The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, June 15, 1873, Image 1

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TELEGRAPH MESSENGER BY Clisby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1873. NUMBER 6,649 fleorfl* TelecraM BalMiag, Imhi »wim«, one y<mr...t....410 00 &i month. too One month 1 00 gami-UMkir Telegraph end M sea eng—. one • year 4 00 Mi month. 2 00 Kiamoth Weekly Telegraph end Keaaonger, M eolnmni, one jeer 3 00 Mxmonth. 1 bv ftnbl. elweje in advanoe, end paper .topped * - -) the money rant oat, an lee. renewed. »uid Middle Flondi. Advertisements et irn .u. ntw In the Weekly et one dollar per ..-vue of three-quarter* of en Inch, eech pabUee- . oa. iKmiltenee. rboald be mede by express, or ,j ^.n In money order, or registered letter,. A turns to expel the Jeauita from Italy wai f( j -med In the Italian Parliament. A ran train every morning U to deliver New fxk aowapapers In Philadelphia at breakfaet A Main court ha* lately decided that a raii- ^ed ticket la good for alx years if not need be- foie the expiration of that time. laeox nnmbare of Ohlnamen are aeld to be iMrtsg Ban Franoleeo in oonaeqaenoe of the griat enforcement of the new oity ordincnoe. Tax Batten Tranaeript aaye that peraona who poetry to the newepapera aboold aJway. ^uln copies. The New York Timea inggeels ttU theyahoald a!to retain tbs original*. A Pirn bubo ooroner makes no charge where A. d*« on a jonog man who parted hU hair in tb. middle. He Bays that hie personal satlafso- hoo is enough without the fee. A Brrrai/O, pretty and eighteen, has •aid oral fire hundred, sewing machines in the jut two years. Bho travels with a horse and vigoB, amiling when the leaves a machine, and .bedding tears if anybody afterwards refuses to beep it This does the bn win 081. Obi of onr Northern exohinges says: “ Oap- Uln Sammes, of the rebel prlvsteer Alabama, na a gneit at a reoent Newbnryport wedding, •ad mat several persons whose vessels be de stroyed. There wasn’t a great deal of oordial- ity aboat the meeting though." Oar Pslplt Lmeahrmtloms On Banday, are always prefonnd snggns tire—edifying. They are the result of loag snd Intense theological study—thought and invest! gallon; sometimes protracted through the whole time we are writing the dlsoourse, with the aid of a huge library of patent offioe reports and other Congressional documents, which let ns into ail the secret ramifications and sinuosities of original sin and human depravity, as well as the great doctrine of dual perseverance in office* holding. We are aiad np in eleotion—parties lariy since negro suffrage; and as to the free dom of the will, no mas need hope to tell us anything we don’t know about that dogma sines emancipation. We likewise know all aboat the money changers—the loaves and fishes—the unprofitable and rebellions laborers In the vineyard—the unjust judge—the stealing and defaulting steward—the deoeitfoi, spiteful tnd easting Scribes and Pharisees -the swind ling tax-gatherers—the Homan yoke and bond' age—the crowd hungering after the loaves and flahet—the virgins who refused to clean and light their lamps betimes—the devil going about like a roaring lion, and many other things men tioned in holy writ, perfectly well from expert enoe and observation “sinoe freedom" and therefore our disooursea are bound to be power fui—coming from the heart and reaohing to the heart and oonicienoe—pricking into the very marrow of theirsinfui bones—no to speak. . Moreover, when we preach, it is not to a little handful of aoongregation of twoor three hundred We never preach to leas than twenty-five thou sand people, according to our best understand ing of the case, and that reflection maker ns eareful to weigh well every period and every point of dootrine—a practice which renders our Sunday prelections as remarkable for their elo quence and point as they are for their perfect orthodoxy and extraordinary profundity. Ba der these oireumrtanoes we shall not prohibit any proposed reprint of these homilies either- In Europe or Amerioa. Oould not do It, in faot, in respect to the great cause of homilelios to which we are devotedly attaohed. u. School Commissioners’ Convention. The call of Superintendent Gustavos J. Orr, I for a convention of count; school eommission- I era of the State, to assemble in Atlanta on the Krv K .iiniT Collvbh ha* scratched the aver- | 25th and 20.h of June, was published recently, sge journalist and found as Indian with elub I gn d ws trust will bring ont all who are oon- and tomahawk. It is now proposed that he I neotedwith the free sohool system, should sorateh the average preaober. Bnt the I wboJe Ba b]eot is still la its Infmoy in average preaoher would hardly submit to that I Georgia, and up to the appointment of Mr. Orr, sort of operation. Ho Is proverbially thin-1 had resulted in but little practical benefit The flinned. I people had Imbibed the idea that free schools, PaorEsaon Wins, the roronaut, has failed to I W» U>e poor house, were disreputable, and receive the expeoted gift of $3,000 from the oity I those who patronized them were regarded In the government of Boston, in aid of hia prejeoted I light of mendioanls. True, within a few years balloon voyage to Europe, and is now looking I P“t. corporation free sohool have been put In for another starting point. Tha reoent fire at j suooessful operation In Savantah, and perhaps the Hub discouraged the oity fathers, and they I others of our principal cities, which have been have bent themselves to the sternest eoonomy. I found to work well, and, tamed, have been ■ ■ — I extensively patronized by thg ohildren of the Bisnor Kn>, of California, has held his offioe j flrgt fmniwr. But in the real dlstriots, the for twenty yoars, and the diooese owes him j ptejudfoe against these insiiations has been twenty-one thousand dollars arrears for salary! I butel unrelenting, and tough fast disap At the last convention the Indebtedness was so- I ffgOag under the Intelligent nd judicious ad- knowledged, but nothing was done about die. j cinfotjcHon of Mr. Orr, their is still muoh op charging it. We had no idea that anybody or I position. Henoe the importaoe of this oon- anylblng, man or oorporstion, was so poor in I T#n u onj made np, as it will II, of represents- California. M I lives from all portions of tbs tate. It is reported that a vessel whioh sailed last I Wo are satisfied that the riorts of the va- year from Merrimack for Cuba, with a oargo of I rious oounty oommiaalonera I'll show, that an molaises oasks, filled one hundred hogsheads I enlightened and wisely oomoted system of with fresh wster from the river for ballast. I pnblio schools, under the dintion of eompe- Juitsa she reaehed her desUnation, Cardenas I tent Instructors, who are thaselves snbjeoled .offeroil from a tidal wave that oveifloWbd the I to rigid examinations as to 4ess and qualifl- vells with salt wster, when the oaptaln found a I cation, is tha great want of b country. The ready sale for his Merrimack river water at I physical tabor and brute strath of thousands (2 so per hogshead. | of illiterate white citizens, (t say nothing of . . . I the negroes,) to be fonnd wiln the limits of A rum on writer say., A sudden fresh- „ mppIemented b#dacatio0( ttnd neu tnd simplicity have crept into lh *'“H thglr lgton t talent developed, vonld add Im- ioos j whether it will remain or no , rema ns o I menge j y t0 ^ wealth and prociive resources be seen, but it is good at least while IttaaU- of , h# oommonwe alth- The Wer has visited Panniers been abolished; the enormous geTenJ of ^ pnb „ 0 g(JhooU or r Qwn 00naly( toumnres hsve dteappesred. Already dresses ^ ^ the present jn 0 f instrnc- look old whioh are puffed np in huge bnnohes, gradingi et0 ., Ig working th, 0 st salutary end the straight redlngote-simple, dlstin-l mm*sriB doubuXthereport gul*hod—carries all before it. I f (he oommigs i oner g generally Prejudicos B..n xs Tm Gbxat Laxxs.—A tate dispatch I are giving way, and in view of thtemporary from ltoohester, N. Y., sayss “Last night in I nslnre of aU private underUkings,nd the ne- hsnling a seine in Lake Ontario, at the mouth oessity for permanence, thorough jmization, of the Genesee river, five ahad two years old I and independence in peonniary min, with- wsre caught. The spawn was plaoed In the I out whioh, adequate discipline siLrder are Qeneseo river by Seth Green two years tgo. I well nigh impossible, the public »<4ls of the The ahad appeared last Besson, and are now on I oounty here, as at tho North, must *i become hand again. The largest one measured eleTen I popular institutions, and dispense gg good to lnohes in iongth. The oatoh is considered a I the people. \ very Important one." If shad prosper In Onto-1 Intelligent action, sided by liberalibsidlea tie and other great lakes, as appears likely, ws from the pnblio treasury, alone are no.a in the shall soon have them as plenty as white fish, premises. The former we are assured. Jn the pickerel and others from that souroe. Oonsid-1 administration of Mr. Orr, who is P*ips the ering tho targe area and volnme of our lake and beat qualified man for the position he,Ids in river waters It is easy to see that fish culture is tho State; and the tatter must prove, gy l D g soon to become an Important industry In this Investment, if the triumph of virtue a intel- eountry. From two parents Seth Green, of llgenoe over vioe and ignoranoe are de e d su- Westera Now York, raiaea yonng fry by the I perlor to mere peonniary considers. 01 hundred thousand. Nothing bnt a female oys- J Oejalla to ttae CoterpIUw ter oan beat a fish in laying eggs. | y T - e j nv ;i 8 attention to the advertlsent in As exchange says: Olive Logan, who was a this issue of a compound for sale bftasw. trump-onrd when^ahe entered the lecture-fl.ld Hunt, B.nUn A Lamar known «1 thw hiK . a few winters ago. Is played out as a lecturer, nant Cotton Oaterplltar Destroyer. ®par- She has gained considerable notoriety by her porta to be the remit of war upon the ••leg-drama," and, for a year or menu by the proprietor, whioh, tims two had ail the engagements .he oould fill at have resulted in the oomplete deriruol:i« the $150 a night. As she is a trained notrees, her insects wherever it has been used, lectures are committed to memory, and deUv- It would be well for a nnnaberof ou,ost ered in a theatrioal manner, without reference J intelligent planters to send in Ih at to her note*,* and thus create a more favorable onoe, and test the effio l.noy of thisreme^. impression npon an andionoe than if tamely mediately, wherever the inaect b ” read; bnt, as they contain little beauty of style appearance. Bhonld it prove the rne^f or originality of thonght, few persons care to their exte-mlnalion. the n^ra wilU be had.eq h iiaten to her a recond time, end she hee oeesed reclamations throughout ^ I beHevs she Intends retiring Oonoernlng the first Introdnotlon of-, from the platform this spring, and going to scourge upon the. seabowd, wwihave tha Paris for a few year.; but her auooeeshas been thorlty of Mr. John Cooper, (now decease^ so indifferent the past winter that she would highly reepeotable citizen . have been compelled to retire, whether rile In- land, and the father of the late JutaHj . -r — ■ nhA I ton OonDer. for saying, that it was origim . .. Wirt 8ikg . „ii forEarope imported from the Bahamas in the seed and her husband, Wirt Bikes, sail P« QJta , onmber of gend some time In June. * — - • THE 6KOBGU PKESI. Thz Elberton hogs made tbit town grin by the wholesale last Monday- They eeptured a lot of whieky-eoaked cherries, and their antics were so very natural that some of the “ boys immediately erpreseed conversion to the doc trine of metempsyohosis. DocoazBTT Superior Court met lest Monday, pursuant to adjournment in April. The plant ers, however, who are in the grass badly, beg ged him for a farther postponement, and the court will meet next on the fifth Monday in this month. Wz quote these crop Hems from the Albany News of Friday: Obops along this railroad between this oity ThomasviUe are in better oonditiou than they have been for yeeni, at this season. The oat crop has yielded abundantly in that section. Co BN and Cotton—Thz Pxoenors.—The re- oeot and oontinued heavy rains had quite a seriona effeot upon the planting interests of this section, but not so aerioue aa to earns appre hensions of a orop failure. Grass took advan tage of the wet spell, and ran far abesd, as it was impossible to plough exoept on the high lands, but tha principal sufferer U ootton—that being young and toedar. Corn is “old in the eanse,” ani is boomiog ahead magnificently ; and the probability is that we are to have a finer oom crop this year rb«» we've had any year siuoe the wer. A “boy in blue” who attempted to desert from Fort Pohukl last Thursday morning on a log, which he straddled, made a mistake in the tide and found himself heeding to see at the rate of eight miles an hour. He commenced to aay his prayers at a lively rate, and pretty soon a pilot boat oame along and carried him book to hia old quarters. Some person down in Florida who wants to see a vacancy in the offioe of Governor of Geor gia sent the present incumbent two <0 pound watermelons last Wednesday. All the Florida man needs do now to make sjdead sura th'ng of it is to indnoe the Governor to wash tha melons down with ooploua draughts of that delightful Atlanta water. IhaCll fetch anybody. Calhoun Comm.—Ban Taylor, negro, who murdered Nelson Jordan, ditto, in this oounty some weeks sinoe, will be hung on the 25th of July. The Bainbridge Demoorat says the pros pect for an abundant harraat in that oounty la 'glorious.” Crops are free from grass, and oats and oom, of whioh targe areas hsve been planted, promise heavy yields. The Nawnan Herald gets away with a St. Louis advertising agency after this approved fashion. We reoeived, s few deys sinoe, a proposition from an advertising agenoy in St. Louis to in sert an advertisement of four lines, one yeer, and send oopy of the Horrid daring oontmu- ftnoe of advertisement, for the foil eom of one dollar and sixty cents net cash in advanoe. We have been publishing the Herald for more than seven years, and bare had soores of proposi tions from all Boris of men, inoluding those who do not Intend to pay one red of what they promised, but this beats them ail for cheek; the very worst or the propoeirs did not require ub to pay them for the privilege, but tM« agenoy asks ns to furnish them • oopy of our piper, one year, worth two dollars, while they pay ns only one dollar and sixty oents, s clear loss to us of forty oents, and also Insert fonr lines for them one year. Well, ws will not • crept their proposition “if the ooart understands herself." BzntBBtNa to the rumor mentioned In the Chronicle and Sentinel, that Mr. Wadley would soon resign, orhsd resigned thefoffioe of Presi dent of the Central road, the Savannah Adver tiser and Bepubiiean says: We have authority for saying that the inmor alinded to in the above artiole is entirely with out fonndotion, nor can we learn of any so- oalled difference of opiclon. Mr. Wadley is in fall scoord with the board of directors, and the latter have just cause to plaoe entire oonfideoae in the judgment and discretion of the presi dent. A “patent onts'de” oonoerc calling iiself a newspaper has been started at Clarksville. How It expeots to get along without exchanges we do not know. Anyway, we wish it a speedy jour ney to the “demnition bow-wows,” How the system of County Commissioners has worked in Pike oounty as to money matters may be learned from the following from the Griffin News. It says: Puce County Affaies —In 1870 when oounty commissioners were appointed for Pike, Judge Harper, then its effioient Ordinary, turned over to them $C,55i, and ever since its treasury has had plenty of money in it. These commission ers have within the past year paid ont $2,COO for a poor farm, thereby greatly reduoing the pauper list in the oounty. They reeently paid $1,400 for all their small-pox expenses, and still have a lsrge fund on hand. This is en- oonraging news, and speaks well for the neces sity of suoh commissioners in every county. Ms. Damson Heath, for fifty years a citizen, of Batts oounty, was found dead in his bed lest Sunday morning—supposed from apoplexy. We find the following ia the Savannah Adver tiser and Republican of Friday: United States Distsict Coust—In Bank- buptcy.—Thos. F. Wills, of Washington oounty, filed hts petition in bsnkrnptey. Wm. MoKin- tey, solicitor. Ia the matter of H, B. Olaflin A Co., petitioning oreditors, vs. John King, au alleged bankrupt of Columbus. Georgia, on the return day of the order to show oause in the above matter, John Bing files hts denial of bankruptcy and a demand for a jury trial, whereupon au order was entered for trial by jury in said matter at the next August term of the court. B. J. Moser tor oreditors; Ingra ham A Crawford and W. W. Guerardfor debtor. An injunction has bean served in this oause re straining Messrs. Peabody A Saulsbury, the assignees of said John Bing, disposing of any of his assets or property. Mu. Henbt Stevenson, a Columbus baker, has been adjudged by • jury appointed by the Ordinary suoh a confirmed inebriate as to be inoapable of managing his business, and Us wife appointed guardian for him and his property. The Waahington Gazette has the following: Singular and Horrible Death.—A yonng man named Tomer, living near Danburg, died on last Saturday after a few days illness, and, it is supposed from the following singular cause: Same days previous to his attack he assisted in the disinterment of a corpse, for the purpose of removal to another plaoe of The body had bees buried some burial. months, and was exceedingly offensive when the grave was opened. Young Tuner began siaua ooccon. «-s-v “ ^plain of headache and other symptoms ___ had emigrated, from abroad to the chi goon a ft er the removal, and in a few daja be- The Rxchmt Mam im thx World.—When I on the Carolina and Georgia ooai CAme seriously ill, and died on Saturday. He newspaper, and other folks talk about million- and wer8 Tgry profitably engaged for severioomptalned, during Ms ootireoidaitmot air®* thsy usually mention BothsehUd flts£ but yeM , , n r4gring the long staple cotton. ^p£. ^h* tbtalf- there la a lord in England by the name of Ward, I - Q g th*t the need waa deteriorating, and rQ ®i av i a 0 r exhalation penetrated and saturated in oompariaon with whom any Rothschild is a I ning into the upland, they sent back to thijf entire system, thus poisoning hia blood pauper. This Lord Ward inherits a vast prop- Bghgmgi for a new supply. The egg it seemmd causing death- We hear that ‘brother *rty, with aooumutated investments and estatas, I been .eoreted In *° m * of there seeds, ^ tloug^wS^Tot knol t£ re^Trt whioh give him an enormeus inoome. He has I ^ yer y nex t season the fields of all who used au thentic. the most msgeiflosnt house in London, the I ^ imported artiole were infested XhxExicuiion or Ishax O'Neal on Frit at finest collection of art, and the finest oountry I m^rpuiars. Atlanta. — From a long aeeoont of this ■eats In the kingdom. His wife is celebrated I xbe winter on the ooast was so mild that the |^ jjj Constitution, of yesterday, we ex- for her beauty, and her display of diamonds at I Q f the insect survived the odd season, and { u f 0 jj owa . the reoent festival given by the Emperor of | j| has existed here ever sinoe. One of our own ^ „ oVjqok, O’Neal,_esoorted^byj)g?uty Austric, in Vienna, made all the other ladies, j mo<t jejisble citizens has often heard Mr. " the empresses, queens and prinoceses, look poor. 1 mention this foot, which is moreover What the income of this British Croesus is ws j 03rTO boiated by the knswtadge that the hessian have never seen any statement of, but a Man-1 dy j a ^ten propagated through seed wheat In Chester paper gives an aooount of his annual I y, g name way. profit, derived from hi. coal mines, which! It is to be hoped the remedy above; men- .... ,, QonnoalUonedwUl make »hort work of thta great bug- amount to the enormous sum of At.lHXi.wu. i ^ ^ planter. Lst him keep trying, un- 8o the inoome from one source alone of this | gno octsfn'. inordinately werithy pereoe is not muoh short J The H Sojfc of twenty-five millinna of dollara a year. Ona of tho heaviest rains of the season fell The Yooinia Oahyaion—Bow in the Kadi- I y#it8 rf g y about noon. It waa a flooding—de- cal Camp.—The Biohmocd Dispatch prints an I nin—ooming down In sheets anddark- lnterview of «• reporter with John W. Woltz, J , g,, gir ^ith its perfect surcharge of ohairmas of the Bopublioan State Central Oom-1 every day of last week had its mittee of Virginia, in whioh Mr. Woltz arraigns j ^ ' nin f>n> maj probably far three weeks the President for disregarding the reoommend-1 ^ cultivation has been too sodden ations of Senator Lewis and the Oongreevionri 1 fof ^ . w Mganw hile the air has been sul- Badioata, the Bepublioen member! of the Leg- j ^ bas developed with unusual rspid- latature, Fred DougUre and aU the high priest* I ^ wtttiout doubt tho ootton orop of the to ol tho party in Virginia, who indorsed for the I ^ cotton region U in a oriUosl oondiUon, and post of special agent of tho Poet Offire Depart-1 woat o{ Jt ^ jo be abandoned to reve ment one B. D. Bieekley, a black man. Mr. I ^ remainder. Indeed, if there daily showers Wolts says that Grant appointed a young man | ^ protracted muoh loigw a targe part of the named Boyley, Just from sohool, upon the sole j ataQ ^ ^ cotton whioh am rescued from tho ntoommandation of Oolooel Moaby; and the* I v iji be greatly injured in the prooees. ha understood from Oolonal Moaby that tha I ^ ;grmgn u. ^ danI p^ bn t in some way or President favored the nominatiee of Wire let I TT , W .. wg bavs little doubt a targe crop of oot- Goveraor. Woltz says that tha new clamant, I ^ • r | d be made, nevertheless and notwitb- tha Boor boos, who voted for Grant lest fall In I We are bound to have ootton in plenty Virginia, will not exceed five hundred; and ha I U not wlllixig to somiidor to thou the loevee I — m VkdtobM. Aoootdiag to this eoooimt tha Vi*-1 F*ox The obolei* IntermenU of ■BU IMIIM AAUWUlUAUg Ml MAM ■AW’WW**. wm* * I . _ _ ' "WR. MkJ WWI imjiwse. » ” ftoie RecublietBS lie In ooMldmble tiibd*-1 Thxuedey, were eleven—ttve* white* md four I DMa ^ the trUL I have given the got I oolored. [ sga. You taw tt (polfitto* to J. riff 0. C. Green and Bev. G. H. Pattillo, his osll for the soene of execution. O’Neal in his shirt sleeves, attired in light oolored and pantaloons, and wore dippers and an vool hat. He was pale, and though appa- iy weak, asoended the steps to the anaffold but the least sign of trepidation. He im- Htely ret down on a bench—Deputy Sheriff lo on one aide and Bev. Mr. Pattillo on tha 0 -when he first appeared on tho scaffold Oare of the n dazzled h eyes. He soon, ta er> became aeoustomed to the sunlight. Sf perker. m remarked to him that if he hbvthing to say, he oould now have an op- P*ity to do so. He rooe np and advaneed ^center of the aoaffold. and addrsreei the e*n the following speech: grmm: What I will say is what I have *t*before in regard to the faots of the dif- fiot i never intended to kill Little. After bo tout to me we had a taw suit. I gained the" After the lawsuit wsa settled we idly. I have been confined for a long have suffered a great deal Several clen n of Atlanta have lately visited me, ana m e wood advioe. Bev. Mr. Pattillo and. J£ T . 1 ifnrioh have been kind to me. Mr. tug m here last night and to-day wilh-in fact, nearly all the. time. I am readme judged by God for the orime with wBl($a charged. I am pesfeoHy ready. .And the*®, when I stand, I would give it m J words, that lire were sworn against res- levs I am prepared to die. I have lived towt life and made my living by my work. Ages thought when I waa a boy that I abotAe to this end. And to-day, gentle men, 117 not to be here. If Governor Smith % gtoo me the time I oould prove my tutLT My most Important wit Hesfly Smith). AU 1 have to rey is, that I am sorry I have come to this. I am a poor mail, it the reason I am here. I did not have money enough. I am innoeent, other man who are guilty go free. (Despondingly.) I am not to go free. When-I was at liberty I bad plenty of friends, or supposed them to be friends ; when I got into trouble they forsook yds. I have no friends now. God is my only friend now, I reckon.' I wish to oorreot the statement made in a oity paper, that when Fry and others es- oaped from the old jail “I went and stood in the door, and then vent book.” I did not go out, though I oould have done so. At 25 minutes past 2 o’clock, O’Neal sat down on the benoh. At half put two o’elook, O’Neal rooe up, and Sheriff Perkerson and Deputy Sheriff AJreen-proceeded to pinion his hands behind him. He remarked to them, “ Don’t tie it too tight.” O'Neal exhibited sot the least sign.of trepidation or weakness. Not a muscle moved. The winding sheet wu no it plaoed on him, and tied, his slippers removed, feet tied, and he placed underneath the gallows. Here the fatal knot wu plaoed around his neck. He betrayed no feu. Iu answer to the question propounded by Sheriff Perkerson, u to whether the knot wu uuoomfortable, he. remarked: “ No; bnt will soon be.” As the knot wu be ing adjusted, O'Neal had his eyes closed, and appeared to be in prayer. He oalled upon the Sheriff to “ wait a minute.” This halt wu oalled for the purpose of uttering his lut words. O'Neal sard, with emphasis: “lam not guilty of the murder of Little. I never in tended to kill him. If he had let me alone and never assaulted me, I sever would have killed him. I am arraigned here tor aoting in self- defense. Either one of Little and hia friends wu able to handle me by himself. I wu at tending to my own business. I believe that Gad has had mere; ou me. . I believe that God has forgiven my situ. I hope to meet you all in Heaven, if it is God’s will.” Ho requested Sheriff Perkerson to ont the rope® off of his body after he wu dud, and rend his body to Conyers for interment. The vhite cap wu plaoed over O'Neal’s hesd, when he began pray ing—“Great God, have mercy on me. Merci ful God, reve my real.” The last words he ot tered were, “Obi God I” Just then the fatal trigger wu polled, the platform parted In the centre, and with a terrible thud the body of O'Neal fell about six feet, the feet of the pris oner reaohing within a few inches of the ground. Bo sudden wu the fall, and so quick the result, that era the beholder wu aware the soul of Taham B. O'Neal, “Iu the twinkling of an eye,' had passed from the shore, of Time into Eter nity. At 21 minutes to 3 o’olook the trigger wu sprung. Scarcely three minutes had etapsod when his feet and hands moved convulsively and then relaxed. Drs. John M. Johnson and J. P. Logan, who were appointed by Judge Hopkins to determine when death supervened, examined the body of O'NeaL Eight minutes after the fall there wu a alight putae, and the heart wu beating; at ten urinates there wu no pnlution or motion of the heart, and at thirteen minntea O’Neal wu prononnoed dead. The rope was ent and the body taken down and itaoed on a vide board and prepared for plaolog n the ooffln. The coffin wu of rosewood color, and while not oostl; was not a ohesp affair. There wu a heavy pressure to get in. As high u five dollors wu offered to get in. Clever parties endeavored to get in claiming that they were reporters for the Chicago Times, Boston Journal of Oommeroe, Grapblo, Day’s Doings, London Times, eio., bat the soheme wu “too thin.” We notioed the representatives of several German papers present. There were at least twelve or fifteen hundred people tathered on the outside of the prison walls.— Frazier street, in front of the jail, wu blooked np; the rear part wu surrounded with a vast erowd, while Brioe’a lumber yard, freight cars on the Georgia Railroad, and every high point, wu filled with the curious, anxious to see the fato of O’NeaL And right here we would re mark that O'Neal died so speedily after the fall that he suffered bnt littleL Evidently his neok wu dislocated. O'Neal was aboat 32 years of age. The ooffln containing iris remains wu oarried to Conyers last night for interment. BY TELEGRAPH. Stokes* New Trial. We have nothing to uy, remarks the World, to the derision of the Court of Appeals in the ease or Stokes. It is not for taymen to discuss questions of law with the benoh whioh has pow er to decide them, and no one but hes confi dence oomplete in a criticism of an inferior oonrt, ottered by suoh judges u Church, Gro ver and Rapello. But we have this to say, as matter of pnblio policy and of j retire: that the spectacle of Stokes still retried, In the eyes of the taw, for an aot committed a year and a halt ago, is a mockery of justice and a scandal upon our jorispiadenoe. The faot of the kill ing of Fisk by Stokes hss a'l along been admit ted. The question wav only whether that kill ing was murder. And that qnr ition is u far off now from a legal settlement u on the day when Fisk was buried. It has become the custom to say that punish ment should be merely exemplary, and not vindiotive. If that is true, it seems to ui that the execution of Stokes after wbat hu already happened in his one wuold be of scarcity any value to sooiety rt an exrmple. The men who most need suoh an example are the men upon whom the example of punishment two years after the faot would have no deterring effeot. The few of them who are ca; able of connecting a retri bution so long delayed with the crimes whioh brought it on would oheiish hopes that they would dear all the difficulties in their course to freedom whioh Btokee so nearly cleared. StokeB hu had two trials a'ready. The first was vitiated by a failure to reach the verdiot. The verdiot in the seoond hu been nul'lfied. And Stokes stands now where he stood on the day be killed Fisk—in the position of rn untried culprit. We say again that there Is a radloal wrong in a sys tem which taker eighteen months, three juries, and a dozen oourta to find out whether a man in killing another has committed murder. Gambetta—How Ha Looks. Edmund Yates' lut letter is from Paris. From it we extract this pen ploture of the above noted Frenchman: Who is this fat, gross man of middle height, with reddish-brown complexion and decidedly red noae, with a queer louche or oock-eye, which gives him a ha'f jovlal, half-sinister ex pression—this man with the early-brimmed, greree-stained hat, tha tortoise-shell double eye glass hanging loose round his neok, the shining coat and the fall trousers, into the pockets ef whioh bis hands are throat np to the wrists ? This is Leon Gambetta, the terror of the Bight, the hope of the Left, the one man who is sup- pored to be able to establish * real republio, untainted by Orieanism, Bonapartism or priest craft in Franoe. Partisan Iebihoemtt.—What thorough-faced Badioal partisans are capable of is Illustrated by the proceedings of the reoent Ohio State Bepnb- Iiean Convention. That grave body in one of its resolutions says: We condemn without reserve the voting for or reoeiving of increased pay for servioea al ready rendered, and do mend that the provisions of the late aot of Congress by whioh the salaries were inoreased should bo promptly and uncon ditionally repealed. And is another resolution It also declares as follows: • Seoond—We reaffirm onr confidence in Presi dent Grant, and in the wisdem, integrity and snooens of the administration of his high offioe. Now the approval of President Grant mide the increased psy bill a taw, and he is rereiving $25,000 a year in oonaeqaenoe of his assent to it. Thus we have the Ohio Convention condemn ing Congress and approving Grant, while both are guilty of the suae sot. Chattanooga, we see, is going heavily into * 4th of July jabilm by making it the occasion of tha Seoond Animal Parade of the Oity Fire De partment. The programme displayed in two columns of the Times contemplates a Grand yareMng Bsviaw of the Ancient and Horrible Artillerie—a procession—picnic in shady bow ers, foot raring, walking matoh, sack raring, jumping, a wheel-harrow rare and small beer and lemonade. The American Eagle will be there but not allowed to spread his wings. There will be no speeches. synopsis Weataer Statement. War Dn’x, Oman Oxxxr Signal Oman, Washington, - June 14. Probabilities: For New England on Banday, easterly and southerly winds and increasing ui linens with nin anrs, especially over the southern and western portions; for the Middle States and lower take region, cloudy weather and rain areas; for the Bouth Atlantic States, winds veering to southwesterly and northwest erly, cloudy weather and nhr areas; for Ken tucky, Tennessee and the Golf States, east of the HiaWpn, light to Inch winds, mostly from the southwest and northwest, and gener ally dear and eirering weather; for the upper take region, gentle to fresh winds, mostly from the southeast and southwest, and partly cloudy weather, with possibly areas of light nin; for the Northeast, northerly to westerly winds and dear or partly cloudy weather. tftw Eareyt. New Yoix, June 14.—A targe party from Columbus and Atlanta, Georgia, sailed fee Eu rope la the ateuMC Australia to-day. DAT. DISPATCHES. SC Louis Items. Sr. Louis, June 14 —The steamboat Mary McDonald was burned in the Missouri river. Major Henry E. Wing, of the Times, is dead. Samuel H. Bichardson Se Co., commission merchants, have failed. Bloodshed itad Insanity. Henderson, Ky , June 14—An insane man attending a rireni killed a child with a dab and injured a number of persons. He was arrested after reoeiving several shots from the polire. Caur Bellders' convention. Boston, June 14 —The Oar Builders’ Con vention last night elected the following officers for the ensuing year and dissolved: President, J. N. Van Houghton, Pittsburg; Vice-Presi dent; N. D. Ferry, Hartford; Seoretary, Leander Gary, Morris! an a, N. T ; Treasurer, A. Stem back, Beading, Pa. New Yore, June 14.—Gov. Dix has signed the New York ootton press bill. Spanish Polities. Madrid, Jane 14.—Pi y’ Margili, President of the Connell, in the oourse of a speech deliv ered last evening in the Cortes, said the Gov ernment moat first pay the peninsula, in order to disoourage disaffection in Cuba. A demonstration ooourred in Barcelona yes terday. The speakers who addressed the av seaabtage termed the municipality of that city thieves, and urged measures for getting rid of the objeetionable authorities. The meeting broke op with cries of “vivala Federation, and down with the municipality. Hanged Twice. Paris, Ex., June 14.—A negro was hanged to-day for killing another negro in 1872. The rope was too long to strangle him on the first trial, but the seoond attempt was suooessful. den. Sherman and the Hedoes. Washington. June 14.—Gen. Sherman re grets that the Mod oca were allowed to surren der, but disapproves of Gan. Davis’ policy of hanging them without some legal form. From tbe Pacific, China and Japan. San Francisco, Jane 14.—The Alasen and Cypress have arrived with over 2,000 Chinese immigrants aboard. The China Mail oommesls severely npon the persecution of the Chinese in San Franoisoo. The Japanese Ministers of Finanre have re signed, and publish a letter setting forth the debts of the empire at $104,000 000 They say the people are excessively taxed and that debt to increasing yearly, in oonsequence of tbe new schemer of government. Possibly the ministers may reoelve orders to oommit hari kari. The palare of the Mikado is to be rebuilt, ac cording to the European plan. Au ancient ohristian churoh has been discov ered in tbe interior of Japan. The resigning ministers say that Japan seems to be going ahead, but is aotnally lagging be hind, and a national finanoial collapse may hap pen it any moment, and that they oiearly Bee calamity in the fotnre. Tbe Pope Entirely Recovered. Bomb, June 14.—The Pope has completely recovered from bis late illness. Five Trials for Herder. Indianapolis, June 14.—The Supreme Oomt has again granted Mrs. Clem, who has been twioe oonvioted of the mnrder of Mr. and Mrs. Yonng, a new trisL This will be the fifth time. NIGHT DMPATCUES. General Sherman on tbe Modoc*. New Yobe, Jane 14—General Sherman bad a oonvers-ition with s reporter lest evening, and ta made to say that General Davis, concerning bis indiotment of Captain Jaak and prepara tions for hanging him and some of his associ ates: If tbe statement is oorreot, there is no doubt that Genera] Davis must have exaeedsd his daty, and be would have been responsible tor his sots. He should be gnidrd by military rules and taw. We all know 'hey are murder, era. The President himself says they are mur derers, and bad General Davis shot them while they were being pnrsned, I do not think he would have exoeeded his daty. He did not do this, and oonld not afterwards shoot them in oold blood. Gen. Davis’ report to Gen. Sobofleld, Gen. Sherman said, may d ffer from that pnblisbed in the papers. Davis is too experienced an ot- fioer to do anything that wonld bring odium upon the army or lay bimself open to a military court-martial, for exoeedtng bis duty Cl an of ficer. Tbe General thicks there wiU be no difficulty about disposing of the Modoos under arreit. Three found guilty of murder will be hangrd or shot, and if it is proved that there was an agreement for general uprising among the tribes, others will reoelve the same punish ment os a warning to the Indians. He remarked, however, that it was a pity that the guilty Mo- does were not shot at first Then sit this com mission business and expense wonld have been avoided. As to the killing already of a few of the pris oners, Sherman thonght those who committed the deed are low biaokgnards and murderers, who have nothing whatever to do with tho army. A Bloody Harder* AU for Love. Nashua, N. H., Jane 14.—At Hadson, N. H., Henry Jewett, 25 years of age, has been endeav oring to toice hia snit with' Miss Elia Wood, daughter of Charles Wood. Miss Wood rejeoted hia offer of marriage and her paren’s also ep- posed it This morning Jewett visited Miss Wood,' polled from hia pooket a six shooter, aimed at her head and fired. The ball entered her forehead just above the eye and lodged under the skin. Miss Wood fell npon the floor insensible. It Is hoped the wonnd is not mortaL Jewett then passed from the house to the yard, where he met Mr. Wood and attempted to as sassinate him. Mr. Wood oaught the enraged man by the throat, warded off the aim of the pistol, and fortunately esoaped. Jewett then put bis pistol to his own ear and discharged it, the ball entering bis head and creating a wonnd that most prove fatal. The indications are that it was Jewett’s intention to murder the entire family. Balsed Certificate. Philadelphia, June 14.—A raised certificate of Pennsylvania, from one share to one hun dred, was discovered this morning, having been sold by G. H. Harlan, at Jay Cook’s bank, in this oity, several weeks store. It Is said the certificate was sent to Jay Cook & Oo. by a oonntry correspondent, who snspeoted that it had been raised and wished the matter investi gated. Disposing of tbe KIckapoM. Ban Antonio, Tex., June 13.—Messrs. At kinson and Williams, special Indian Commis sioners to Mexioo, arrived last night, accompa nied by Senor Hontino, Mexiosn Commissioner, and Cbignam Kako, head chief of the Kicka- poos. They report the Indian tribes to Mexico willing to go on a reservation in the United States, provided their women and ohildren, oap- tured by Gen. MoEenzIe, now imprisoned, are returned to them in Mexioo. -The Mexican au thorities have agreed to fulfill the promise should they eudeavor to not comply after the return of the captives. All intelligent Mexi cans think it will be the best way to rid the frontier of these Indians. Messrs. Atkinson and Williams had a several days’ conference with the most influential chiefs of the Eldupoos, Lspans and Meseal- ieys, resulting as above given. They visited Governor Oespeda, of Ooaborta, who reoeived them kindly and appointed a commissioner to oo-operate with them affecting the removal. They aim visited Governor Gonzalez, of Nueva Leon, who warmly oo-operated with them. The ardsianee of r'l Texas frontiersmen is heartily with them. Suooess in ridding Texas of these band* of robbers, by soreedtog to the request, as the Mexican authorities hold themselves re sponsible for tbe return of the prisoners should the tribes not comply. GoUiam Note*. Naw Yore, Jane 14.—Gov. Dix signed the State supply bill to-day. Several horses have died this week of distem per near Hempstead, Long Island. President Grant and family returned to Long Branch this morning. The publishers of an indecent paper .oalled the Eoho, to Newark, were fined $109 to-day. A grain elevator and a thousand bushels of wheat were burned at Brlsoo, Iowa, yesterday. Two-thirds of Maxwell, Ontario, has been burned. The loss is heavy. Arrest of Wltaeeses la tbe Btoke* case. John and Thos. Hart, and Jno. T. Redmond, witnesses in the Btokee oase, were arrested dur ing the night under the advioe of the District Attorney. Specie Shipments. New Yobe, Jose 13.—Shipments of specie to-day were $393,435. Hewsrd for a Forger. A reward of $3,000 ta offered for the capture of Horton, the forger. Brens® John In New York* On the 31st of May. F. W. Baoon, a waiter on board the steamer Yazoo, running from New Orison* to Havana and Philadelphia, arrived here by the oan from the tatter city, and to Oourttand was seized with severe pains. He taken to Eldridge street, where he was treated for jaundioe. On Monday morning hi* retobing* were followed by btaok vomit, and at 11:30 A. K. he died of unmistakable yellow fe ver. Tha health officers were notified, and af ter thoroughly disinfecting tha room and bara- » the clothing, the body wu buried ia Pot- I Field. Captain lack and Band Again Taken, San Francis oo, Jane 14.—Photographs have been taken of Captain Jaok and his band of warriors. Gen. Davis h -a sent a party of men to hunt for and arrest tbe persons guilty of the mas-'acre of the Modoc prisoners. Tbiersand a Radical Alliance. London, Jnue 14.—A special correspondent at Paris, of the London Honr, in a dispatch to that paper says an aUianre has been effected between tbe supporters of ex-President Thiers and the Radioala in the Assembly. Thiers is said to have bad frequent conferences with Gambetta store bis retirement from the Presi dency of tbe Republic. The Exposition In Want of Visitor*. A Vienna d'spatoh says the number of visi tors to the Exposition Is far less than was an ticipated. Trades people and the Inhabitants generally are greatly discouraged at tbe absence of strangers and the prioes of living, whioh have hitherto deterred persons from visiting the oity, have been roduoed. Ttae Health or Kaiser Wilhelm. A dispatch from Berlin says tbe Emperor William oontinues in a weak condition and that he requires absolute quiet in order to effeot a care. Isabella to Visit tho Pope. It is said that ex-Qieen Isabella Is about to proceed to Rome for tbe purpose of omftrrtog with the Pope npon the prospects of the Bonn bon family in 8 pa in. Cable Consolidation, Resolutions confirming the terms of the amalgamation of the Anglo-Ameriean, Frenoh and New York, New Fonudland and London Oable Companies, were unanimously passed by the shareholders of the Frenoh acd Anglo- Amerloan Companies yesterday. Death of a Publisher. John Camden Holten, a well known publisher and bookseller in this oity, died to-day. Growth of the Antl.Elqnor Sentiment Boston, Jnue 14.—A letter says the seoret anti-liquor legislation party has rapidly ex tended its lodges all over Hanaohusetts, having nineteen branches and 1.000 aotive members in Boston alone, and oontrol'tog 50,000 votes throngh the State. A Consul tn Umbo. St. Loun, Jane 14 —John F. Cook, English vioe Consul here, is in onstody for s’leged em bezzlement of $800 from Thomas Graham. The Caterpillar. MiMPBts, Jnne 14 —The caterpillars have again appeared in an adjeoent oonuty, and are destroying the ootton. They are worse on the North Mississippi than ever before, owing to the inoessant rains. Gra s and weeds are also damaging ootton oropa. The Chnrch and state to be Sundered Madrid, Jane 14.—Daring the session of the Cortes last night it was announced from the ministerial benches that a separation of Chnrch and State is part of the programme of the gov ernment. New President Elected. Nioholss Silmeron has been elected President of the Cortes. He reoeived 17C votaB against 74 for Senor Fignerrs. Wanted to Borrow. The Minister of Finsuoe hrs submitted a proposition to the Cories for the negotiation of a loan of 300,000,000 reals and tbe imposition of a new tax. HIDNIUHY DESPATCHES. Jerome Park Knee*. New York, June 14.—Survivor won the first raoe—time, 2:15}. Mate won the seoond—time, 3:09j. Wanderer won the third—time, 4:08. Nine thousand emigrants arrived this week. Death of a Banker. Max SteaDheimer, resident partner in Frank- fort of the well-known banking firm of J. & W. Seligman, of this oity, died there to -day. He was United States consul st Statgardt during the admirstratiens of Presidents Pieroe snd Bu chanan. Fraudulent Louisiana Bonds. Tho auditor of pnblio aoconnts for Louisiana giver notice that the validity, ss contested, of 250 bonds of $1,000 eaob, of Louisiana 30 per cent bonds, issued to aid in tbe construction of the MFussippi and Mex'oan Gulf Ship Canal Company, dne in 1899, interert payable in Maroh and September. These bonds are adver tised to be Bold at pnblio anolion on tbe 18th of July 1873, at No. Ill Broadway. The State of Louisiana contest! tbe validity of the bonds on tbe ground that they are fraudulent and illegal. AU persons interested are notified that the pay ment of interest and prinoipsl of the same wi'l be refused. Cotton Exchange. There was but little exoitement at the Ootton ExohsDge to-day, and it seemed to be the gen eral opinion that the effort to create a pauio has failed. Hotel Burned. The Oliftwood Honse, a new hotel at Eey Port, Naw Jeisey, wer burned last n'ght. laws not stated. • Mortuary. New York, Jane 14.—The deaths tb>s week were 455. The Nashville What fa It T Nashvil’e, June 14.—Leading doctors in Nashville are now, and have been from the first, divided in opinion among themselves, on the qnestlon whether there hr r been a single oase of real cholera to Nashville daring this season. Morta’ity in the oity oerts’nly inoreered for ten days, until four days ago, when it began to de- orerse. Tbe doctors report that the cases, of whatever nature they may ba, are entirely con- trolable. The average number of - deaths are from twelve to fifteen a dry, and orenr mainly among the negroes. Davis and the Modoc*. San Franoisoo, Jnne 14.—The reported con- versrlion of Gen. Davis with representatives of the Bnlletin is unquestionably couect. The War Department d'dnot believe tbe report that Gen. Davis bed engaged the Modocs to fight against the Modar r and had gone on a sc rnt with them, bat events proved tho correctness of the at count. The Memphis Mortal!Iv. Memphis, Jane 14.—There were on'y twelve intermen'r here to-day from sil diseases, against seventeen yesterday. There were thirty-eight deaths fromoholerado-ing the week. Horse Thler shot. Little Boon, Jnne 14.— A msn, name un known, a notorious horse thief, while playing the role of an officer, wag shot and k'lled in Pope oonuty on Wednerdsy. French Politics Paris, Jnne 14 —The Assembly has, by an almost unanimous vote, adopted a resolution ratifying tbe eleotion of M. Rano as depnty from Lyons. The Chamber has also appointed committee of eighteen to examine into the demand of General Ladmeranlt for authority to proseonteM. Bauc for aots ommitted daring the reiga of the oommane. Thirteen members of the committee are said to be in favor of granting the authority to Gen. Ladmf r:u!t, and two are opposed to his demand. Death of an Historian. Berzin, June 14.—Rammer, the eminent German historian, is dead. Spain. Madrid, June 14.—A majority of the Cortes has appointed a directing committee, of whioh Senor Cfitellor is ohairman. Movement* or Carlisle. Bayonne, Jane 14.—The Csrlist forces, oom msnded by Lizarrsgo and Ot'o, w ilh other bands of insurgents, have entered tbe Spanish prov ince of Bisery. An engagement between Oar- lists and Bepnblioans, in whioh the former were victorious, has occurred near tbe town of Oyor zun, in the province of Ga<pnzoa. Savannah, Jane 14.—Arrived, steamships Leo and America. Cleared, San Salvador, Huntsville, Seminole and Wyoming; schooners W. J. Parks snd A J. Simonton. Hnrkfta—Horning Report. Nzw Yore—Cotton is dnii; soles —; uplands 20; Orleans 20%. Boles of futures lost evening 3300 bales, as fol lows : June 19%; July 19 5-10(320 1-16; August 201-16020%; September 1B%@18%. Flour dull. Wheat heavy. Com nominally un changed. Fork steady; new 16 62%. Lard dnll; western steam 8%. Turpentine steady at 45. Bosin doll and nominal at 2 90 for common strained. Freights firm. Honey film at 408. Gold heavy at 16%©16%. Governments doll and steady. State bonds very quiet. Liverpool—Cotton opened quite; uplands 8%®9 Orleans 9%@9%; to arrive*l-16 lower- later—Ootton quiet; uplands ; Orleans —; sales 10,000 bales; speculation and export 2000. Later—Cotton closed quiet; soles include 7500 American. Shipped from Savannah and Charleston, July and August delivery 9; August 91-16. Market bare of oats. Pork 62*068e. Beef 81e6d. Tallow 41s6d. London—Consols 92%. Fire* 89%. F&AEXEOBT—Bonds 96. Paris—Rente* 561763. _ ■arkeUH-neaui Kepwrt: New Yobe.—Cotton, net receipt* 506 boles: cross 1455; sales 296; sales far export to-day ; hot evening —; uplands 20%- Orleans —; mar ket dulL Bales of futon* to-day were 2600 bales; market closed aa follow*; Jane 20%: July 20, August 20%; September 18%; October 18%@18%; November 18; December 18%. Tbe cotton market throughout tbe week for ootton on the spot bos bear excited, with a marked advanoe ta prices. Influences were various, and speculative demand active. Short interest is said to be large. For contract stock the same feeling waa reported, and rates advanced rapidly tolly % ®%o, but with toenestd offerings tho market be came lees firm and oloeed lower with decline. Total sales of.the week include a total of 1C4,1SI hales, of whioh 131,860 were contract stock, 9,459 for' ira- medie delivery, as follows: 2,656 for export, 5,370 for spinners, 803 for (peculation,and 700 in transit. Of the above 364 were to arrive. Navel stores quiet with a fid* demand, bnt a de cline in both rosin and tmpantine leads to uneasi ness. Flour heavy; common to fair extra 6 2707 90; good to choioe 7 95(911 03. Whisky unchanged; at 93%@94. Wheat X@2 lower. Oom lees active and scarcoly so firm; m'xed western 54058. Fork firmer at 16 00 for new mess. Lard firm at S%0 815-18. Turpentine quiet. Rosin quiet Tallow quiet Freights firm. Money easy at 305. Exchange 91-16. Gold 16. Government® heavy and lower. State bonds steady. Bonk Statement—Loans increased over i1,260,- 000; specie increased ne.-riy Si,000,400; legal tend ers increased over 41,005,000; deposits increased over 43,600,000. Governments, 81s 21%; 62s 16%; 4s 16%; 5s 18%; new 19%; 7s 21%; 8e 19%; new 5* 14%; 10-40* 16%. Bonds, Tenneeaees 6s 79%; new 79; Virginias 6a 43; new 50; ooneois 55; deferred 10; Lon- Isianae 43; new 40; Levee 6s, 40; 8a 50; Alabama 8a 83; 6a 56; Georgia 6a 79; 7e 90; North Carolina* 27; new 15%; special tax 11; Booth Otroltoaa 28; new 15%; April and October 23. Gold opened at 17 and has since declined to 16% with bneiuese lege end animated. Imports for tbe week amornt to 43,218,013, of wb'oh 45,002,075 ay owing to the decline in gold. Money is easy at 80S for oail loans and 6%@7 for prime mercantile paper. Government bonds and enrrency, tbe pttces of which are governed by gold, ore lower to-day, with a deoline in the prem'nm of Bouthem State bonds; 426,000 new Tenneeeees Bold at 79%®79%; $21,000 Miseouric at 95%093%; and 41009 Alabama 8a of '93 at 84%. Stock market con tinues firm. Baltocobe—Ootton, net receipts -; gross 166; exports ooaetwise 51;" to Greet Britain ; conti nent —; sales 115; stock 3445; middlings 19%; mar ket film Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat dull; white 1 880190: winter red weatem 1 6001 60. Corn steady. Oata very dull; Boa them 47047%. Pro visions dnll and nominal. Wbisky quiet. Louisville—Flour dull; extra family 5 75.— Oom quiet; mixed sacked 54. Provisions firm. Pork steady at 1200. Baoon fi.m; shoulders 7%; dear rib sides; 9%; clear aides 9%, paoked. Lard quiet; tierce 8%; kegs 10010%; steam 8%. Whisky Bteady at 90. Cincixnati—Flour dull at 7 00@7 40. Com [uiet at 42043. Pork quiet; held at 16 60. Lard lull and nominal: steam 8%; kettle 8%. Bacon to fair demand and firm; j jbb'ng Bales; shoulders 7%; sides held, clear rib aides 9%; clear sides 9%. Whisky firm at 89. 8t. Louis—Flour quiet and unchanged; superfine winter 3 2504. Oom m fair demand and firm for sonod; No. 2 mixed 38% oity; in elevator 89. Whla- ky qniet at 89. Pork doll; etarderd mess 16 75. Bacon, ahon ders 7%; clear lib sides 9%; clear sides 9%. Lard dnll and unchanged. New Orleans—Ootton, net receipts 853; grots 846; exports to Great Britain 7903; to oontinent —; oo at twite 1637; sales 1500; last evening 2000; slock 60,430; ordinary 12%; good ordinary 15%; low middling* 17%; middlings 18%. Demand moderate, Flour, XXX7 60; family 9 25010 25. Oom, yellow 69; white 62. Oata 44. Bran 75077. Hay, prime 22 00 §28 00; choice 24 00. Pork, old 17 65; new 17 60. Dry salt moate 7%@8%@— Baoon 7%@ 9%'32%. Lard, tierce 8%; keg 10%; refined 10%. Sugar, good common 7@7%; commoi.6%@7; fair to fully fair 8%09. prime 909%. Molasses, centrif ugal 65060; fair to ohoice 60. Whisky dull at 92094. Coffee firmer; ordinary 18018%; fair 18% @19; good 19%; prime 19%@2U%. Sterling 27%. Sigbt % premium. Gold 16%. Wilmington—OottoD, net receipts 6; exports ccartwise —: to Great Britain ; sales 29; stock 2826; market film; middlings 18%. Spirits turpentine quiet at 49%. Bosin quiet at 2 25 for strained; 4 00 for extra pale; 5 60 for win dow glass. Crude turpentine steady at 2 00 for hard; 3 00 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar qniet at "00. Augusta—Ootton, receipts 8'; sales 228; ship ments —; stock — i middlings 18; market steady. Savannah—Cotton, net receipts 418; exports to Groat Britain ; to continent ; ooastwise : sales 822; etock 17.440; middlings 18%; low middlings 17%; good ordinary 16%: market firm. Charleston—Ootton, not receipts 3(0; exports coastwise 1381; to Great Britain —; to oontinent ; ealee 300; etock 12,303; market firm; mid dlings 18%; low middlings 17%; ordinary —; good ordinary —. Mobile—Ootton, not receipts 37; groea —; exports ooastwise —; to Great Britain ; conti nent ; sales 400; etock 20,787; good ordinary 16; low middlings 17%; middlings 18%; mar- ket qniet. Bobtok—Ootton, net receipts 68: gross 78; ex ports coastwise —; to Great Britain —: sales 200; stock 11.C00; market strong; middlings 20%. Norfolk—Ootton, net reoeipt* TiO; exports to Great Britain —; coastwise 975; continent —; esles 150; stock 5442; low middlings 18; market firm. Hrhthis —Ootton, not receipts 390; Bales —; shipments 100; stock 22,872. low middlings 17%; market firmer. Galveston—Net receipts —; exports to Great Brita'n 1392; coastwise —; Bales 200; Btock 26,182; good ordinary 14%; ordinary —; market steady. Philadelphia—Cotton, net receipts —; mid- dlirige 20%; market quiet. FOR SALE. A NICE second-banded one-horeo WAGON and HARNESS, suitable for marketing. A bar gain oan be bad by applying this week, jonell dlw G. J. BLAKE. REGULATOR SJT For over FORTY YEARS this PUBELT VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE JBa$ proved to be the Great Unfailing Specific for Lirw Complaint and it« painful offsprtnr. Dyspep sia. Constipation. J&nndioe, Bilious »ttanka. Blok 'Tead&che. Colic* Depression of Spirit!. Sour Stom- sh. Heartburn, Chills and Fever, etc,, eto. After yearn of eareful experiment!, to meet a treat andtartent demand, we now produoe from our origi nal Genuine Powders THE PREPARED. i!d forme ning all i and offer it In ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES The Powders, (price as before,)—11.00 per paekacei Sent by mail— 1.04 EW- CAUTION,—Bar so Powder* or Prepared SIMMONS’ LIVKH REGULATOR unless In our en graved wrapper, with Trade mark, 8tamp and Signa ture unbroken. None other ia genuine. J. H. ZK1LIN At GO* Maoon, Ga, and Philadelphia. Sold by all Druggist*. las28-dawly THOMAS IT. CONNER Invites his patrons to examine bis a took of GENTS' FINE FURNISHING-GOODS I Embraoing everything that ta Nobby and Desirable! Hats and. Caps! For Men and Boys in Silk, For, Felt and WooL UMBRELLAS & CANES. In variety. . Jan22 if THOMAS U. CONNER. LAW COPARTNERSHIP. T HE firm or NI3BETS A JACKSON haring been dissolved by the deatb of James A. Ni«- bet, tho undersigned have associated themselves together in tbe practice of tbe law. under the firm name of JAOKbON, NIHBET * BAOON. JAMES JACKSON. JAMES T. N IS SET, m&y20dAwlm A. O. BAOON. DR. SUSSDORFF Has removed bis offioe to CHERRY STREET, over SOHALL’S SHOE STORE. junelsun-taea, thnra tf CHEAP RENT. T HE two commodious STORES on Oherry street, at present occupied by Oolem&n Sc Newsom, are for rent from flret day of Ootober next. Apply to J- VALENTINO, jnneStd 68 Cherry street. BURR & FLANDERS Gan now be found at all hours of the day, at their new office and warehouse, No. 3 Blake’s Block, Poplar street, ready to supply their customers and the trade generally with their cel ebrated brands of FLOUR! Bemember the Stand! junelltf BARLOW HOUSE, AMERICU9, GA., WILE! JUNES & CO., Propiletors. Is first-class and in business center. Board per day 42. Lodging or Bingle meals 50 ets. maj9 5m Bailey Springs, Lanflerflale Co., Ala. Finest Mineral Wafers in America! U NRIVALLED as a cure for Dropsy, Scrofula, Dyepepeia, Chronic Diarrkoei, all diseases of the skin and kidneys and the diseases peculiar to females. Board $50 per month; for the month of Jane $40. For circulars or farther particulars address janel 2m W. P. ELLIS. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! 33. SMALL, No. 10 HOLLINGSWORTH BLOCK H AS just reoeived. and wiU sell for cash or on time at very low price,, 3,000 bushels Tennessee WHITE CORN 1,000 hoshels Onerokee feed OATS. 1,600 pounds FLOUR, all grades. 1,800 pounds BRAN, all Wheat. 100 bales HAY, prime article. 500 bushels Water Ground .MEAL. 50 barrels WHISKY, all grades. 80 boxes TOBACCO, all prioes; 30 barrels MOLASSES. 5,000 pounds Tennessee HAM3. And sundry things, besides, to suit era. BIBB COUNTY COURT. Oftijs or Judoe of Couitrx Ooubt,) Macon, Ga , May 28, 1873. f 1. Tho First Quarterly Hessian of the Oounty Oonrtfor tbe trial of claims over 4100 and under 4200 will be held at the Court bouse, on the FIRST MONDAY in July next. Return-day twenty days before Oonrt. 2- Judgments will bo rendered at same plaoe on claims oyer 450 and under 4100 at the expiration of fifteen days from the service of tbe summons. 3. Judgments will be rendered at same plaoe on claims amounting to 450 or a less sum, in ten days after sexvico of summons. 4. Poea esory Warrants, Distress Warrants, ha* boss corpus cases, etc., will be tried without daisy, or eo soon as tbe parties are ready. 5. Criminal cases, loss thin felony, will be tried immediately after arrest, unless good oause tot continuance be shown. 6. My office is at tbe Court-house, where all bus iness will ba disposed of, unless otherwise ordered. JOHN B. WEEMS, Judge Comity Oonrt, Bibb oounty. Jnne3 lm DENNISON’S PATENT SHIPPING TAGS. Oyer 200 millione have been rued witnm'tbe past ten years, witbont oomplaint of loss by tag becoming detaobed. All Express Companies nse them. Hold by Printers and Stationers every where. apr!9 eodSm G. B. PETTIT, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, Macon, Ga., I S prepared to contract for all kinds of pabllc end private buildings. Refers to Mercer University and Hufl’a new building. LUMBER. Ail kinds of Boildiog Lumber for sale at MoGin- ty’a old lumber y&rd, on M&con end Western rail road. may!5 lm C HALYBEATE SPRINGS, Meriwether oonrty, Gi., will open for the recaption of ODiuptuy June 1,1873. Theliolelaand oott#~es hate been put in thorough repair, and largely refutaished, affording ample accommodations for FIVE HUN DRED GUESTS. O. J. Maclellan, of Maoon, fa vorably known to the people of Georgia and trav elling public, for hia superior abiHty in hotel man agement, has been engaged, and .will have entire charge of the table supplies and c '’inary depart ment, assisted by some of his best cooks and waiters from Brown’s and the Bpwood Hotels, regardless of cost. Mrs. L. L. J -ve has kindly consented to assist, and will bo happy to greet her friends at the Springs. A band has been secured for the season ; every variety of innocent amuse ment will be intxodneed, and no trouble or expense spared to make all comfortable and happy who may favor us with their patron* r je. Terms—12 60 per day, $12 50 per week, $35 per month* Children *nd servants half price. Daily coaohee to and from Geneva, Thomaeton and La Grange, via White Sulphur and Warm Springs. For circulars or farther particulars, call on or address O. J. MACLELLAN, Spotswood Hotel, Macon, until June 6th, or 0. T. PORTER, care box 28. P. O., Ta!bottom CHAS. T. PORTER, xcay24 san,tnee,th6w Proprietor. SOCDEIDCE AIM SPRINGS, VIHGINIA. Open June lst. 1873. nra favorite-and celebrated Watering Plaoe _ will offer additional attractions this season. It possess as a migoidcent Ball Room, fine Billiard Booms, Bowling Alley for ladies and gentlemen, and a superb Grcqaet Ground. It will be kept in a style not surpassed anywhere in Virginia. The waters of these special Springe either core or greatly relievo most cases of Bcrofnla, incipient Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Laryn gitis, Chronic Pnenmonia, Chronic Dyspepsia, Chronic Di&rrl **., Chronic Dysentery. They are also a great value in those affections which are pe culiar to the female constitution, and aa an appe tizer, a tonic and a general restorative, thsy are, perhaps, unrivalled amongst mineral waters. The proprietor has provided Set the lawns and ball room a first* class band of music, and in general all. the sources of amusement and recreation usually found at our best summer resorts will bo at the command of the guests at “Rockbridge Alum.” The place is within from eleven to thirteen hours of Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, etc., by rail, all in daylight. Passengers leave the can of tbe Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad at Goshen Depot, tnd new and elegant stagecoaches, passing rapidly over a smooth and level road of only eight miles, set down tho visitors at the Bpriogs to tea. JAMES A. FRAZIER, Proprietor. DR J. S. DAVIS, of the Univenity, Resident Physician. A. B. DOOM. Office Manager. S. M. MULLEN, Office Manager. 0*The Water for sale by OO LEMAN A ROG ERS, Baltimore. Descriptive pamphlets sent free on application. jnndUdeodXm FORTH BBIII6H ABB MEBi INSURANCE COMPANY, of LONDON and EDINBURG. Capital-Gold Assets In 1. S. I SSUES Policies npon Dwellings, Furniture, Oot ton, and all mercantile ricks. * L G. PLANT Sc SON, ap!2 Iy Agents, Macon. Ga. 1,100,000 EDWARD SPRUE. N otary public and ex-offioio justice OF THE PEACE. I can be fonnd for the present at all bonra of the day at my offioe, adjoin ing the law offioe of A. Proudflt, over the store of Jaqnes A Johnsons Third street, Maoon, Ga., to at tend to sQ Magisterial knsinees. ang ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. Bail from Pier 20, North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, T HE passenger accommodations on steam era of this line are nnanrpaeaed for eieganee and oomfort. Cabin state rooms are all on opper deck, that securing good light and ventillation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, OR LONDONDERRY. Sat. Steamer., Wed. Steamer*; Gold. Correnoj. Cabins 476 and 463. 47o and 465 Cabin return tioketa securing beat oo- . oommodatiooa 4180. 6 1 * 1 Steerage, currency, 430. Certificates for passage from any seaport orrau- w*y station in Great Britain, Ireland or tbe uonu urn* as iow as ax m oihk* fibut- olas* usa. Forpo*ug.appgto DFBsoN bbothe bs o- to 7 Bowling Green, N. T, T. H. Hxndbb0O*i Agent, tttoon, Ok m»jll 6m