The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, December 23, 1871, Image 4

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Telegraph & Messenger. SATURDAY HOBNIKO. DECS. 23, 1871. Prom Ik CAriMian BMa*J Only «tAtrU of Ilnlr, Brutuss-niaa. Only alook of d«k brown brtr. Threaded with Klnr her* and tlmro (Wbydolwo^?) low li« tho bexl In the qoirt grave. Mold is the heart so tone sod brave, (Why do I weep?) ■ tail that dear bead acbc. Never spun shall t — - ■ Nrvor min •bail that Iroa he art break, •Nerar spun shall those sad eyes wake from that. aha sleep. Four loaf years la Iba pare street '1'iiad bands faM ,/#ktad acres* the b« (Wbydol tAep?) Ithe widow. t. world o'er. Feet that bad ranted tbs wide world o ee, ■"•““SSJsvssfT O pale, cold lips that I fain woald kiss! O heart and brain that I hooriy mi**: 1 .barge thee, still in the borne* of bliss. Mr image keep. he* where it lias in my open palm. U]Tilling my son! like a silent p*alm, iWbydol weepi) Tangled with Ian and wet with tear*. Nurrod on my heart for four long year*. (Why do I weep ?) AH will ho past in a few abort year*. Jlnahed tlie lunmll, and dried the tear*. life Willi Ita sorrows and hope* and fear*. Will calmly sleep. it list ms ti a*» HOkaiiif- Ibrre Premlaeat White OUaena of t roualy, Arknnwa Vakro fron. JntI and Miot lullrnibbynlfoh or lnfnrinled Se* Iien.-A Srlia of Terror In Uhr Oty and Vlrtwlly-Thn ■«*««» lu Ponses. Ion „r me town and the White Inhahltanta Viewing far Kalety Thr t.otrrnor Ap- prnlrd lo. In Iba Aealanche yeaterday appeared a abort paragraph stating that a mob of negroes bad bnng throe while men in Ohioot county, Arkan- aaa. From n gentleman direct from the scene ear representative, last evening, learned the following particulars of the horrible affair: Last Monday week n negro lawyer named Wynn, who came from Washington to Cbioot county recently and settled in Lake City, bad a quarrel in a grocery a to re, in the latter place, owned by Mr. Curtis Garrett, with Mr. John H. Haundere, an old citizen of the oounty. At the time Mr. Garrett and another gentleman, named Jasper Duggan, were In the store. The negro (Wynnj ami Mr. ha under* got into A DBWOTS AllOCT TAXATION, and words ran bigb until they clinched, when Maunders stabbed the negro with a knife, killing him almoet instantly. The three gentlemen— Maunders, Garrett and Duggan—were promptly arreetod by Hberiff Walker, who locked them op in jail. Neither of the gentlemen offered any raaudanoe. The only charges against Garrett and Duggan were that the former handed Mr. haundera the knife with which the cutting was done, while the latter stood at the door in such a mannar as to prevent Wynn's escape, Both gentlemen denied tho charge, and expressed themselves as willing to go into the trial at once j That evening AN AlrtftP MOB or HSOAoBS. entered the town with the avowed jmrposo of I hanging the three prisoners. From some reason they did not carry their purpose into execution, I in town all night. The next day they did not bat rentalnsd the Hberiff compromised matters by allowing alHiut fifty negroes to act a* guards over tbe jail. The guard waa kept up until ona o'clock last Friday afternoon, when another armed mob of negroes, numb, ring over one hundred, en tereil the town, all hallooing, yelling, firing off | their pistols, and breathing dire TlIRKaTH OK NXNOEANCK against the whites. Going to Mr. Garrett'al store, the place where Wynn was killed, they sacked it completely, breaking up and destroy log whatever they could not carry off. A few of the negroes were disguised, hut the largo majority were unmasked. After they bad been in town about an hour, they seat fifteen men to tho aboriff with a per emptory demand for the keys of the jail, hberiff Walker very properly refused to deliver them up. In shout ten minntos another detachment went and forced tho sheriff lo givo them the keys AT TOE KEllll. or ms LIFE. Getting the keys, the black demons went howl mg through tbe streets anti) they got to tbe jail, wbleb they opened and took tbe prisoners out. Without giving tbe men an opportunity to hid their friends farewell, this mob of bowl lng, screaming, murdering devils, took tho three meu to a spot at tho edge of tho town, and just hack of tbe honao of Mason, one of the big negro leaders of the county, where, without imtng allowed lime to ask mercy of their God, Tim WXXE SUOT DEAD. Al lout fifty bails wore poured into tlio body of each of the unfortunate men. To finish tbeir hellish deed with tbe proper eclat, tbe murder- era tben took tbe bodies back to tbe jail and refused any of Unix friends admittance to thou until tbe next day. Several gentlemen residing in ibo town took refuge in flight as the negro mob did not dis band, but declared tbeir intention of “getting: even" with all white people. Msturday and Monday the mob still kept possession of the I town. FORCING CITIZENS TO FURNISH FOOD. I In some instances where white people bad I the temerity to refuse tbe demands of these devils, they wore brought to s proper apprecia tion of the silnation by the presentation of guns and pistols. Mason, tho negro loader referred to, waa at home at the time, and just before the mob started to the jail, he went out aud con versed with tho loaders. Tho moment tho con versation ceased, tho negroea started for tbe jail. When our informant left, the mob still neld possession of the town, and announced tbeir intention of retaining it. Dispatches ap prising tbe Governor of the State of the situa tion have been forwarded to Little ltoek, but no answer np to a late boor la-4 nigbt bad been received. THE THREE VICTIMS of the mob were well known and reapectod eiti sen*. They alt leave families, who, with otben, have Iwics compelled to Hoe for their livos.—1 Aeitlanelce, ItOtA. COTTON STATES Lile Insurance Co. rUkt-IFAL OFFICE. MACON. UEOKMIA- Authorized Capital *3,000,000 Qqarauteed Capital 600.000 Deposited with Slate Comptroller for se curity of Policy Holders 160,000 W. B. Johnston President. V, \ 8. Holt Vice President. Qxo. 8. Oiuuu Secretary, J. W. Brut Gen and Agent. J. Mknout Hunt, M. D. Medical Examiner. W. J. Mkotu Superintendent of Agendeo. C. ¥. McCay Actuary. INSURE ON ALL rOl'ULAB PLANS. INSURE YOtTK LIFE AT HOME. ALL ITS FUNDS INVESTED IN GEOKOIA. ALL LOSSES PAID WITHOUT DELAY. IT IS MANAGED WITH ECONOMY. ITS POLICIES ARE NON-rOBFEITINQ AF TER TWO YEARS. F. M. HEATH, Special Agent, Jnlttif . Georgia. ^ABLlSflEi Principal office la W. Fifth-eL. Cincinnati. O. TH* ONLY RELIABLE GIFT DISTRIBUTION IN THE COUNTRY. L. D. SINE’S EIGHTEENTH GRAND ANNUAL DISTEIBDTION To be draws Monday. January L1S7I. $200,000$ INVALUABLE GIFTS! Two Grand Capital Prizes ! 10,000 la Americas Gold, $10,000 in Americas Silver Pit* prim of $1000 each and tas (print of KM each «*"• »il T !r2S1moU^* u ** wtah «**» *"• Eaaewoad Piks.e, worth WO *ack. Twaatr-ftve Izmir newtsa Machiaw. worth$600 Watcher (la all) SS" rfei'SSi.D.-jjj. MANHOOD IN THE YOUNG AND RISING GENERATON. The vegetative powers of life are strong, but in a few years bow often tbe pallid hue, tbe laek- 1 us ter eye, and am trialed form, and tbe impoedbfl- ity of application to mantel effect, ebow tbeir baneful influence. It soon becomes evident to tbs obaenac that some depressing influence is checking the development of the body. Consumption is taftad of, and perhaps tbs youth ia removed from sebool and cant into the country. This is one of tbs wont movements. Removed from ordinary di- veniona of the ever-changing eoanes of the city, tbe power* of tbe body, too much enfeebled to give zeet to healthful and ratal exercise, thought* are turned inwardly upon themselves. If the patient be a female tbe approach of tbe menace ia looked for with anxiety es the first symptom in which nature ia to show her saving power in diffusing the circulation and visiting tbe cheek with tbe bloom of health. Alaal increase of appetite has grown by what it fed on. Tbe energies of tbe eyctem are prostrated, and tbe whole econo my ia deranged. Tbe beautiful and wonderful period in which body end mind undergo so fascinat ing a change from child to woman ia looked for in vain. Tbe parent's heart bleed* in anxiety, and fancies tbe grave but waiting for its victim. S4» MI and Silver Low* worth ftemiaM* »'* eeck-j Ofliee MITF. Fifth attest, novltoodAwtil WAbHUtUIW M8SAU, ATTORNEY AT TAW Oil <>h, OA* W ILL practice to the Comte of Maoon Circuit OfSoe—With Nilbeu A Jackson. jcta-lwuouAdCm HELMBOLD’S Extract Buchu, FOB WEAKNESS ARISING FROM EXCESSES OB EARLY INDISOBETION, attended with tbe following symptoms: INDIS POSITION TO EXERTION, LOSS OF POWEB, LOSS OF MEMORY, DIFFICULTY OF BREATH ING, GENERAL WEAKNESS, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful honor of Death, Nigbt Swaste, Gold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness ot Vision, Lsngor, Universal Laasitudo of tho Muscu lar System, often Enormous Appetite with Dyspep tic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of tbe Skin, TsUid Countenance and ERUPTIONS ON THE FACE, PAIN IN THE BACK, Heaviness of the Eyelide, Frequently Black Hints Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Loas of Sight, Want of Attention, Groat Mobility, RESTLESSNESS, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirablo to such pa tient* than Solitude, and nothing they more dreed, for fear of thomselvce; no repoeo of manner, no carncatntes, no speculation; but a hurried transition from one question to anotlior. THESE SYMPTOMS, IF ALLOWED TO GO ON-WHICH THIS MEDICINE INVARIABLY REMOVES-SOON FOLLOW LOSS OF TOWER, FATUITY, AND EPILEPTIC FITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Daring tbo Superintendence of Dr. WILSON at the RLOOIHNGDALK ASYLUM, this nad reeult ococurred to two patients. Reason bad for s time left them, and both died of epilepsy. They were of lioth eexee, and about twenty yean of a e. Who oan say that these excesses are not fre quently followod by those direful disease*, IN SANITY end CONSUMPTION ? Tbo records of the INSANE ASYLUMS, and the melancbolly death* by Consumption, bear ample witnoaa to tbe truth of theeo assertions. In Lunatic Asylums tbe most melancbolly exhibition appear*. Tbe countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute; neither mirth nor grief ever virile it. Should a sound of tbe voioe occur it is rarely articulate. *‘ With woful measures wan dispair Low sullen sounds tbeir grief beguiled.” While wo regret tbe existence of tbe above diseaao and symptoms, we are prepared to offer an invaluable gift of chemistry for Uie removal of tbe oonsequencoe. HELMBOLD’S Extract Buclra, <* —AND— Improved Rose Wash, Cure* secret and delicate disorders in all tbeir stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It is pleasant in taste end oder, immediate in its action, free from all injurious properties, superseding Copaiba and all other neneeoos Compound*. HELMBOLD’S Fluid Extract of Buclra There is no tonic like it. It is an anchor of hope to the physician and patient- This ia tbe testimony of all who have need or prescribed it. Beware of counterfeits and those cheap decoctions called Bnchn, moat of which are prepared by self- styled doctors, from deleterious ingredients, and offered fox sale at "lees price" and "larger bottles,” ♦! »•* — etc. They are unrebabte, frequently iDjitrioaa. _ Ask for Helmbold's. Take no Other. Faicx *125 rzm Bottxi, ok 6 Bonus ran *6 50. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communications. lelnMi’s Genniae Preparations, Established upward of twenty years, prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chem ist, 594 Broadway, New York, and 164 South Tenth Street. Philadelphia, Pa- SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. novSBtowSm CARHART & CURD, IXrOKTZM AMD DMALKMM IV IRON AND STEEL Iron Front Store, Cherry Street. H AVE in store on* of tbs largest stock, of Hard ware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, etc., to bo found in Middle Georgia, ooneietingin part of 200,000 pounds Genuine SWEDES IRON. 00,000 “ PLOW STEEL. 250,000 “ REFINED IRON. 100 kegs Horae and Mole Shoes. BOO kega Nails. 2,500 pair* Trace Chains. 150 dozen pair* Hantes. 109 coils Plow Lines. 300 dozen Genuine Soovll Hoee. 250 dozen Planters’ Hoee. 200 dozen Axes. BLACKSMITH BELLOWS, ell sizes, ANVIL8 and VISES, TOOLS of every description, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, etc In fact, everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware house. AH of which we will sell at piicee to suit tbe times FOB CASH. Call end examine for yourselves. CARHART A CUED. del 9d*w?m Chany street. ''(Minas, CMm Mm, Merry Mias ’' CHRISTMAS SPICES, PEPPER, NUTMEGS, MACE, GKEN’GKHIR. ESS. LEMON, ROSE, CELERY, VANILLA, AND ANY OTHERS CALLED FOB. LIQUORS for HaG-NOa-, VERY SUPERIOR, AT T.HW THAN COST. % b A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. MILLIONS Bear Testimony to tlio Wonderful Curative Effects of DU. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA J.WALmrrreriftor. R- U. McDonald & Afu, tel tCrt, M* S3 M* 34 CoUVMM.JU 1 ' Vinegar Hitters not a Tile Fancy Prink. Made of Poor Rn, AliUkey, Proof Spirit, and Refuse LIquoi^ uoctorcd. spiced and iwcct- cncdto plcuo Urn tut St colled “Tonic*,* "Appcllx- erff," ••Rc•torcr*,• , Ac., that lend the tippler on to drnnkenncM nad ruin, bat ore a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herba of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant*' f They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIES and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and lnvieorator of the Syvtem, carrying off all polaonoua matter and restoring the blood to a healthy wdmQtu No person can take tbcae Bitten according to direc tions and remain long unwell, provided tbeir bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other meann, and the * Val organa waated b*vond the point of re pair. * a. Thry’arca Gentle rnrgiuiTo a«wetvcna Tonic, poaMMlng a!#o. the peculiar merit of acting a* a powerful agent in relieving Congeation or lnflam- matloti of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organa. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether In young or old. married or alngle. at the dawn of wo manhood or at tbe turn of life, tbcac Tonic Bitter* have no equal. For InRammnteiy and Cbrealc Hhrnnm- lism nnd Goat, Dveprpela or Indlcrsllou, riiliaos-Rrmlltrnt nnd Intrnulltrnt Ft-vrr., ni.rners of the Blood, Llvrr, KIdnrv*,n*d Jtlnddrr, these Bitters here been moet nmofiii- Xoeh Diseases ere ceased by Vitiated Blood, which is Generally produced by derangement of a* nioeMlee Oreans. .DYSPEPSIA Oft INDIGESTION, Be»d-i nehe. Pain In the Shoulder., Cough., Tlthtnew of the Chat, DUzlnrw. Sour ErucUtiona of the *»d tute In tbe Month. Billon. Attack, Mpliatlon of tbe Heart, Inflemmstton of the Lahfa, PMn In tho restore of the Kidney., and * hundred other J 1 V ful eymptoms, are the offering, of Dyipeptin. * - They Invigorate the Stomach and Klmulete tne tor i'’'' liver end bowels which render them of uneu'i.Iled efficacy In cleauiag the Mood of *11 lmpnrlUes, ud imparting new 111, end vigor to Its) whole «y*tem. FOR SKIN DISEASES,Eruptions,Tetter.Sell Rheum, Blotche. Spots, Pimple^ Pustules, BoDs, Car buncle,, Btag-Worm., Sesld-Head, Sore Eyes. sire, Ttch. SeurS. Dlecolormtlore ot the Skin. Humor, mud I'liceea of the Skin, of whatever nsme or nature, are literally dag up aod curried out of the eyetemtu a »°vhV^5lluJ^UiM Utmi 1 hSidSKi^Srttri! tloMorRoceeVclemnee ttmhen yoe fbbdUohfltrweiled nndfflngytfch Inthrvrln*: cleanae It when UtafbnLand 5feeling* will tad yon when. Keep tbo Mood mi* nnd the health of the ayatem will follow. 0i00a PIN, TAPE, nnd other WORMS, Inrldsa In tbe »yrta» of ao many tbonaanda. are effect o*l)v dcatrr^ rd and removed. For foil direniona. 1 rmrrfanr tb« circular aronnd eneb hottie. printed tn fonrVn- gnagta—Bngltah, German, French and Span it ho .. - J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD A CO PrngEiata and Gen. Agent*. San Frnnefeco. Cal., aud . *3 and SI Commerce 6treet, New York. \T" BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DZA",ERs. PACIFIC GUAX0 COXPAXT’3 Cinpeu j Acid Piosjlals of Lie, FOR COMFOenNG WITH COTTON SEED. PRICE REDITOED. T HIS article la prepared cxprrealy for compoat- iag with Cotton Hood, in order to aupply it With SolubU PAoapkorir Acid, wfaieb ia neoaaeaiy to rendor it moat affaetrre aod oMoomical u * f er- tiBier. 250 pounds cotton seed comported with 250 pound* of this Add Fboephato baa been found by two years* experience to produce results rarely equaleAnd never surpassed by anv other fsmlixor. A Comport mado in this manner contains ,tU tbe eletaenu of value that cun enter into any fertilizer. It is the only manner in which cotton seed can be properly need. With it tbe planter can aupply him- eelt with a fertilizer of tbe highest grade at tbs smallest coot, which will enable him to uso tt Uber- ally and Urns realize tho highest remits from tbe labor and time employed in making hie crop. For direction* fee composting, for price and terms, apply to John S. Berne A Co., Oaoarel Agents. Baltimore. $50 REWARD, R OBERT DUNBAR K®e is or 10 Tear* old. weighing 1W or 150 paonde. about 5 feet 5 or 6 inebee bigb. with dark qyoe, aod awkward tn tbe use of bis left arm, stole from me a mnle, bridle and saddle, and on overcoat. The overcoat wa* of brown chinchilla doth, Unodwith black, tbe top but Tbe mttle e-c.i'o-d from him und hae teen recovered. I will give *50 to any one wbo will apt reheud tbe thief ana turn him ever to mvsv’.f or to tbe l-bcnff of Crawford oountrv. no30eod2w B. B. RkRNES, Fozt Valley, O*. CHRIST3IAS GIFTS. TOILET SETS] a few very handsomei for saleat Low Prices. GENTS’ DRESSING CASES, extra fine, PERFUME STANDS, for sale at Coat ALSO AN ASSORTMENT OF ARTICLES SUITABLE FOB CHRISTMAS TREE. Call and examine these Goods. For sale by J. H, ZEELIN & CO., Wholesale Druggists. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS, TAKE NOTICE JUST RECEIVED AT SMALL & GAMBLE’S WHOLESALE FLOUR AND PROVISION HOUSE 1000 SACKS FLOUR, ALL GRACES AND SIZES, 4 CARS CHOICE WHITE CORN, 2 CABS TENNESSEE OATS, 59 CASES Sc HALF CASKS C. E. SIDES, N 60 CASKS A HALF CASKS SHOULDERS, 60 SACKS CHOICE RIO COFFEE, 75 BOXES TOBACCO, ALL GRADES, 25 BARRELS SUGAR, 50 BARTlET-q MOLASSES, NEW CROP MACKEREL, ALL NOS. AND SIZES. 50 ROLLS DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, 500 BDLS. EUREKA TIES (BEST IN USE) 60 BARRELS WHISKY The above Goods, with everything else in our line, will be sold xt THE VEHV LOWISST PRICES, Either for CASH OR ON TIME. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Try us one time, and you will be certain to try us again. eept!9 SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILEBS Of all sizes, for Saw Mills, Plantations or any otherjpurposo. GRIST MILLS, MILL GEARING, tbe best SAW MILLS made in the South, IBON RAILING, LEF PEL'S WATER WHEELS, (zeoeived the first premium at tho Gconti* State Fair, 1871), GIN-GEARING, (the only substantial article to run gins), SUGAR MILLS and BOILERS, (tbe beet made in the State), Sch-ofLelcL’s ^Patent Cotton Presses! TO BUN BY HORSE, HAND, WATER OB STEAM, Received all the premiums at the Georgia State Fair. 1871, for BEST COTTON PRESSES, (all the articles we exhibited). 8HAFTING, PULLEYS and HANGER3, MACHINERY of all kinds, IRON or BRASS mado to order. We are determined to keep the reputation we have always enjoyed of mannfatnring or repairing Machinery, etc., in tbe best maimer, at lees cost with promptness, and to the satisfaction of all. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. r Having the beat Lathes for Steam Engine Building in tbe State, we notify other Steam Engine Builders that we can turn their Fly Wheels any size from eeven to twelve feet. nov7 tf ■w-A-reTDo *181! 41 MMffiCTUMG CMPM Factory East End Hasel Street, Mines on Ashley River. WANDO FERTILIZER, RECOMMENDED BY AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS AS A SPECIAL MANURE FOB COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, AND OTHER GRAINS. GROUND ASHLEY RIVER BONE PHOSPHATES. ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTONSEED. MESSRS. I*AWT OK &, WILLINGHAM, Agents, Macon, Ga. WILLIAM C. DUKES & CO., General Agents, Charleston, S Cj dec! deodd trim Slity-Hro First Trlzo Medals Awarded THE GREAT Southern Piano MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE & CO., xutrrAcrrRSBS of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BA1.TI310BE, MD. T HESE Instruments bare been before tbe public for nearly thirty years, and upon tbeir excel lence alone attained an anpurehaxed prc-rmtuence, which pronounces them unequaled, in Tone. Tonch., "Workmanship, And Durability. CuFAU our BuraKE Pianos have our New Im proved Ovksstsiho Scale and tho Anaanrx Tbzblk. We would call apodal attention to our late Patented Improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, found in no other Piano, which bring tbe Piano nearer Perfection than has yet been Ertry Fiono Fully Warranted for Fivt Jean. We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish l’ARLOU ORGANS ana HELODEONS of tbe most celebrated makers, Wholesale and Retail, at lowest Factory prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Trice lists promptly furnished on aoDlicstion to WM. KNABE * CO . Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular established agendee. PIANOS SOLD ON Monthly Installments of $25 PER MONTH, BY GUILFORD Sc HILL. octl8eodAw6m L. -w. RASDAL. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, 63 THIRD STREET, MACON. GEORGIA. PRICE CURRENT: Proof Corn Whisky $ 1 10 XTOT on jy docs it e&TO labor, fuel, clothee, etc., IN but by using it, housekeepers get rid of tbe annoyance and discomfort of hot summer, and of steam in tbe house during tbe winter, which causes frequent colds, eepecially to those who go from a steaming, hot wash-room to hang out do thee. Thousand* of testimonials to ita great ex cellence could readily be obtained; but no evidence can equal that derived from one’e own observation and experience. To know the virtues of thia eoap, you have only to try it. A single bar will do the ordinary week*e washing for a family of eight per- aona. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, octll-d&wtf Sole agents for Macon. DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. VANILLA, LEMON Etc., For Flavoring Ice Cream, Cakes & Pastry. THOMPSON, STEELE & PRICE M’F’0 CO. Depots, Chicago and St. X,oula, xaicrrACTuaxas or DR. PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER, AND BLOOD EXRICHEK. THE GREAT RECUPERATOR OF EXHAUSTED ENERGIES. The most reliable Blood Purifier. The sure Repairer or Broken Health. The true Nerve Supporter. The Permanent Strength Rencwcr. The most Energetic Tonic. In all cases of Debility, Poor Blood, Weak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it surely and durably benefits. Sold by all Druggist*, or the Manufacturers on the receipt of $6, will send, by Express, 6 Dottles, which is sufficient for 3 or 4 months. I’rej»are<l only at tho Laboratory of Thompson, Steele & Prico M’fg Co, KANUFACTUHZBS Of DR. PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER. Bprrlul Flavorings tor lee Cream, fairs A Pastry, 217 asl 349 LASE ST3EST, - CHICAGO. ILL. 327 SCnilS SI2SSI, - - - ST. LOSE, KG. “ Rye “ 130 Common Bourbon l 20 “ Rectified l 00 “ Better 1 10 “ Better 1 15 “ Better 1 20 White Wheat 1 20 “ “ Better 135 Robinson County, beat (5 years old) 4 00 “ “ “ (2 “ “ ) 3 00 Common Proof, Robinson County, new. 1 35 Good Broof Bourbon (2 years old) 2 00 2 50 0 00 350 400 )•■ “ “ “ (3 “ “ “ “ “ ) My Special Brand—Imperial Rye, Ky.... Baltimore Rye (5 years old) Old Gibson Bye 4 SO YYYY Fenian 4 00 Kentucky Apple Brandy 2 50 Very Fine Brandy 3 50 Old Peach “ 3 50 Good American Cognac Q cask) 1 75 Imported from $5 to 12 00 Fine Catawba Brandy 5 00 Cherry “ 2 00 Ginger “ 2 00 Blackberry “ 2 00 Pure N. E. ltum 1 75 When less than thirty gallons are sold to one man, some little extra charged for drawing nov23 4ta»tf stamping, etc. Good American Gin Q cask).. Better Imnorfced AA a» Sherry Wine, good Good Navy Port Maderia Fine Wines Country Grape Wine CASKD UfilOlU. Common Whisky, cased Fine Whisky, cased Brandy Cocktail Gin “ Whisky “ Common Brandy Fine “ ..$8 00 to Common Gin Fine “ ..$8 00 to California Champagne llasdal's Bitters All other grades of Bitters kept. All makes of Imported Ales, per dozen.. KKUAHH. 100,000 Segara, varying from s 00 to §0 box. « On 1 75 2 50 800 200 2 00 200 600 8 00 6 50 6 50 6 50 W. & m 3r\ TAYLOE, Comer Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, —DEALERS IN— Furniture, Carpetings, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC. METALIC BURIAL CASES AND CASKETS, Fine and Plain Wood CofliusZ&nd Caskets. <KT Orders by Telegraph promptly attended to. novis ;lm ERNEST PESCHEE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. H AVING perfected my arrangements to correct the slightest error in the time-keeping of my One Regulator, by the erection of an observatory and one of the moat approved TRANSIT INSTRU MENTS, for the purpose of observing the meridian passage of the sun and stars, I will be able to keep tbo exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. Especial Attention paid to the Repairingr and rating of fine Watctirn, aa well nw all Iclnria of new work made to order. iuly27-l? GREAT SOUTHERN Tbe only kind made by a practical chemist, ns well as physician, with Rpecul referenco to ita healthful- aeea. Qmpotrd of tuiidts that aid diffutim. JWfect in quality. Cheapest, because the purest. Best, as it is the healthiest. Uwcuita, corn bread, cakes, j ms try, uot only white (sweet) and light, but wholesome and nutrition*. Use it; proee it. If not as nvommead» «!, we forfeit right to truthfulness. 43^ Many worth- lea. cheap imitation*. Be but® you get Dr. Price's Cream Baking JUwder. Sold by Gn*>n». Manufac tured only by THOMPSON, STEELE A PKlt’E UFO CO* Depots, Chicago and HU Lou in. THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS arc published on every package, there fore it is not a. secret preparation, consequently PJlTSieUXS PRESCRIBE IT Tt is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho O^S BOTTLE 0? &0SADALI5 will do more good than ten bottles of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalis in their pract ico for tho past three years and freely endorse it as a reliable Alterative and Blood Punficr. DR. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore. DR. T. J. BOYKJ2F, DR.R. W.CARR. “ DR. P. O. PANNELLY, “ DR. J S. SPARKS, of Nicholasvillc, DR. J^i- StcCARTHA, Columbia, DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgocomb, N. C. USED ATOESDOSSI3) BY J. B. FRENCH L SONS, Fall River, Mass. F. W. SMITH, Jackson. Mich. A. F. WHEELEB, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN A CO., Gordonsville, Va. ' SAM’L. G. McFADDRN, Murfrees boro, Tena. Our space will not allow of any ex* tended remarks in relation to the virtues of Rosadalis. Tothe Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ex tract superior t* any they have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicted we say try Rosadalis, and you will be restored to health. ^ Rosadalis La sold by all Druggists, price $1.50 per bottle. Address D3. CLZISNTS & CO. Jf Manufacturing Chemists, \ Bumou, Ifo. SPANISH CROWN SHERRY* direct from Cadiz, Spain, and ia certain]; tbe purest ever offered in tbe Southern market. Price per case f 3 00 Price per gallon..... 3.50 For sale By A. L. RICHARDSON, Importer of Spanish Wine*, aepl2 6m 21 Bay street, Savannah, Georgia PARBY c*s CO., HZZBT ICILBIXO. 325 WZST BZLTUiOr.e BTSZIT, wiiouaiAi.e Fruiterers and Candy Manufacturers BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. ltt>22dAwCm* Tisza cua. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER VIA CHARLESTON, S. LINE, C. TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. TEm TIMES A WEEK-TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. ELEGAM STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. SEA VOYAGE 10 TQ12 HOURS SHORTER via CHARLESTON. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALLS MONTHLY. MANHATTAN, M. 8. Woodbull, Commander. CHAMPION, IL W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON, James Berry, Commander. .TAMES ADGER, T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, 8. C. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, And connecting Roads Weat, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steamships to the above Ports, invite attention to the Qnick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the bnainess public in the Cotton States at the PORT OF CHARLESTON. Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled in excellence and capacity at any other Port. Tbo following splendid Ocean Steamers are regnlarly on the Line: TO KTEW YORK. GEORGIA; S. Crowell, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA, ’ T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE, J. Kennedy, Commander. ASHLAND, Ingram, Commander; WAGNER, HUGER Ic CO., WM. A. COCBTNAY, Agents, Charleston, U. C. To xugTT lATYFirjFBXAi VIRGINIA, EMPIRE, Alex. Hunter, Commander. _ C. Hinckley, Commander. Bzanro Datb—THURSDAYS. WM. A. COUBTNAY, Agent, Char eeton, S. C TO BZkXiTXNIOiaH. FALCON, MARYLAND, Hainie, Commander. Johnson, Commander. SEA Sailing Days—Evety Fifth Day. ^ PAUL C. XRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S C. Bates guaranteed as low as those of Computing Lines. Marine Insurance one-half of I per cent; THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be had at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Hiuleeippi. State-Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by addressing Agents of the Steam ships in Charleston, at whose offioea, in all cases, the Brtlroad Tickets rtiould be exdutnged and Berth* assigned. The Through Tickets by this Route includes Transfers, Meals and State Boom, while on Sbip- Thc South Carolina Bailroad, Georgia Railroad. And their mnnoeting Lines have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and Passengers between’the Northern Cu.os and the South and Weat. Comfortable Night cars, with the Helmed Chair without extra charge, have been introduced on the South Carolina Railroad. First-Class Eating Saloon at BranchviUe. On the Georgia Bailroad Firet-ClaaB Sleeping Cars. Freigh f promptly transferred from Steamer to day and nigbt trains of the South Carolina Railroad. Close connection made with othor Roads, delivering Freights at distant points with great promptness. The Managers will use every exertion to satisfy their Patrons that tho Line VIA CHARLESTON cannot ^Foi^nrthertotorJirtim^pply to^J?MfsEI&°RK^8tip't\pharlo8ton, S.C.; B. D. HASELL, General Agent, P. O. Box -J270, Office 817 Broadway, N. Y.;S.B. PICKfijjs, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, South Carolina Railroad, june20eod-6m ALFRED L. TYLER, Vico-Proeident South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, 3. C,