The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, June 20, 1873, Image 2

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1 f, Telegraph <fe Messenger. FUIOAY MORNING. .H'KF. ,s r.1 THE UCOMJIA JPKEIW. (rouble (o expose (be sophistry of snrh arpn menti by i r«*ort to flipirea, bat shall show tbe unreliability of all sock reseooJng by a elution to fled within the knowledge of all. Who ii It lo tbit or any other ooanty, who bat groan rich by farming ? In nine hundred and ninety nine CUM ont of a thousand it it the men who, if I they did not grow oorn and baoon for tale, made n. II q died very an Jdenl v I at lent e sufficiency to supply Ibe want* of their It. n- , , I own plantations. Who are the farmer* who hare from alrangulsUon at Calhoan, le*t Saturday. 1 He had coffering from paralysis for aome ' T *Tnr Wheal crop of Gordon end Gwinnett I horeee, mule, and cow. look hke Ibe bnxzsrds . , . , 1 .. .... lave a Ilea on them? Many of the cotton- counties ie reported by the local papere ae very | ,—.— .... —.. .—... . canty—in the former oounty, almost an entire always borrowed money ? The ootton planters. Who held mortgages on iheir plantations ? The men who mid* and sold oorn and bacon. Wboe> planters. Wboee farm stock looks fat, sleek aod comfortable ? The oorn grower's. We might cite numberless stern facta in support of f«:!.;r* The crop in I^ke county, however, Is wmorttxl bv the IWnsviUe Patriot as larger I «or position ; but the forgoing are sufficient to reported i»y xne i»ar I QpMt all the floe spaa tbeoroes of the ootton than it baa been lot roeny jeara. nr. j. tt. I pUnurt Bal wooid , oa .i.and**, u>«, eat. I'onnd threabed out 87 buaheli from four acre*, on Fr.tlar Floto Caor l.'rwa—The Itome Comma reial reporta aa follow*: planters. But would you Inra of ootton ontlrely ? By Bat wre would firat aeoure an ample sup ply of hread aod meat for the human being* dependent upon ua, and then make ample pro- ilMoe for the ootnfortable euatenenoe of farm A targe aroa of the wheat prop baa lieeo bar-1 stock. After accoring these important tnd«, ■ » ^ nbrmld then prodnoe aa much ootton as we oonld cultivate well, provided soil end climate _ jnWS H W , were adapted to its production. Men may farm the nplanda it was frozen oat. A greet many I aoeoeaefaliy, however, wilhoat growing a lock !« !.«' • not t*een harvested at all. The oorn Q f notion. There is an existing and rapidly ia looking well—there never was a more prom- growing demand for bay. It require* little la ‘ It ia a remarkably email erop—proba bly not more than one-third. The low lands w , r . PW.-1 and the wheat waahed out—on l.u.g pro-pact. I! bae grown rapidly, an average aeavon, from this time on, With Floyd bor and yieida more per acre, in dollar* and oenta, than an ordinary ootton orop. Apples, will make an immense yield of ooln. Ootton is I cabbage, potatoes, onions, and many other ar- looking well, bat there bae been too much rain I tide*, will beat ootton to death, aa Ibe matter rr acd w# have noticed a nnmber of " fields lo the gran*. If, however, the season* are favorable wo think tho.oolton crop will at least be an average one. Tnx census of Columbus taken last January Of course this would not be the :tse if everybody were to engage in Iheir pro duction. l'arelga XelM. by the city authorities shews a population of I —aiaa«i Ton tex TCLxnatnr axd stzesEtaa. 8,048—4,390 whites, and 4,008 negroes. The Federal census in 1 -70 showed a population of 7,401. An Increase of 1,247 ia two years If the Utter oensos was correct—which U extremely donbtfoh Tnr Lawrenceville Herald reporta flux, dya- I The election of MacMahon to the Preeidency of the French Bepublio has given great satis faction at the Vatican. Clerical ciroles feel mnch elated acd look for the restoration of the temporal power of the Pope in the not far die tant future. There Is, however, nothing in enlery and other bowel affections qnite preva- past career to warrant the aaenmp. lent In that aeotion acd also the sudden death U(}n ^ h# ^ nnderUko , w , rUka crn *ade to of a child in that placo on Friday of cholera rMtor# Uome to the sovereign Pontiff, though his fall sympathies m»y t«- enlisted in his canse. Tnxaamo paper reports oorn selling for <» For MMMah0 n-a anoaatora followed the Oitho- oenta, bacon 11 cents, and cattle for not more I Ug sta4rU trom Ireland toFrance; and his wife than half Iheir value at a recent sale in that ttavoUi adherent of Home, and ia oounly. It also ssyu there i* a greater scarcity | M t0 h , Ta , Rrcal iD fl nonee over hor husband. The two most Important paragraphs of tbo bill suppressing religions corporations In Uome bare been passed by the Italian Parliament. There were strong efforts mado by both Itspab- of monoy than at any time daring the past three years. Fon Iho wt*«*k ending Jano 101b, there were 24 deaths at Savannah. Strike.—The Savannah News, of Wednesday, says Fivsiuu^ raoM the BlTAWil^rykiiu' | j icAn an( j c j er j oa i elements to exercise a pres sure npon the votes of the depnties, and the —i passions rose so high that bloody enconnters Yestoidsy morning about 10:30 o dock two of p i t06 between both parties in aeve rail tall an these ••strikers -~E. II. Worsham, a dts- I F r . . . . ... charged printer from thl* office, and a ring j cltlee. Many of the monk* belonging to the leader in Ibe “strike" movement, and Jno. G. Marshall. both of whom bad joat enough whis key in them to render them foolhardy, went suppressed monasteries are preparing to emi grate to Bolivia and Ghili, South America. The health of the Pope is so much improved iuto the New* composing room, ostensibly to ^ giving visitors again. Among get some arllolo of personal property whioh thoaa wbo eonght an audience were also the tbry claimed to have there. Nothing was said j.; MpIew Q , u nM f» and her only daughter, the to them by the few printers who waro in the I Uriod D n che*s Mary, who are at present so- room »t that lime, nnd they were requested to onrnlD _ in Iui | y . The distinguished visitors — ** | gg JSwdoSl to_Wi Holiness by Cardinal mi ruing on this oonrteaf tho feilow Worsham began abusing ono of the printers, who is crippled, in a profane and vnlgnr style, in which prooeeding Marah&l joined. This conduct was borne with p*tItno6 for a abort time, when Mr. W. O. Vincent, who happened to be present. Antonelli, Uomac Secretary of gtate. The Freooh ambassador, who had oomo to report the latest events from Franoe, fonnd a very gra cious reception. The Pope replied that “now he would pray God with still greater fervor to. bless the National Assembly devoted to Christian pages, including that with the ooat of arms painted by Nabde. Tfee first page oonUiwa the utle of His Majesty, aarronnekd by the oants of arms of the tvelva proviooes of Ptoasla, above them the single beaded eagle, below the signa ture of the Emperor. The aeoond p*g-» aeta forth the reasons nby the dignity of Fnuoe bestowed upon the Chanoellor, dwelling oo the great services of the Prince for the unity and greatness of the Fatherlaod. Hie third page formally cortft-m the new dignity ; the f.»nrth states how far the title is hereditary: the fifth and sixth are taken np by the description of the prinoejy cost of arms ; the seventh t>y the ooat of arms iteelf; the eighth continues the descrip tion of the ooat of arms; the ninth ooo- tains the regulations e*>neeniing boo-prince ly descendants; the tenth the signature of the Emperor; the eleventh and twelfth an extract from the deeds of feoffment cf the Pnnoe. The letters sad araU-Mpes of the diploma have been devised and composed by two eminent artists under the supervision of Count Sullfried, Mas ter of Ceremonies at tbe Oonrt of Berlin. A papyrus, discovered some months sit a tomb in Egypt, by tho editor of the Hiero glyphics! Standard, bee stnoe been thoroughly examined by Dr. E senlohr. an eminent Egyptian soholar. He has made u full transla tion of the “ hleratie” character! inscribed on tbe scroll, which is disoovered to be an alloeul tion of Bameses the Third “to hiapeople and all men on earth," recounting the great deeds that were done in the dsys of bis father and hia grandfather. He details, at length, all the canaes which led to the downfall of tbe Mosaic reform and the exodus of the Jewa. The roll ia said to be the fintat, largest, best written, and best preserved of all that have hitherto h*cn discovered in “ the oonotry of the PhsraohH,” and there seems to be no doubt about its authenticity. Jaaiio. ordered the pair out, and ineltuotod one of the , , nd lh8 new oh ief 0 f 8Ute. who was boy* to ro for the proprietor. Worsham very J fot old8r> Jn , Uo e and civilization." bravely m .zod this-boy an.Uore hia ahirt, when „g , jjarned that the bill suppressing the s?SSSSjS?SS5S ssarssst.'sss.'si*: have Riven him . deserved drublW The ^ h h .?,v ifh ^tfer Whor ception of bis drunken companion, fled precip-1 Thore ia evidently a mnch bettor feeling itately through a Bideway, leaving him to boar [ throughout Franoe since the election of Mac- tbe brant of tbolr joint impndeneo and bravado. We may bore remark as a warning to these par ties, who protnme to allude to a good printer and a worthy yonng man aa a “whisky bloat, r Mahon. And, indeed, the monarchists wbo overthrow Thiers oonld not have chosen a name bolter calculated to fill tbo connlry with con fidcnco and reaper:, disiipating the apprelien- that *noh viaUs to thia ofQoo in fatnre will not I aions of the CdnaervaUTea and overawing lire bo treated ao leniently, and .*is for executing I Kadlcala, than that of MaeMahon. Whether thoir oowardly threats npon individual compos itora in the News employ, that H mere bags- from choice or calculation, he haa always kept aloof from party strifes, and this oircnmatance tell., and lliero is no doubt thev will be mado eetres him admirably in his new tfHoe. He “a!ok" if they attempt it. It will fco obaerved enjoys tbe reputation of a man of sterling in- that In this entire mailer, Iho Typographical I tegrlty, of a bravo so.dier and a oapable ad- Onion baa oolleolivvly aud individually assumed | miniatrator. and it in worthy of note, that out the aggressive, and tbe oousequenoos rest with * n **“ M. A well-known Havnnnah merchant wan nr- | rested and bailed in the snm of $1000 on Wed- of all Generals of tho Empire, MaeMahon alone bn* retained a popnlar name in spite of the battle of Worth and the march to Sedan. Nobody holds him responsible for tbe defeat aud the eapilulatioc; popular baliof points him nesday, on tbe olinrge of soiling unstamped to- 1 ont as tbe viotim of Imperial mistakes, though -sue autoluacr imio hnooo, Bepublloan says t The atoamihlp Ban Jaolnto, which arrived yesterday from Nevr York, brought with her four or five negroes, who sro sshl to hnvo been of tbe number who left this city some time since for IJberla. The darkios stato that they have Ik'come quite satisfied with tbo natal MsoMshon has publicly assumed tbe reepoasi- YX..7— -."Uw J 11 ".'!.'!!" 1 .." JJ l lllJt,t>] r. It eeeuisfiB i^ revere at least ono hero without fear and with- ont rej roaoh among tbe paladins of the Em peror. These sympathies cannot fail to pre possess ns in Maoilahon's favor, thongh we must boar in mitd that his political judgment has never been tested yet. He has never gone beyond bis military province, anil Ibe war land of the raee, and preferred Ibe clay hills of I agaioat the Commune he has likewise waged as the Jaw l.w, where they oan raise corn, ootton, I a soldier, not as a politician. Whether Mae- peas, potatoes, ota, and where they can hunt tho 'posanm and tbo coon wbenovor (hey get hungry for something froth in the way of moat. Tuts* You.—The Columbus Enquirer says r Tnx TtLxnaarn and Hissxxaxu.—Yester day wo were called on by Mr. T. G. Lacier, traveling agent of the Macon TaLioEArn and Mahon is a statesman at all we know not. It is generally understood that nnder the Empire he has shown himself an able Governor in Algeria, but thore is a great difference between ruling a military colony and ooolrolling tbe political parties in Franco. Whether he is competent for this difficult Isak, or whe ther he will prove a mere tool in the hands of the Conservatives, .■ ”, I a mere iwi id rue mums ur Luo vsmBorvauves, n^'rj* Vpe i , aB 2 ““I V;'° remains to be seen. His former relations with Jenniml .hew tbe eiiwgy and enterprise of Ms lbe Imp6ri . 1 Oonrt wero always very friendly SL “j "Moat being intimste. He nlyet bflongcdto TaLxoaAru ia not only a prosperon* paper, bnt it ts ably edited and one of the most welcome of our exchangee. A doable anooess to lbe oily that supports such a newspaper. The name paper also prints tho following A Bor CausirxD io Dxatii at the Cukwacla Lut* Wouxb.—rsasengera by tbe Woslern Kill- Ibe favoiites of either tho Emperor or tho Empress. Stuoo the war he has Bhown great respect for the exiled family. The news from Spain is a little more oncour. aging, the majority of tbe Cortee being, at last, agreed upon a Cabinet, headed by Honor Fi y Margall, a name whioh has deeetvedly now great road, last afternoon, brought the sad intelli- I distinction. Tbe formation of a new Ministry gone dial a little non, aged ! -■ years, of Wm. I has had a tranqmli/.ing effect npon Madrid, and P. Young, proprietor of tho Cbewacia Lime I the armed faction* whioh were posted in varl- Wotka, Jooated at i’onDgeboro, Leo oonnty, I ona parts of the oity have been withdrawn, all Ala, was ernahed to death, yesterday morning, I parties aooepting tbe Ministry chosen by the by the machinery of the lime works. It seems I majority of the Gortea Fignersa, the late that ho and other boys had been in the habit I Premier, had arrived at Haoaoa on his way to daily of vUit’ng tbe mill, and had been fro Franoe. Tbe new Cabinet proposes to carry quantly warned of tbe danger of coming in oon-1 on a strict party government, and to oxeoute taot with the machinery. Yesterday morning, I whatever measures the majority may Beem fit while playing abont the mill, this ohtld was I to adopt. The greatest danger threatening at accidentally caught in the belting, by whioh he I present tho Iiepnblio comes from the sirny, was carried np among tbe ooga and poiieya and I which is in a state bordering on open revolts, thereby crushed to death. I A regiment of troops stationed in Morviedro, Mu. F. H. Si'xxu, of Augusta, in attempt m0,lnifd »“ d murdered Iheir lienlenant ooloneL ing to jump from a trein on ,h. Oharlotte, Co- lumhia and An gosta railroad on Wednesday, I orders and left their oommaeder, who retired to fell upon hi* back ao close to the train that it I Tartos* with those remaining faithful. There was only by holding his legs np that ha aaTod | * rB “ T * r * 1 m 'uor revolts and bloody enoonn Bala ts. Colton. Editort Telegraph and Meutnger: On the 30th of April tbe fair and beautiful weather gave place to the heaviest and most destructive rains. We had hard rains on fire days in May and gentler rains on ten. Fonr Sundays were fair. In June, ao far, we have had six fair days and rain on eleven—fonr hard and washing rains and nine gentle rains—two on two days. Three of the fair days have been Sabbaths. Seven weeks and two diya sinoe the rain com menced, and in that time nearly sixteen inches of rain have fallen here in the country—in the city it may have been less. Out of fifty-one days thirty-six have either been rainy or ground too wet to work. Sa mnch for tbe rain. The history of tho grass need not be given, as in this instanoe “history repeals itself.” But what of the crops 7 Oats good, but liable to be lost nnlesa tho weather clears now soon. Com good where it receives the proper attention—better than an average at any rate. Peas a good stand, bat not Iikoly to make a crops os they will have to be neglected for the sake of ootton. I at ways feel like writing ootton with a capital— it had tho soeptre and the crown so long. What of tbe ex King 7 On this 18th day of June—the anniversary of one of the greatest battles on reoord—another battle is dosing with a like resnll. Tho King, who onoe with royal power and undisputed sway, held his soep tre over the greater part of the oivilized world, now lies blaok with wound* and pears of battle beneath tbo green shield and relentless arm of old Massachnsetts crab. While the sun has re fused to shins aud IeDd its bnruiug rays in aid of the dying King, dark clonds and quick dart ing showers have stood by, and given material help to the old General (green) who to-day, with out-atreichod arm and firmly planted foot, defies the King and his battle-weary heroes (mules and negroes ) Yet, Messrs. Editors, yon are soloyal In your thoughts, you canuot help believing in tbe final (rinmph of tbe old white- haired monarch, wbo has stood so many battles in tho past. Human nature is a hopeful prin - eiple, but there is a gloom thick enough to shut out the bright visions of the most sanguine. In faot, there is a point at which human opinions, thoughts and emotions, take a tarn. Who will say that period ha* not arrived in tbe ootton crop in Middle Georgia? All com ment is hseless. Let ns refer lo tbe year 1871. That year we secured a good stand of cotton, and had three weeks fair weather in May to get it chopped ont. Oa the 31st day of May, 1871, tho rain set io, aud we had rain for twenty-two days, and not a fair day between. Daring that time eleven and one-half inches of rain felt. In July wn had 1 18-100 inches. In Augutt, up to tbo -.1th day, not a drop. From tho 25th of Angnat to the 20:h of Septem ber ID..10 100 inches ftil. ll-isnlt—grass all thronghJuno; killed ont in July; in non of the ootton destroyed in getliugout the grass; oot ton stnnted in Jnly; August aud September rains caused the ootton to take a second growth that promised to give a “top crop.” Top orop went to sleep under a blackening frost on the 14th of November. This year so far has run over with disastrous causes and incidents. It fs without u parallel—it ont parallels 1871, and I presume from precedent to vatioiuate more nuprofitablo results. Snll there are those who their better judgment telfs*^tfiem'canuoT’Vjl trne. So many falso reports and erroneous figures are profitable, bnt never to the planter, lint I am very sensitive on this point—so I will not touch upon it. But let who will predict a large cotton crop—it will not be large. J. 8. WllIDISH. Macon, Jnno 18, 1873. JOHNSON& SMITH WHOLESALE DEAXERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! FOURTH AND POPLAR STREETS, MACON. Jqp«5tf — BOOTS AND SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. New Store, New Stools. I. L. GUNHOUSE & CO. W OULD respectfully Renounce to their friends end the public generally thet they here removed to thoir new etore on Cberry street, end here opeoed a Urga end comprehensive stock of Boots and Shoes For Ladies, Govts and Children, of the latest styles and patters, and from the beat factories. COON TBY MKBOHANTS wi'l do well to examine our et jck and price list before purchasing elsewhere. We also keep a large stock of Ladies' and Gents' TRAVELLING TRUNK8, VALISES, To whioh the attention of the publie ia invited. SATCHEL8, ETC.. aprSeodSm GKKOHGKE W. HBAD,T: XXmSITK • WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER No AINTD CIGAR MAAnjI'AOTUilBIl. 4 Blake's Block. Poplar Street. Macon; Ga - JNO. W. LEIGH. WM. MoOLUBE- HOPE, LEIGH A CO., Successors to Tarnell, Leigh £ Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOOT OF MARKET ST.. CHATTANOOGA, TENS; ritOMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUDEB3 AND CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. Special reference to Banka of Chattanooga. aprl8eodSm $285 NANO We will sell our Full-Sized Seven Octave Piano, and GUAKANTEE ENTIKE SATISFACTION, with five years' trial, at.the above price, for cash, until July 1st. Same on Installment, with interest added. ESTET ORGANS. Ltrgest Manufactory in the World. We challenge any Organ made. We will sell to'CHUBOQES and SCHOOLS FOB LESS than any dealers in the United States. GUILFORD, WOOD & CO., 84 MULBERRY St., MACON, GA. 68 WHITEHALL St., TLANTA, GA. E. J. JOHNSTON Dealer in ffatclies, JewBliy, Sil?er-w are FANCY GOODS, FINE CDTLEKY, Musical instruments, Strings ETC., KTC. Bole Agent for the Celebrated Diamond Pebble Spectacle!!. Eye-Glasses ETC. Particular attention given to Itepaira on fine and Difficult Watches. , JEWELBY, etc., BEPAIBED, and ENGBAVING. Cor. Hnlbony * Second Sta .Macon, Ga. A call is solicited aud great bargains given in good and desirable goods. Many articles will be acid at and under ooat. aprlBtf Da. J. A. Taylor, Of Atlanta, Ga. Dr. B A. Hooks. Of Obattanooga. Tenn. MINERAL HILL. SALINE, SUl7hUR, ALUNI W w ten between soldiers and citizens reported from various parts of the oonnlry. We have no news from the Carilst seat of war. Aooording to the Gaoeta the too well known Cure of Sinta Crux haa abandoned the cause of , Don (Jarloa, and proclaimed the Catholic lie Ooaatrrcinuc.—L nder this bead tho Atlanta publio with Oalvera aa President. Constitution, of yesterday, haa the following: I In Cadiz the Beds have now the npper hand, One of our cinzen* returning sometime ainoe I * nd * r ® »»S' n K war against statues and mon- ihem from being crushed nnder the wheels. M*. Cuasum B. Maunx, an old ciUxen or Augusta, died quite suddenly of heart disease on Wednesday morning. from a trip to Florida, was a paaMDger by tbe night train oa the Macon and Brunswick rail road from Jessup to Macon. The train was heavily loaded, having In addition to a full list of fir.t-class passengers a large number of laborers, probably lumbermen, crowding the eeoond class oar to such an extent that the conductor was compelled to put some of them into the baggage car. During the umsnU. Servaodo, German and Frauds Xaver, the three saints chosen as tbe special pat rons of tbe city, were pulled down from their pedestals, and the old Church de la Merced was entirely demolished. The programme published siuce by the new Ministers taxors the speedy demarkation of the Federal States, the restoration of discipline in the army, tbe proclamation of martial law against night tbe gentleman desired to’ obtain an over- “*• tUrl ** t ‘“argents, the liberty of the An tile*, ooat from hi* baggage, and went to tho baggage- “ a lh ® * a PP M ^«‘ of slavery. Oaatelar pro room for that purpose. He soon fonud his valise, and also found to bia surprise that it had been broken open, and articles to the value of acme fifty dollar* had been abetrnoUd. He called the attention of Oondootor Fowler to the faot, when that gentleman immediately insti* poses to submit to the Cortes the division of Spun and her oolonics into a nnmber of Fed eral State* within the next few days. The adoption of a Federal Kepublio we consider a fatal mistake. Though Spain has been a political nnity for tuled a most tboroogh march of eveTy part of I lJmost toar centuries, there are, partly owing the train, and of every colored pa*»enger on it I to th * want of rapid and easy communication, (some had already left the train), bnt no trace I Mdl “*“7 petty jealousies between the various of the missing articles oonld be found. On riviog at Macon, the gentleman, aooompauied by the conductor, proceeded to tbe effioe ot p ro J. dent H sale tin rml, and Master of Transportation Jarvis, and laid the faots before them, to which they gave the most courteous attention and promoted to use every endeavor to recover the aloleu property. They took the gentleman's address, and a few day. after hi. arrival home he received a letter from Mr. Jarvia, saying that they oonld obtain no trace of the artielea, and ttke.’ 'in to name their Talne. He at onoe wrcti -;lx, giving the information deeired, ana ved by return mail instruc tions to draw .. 1 'he Treararer of tbe Com pany at ay*' I- - the amount, which draft was dnly hoc re.i Tux Dal.'on Citia^n aay* a little daughter of B- v John Callaway, of 1 cr.aJ Hill, swallowed o ;xirtioE of an ear of wheat about twelve days which lodged in the windpipe. After five oavi of and -ring the operation of ' 1 X'h-otomy was pc Tc ■ ‘ '*'JOk ptoiotigHd the ‘he .itiie siufrrw. ■«' ' nut 'oath linAO, u- vh .sb tbo . *—Oh ,h.« text the Athana t. 1 j v a sec'...ji whose pe •'«d with the oo'‘->r provinces; tbe Inhabitants ot Biscay totally differ from tbe Catalonians, and tbe demarka- tion into federal State* may lead to the dismem berment of the country. The burning of the Alexandria Falaoe is an almost irreparable loss to London. Tuts co lonial auncture- was built ont of the material of the Indoatrial Falaoe of 18t>2 for the purpose of offering th. north of London tbe same attrac tions Sydenham Falaoe offer* for the aoath. The locution ot the building wax beautifully chosen on a lorty amineuoe, easily accessible by railroad; the structures ware imposing and tasty, and surrounded by t wo handled and twenty non* of land, laid out in beanUfnl parks. The total lorn ia estimated at *5.000.000 $000,- 000 of which are only covered by iuaaranoe. There was nothing saved but some valuable picture, and other works of art. The fire was caused by the niislarenres of the workmen who were repairing toe sine roof. The dictatorship over Aisaoe and Lorraine expiring on the first of Jxnnary, 1874, the pro visions of the German Constitution will be probably extended to these two provinoes, whioh art entitled to elect fifteen members to . s e Beiohatag. . '-e Imperial Government has made great et foi. . advanee the material welfare of Aisaoe in.. • .-».ne. Communications have been fa- construction of new roads and BIBB COTTJNTir COURT. Ofixok of Judge of Couxrx Court, > Macod, Ga, May 23, lti73. ) 1. Tho Firat Quarterly Bo*t*i >n of tbe County Courtfor the trial of claims over $ 100 and under $200 will be held at tbo Court house, on the FIRST MONDAY in Jnly noxt. Ho tarn-day twenty days beforo Court. 2. Judgment* will bo rendered at same placo on claims over $50 and under $100 at the expiration of fifteen days from tho service of the eummoaa. 5. Judgments will be rendered at same place on claim* amounting to $50 or a lets earn, in tea day* after service of eummon*. A. Possessory Warrants. Distress Warrant*, ha beas oorpus cases, etc., will be tried without delay, or so soon as tho parties are ready. 6- Criminal cases, less than felony, will bo tried immediately after arrest, unless good cause for continuance bo shown. 6. My office Is at the Court-house, where all bus iness will b3 disposod of, unless otherwise ordered. JOHN B. WEEMS, Judge County Court, Bibb oounty. JuncS )m T HIS favorite Hammer Resort, situated near Bean T e Station, East Tennessee, and nine miles from Morristown, Eaist Tennessee and Vir* ginla Railroad, has just been SPLENDIDLY fitted up for the Bummer of 1873. OUR. SULPHURS, (Bed, White and Black), Alum and Chalybeate Waters, need no comment, as their effects are gen erally known; but we would call your particular attention to tbe wonder of the age, as a mineral water— OUR SALINE SPRING. better known as Black Water, which is magical in its specific effects in c*sea of RHEUMATISM, POKOFULA, DYdPEPblA. aU Diseases of the Biood aud >kin, and especially adapted to the Dis eases of Females. Hot aod Cold Sulphur Baths! the cool and bracing mountain air, together with the magnificent mountain soijNZRY. tend to make this one of the most pleasant summer re sorts in tho Sooth-nsjtafi . . -* These Springs are accessible by daily hack lines Parties desiring to visit us will stop at Tur ley House, Morristown, snd ell for William A. Dickinson, proprietor Hack lane to Mineral HilL Address sli fci*tje-‘u> DBS* TAYLOR & HOOKE, Proprietors, Bean’s Ststion, East Tennessee. BOARD—Forty Dollars per month. Special ar- rangemeikta for fkmiiiog. may!8 2m MACON, CEOROIA, nov!7eod If - • * • Great SoaHera Freight and Passenger 01 VIA CHARLESTON, S, C., TO AND FBOH 7 BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFAOTTOING nrprra “Absolutely the Best Protection Against Fire.” | Oyer 1200 Aclnal Fires unt ont with it! MORE TPrs-M $10,000,000 00 Worth of property saved from the flames THE QABCOCF ROGERS & BONN, WHOLESALE GROCERS! OFFER FOB SALE 20,000 pounds Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. 390.barrels Refined Sugars. ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS’ LINE AT LOWEST MARKET BATES. .* yj*i**atf - I.! . V- 1 : I ~ ’■ ’ ' • . LA-WTON & BATES, WHOIaESAIsH Cora, Oats, Hay, Bacon, Larfl, lor, Sugar, Mo, Molasses BAGGING, TIES, ETC., FOURTH STREET. janSOtf MACON, GA. THREE TIMES A WEEK, THURSDAYS, SATURDAYS. (WITH LATEST IXroGVZXZXTS.) FOB 2J YEABS THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE THF.ODGHODT THE WOBLD. OVER 750,000 IN USE. If yon think of baying a Sewing Macbln. it wil P»y you to examine tbo records if those now in usa and profit by i>xperi.n<w. THE WHEBLEB A WILSON STANDS ALONE AS THE ONLY LIGHT BUNKING MACHINE. USING THE KOTABY HOOK. MAKING A LOCK STITCH, alike on both aides of the fabric sewed. All abnt- tla machines waste power in drawing the shuttle back after the stitch ie formed, bringing double wear and strain npon both machine and operator, benoe while other machines rapidly wear out. the WHEELEB A WIiEON LAB re A LIFETIME, and prove, an economical investment; Do not believe all that ia promised by so called ‘'Cheap” machines, yon should require proof that years of use have tested their value. Money onoe thrown away cancot be recovered. Send for our circulars. Machines sold on easy terms, or monthly payments taken. Old machines put in order or received ia exchange. WHEELEB A WILSON MF G CO.'d OFFICE8 Savannah. Augusta, Macon and Ooluabus, Ga. W. B. OLE YES. Gen. Agt., Savannah, Ga. W. A. HICKS, Agent, Veetm Qa. Jan 12-eodly -i, prea.hos thm i across the Rhine. Traveling ’ r '.Acher* have been appointed to in*tract the 1 plan * c- tv rni:ng population in rational agncultare; two me-.. school* have been established in AM imports .. j Hagecd Aid Sofalettatatt, while a nursery and T “ wild hunt" [ aob.x>i ' r the cultivation of the grape will soon rex it arema J be established in Ooimar. The authorise, eu tie! good," bn *ot on. Tbej . u 'he adapta- . i; that an aore «£u to porebaa* rj >b an aore of ihoh not tak* the ootuaga the formation of agricultural societies, wtooh, iika a network, shall extend over the whole country. Tbe Eaqsaror haa aigned the diploma bestow ing the dignity of Frtuo* upon Bismarck. This Jooumant, whioh ooat aix months' patiact labor, ia c perfaoi gem of art It contains twain ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. Ouen June 1st. 1870. T HIS favorite aud celebrated Watering Pisco will offer *?diUon*l aUrtoliona tins seseon. It po*ee»49S a migoificent Ball Boom, fins Billiard Booms, Bowling Alley for Indies end gentlemen, end s snperb C.*o<jaet Ground. It will be kept in “ style not curpsesed anywhere ia Virginia The waters of these speciel Bpringa either cure or greatly relievo most cases of 8erofnl&, incipient Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Lxrrn- Kitie, Chronic PnenmonlA. Chronic JUvapepeiA, , Ghromc Disrrl a? x. Chronic Dysentery, i'bey ere al *° * great veJae in those affections which ere pe- colier io the female constitution, snd as %a xppe- m ionic snd s general restorative, they ere, perhspa. unrirslied emosgat mineral witters. The prop:x«?tor h** proriotd ior the lawns and bell room A first- chat band of mntic, end in gencrel ell the sonroes of emasemeot end recreation neoelly fonnd et onr beet enmmer reeorte will be et the oommMBd of the guests et “Bockbridge AJnm." The piece is within fro-n eleven to thirteen hours of ltichmond, Wselington. Beltixnore etc. by reil. ell in deylight. Perssogers 1 eeve ihe’cers’ of the Chesapeake and Ohio Kailroau at Goeb<-n Depot end new end elegant stage coeebse, paueing npiliy over e smooth and levrl road of only eight mdee, set down tbe visdors et the tprirga to tee. JAMKri A., Proprietor DB. J. a, DA VIA of ibe Universitv, Besides t Physician. A- B. DOOM. Office Manager. S. M MULLEN, Office Manager. lar ^ ^‘wT-KUAN A BOG. Dj-riptivepaaphl*;* sent fret on applioatiou. TUESDAYS, ELEGANT STATE-BOOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 to 12 HOUB8 SHOBTEB VIA CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, And ocncocting Boada West, In alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen Firat-Clase Bteaxnsliipa to the above £ o rf 8 * oT^a 3 to tbe Quick Time and Begular Dispatch afforded to tbe business publio in tbe Ootton Statca at tbe PORT OF 1 CHARLESTON, R IRE EXTINGU1SHE F. W. FAB WELL, Sec’y, 407 Broadway, New York. In daily use by the Fire Departments of the prin- lipel cities of the Union. The Government has adopted it. The leading railways use it. Send for “Its Reoord.” B. H. WBIGLEY A OO., Agents, fehl2tf Offering facilities of Ban and Baa and capacity at any other Port. The Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled in excellent* I Rio following Splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the Line: 070 NHW YORK. MANHATTAN. M. S. Woodhull, Commander. I CMA-MPION R. W. Ijocewood, Commander. I CHARLESTON Jambs Bebby, Commander. I JAMES AUGER ,T. J. Lockwood, Commander. I , JAMES AJDGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. S. Cbowell, Commander.. r? .T. J. Beckett, Commander. | ASHLAND Ingeam, Comm&nder. WAGNER, HUGER & CO., 1 . . „ . . „ „ WM. A. COURTENAY. i ■ A £« nts » Charleston, S. C. TO FBXXjAJDBIiFaZB.1 ZSOW SXBABKSHZVSi -Alex. Hunter, Commander VIRGINIA .C. Hinckleb, Commander. Sailing Days—Thursdays, WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. TO BALTIMOHB. MARYT^AVTk -Hainie, Commander - ...Johnson, Commander oh,A. GULIi ..-.Dutton, Commander Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, 8. C. VO BOSTOST. STEAMSHIP MEREDITA,. JBails Every Otheb Saturday. JAS. ADGER A CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. B«t«s guaranteed as low m tlioso of Oompetiog Lines. Jlerine lueursnoe one-bnlf of one per eent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS the^ principal Railroad Ottaee in Georgia, Alaban a, Tenn ease, and MisaiaaippL secarea in Advance, without extra charge, by addreeaing AgenU of the BUMun- ia ChariMton, at whose offices, in *11 cases, the Railroad Ticket* ahocjd be exchanged and Berths uuged. The Through Ticket* by tha Route include Trenafcre, Meals and State BoomVwhile on ship The Sooth Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad And their emmecXing Ltoee have largely increased their faeiEUee for the rapid movement of Freight and ^E.®* ^ Lb * Booth and Weak Oo^rtabta Night caATimh th* on the South Carolina BatfroaAFii*t-C2ai« Katin* Saloon at Branchvilk*. On the Georgia Railroad Firat-Claa* Bleeping Oara. OHAbStON cumotb. DOORS, Sash ami Blinds, M OULDINGS, Brackets, stair Fix turee. Builder*' Furnishing Hard ware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Piece*. WINDOW GLASS A SPECIALTY. Circulars and Price List sent tree on application by V. P. TO AUE, 20 Hayne and S3 Pinckney sta., ootleodly Charleston, B. OL White Pine Lumber for Sale. 0. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO. WHOLESALE ALFRED L. TYLER, Yte. PrwSitawfe Bontb Oarehna Baflread. Gharietaoo. S 3 O. XTCHm. JL La. HAMTOT^l KETCH UM A HABTR1DGE, Bankers and Commissioa Merchants tubaaga Balldlar, ianaaak, Ja. Rxrxarxrraa More* Taylor, Frerident Oty Bank T.; P. O. Oalbono, Preaidect Fourth National Bank, N. Y.; John J. Oiaoc A Son, Bankers, N. Y . Morris Ketehum, Banker, N. Y.; J. N. Nosria! Cashier First National Bank. Baltrinore; M MeMh •hast. Oaahtar first National Bank, FfcibutaipUa. W. A. RANSOM A CO., MaimfaOtaw. and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, 188 AND 140 GRIND BT., HEW TORE. BegwNctad by OoL B. W. Bagaa, ef Qsosgta. A. C. KAUFMAN. BANKER, AND DEALEB IN SOUTHERN SECURITIES, CHARLESTON, g. f, S OUTHERN OOLLEOTXON8 receive tbe Special and Personal attention of this House. Returns made FAITHFULLY and PROMPTLY in New York Exchange, which always roles BELOW par daring tbe active business season. W Notes, Drafts and Acceptances payable in 8outh Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia can be concentrated at thia point with Profit and Raving of Labor. 0 s All business attended to with fidelity nrd Rmmi, «*" Quotations of Southern Securities lamed weekly. febll6m WAGES. F IR all who are willing to work Any person, old or young, Jot either sex, can make from «k^*t home day or evening. Want- .. . .. .... dtyor oouutry, and «10 to 851 a ed by all. Boitable to either any season of the year. This Is a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out of money to make an independent living. No capital beam required. Our pamphlet, “HOW TO Maine 2. LIVING,” giving full instruction!, sent on receipt of 10 oenta. Addrees A. BURTON A OO., Mor- riaania, Weaicheater oounty, N. Y. T HE BECKWITH 820 PORTABLE FAMILY BEW1MG MACHINE, on so days' trial; many advantages overall Satisfaction guaranteed, or •20 refunded. Bent complete, with full diraotictia. Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., 882 Broadway, N. Y. HPHE NEW ELASTIC TBU84. An important In— I vention. It retains tbe BupturejU all «■"**, and nnder the hardest exercise or .severest strain. It is worn with oomfort, and if kept on night and day, effect* a permanent cure in spew weeks. Fold cheap, and sent by mall when requested.fOirealar* free, when ordered by letter sent tottbe Elastic Truss Oo„ No. (83 Broadway, N. Y.icity. Nobody uses Mstal Spring Tnusw: too painful; • they •Bp off too frequently. may 23sod£eowly SE0CE8S, PE0VIS10N ii IIOUOB DEALEHS. LOWEST MARKET PRICES' GUARANTEED 01 TMliAP STRBBT. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. H AVING perfected my smogasaenta to ecmeel tbe sMtftt error in the time-keeping of my fine Regulator, by the amotion of aa oteervatoiry and one of the most approved TRANSIT IN8TBU- MXNTB, for the purpose of observing the meridien peaeege of the sun end sten, I will be able to keep —tMS|e the exact Macon mean time to within e fraetfoo ef * ttspoolal Ai rsttassffct wsltassi MweUa. df MNI