The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, June 01, 1873, Image 1

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TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER. By Clisby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1873. Number 6,641 tieergf* Telegraph HaiMIng, H»eon. Th« Growing Cotton Crop. Jsl*fT*P®* ud Messenger, on# year.,......$10 00 I kp^oolxtiona as to the ultimate product of the n* cc-!.th*i 5 qq growing cotton crop are premature—since be- uJ%-.3S'Tdi^h »dMiUi^Vr'.on; 1 00 r nd *! « cariD B° f "a good stand," the crop year ....... ... tOO open to the entire chapter of Accident*—so r “ d « oonuomog in their Um S6 ooltunca, one year 71^7... 3 00 I OD lhe me “ nre of production u that they may Hixmooih, 1^, well vary the result fifty or eeventy.flve per “ at - for «-Pf. the cry 1. raised Tb* consolidated Telegraph and Meesenger rep- “* lh ® cotton caterpillar has appeared, and if resent*i a large ctrcolation. pervading Middle,Booth- I it be true, ao early in the season, the croD of *m and Southwestern Georgia and Eastern Alt- . * —. , v trt m. »nd Middle Florida. Advertisement* at re*- th ® moal productive cotton sections may be en- tcnable rates In tbs Weekly st one dollar per I timely destroyed. I W ° lhertfore - re “°“ on, 7 « sen- ■Jf Dtl in mone) order* or regictorM] lottera. ’ It Wasn’t ho in old Time. Offloul information ecmea from New Mexico erel bases, and come of these point to a heavy crop nnder future favorable conditions The New York Bulletin of tho 27th ecms them np in a detail for which we have no apace and which. to the tffeot that the Fed :ra! army officers in in point of foot, is unimportant. In the flrot that te.ritoryaie in an awfully demoralized eon- piaoe, a large increase in cotton acreage is , b K “ Ti,r7 ’ «* ,, “ ced canted in all the States, Louisiana alone ex ooe of U»e cx.remtj bonthtrn posts, ha* beau .. . , . „ - , MCOMd of rubbing a brother offleor’a hen roost. p ' ed ’ wblch m » kes ln » U of them *««.«* Tile ctargo w»a not anstmned, however, owing ecrcs in ootton, in 1673. against 8.656,304 in to the lact that tho post oommaeder issned in- I 1872—or a nett increase of 656.529 acres, which , to lbe enliated m. n forbidding them it, nay, 74 per cent, increase of area, to give any information on the subject. Another I „ . . .... .. . effiaer at the asms poet was aocn id of havicp 1,4X1 ks to ^ er ^ lz,rB — tb « increase on the itm/ed private soldier* to awrar falsely for him, * Ter *£8 has been vary large in some of the „d of basing been gmiiy of petty frauds on the I States, while in others it is bnt moderate. It O.ierniuanl at the moot contemptible char- can sesroely be less, on the general average, • elM - . .. . than 60 to 73per oenf. F..0J ‘Wngs happening In the army „ lheae fignreg apprcximata aBhul (<ota> £nd t “ ° reBard ,U “' Upropitioas crop jear is before ns, evidently (ssfa/t Anri fr nOAfl hir iheir Menesfian —1t3. It I * * * * Jnry Reform at tbo South. Under this bead tbe St. Louis Bepnblican re-1 marks that the United States Coarts at the South have begun a system of jury reform that leaves in the mind of the United States Attor ney as little doubt about the verdict as about the I BY TELEGRAPH. DAY DISPATCH£g. About tbe Death of Ml water Or r. A letter to the Tribune from St. Petersburg, the 8 h, says the diplomatic career of Gov. Orr, came to a painful ead before it was fairly be* gun. It was not quite two months since he ar rived in St. Peteiaburg and presented his cre dentials to the Emperor. He was suffering at the time from a-severe cold, contracted daring trated and re flood by their connection with it. Of c.urae that army before the war was Tory the crop will be a large one. It was about j 3,800.000 bales in 1872, with unfavorable con- Don*t Like the Loyal Mod oca. Washington, May 3L—Tbe military anthori- promolion of Fred Grant, and then goes on to I ties here consider the report of General Davis*. , . . f4 - pay its respects to that eminent judicial stamper alliance with Bcgas Charley and other alleged I , 6 passage, and about a week after his Justice Bradley, after the following wholesome renegade Modocs, bogus. fonn-il inatallauon m hia newoffire, he was fashion: Bl - Xrce * nd santanta forced to take to his bed. From that day he There were load protest, when Akerman nn- The following is a rather loess s‘a -ment • l4ave hl ! Bp,r:meata - Ta ° °°! d s ?. uUd dertook to set the mach'ns a-ooino in Rsnrot. .a m n “ A 1 * 111 " *obse 8.3_sment. I 0E tia langs and afterwards passed to his liver. The peo^e mnue”d at findine SSt the^were DepartmenP condemns the effort, cf s0 thlt hls % lood beeeta , BeI .oudy affected. No to be med by packed Varies a® well m bv mr R Interior Depsrtmeot to get Ssntsntn and resuU Wi8 appte hended, however, and usn j adges Tbo^IreL “ mm«te^se««Iv . 8 . • General Shera.n is very oa Friday, four days before he died, his friends on ihirXnn^cVih^SLraofco^ pI “° to *“ “““ l* 0 ’' T“ steadily’improving; made np jary lisu exolnsivtly of negroes . . , bnt on Monday lest the last change come end in counties where the other color predomin- Whitelew lletd acknowledges rahseripflons he dud quite suddenly at 2 o’olocsk. ated. The pannels were challenged, and able to the Greeley etatne of $10,683. Hie faueral eerviofs were celebrated at the lawyers appeared before the coarts to im-I * Tne Bender Warden. I ctupel of the Eogli.h-Atnericaa society. There peach both the rnlea and the more objectionable Fabboks, Kas, May 31.—County Attorney was . 00 discourse, ad the pssior simplyresd coarse of tne offinere nnder them. Commiseion- Ward returned yesterday from Tex^ with the 1119 i“Prsssive ritual of the church of Eng’and era appointed to get up these jury lists for the I body of Nicholas Money, or Marion, supposed aI1 d cl tsed with a short prayer. Tho gloomy United States courts had published letters boast- to have bean tn accomplice of the Bender f&m- I*tllo chapel was by no moans full There were ing that the selections had been made with a Uy. the Kansas assassins at Dennison. He had some dozen Ldtes, English and American, half view to certain results, and particularly to se- made Borne important confessions, and prumised dezen American gentlemen iu black and thirty care the indictment and conviction of oertain I to tell all he knew about the Benders when he I ot ***1 of ihe diplomatic corps in their brilliant individuals. United States marshals had also reached tbe city, bnt when near Attako station, I yet sombre court ooatnmes. mads damaging admUsions, and it waa pro* I in tl10 ludian Territory, h** ahot himself in the Tne Aastrivu ambassador was there, the Min- posed to convince the conrt by the testimony I head with a revolver, irfl.clisg a wound from inters of Br«zil, It-ily, Greece, and attaches of of these jnry-packers that they had proceeded which he died. legations, as well as of foreign offices. * ” * * • * *— - — - M r . J. L Otr, Jr., the solitary family mourner, gfijlb.di by side with General Poomtz, tho con-tnl. who woro the familiar nnifoim of a rigadier general of the American army, The 6ot*co was indescribably sad. After the rector had finished the servioe the diplomatists walked around the coffin and each dropped npon it a little sand. The civilians present did pro a aver,, pro-Sontham mid d„loyal in ita dltlon3 . Qive „ . Rood je „ (we ^ ,one and aympaih.e^ bnt 1U tffloera were, Be:nr6d an nnnanaU, good aland) and add to w,U. aume exception., genUeman. Crimea aucb lhe iaorea8ed area the i nCfeaaed ng6 of fortiIi . M the above were not only nokaown but almost and what wonId ^ tbe bab , e fl ? ImpoaMble, so high waa tho aUndard the South- We wiu Dot pr6tend to g ; T0 wlU ein offiorfa eho gave tone to the army had set ^ AiyA-very high. np. Tn. >a>nt end poLon of the fool spirit 8tm> with the txceptlon of a favorable start, tbtt viUliZi* u&iicrtiam seems to have entered I the entire chapter of event* and accidents which into every department of the government. moat determine tbo volnme of the crop, and Wnen cffliere rob hen roosts end chant the which may redoes it to less than two millions government, whet can be expected of the men? c f bales or puih it np to a good deal over four, Ii it hardly to be expected, however, lhat in Ia ln tb8 womb of tbo f n t nre . If lbere bo any a aaiviee where at least two thirds of the effi-1 hnbstautial ground for this early Caterpillar cere hive never had any of tho advantages of a i tt rm tha cotton fields below latitude 31 may tbe eoetal aa well as mental training of West I scarcely prodace a lock of really good cotton, JWt, euen petty larceny chaps should not do- I and we are glad to see the movement among v«lop themselves. West Potnt was railed at by I planters to cross their otton rows with corn as a good many nun on both aides tbe line dor I a measure of security for food crop in event the log the late oivil war, bnt wo never beard any | cotton ia destroyed by the worm, of ns graduates accused of such crimes as the above. Hume of them were very pig heeded I Hr. Forney ou the Southern Nttnallon abd bide bound ln their red tope, circumlocu- Ic la doubtful if the present generation of tloo way of doing thiogo. but thev all wore tho 3oathorner,, < tbo, ° who taT “ bse “ hred up to uoo way OI uuiug lomg . *“« Mo briisve it their lealienatlo right to own negroes beat oiothea at-ainablo under tha eircumatanoea, j aDd iq thrash them npon occasion, wtll ever held their headv and their honor high, and nev- I learn absolute toleration for differences of opin- •r tolled their flayers with the leas: questions- 100 in polltios, or to aecord anything like real bl. iran-actions. They were aa mnoh above P ,° l,U “ 1 11 4qQallty to 2? bl4oXB / “ immigro- ' I lion Bhmll be enconraged and a froe presa main* •mill neiaoewi and vnig«r way* and oom- I tamed, there will be a gradaal progreea toward p»!>ioiM m they were above smoking a pipe or I a bolter understanding of those grand principle* drinking oorn whiaky« if oigars and brandy—or I —freedom and polmoal eqniluy—which oom- at 1...1 a Up tip article of Buurbon-were at- P^ 4 th ? yery e ? 84cca 41 r4 P Q H‘ 10a “ inB ‘ lln - , I lions, and the next generation of Sonihern-born Uinable. H| I whites, whatever their personal predileotions or Farmers In Fast Tennessee. prejudice., K> they may tho fnlleat „ _ , . ... I play in all social relations, may be txpeoted to Tta East Tinnessee farmers have been hold- Somprehend and fnlly recognize ln prsctioe that log a convention tn Knoxville for the past few I neither the law nor tbe conns, nor election effi days. The mo»t aaliobt point ln their proceed- oer «. oa g bt to make the aliguteat diaunotiona 't i r , :r, u r; l8oron9 , d :r nc!aii r: { the railroads, ln whlob particular tbey rival the great principle Bhall be fully admitted and aoted Western conventions of tbe same kind. I on is evidenoed by every mail from the South- Avery fierce and almost vindiotive spirit I urn States. The Maoon (Ga ) I'lLtoniru os» agaloat railronli is rife among tho entire body of food producora all over tho country. The j following ominous paragraph: oottoo growers, so far, seem not to have entered I “Ihe practioal ttonodne-a of that Southern Into U lo any great extent. It has been engen-1 opinion that a dear legal subordination of the dared by tbe great railway coalitions and com binations wbioh these farmers believe have been effected for the purpose of more snooesefnlly biaoks to tbe whites ia the only basis npun which raoes so diverse can oo-ooonpy the soil with harmony and mntnal benefit, will nltimate- ly be established to everybody’s satisfaction fleering them, and which they moan to bring lh « rnma of all attempts to maiDUin oivU a a . m .. . - a . 1 and social equality by stsinte. A statute is to oondemnstion and collection before the I nol bing but mere brutum foluien when it eon- SIstkeU-noriilnK Report. New Yo&x—Cotton doll; sties ; uplands 193^; Orleans 19)f* Sale* cf futures for May —; Juno 18 9-16I&1SX; 18 13-16@18K; August 18X; September 17 13 16; November 17 5 1G- Fionr quiet snd nccb&D^ed. Whest quiet *nd firm; No 2 Milwaukee 1 63@l 64 Cora active &nd firm new western mixed 64^(ff 65. Pork dull; new 15 62%@16 75. Lsrd dull and heavy; western fcte&m 9^9 1*16. Turpentine dull at 46)£* Rosin fiim at 3 20 for common strained. Freights firm Btocks dull Gold qa et at 17^* Money stesdy at 6@7. Exchange, long short 9K- Govern ments dull and steady, btftte bonds dull and hexvy. Liverpool.—Cotton opened quiet; uplands 8%; Orleans 9>£. Later—cotton 6teady; sales 10,000 bales; specula tion and export 2000 Whipped fromSavannih and Charleston for April. 8K; Jao©, 8*i- Bread);i.ffs quiet. Wheat, club 12*61. Beef 84a. Cumberland cut 37s. , _ _ _ Loj>d 'N—Consols 94. 5s 69 Tho 2d and 8d of I I V E R June, Whit Monday ai-d Whit Tntsiay, will be 1 ciOTO holidays in the Liverpool cotton market. Whit Monday is also a bank holiday in London, but Tuesday ia not. Paris—Rentes 5if. w _ . t they b*d proceeded in a manner nttcr'y subversive of faTruess and I I- seems to be certain that the Benders are justice. To overpower this opposition with the DOV in Texas, miking their way to the Bio awful authority of ihe Supreme Court, Mr. As-1 GratJ* River to cross into Texas.* sooiate Justice Joseph R. Bradley waa sent down | [Note.—It was nnder Bender’s house in Kan* from Washington to share the responsibility of I Bis where a number of bodied were found.3 a decision with the circuit judge of the South-1 •xh® Hoboken Fire. weriatnDiafakArf Qeygin. He saw nothing s Y May 3l._Tne fire'in tho Dels- wrong in the avowals cf the commissioner, and, 1 - - - J sr Far over FOBTY YEAK3 this PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE Eos proved to be Vie Great Unfailing Specific Tot Liver Complaint and Da painful offsprir*. Dyspep sia, Constipation. Jaundice, -Dilinu* attacks. Sick ileadacuo. Colic, Depression of Spirits. Sous 6tom* _ . sen, Ueartbara. Chills and Fever, etc., etc, 5Ir*r»;eJS» M I.Va‘aiUii Keporc. I After years of careful ox; eriments. to meet a greet Hrw Yobk—Cotton, net receipts 476; CTOB3 aadatV'at demarj i, wo dost produce from our orixi- 1406; sales SOD; Bales for export ito-day —f list nal Qooalao Fovtdcrr evening 458; uplands lDJtf; Orleans 19%: market quiet. tbden of futuroa tn-Aty were 17.600 bale-; m'rket j’oacd au Ijrto.'B: May —; Jane lti% a*13 13 IS; July 1 -%@19; August 1815-i6, b'opitmbtr 17)£@ 17 15-16 The a ttoa market throughout the week his been quiet sad without qaot.bte change In values. Tlio Shall In Berlin. I large b idy of troops. Great crowds of citizens I enthusiastically weloamed tha fbou2h‘°'’t^mmiSoaa ll to^ ni rurit l8 tb y8, S a> ’t* 1 d wSTuTfl “erefirat disTv- th ° though, it monsiroas to permit the United I ArA/1 < ,_ Q1 -_ a Btav + _ Q __ __ States marshal to teatify and criminate him- tLa danot ml m, ri • hnt fonr fr«ioht rar* lhat Beblix, May 31.—The Shah of Persia has eclf. He intimated pretty plainly that Bad-1 C3n Tj*nnt ho «movwi w^re hnrn«d 8 ThA liamna I arrived. He was received at the railway atation teat jurors were the only ones «ho could be commucL'.ed with^he do^k, aud the firemen by Emperor William, several Imperial Princes depended upon to regard their oaths and „„ Jri,. „» I and Pru.ce Bismarck and escorted to the palace reoogniz, the laws of tha land. Ha there- Zl t? de n V n °" n D 8 W , °^ 8 5Jassigned him daring hia sojenm in BsrliS by a fore enetained the new rnlea adopted by the an in^ndLra * * 1 ~ — conrt and the action of the court's efficera, and I _ , took occasion to remind the anti-Bidicol peo- „ Intervention far Brsdlnnsh. pie of Georgia that their opposition to this pe- I . , w io ®*. Ms y “j —A Wor.a s London spe- t Decline »n •ii soee. caliar species of jury reform made him fear General Kirkpatrick has telegraphed p XEI - jj a , 31 'pfce O leanista in the Aa- “ that it ia not the functionary, bnt tha govern- „ b 4 s ®t5l,‘f! 8 headqu “ rt4r8 . r£qa4dt,nB Brad ‘ sembty ire sleking an ailiauoa with the Left ment and laws themselves, which are the real "gVT* . Q1 . Centre, hiving refnaed to form a ooalition with ground of offense. Mr. Justice Bradley’s con- b P rb — h frifi * te Br * g,Ezi > of * l gnns > 13 the Legitimists and Bonspartists. The Left noction with tho recently celebrated reform*- ln tbe "* rb ° r * Centre bow - - lion of the Supreme Conrt, with a view to partio I Train Goes lo Europe. I proposirion. nlar results, eminently fitted him for inangurat- I Train, leaves immediately for Europe, he has I n ew York M^v 31 Arrived, steamer Kren ing, with the sanction of high authority, refor-1 entered &uits against nearly every bed/ for pn^ * m»tion of Southern juries; also with a view to | huge sums. 1 particular resnl 8. He cannot see anything like uucia ijuioa «uu ntiu jua axa (pri °® M b « f0r ®*> lhe total 8\les sum up 6J, 147 bales, of which 68,850 , n J?-T‘r^r“‘Vr —'' 104 _ , were for future delivery and 6,29/ for immediate I oniifiwB^uvk^B^niTr r^-n« ers i 0r •^ >repar ®^ __ v La Fra, ’ v fra, raran I SIMMONS LIVER R fc.GUL.VTOR unleai in our en- deuvery, as follows. 3,0.9 for export, 102 ror con- I Jrravc j wrapper, with Trade mark, Stamp and Signs* fcumpaon and ISO for speculation. Included wore I taro unbrt-ken. None othor is seuuine. 2,000 bales to arrive. 1 > distinguished vis- bpirita ot turpentine has advanced and been in fair damaud. Basin has improved. Flour dull and drooping; comm in tc fair extra i6g8 2'; guod to cnoice 8 2501150. Whisky firmer at Wheat heavy and l@2 lover. Corn heavy and declining; yellow 66^. Bice steady. Pork lover; new mesa 16 37X. Lard lower; steam 9. Groceries quiet. Turpentine easier. Boein dull. Tallow steady. Freights firm. Over Fonr Million hollars Involved. that favored section. “packing" in either case, and the new jury re- I Tim paaaeng” de|St «°H°oSoTen waa bunted | BRUNSWICK AID ALBA5T BA.LBOAD, form ia now established in the Bonth. That its I to-day. bentfiosnt iLfiaence ia to be oonfined to the Fxpects Death ln June. South ia, we suppose, to be taken aa a mark of I A dispatch from Dayton eays tbe President’s I The argument of tha legal questions in the tbe paternal partiality of our government for father expects to die in June. above case has been progressing before Judge lie llli In the Kntna. I Schley, in this eity, fur th9 last three days. Bobtos, May 31.—Falling walls killed five Tbe questions involved in it are of tbe gravest persons yesterday. importance, not only to the legal profession. Frolic* in Chicago bnt to the whole people of the State, as we un- Chicaoo, May 3l.-Aa accident occurred at d<,r8,a „ :id tb* «> anlied lepudla- the deoeia-.ion frolio wbioh killed two persons, tlon aota are ca,,ed In onealion bv Judge Lo.h- i Agricultural i'ongreu to Meet In Atlanta. Indianapolis, May 31.—The Agricultural NOTICE. U NDER and by virtue of a resolution of tho City Connell of the city cf hi .con the follow ing city lots will be sold to tha highes. bidder* on Hold 1R91BIX o-.v I Situ ' da 7. J““® 1*. 1873, for »nd on account aud Money 3.1- Sterling 8“i- Cold 18jtl3>4. Gov- I -j.v n . - nrn nnrphx-ora • ernmant. dosed dull «td steady. State b aids quiet. Lots 2, G. 7 xnd 8. blockSO; 3 acd 6. block 63; 1 raVr. R4. 1RV. RS. and 3 - Uock -! «• 7 and 8. block 48: X. 2. 4 and m**• block 68 : 6, block 49: 4 Band 6. block 50: ioUttoTSj/** t7 688 ** W 6 lB ^’ I 6. block 69; G. block 68; 3, 4. 7 »nd 8. block 71; 1 Boudu, i'enneesees 6s 80; new 6* 43; new 50; oooeola 54>^; deferred isi*nss47; new 42; Levee 6a. 46; 8. 60; Alabama 8s I cn Tltnad'^atro" 80 1 6a 55; Georgia 6s 79. 7* 90; Notth Cmrolinaa | B m.j25:d J A. JIoMaND-t, Clerk. 1X130 FOX. IK 3II1HTS. Ttoe Arctic Rcwlona—Effect of Darkness Upon Men aud Dogt' The doubtful fate of the PoUris recalls some interesting reminiscences in the two Arctic voy- &!>*■* of Dt K?iae, as comman ier of the Grin nell expedition, sent out to find Sir John Frank- tion sots are called m question by Judge Lo.-h- rane, the counsel for tho foreign bondholders. S ms ot *he questions involved are: , . . . . .. i _ * —« — —— —o 1 First Whether the contractors, who have 1m. An equal heroism now will bring back the Congress adjourned to Atlanta to meet in M-y built every foot of the road with their labor and voyagers for whoae return some anxiety will be next. W. li. Jackson, of Tcnueas.o, Prest- money h lie a lien on that part so built by felt four or five months hence, if not sooner, dent; Chas. W. Green, Secretary. them? In the second voyage Dr. Kane and bis party German Evacuation or France. Second. If thev have a lien, whether it ia an encountered cold nevor before endured, the Pae May 31 ._ It ia reported that the Bank penor or Bnbordinate to tbe lien of the bond. «Utmon»trir tnd.ontteg ^atlmn, fromCOto Qf w f u advanou lh P fQnda n0C6aaary to ruldera? to degrees below zero, with Lunger, thir.t and j ooaa ^ a * a ( bo payment of tha war indemoity, Third. Whether bonds are negotiable secnrl disease added. Mora than two months of each fln[i tbat fhe 6 ^ natl0a of Pron0b telritory b ; Ue a or oommeto a! paper ? IhZa-Z. 3ted 1 . n ^ ,t **A“ k 5,® a3 , 9 , h4 “ 4ttI ?® the Gorman troops will follow immediately. The argument of there questions was ccm • Conscription me-d^ Monday by Ooi^T. J Simmons, of beforo’bis rays reached tho rocky ahsdo viegs Bancxixmx. May 31—Gen. Velarde has post- I > n b*aK ot the American bondboldara. of tbo brig. With tho increasing darkne-s P°ned the enforcement ot his levy up in the came increasing disease. Animal life is de- youths of this province. Boviog bands of Oar- , He maintained that the contractors had no lien ou the road, bto*o*e they were neither laborers nor mechanics. That if they were laborers or exercise, for their whole lif a was one oontinu- I pleader passengers, ona round of exertion when disease did not | Fatal Colliery Explosion, prevent—not for want of pure and unadulterated T -- 0 , . . . , the bondholder* had a flrat mortgage on the road - . . Losdon, May 31. An explosion occurred I ailt jer the deed of trust made by tho compsny .ir, but for life giving influoncoa ot tho sun. yesterday in a oolliery near Wegan, can,ing the to N . L Angler, end that said lien waa of anpa- Lemnrkt scattered through the pages of both instant death of six minora and the desunotion rior digD i, y ? 0 an y oth r claimi against the cam- Dr. Kano’s journala indicate that tho continued of much property. „„„„ B n., r «Hr n <,a h .ns. «„ journals darkness influenced the physiologtoal state of the system, and gave rise to the various dis eases suffered by himself and companions. In bis narrative of the First Grinnoll Expedition, he nolioes the peculiar paleness which was pro duced by the perpetual night. Under tbe date gnat tribunal of the ballot box. travones a aettled, active, opposing pnblio tho bloodless appearance of himself and oom- It la not improbable that this will bo the I opinion.” I P a °, 3 . .. . . .. .. trading theme of future Slate elections, (.up- ygg&3£J!jgSI plemtnted, ^perhaps, b y the robboriea of the in dlreot poaltio t lbe t oooriUa- °bBeur.t y of th.rfgbh.wo had £nethroogh property. i p an y # Xbat railroad bands were negotiable se- Xfie Anglo-French Treaty, I enrities, he said had long since been established The New Government of France proposes to I by all the courts of this oonntry aud England, abandon the commercial treaty with England. I These views were sustained by many author! Great Fire In Constantinople. I ties cited. Constantinople, May 31.— Another disas- I We have heard this speech very highly oom* u .“^ u * ’ U °.. U 7 I iro°» oak.fl.«rati4m iiao%, 0 oarrod io uity. plimou.ea uy tue Dar, who listened to it, for its of Docemher 2t. «1B d.y pr^edtoB tbeir »ul- F f nousea weie destroyed before the flirnos grant learning and ability. .tteial day of darkness, he writes, after noticing | VBr £ ohBekfid _ ' | It was expeoted that Ool. Bacon and Messrs. Nioholls and Sessions were to follow GuL Sim mons, tbe former for the American holders, and the two last named gentlemen in favor of The Money Market. | the railroad oompany; bnt after listening to KIGDT DINFATCHES. , ... 1 . , £ . - - .. _ ■ NxwVoex. May 31.—The late Masonio Fair tbe able end comprehensive Bpeeeh of OuL protaotiva tariff and party spoliations,) np to I tional amendments, whioh make colored men I mB “® ■“? d4,K ™ h ,n , . ? PE netted $40,000 for the new temple. Simmona. thuy declined to apeak, oa they said and during tbo grand national campaign of .qual with whites btfore the law, and all statutes “'8 b ta^of_Farry. iha complexiona of my Wall street U quiet. Most of the brokers the aubjeot had been exhansted. m-r _ki.k —in ,i,e .1 nt U I which areoppo-edtoeuchall-powerful opinions | r»nea and my own, too, were toned down to 1 | eft Thnrsday, to be absent till Monday. I Judge Loehrane folio*od Oolnnel 8immons ‘ ' ..elk- . . . I are, in that scotion, mere brutum fulmen. to be peculiar waxy palenew. Oar Xho decline in gold is attributed to the fee’* on Tntadny in behalf of tho foreign bondhold- flevoe struggle of tho laboring and productive enlire i y disregarded with impunity, so far, at «*«**e<l and checks for bonds called in are dated to-day, «ra, in au able aud eloquent argument of two ' ' .uea ate concerned. ^ ^ I^ - M “ 4 » I h ° n ~- “ ' ' ' elarae* against these oppresalve developments I i eAS t, as aoy local authorities i He maintained the same positions, ex- of organized capital. I The people are tmd of Congressional aud Pres-1 ul ® f ° f *, 5 aotions in Southern band* seventeen thousand cept that he claimed that tho act of 1869 was Z " F ~ . I interference in the affurs of the recon- and onr >Dolination for food was, at best, very dQ legiaistive ooniraot with the company, and that . * ‘“.1 rnnl1 ?*^ **. lh *^! t. traded Slates, acd would gladly believe their 3 “« hb More 1^han ^ , c ^ pI ”' 4 f’‘‘ ade ’ Protestant Church In Jtome. I the aot of 1872, dsolaring the State’s indorae- TenneaaM Convention a groat m»ny reporU of oft . re p eated n'rotesutiona mat they accept the combined with the pormanent darkness, began EeT E p. Nevin, Kidorof Ht. PsnL Eptsco ment of the company’s bonds null and void, practioal bMineaa remits of egricnUnre tn that I aimaUo nln entire good faith; bat It iaasigmfi-1 7. -I pal Ohnreh, Bime, is in this city and deaires waa nnoonatitational, beoinse it divested ■ection and quote the following: cant fsot that we hoar of rothing bn; tronfclo- *['° ino anomatoua "» >»■ »«» $24,000,needed to complete this fiiat Ametioan rights, and waa a jndioial exeroiaa of power by u tb-m!s»w»w- ar^sjSEsssfjrjs SSSSsSs ^ .e. sssjssttta TmSS ss ks v"s» sasss.ts.vy—: s*ss L »—--- *— aa-, -rgi-,** Us h«d only him-talf and two hired men to help I Precisely so. All the statutes, Slate and extend even to the whole company. * r The funeral of Mrs. Neilson, daughter of the thfe6 mll i ion 8ix hundred thoniand dollars and ht". Aa an item he detailed bis experienoe Congressional, providing for and requiring a * * Wo are a ghaally act ot pale faces, and late James Br«tks, twk plsoe t^ay from th(> oontI , ctoI8 and otber crtdltora 07er luU a wnh fit. fleer, which he bought nt i} oents a . _ p 0 drida ot whites and negroes in none paler than myself. Grace Ohuroh, Rev. Dr. Potter, Rector, offioia- milUon It in gald to bo tbe i„ Ke ,t ease over pound, ted tor three montha, during which time | | In hia “Arodo ExpediUon” ho enumerated | tmg^ There was ajargo attendance of relaUvea eTflr (nfld Jn Q c0rgili _-Savanrtj?t Republican. THE PREPARED, t bid rid Own tf KTMMnmr I.rVPn afftawf. i’' *txlB wouueriui and valuablo propcrtiM, and offer it iu ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES J. II. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga.. and Fhilad6lphla. Sold by all Druggiits. langt-dawly I o, DtUCK D9; o, dioca do ; o, t. < aua n, utocs ii t i nn , . . 2 and 3, block 74: I, 4. 6 and 6, block 72; 1, bloik 68; 6, block 75; 6. 0t .ck81. Sr r5? a * I bale to commence at 10 o’clock A. M., on tho 23K; new 13: speoial tax 13; Booth Uarolinas 20; BiLTMoin—Ootum, net receipts —: gross ; I SPONGE ! SPONGE I exports coastwise 71: to Great Britain ; conti nent —; sales 90; stock 6732; middlings 18J£: mar ket dull , . Floor doll, heavy and unchanged. Wheat nom- Biri hinGT---Extra SUCilOlX. iaal. Oom steady: white eoutbem 70@72; yellow 1 ° tonthom 63. mixed western 61@:3 Oata, euuthern ExtlR VODICB. 5lt(i53. western mixeo48^>U; weaiein white5l@52- I Bye S5Cq‘90. Hay quiet at 29 CU. Fioyisiona are Slate Rlld heavy and qaiot ii&con. ehonldera S@3>4; rib I ..... sidea 9J7; clear tib sides HW0&; etigar ctred Carriage SpOEge. hams U(|J16. Lard dull at 9«9>4 Whisky 93)4. I Bugu Steady at 10%. Butter, western steady and ARDF.X SEED3 suitable to the Boston, in- unchanged. I VjT rinding Buitor Beans, Bunch, bnsp and Louistilij!—Flour dull; extra family 6 CO— Banning Snap Beans. Also, a fins variety of Corn firm, sacked 68®6u Provisions steady. Pork CORN for late roasting ears 17 00 for round lots. B con, thoobiera 7%@7K; dear Tnn .... rwvn i Tri t mriTi I ^oi^ 8 «,r.rik p ‘ t ^ak^, , ^l^ ICE-COLD SODA WATER! aLrief Pork qritot ^ at 16 6U for mere. Lard, 8ir8K. with nothing doiug; 1 g3 .“{ r ® “i/rfek Vs 'at 6 cents asawraBsSsa-*' —Isassstsas? “““ -**• mayTfltf BOLAND B HALL, Comer Olieny at and Cotton ave (Shock’s 1XL Freezers FROM TWO TO SIXTEEN QUABTS, P, O. SAWYER’S ECLIPSE COTTON GIN (rATZNTED MAY 26, 1S73-) With Adjustable Roll Box and Swinging Front, for Ginning Damp, Wet or Dry Cotton. Also, the Celebrated G-riswold Qin, Genuine Pattern, with the Oscillating or Water Box. Manufactured by P. C. SAWYER, Macon, Georgia, St. Lons—Flour dull and unchanged; winter superfine 5 25@i 75. Com steady; No. 2 mixed, on track 33; in elevator 38%(a39 Pork quiet; mess 16 75 even weight; i7 61) over weight Bicun dull; jobbing lota of shoulders at 7%; clear rib sides 9%; c:ear sides 9%, pecked. Lard dull; steam 8%. Whisky quiet at 9j. Nzw—Cotton, net receipts 2199; groes 2123; exports to Great Britain ; to continent : coastwise 1108. sales 930; last evening 6U0; . stock 97,828; domand fxtr, ordinary 12J4; good At Manufacturer S Prices, ordinary 1G>5; low middlings 16Jf; middlings l8@ 18V Flour. XXX 7 50; family 9 00910 60. Corn, mixed 65; white 6,«ti7. Oats 46 Bran 75. Hay, prime 21 CO 423 UO; choice 25 DO P rk. old 17 60; new 17 50 Dry ealt meats 7J4®8}<«<»)<. Bacon 7K«a! sx-ilo. lAtd, tioroo By,: Keg tux; refined 11% Sugar, good common 7(47%; common 6X97, fair to fatly Tair 8%@9. piime9t9»X ilolmmes, centrif ugal 65@G'J; fair to choice GO. Whisky dull at 93.295. Ooffee firmer; ord.nary 18yJ18X; fair 18% (319; good 1»X; piime 19J4@2v%. Sterling 2SX- Sight % premium. Gold 17%. Wiuobotok—txuuiu, net receipts 17; exports coastwise —; to Great Britain —; salts 19; slock 3571; market quiet; middlings 18. Spirits turpentine quiet at 41. Bosiu quiet at 2 50 for atrained; 4 00 for extra pale; 5 CO for win now gtass Oiudu turpentine steady at 2 00 for hard, S 30 for yellow dip and virgiu. Tar quiet at 3 25. Augusta—Ootton. rocoipts 116. sales 1C6; stock maiket quiet; middlings 17%. Savanhah—ootton, nst receipt* 642; exports to I EVEET ONE GUARANTEED OB MONET RE- Gre-.t Britain ; to continent ; coastwise I TUBNED. 1679; sales 253; stock 20,957; maiket firm; middlings 18%. GHAUfiERTOS—Cotton, net receipts ISO. exports, ____________ coastwise 307; to Great Britain ; to comment | SUNDRIES. —; aalea 209; stock 17.432, market quiet; middlings 18; low middlings 17%; ordinary 13; good ordi- | JUST received and for ado low, FLOUR, BACON, OLIVE SOAP. LIVERPOOL BALT, FIELD PKA8. laud. seed COBN. maylStf OLIVER, DOUOLA89 A CO. ra-wuu, ivu luiu, uivuiiw, uuiii a OTu.wu Mwv ■ _ . ,, ■ ,o uis Aruuu ...ou uu cuuu.u.i.,wu i —ft There was & large attendance of relatives tb»y gained 190 ponnda apiece on an average. I steamboats, hotels, chnrofaes, railway cars, i Qtber a jg na Q f disease, and refers to its infiaenre [ find friends of the family. and whan he Bold them they averaged 1228 I theatres and pnblio assemblies, being an ont-1 QQ tho bra j QRnd toa n epileptic tendency which I Died ln Pruon. i A Mmirinv Eoo^tze.—The twenty-lhirdreel- poooda, far whioh be got 6‘ cants a pound ra g 8 against natnraand human sense, will as was observed tn some instances. Even the Dr. Brown, sentenced ten years for assault- me „t u f aitillei; ia the French army hash’s Mr. BrakebiU gave m.ny interesting atatemente , j 0 to nang ht as will any other war dogs, which ha had taken to partioipate in his ing a gas oolleotor, died in prison to day. W hite Oocbin Omna rooster, upon whioh a great as to how he managed h.a farm. a gainsTood Almighty. The more peraistent explorations, MJjMijhThe Cromwe.,. va!ne ia placed on acoonnt of ttia meritorions _ ~ ,rT _ _ I ® R , ,, ftnmnlete I rb e influence, says ha, of this long, int ... I tp b9 own ers of the Cromwell, over due at I services in the field of battle. This cock passed Tm Ciscinxati Bo ad-What Osh or Tint the attempt to enforoe It, the more complete datknesa was most depressing. Even our dogs, New 0rleaQa> tbink ber machinery ont of gear, through tho wboleof tho campaign of tho Rhine, TtUriTus 8ay« About It.—Wo arc permitted I an d transparent will bo tbe failure. 1 although the Rreater part or tbemwero n v I ^ no t apprehensive of a serious calamity. I and was carried to Augsburg as a prisoner of (•*y* the Chattanooga Times of Friday) tomato I So, also in all tho conflicts for tho political I tho Arotio Circle, were unaoie to wi a 1 8teamer u i n command of 8. L. Clapp, an war. At Me z, daring tho siege, the soldiers, th. following extract from n private letter from supremacy of tho negroes which tho Radicals ^ which lam aaUsficd^heabaeuce old and eI P 6rienced cfficer ’ although obliged to eat their horses held the a prominent oitUon of this city, dated Oincin- ba vo inaugurated in tho SsuthernStatos, where- of i igbt contributed as much aa the exrieme TOoUl^^JjSa^yi the have battte of Gravelotie be wn parched on the nsti. May 27th. Mr. Miles Greenwood ia one ever tho Bads have succeeded, the snocess will cold. * • • I may recur to the influonoo A e^ctal to the Wor.d saya tha OarLa ji have ahooldeta of bi9 master> who w p g io tba fonrtb of tha trnsteea of tho road, and ona of tho moat I eventually prove more disastrous to fltm ’ I ®bi=b T^nb-1 Ba°ufc Statement. battery, and wss so used to the cannon’s roar wealthy and reliable gentlemen in tho West: triumph than original failure might have been. baM in(ere sting bearings, bnt I can- Loans have decreased $1.875,000; specie has Af*ter hia muter wat^Mlied^euathe^BrtiUertBt “While in Cincinnati I *aw M. Greenwood, J It has been and always will be purchased at the 1 tent m y 8e if for the present with transcribing a I decreased $1.200,000; legal tenders have de- adot)te< j bim and he still remains in the mili- <me of the trustees of the Cincinnati Southern I DI | C0 c f t ho Irinmph cf ignorance, folly, vice I passage for my jonmaL •••••• created $1,500,000; deposits have increased t P : ’ Kwd, and had a long Ulk with him. He think* ftnd '' misrnlp an a add to the demonstration of To day I give up the last hope of saving them $1,625,000. * th* road will be put nnder oontraot within six-1 , . . . nn( i I (ih* dog*). Their disease is as clearly mortal Coart Item. I “Ip you want to see what men will do in the ty days, an J the work that takes the longest I Ihe negroe s inoap ci y go » I as in the case of any human being. The more I Vashinoton, May 31.—The President and I way of conformity,” says a modern philosopher, tune to flai*h will be let first. Ho says tho I the Press admits that there is nothing bnt ont- mft terial functions of the poor brates go on f Axa Q y wl || resume their Long Branch residence I “take a high h*t for yonr subject of medita trustee* are going to bnild tho road tho shortesl I r8 ge f disorder—rampant vagrancy and brute! 1 without interruption; they eat voracionriy, re- | on Ximraday. I tion. I dire say there are twenty millions of •&d moat direct route to Chattanooga, it being | l manf in m the states ruled by the 1 tain their strength, and sleep well. Bnt aJ the Belknap has gone to Wo3t Point and Robeson people at this minute wearing one cf these hats —--a- r-—' rose e.u ^meiary. •T*r, for they dare not do it,” | . .. rth -here tha bottom nothing and walk in straight and carved lines Washington, May 81. a BEWABD o’ Ten Dollira will bo paid by me ———— I .“a .iZ» I with anxious and unwearying perseverance. * Wiu. Wuxders Nxvxb •Utement In the Mobile Register that the police nary 1GJ*@16>4. MOBIL*—ootton, net receipts 325; gross —; exports coastwise 277; to Oreat Br.tain : conti nent ; sales 4 0: stock 23,647; good ordhan 15; low middlings 16%; middlings 17%@17%; mar ket steady. Bostos—Cotton, net receipts 65: gross 337; nx- ports coastwise —; to Great Britain ; eales 250; stock 11.1,00; market quiet at 19%. Noarout—Uoooo, net receipt. 533; exports to Great B itain —: eoaetwiso 870; continent ; sales 120; stock 7393; low middlings 17%; market steady. , Mramns —Cotton, net receipts 236; sales —; I ment, by shipments U10; stock 27.451; low middlings 17; | »p!2tf market dail. Gautstow—Net receipts 190; exports coastwise ; to Orest Britain ; to continent : sales 500; stock 35,766; good ordinary 14%®14%; mar ket steady. PHnuDiLPm v—Cotton, net receipts —; middlings 19%; market quiet. LiVEart on -Cotton c'.oatd quiet; sales include 7000 American. SORia BRIIISQ AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, | of LONDON and EDINBURG. €apita!™GoId Assets in V. S. For tho Northwest and thence to Wisconsin, I /x with evidence to coa~ict any person plucking Cza-xT—Wo seo a I rail ia put oa tup, or where ignorance and vice T {awn npon _ on without seeming to appro- northeasterly and southeasterly winds, dimin- flowets or mutilating or dtstrojiog shrubbery •. ,w. —-iim I are no’ held in subordination to virtue aud In- I -: a *f , ba notice you give them iu return, pu.h-1 ishieg pressure, warmer and increasingly my lot at Bose Bill Cemoieiy. Depredations —.lament in ine aiuoneaaegiater thatthepolice »re no. noui m 011 , ° nn r Mraon or osoUla- cloudy weather and occasiou.l rain; for tne the lika havo been fnquent, and w.tbio the last cf that c.ty havo addreaaed a communication J telligenoa. Tho Sou.h Mud mlh “ "tiinra ptnioiriiM of tear. Some- lates^and thence to Kentucky, northeasterly to ten date choice sbrubbe.y hasbeen Uk=n from the te the Mayor and Oonuo'.l asking that in ordor j sgtmst tha stupidities and crimes of much tbs _ zemi J fo F r boara in moo dy silence, northwesterly winds, high barometer, low tem- ^,,8° d a ” g taie“uit dfilt^en 1 W “ d 7 to lighten the otty debt, their pay bo redneed I the reconstruction legislation of Congress. It and thaa ^ !art off howling as if punned, and perature and generally clear weather j for JAMES M. JOSES. „»* _ ,„ lh , ha mo!1 , h , of Jnn . Jnlv will die of its own folly and brutality in due mn „ p and down f ot honra. * * Generally Tennessee, the Gnlf and South Atlanuo States, I —_ —= : »10 per month during the months of Jane, J y, | I they perish with systems resembling locked northeasterly andsonlheasterly winds, high bar-1 Last Notice to Taxpayers, “Civil Rights” ln Sllaslsslppl. j{ n less than thirty-six hours after tha at- ometer, co°l, cloudy weather and occasional I t-ms for giving in tax returns will soon taoh," | rain, with increasing cloudiness and tempera- 1 J. close and it is m7 sworn duly to doable tsx . - . - . Wi th all this untold amount of bodily and tore in the Western Gulf; for the Middle and all defaulters. Owing to a change in the law, A traveling correspondent or -ho iticnmona I j 8n g- er jnp and desolation and disease, I Eistern Slates and Canada, northessterly and I maty p.raous have now to make returns, that ispatch saj3 the State “ civil rights ” bill in endnred by these ice-bound voyagers, in this easterly winds, high barometer, oool, dear and | baveuot been accu.tomed te maks them. Office at UOUit House, may 29 tf August and September. This almost makes ns wish that we were a Mobile polioeman so that ws con’d ah are tho glory of inch transoendent patriotism. Wo havo not heard, however, that . Diipatcb tbe example haa been followed ln any other city Uls P u<i{ j doe6 not s ee m to give white folks I a^k'^d cheeVleas region, it is not singular I partly cloudy weather. in th* matter how heavy the burden * n oa j on# negro in a fitst , b at they ehon’d hail, with exoeodirg great joy, Reports are missing from tho Pacific coast I much trouo.e. me saw uiuy one u B I tha annrosch of liehL Says Dr. Kane: “The I and west of the Missouri river. — I class railway oar, and he looked mighty lone- I ^ ^ beginning to glow with tho approaching I The Modoc*. T«i Lynchburg (Va.) Press says : “Th* I iC me,” and the hotel keepers, etc., are sharp I snn _ q; bo anni a t noon, has almost an orange I Fnascisco, May 31.—General Davis has amount of tobaooo now coming to this market I enough to evsde It very effeclna’Jy. In a test I tinge. In ten days his direct rays will reach returned from his scout an which five Modoc3 Is almost tebnlons; every inch of space In our I b.,0 at Vicksburg, recently, a Badioal Judge our hill tops, and inn week afterhe wUl be dis- i e d him. No results. Three other Modoos . * . . ... , , 1 .. . ^ v.-rT.N it I pexisiDC his blessed medicine among our suffer* I who went on an independent scout were expected vot w&rebonse* te being filled day after da3 I w h oxn the negroes bad elected dec.ded th t erJL Tfae C0Ta ; n g wiu open appliances of yesterday. The total cumber of Modoo P priso* with the fragrant weed. At no period sinoe the j uras nnoonatitational; whereupon the Sambos I mora ] jj e ]p t 0 the sick, and give energy to the I ne r3 are 19 braves, 23 squaw* and 30 children. war ha* to large an amount been brought to I uyse in their wrath and decided, at anindigna- hygienic resorts which I am^arranising^at the A Missing Vessel. I Q*. VOLQER & OO., thu city for sale, and indeed anterior to the tioa meeting, tbst hereafter they would pnt moment * * w * ^ be ’ n mtching K«w Obleaxs, May 3L-The steamtihipGeo. 90 Mab Btieet _ 90 war we doubt if, at any season, the amount was I aono b n t their own oolor cn the bench. If the j Pr0 winc*warmth of the landscape, as it 1 ^ romw ® u » ®° m ® over duo from New York, j larger. Notwithstanding the enormous qusnti | wbil6 knayea who put the cegras up to de- ener S ged froL buried shadows throngh all the in ^ayfbmlhey b^g R m a of* Fr«f, Hsv°^s° f e‘gU°To ti** offered, prioes aro well maintained, keep- j man aicg and passing 6nch laws had either sense | stages of^distmcaiemof^an India | no tidings of the missing vessel. J the following brands, Jutt xoceived direct from teg up to the highest notch.” *‘“ J Spi&nisli Segars! Spanish Segars! Thx Postcffloe Department on Tharsdsy sns- pssded the printing of postal oards, for the reason that the card board Is not eqaal to oon- tnet requirements. Tho defect end delay in the Issue are said, st Washington, to be en tirely tbe fault of tbe contractors. Of oonrse or memory they might see the fate of tta. ■ “ Convicted Sr Marker. I ^sut island, laws in that of the fugitive slave law at the eT ““ dafh of oolor wbiob lbe Great p aint er in . Baxtehoiix, May 31-Jas. Gibson, colored, FLOB DE BANTUGO, North. Pnblio opinion was sgainst the law, H benevo lenoe vonchaefed ns; end now em- lnd ‘m <id for hia paramonr with a hatchet, Pirn naaiwi endinthe end-ssit elways wiU-prov.dstrong- ^rpled hneo-clear, unmistek.ble-the spread- htubeen comnc edof murder in,he first degree. EL BICO HABANA, ' I ; n „ lake, the flickering yellow peering »t *111 A ’ object for Judge Lynch. or than the law. | p^j wretcheseverything seemed su- Nashtuxe, May 31.—A negro who outraged, perlative lustre and unspeakable glory. I then crushed a widow lady’s skull, is in Rnther- “I saw him (the sun) once more,” says be, I ford county in jaiL If she dies, which is prob and upon a projecting crag nestled in the I able, the people will hang tha negro. North and South, The Presbyterian Church South declines to _ > j there must bo a scapegoat for the officials of I fuse with the Presbyterian Church North. I sunshine. It was like bathing in perfumed wa- »h* beat government, etc. Esoh branch will accordingly go on in its own t „ h - I way til such time *s the brotherly feeling I Scnnxax Sxcramss. Tbe NewTork Her- tta lately produced th_e^famoni reunion of MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. LA COLONIAL, EL BIO SELLA, MANCO LEPANTO, Li MEEIDIANO, FLOB DE MABTINEZ Virginia 43^48. vr —* v on I . . iCV.— t... m ej* uh nmrtnrp I. _„ - -i-v. ..-.-vto. ♦« I vei ‘ eu ““ uie oi a very j TiTTTiT i T fi 1 *86- North Carolina func..—a — . ——— ■ — - - . —. ——— . c,, ■ —- —- — n . - _ _ 1868, 16«20 South Catoiina new sixes 15<S 17. reecncili.tion mast oome from the South. If Barr Olt Grangers rigged their teams on OLcn-1 Hom0j by Emma Stebbins, daughter of • __________ I ihi* bo true, the Southern Churches are piaeed d , y and broke np twenty seven acre3 of ground, I g ecrv q Bobbins, President of the Bi&rd cf Thx lower House of the Connecticut LsgiJa- in a carious position. The question of relig- and j eft it ready for planting. Thero is some- y-|l> fTfif tanners The derign of the foan-. . er lion , I ions union wiUbeoomo one of vital rmportence | thing pracrieel in that kind of grange work, »cd . _ _ a3 asBe eeied to Miss Stebbins b v thecas-I tore hsi passed the cocstitutiocAl smeedmen. to chmoh member*, aud perhaps it will produoe it baa a smack of brotherly kindness in it that e jn g C npture describing the pco'/of Be th- raqulring tbst there shall be bat one capital and I * state of feeling as intense as that which has w&nld make most any half decent man want to I 1 that at Hartford. The amendment must be I attended the prooeaaea of political rehabiliU- p, a fanner and a Granger. I The Train Departed. asas“*a—t. k» j.*c». .j-.“-tsssaSfaff. isssssr | mnUl UtM.oi llmd,,, utn ibinkit I mi^ht b. fre.1, ig^st U» Unlm Paeifio .ailiMi I ia in error. The aebjeet of reunion with the _ ot Intending visitors, ‘See Vi-1 __ Small Koiee. tioa of the public debt for May will bo email, | jforthem Proabyteriana was not before the | 6nna make out your schedule of insolven-1 Specie shipments^this week were $5261192. owing to very heavy expenditure*. Trnat the I g^^ham Qeuerai Assembly, nor wss any prop- cv ’ Things are in a oonatant state of transfor- trooiy ioyl to make a different showing when | ‘ ' -~ *-* *»"««• —* It wa* only sentarive Aisembly at Baltimore. Darge numbers cf passengers left for Europe prices. • F. HBIOHBR.T, Third Street* M*con, Ga H AS Just received a full assortment of of BUR IAL Cases of eveiy description, aa ^ell ar COFPIK8 of WOOD, aud respectfully invitee at tention to the su&e. Call and examine stock and tea fall campaign in Ohio and other State* opto*. apr!6 2m cele- I and EDWARD SPRXNZ. CoLcirars O'Pjxxrt.T., one of tho elderly, Wealtcj and uonliai oltixans of Baltimora, >s dead. The dooooaod was for thirty year* prsritat of tha old Baitlaor* Gas Company. N otary public and el-opfioio justice OF THE PEA'JE. I can be found for the hie and substantial fare, has been rising—I JJurgiars are geiung ootu again, uue awou- i pre eent at all hours of the day at my offioe, adjoin, kreutxera 50. 60 acd now it ia quoted at 90,1 lug up town was ransacked last night, and A I mg the law office of A. Proudflt, over the stem MamncHoon and womsnhood-Two hood. I with .ve^proa^ot of . tadaning market, watchmaker’, store on Fourth avenue was rob- J^n«*Jo^usThird^eeUUecn,G^, to ■ constantly set for the Inveiglement of mankind. 1 Ererything else tap* paoe. I bod. twuio »u *«ii«wu ™ia«a sag PELICAN FERTILIZER: < ri TONS loft of the above choice fertilizer, for 1 Zi sale on reasonable terms, to close conrign- B. H. WBIGLEY A OO. - $10000,000 - 1,400,000 SSUES Policies upon Dwellings* Furniture, Cot-1 ton* and all mercantile rieica. I. O PLANT & 80N, apialy.Agents 5Xacon* Ga. . a. ujn&Ts s. v. RziD. MORRIS Sz REID, Provision and Tobacco Brokers,! Boom No. 4 College Bui’ding. corner Fourth an I Walnut streets, GIN GINN All, 0310, Befer to W. A. Hnff. m*ytl Sm < hi O hi O DECIDEDLY THE BENT IN USE. OxTY BriaWjaiaa.'Y', COS. COLLINS AID HVSUI3 BT3. L4GER BEER ALE AM> BEER. | FE0HTEP. & MEB0EB, Pioprietors. Office.Old Post Offiee Boilding—Noit Gate City Bar | ATLANTA GA. apr!13m I F, after s FAIR TRIAL, tbe Freezers do not give ENTIRE SATISFACTION, wo will re- | laud the money a toil. Come and see them ill Sizes for tale at liamifacturern’ Prices. aplltf B. A. WISE A CO.. OHEBBY STREET. CHEAP TOBACCO. J1XZB H. BLOUNT. ISAAC HABSZMAN. BLOUNT & HABDE3LLN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,| MAOON, GEOBGIA. OSoe, at entrance Balaton Hall, Cherry street, tijrf FEW more boxes of that “33c TOBACCO!” Left on hand. Send your orders at once to SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. NOTICE. I WILL hul l a Ju-tioe Court for the 716th Dis trict, G M , at the offici of Coliioa A Hoaih, I No 69 Seoond street in the c ty ot Macon, on the SECOND SATURDAY ot every month F. M. HEATH. Notary Pnblio and ex. off J. P., 716th District. G. M FLOUK! 1 000 BAB3ELS of FLOOB - Iot 8410 by ’ 8EYMOUB TINSLEY A CO. B. S. LUEl. X. 2X. SXITH. j. ir. BHXBFK RHEA. SMITH & CO. Grail, Hay, Flour aid Provisions. Ohio Bivsr Salt Company's Agents, \ SOUrfi MiKKET ST., XAbUVILLE, TEXX. I OBDEB3 SOLICITED. BzyzazNCE: Eejmour. Tinsley & Co ; Coleman & Kewaoin Johiieon & Ezmth; Gamble, Beck & f &pr20 8m PEASE-FOR PLANTING. gPECKLED PEAS, OLAY PEAS, WHITE PEAS, ALL KINDS OF PEAS msy27tf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. DR. WRIG-HT, DENTIST COMMISSION MEBOHANT.liriZri^.^Z.’r So. 30J Commercial at., st. koala, Mo. | Hxron. Ox ootl81y Refer to Third National Bank. Union National This Gin Took T&ree Premiums Last Year. THE SAWYER ECLITSE COTTON GIN with it* improvements, has wou its vr*y, upon its own mer its. to tho very first rank of popular favor. It s anda to-day wunur a olmpeiitob in all tha pointR and qualities desirablo or attainable in a PERFECT • OITON GIN Oar Portable or Adjustable Boll Bax places it in the power of every planter to regulate the picking of tne seed to suit hinosel*. aud is tbe nnlv one m<de that dooa Properly managed 8AWYRR'8 EOUPaSE GIN will maintain tho foil natural length tfae staple, and be made to do as rapid work as any machine in n*o • he old GiU>WOLD GIN—a gonu ne pattern— furnlbheu to order, whenever deeirod. Three premiums were taken by SAWYER'S ECLIPSE GIN *a»t year, over all competitors, viz s Two at the Sonthoset Ajabams and Southwest Georgia Fair, at Eof&ula—ona a uilver cup, the ''th^r a diploma. Amo, the first premium at the Fair at Goldsboro*, North Cardin*. TVEiW G-INS Will be delivered on board the oars at the follow ing prices: Thirty-fivo Saws $131 50 Forty Haws 160 00 Forty-fivo Saws 168 75 Fifty Saws 187 50 Sixty 8aws 225 CO Seventy 8aws 262 50 Eighty Saws 280 00 To prevent delay, ozders and old gins sbonld be sent in immediately. Time given to responsible parlies. VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS! Are furnished from various sections of the ootton growing States, of tbe chariot, r following: I ocust Grove, Ga, October 30,1872. Mr. P. O. fl wver Macon, Ga. Dear 9ir—Enclosed find draft on Griffin Banking Ot mnsny for $150. *« payment for our gin, with which we are well pleased Yours truly, H. T. DICKIN & 80N. • The above letter enclosed the following testimo nial, addressed to Mr. B&wyer, viz: Locust Gbgv2, G v , October 30,1872. We. tho undersigned planters, have witnessed the operation of one of your Felipes Cotton Gin*, which we think *nperior to any other gin we hsve ever sren used It leaves the s*ed perfectly olean, snd at tba same time turns out a beautiful sample, eto. H. T D OKIN A *ON. E- ALT'S OLEAVELAND, M. L HARRIS. Mr Daniel P Ferguson, of Joneeboro, Ga^ writes under dato cf October 10, 1872. as follow*: I have yonr gin innmng * • • I can *ay it i» the beat that I ever f aw run. It olean* tbe s*ed peifecly T h*ve been raised in & gin honae, and I believe I know all about wh t shou d be expected in a fir8>claas Cotton Gin. I can gin five hnnnred pounds of lint inside of Rixt* minutes The first two bales ginned weighed 1109 pound*, from 8010 pounds seed cotton, bagging and tioa inoluded. Irwimton, Ga , October 7,1872. Mr P. O Sawyer—Dear Fir: The Cotton Gin we got fr m y u. we a-e nlenscd to s*y. meet* our fulleft expectations, and do* H all you promised it should do Wa have ginned one hm dred and *-ix- tpen bale* on it and it has never choked nor bro ■ ktn the roll. It pick* the seed dean and make* good lint, w© have hsd C'»n a ideiablo expari^nee with varions kinds of cotton gics. and can, with Bafety, saj jouro ia the beet we have ever see-' run. THOMAS HOOKS, Elijah lingo. Colonel Nathan Bass, of Rome, Ga., eays he has UBdd Griswold'*, Massey's and Taylor's Gins, and that he is now running & D. Pratt Gin in Lee coun ty Ga , and an E«gl* and a Carver Gin in Arkan sas, *rd a “ 3 awycr Eclipse Oin” ic Rome, Ga , and regards tbo !aa nam'd as supfrior to any of th* others It pick* f\st r and cle>>kb than rny other gin with he is acquainted. **« says h* ha* ginned eighty-six b&lea with it without break ing the rolL Eull&bd’b Station, M. A B R. R. January 20,1878. Mr P. C. Sawyer, Macon, Ga —Dear Sir—The Cotton Gin you repaired for me. with yonr im proved box. Riv^B perfe t satisfaction, and I take very great pleasure in recommending your gins to tbe public. W. O'DANiEL, M. D. Dr J W. Summers, of Orangeburg. 8 O . write*: 411 your Gin* sold bv me this season are doing well and giving entire sa-.iofaction. I will be able to eeU a great many next season. J. O. Staley, of Fort Va’ley, writes. 4 ‘Your Gin te the only Gin I ever saw that anyb >dy could feed. I have heretofore been compelled t»emp oy a feeder for ginDir.g but with your gin a child can feed it and it will n*ver b-e*k the roll It gins both clean and fast and makes beautiful lint.” Messrs. Childs. Niokerson & Co., of Athens, G* . write: “All the Sawyer Gins gold by us are giving satisfaction We will be able to sell a num ber of them the ooming ee*bon.” CcciiRijf, Ga., January 7,1878. Mr. P. C. Sawyer, Macon. Ga.: Sir—The Cotton Gin we bought of you last Fall, after a fair trial has given us eatiefaction. It makes good lint and c eaus the seed well. Youxs respectfully, T. J. A B. G. LEX. J. W. LUKE, (Successor to CABB A LUKE,) Bankaafl banker, generafij, and W. A-BtrtLlto- Commission HOUSe &t Leary, COOK’S HALL, PEBBY, GA. »"T'HE attention of managers of public fcntertain* i i B* W. Ball road, Calhoon Conntj, Ga, T HE undersigned has erected a store house _. Leary, Ga , on the extension of the South western Railroad to Blakely, aud takes this method meats is called to this Hall, which has been 1 of announcing to tbe public that be is prepared lately fitted up in the best style, with scenery, etc. I receive consignments of goods and produce Tbe Hall will seat about 400 persons and ia conve- I every description, which will be sold at wholesale niently situated in tho Urge acd growing town of I or retail ae directed, to tha best advantage. Strict Perry, to which the Southwestern Ksxlroad has I attention will be given to the basinees, °and satis lately constructed a branch from Fort Valley. I faction guaranteed in evjry instance. Apply to JOHN B. COOK. I W Consignments solicited. ftbl9 0m* Perry, Ga. * marl6dlaw*wly W. D. IVEY. GINS BEPAIRED PROMPTLY And made as good aa new at the following low figure*; New Improved Riba 60o. each Boll Box ^10 00 each Head and Bottom Pieces 1 50 each Babbitt Boxes 1 50 each New 8%ws. per set 1 CO each Repairing Biu-sb 95 00@#16 CO New Brush 25 00 Painting Gin. 6 00 Can furnish 91 different patternn of ribs to the trade at 20 cents each, at short notice. SAWYER, MACON, GA. P. c. maj!8 2MwAw