The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, December 17, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. SUNDAY MORNING. DSC- 17, I** 1 - Not Parted. gt SOT W. **I>EIW>. Tbey are sot pared, ^o*jg» ^ ^ H«t* wandered fa in a iff erect w»y», Anr thoasb they o«m man may meet Oo winter eves or summer days. It mater, not though retina thvtds. Tfeocgh boundless mm beWao tixm roll, For .till, defying wind Mid tide, Hem yearn, to heart, and son! to soul. They are not parted—only those An parted whom no loro Their tteeace break* not onr ropoa® Who ban no .bare to oor dbbgbto. They may br by our A. far Iron t,« as pole frpm pole. Who tbe ejtnpatbetie thro l Of bear! to boart and aonl to soul. nr.HARKADLF IHDUS PIOUT. A IbrUlbW nnd Illtberio In|>nl>««t Bepert- From tbe Chicago Tribune. 1 A member of Troop D, Seventh United States Cavalry, writiog to the editor of bia borne news paper, gives tbe following amusing account of the manner in which Gen. Caster entertained some Chicago nsttora who went out to hia do- mains for a little buffalo-shooting. We can aib sure tbe trooper that no report of tbe ‘battle, which be details so graphically, was ever offered tbe Chicago papers by any of the “Chicagoeae. They were too modest for that: • • • One almost equaling it we witnessed when tbe restive Chicsgocso were with us seeking that little relaxation from business carte; which they found. After a day’s suo- coMful chase, tbe party found itself about thirty miles from Hayae, tired and hungry. Selecting a camping ground for tbe night, fires were soon blazing obeerfully, buffalo and venison steaks roasting and frying nicely, and oh, what appetites to do them justice ! Next came wine and cigars, with which the Chicagoeae were well supplied, loxuriea for the trooper on tbe plains generally oat of roach, bat this ono timo we had them plenty, and enjoyed them accordingly. The General, wishing to afford his visitors a little emunement during the craning, enter, tained them with stories of surprise and atroci ties committed by ho, until he had them exeited to tbe proper pitch for pleaiant dreams, which bo kindly permitted them to enjoy nnlll midnight, when be geve tbe innooenl dreamers a finishing touch. The night proving favorable, tho troopers were divided, allowing about forty aa an attack- ing party aLd to represent Indians, the re- mainder to defend tho camp. Everything in readiness, the party on post londly challenged, “Wno comes there ?" A regular war-whoop from tbe attacking party was the answer re- oeived, then a volley from the carbines, a rat tling fire with revolvers, shouting, yelling and screaming—tho attacking party making use of all the Indian imaginable, and a great deal more. Tbe sleepers were by this time certainly wide-awake and made to understand wbst was tlie matter—that they were expeoted to fight if they expected ever again to see Chicago. The brave defenders fought nobly, shooting high in tbo air, entreating tbo Cbioagoeas to stand firm, fight for their homes and firesides, and to fight, bleed and dlo for tbeir coun try—never let tbe Stan, and Stripes be dis graced by allowing a few hundrod bloody Indians to whip us; nut moro lban ten to one at most, probably less; what's tbo coun try good for if not worth fighting for ? Some of iheiu did fight, and from them Ibe moat danger waa apprehended, as they fired at instead of over their antagonists. Of course they were qntekly placed nuder the wagons to keep them Irom shooting somebody. During tbe loll, one festive old chap was beard bewailing bis fste bitterly: “Oti, why did I leave my home and family, friends and business, every comfort In tbo world, to come out here nnd be scalped by tbs bloody lodians? Ob, dear, ob, dear, wbat shall I do toboaaved'f" At this, some one told hmi to grabn root; but bo said be cotildn't find tbe root. “Fifty dollars to any one that will take me ont of this," but there was no taker. Tbe fight lusted nosr one hour. Oo- cssionally acme one would drop, and either crawl away or be carried by a few comrades, when be would, of course, be all right and again pitch in. Finally viotory was declared for the defendera; and thm it waa tbe few remaining on Ibe list of wonudod received all thooare pos- aible, which meant plenty of wine. Quite a number wished they bad remained wounded, but it was too Isto for that. In tbe morning the wounded were reported sent to camp, but some of tbe inquisitive wished lo know wbat became of the killed and wounded Indians. “Oh, they are always earned off of tbo field a. soon aa they fall." That settled the matter. Whotber Ibe visitor, were informod of tho true state of affairs before their return home, I never loomed. One of them said be wouli^ have an aoconnt of the fight published. I never bsd the pleasnre of reading tbe aoconnt. Tbe Fatslve I’olley—A S onnlerlilnst from .Ulkseurl-tieus of Hon. John N fillip'.. Hr. Lotts, December 10.—John 8. l’helpe, for many years member of Congress from tbo southwestern part of Uissonri, and for a long time Chairman of the Ways and Means Com mittee, his written a letter on the paaslvo policy, which will bo published in tbe Times of this city to-morrow. Mr. Phelps says, among other tilings: I have opposed the passive policy from tbe outset; it is an abandonment of principle and will be destructive to tho organization of tbo Democralio party. Wbat can be gained by those who believe in a strict construction of the Constitution, who have opposed a con tnllxslion of power in tbe Government of the United States, who have resisted tbe attempted overthrow of tho rights of tbe State, who have opposed tbe trial of citizona by military com missions, who have resisted tho deprivation of the oitixen of the right of trial by jnry—by the adoption of this new heresy and tbe anpport of meu who have fought ns relentlessly on all these questions ? There is no “Liberal” party in this State, whatever. There was no valno in the liberal movement in Missouri, in IS70, bnt was derived from principles of tho Demo- cratir parly. Tho duty of the Democracy is to prepare for the coming contest. Gen. Grant is not the leader of bis party. He adopts whatever policy tbo party leaders dictate, and finding him ready to bo governed, they desire lit* renomintiaon. Let the Democratic party, then, reassert its standard principles, declare their aoquiescenoe in tho constitutional amend- meats, rcaolvo in favor of revenae tariff and taxes, and upon snob a platform, with gentle men aa standard bearers distinguished for boneaty, capacity and attachment to principle, who will never convive at aohemes of fraud, and I believe we aball succeed beyond a donbt in the coming Presidential election. Tho tree men of tho country not wedded to partisanship will unite with ut to inlrodaco economy in the public expenditure*, and pot an end to tyranny and malversation. I AM OFFEirfNO FOR THE HOLIDAYS, MY ENTIRE STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY SILVER WARE, F/kWCV GOODSi ETC AT EXTREMELY LOW PBICES. (’all auri Examine before PnrfhMliig. del Sif E. J. JOHNSTON. AUCTION SALE 110 CHOICE OIL PAINTINGS (Mounted in heavy gold gilt frames,) by many oal ebrxted EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS. T HE whole forming a combination of talent sel dom offered at Public Auction in this city. Among Uiia anperb collection will be found gams from tbs easels of DE LA ROCHE, C. D. MORRIS, H. HILL, 8. T. REMINGTON, H. HART, G. HABTWICK, MYERHEIM, ERDMAN, JORDAN, ROMANCE, S. ITFFORD, TENND5B, GASSIER, BCHBODER, - VAN WILLIS, W. FRIEBISH, And a great many others of equal eminence. The attention of connoisseurs and lovers of line arts is particularly called to this sale AT THE OLD POST-OFFICE, | Lanier Hoiue building.) Thursday and Friday flights, DECEMBER 21st AND 22d, on Monday next, (day and night,) until tbe evening of sale Catalogues to be bad at Ibe gallery. deeU 9t O. E- BE8QBE, Auctioneer. ~ V.VANNUCKI. ix IaAGiDH IB 23 jEJ JH. COTTON AVKXUZ, OH'. OCXL'LOKE MO. 2, T I AS just restocked bia Saloon with all the popn- XX lar brands of Wines, Liquora and Cigars, and wonld bo pleaaed to havo bia old friends, and the public generally, give him a call FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS Received every morning. noSO lm V. VANNUCKl. Proprietor WE KNOW HOW “TIE OLD TEIEG WORIS." And have made arrangements by all fast lines to supply the demand for all kinds of goods of car kind ror Christmas sad Holidays. Among them are LARGE RED APPLES, SWEET YELLOW ORANGES fire works. ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, VERTICAL WHEELS, TIN WHEELS, BENGAL LIGHTS, FLYING PIGEONS TORPEDOES AND FIRE CRACKERS Of all sizes. Sand for Catalogue. CANDIES, NUTS. RAISINS, FIGS, CITRON, CURRENTS, PRUNES. NEW SWEET CIDER OLD JAMAICA RUM, (FOB NOG.) We have the largest and finest stock in this line (our customers say.) ever offered in Georgia, and no man with a eoul in him will refuse to pay for what the ladies buy at GREER, LAKE A CO. 3. 62 Cherry and 61 Third streets. declO 2w Macon, Ox CHRISTMAS GOODS! S.T.&B.F. WALKER Have in store a large variety of goods for Christ inas. Among them are, FIRE WORKS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TRIANGLES. PIN WHEELS, TORPEDOES, and FIRE CBACKEB8, OF ALL SIZES, FINE RED APPLES, CHOICE HAVANA AND FLORIDA ORANGES. 1,' MUSIC. A T SCHREINER'S Musto Store. 13 Colton ave nue, are for sale 20.000 oopiea of the beet mimic at 10 oopiea for il. 300 fioo Violins, 100 fine Guitars. and a good many other inatrementa, which, a* we have ooncluded to give np business, will be sold for one-balf of tbe old price. Also, all kinds of novels, books, paper and writing matorial will be aold at earns rates. To this last tbo attention of school teacbera is directed. uov20-tf TENNESSEE BULK MEATS AND LARD 000 d" 03 0hoic ® ® ttlk sides and Sboul “ 1 100 Cana Boat New Lard. 60 Hbdt 0.11. Bacon Sides. On consignment and for sale cheap by ilecfi If JONES * BAXTER. r Ax ArsTxauaN Boisaxox—Australia a conve nient region of romance, being too distant for el jse Investigation by skeptics. For instance; Aa Engh-h noblem ,n falls in love arith bia mother’* pretty maid, a sort of Becky Sharp. 8o« avoids her noble lover and oomplaina that she la “ poiaocnted." So my lord takes a year's trip in Europe, becomes love sick aa well as sea aiek crossing the Channel, and writes her an offer of montage. Sue doubts, he swear* fidel ity, and marries her privately. A daughter is born, the mother die*, tho father weds again. Twenty five year* elapse; the girl falls in love with one who baa the misfortune to kill his an- parlor and ta transported. She follows him to Botany Bay. In an “ unfortunate affair," her lovor loses hi* life, end bia disconsolate lady love becomes a handmaiden in the house of n poor saltier. Her father dies childless, a per severing solicitor seeks the daughter so long disowned, and aba becomes Lady Elizabeth Mar- ton. with *300,000 a year. Fob honest weewamenta, commend tu to the “doomed city." Only one-third of Chicago wa* destroyed, yet the Ices is estimated at $200,. two,OOO; while, before the fire, the whole taxa ble property of the city, and the oonnty in which it is situated, was only estimated at $102,000,- 000 —Ledger. PawnCosYXBsjtTioN —“I, a Liberal! O, no!' said • Deputy to Jus friend. “Bat you love liberty, at least “Yea, assuredly, my faith. Boyne may love an omelette without being n Tax tedious routine of flirtation, introduc tion, ooortahip, engagement and marriage eras successfully gone through with by an Arkansas eoup'e in thirty-six minutes. Paarox la ungracious enough to remark that many American ladies, were they sentenced to be banged to-morrow, would ask, aa tbeir first question, “Havel a banging dress?" C. B. MIMS. C. B. Williams & Co. lUtff, Caps Fare, Gloves, Umbrel la. Etc.. KuC 3S * Vwwwl Merer, (Nssr Earls'. Haul,) NEW YORK. M ERCHANTS needing nice and stvUaU Hat. Oapa, rma, era., at mom ieaw^U. £££ and liberal terms, anil do wall to patrouiis C. B. Williams * Co. To my fneada, who bare so bbaaany patioousd tb<m that they shall always gat their Bata, etc.. ,T pries, to eompeto with the lowest- priced merchants SntMrmidaX All°rdara_wUlreoatva my prompt U B. MIMA. and psraooal attention. Respectfully FRESH ARRIVALS. A BOXES Cove Oysters; 200 boxes Crackers; Z U U 200 boxes New Baltins; 200 barrels Sugars 15J hbds. Bulk Meats and Bacon; 200 boxes Tobac co, very cheap; 100 barrels Louisiana and Georgia Cane Syrup; 600 rolls Bagging; 10 boxes Breakfast Bacon; 10 tierces Hams. With a fall stock of de sirable Orocerit s and Provisions, will be sold with out regard to cost. dee* tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. DIVIDEND No. 36. SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, OrncE, Maoox, Ga., Dec. 6,1871. , A DIVIDEND OF FOUR (#1) DOLLARS per share baa been this day declared on tbe Capi tal Stock of this Company, aa bold on tho night of 80tb ultimo, payable on aud after 20th instant, in tbe currency of the United States aa now received. The Government Tax will be paid by Ibis Com pany. Stockholders in Savannah will recoivo their Divt denda at tbe Central Railroad Bank declO lm JNO.T BOIFKIULLET. Treaanrer. DIVIDEND NO. 53 TREASURER’S OFFICE. > Macox axn Wsstbsx Raruoan Co - Macox. Oa., November 6,1871. ) A DIVIDEND of (6) five iter cent, on tlie Capi tal Block of this Company baa this day been declared payable on tbe 20Ut Inst. MILO a FREEMAN. dec8 lm Secretary and Treaanrer. Valuable Property for Sale. U NDER an order of tbo Ordinaryof Bibb county I will sell tbe bonae and lot in Vineville be longing to tbo estate of Dr. E. C. Williamson, before tbo Court-boose door in tbe city of Msoon, between the legal hoars or sale, on tbe first Tuesday in Jan uary next. Terms oasb. JAMES T.NISBET. _ nov23 tda Adm’r with will annexed. good Times to eat, 100 HOG3, weighing 125 pounds each. 1,000 lbs. Fat Turkeys and Chickens. 600 lbs. Spars Bibs and Back-bone*. 25 Cans New Lard. Choice Tennessee Beef. Far sale cheap at J. H. ANDERSON A SON'S, dec5-tf No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. IVMRi; IN THE STROSOtSr C011 PA NT. INSURANCE COMPANY. Cash Assets. Gold. - . S10.SG9.079 Of Assets in the United States . • ■ fiS.05i.361 21 Chicago LofifiM - 83,224,000 Over Two Million Dollars of Chicago Lasses have been peid in Cash up to November 25. Over 013,000,000 Loesea have been paid by this Company since its organization in 1836. The Directors having been authorized to drew npon the Londoo Office, tbs Chicago Losses will be pari without reducing tbe Assets in the United states. Over One Million Dollars in Premiums received in tbe United States since tbe Chicago Fire. del5tf I C. PLANT. Agent. ELECTION NOTICE. n EORGIA, TWIGGS OOUSTY—A vacancy liav- VJT mg occurred in the Cleik's office of the Supe rior Court of said county by tbe resignation of tbe former Clark, Mr John H. Fitzpatr-ck, it is there fore ordered by the Ordinary of said county n>»r an citation be held at tbe different precincts in said county to fill said vacancy on Satnrdav, tbe 30th ‘ December, 1871. td J. V. BURKETT. Ordinary CUBA MOLASSES. »)A HHPS. Choice Cuba Molaater, tbe best srti- _ V ‘ da of Molasses in tbs market for retail- Also 10 hbds. sad 60 bbla of re boiled Molluscs. For sale by dees tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. FANCY and PLAIN CANDIES, beat in the market RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, FIGS, ALMONDS AND NUTS OF ALL KINDS. JELLIES, PBE8ERVE8, BBANDIED FRUITS, CANNED GOODS OF EVERY KIND; FANCY IMPORTED and AMERICAN CRACKERS. PICKLES OF EVERY VARIETY, Choice Goshen Batter, Young America, Pineapple, Eiom and Cream Cheese, FINE OLD JAMAICA BUM, WHISKIES, BRANDIES, AND WINES, SWEET NEWARK CIDER CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. IN TIIE MARKET DEPARTMENT We are eeoond to none in the State. TENNESSEE BEEF, PORE, AND SAUSAGE, DBESSED TURKEYS, CHICKENS. DUCKS, RABBITS. SQUIRRELS, WILD DUCKS, PARTRIDGES BLACK FISH, MULLET, OYSTERS SWEET ORANGES. APPLES, BANANAS, PINEAPPLES, C0C0ANUT8, etc. J. W. BURKE & GO, OO KECO.ND STREET, Jl.k< ON, OA., Hm on ban4 and for aala 1 Presont! ANNUALSAND ALEUMS. POETICiYIr WORKS Scott Milton, Pope, Shakspeare, Moore, Cowpcr, Borne, Byron, Southey, Montgomery, Lady of tbe Lake. Campbell, Poetry of Flowers, Eliza Cook, Words worth, Lolls Rookb, Mrs- Norton, Coleridge, Mrs. Homans, Goldsmith, Thomson all Poets, i and Grey, and HANDSOMELY AND ELEGANTLY BOUND, At Price ranging from $1 23 to $10 OO. The Household Series, HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH, Bevelled boards, gilt edges, and relocated titles; with illuetretione by John Gilbert, Birket Foster, E. U. Oorbould, J. Wolf, and others. Per trot 9160. Cowper. Illustrated by Birket Foster. Edited by WilmoL Milton's Poetical Works. Illustrated by Harvey. Illaetrated by Bir- Wordewortli'a Poetical Works, ket Foster. Southey's Joan of Arc. and Minor rooms. Ill tnted by John Gilbert. Goldsmith, Johnson, Rbenntono and Smollett, luatreted by John Gilbert. Kirke Wliito. By Southey. Illustrated by Birket Foster. Bums. Illustrated by John Gilbert. Moore* (Thomas) rooms, lllustretod by E. H. Oorbould. Byron's rooms, others. Illustrated by Gilbert, Wolf and Illustrated by John Gil- Jamee Montgomery's Poems, tvilh plates by John Gilbert. Bcott's Poetical Works, with illustrations by E. H. Oorbould. Herbert's Works, with illustrations by Dalziel. Campbell's (Thomas) roetical Works, with ilustra- tions by John Gilbert. Lover's Poetical Wort*. Illustrated by John Gil bert and Birkot Foster. Bloomfiohl'i 1’otmt. Illustrated by Bit ket Foster. Bbakepeare’a Cumpleio Works. Uluatratod by John Gilbert. Chaucer's roetical Works. Oorbould. Illustrated by E. II. Goods for Christmas 1 GEO. R BARKER Offers the following Goods for Christmas: O LD JAMAICA BUM, Old Henneesy Brandy, California Brandy, Sherry Wine, Port Wine, Holland Gin, Heidsick Champagne, • California Chan Champagne Messino Pouch, Citron, Currauta, Preserved Ginger, • Assorted Jellies, Raisins. Nuts of all kinds, Assorted Candies, Canned Goods of all kinds, Lunch Milk Biscuit, Mince Meat. Cigars of all grades. Together with a full stock of Family Groceries. All of which will be sold cheap, dell fit OEO. R. BARKER, 46 Cotton avs. NOTCIE. R ESOLVED, That bids be received until tbe 20th day of December for working tbo streets and keeping np bridges in tbe city of Macon one —r. beginning January J, 1872, Contractor to give d for tbe faitbfal performance of contract, and famish a Bnperintendent approved by Council, who must remain with tbe binds during work boon, and work aa directed by Council. Contractor to furnish and keep up daring tbe year the following outfit—all to be first-class—namely: Ten men (one at leastto be a carpenter); seven boys not leas than fifteen yean old: seven mules, certs and harness complete; one two-bone wagon and harness, com plete; one two-boras plow with gear; oni two-bone scraper with gear; twelve shovels, twelve picks; six spades; four chop-axes; one breed axe; four hatohets; two hammers; two handsaws; one cross-cut saw; two crowbars, and all other tools necessary for keeping up slroeta and bridges. Moles, carta and imp’ementa can be purchased from tbe city on Reasonable Terms Also, bide for keeping up tbe pumps and wells for the year 1872. By order of Council. _ „ , j. a. McManus, decOtd clerk 0. C. ONE DAY ONLY RETURN OF THE FAVORITES HAIGHT & CO.’S Cirrus, Museum, Mmigcrlc and Balloon, MILWAUKEE LAGER. th* •eeocrof tbe celebrated MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, I herewith offer the seme to my patrons and tbe public in sen- arel. Coma and try tbe best Beer m tbe United J. VALENTINO WASHINGTON DESSAU, ATTORNEY AT UW oct24-lw» M AI Ofl, GA~, ctiift in the Ccnrta of Macon Ofrcuil; With Xisbete A Jackton. FOR SALE OR RENT. THAT Splendid Plantation in Worth coanlv. Go-, X on tbe east bank of Flint B'ver, 16 miles from Albany, known aa tbe Finder Town Tract, cootain- to* J3l0 acres, 1501 acres cleared and under good Mono. ■ lots of Foot, Five. , so arranged as for 1 river front. pawtcnlan, inquire of tbe trnder- 1 at Albany, or Vine's Mill, Worth O. D. HOPE. dalOttljanl rius property will be sold in 1 SeanfKtoe Hundred Acres, e •SM t° have a nver front. .1871. PULASKI HOUSE, _ ~ - - - GEORGIA. Fronting South, » Frontage of 273 Feet- deefi Sm VTM. H. WILLBERGEB, Proprietor. Hucod, Saturday, December 23, TTNTRAORDINART ANNOUNCEMENT! The Jit Veteran Two-Hone Rider, W. B. CARROLL. JTme CARROLL. La Petite ANNIE, the child wonder, only six veers old, in her feats of Eqoita- boo; Master WliLIE, the boy wonder. Pirouette and Scmaraaolt Bidet, and tbe ciorions CokymaH Clown, U. LEE FOWLER—together with all the well-known Stare.Acrobats.Volhguere. Euueetsiane etc. Mr. GEORGE WAMBOLD and hJ troops of trforming Doge and Monkeys. Giand Gratuitous iUoob and Free Wire Ascensions. . Geological additions it a hnga Terres- lial SLOTH, and many other rare anti Sacred roemr. Choice rooms and Lyrics. Bhakspears Game. Book of Wit and Humor. Familar Quotations. Wise Sayings of Great and Good. Scottish and English Ballads. Illustrated by J. Lawson. The Book of Humorous roetry. with illuetretione by Charles A. Doyle. Tbe Caequet of Gems. Choice Selections from tbe Poets. Thomson's Poetical Worke. CABINET EDITION. BLUE AND GOLD POETS, Cabinet edition. 17mo, printed on anperfino paper, and illustrated. Per voL fit 60. Hemant, Campbell, Young's Night Thought*, Lil!ah Rookb, Wordsworth, Follok’s Connie of Time, Eliza Cook, Cowper. Poetry of Flowers, Scott, Mrs. Sigourney, Lady of the Lake- GREEN AND GOLD POETB. GEORGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE AND 11ETA1L DRUGGIST, Pharmaceutist ami Chemist. D EALER in Drags, Medicines, IoBtramonta Perfumery, Soaps, Brueliee, Reliable Propri etory Medicines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Putty, Seeds, and everything appertaining to tlie Dreg Trade. Forty years experience in tbe Prescription business should satisfy tbe public that everything is put np ucnnduin art cm. Opposite tbe Pabtee of Justice, Macon, Ga. doll im Encourage and Patronize Home Institutions. CEMCM AdllLlBSlISS IMliliE -AND— TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, WITH DEPARTMENTS FOB lNCIENT ATJD MODERN MACON X*jSL3Xra-TT AGES, GEORGIA. B. B. EUSTON, President. Open Daily from 9 a m. to 1 p,m.—3 to 5. Night Class 71-2 to 9 p,m. NO VACATIONS—PERIOD OF STUDY UNLIMITED. TERMS: PAYMENT IN ADVANCE, The 1 value of the Practical Education given, and tbe soundness and popularity of many of our arrange ments and ideas original with us, is evidenced from the fact that Institutions recenUv located in this and and some of the adjoining Elates appear to be adopting them, transcribing them verbatim from our An nual Journal and G&tilogua into their circulars. There it a special Pro/'emor for each Department, thus saving tho time and the money of tbe student. The practical plan pursued here U unquestionably the best fortune parents can bestow upon their eons, enabling them to enter at onoe upon business and to earn from $1000 to *2000 annually, and at comparatively little timo and cost. PTIXiXi BUSINESS COURSE. rEN'MANSKIT. BOOK KEEPING, ARITHMETIC, COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, the knowledge of COMMERCIAL TAPER, BILLS, NOTED, DRAFTS, etc. Each of the above can he taken up eeperatoly. SPHOIAIi BHANCBCE9, Are HIGHER MATHEMATICS, the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, TELEGBATHY, ORNAMENTAL PEN MANSHIP, and PEN DRAWING, etc. ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. A department under & thoroughly competent teacher in LiTIN ( GKEEK, GEBMA.N, FRENCH and SPANISH. Terms made known on application. SPECIFIC INFORMATION. The city is proverbially known as one of the hcalthiost in the entire South. Time required to complote the Business Course, with fair application, about 12 to 14 weeks. Students called home can return at any time and complete their conree free of charge. Tbo immense business annually transacted bore affords excellent o| '— * * *- ”**“— " — Parents and guard! . and extravagance are fewer here than in largo; to $23 per month. A diploma awarded to all who pars a satisfactory examination. This is a sure pass port to business circles. Premium -awarded overall competitors to Trot. B. B. Easton, at lbs Georgia State Fair, 1871, for tbe best and greatest variety in Penmanship, Pen Drawing, etc For endorsements of our excellence in this department by the leading men of the Booth, testimonials of graduates in loading firms as a “ School of Basineea,” specimens of writing, and all particulars, send for our College Journal and Catalogue, Address BEOBETAKY GA. A0TUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Box 236, Macon, Ga. det2eodlm SCHOxIELr/iS IRON WORKS ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, G V * STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Of all Sizes, for Saw Mills, Plantations or any other;purpose. GRISTMILLS, MILL GEARING, the best SAW MILLS made in the South, IRON 1UIT tvr- ,- FEL’S WATER WHEELS, (received the first premium at tho Oeorgia State Fair, 1S71) m v ' '(-I (the only substantial article to run gins), SUGAR MILL'S and BOILERS, (the best mad“n the s/ate)’ Schofield’s Patent Cotton Presses’ TO RUN BY HORSE, HAND, WATER OR STEAM, Received all tho premiums at the Georgia Stato Fair, 1871, for BEST COTTON PRfskpo , „ articlee we exhibited). <*" H» 8HAITINQ, PULLEYS and HANGERS, MACHINERY of aU kiude, IRON or BRASS madoto ord We are determined to keep the repntation we havo always enjoyed of mannfaturinc Machinery, etc., in the beet manner, at levs cost«itli promptness, aud to tlio satisfaction of aR pilric K J. S, SCHOFIELD & 80N. tiP Having tbe beet Lathes for Steam Engine Building in the State, we notify other Rt„,„ r- ". Builders that we can .turn their tty Wheels any eizo from eovon to twelve feet. ’ Pi. P-A-SD A.P,. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, 53 THIRD STREET, MACON. GEORGIA. PRICE CURRENT: Proof Corn Whisky $ 110 “ Rye “ 130 Common Bourbon 1 20 “ Rectified T 00 “ Better 1 10 “ Better 1 15 “ Better 1 20 White Wheat 1 20 “ “ Better 1 35 Robinson County, best (5 years old)..... 100 “ “ “ (2 “ “ ) 3 00 Common Proof, Robinson County, new. 1 35 Good Broof Bourbon (2 years old) “ “ “ (3 “ “) (3 “ “) My Speoial Brand—Imperial Rye, Ky.... Baltimore Rye (5 years old) Old Gibson Bye.. 4 50 YYYY Fenian 4 00 Kentucky Apple Brandy 2 50 Very Fine Brandy 3 50 Old Peach *• 3 50 Good American Cognac (J cask) 1 75 Imported from $5 to 12 00 Fine Catawba Brandy...; - 5 00 Cherry “ 2 00 Ginger “ 2 00 Blackberry “ 2 00 Pure N. E. Rum 1 75 When leas than thirty gallons are sold to one man, some little extra charged for drawing, nov23 4tawtf stamping, etc. Jamaica Rum $3 to G 00 Good American Gin (i cask) Better 2 50 Imported $5 00 to 8 00 Sherry Wine, good 2 00 Good Navy Port Maderia 2 00 Fine Wines |3 50 to G 00 Country Grape Wine 3 50 CANED LIQUORS. Common Whisky, cased 5 50 Fine Whisky, cased $6 30 to 0 00 Brandy Cocktail G 50 Gin 41 C 50 Whisky “ G 50 Common Brandy 6 00 Fine “ $8 00 to 12 00 Common Gin 6 00 Fine “ $8 00 to 12 00 California Champagne..... 15 00 Fine Champagne $25 00 to 30 00 Rasdal’s Bitters 8 00 AU other grades of Bitters kept. AU makes of Imported Ales, per dozen.. 2 70 NEGAKS. 100,000 Negara, varying from $2 00 to $0 00 per DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CROP OF 1871 The largest and best assorted slock of IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. A 8 wo sell to tbe trade at Landreth'e prices, Mer chants will tave the freight by purchasing their seed of a*. LANDBETH’S RURAL REGISTER FOR DISTRI BUTION. SEND YOUR ORDERS EARLY. HUNT. RANKIN A LAMAR. declO tf Wholesale Drogeiata. Maoon, Ga. . w L > : Co ro tr 1 KJ -3 •-3 oo O tr* S3 4—4 52! ca « tej GO P3 & Ki t=3 HM CK Ki 5" a- £5 o € X o r~ m co > r Fl r* £> c: O 73 & m > r Fl 73 CD Z o o £0 0 'St (£} & CD fl e & CQ fl fl « 60 AND EXAMINE THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES At No. 86 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. J ACOB SCHALL, H AVING received li;a extensive Fall stock of BOOT3 and SHOES, takes pleasure i hia patrons, and tho trade generally, that he is fully prepared to serve hit XI hie patrons, and tho traio generally, that he is fully prepared to eerve Eg cnstemere^iih'evfrl 0 thing in his lme, from the common Brogan to the fine«t French Boote and Gaitera Have . , "7 direct from the manufactories, ho cm offer superior inducements in prices and ho lisa i i ™ opportunity of sustaining hia woll-oarned repntation for superiority of goods’ ” ' no He would further announce to the trade, and especially to shoemakers in jfacou and , has on hand a large supply ofUeather and Findings, with which he can serve them at ratoa ii rfn vorably compare with those of any Southern establishment. Their attention is particnlariv ,.,7 A! fact that he oan famish Leather cut to all sizes, crimped Fronts, Bootlegs ready-fitted S kinds, oto . at a very small margin. ‘ .oppeisorall In the Custom Work department, bo still omploys first-class, snporior workmen and hia cnf!n can be supplied, now as ever, with Boots and Shoes, of the finest French calf-skin and the rate workmanship, at ebort notioe. ■ al ' 0 ' JACOB SCHALL. eeplO 3m 8C CHERRY BTREET. MACON C.FQRGIA W. & E. P. TAYLOR, Corner Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, -DEALERS IN— Furniture, Carpetings KUGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES. ETC. IVIETALJC BURIAL CASES AND CASKETS, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. CTOrders by Telegraph promptly attended to. novlfi Sm ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. H aWING perfected my arrangomenta to corroct tbe alighteat error in the timo-keepim» of niy fine Regulator, by the erection of an obnorvatory and one of the moat approved TBANSIT “ *’■ * *— 4 *' * nd stars, J INSTRC- . _ _ . I will be able to keep the exact Macon moan time to within a fraction <' Cspecial Attention paid to tho Repalrlns: and rating of fine Watchm, as well as a kinds of new work made to order. iuly27 ly JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. Watch Work and Repairing at Shortest Notice, and Warranted AGENCY «F THE GROVER & BARER SEWING MACHINES. June 14-tf SPAMSH COTTON STATES I.ife Insurance Co. PKI.M IPAL OFFICE, MACON, GEORGIA- Authorized Capital 82,000,000 Guaranteed Capital 500,000 Deposited with State Comptroller for se curity of Folicy Holder* 150,000 W. B. Jomratoff FreeidenL W. B. Hour Vice President. Gzo. B Obese. Secretary. J. W. Bdekz General Agent. J. Heeces Obexe, M. D Medical Examiner. W. J. Maoox Superintendent of Agendee. C. F. McCax Actuary. INSURE ON ALL POPULAR PLANS. INSURE YOUR LIFE AT HOME. ALL ITS FUNDS INVESTED IN GEORGIA. ALL LOSSES PAID WITHOUT DELAY. IT 18 MANAGED WITH ECONOMY. ITS POLICIES ARE NON-FORFETnNO AF TER TWO YEARS. F. M. HEATH, Bpocial Agent, julStf Macon. Georgia. % ti — -— Ooegreee of wild beasts aud birds. ■TWO MAMMOTH PAVILIONS—one for tbe cir cus ac l tbe Other for tbe Muvcum and M< ::Jgrne One ticket admit:,eg Urn tSlte to b£L Oriy tw ■1VOCMCK r a. Doors epee as boor mevwoa. Admission 76 oeote. ChilJr, a under 10 ware 25 «»«-. „ W. W DURAND General AgcnU F«t 'allay. December 25; Monttzuma. zfitb; Amencna. 27th; C;.Uiber1.:.-ai; Fort Gaines, 20th; Daw,on, 30th; Albany, Jannarv 1,: H^anco or Bouthwostern Georgia and all cf Florida daring tbe month of January. dec6 fit CROWN SHERRY. TTHIS joetly eaMwatod brand of Wineii imported X direct ftoen Cadiz, Bpain, mad is csrtaitlv the purest ever offered ut tbe Southern mariut. Price per case *9W _ Unco per gallon 3.50 For sale ty • A L. RICHARD SION, Importer of Bpanish Vfinee. eep!2 fint lit Bey street. Savannah. Georgia ST ANBURY FOX, Wholesale Grocers SCoiiiisiBii Merchants Importers ut and Recsivere and Dealere in Wlun. riraiiillca, Gina, rtr.. Bonrtron- Wtaeat nisi Rye WhlsUic,, tt raaa njuaasn 17 naneux srexrr, NEW TORE. aetropolitan Works, CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND. VA. WM. E. TANNER & CO. STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and SAW-MILLS; BARK. CRIST and PIASTER MILLS ,- BOILERS. FORGINGS, CASTINGS, of IRON or BLABS, MILL GERING, etc.; Engines and Saw-Mills of various sizes always on hand. Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines,,' ’ ' ' " (ioo or exchaa_ promptly and e&tUfactorHy done. Freights to ell point* low. Bend for descriptive circular. jul7 d swkwtil&clS. H. E. BROWN, Agent. 1 ziaunge ami ,, reugut axon a ipe. nginee, etc., repaired and sold on commis- exebannd for new. All other repairs f and satisfactorily done. o. G. HORNE, Attorney and Counsellor at law UAWKINSYILLE, GEORGIA. X. R.—Commercial and Bank Note* and Drafts collected at bent rates of commiaelon, whsn paid at maturity. novKHUta^ lm* GREAT BARGAIN. I NOW offer for Bale that valuable plantation sit uated one and half miles from the Southwestern Railroad, containing eleven hundred scree, seven hundred cleared, balance in the woods. Ten head of fine mules, corn, fodder, cotton eeed, gin and belt, fanning implements, etc., a complete outfit— forone hundred and forty bales of cotion. Fust pay ment in 1872 second in 1873, and third in 1874, each bale to weigh five hundred pounds and class low middling. lUcb payment dne 1st of November of each year. Good collaterals will be required for tho fint payment. Hero is s chance to make the money before it is dne. Those wishing a great tbargain moat apply at onoe sa I than withdraw it from sale before or Ly the 25th of December. Apply to W. H. REEPE, Attorney at Law, dec5-3w Attorney aixsw, Marshallyille, Ga. 1116 in MilFACTUBB com. Factory East End Hasel Street, Mines on Ashley River. WAND© FERTILIZER, RECOMMENDED BY AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS AS A 8FECIAL MANURE FOR COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, AND OTHER GRAINS. GROUND ASHLEY RIVER BONE PHOSPHATES. ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIMB, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED, MESSRS. LAWTON & WILLINGHAM. Agents, Macon, © a * WILLIAM C. BUKES & CO., dec2 deodiwlm General Agents, Charleston, S <~i