The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 01, 1873, Image 2

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ROG3 S Sc BONN Dm2*t in ftl SOAY1 DKP.1T/cHea. rtpanUli Dimtr** < , .Tr;—Tb<? • ;r+- 4 • „a tT. Ukt> np fcrr'^* ■ a «*f raambe ..r tbr?r tflwa b l *re mvi* m and bfcvo »ul' t'Tuir^ •fr'Yind th« Paine* ' r*pf»rt c f th* defp».» by i#* Cuttv^t farocA sodir v u * officially oocdrm:<i. e i&t' , ^iuUo8ft'ii »r*- 1 >orj k ' ( ha Oir* of K«cU Oi r*»r* it5 Miiror of VerlAto ?AN0%Q00D3, FINE CCTLEBY Musical listrnmente, Str ugs the Cr-Tebr&tcd Particular attention given to Bepaire on fit - and DifflmB Watekw. rewti.w elm, BEPAUIED, an.i ENGBAYlhG- Cor. iffllWiT * Heron <1C u . Macon, «■• 4 dliu eoKdted aid greattwinfcwRiwn to X«d uvl fierirahle KOCKU. Many article* will b« and under east. *Pr‘5tf .1 COMPLETE SUCCESS ALL ARTICLES IN € JnnelStf .1XC1UKITE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER Marin* Ub.UHd M • ma*S- aapproiMoc of Dwidmi- isuaoeof Lbs iffTihirnaMn MIXES At* HILL tclcfrijh* OmUq& tfait aogifrcKOt with the 0*r- , Ttf TO kiilec, 100 woawi- rhiU that of Lb* tebtlft vm Ain, tt«e following from Mr. P10U4: Pi. Oum, ditto 10,1873. Yesterday we tW M the Cotton Caterpillar De- streyev to acotton iw.t upon wfcfah wee a half grown caterpillar, and vpon examination thia morning find the little put, w^ati bHe fair to dea :>la'.e our oouon plantations, dead, fiaawqg to a leaf of the pint. LOUH PAULLDf. Swam to awl aubecribed to before ma thia 10th dona. 1873. B. B. FETEBSON, J. V. Eariaaeak. fa 3 4 rltrrn Hair. lunacnat, J ana 20.—8troag ahoaka of earth quake war* fait in the north of Italy a. f> o’oloek thia vrorninjg. The motion waa atrtra in Yanioa and Yarona and oaaand a panic. Tltare were aararal accident* in tboM cities, bat co eerloue data age til dotia. At other point! tie abocka were more violent and tbeir effect ,1 sat'root. A diapatoh from Trarito report* that at Potto, □ear Gacegbano, abort thirty mile* north of Vemoa, the churches wan destroyed by the earthquake and thirty persons killed, and in font vtllegal near Vulotia, faartcao i<r*oca were killed and many fajorad. Great dumaga waa done in the town at Ballerno, oo tie river Tiara, fifty mOea noth of Venice. AT THE OLD STAND OF LITTLE & SMITH, 102 CHERRY STREET,^ MACON. GA-. YOU WILL FIND SADDLES AND HARNESS! Anil eraty thitw pertairtut to the Saddlery and Harness Boalnaea, tnmnch nriety. Et wy description or style oflarnees, Saddle or Bridle not in Stook, will be made to order on a few tUya’ notice. T HIS favorilo Bcmmar Bosort, situated near Baan'a Station, East Tennessee, and nine milaa from Morristown, Kart. Tennaoaee and \a- \ gicia Beil road, has Just bean SPLENDIDLY fitted np for the Scmmer of 1873. OUR SULPHURS, (Bed. White and Black), Alum and Chalybeate Water*, need no comment, aa their effect* are gen erally known; hot we would call your particular attention to the wonder of the age, aa a mineral atyl. of tUrnae*. Saddle or Bridl* not In Stock, will bo made to order on a faw days’ notice. A VARIETY Of BITT8, BICILES, WHIPS AID COLLARS. ? LEATHER. SHOE FIRDING3. P CARRIAGE BUILDERS’ STOCK. HILL’S CONCORD WOOL COLLARS. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, Etc. OUR SALINE SPRING, better known aa Black Water, which ia magical in HUNT. B4NHIN Sc L4HAR. it* specific effecta in case, of BOEDMATISM. KOBOfULA, DYSPEPSIA, all Dnearea of the Blood and Skin, and eepeclally adapted to the Dis ease* of Female*. Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths! the cool and bracing mountain air, together with the MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN SOBNKBY, tend to make thia one of the meet pleasant afimmer re sort* in the South. WTheee Spring* an* anceaeible by daily hack line*. Parties deairing toriaitna will atop at Tor- PREPARE FOR THEM! NkW Yoax, Jon* S3.—A atrange mymiery, n- roir'ng the alleged diaappearano* of eights ,n help] see children who bad bean committed as infant paopan to the yobbo inrtitntioo >n BlaekweU'* Island, ia being ioraatigated by tha OommiMiionar of Obarily. The litt le creature,, it ia mid, ware bound emt to a Udy and afae aeema to be unable to tall whether they ere Hy ing or deed. geeraeei Immlgrnllew. Eight thonannd fir* handled lmalgrents ar- rirad at taia port last week. OMlawa. A mao of Aaiatio cholera waa reported ia Paa- eaio City, N. J., yesterday afternoon. A team of hone* hitched to a ooacb, contain ing two aaryanta and Uta children of llr. Fleet, aoadn-Iaw of Mayor Ktlbflioaob took fright in Praapeet Park and ran away. The coach eap- oiaad and oo* at the oblidren was instantly killed. On* aermnt bad bis lag and arm broken. Tima* Ward far label. The News says Oliver Chanlock ha, brought rnit against the Dmea for alleged libel in tea difl’ennl article* published In that paper within tbs spaoe of a month. Ten thousand dollar* damages will be laid in each case. Tho Hnrder Fiend. Last night a fiabt took plaoe in John MeGaf- fy's room, fins Wart Nineteenth street, daring which Jaa. Pitzpatrlek, of Fiftieth street, waa thrown from tho window to the ground, reeeir- K latal injuria*. .aO'Brien wr., fetaUr.RtaKHad in Hoboken night by a roifian br. irioK 'th'- nme name aa himaelf. The murder was ooumUied with out prorooatioa. ■» ' Nan Fraaelaeo lam. Ban Faanmroo, Jane 20 — sand person* wltseeaed the race* at Oakland to day. The fint race, between Nell Flaherty and Abe—mil* beats—both heats wsre woo by Nell Fieherty; time, 1:4CJ— l:53j. The seoond race, between B. F. V.'edu and Thad Htarena—two- wile heat*—both heata were won by Thad Bte- rena; time 3:e6j-»-Ss37. Anll-r iilnc.e tgrltlaliaa. PoirmaxD, Oar.tost, Jane 10.—The Common Council baa pasaed the coble foot of elr ordi nance, which la directed against ths Chinese. Ten oasss of small pox were reported in this city to-day. yaramras, June S3.—Arrlred, Gen. Barret. Bailed, Navtnnah. WM. McOLUBE- HOPE, LEIGH A CO Successors to Thrnell, Leigh & Co., COMMISSION MERCHA I hare in stock PLATT’S PATENT GANOPT! (The handsomest fixture in Xaeon.) Holmes’ Oriental Canopy. illSTBOB'S Him FUTURE I Holmes' Hanging gets. With other first eiaae flrtcrr*. Bolunet ind American Lace and Gsufie Nets, Pink and White. .Price* to soil fight times, iJoin* and took at them. THOMAS WOOD, n*y!8 tf Next to banier llou.o. FOOT OF MARKET SX„ CHATTANOOGA, TENS'. TO OBDEB8 AND CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. PBOMFT ATTENTION GIVEN 'CuLD reapeotfnlly an buir new store on Cl Special reference to Banke of Obattanooga. THE 20LD rOWBS I1TTIH 1*XUIE Y fp HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS S ATE rROVED, FROM THE MOST amrAo exrcfioncfN An entire mucoccA. Simple, irt, RPicient end Reliable. They nre the only 'uiuu perfectly adapted to popular twe— rtjple thit misSnJre* cannot tie made in nsinr tht cv; BOharailfM *»tobofrc*fromd«xMrer; and , eo eiRdent natoUi always reliable. They Lave the highest oommendation itom all, and will always i em' cr aatiV fihcUon* Price, in lar^Jthrtodrachm vinL», witit directions: Koa. Cures. Cents. L Fcfen, Ctmjcpstien, Xaltfunmut * . .V) 2. Worms, Worm Fm-er, Worm Colic, . . 50 .1 €i*ylnjr-Collc, orTctthiogof Inf«ut*, . 40 •i. IWiccrncjii, of Children or Adolfs, . , W 5M>y*tntr»y, Gripiu^r, Bill on* Colic* . . .M) •L Oiolcra-aiforbuf. Vom/tiuy, .... 40 1. Confxhn, Cold*, Bronchitis, ...... So 6. ?Yfural*la» Toothache, Faetache, . . • 50 9. IlrdMlncliea, Side Iteadachr, Vertigo, . 40 19 'Dy»pepale, Bilious Stonnch, .... 50 11-SrtpprcsMefilaOr FainftUPeriods, . . w 50 tli. Whitt a, too Pxorfuiw Puriodi, . « ,. . 60 15* Croup, Couph, Diffit.-n’t Breathing, • . 50 14. SaltKhewm, T'.rruipeLvs Brnptioni, . 50 15- BheuiURtiiiDt llMumatioPdins,. . . 50 !<*• Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Ague*, 50 A7. pi)os. Wind ortteedfag-,■ i;. . . ,. • fp *5. OpikthaJmy, md Sort or wealt Eyes, • 60 19. Catarrh, Acute or Ohroniu Influenro, * 50 .w,v„zn»%y^r!*:» li. K.r DHchiurgcs, topaircdKctjrng, . M S3. Sr rofnln. EnUrged Gland.,Swelling^ . 40 24. UrruraiDebility,PhjaicalWcakne*, . 40 S5. u. op^ and Scanty encratgnis , . . . 40 SG. Srn-Sickncaa, Bicknew from Etdrng, . 40 27. Kldney.DI.eaae* brat el, . . ... 40 -8. Nervon* Peblllty,Seminal Weakncan, r.rInvoluntaryDl-idiargoe, . . ..toe 20. Snr. Mouth, Canker, . ... • • • • 40 3,1 Vrlnnry Wealcnesa, Welting the Bed, 40 S!. Valnful fctlodl, wlt'.i Sr.ltir,., . . 40 For Ladlrs, Go ita and Ohil> TBY MKF.QEI.tNT8 will do also keep * large stock of I Spanish Sugars! Spanish Segars TRAVELLING To which the attention of tl r .vited. a. VOL9E8 & GO.. #0 Mabc-ry Btreet SO R espectfully c*u tb<> attention ot *u ior- eraofa Freeh Irapottod Barana Hogar to tho folio win .7 brtidt, Jatt received direct from the fragrant island. FLOB DE SANTIAGO, EL BIOO HABANA, LA COLONIAL, EL BIO BELLA, MASCO LEPANTO, LA MEBIDIANO, FLOB DS MABTISEZ A gecenl aaeortment of 9M0SEBV ABTICLE3 oonatantly an hand, me,33 tn.tb,**t How to Solve the Indian Problem. The late Ucdao trouble* call* to miod to some Waatern paper a phut for settling the Indian ({oration, which an old frontiersman onoa »ng- geated. “£f I war the government," said be, "I’d bay lata of barrel* of whiaky, and lota o’ -big knives, and I’d pat ’am ont aomewhar in (ho Waat, an* invite every devilish redikin ia the bnU land to what they call a oonl’rcnoe. After they’d got tpar I’d knook in the head o’ th* barrel*, and scatter the knives all round loose, ao they’d b* handy. Then I'd go away and leave the Iojuoa to tbamaelvee. Of oonrae they’d take the whisky and th* knives, and be fore sun down thar wouldn't b* more than one redskin left, and then I'd go and knock his brains out afore he oonld do any damag*. That, air’*, the only reel way to settle the Ini in ques tion. I’ve been among ’em, an’ I know. Plenty of whitky an’ long knives 'll fix ’em oat, an’ nothing else vrllb" Taw Oiikow Oaor—A Palatka oorrenpondent of th" Jacksonville News says: Ths orange crop promises well, and if we have • good supply of rain from now until October, •ttd np rad no storms oomo along in tho .meantime, (here arill be a glorious crop of -rttogea thia year. The heavy rains have almost rained ths present fig crop. TO AND FBOM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL TBS NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. - LAUAU. Macon, Ga. “Abaolutely tho Seat Protection Against Fire.” Over 1280 Actual Fires put out witHit HONE THAN $10,000,000 00 Worth of property saved from tho flames THE THREE TIMES A WEEK, THURSDAYS, SATURDAYS. ELEGANT STATE-BOOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 to 12 HOURS SHORTER VIA OHARHESION. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. I of Thirteen Krst-CIae* 8teamalilpe to the above Dispatch afforded to the Uuamea* public In the IRE EXTiNGUlSHE F. W. FABWELL, Sec’v, 407 Zmadwtir, Sew Tork. In dally use by the Fro Department* of the prin cipal dtiea of the Uniox. The Government hit adopted It The leading railways nee it. Send for “Its ILeoorcL” . B.H-WilGLET*00.,Agenta. .M. 8. Woodhull, Commander. .R. W. Lockwood, Commander. James Bebby, Commander. ...T. J. Lockwood, Commander. CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. CHAMPION CHARLESTON... JAMES ADGER. UMBRELLAS & CANES. In variety. BARLOW HOUSE, AUX&ICU3, GA., WIUT JONES k CO., Proprietor*. Ia fitahcUa* and in bosineca oentor. Board per day g3. lodging or singls meala SO da. GEORGIA........*...... SOUTH CAROLINA. CLYDE ASHLAND .T. j. Beckett, Commander. ..J. Kennedy, Commander. Ingbah, Commander. gents, Charleston, S. C. ELDER HOUSE WAGNER, HUGER & 00. WM. A COURTENAY, TO PHIXiAUHXxPirtA.1 zxioxr snuussamf Alex. Huni eb, Commander GULF STREAM. VIRGINIA Sailing Days—Thubhdatb. wm a . COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, 8. C. Zibenl dcJacticR eaI« fer :&n:c fraulto*. W A. ELDKB C tuS, Pljp.ielor*. The row D\*'. Hcu**'it t!i« t? tLo n** ot Xr. tfm. M Horbeu, if low op^o fo: the aocoCAOjO'iatioa c! tbo*m detirlr^ the iv nef> of p ur oii.iarol bill a. _ _ ;3T'«.U -Hainie, Commander MARYLAND .Johnson, Commander SEA GULL — Dutton, Commander Sailing Day*—Eveby Fifth Day. PAUL C.TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BOSTON. STEAMSEHP MEREDITA, — Baub Eyehy Othek Satubday. JAS. AD’JER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. G. Bates A v:annteed aa low at these of Competing fdma.. Marine Isennsoe ona-half of oao per cent THROUGH BILLS OF LAULiG AHD THROUGH TICKETS Cat. V '_?.*! i - iJ the pr.xo -it i 1 ■ iz ■ Alsh-as A Tenaesaea and Mieriseipni. State Booma mt7 be la adtanee, withtnt extra charye, by addrweiug Agents of the ntaam- *hi[- in Charleatou. it wixwe Li -= I «0rct-l lickeu abculd be exchanged and b*r[. ( ateumed. The Through Ticket* by this Beats locale Transfer,, Meals and Sts Boom, while on ship board. ■ *; ■ • The South Carol In s Bellroad, Georgia Bailroad And tbejr ocnn&ctiug Line* h*v« l&rgeiy ir. ria^ed :t^ir ^a^HUos for the r&pid more meat of Freight and PAMengers u.u It'ortlioriA CiLea znd ti.a ^cath vad West. Oomfortw'blo Nigtit cats, with the TT^mrir rhf’- *»r»n+ nvlr* « '..rx.-a » tr> efidtiiton nn HatiIL a RiJIrftiil TiTOULDINGB, Brackett Blair Fix ILL tnrae, Bnildere' Fnrnihjng Hard- Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, 'Wiie Gnardx, Terrs Ootta 77*18, Esrble and SlstaManUo Pieces. ■WINDOW GLASS A SP1CCALTT. C5rcni*ra and Prioo LUt cat free on application by f.p.toave, 20 Hxyne and 83 Pinckn y tie., tctleodly ChailoMn, 3. a sbl3tf SclKTOSH UOISE INDIAH SFEIIPG, GA, A. C. KAUF2SAJT. BASYBIHIl, AND DEALEB IS BOUXHEBN BECITRITTTO CHAKtEatOS, f. C. C ODTHEBN OOLLEOTIONS reeive the Special O cad Personal tu. ..tion of thia douse. Betnrna made FAITHFULLY and PBO’ PTLY in New York Exchange, vhlch always rnba BELOW par dnring the active bosmess aeasoa. O'Note*, Dtafte and Accept*: nee Payah'e ia South Carollsi, "orth Carolinarnt Georgia . concentrated atthh, paint with Prot: and Save o’ Labor. ■ * AH hnaineee attended to wih fidelity »n<l dlepalnh. QnoUUont of Boat'eam Ur-.ed iwklj. feblien. the time roved rta:*, 1 w *7 .jrait, «•»«-’" eoi tns ahghleet error in and OC6 of the moc.t apt r paasise Of <hu sun anc W AYIhQ r^xf^tsd my atTasg aioato to ..Betritator, by the ervelic:. n‘ an obeervi iLEBTB, for the purpose oi u.e met — . the exact Macon meac rime to wttJU. * tra'Lou of a t Ea|*«clitl AtteaUina a*U to uxs l*«|Witf*a« j *!»»■ of saw fissior* Telegraph *' vftvw--:-or. i BY TE^,EGB ; /aPH. 'WHISENAHT'I vim t» .I*. * loom* for eontlnuoaw voofiapianlag. Ia glmno- ing over W. 4 the KtgUafa, Belgian* and Ger- niana bare east, I aoi aarpriaed to aa* ao little that la raiBy saw. Th* woikmanahip fat fine aroogfi. l.rt. Uw Up>a«r* *U old. *«lf At pr*>fn m pr /ri«i<ioAl wvmmtng ap, n aorringiilafiiUi Sir &e future. The general affect I*, I meat (oof ere, that of inaaganMaa. We do not fill ths npae* wa occupy. The court, or annex, ia (specially daeolato. Not more than cure-half U boo* t da filled. The real is only a beggarly show of what ws might have done had we only triwl. After clamoring and fighting ao hard for room, tia reenU ia rather putable. We might have epaied $.7* 000 and pot all in th* finewl. Th* general result woald only have been finer. IreUar fritnt Laarrna County. 1.1omasa Ibix, Jane M, 1873. Killt rt IHeyofl wad lltumgort Tbo United Bute* mall Una to Laurens Hill h*« been put In nunlog order again, and the militia of lb* ftr-tt. diatnat have no caaas to make any farther complaint on that soars; tha snbatitoiee need for conveying th* news during th* uuapsu- sloa of the mail* an no longer needed for that purpose^ and oor meal bags aw bo oallod in and held lu reaarvs for another eriaia. I mnat menlioa nee iooldem conneotsd with the tnaai bag arrangement, which k too good to be for- gotten, and which mikas my atomaoh tingle every time I think of IL On opening ooe of the eattoi oontatniaff puekagea of letters, newi paporr, ole , I was most agreaably aarpriaed to flrd a very large reeled package, ,abated on the outside "Chotoe old WlekUffe." I had not taken that paper for acme Line, and wm more than glad to see the hi looms visitor again upon my ■able—oartorti), mixed with love for the eld friend, le i me to break Uw aaal of thia firat, and in all the linearity of ciy heart, without flattery or d taxi mutation, I mart my tf "Old Wickitff*’*" docameata are ail aa good aa tbs ■ample wmt, they are certainly "neplut ultra” ”S pturilnu Mawe*," "aw* gua nrm,” "liL," ala, eta, ad infinitum, and desertx a large, share of lha pnbtio patronage and appreciaUon. This valuable doartnknt oan be hed at all boon at the large Importing bouse of H. A. Megrstb, No. A H.imngiworth block, Macon, Ua., who la a gaulleinan ever ready and willing to raUrv* lb.* wants of anffairing humanity by effering the v*>y beet the market affords, accompanied with Uw wary beat tuatlirr in tnorio Imaginable. Maybe make L. r.cclear a. Twenty tbcuatnd ■ veer, An.l k f.v f.t aa hla money Increases. May hie “Old WtehUffe” brand Be Uw beet in lha lend, Ot Uw South and the TYcrt until erertiting MM. You oan send my papers again by the United Hteto* tine until further order*. Crape in th!- r.ctiou are fcd.ffeTcat, end thoM< who dial m fntntcahave no canao'to foal alai- » !. A ittge oolto-j cron never oan be made in a very wet seam, for the reason that alw hat. i, w a wrt seaami, 1* not ablotoenlti* vats a large crop, no matter how; welt he work*. Tbo dolt. n will geta -y, and in doatroy tug tho grpaf turcb of tho option will bo destroyed also, whlah dednotian ought to b* made in all call- in.Ue ot Uw iuaomtog crop. ReepvoiluUy, etc., J. AL WHrra Miarrylng «i Actress. From the Atlautio. | In the winter of IMS■ 10 a party ot bright and Uvdy young people had aaatmlded co spend the wr. d of Uhriatmas feaUvIly at a aparteca old * onntiy said not very tar from Dublin. Scv- <r*I of Ue-ea ladle* aa well at gent'eaen, had a'ready aetad crtditably on tha nmatanr ataga; a ■ they fitted out a targe hall ns a theatre, and g t up several klandud come-llus in a manner r at (hotted hearty applause. Enoonr- aged by this seesaw thay Ihxoght they might tu rugeonaof 3bakspeare’atiegedi:s, and their oh»lee fall oa Rareao and Jaliet. They »no- ow. l 'd in orerlcge!l ttw ehereotera except (fee, that Of Jul:et horMif. It was off; ted to several yotqg ladle* In moceaalon, bnt they all perais- l*o Jy refused, ft arisg to artempt ao ardnona a part. In thia dilemma some i txpt diunt, Mire O'Neill, then in the smith of bar fame, wee an aolrore of unblemished rape, tan on, moat demeanor, and eminent Ulan', whom I oncoexw aa Jnliot. She then regarded, justly I imagine, a* the moat perfect laterprolor of txhskxp. are's embodiment of feriid pesrioa and devotion In the daughter of 0*1X11 at that bad ever appeared on the Lon- don iv ods; her alngulat bsanly admirably aaooDfilng bet rare power*; end turning the heeds ( f half the ftukl jasblo yonng men of ths day. tko was cnl'-erit.Uy re- .1 vrxs often aa aitli l to lha best society, and had several times as dale i at private theatrioala. It ao .itpptnaa that r ha was than in DabUn, and, for ’he time, without an proposal was to t ows term •, to ooma to tl^cm and taka tha part oT Jphat. This wm oagerty aoeedod to, and a latter dtrpatched acoxitHngiy. The part of Uoniaj bad bean assigned to geotltuivt of fottnaa and family, Mr. ~ ' of Beffyflbtwo, Cooaty Ootk; jrunr th* French say, for he waa still on tha right aide of 'orly, tnd cxoeUng all hit companions lu htsUionie talent. To hbo, as aoou aa ths in. vitatian had bean given, came one of hi* inti mate Mends: "Bareber,” said ho, ‘talw my oe before It is too Uta. Throw np tha pan of Romeo. I dare rey soma on* eke can be fonnd to tike I ’'Back cot of tha part f And why, I pray 1 Do you think my set teg ia sot worthy to sup port Min OYaiTir "Yon act only too wcL, my good fellow, and idemi/y yourself only too perfectly with the aharaclcr* you nnuertnke. I know Hire O'Neill wet); there can't be s better girl, bnt she's dangerous. She U perfectly bewitching in her great roia. It ia notorious that no man aver p'.ayoi IP.moo to bar Joliet without falling in love vttu her. Now I’d be aotry to aae you gj to the -'age for a wife." Marry an actreta.’ and at my age ! Do you take me for a fool?" "Anything bnt that, B.chcr; I'do taka yoc . xwb'I-r—tG* f—i-A'A fwttAw with a little no'.'. ;ti*t lo ouvmev y:o Ljw rulir.I. are ’’ Well, all I hope is Ihx* the caohantrexe will (3 xclinc.' Hot «h« aac.-pt vl V -v'ser played iijuteo. ahwted tLe Iv- cf hi. pradcvxvi-ors, c*i_« t-Kigcd wttuu the u-onth. And marr.ed a fe- wn-ti afterward. My father sp'ut serera! day- trith i'.urn at ihafr country seat. Hr w*. ehauat-d iirr. 'eebot, in whom, he ae ^ *— - -i -hr aiigbci; '.race of Itie ac;ro«- And t6e mtr- rl'K--. xry '..,ner told ns, rocturd lo have beta emuiri. fortunate, thoegh pp to that tic,* ihcj had ac, children. In C-e sequel they had rover... children. Mr. Beober, t>igiit years later, waa create. 1 , a baro:-" lived Lhiti. ■ vtth hue wife, rad v»- snv- oeeJed, in 183c. bj their »eu. Sir Henry TVrvcn Becher, Uw present h *.-<»«. Lidy Lev her died only last white:, loved * t a mourned by frlendr and de pen Jam*, having survived her husband surra than twenty yean. Goon.—Ac impreanoh prevtiU, says the NaahrtUe Jnion. that a yet) large portion of last year’* crop of wheat and cent .a held ~r*r in many parts of the *7Ve»L Some say tao - aee-third la thus retained in hand, bnt probably tlris b beyond tha fast BUU there is no doubt that it will taka a very poor crop indeed to make much dlfferano* in the price. The present pragpast to that Uw crops will not equal (hose of tort »awr, hn tha dflTareao* Is not so great m to n ohaffat W THOMAS 1J. CONNER Invitee hla p*tnosw to axstalne hi* stock of GENTS’ FINE FURNISHING-GOODS! Babraoing everything that la Nobby and Desirable! Hats and Caps! Far Men and Boys in BUk, For, Fait and Wool. J AM now prepared to i.o FIRST CLASS PLUHBIN& AND GAS FITTM Having employed COMPETENT WORKMEN! From Sew Toik. ALL WOBff GU.1BANTEED. Have just received the oelebrated BRINLET SHAFT PLOW! TYhiqh Is endorsed by every plantar who ' baa teen It* operation. AM RECEIVING WEEKLY FORGE PUMPS, DEEP WELL BOTABY PUMPS, DBOYE WELL PUMPS, LIFT PUMPS, and HYDRAULIC RAIS! Which I am selling lower than they can bo bought elsewhere. EDWARD ROWE, No. S HoBingsworth Block, Macon, O*. Joncitt WHOLES LE GROCERS! 20,000 pounds Bacoi SB FOB BALE jul sjkdulders. irrels Cholee Family Floor. 300 barrels Refined Sngars, V LINE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, OXiMSAXiEI, -DEALERS Ef- i Oats, Hay, im M, Floor, Snear, , i G-, TIESl, ETC., FOURTH - 'MACON, GA. BOOT IND SHOES who: LE AND RETAIL. S1;o- *e, JXTo-v^ Stock I. L. G HOUSE Sc CO. r friends and the public that tbry have removed lo xd have opened a large and comprehensive stock ot and Skoes i .aat styles and pstters, and from tha best frctorioi. C0C9 ,i car stock and price Hit before purchasing elsewhere. We SATCHELS, ETC.. aprSeoilRm A Yf. GIBSON. T’aiie rloae^ is coir opets and rcAti. fc r tha Bnzimtz Campaign. RATES OF BOARD : Per d..r.,„ -.3 2 50 Ter wt-.» 15 to Per :-v weeks 25 00 Per mantb tOCO Famil oa consisting of fire or more t-30 per tmnth. MUSIC FREE FOB GCStilS. jqgfi 1m B. ff. COLLIE u E O. STARARD A CO., mi STEW FLOURING IBIS, Cor. fitfasefi Bafiaa sta.. fit. LeuJs, Mo, Capacity 1,000 kasrals per diem. (CM xarxrr utraovanxa-ra.^ FOE 2d YEARS THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE THKOUGHOUX THE ’WOBLD. OVER 750,000 IN USE. If yon think cf 4 Kactico it wii pAT yoa U) wziailrae tiiA rec: rda cf tho»« now in ostf Lr.d prods by «xp»ri^oo. TilE WHB2LBB Sc WILSufl tiXAKDB AIOWE AS THE QBil LI3HT BUNKING ATAOHIRE. U'lSQ IBS BOIABZ HOOS. MAKING A LQCZ SlTrOH, vUc« on both tivlas of the filr.c a«wed. Ail shut tle MfichiiHkS i*0'Tci .A uraTu .7 iLi *Lu;i!e haca after Ito natch ia fordid bunging doatic wear rad etr*ih u' co b n-ichiuc rud operator, htzwFhilo other'mseshnea r*p;4Jf uai. the A WIUsUN LAHTs A LLFLTIJ1B. and prov3* an econoimcal investment; Go not Dftatav* ail that ia ;;roLRsod by wo caUcU “Cheap"* machintg, you ahouid require pepof that yea:s of u&d their value. M-u«y once thrown asrsT CAtiiut he recovered. • • S^so for our oircoiara. ilaching- »old on t * sy or nwctWy payments taken. Old saa^nth-. r. pnt iiyudcr or raceivad in c^rtaDg?. \7HBWdKB * WILSON Ui'Q Co.’S OFFICES: Savmr-ah. An^matA, Macon ar.1 CoJomhca, tie. W. B. CLi-VtS, Gen. Agt.. SaTahCRh, Gi. W. A, KICKS, Agent, M»ood. Ga Ira lleodly GAMBI W .. L:if| IOLESALE IDO u u INDISTINCT PRINT noB!