The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, June 29, 1873, Image 2

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S & BONK Telegraph “Hd h> 3 cutJ to togr&tUia him**’? trUh the por .” vho «vept oot tb* pboe */*.-r ta* d*s'» w'ort vu rver. During tbe d%y he would fold (be ei'.k bft Intends to steal it. to t tv.jvtae :hat might resemble a lot of mute p-per, iratch bis cfcyjw, ar»d ibrov it into a plao* ;att lsr^c enough to it, aoder a shelf a !tf iccL** above tV iVhao thft porter *w«?p: ih* f.ore, he ror.gbt oot the package v 1 L Lis (•room. U .iag care to hsv« a enSceDt qnacttty isenger. Pniated mm Mm la. Fruit usd Flower of the 1lmr-H«w All the la4!nie Him «m ;hc Canine Snibtf^imrat or lejal le- pabl(cast«m. Frrra lbs New TorkTrfbacs ] We ab all be qaite oooteat to *ee Ur. Beojt- nin F. Bader nominated by the Republicans of Man-*w\.-.**•.:* for Governor. Indeed, we are yANCI GOODS, FINS CUTLERY, limi. Qinr tt iietrrUon of Criiur not oenetn that it i« not of «fi things the ooc- Musical Instruments, Strings, V Jo/I pabi>'ed 1I7 *#, of Hartford.] It rf.» my fortune l* become , ofeat ional detective. He k it 6 rt, «bo*e Ubcr» are jp* ^re and poLubcn.-.nt | gbftt prados, bat he wmm a ! ( own lanpasge to roe on* | >r anything. ra He told me I i§ erptrienoe. He did not . crldoD *i of tfaoir aofh'-n- then, rf're too roach for re;e pltueil eno.ipb to be c alwtjc ap{ car«*d to have «• jotdoded (b be mnei 1 e 9 evening be told np a case of ro>/- Lo give as nearly uni Shoulders. 20,000 pounds Sac Particular attention riven to Repairs cn 6ns and Difiicult Watches. ***! JETOLBY, etc., REPAIRS®, md ENGRAVING. Cxir. Mulberry A (Seeend Sli .Mai i-u,Bfc A call i« a elicited ami gnat barpatrs giver. to pood md desirable goeds. Bony articlt* *• iU h» cold »l mis Choice Family Floar. preen; 300 barrels R: lined Sugars. LINE AT LOWEST EfAEfiBT RATES. pert at ih** bn« dm*. EXOLtSlYE jaoelStf mrrcb.eL' in Broadway had lost , n , .■): n* . * 'iv hc v«rioi i to'.m c- a-ion w-* mre a large Of ootxraa the eleiln in the aa re aafpeetsd, bat toe re was no lr.g wliKher they were guilty or it^h had been on them, bat j-I 4C jveri-d. I wva engaged to i, and to cosble me to do no, I i (be store m an rrtrs clerk and MINERAL HILL. COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE | COMPANY SEACON, GEOHeiA. the /airman end the eecm. The bead of the bjuae explained, hewnr, Ihi- J vu a it Itlln of h!a wife, and had bun throve upon him to provide for. It wee, tin .for.., ar.<l;ntood that I waa oot to be acquired to woiit very bard, and vaa toba al lowed to go or.t whenever I inked ptfmlaieD. With this :cd rVim!i-:q I weut to w»rk at my new t iw.i • a. t d.d m.t know anythin# aboot dry Modi, a« thont wlllss them, and oonoe ■jawiily they pat me npon the onmmooeet arti- tri, which won not in very meat demand "hi* nave me plasty of time for lock log aroond i od nuaefring the bahUa of tha clerk- “Ibeo- i 'qnoi';t«d with ona after aooth-* a , text had no headway for aevaral week. In d tcoTfricp the aoeret. I loocmpanled the ' ot rlo to their room, oreacionally, and aome- tit aawa were at the theatre together. Iknew tha ■ ilaiiae that ware paid in tha raUbilihintst, and I knew joat how reach money ear a mu coo I afford to speed, and my objeot waa to find it what man among them waa living be- yood hie Income. AU of them appeared to be qolet, well behaved yoaog men. Born oof them were emlen of 'he Yoaog Men’s Chrietlsn Are i ;on. and other* patronized the Merctn* Hie Ui vary, and spent moat of their evening, there. Throe or four wore a Utllelnolioca to feat Uv a, bat evidently did oot have money anonph o carry oot their wishes. "Afte a time I found oat that one. who waa the jo, qnlut acj unobtrnmo of the wboio lot, sees fd to tie llviog a tittle bevond hie moans. Jponbim I fixed my suspicion, and wvohed t liu closely, both la the store and ont ("PHIS favorite Bummer Besort, eitcatrd near J Bern's £-ration. East Tennarsec, and nine rnllea from McrrUtovm, Eaat Tenaeasee and Yu> cicla KaJroad. has jeat been 8PLHNDlbiiT fitted - ... ,t... t3nM,Mae a-./ 1 iW-l Tbe Ways of tin rsnadr- tit t, and digestion, nch, powtrfal, honored. “What more,*’ asks Young America, JpoHcg over all tha pablie men whose names we hon ored bythoir country—“what more la there than this to live f ot ?" It there any more ? Is this map's aooaan at pettifogging in poUtim, demagoguery, brazen aodeeit7, charlatanry, and mental sleight cf head to make Urn an example for tbs youth of tbo land ? Or fer the youth of Mamaehcaettz that has honored and atilt honors him 1 If ha is, tat'ze him governor sad set him in marble or in brass, that they whooome after nt may sea tbe faoe and form of oar divinity. Tbe mors! meaning of scoh a statue would not need immolation. Done to the life, it would transmit in enduring form a oosaplete Ideal of the spirit of the age. It la because he so thoroughly embodies tbe idea of tbs period of greed through which we are passing, or in which we are to be lost, that we hope be will be led, or rather tint be will not be hindered, from stepping to the front in Hanachnaette. It ia high time tha, its tie was Joined upon just the questions aaoh a candidaoy would open; time—all other questions that divided parties having been swept ont into the Hmbo—‘-hat the Republican Israel call off for Clod or Baal. , Let w remember for a moment how he grew to hit present poeition and influence. Be raw —no one sooner than he—in 1861, that his old party had touched the top of its tide, and that its ebb had begun. Be waa a keen observer of events and calculator of chances, and it vne hie nature to take large risks. At a time when the party had just oome to power seemed Vo be grasping a barren sceptre, when bloody battle was about to be Joined, and all recruits from whatever aouree or of whatever character, to they were willing to bear arms, were wel comed with joyful enthusiasm, he came over to the Union cause. Tricky, lueky, and nee- fnl, be brought us mneh assistance. At a time when considerations of personal char acter and oommon honesty wore so merged in tbe overshadowing one of patrlotlwn,' that wa almost apotheosized orims in our admira tion of a regiment of nonave* made up ostenta tiously of cut-throala, pickpockets and thieves, it was not atnnge that Mr. Butler was for a time a oonspieuous and notable snooeea. To the blind courage cf tbe book agent, he united readioees of invention and fertility of resource. Where others boeitatu] he dared; whero they were tangled in technicalities he out hit way with a reoklate sword-threat, or over throw his adversary with an audacious cointge of legs! construction. He did good work at Baltimore; he seemed tea almost inspired when, at Fortress Monroe, be for tbe first time labelled tbo negro “contraband," and discom fited the acaailants of tbe Uaioc, who rntrahed with the constitution in front of them; he gave to captured Sew Orleans e vigorous government whatever else it was; hf exhibited qualities that the time seemed to cell for, and that in many instances was admirable. If there wee anything disreputable in his military career, or in his administration of civil affairs as military governor, we pass it by.' Out of gratitude for what he did thst was good In itielf and its eon- sequences wo might be content to honor him. Be has been already honored largely. For seven years past be has been prominent in civil affairs, one ot the most oonsplonoue figures In our pottles. What doea he represent ? If anything s': all, it ia the idea of absolute tel- ft shoes* arid greed, and-utter disbelief in any higher motive in the State or people; It was this that led him lo adopt very early the notion of paying tho debt in currenoy, and to drop it too when be found to hie surprise that tbe poo pie did have virtue enough to oppose a. scheme by which they could make a dollar; it was this that led him to champion Oakes Ames and act aa counsel for him; to fawn around and flitter a President he hated; to strengthen himself by the distribution of patronsge; to invent the sal ary grab, and undertake to seoff down with aheap wit the indignant protest of the people; to advise the Peoi fia railroad companies to retain s candidate for Senator; to bo mixed up with all aorta of money-making contracts, aqd to do all the damagognery he bos fl runted in the n*i lion’s face for six yean past. He belioves, in short, in getting money and infinenoe by what ever mean* bo may, and he believes tha people are no better, and set from no higher motives than himself. It ia such e men thst aspires to be Governor ot Massachusetts. Two yean ago he had tbs turns ambition. He made such a desperate ef fort for U then eti extorted the ed mi ration of his opponents for hia stubbornness, persistency and hardihood. Bat the Republicans of Mtesa- ehuiett* bed not reached that level, though the Republicans of his district returned him to Con gress by on overwhelming majority. Since then they have seen frauds in administration covered up, corruption condoned, bribery winked of, perjury passed over, elections carried by fraud and oonvicted repeaters pardoned, party pledges Under the (it's of “Sromperon," an English journal, “Tbs Qieen,” discourses of tbs signs whioh betoken a member of tbe tribe of the un ready, of those who loot a half hour the day they were born and have never mads it op. These eigne ere e broad, bright, beaming faoe, with a vague smile and un taady eye*—heir dis posed to fail apart in shaggy fltkes, or criiUtng oot into spiral ends that suggest the broken tips of twisted wire—e droea that baa the Ineffeoes- ble mark of the toilet pitchfork in every fold and fastening—a harried air, a manner die. tree ted, lneUenllve, tbe manner of one whose brain is perplexed with the ooneoioomesn of things left undone, end ever search leg for re minders and excuses—answers mode at ran dom—remsiks eut Into the general fund of talk like pebbles into padding, Inappropriate tod without xaiiclog. As the build of s ship In determined by tha first lines that ere laid down, so is the Ufa of a men, including the minor sex, by aocidenie of the Initial moment, end no aoamperer is to be held responsible for all the breakers and whirl pools of hia life, end no one wee ever known to take himself to teak for his burry, or find that hie own delay bad prodi.oed hie own oonfuaion. Apology and expltnaU-o are not tbo badges of hie or her tribe. They m eel way* good-nstnred and always forgiven. For the soamperer, with hia or her hearty manner, genial smile, or for the most port frank end affection rio ways, dis arm* reproach by tbe very quail ties for wbiah reproach is deserved. Indeed it is these quali ties which have mode him lets, end which lead iiim to give himself to tbe airen song of tho mo. cipnt, and preferred to charm hie present andi- 7iJ STATE of QE0RGIA IN 1869. jsntOif BOOT .ND SHOES The only company having first-cl as* securities worth £100,000 deposited with the Comptroller of the State of Georgia for security of Poliey Holder*. GUARANTEED CAPITAL $500,000 00 ASSETS JANUARY 1st., 1873 - - - - $542,202 28 ITS PBINUIPAIi FEATURES ABE: Ateolnie Seemly, Economical Haiapeit ant Liberality to tta Iwel the cool and bnarg mountain air, together with the MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN S0ENBRY, tend to make this one of tho most pleasant summer to- eortt In tho South. ■ST These Springs ora accessible by dolly hick lines - Parties desiring to Tisit us will stop et Tar- ley Bouse, Morrietown. and oil for William-A. Dickinson, proprietor Back Line to Mineral Hi lb AddreaM DBS. TAYLOB &GOOKE. Proprietor*, Bean's Station, Beet Tettheeeee. BOARD—Forty Dollars per month. Special ar- rangemente for families. may 18 2m JT. W. LUKE, (Saoomor to GABB A LUKE,) COMMISSION MERCHANT, 30.303 Commercial at., St f outs. Ho. Befer to Third National Bank. Union National Bank and bankers generally, and Y'. A. Buff, Mi eoh, Go. aprlifi 3m •E AND RETAIL. Policies Issued on all Approved Fonns~$o Fancy Schemes. 'He ae I I b. came feet friends. We went iut the ity together; wa visited the i heat re* I beer. eraene, end on Sundays took a trip Gooey i iland, where we occasionally spent oral doi are la entertaining ouraeiros end nee act ualutauooe; but the young man, tan X wti call Johnson, was oonstantly on hia ird, and - .heceverl proposed any new amuse - at or on; additional expoone, he always as- od It, ar 1 said that be ooold not afford it, ngb ret ehow fa* did generally afford it be- A T the lowest mutual rates, and Dividends declared when policies ar* two years old and applied at the end of tbe third year as foliowe - To reduction of premium whoa all cash ia paid; TO reduction Of Loans when loan ia given, or to increase of insurance when desired. POLICIES ISSUED UPON TBE STOCK OR NON-PARTICIPATING- PLAN At as low rates and npon aa favorable terms aa can be need with safety. HOME COMPANY Making all its investment* in the 8onth and therefore siding in the development of lie industries. It is managed with economy, and great care given to selection ot risks. 'OULD reaped fully ante tbt.i friends and the publio generally that they have remoMp to their now store on Chi :) etroet. and bare opened a large and comprehensive dock of 3vg> TEE MILD POWER M leynEsl “1 font 1 he tod a elder living in Harlem. Omt.uc .all;, but not often, the called et the stare. Lb* wrsly bongjrt anything, and csver remstord lot gtr than n fowmlcurea. lie vis ited her eve y day, though sometime* a week or ha i.risbt '.ntatvrne between hi* journeys to the place who. * she lived. Btverel lusts, when he *ut* vi;JI knew he was to be away for the evening, I .i*'ted bis room, and searched it c r .folly; cut tnver a thing could I find to Im plicate him in ti. . robbery. Not a scrap of alik . r too* cr g cf Ui sort couU ever be <ii aooverod in the t mm. “1 next meoegei to be Introduced to.hi* sis ter, anil of ooorso J pretended a great liking for her. She was Ilrin; In a very quiet way, lo e boarding house, she. was n teacher, on e small salary, in one of .tb i public school.,. Having a curtained her r.alsr,\ end cnlcnUUug hor ex- pen < i, makirg tin rs urate of the va n- of her clothing a- nan -iy ae I tonld, I wm aatitiird that she wuedlving am * r h U beyond her salary. ■ Oao dry Johnson told me that he wet going with h..* Meter to a sobx>l plants. He hod ob tained Imvs of nbgir.O) from the store, and I thoagfatit an ev rollout irae to nuke Investiga tions. So I want lo hie lister’* boarding bouse, soMbsAfot tb* young lady, end of oonrso was told that aha wea away. I explained to tha la. thirty that I had reeelred a message, saying tb.... ta wuuM lie si h-un: several hours earlier i44n elm aps oted, and that I vu to meet her that ail moan, to go on itomber txenrsion. I ■aid It wsc alnat time fur her to reooh home, and, if the landlady hod .n objection, I woa’.d watt in the parlor. As I bid heefi then fre- qtisr ly, r.r rt the Ist.disdy knew me, eh* made no obj-ction. Lnrkdy the w»nt out afew mlu uics nltur, aril gave mo more freedom to oper- at» than I bod expected. f im.-nsdlsUJy went to the Jiang Isdv’« room —of eocroe ii was very impolite for ins to do au—-nd hi -ir-clmd it thorou|-hly. It it of no nw telling jju all I found here, unless yon have never bet a in a lady’s room, and do no! know what it oontaint. Bhe had e very good weidroba—hotter than moat yoang women in her position. It strati; mesa very odd that she had four dresses, of rich black etlk, which did niappesr to have be r made a vary great while. Four dr. isez ol black etlk nre a pretty good mnply for e .-.oi.ol on a nuill aaf- ary, in.i I tusce np my mind that the atlk came from the dry good* store where Johnsun wae urairu RUTS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS TTAYB PROVED, FROM THE MOST XX amide experienoe, an entire socceoa. Simple, stylos and patters;, and fro't the beat factories. COIN .r stock end prioa list before purchasing elsewhere. Ve For Ladies, Gauta and OhOdr TBY MERCHANTS will do w.. also keep a large e:onk of Lv . Prompt; Etf.dcnt anilBehahk. They arothe only mediemra nerlsctir adapted to popular rue—si aimplo thxtmistakee cannot he mode in nsmr them; •oharm]etaoatobefn»fromdanaer;and so eflkieni as to be i.lwaya ndiable. They have tbo highert eommrndatiou fmm all, and will altrayn icn l^r si.rii.f.icUon. IWtoe, ia large threeAryhn: Noa Corea. , Centv. 1. Fevers, Congestie-i, InfiammatLoe, . . SO r. Worms, Worm Favor, Wonn Colic, . . SO S. Crytnx-CoUe,o .'Tertlungo£ Intvuta, . £0 4. IMarrbcea, of Ciildren or Adult a, . •. SO i. Dyaeuten-, (In ling, EiiioaaCelie, - . SO C. Cht.lera-5lorb i*. Vomiting, .... SO 7. Coughs, Colds, Sronchitio, . .... M P. IVeumlsrlo, Tooth*eiw,-F*oe*. Iw, ... SO !*. Hi attaches, fiiik Beadsche, A ertigo, . £0 10. Dvspt nsla, BRons Stomari., .... HO It. Snppresseu.te* Painful Partofia, . • . 50 12. Whites, too trifuso Periods, .... 50 13. CroupTcoueh,'Difficult Breathing, . . 50 14. HaltkUienm, JErvsipchm, toupSms, . 40 15. Ithenmattsin, Rheumutus rams,. . . 50 16. Fever and Ague, Chill Parser; Agues, 50 1>. Files, Hind cr bleeding, . . . . . . 50 IA ophthnlmy, and Sore or weak Eyes, . 50 1£>. Cotorrli, Amite or Chronio lufinenza, . 50 20. Whmpinx-Congh, ViolentCoagia, . 60 To snob a liberal fudnetment wiTl be offered npon application to tbe Secretary at the Home Offifit, the General Agent, or to .he Superintendent of Agenoiee. TRAVELLING TBGNK VALISES, SATCHEL8, To whioh the attention of th* pr.lihs (a iavlt d. eprKeodfn WM. B. JOHNSTON. WM. S. HOLT. .Vice President GEO. & OBEAU. .General JOHN W. BURKE .Medioal El .Buperintendent of Ageuoies W. J. MAGILL. DIRECTORS IVX^h-OOINT. WILLIAM 6. HOLT, HENRY L. JEWETT, A. L. MAXWBLL, R. W. CUBBEDGE, E. J. JOHNSTON, WHITTLE, W1L H ^.TJ<3tXJI3KCjB>.. —' ^'X'Xi^.KrT^.. JOHN J. GRESHAM, 0. A. NUTTING, GEO. S. OBEAB, JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, JOHNS. BAXTER, WJL B. JOHNSTON, PETER SOLOMON, VTRGIL POWERS, DAVID FLANDERS. > JOHN W. BliRKE, , ANDREW LOW. JOSIAH SIBLEY. V. R. TOMMEY. A. R. LAWTON, JOHN P. KING, RICHARD PETERS, T. J. SMITH WILLIAM JOHNSON. G. T. MEMMINGER.. 0. P. HAatMKT ftbTfianely Uontioello • Charlotte, N. 0. .Chorlentou, H. C. .Greenville, S. 0. & Chronic Conge*tionji ajid Eraptkns, W ire - FAMILY CASES. ■ JSTOP Mlngl« box to auy part,of tho S^ntr/sfrfe of charge, on receipt of price. Addrc** M^PlSSS^ic^edlclne Co?. And by JOHN IhGALLS, and HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Alacon, Ga. eodAawtf CANTON MATTINGS-"‘ALL GRADES MOSQUITO WEST OP THE BE8T MAKE. THE BEST STYLES OF “Absolutely tbe Best Protection Against Fire.” Oyer 1200 Actual Fires jnf ont with it! : "■ MOBE THAN $10,000,000 00 Worth of property saved from the flames the IABCOC7 “inere is a greet dtfferenoa between bellev- liaviog a thing ;.nil proving it. You may be cer tain of it from the circumstances, but it may rot L e very »a»y fur yen lo go into oourt ar.i show it* rerl.ty. Now, here waa my predion- mtuL I tb iught 11nr die* es wra tec many for ons jo.iug lady, just *& I occe thought wh*;i 1 eoarohr J a inau a trunk, i.nJ found for.rtoc 1 ousts of different r :x », and no trouser* or vests, .ha; It r« ■> rer .-irk it- o ward.vhe for a man to have T.-ot bow was I to at at the fset, nr.I show the cocneetion betvreto the wearing ep- pjiel of Mi*e Johnson and the Broadway dry giyidii s.ure? “ i'u help c-.vttere along, I made love to Min Johueon in the ; gntar vrr.y e(erred to my retail.him with th ) dry geo to house, and ob tained an cnitora-meni from the heed of the firm, a* u relatin' cf his wue. I was gettirot along Weil, only I not wont to pro;r «e and get an engep: cvnt, htoi.UM that might make inoaiii'.; a .i'.Gd *«-k<ratd. I i’ef.'r.-e.l t;u day of propoa&loo thi groeod that my nneli in :b.' c antry, ftem a'.u-n t S*d sxpectc.tions. v.M op;osed to nry marriage, rxoep' 10 fc 1-dr of h i onoosir g su.l .h- : I sj u - hli n -< 1* wail until ho had bsndr.l la h.s chi elcs, wi. :h wusid ho before a gn ii as to 1. da lov - | ly oo. ^L, 4.4 , the r.’.f ixst!-m, sri p'ur.i -1*- with the dv iprpsla and g»ui. sc that the sitae- i on woe perfectly -harratrg. ‘•John-., n approved af icy attention* to his r -ator, ana of coat* e we be tame wrrmtr iriruda then ever. Ail It x lime I was a.udyicg to en- !-ap the H-o, so i* to fa.teu the robbery o.’ tho in; -qo-.'d* nocre upon them. One dry I pre tended • great admiranoa for e c-rtria k ad of •!’* toil 1 bad *’. Ihe s'c.4. I told Lean the: itinitad her uomp ixion rxtc y, and was leal th' art aa she ought' i vear. It was a light- O.’ Oted e Ik,.! » pern isr ih.-d", whioh had beta merit* rtpres-dr to order for ‘.bo dry grids h-u.c »nd I koowtit-.l they bid the monopoly of it. T r;>oko *!un; u revc.-id times, and said I hoped, ju« of th-.-e J«,,, to he able to present her with .iriroaaof mi* , but did not know when it would le, 04 my me me jar", at that time, war too sren I !ur any expenae “Love for mo nude the girl lactations. Four or five days later, twenty to thirty yards or tb:.- 'k ware musing from the store, red in a week . - -- r —-,t- a call, Liura surprised ritiea of the day. Bat while this pleases the populace, who assemble on aueh occf.'ions, and elicits ectbusiutio applause, in view of tha ten dencies of the age, and the priceless jewel we of th* South have in the purity, refiaeieent and delicacy of our coble women, end the pure, mount importance of preserving and transmit, ting them to future age*—it is hoped that even that method of entertaining the ar.dioncee at commencements will be Abandoned. Tbe concert by Mrs. Russell's claoa waa a brilliant success, notwithstanding some ot her highest pupQi were unable to appear, and her ; .i, italic.* hi 1 ' cr.'ati; t nhurr.’s C4 ty the recent prevalence of measles in the col- lego. I he High Milo Institute, unde* r.-cat dent John H- Seals, la a snooess. The public exor cises that bare just closed, are of the mast sat- isfsclory sad gratifying chancier to all the friend* of learning in this vicinity. We wait with interest the coming week for the brilliant exercises of the Baptist College— n,.w chanc'd to the name or Bethel Oolleve— IRE EXTINGUISHE /®350,000 The Clinrtor Makes. Stoekliolders Individually Liable D. F. WTLLCOI, Secretary. J. RHODES BROWSE ft C*TOT UTI1I IXISOTCXXXXS.) FOB 3J YEARS THE STANDARD ne FSCKW ASSETS- JANUARY l. 1872, I Amenta at all Prominent Points throagliout the ^onthdix. ,-.nd Southweet^m States, to whom apply, or to F. WILIOOI, See';, Coleraine, fia, ! PkvmPsMtT st toiuL Ana • T. A POWELL, Agent i*t - WM. J. ASDt.MO V, Agent at JTXO. A. DAVIS, Afest at j C. C. KIBBLE, Agent at - i A.B. WESrog, Agent at t matron with a view topreeeine certain nomteds open tfcoir royal mistreea. Unerly ignoring the steward, the men addressed ilifmoelres to the Queen ir. the form of t memorial, which they signrd m r. “round robin.’’ In this memorial the laborers aakrj loir Msjeriy for :.n advance of wage*, and for a shortening cf the curbing lime by ono hour daily. They also requested to be allowed to leave work on Saturday after noons at 4 o'clock eo ** lo enable them to at- t-nri to their domestia dctire, prepare for the Sthbmh and iaiprove '.heir ralri* Further, they complained of tb6 beer hitherto anpntied, i," ax. 1 afterwar da to Delmomco's, -rat Td to be ahowu to a private I toad Invited her brother to rid hi* suspecting anything. *ay before I had reeel veil liar* from my naele, &Ld 'use) evening, without the only pr-raon to heed of the him a ua eater, and ...... ■ ' . CathberL ........ Fort Talley, • • • • ■ . Albany. ' “ » - - - HawktmiTile. Samoa WM. W. CARpS, Agent, Macon, fia. OFFICE. No 88 CHERRY STREET. M OULDINGS, Brackets, Stair Fix turee, Builder*’ fnmirhing Hard- ware. Drain Pipe, Floor Tile- Wire Guard*, Terra Cotta Ware, Harile and Slate Mantle Pieces. WUDOW GYiAHCi A SrSCIkLTY. i? 1 Prioe sect free od appuoettanby p. P. TOALt; SO Hayne and S3 Pinekuev eto., omleudly Oharleat m, 8. & ehlStf 'teprogreu- V of chars- k ae the •ethteg ad cf ar- and they aoked the Queen to grunt them aix pint* of good beer per day daring the hay and oarreat eeaoons. Extra pay for carting wood. oo*l, eto., waa also solicited, and the rocn woued up with a request for ill an hoar when working overtime. Htr Majesty ordered the memorial to be sent to her steward et Osborne, with Instructions to moke icqnirie*. Tuts -we rod was duly obeyed, me men being 'led one by one before tb* steward, who has a c irged soveo of tb* maunsrioust*, and, Wiite Pine lumberjR Sale. Aw O. KAUFMAN, BAJsniMai, IS no 1 T WO n snnnmaa., BARLOW HOUSE AMFRICUS. Gi.. WJCIT Jt*SS3 A CO., Proprietor*. iAftrte-cltAd and in boahiesa csDtmz. Board pef dsy 92. Ixxj-'mg or roe&U 59 otf slit 9 6tn OFFICE, 64 MULBERRY STREET fc&vti f *T- J IPiM tro-a 4J4ft I '. R, 1 UPaFIN, Ice^L J. MONROE OGDEN, Secrctaiy and Treasurer. ■ DIRECTORS. j aga,%sB^k- OHiSttl H k S. C. 8 00Liiah0S8 active th* Special JjWtaJaSrolumofjaijHcmao. ietnr ^RPUlaj end PROMPTLY toNew Afifl*, J*lch *!•?*»» miss Below par ffftrf MMpnfwn oof nn. . in the ttme-k<iJ?!W msroved TBAhSil indWere, f will h; r- ^^^1 haabtea* attended to with fidelity and •JHJootiBcnfi of Southern Securities issued **•“* febUtn