The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, December 27, 1871, Image 1

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AND MESSENGER. unkU Telegraph Uallttlug, Hmod T«i*«rapfc and Mentoget, one year *10 .Mil month* 0 on3 month i H mi->V**klf Telegraph and Messenger, 1 year 4 00 8n month*. 3 00 Mammoth Weekly Telegraph and Moeeeoger. 66 column*, 1 year 8 00 gix months ...1 60 i-arabi* alway* In ad ranee, and paper stopped when the money ran* out, union* renewed, firrsnui luumm wrra j. w. araxa A 00 rrsucaTtoxa. Daily Telegraph A Messenger and Farm and Horn* *11 00 Weekly Telegraph and Messenger and Farm and Bom*..... ... 4 00 femi-Weokly Telegraph and Meraenger and Farm and Bern*. 6 00 niliem Uhnatian Advocate with Weekly.... 5 iiorke - * Magazine 4 00 Tin* arTangmnant to when remittance* are made ir-Tt to the office of publication. The conaoUdatod Telegraph and Ueeaeng m j meenta a large circulation, pervading Midd u ■tulicrn and (toutowetam OeoEtemid Weeterei A»t*ma and Middle Florida. Adrertlaemeuta at thauuftblft rate*. In Uie Weekly at one dollar per - ,uaru or threoM]uart*n of an inch, each pnblica- i ou. IhroitUueo* ebonld be made by ezpree*. , mail in money order* or regiatered letters. BY TELEGRAPH Sl'MlAY'S DI1FATCHEII. t'ollon Movements for the tVrek. Sa» Toaa, Deoember 21.—The receipt* at all the port* ware 130,012 bale*, against 120,- >18 lari week, 102,832 the previous week and 123,120 three week* alnoa. The total receipt* .■see September are 1,250,879 halae, against 1,501,191 oorreeponding period of the previous je*r, showing a deoreaao of 250,815 hales. The export* from all tho port* for the week were O'. 079 bale*, sgsinst 89,511 for the name week Jail year. The total exports for the expired portion of the cotton are 012,834 bale*, again*! >27,793 for the damn time laat year. The *tock at all the porta ia 432,938 bale*, against 499,175 ■lie name date lam year. Stock* *t interior town* are 89,300 bale*, against 109,543 lent year. The stock in Liverpool is 438,01X1 bales, sgstnst 374,000 last year. American ootton afloat for (ireat ilritain 183,000 bales, against 345,000 last \f nr. Stock of ludian ootton afloat for Europe 14 209,082 hales, against 119,000 laat year. At r.e South leas rain haa fallen during the week, from some section* we have complaints of cold wither, l’ickiog ia not progressing so favor ably- _ Saw Yonx, December 20.—A gaa explosion j,lac-si the centre of the oily in darkness. One j-t-rson was seriously hart. Catharine Cahill (fled from the elfeots of abortion 1 hr I'uion Square bank, after paying all loans ban $10,000 for ntockboldera. Twood'a bonds turn will justify on Tuesday. New oonnterfieit i edit currency baa appealed. Hiram Crana- loe, formerly in the New York Hotel, becomes manager o( the Ku Lonia Hotel, New Orleans. A discharged driver mnrderod Ins conductor on the Third Avcnuo Street Railroad with a ear I H,k. The gas explosion eclipsed the city from Thirty lourth to Seventy ninth atreeta, and from nrer in river. They moat nao other than gaa lights f ir three or four days. The new rule of quilting work at half past five instead of six a cluck saved from jeopardy 1,500 people who had left the scene of exploeion. The tiro was rxunguialied in two hoars after the explosion The hanks in Ibo darkened district age etrongly guarded. It is understood the recent consistory ■t Huuie elected Archbishop McCloaky cardinal. t'-oi.uMiua, Doe.onber 24 —In tho Doited Mates Court yuulorday, the jury in the oaae of Mitchell aud Whiteside*, alter nearly twenty- fuiir hoars' consultation, returned a verdict of guilty ou the first and third oonnl* and not guilty on the aeoond and fonrlb counts. The defense moved for a new trial. Tho conrt then t i"k a recess till Wednesday St. Louts, Luce tuber 2G.—A storm prostra ted many walla of unfinished buildings. House, were unroofed and aeveral people injured, and vessels torn from their moorings. Washington, December 26.—The weather has turned anddeuly mild. The rotomao ia open. Louisville, December 24.—A tornado in In diana destroyed seven hundred feet of trestle work on the Air Line Railroad and prostrated much timber. Muri'ins, December 24.—A gala on the river on Saturday night blew the steamer Peto Allen ashore. Chicago, Deoember 2d. —Tbs storm prostra ted many buildings in coarse of erection. Ht'rrALo, Deoember 24.—The Grand Dnke is hero. Mr. Oatacasy haa left the royal party aud will rejoin hia family in Washington. ■Halt Lake, Dooember 24.—Three Mormons have been committed for the murder of Dr. Robinson. There is ten feet of level snow in the Little Cottonwood Mining District, and it is •till snowing. Tho sun has not been seen for a week. 8a* Fuakcisoo, Deoember 24.—Reports con- I one toooiueinof the lose property and life by the flood. 1’mi.snaLrnia. D«eetuber 94.—Two hundred and twenty-eight small pox deaths—a alight in ert* aseovor last week. London, Deoember 24.—The Pxiuoe of Wales passed a quiet night, aud is gradually gaining strength. , „ New York, December 25.—Arrived, IIansa, 8:. Laurieut, MONDAY'S! DISPATCHES. Hoston, December 25.—Dnring a riot in Chel ae* early this morning, City Marshal Drury waa ■tabbed and struok in the fsoe with a brick, and s rioter named Sheiltec was shot in the neck. A rioters were arrested. Suauon Snuxos, N. Y.— There waa a terrible gale here on Saturday night, which unroofed several buildings. HrrFALO, Deoember 25.—The Grand Duke Alexia drove ont to-day and made a tour of tho oily. He visited Fort Porter and the opera to night. •.Xlw York, Deoember 25 —A Herald special from London says the Emperor William will probahly visit the Or or in St. Petersburg daring the spring. A German expedition to Venezuela will be commissioned to enforce the national claims against the government of the Booth American Republic. Omaha, December 25.—The snow ia severe and extended through the mountains. The Pecifio Union trains are reported snow bound. lixrsT, December 23.—Arrived steamship Tcriere, from New York. Raw York, Deocmoer 25.—Arrived: Gen. Raroea, George Washington, Sherman, Georgia. Xu* Meaiuer St. Loots for New Orleans, re turned for repairs. Her propeller was loose. Till KUUN OFTtMOkW ARKANSAS. The t hlrox Solidly Ij»u Orlgli the ■HMrnlllra—The terrible Tenoning* of Mob Violence. Trent Ilia Memphis Avalanche, December 2L ] The negro, James Mason, who, it is charged, ha* incited a lawless mob of his black brethren to deeds of bloodshed, is the same individual who hut year had a controversy with W. B. Ragland for the position of County Judge.— Voder the cloak of law be then raised a poaee fountain*, composed of eeveral hundred blacks, to prevent lUgiand from opening oonrt, and, through the in nuance of this mob, he succeeded in oarrying hia point, finally receiving the Judge- •hip appointment in lien of Ragland, who re- stgued. Mason ia the son of a white planter of Vhioot, waa boro and reared in the county and educated at Oberlin. Ohio, and at St. Oyr Mili tary School in Franoe. lie is a thrifty, cunning man, of good educa tion and pleating address, and wield* a large influence over hie black oomradea, who out numbered the whites in that neighborhood more than Are to one. The CAUSE or TBS FEES EXT TBOCBLB Arise* from the fact flic since Mason has been county judge certain railroad men have sought to cans* the county oonrt to order an election far the purpose of voting county bond* in the sum of $400,000 to a eonple ef projected rail ways—$200,000 each—that these parties pro pose to build across the northern pert of the county. A* the proposed roads are of question- able importance to the majority of the people, and will never benefit but a few of them at bast, while evan their completion ia doubtful, the vjtara, mainly oompoaed of blacks and non- t ax payers, nave already onoe beaten the projeot U the polls. An effort wee being made to get up another jction, and Wynn, the murdered negro, ad- cated the railroad projeot, white Slander* and her* opposed. An altercation on the subject a saloon in Lake Village lad to the death of ytra, by the hand of Saundera, to the railing a black mob a few days later, who murdered under*, Garrett and Duggan, and to driving r numerous other prominent eituena, under at of violence and perhaps death. Several other persona have arrived here from Chioot, during the past two days, and each brings news that the rioters are aull in posses* won of Lake Village and vicinity, with no pros pect of an early settlement of the troubles. Mason was raised near SunnjsiJe Lending, below Greenville, Mississippi, in Chioot eoanty, sod it is from the plantations in this neighbor hood that hia fares*, to the number of three or four hundred, were raised. An additional gang of one hundred or more have joined them from back on bayou Bartholomew, and it is this force that are now in possession of Lake Village. They aeem to he organised under leaden of their own color, and the organization extends throughout the great** port in of Chioot country. The tur bulent pease, now under Mnsun’i leadership. DR, | SIMONS’ | ™ REGULATOR . — there can b« no | doubt, the tetumony of hundred* will citablifh. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED - || LITER g Pah in the aide. Sometimes ■ tha pais ia fait cedar the ■ shoulder ■ times ia. aome- Made, mi-taken forrheama- tiam in tha arm. Tha are the same who, trade* the pretense of attend ing a barbecue last spring, collected at the vil lage and prevented Ragland from acting as County Judge. So far then baa been no blood shed since the three persons were killed last Fri day, but persona have been robbed on the pub-, irirnieTS* a'ndgreet i**? **Trfc ^ >OOMCa P'R*8*^ I WKu, Ueauacn*. Jaundice, Coativaacsa, Camp Dya- and fired into. The reaomoeaef the negroes eatery. Sick Headache. Chroaie Diarrhoea, affection* were abont exhausted, and fears were expressed «£.<*• -gtedder “d Kidneys. F*»*r Jfervoumeaa. SftL J° U T d Tv, W<1 W T e M^'^^i>eP^iTn”fsS?iS^ f th * Bl00d - rnidi nod robberies. Ia the meen time h nigo I Mmt of the ailments here enumerated bars their of terror prevails. Ootton field* are white with I ortkin in a disease! liver, which ia tha moat prevalent the fleecy Maple ready to gather, and few or no ^"u^^rS’rSi^f 'tp’SS&SX £ nendh ht work, end while inwchj exists sotluog I qiirei that some remedy ■boo'd be pverided that can be done bnt to aak that something be done I would net in the leA*t jrajiir tha rowtitatioo. and to hold the turbulent blacks in subjection. S* TlMMON^ K?flL T LATOlT - ,h * ek "^“ r Chioot county, in I860, contained a popnla lion of nearly 10,000 blacks and I,COO whites. The value of its real and personal property, ebiefly owned by leaa than 200 persons, was $19,000,000, while Us voting strength was lass than 500. No census has been taken since then, bnt tho population is relatively as it was , . „ .—, , .. ... . ten year* ago. A Urge majority of toe legal ^“in ▼otera are black men, who are easily mampn* I lax: too head U trcubled with pain, &roompanied late,land controlled by a few bad, deaitming I with » da '!' heavy sensation. Thar* ia xenerallr, men. „d toe poU.lea. condition of thing, in -“‘f^ruTn o°f f the vicinity hi anything bnt cbeerfnl to coaein-1 which ought to have been done. A alirht dry couch plate. The county haa a negro representative I i« •ometimea an attandant. The patient complains of '^.'TlT^iT’ C °, Qnt , y SStoSinrtLfeS^aU^rom^UiWiprtekfv and other officiala of different color v bat all of I canaation of the akin: hisfpiritsare low: andalthouxn the same political complexion. I ratufied that exercise would be beneficial to hia* yet Beveral persons nowin this oily, eitixens of {•« 1 >*e«cej» .ommoo up lortitode enoiuh to tryit. ,7,. _rTT". - . '• In fact he diatrnau .t«t remedy. 8ev*r>l of the UM coaniy, c xprt 'x'T a uSHire lo I above Ivmptouui the <*■«•«»* but caret have CLOSE OCT THEIR BCBCncui I oacnnwi when tew of themexiatad. yet axnmination affairs and emigrate elsewhere. To strangers I ?, T* h ? ,howa “® U,tr w U " seeking a new country, and one of the richest a .hocId be naed by* ail Parana*, old and youn*. and moat beautiful in the world, advanfageona I whenever any of the f irecoin* lymptoms »picar. It porcbanca can be made, both of homestead* is a porelr ve*etable compound. »• not ipjurio^a m ; 7„ I the moat delicate con..J will k..,. »n. and business stands, from tboso who havo I jirarin healthy action i thought it traadvisable to remain. | Persona livinc in unhealthy leeafitite'may avoid all I biliotu attacks by takiax a dot* eecaaionally to keep A TKKRIFICTOkMAlin IN INDIANA. Seven 11II ml red Kent of Trestle Itlewn For children complaininx away-A Itmio KKIe tbrmi B b the Air. I AT0B1 -'"“Ti T^^mnl ’« Louisville. Deoember 23 —At noon today a 11 iu3u U-tJ J-AUXIJ more will *i»ere,ief. Ohil- ternfle tornado passed about four miles UIow Now Albany, Ind., breaking down timber and I *ioo« not dirwt well, prJdadnc aonr atomaoh. leart- Jcntroying »even hundred feet of the trestle of I fe,urn. or re*ti«wne«i: a rood dote will give relief,- toe Air Line R.ilroad,infltcting damage of rover T |(w “o^uch. are restless at al Ihoosand dollara. i women weer on the road in | nixht, or ia day time are fiixocy. wool Catherine, a boggy in the truck of the Htorxn, horue, baggy I can't nr dorsUnd what they reart, can't keep their and men, were lifted °P“d«rried <°«J [SSSffiSaff Wt^SbKs»£ B wI5f U .i, 0 : but escaped unhnrt. The timber of the trestle I relief. work were twisted off like whip cords. [ Jacmdicb.-^Take enoorb Besmletor after eatinr Cincinnati. December 23.—There was a rain f * ch mrot to pradoee on* fall action from th* bewail * every day. Pregnant !adic« will find sure relief from their hea 1 ache, costivcne?*. swimminx in the bead. cjlic*»oar <t4imach. restleuneM. etc., ate. Prepared only by J. II. ZElIaIN A Druxri'ts. Mac »n. Qa. Price 81; by mail. $1 25. For sale by all Druxxuts and thunder storm here at 8 o'clock this morn ing t with snow and ice on the ground. A CATHEDBAIa CKUsUED. Indianapolis, December 113.—A violent wind storm prevailed here all the afternoon, doing considerable damage to buildings. A portion of the roof of tic. John's Cathedral was crushed by the fading of the upper part of one of the front towers. At Lafayette a large number of buildings were unroofed, including the Second National Bank building, the postoffice and the telegraph building*. Several persons were in jured AT CHICAGO—BUBIED ALIVE UNDKB FAIXING BUILD XNOB Chicago, December 23.—The heAvy wind which prevailed this afternoon did considerable damage to buildmgs in course of erection. Several cf the inside walls of the Tribune build ing were more or less damaged. Norton's new nolTtf First National Bail of Haci. BANK OF DISCOUNT, DEPOSIT AND COL LECTION! E XCHANGE on New York lor sale at lowest cur rent rate. Exchange bought on New York. Philadelphia and building on Washington street, near Franklin | Savannah. street, which had been put up four stories wan I Advances made on Bonds Stock*. Cotton in store, almost completely demolished. A chimney in I or ahipmente of cotton ,. ."«d Northern, Euio- Bryan’s building on Lasalle street was tumbled 1 “ * “* pean. Cliarloaton or h,,... honaee. Collection* promptly atie, Jed to in all part* of the United States. Our circulation ia amply protected by United State* Bonds. X. C. PLANT, President. W. W. WmoLEf. Cashier. angl6-tiioot28* CllDBEDGE & HAZLEliURST, down and one man buried under it and killed. Several other bnildings were slightly damaged. ST HT. LOUIS AEVERAL PERSONS INJURED—STEAM BOATS BLOWN AWAY. St. Louis, Deceml>er 23.—A very strong wind storm pissed over toe city this forenoon, which did considerable damage, several walls of unfin ished houses being blown down, roofs torn off, i yy _ . __ vv_-„_ _ chimneys snd Are walls demolished, fences lev- JdANKERS AND .BROKERS eled, smoke stacks toppled over, etc. Two young girls were somewhat injured by a I MACON GrA falling fence, and several other persons were j * hurt, bnt none seriously. I) ECEIVE DEPOSITS, BUY and SELL EX- Tho steamer City of Alton was blown across li CHANGE, GOLD, SILVEH, STOCKS, BONDS the river. Beveral others were torn from their I aud Uncuirent Fonda. mooring, and two or three lost their chimneys, | crollecllons Made on all Accessible Points. CwTOiTu-o open at all boon of toe day. aeptl-lyr bnt no" serious damage was done. The gale lasted abont an hour, and came from toe WesL An Original Introduction. Mark Twain ” delivered his new lectnre, I which contains bis Nevada experience, twice last week to crowded andieuces in Chicago, J 'Mark”introduced himself as follows: Ladies and Gentlemen: By request of the I chairman of the committee, who baa been very I INTEREST PAID ON ALL BUMS FROM $1 CUBBEDGE & lUZLEUERST'S SAYINGS INSTITUTION. busy, and is very tired, I suppose, I ask leave I to introduoo to yon the lecturer of the evening, Mr. Glemans, otherwise Mark Twain, a gentle man whoso great learning, whose historical ac curacy, whose devotion to acienoo, snd whore veneration for the troth [langhterj are only TO $5000. O 1 -A-a-EasTcrs- Ste^i re “1C I Savannah Bank and Trust Co., vague general terms to myself. [Giggling.] 1 1 am b little opposed to the custom of oererno- nioudly introducing the lecturer to the audience, I AFITA.L OXE MILLION DOLLARS, all paid in beeaoso it aeema to me unneec«aary where tho I man baa been properly advertised, [laughter,] I ADVANCED MADE off COTTOff. and besides, it is very uncomfortable tor the Jeo- 1 tnrer. But where it ia the custom, an introduc tion ought to be made, and I had rather make it myself in my own ease, and then 1 can rely on getting in all the facts. [Continued laughter.] It is not a simple introduction that I mind. 1 don't realhr cate tor that at all, bnt it Is the com piimoots that sometimes go with it—that is what hurts. It would make anyone uncom fortable. You can fancy a young lady intro dueed to a parlor-fall of company as the best conversationalist, the best model in every way JNO. W. O’CONNOR, WHOLESALE AMD BET AIL LIQUOR DEALER, macon, g-a.. R. R. K. EiDffiY’S READY RELIEF! CUBES TIIE WORST PAIXS IS FROM ONI7 TO TIVKSTY HISTTKS. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY’S BEADY BELIEF IS A CUBS FOB EYEBY PAIN. It was the firat and ia The Only Fain Remedy allays inflammations, and cure* Congestions, I THE BEST GOODS, whether of the Lange, Stomach, Bowels, or other 1 glands or organs, by one application, IN FBOM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no nutter how violent or excruciating the pain toe j Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may auffar, HAD WAT’S READY RELIEF Will afford Instant Ease, flammation of toe Sidneys. Inflammation of the Bladder. ] Inflammation of the Bowels. Congestion of the Lnngs. Bore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of toe Heart. Hysterics, Group. Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Tootbiche. Cold stun. Ague Chills N * lu * ls “’ Rheumatism. | SIL -y E n PREMIUMS (a cup and medal) that haa The application of toe Beady Belief to toe part ®«r been given in Georgia, or pari* where the pain or difficulty exists will af- J. V. BURKE & GO CO SECOND STREET, MACON*, O.4.. Have on hand and for sale t Present THE HEAVIEST STOCKS, TIIE CHEAPEST. (Because they are the beet) in the Macon market, at JNO. W. O’CONNOB’S, D O you need good Wbiakv ? then bay of O'Con- nor. His brand of XXXX has taken the only a tumbler of water w2; . a I OYER ALL OTHER BRASDS. few momenta core Cramp,, Spasms, Soar Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhma, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels and all internal Paids. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radway’s „„ , Beady Belief w to them. A few drop* in water will I TAG YOU WISH, AT A LOW FIGURE, A trevent sickness or pains from change of inter. It { -»-z a better than French Brandy or Bitters as a etinra-1 fever AND agfe. HEIDSEICK & CO.’S CH4MPA6NB, Fever and Ague cored for fifty cents. There is I not a remedial egsnt in this world that will euro I ..... - Fever ami Ague, and all other Malarious, Bikrax, I (Genume.) Just call and see Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevers (aided by Rad ways Pills) so quick as Baja ay's Beady Be lief. Fifty cents per bottle. „ . . . ._ I TYO youwieh a good CIGAR at a low figure. Call HEALTH, BEAUTY P - ovomo!L STRONG and PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH and WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN aud BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Secured to alL OCONKOB. DR, RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CUBES; I So quick, so rapid are the changes the body uo- I dexgoea, trader tha influence of this truly Wonder-1 fol Medicine, that Every Day an Increase in Flcalx and 4Vclglit la Keen und Felt. THE GBK.IT BLOOD Fl'BIFIEB! Every drop of the Saraaparillian Resolvent com municatee through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and jniee* of tha ajjtem toe rigor of life, for it repair* the wastes of toe body with new aud sound material. 8crofula, Syphilis, Consump tion, ' Glandular Disease, Ulcer* in the Throat, Month, Tomora, Nodee in the Glands and other parts of toe system. Sore Eyes, 8trumorous Dis chargee from the Ears, ana the worst forms of Skin Dises-es, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm. Salt Uheom, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Wanna in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. A PURE CHSMPAGNE CIDER, r f half barrels, for family use, (from Now Jersey) cheep. Also on draft. Can be bad at A PURE IMPORTED SHERRY, A T a low flgnre, for Table or Cooking purposes can be had at O’CONNOB’S. CHOIGS OLD PORT, pOIt MEDICINAL PDBP0SES. AT O’CONNORS. t faQ Night Sweats, Lots of Sperm and all wastes of the I TY° I 0D w ' 8 * 1 » 8°°^ EGG NOG ? then don' life principle, are within the curative range of this I —' to get some of O’CONN OK’d Pure wonder of modern chemistry, and * few daye’ use | JAMAICA AND ST. CROIX RUM. IT 13 PURE, 8UBE ENOUGH. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. DEPOSITS RECEI VED, On which Interest will be Allowed, as aoBxxD cron. I. C. PLANT A SON. Aft*. iau25-lj PLANTERS’ BAISIS FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. in her section of the country. You might just I -ay EChlVKS Deposits, discounts Paper, buys and as well knock her in the head. She could not I JLV sells Exchange; also. Gold and Silver, aay a word toe rest of the evening. I Collections mads at all accessible points. I never had bnt one public introdnetion that I . Interest paid on Deposits when made for a spe- seeraed exactly the thing; that seemed to be a I lime - very inspiration in tho way of an introdnetion. I Ww. J. Andeesox, Pres’t. W. E. Buowjt, Cxslner. The gentleman bad a good head, and he said he | DiaxcTOsa supposed I didn't want any compliments. 11 said ho waa ex:ictly right, I didn't want any com- I plimenU. And when he introduced me he said, *'Ladies and gentlemen, I *hall not waate any unnecessary time in the introdnetion. I don't I know anything about thia men—[laughter]—at least, I only know two things about him; one j Wm. J. Anderson, CoLHughL Demavel. Wm. It. Brown, Dr. W. A. Alatbews, Dr. Wm. II. Hollinahead. delTtf DIVIDEND No. 3G. SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, OiTiCK, Macox, G*., Dec. 5,1871. , is. that ho haa never been in the penitentiary, I \ DIVIDEND OF FOUR (tl) DOLLMtS per and the other is I can’t imacino why.” TPro- il share haa boen this day declared on toe Capi- SSSaaLSr rA 0 g“ti^r Lon s«s puts a man right at ease. 1 Laughter. J I tli0 0 , tne United State* as now received. TIIE COnPUMKMTAKY K.»1.1. ^ a ^~» Taxwidbepmd by this Com- At Monteannin. Gooruto. Given by I*r,»r. stockholders in Savannah will receive their Divi- Allen V. «*bt..a rod Son. .... arl.lny dead* at the Central Railroad Bank lmir ■>■»■ aweeP. frawler* u,»t doel0 , m JJ{0 T BOIFBIULLET, Treasurer. L,Mlge, No. OS, F. A. XI- We had the pleasure of attending, where wo fonnd congregated too youth, beauty and chiv alry of this section of tho State, besides others from other sections. The ball selected for tho oeeaaion was the MAsouic hall, and one could scarcely be fonnd better sui'ed to the purpose. Prof. Allen V. Robison, the pioneer of dancing | _ - , the paet six years ha* estabUsbed its cheiarier pliahed non, William H. Itobiaon, master of oere- I BE LIABILITY and EXCELLENCE. Experience monies—and in stating this, of necessity, we I he* demonstrated that under favorable ooodilions say the ball was a complete success. Mr. Wit- I ?f season and application of 900 pound* per acre, liam H. Robison, though qnite a young man. I increase* toe crop from to three fold toe natural one of the most graceful daneers we have I ... , ' — n ‘ j r* A , . Ihl h( I The cost of urowmg cotton to toe planter »In ever seen, and in ^ I Proportion to toe yield p«c acre from toe land and ing courtesy aud kindness to all, makes him a I labor employed in its mmivation: hence toe agency general favorite. And we take great pleasure I which so largely ineveaaea production at a moderate in recommending Prof. Robison and son to the I outlay of capital is essential to profitable planting. people of this State, as gentlemen of cnltnre I For price and specific terms ind refinement, and also aa masters of their I SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, AT REDUCED PRICES. On Wednesday the Democrats of toe oonnty I met to nominate a candidate for th* Legiala- f tore, to fill the seat occupied by L C. Jones, lately declared ineligible. Mr. Hinea L Hill was pnt forward aa the standard bearer of toe I Democracy of th* oonnty. Mr. Hill is a young I man, of fine attainments, and if elected, will I do toe State good service in its legislative halL ' t AYBE3, Ag’t Pacific Gnano Co., Poplar at. Macon, Pa. JOHNS REESE *OO.. General Agent*. Baltimore. Md. VALUABLE PLANTATION For Sale. I roe inn™ err , T OFFEB for sale one of the most desirable Tho adv«oTin the price of cotton ha* J Middle Georgia, for plautmgandetock fj?. f Mee . ot 0 „ r f.rm-rs. With the I “T®*- K,ult ed ten miles southwest of Hawkina- brightened thefaeea of our rannera 11 ito the I lna contain, .bout 1230 acre*; four tnn- axooedingly abort crop, and toe long provudon cleared. Ten Mile or Beedy Creek ran* billa, all feel worse off pecuniarily than they I through tt, and affords a good mill aita. Th* were one year ago- M. I place can be conveniently divided into tract* of 1 300 to 500 acres if desired. L-,ng time for pert or toe money. Gallon A. G. Pate, Eeq., llaakinarille. or ad dress. WM. LUNDY, nov29'2aw3w-w2t Moen, Ga. ,iUeral cash Advances Made on Cotton CONSIGNED TO KAOX & OILI^I BALTIBOKE, MIP.YLIV'D. ATLANTA WATER-CURE. reepec Judy inform the citizens of Atlanta and the nironndmg country that he has opened an es tablishment on Hooter street, in the Larendon House, for the cure or all chronic diseases. Special attention given to the following diseases: Liver W E «t«o t-wider our service* to Merchant! and j Complaint a all its forme, Septa is in all its forms. Planters of Georgia, Florida and Alabama. I Fevers, Epilepsy, Stsmhty, Asthmas, Lameness, who purpose sending shipment* >o this market, and I Nerrouane-a. and disweees peculiar to women, etc. will make liberal advance* on eocton; (mtereat at I I refer to the following person*, who have been the rate of 7 per cent, per annwm. end commfaeinn {end are being treated at my establishment: Mr. J at 214 per cent ) to he rioted for the spring market. I W. Bucier. of Chapmae, Backer A Co - Major W. Charge* incurred in bolding cotton tat tht* market I C. Cox. ot Can A Hill ,-Capt- J. M. Ilifl. John and we guarantee to be lea* than in any market oat toe 1 Jamas Lynch, X J. JLghlower A Go-. J. FloisheL Atlantia erect Draft* at eight paid against ship-1 Bsernian A Kuna. — meat* to our address and money promptly remitted I “ 1 to any section of the Sooth by express, where I pOR SALE, drafts cannot be negotiated. Consign to Agent of Savannah and Baltimore I r J 'HE Machinery in a Ootton Mill at Fxedericks- Siexmatap^Oampany. to be forwarded to KNOX A JL burg, Va., eoasuting as follows; G Shipmtnta always oovared by Insurance, advised I unadvised. __ 1 KNOX X GILL, CoCtou Kactor?, acptSl-wIj* No. 4 Holliday at. Baltimore. 14 thirty inch Cards, B.B. heads, eta 9 Bing Spinning Frames, 912 spindles. 2 Drawing Frames, 2 Speeder*. 1 Willow, or Opener. 9 Spoolers, Beela, A, and all the nor- ■ Scales, Warp, Mill*, preparations for making SELECT SCHOOL,. , ^ nr HE undersigned will open a Select School for 800 to 900 pound* eoerae yam daily. Girts, in Midway, near Mffledgerilto, coJan-| Bm wrier power is wnaanyeeaed. the rant of ■ ie 1S72. Tnition $5 par scholar, ni nthly, in I which, and baudm* an way low. advanre. Board f20. Forfnrtber particnlar*. ad-1 Ojwaanvoa abundact and can be obtained at un- MBS. a P. MY RICK, Milledgeville. References: Judge t L. Harris. Bishop Pearce. 004. Wm. McKinley, E. H. Mytia, D D., Ear. a W. Lane, O. L. Smith, D.D., Rev. R. a Smith, Prof. Darby. New York, Chancellor Lipscomb, State Uni versity. dels 2aw2w Chnslian Advocate copy one month. nanally moderate wager. The whole of tho above machinery. Including ■halting, beating, etc., will be sold tor the low price of 03,000. Enquire of E.T. SCHULTZ A CO- 44 German street, Baltimore, Md. decEJ lawJw chemistry, and a few days' will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. If too patient, daily becoming reduced by toe wastes ana decomposition that ie continually pro gressing, succeeds in arresting toeee wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this toe Saraaparillian will and dove secure—a euro is certain: for when once this I a T1rii... remedy commences its work of purification, and AIC, 101(61, llSICt, IfiaiUliagFie, sncoeeaa in diminiahing toe loss of waste*, it* re- 1 >airs will be rapid, and every day the patient will, ____ , eel himself growing bettor and stronger, the food TT , ® P 61 cent - *°® a Gian sold in Macon, will digest better, appetite improving, and flesh L at and weight increasing. | O’CONNOB’S. Not only does tbs Saraaparillian Besolvent excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases; but I CHOICE BUTTER, it ia the only positive core for KIDNEY AND BLADDER. COMPLAINTS Urinary and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, j Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sabataneea like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there I is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, I burning sensation when passing water, and pain in I the email of the back and along too loins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, I I T WILL case aay kind of goods ordered at actual X cost of packing. perfectly taatelocs, elegantly coated with sweet gum,pnrge.regnlato, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Kadway’e Pills, forth* cure of all disorders of toe |. itomacb, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nervous I I ° n ® until you see me. I diseases, headache, constipation, costiveneas. in-1 X-^ will sell toe CHEAPEST. CHEESE, HAMS. PICKLES, CRACKERS, SYRUPS, LARD, BACON, MEAL, GRITS AT O’CONNOB’S. Bottles, Kens, Cories, Labels, etc., AT O’CONNORS. JNO. W. O’CONNOR, Opposite Carhart A Cord’s, Cherry street. DEALER IN Diseases, headache, constipation, oostiveneas, in digestion, dyspepsia, bilionsnets, bilious fever, in flammation ot the bowels, pile* and all derange- menu of toe internal viscera. Warranted to effect a poaitivo cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drags. A fsw doeses of IUdway’s Pills will free the system from all the above-named disorders. Price ^ U ’’^J^d 8 Si^ I »onil.„er^tamp BACON, LARD, C0RN,> to Badway A Co., No. 87 Maiden Lane. New York. I ' Information worth thousands will be sent yon. Jnae23ddeodAsw-ly ANNUALS AND ALEUMS. POETICAL WORKS Scott. Milton. Pope, Bhakspeare, Moore, Cowpcr, Bums, Byron, Sontoey. Montgomery, Lady of the Lake. Campbell, Poetry of Flowere, Eliza Cook, Words worth, Lalla Rookh, Mrs- Norton, Coleridge, Mrs. Hcmans, Goldsmith, Thomson and Gray, aud all Poets, 1I.YXDS0JIELY A5D ELEGAXMiY BOUND, At Price ranging from $1 25 to $10 00. The Household Series, HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH, a Bevelled boards, gilt edges, and indicated titlea . with illustrations by John Gilbert, Biiket Foster, E. H. Oorbonld, J. Wolf, and others- Per vol. $1 60. Cowper. Illustrated by Birket Foster. Edited by Wilmot. Milton’s Poetical Works. Illustrated by Harvey. Wordsworth’s Poetical Works. Illustrated by Bri ket Foster. Southey’s Joan of Arc, and Minor Poems. Ulus trated by John Gilbert. Goldsmith, Johnson, Shenstone and Smollett. Il lustrated by John Gilbert. Kirke White. By Southey. Illustrated by Birket Foster. Burns. Illustrated by John Gilbert. Moore’s (Thomas) Poems. Illustrated by E. H. Oorbonld. Byron’s Poems. Illustrated by Gilbert, Wolf and others. Pope’e Poetical Works. Illustrated by John Gil bert. James Montgomery's Poems, with plates by John Gilbert. Herbert's Works, with illustrations by Dalziel. Campbell's (Thomas) Poetical Works, with Uustra- tiona by John Gilbert. Lover’s Poetical Works. Illustrated by John Gil bert and Birket Foster. Bloomfield's Poems Illustrated by Birket Foster. Sbakapeare’s Complete Works. Illustrated by John Gilbert. Sacred Poems. Choice Poems and Lyrics. Bhakspeare Gems. Book of Wit and Humor. Familar Quotations. Wise Sayings of Great and Good. The Book of Humorous Poetry, with illuetratione by Charlee A Doyle. The Caeqnet of Gems. Choice Selections from toe Poets. Thomson’s Poetical Works. CABINET EDITION. BLUE AND GOLD POETS, Cabinet edition. 17mo, printed on snperfine paper, and illustrated. Per vol. 8150. Hcmans, Campbell, Young's Night Thoughts, Lahah Rookh, Wordsworth, Pollok’s Course of Time, Eliza Cook, Cowper, Poetry of Flowers, Scott, Mrs. Sigourney, Lady of the Lake- GREEN AND GOLD POETS. Same as above. Per vol, 8125. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. MILLIONS Bear Testimony to tho Wonderful Curative Effects of DR. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA 'Sr /Plantation Supplies, blank's block, GEORGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Pharmaceutist and Chemist. D EALER in Drugs, Medicines, Instruments, Perfumery, Soaps. Brashes, Reliable Propri etory Medicines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Putty, Seeds, and everything appertaining to toe Drug Trade. Forty years experience ia toe Prescription business should satisfy toe public that everything ia put up tccundum arlcm. Opposite toe Palace ot Justice, Macon, Ga. _del4Jm CROP OF 1871 ! The largest and beat assorted stock ot SAVANNAH CARDS. RAILROADS AND STEAMSHIPS. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. I NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN AU GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. GENERAL. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, l Ueoeoia Ckn-tuai. B.ulkoad, > Savannah, December 16,1871. j O N and aftor Sunday, toe 17th inst., Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will tirLIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CON- I vu® aa follows ; SIGNMENTS. «g20dAwto_ ETDAYTOAnt. ^ M at. aiACLXav I Leavo Augusta 8:15 a at Arrive at Augusta 5:40 v at Arrive at MiliedgeviUo 8:45 r at Arrive at Eatonton :. .HM5 r at Arrive at Macon 4:51 rat Leave Macon tor Atlanta 5:35 p at Leave Maoon for Colnmbns 8:15 p at Arrive at Atlanta 10:50 P at Airivo at Columbus 4:45 am ..... „ .. ... i Making close connection with trains leaving Au- Will make liberal advances on Cotton and other I Atlanta and Colnmbns. m W. ANDERSON’S SONS, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants. W. DUKCAlt. a. H. JOHNSTON. DUNCAN & JOHNSTON, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants M BAY STRECT, SAVANNAH. GA. Produce consigned to us. anuSOdAwGru* VfH. H. T1SON. WM. W. OOBDON DOWN DAT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta. 2:00 a at Arrive at Macon 7-80 A M Leave Macon 8:00 a at Leave Augusta 8:15 AM Arrive at Augusta 5:40 p at Arrive at Savannah 6:15 p at This train connects at Macon with the S. W. Ac commodation train leaving Colnmbns at 8:C5 r. at., and arriving at Macon at 4:10 a. ar.. and makes the samo connection at Augusta as toe up day train. NIOHT TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Savannah 7:00 par . Leave Angnsta 7:30par COMMISSION MERCHANtr8ltS«£^^ ;:;::;; ;;;;;;;;:|UiS Leave Macon for Columbus 5:25 am j Arrive at Columbus 11:00 a m | Arrive at Atlanta 1:48 r at Making prompt through connections at both At- TISON & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS 112 Buy Sired, SUvrammli, tin. BAGGING AND IRON TIES ADVANCED ON CROPS. I Leavo Columbus.. Liberal cash advances made on Consignments | Eefye Atlanta... of cotton. aug20-d*w6m* NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ..12:45 PM 1:10 P U 6:00 PM 6:10 r at 5:20 pat 7:00 pm 6:20 pm —ON— Arrive at Maoon from Columbus. Arrive at Macon from Atlanta Leave Maoon Leave Savannah Leave Macon Arrive at Milledgeville 8:45 p m Arrive at Eaton ton 10:45 r at Arrive at Augusta 2:46 am Arrive at Savannah 5:30 A h Making perfect connection with trains leaving Angnsta. Passengers going over the Milledgeville and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Colum bus, Atlanta and Macon, day train from Augusta . and Savannah, which connect dally at Gordon R ESPECTFULLY inform toe Merchants and I /Sundays excepted) with the Milledgeville and Ea- Plauters of Georgia, Florida and Alabama. I tonton trains, that their LARGE FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, I An elegant sleeping car on all night trains, capacity 25,000 bales, is now ready for toe storage I THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be of ootton, and that they are now prepared to make I imj lt y,o Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski liberal cash advances on cotton in store and to hold I Q 0 use, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office a reasonable length or time, charging bank rates of I open from 8 a m to 1 p M, snd fromS to 6 pm. Tick- interest. If you want money, send your cotton to I e tg can jjao be had at Depot Office. COTTON. GROOVER, STUBBS & CO. | Savannah, Ga. GROOVER, STUBBS A CO., ang29 dGin&w4m Savannah, Ga. decl7 tt WILLIAM KOGEBS, General Snperintendeut. J. GUILMAUXIN. JOHN FLANNERY 1 L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO., | COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. AGENTS FOB BRADLEY’S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, | Jewell's Mills Yarns, Domestics, etc , etc. BAGGING AND IRON TIE8 ALWAYS ON HAND. | Unaul Facilities Extended to Castozncra- aug20dlmw6m* VX. H. STAliK. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. I Maoon and Bbunswiok Railboad Company, - Macon, Ga., October 28,1871. j O N and after'Sunday, October 29,1871, tho fol lowing schedules will be ran : DAY ACCOMMODAT'D TEAIS DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCXPTXD). Leave Macon 8.20 A. M Arrive at Brunswick 9.25 p. u Arrive at Jacksonville, Fla 6.00 A. M Leave Jacksonville, Fla 8.45 p. m Leave Brnnewick 6.45 a. m Arrive at Macon - 6.25 p. m Connects closely at Jessup with trains of Atlan tic and Golf Railroad, to and from all points in H. p. bichmond | Florida. THBOUGH PASSNNGEB TRAINS DAILY. Leavo Macon 8.10 p. at Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors,! Arrive at jaS^nviiie,'Fia.V.V.'.V. r.aov.u 1 Leave Jacksonville, Fla 7.00 a. m Leave Savannah 1.00 p.- m | Ariive at Macon 6.50 a. m Connects closely at Jeseap with trains tor Savan- I nab, and all points on Atlantia and Golf Railroad, and in Florida. At Macon with Maoon and Western | Railroad to and from Atlanta. No change of cars betwoon Maoon and Savannah, and Maoon and Jacksonville, Fla. HAWKINSV1LLX TUAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon 8.06 p. M Arrive at HawkinaviUe 6.45 p. m Leave HawkinBViUe 6.45 A. K 1 Arrive at Macon 10.30 a. m novl-tf WM. MacRAE. Gen’i Sup’t. WM. H. STARK & CO.j General Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, GA. Careful attention given to SALKS 0U SHIPMENT OF C0TI0N And all kinds of Produce. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. Arrow and Eureka Ties at lowest agents’ prices! Keep constantly on hand a large stock of all kinds of Bsgging. Agents for E- F. COE’S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. ang20d2awAw6m* M. KETCHUM. A. L. HAUTRIDGE | IlETCHUM & IIAKTEIDBE, Bankers and Commission Merchants, Exchanso Building, Savannah, Ga. References : Moeos Taylor, President City Bank, Change of Schedule* ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-One Riles Saved in Distance. OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD,) Augusta, October 6, 1871. f O N and after Sunday, October 8, 1871, and nntil further notice, too trains on this road will ran as follows: - - . NIGHT TRAIN—DAILY. N. Y.; P. O. Calhoun, President Fourth National I Leave Augusta 7.00p.m Bank, N. Y.; John J. Cisco A Son, Rankers, N. Y.; I Leave Macon 6 SO p.m Morris Ketcbnm, Banker, N. Y.; J. N. Norris, [ Arrive at Augusta 2.45 a.m Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore; M. McMi- I Arrive at Macon 2.30 A.M chael, Gashier First National Bank, Philadelphia. I day train—daily (bundays excepted). *8825601 | Leave Augusta 1100 a.m Leave Macon 6 30 a m Arrive at Angnsta 2.45 p.m Arrive at Macon 7.86 p.m CaTPassengers by toenight train leaving Aagnata at 7 p. m. will make dose connection at Macon with Southwestern Railroad to all points in Southwestern Georgia, etc. ffvT Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 r. M. will make close connections at Augusta with northward W. B. GRIFFIN. GRIFFIN & CLAY, Cotton Factors and General Commis sion Merchants. No. 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. A. S. HARTlilDGE, Will make liberal advances on Ootton consigned ! , \ , a ?8mita wun nortuwaru to m I bound trams, both by Wilmington and Columbia; Bep ' m also, with South Carolina Railroad train forObarles- | ton. Passengors leaving Macon at 6.30 A. m. make close connections at Camak with day passenger trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going -forth, and with trains for Charleston; also, for 108 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Furnishes Bagging and Ties to planters, mid ad- Atoens, W«SngtonT«md aU itatoTon ttaSe^ vances liberally on consignments of Cotton. eep7eod3m fcJaaaaaP'VUwy.*Co-Dn«slrt..iil %ajra8unuSs*,cs,iMaut»cwaouijcxP Vlncxnr Bitters •*» not a rile FnncT Drink. Made of Poor Itm» «hlskey, ProoT Spirits and Kcfo.e Liquor- doctored, spiced and aweet- enedto please the taatj;called**Tonics.’ •‘Appetis er*,’’ •• Restorers." *e„ that lead tho tippler on to drnskenneas and rnln,but are a true Medicine, made from th* Native Root* and Herb* of California, freo from nil Alcoholic Stimulant*.’ r They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER am! A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renorator and Invlgorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter aadrestorinc the blood to a healthy condition. No person eaa take these Bitters according to dlreo- tlons and remain long unwell, provided their bone* are aot destroyed by mineral polaoa or other means, and the w*M organa wasted hsvoad the point of re> pair. ’ - They’OTen Gentle Parcanve unvrelf Tosie, possessing aUo, the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent In rellerlog Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver, and alt the Visceral Organa. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether In yoaagor old. married or single, at the dawn of wo- manhood or at the tarn of life, theae Tonic Bitten have no equal. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rheuma tism and Gont, Dyspepsia or IndJcratlon,' Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Disease* of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, theae Bitters have been moat anceeaafUL' Such DIaraaea ar* earned by Vitiated Blood, which la generally produced by derangement of tha Dlgratlvr Organs. . DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Pain In the Shoulder*. Coughs, Tlghtaem of the Cheat, Dlaalaeaa. Soar Eructations of th* c,„—..h, Bad taste la the Moeth. Billon* Attacks, IWaltatlon of the Heart. Inflammation of the Lnaga,F*!a lathe regioas of the Kidneys, and a hundred ocher jd MU1 symptom*, are the offspriap of Dyspepsia. *» They Inrigormt* th* Stomach sad stimulate toe tor pid User aad bowels, which reader them of tueqnaUed eSeacy In cleansing th* blood of all Imparities, aad Imparting aewllip aad rigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Bheaat. Bteteha* Spots, Phnplea. Paatalea, Boda. Can- bnaclea. Stag-Worm*. Eeald-Head. Sore Eye*. Nrialp- cl**. Itch. Scurf*. DlaccUoratioea ot the SUn. Hnmoru and Dlaeaam of the Skin, of whatever name or natnre, ar* Htaranydsrspaad carried oet of the system in a short thaaby the me of theoe Bitters. Os* bottle la ratacaamauucaariaee the sraatmctednlou* ofthrir flcaasa the Tltlatcd Bleed whenever you And Its 1 A A A Tons Juris Island Guano, which baa • UUVJ bean exposed. I 600 Tons Baker’s Island, pure, cargo of Ship j Eldorado, landed here in 1869, direct from too Island. | And I will mix the two with one-third pure Peruvian. PRICES REDUCED. Sella Cotton at £0 cents per bale, do advance being made, or will advance on usual terms. G. B. Jr., Cotton Broker and General Com. Merchant. dec!7 2m Eellej'a tinildi&g, Savannah, Ga. GUANO. 1 pCEE PERUVIAN of direct importation, | Government prices. 2240 pounds to tho too. R. G. LAY. IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. A S we sell to the trade at Landretb’s prices, Mer chants will save the freight by purchasing their seed of us. LANDRETH’3 RURAL REGISTER FOR DISTRI BUTION. SEND YOUR OBDER3 EARLY. HUNT. BANKIN A LAM'AR, declOtf Wholesale Druggists. Macon. Ga. I JAMES WILD!, JR. JOES S. WILDE. JOSEPH WILDE. JAMES WILDE, Jr., & C0„ Manufacturers and Jobbers of | Men’s and. Boy’s Clothing, 314 and SIS Broadway (opposite New York Hu, pital). New York. Represented by B. 8. Spalding. 1 octsdim* [ DARIUS W. GEER. W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacture! s and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, 133 AND 140 GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Represented by OoL B. W. Hogan, of Georgia. PIN.J’ATE, a ■dead rsmevsl. T Fori S5^S£5SCS!rS2i5?2iSS|tia£“ « J. WAI.KFB.Proprietor. R H.MCDONALD * CO. DruxFiitt aad Gen. Agents. Ssa Frascisco. Csh.snJ *3 sad 51 Commerce Street. New York. VWScwJi BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND TiVl-rvc B. «fc -W. B. HELD, Attorneys at Law, NO- 88 (CP STAIRS) CHERRY STREET, Macon, Ga. HENRY W. ECEYEE. JOHN X. MlfTADDRS. COL. JNO. R. HART. W ITH HENRY W. DURYEE A CO. (Iale Ran kin, Dniyee A Co., Duryee, Jaqnes A Co.), Fur and Wool Hats, Cape, Straw Goods and Um brellas, Nos. 602 and 504 BrosJwiy (opposite St. Nicholas Hotel), New York. ociSwta C. B. WOOTEN, j ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAOON, GA. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK. 0ct221y* w p> CS3 GQ f Si »-3 4-3 CO O f* 52S o W E9 GO te & & te 4—4 OO w xj > „ a ss es r* c- 1 g k! 2 ® w * o r* m co > r- m n 0 c O F, M. FARLEY & CO., COTTON FACTORS, 64 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL ADVANCES HADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. OCt4 3m gia Railroad. CaT Passengors leaving Angnsta at 11 a. m., ar riving at^Iacon at 7.36 p. m., make close connection with trains on toe Southwestern Railroad, eto. for No change of cars between Augusta and Ma con. First-class coaches on all trains. oct8tf 8. K. JOHNSON, Bnp’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFI0E, ) Southwestern Railroad Company, J- Macon, Ga., May 28, 1871. j CHARLES N. WEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA. Will attend diligently to all business confided to I his care “ ang24 6m I Leave Eafaala JOEL D. HUNTER. Hunter, Adams Sc Co., , Wholesale Dealers in BUTTER AND CHEESE; O N and after Sunday, the 28tb inst-, Passenger Trains on this Road will ran as follows: DAY EUYAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00i Arrive at Eufanla 4:58 p. i 7:45 A. m. Arrive at Macon 4:36 p. k. Connecting with toe Albany branch train at SmitoviUe, and with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cuthbtrt. EUTAULA NIGHT YBEIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TUAIN. Leave Macon 8:50 P. i Arrive at Eufanla 10:00 A. M. Leave Enfaula 5:10 P. x. Arrive at Macon 5:00 A. m. _ _ . Z~ I Connect at SmitoviUe with Albany Train on Mon- h. c. howell. I Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. No Geo. S. Hart Sc Co.> I tra leaves on Saturday nights. C OMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholeselo - DAT passenoir tram. Dealers in fine Batter, Cheese, Lard, eto, 891 V’! .,7?f" *’ Pearl and 28 Bridge streets, New York. We are Arrive Odnmbns 11.00 a. m. Hole agentrt for Cheshire Cheese, 40to60 lbs.; Eng. I 7^*1? * « iq M * Gloater Cheeae. 25 to 30 lbs.; Encliah Dairy. A. I Arnve Maoon * 6,12 p ’ MUes A Son,20 to25lbs.; Nutmeg, A. Miles*Son, oolumbus night xrrioht and accommodation 10 to 15 lbs.; Young America, 6 lba each, 4 in caee. I tbain. Alao receivera and drat handa of Factory Cheese, I Jaktb Macon 8:15 p. 50 to CO lba.; Htato Cheeae, 30 to 50 ibe.; Pine Ap- Arrrive at Colnmbua 4:45 a. m. pie, 5 to 6 lbe. ; Goabenand Med. State, 30 to 40 I Colombna 8 05 P. M. GEO. 8. HART. iba., Batter and Lard, of all grades, pat ap In every variety of package, for ahipment to warm I climatea. octlO a 3 m* Cochran, McLean Sc Co., IMPORTERS AJH» JOBBEB8 OF D BY GOODS, Linene, Embroideries, Laces, I Crapes, Mantillas, Gloves. White Goods, Ho- I aiery, Notiocs. Woolens—402, 464 and 403 Broad-I way, New York. oct9 wCm* 9D B ? u H SBB ss rn > % M H 13 r“ m OD 73 CP MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, - - SOUTH CAROLINA K ECENTLY refittedand famished with every re gard to comfort and convenience, ia now aeoond to no hotel in the South. D. C. BURNETT, Proprietor. Late proprietor of St. Jamea Hotel and Otiand. Hotel, Montreal, Canada. dec3 3m X. D. W2HSELOCK* XL B. STARE. WHEELOCK Sc STARK, Saocoaaora to South wick & Wheelock, WHOLESALZ DIALERS DT BOOTS &. SHOES, No. 10 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. > ffCamlaall vHlc, Ga. Arrive at Macon 4:10 a m. VIBGIL POWERS, jonlO ly Engineer and Superintendent. [ pacific hhl mmm co.'s THROUGH LINK TO CALIFORNIA, cnarra. aud tajpast, Touching at Mexican Ports AND CAHKYING THE V. S. MAIL Fares Greatly Reduced. Oscar Cheesman, Wholesale Dealer m Crockery and Glassware oc8w6m* 74 Warren st., New York. A^OOK FOR THEIiLLIONT TUT * TT A g~* "K? I A private Coon- | /V.VE of toe large and splendid Steamships of llE mmAAlXiu selor to toe Mar- I v J this line will leave Pier No. 42 North River, . _ J I foot of Canal street, at 12 o’clock, neon, on toe 16th GrTXTTilH 1 I and SOth of every month (except when those dates UUAAJJCi. ‘T&'SSS faUon Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday), ot the phj^ical tyw. J ASPINWALL, connecting, via PtOMUk Bail- ical mvaterixa tod revelations Lem, how to preserve the complexion, etCi. This is an interesting work ot 224 pages, with num cross engraving, ana contains valuable information tor those who are married or contemplate marriage; still it is a book that ought to be under look ait key and not laid carelessly about the house. Sent to anj one (free of pottage) for 50 cents. Address Dr. Butt’s Dispensary. Ho. * eighth street, ht. Louis, Mo. **-NOTICE 10 THE AFFLICTED A* 1 CJH- FOBTUHATB. Before applying to the notorious Quacks who ad> Tertise in public caper* or using any Quack Rem edies, peruse Dr. Battj' work, no matter what year disease 1* or how deplorable your condition. way, with one of the Company’s Steamships from Pantma for SAN FEANOISOO, touching at MAN ZANILLO. All departures connect at Panama with steamers for South American porta. Departure of 15th touches at Tfjngwton, Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave Ban Fran- ciscofirst of every month, except when it falls on Sunday, then on toe day preceding. One hundred pounds of Baggage allowed to each adult. Baggage Masters accompany through, and attend ladiea and male protectors. Baggage received on the dock the Dr. Batts can be consulted, personally or by mail day before sailing, from Steamboats, R*iirr^H a on the diseases mentioned in his works. Office, No.lS | passengers who prefer to send down earlv « BI.M8 h.r "•*« ’*3«- V An experienced Surgeon on bo^T Medicine ard ! attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or farther In formation, apply at the Company’s Ticket Office, on the Wharf, foot of Canal street. North Diver, New I York. mar21 ly* p. R. BABY, Agent. LOOK TO EOUK OHJLLOKEN. THE GREAT MOTEING REMEDY* MRS. WHITCOMB'S &YBUP. MBS. WHITCOMB'S tiYKUF MKti. WHITCOMB'S BYKtiP. Cures Colie and Grip-1 ing in the Bowels, and I facilititato* tho process j ot Teething. Subdues I Convulsions and over j ci lent to infants and I Children. Cores Di- | arrhea.Dysentery and I ftgmmm Owahat ill shlldasn of .11 a( CENTS. chiUrcu of all axes. . It ia the Great Intent’s and Uhiidren’a Soothlna Rexeir in ail disorders brouaht on by teethina or any other cause. Prepared by the GRAFTON MSDICINR CO- St. Louis, Me. l Sold by Druixista and Dealers in Medicine every- j au«17-dAwly I Philander Reed, C OMMISSION MERCHANT, and Dealer in For eign and Domestic Produce, Fottaoea, Apples, Onions, etc., Beans, Peas, bamp, Hominy, etc, Dried Apples, Peaches, Perries, etc., Lemons, Or anges, etc, Nuta, etc. . Office, 22 Old Slip, New York. octovrCm* 1 NOTICE. GOOD second hand two Horse omnibus for where. dec!2 lmg 0. MASTERSON, Macon, Ga.