The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, May 28, 1873, Image 1

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TELEGRAPH AND M E s Sj E N G E R; nv clisby, Jones & reese. macon, Georgia, Wednesday morning, may u_errta Telegraph llnlldlnc. Ham*. **. ..... ....... - . 2S, 1873. NUMBER 6,637 ao<5 Massengar, one year f 10 00 n» months 5 00 One month. i 00 genu*Weekly Telegraph and Mecacnger, one 4 00 Six months..... 2 00 KisupoU) Weekly Telegraph and Heaeenger, 56 coin mu a, one year 3 00 gii months 16* always in mtwm, rad paper stopped .bee the money ntna out, nnleae renewed. Tbe oooaojidated Ten-graph and Messenger rep- rment* a Ur*e circulation. pervading M idd le,8onth- am and SnntbwenUm dooiy-ia and Eastern Ala- i^xna and Uluulo Florida. Advertisementa at rea- cable ratee In the Weekly at one dollar per .inue of three-quarter* of an inch, each pnblica- ton. Remittaocoa should bo made by express, or i] mail in money orders or registered letters. Iso* Mrscto a Atlanta.—Aooorling to the Mobile Register there are now ten blast fnmsoes In operation in Alabama and font in course of construction. FasamoT Eluott, of Harvard College af firms "that thoro Is a fundamental pervading d.fl-renee between all men and all women, ahich extends to their minds as mnch as to their bodies." Profeasor Agaas.'z adds that they need a different diet. Is nothing Is Ha Mia's great military strength more visible than in her number of horses. The Hnaaian Empire baa 18 000,000 of horses a* compared to 2 50 >,000 drsaght animate In Germany, 3.100,000 in Austria, and 4.450,000 in Franoe. Uoaala now employs 325,000 horses is her army, aod the. Cossack's Cavalry is the £;eat In the world. C»nut Touts.—Tbe break in the French Os Me some weeks ago was followed by an lit er ease of rates for the tranamlssion of meat, gea by tbe Atlantio Cable Company of fifty per east Tbe Franoh cable being now repaired, the advance rates are to be dlaoontlnned, and tbe old ebarge of a d tiler a word resumed, to taka tffeel tbe Brat of Jane. In conversation to-day with a prominent pub lic man of this District, the President took oc casion to remark, with regard to the Chief Jus ticeship, that no man should receive tbe ap pointment who, by reason of his political con victions or affiliations, would in any wise jeo pardize the legitimate frntts of the rebellion, lie was of the opinion that this consideration outweighed alt others in selecting a eandidate for this position.— Watlanylon corrapondence Batten Pott, MO. Jnat as we expected. Grant means to appoint some bitter partisan who will decide all qaes tiona growing out of the !a e civil war and its sequences of Kadical legislation from the stand point of party, and not from that of the Oonsti tntlon. Nobody with an atom of intelligence expected anything else, so none will be disap pointed. Grant pnt Bradley on the bench be cause he knew that Bradley's views on the legal tender question were in accord with that of the administration and the party behind it, and sure enongh Bradley, the Judge, fully sustained the opinions held by Bradley tbe politician and office-seeker. We msy look, then, to see Jadge Chase's place filled by some servile venomons partisan who will decide all questions wherein the Sonih is concerned with bis eyes turned to ward tbe White House, and his heart and head impervious to ail itflncnees and arguments other than those born of gratitndo to his mas ter and his master's parly. And as this manner of man is to be appointed, wby not Bradley ? He is the very man for the place. If Grant is io donbt on this point let him read Bradley's judicial stump speech at Savannah a few weeks since. Be'U never "jeopardize the legitimate frnits of the rebellion''—be sure of that. If not Bradley, then we suggest Underwood, or Dnreil, or Bond, or tbe sot Deiahsy, or the bribe taker Sherman. They have ail incontes tably proved their thorough devotion to the principles that Grant has annonnoed will gov ern his seleotion of a successor to the late Gbief Justice. We are of opinion, however, that Du rail is the man of all others best fitted for the position. NaTioMiL Usrunucas Past* ov Uiut Ban- tnt Ososvraan —A special B rminghsm corres pondent of tbe World, reports that tha National Kepnbliean parly of Great Britain was formally organised in Birmingham on Sunday and Mon- dty, tbs llib and 12th of Hay. Tbe worst en emy of Mr. John Ball need wish h'rn no worse than tbit the National Itepnblioan party of Great Britaio (ball follow the example of the parly of that name in the Bolted States. Tub liquor trade of this oonntry la an !m- msnaa Interest. It represents a money ospital In I qildstlon of $ 100,000,000. Tbe beer trade represents a retail value of 9300,000,000. On tbe two tbs tax paid annnally is nearly $60,- 000,000. If the import trade in beers, wines and liquors be add, J to tbe native liqnor and bear valaea, tbe aggregate vslae will be $885,- iss),000. If to this la ad led tbe ospital invest ed in buildings, maohinery, etc., the footing is at least 91,500.000,000 HrmiLFcintoB.—At the Soolal Solenoe Con vention in Boston Inst week n plea for the ad mission of girls to coiloge matriculation having I quiet, with an improvement in demand and a been set up, President Elliot, of Harward Uni- I steadier feeling. Last Week's Colton Ficnres. Tbe cotton receipts of the seven days ending last Friday night, 231, as reported by the New York Chronicle, were 34.044 bales against 41,- 031 bales last week, 43,770 bales the previous week, and 48,0tG three weeks since, making the total receip's since the first of September, 1872, 3.378,514 bales against 2,641,119 bales for the same period of 1871-72, showing an in. oreaae aince September 1,1872, of 737,335 bales. The reoelpta at the interior ports for tbe same time were G180 bales against 2G55 for the cor- responding week of lost year. The Chronicle's tsbie of cotton in sight shows 2,526,950 against 2,434 4C0 last year, being an increaeo of 92,290. The weather and crop reports were favorable. The weather was warm, sultry, and generally wet. Clear and pleasant the latter part of the week. Mercnr; at Uemphis averaged 73, Sa vannah 73, Macon 78, Hobilo 7G, Montgomery 81. The New York market daring the week was vsraity opposed It and remarked tb&t "it re quires speeial care to prevent evil In the | contact of large numbers of girls.” This drew ( Terrible Tornado In Iowa and HU* nola. . , . , The Ilerald of Saturday bss telegraphic do- oat Jolla Ward Ho wo in an excoriating rejoinder ^ of , tornado lhat T „ ited various pointI m about tba pranks and misdemeanors of tho Har vard boys, under the smart of which Elliot was Iowa and Illinois on Thursday last, whiob, In , point of terrlfio fnry and the destruction to life glad to beat an unceremonious and precipitate end „ 0HUKJ d, exceeds anything with- retrsat. Tho girls and boys arc both very good, jn onr recoIIe0l , oo . At Dca Moines, Iowa, nine b "i 1 i k *“"' m i RnDp0 ' er,lhey ® h0nlaDOtb °Uonsea and a church were blown down; at Washington eight persons were killed and otb- , , „ - „, | the fnty ‘at tho Bicrm. xno'"i5.-® 0 uld resist ForiUnla, baa published a volnmo catted A ^ aotaila: Thanksgiving Btory," which contains among m abont half a milo In width, nna other things "Betsy and I are Ool —hereto- 1 Jt t0T ^ into fragments everything in itsoonrse. fore nnblisbrd as tbe production of Will M. jf on „ e s, barns, fences, trees, cattle and human Onlelon. Mrs. E. say. aho and not O.rlelon Is , Mnjg. -ught and tba snlhor of this pieoe, and accuses hm Lj.h snob violence as to prodnoa instant do. bald abameloss plagiarism. So wo anppoao the gtrnolion n 0 ases and barns were torn into lllcrttrr world will ba treated to a seoend edl- fraR ments, and nealterod in all directions, and Isn't It rather strange, however, that Mrs. Em- toters, fi Tbe cattle ware finally never pnt in her oialm to the authorship dr ; yen headforemost into the ground. One can Gov. Smith, of Georgia, (-ays the Nashville Caion and American,) was honored by the at tendance of distinguished Governors, Congress- men, statesmen, and engineers, all favoring the Atlaclio and Great Western Canal, which he bss labored so ably by pen and convention, to se cure. There was some difference of opinion as to how tho work had beet be undertaken- whether by the General Government, to be made and controlled as a great national high way, or by a corporation, as an enterprise part iy private and partly public in its character. Tbe latter is probably the easiest way to obtain the canal. If Congress bnilds one canal a pnb- lio work, and keeps it in operation for the pnblio convenience, it will be fonnd impossible not to construct fifty of the same character, to be ran by the party in power. Such a precedent will hardly be established; and States, a Slate, or corporation most make the improvement, or wa mast do withont it. Fabllc interests demand the canal, for this reason if no other. A ton of agricultural produce in the interior, as shown by engineers, that cannot be sent to Savannah by rail for less than $14 40. may be carried there by canal and river for #4.83. There are millions of tons of weighty products of the soil, tike corn in Tennessee and Iowa, whiob farm ers can raise at a profit, and ship to the Atlantia at a oost of fonr dollars and eighty-eight cents a ton, which oannot be grown and sent at all if the charge is over fourteen dollars a ton. In the one case a Tennessee farm is worth forty dollars an acre to raise oorn and hay for the outside markets of the world; while in tbe oth er case tbe same land is not worth fonr dollars an sere for the same purpose. Tennessee far mers have never had a chanoe to learn tbe great and nnmerons advantages of easy and cheap acoess to tbe markets of tbe world. Had their expenenoe tanght them these benefits, they would see and feel how easily eheap transporta tion—say ten oenta on a half bushel of corn from Nashville to Savannah and Charleston— adds thirty dollars to the valne of an acre of Tennessee land- To make this matter plain, let ns assume that a Tennessee farmer has land and skill eqnai to the production of thirty bushels of corn to the acre. A saving of thirty cents on transporting a bnshe! of this grain to a distant oonsnmer may go fifteen cents to the man who raises it. Thirty bushels sold from an acre gives the firmer, withont one cent of extra labor, $4 50 more money as his annual income from every acre in oorn. This is nine per cent, interest on a valuation of fifty dollars ptr acre. If this land was worth before ten dol lars an acre to raise oorn for Georgia and Scnth Carolina seaboard markets, it is now worth sixty dollars an acre with the canal; while the gain to the cotton and rice growers is jnst the same, who save fifteen oents on a bushel on all the Tennessee oorn they consume. It was precisely in this way that the Erie ctnal raised the valne of farms in Western New York from ten to sixty dollars an acre, and business property in Albany and Xuw Y^rk in a greater ratio. Every business man, whether planter, farmer, merchant or manufacturer, should see the im portance of developing the cotton growing, grain and provision interests together. Since 1SC6, about sixty per cent, of all onr national exports have been raw ootton, and home made fabrics worth one thousand five hundred million dollars Here is onr great gold mine that will Inst as long au water inns. To oreate a reliable home market for grain, milk, bntter, cheese, meat, frnit and vegetables, we ought to manufacture vastly more of onr raw cotton. Cheap trans portation will largely reduce the first oost of fertilizers to the planter and farmer, lessening the oost of raising cotton, oorn and wheat, which will help every oonsnmer of bresdstnffs and pro visions, as well as the cultivators of the soiL Cheap transportation means cheap clothing, cheap living, a demand for labor, and a plenty for all. Oar peculiar agricultural resources are dead and frnitieBS withont available markets. The common sense of tha West and the Sonth agree perfectly on this point. To gether thry form a population of twenty million, and have land to give largo estates to ten times that nnmber. Let the people aod industry of onoh section grow ng^nnd^ijiropijFr respects* Tbo^North should aid the South to raiso cotton, rico and sugar for the good of all, rather than persecute onr planting industry out „* .-riotennn. Grant’s policy is calculated to of existenoo. Grants policy drive alt white persons ont of Louisiana and Sonth Carolina. Incurable fanaticism has re duced the rich island of Jamaica to thirteen thousand white people, and five linndrod thou sand negroes. In what way does this blighting policy benefit the homo government, or the idle, retrograding black population ? The In telligent, go-ahead sovereigns of the West have no desire to see the Afrioan raoe ten to one of thaEaropean race in the planting States. They know too well the agricultural resources of the BY TELEGRAPH. DAY DISPATCHES. Debate on tbe Alnbamia Claims. Lovdox. May 27.—The Alabama Claims were discussed in the Honse of Commons last night. Lord Bentick declared the Government policy humiliating and degrading. Tbe Government should have broken np negotiations at a time when no sense of shsme wonld have been left to England. Arbitration was the greatest mon ument of human folly. Sir Stafford Northoote admitted that, daring negotiation, he had not minutely examined the consequences to British subjects of fixing tho end ol the war at Lee’s surrender. Mr. Gladstone said the advancement of indi rect claims by the American Government was a gigantic error. In all other respects he de fended the oouree arbitration had taken. The debate here cloaed, and the item waB agreed to. Nzw York. May 27.—The Guatemala insur gents have purchased steamer General Sher man with a cargo of wat material. The Colombian government has purchased steamer Virginia. No correspondents or civilians will be al lowed to accompany the Yellowstone expedi tion. The captains of ships Noonen and B. W. Mes ser, from Rio Janeiro, bound for New York, both died of yellow f.ver on the voyage. Great Freabet In Kansas. Tcpisa. Msy 27.—A dispatch from Emporia says the Nearha river has overflowed its banks, causing extensive damage to crops. Trains on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad are delayed at the bridge across B g John Creek, south of Connell Grove. Tbe water is raoniag around both ends of the bridge destroying tbe embankment. Cottonwood Valley is completely oveifliwod. Tbe railroad track is inundated. The bridge at Cedar Grove is gone—damages immense. Salvage on tbe Strainer Atlantic. Haupax, May 27.—Sch.-oner Annie Brown] chartered by the New York Wreoking Company to carry goods from the wreck of the Atlantie, has been seized by orders of tbe vice admiralty, at snit of Edward Byan, James Conl&nd and others, of Prospeot, who claim 93.000 as com- penaation for saving life and property at the time of the wreck. Five Modoc* Billed. Sax Faascxsoo, May 27 —Tho Captain of company A, first cavalry of Crook's command, reports killing fire Indiana and eaptnring their supplies. Immediately after tie action the first cavalry were ordered to the Modoo country, leaving Arizona exposed. IInyr tbe Hrplncky Negroes Exeurt. Cxxanaxx, May 27.—Two negroes fought on an excursion train between Lexington and Win Chester. One cat the other’s head nearly off and threw his dead body off the train. St. Louis, Msy 27.—Marabrino Temple, the famous stallion, is dead. Requieteat in pace. RIGHT DIM PATCHES. New Mexican Comm f si loner. Washinotox, May 27.—Zunaconn, the new Mexioan Commissioner, is expected next week, with a treaty extending the commission two years, when work will be resnmed. Tbe KIcknpoos. The following was received this morning: Chicago, May 27, 1873. To the Secretary of TFar: Gen. Angnr telegraphs that Mexioans on the border are well pleased with the punishment given the Kickapoos by McKenzie. The re- mainder of the Kickapoos threaten retaliation, bot we are ready for them if they come. (Signed) P. H. Snxainax, Lt. Gen. Abont Grave Decorations. The Secretary of War haB adressed a letter Quartermaster-General Meigs, stating that, for the pnrpose of decorating the graves of de ceased Union soldiers, the National Cemetery at Arlington will be under the control of the Grand Army of the Republic on the 30th inst., and that all organized procession*m.-v deairingj,9„ris^.th—any subsequent to xntTone BuhvexAsttietf, upon proper application. Synopsis Wcnliier Statement* Was Dzp't, Orricz Chikt Sioxai, Omen. Washington, May 27. Probabilities: For Tennessee and lha West ern Gulf States, southwesterly to northwesterly winds, increasing pressure and Partly cloudy weather, with occasional rain for tho latter; for the Exstern Gnlf and Sonth Atlantio States, southwesterly winds, warm and partly cloudy weather: for the Middle States and New Eng- land, southeast and southwest winds, faffing barometer, higher temperature, increasing clondy weather, and occasional rain; for Cana da and tha lower lake region, southwesterly winds warn), clondy weather and rein; for the npper lakes and the northwest, and thenoo to Missonri ana Kentucky, southwesterly to west- erly winds, risiDg barometer, cooler, clearing weather, with occasional rain. _ Reports^are Tbe body of Mr. Orr, late Minister toHnssia, will he in state in this city before being taken to Anderson, S. 0., for interment. The re mains have not yet arrived. War on the Heathen Chinee. Sax Filascuco, May 27.—The bodies of three Chinamen, who died from small pox, were fonnd to-day concealed in the pomp boxes of the steamer Lord of tbe Isles, lying at her dock.— Too vessel was ordered to be quarantined at once. Her passengers are in the eity, having ail landed yesterday. Local opposition to Chinese immigration has taken definite shapes. The board of supervi sors wilt pass an ordinance that all Chinese, sentenced to the county jail, be deprived of their pig toil-*, levying of 15 dollars a quarter on Chinese lanndrymen and prohibiting the re. moral of dead bodies to Chins. Bepresentativea of six Chinese companies have telegraphed to Hong Kong repreeenting tha state of affairs, and advising Chinamen to stop coming to California. Sensation reports are published abont leprosy as if it was a new thing here. The cases are all old ones, the disease having existed in this eity thirteen or fourteen years. Kit, West, May 21.—Captain J. Edward Hunter, of the Royal navy, has jost completed the work of laying a new oabls between Havana and Key West. He laid an entirely new cable from Havana to this coast in fourteen hoars, using only 35 miles of cable. The previous oa- bbt laid for this oompany have measured not less than 125 miles. Captain Hunter did thii withont any convoy. There are rumors of difficulties, political and otherwise, in the way of the Duke of Edin burgh's marriage with the daughter of the Em peror of Russia. They eay that there are high personages in court strongly opposed to It, and that hints have come from the "cousins" in Berlin that it might perhape be as well even if it did not take place. They say, farther, that the Doke of Edinburgh will have hi3 own way, let everybody elso do or say what everybody else pleases. Prince Bismarck is a great consumer of lager beer, introducing it into his dwelling honse in small kegs, which are on tap at all hoars of the day and night, and on all ooca- ■ions. The Fall Mall Gazette of London ttyles Hon. Caleb Cnahiog’s book on the History of the Treaty of Washington “an extraordinary flood of blackguardism.” Cabi. Scncrz’s wife has come Into possession of a legacy of 9170,000 left horby hernnclein Germany. Sale of Unclaimed Freight. Cestr .l IIailkoad and Baneivo Co op Gioeou, Mac jx, Ga., May 6,1873. SIMMON GREAT Sf a* For over FORTY YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE! Eat proved to be tbe Great Unfailing Specific for hirer Complaint and Its pain fat offspring, Dyipep- ■la. Con«tip»ti>n, Jaundice. Bilioua attacks. Sick lieadache. Colio, Depression of SpiriU. Soar Stom ach. Heartburn. ChiIJs and Fever, etc,, etc. After years of oareful experiments, to meet a great andjargent demand, we now prodace from oar origi- u&l Oecuine Poeders THE PREPARED, ild form < uing all-3 and offer it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES The Powdere, (price u before.)-^^,fl.00 per package: I Sent by mall.— 1,04 A3-CAUTION*.—Buy no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS* LIVER REGULATOR unlee- in our en graved wrapper, with Trado mark. Stamp and Signa ture unbroken. None other is genuine. J. II. ZE1LIN & ( O., Macon, Ga. , and Philadelphia. Sold by all Druggist*. fan28-d*wly CROCKERY EMPORIUM -OF- WISE, DOBBS & CO., 83 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GA. WISHING TO REDUCE OUR EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Crockery, China, Glass and Silver-Plated fare Wc will .oil at the following REDUCED PRICES until tho 1st Jane, 1873. WHITE CHINA. ■ Re- , Old | daced Trice*. t’riCOS IMITATION CHINA. DINNER FLkTEb per iloz BREAKFASTFhkTES por doz... TEA PLATES perdaz DINNER SETS (137 piece*} TEA SETS (41 p^cm) MOSS ROSE DINNER SET MOSS ROSE CHAMBER SET.... $ 3 75 8 4 5u DINNER PLATES per daz S 25 4 00 BREAKFAST PLATES per do* 2 73 1 8 50 TEA PLATES per doa 50 00 6 ) 0' DINNER SETS (187 piece*) 7 00 7 00 DECORATE D DINNER SETS (200) 100 00 125 0C TEA SETS (41 piece*) 16 00| 18 00.| DECORATED WATER MT0HER8.. d:£d ; £ii Price. I #225 176 150 27 60 50 00 5 50 2 00 9 8 00 260 200 85 00 76 00 750 400 1,000 SETS OF GOBLETS AT 50 CENTS PER SET. SPONG-EJ SPONG-E.’I Bathing—Extra Suchoix Extra Venice. Elate and Carriage Sponge. G ARDEN SEED3 Bait&ble to the eo&eoa, in- [ eluding Bn»ter Beaus, Butch, bnap and I Hanning ISnap Beans. Also, COHN for late roasting ears. a fino variety of | ICE-COLD SODA WATER! SILVEE-PLATED GOODS In this line wo have made a great reduction in price. Sixty Triplo Plated Oaatora, 5 Cut Glass Bottles at 50 each, former price $10. Remember we guarantee the above prices only till the 1st tf Jane. Call and eee ns, or send your orders. WISE, DOBBS & CO. t Im * GREAT EXCITEMENT With delicious FBUIT SIBUPi, cispenaod daily from my elegant Fon itain. €S r btreeet Car Tickets at 5 cents. PRESCRIPTIONS continue a specially, and are I compounded from PUtiE MEDICINES and by T HE followlrg articles of cnclaimed freight will j thoroughly ekiilfnl parties. be eold at the depot of this Company Tuesday, | ROLAND B HALL, otThe'nlcoe nntil she discovered tho wonderfol I a caroelyooneeive tho devastation or reahzo the _ wa incline to tho opinion that she Is a first-el ass session the great westeracanah ,frad ” — fomadoTora'tCbnildffiB to pieces, and carried The Cotton Crop Fro Worn. j missing from the Southwest, the Northwest Kan- 8„iar —rropeity holders at Niagara ana !?™ fonrtcen years' old danghtor of Henry There la food for study and rtfleotion tn the sag atl(J the Pacifio stations. Athnr* interested are making a Fpaclonspark on jiotbmel abont a quarter of a mile from the follow | ng f rom the Atlanta Plantation, but ex- j Presbyterian Union. 0,h " ‘ r lera .ide oMhe Wis, so that nobody school. perience hasshown that the Southern States will ba^mow. May 27-The Assembly referred | can get a view of thorn until ba has psida oar- l t resembled a long tract of always raise as much coltoo«M'L 0 reeiormea * , trio fee for admlsalon to tho inclosnre. Niagara ^ lhn ._ had been suddenly overflowed and maUer what tha pries. If present angunos are ^ y<Jlk Dl ii,- n g, 0 f Albany; Mnsgrovs, of I.-dwava noted for its gorging, but this beats everything carrrled away, as if the ^ ' I sustained in regard to the growing crop—that Philadelphia. Pa. ; Jaeobus, of Pennsylvania; I an ^Thlnk of'converting NFaga a Falls Into a suddenly fallen and lefteverythi^noompleo „ a sood crop year, these States will Mitchell of Illinois, and four elders. WIU aome one aay it nan be soon from tho Brit- overa qn „ (er of a mile and thromx to ^o ta j nIy8pp roximate that amount. I arfoommenolrg to arrive at quarantine. I.h aide withont paying this " tariff for protec- L t onnd with snch violence “‘ Vhalf mbe E v ery man in the Sonth should carefully study 1 A u Abont a Gin. lion?” Not ao! You must pay toll to cross the tbem^tho we ' r V 0 *« 0 rown«n over. Even 1 f°°-'I Two men fought abont a girl st apionloin| river on foot, and carriage hire if yon chooso to brokan 0 nt of wagon wheels. A the Annual of the New York Daily Jersey, ™<lone a b ' ride. The astntoncas or the Northern brethren I P „ „aB found pierced Ibrongh and plnned to a commercial pxper of high stand-1 WnUncltaF • „ - | hu lang compelled tho “Falling Waters" to Aground by a spike of timber, two by four ™ * I tnmtbeirmills, and now forcos them after this inches. the correspondent say3 fonr L of Value of Crop. FricS° Daks'. I & “ a BarDeron* Affray. work la done to exhibit for hire Uke a monkey AtKeoU.Iow, th P * f„, , n j 1972 WaUlJ® »•“*•«» A negro fatally cut a white man with a razor CETJSSJSm-«%*liSSig=ga5 LIS Cotton CxrKtrn.un —A P' aD, ® K fl demolished. Bolween two and threo MM i|G9 and »»••••" 20* 2,519,000 St . Louih, May 27.-Two women havo been j mileawertof tho oity (says tho Enfanl head of calUo were killed. The storm did not Th tloncr op year before lastwas 1,348,000 killed by lightning in Kansas, of Snnday) brought in yesterday several genn- tbree or fonr hundred yards In' width. The colt ^PJ of , Mt year . ^d yet. Dispatches from Kansas and Iowareprcsent in# cotton catorpiltars that ho bad just taken p. airie city, Illinois, the tornado was al- • to 8 Bay, it brought into tho oonntry for immense damage to orops from ram darmg the from cotton planU in his field, and wbidi had mofit R3 dea .raotiTe. Two children were killed, ootton exported, wm PBSt The stokes Case, eaten every leaf off tho plants from w ic y ^ flve grown persons badly injured. Six pwdjwWM^mflnoy^ uty p Hqt mlny Alsast, May 27,-The decision of the Conrt I were Ukea. They woro closely and carefully and th# ganJ0 nnmb erof barns were de- about one^tn of g * Uy fertuizer3i mnlca. of Appe als in the Stokes case will not bo ren- examined by a nnmber of onr oldest and most and a Bual ber of horses and cattle killed. . borer . bushels of corn, and thousands cf delad iu ae reral days, experienoed planters, and pronounced by all of i asblnBton , c a Keota hall stones fell that ponnaa of baoon, went all for a bad purpose in The Form Praises MncWnhon. them to be cennino cotton caterpillars, and no At * r i hea in diaa3 eter. prodneing this exoess of onr great f‘ a P Ia ; ^ e Home, May 27.—The Pope, in a speech yes- to t c gtuuiuo v-.-.i. | measured nine mono* a I .t.tA.i in the nnbho prints that cotton- | s„*i» r Ari that he had ever prayed for 1 mistake. The fact was telegraphed North and ■ - — — nlantemwant to pamhase fifty million bushels *** bn t w“ Id now pray with greater con- we Bimply reoord it, with no purpose to creat I Wine Sampling. I of corn a year from the West. Which is the fi3ence * The election of MacMahon was a a sontatlon abroad, or undue apprehensions at 0 f tbe Savannah Morning News, who betler farm ©oonomy, to raise nothing but cot- of or a e r and justice which had been ‘ —' “ old doT otoe at the shrine of Bacchus, and ton, say twenty bales, and sell that at ten cents ^ hteatonod on all sides. is an old an . only ten bags and seU that at — number of Dei Jnne 10th, at 1U o'clock a. x. Armstrong, G. one box. *'B,” 24 uacke barley. Diamond G, Agent, one bundle paper. CnmminRB, SLjor J F, one box, Corput, F, two half barrel* beer. Cherry, G F, fonr kitts, fonr boxes fish. Cox, T B, one boll rack, one box zneichundiae. D D A Bro, one barrel fish Ganeheimer, M, one empty keg. Harris, T, two boxes sauce, two boxes catsup Haxris, T, one box horse radish, one box chow chow. Harris, T, ono box prunes, one box milk. Herrinetnn, L B, two old sewing machines. Heat, B F, two chicken coops. Holt. Gapt J G, one barrel fertilizer. Herrington, J. one tool chest. Diamond H, one box printed matter. Hunt, M N, ono box. Hagools, J, Gainesville, Fla, seven s&cks cotton seed. Johnson. E B, one box. Lumpkin, U J.BarabViile one chest ono capboard. L&saner, J, one package bedsteads. Lowe, J, one ban el ayrnp. Lewis,“A W, ono cheat. JIcB. one box merchandise. Massey. O W. two pieces gin casting. Perry, Mrs Alice, one piano (two boxes.) Farkman & H, ono cotton gin. Jv98g n s ,«* 8S«o? Sawyer. F O, one cotton gin, twu barrels merchandieo, ono Uo & •-etingt: ” 4 — Thomas, E O. two bundles bedding. Thomas, T M, Jtff arson, Texw, one ch3Bt. T K T, one one-eighth cask liquor. W O, one one eighth cask liquor. \Vhittle * N, three boxes furniture, ono bundle carpet. Allen. Thomas, one bex bitters Wilkins & Bro, one granite block. Marks, various, nine empty kegs. No mark, two bundles cotton ties. •* ono package (two pieces) casting. •• one sack hardware. *• one empty keg. •• ono bundle nail rot’s. «• two cross-cat e&wa. •* threo chairs (old.) ** ten walnut chairs (new.) «• twenty-five plow points. •* twelve wagon hubs: •* one box yarns. “ seven pieces bedstead. ** one cotton-seed taller. ** one iron wrench. »» one augur. one bale cotton, one picco stove pipe* one pair fire-doga. two pieces casting, three bnndloa iron, one singletree, one letter press, one box. one trunk, lot theatre scenery, two dross poles, lot wood in shape, ono trough, lot bedsteads- one m&ttrees. one email foatber bod. ono bundle bedding, one bundle cotton ties- one black board and stand* two pieces marble. one box signs. one old wagon (K. D.) one plow. one handle rod iron, one wagon tire, one pair andirons, one portable grate, six plow points, ono bar iron- one box crackers. may20tf Corner Cherry at. and Cotton are. EDWARD SPKXNZ, N otary fublio and ex-officio justice I OF THE FEACE- I can be fonnd for the ] resent at all boors of the day at my office, adjoin* -ig the law office of A. Froudfit, over the store of . - Jaques Jb Johnsons Third street, Macon, Ga., to at* I market. We now nave tend to all Magisterial l.nftine«ta. &ng BALTIMORE CLOTHING HOUSE NO. 94 CORNER SECOND and CHERRY STS. (Under Telegraph and Messenger Office ) CATOOSA SPRINGS, | GEORGIA. The Great FointainofHeaHli and Pleasure I Will ba openeJ for tho reception of visitors on | JUNE 1st, 1873. BOARD $50 PER MONTH. | For analysis and descriptive pamphlet address W. 0. HEWITT, Froprietor, maylEd&wlm Catoosa Springs. T HIS is one of the largest and most complete clothing houses in Macon. The senior of the firm re- Bidiogin Baltimore, givos the honse nneqnaled advantages in supplying the necessities of this otcre, besides new arrivals by every train, 200 DRESS SUITS from $16 up. 250 BUSINESS SUITS, from up. 2C0 pairs BLACK DO ESKLN PANTS, from $5 np. 50 OaSSIMERE SUITS—Extra sizes, made to order. 500 BOYS' SUITS—Can fit any boy in Macon. 500 LINEN SUITS, from *3 up 50 WHITE DIAGONAL SUITS, from $12 np. 150 WHITE LINEN DUCK SUITS, from $7 np. 59 LINEN TALMAS, (new) various prices. 200 CA8SIMERE COAT'S, light and dark from $5 up. 200 CAS8IUERE PANTS, light and dark, from $3 up. 300 ALP AO A JACKETS. 1 Suitable for the May celebrations, to which we invite the 300 WHITE PANTS, for boys. ^ attention of ladies who have little boys they would fit out j neatly at a small outlay. EXTRA SIZED SUITS MADE A SPECIALTY, GOOCH’S STOCK OF BOYS 9 CLOTHING UNRIVALED! *\M of Hats, Trilsjalises; etc., compie; BESTS’ FURNISHING GOODS OF BEST QUALITY I exhibiting them in a good light. _ M. HIRSH & BRO. DECXDEDIiY the best is use. I F after a FAIB TBIAL, tbo Freezers do not Vivo ENTIRE SATISFACTION, we will re- I fnnfi the money is mi> Gome and aoe them | AU Sizes for tale at Manufacturers’ Trices. GOOD _tsJriIEC_A-ID CAN ONLY BE MADE WITH- aplltf B. A. WISE A CO., CHEBBY STREET. | Spanish Segars! Spanish Segars! Or. VOLG-ER & CO., Mu berry Street...* Good Flour i E3FE0TFULLY call the attention of^alllov- | brands: WILEY’S XXXX, ■RTemof a Freeh imported Havana Segar to the following brands, Jnst received direct from I the fragrant island m&y7 30d2taw Vi. 9. SHELLMAN, Agent Central Railroad. Tie Southern Faiorite OYER 750,000 SOLD. | FLOB DE SANTIAGO, EL BICO HAB AN A, LA COLONIAL, EL RIO SELLA, MANGO LEPANTO, LA MEBDDIANO, pLOB DE HABTINEZ. A general assortment of SMOKERS* ARTI0LE3 | constantly on hand. may20 THE GEORGIA MILLS ! Are no. mrentMiming tbe BESS FLODB ottered in tM, embrMlng ^ Uirii Mlob^tea HYACINTHEi PEARL DUST, ' AMBER. BRAN and STOCK FOOD always on hand. We are determined to make it to the intereat Of tha merchants of Georgia to patronize our mills. BURR & ITLAJNTDEIIS i . .. tint beoanso it is ft fact* On disoovonug tbe gentleman immediately gave orders to cross of ^ nolioo 0 { Messrs. Greer, Lake & Co. a I and m eat enongh to supply aU ratal Fire. North Carolina champagne to task in this wise: I tbat worb on the plantation? * ,v . • - * J aL. ....1.6 I — - •_*«.. Arnivaa YOU Will Ulttk reatenoo on au biueo* .. _ i ^.*11 Tho Chamber of Deputies has finally passed nTfapfaf fap Afr \Vll$02i 7 S uni Q v. rt ii«binfYTfilimonsccrDorations. 1 »» iivviv* j gentleman the field wilb the plow and plant cam. Lokdos, May 27.—A fire occurred in Berkley _ — •....* i in acmovieoKiuB »™“r> i Dtnoy «** .— 1 — * J ■*' SocTnzas Stat* Bom Denote] and Oommetoial reporting for the week, says: 1 ^Im^mporiloThas been at It again. I cram? “wtTe« l roHcy ortne New rrcnch Govcrnrae boldlhM a h.'en Um“”u?e!y email! Tcnnee- xba wri terdoubtless meant ciaer ^’ of G^vernSen^will 1 adopt tho free poUcy, !!nd Virginias remain steady, a few of ti,e Now th£ tyro of this paper should have eald ^ 0 ^ toct the eo tton markets of ac d reduce army expenses. Thiers will resume latter bonds hiving been bought on foreign or I and jjjg se nior, who is as well posted as ld ? Iteafy to see where their great his literary labors. -s-a 1 : SassF* “l^“ J " “ 11 In thM city entertain a more hopeful view of the mUtate Nothing Is left to him then bnt to their presen y Slate finances. _ | < lLbr0 *. np the sponge” and cry for qnaiter, at j j en tinaes. _of the New Yotk praM. B» Adjoorncd for tbe Baces. m THE mLD POWER ^CURESti HeMPUBETS* homeopathic specifics SEWING MACHINE. | g§£&&&& saafsssassssssSSM rials, with directions: Kos. Cures. ^ ^ entA * 1. Fevers, Omgwtion, Infframati-m*, . I. Worms, Worm Worm Coho, apr29tf Office No. 3 Blake’s Block, Poplar Street. HIGHEST (AND ONLY) PREMIUM . STt7iBT jjm. died of an attack of try-1 o^tands‘of these experienced bon titanU. fr3nlio 0Te r the advent to that city lament, Jane 5th, for the Derby was carried A t Savannah Fair, 1372 and 1873, and at State Faira Georgia. Alabama. North Carolina rad , gontj, Carolina, 1870 and 1872. for FAMILY SEW- Lohdos. May 27.—A motion to adjourn Par- JNG Machine. Tho only really light-ranrung locK- - ‘ ' - - *-* 1 etitch machine. Most economical to buy. Has an established repntatiom Themost dehcate lady can .1 50 V. Headaches# 10. the Pmwrwaa offered np^aira»K*-^ st o r . Then I ra ther under the table. . I heritedher name, titled estates and possessions; the^ratfinl tomb of his wife waa opened, and „ tte Mn ience of the ancient worthy who h^ o{ thre0 otber annts and my grand- ha ™ D Iced by the side of her be loYed so j , m -» t0 be drowned in a bntt of Malmsey otber . i came to vimt tffis oonntry by the h. wa. placed by th doom brother Thompson advice of my physician. Dr. Grejfreth.of ( Lon ; vtell. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. DENNISON’S PATENT] SHIPPING TAGS. u _ Over 200 mfllions have been used | wurun the past ten rears, without complaint or loes 1 .by tag becoming detached. All Express Compames Nnr Year, May 27—Amved, Limerick, nee them. Eold by Printers rad Btauone»ev«y 1 Champion, Montgomery. Arrived out, Batavia, I where. v Assembly to-day. # Prince Pierre Bonaparte is in Paris. Ik wiSCTS^Sfa^K’::' 1 13. Crotip, Couch, DifflcnltBreitog,. . jg 14. SaltBhe>*m, tryupelsA. ^wph° ns » . W 15. KHeuxnatUm, llheumaUcruiM. . - • » 1C. Fever ami Agwe-CMirew. Agnes, “ li:$k M 21. Avtbma, 22. Ear 23. Scroi 24. General^—"i^St^raona. . . 25. »rop*y md , Gravel, BvreUings, . 50 OaxxsAvrs died declaring that he never ottllalDOOrrlBlul „.^-— i Earope , and had also iravmeu m — meant to bribe a member of Congress, rad bat ^ Inatlimo ny can ^““* «^ Africa. I ^threatened vnth a loss of eye- j or regret for what he I'* c “ “ , on " o{ tt8 atory 0 { ibe rabbit who I j7‘^‘ t ^ rom cervro3 debility, and was advised hid'dono concerning tho Credit Mobiller. He | briar-patch as a punishment | by ray physician to travel and take long voy- GEORGIA CANE STROP i Eegalta Association cf Georgia. wu. wr • Th teac biog in bis part wretched inmate oi mo 1’ I «Z~~*hirrhi far c’-oaks, Siberian | ECena an immense nnmber of persons, pamo- i oMhtw S nril\nstiflSbini in a liberal oonstrnc-I „ totmo te.' 1 ' Gentlemen, the writer was e . >jut d ermine fnrs and one of ni es and every deairable position commanding ?‘ h *;I®’ 1 riih, to p“ money where it wonld " ““ old Mfote he ever tasted »the ar- “ bl «; » ”‘“' e c^tmsre opera cloaks, one a view of the' river were completely jammed Id Vaa“ 3 vi.t the venera- I forty years old ue unedacated iriti. «old, twelve m fourteen hats Uith enthnsiistio crowds of spectators, who do the Mtpod. Ana uo 6boT6l an a dent,” rad yon must eIC “. 8 , ^mPirisraddre^es of velvet rad silk, rad evinced great Interest in the result of the con- it is S p!e»nre to Jenerons-mind.d t «tes. With becoming oculr.tion, he u rea-y from Paras Her laoea alone she val- test. There were three entries for the first , ’ i him the credit of having been | ^ ejelaim Pf^dri. 1 n.d at two hundred thousand dollars, and for j race, which was between 4 oared canoes and j . , Tf lc _ _* T pafV heirted man—one who was liberal F — loss of some of them, taken from her trank, gig-boats, OTer a straight oonrse of one mtle. Comnussion H-OUSe SI Learj, a most kind-hearted mra-on , u We I - - «— I 0,6 ‘ 03S “ Albanv I SEZZZ‘-.v won bv the Ma«rie. entered by I KmUnaa , calboun County,Ga. apr30 eodtf JAQUES 4 JOHNSON’S. that ffStebttat proof of his social merits. a- gs S3. Epllep*«r» Throat.. . 50 ft fSSjSsESE- andEmption^M rr. , faHHY CASES, sr Sae Uta-jU*- 33 .^* fjlS I ManuulofDjraSJ^aevial* and Boot, 6 00 • AUe*o » . t to iiny part of tha C * a *m** 1 y ‘V”?iVf cUa? S ?, n ?.a P receipt of price. Address iliiirBolrnoop^ith'tc Nlediclna iio^ it r.™,* Vo. y.tBboadway, New Sotan P^-l^Tl'Sr'saie by »U AirugRUU, - - And by JOHN INGALLS, rad HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR. Macon, Qv aod&awtf GEORGE W. HEAD, EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER, No. 4 Blake’s Block:, Poplar Street, Macon; Ga. WILL OPEN THE FIRST OF JUNE. may2t ly SLAJDIDILiIEIRrSr- j AT THE OLD STAND OF LITTLE & SMITH, 102 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA*, YOU WILL FIND SADDLES AND HARNESS! And every thine pertaining to the Saddlery and Harness Business, in ranch variety. Eveiy description or style of Harness, Saddle or Bridle not in Stock, y 111 be made to order on ft few days notice. A VARIETf OF BITTS, BUCKLES, WHIPS AND COLLARS, LEATHER, SHOE ^FINDINGS, CARRIAGE BUILDERS’ STOCK, HILL’S CONCORD WOOL C0LLAR8, CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, Etc. Orders form persons at a distance will have qniok rad careful attention. DAVIS SMITH, 102 Ohery Street, Maoon, Ga., Three doort above Bose A Coleman's. B. S. BHEA. Ja X. SHARPE; - . , vetwhethlr Rev. Dr. Padlock wUI^^the | piny {o!; MTe nty.five thousand doUara. , ^ePal-1 ywHF. nndemiraed has erected a .tore house at | w. o. woaaia. Tnx astonishing tteStSTSiSU-1 - R- m- Varv I motto Club of Charleston-time, 6:56. There-1 T.W,Oa.,on to******. ** I MORRIS & REID: figures come from Washington in rafe«n«, to dealreamn the postal card. The nnmber required already ing henna «*> fwv non rad the demand is at the | _ _ SSSSte] ffie^^r;telihe'paaBage'orbiUs inpow-1 h^en to ffieTnainee..^ rad rati, " ‘ - ering the imposition and oollection of taxoa, as I faction guaranteed in every instance. the new eity charter, as lately passed, virtually | «T Consignments solicited. ^ ^ reaches 22.000,000, and U»_—. - rite of over a million a day, that of w eon J i e™" time be will probably Uat being for 1,500,000. Of oonrse, tha demand vrt ^ ti present the doctor ia very oomfort- wili no*, be permanently sustained, bnt It la evi-1 mind. At „ f — nf th . «*.ithie.t dent that tie present extent is not even majority of cases the result of mer# z Tbe card* perform an actual M»d probably permanent eerrioe. | repeals snch powers* 3. at. shits. puPA. SMITH Sl CO. Grate, Hay, Flaar aaJ Prowteiis. Ohio River Salt Company’s Agents, 32 SOUIH MARKET BT„ NA8HYHI1E, TES2T. ORDERS SOLICITED. Bzrzazsoz: Beymonr, Tineley & Co.; Coleman i Newaom Johnaon A Smith; Gamble, Beck A 00. apr208m I ±SakSnSdUtaittSmethod I JBLUiWMO au *****—» j NOTICE. 3sCS!S2S15*8 I and Tobacco Brakera | asent 'to transact tbe bnaineas of said Brewery, m ° , „ _m v ni kw klia anta in tkaf Aanarvifw CINCINNATI, OHIO. matlbUawAwly «• *’»*• * E*<eitoW.A.Ba*. SSfeS i^™^*-**** WARREN A. RAN80X* AARON F. RANftOM. DARIUS W. GEER. ROBERT H. BOIXW W. A. RANSOM 8l CO., Manufacturer* and Job ben of BOOTS AND SHOES, 188 AND 140 GRAND ST., SZW YORK. Represented by Cob B. W. Hogan, of Georgia, ootaodir maylllm and that I will be bound by hi* act* in that capacity. MRS. MARGARET! QENSHEIMER. maylO dltawiw NOTICE. I WILL hold a Justice Court for the Tilth Din. triet, G M., at the offloe of OpUtoe * Haath, No. 69 fteoond * treat. In the eity of Maeon, OB the SECOND SATURDAY of evCTymonto.^ notary Fchlie and ex- off. J. F., «t 7Wh PWdDt. g n