGE FUUi-rROOF WAREHOUSE, capacity 25,000 bales, ia oow ready for the storage of cotton, and that they are now prepared to make liberal each advances on cotton in etore and to hold a reasonable length of time, charging bank rates of interest- If >ou want money, send your oot ton to GROOVER. STUBBS A CO.. aug29 ilf>m£w4m Savannah, Ga. l i. ooiuraBTiF. jobs maxs but THE GREAT RECUPERATOR OF EIHAUSTED ENERGIES. The most reliable Blood Purifier. The sure Repairer of Broken Health. The true Nerve Supporter. The Permanent Strength Jtcncwcr. The most Energetic Tonic. In all cases cf Debility, Poor Blood, Weak Kervea, Disordered Digestion, it surely and durably benefit,. Sold by all DrttgyisU, or the Manufacturers on the receipt of f 6, unit send, by £.rpress, 6 Bottles, which xs sttjjieienl for 3 or 4 months. Prepared only at the Laboratory of Thompson, Stools & Prico H’t’g Co, nanerAcvcaaiia or OR. PRICFS CREAM BAKING POWDER, Special Flavorings for Ire ( ream. Cakes A rastry. 217 aal 243 LASS STSSET, - OHICADO, ILL. 327 £10089 STSSST, - - - ST. LOUIS, 113. bMSJLo pqwdeB The only kind made by a practical chrimlft, m* well a# physician, with special reference to ita lioalthful- B«m. Omposed of articles that aid diMttifm. JYrfect !? because the purest. Best, as it is ihenealthtesL Bfocuits, corn l»re»d, cakes, pastry, not only whits (sweet) and light, bat wholesome and nutritious. Use it; prove it. If not an recommended, we forfeit right to truthfulnc##. *3-Many worth- Je«,cheep imitation#. Beauro you get Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder. Sold by Grocers. Mauufac- °«dy by THOMPSON, STKELE & PRICK MI G C0» Depot#, Chicago and Kt. Louis. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. MI1/LIONS Bear Testimony to th© Wonderful Curative Effects of DH. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA L. «T. GUILMARTIN «k CO., COTTON FACTOBS ASD General Commission Mcrclmnts BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. AGENTS FOB BRADLEY’S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, Jo well’s Mills Yarns, Domestics, etc., etc. BAGGING AND IRON TIES ALWAYS ON HAND. FMmI Facilities Exfcmlcd to Customcre. ang*i0d4mw6m* WM. h. tison. W. W. GOBDON TISON & GORDON, TOTTON FACTOBS COMMISSION MERCHANTS 112 Bay Street, Savannah, (in. Liberal cash advances made on Consignments of cotton. ang20-d&w6m r vnx. H STARK. B. P. RICHMOND WM. H. STARK & CO.; Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors, AND General Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, GA. Careful attention given to SILKS OR SHIPMENT OF COTTON And all kinds of Produce. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. Arrow and Eureka Ties at lowest agents* prices! Keep constantly on hand a large stock of all kinds of Bagging. Agents for E. F. COE’S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. aug20d2aw&wGm* JNO. W. ANDERSON’S SONS, COTTON FACTOBS AND General Commission Merchants. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CON SIGNMENTS. aug20 d&wGni w. DUNCAN J. H. JOHNSTON. M. MACLEAN DUNCAN & JOHNSTON, coil ON FACTOBS ASD General Commhs'on Merchants 92 BAY STREET, 8lVtNXA.lI. GA. WiU make liberal advances on Cotton and other Produce consigned to us. aue20d<£wf>m* <3*All our SQtxasE PiaKoa-have otir K«»In> proved Ovrasxncso Beat.* and tlw Aoearr^ I X ^-. would call special attention to our late I Parted Improvements in GliA-ND PIANOS mid I SQUASH GBAKDS, fonnd innoother f“ DO - bring the Piano nearer Perfection than has yet been fnruitu PAIiLUit uuumw . -a r Tir . ii.i.i, tbo moat celebrated makers. Wholesale and Ketail. 'Vunatreted^Catafosnce and Price Liata promptly | fnrnUbedc^figte^ ^ _ Mttaorfl . ua . Or any of onr regular established agencies. octlSaodAwfim vt«»nr Bittern at* not avile Fnncv Drinh. Made of Poor Bom.S'Whi.Uey, Proof Spirit* nml Refuse I-iouor* doctored, aplced and sweet ened to please Uie taitc, called “Tonics, APP“ tlz - on •• “Restorere.** Ac., that lead the tippler on to dmnltenneaa and ruin, bat are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roota and Hcrba of California, lrco from nil Alcohollo Stlmnlante ^-dey are tlm GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER nnd A UK GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invlgoratorof the System, carrying off all poiaonoua matter and reatorlng the blood to a healthy condition. No peraon can take these Bitters according to direc tions and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral pohon or other means and tho vital organa wasted fcaeond tha point of re- pair. They are a Gentle Purgative aS well ta a Tonic, poueielng alw.the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether In yonngor old. married or mingle, at the dawn of wo manhood or at the torn of life, theae Tonic Bitters have no equal. 2?Vor Inflammatory and Chronic Rhcuma- t\sm and Gent, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Billons, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, DUenaen of tho Blood, Liver, Kidney., and Bladder, these Bitters have been moat inceeufu!. Sneli Diseases are caused by VItinted Blood, which 1* generally produced by derangement of tho Dlcestivo Orxansr. „ . DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Pstn In the Bhonldera, Coughs, Tightness of tho Cheat, Dlxilne«a, Boor Eructation* of the Stomach. Bad taste In tho Mouth, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart. Inflammation of the Lunga.Paln In the regions of the Kidney., and » hundred other palnfnl aymptoma, are the offsprings of Djrapepeic. — They invigorate the Stomach and stimnlats the tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy In deanilng the blood of nil lmpnriUca. and Imoarting new life and vigor to tho whole ayatem. - FOR SKIN DISEASES,Eruption*,Tetter,Balt Ehenm, Blotches Spota. Plmplea, Puatnlea. Bolla. Car- bnnclea, Rlng-Worma, Scald-Head. Sore Eyea, Erialp- elaa. Itch, Scurfs. Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, mre UteraHy dog np nnd carried ont of the ayatem in a short time by the us* of theae Bitters. One bottle In ISchMtea will convince tbe moat incredulous of Utelr curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whctieveryouflndlla Impurities baratln* through the akin In Ptmplea-Erop- - f ..—*. cleanse It when yon find It obstructed in tha veins: cleanse it when It la foul, and will ten you when. Keep the blood puro [th of the system trill follow. ,?I£vT^^y"Sd?.^&irilyde,.ro r ei axS removed. 7 For foil directions, read eerefolly the circular around each bottle, printed In four ten- gaagea^-KogUah, German, French nnd Spanish. ^ j. WALKER. Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD * CO., Druggists nnd Gen. Agents, Boa Francisco, Cal., and -•a and M Commerce Street, New York. tS?D BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. KAILI10ADS AND STEAMSHIPS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. J Macon and Bbunswick Railboad Oompant, r Maoon, Ga., October 28, 1871. ) O N and after Sunday, October 29,1871, the fol lowing echedules will bo run: DAT ACCOMMODATE TRAIN DAILY (SUNDAYSXXCEPTXD). Leave Maoon. 8.20 a. M Arrive at Brunswick 9.25 f. m Arrive at Jacksonville. Fla 6.00 a. m Leave Jacksonville, Fla 8 45f m Leave Brunswick 6*45 a. m Arrive at Macon 6*25 p. u Connects closely at Jeeaup with trains of Atlan tic and Gulf Bailroad, to and from all points in Florida. THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS DAILY- Leave Macon 8.10 p.m Arrive at Savannah 7.45 a. m Arrive at Jacksonville. Fii 7.00 p. m Leave Jackbonvillo, Fla... 7.00 a. m Leave Savannah 7.00 p. m Arrive at Macon 6.50 a. m Connects closely at Jee*up with trains for Savan nah, and all points on Atlantic and Gulf Bailroad, and in Florida. At Maoon with Macoa and Western Railroad to and from Atlanta. No change of cais between Macon and Savannah, and Macon and Jacksonville, Fla. HAWKINSVILDS TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS XXCXrTXD), Leave Maoon 8.05 P. M Arrive at Hawkinaville 6.45 P. at Leave Hawkinaville 6.45 a. m Arrive at Maoon 10.30 a. m novl-tf WM. MacRAE. Gen’l Kup’t. Change of Schedule. ON MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-Ono Miles Sared in Distance. OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD, 1 AuaosTA, October 6, 1871. j O N and nftor Sunday, October 8, 1871, and nntil farther notioe, the trains on this road will run aa follows: NIGHT THAIS—DAII.V. Leave Augusta 7 00 p »t Leave Macon 6.30 Arrive at Augusta 2,45 Arrive at Maoon .. 2.30 a.m DAT TRAIN—DAILT (SUNDAYS EXCKPTXD). Leave August* 11 00 A.K Leave Macon 630am Arrive at Augusta 2.45 p m Arrive at Macon 7.36 C^*Paaaengera by the night train leaving Augusta at 7 i'. si. will make close connection at Macon with Southwestern Railroad to all points In Southwestern Georgia, etc. IET Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 r. M. trill make close connections at Augusta with northward bound trains, both by Wilmington and Columbia; also, with South Carolina Railroad train ter Charles ton. T Passengers leaving Macon at 6.80 a. M make close connections at Camak with day passenger trams on Georgia Bailroad for Atlanta and all points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going Nortfl, and with trains tor Charleston; also, for Athena, Washington, and all stations on the Geor gia Railroad. cur Passengers leaving Augusta at 11 a. tt., ar riving at Macon at 7.36 p. K., make dose connection with trains on the Southwestern Railroad, etc. CvTNo change of cars between Augusta and Ma oon. Firet-claas coaches on all trains. octStf 8. K. JOHN3QN, Sup t. Morris Ketctium, Banker, N. Y-; 3. N. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN AU GU8TA AND COLUMBUS. OENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE,) Georgia Oentbal Railroad, - Savannah, May 27,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, the 28th inat., Paaaengcr Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run aa follows: OF DAT TRAIN. Leave Savannah 7:15 A si Leave Augusta 8:16 a a Arrive at Augusta 6:38 r M Arrive at Miliedgeville 8:45 r a Arrive at Eatonton 10:46 r a Arrive at Maoon J 4:51 r x Connecting at Augusts with trains going North, and at Macon with trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAT TRAIN. Leave Maoon 7:00 A M Leave Augusta 8:15 a a Arrive at Augusta 5:38 p u Arrive at Savannah 5:25 r M Making aamo connection at Augusta aa above. NIGHT TRAINS OOINO SOUTH. Leave Savannah 7:00 p »i Leave Augusta 8:30 pm Arrive at Macon 6:15 am Connecting with trains to Columbus, leaving Maco at 6:25 A M. NIGHT TRAINS OOINO NORTH- Leave Savannah. 7:00 p at gnats. . v Eatonton Branch will take night tram from Macon, day train from August* and savannah, which con nect daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with the MUIedgeville and Eatonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on all night trains- THROUGH TICKETS TOALL PglSTOcan b» Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore -, M. 1McMi- hid at ^ Central IUilroad^TickotOffice at Pnl«kj | chael. Cashier First National Bank, Philadelphia. aiig25 Cm . R. OBIKKIN. T ' u GRIFFIN & CLAY, | Cotton Factors and General Commis sion Merchants, No. 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. I Will make liberal advances on Cotton consigned I tone. eepTGen A. s. hakteidge, I Cotton Factor and Commission 108 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. . _ Formahes Bagging and Ties to planters, and ad- a m ,thville, and with Fort Gaines Branch Tram at | vauces liberally on consignments of Cotton. aep7eod8m Honae, corner of BuU and Biyan atieeta. Office open from 8 a k to 1 p m, and from3 tobPM. Tick ets can also be had at DepotOffic,^ m&ySO tf General Sup^riuteudeot- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENrS OFFICE, ) Southwestern Bailroad Company, - Macon, Ga., May 28,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, tb© 28tb mat.. Passenger Trains on this Road will ran as follows: DAT EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave M»«m 4.“ p S Arrive at Macon • • • • • *4.35 p. m. Connecting .with the . Albany branch ream rt day. F, M. FARLEY & CO., COTTON C4 bay street, savannah, ga. LIBERAL ADVANCtS MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS oct 4 3m CHARLES N. WEST, attorney BAYAXSA1I, 0A, Will attend diligently to aU bn.ineas ^f m t0 | Cntbbtrt. rUPAUXA NIOHT ZRRIOHT AND aOOOlQIODATION TRAIN. 8:50 p.m. 10:00 a. M. 6:10 P. M. 5:00 A. M. Leave Macod FACTORS, | Leave Eufaubi." Connect atBmithvUle with Albany Train on Mon- iy, Tueeday, Thursday and Friday night*. No leaves on Saturday nights. OODUMBUS DAT PA88XNOEB TRAIN. Loavo Macon.. ,£5J' AT I, A W, Arrive at Macoa 6- 11^ ' j\ l a- ^ * I (JOZV:ascB manT ynnonr and aooommodatios TRAIN. 8:15 P. M. .4:45 A. M. Arrrive at Colnmbua Leave Columbus * p ; “• “ M “° n VIBaiL POWERS, jnnlO ly Engineer and Superintendent. | PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LINK TO CALIFORNIA, [ CHINA. AND iTAJPAJJ, Touching at Mexican Ports • AMD CAR.BT1KG THE IT. »- MAH- PULASKI HOUSE ot family during 1 ... - GEORGIA- ~*5?Ssri3®S!wK muds house RSKsaasastsssa biro the J ,0 to **” BURNETT Proprigcr^ \ So^eneaf prices. 22« veenie to th. ton. LateproprietorofSriJ— Hotel a^Otttod ‘iSniSnuinci hebrtfto to be a Bi>g^ier Hotel, MootreakgAgada^ ——' G«erel. iudadingrtl tb._time_tbatho Worn- - p _ ^ ZL0CK . ISHEO Principal office 101 W. mb-rt., Cincinnati. O. THE ONLY RELIABLE GIFT DISTRIBUTION | IN XHECOUNIRY, L. 1). SINE’S EIGHTEENTH fiBAMinJAl DISTRIBUTION | To be drawn Monday. January L 1572 - $300,000$] INVALUABLE GIFTS! Two Grand Capital Prizes - 10.000 in American Gold. 610,000 in American Silver GUANO. i*|R*SR!aBS!SSB^i~-i.lpoa mmas . b?m the I to do hotel in the Sont^ Pronrietcr. _ I r , nrt Uhti discipline for the State or South CaxoliM. What ha. ha done with that $—,000. He his b«ea in the State of Ohio since the expo- I aition in the puUio press of 8outh »roh^ bond fraud*, and has invested hu !•—,0<X' as fSlows: Hoi« buiUUgln Napoleon, Ohio, •wheio ha exiiocta to li7c alter hia South Caro lina oontrnct has expired, a ttMtt bouse for M. He has taken stock in a new >«- I onal bank in the city of Toledo to the amount J WHEELOCK <fc STARK, Successors to Sonthwick A Wheelock, wholesale rLAlXRS XM BOOTS Sc. SHOES, So. 10 WARREN STREET, NEW TORE- • Marshall ville. On. ' Agent nov2 4m B, G- LAY. far consignee*inU. 8., Savannah, Ga. STANBURY & FOX, | Wholesale Grocers & ConranlerclMts Import era of and Receivers and Dealers in | Wines, Brand lea, ainn,eic^ Bourbon, I ^ “ir^f 6100 each and ten 'rrixe. of 6JOO each Wheat ©id Bye WhlsklWi 1 p in Greenbacks. On* span of Matched Hone., with fjmily earruxe and filter mounted Barnes*, worth 11500. Five Hens* aad Bufiea, with silver mounted bar- Her®, worth *600 e^ch. . , i ®^0 Geld a»d Silver Lever Hunting WatcheafinrtI) XBBEkSSSB&m 22 PASS PLACE AND 17 IABCLAT alRIEX,, NEW YORK. Oct7 dAwto* JOSEPH WILDE. I JAMTS WILDE, IB. IOHS S. WMS- J.VMES WILDE, Jr., & C0„ Manufacturers aad Jobbers of jr. JL. WAtklBfi no2d6m* db CO., "“ £T - Fruiterers and Gandy Manutactorers BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. MalbW TXXHSCASH. Men’s and Boy’s Clotlilng, -m end 318 BrcAdway (opposite New York Hoa t- tell tickc-J. to whomhberalpre P-^w York. Represented 1 GRAOTCEsraS^om: I BXOADWAT, NZW TOW, J oa AU^etn«5 t mStbe addreaed. The ingredients that COMPOSE ROSA DALIS arc published on every package, there fore it ia not a fecrit preparation- consequently PHYSICIANS TUESCKIBE IT Tt is a ceilain t urn for Scrofula Syphilis in all its forma. Rheuma tism, Skin Discaica, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of t Blood. ONE BOTTLE C? SQSA3AZ.Ia will do more good than ten bottle* of tfic Syrups of Sarsaparilla. (THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS ! have used Roradalia in theirpracticc I for the past three year* and fneiy !endorse it as a rcliablo Alterative land Blood Purifier. ! DR. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore- DR.T.J. BOYKIN, “ IDR. It. XV- CARK. drIf.o.dannelly,;* , I Dll. J S. SPABKS, of Nicholas,rile, DB. K l'L- McCABTHA, Columbia, I DR. A-%- NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED ABDEHD0ESED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, 1 Mass- . !y vjr. SMITH, Jackson, Mich- ; ( y. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. 1 isSrifo. McFADDEN, Murfreas- boro,T*nn. Our apace willnot aEow ef any ex. remarks in relatien to th* SSSofR^adiUa. Tothe Medical WofiSten we guarantee a Fluid Ex tract tnpericr to an y t hey haveever used in th© treatment of dlseaaed Blocd; and to the afflicted we »y try BosadaliJ, and you will be reatorci to health. \ Bosadaiis is aU^jT Ml Druggists, I V OT only doee it save lat-or, fuel, ctothee. etc , IS but by tiring it, houetkoepers get nd of the 'siI^S'» lFores oreatly Keduced - ccr£fisr»saf«J , ssfflB, a sirsK™*™ gaaiinafagiJPsSMa vou have only to try .it. A eingla bar wi l do tee e™^ Sand — ,id then on the precedrog SatureayL * - - ■-a washing for a famdy of eight per- ^ Panama Uoil- HUNT, BANKIN A LAS1AB, « ^jj, one 0 f the Company’s Steamship* from Sole agenta for Macon. | fQr sa jj FRANCISCO, touching at MAN ZANILLO. . AU departures connect at Panama with ateamer* I ordinary week I eooe- octll-dAwtf .J. 13- BBES, UottBD Factor & General Com. Merctiant No. IM Gravier | cUco ot every month, except a un20 d6mw3m F * J. ** — i gund^y, then on the day preceding. One hundred pounds of B&ggago for South American ports. Departure of 15th touches at Kingston, Jamaica- For Japan and China, steamers leare San Fran- dsoo first of every month, except when it falls on One*hundred pounds'of Baggage allowed to each adult. Baggage Masters^ a^Mnpsny B*^g*ge Tickets, or further in- F. B. BABY, Agent. „ BOOK FOR THE MIHiON. _ - ut „ 4 „ MAKFIAGB1 | m r\ riedorthoaeabort “^“ “ re who prefer to send down early. GUIDE. An cip-:nencod Surgeon onboard. Medtcinoand w " | OQ the phjwolog- I attendance free, inal mvxten** end revelatioiii ef th* physical «yi tarn, howto prererv? sh » c<> ?!!®S 0 2i*ta”withnum- Thia is ao mterctmt | ,tI ^ , NOTICE U Ir0 0 THK AFFLICTED A . J UN- I D^Butte cSn be cocAulted, DereonaUy or by maU I wtSBssSSSSEaSBsR Mo. York. mar2I ly* LOOK. TO YOliB CHILOBEN. I THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY: I MRS. WHITCOMB’S BYRUP- WH1TCO MB’S SYRUP WHnSoilB’B 1 SYRUP. Cures Colic and Grip- mx in th* Bowels, and tacUititatcathapnmaa* of Taalthisx. Subilnoa PRICK 25 CENTS. H. L POWERS, oct8d2a* OSes 101W. Filth •treet. L-D-EINK.BoxSo, Cincinnati, Ohio. nQTlicodk vUideriS cident to inixnta and Children. Cures Ul; arrhea, Dysentery and Summer Complaint in children of all azea. „ i Tt ia tho Croat Infant’s and Children's Soothin* | Remedy in all disorders brouzht on by teethmt or 1 ‘ J $repared by’ttie GRAFTON MEDICINE CO. Bt. Scdi by*btufllat« and Daalan in Medlrina where. auyl7-iUwl» WAHEEH A. BA590M. DARIUS W. GEER. W. A. RANSOM & CO., Mannfacturoia and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, 133 AND 140 GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Reprerented by Col. R. W. Hogan, of Georgia. octadly* DOBSON & BAKLOW Bolton, England, [ESTABLISHED A. D. 1790. | Makers and Patentees of the moet improt oa tvt ^ w . _ FOB 4 cJts, | Preparing and Spinning Cotton, Kn,fe lto11 ' EnjP 10 ^ a g^BK°THBEAD I CO., Newark, N, J., o» *P" New’iik! 0 * bOT ° iadr *”’ ° r “ P '»ov^eodly*