The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, May 31, 1873, Image 1

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TELEGRAPH ANB MESSENGER. flyCMSBY, JONES & REESE. 5IACON, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1873. NUMBEB 6,640 BIMIh FOUR AND A HALF MILLION BALES The “Bond Question”—Hem. John E. I Poor Colfax. 1 OF COTTON. I Ward’s Views Thereom. The New York Son, which was, we believe, We find in the Atlanta Conatttntion, of yes- the first journal to bring to light the Credit Mo- 100 I a iff iim.itt I terday, a letter from the a bore-named gentle- I bilier affairs, has a long review in a recent is- 4 00 I A brief article which we eopy to-day from | man on the Georgia bond question, written in ane of Schyier Colfax's connection with that 2 GO the Chicago Trihnne opens a prospect to the response to one from Dr. Willie F. Weetmore- ecandal, which concludes as follows s 3 oo ootton growing States as dazzling as the 1“A of Atlanta, asking his opimon as to Use , *<£23? held to*te 1 5v of a tallow dip candle. The Tribune Baja that proper oourae to be pursued by the S^te in re- f or ^ at reRao n. Icflaence was nec- y'mne oat*’unlMBrenowed < ' PP * <1 the B reit We,t * owing to Use Urge surplus stock | B* r d to those obligations _ ___ __ | ee»ary to prevent the annulling of^thisoon'vact, " Telegraph and Meeeetiger rep- I of corn, and probably still more to fatigue with " ”* ’ M “ "" '.'eeaenger, one year tio 00 600 ograph and Meeaangar, ona j Telegraph and Messenger, as, one year Sir. Ward replies in snbslanoe that Use prob- and then Sir. Colfax appeared before the Post- pL- m „ J ■ ■fasssysae^laar •ooabie rate* In the Weakly at one dollar per grain more than fifty per eent.\ and on the Georgias ability to meet all her obligations, and I sonally to the department and examined this j a ai» of three-quarters of an inch, each publics - - Ar ,„- monB t n - R <- # u A ftTA » that neither the cry of repudiation nor ruined paper when the disclosure was made soon after S> K»»man°oa ahould be made by expreae, or blck 0 ' tbU ** ““ ‘edit should have any Umsrs for her people, Ite adjournment of the Investigation. They r mail in money orders or regi.tered letters. comes the farther diminution in the product re- I oreait anouiu n r . V p | came away convinced he had sworn falsely. an.l ' ' ' suiting from a very backward apring and cold, or ln anywise affect her IegisJ on s vu unworthy of the least respect or belief, tlttrnlatlng on Empire*. «, a iher I That her credit (he says) has been lempo-.I “Almost contemporaneouily with this inoi- „ v. w York Sun chronicles in twn «L I _ .. .V . , . ,, rarity affected is undoubtedly true, bnt when I d „ t ^Colfax via robbed a: Wormley'a Hotel I, , . ’ Now, if this be true (and the Chicago Tribune I we rem ember the coustant and earnest efforts I ; n Waehirg'.on, by a fellow lodger, who came to a grena speculation set on foot by Ben j g c0r (ainly an intelligent and trustworthy news- which have been made to depreciate and destroy knQW sn immense amouct of bonds ana Tom Scott, Billy Barlow, and John For- there a brilliant prospect opening to it, and tbns force her into an assumption of Btock3 bad beenaeeretedin histmek dnringthe L .a ■ a ... aa a I “ “ - r r . J.M...... D.l.nn.lMtoMl bv her. tliS tnrrn HP 1 . Ta .1 .... .* nnM ut in by telegraph. DAT DISPATCHES. Great Fire in Boston! MILLIONS LOST. The Horae Disease. Nxw Yoar, May 30.—Twelve new epixoo oases occurred among the horses on the Coney Island Railroad yesterday, making 81 now sick, end several new cases are reported on other Brooklyn city railroads. High 014 Time Amomr the Colored Broth* tm Mtd Sisters. The congregation of the African M. E. Church at the oorner of Dean and Schenectady avenue, Brooklyn; held their May festival in the chnroh last evening. About midnight, while the con gregation was singing psalms, one of the sisters felt herself aggrieved at some remarks of one of the brethren. A male friend of the woman sought oat the aggressor, and from words they oome to blows, and in a short time a general fight enaned Chairs and tables were overturn ed, and soon the floor waa covered with a rolling and struggling mass of men end women, result ing in the upsetting of toe cream, cakes and jellies of ail kind:. The polioe were called, hot before they succeeded in eeparatirg the com batants two of the foroe were knocked down. Nearly all the brethren and sisters were then marohed to the station house. Tka War on ttieHeatbeii Cbleee, 8m Wmwrranj, May SO.—An unknown China- I ach,_Heartburn. Chills and Fever, etc,, eto. P, c. SAWYER’S ECLIPSE COTTON G1S REG .ter brought Into the business three mil-1 0 nD f rom fifty to a hundred per oent. in the I value of securities when offered to them; they I j^ 0 oommittte. So be arranged with the P' ioe T*--"”; ..a SZ*.„aa.Z&SgljSlSlSMSfiSS! *.?S'S“ to say nothing of all their eavalry force. e ,g Br request than any other commodity in the bora at a loes to themselves. Auy combination tr ;fl ej 0 f«- e tei oo reward, and fiually condoned trade <• now being consummated with matket _ expect to hear that Huff or John- for this pr.rpo « must be very short-lived, ex- ^ np0I1 reoeivtDg back the property, pit rablie of Mexioo, and is for tha absolute hOD A Bmitb Jones A Baxter, Burdick, Small, poeed ea it is to the oonsiant temptations of wbicb in round numbers amounted to one huu- ■"p-rf-jr"" , ,b ,“ ,b '“ r,r '"“ b ” " b ™ ° , I ’" rr r- sssc jsj snafS Gbihuabaft Sonora and Lower Uali- msn W Q| a leseon from Joseph In Egypt than of tbe holders of these bondi bare brong ht out all the facts, and exhibited Colfax ih their 200.000 square miles of land an a bny np ab ont ten or twenty millions of presented to her for the purpose of extorting ^ hi | trne c haraoler as a venal trafficker in leg- iOO people, besides all the mounlaina I baR w.|« 0 f corn, at some more remote point in I payment. She has a right to ask that every IeJ jgktjon a pensioner of various corporations. '"' rr b r ■>■ —, - - -- zsg-zsss&s!. LAPr* glad the traders In empires have torn I c^ n ta a bushel—atorage is cheap ard wee- btt if j^ q Bbe cannot be sued before the oonrta, 1 bia greedy seltishDeea is unredeemed by a ,-elr atlantlon west, iuatoad of east, and are | scarce—end house it away for next May to her honor rtquiree that fhe should be etnotly I glnK ] 8 jeelcus or manly quality. This is the ( uing to buy on this continent, instead of pur- | tlo 80 ](j f n Georgia for a dollar and a half or two ’ ' **’ iha«ing lands end negroes ln the Antilles, to I ( f Q ]| ar i_ Certainly, if the Tribune Is right there ueex afierwarda to tba Doited States. I ueTer w as a plainer road to a hundred per cent The Baa’s report developes a magnificent I pro g t _ cheme and abows whst tbe railway men and 0n the other hand, in a different way, the . r - __ Mrtion o{ thM8 i “• — —- — the politic!*!** can do when they strike handa fgola op , n . lively prospeot to the Georgia “omis ought to be^id. T ’ this day made np, fa active oo-operation. They are powerful p i an t erl who are trying to Eee how little grain ihat mo8 t of them were illegally isroed, that How to SetUe fhe ladl.n Question forees, and let them go on for twenty year* they c. n pj,. With a fonr and a half million almost all of them were fraudulently put in — troab]8 we .have had with the Mo- bene.’*. U..J have don. for twenty yeereprot, bR , e crop of oo-.ton. tbe chance.for more than to does brings to mind a pUn for settling the In- U 1 tbs world will he altogether too email for lw# i T8 ©ants e pound are not flattertog, and th# „ia 8no8- j t f a alleged that there are of dian question, which a frontieraman once im- thelr 0|.f rations Why, here is Tom Soott, who, tbe profits on this twelve oenta will pile up very tbe88 hoods two desses of holders: First. Par p, tted . «.jf i woz the Gover’ment,” said he, for augtt *• know, waa stokor on e looomotive R ] ow iy a oorn-pnrohaaing fund at two dollars e ties who have reoeived them with e fell knowl- „j,j bny lotg o{ bart els of whisky, and lots o’ „ dollars a month, a doaen years ago, now bnBbeL On the whole, it must be conceded edg« * •“ hold thrafor a big knives, and I’d pnt ’em out aomewhar in I rating for ebont a tenth pin of the Amerioan tb a t tbe situation threatens to beoome inter- fnU R ’ D(J T j na ble consideration withont notiee. the West, an’ invite every devlish redbkra in eontiutat srith no more emotion than if he were | eating. | For the first class of holders, no plausible ar- | tb8 bn tt i an d to what they call a oonf’renoe. , railway tieket. If he lfves ten years , Nnalhwreleru Ueorelw- foment ean bo offered, and the Htate ahonld Af the _. d got thar I’d knock In the heed o’ b ’ • -»— sStT’S” 2 »•« L a. ...«« to him, eod sinoe there aro only five | A r8C8nt visit to thia portion of the State, founding the Just with the nnjnat, any peyment loose, so they’d be handy. Then I d go away Boston, May 30.—A heavy fire broke out this morning in the buaiDew portion of the dty. t.ltfb,—The fire hss reached Washington street. Latze—3:33 a. M.—The fire broke oat at 8 o’clock this morning, and is now raging on both sides of Washington street, near Boyleston and Essex streets. The Globe Theatre has been destroyed. A strong northwest wind is blowing. I m »u was murdered last night . nrgsnl , Later —The fire is progressing with no signs There are apprehensions oal Genuine Po.Jw. , The Chinese are greatly alarmed and have THE PREPARED of its being obecked. I closed their theatres and stores. Law abiding A attc. atxi.Ai.jr 10 a. sc.—The fire broke, out about half-past I 0 jtj z „ E8 of all classes denounce the efforts made J a fora of SIMMONS’ LIVfiR REGULATOR, eight in the upper part of Haldy, Kourae A by unprincipled demagogues to indte the mur- o.-ntaininy all iu wonderful and valuabl# propartUs. SSS^ ^ SSSSgt. ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES ington street, and is spreading withfearfnl rap- bgZ4rds 1 idity. The wind being strong from the north-I u.vJa Scehlnillo he faabyol, west, the principal direction of the fire is now . considerable arxiety is felt for Gen. D.'.vifl, gK Sf For over F0KTYY3AB3 thia PUBi'LY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE 3a* proved to be the Great Unfailing Specific inlatnt and its palrfhl otr^rH-r, Dripen- fie. Constipation, Jaundlee. Bilious^ attacks*,813* UeadAcho. Colic, Depression of Spirits, Sous otom- ach. Heartburn. CbilU and Fever, etc., etc. After years of careful exi erimenU, to meet a srreat and argent demand, we now produce from oar orlgi- -ornpnloua not to refnae tbe payment of any p j otQr8 gf on8 wbn has been held up as an ex- obligation whioh would be rcoognixrd end en- T ho has dt filed the temple of holiness forced between Individuals in a court of law or I b trading hypocrisy, who hi* preaobed temper- equity. It seems to me that by the applies, a virme, and has been regarded as a lion of a few plain and acknowledged princi- H ht b _ Young Men’s Christian Association, plea of law to tha facta of this oaae, Georgia Q f qncll glnff are tb8 Christian autosmen of pritla. what are they all going to do for spaea 1 a’.I along the route of tho railroad between this I 0 ( those who claim to be pnrohasen without 1 redskin left, and then I’d go and knock his lir Ugitiinate aud proper expansion on so small I oit nu ^ Onthbart, and aa far at oonld be asoer. I notioe and for a foil and valnable oonsidara- | bra i n3 0 nt afore he oonid do any more damage. L ptinet aa this » E th’-r some scheme muat be taineaj ^(h aonth and west, the stands of com ti°n. There should be a ^ Thit, air’s, the only reel way to settle the Injun ■atiaed to annex half a dozen other planet, of the | andootton are aa near perfect as possible. The 8f e {£ 8 D “want of notioe;” and by the “want of I question. I’ve been among ’em, an I know. I , V-II1 to this little terrestrial ball, or Tom, formeri (ndsed, ia more promising than at any notio8 ” I mean not only the absenoe of any Plenty of whisky an’ long knives 11 fix em I k, Alexander, will die of grief and hard drink- i o8 tb8 war . aD a will soon be “laid by" poaitive notiee of the fraud, bnt that there ont ^ nothing else will.” ifi >r r'z ts ^ «*>• •“ ssastJraRs&'S^as z j qu.rl»rs and bis genius foroed into a straight ^enable weather has been improved to the 1ngpl ^ m . of a reasonable man. Avery largi^ I .P" W8 ^ tUck8d ^ Mo doca for kiU- iaekat by the Inferior size of tbe plenet Earth. t t by tbe industrious husbandman, and tbiDk mno h the largest portion of these bonds, At t a w that the 1 r. b--. —ssaaBSMg^ , ffiSSS^gSSKSS after eight in the morning, and raged for four « n , n ominoM cloud lift. Ita »<»t of them ware ton^ Mn It be^reditsd ^ ^ oertaia oorreapindent of the bourn before it could be got under control- ^ to wreo k all this B%wSSSPS£STJlS Jriirojing many valnable building, »d much \ pro#pMt w&tfirlt had sn,^exi.tence at Ml or not? The jgjj- to“he Ohroni- meiehaudlse—stated to be worth millions of th* oatxbpiixar holders of these bonds c '* 11 ?de referred to is substantially correct. I gave dollars. has already, beyond a shadow of doubt, com- them either forsnppliM fo™**®* *”‘ h ® b ° ,ld ; itg oo rrflBpo ndent the items; he wrote the state- 1 Thia aeound illustration of the oontagion of m8n0#a ita ravagaa In Southern and Eastern to bni i d the roads, or as bona ment. having bee^Urtedtor^n n^truth- flra in Boston leads ns to the conclusion that A , abaml . Several gentlemen on the train yes- pnrohasers . D? es any man in Wall street M aam it. Boston is not adapted to the modern city con- tet( j a y M ured na that they had seen them at or Europe frrniBh Iron or supplies to build a Bcn Wright, in the fall of '62, sent to ■Motion. Her streets are too narrow for the wor v and a box filled with these misohievons railroad withont ae r^rv.toe n°u“<ff I Yreka for strychnine, with which_ to poison the toward Harrison street. 10:05 a. ac.—When disoovered, the fire was on the upper floor of Haley, Nourse «fc Oo.’s warehouse, smoug the worksnops, and the flames were issuing from the roof. wto has gone on a eoout with the captured Mo- doos after Oaptnin Jack. ’ ■ " : ' IatamtIU Harder Case. Thera is much excitement in Sacramento City, proceeding from an investigation before the polioe commissioners, relating to the con- -es-Ara Harris and Dale, in the case of The Powda-a, (price as before,), I Sent by mail—.a——— CAUTION.—Buy no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR unlea) In our on- traved wrapper, with Trade matk. Stamp Pure unbroken. None other i? peuuino, J. H. IE! LIN A CO., Macon, Oa , and Philadelphia. Sold by all Drussiita. NOTICE. The piles of light material packed away were anct of officers Harris and Dale, in the case like so much tinder, and before the alarm oonld “ortirng^thent^ ^“the efficers, on sev- I jt ND EB and by virtue of a rcsoHtion of the be given great volumes of nime were rolling np oocasions gave information to Mortimer City Goancil of the city cf M*con tho follow- fifty feet into the sir and clouds of smoke were ETer mMSSKi 11 The heat generated wat intense, andin twenty and her might rob tbetm She i^^“anTs/h'ockSO: 8 and 6. block 68; 1 minutes the upper stories of the building, from ° f tb e J S cin J ae f ot Mrs . Gibson, and told kVo'k « 8 - 4 e'and^B,b'oek 60; front to rear, a distauoe of 200 feet, were a of glowing flame. The fire worked back into the stables of Geo. F. Bonney, on Bumstead piece, which runs ont of Boyleston street, near Washington street, and destroyed it. Eventually the walls of the immense edifice fell and erushed to atoms the extensive gallery of Jourdain, with all the stores beneath it. On the opposite oorner of Fayette Court tho night of the murder ot airs, uiuauu, ami tom . 4 w Wock E8 her that they had business for Mortimer toper- » b - ock c9 . block 68; 3, 4. 7 and 8, block 71; 1. ' * —•—* — it I a and 3. block 74: 1.4, 6 and 6, block 72; 1, block 8; 6, block 75; 6, block 8t - her tmu mey uau uwmw, -w. —— - . — form, but he was too drunk to attend to properly; A Urge number of witnesses have been ex amined in the case. Synopsis Weather Statemral. Wab Dxp’i, Omox Omof Sional Oraosi, Washington, May 30. Probabilities: For the lower lakes to the up per Ohio Valley, northeast winds, rising barom eter, cool, cloudy weather end occasional rain; for tbe Gulf end South Atlantic Statea aud Ten- Sale to courmonco at 10 o’clock A. af., on*the grounds commencing on Tatnall tqnare may25;d T * A. 5ToMaNU4, Clerk. SPONGE! SPON GE! Bathing—Extra Suchoix. Extra Venice. ! 3 W Slate and ulOil Carriage Sponge. flames soon spread to another great building n888e8j northeast to northwest winds, oool, adiaceut and that waa also destroyed, inolud- oloudy weather and rain; for the Middle States, ing Nos. 403 406 and 400 Waahtng-streeL ^SSSTS^SSS^SSt The premises of Rhodes, Ripley * Uo., y 8 | ona _ woa ther and ooeasional rain. Cau- olothing; J. W. Brookett, pianos; Georg* Sonarr signals ordered for Cape May and Nor- s-t ABDEN SEEDS suitable to the season, m- Foster,Walter; F. F Libby, dry goods mid gSESp'SSL*** wiety'of George F. White, millinery, were destroyed. May 30.-There was n esse of CORN for late roasting ears. oSS'X. 333X3 —\ ici-cold soda water j Immense front and the Globe Theatre are in A Destructive Fire, ruins The fire has also caught tho steeple of I Gamjslb, Ihd , May 30.—Peters A Hill’s the Presbyterian oburcb, oorner of Beaoh j warehouse^^with 9,000 bnehels of wheat, was street and Harrison avenae, and the spire is a | burned to-day. The Presbyterians, With delicious FRUIT SYRUPi, cispenaed daUy from my elegant Fomtain. tST Streeet Car Tickets at 6 cents. PRESCRIPIIONB continue a specialty, and aro compounded from PUtiE MEDIOXNES and by i ne ITCSOj IrrmuNa I " . . PaiuADiuniA, May 30.-Eev._8. F_. Hiddon, j thoroughly skillful P utie J 0IiiNI , a. H ALL, may20tf Comer Cherry at. and Cotton ave. Gooch’s 1XL Freezers FROM TWO TO SIXTEEN QUARTS, | i S5£.m.223S25T£,°2£t mass of flxmes. pHH| 11 A. K.—The rear of Ohannoy street is threat- I of*the~ Reformed Synod of the Bomb, was in- ened both from Hay ward place and Essex street, trodnoed, and addressed the Presbyterian As- and the entire square, bounded by those streets Bembly. aud Washington street, which is not already Barry destroyed, is being abandoned by is occupants. ^ prohibited the sale of malt or spirituous Chief Engineer Damrell expresses the tsonfi- i iqnorg at t h 8 fort, denoe that the fire will speedily be stopped. Drovpred. The loes already amounts to several millions. Toaotrro, May SO —Three persons were j M.aHTlfactlirer’«3 PriCOe. Continuing ita ooursa southerly from Us place I drowned while descending the rapids of Three of origin, the fe. soonattacked the Interna- Bivers, na „ cr . tional Hotel—G. E. RIchsrds, proprietor, No. M 30.—Marie Stuart won the 415 Washington street—and it feU an easy prey 0jkea slak89 . to the devouring element The Post says a private dispatoh has been re- The sway of the monster was irresistible, and oeived hers, announcing that Mr. Bradlaugh, next to fall its victim was the large four story Loot building occupied by Kelly a billiard ohieftaiP) Subalos. Hia life is said to be in *■’’ danger. Topele Released Mad am, May 30.—Admiral Topele has been released. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. New York Items. Yoke, May 30.—Gov. Dix and staff will the 1st division of militia at Union next Tuesday. . ighteen bodies have been fonnd in the river two weeks. m . URaiu In oonntiesa mmiiiaucs. i gQ inaor6em8 nt fraudnienuy ooiainou oauuo.. — f 7 erward inv ited into camp to fire aucoesafnllyf Tho stream of water must fejr (hgt thcir cropg wer8 doomed to destine-1 bg c i, imea b y one who had the means oj^as- I wore after _ „. . .. . be nearly vertieel, and the heat in such narrow I jj Qn _ maD y planters svenne Intolerable. Wo ahonld say that every wItb tba at net In s oity ought to be at least as wide as CQrn _ tbe building, aro high, as an Indispensable Cn9 g 8nt i emin , _ condition to safety. I bad seen this soonrge of the farmer, and pro-1 it may yell be that some ‘ S® “I ^"entertained them at the principal W. are rorr, for the Bo.toni.ns and repel nonnoed n the genuine cotton caterpill.r, had bolder-J ^ ^ ““breneht *Sto toe “and I are now being opened on intelUgence that the money stringency nowfelt all over the gUo uken this providential step, whioh won ° cknowIoaf , monta 0 f an indebtedness on toe £ b (be °® p era0 ns the Scalps conflagration. I average about $3,000 eaob. country should be aggravated by another pest I j ealt ensure an abundsnoe of breadatuffs fo part of toe State to the besrer thereof without PI jj a °“ p eEoa Commissioners; and ]o*ig p sr.—The fire is now completely under I OwiDg to toe repeated «rest of k ° aanihilsUon of property, whioh. in the present folIowi ear . I an jthing on their face to e « lla ‘ ba I the abovo statement will be denied I Jr*, thieves by the police, ? n fer toe newla,w, there may perhaps be felt quito »s severely ts NaT( , r «v*n on the seaboard of Georgia, where oH^reasonab e D ?| t ’ ha bo i ae rgive- tbtok “ 8ra f cmtoD° I am satofied,!'^waro Flowers-Billiard, and Bum, irfthe Mver toim are gtfing to Brooklyn, and th<* much more destructive fire of last Novem-1 w i n ters ftre so mild that the larvro of this I ^ ^ them a valuable and adequate eon- j f Ttrnii attl Barces3, a reaident I Wachinoton, May 30.—All business is bu9- I pi C kp 00 kets are going East, West and South. bar oestiferoas Insect survives the rigors or the sea- ia tion j A n admitted badge of fraud is the ° g , f ij evaa . bu t at present in this pended for toe decoration of soldiers pav es. Oaker Hall In Coart. ^ have we known them to pnt in an appear- obtaining Securities or goods for a oousidera- of the Sta.e^ f J®™f’ OoIonel P 0harla3 Drew , The officials are devoting the holiday to fish- ^ Mgyor Ha „_ , n the United States Court Spread oriho Jlnnlii. • . Io< j eea gg late ss the middle tion poesly inadequate to their i“, a ’of tha Federal army, and at present in San mg, or billiards or ram ina great measure. to .day, argued the demurrer taken by him Wa havo almost despairod of Southwestern anoe so ® ,r y- „r th* oateroillar is I tima that toast bonds were P*lh? I Frrooisoo. will admit the main points. Captain A Badlcal Seized. againet his indiotment. He charged G. F. Dun- , , a . G or „ ia on the provision qneation, of August, the presenoe of P th* credit of the of Georgia was bette ci.rkson, as before mentioned, is here New Yens, May 30 —A special from Lcndon J? withhaving embezzled moneys in the snb- and Middle Georgia on me proviai H „„t Jccmed the aure precursor or even less than a tbantbat of any other Southern State—so good | fhat bB ^silted in pro- 1 — . ^ a-J s " ——»— but we did hope that North Georgia wonid npt | o{ fta ^ gtapla nnder th8 m0Bt | that her bonds ahonld _ ^ and wheat, with cotton as an inoident omy, mi.--- on nntil lime shall solve 1 the homers ot most. uuoo. toetacts^et torih.’ A Al* the citizens of Yreka in I Brooklyn Baces. I theVtatote of 18CG. In the soars* ofhis argn- h«r acriouitnr.l business. But it seems the cot- only hope on and or RdTan ced upon them sums j*a«g l v y tb8 fail of 1852 are aware of the main points Vflst crowdg ara going to Prospeot Park to m8 nt he said the sub-treasury act had been re- bar agrienl , , They thia portentous problem. inadequate to toe e“ oa o t o[ b ?°^ ^.u f n ^ in this statement, and a oloee investigation will th9 rECa between Gazelle aud Fallerton pealed by a blunder of the olerk. It had been ten mania has seized tha., poop e, J x modxi. tabu a.vd tabMib. hold, it would taint the tiausacUonsiwith fraud lb8 name s or the parties who oontnbuted I g 2 ^ Gazelle ia the favorite. intended to repeal that part of toe act whioh sr. jest as orasy a. the folks down hero, and a m05t B „ ec839 f n l planters in the and justify the State In tb h thice he3 d ot cattle, upon which the strychnine ' Na(1 Acciae nt-Sanstroke8. related to copyright, but by saentw of the diction, season tol. y*«’£ a res'dent of our own city, gave toe Tb. bnrtoen oMbe^oof hRTa wa3 to be sprinkled for the ~ A runaway horse fatally injured his driver, clerk .wh^ wb«ro the Utter aro—at tbe foot . narticolara conoerniDg the manage-1 ., f them a foil and valuable oomrideration. I I anH thr«ft children, who were ran over at van | P . . - -? 1 - -«*—»»- sad with. heavy load of debt as an accompanl- writer .ome pa^ ^ P»^or to m ^ ^ ^ give ftjjm man. to their roasoention. | are reproduced for to. a/op^ortouity of proving Otou how or m whs. (rATisxxD vat !C, 1873.) With Adjustable Boll Box and Swinging Front, for Ginning Damp, Wet or Dry Cotton. Also, the Celebrated Griswold Gin, Genuine Pattern, with toe Oac'illating or Water Box. Manuf*o!uro3 by P. C. SAWYER. Macon, Georgia. EVERY ONE GUARANTEED OR MONEY RE TURNED. maylStf OLIVER. DOUGLASS & CO. This Gin Toole Three Premiums Last Year. TOE BA.WYEB ECLIPSE COTTON QIN with ite improvements, b*s won its vrey, upon its own mer it a, to the very first rank of popnlar favor, l* stands to-day without a oomiktitob in all the pointh and qualities desirable or attainable in a PERFECT uOTTON GIN. , .. . Oar Portablo or Adjuatabl© Boll Box places It in the power of every planter to regulate the picking of trie seed to euit himself, and is ] h ®.'-SgS made that does. Properly managed ECLIPSE GIN will maintain the full natural length of tho staple, and bo made to do as rapia work as any machine in n«e. ihe old GRISWOLD GIN-agenune pa tern— furniehoa to order, whenovor deaired. Three premiums war© taken by SAWYER’S ECLIPSE GIN last year, over all competitors, via: Two at tho Boutheatt Alabama and Southwest Georgia Fair, at Eufanla—one a silver cop, the other a diploma. AIbd, the first premium at the Fair at Goldsboro’, North Carolina. new gins Will bo delivered ou board the cxre at the follow ing prices: Thirty-Uvo Saws Forty Haws 160 00 Forty-five 168 75 Fifty Saws 187 60 Sixty Saws 226 CO Bovenlv 262 60 Eighty 280 00 To prevent delay, otders end old gins should be sent iu immediately. Time given to responsible partiss. SUNDRIES. ruST received aud for sale low, * HAY, FLOUR, BAOON. OLIVE SOAP. LIVERPOOL 8ALT, FIELD PEAS, LAUD. SEED CORN. PELICAN FERTILIZER: •I o TONS left of the above choice fertilizer, for p Zi sate on reasonable terms, to dose ment, by apl'Jtf B. H. WBIGLEY & CO. The Gartenvillo Standard and Express says * 1 west «eo I8 .», — — | Butitar toe wisdom of toe Legislsture can de- # id„ through too rich Etowah Y.U.y stewed benefit ofj^rea£ ^ aDbn0M abont termine. only abont fifteen acres in wheat, snd • w , of wbicb 2 .500 have been cleared. The Corn Crop of 1878. diminution in toe com area; «»t ootton to b 3 imm cnUiTation ^ as follows: Cot- From ^ Chicago Tribune. I and three children, who were run over ons points. Five sunstrokes took place yesterday. Immigrants In Crowds. Thx “Rural Carolinian” for June, comes to I ns with its usual regularity, its pages teeming with well selected matter of more than ordinary interest to agriculturists. Tbe publishers seem I day and Thursday, determined to fully maintain its juaty earned | Suicide. sub -treasury is not legally in existence. The District Attorney admitted the blunder had been made, bnt that Attorney General Wil- . r or A... I liams has decided that as toe intention was only Five thousand immigrants arrived on Wednes- to repaal tb8 oopyr jght clause, too remainder of - * • - the act was still in foroe, and the decision is re served. E. O. STANARD & CO., raOPBIETOBS EAGLE STEAM FLOURING MILLS, Cor. Main and Bates stn.» 8t* Lonis, Mo, Capacity 1,000 bvrrelB per diem. apr29 3m HitEantin & Lamar UClCilUlUCU IW * * 1 I DC A IOU. , m 1 _.— I The area under cultivation m • —- i yrom tne urncago auuuuo. , l reputation as a first class agricultural publica-1 Lascabtxii, Pa., May 80.—A recently caar- ExAlayor Hall says there are num era o right, cotton to the left, cotton everywhere nnd The and potatoes Thc proap ecta for a largo growth of com in p a de6e rviDg of auocess for their rled colored youth committed smoide from jeal- such cases pending bnt wdl “tjmbably^e | al. around, "’bat mous.rons folly 1 U seenta tan ofwhom five only are wo- ,g£ efforta in toeir I.udabie nudertak- ousy. ^ndV^U be^SS3T “ * that the farmers of Georgia have just made p j 1 . _ .... . Mn *t<»nta ihA lahorinc I season has been remai . « I • _ * flAn jt,saa nn. I «i«nn-v mupiTi'imi. I n*m*»M. that tha fanners of Georgia have just maao up . ~ -j ^ - constitute the laboring I «ea’on baa Deen g—— I ^ wb ich not only conduces to individual thsir minds to stake -"y thlngontoiaouocrop, mn W Store are many fufliet- L£, but aids materially iu toe development of and establish in nerpetoity their granaries in i xorco u* r .. . — »*— —4 I luo - _s— »w« «•»«.♦ «f tL** <wm I * a—-nu .. . a*f?nn formor the West. Of course—as they very often reply The 0 “ 1 to impertinent newspaper suggestions—they rations, NIGHT DISPATCHER. koow their business best, but can s similar state of affairs anywhere else th y poinTt; instalments, and to. remainder held ovt* J * I _ - *.« Tro •AAiflnn. nne fU BOSTON. Fortner Psrtlcnisn of the Fire. um , , „„ , Bobtos, May 30.—It is impossible to give at Th« season has not been, and does not promise Tbe terms are reasonable, being only $2 per a |j tbe i 088e a or even the names ol the —— ... tv tf •m Mweti lend WO Q I m _• * 1 !—ll AM wrvvfVt lihavel i Tt_ I . _ .. n _ 3 t.—L 21 .an Ka oai/1 f Vl at Train Wants Damages. George Franois Train, It is stated, will sue j the oity for false imprisonment, claiming $100,- 000 damages. Prospect Park Bart*. Gazelle won tbe first, third and fourth heats. nnder the close of toe year. In addition, one Hereof 1 . Dro pitions. Even if as much land was innnm for single subscription, with liberal in- joeers by the fire to-day; but it oan be said that "“ ze 2 :30, 2:20?’, 2:29?. IIUUCA ■ LUO ^ A A/v>l I . * , I— 10»0 <V,n nrrthahlA nrndnntion I a — Am alnV.0 I a s ©I.aaI fn Tl/ivlAfifrm ctrAfit thft west 1 > * 1 The Maryland Jockey Club. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, 97,000.000 the ” ” 101,180,000 8,000,000 PAINTS, 1 6;0U . „ . * weshallso n on be I Partial Statement or Losses by tbe lire, independent^ r^bUm°ta Bet^mtasf Rowe 4 , sl “y£ I ’"ihe'to paye°re '°of‘ Ruble. in’Oatalonia, have . S-^. <a«... aaftj- S-!J:saiSrS'rSS?S OILS, GLASS, eto., etc. A Nxw Pxjlwbt.—Profesror Peters, the cele-1 g *£[ t " th e croos, and twenty tons of man- brand astronomer of Hamilton College, New , a ] atedi manufactured on the farm from to- jjj- nn8 ^'ta. York, nnsonnecs toe discovery of a new planet j famished by Messrs. Hont, Rankin in sixteen hours fourteen minutes of right as- k Lgmar _ n, e baoon necessary to afford ra- eensicn, south twenty one degrees eighteen tione to the minutes deolinstion; motion, due west; eleventh I t an aTarag8 0Ml DI » r-- • “[portion ui -,-• - ... ,... :^, Ath , r ~ ns I ifissrn* .a. -Sl.a Mnntrino doors and windows. French Politics. Ninth regiment neaaqanriern, iubb bu K uw 1 PiBis, May SO.-^The' Official n ^°I)ubarail I laud, Wheelock A Oa, famishing goods loss Umi the •Vt*"*™* «^ DeOiJev.’ m»y25tf 82 and e4 CHEP.lY STREET. afternoon voted to re- Yendome, and adjourned Tax OccaxxB-JorasAL thinks it msy be for the United States to regain, by whipping - oom-growio* Uon of yon ehonta De overiaaeu u uio uay “J - xua , rioht ... a t hard limes, and toe interior, and depend on rail oommu I ^ b t 3tcnn JO ur hearU trembling with sfieen wires by Thu gentleman oan laugh atnaraumes, toreach m arketa. .. I fearand nothing but death before you-whither I interrupted. PP ln K afford to raise cotton at even ten oenta pe ^ pmaeut tune B»marirM.laover.Jo*ded fear tooughts turn? What would you The Firoman’i 4.1.1 I _ w tha diffi- I _*,v .w/* hanM. mlthoUCB the antlCipaica I •+. O vrnn I - J «.nH f n tbe Oaks Stakes w r w - Mr t>A*, _ 'The races for tbe Oaks the flre, and twmmunloation is I B ttkeeTook plaoe at Epsom to-day, and wa* witnessed by a great crowd of persons. Mane ’s National Bank had not open- 1 g, nl rt was the winner. Wild Myrtle came in CHEAP TOBACCO. FEW more boxes of that “39c TOBACCO!” | Left on hand. Send yoar orders at once to SEYMOUR, TURLEY A CO. o.i States to regain, oj " ——© t acora ra ..... as ujo — —-. I wonlc vour tnouguis turn i -±ne . , u.u... --- — — She has lost bv her fight n . and . Nor doc* he experience the least dffil- pom *nd henoe, ^o?*^ial do? “Do?” growled a practical skipper, who, ed their vault to-day, and they have reason to ^ond and Angela third. Eighteen preetige she has lost by n k pound. th(j iabor be E8ta3 on the d efi e i.ney is already^jajn^nrmurrW ^ had foUowea , h e fcelie ve that all their securities *M saved. T. Omrnon was joekey of Mary Stuart. JBetting Mexico, the , - . .... , „ _ with the Modocs, but it does’nt think ahe ought cnlty m procuring ail t-e to do it. It is not at all certain in onr judgment I terms above s.ated. thrive na-1 poruou o* - J — -—■ _„v hnt i« sun- I the moment no .uw. I that s>-e con’d fan out Mexico. After Captain 0 ur fanners need never expect to thrive Tery mn ch a matter of ghees work, but u s p riderad tbe question addressed to himself per- c jt y . Every Jack’, oerformanccs we have very grave doubts m they return to the cash system and be con- t o be large. sonaUy—“Do ? I’d hi’st toe foresail and send with anxious tent to regulate toe size of toeir famu by toe I _ Kace Beoomek} Exnsoi?-A away for Squam! a performances oa that point Thx Boston bar, well known and since the loyl member of the Bullock convention ha* been held to bail in that city in th< $12,000 for swindling various partiee dty and Rhode Island to the tune Wilbur, it will be remembered, waa arrested at Reynolds a few weeks since by some Boeton de tectives. Gosx A-VWto* —W* like to see a mao go a-fishing occasionally. The President of the Caited States went e flitting I eat Monday morn ing bright and early, and was to fish fonr days for trout in Pennsylvania. The office-seekers, black end white, who rung the bell that morn ing, were mnch taken bock when they learned that the President had gone for other fish. They claimed to be a eoolier set than oonld be found under to* wator, and they were. A Gemionotrr hen leys twin *gg*, by *o*o* misoacklaboM. aay oaucnwuu **-» wm—- ■ rA/«iatin(? _ _____ i ciroles. toe prioe does not odvrooA The pro- with auch breathless interest that for j The report of the fire telegraped to Burronnd- . portion of last year s crops still on tha fsnn m0 ment he forgnt where he was and con- i D g.towns, brought thousands of persons to toe 11 -* — 1 - - ’ - • ■ ’• i • — train inward bound waa crowded hue luces men aud sensation seek— Commercial, Continental, Corn Exchange, Ex- ,ge, Fireman's, German American, Germa- Gaardian, Hanover, Hoffman, Home, Hum- a~*v.t, International, Irving, liamar, I^rillyd, . . . fln d worm to eneoumer, i iseuaeui^ many I coodahot with a rifle or a six Bnooter; oni * j Hanbatt&n, Market, Mercantile. Natio^i. «ew of tempest, drought and warn ^ EQttropiflU in the t£i^5 know a Modoc would be tolerably safe before “ rk Niagara, Phmu x. Belief, also, who ean wonder that dieappo charms for negro me wilhanarmy gnn—cither carbine or Spnng- BepnbUo.Standard, Star, St. Nioholas, Trade- bankrnptcy ro often overtake tke farmer ? of it _ proving fetal to ae_poor crmtogeagnP me^ ^ ^ trieattem, aud. while ££., and Watoiugtoa. ^ . 1:11^ whom it waseo rashly oonferred- Noepi —ncomhoot fast and at a long distance, toay Anotoor fireman has been killed and two hurt . a 1 *"/ _noprevmltoEdi«a«^fe“o“ ^^ , “^.KS^ a o for target work; rod that is jusit*. oohoolgirl bu Utely hod her dinner stolen. No taUty-it ^pe*r« to T*nJlto«ljgyMo.Ll^tn^ vbat gbootiEg ,t Modoca ta-and a vary nmaU j J (omI * — - - ^though it J gression alone, ^St ri ^ d ?om^r I SmSSu:*nd ^rget they *00, gen^y spearing. The Compromleinsr a Felony. Tbot, N. Y., May 30.—Three hundred thou- SISUSSUSSS ggsSSSaSBfed aasss s. the result watched. Before noon a little boy pretty oon “^ t Dara ^,7whioh foot of itself is invariably they shot over mark. j was *een at the pump, working it * U J* ly to arouse the inquiry: Thx Northern wife of an Alabama min wanted manner. It seamed a* tf he ted hod two hnn-^^^beoommgextinot. y to ran off with e single man, reoentiy, and her dred pain of arms, he oonld have tued them (r<nn .) Express, 1Toy 20. haaband kindly eaoortad l«r to «ho car^fnr- 1 “l^®^ i 2^Smeut has gone to Brottioboio, The fir* waa pnt out, however, end enough of udy, whole engaged, find sosbei, h« money tedmad* ter every wty as I ™^ > droSaU Fisk’s grave. .a. ^rootore saved to tak. aor»« th* knee tor .^^^^Ti'takenl of oourie. 1 comfortable ■* b* oo^d. k T * few minute*. 1 received thirty-five per from punishment or farther Train Kele**ed—FUfc.'* Grave. Nxw Yoxx, Mey 30.—George Francis Train FLOUR! previous to the commencement of the raoe i against My rtfe^snd seven to one against Angel*. I -I AAA BARRELS of FLOUR, for sole by ^ i ereat Battle Imminent. Batossz, Msy 30.—Advioes from the vioiuity SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS! Are fumiehed from various sections of the ootton growing States, of tho chorscttr following: Locust Gbsyb, Ga., October 80,1872, Mr. P. O. Biwteb, Macon, Ga. Dear sir Enclosed find draft on Griffin Banking Company for $160, as payment for our gin, with which we aro well pleased Ycnrs truly, H. T. DIOKIN * SON. The above letter enoloaed the following testimo nial, addressed to Mr. Sawyer, viz: Locust Gbcvz, Ga, October 80.1872. We the undersigned planters, have witnessed tbe operation of one ot your Eolipee Cotton Gins, which we think tuperior to any other gin we have ever eeen need It leaves tlio eeed perfectly olean, and at the same time tnms out a beautiful sample, H. T DiOKIN A HON, 01 E. ALTX OLEAVELAND, M. L HARRIS. Mr Daniel P. Ferguson, of Jonesboro, Ga., writes nnder date cf October 10, 1872. aa follows: I have your gin running. * * * I can say it is the beet that I ever saw ran. It cleana the seed uetfectly I havo been raised in a gin hooee, and I believe I know all about what should bo expeoted in a first-elaea Ootton Gini I can gin five hundred pounds of lint inside of sixtv minutes. Tho flrak two baleB ginned weiRhed 1100 ponedi, from 3010 pounds seed cotton, bagging and ties included. IswnrroH, Ga, October 7,1872. Mr P. O. Sawyer—Dear Sir t The Ootton Gin we cot from you. we aro pleased to say, meets onr fulled expectations, snd does all you promised it ahonld do. We have ginned one hundred and six teen bales on it. and <f hoe never choked nor bro ken the roll. It picks the seed clean and makes good lint. We have had coneidetable experience with various kinds of cotton gins, and can, with aafetv aay yonrs is toe beet we have ever seen run. saieiy, *3 j THOMAS HOOKS, ELIJAH LINGO. Colonol Nathan Baas, of Rome. Oa, eays he ha* used GriswoldV, Massey’s and Taylor's Qms, and that he is now running a D. Pratt Gin in Lee ooun- ty Ga. and an Eagle and a Carver Gin in Arkan- eae, and a “Sawyer Eclipse Gin” in Home, Ga . and regards tho last named as scpxsioa to any of the others. It picks rairrr* end onztsiu than my other gin with which he ik acquainted. ”• saye he ha« ginned eighty-eix bales with It without break ing toe roll. Luuabd’sStatios, M.43 R. B. January 20,1873. Mr. P. O. Sawyer, Macon, Ga—Dear Sir—Tbe Cotton Gin you repaired for me. with your im proved box, gives perfert satisfaction, and I take very great pleaeare in recommending your gins to toe public. w O’DANIEL, M. D. Dr. J. W. gommera, of Orangeburg, 8 0., write*: All your Gina sold by me this seiBon are doing well and giving entire H&UbfacUon. I will be able to sell a great many next season. J. O. Staley, of Fort Talley, write*. “Your Gin Is the only Gin I ever saw that anybody could food. I have heretofore been compelled to employ a feeder for ginning, bnt with yoor gin a child can feed it and it will nover broak the roll. It gins both clean and fast and makes beautiful lint ** Mesers. Childs. Nickerson & Co-, of Athene. Ga . write: “AH the Sawyer Gine sold by ue are giving satisfaction. We will be able to sell a num ber of them the coming 8A*aon. u Ogchhak, Gjl, January 7,1873. Mr- P. O. Sawyer, Macon. Ga.: Hie—The Ootton Gin we bought of you last Fall, after a fair trial has given ns satisfaction. It of Ligrono 1 re^Heoen't tteta greet bettle between PEASE—FOR PE ANTING, moke, good lintrod AgHteered the Cariiata and Republicans is on toe point of | * taking piaoe. I OPECKLED PEAS, ' OLAY PEAS, rell* T. J. A B. G. LEK may27tf DENNISON’S PATENT j SHIPPING TAGS. w Over 200 million* have been used within the past ten years, withont complaint of lose by tag becoming detoehed All Express Companies nee them. Sold by Printer* and Stationers every-1 where. aprl9 eod3m Commission House at Leary, B. W. mirael, CalOoaa Conway, So. T HE undersigned has erected e a tore hone* *t ] _ „ _ _ ~ Leary, G*-, on the extension of the South- I J Q H HSOH western Railroad to Blakely, and take* this netted of annoancmg to the public that he is P re P^r_ *® receive comignmente of good* and produce of every description, which will be sold et wholesale SretUi re ItaSte^toth. beet advantage Staet attention will be given to the boamere, and aatie- faction guaranteed in every inxtanM. re- conaignmrote solicited. [ marlSdlawAwIj W. D. IVEY. WHITE PEAS, ALL KINDS OF PEAS SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A OO. —J. W. LUKE, (Successor to CABB A LUBE,) COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ho. 30A Commercial it., St. Loniii« 3Xo. Refer to Third National Bank, Union National Bank and bankers generally, and W. A. Huff, Ma- oon, Ga. *prii9 8m SMITH W ILL be glad to close ont at a very email profit, the following goods, which are here in store and arriving: 40,000 pounds FLOUR, all grade*. 6 000 nuahela White and Mixed CORN, 600 bushels Bolted MEAL. 1,000 bushels Yellow and Mixed OATS. 100 tele* Timothy HAY. f*b6 tf GINS REPAIRED PROMPTLY And made as good ae new at tho following low figures; New Improved Bibs 60c. each Boll Box $10 00 each Head and Bottom Pieces.,, 1 50 each Babbitt Boxes 1 50 each New Saws, per e<»t 1 00 each Repairing Bruel ... $5 CQ#$16 00 New Brush 26 00 Painting Gin 6 00 Can furnioh 91 different pattern* of ribn to the trade at 20 cents each, at short notice. p. c. xtoyU Stawdkw SAWYER, MAOON, GA.