The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 02, 1873, Image 2

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Telegram fr Ml WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUL7 S, 1873. Another l<f*( la Nhaumrlal I hup* ler. A Honoy Hill, 8ouih Carolina, oorrespon- dent of the Savannah News bu written two let ter* to the I'e lenl Genorel Stone, wbcwo ex- planation esto who l-nrned Colombia we [ 'lb- liahod lone daja einee, disproving Stone** slat*, ment that the fool deed wm committed by a so ciety of Yankee prisoners and negroes, and be certainly make* ant a strong case. He charges the Ttspor.sibility for tbs bnrning upon Sher man—where we nbail always believe it should rest—and in support of bis assertion and as an illustration of the animus of Shsrman and other commanders, relates the following circum stances attending the destruction of the gas works: In the general bnrning anil sack of the city, principally by tho 15th Army Corps, the gas works, which anpplied tho only means of light, fortunately escaped ; hot, on tialnrilAy the ru mor reached Mr. Derrick, the superintendent, that an order for their destruction bad been ieaoed. Mr. J. G. Giblies, then a member of the City Council, went immediately to General Howard and appealed to him to spare them, for reasons that were palpable to Grnera] Howard himself, viz: 1st. Every storwin the clly bad been destroy- ed. 14. Forty nine of every fifty families de- ! • -1 on tbs gsa works for light. 3d. Co lumbia was cut off from every eon roe of supply by which lights could be secured. 4th. The tick and wounded who were gathered in the col lege bonding* were dependent upon the works for tbecomfort and convenience of s light. 5th. That tho city was already a wreck, and that to deprivo the wretched inhabitant* of the only comfort left them would be to agonize them with the extreme of cruelty, (ith. That the works were wholly private property, and that Ibetr daslmction oonld serve no conceivable military purpose. To all this General Howard replied by referring to bis order from General Hbeimtn. Mr. Glbtov immedistely went to General Hbermsn, anil presented the case to him, nrgiog ble interference; but bn only re- ferred Mr. Gibboa back to General Howard as having boon Invested with fall military author ity in the city, not, however, without tmprers- ing Mr. Gibbre with the idea that the worka should not be doetroyed. (This was sulmfqnent- ly strengthened bye second Interview with Gen. Howard. How lunch reliance was to bo j.laood upouOio assurance thus given was soon shown. Early the following morning, Hnndaythe lDth a day HO calm and pleasant that God. Hbcrman, under the pretext of going to chnrcb, went ont toinspoct bis handiwork—it wn* again rumored thst a detachment had been ordered to proceed to the guv works to destroy them. Again Mr. Gibbon, in company with another cillz»D, went to boo General Howard, bat ho soon saw that bta appeals were nsoleas, and & littlo while afterwards the dense mass of black smoko which rose from thst quarter of the city, told too plainly that tho work of destruction was going on. Mr. Derrick, the superintendent, and s friend, Mr. Linton, were at tho works when the detachment .arrived. They oamo nnder the command of an effioor who was evidently an expert in the art of demolition. That job was effcotnally done; tho smoke-stack was under mined and thrown down; tho bolder, the one In use, was ent and knocked literally to pleoes, and every piece of pipe, every retort, and meter bo broken as to render tnem perfectly tiseleea, end then tho rosin, some threo hundred barrels, was rolled into the building and fired. In their fronzy they spared not oven their own citizens Within the enclosure stood, half oompteted. n fine gas bolder, tho property of Mr. O. W. Kraft, a loyal cilizen of Philadel phia. Mr. Dorrick and Mr. Linton, who were aware of the facts, nrged the commanding offi cer to spnro it, stating tho reason, and assuring him that tho company had no interest in it, and that Mr. Kraft was stilt tho legal owner, llut all in vain, the reply was: If Mr. Kraft la a loyal citizen ho will be paid for it by the Gov ernment Tho columns were then broken, tho whoels shattered, and about tbreo hnndrod holes cat or broken in tho holder itself with axes, and the whole mass with weights, columns, pipes, etc., tumbled into tho well. Here was privato property; it was not conld not bo used by an enemy, and was at the time almost an aliaolnto necessity. Ho ‘'bummers’* destroyed it, a regular detachment nnder a commissioned ofilcor. went In broad day light hnd destroyed it. Thoro was no bnrning cotton abont it; thorn was no fire near It, it was deslroyod by the express order of General Howard, Under tbo sanction of General Sherman, on the Snbbatb, when General Hbermsn, according to his own statement, was looking abont nnd wondering that a poople enveloped in smoko and nahrn, beggared and witbocl food for tho day, wore not awaiting him at some church with A te devm. It was not dono in the flush of victory, or nodor tba influenoe of tbs content* of the generous cellars of Scnlhorn gen- tleman; it wss done coolly, deliberately, ener gized by that spirit which glosts with delight upon ths agonies of n dying too. Yonr Knklnz society soldior was not tbore, nor n single nogro bat » full, g.»..l regimen' of I mle.l S’.utui troops was quartered in sight of it. General Htone, do not write any more. Yonr motives aro too patent; nnd instead of helping yonr frlonds, yon aro aiding in carrying ont Ooneral Hampton’s propbotlo iangntgo in refercnco to HhsrmaD, “damned to eternal infamy.** ^*a»*>— General O. O. Howard and tbo Freed- nien’a Hurean. W.tsniNoTajt, JnnelG.—Tho complications in Gononl O. O. Howard’s case, Gays a dispatch to the Hod, grow worso nnd worse. In tho exam ination of tho papers submitted to ths Deport ment of Jostloo by tho Bocrotary of War, it was discovered that tho law of March 3,18G5, cre ating tho Froodmcn's Burcan, required the commissioner and anb-commissloners to give bonds, ths former in tho anm of $50,000 and th* latter in $20,000, which woro to bo approved by tho Attorney-General and filed with tho prop er office™. Inquiry was at once mado ct the Treasury and War Department for these bonds —fourteen in all. Search was mado in both departments, bnt up to this evening no traces of them oonld bo fonnd. The aot of March 30, 1SG7, turning over to the Freedmen'a Bureau the settlement of the bsok pay, bounties, and pensions of colorod sol diets, also required tho Commissioner and his subordinates to givo bonds. Those have been lookod lor and nre also missing. Tbo clerks in the Heoond Comptroller's effleo, charged with their custody, openly say that they have been stolen. This la viewed at both the Treasury and War Departments as a moat serious matter, and a sensation was oan.i-d by tho discovery of thoir abstraction. The whole amount of money which passed through tho hands of the Commissioner was $13,000,000. The aot of *67 in regard to colored soldiers’ bounties makes the Commis sioner liable for the honest distribution of all moneys. It is on this thst a civil snit will be inatitnted against him. What They Eat la London. Mr. Walterson, of the Lonisville Conrier- Jonrnal, gives the following graphio account of the English bill of faro: What are we eating and drinking! Begad, don’t mind telling yon that, either; for (take note of it) this is a strictly confidential com munication, written from ono friend to another. We get np at 9 o'clock. (This is the enrionsest country yon ever heard of. The sun does not go down'till 10 o'oloek at night nnd rises again abont 3 o'clock in the morning. Conscqnontly yon do most of yonr sleeping in the daytime. A perfect paradise in that respect for poker- players.) I say we get np at o'clock and have for breakfast a pot of jnst abont the thinnest fluid that ever disgraced the name of coffee; half rye, half chicary, one-third water and two- thirds composite milk. Then wo have an ome lette, pretty good. Then a rasher of breakfast baoon; capital. Then a sole. As yon aro a poor, ignorant croatnro, ill-advised, after all of Dr. Humphrey's and Dr. Cralk’s preaching, FB tell yon what a sole is. It fa not in reality a tout, bnt a fish. What sort of a fish? A cross between a pompano and a sucker—very meaty, boneless and sweet. Our dinners aro more elaborate. We begin with a soup. I will take my oath before Hop Prioe, “or any other man," that the English are more successful m the fabrication of execrable soaps than any of all the civilized people who scalier death and dyspepeia over tho faoe of tho globe. There is bnt one comfort abont our soups; that of ohange and variety. To-mor row's soup is tolerably anre to be a little worse than to-day's soap: yon'll own that it is better than a dull uniformity in Ustclessness. After soup we have a turbot; and a tarbot is like the early bird that deals in good intentions—as pretty a finli as flies; it t>, in lie., a son of promissory note—unlike the soup—improving from d.y to day, and meaanrably palatable wiUt some ahrimp and sauce. Next to the tarbot we have a round of boef or a leg of mutton. Ah, well: a body must e'en tell the truth now and tneo, if he is writing to a newspaper, and, to be square and open, tt must be owned thst the English beat u* on Uef and mutton. Their vegetables are second rate. They do not equal n* in peas, potatoes, caobagee, cauliflowers, beans, corn, or, in short, any one single vegeta ble that we grow in common. They pride them selves on -aweeta.’* Their “sweets" consist, for the moet part, in pudding; and we have a padding every day. TnzKewOrleansl’ioaynne on unification: “it is a Louisiana proposition—for Louisiana alone —to as re the people of Louisiana from being garroted by the thieves and tyrants who now bold na by the throat. We heartily support the great end songht to be obtained. We heartily aasant to give the colored raoe all the political rights and privilege* nnder the law the white raoe possesses We merely desire s political (miffcation of all raoee in Louisiana." ’•I navi GOT M at ■ •’•ET.” tlfc* * Tonne I.adv r—■* 1 *' N b« Is In- **«»*• From the New York Hvrcoryl The following ’ intercepted letter," from the Home Journal, toll* fuuoily bow a young miss feel* when ■nrcrptioualy engaged : Data Allis ’■ 1 have got a real, live, grown- np bean; *°d ■ 1 it jolly. He’s perfectly .piendid ; Jwrt "*® those lovely wsx figure* in the wind"**, only they can't use tbelr lips. It’s my French teacher, and be esya "mi petite" j„.t bke a cooing dove, and he always smells so sweet of pond lilies! I don’t have anything to do With tb# boy* now ; those little boys of nev. and eighteen do very well when there aro no m-n amend, if they can get money enough from their paa to boy ns Gunther's can- dies, but they can’t amuse n* girls of fonrteen they seem just like babies, and when they try to make love—O, my! arn't they mushy ? Now, Monsieur Fontaine acta as if be had been en gaged twenty times, although I'm his first love; but we don't let on before ma, and Thnee. It makes Arethusa awfnl mad to have me call her T hose, and that's the reason I do it. I heard h» r »*k ma the other day if that Freoch- man'a manner* were not too familiar toward tt a', child. Child! She's awfully afraid of my lieing a yonng lady! What need she care, now ahe'a married? Wasn't she spooney, thongb, about Fred! When he used to oome and see her, I would drag Tommy into the room and pat my arm aronnd hi* waist and squeeze hi* hand until her faoe wonld be ai rod as a beet. Hnoh fan! I osngbt her kissing him once—inch s littlo nipping kirn, just ss if *he ware Usting pepper sauce. How, if I pre tended to kiss s man, Td do it In right good earnest; jnst plant my feet equate on the ground and give to him sore pop right on the bps. O, AUie, poor Those would go off on a dead faint at my low bred expressions, and in. form me, for the nine hundred and ninth time, that my name is Ellsworth. Just as if I didn't know my own name, and what dee* it matter any way, when I expect to change it so soon ? I do not intend to hang on to it till I am a horrid old maid, like poor Miss Tracy opposite. Hbe might bo a warning to the strongest-minded. Hbp a nervous, and how I do Ioto to scare her. I promised Tommy the other dsy five cents worth of pea enta to let me hold him out of oar third story window. He'd let me skin him for a paper of pen nnts. So I got him ont, and knelt down nnder tho window lodge, where I couldn't be seen, and held tight bold of his wrists. Those mink* my strength is disgusting. Pretty noon there waa an elderly shriek, and then an elderly form rnshed across the street to mother, but by tho time they got np stairs I was seated quietly at my crochet-work, and Tommy was turning summeraanlu on tbo bod, over the lovely fluted pillow-case*. And ma still thinks it is poor Miss Tracy that is “a little wild at times." I lovs my brother Fred ever so moefa, bnt I don't fee how he ever cams to fancy sneh a die- away specimen as cor Those. Becanse she is so awfnlly pretty, I suppose ; bnt she just tarns him around her thumb. If he refuses to get what she wants, she jnst looks Uke s martyr in ths Aimes, and lets down all her back hair like tho Magdalen* in the picture gallery. And although thoy are roal pretty hanging on tho walls, even »n artist does not want to sit at Iho table three times a day opposite a livo one, with her eyea rolled np and her hair down her back. Ho poor Fred always gives in, and the smiles a forgiving smile, puts np her hair, and groa off to buy tbo line silk or the set of jewelry thst has taken her fancy. And when she gets it eho keeps tight hold of it, too. Bhe has never given me even a enff button. Thnae always was stingy. And she is so atnek-np, because she has got a son. Jnst ns If it were something wonderful. Why, Mrs. Tubbs, our lanndress, has eight of them, besides one lhatwss drowned and one scalded, and ahe isn’t a bit set np. But Arethnsa says “my boy!” and does the mater nal all to plocea. Sbo thinks Alexis is mado ont of nloer materials than most babies, and I know rhe doesn’t believe the catechism whore it says he waa mado ont of the vulgar dost of the earth. I suppose she thinks rose leaves and corn starch were tuod to make np his delicate organization. It wonld relieve my feelings to seo a speck of dirt on that child's fsce; it makes mo ache to see him so painfully clenn. And aho thinks he is going to be a littlo Solo mon, or some bnmbng or other. Now, Allte, I have got a secret that yon mnsn'ttell a living sonh If you do I will never forgivo yon. I have promiied Monsieur Fon- buno to bo married in threo weeks, on my four teenth birthday, and if mother seems likely to object wo aro going to elopo, jnst like tbo girls In the novols. Won't it be splendid? Jnst think wbat a sensation it will make! The Chicago papers will be foil of it. “Elopement in high life. Tho lovely daughter of tbo rioh and ele gant Mrs. E h eloped with her teaober.” Poor Those wonld do high tragedy, wring her hands, and talk of the disgrace to thoir noble honse of Ellsworth. I should think her delicate ahonlders wonld ache from carrying onr noblo honso so long. Now, don’t yon breathe a word abont it, and I will stand by you if yon ran away with a shoeblack. Married at fonrteen! Jnst think! I shall boat Those ont and out. Then, too, aomething might happen to Monsionr Fontaine. Of coarse I wouldn't hnvo anything happen to him for tho world ; but then something might, you know— tho railroads are always smashing np; and if there should, why then 1 wonld be a yonng and intereating widow; and black crape with my fair oomplexion wonld bo so nweot, and O, Al ii®, do yon think that I am too young to wear a widow's cap ? What a blow that cap wonld bo to Arctbnaa! Sbo wonld rather receive a whole paper of neodles in her aide—that is, gold- beaded ones, not yonr common steel things. Now, AUie Wyndham, If yon tell yon'll be jnst os moan as yon can be. Celia Elllswosth (for a little while.) Faov Russia to India.—1L de Lo seeps, the builder of tbo Snez Canal, is to construct a rail- road from Orenburg to Poahawar, a frontier city of Afghanistan, and thus connect Boasts with India. The length of the. road will be 3,740 kilometres (abont 2,324 miles,) and tho lino will probably inn not between tho Black and Caspian seas through the Caucasus, but caatwsrdly from the Caspian either along its coast or farther east nlong tho thither aide of tho sos of Aral, np the Sir Daria, and thence by the great monntain rage of Middlo Asia in a wide bend past Bokhara, Herat, and Kabul. England may object to having Bnsaia have snch ready aocess to India, which might place Anglo- Indian land traffia nnder Hussion control, bnt U. de Lessepa is of the opinion that the con struction of such a road in Central Asia wonld pnt an end to tho antagonism between England and Kussia. Don't Swexb.—The President, if he drinks, don’t swear. The Washington Star has the fol lowing; “On Friday afternoon, before leav ing for Long Branch, ths President took a stroll along H afreet, and dropped in to see a friend, who is a well-known citizen of Washington. During hia stay the daughter of the gentleman referred to romarked that ahe had heard a pleasant thing abont him. The President In quired to what she referred. *1 have been told by an officer who served with you in the army,’ said she, ‘that he ha' been with yon nnder many trying circumstances and that in no siDgle instance, no matter what ths provocation, had ho ever known yon to mako nso of profane language. I was delighted to hear this, espe cially in view of the fact that profanity is said to be the rule and not the exception among army efffaerr. Will yon exonse me, Mr. Presi dent, if I inquire if what I beard is trne?' Tt is, I believe,' modestly replied the President. ‘I have always regarded profane language as unnecessary, tossy the least, and aa I am a man of few words, I have never been able to under stand the neoeesity for useless expressions of the charaoter referred to." WHISENAN^T’S COTTON Caterpillar Destroyer! TTTE An «olo sgents for the 8uto of Qeorgi* V Y for tba compounding and *xle cf tba *b -re preparation. It hat* been fully tested and proved to be A COMPLEtE SUCCESS! We could preaont nnmeroua certificate* aa to its menu, but herewith gtv. James H. Oirtmsn'a, of Washington eonntv, Ttxas, formerly of Decatur county, Ol, to wit: I hs7e known Mr. G. V. Whisrnint long and welb and have noticed vary closely his expenmen tt for the past few years to destroy ths Cotton Cat erpillar. which resulted in a foil and complete auc- ceva in this oounty. JAMES H. GIBTMAN. Also, the following from Mr. Panllin : Ft. Guns, Juno 10,1873. Testcrdiy we applied ths Cotton Caterpillar De stroyer to a cotton plant npon which waa a half grown caterpillar, arid npon examination this morning find the little peat, which bids fair to desolate onr cotton plantations, dead, hanging to a leaf of the plant. LOUS FACLLDf. Sworn to and subscribed to before me this 10th June, 1873. B. B. FETE3S0X. J. P. Parties giving ns ten days’ notice will be sup plied with the compound. Price in packages anffi. ciant for five acre*, 37 50. Terms STRICTLY CASH. We can famish the compound only to tboeo who have purchased the right to use it. nUNT, BANKIN' & LlMAlI. jnneI5oodA*Gm MODOCS! Are not coming, bat MOSQUITOES ABE PREPARE FOR THEM! I fiAve in Block PLATT’S PATENT CANOPY! (The handsomest fixture in Macon.) Holmes’ Oriental Canopy. ARMSTRONG’S PATENT FIXTDRE! Holmes’ Hanging Nets. With other first class fixtures. Bolilnet and American Lace and Gauze Nets, Pink and White. Prices to snit tight times. Como and took at them. THOMAS WOOD, maylS tt Next to banter House, Spanish Segars! Spanish Segars! a. VOLdEfi & CO.. 90 Mu borry 8treet 90 T>E3PE0TFULLY call the attention of alllov- -sV era °f a Fresh Imported Havana 8egar to the following brands, just received direct from tho fragrant island. FLOR DE SANTIAGO, EL BICO HABANA, LA COLONIAL, EL BIO SELLA, HANOO LEPANTO, LA MEBIDIANO, FLOB DE MABTINEZ. A general assortment of SMOKERS’ ARTICLES constantly on hand. mi;20 Silveu Mini ix Eist TcofEjara.—The Knox ville Press and Herald says: “A report reaches us from Sevier county of tho probable discovery of silver at a place in that county known as tho ‘grape yard.’ An old mine has been opened to some extent, and uten sils consisting of picks, spades and crucibles, used by some unknown race of tbs past have been fonnd. The oldest inhabitants are unable to give any aoeonnt of the mystie ‘money dig gers.’ The vein of ore has not yet been reached, bnt fragments of nearly pare silver, one of the pieces about the size of a walnut, have been taken or.:. The mine is in a cave, which opens in a cornfield on the land of 'Squire H. B. Ba ker. A hand-spike was fonnd which, beiDg picked np, crumbled into dust, showing that the length of time which has elapsed since the former cf the mine has been very great The disoovrry was made by Mr. Lord, liTing south of th6 river in this county. Oar inform ant waa present at an exploration of the cave, and saw a nnmber of the fragments of silver ore which have been fonnd. Considerable ex- citement is said to prevail over the discovery.' Fcom a report of Gen. D. H. Hill’s recent address at Furman University, 8. 0.: “The ad dress was weli delivered, and full, aa you wonld f xpect of sarcasm, satire, ridicule and mv.-e- tive. It ovefiowed with anecdote and history. Sonth Carolina was Poland, and the North .-a three emperors who divided and at last de stroyed Poland. If, as he said, progress was deterioration, he is still on the old devotion. He is the first reconstructed man I have bear 1 speak. He glories in tho South ; he iiefp:.-c» tfce North. IIis sentiments were apparently in sympathy with the audience, is they applauded him constantly. Toward the last, hie ness ot educating the Southern people to indof-ry and economy, to trades and not professions, squinted mnoh to Yankee views, and wonld make n* aii business men and women, not philosophers and thinkers. It waa an able address, and .v time* eloquent, but its general spirit waa r-n -il and bitter, and calculated to open al Jtit! Carolina a old wound* and make her feel :t bly her wrongs." PLUMBING- -AND- GAS PITTING! J AM now prepared to do FIRST CLASS FIDHBING AND GAS FITTING, Having employed COMPETENT WORKMEN! From New York. _ ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Have jut received the celebrated BRINLEY SHAFT PLOW! Which is endorsed by every planter who has seen Us operation. AM RECEIVING WEEKLY FORCE PUMPS, DEEP WELL BOTABI PUMPS, DBOYE WELL PUMPS, LIFT PUMPS, and HYDRAULIC RAMS! Which I am selling lower than they can be bonght elsewhere. EDWABD BOWE, Ko. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Ga. Jtitf BARLOW HOUSE, AMEBICCS, GA., WILEY JOXES 4 CO., Proprietors. Is first-class and in bnsinesa center. Board per dsy *2. Lodging or single meals 50 eta. raxyt) 5m (wna laixst i scraovzrcxxT s.) FOR 2) YEARS THE standard op excellence THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OVER 750,000 I IN USE. If you think of baying a Sewing Mi .chine it wU pay yea to exacnae the record* cf thoee now in nw and profit by experience. THE WHEELER \ 1 5E 8uX ^ANDS alone as the only LIGHT KENNING MACHINE, LOSING THE LOTART HOOK, MAKING A LOCK STITCH, ahkt» a both ftei of tho fabric aowt-d. All ehnt- ti- xnAcLinw w»*te power in drawing tho ahnttle t: i: ‘he fiitoh is formed, bri aging doable wtxz l i u-)on both machine «nd operator, b.-nev while ether machines rapidly wear ont, the WHEELER A \ IlSON LAbTd A LIFETIME, and prottv ar. _ t>Domical investment; Do not - «... . .** remised by to cai. t-d ‘ Cheap” C! ^*h ' aid require proof that yeaia of nr* Lie let si xl jir value. Moner once thrown away car.’c t l e n revered. 5?fad fer oar cir« alare. Machines sold on easy ul-i, cr ssnt -.y payments taken. Old machines pet in ct - s c*r re* ,-ivod in exchange. WHKELt. . WIUjON KFG CO.’S! OFFICES : fc * . hn;.Tu.ta, Macon, and Columbus, Ga. It. B. Chit AS, Gan. Agt , Savannah, Ga. A. HICKS, Ageut, JIaoon, Ga. Jan U-eodly JOHNSOTNT & SJYIITH WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! FOURTH AND POPLAR STREETS. MACON. Jnns5tf 6-EOEG-E W. HEAD, EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER *ekTJD CIGAR MAULrrA.OTORBIl. No. 4 Blake’s Block. Poplar Street, Macon; Ga. AT THE OLD STAND OF LITTLE & SMITH, 102 CHERRY* STREET. MACON. GA, YOU WILL FIND SADDLES AND HARNESS! And every thing pertaining to the Saddlery and Harness Business, in much variety. Every description or etylo of Harness, ti&ddle or Bridle not in Stock, will bo m&do to older on a few d&ys* notice. A VARIETY OF BITTS, BUCKLES, WHIPS AM) COLLARS. LEATHER, 8H0E FINDINGS. CARRIAGE BUILDERS’ STOCK, HILL’S CONCORD WOOL COLLARS. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, Etc- Orders form persons at a distance will havo quick and careful attention. DAVIS SMITH. 102 Chery Street, Macon, Ga., mirO-fim-eod Three doors above Boss A Coleman’s JNO. W. LEIGH. WM. McOLUBE HOPE, LEIGH * CO., Successors to Tarnell, Leigh & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOOT OF MARKET ST.. CHATTANOOGA, TENNi PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS AND CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. Special reference to Banka of Chattanooga. aprl8eodSm W W GO CO MACON, GEORGIA, Great Somiern Freight and Passenger Line VIA CHARLESTON, S. C., TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND AT.T. the NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. THREE TIMES A WEEK, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, SATURDAYS. ELEGANT STATE-EOOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 to 12 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, Ani ocnuocriug Roads West, in alliance with tho Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steamehlps to the above Berta, invito attention to tho Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the busineea public in the Cotton SUtca at the PORT OF 1 CHARLESTON, Offering facilities of Bail and 8ea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled In excellence and capacity at any other Port. Tho following splendid Ocean Steam ora aro regularly on tho Lino: TO praiW YORK. MANHATTAN M. S. Woodhuix, Commander. CHAMPION E W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON James Berry, Commander. JAMES - T * J- Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, 8. C. GEORGIA Ceoweix, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA -T- J- Beckett, Commander. CLYDE -J- Kennedy, Commander. A8HLANT)...-......— Ingram, Commander. S. 6 SBh®' ! A *“ u ’ a c - TO FHIIsASSXiFBXAl IRON STEAMSHIPS; GULF STREAM— -Alex. Hunter, Commander VIRGINIA Hinckleb, Commander. Sailing Days—Thursdays. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, 8. C. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALLS MONTHLY. TO BALTIMOFIE. FALCON Hainie, Commander MARYLAND Johnson, Commander ftFiA GULL Dutton, Commander Sailing Day3—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BOBTONT. STEAMSHIP MEREDITA, Hails Every Other Saturday. JAS. ADGER & C0-, Agents, Charleston, S. C. Bates guaranteed u low as of Competing Lines* Marino Insurance one-half of one per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Gan be had at all the principal Railroad Office* in Georgia, Alaban a, Tennessee and Mississippi. State Rooms may bo occured in advance, without extra charge, by addressing Agents of the utaant- ahiDe in Charleston, at whose ofilces, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Bertha assigned. The Through Ticket* by this Route include Transfers, Meals and State Boom, while on ship board. The South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad And their connecting Lines have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and Passengers between th* Northern Cities and the Sonth and Weet. Comfortable Night cars, with the Holme* Chair, wihout extra charge, have been introduced on the Sonth Carolina Railroad First-Class Eating Saloon at Branclmile. On th* Georgia Railroad Firet-Claaa Sleeping Cara. Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and night trains of the Booth Carolina Railroad, dose connection made with other roads, delivering freight* at distant point* with great promptness. Th* Managers will use every exertion to aatiafy their patrons that the line VIA CHARLESTON cannot b* **rp*ased in Dispatch and the Safe Delivery or Goods. __ _ „ _ _ _ „ For further information, apply to J. M. UET.KTRKj SnpX Charleston, S. C.;B. D. HASSELL, Genera Agent, P. O. Box 4979, Office 817 Broadway, N. Y.; 8.B. PICKENS, General Passenger and Ticket Ageoi tooth Oarohn* Railroad _ , _ _____ ALFRED L. TYLER, jmllMffii YIN PnrtftBt Booth Osmliiw Bsfimsd, Ohstlaatim, B; A E. J. JOHNSTON Dealer in ffalclies, Jewelry, Silver-ware. FANCY G00D3, FINE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments, Strings, ETC., ETC. Solo Agont for the Celebrated Diamond Pebble Spectele?. Eye-Glasses, rrc. Particular attention riven to Repairs on fine and Difficult Watches. JEWELRY, etc., REPAIRED, and ENGRAVING. t'*r. Mulberry- A Keronil Sts .Mncen, Ga. A call i* solicited and great bargains given in good and desirable goods. Many articles will be soil at and nnder cost. aprlfitf Da. J. A. Tatlor, Cf Atlanta, Ga. Da. B A. Hooks. Of Chattanooga, Tenn. MINERAL HILL. SALINE. SULPHUR, ALUM, —AND— u,nitti«»>jp Snriiiirsl T HIS favorite Sommer Resort, aitoatrd near Bean's Station, East Tennessee, and nine mileB from Morristown, East Tennessee and Vir ginia Railroad, has jnst been SPLENDIDLY fitted op for the Summer of 1873. OUR SULPHURS, (Bed, White and Black), Alum and Chalybeate Waters, need no comment, aa their effects aro gen erally known; but we would call your particular attention to the wonder of tho age, as a mineral water— OUR SALINE SPRING. better known as Black Water, which is magical in its epecifia effects in cases of RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, Dl'SPEPalA. all Diseases or the Blood and Skin, and especially adapted to tho Dis eases of Females. Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths! the cool and bracing monntain air, together with the MAGNIFICENT' MOUNTAIN SORNERY, tend to mako this one of the most pleasant summer re sorts in tho South. 0* These Springs are accessible by daily hack lines. Parties desiring to visit ns wiB stop at Tur ley Honse, Morristown, and cill for William A. Dickinson, proprietor Hack Lino to Minoral Hill. Address DBS. TAYLOR A HOOKE, Proprietors, Bean’s Station, East ToDnessee. BOARD—Forty Dollars per mouth. Special ar- rangements for families. may 18 2m A GREAT OFFER ! Y„ will dispose ot 100 PIANOS and ORGANS of first- class makers, including WATERS*, at extremely low prices for cash, or part cash, and balaneo in small monthly payments. New 7* octave first-class Pianos, all modern improvements, for $*75 cash. Organs $55, $75. Double Reed Organs, $100; 4 fctop, $110; 8- stop. $125, and upwards: WATERS* CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS are the most beantifal in style and perfect in tone ever made. The CONCERTO STOP is the best ever placed in any • rgan. It i« produbed by a tMid set of reeds peculiarly voiced, tho effect of which is most charming and soul stir rin?, while its imitation of the human voice is sunerb. Terms lifieral. Illustrated catalogues mailed for one $t»mp. A liberal discount to ministers choxcles. Sunday schools, lodges, etc. Agents wanted. 'Write for a Trice List to J. II. JOIIXSTOX 1?9 Smlthfiold St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Breech Loading Shot Guns, $40 to $300. Double Shot Guns, $S to $150. 8iogl*Guns.$3 to $20. Rifles, $■» to $75 a . Revolvers. $5 to $25. Pistols $1 to$8. Gun ma terial. Fishing Tackle, etc. Large discount to dealers or clubs. Army guus* revolvers, etc., bonght or traded lor. Good* sent by express C. O. D. to be ex- ammed before paid for. CfeEC in P° r d*?! Agents wanted! All lu CP<%IVP classcj of working people, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us in iheir spare moments, or all t*<e time, than at anything olse. Particulars froe. Audre j G. STIN- SON A CO.. Portland, Maine. BTJmDIlVGr FELT (No Tar used), for outside work and inside, instead of plaster. Felt Carpeting, etc. Send 2it«mp* lor cir cular and ramples. C.J. FAY. Camden. N. J. BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY MEDICINE SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, A purely vegetable cathartic and tonic, for dvapep- eia. constipation, debility, sick headache, bilious attacks, and all derangements of liver, stomach and bowels. Ask your druggist for iU Beware of imica- tions. CANCERS Permanently cured by addressing Dr. W. C. COIT- DKN, No. 47 W. Jefferson SL.Lousvillc.Ky. Copies of his •’Journal” can be obtained Iree of charge, giv ing modo of treatment and a large list of cases cured. Inclose stamp, H TT TT The greatest compound known for • X X* IX • man or beast. There is no pain or MEDICINE, swelling it will not relieve. Stiff and lame joints are made supple. Cures more rheu matism, neuralgia, lame back, headache, toothache, sore throat and bad sprains on man. and sore thoul- der. siilTjoints. sprains, ringbone, spavin, e‘c., on ani mal;, than all other remedies, in same time. Whole sale agents, Solomon A Co., Savannah. Agents wanted in every county. Francis & Eldtidge, Pro prietors 920 N. Front st., Philadelphia, Pa. j an e20dlawlt “Absolutely the Beat Protection Against Fire.” Over 1200 Actual Fires pnt out with it! MORE THAN $10,000,000 00 Worth of property saved from the flames THE B A B C O C E R IRE EXTINGUISHE F. W; FAKWELL, Sec’y, 407 Broadway, New York. In dally use by the Fire Departments of tho prin cipal cities of the Union. The Government has adopted it. The leading railways nse it. Send for “Its Record.” B. H- WRIGLEY * CO., Agents. febUtf M OULDINGS, Brackets, Stair Fix tures, Builders’ Furnishing Hard ware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tilee, Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Blate Mantle Fiecee. WINDOW GLASS A SPECIALTY. Circulars and Frioe List tent free on application by P. P. TO ALE, 30 Hayno and 33 Pinckney eta., octleodly Charleston, S. O. White Pine Lumber for Sale. A. C. KAUFMAN, t» A.-iqmem. AND DEALER IN BOUTHEBN SECURITIES, CHARLESTON, S. C. S OUTHERN COLLECTIONS receiTa the Special and Personal attention of this Honse. Returns made FAITHFULLY and PROMPTLY in New York Exchange, which always rules BELOW par daring the active business season. OT Notes, Drafts and Acceptances payable In Sonth Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia can be concentrated st this point with Profit and Saving of Labor. r AH business attended to with fidelity and dispatch. OT Quotations of Bouthsrn Sacuritlea issued weekly. febllfim ROGERS A BONN, WHOLESALE GEOCERS! OFFER FOB SALE 20,000 pounds Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flonr. 31)0 barrels Refined Sugars. ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS’ LINE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. JqnelBtf ‘ LAWTON & BATES, X^TJECOIaJEJS Aii J5J Cora, Oats, Hay, Bum, Larfl, Hoar, Sopr, Coffee, Masses BAGGING, TIES, ETC., FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. janSOtf* BOOTS AND SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NTew Store, ISSTew Btocls. I. L. GUNHOUSE & CO. w OULD respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally that they have removed to thoir new etore on Cherry street, and havo opened a large and comprehensive stock of Boots and. Siloes ForLadiea, Qenta and Children, of the latest styles and patters, and from the best factories. GOUN ana price 1‘ TBY MERCHANTS will do well to examine onr stock also keep a largo stock of Ladies* and Gents’ »liit before purchasing elsewhere. We TRAVELLING TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, ETC.. To which the attention of the publio ie invited. aprfteodfim C/3 O. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO, WHOLESALE LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED 01 THIRD STREET. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. | | AYING perfected my Regulator, by the erection c ME NTH, for the purpose of obearving tba i ths exact Kaeon mesa time to within s fraction of s i ■medal AMsUm paid t* th* »if*l«ls3 *■*•■« ■* ■*• Mad* afsaw w*rk:waa