The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, December 22, 1871, Image 1

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MESSENGER. HY Cubby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1871. Number 6,209 >r g<- T<'Irgra|>Ii Handling, jiihoii. SS?ri&nib ead' M«^«nprV 'i Mir.*..........•••• i w , .'months., r S 00 «. aotb Weekly Telegraph and Messenger. 1 ' i« column*, 1 year -- S 00 ei. pjnUa..» 1 00 Mile aiwaje In edrence, end paper atopped .1,1® the money rune out. unleee renewed. . rrr ij»(i uuonnm wirn r. w. Brians A oo.'a rmijoenom. Telegraph * Messenger and Farm and ’ Home T......611 Trlegrepb and Mneangar and Farm ud Home 4 00 -..Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and Perm and Horn*. 000 . ..| lWT i Christian Advocate with Weekly.... 6 00 - 4 00 -> „ urengemeot is where remittanoee are made ■ to Uie olBee of publication. " 7 be cuneolidated Telegraph and Manner rer ,, rceeota a large circulation. pervading Middle, J.rru and Southwestern Georgia and Weaten. . ,.uu and Middle Florida. Advertisements at unable rates. In the Weekly at one dollar per : iie of three-quarter* of an Inch, each poblica- j,.romance* ebould be made by esprasa, or 111 monev orders or registered letters, ta The RADICAL Il l'll- ■use Neeley Wends a drenlnr from Wash i„ e inn Asking and Instructing the Man aleelnre of Evidence ta Get Ueorgla More i.alllolln*d—’“If Demoernla won't Chap pne<S Let Itepnhllrana Challenge Kaeb oilier'*- Ka-llo%. Joseph K. Rrown Beta- .t. in be a Parly to the dame, and Expo. mo Its Inlqnlly. j i;a die New Era] Atlanta, Ga., December 16, 1871 jlr Jtnnr Seeley, Walkingfart City—Hm j j5r pnrete circnler, dated Washington, De -odor l'. 1871, and addressed to me nt this . M-n, has this day been receired, which is in li«M> words: if. Itrar Hit: A movement is tie gnu to so- r IS the passage of an not by Coagre-e to pre- ,iT the further abridgment of tfaa right to rote ,, the ssaessmont and accumulation of poll Von can render material aid in the pa*. „ s „ of aucb an not by furnishing Instances .utro cilizena bare been prerented from roting chaileoRoa for non payment of taxes. It will nscesaary that snob facte be established by ,3 Urif, specifying the following items : l'.rst. Lit from one to fifteen rotors sub wrdie to the same effidariL Srond. Slate fbe amonnt of taxes required, i uiril. At what election the right to ruto was dialed. , ... fourth. The form or aubetenoo of the oath nqnired In ho sworn in the rote. fifth. The number of citizens in the county Ifni prevented from roting. 1 Im object is to abow that the State of Geor c'., by thus aaaewtng, doubling, and aoentna- i.n'ng the poll taxes from rear to year, not only "•bridged" but "denies'' that right to rote vhtrli is guaranteed by the second section of fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution uf tie Tinted Suites. It niHtanors hsvs cot heretofore occurred, let ...» be made np at this election, and if Demo- C .,U will nut challenge, let Kopnhlictnn ehal- l,t K r each Other. See tbe Tax Collector and „ vitum the amonnt of poll taxes required in ur I t to vote this year. Tbiw facta will show that Georgia requires tad enforces an impossible qualification in rio- Utiun uf tbe Fourteenth Amendment. Let .tibia vita be obtained a ink forwarded to tit. nubsariber hero with tbe least posslbla de ar. Ki.closed ere blank affidavit* to facilitate u.’o work. Yours respectfully. • .♦ Isaac Sixutr. In reply, I have to state that I cannot, in any ny. psrticipste in the movement begun, as yon uy, si Washington, to secure tbo paaasge of an lotol CottgresH to prevent tbe further abridg ment of the right to vote by tbe aHaesamentand acoiiiuulation of poll taxes, etc. And I regret that any oue calling himself a Republican should aUempt to reaort to aucb means as is proposed l.y yo, io the sentence where yon say, "If in- itancea have not heretofore occurred, lot cases !« np at this election, and it Demoarata nil not challenge, let Republicans challenge •sen other." Doubtless your object will be to rooTiuoe the present Republican Congress that th. lh'uiooraoy of Georgia an, by unjaat legis lation, preventing KepnbUeana from voting in Una Stale, end to fasten that oonviotion npon tt- minds of tbo members of Congress, yon propose, if no Instances of this sort of abuse on tbe psrt of the Democracy can bo found, that tb« Urpttblioana challenge each other, for tbe purpose of producing the impression in aid of movement. Tola would, in my opinion, be a dt.honorablo triok, praetioed for tbe pnr- pjse of dooeiving member* or Congress, and tuiulMiding them, to whioh I trust no Kepnbli ian io Georgia will land himself. The Republican Convention which met nnder the reconstruction act ol Congress, of which yon veto a member. Incorporated into the ConatL iDtioo of the 8late the following provision: "Kvery male person, born in the United St .tHud every male person who has boon n.tur.ltzed, or who has legally declared bis in tuition to become a ettis-n of tbe UnitedBtatea, Iaenty one jesr* ill, or upward, who shall hoc resided io this State six months next pie ced ug the eh clioa, end shall have resided, day. in the oouuty in which bo offers to r ite, and shall Itsve paid all Uxe* which may b.vs been inquired of him, and whioh ho may have had su opportunity of paying, agreeably to 1st, ior the year preoeding the election (except at herrluafter provided) shall bo deemed an •lector." The exceptions refer to sailors, soldiers, and marines in the eervioo of the United Slates, person, convicted of felony, larceny, elo., etc. Atd in another ptrt of said Constitution it is provided that "no poll tax shall be levied, exoept lor educational purposes, and anch tax shall not exceed one duller annually on eaeh poll." Sow, as I have already stated, the provisions were incorporated into the Conetitotion of the State by the Republican Convention, and worn i >usidt red wiso and joat, and I am aware of no legislation in tbe State ot Georgia, which in terfere. with the right of an; voter, white or colored, to exercise the elrotive franchise who has paid tbo taxes required by this provision of the Const.iutioo. la case the voter has no property upon which be ia required to pay tax, he i. but one dollar annually, as a poll tax, and if he pays that, within the time pre scribe,! by law, there is no farther penalty or d.-qualification. This, to my mind, is jnst and right. Each citizen of tbo State who has ell the rights of citizenship, ineluding the right io vote guaranteed to him by the Constitution under which he lives, should beer some part of the burden, of government, and I think it will not be contended, by any reasonable man, that one dollar auunally ta an unreasonable burden, and the citizen who fails to diaobargo this light burden fist no just reason to ootnplain if he ia dented the right to exercise tbo elective fran chise until he has complied. Nor oan be rea- • 'uably complain that tbo amount of taxisin- cteased as a penalty for nonpayment within tbe time preaoiibed by law. This ta a rule that ap plies to all tax payers in Ibis State, without re gard to race, color or previous oonditioa of ser vitude ; end it matter* not whether the voter be white or ooloied, Demoorut or Republican, the rule should be enforoed. The propriety of this small tax imposed npon each voter ia the more apparent when we re flect that the convention wisely provided that it should be applied to odoeatiooal purposes alone, so as to enlighten the citizens of tbo State and thereby tbe better prepare them for tbo wise and jadiotons exercise of theeleetive fran chise. You enclose a printed blank form of affidavit which ta in the following word* t "Statx or Gxoaoia, > right to impoae span the State, nnder thi s sec Uoo, for denying tbe right ta vote, is to reduce her number of Representatives in Congress. It asema to me it can hardly be claimed that this section of tbo Con.atoUon was intended to deny to tbe States tbe power alwavs claimed anti exercised by them of compelling tbe payment ment of the taxes necessary to support this gov ernment, before tbe tax payer shall exercise this right of tbo citizen. "When tbe right to vote nt any election for tbe choice of elector* for President end Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial offioen of a State, or tbo members of tbe Legislature thereof, ta denied to any of tbo male inhabit ants of such State, being twenty-one yean of age. and citizens of tbo United Btatea, or in any way abridged, except for participation in re bellion, or other crime, tbe basis of representa tion therein shall be reduce Jin proportion which tbe number of anch male citizens aball bear to tbo whole number of male citizens twenty one years of age in aocb State." It is very clear, at least, that it was the in tention of the people of tbo United State* in tbe sd jp'.ton of this amendment, to leave that question to the Stales, subject only to tbe pen- ally already mentioned, of tbe loos of represen tation to tbe extent that they denied tbe right to vote. Nor can tbe Fifteenth Amendment make any change in this particular. While it denies to tbo United Stales, or to any State, the power to prohibit any one from voting on ac- ooont of race, color, cr previons condition of servitude, in cannot, under any jnst construc tion, antborixe Congress to interfere with tbe rights of the States to require the payment of taxes, or to impose any other reasonable res trictions, as property qualification, educational qualification, or tbe like, npon voters, provided there is no distinction on acconnt of race, color, or previons condition of servitude, and all per sona, whether white or colored, are made sub ject to tbe same rule, and placed upon an equal ity before tbe law. Tbe RepnlUlcan party bss been constantly weakened, nnttl It is almost destroyed in Geor gia, by tbe repealed acta of Congress, during the period of reoonntmotion, prompted no doobt by oawiae counsellors professing to speak for the State, wbo either misunderstood the true eoodition of things here, or wilfully misrepre sented iL In either esse the effect was tbe same. Congress has been misled and the pop ular sentiment here has been outraged to an ex tent that has rendered it impomible for the sup porters of the administration to stand before it with any prospect of success. I think it is time this unwise legislation should cease, and I pro test against farther enactments of the character contemplated by yoo, and others who assist yon, in your proposed movement. The wisest thing, in my judgment, that Congress could do for Georgia, would be to conciliate her people and .how them that it ia tbe intention to de^jnstly and liberally by them. If a general sot was passed, sweeping from tbe statute book the last veaUge of political disability that rests upon any of her citizena, and abe were left as other States are to manage her own internal affairs, in her own way, it would do more to restore leaoe, harmony, loyalty and good government n the State than anything else that ia now in tbe power of the Federal Government to do. Kespeotfnlly, JoszrH E. Baow.y. Tertunally appeared the subscriber*, each of whom, being duly (worn, deposes and says, that in thd month of 18..., at tho election of he offend to vote, and being challenged far tbo non-payment of ft.— poU taxes, and being required to swear that be bad paid all taxes required of him, waa prevented from voting nt said election, and that scores of voters in tbta county were thus prevented from ever offering to vote.” This affidavit ia worded eo as to mislead igno rant person!, »od canto them to state, nnder oath, faces whioh ate not true, for tho purpose of deeoiving members of Congress. Ton not only propone that tbe voter swear that be waa prevented for non-payment of taxso. but that •cores of others in bis county were prevented from even offering to voto. Ignorant persona might take this oath without duly considering it* import, bnt it ia hardly reasonable to sap- pose that they eonld safely and trnly ewear, of their own knowledge, that eoorea of other* were prevented from offering to voto on ooeount of non-payment of taxes. Yoo say in your circular that tho— Object ie to abow that tbo State of Georgia, by tbo* doubling and accumulating the poll taxes from year to year, not only abridgm, bnt abate that right to vote which u guaranteed by tbe second section of tbe four teenth amendment to the Constitution of tbe toiud Btatft*. In iw>|tai«g this paragraph. I remark that the tax can neither be doabUd nor accumulated against any voter who does his duly aa a citizen, and pays tbe small amount of tax annually which the CouatUttion and laws require of him. Nor do these lews, in my opinion, abridge or deny uy right of the ci'-iien guaranteed by the aec- ood terivn of the 4th amendment to the Con- atimtpH] of the United Stales. That section refers to the appointment of representatives Strong the different State*, and declare* that— Tne only penalty which Congreve has any iTltl.ll' ACTS. I'nsacl by the Grorgl.l Legislature, 1m7I. 49. To provide for the payment of the debt ot Clarke county. December 11. 50. To impoae curtain duties and confer cer tain powers npon tbe Ordinary of Union ooonty with reference to s new road in said county.— December II. .11. To extend the provisions of the 11th see tion of an act approved 22d of February, 1850, in relation to Tax Collectors ud Receivers of Chatham oonnfy to tbe county of Fulton. 52. To incorporate tbe Merchants' Mntnal Life Insnranca Company of Georgia. Decem ber 11. 53. To amend tbe law establishing the Police Court of the city of Savannah. Deoemher 11 54. To incorporate the Waynman and Frank lin Manufacturing Company of Upson county. December II. 55. To change tbe time of holding the Snpe rior Courts of the Bronswiek Judicial Circuit and the oounty of Towns, in the Bias Ridge Judicial Circuit, and to attach the county of Melntoah to the Eastern Judicial Circuit. 56. To amend at act entitled an act to altar and amend paragraph in seetion No. 2741, ar ticle 2, part 2, title 7, chapter 7, of the Code. December 9. To incorporate the Savannah and Thun derbolt Railroad Company, and for tbe purpose of opening a railway from tbe city of Savannah to Thunderbolt, etc. December 11. 58. To oonfer additional powers upon the cor porate authorities of tho town of Barnesvillo in the county of Pike. December 11. 59. To incorporate the HawklnaviUe and Enfanla Railroad Company. Deoember 11. 60. To provide lor tho payment of insolvent ooatsto the ooonty officers of Upson county, and for other purpose t. December 11. 61. To change tbe time of bolding the Supe rior Courts of Talbot ooonty, to extend the time of the same, to provide for drawing jurors, etc. Deoember 9. 62. To authorize tbe Ordinary of Randolph to inane oonnty bonds, in tbe anm of not more than (20,000, for building n new oonrt house. Deoember 11. 63. To amend an set entitled an sot to in corporate the Lookout Mountain Railroad Com pany, and to extend tbe aid ot tbe State to tbe same, etc. December 11. 64. To consolidate tbe Railroad Companies known aa tbe Chattooga Coal and Iron Rail road, and the Trion Railway Company, and for other purposes. Deoember 11. 65. To amend an set entitled an set to alter and amend the several act* incorporating the oityof Maoon, approved, December 24, 1847, and tbe several acts amendatory thereto, to grant additional pow*n to the Mayor and Conn- oil, and for other purposes. 66. To amend the Uanry Laws of this State. December 11. 67. To alter and amend aection 3895 of Ir win's Reviled Code. Deoember 9. 68. To alter sod amend an act entitled an set to amend and alter tbe charier of the oity of Colombns. Approved 8th March, 1866. De oember 9. 69. To incorporate tbe LaGnnge Banking and Trust Company. Deoember 11. 70. To amend tbe acts relative to feu of the clerk of tbe Superior Court of Chatham oonnty and the clerk of the Oity Court of Savannah, and for feu of the sheriff of the City Conrt of Savannah, unprovided for, and to point oot tho manner of ooUocting tbe same. 71. To carry into effect artiole 3, section 6, paragraph 5, of tbo Constitution of the State of Georgia, to nroteot the interest of the State in extending aid to railroads, and for other pur poses. 72. To establish a board ot commissioners of roads and revenue,* for the oonnty of Haber sham, to define their duties, and for other pnr- mcs. Deoember 11. 73. To incorporate tho Commercial Bank of Albany. December II. 74. To incorporate the Macon and Knoxvius Railroad Company, and for other purposes, etc. Deoember 11. 75. To amend the charter of the town of Ac- worth in the ooonty of Cobb. Deumber 12. 76. To amend seetion 4251 of Irwin's Re vised Code. Deumber 12. 77. To amend aection 1052 of the Revised Code. Deumber 12. 78. To authorise the Ordinary of Rockdale county to levy an extra tax, and to issue bonds for the purpose of building a Court-house.— Deoember 12. 79. To amend an act entitled an not to incor- C te the Atlanta and Bine Ridge Railroad pany granting 8late aid to tbe same, and for other pnrposu therein named, approved October 17, 1870, and to authorize tbe corpora tors to recognize, etc. December 12. 80. To incorporate tho Flint River Manofac taring Company of Upson county, and for other purposes. Deoember 12. 81. To more effectually protect religions worship in tbe State of Georgia. Deoember 9. 93. To amend tbe law* of this Sute in refer- enu to tbe revision of Jury Boxes of this State, and tbe drawing of Juriao, and to provide for tbo compensation, etc. December 11. 83. To provide for tbe taking of testimony by written deposition in certain canes not now allowed by law. Deoember 12. 84. To amend and alter tbe amendments to tbe several acts incorporating Calhonn. De umber 12. 85. Xo «"'«nd en act approved October 27, 1870, to open end construct a Railroad from Athens, Ol, via Clarksville, in Habersham oonnty, or soaue other point on tbe Bine Ridge Railroad, near Clayton, by the moet practicable route. December 1. 87. To emend an act to incorporate the pro. prietors of the Augusta Canal, etc. Deoember 68. To incorporate the Mntnal Protection In surance Company of Ga. December 13. 86. TO change tbe time of bolding Superior Court of Gordon ooonty. December 12. 89. To carry into effect paragraph 3, aection 5, article 3, of tbe Conatitatioa of Georgia. Docomber 12. 90 To change the time of holding the Supe rior Court of Richmond oonnty. December US. 91. To change the time of bolding tbo Snpe- rior Conrt of Richmond oonnty. December 13. 92. To authorise the Mayor and City Oooncil of LaGnnge to inuo bonds to aid in building railroads, and tor ether purpose*. December 13. 94. To amend Uie attachment law* of the State ot Georgia, and for other pnrpow*. De cember 12. 95. To allow maimed, indigent and blind pet- gout to peddle without license. December 12. 95 To exempt from jury doty all regularly bussed physician* wbo are actually engaged ' their profession. December 12. 96. To require Juatloea of tbo Pnaoa and No- tones Public, who are ex-officio Julius ef tbe Peaee, to keep dockets, and to exhibit them to tbe grand jury of their respective counties. Deumber 12. 98. To alter and amend an set to fix the com peoaatioo for taking down in writing tbo evi dence on charge of Felony, approved October 10,1868. Deumber 12. „ 99. To change the time of holding the Supe rior Coart of tbe Macon Circuit. Daumier 12 100. To incorporate the Exchange Back of Macon. December 12. 101. To alter and amend tbe road laws of this State, eo far as relate* to tbe oonnty of Bibb and Houston, and to authorize and require the Ordinance of said oonntie* to levy and collect rood tax. December 12. 102. To authorize the sheriff, and other levy ing officers of Milton oonnty, to collect adver tising feu andooat of keeping property in their pos'eeeion an now provided for before aceepting affidavits ot illegality and claim*. Deumber 12. 103. To alter and amend section 649 of Ir win’s Revised Code. Deumber 12. 104. To repeal section 121 Revised Code.— December 12. 105. To provide for sales of property in the State to secure loans, etc. Deumber 12. 106. To alter and change the time of holding tbe Superior Couit* of the counties of the Mid dle Circuit of this State. Deumber 12. 107. To create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues fa tho eonntiu ot Floyd, Berrien, Effingham, Schley, Sumter and Green. Deumber 13. 108. To create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue fa the oonnty of Paulding. Deumber 13. 109. To require tbo Coroner of Chatham Monty to hold inqnast in oartafa ease*; and, also, to allow certain feu unprovided for by law, and for other purposes. Deumber IS. 110. To compensate the Clerk and Sheriff of the Superior Court and other officers for services rendered In the District Court for Richmond Monty, and for other purpose*. Deumber 13. 111. To regulate tho pay of jurors' in the connty of Newton. Deumber 13. 112. To change the time of bolding ihe Su perior Court* of Worth connty. Deumber 13. 113. To oonstruct a railroad from Elberton, Ga, to intersect with the New York and New Orleans Railroad, by the most practicable route. Deumber 13. 114. To fix tbe time of bolding the Superior Court of Chatham oounty.. Deumber 13. 115. To repeal part of aection of an act to in corporate the town of Preston in the oonnty of Webster, and for other purposes. December 13. 116. To correct and amend an set entitled aa set to incorporate the Atlanta and Lookont Railroad Company*. Approved October 24, 1870. Deumber 13. 117. To redhu tho bond of the Sheriff of Banka county. Deumber 13. , 118. To amend an act entitled an act to eon Ter additional powers npon the Mayor and Council of the city of LaGrange, to regulate taxation in said oily, etc. Deumber 13. 119. To extend the jurisdiction of the City Court of Augusta, eto. Deumber 13. 120. To amend the charter of the Americas and Isabella Railroad Company, and for other pnrposu therein mentioned. Deumber 13. 121. To fix the compensation of Grand Jnrors and Petit Jurors in th - t n-inties of Rabun and Towns, and to prov; - i tba payment of the same, and to repeal all laws brretofore in exiat- enu for tho payment of jurors fa said oonntie*, and to repeal all ooi fiictiog laws, etc. Deum ber 13. 122. To inMrporate the Iowa of Sbarpsburg, in the connty of Coweta, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Deumber 13. 123. To amend an no! incorporating the town of Morgan, in tbe Monty of Calhonn, approved March 8, 1858. December 18. 124. To legalize the adjournment of the Sn- perior Conrt of E berton Monty. Deumber 13. 125. To change tbe time of holding the 8u perior Com t of Camden county. December 18. 126. To increase the pay of Jnrors of Bartow Mnnty. D cumber 13. 127. To change tho time of holding Ihe So perior Court of Catoosa oouuty. December 13. 128l To increase tho pay of Jurors of the Munty of Randolph. Deumber 13.—Atlanta Conititution. First National Bank of lacoD. BANK OP DISCOUNT, DEPOSIT AND COL LECTION! E XCHANGE on New York for sale at lowut ear- rent rat a Exchange bought on New York. Philadelphia and Savannah. Advances made on Bond*. Stocks. Cotton In store, or shipments of cotton to good Northern, Euro pean. Charleston or Savannah liuusee. Collodion* promptly attended to in ell parte of the United Slates. Our circulation la amply protected by Cnited States Bonds. 1. 0. FLANT,, President. W. W. Wuoutr. Cashier. soglS-tiioct28* GUBBEUGG & IIAZLE1111BST, Bankers and Brokers MACON, GA. ECEIYE DEPOSITS. BUY and SELL EX CHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS and Uncorrent Fond*. Collections Made on all Accessible Points. CaTOfiloe open at all boon of the day. aeptl-lyr CUBBEDGE & UAZLEUUKST S SAYINGS INSTITUTION. INTEREST PAID ON ALL 8UMS FROM $1 TO (5000. O FFICE HOURS, FROM 8 a. x. to 6 r. x. febS-tf -flVGEXSTC'ST Savannah Bank and Trust Co,, MACON. QAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS, all paid fa ADVANCES MADE ON COTTON. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, On which Interest will be Allowed, aa aoBzxn oro>. janZrly I. C. PLANT A NON. Agfa. PLANTERS’ BANK TORT VALLEY, GEORGIA- R ECEIVES Deposits, discount* Paper, boys and sell* Exchange; situ. Gold and BitTer. Collections made at all locasalble point*. Interest paid on Deposit* when made for a tre aded time. Wa. J. Andexso.n-, rres’t- W. E. Bsowjr, Cashier. nraacTOXs: Wm. J. Anderson, CoL Hugh L. Demavel, Wm. R. Brown. Dr. W. A. Mathews. Dr. Wm. H. Hollinahead. delTtf DR. LIVER REGOLATOR JNO. W. O'COX> OK, WHOLESALE AND ACT AIL. „ 0E MEDICIXP. for I)ys- w uevuchv. J Mod ter, Coitireoecf. Camp Dyi- eourr. b»ek Headache, chronic Diarrhoea, affection* •*f tke bladder u4 Kidnera. Fever > ervoa«neet. Pinceeef thebkin. imparity of tke Blood. Jlc!ae ca« !y or Perre^rioa of Spirit#, etc. Maul of tke ailu-enu here ec.nm«rated ban (heir orikia io a iieaial iirer. wkiek i» tke moet prevalent affection ia this mon*ry. tad aa in many cates tbe pa«icat i« not vitkis tke neck ef a physician, it re quire* that roat remedr uoi d be provided that wooid cot in tbe loot impair the cenuitation, at«4 >«* b* eetnre *»fe- That rack »* the eherteter ol tbe e I MM ON S' EBGUbATOK. there ron b* » o doubt, the tefiimony of hundred* «i:I e*tablUh. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED Pain iethe » de I LIVER l&aldm I 1 i3Xi |tima< mietakea Ij ik*u^ ■■■■■■■■■■■■a tism in tbe arm. Ihe • m- SuffiRSSvuFIwof«»p«tileudeiekiiM,b » elf in reserai axe coitire, fometisus alUraatin* uiU- Uxs the heed ie troubled with rain. aeeom!»a'>'cd withe dull, hcary feniatioa. There is yeuerali eoneidereble Iocs of memory, eooompauted m i painful sensation of harm* left undone eamnhi _ which onyht to have been done. A slight dry congh ie sometime* aa attendant. Tho patient eomplaio. ot weerinaes aad debility: he is easily startle J. his feet are cold or bnrainy. aad ho eompfaias of a prickly eoasationofthoskin: his spirit* are low; andel'.honth satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him* yet he can scarcely summon np fortitude enough to try it. In fact bo distroeta erer7remody. Bovertl of tho above ermptoms attend tho dieeaee. bet eaeee hare occurred when few of tl * ‘ of the body after death been •ztooeirety deraaaed. It should bo used by all persona* old and yonnr. whenever any of the f^reyoiep symptoms appear. It is a purely vegetable compound, is not Injurious to tho moet delieate ooaetitntiens. and will keep the tirerin healthy action if u?ed properly. Persons Urine in unhealthy licalitiee may avoid all bilious attacks by taktar a dose occasionally to keep For ehildren complaining -f coho, headache, or tick ttomacb. a teaspoonlbl or will give relief. Chil as well as „ IbLi - eatsomethinc whl__ does nek Hfl well, preilnwnkoonreiomacn. teart- buxn, or restlessness : ajrocddofe will cite relief.— This applies to persons of all acee. Many persons, from eating too much, are restless at night, or in day time, are fidgety, wool gatherioi ean’t understand, what they read* can't keep thei. t hotfghts on any one snhiect so aa to reason well, or I M£ome fretful. One or two tablespooniuls will give cVdice.—Take enough Regulator after eating i toffia). to produce one full action from tho be wels every day. ! Pregnant ladies will find euro relief from their head ache, cosureness. swimming in thohebd* colie. sou stomach, restlessness, ere., etc. Prepared only by JT# XI. ZKII.IN* 4 CO- .. . Drurrhts, Macon. Ga. Price $1; by mail, $125. For sale by all Druggists nolTtf PIANOS AND ORGANS, os nrsTitivxSTs. R. J. ANDERSON & CO. Agents for the BALLET A DAYIR, EMERSON, and 80UTHERN GEM PIANOS, and.. , MASON A HAMLIN ORGANS; T HESE are first-class instruments, and can ho bought on installment* of from 810 to 825 per month. Those wanting a desirable and sweet-toned icstrntheht would do well to examine ours before purchasing elsewhere. Ordeia for all kinds of music and mtuical instruments promptly attended to at SCHREINER'S OLD MUSIC STORE. Cotton Avenue, Maoon, Ga. Greatest Production of Invcntnc Genius. The Original Hono Sewing Machine. It is simple, durable, eiailj understood, end easi ly operated. At the Georgia State Fair, 1871, the two First Premiums were awarded to the HOWE for the beet family machine ror alt kinds of work, and for the beat manufacturing machine. These superior machines can be bought on easy term! of R J. ANDEitSON, Agent, No. 15 Cotton Avenno, Macon, Ga. very t west Georgia. From 850 to 8500 per month guar anteed. dec3 U 1II.\T, IU\K1\ & LAMARS HOWE-MADE FERTILIZER, TX7A8 used this year by quite a number of plant- ! Y V era, and the result fa * majority of cases is mnch better than tbo moet popular manipulated fertilizer*. CERTIFICATES: Wootxs. Ga., Dec- rater 14,1871. Messrs. Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, Macon. Ga.— Gents: I promised last spring when I purchased from yoo ten tons of your Home-made Feriiliz -r to give yon the results. I am pleased to stats that my cotton crop was largely increased by the use of your Home-made Fertilizer, and that it paid me wen. I have for tba lest three yean previous used Peruvian Guano, dissolved bone* end plaster, at nearly three times the cost of your Home-mxdo. with results lees favorable. You cannot say more than it de nture#, and 1 shall uie it more extensively on my next crop. Yonra truly, Tho*. J. Bantis. Pezxt, Ga., December 7,1871. Messrs. Hunt, Rankin A Lamer, Macon, Ga.— Gants: Where I tuod the Home-made manure it paid as well, or better, than any manure that 1 used this season. Yours truly, J. W. Wootroix. We shall this season keep on bend a large stock r chemicals, bones, eto., for m tnnfactnrmg the Home-made Fertilizer, and will sell them at anch price* that any planter can supply himself with* imod fertilizer at scoot of from 825 to 830per ton. Jpon application wa will furnish our formula and direction* for preparing the fertilizer. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Wholesale Drug and Chemical Warehouse, Ma oon, Ga. dccl7-3m GARDEN SEED. GARDEN SEED. The Largrst anil Best Assorted Stock Kortli British and Mercantile INSURANCE COMPANY, London ana Edinburgh. (Established 1609.) Subscribed Capital, (gold) 810,000,000 00 Present Tot.) Asaeta, (gold) 14,865.234 89 T HE undersigned having accepted the agency of the above Firet-Claaa Company are prepared to taka fir* risk* on the moat favorable term*. nov20 ly L C. PLANT A SON, Agents. V. VANKTJCKI. CULZS Of LiY-Q-EB. BEEB., OOTTOX ATOCX, OTT. OCXTUOXX SO. 3, TTAS just restocked hie Satooo with all the popn- JLJL l*r brand* of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, mud would bo pleased to have hla old friend*, and the public generally, give him a call. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS Received every morning. no301m Y. TANNCCKL Proprietor DIVIDEND No. 36; SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, 1 Ojixx, Ma cox. Ga_ Dec. 5,1871. f A DIVIDEND OF FOUR (84) DOLLARS per share has been this day declared on the Capi tal Stock of Ihil Company, as held on the night of 30th ultimo, payable on and after 20th instant, fa the currency of the United State* as now received. The Government Tax wid be paid by this Com pany. Stockholder* ia Savannah will receive their Drri- dend* at tbe Central Railroad Bank. declO la JNO. T. B0IFEIULLET, Trewurer. IS TEC RATE or GEOEGIA. Dcalere supplied at Landreth's prices. Bend fa your orders early. „ HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR. Wholesale Ding and Chemical Warehouse, ff«20tf 82 and 81 Cherry street. MIX & KIRTL AND, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 3. Cotton Avenue, and G6 Third at MACON, GA, W OULD inform their frianda and all in awnt of Boot* and Shoes of any kind, that they have oo hand one of the largest and beet auortmenta to be found in tho city or Stole. They cordially invite their numerous old cus tomers aad all others In want of auv thing in their line, tuuallT kept in a flnt-dui iters to call and examine. They plodge themaeive to sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES. Either at their Old Stand No. 3 Cotton Avenue, or their New Store 66 Third Street, Maoon, Ga. oct 21«od2m&b NOTICE. PHILADELPHIA & SOUTHERN Mail Steamship Company. CHARGE OF SAILING DAT. A FTER January 1. 1872, the Steamers of the Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company will leave Philadelphia asd Savannah al ternately on FRIDAY of each week, inatozd of Saturday, u heretofore. The TOIUJkWANSA Sailing from Philadelphia on January 5th, at 8 a.Jt. tho WYOMING From Sivannah on the earns day. WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, Fhfiadelphia. H INTER A GAM HELL. delltOjanl Agents, Savannah. MACON, GA. THE BEST GOODS, TH8 HSAVKSr STOCKS, THE CHEAPEST. (Btfldiue tb** are the brat) in tbe Maoon m&ikvt, at JNO. W. O’COX NO US. D jO you need good WiuAv ? then buy of OTn - do-. His bran ! of XXXX hie Uk*ti f* - n:B 8ILYEK PREMIUMS (• cup and med »i) >h \ h erer been giren in Georgia, OYER ALL OTHER BRANDS. J^O YOU WISH, AT A LOW FIGURE, A HHDSiiCK & CO,'3 CHAMPAGNE, J. W. BURKE & GO. GO SFeCOXD STREET, M YIO.V, UA.. Hare on hand and foreale t Present! (Genuine.) Jnst call and sea O’CONhOB. y^o you wish a good CIGAR at a low figure, Call O’CONNOR. t A PURE CHAMPAGNE CIDER, r r half barrels, for family nee, (from New Jersey) cheap. AUo on draft. Oan be h*d at A PURE IMPORTED SHBRRY, CHOICE OLD PORT, roil MEDICINAL PURPOSES, AT D O you wish a good EGG NOG ? then don’t fail to get some ol O’CONNOB’S Pnro JAMAICA AND ST. CROIX RUM. IT IS PURE, SURE ENOUGH. Ale, Porter, Claret, Champagne, jyOR eale at 25 par oont. letr than sold fa Macon, O’CONNOR’S. CHOICE BUTTER, CHEESE, HAMS, PICKLES, CRACKERS, SYRUPS, LARD, BACON, MEAL, GRITS AT O'OONNOB’S. Bottles, Kegs, Cories, Mels, etc., AT O’CONNORS. ' WILL case any kind of goods ordered at actual . cost of packing. D ONT yon buy of anv on* until you see mo. win sell tbe CHEAPEST. JNO. W. O’CONNOR, Opposite Carhart & Ourd'i, Chen; street. dec5 tf DEALER IN BACON, LARD, CORN,/^^ OATS, BRAN, HAY, FLOUR. 8UG2AH TIES, WHISKY, COFFEE, . /Plantation Supplies, tuns BLOCK, ’ ./.1ACOX, ANNUALS AND ALBUMS. POETICAL. WOnlLS Stott. Milton. Pope,, Moore, Cowper, Rums, Byron, Southoy. Montgomery, Lady of the Lake. Campbell, Poetry of Flowers. Eliza Cook, Words worth, Lai la Rookh, Mrs. Norton, Coleridge, Mrs. Hrm.ii., Goldsmith, Thomson and Grey, mud all Poets, !'AXUSOMKLr ASD ELEtiVX’LY B0DXD, At Price ranging from III 25 to $10 00. The Household Series, HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH, Bareli ed .boards, gilt edges, end rubicsted titles with illnitrationsny John Gilbert, Bbket Foster, E. H. Corbould, J. Wolf, and others. Ferrol. 81 60. Cowptr. Hiuitrated by Birket Foster. Edited by Wiimot. I Milton’s Poetics! Works. Illustrated by Harvey. Southey's Joan of Arc. and Minor Poems. II! trated by John Gilbert Goldsmith, Johnson, 8henatone and Smollett, ins trated by John Gilbert, SAVANNAH CARDS. JX0. W. AXDERSOYS SOUS, COTTON FACTORS AND Bcucral Commission Merchants, CaTLIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CON SIGNMENTS. ang20 tlAwGm w. m-.NCAN. j. tr. JOHseToir. w. MACtxay DUNCAN & JOHNSTON. COTTON FACTORS AND Geurrnl Commission Kcrchnnts 02 KAY NTRF.r.T, SAVANNAH. C3A Will msko litM-ral advances on Gotton and other Produce coiiaigned to uh. aus‘J0d&w6m* Hill! !■—I WX. B. TISON. wa. W. OOEDON Kirks White. Foster. By Sonthey. Illustrated by Birket Borns. Hlostrated by John Gilbert. Moore’s (Thomas) Poems. Illustrated by E. H. Corbould. yron’s Poems. Illuatrated by Gilbert, Wolf end Pope's Poetical Work*. Hlostrated by John Gil bert. Soctt'a Poetical Works, with illustrations by E. H. Corbould. Herbert's Works, with illustrations by Dalziel. Campbell's (Thomas) Poetical Works, with ilustra- tions by John Gilbert. Lover's Poetical Works. Illustrated by John Gil bert and Birket Foster. Bloomfield's Poem!. Illaetrated by Birket Foster. Shakspesre’e Complete Works. Hlostrated by John Gilbert. Illustrated by E. H, Sacred Poems. Choice Poems and Lyrics. Shakspeare Gems. Book of Wit and Humor. Familar Quotations. Wise Sayings of Great and Good. The Book oi Humorous Poetry, with illustrations by Charles A. Doyle. Choice Selections from the Thomson’s Poetical Works. CABINET EDITION. BLUE AND GOLD POETS, Cabinet edition. 17mo, printed on superfine paper, 8160. and illustrated. Per vol. Hemans, Campbell, Young's Night Thoughts, Laliah Rookh, Wordsworth, Pollok's Course ol Tims, Eliza Cook, Cowper, Poetry of Flowers, Scott, Mrs. Sigourney, Lady of tbe Lake. GREEN AND GOLD POETS. * Same as above. Per vol, $125. GEORGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Pharmaceutist and Chemist. D EALER in Drugs, Medicines, Instruments, Perfumery, Soap*. Brushed, Reliable Propri etory Medicines, Paints, Oils, Window GUbs, Putty, Seed*, and everything appertaining to the Drag Trade. Forty years experience in the Prescription business should satisfy the public that everything is put up secundum artem. Opposite the P&lese of Justice, Macon, Ga. dell lm CROP OF 1871 T: e largest and best assorted ttock of DM0! GDMO! GDMO! AAA Toni Jarvis Island Guano, which has iUUv been exposed. 600 Tons Baker's Island, pure, cargo of Ship Eldorado, landed here fa I860, direct from thu And I will mix the two with one-third pure Peruvian. PRICES REDUCED. Price List, with An&ljsis, furnished on applica tion. Sells Cotton at 60 esnta per bale, no advance being made, or will advance on usual terms. G. R LAMAB, Jr., Cotton Broker and Genet*! Com. Merchant. decl7 2m Kelley’s Bnilding, Savannah, Ga. GUANO. jpURE PERUVIAN' of direct importation, at Government price#. 5240 pound* to the ton. R. G. LAY. Agent for oonaigncee fa U. 8., Savannah. Ga. nov94m JAKES WILDE, JB. JOBS B. WILDE. JOSEPH WILDE. JAMES WILDE, Jr„ & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of Men’s and Boy’s Clotliing,' 314 and 316 Broadway (opposite New York Ho* pitalLNew York. Represented by B. a Spalding. daxits w. ozzs. W. A. RANSOM Sc CO., Manufacture!* and Jobber! of BOOTS AND SHOES, 153 ASD 140 GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Represented by Col. B. W. Hogan, of Georgia. B. to W. B. HILL, Attorneys at Law, NO- 33 (UP STAIRS) CHEERY STREET, Macon, Ga. C. B. WOOTEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA/ OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLjDCK. octaaij* IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. A S we tell to the trade at Landreth's prices. Mer chants will save the freight by purchasing their seed of ns .LANDRETH’S RURAL REGISTER FOR DISTRI BUTION. S5ND YOUR ORDERS EABLY. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, declil If Wholesale Drngciat*. Macon. Ga.* > [S3 LS f Ed »-3 *-3 cd o tr 1 « M- 525 o W M co to 3 m to t—i CD to S5 55 E5 £?■ sr sc £ Jl G r m CP > r re n e o 73 O re > r re 73 (P MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, SOCTH CVBOUXA R ECENTLY refittedfttd faroi»hed with bveryre- giixi to comfort *ad couveoieuctf, ie noweeooud to no hotel in the South- D. C. BURNETT. Proprietor. Lit® proprietor of Bt. Jamt* Hotel end Otl*nd Hotel. Montreal, C&n&d*. decS 3m K- B. STALK. A. D. WNIELOCK* WHEELO CR to STARK, Boooeraon to Bouthwick A Wheelcck, WHOLESALE DEALEB3 IS BOOTS & SHOES, No. 30 WAR SEN STREET, NEW YORK. jf. A. Watkins, - . • MareltwIIvill*, On. no2'36m* TISON & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1(3 liny Klreel, Kwrnunah, tin. Liberal caali advanced ajvlo on CouaigumenU of cotton. AUg20-dAw6m* LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES —os— COTTON. GROOVER, STUBBS to CO. Savannah, Ga. R ESPECTFULLY inform the Merchants and Planters of Georgia, Florid* and AUb&ma, that their L\RGE FIBE-PKOOF WAREHOUSE, capacity 25,000 bales, is now ready for the storage of cotton, and that they are bow prepared to make liberal caeh advances on cotton in store and to hold a reasonable length of time, charging bank rates of interest. If you want money, send your cotton to GROOVER, STUBBS * CO. t ang29 d6m&w4m Savannah, Qa. L J. QUXLMARTZN. JOHN FLANNERY L. J. GUILMARTIN to CO., COTTON FACTORS atm General Commission Merchants HAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. AGENTS FOR BRADLEYS SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, Jewell's Mills Yarns, Domestics, etc., etc. BAGGING AND IRON TIES ALWAYS ON HAND. UNiial Facilities KxtcudeU to Customer*. ang20d4mw6m* WM. n. STARK. H. r. RICHMOND WM. H. STARK to CO.; Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors, AND General Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, GA. Careful attention given to S4LKS OK SHIPttfiVr OF COTTON And all kind* of rrodnee. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. Arrow and Eureka Tie« at lowest agents' prices! Keep constantly on hand a large stock of all kinds of Bagging. Agents for E. F. COE’S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. aug20d2awAw6m* v. xETCHuar. a. j*. hart ridge KETCHUM & HAltTRlDGE, Bankers and Commission Merchants, Exchange Building, Savannah, Ga. Rxfebekces : Moses Taylor, President City Bank, N. Y.; P. C. Calhoun, President Fourth National Bank, N. Y.; John J. Cisco A Son, Bankers, N. Y.; Morris Ketcbum, Banker, N. Y.; J. N. Norris, Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore; M. McMi- chael. Cashier First National Bank, Philadelphia. aug25 6m w. n. OBirmt. t. c. c GRIFFIN & CLAY, Cotton Factors and General Commis sion Merchants. No. 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Will make liberal advances on Cotton consigned tout sep7 6m A. S. HARTKIDQE, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, 108 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. Furnishes Bagging and Ties to planters, and ad vances liberally on consignments of Cotton. eep7eod3m F, M. FARLEY to CO., COTTON FACTORS, 64 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. XIBKltAL ADVAXCZS MADE OH COHStOHXEHTS. oct4 3m CHARLES N. WEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BAVAXXAH, GA. Will attend diligently to all boainees confided to his care ang24 6m Metropolitan Works. CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS, RICHMOND. VA. WM. E. TANNER & OO. STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and SAWMILLS; BARK, GRIST and PLASTER MILLS; BOILERS. FORGINGS, CASTINGS, of IRON or BRASS, MILL GERING, eta ; Engines and Saw-Mills of various sizes always on band. Steam Fittings and Wrought Iron Pipe. Old Engines, etc., repaired and Bold on commis sion or exchanged for new. All other repairs promptly and aausfactonly done. Freight, to all points low. Send tor descriptive circular. ju!7 d swAwttldecia H. R. BROWN, Agent. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. guib: _jlorto the Mar ried or thoatabjut j to turn, with tbe i dfsooveriet {t.n the phyriolox- teal mrtter.ti tsu r^vtsHi'-uia of tie phjaiCfcl III tea. how to prmcrvm :b* com, i?xioa. etc.. This uto ia:6iff-Li^ wort ci 2L’4 pwes, with dtub murtrim iu.d valuable infori&stiob for those w&o are married or contemplate mar/iare «till u % book tuv < ro be under look » >« key end not laid cuele**!} about the house. Sent to enj one (tree of poeteire; for SO rant*. Addreea Dr. Uutt’e Dim>enrary. No. * iihtb ftreet, St. Louij. M« 4»-NOTICE TO IOKTUNATK. , « ^ ^ Before applying to the notorious Quick* wh* id- vertiie in public paper* or rain* any Quack Rem- ediec, peruse Dr. tiatts* work, no matter whet year ‘leeeee ie or how deplorable your oonditiou. Dr. Butt* ran be ooneulted. personally or by mail on the diserae* mentioned in nil works. Office, No. 13 S. Eighth atreeu bet. Market end Gheenut, fit. LoeK IHE AFFLICTED A t’K- LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. MRS. Cans Celle end Grip- PRICK WHITCOMB’3 in* io.the Bowel,, and bYRt;P. facilititatestheproceM U KS. ot Xeethinr. Subdue, HITCOMB’3 Convulsion, and over SYKLP Cornwall diieut, in- MRS. cilont to inianti and WHITCOMB’S Children. Curse Di- BYEfcl> - ISS£&*“i2 CKNIB - children of all a*w. It U the Orest Infant’s and Children’! Sooth e, Remedy in all disorder, brought on by teethin, or “RSRftStt. OKAFT0 N MEDICINE CO- St. ^lli by’bruxx'JU utd Dealer! In MedlMneevety- where. au*17-dAwly RAILROADS AND STKVXSHIPS. CHANGE OF SCH35DTIUE. NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN AU GUSTA AND 00LUJHBU3. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,) Georgia Central Railroad, > Savannah, December 16,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, the 17th inat, PeeeeDger Trains on tho Georgia Central Railroad will ran as follows: ur DAT TRAIN. Leave Savannah 7:15 ax Leave Augusta 8:16 a x Arrive at Auguste 6:40 P X Arrive at Miliedgeviile 8:46 p x Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 r x Arrive at Maoon 4:51 rx Leave Macon for Atlanta 5:35 r x Leave Macon for Colombns 8:15 p x Arrive at Atlanta 10:50 P x Amve at Columbus 4:15 ax Making cloee connection with trains leaving Au gusta, Atlanta and Columbu*. DOWN DAT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta. 2:00 A x Arrive at Macon 7*30 a x Leave Maoon 8:00 ax Leave Augusta. 8:15 A x Arrive at Augusta 5:40 P X Arrive at Savannah 6:15 px This train connects at Macon with the S. W. Ac commodation train leaving Columbu* at 8:t5 r. x., and arriving at Macon at 4:10 a- m.. and makea the same connection at Augusta aa the up day train. NIGHT TRAIN* GOING SOUTH. Leave Savannah 7*00 PX Leave Augur,ta 7:30 r x Arrive at Maoon 5:15 A x Leave Maoon for Atlanta 7:lt» a x Leave Macon for Columbus. 1:25 am Arrive at Colombo* 11:00 a m Arrive at Atlanta 1:48 rx Making prompt through connection* at both At lanta ana Columbus. NIGHT TRAIN* GO IN ON ORTH. Leave Columbu* 12:45 r m Leave Atlanta l.lo r m Arrive at Mioon from Commons 6:00 p a Arrive at Macon from Atlanta 6:10 px Leave Maoon 6:20 r m Leave Savannah 7:00 r * Leave Mtcon 6*20 px Arrive at Miliedgeviile 8:45 P X Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 r x Arrive at Augusta 2:45 A x Arrive at Savannah 5:30 a x k Making perfect oonneoUou with trains leaving uguata. Paationgora going over the Miliedgeviile and Eatonton Branca will take night' train from Oolnm-. bus, Atlanta and Maoon, day train from Augusta and Savannah, which connect daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with the Miliedgeviile and Ea tonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on all night train*. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be had at the Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski Houso, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a x to 1 p x, and from3 to 6px. Tick et* can also be had at Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, decl7 tf General Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. 1 Macon and Brunswicu Kaii.eoau Ookpant, - Maoon, Ga., October 28,1871. 1 O N and after Sunday, October 29,1871, tho fol lowing schedules will bo run: DAT ACOOMHODAT'M TRAIN DAILY (SUNDAY* EXCEPTED). Leave Maoon 8.20 a. u Arrive at Brunswick 9.25 p. ■ Arrive at Jacksonville, Fla 6.00 a. u Leave Jacksonville, Fla 8.45 p. x Leave Brunswick 6.45 a. x Arrive at Macon - 6.25 P. X Connects closely at Jeaeup with trains of Atlan tic and Golf Railroad, to and from all points fa Florida. THUOCOB PABSENOEB TRAINS DAILY. Leave Macon 8.10 p. x Arrive at Savannah 7.45 a. x Arrive at Jacksonville. Fla 7.00 p. x I.eava Jacksonville, Fla 7.0V a. x Leave Savannah 7.00 p. X Arrive at Macon 6.50 a. x Connects closely at Jeeenp with trains for Savan nah, and all points on Atlantia and Gnlf Railroad, and in Florida. At Macon with Maoou and Western Railroad to and from Atlanta. - No change of cars between Maoon and Savannah, and Maoon and Jacksonville, Fla. HAWKINSVILLE TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Maoon 8.06 p. u Arrive at Hawkinsville 6.45 p. x Leave Hawkinevillo 6.45 a. M Arrive at Maoon 10.30 a. X novl-tf WM. MaoRAE, Gen’l Snp’t. Change of Schedule. ON MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-Ono Miles Saved in Distance. OFFICE MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD, 1 Augusta, October 6, 1871. j O N and after Sunday, October 8, 1871, and until farther notice, the treiuB on this road trill tun as follows: NIGHT TRAIN—DAILY. Leave Angnata 7 00 p x Leave Macon tfgOpx Arrive at Angnata 2 45 a.x Arrive at Macon 2.80 a. x DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS KXCKPTAD). Leave Angnata 11 on a.x Leave Macon <i ?0 a x Arrive at Angnsta 2.45 p x Arrive at Macon 7.36 p.x (^Passengers by the niglit train leaving Aegnata at 7 p. x. will make close connection at Macon witb Southwestern Railroad to all points in Sonlbn estem Georgia, eta *3* Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 p. x. will make does connection, at Augusts with northward bound trains, both by Wtlniiugtou and Colnmbia; also, with South Carolina Railroad train for Charles ton. X3" Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 a. x make close connections at Camak witb day passenger trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all points West; also, tor Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains tor Charleston; also, for Athene, Washington, and all stations on tbe Geor gia Railroad. CiT Passengers leaving Angnata at 11 a. x , ar riving at Macon at7.S& p x., make doteoonnt ction with tratoi on the Southwestern Railroad, etc. CiT No change of care between Augusts and Ma con. Firet-claea coaches on all trains. ootBtf 8. K. JOHNSON, Snp t, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, > Southwestern Railroad Company, '» Maoou, Ga., May 28,1871. ) O N and after Sunday, tbe 28th inat., raeeeu^ur Trains on this Road will ran as follow*: DAT EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Maoon 8:00 a. x Arrive at Eufaula 4:58 p. x. Leave Eufaula 7:45 a. x. Arrive at Macon 4:35 p. x. Connecting with the Albany branch train at Smithville, and with Fort Gainos Branch Train at Cuthbfrt. eufaula night freight and accommodation train. Leave Macon 8:50 p. x. Arrive at Eufaula 10:00 a. X. Leave Eufaula 5 ; io p. x. Arrive at Macon. 5 ; oo a. x. Connect at bmithvilJe with Albany Train on Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and FiicUy nighta. No leavee on Saturday nighta. COLUMBU* DAT PASSENOER TRAIN. Leave Macon 5:25 a. x. Arrive at Columbus 11:00 a. m. Leave Columbus 12:45 p. x. Arrive at Maoon 6:12 p. x. COLUMBUS NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:15 p. x. Anrivo at Columbu* 4:45 a. x. Leave Columbus 8 05 p. x. Arrive at Macon 4;io a X. VIRGIL TOWERS, junlO ly Engineer and Superintendent. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LINK TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AJNOD JA3?AN, Touching at Mexican Porte AND fAKBTISO THE 17. S. MAlt. Fares Oieatly Reduced. O NE of tbe tares and splendid Steamships of this line will leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal street, at 12 o’clock, n ■ on, on tbe 15tb end 30tb of every month (except when those dates fell on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday), with AHPINWA.LL, connecting, via Panama Bail- way, with one of the Company's Steamships from Panama for SAN FRANCISCO, touching at MAN ZANILLO. All departures connect at Panama with steamers for South American porta. Departure of 1511. touches at Kingston, Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran- daeofiret of every month, except when it falls on Sunday, then on the day preceding. One hundred pound* of Baggage allowed to eaeh adult. Baggage Matters accompany Baggage through, and attend ladle* and children without male protector*. Baggage received on the deck the day before smiling, from Steamboats, Railroad*, and passengers who prefer to Bend down early. An experienced Surgeon on board. Medicine ar d attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or farther to- theWhuf ‘ft ' Ticket OlHce^on York. ' 001 ° f Gtnl marfil ly* t Canal street. North River, New F. B. BABY, Agent. STANBURY & FOX, Wholesale GrocersS commission Merchants Importers of and Recsivers and Dea-ere in Wince, strnuilloe. Gins, etc., ltonrlion, Wheat unit Bye Whlsklen, 22 Pass PLiCXAXD 17 babclay stbzzt,, NEW YORE. 0Ct7 ditrfm"