The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, June 26, 1873, Image 2

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□: r =1 No >nli a' Telegraph & Messenger. THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE iC, 1813; Two Rcmorboble Tears. Tli« Press calls attention to the fact that lbs year 17CO ba* beta set down •< * rtioeikeUe year on account of the laigc number of eminent persona whom it produoed. Among there are Napoleon Bonaparte, the Duke of Wellington, Marshal Sonlt, Lord Oaallereagh, Biabop Mid dleton, of Calcutta, 8lr Tbomas Laurenoe, tbe gcologiet William Smith, George Cuvier, Alex ander Yon Homboldt, Talllen, Mebemet Alt, Brunei, of tbe Tbamea Tonnel, Ohaleaubrtand, Dopont de I'Eure, aod our own John Quincy Adame. It may now be noted that the year 1808 is alto remarkable from like oatuee. In its circle were born Napoleon III., Marshal MacDonald, ex-President Andrew Johnson, Jef ferson Davis, Guiaeppe Mazzlni, and, to oome .a little lower down, Fanny Elaaler, Queen of the Ballet, and Signor Mario, the King of Tenors. Crops in Simeon Connly. Editor* Trie graph and Mutenger : Allow me to giro you a few hints in regard to the terming Internal and proa poets. We bare bad rain nearly every day this month, and grass is as heavy in the 00lion crop as I ever aaw. A great many farmers will be compelled to abandon a great portion of their eotlon crop on account of the i.oareity of labor. In fact, there never was a worm prospect for a cotton crop in this county before. Bo the oldest formers say. Cotton is the smallest and the graaaiest I ever aaw. Corn trope are flee. Wheat crops were neTer better than this year. Mr. John Causey made on tea acres of common clay land without tbe aid of any fertilizers, 87J bushels of wheat to the aore. lie has given all his neighbors a barrel of flour on oondillonthat they shall plant wheat another year. Mr. Oanaey la one of our best farmers, and says bn will, from this time benoeforth, plant allhialandln wheat and watermelons. Mr. Nathan Massey L-1 planted 40 acres in wheat, which only made him 16} bushels on tho wbolo 40 sores, bnt now alnee he has learned the se cret from Mr. Causey, he knows if he had planted right he wonld have made 20 bushels P *71:e r ootton caterpillars are in Mr. John H MrKenzie's cotton orop, and in some plaoea hare mined it, and are rapidly spreading. Yoon truly, I). W. Gear. CHICAGO LOOKING SOUTHWARD. CLERK’S OFFICE, Eirlazz Coral or Ozosstt AU*dU, Jon* 17* 1873 •he will Penetratefieor*la and Beach tho , lhe dM ket of the Supreme 0"“*' 1 Oo5 of tbe btat. of Georgia, for the Jrny Chicago Times, June 18.1 Term. 1874. that tbe order of Circuit,, mm to, A number of our wealthy and energetio rail- Lumber of case# from each eonuty, U as loi o road man met at the offioe of Robert Has, E-q , I blcx zmoz ciacCTT. No. 129 Dearborn street, on yesterday, for the Cherokee.. purpose of taking steps to organize a company | Cobb a to build a direct trunk-line railway from Ch‘- | Lumpkin y Cl DO to tbe Southeastern Atlantlo ooasL Among Milton "" those preseat from abroad were W. 8. Hsymocd, | , wzsTzmt encurr. „ president uf tbe Indianapolis, Delphi and Chi- Gwinnett csgo Railroad Company; John M. Clark, I StjSS i 111 Jodge Both well, of Augusta, Ga. Walton U conucu j Tne proposed road is to rnn an air-line from nobthzrw cracrrr. ^ 3 Chicago to Indiauopolte, on tho oontinnstion of 1 Klbert..... ■ be same course to the Ohio river, thence to 1 SgSJjjJJJ* X Lexington. Ky., and Knoxytlle, Tenn.; thence sSas.7.7.. 3 yiz the Bine Ridge railroad to Rabnn Gap, in I inim cizccit- the Bine Ridge; thence to Auguste, Ga., the I Q 1T<on 4 objective point; thenoe by roads already oom- DtKalb * pleted to the ooast of Savannah, Port Royal and | yniton 44 Charleston. „ The air Une disUnoe from Chicago to Savan nah la 7C7 mil**, while tbe shortest dialanoe by railway in operation between these points ex ceeds 1,000 miles. The propoeed route could b« built at a saving of more than 200 miles dis tance or ono mile in every five. By the new line Chicago and tho Northwest wonld be JOHNSON SMITH E. J. JOHNSTON Dealer in i WatcliGs, JewBliy, Silver-ware. Roumrnx ciEcnr. OO0!tZZ CIRCUIT. Dooly Lowndes „ , Pulaski 2 JLI-BAN Y CIRCUIT. i Baker ... |J WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 6B0CERIES AND PROVISIONS! FOURTH AND POPLAR STREETS, MAOONi juneStf — ■ ■ ■ - G-EORQ-E W. HEAD, exclusive WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER Aivm CIOA-Xk SIAWTII'ACT O HSR* No 4 Blaise's Block. Poplar Street. Macon; G-a- FANCY GOODS, FINE CUTLERY, | Musical Instruments, Strings, etc., jetc. Sol© Agent for the Celebrated Diamond PelMe Spectacle?. Eye-Glasses, ETC. | Particular attention given to Repairs on fine and Difficult Watches. | JEWELRY, etc., REPAIRED, and PNGBAYING. Cor. Mulberry A- Second Cts .Macon, Ga. j A call is solicited and great bargains given in good and desirable good,. Many articles will be sold at I and under coat. aprlStf | Da. J. A Tatlob, Of Atlanta, Ga. Db. R A. Hooke. Of Chattanooga, Tenn. S-A-IDIOH line cnicago sua iuo niKiuncm rnvutu tso I n _ lK ___ /I ,v, n t ln na,n S brought in direct oommercl&l communication _ 3 with tbs imporiant Atlantic harbors, and with p^kertt.V,'.*V.'.*".'.'.V..V.■ 9 | the States of North Carolina, Booth Carolina, u3mD.•.....’.’.’.7.7.7... S | Georgia and Florida, from which they are at Worth present isolated. These four States are mainly I sourzxwzsmw CIZCUZT. dependent upon the Northwest for their snp- 3 plies of food, which they are only enabled to Macon’.’.' — 8 obtain throngh indirect and expensive routes. 18 It was shown that Chicago was situatod in a Webster 3 central position to that portion of North Amer-1 vaTiuna circuit. ioa north of the Gulf of Mexioo and oast of the Parly (I continued)-. * Rocky Mountains. If we take rb a radius the I £ 4 1 • _ __ _____ ‘I AT THE OLD STAND OF LITTLE & SMITH, of the radian would loach every important I Chattahoochee point on the Atlantic ooaat sonth of New York, | Barrie - . _ viz: Norfolk, Wilmington, CharleatoD, Port Muscogee (18 oontinusd) it YOU WILL FIND Royal and Mobile. It was declared \o be tbe I Stewart j [ policy of Ohicago to encourage the bnildiDg of I Talbot ® new arms of commerce, which should radiate j ^ ^ macoh QZMOZT. a | from her as the centre, to every point in ibe 1 Bibb.. jl — — — — — — — , country, and it was unanimously conceded that ** VIII. Ill’ll-- 8 I And every thing pertaining to tbe Saddlery and Harnoea Baeinees, in much variety. Every description or the road was one of great importance, and now Twigg* (i oontinued)*’^!”!!... — 1 * f - * - * K “ — notirft - 1 urgently demanded by commercial necessity. ^ I n^nrr cracurr. MINERAL HILL, SALINE, SULPHUR. ALUM, ROGERS & BONN, WHOLESALE GROCEES! OFFER FOB SALE 20,000 pounds Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. 300 barrels Refined Sugars. ■ ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS’ LINE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. juoolStf LAWTON & BATES, W3BCOX.BSALS 102 CHERRY STREET, MACON. GA-, YOU WILL FIND SADDLES AND HARNESS! . Tho fewjibility of tho route had already been I Henry m continued) 2 determined by netna! surveys, while the coat of I 1 [ construction would be much less than any other j Newton. - I line that can be built from Chicago to tbe At -1 Rockdale 1 lantic. It was shown that, by adopting por- I Upson (continued) I lions of road already built or commenced, I Spalding 1 | there would only be about 600 miles required | „ TatLaPoosa cntCBIT. ( I to complete tho whole line. Tbe question has j 2 been acflieiently canvaeaed to ascertain that I .’.’."I” 8 _ the peoplo aloDR the whole line are flnply in-1 n—n l.. ’!!!. x| Orders form persona at a distance wUl have quick and careful attention. Wrought from New JerKry to Mary- tere ft e d in tho project, and are ready to grant s| v • TIAtrTS S land. I every aid in their power to onconrage iL The bomb enterrr. A New Jersey correspondent of tbe New York | rigbt_ of way, with few exceptions, will bo do-1 Floyd 7 Son writes si follows on the 17th i style of Harness, Saddle or Bridle not in Stock, v ill be made to order on a few days’ notice. A VARIETY OF BITTS, BUCKLES, WHIPS AKD COLLABS. LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS. CARRIAGE BUILDERS' STOCK, HILL’S CONCORD WOOL COLLARS. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, Etc- mar9-6m-eod DAVIS SMITH. 102 Ghery Street, Macon, Ga., Three doors above Roes A Coleman’s’ There has been do rain in South New Jersey for a long timo, and tbe farmers and truckers are frarf ol U-Rt their entire crops wiW be ruined. Tho peas and strawberries have already boen greatly Injured, and not n.on- ti,.n bilf ibi- JNO. W. LEIGH. | natod. I Garaleon 2 It was also shown from official statistleal ro- I Folk... 1 I ports that tho population and resources of the cutzaozrz oibccit. i w b HOPE J hue in iaxable wealth are abundant to support | 7 I | tho road and make it a paying institution. | ’ K Among the prospective advantages claimed | " t " j . ... . . , „ „ . I for the road was the tropical trade, which would iuonsri emenrr » th ® m *’5 0la in N 1 w Yo J k naturally find its way inland throughout the Richmond 11 and Philadelphia. The gronnd everywhere in barbore ^ bovo men Uoned. The climstio advan- 'raDiTcmot^. ths lower part of tho State is parched and dried I laRCR of tbe new ron t e offer great indneementa Emsnnel Up, and tho roads are oorered with dust a foot I £o ^ ett j en . Knoxville and Augusta are I Washington (continued) 1 Uliek. The farmers to Camden, Gloucester, I eIce u eB t points for storage and distribution. It I • comulozz oibcdit. Cumberland and other oouotles are very appro- I WM y n jjy t8 tabliahed by tbe testimony of grain I Baldwin 3 • E,p ^rho y w ( stj,;°r y S^'^L^Ttno’.ntrVsdliv^SiSo?,Z S^v:T:r:::::’ 11 toot op market st., Chattanooga, tenbn HOPE, LEIGH $c.CO„ Successors to Tarnell, Leigh & Co., ilCOMUSSION MERCHAOTS, T HIS favorite Summer Resort, situated near Bean’s Station, East Tennessee, and nine miles from Morristown, East Tennessee and Vir ginia Railroad, has just been SPLENDIDLY fitted up for the Summer of 1873. OUR SULPHURS, (Red, Whit© and Black), Alum and Chalybeate Waters, neod no comment, aa their effects are gen erally known; but we would call your particular attention to the wonder of tbe age, as a mineral water— OUR SALINE SPRING. better known as Black Water, which is magical its specifio effects in cases of RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, DYSPEPblA. all Dineages of the Blood and Skin, and especially adapted to the Dis* eases of Females. Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths! the cool and bracing mountain sir, together with the MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN SOIN'ERY, tend . to make tills one of the most pleasant tummer ro- W1I. McOLUBE* | torta in the South. •9* These Springs aro accessible by daily hack lines. Parties desiring to visit us will stop at Tar- ley House, Morristown, and cill for William A. Dickinson, proprietor Hack Line to Mineral Hill. Address DBS- TAYLOR & HOOKE, Proprietors, Bean's Station, East Tennessee. BOARD—Forty Dollars per month. Special ar- rangements for families. mayI82m . W. LUKE, (Succo8Bor to CARR & LUKE,) # hentivo of scrioua 1 _ raHroaiTjs 1 Uie'iKiil in a greatly parched oondl- | f^storage^aml'wBy'free from'aUthe ob^ | 21 PBOMPT _ ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS AND CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. | COMMISSION MERCHANT, i(nn .nit wh.n n nfrnno ivfnrl rafae. thnlnnalit. - . h ’ .. I Putnam 21 Special reference to Banks of Chattanooga. - I 1,0.302 Commercial at., S«. I ontz. Mo, Refer to Third National Bank, Union National Bank and bankers generally, and Tv’. A. Huff, M a con, Ga. apik9 3m lion, and when a strong wind raises the locality JectloD , kn0w £ t ’ 0 8li9t Bt New Orleans and Mo- iz ooTerod with a monsoon of Baud and dust J bl , e Th „ road waa d e C i ar od to be one of na- ™ kiEMn ’^ ST ^ which la both xuffoexting to the resident and lional importance> not ocIy by bringing into H tho pazsengers who pass in tho cars on the rail- 1 c i ofl o commercial relation and social intercourse — road. Just at P»«»eut the atmosphere ia torrid, tbe p 0op ; e 0 f states separated by mountain bar- McIntosh and there Iz not tbe loast indication of rain. In I rjerSi bnt B ] fi o a valuable auxiliary in case of | Bnuxswioz cracurr. I ennsj Ivanla tbe agrionllnral eeotionsare ex- f ore |g n invasion, by furnishing means of quick Ware 1 perienciRg tho Ea “® troublo. Xho agricultar- t rang p or t ft ti 0 n for Westorn supplies to tho const; I it also appears from the minutes of said Court, UU or Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, ana ftnd iQ Ticw g roa t importance of tho road I that the followiog order was passed Juno 17, 1873, Bock, rouatlee state that.unless there is.rain as B natIonaI internalional channel of com - to wit: soon, the loss to them will be great by Injured mnnIoa(lon j t was roao Ived to apply to the next «i» ordered by tho Court that rcle Twelve (12) crops. The greet drought extends from New Congress for a national charter. ? J 1 * 1 * 8 ru .'“ °.J Coart b8 a;tercd 80 88 t0 reid »“ Jersey to Maryland. ^ Among the ndvanUges claimed for a national f0 HS”’<£b3o^, the calling of a ciuto on the I c ^ artor over charters now in cxistenoo, are | Socket for a hoaxing, the couneel for the plaintiff _ * _ * 1 4 . , . I that it wonld give tho enterpriuo a national char-1 m errer shall furnish to oach of tho judges, and' Col. W. H. Meuardlo has printou a coaxmunl-1 ae i er ao j strengthen ibo confidence of capital^ I tho reporter, a printed or plainly written brief of o&Uon in tho Vicksburg Ilcralil rotting forth I ista, and it wonld obviato any unforeseen diffi- tho points intendod to bo made in tbo argument, that, according to tho census of 1870, the ma- cullies that might occur. S?WEA jorlty of colored over white males In Missis-1 I etract of alt the ftets of tho caeo, neceseuy to a sinnl i. onlv 6 142—89 920 nnalnst 84 784—and lvBtcrlllK Ine Jnalclary. I f n u nnderetanding of tho questions In the cause, pp . '? "’** ,,' , ^7 , ° ,r From tho New York World, 21at ] as eaid facts appear from mo bill of eruptions un- nssmmng that tbe white minority mnst In time frlobtennl K.nnhliran ; r ,nr. dor the certificate of the Judge or from the record Income a majority. Tbla moves him to »ak L.P"-t^ 8 abstract to include, when noooeoaryto a full and answer these questions: n81 * n R°° th “ GraD K era n ° a th ? da „ l f, 1 ° raUon | underetandinc of tho pointe-aa abstract of the Will any man nay that 81 000 brave and true I too J3aic ,a J’y a *© very goad as far as they go. j declaration, bill, pleaa, answers, motion for now men are to stand ahlvcrlng 'like oowaids beforo J5 nt they are lop-sided. There Is nothmg very trlalbriofcf evidenco. bfil of exeipione, or other — ■ - ■ - • - - - 1 “wanr anal ntArflfnn” in fhn MMIflMtlDAM at- I record, and tO b® COH81S CDt With the Same tho cer- I CO . Cl run i,-.-. I—. I of the judioiary are very good as far na they go. Lg’X oowaids betore Bot A •» I»P aided/ There la nothing very Ml non infaTi.n hi.^Xiii . .Ti,I “Dew and startling” In tbo oIrcnm9tanoe9 at- I r'ooro, ana 10 oeconeis-enr wiunneaama icecer- ernv ami nnraini and ihnihuid. nh-inilin the tending the election of Mr. Craig to tho Supreme tificateof tbe judge. It ebiU, alio, be the duty of thuabaKlysbandonthe a tho ‘‘absurdity and the counsel of the plainUtt in error to fumieh ono oonteat. and v ield tht. fair Stats to the perpetual defor £ ^ e i ectivo BJ8tom .. aIone to £ lRme copy of Hits abstract to the couueel for thedefend- "to for that fucident. The case is far otherwise. ««“ oonteat, and yield tbla fair State to tbe perpetual rule of the robbers? If then be one such in I Mississippi, he would do well to emigrate or I "V” 8 »—«* j? . U .“T*".‘**I I eahlns of tbs c«iae. snd'«h«~eiues wUl be argued I go boldly over to the emmy, for, uoleoa i J a °d Irac aourcea of the evil m-at. bo«I°oke(l I np<jn tho re «diofl: of this abstract without the for-1 sadly misunderstand tho peoplo, no snob craven I f ? r m ° oh than in the Grangers plm- mal rM diDg of the record ; the Court iteo!f under- oovNMla will prevail with th/m. If a majority P 1 ®-. If P°^ 1 fact the action of tho Gran- taking to examine the record in its consultations, of n ono ahfinlA h* a d a viMormti. I R flS explained, flippantly it may be, but at all | when important. oolun'm Wtoah nn .kill nJ*«^l m/i exactly, by the Cincinnati Commercial, when it I Provided. That if the dofondant in error shall oolumn whioh noakiU, courage or strategy oonld I ayg t g; t f b8 farmers tblnt they might aa well | not be aatl.flrd with arid abstract, he shall have | overthrow, there would bs an end to political I § THE HILL POWER OURESi 50 and would bow to .SJe^”^b“ I 1 miuilon to tbe decreoaof an inoolent majority, corporations, then tho attempt to elect a jadgo nifth t0 each of (Uo j a tj gra Rn( i t0 tho plaint.fTs Thla, however, ia not the hiatory-of American I * n lb ? f^nnera interest grows oat of a well- €#onii j t cither an abstract of liis own in writing, polities. In every State in the Union feeble fo° Dtl »d opinion that the jadieiary haa become or anc b coriociion cf .bo plainUtrs abstract as minorities have struggled manfully against vast “'together partisan, nndif a judge is not for tho shall, in his judgment, be coneistont with tbe rcc- i,«n tnrii in. D „ i AhC I farmers ho Is sure to be against them. ord and certificate ol the Judge. , . majorities and In ovary State, faith, courage „ whrEce oomeB Jj, B6 ntiment. which Any f~t»r. of counsal Jo comply in good faith od onorgy bavo soonor or lator been rewardod States iiR well ns in Illinois, and ’rith this rulo, made, as it is. for the mutual aid of U is a little moro anoient than tho organization of ‘» 8 P 8 ** 8 *.- "'? 1 b * 5*^ a r b I tl j 8 the Granges? Does it proceed .from the fact ^"^‘^“cue/Se S with as tlm Th. snu fish is a large sea fish, yielding in the j^ 0 .s e &dffinn M auf Cardonas tbe clerk of Ibis court nverago about $100 worth of oil, and is so called I tbo Nation seems to think? Does it proceed I do publish this rulo. from its habit of lying on tho cnrfaoe of tho from tho fact that the appointive system has —*“> u "“°' ,o ‘, i ” “ ;■ . aomelimoa caught with hook and bait, bnt is 06ed from (bo f aet (bat y or ( ba lost thirty years, generally harpoonod. A few woeks ago a hardy and Indeed ever since tho anti-slavery ogitallon crow of fishermen from Bhatk Island, oa tho began to culminate, there has been such a con- coast of Galway, Ireland, alerted in pursuit of f08 dg««. who, would %nerejh« one of these fish. They auooeedod in spearing j f* 4 *”'® ^ ^ him, after whioh, for three or four honrs, tho I J aw . ot th n pof n, «r will, that wo hnvo ended by ■■ who visit tbo Spring for health or pleasure. fUh kept oarrying tho boat away, until it lad I ^8 , a K ”°| °* bench educa- j t ia B j t uated nearer tho Spring than any other pulled tt several miles. At length tho crew J? 4 to ' ha °P* nlon ‘hat that senseiess cry waB pnbUohoneo. and iaspaelons and comfortable, brought him np, and wore about to lash him to J olco of , * Aro not onr 13 8np P lletl witI ‘ sho bcat th8 IEarket the gnnwalo oftho boat, "bat then followed c The n uiemory K of°Koger B. Taney should lie Every attention ia given to invalids who reeort | Ubt toM by MA Bmdy, thelospector cf Iruh be ^ y ® “ 0 e “^ ZJSSom of those who can- “> ^ of the bpring for health. - 1 -jr b >"‘ I asftsas I ^ K,,tc - °; that he may be well secured fore and aft; the fiih gets rentless, tho coll of the first harpoon ■najja, ths flih'a bead Is free. Away ho dashes, dragging out wllh him tho ooil at such a rate that It wore moro than two lnohos into the gun wale of tho boat; it catches in the legs of the cut the ooil; with tho orown of triumph. Five I»p«tlin Caunetl by a Kun Flsli. Junel91law2w MACON, GEORGIA. ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring. Ga. Great Soifflera Freiiit and Passenger Line VIA CHARLESTON, S. C., TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, | AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. Pm WW WW nniPHRETS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS TTAVB PROVED, FROM THE MOST JlX. ample experience, an entire success. Simple, Prompt, Efficient and Reliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use—so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using them; so harmless as to be free from danger; and bo efficient as to be always reliable. They have the highest commendation from all, and vml always render satisfaction. Price, ia large three-drachm rials, with directions: Nos. Cures. Cents. 1. Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations, - - 50 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, . 3. Crying-Colic, or Teething of Infants, 4. IHorrnoca, of Children or Adults, . 5. Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic, . . 50 6. Cholera-Morbus. Vomiting, .... 50 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ..... 50 8. IVeurnlcin, Toothache, Faccache, . . . 50 !». Rindnehes, Sick Headache, Vertigo, . 50 10. I>ysmpsia, Bilious Stomach, .... 50 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, . . . 50 12. Whites, too Profuse Periods, .... 50 is. Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, . . 50 14- Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, . 50 15. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, • . . 50 l'i. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues, 50 17. piles, blind or bleeding, .... . • 60 1«. Ophthnlmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes, • 60 19. Cntnrrli, Acute or Chronic Influenza, . 50 20. WlM op*jiff-CougU, Violent Coughs, . 50 &SS<.: S IS. Scrofula, Enlaisoa Glands, Swellings, . 50 Si. Gesicrat IXbility, Pliyaical Weakness, . 50 SS. Stn-SteknMJ, 8 = , 27. Kldney-I»i»eas«, Gravel, . JServou. Debility, Seminal Weakness, or Involuntary Discharges, too st.* 32. SutTerlilgs at Change of Elje, - - - -J00 SI. Bpilepsey, Spasms, St. VitnsDsnce, . 100 31. Diphtheria, ulcerated Bare Throat,. . 50 35. Chvouic Congestions and Eruptions, 50 FAMILY CASES. - as rose or single box to any port of the country. Tree of charge, on receipt or Address price. _ £!^ m fi5Klip S a?hlc%edloine Oo.? ^ Tesa ’ I And by JOHN INGALLS, and HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR. Macon, Ga. eod&swtf -DEALERS IN- Cora, Oats, Key, Bacon, Lari, Flour, Sapr, Colas, B»-A.€rC3-I]VTIES, ETC., FOURTH STREET, janSOtf MACON, GA. BOOTS AMD SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 3XTo'W Store, BTew Stock. I. I*. GUNHOUSE & CO. W OULD respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally that th*y have removed to their now store on Cherry street, and have opened a large and comprehensive stock of Boots and Slioes For Ladies, Go-ds and Children, of the latest styles and patters, and from the best factories. GOUN TRY MERCHANTS will do well to examine our stock and price lilt before purchasing e sewhere. We also keep a large stock of Ladies' and Gents' TRAVELLING TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, ETC.. To which the attention of tho publio fa invited. apr°eo<13m THREE TIMES A WEEK, I TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, SATURDAYS. riy exti causa of Duroll. Tbo just judge was long since Por <lsy $ 2 00 without honor in this country wherever the For week 10 GO statnte happened to be invidious, acd the nat- I P«* month 85 00 ural consequence has long since ensued. To I Liberal deduction nude for largo families, the new order of jndges obloquy Is more pain-' )V. A. ELDER A EON, ful than tho sense ot duty, and neither consli-1 Proprietors, ni me con • tatlorx nor statute arq of any account in oollis- C3"Tbo new Bath House at ths Bpring, under ! ’ try to save intol SS^fStCS^SuSifUiSl'dtesirtog'S ELEGANT STATE-BOOM AOCOMMODATIONS-SEA VOYAGE 10 to 12 HOUBS SHOBTEB are^owu" ^^nd t mlifZS p H!i mtoraltath^ JunelMf | VIA OHABLESTON. sins. Neither the cleotive system nor the sted"bTMbe I ®PP 0 ' nl ire system is responsible for their exte nd Tbev tence, their errors, nor the bad consequences •oa’rd with I ^ owlD K from them, bnt just onr own bad pas-1 is Is found I slonB ani ' P 8I, y hates and envies, ly that it I l£ ia impossible to lookback at tbe events of other four t * 10 twen ty or thirty years without discov ering how the deterioration of ths judiciary has been bronght about. The premium offered for I I oorrupt judges haa been too great. We hounded | I over with , irated into rile again; “Absolutely tbe Best Protection Against Fire.” | Oyer 1200 Actnal Fires pnl out with i MORE THAN $10,000,000 00 Worth of property saved from tho flames THE VIA UHAKHEHIUM. f. ■ B A A A Vf THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, fi A B C ° C K And connecting Beads Weet, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen Firet-Olass Steamships to the above | Pcrfcj, inviis attention to the Quick Time and Regular Diepatoh afforded to the business pubiioin tbe I Cotton StatC3 at the PORT OJP' CHARLESTON, I Offering facilities of Bail and Sea Transportation for Freight and P&ssengors not excelled in excellence I and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the Line: lit i hi r< lera, belie i the bear down every righteous judge who dared interpret I the law in the faoe of onr prejudices or in con- boro op< I travention of our impulses. We applauded and cd a Year I flattered every sycophant who ignored the prin- atement I ciplee ot hia profession in order to court our ild know I favor. When we had the chance we banished ration I I JAMES ADGER & CO,, Agents, Charleston, S. 0. attic pasta in good thing to ba a sycophant on tho bench,and “f' r-Mlsraud‘fafim rfd n^th. mlf GEORGIA S. CROWELL, Commander. tbo Trl- righteousness was placed at a terrible discount, vigorous system, erafik.ting evesy ■SS£agan$ l SOUTH CAROLINA T. j. BeCKEIT, Commander, is right | Wo “watered the judiciary, infaot, to break a | Invigorating the debiUtated organs, building np the CLYDE J. KENNEDY, Commander. TO 3STU-W MANHATTAN M. S. Woodhull, Commander. CHAMPION R. W. Lockwood, Commander. I ir | A eomroeed of substances iJrrireii from the j CHARLESTON James Berry, Commander. I * JAMES ADGER .T. J. Lockwood, Commander. IRE EXTINGUISHE ter. abcut I Jgus I etion fron > you will ] ver oa, at i X. I “corner” against us, and we watered tt so heav- | ilyjlhat tbe stock has been worthless ever since. the judges who :a a Yan-1 were iteilf— to the Uw. NVe instated '.lorbam I man should not tease to be a purusan, ot elso but 11 should cease to be a judge. We demanded to , for I have rogues in order that they might steal for ns what we conld not acquire <i bon narefte. . _ , .)avi«- I The judge who would betray the statute to suit —** swsy before the light of Mlence. The mipg. hia constituents, must be expected to betrajr his a 5 g d 8 J 8 terioM^«te? ^^t5lel, * Il<M Il0a Sf an l'mind aa ec0rsie3 ' 81111 rinyarting vigor to j AJSHLAND. They increase tho powers of digestion, and excit the absorbents to action whereby all impnritios o the system are carried off. The old stereotype j opinion tiuit e&lnmnl meat be ceod - Ingram, Commander. WAGNER, HUGER & CO,,) • . , rrn _ o p WM. A, COURTENAY. i charIc6toll r C ’ “TO CABBY OFF TBE BILE” TO PHIXiAJDBXjPniA.I X SLOTS' arrAMSHIPli I GULF STREAM -Alex. Hunter, Commander VIRGINIA C. Hinckleb, Commander. ■. —that I constituents to suit himself. I ““w I SAILING DAYS—ThUKSDAYS. , o r iaiX—K For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, wm.a.courtenay, Agent,charleston,s.c. proof tzed to convict,” and In the admiralty and cot- Headache, pain in the shoulders, dizzineaa, sour (I are- I ton-pnze judges instructed to confiscate. We I eructations of the stomach, tad taate ia the month, He * majority of ns in the West, at least—thonght bilious attacks, palpitation of tho heart, pain in the I It entirely proper for the President to “ water” I region of the kidneys, despondency and gloom, acd F. Wi FAR WELL, Sec’y, 407 Broadway, Mew Yortr. In daily use by the Fire Departments of the prin cipal cities of the Union. The Government has adopted it. The leading railways use it. Send for “Its Record.” B. H. WBXGLEY& CO., Agents. feb!2tf TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BAIRS MONTHLY. he like hoc oriea that MARYLAND .... SEA GULL ; er on I It entirely proper for the President to “ water' I region of the kidneys, despondency and gloom, and I TO Tt a t -■ l 1 TTVTOtq -pi .j anv the Snpreiuo Oourt with the weak, wishy-washy forebodings of evil, all of which are the offspring T? A T.fifTW tx,™-,-, y |and wicked Bradley and Strong decoction, tn | of a dlseaeed Liver. ^ I Smmanto Dutton, Commander | Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day, PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BOSTON. Sails Every Other Saturday. JAS. ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. radley and Strong decoction, carried ’ r:fi did tbt hurt ■shaved ;b nan- -n into en, vt«, f . worn I By what right, then, do tush assume to condemn order to reverse tho docision of that tribunal ■ „ a litis Pills Have n Epal, ana-bottle shop of equity in Alabama; nay j miasmatioiUitrictsduiing the summer ana autumn.. more, some of ns were willing to find exenaes j These disea«<?s are invariably attended by derange- I STEAMSHIP MEREDITA for DareJl'a midnight nsnrpation in Louisiana. | men: of lhe ]-;ver and Bowtis. ' | Ifadi Od 'er La ♦ rhapf they ^served all that eoo!( on him. I >nlj I woe Ud never p erpotrate a if any bum ine would 1 ecczue hzf* DB. WBIGHT, DENTIST JJAS removed to Boardman’a meek over Pen dleton A Bo—', oorncr Mulberry and Second eta., lUoon. Oa. ootijiy 4 5 ^ They are a epedfie. Phygiciacs all admit tha quinine only effecta a temporary suspension of the attacks of Fever and Agne, unless ita nee ia pre ceded by a reliable acti-bilioas medicine. THE TESTIMONY OF THOUSANDS establiehes beyond a doubt that DR, TUTT’S LIVER PILLS I Uiofarmeis in Illinois a? seeking to have on their T'O'R fTFTTT.T. ATUTb PFOTD bench what the politiclartv at Washington and | * thorenrotj men J, QW - Y or k B=( j Ohicago and Indtanspctu have upon their benches—subser vient too,a la the stead of impartial judges? If z party may hit e a bench, if a faction may have lte j udgo, why ms y not Tweed and Fisk bave tbeir judges, too—if they can get them? The Chicago Tribune and the Nation are seek- tng In the haystack for the needle that is stick ing to their own sleeves. Th« jadieiary is not corrupted and fallen because it ia ma j 8 e j 8C _ tive, bnt because it hss been forced to become partisan. A jndge who will barter hUoonvio- tions acd opinion for tbe votes of 10,000 will barter it finally for the service or the money of one. The partisanship of the jadieiary u a thing created and a thing oompelied by the Re publican party, which, from its inception, waa hampered by precedent and statute, and found it necessary in order to make progress in the direction of its sentimental and sanguinary impulses to provide fitting tools to oat the Gor- disn knot of the constitution and tbe Isws it oonld not un Bates guaranteed as low as those of Competing Lines- Marino Insurance one-half of one per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS | Can be had at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alihan a, Tennessee and Mississippi. 8Ut3 Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by addressing Agents of the {steam ships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all cases, tbe Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berths | aseigned. The Through Tickets by this Ronte include Transfers. Meals and State Boom, while on ship I board. 1 The Sonth Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad followed by Quinine, is a positive cure for Chills I . ,.. . .. .. , . and Fever, and all bilious diseases. I £ na 02611 connecting Unea have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and 1 Passengers between the Northern Cities and the Bonth and West. Comfortable Night cars, with the Holmes Chair, wibour extra charge, have been introduced on the Sonth Carolina Railroad. First-Class ] THE 3E 3 JR.03?EH. TIME To take them is when yon have naceea, lose ot ap> petite, yellow cast of the skin and eyes, rash o blood to the head, cold extremities, ringing in the ears, pain in the back, aide and shoulders, high colored wine, vertigo and Liliowrees. While using them no cha>ok or diet ob occupation is neoeesa* ry- TRICE 25 CENTS A BOS. bold by all drug gista. DR. TUTT’S IMPROVED HAIR DYE. This elegant preparation ia warranted the BEST IN THE WORLD; Its effect is instantaneous; Imparts no ridioolou* tints; will remedy tbe bad effecta ol inferior dyes; perfectly harmless; contains ao sugar of lead; his no unpleasant odor, and Impart* a natural glossy color. Frio* One Dollar a Box. Bold by all Dnugtet, Laboratory 18 and 30 Platt it., H. Y. ao*Hd#od,«wAwlj Eating Saloon at Brancliville. On the Georgia Railroad Firat-Claas Sleeping Oars. Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and night trains of the Booth Carolina Railroad. Close connection made with other roads, delivering freights at distant points with great promptness. The Managers will use every exertion to satisfy their patrons that the line VIA CHARLESTON cannot bs aurpassad in Dispatch and tho Safe Delivery of Goods. For farther information, apply to J. M. HF.T.KinK, Sup’t, Chari—ton, S. C.JJ. D. hash FT.!/, Goners Agent, F. O. Box 4979, Office 317 Broadway, K. Y.; S. B. PICKENS, General Passenger and Ticket Agent South Oarohna Railroad ALFRED L. TYLER, ltna—nn TIM Fr—ideal South Carolina Railroad. Charleston, S’ a W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, 188 AND 140 GRAND BT., HEW YORK. Eegreespted by Got. B- W. Hogan, of Georgia. XL xxTCHw. a. i_ nasTSiDOZ KETCHUM & HART RIDGE, Bankers and Commission Merchants Ixekaags Bs tiding, lavaaaah, elm Rxrzaccxs: Moees Taylor, President City Bank N. Y.; P. 0. Calhoun, I‘re si dent Fourth National Bank, N. Y.; John J. Cisco A Son, Bankers, N. Y.; Morris Ketchn—, Banker, N. Y.; J. N. Norris, Cashier Firat National Bank, Baltimore; M. MoMi- sbael. Cashier First National Bank, Philadelphia marie M OULDINGS, Brackets, Stair Fix tores, Builders’ Furnishing Hard ware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Gnards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. WINDOW GLASS A SPECIALTY. Circulars and Price List sent free on application by P.P.TOALE, 20 Hiyno and S3 Pinckney Bts., ootleodiy Charleston, S. a White Pine Lumber for Sale, A. C. KAUFMAN. BANOKEH, AND DEALER IN SOUTHERN SECURITIES, CHABLESIOI, 8. C. S OUTHERN COLLECTIONS receive the Special and Personal attention of this House. Returns made FAITHFULLY and PROMPTLY in New York Exchange, which always rules BELOW par doling the active business season. CW Notes, Drafts and Acceptances payable in Sonth Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia can bo concentrated at this point with Profit and Saving of Labor. 0* All buzineai attended to with fidelity and dispatch. •V Quotation* of Southern Securities Issued weekly. fehllCm , 0. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO. WHOLESALE LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED Ol THIRD STH.HJ3T. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. AYING perfected ray arrangement* to eorreot the slightest error In the t 5 n ££* 8 P£g <>£“$, . Regulator, by the erection of an observatory and ono of the most approved TRANMT D>°T MENT9, for the purpose of observing the meridian passage of the sun and stars, I will be able to zee, time to within a {notion of a seeded. ytpnn flfrjl --—-it sw — T m ■ ■ mu- u. —* *• - ■nnelal Attemtte- mM to ths »waMMt —* rattzietMeWaMta M weUM»» mom efasw wirtlaw trtJ:lt ^b. Sa.