The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, June 18, 1873, Image 1

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I or cusby, Jones &;keese: n •• r * • ^T-f MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE IS, 1873.. Numbeb 6,651 Tclrxrapli BalI4ki(, Hautota! I* »c3 Moeesnger, one year.f.^%...$10 00 0oo(bi... f BOO 1 00 Ieloj»rtph end Messenger, ono JS»u* JilthWeeklyTiIogreph and Messenger, i'-^aco'.amt*, one year t, • s off fcxoeelbe ...■■»•••• Jbl* al*»T» In advance, and paper .topped, money rnna oat, nnleae renovod. L.eaoeotidated Teiugrapb and Messenger rep- Jiualarga circulation, pervading Middle, Htotu- r "^ B a sonthareeUrn Georgia and Eastern AU- e ~- Ipd Middle Florida. Advertisement* KhiS- ■*V|, rale* In the Weekly at one dollar per 'tael Uiree-ajaarter* of an inch, each pnhhcs- ipaitlancee rlionld be made by express, or ^ is money onlers or repatered letters. g.te el Sir. WIccV Slortt. Ms «J«»ti»® to day the sale of the late Mr. - y. Ifiee'* atoree in Mason, by the tdmihis- irJrix. 0 * **** fir,t d®? of next “°nth at pnbyc .arise. E*eh »tere wlU bo.offered In lamp, atoek, fixtures Rnd good will, aid ,,**00 of the store bonding, by lease, if *e , eoatomary rates. Liberal terms of roe tt will be offered, bat first-class phjJ’r „ 5 r.nd Toe bnslness of tho*. slorisjjEr the .„t right years has bern' excelled by few, if Ijj. mercantile establishments in Maoon. They u „ agreed the proprietor in that time & liberal I Ad a handsome estate besides. We ,r that cither of them, condneted with nterprise and energy, offers a sore to peenniary independence. Bat it is not P^ible fur the widow and minor heirs of the rsute lo ouoliene the bnsineis, and It was Mr. sdriee beforo his death in April last, jtn they be disposed of as soon as it coaid aj.TesleoUy be done, A Break Down. Xti system of oompeUtlvo examination has tul, bed ••• back both at West Point and An ppoUathl* year. A majority of the appoint- s*9i4 to both academloa were made on this pin, sad yet tbo ratio of incompetenta Is pMler thin over. Notably several of the boys no »on lb® appointment to West Point and xspolit.onr numerous competitors have been noble to pass the simple ordeal of the prelimina ry inmiutlon preterit od by the rates of these mrfitsliest. Among them, the New York news- ny.OKrefe, at Annapolis; the Chicago boy, Morphy, at West Paint, both of whom the news- ■ mode snob s fans over. The only roa ns (or this failare that wo can Res is that the ratijeeU apon which boys at West Point and lasapoUs are e&teoblsod sre mnoh mors gen- mi than those introdaeed in the tests for ap- p raiment—they oil into exercise, In short, umribin? more than the mere rooolleotion of beta which are freah in the boys' minds from mot study. We are very mach disposed to rT Onr County Fralr I Last Week's Couoa Fiiares. ; • W,1! °P« n “ Thursday morning, the 13th The New York Chronicle reports the reoeipta instant at 10 o'clock s. sr. Special reference to I of the seven daysending last Friday night, 13th the programme is invited. I Instsnt, at 18.215 bales against 25,130 bales last I There is not the least donbt that this exposl- week, 30,DOC bales the previous week and 34,-1 2 00. {ion of home Industry, horticnltnre, agriculture 044 bales three weeks since, making the total and the varied products of fancy, virtn, do- receipts since the first of September, 1872, ineatic skill, the mechanic arts, etc., etc., will 4 00 ■ji'am which breaks down so often just when uJ where It ehonld demonstrate its wisdom. fuxtou Finances.—Senor Tnlan, the Span- irk Minister of Fmanoo, has published a bal ms sheet whieh makes rather a bad showing (oribs ilianoe* of the country. On the ono ■dabs shows a national debt of 10.G8G,843,030 pssstaa, and on (bo olhor national resonroes of an 1,856.603,032 pesetas. This leaves a balance of dabt over resources of 7,830,150,003 pesetas, Doable Homicide In Edgelleld, 8. C. Aroma, 6a , Jane 17.—Ailaar A. Qlover ehot and killed Wm. Goc-miiion tnd his father, Lovell Qossmillon, at Edgefield Court-house, 8. O., this morning at 10 o'clook. Qlover and Lovell Qossmillon had some words, a few weeks since, daring which Glover cursed him. Young Uorsmillon threatened to kill Glover, and a fight had been anticipated. Glover Bent for father neet him at a store in the village, youug Gossmillon was shot in the „ _ er with a derringer, and died in- toterior reports showed receipts 3690 against | for thej^enrity of li?e and property on our aide | in'thThMd^Glave^tit'ran-' BY TELEGRAPH. DAY DISPAICHU. Tbe Buld Into Mexico—Shermnn Rnd Sher- ldon Approve it* Washington, Jnne 17.—The report of the j , , m*** . 3,456,500 bales against 2,678,045 bales for the I McKenzie exploit into Mexico, beam the fol- I an( j mee J“ |ecHpse tiny dcmonslr&tion of the kind ever same period of 1871-72, showing an increase lowia B endorsement from Sheridan: *T take 0n enUl ring, youu B made by a single county in Georgia or any other since September 1,1872, of 778,461 bales. The head b y ° loTer * i;il a derringer, and died In- **'"■. a— sew ..a. SvS5s^i*ittS5yssKs: « We know wh-roof we speak. For months 1603 last year; shipments 7104 against 8170; of the BioGrandeis to do aaCoL MeKenaie has derrirger and mortally woundedTcilover past an organization, perfect in all Its details haa | stock 50,800 against 14,642 last year. The done. 1 do not believe that “7 boundary gnreendered himself. Chronicle’s table of v'.aibio supply foots 2,822.- thS The &ffair 0re « te3 intenseexoitementinEige- wTL^rr^?h“\ 014 r * 1 585 me r sa» a oomprehenstve division of labor have been oess of 1< 1,812 bales. The srme paper has this meroilesa band to whom the name of murderer, I Qlover mcle o?Arthur Glover call, d Into requisition, and many able heads and Upon the New York market for the week: robber or thief applies as covering their deeds. ’ Tbe Tarr. industrious hands have been Indefatigable in I We have bad an excited market for cotton 0 njried 1 iiThiH*nlain f narative < of e thfi*eYent > *rrt»n I FoBDBAar, Jane 17.—Shylcck won the first their efforts to originate, arrange and complete the F«‘ week, attended with a marked advance that thegovernment ought to standby I »ee—time, 2:16. Boss Tweed won the second this exhibition, which la justly the pride rcJ I ln pnoes > though at the close a decided reaction I v c K JErje " ^ 8 7 I —time, 3:41. Banfordwon the third—lime, 2:04. glory of Bibb connly. | | . The report and Sh.rid.n's endorsement were I B “ k Hftrkets-noriilBg Report. New York—Cotton skIoa 84S; nplxnda 20^; mar oet tjaioc. Futnrct* opone<l rb follows: Jaly 20?<@209^; An- gast 20 ll-lC(ai20 13-16; b^ptember 19@19>s- Floor dull and heavy. Wheat quiet and steady; No. 2 iVilwankce l f 0. Com quiet and unchanged. Folk quiet and firmly held; new mesa 17 00. Lard baiet and unchanged; woatem steam SK@9>^. Tutpentiuo aOady at 45. Busin quiet at 2 90 for common strained. Freights firm Money firm at 4<S*6. Gold heavy at 159<. Ex change; long 9; short 10. Government* dull and hoavy. Btate bonds quii t- Stocks dull. Liverpool—Cotton quiet; uplands Or- leans 9K£ W Later—Cotton dull and uncharged; sales 10,000; speculation and export 2000. From Savannah and Charleston deliverable June 8 13 16; July 8 \5-l6; Aqpatt 911C. Lard &S*9d. BreodStuffs quiet. Lojidos—Consols 92$£&92>£. Fives 89^. Paris—Rentes 56f02o. mmmmm Harueu—Kvemziz Kepottt New Yore.—Cotton net receipts 1S65 bales; gross 1628; sales 1186; sales for export to-day. 876; last For ovor FOBTS YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE Hat proud to be tbe Great Unfading /Specific Vs'nre ibnrirnenni ■ i- ■ I prove men t »t LIvtrpool, Msisied by: theide- Q en . Sherman, and the latter on-I PrrriBCEQ. Jnno 17.—S. B. McLean A Go., evening —; mvrket qalct tnd nominal; middling —. for LlverCompIalntandltspalnfatonsprlcf.DjwsP- ‘ ' ' “® P re ** nt re^sn, hss also been won- creaairg stocks here and the considerable short dom( j it M f 0 n 0W3: •• The oondnet of Colonel bankers in this city, failed to- day. The liabii- , Sales ot rntnres to-day were 17.100 bsiee; mirket | sis, Cor.stipatnn, Batons, attacks,. Sick favorable io the production of her furtherbythereporta fromtheSouth McKenxie is fnl'v approved. Tf rh.tffdk-- ‘ <«— •"« not wrijnsn. M«T.*n has h«en >r- I ®-oeed aa fodows: Jnno 8neM n^Un,n,„t fruits and flowers. Gar-1 «-d® on Mexiexi eml-a, report dee. not 4 ... ----- . uccemuar la ,--v Bank. Z; «?® r *«t d«naad-w* now produce tom onr orisv in this city, failed to-day. The liabii- . 9 9P ... .. ---— —. — J — in AB tr* n ot vet*nown. MeLeii has been ar- chwed M follows: Jnce S0}^^2C5f; July 20 9-16® Head^he. Coho, Depression of Spirits. Sour btcia- a » i"? not yet n , aa Dee “ f* 21 15-16. August 20*f®20 13 16; September 19 % »ch. Heartburn. Chills and Fever, etc,, etc. —~~~ . r v»— vi uuuq BuuAAuwora. uor* | .-—ii, j tn *v,n . * >n “ . . i Quao ou oneJkio^u huu—m report dess Dot iodl- I retted OH R warrant issued &t the instance of tho I jqr/. T),->fV'n'’l)=»rl8’ I After years of caroful experiments, to meet a great .decs literally- teem with the Rightful «Hbta Udearty Urn du^TCM^c^y. Bx^gaNaUonnlBjmk. common to frir,extra of the soil, and nothing has suffered for lack of lation, and served to make more easy theoor- “.““thw " ^ 1 Spw—- rr Al.l n.A - - - * - _ _ V _ rS M m . I ri SFIfl/V nf 4VlO fiK AFtfl Ab^aw M WAmeOAn aJ f " _ Spanish Seas. 1 G 2C@7 £0; good to choico 7 85iHl 10. Whisky Min bid. Jane 17.—Mr. Jas. J. O'Keliy has I active and unchinged. Wheat 1@2 better; winter -1 I THE PREPARED. lower; yellow western 63@65; white 63. it. Pork active and lhm; now me^s 17 00. easier; western steam S%'§91-16. 7als steady and fiim. TUlow weak at gj&. Freights quiet. abundant at 3<g>4. Sterling exchange 9}£. and oiler it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES cranes fn every variety tho nhmt ri M I taions remained nncni*ngea, out were nominal. | z, Ji fhpwwjs i . , y ^ ^ * ’(For future delivery there haa been the same Hie present time there are between 7.000 and I Hie oountry. i ern gt R te3 f s hurting the’ eecuri*iea of all of them melons and even tea, that greatest cf comforts I activity and buoyancy, the advance being acaroe- 8. 000 children kidnapped from Italy and held in I A New Cable In Operation. I about which there is any doubt of interest pay- to spinster maidens in the sere and autumn leaf I ly leaa decided * The strength of the market I »l»very in large cities of the United States—this I Lo>don, June 17.—The second cable from ment. of life,” whose only friends are tabby cats and consisted in the demand to fill contracts, and I oil y being the great central entrepot The I the coast of Cornwall to Spain haa been opened | 2 }?f ; . 62a 15 /ii 5 a 16K; J • 111. a s t ■ s . . V . I MM Knnnht and artM fleilw .t t. I L_ rptvvc. iae.e... I. Jeeilii. Ik. JST* CAUTION.—Bay no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS’ HVKR HEGULATOlt unless in our en graved wrapper, with Trado mark. Stamp and Sirna- taro unbrukcc. None other is gsnuino. J. a. ZE1LM & CO., Maoon, Ga., and Philadolphla. Sold by all Druggists. !an23-dawlr here. Why then fihonld we not have ansh an I touched 20o., there was a large increase in the I hundred to fire hundred dollars for girls. When array of mother earth's treasures, as will charm I offerings, and some reaction took place; hut Ififa 1 * ® re exceptionably pretty, prioes rule j the beholder, and cause him to exclaim, “ How ? ar £ on Thursday morning the suspension of • “^Two »We Rj^who, together play Montgomery, O. W Lord, and Walter Howes. ,, .. . . , . _ I leading house operating for a decline was n.I jnwrTOrap «au street, are said to have I cleared and sailed, Leo, Amelia, Eclinse. Al- manifold are the works ot the Lord—in wisdom I nounoed, when there was renewed excitement, I been bought by their presmit owner for sixteen I mon Nellie Clifford, hast Thou made them all?’* I and a further advance took plaoe, the highest dolla r g :. Sm ° e Hie firrt of April last j New York, June 17.—Arrived, Wilmington. And then the skillful fingers and exquisite I reached being 20$o. for July, 20f a. for 1 317 of these children have arrived at this port Arrived out Cairo. . ... ° 1 I l nnnn 4 103 J.. Qnnlemh.P Aail 1Q3* J a . n* I Trfim • - I o T Marine Hews. - I 83; 5s 55; Georgia 6s 79; 7s 90; North C&rolinas Savannah, June 17.—Arrived, San Jaointo, 26; new 15; special tix 12; South Carolinas 20; - — - — 1 new 16; April and October 25. Baltimore—Cotton firm; mid binge 19%: net receipts 40; gross 40; exports coa-twise 115; to [ Great Britain ; continent —; sales 175; stock I 333C , , Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull. Com from California. I Chaelxston, June 17.—Arrived, Champion, I dull. Oats dull; 8outhom47@51. Bico quiet at 800 .. . . ,, . " | **.. ... u*die 1»- Has Fbasci-co, Jnno 17.—It is statod that I Equator. Sailed, Sonth Oatolicn, Ntnstrs. L»n-1 91* Provisions dnU and nominal Uoea pork 17 25 me no J.ttle to the interest and deligh. of the 1 i n g no farther failures, prioes beosme weak, I there sre tirenty-seven steamers In China waters I viri de la Lsusada, Lewis Ejhman and 8. V. W. I @W £0. Shoulders SX. Laid 8Jf®0. Whisky 82 oocarion. and after 'Change a considerable portion of tho waiting to bring Chinese, to the number of Simmons. K - „ Bailor, golden in hue. and smelling of the | ^jaooo ^l^Jod^tho “»/ket opened 123 ^toCWlf^ . . | c.^mS^ovSLsa^ot Pofk^fmat 170a BlIDMlxlir U lx PAT 111 bS. I J5 a00n j n faj r demand; shoulders 7%©7%; clear rib snow and nutty to the taste; comfito and pre- I were reached. J * J J I to Bhsron, Reese, Cohen and oUxers, la con-I LontalnnaldcaofEqnnlBlsshfs. I ^©SKf’k^lO^l^W^ordorlots.*\Wskyefo&dy serves, deftly compoanded by lily white hands; I Weather Reports—Elsewhere, says the I firmed. I New Orleans, Jane 17.—At an adjourned I at 89990. cakes, sweet monaments of artistic elegance 1 Chronicle, we give to-day our annual report of I cnolerain f Incinnati. I meeting of white and oolored citizens last night, I Cincinnati—Hour dull at 6 75@7 25. Com dull and fertile design; plokles sour enongh even to aer ®»E 8 -, ,)7 ith .V“ t , “ a b f1 ig ' we " Ia * b ' e tte CiHonraiTr, Jnne 17 | , . , * ' r 4 . " I more intelligently to consider and weigh onr niAftOA ft RlatA MSfilMllTia “rrtfao In ha* (aana .»» I ._« II- !_«.* at t.«- M- - - .. __ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . u u, ,, ^ ... . _ _ , clear eidte 3K(9'JK. Whisky t&slo of the fair danghtera of Bibb will contrlb- **£* l**: ** September, and 18’a. for Os- 1 tober. But the emergency over, and there be- 1 A. sickness rosomblinc I resointions were unanimously adopted favoring, I fill* Provisions steady. Pork quiet at 162‘© please a slate penoil-eating “mias inter teen.;” I rtgVcf^ £ I SSwrieSTSd tteeoa^rvwll The ^ c tTbSiV° *«*»“ embroidery and necdla work Penelope m’ght I weather. This weeks, and in great part last I peopj, are E0 t alarmed. I color, race or religion, who are citizens of Lan-1 at 89. * not diBuain to own ; nalntiara and specimens I week's, dispatches shonld be taken as supple-1 Served him I isiana, and who are willing to work for bar Kt. Louis—Flonr quiet and nnchmgod. Com , _, n , _ _ I mental to that report. It will be seen that to-I- „ . - 1 1 - -- - " - - — - of art which would reflect credit open more nighl onr «smii differ in their tone quite NxsEvnxx, Jane practised hands; cooking "ticundcn artem, materially. This we think is explained by the *“ u y; "’ n0B “■«>. I lit io,i right guaranteed by the co'nstitntion and I Bacon qoiot and nn-hingt„, , which will cure dyspepnin. All these and fact that tho storms of the last three weeks have WM ““B® 11 b Y the pe°pl® of Bntherford oounty. I lawa Q f Louisiana, by the' constitution and laws nb OJf; clear eidoe SX Whisky steady at 80. , ,, mnoh more will bo displayed to tho delighted not boon oontinned rains, bnt local storms. At B.b.l yieiory tn Cabo, of the United States, and by tho laws of honor, -J?™.SS^S^it’^ritataMTO-ta ^nlfnent it ak there mutt bo some radiotl defect in a nf «», I some points there have been frequent but light Havana, June 17—A defaohment of ninety I brotherhood and fair dealing; maintaining the vision of the vls. or, to say nothing of the Uaip^mie at others the rain, have been eqnaliy «MUn was. snrorised by tho insurgents under right of “ery oiUzen to frequent at wS,™ tempting arrays of the merchant, mechanio and frequent, bnt heavy. That such wet weather Sangnila, near Yucatan, and forty were killed, p i 8 oe i of publio roeort, and to travel at will on lsjf; lowmiddlings 17Mi middlings 18°J;^iom»nd Inventor, and the beantifnl stock and coops of I should result in the abandonment of a portion I including the commaading offioer. I a il ve hiolea and public conveyances on terms modorate. poultry which will bo on exhibition. I of the crop, where bo much has been planted, I Fatally stabbed. I " ~ Then again, the blessed little crowd of crow-1 ?"*** *•****? of wondg. Onr Kew Or-1 _ Navr Oauitn, June 17 -Joseph Garofa was ing dimpled cherubs, who will bo little carriage,” eaoh entered by im p« B u i su»» u u« »■» i.m.u ovo; u.j un i»n i From Chins.. I ces anaotnerpnbitocorporations, reoognizoanu I oisifflea lOH- Mulsisas nominal. Whisky and doting mamma, and plnmp and fat a* I fonr d ®Y a heavy, and it is now raining; I Cincioo. Jane 17.—It is believed Mrs York’s I oonctde to onr colored fellow oltizens, where Kvanevillo 88; Louirisna 03; Cincinnati 35. Oiffoe I canids will Itself be worth a ionrnev M bo- ! mac!l dam ®8® 18 f ®“® d > “ ad , we already hear 1 B i9tements of poisoning are the ravings of an I they are stockholders in each institutions, the 18@20. . f, , J y . I Of largo tracts of land under cotton being I i nBgna WOInan 8he is* 7° years old and had rightof being represented in the direction there- Btorling 27®:8. Sight % premium. Gold 1GJ£. holi Albeit, wo advise oach one of the judges abandoned on account of the grass “>d 38 8 .years om ana nan !»_ reo . m ^ ooding no distinction in publio Wilmuiqton—Oottor, net receipts G; exports to have a swift horse in readiness to take him I weeds. Onr Selma correspondent states that I Twentv five thnniand live shad end . isrse I schools, or State (dnoations 1 . institutions; de- £5?5 twiB ® C*: t0 ——;:ealca —; stock 0 , II 830 000 000 even If the State should eel th ® train, that ho may e^tape the # ^ rained there more than one-half the ^mW^^Ubavebenpuia JnO.lumet daring In favor of enoenreging the colored citi- ^ eteaOy at " * 1 ' 830 ' 000 ' 000 ' eT * n « lh0 S,at8 " honia oo1 - wra th of the disappointed mothers ; for when 2± ia^flv^U ^haZe^JZs riTer ' 2 838 i3 t3tal d f ri8t8 ‘ 0 bs00 “ 8 P r °P" 8to ( c8 2 *SCiSE?5toSde1 & p&Tw^ow , .. . 4 rr - . ... I closoa thero is a favorable change, no serious 1 SanriroliM in New York. I the soil; to extend the recommendation to all I „i M3 555. Crude tmpontine higher; hard 2 00: did partial maternity confess that any thing I damage has been done. At Montgomery it has New York Jane 17.—Five suniitr jkos yeeter- I lftnd proprietors of the State of the policy of I yellow dip and virgin 3 20. Tar steady at 3 00. could he swoetor, prettier and smarter than I rained on every day; farmers are working hard I j a _ ^ fatil • J I considering the question of breaking up the I acousta—Cotton, receipts 118; sales—; sliip- her own little bairni. flRbling grass. There are rumors of oaterpillar, J * Burned. same into small farms, in order that colored menta 117; etock —; middlings 18^; market firm. but they are of no importance. There has been | XjUtle Rock, June 17; The Court-house of I citizens and white emigrants may become prao-1 Bavannar—Cotton, not receipts 8*4; exports to | PLUMBING -AND- GAS FITTING! J AM now propxrcd to da FIltnT CLASS PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING.! Laving employod COMPETENT WORKMEN! Front New Yoik. ALL WOKK GDABANTEED. Have ]ast rcocivod tlio celebrated ail Yeuiuioo aim (iuuuu cuu«cjautica uu loxiua i lutiuutaio- ■ of perfeot equality with any and every citizen, Flonr. XXX7 75; family 02"@t0 25. Corn, yellow I 'D'DTMT P"V" RTTAPT PT.H W ! safer a ,ourWnce, con/sel and cx^mpio may | I 1 hOAt L TLU W 1 ■Which is endorsed by evory p*&nter who has so6u ita operation. C HALYBEATE 81TJNG9, Meriwether oounty, G%.. will open for the reception of company Jane1,2373. Tbe hotels and cottages have boea put in thorough repair, and largely refurnished, affording ample accommodations for FIVE HUN DRED GUEBTS. G. J. Maclellan, of Maoon, fa~ vorabiy known to the people of Georgia and trav elling public, for his superior ability in hotel man agement, has boon engaged, and will have entire charge of the table supplies and oolinary depart ment, assisted by some of his best oooks and waiters from Brown's and the 23poUnrood Hotels, regardless of ooat. Mrs. L. L. Love hM kindly consented to assist, and will be happy to greet her friends at tho Springs. A band has been eecored for tho season ; every variety of innocent amuse ment will bo introduced, and no trouble or expense spared to make all comfortable and happy who may favor us with their patronage. Terms—92 50 per day, $12 60 per week, $35 per month. Children and Borv&ata h*lf price. Daily coaches to from Ge&eva, Thomaston and La Grange, via Whito Sulphar and Warm Springs. For oirOUiara or farther particulars, call on or address O. J. MACLELLAN, Spotawood Hotel,. Maoon, until Jane 5th, or O. T. PORTER, care box 28, P. O.. CHAS. T. PORrEIt, Talbotton. may24 aun.tuea.tLCw Proprietor. Dr. J. A. Tax lor, Of Atlanta, Ga. Dp. K. A. Hookk, Of Chattanooga, Tenn. MINERAL IIILL; SALINE, SULPHUR. ALUM. Iset all its ontstsndlng assets and ahenid sell smysenpof tbo national property. Honor Tatan baa btta engaged in devlsiDg plans for lbs payment of tbo two-thirds cash portion of Use ooopocs dno on the 1st of July, and the, ,. , . , . , . , WM ■ W W. . _ .bate riblbit of tho hopoloss condition of the | «°gf nfclo ° ° f thl3 J** «ei_°n tnthrir no^ j basomJBg syy ttOH&wosaa. Onr Oolnmbns | burn0(J . Spsaith tressnry may throw somo light on the njeetion of his flnanoo bills and the resignation «f lbs Cabinet on the 10 th instant. Tho reg.Ua, too, will bring ont tho beauty i , —• Lira.* Bock, June 17:—Tho Conrt-honsa of “ uu ““J , . .. 1 . . . \ I ram at Macon on every day but one, tho graas I q---- 0 onntv with the rtoards hss been I tical farmers and cultivators of the id fashion of this wholo rpninn in Ib.pir moat ! i. .-i-iin- Onr nr,lnml,na I auuaiy, wun mo rcoaras, n&s Deen i — , —.-i-j- —; salos 82; stock 11.718; middlings 18$£; market Tho resointions pledge honor and good faith y 8 *; Fatal Accident. I towards rapidly removing tho prejudices hero- I Chaulebton—Cotton, net receipts £43; ex PTTmTSTT.Trrr,. Jnno 17.—The fly wheel of I tofore existing against color; deprecate aots of I cosetwise — ; to Great Britain —; to contl brilliant regalia. Lithe young men fall of (telegram has failed to reach nr. At Augusta it ambitions ardour, wlU strain their sinews till | * iaa “iDy rained on one day, the -rest of the ________ ...— _ ^9— HI . L I—H| .1, —An I week being ploasant; crop aoeonnts are >n»- Robbin’a Bonn’rolline mill buret ininrimr six— violence, from whatever souroe, and farther f 114; B aloa 100: stock 12,247; market quiet; mid- they crack in tho strn„g.o for supremacy, co - I p rov j D g j the cotton plant look) strong and 1 f»tallv ^ > J f! j j M | a , that in view of the nnmerioel equality dliDgs 184<@183f; low middlings; ordinary —; good scions that bright g'anooB and rosy smiles will I healthy. Oar Charleston correspondent does' J ‘ 1 • • —“* 1 —*— 3 *- **-- 1 — be tho victors' reward. Nor should wo fall to I not state the number of days they have had xs.—- •« as f”" whieh will bo tho scene of the exhibition. | ra ( n y. a8 tho week closes, however, thero is a between the white and colored elements ot the ordinaiy SIBOI OlSPATCUEl rr„(T fc,. I . J . *r~ “Y” WiSMSGTOif, Jnna 17.— the total amount or “‘“8“'-” “ uu w ” market quiet and lirm. Mayor llniT has swept, po.i.hed, trimmed favorable change; good progress is being made b2ck pay retnr i M to the United States TtetL!t - berause of the offices themselves, but simply liosioi-Ootton, net roceipts 2C: Eroe B 45£3; ex- PasovtiXT, says the Chicago Tribune, Jay Gould hss not what Carlyle terms a “god like phyUqoa." II. U d minntivo ln statnre, reoall- tapOoL Jim Fisk's laconic duBhWIpTIUaY “Gonld to tbres fast high; two foot head, tad no legs." In oomploxion he ku a fall baud, is modoet and retiring in man- I ”* •“**“”, — ■— - ; | crop acoounts are ravorame. tnere nas Dean I Depository str, talks UUls, and looks like a cross between tonlsh 1123 v,BUor ’ “ VOn mor8 ,taQ tba \ rata on /o^ day. ^ MmnpMs; T—d^r | Tho TreRBnry Department haa issued an order i,™«nd in - river, umbrageous trees, and level platcah of I was tho heaviest ever known hero, very “1=“ olosieg the United Slates Depository at Cincin- s8aeata^ Jew and an ordinary dry Bonds , and£ damage has been done Wo hear of largo tracts natj d a8iigQ ; B(? a!1 thabn9 f a esa of that office d.:k Qa is perhaps thirty years of age, hss a ‘ , _ ae - fnl <«iaer being abandoned on account of “ i 9flistant Treatntor W. E. Davis, who was site and four children. Small ond oven insig- Th® plaahof fountains, graceini stainaty. ui bQ g, d weeds. The thermometer at r00BnU y qnalified. . ... . , . . J I soft green sword, tasty edifices, and singing I jlemphia has averaged 73, Montgomery 83, I 1 *_ . - — .... leant though be be, ho has tho ability to make . , , j I Mohiln 73 Savannah 71 Salma R * Protcetinjr the Border, tbs biggest railroad mon on tho oontinent trem-1 b rds ’ m ’ BBlod Wllt Elialna ° f d °* 1(> 0nS m . ’ ’ Tho Legislature of Texas, in view of Mexican we Diggeu ran roan men on me oomment irem from K9Ealet . s band) aU w ill lend their charms Tee cepobt or acheaos, above ollndod to by ontrageB on Ihe border, has provided for tho in I to onr favorite city resort. I tho Chroniolo, makes ont an average Inorease employment of a force for the pnrposo of pro- Tn Princeton (Ky.) Banner tells this story | Night, too, will bnt enhanoe tho joys of the J in all tho cotton States of XI per cent, over last | teoting it. Cr ^ HbU Retarn or Ill-Gotten Cains. I the only oondiUon of onr suffrage, honesty, 1 1G y. i ow middlings 17%@18; middlings 185f@19; I Washington, Jana 17.—The total amonnt of I dlligenoe and ability, and we advocate this, not 1 mat kot quiet and firm. AM RECEIVING WEEKLY FOltOE PUMPS, DEEP WELL ItOTAUY PUMPS, DSOVE WELL PUMPS, LIFT PUMPS, and HYDRAULIC RAHSil Which I am soiling lower than thoy can bo bought elsewhere. EDWARD ROWE, No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Ga. Junc4tf Bean’s station, East Xennessoe, and nine miloa from Morristown, East Tennessee and ginia Railroad, has just boon BDLEND1DLY fitted up for the $ommor of 1873. OUR, SULPHURS, . I (Red, Whito and Black), Alum and Chalybeate Waters, nood no comment, as tlitir effects aro gen erally knowfi; but wa would call your particular attention to tho wonder of tho age, as a mineral | wator— OUR SALINE SPRING. better known as Black Water, which is msglcsl-hi its specifio effects in oaa of 11HEDMAT1SM. SOBOFULA, DYSPEPtriA. all Drfe».e» of lh« Blood and tkin, and csptcn.ll)' adapted to the Dis eases of Females. Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths! tho cool and bracing mountain air, together with tho MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN SOhNKBY, tend to mako this ono of tho m >st ploasant tummor re sorts in tho Sonth. fiT Thoso Springs aro accessible by daily haok lines, l’artioo doairing to visit us will stop at Tur ley Houso, Morristown, and e ll for William A. Dickinson, proprietor Hack Lino to Mineral H(U. Addresi DBS. TAYLOR * POOKB, Froprietow, Bean’s tuaton, Jfiaat Tennessee BOARD—Forty Dollars per month, tpcdal ar- rapgemoiita for wgga maylS 9m i Bailey Springs, LanderflalB Co., Ala. Finest Mineral Waters in America! U SHIVAL LED as a care for Dropay, Bcrofttla, Dycpepsla, Ghronlo Dtwrhnri, ell dtseuen of I thu nkln and hldnoya and the (booses pectfiisi M females. Board SjO per monCh; tor tho month of Jnno [ $Io. For circatais or farther particulars address junel 2m W. P. ELLI8. [ IAI4X3 a. BLOCST. ISAAC HAnSOtAX. BLOUJtT & HARDEMAN, ATTCRNEYS AT LAW, MAOON, GEOBGIA. N. S. JONES, PROVISION BROKER, No. 3 Pike’s Opera House Building, OrKTOINNATXi OHIO) Orders for Fork, Bacon, Huns and Lard prorop Iy attondod to. I ltefera to Bcyraonr, Tinsley A Oo. mayll 3m 'MODOCS! DliMCND SPECTACLES. LSigned] 8. T. Beauuxoaud. Chairman. J. Mapks, O. C. Antois,*, (i. H. Kelso, Chas. H. Thomwon, Jas. J. Dat, August Bohux, Abistide Minx Dn. Lohendance, Wm. Budolfh. A committee of fifteen was appointed to oall a mass meeting when deemed expedient. Tbe Confederate Dead. Baltmohe, Jnne 17.—The graves of the Con- « Jadge Grace: “A allp of the tongue on the occasion, by bringing together in social inter- year. The total area in cation la represented . H widQw . of 0aptilin Hall> aia not . federata aQMiera in the London Park Cemetery put of Jndge Grace while charging the grand I 00l . rB0 the beantifnl and gay, who will come I to bo 9,802,815 acres, against 8,807,557 In 1S7-, ooma here to represent her needy condition to were profusely deoorated to-day. A. formal Jary Monday at Eddyvillo oroated considerable from aB j neax to attend this pet show of I 7,811,696 In 1871, and 8,885,443 in 1870. Vie the Secretary of the Navy, as has been elated, address was delivered by Jas. Franklin, ot An- lugbtar at the Jadge'a oxponso. In referring " ----- "" ” ' ° *— ”-*■* -* to tbs ohsnges which tho last LegislAtnro had suds In the laws of tho Commonwealth—to I mazes of tho dance, will divide tho attention of I onloosocatimatesandcoEjoctnrosfromdifferent I pointed, as they had been sent to Maine. On I by the artist Yaleck, standing in the centre of take effeot next Deoembor—ho said that in I tll0 ; ovora „f pleasure, who venture ont in the I ootton neighborhoods, and aro not half so rolls-1 his previous expedition Mrs. Hall always oon- | the Confederate graves, was unveiled. Gens. . | Are not coming, but axles 200; Btock G355; low middlings 18%; market I *Mempu!3 —Cotton, not receipts 164; salos —; MOSQUITOES ABE I ehivmenta > 410;J.8tock 20,634, low middlings 17%,* I market firm. Galveston—Net rccoipts 09; exports to Great | Britain ; ca&stwiso —; sales 200; stock 23,707; [ ordinary 14%; mrrkor quiot and firm. PniL&DELpnia—Cotton, net receipts —; mid dlings 21; market firm. Iuvebtool—Cotton closed duU. From New Orleans 91-16. Ysnzs and fabrics low, especially yarns. Turptntino 34s. Pabis—Rentes 5Gf. FEEPAEE FOB THEM! I have in stock PLATT'S PATENT CANOPY! (Tho handeomost fixture in Macon.) Holmes’ Oriental Canopy. Ln. mifm.isiaa rwnnla Fliriatinrs nromo-1 havo no doubt there is seme considerable incroase but to see tho Esquimaux Joe and Hnnn, to I napolis, after whioh ex Senator Wigfall, of , DIVIDEND NO. 33. nados amid tho" ZL retreats, and UJSZ * the cotton ares, but three figures arefonnded 'fXndWe^-M 'SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD CO. ARMSTRONG’S PATENT FIXTURE ! - , I d‘« “ n.™”’ there’s I lB3 t Yoysge she had a presentiment that he I Hollins, ot the Confederate sorvioe, took aotivo I thoO&pftarstock of^thtac'ompany.’as held on tho I Uni,; Aniprimn T.iPft an <l I from whoiju tfiey can only be^obtataod. Nope*. ot *mUy, thoy might fix tho punishment at Thursday and Friday will bo flila days to onr era on a spnng chicken. However, there a lj a £ a * ar coma bacfc . paI t in tho ceremonies. night of Slat ultimo, payablo on and after tho 25th DOUmet alia American AifiCO I etlora employed. I bio as so mtny guesses at the number of foath- nis previous cxpouiuun uirs. uumwij. iwu- ins wiucuoimo m «un«»u. uou.. . DIVIDEND of THREE D0LLAE3 ana Fli- fidently looked for h's safe return; bnt on his I Geo. H. Stowart and Trimble, and Commodore I jy qenTS per share haa been declared on OFFI0E, MACON, GA., June 10, 1873. DIVIDEND of THREE DOLL AES andFlF- Holmcs’ IlangiDg Nets. With other first class fixtures. „ uto Crystal Pebbles" molted together, and are [ oaltsd Diamond on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It is woll known that spoctaoloe ont from Drazilian or beoteb pebbles ars very injurious to the eye, because of their polarizing light. Having been tested with the polarisoope, tho diamond lenses have boon found to admit liftoon per cent, less heated raya than any other pebble. They aro ground with great scionttlio accuracy, are free from chromatio aborratious, and prodnoe a brightness and distinctness uf vision not before attained in spectacles. Manufactured by tho fincncor Option Manufac turing Company, Now York. For eslo by responsible Agort* in every city n tbe Union. E. J. JOHNSTON, | Jeweler and Optician, Is solo Agent for Maoon, Go. i the; death, or In their discretion, at a long term ln oji^jns ; and tho snedess of the County Fair, I enongh ootton plmted—yon bob the State Legislature. And tho boat of it was I w y c h wo repeat Is an assured fact, may well bo the Judge didn't detect his mistako." I regarded as a forerunner and feoder to tho great “ Illiteracy One of the maps accompanying the ccnsns | would never coma back. • I part in tho ceremonies. I night of 31st ultimo, payablo c Captain Hall’s Impression. Being Around tho Huh. nowre’cMvcd. 0 ° f ^ SUt63 “ I Tho Evening Star says tho following state-1 New Yoek, Juno 17.—Tho Post says n meet- I stockholders in Savannah will receive thoir Div- ment can be relied on ns strictly accurate s I ing of tbo directors and agents of the fire insnr-1 idends at tho Central ltaitroad Bank. marebrnfa farmara Aeehunins hankers I BUUstic8 ot 18 ‘ 0 ’ Bna bound in volume 1 of or aocompliBhing glorious results in . merchants, farmors, m-chamos, banco “ I cempilation, is entitled “ Illiteracy.” The scienoe, and resohing the north pole, bnt soemod | further risks in Boston. Captain Hall himself was sanguine not only I ance companies in this oity is about to be held I " ' behalf of I to consider tho expediency of assuming any Cbcuba Dt NABtmixjs—Tho NashviUo Union s,8, ° Elpo f tion °[ next faU tports choUira IntormanU ln that oity on Sat- Lot merchants, farmors, t _,J „ -, I srjay at twelve-two whites and ten colored and onr wbol ° P°P n ‘»Ho“ lam ont *» mau iot c dccated portions of tho Union aro represent- confident of a safe return. He was pleased, Many oompanies have already determined not —v . . - VT.-1._111. the honor of old Bibb, and her ngrtcnUnral ox-L ,, _ ,v. especially with tho selection of Capt. Bnd- to do any business there on tho ground that the Tbs same paper reprints from tho Nashville 38 333 ’ B f ed In a very light Une ground work, and the » h - g eaiIing masteri and g0 / zpretBc . 3 flra eDgin6S and water supply are inseffioient. Dispatoh of October 13, I860, a list of deaths I niDul0D - I nnenlightoned portions by a black shade. In I himself to many friends beforo his departure' 1 from cholera In Nsahvillo daring its former vis-j A s ennt0 p Under an Allas. | tho Northern SUtos all Is light and snnny; in | Captain Bnddington was his old aailing master itation in Uut yrer, from August 31 to Bsptare ■ On a Technicality. j qnell 2w JSO. T. BOIFEUILLET, Bec’y and Treaa. [ hlbition. More Mormons. , - ■ - - . Hr. John Mitchell Hippie, Kadioal Senator j the Southern a pall like a dark cloud | I gSl**"** tt0m E °*- bw 19rii inclnulTO—twenty days—daring which from tho state of Oregon, who has been charged shadows tho land. Th s map tbe Columbus I ^ Ha had manuscript snfficient to °“ a Tectan there were 753 deaths, or an average of 38 a I living for thirteen years in that State nn- I Son rightly regards as objectionable and nn-| ma ^ e 8evera i large volnmos, and he told his | Judge Benedict overruled^the demurrer mado LAW COPARTNERSHIP. T HE firm of NI3BET3 & JACKSON having I been dissolved by the death of Jamas A. NU- I bet, tho undersigned have associated themselves 1 next, together in tho practice of tho law. under tho firm name of JAGKtON, NISBET & BACON. JAMJta JACKSON, JAMES T. NISfiET, may20d<kwlm A. O. BACON. Ganze Nets, Pink and White. Prices to suit tight timos. Come and look at tin m. THOMA8 WOOD, may 18 tf Next to Lanier House. CHEAP RENT. rj»HE two commodious STORE3 on Cherry | IONITER day. Tho highest death-rate In any one of these I dar lho ot j obn H. MitctoU, has at length generous, for two reasons-lst, because It is fricmcU that when ho returned ho Intended to in lha iaa ‘°. t “ e S, t n of f ® ao ;Z' P?^°8 cm- T tt omas vj C , j -I~~T.. . ... 7,’ . . „ " ,i.aeotivo- and23. because it make3 a mortify- setUo down aDd devote several years to tho bezzling $115,000 fromtho Snb-Troasnry, on A X3.UJZLZ1.0 u. o 4»js was 70 and tho lowest| erawled ont of his shell, moved thereto by sev- | decepl^ , _ 1 I earefnlDreoarationforunblicationof thedataho I the ground that it was drawn under a repealed | T _ .. .7-. . n;- oral ooala of fire heaped thereon by divers im- Ing and exaggerating parade before foreign na- ^ hia va ri oua p 0 i ar expeditions, act of Oongresa. The Judge hold that both tho in oshington correapondont of tho um- ent n r3 and iaditc3 n 01rd to tha Uons of tho misfortune of ono eection of the It be mBn « on#d , a8 a matter of rumor act of 1823 and that of I860, which supersedes u, p .; r0E , t0 Biam i D o bis stock of cinnstl Oommeroial says: “It Is asserted here P In that card ho admits that his name | country. It msy well bo donbted whether, if that, while Captain Hall was pleased with the it, cavers tho offense, being aimply a difference p that the increase from fifty to ono hundred I *~r”_. _ . _ . .. ( . n , , h edaoa ti on al conditions of tho two sections soleotionof Buddington, he disliked Tison, the In penalties. thousand dollars of lho capital stock of Harlan's | ‘j, n ^ olectedUnd that ho ran away had been the reverse (mutatie ^ ^thaYL'lve^foraallypret^te^tgatest his the Shrtkly murder hS. y0 Thrse°cond paneT gENTS* FINE FURNIS HiNQ-GQQOS 1 Drily Ohroniole, of this oity, whioh was mado a few days ago, came from tha friends of an Associate Justice of the United Slates Supremo Court, who want and expect to keep him prominently before the publio as an available candidate for tho Presidency In 1876.” has been exhausted. John Brown has been indicted by tho United I States Grand Jury for passing counterfeit fifty | oents enrrenoy. The Cholera In Tennessee. Nisnvnxz, June 17.—There were fifty deaths I to-day, thirty being from cholera. The* diseas 11 is spreading. Dispatches from Gallatin, Leb- from Pennsylvania, not on ncoonnt of any peeu- sneh map would havo accompanied tho census, ^npjing an official position, niary irregularities, ns has been charged, but on Wa asy that it is deceptive. It is based on Tho Centennial 4th. account of an nncxplainabto “ domestio tron- retnma including the negro (late slave) popnia- Leonard Myers, of Pennsylvania had an in We,” and goes on to whitewash himself with lion of tho Sonth, red!this popnlatdon, as large teiview several oertiflcatee from shady Pennsylvania or nearly as largo as tha white in a “ n “ ber dI Lr^’tock, In connection w?th the 8 centennial an- politicians of his faith—among them that old I tho Southern Stages, almost integrally help3 to I ^yergary to t>e held in Philadelphia in 1876, Hats Hits nx-v —The usual daily rain fell I oorrnptlonist, Simon Oomeron—to the effeot form lho blaok dond that darkens our sootion I Capital Notes. . . - . , . ■ , ' ' ' 1 1 ^^‘-^tore.arnsom.Um, a^at'X^ without rain'and tho consequences to planters I repntation to havo boon aa good as “ that of I of tha population as the whites (which very I n| ^y , n ** nhl | —United sre crowinc very scriona. If Sonihwcstern »ny pnbhc man’s in his county”—rather doubt- many of them are not, after living so long with- Btotaa atlomey f or the Southern district of Mis- whfoh were SUST22 bl n wste ed liko lhu secuon wl fa! praise, if half tho stories of Pennsylvania’s ont commencing “the rudiments”), time enongh Blaaipp i. “ fromXTera. ^ . Grorgla has been watered like this section wa | ^ ^ a ; n50 lh6ir omandpation has not yet elapsed for Secretary Robeson has been hard at work all' d8,ths from cboIera - And hero this light and leader of tho Oregon most of them to learn to read and write, nor has trooly loyl rests Lis case, evidently believing I the candition of ths oountry permuted it. It is, I j or until to*morrow. Embracing everything that is Nobby and Desirable! Hats and. Caps I street, at present occupied by Coleman & Newsom, aro for rent from first day of October i 3xt. Apply to J. VALENTINO, jqgajtd 68 Cherry street. BARLOW HOUSE, AMEEIGUS, GA, WILEY JONES & CO., Proprietors. Is first-class and in business center. Eoard per day 52. Lodging or Blngle meals 50 ole. mayU 5m SOUTH BRITISH ASD MERCANTILE | INSURANCE COMPANY", ot LONDON and EDINBURQ. I Capital—Gold - -$10,000,000 I Assets in U. S._- - 1,400,000 I SSUES Policies upon Dwellings, Furniture, Cot ton, and all mercantile risks. L O. PLANT & SON. ap 12 Iy Agents, Maoon. Ga. EDWARD SPRINZ. N otary public and ex-officio justice I OF THE PEACE. I can bo found tar the | Tno groat domand for thcaa Hpoctacle* has In* I duood unscrupulous dealers to palm off an inferior I and spurious article for tbo Diamond. Groat should bo taken to boo that tho trade-mark-o* which is protected by Amerio&n Letters Patent) Is j etampod on every pair. octlSdAwlv* NOTICE. Office of 1 CCUATV SurEmXTZSDEST OF PCBUO SCHOOIA, V ilicon, da., June 1,1873. I rr^HE eohoiostlc year, as fixed by tbo Board of X Edcc ition, ends tho last Friday ln Jnno. During tho ensn'ug year beginning July 1,1873. and cmlii.g June 33,1874, each School District will be entitlod to a six months’ school, unless other wise agreed upon, tho beginning, oontiauanoe and close of which may ho regulated by tho Local Man agers for their respective districts. After July 1, 1373, no person can bo employed aa _ tooeber in a public school in this odanty unloss fas holds a certificate of qualification and license to teach, granted by the Ex ambling Ocmmlttee after a satisfactory i lamination. An examination of applicants for licenses will be held in Macon on Saturday, tho 28th instant, and again on tbo Saturday following This cflico may be mode a median, of communi cation between communities wanting teachers and teachers desiring schools. By order Board of Education. Dno notice will bo given of tho examination cf teachers for lha city publio schools. B. M. ZETLEB, Superintendent, junel Iqw3wJsw3t GETTYSBURG KATALYSINE WATER.. tha antbar- Georglt da not see how anything like a fail crop of cot' ton is possible. For Men and Boys in Silk, Fnr, ll OF THE PEACE. I can bo found for the | rpHB United States Dispensatory, the , I nreeent at all hours of lho day at my office, adjoin-1 izsd record of our Materia Medics, , ireit ana n ooi. ul - ]q W O f2co of A. Fronafit, ovsx the store of I water witn thd moat renowned Aik Press Exenrslon. Boston, July 17.—The members of the mass I press association, with their ladies, making a ing ths law oQco of A. Prommt, ovsr uie store m i water witn Jaques & Johnsons Third stroot, Maoon, Qs., to at-1 Carbonated Springs rif Europe ond to all Magisterial bnslness- ' “re ' AikaUn. ar It Tar txoeis any Ttrx lVa-nrxaro.v ItrruDUCis, (Grant organ that ha haa mada bis c]aim secure to the “fc-1 therefore, ungenerous in including their rmm- I ‘ The Becretary of the Navy has leased ths I of 200, staited this morning npon thoir tnro confidence and respect” of the people of bers in computations made lho basis for a com- Jigrres to perform a speoiflo dnty. When the fourth annnaUummer e* 03r8l °“- Moed the .eqmsito change of he«t, was c n nat;on or j a3t ificaUon of hU cruel desertion of ^°.^f, oe n ?R t h ® 8 , C3 83 ^, e ° fr0 ^, vessel in onr navy suitable for a trip to the has contributed $100,000 to tha mnseum of -rased at Christ Chnreh, Albion, New York, on a woina n who was forced to go into the county 8 t to 0 i ta j n immigration. AroHo regions. The secretary oonolnded first Oomparativa Zoology, in whioh her father is so poor-house becanao of that desertion, and who, The lest ot illiteracy is in itself deceptive. I b> .J? ur ?l* a88 1 *. ■°' t *LIe vessel, when he was met | deeply interested. Is a recent Interview Senator Fenton, of New | b ^ er ,(. aa 'if j rete^nedncati^^perio^o^lmt^f the WiU«: I j H. J. £..* Bowles a*e man who by native shrewdness and by free goh»Lons were subsequently entered Into wtUi 1 Brothers & Oo., left in the Hecla for Europe to- ' J *th.U» world by close applies- ®»~nrt allows him $50 per day for his | UMBRELLAS & OANES. B. 8. LtXE\. J. &L SUITS. J. M. EHJlUPE. RHEA, SMITH & CO. In variety. | . , drain, Hay, Flour ani Provisions. TH0MA3 U. CONKER. 1 Ohio Biver Salt Company’s Agents, GEORGIA CANE reform itself, but The story is that ho basely seduced, and after- ■ c w‘u“bTZ sever Z I ^'w«7o7ood to mTr^her, bnt’his chi.dren I11®® 8 ®^ «• *££**+. for a s^ I wonld, by its Increasing corruption, sever the a t he doas not dan _ ^ at t“ n Uon to lectures, sermons, political ad- ema ™ t ^ P nbU t„ J? h f W6 v„!£* *««® *o be Arrested and Tried, peopl. s supportfrom^lh I V--Jds, Jane 17.-A special committee “Tnx GoTernmeut" will soon be fnlly estab- p^ty in Oregon, ha has left them to bo stsp- I rajormation of passing events. Whoever has | ■ynopmis Weather Btatemei Uthed at Long Branch. With the exeption of ported by the deserted wife and the charity of traveled through the “rural districts” of lho two " “ | oepted and she is now en rente to New York, tTuesday. ■ gppo^^q Assembly last week to con- _ _ . ~ _ ■ _ . *• 1 sidor the application made by the military gov- . _ W*» D«r t, Omcrn Ohot Bioxix, Orncxu, I ernment of Paris for authority to prosecute Seiretary Fish, Grant will have his entire polit- tv, e county. Neither does he oondescend to I sections must have been impreseed with two I Wsahington, Jane It. I jjanoe for his connection with tho Commune, teal family on the beach at that place. c!car n p the suspicion of bigamy growing ont t^Ut, SSW» oMhe^Spi “ —' h “ ^ - ° C<S f ’I of the report that ho neglected to provide him- 1 - - — 1 self with a divoroe from the first wife am] V6AT8 After ho hsri married tho ,,, . — ® s .. ^ v , . — ... m ——— , J 1 of many Southerners who cannot read a word, I rery brisk winds from tho south and east, ln-1 the committee held its final session. A resoln I one - I and who are therefore pat down as “illiterate" I creasing cloudiness and threatening weather I ti on was adopod by 14 to 1 recommending that Bat after all he is quite a? good as three- I a m ^ e C j n tribnte to the blaok cloud which with very probable rain areas; for the lower I the arrest and trial of Deputy liance be —a l.. s “— | lake region easterly to southerly winds and I granted by the Assembly, 50 BARBELS CHOICE CANE SrhUP, CnOLxni yso Eunrnua.—Tho Louisville Jonr-1 nol and Nashville Union discourse on sulphar | as an antidote to cholera infection. Tnx trial of Frank H. Walworth, for the mnr- der of his fsihor, in New York, has been set I fourths of his party associates in Congress, and I the census map spreads over onr section. 9 oomnom mates east held several sittings. One of ita first acts I 30 oodtf and freah winds, gen-1 wai to summon Since to appear before it. I — JAQUES & JOHNSON’S. 07530 “ i,a ‘I “read and write” gfter a fashion and are there-1 erally from the southwest and southeast; | This the Deputy refused to do, standing on his I TtTTT) R P 17T A \TT\T?T) C I inntilsev- f 0r e booked in the census as “Uterate;” and2d, eloudy weather and rain areas from Missouri privilege as a member and denying the right of Kl K K IVT P LlA lM/JLilU I IDnN KNH DDRCC \A|0H KS he second the superior shrewdness and general knowledge to the upper lakes; falling barometer, fresh to 1 the committee to require his presence. To-day I v I 111U If HI1U DIlHJw 11 lillHW) oilrer known ‘in its.self-prostrving propertire. ft doea not deteriorate by bottling ana keeping. It has never been claimed for any other mineral wa ter tho power to dissolve the urates, or fo-called chalk formations in the body or on ths limbs and joints. This ths Gettysburg K »Ulysine Water haa done in hundreds of instances. Gout, Bhenma* tiam, Neuralgia, Dyepepela, Gravel, Diabetes, Kid ney and Urinary Llseases generally have ell yield ed to ita taduence. D hss restore^ Muaonlsr pow er to the paralytio, cored Abdominal Dropcy, and given healthy action to the Torpid Liver. Jt haa Reference : eejmour, Tinsley Sc Co ; Coleman | cured Chronic Disrrhma, P&ioa, Constipation, Aa«t>. Newsom Johnson & fiputh; Gamble, Beck & I ms. Catarrh, Diseases ot the Sain, General apr208m | Debility and nexvctis prostration from mental and Physical Excerafli. All thc«o by the bot- tlod water. It is a powerfnl attidote tar exoeo- sive eating or drinking. It corrects the Stomadti,' promotes Digestion, and relieves the head almost immediately. Pamphlets containing a history of the Spring, reports from eminent physicians and medical writer*, marvelous and well-attested onree, and testimonials from distinguished citizens, will bo forni-hed and sent by mail on application to WHITNEY BROS.. Gen’l Agent*, 227 South Front stroot, Philadelphia, Pa. Gettysburg Spring Co. For sale by J® H ZEILIN, aprl6eod3m And Druggists generally. METROPOLITAN down for Monday, the 231 Inst. Avrrr.Tr ix Fro-iuoN in Emcrk.—The cable Informs ns (says the World) that the iron man ufacturers of Wolverhampton, disgusted with the high prices of British crude iron, are look ing to this conntry for their future supplies, and have already sset ont orders for the well- protected pig. Oh, that Mr. Greeley had lived to aee this day, to read that telegram, to an nounce tbe amazing fact in a doable-leaded leader after his own fashion! What a merry time we t.hall still have of it, even without poor M.r. Greely, next winter in Coegress, when the contemplated “ assault upon the great iron In terest of the country” is met, rebuffed, discom fited, rooted, horse, foot, aod artillery, by the Oatieuohlsnian Trinobant Kelley, flinging down the gauntlet forged at Wolverhampton in tbe face of the abashed and unpatriotic Free Tra- th.v will aoicklv put him at his ease. He is » | It is rather remarkable that, with the repng-1 clear or partly cloudy weather. Cautionary I The Sappreuion orKellsIoas Societies. —s v . „„„ - nrf tha* will I nance to ignorance which tha getting np of thii I signals are ordered for Dnlntb. Afternoon tel- Rowe. Jnlv 17 —The Bena'e io dav narsed red hot Grant man, of course, and UartwlU i mlDi!eits , our National AdministraUon I e^ams from the Weal Gnlf States, Mtehigan, I ^•-'“ e i0 ^ 0 “ r f,/'? 0 “ 8y 00 P “ 38d wash him whito ns snow. E.eoted ana owned I honja B6dn i on sly exdnde from pubUosemoe Dakota and Pooflo SUtes are miosing. rions, by a rete™f C8^o 20. ‘The E me»snrenow by a Bodicol railway “ring in California and I , nd honor the very few enlightened citizens of I Tbe rw Wat, ’ - - Oregon, ud fall of loyl zeal for [the party of I the South, and bestow its consideration ord I gosFnisatoo, Jnna 17—Jndaon A Co.’s o»n- great moral ideo, Hippie cannot fail to take a bam6d ****■ “ l0 “ 53 high aeat In tho Grant synagogne. | othtr d .y, that the Examining Board ot the | of gnperrisors will not act npon the __ 7~ I Treasury Department had found at the Sonth a I ma y 0t * fl Te to of tbe Chinese pig-tail ordinance fni practice of substituting io for the Lonest l Q^i ector 0 f Customs who ooulH neither read I ^eek. 6 y in girls’ name* se charmingly ccmmon these I nor ^rite, did not create much astonishment I ^ Ralston is to succeed D. O. Afiiia ss days, ought not to stop- with that class. Why I here. Neither are we very incredulous of a | president of the Bank of California, should not the maacnlin« have a shore in it newspaper statement th»t.» postmasterJhMI ■reattrer KralatlMa also ? What, for Instance, oocld be more de-1 ^^g^^nalifioatione. This way of eoricotnr-1 N *^ Xo “;J a ?® IT' - ®»nitary police are light! ally unique and “sweet,, pretty” than . ignorance of 7 Ute_.8onthta, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE! j awaits the royal sanotion to become a law. CYPRESS SHINGLES! J UST received, a consignment of CYPRESS SHINGLES, lived and drawn. on the lrt teat, by the Her. Eddie Jonesi, pas- and^he httle The *«■ In the *1^4 Flaw, tor of St. Tommie Church, Mr. Billie Snooks 1 q( ^kelliganoe does illnxninate onr I Nashua, Jane 17.—Henry Jewett, the would I to Mias Tillie, youngest daughter of Jimmie I zou * ^ M wanting in consistency aa In faimea I be assassin of Ella Wooda, in Hodaon, U dead. I Sniff kino, Eiq. 1 and generoeity. IWood* wiU recover, For sale by juntJtf B. H. WBIGLEY Sc CO. WAGES. F OR all who aro willing to work. Any person, old or young, of either sex, can make from $10 to $51 a week, at home day or evening. Want ed by all. Suitable to eithsr city or oonntry, and any uoason of tho year. This is a rare opportunity tor those who aro oat of work, and out or money, to make an independent living. No capital being requirod. Our pamphlet, “HOW TO MAKE A LIVING,” giving full instructions, sent on reoeipt of 10 oents. Address A. BURTON Sc OO., Mor- risania, Westchester county, N. Y. T HE BECKWITH $20 PORTABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, ou 80 day o’ ; many I advantages ovor all. Satiel* guarani'll, or 1 $20 refunded, bent cDmjiete. with full direci'ons. | Beckwith Sowing MachtieCc., 862 Broadway, N. Y. T HE NEW ELASTIC THUS*. An important vention. It retains tho Rupture a£ all and under the hardest exercise or severest strain, T^EOBGIi. MABJON COUNTY.-Mra- E’.«m» I PfOYlSlOIl Slid TOlWCeO BrOkerS, I 5?» ■“id ShS^SSSSfiS^lSSSESa: 1 Boom No. 4 0011^^^^. comer Fourth and | re<1 ^ tfl<L - °^ Can now be found at all hours I Canal lrom em to 7a ^ of the day, at their new office j hiohmono, -wj±. and warehouse, So. 3 Blake’s Block, Poplar street, ready to WM. E. TANNER & GO. SeVcncXwiThmd? Jeiiapeen, Miwts ail tanlea ebrated Brands of FLOUR! Bememher the Stand! junelllf EJfQINES OF ALL SIRD8. Rond for Circular. H. IL BROWN, janI4 ly AGENT. I W. O. M0B&18. 8. V. BE1D- MORRIS & REID, alty and setting apart and \ and I will pass upon the same at my cfiioe on | Thursday, the 26th instant, at 10 o’dock a. K. JAS, fit. AivlWJS, June IS 10d Ordinary. free, when ordered by letter sent to the KUebo I Trass Oo., No. 6J3 Broadway, N. Y. oity^- nobody CINCINNATI, OHIO. I uaeTMetal Spring Trnwee: too puntel; they Befer to W. A. Half. ttayUSn 1 Slip Off toofrcqaonUy. m,y J2eodteow.y