The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 10, 1873, Image 2

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Telegraph & Messenger. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1873. LETTEB FBOH HULLED SEVILLE. ■oUiadtet District ccBf.rcnct—ns. kct. Blsbop Pierce—Excel lest Mermen—B«- building Bala* or Old Hotel—Gnuay Cxri-Osrin Vegeteblee—Cbolera Bor. bos-toollory Bee ■mmcodslloos — Win. doss Boisbt ooly by Ezporisnoo-Col. J »"«o '•> ■ HledgeTlile—Toted Seed Look. **T-T«lnsblo Keying of Oca. Wssuloc ton—Matrimony controlled by phm». MzLLZDorrrLUt, July 8, 1872. Sdilort Tilt graph and Messenger-. The Utter half of last socle was made interesting, and we treat profitable, by the religion, labors of ministers in attend* nee at the District Meth odist Oonferenoa assembled here. The Oon ferenoe was largely attended by ministers and Uymen, more than one hnndred haring been present. The action of the Conference was re markably harmonioni and enoonraging. Its presiding effloer was the fit Her. Bishop Fierce, Whose distinguished ability and nnostent&tions piety are properly sppreoiaUd at homo and abroad. Only a few weeks ago we had the good pleasure of meeting him in Nashville, Tenn., and we know that kU commanding talents and his nnasenming zeal and piety enjoy there an admiration even greater than they do bore. The forenoon sermon In onr Methodist ohnrch on yesterday (gondsy) was preached by Bishop Fieroe, to a very large andienoe—a sermon adorned with all the beauties of learning, elo quent in its pathotlo earnestness, and at the same time endowed with a practical energy to search into the lives sod consciences of men to do them goed. bach is the preaching this sin committing. God-forgetting .go needs—not the 'Taney" preanblng of the "fashionable" pulpit orators of the day, who sky-rocket their course through the lofty domain of adjeetfves, adverbs and interjections without so much as griztng the “periphery" of s single sin! The trowel and the hammer ere still actively at work to restore what the great fire of last November destroyed. The rebuilding on the space formerly occupied by the large brick hotel will soon give os the same ample accommoda tions for business houses which were afforded before the November flro. A company, of which OepU W. T. Conn is the leading mem ber, bought the ruins, and is engaged In re building. The crops in some portions of Baldwin county continue to be “grassy” and not eo promising as they should be. The July report of the Agri cultural Bnreau from our county on the 1st inat. was not promising or hopeful. Showers have fallen in several localities of the oonoty quite reoently; but onr city has been without rain almost a week. Ae a result, the gardens are beeomiog greatly injured by drouth. Fossibly this may not prove so great a miafortnne after ail. Shonid cholera give na a visit (aa la oer- tainly possible, although we are glad to eay im probable) too few vegetables at onr tables yonld be better than too many. Speaking of cholera, we have already heard of two violent case* of cholera morbus in onr olty in the last week—one patient, a colored individual, having died. Imprudent eating was the immediate canso of theso attacks. Doubt less they will warn onr ctttz.ns into greater prudence of living- The Union end Recorder newspaper has been calling on onr city anther itlea to adopt unitary precautions In tbe way of removing imparities; bnt we do not hoar that any sneb measures have been taken. At Nash ville, where the writer happened to be nt the rooent outbreak of cholera, tbe preea of the olty uttered aimliar warnings which were sin gularly neglected. In these matters jt seems that expenenoe—sore personal experience—ia the only loachtr. We are reminded of a venerable friend who published, at tbe age of 78, a letter of instruc tion and advice to the youog and rising genera* tion, In whioh heavowed his purpose to acquaint them with ail of the wisdom acquired by him through tbo medium of hi* long experience, “eo that they might enjoy, at the outset of ex- istenco, (so tbe pare mmdid patriarch expressed himselt) all tbe wisdom be had bought at the onllay of so many sad mistake] and sore expe riences." His experiment was jnst each a fail- ore as the teachings of tho experience of other citizens are to ours. Shonid wo esoapo epi demic cholera, jed clous pur! Stations might not be waslod as preventives or moderators of olhor di.osees, we imagine. We enjoyed very greatly (ha visit of the Us- oon excursion to onr city to hear tbe address of tho ltt. ltcv. Bishop Gross, lately. And we were especially pienaod with the aooount of that excursion which appeared in your columns from tho pen of yonr CjI. Jones, end the sdvoosoy (which might be fairly inferred from bis arti cle) of tho restoration of the capiiol to this its rigntful location. Ooh J. made a very favorable Impression on onr people; and we have heard at least three fair ladies of the place inquire, eince that day, whether he is married or uumar Tied. He is considered decidedly hand tome in HtllodgeviUo. We have replied to all inquiries with the story which tradition preserves of Geo. Washington. When inqnired of by a lady if he were married, “Know, madam," tbo gallant General replied with a grand bow of the old ■ohool—“Know, madam, that no man is married when he Is forty miles from home.” W. G. M. A Novel Meniuslilp. We have recently seen an lllnstration of craft which, wearing the feature of novelty, is claimed by its oonstrnctors, Messrs. Blomquist A Crook, of New York, to possess qualities whioh promise quite a revelation in tho means of tranaportioc, the latter a snbjeot fraught with tha highest interest at this moment. Whit gives to this new species of Bhip a peculiar in terest at the present is, that it is especially adapted to the navigation of shallow water, a property whioh o&nnot fail to commend it to no- tioe at a time when the modification of river oonrses and the bnilding of canals are being so anxiously discussed. It is perfectly true that this latest contribn tion to naval architecture involves entirely dif ferent principles from the received form wheth er for oeep or shtllow water. This, however, is no disqualification, nothing having under gone greats' obange within tbe last few years. The vessel—we will oall her the Pioneer— presents something of the sppearanoe of e steamship fitted with a doable set of paddles and boxes; she is rsally more like one is ap pearance man reality, ahe consists. In fact, of a boat-shaped platform, supported above and oat of the water on throe Urge drums, one forward and two att, with a peddle revolving between the two hindmost, and Sued with rod der at the stern. Tue.-e drams nun each 0:1 u axle like an ordinary wbesl, so that really the ship resembles somewhat au ordinary fl it rat! road car, traveling on water instead of land. Tbe forward dram is of tbe same capacity a 1 tbe aft drums oombined. These drums have great buoyancy. Tne aft drams and paddle re volve, beirg tnrned by ateam, while tbe forward dram revolves of Itself aooording to the resistance of the water, leaeeniug the power required to propel tbe oonveyanod. The principle o( tht. forward dram seems to desert a particular atten tion, on scoonnt of this avoidance of friction, passing, as it does, partially over tho water, in the manner of a wheel. We have a practical demonstration of the valne of the invention in the performance of a model of the Pioneer, plaoed in a tank, twenty feet long, with a cord attached to the bow, and passed over a pniley at the other end of the tank, with a suspends <1 weight. The boat made this miniature trip in aix seoonds, while with the drams stationary it required fifteen seoonds to oomplete tha jour ney, end the model of an ordinary boat with equal displacement took ten seconds, giving a ratio of six to ten, or about forty per cent, in favor of the revolving drams. Another particular feature is the manner of getting rid of any water that might enter the drums, in case cf an aocidentfrom snags et&, it is presumed, seeing that the drams are supposed to be sir and water tight. A number of tubes are arranged upon tbe inside of the drams ex tending (rom in* axle to near the inner peri- phery, where they expand hke a funnel. Any water entering the drums wtii, ea they revolve, enter the funnels, which are bent eo as to oomo uppermost, dipping np the water like a cop, which is conveyed through the tabes, as the revolution oontinnes, to the axle, where it is diseharged outside the drams. It is stated that the drams being properly air and water tight, even one or mote boles in one side will not sink the vessel. It will require one on the opposite side to insure the sinking eves while at rest; and a boiler explosion need not neseatarUy sink it, for there is no bottom to knock throngh. But a remarkable property of this novel steamer has cot hitherto been men tioned. The curves in rivers are oiien the c-tits; of great delay. We quote from a boas fide ex penenoe. A writer, going down tho Missouri, states: “In one instance we actnsUy made a circuit of fifteen miles to get round a peninsula, the neck of whioh was but six hnndred yards aoroas.” With this boat, tbat oirouit of fifteen miles would have been avoided, as she could very readily go across a neck of low land. A steamship that, whrn occasion' requires, will de sert her proper element and take a tour across country provena valuable acquisition. This boat in fact oombines somewhat the qualities of a lard traeti-io engine with those of a vessel; the drums whioh would serve as the usual broad wheels, being by their size and hollowness adapted to floating on water and bearing np tbe superstructure. Something of tbe kind is being constructed in Virginia, aa was notioed In a reoent issue of the Soutb, showing that thu principle IS reoeivtng attention. We »hould Uke to see the performance of an effisient work- ing model of the ship we have desonbed, as tbe navigation of osoala, as well as their oon- straotioc, is a highly Interesting subject at the present time. The inventors, who may be found at 160 Nassau street, New York, will be rlvtir-i to giro all requisite particulars— 8oul>i. Foreign Notts. vaxpastD rom to TXLZoa*n urn masxxaza. The Constituent Committee of the Spanish Assembly have completed the draft of the Fed eral Constitution. It fixes the term of the President's office at four yean, —1 absolutely prohibits a second teem. Deputies cannot bold office as ministers. The Federal powers are di vided into tbe judiciary, the legislative and tbe executive department*. The Cartes will bold two sessione each year, the members to be sala ried. Spain proper is divided into eleven States, and the Spanish ooiooiee are constituted terri tories. Signor PI y Margall, the Premier, pre sented a bill bestowing extraordinary power upon the Government, for the purpose of speedily suppressing the Oarlist insurrection. The Assembly readily prooeeded to the oonsid- (.ration of the measure proposed, and accepted it by the Urge majority of 139 to 18 votes. The depntiea must have been thoroughly im pressed with the oonviction that the grave situ ation calls for extraordinary measures, but this patriotio consideration had no weight with the extreme Bed Republicans, who, after the pas sage of tbe bill, withdrew in a body from the Assembly. Madrid is reported to be quiet. If the government could euooeed in putting down the Carliat rising it would greatly strength en its authority, and might, perhaps, initiate a (ime of comparative order. For this purpose its first lack will be to introduce a stem military disci (.line in tbe army, which ia, at present, lit tle more than a horde of marauders. We al luded in our Ust to the frequent collisions between the volunteers and citizens in ail parte of tbe country. In Catalonia the defenders of tbe Republic, while battling against tbe Carlisle, laid hold on whatever eatables they coaid find, and no fowls or rabbits could escape their inde fatigable researches. When, finally, tbe sol. diers began to carry eff clothing and household utensils, the peasants armed with guns, scythes and hayfotks turned out en masse to keep their liberators at bay. Even the churches are not safe. In Garb, Esa Bartolomo mud Vespella tl.e vol'in'f r. came 1 < ff tbe eacre i!] and other valuables, the officers being powerless to obeck these transgressions cf their inferiors. The troops are far from exhibiting the stme zeal, however, pursuing the Oarliats, bnt greatly prefer to parade tbo cities with their new red fl ig< under tbe etirring notes of the Marseillaise. As the first step towards the reorganization of tbe army, the government proposes to con centrate 8,000 men gendarmes and carbineers in Madrid, and to dispatch them to.Valenola and Catalonia to re establish military discipline among the troops tbero. Those two corps, which excel by tbelr military virtues, are still a legaey of tbe monirchy, and have been left in tact by tbe Republic. Tbe Prussian Government has laid before the Federal Connell the draft of a Federal press law, which has filled the whole country with indignation. Not only are the present exacting and oppressive measures, threatening tbe editor all tbe time like the sword of Damocles, left intact, but they have been made still more oppressive by additional regulations not well defined, which virtually deliver the press, hand and foot, to the arbitrary pleasure of the police aulhoritici. Tho Berlin papers have taken the lead by publishing a solemn protest sgaipst tbe prepared law and invited tbe press tbronghont tbe oonntry to follow their example. It is hard ly probable tbat tbe Reichstag will sustain the Government in this measure. Tuiera' constitutional bills proposed before his resignation were shipwrecked in tbe Gene ral Assembly. Dufaure, late Minister of tbo Interior, made a motion for their immediate oinsideratlon. Beurent then moved that the appointment of a special committee on the constitutional bills be postponed ono month after the next receis, which proposition, after an animated diecossiOD, was adopted, Gimbetta taking a prominent part in theWebstes. The prosecution of Bine, tbo member frem Lyons, which was anthorizod by the Assembly, is to day tha absorbing question in Paris. It is tone that Bsno belonged, for a little while, to tbe Oommnne. He did not take part, hew- ever, in the atrocities and betoheries committed daring those days, bnt Used tbe little influence he bad to oonnsel moderation and conoihatory negotiations with the Government of Versailles. These faots were so well known end established that the authorities did not think of arraigning him before a court-martial, whioh enmmoned him only onoe ae a witness. Had llano felt guilty he might have easily escaped; but be re mained, accepted an eieotion in the Paris mu nicipal oounoil, and represents now the oity of Lyons. We must, therefore, trace the sudden wrath ol the Government to another source. He la a friend of Gambetta’s, who, during his ten ure of power, made him Chief of Police; and G&mbetta has caused the Government a humil iating difeat, for which he is to suffer in the person of bis ex-minister. When the National Assembly was about to pronounoe the suppres sion of the Corsair, a paper, Gambotta produced and read to the deputies a circular of Beuie, the now Minister of the Interior, ad dressed to the Prefeota, who were requested to use every means in their power to make the press subservient to the views of the Govern ment. Tho impudence which the minister dis played on this occasion even surpassed tho cor ruption prevailing under tho empire. The Assembly listened to this document, the genuineness of which coaid not be doubted, with painful surprise. Monsieur Benle, con- fused and bewildered, assumed the responsi bility for the circular, but at tho same tinm de nied to be its author. There was a general im pression that, after this incident, Beuie would resign office. Nothing, however, of this kind has oocnrod. Monsieur Beuie still remains and only the author, Monsieur Pascal, bis Under Secretary of State, has been sacrificed to pnblio opinion. Several other confidential circulars, no less compromising, are said to have been issued, among them the Duke do Broglie, Min- liter of Foreign Affairs to the representatives of France abroad, which embodies the most decided anti-republican principles. There have been no interpellations msde yet on the Babject in the Assembly. These efforts to clog healthy progress and liberty constitute, so far, the only politioal triumphs of the new government In France. In view of tho approaching evacuation the language of the French press is assuming a most bitter tone against Germany and we are frequently edified by epistles a la Victor Hngo, which render their anthers fit subjects for a lnnatio asylum. As a specimen we take from a leading article of the Courier dn Havre, the followiDg passage: “Between the Germans and onrselvea there exists a chasm which can never be filled up. Never will we seek our revenge on that miserable German soil, which shows no flower, no frnit, no deed and no thought, worthy of rousing our envy. If Germany, one day, should sink into that sulphurous pit, like the in famous place cf the Fentapolis, Trance would neither lose a centime of her savings nor a smile of her sun. Germany is supeifluous for the world, however much she may have injured T.ance. Let ui act as if she were not there, throw the milliards she wrung from U9, into her face, and then turn onr back npon her.” The Roman police .has Bnrprised, in two separate places, the meetings held by the chiefs of the Roman Internationals and the Faderal Committees, and arre-ted an pe.-sons, charged ■nth holding superior offices In those societies. None of them is a native of Rome. At the same time tho authorities have come into pos session of many important papers and procla mations, the latter always oonolnding : “Long ‘ ' .Hen ” First Rational M of Iicol truucto t General Bilking BuImm. L 0. PLANT, D. FLANDERS, H. L. JEWETT, W. B. DIS8M0BE, H. B. PLANT, D. 8. LITTLE, G. H. HAZLEHUB8T. L a PLANT, President. W. W. WBIGLEY. Oanbier. malO-ttlnovl* 8. G. BONN, President. B. F. LAWTON, Cashier EXCHANGE BAM OF 1AC0N. SIMs la Bss'i aew ■siMlaf. RECEIVES DEPOSITS. BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE, Make* Advanoes on Stocks, Bonds. Oottonin Store. Also on Shipments of Cotton. COLLECTION'S PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO feblEly JOHNSON & SMITH WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! FOURTH AND POPLAR STEEETS/.MAOONi jnneStf I. 0. PLANT & SON, BANKERS AND BROKERS. M A 0 O N, GA. Bay A Sell Exekaase, Sold, surer, Stocks and Hoads- DEPOSITS RECEIVED. On which Interest will be Allowed. as aaaxxn uro*. PA-YA-BrjE OKT CAIlL Advances Made sa Cotton and Frodnee la Store. Collection* Promptly Attended to. fetflly live the anarchy and the social liquidation. These Seizures hare led to the discovery of the bureau of the Roman International branch, where, likewise, a great number of interesting papers bave been found. There are, among them, tbe rales of almost all European branches and of s “Society of Silence," which has its seat in Rome. The letters seized invariably oonslnde: “ Farewell, dear companion, in anarchy and Communism." From the social oatechism we may quote the following defini tion of a poor mau: “A proletarian is he wbo works to live and is compelled to hire his ser vices to a master. A proletarian is he who works and suffers under the tyranny of the cipualist." * • * “The best way to create disorder is to cease working, be os use capital remains sterile without work. From strike to revointion, to anarchy, to oommnnism is only one step." The reoent change cf government in France is said to have made a deep impression npon Victor Emannel, and his plan of making a visit to Berlin and Vienna, has assumed a more defi nite shape since the arrival of Herr Von Ken- dtU, the new German Ambassador at the Italian Court. Tbe report of a Pans paper that Thiers would make a journey to Italy has given great satisfaction in national circles; should the ex- Preeident of tbe Frenoh Republio carry his plan into execution, he will meet with ■ cordial reception in Italy. Jasso. ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. r |\RI3 well known house is now open to those A who visit the Spring for health or pleasure. It is situated nearer the Spring than any other public house, and is apacioua and comfortable. Tbs table is supplied with tbe best the market affords. Every attention is given to invalids who resort to tho -raters of the bpring for health. Kates of Board. Per day * 2 CO Per week 10 CO Per month 35 00 Liberal deduction made for largo families. W. A. ELDER A tON, Proprietor*. The new Bath Hou«o at the Hpnng, under the management of Mr. Wm M Harben, ia now open for tbe accommodation of those desiring the benefits of pure mineral baths. junelt if N. S. JOKES, PROVISION BROKER, No. 3 Pike's Opera Honse Building, OZUOXNNATX, OHI Orders for Pork, Baoon, Hams and lard promptly attended to. Bsfara to Seymour, Tinsley ft Co. nayll 8a 5. W. Ocbbxhoz. Wx. Hannan user. J. W. Locxxtt. Cubbedge, Haxlehurst & Co., Bankers and Brokers MACON, GA. CHANGE, GOLD, SILYEB, STOCKS, BONDS and Unsurrent Ponds. Collections Bade on all Accessible NMa WOffioo open at all hours of the day. jant-lyr Cubbedge, Haxlehurst & Co.’s SAVINGS INSTITUTION. INTEREST PAID ON ALL BUMS FROM *1 TO $5000. O FFICE HOURS, FROM 8 A. n. to 8 r. k. janf-tf PLANTERS’ BANK rovr VALLEY, GEORGIA. “> ECK1VE8 Deposit®, discounts Piper, buys and _\» sells Exchange; also, Gold &nd Silver. Collections made it all accessible points. Interest p*ld on Deposits when nuLde for a spe cified time. Wa. J. Axdxssox. Brest. W. E. Baowx, Cashier sn—mi Wm. J. Anderson, CoL Co!. L. M. Felton. Dr. Wm. n. Hollinahead. del7tf ol. Hugh L. Dennord, t. W. A. Mathews. MODOC8! Are net coming, bnt MOSQUITOES ABE PREPARE FOR THEM! I have in slock PL ATI’S PATENT CANOPY (The handsomest fixture in Maeon ) Holmes’ Oriental Canopy.- ARMSTRONG’S PATENT FIXTURE Holmes’ Hanging Nets. With other first class fixtures. Lobinet and American Lace and Gauze Nets, Pink and White. Prices to suit tight times. Come and took at them- THOMAS WOOD, maylS tf Next to Lanier House. QUEEN BEE HIVE. T HIS HIVE has taken the premium over all other hives at several large Btate Fairs, and at onr l&ts Bibb oonnty fair was awarded a diploma. The subscriber having .bought the right for the county, is now ready to sell individual rights and to make transfers of been. Ee has also the right for Atkinson’s Honey Extractor, a simple contri vance for extracting tbe honey without injury to tho comb. Thus the comb may be given Dock to tbe bees to bo refilled, and in this way almost a fabulous amount of honey may be taken from a hive daring the heney season. Bee culture p.ys a better per eent. on tbe capital invested than other bmlness, and rcqoiroa but little labor. . Now is tbe time to transfer jour bees and comb to the new hive and prepare strong colonies for next a or ing The hive may be seen at Messrs. Hardeman ft Sparks’, and at B. H. Wrigiey ft Co's, where orders may be left I am authorize] to sell rights to per sons from the adjoiaing oonnties. Bees for sale. jnneiG lm E. H. LINK. Dm. F A- Tamo*, Of Atlanta, Ga. Da. B. A. Hooxx. Of Chattanooga. Tenn. MINERAL HILL, SALINE, SULPHUR, ALUM, I SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, Adjoining- Passenger Depot, Macon, Ga. CELEBRATED WROUGHT IRON COTTON PRESSES 1 All acknowledge its superiority to any made anywhere or by anybody. STEAM EXCISES MD BOILERS, SAW MILLS, SUGAR MILLS*MD KETTLES, IRON RAILING, MILL MACHINERY, CASTINGS AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. Faugh-t’s Batent G-in G-earing! PLUMBING -AND- GAS PITTING! J AM now prepared to do FIRST CLAS3 PLUMBING AHD GAS FITTING. Having employed COMPETENT WORKMEN! From New Yotk. ALL W0BE GUARANTEED. Have just received the celebrated BRINLEY SHAFT PLOW! Which is endorsed by every p’anter who has seen its operation. AM RECEIVING WEEKLY F0B0E POMPS, DEEP WELL ROTARY PUMPS, DROVE WELL PUMPS, LIFT PUMPS, and HYDRAULIC RAMS! Which I am selling lower than they can be bought elsewhere. EDWABD ROWE, No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Ga. Juneftf COOK’S HAUL T HIS favorite Summer Beaort, situated near Bean’s Station, East Tennessee, xnd mna miles from Morristown, Esst Tennessee sndYu> gini* Bxilroad, has juatbeen SPLENDIDLY fitted np for tbe Summer of 1873. OUR SULPHURS, (Bed, White and Black), Alnrn and Chalybeste Waters, need no comment, aa their effects are gen erally known; but we would call your particular attention to the wonder of the age, as a mineral water— OUR SAliINE SPRING. better known ae Black Water, which is magical in its specific effects in cases of RHEUMATISM, PORI)FULA. DYSPEPSIA, all Diseases of the Blood and fckin, and eepedally adapted to the Dis eases of Females. Hot and Cold Sulpliur Baths! the cool and bracing mountain air, together with the MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN S0INERY, tend to xnxke this one of the moat pleasant tummer re sorts to the South. flSF These Springe are accessible by daily hack lines - Parties desiring to visit us will atop at Tor- lev House, Morristown, and c»ll for William A. Dickinson, proprietor Hack Lino to Mineral Hill. Address DBS. TAYLOR & HOOKE, Proprietors, Bean’s Station, East Tennessee. BOABD—Forty Dollara per month. Special ar- rangementa for families. riay!8 2m POST AND IBON BAND WHEEL BHAFT. Made only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. NOTICE —HsviDg made arrangements with Meesre. SCHOFIELD ft SON for the eole manufacture of my PATENT Glri GEAR, witn CENTRAL IRON SUPPORT, aU othera are warned not to;wax*, re* or szi.t, the same, as I shall prosecute to the latent of the law all pereons using or Infringing on my Patent. ( L. B. FAOGBT. Philadelphia, May 14,1873. jnlyldSm OQ w MACON, GEORGIA Great Mm Freiglt anil Passenger Line 0,et VIA CHARLESTON, S, C., TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. PfeBBY, GA. r lE attention of managers of public entertain ments is called to tht* Hall, which has been lately fitted np in the best style, with scenery, etc. Tbe Hall will seat about 400 persons and is conve niently situated in the large and growing town of Perry, to which the Southwestern Railroad has lately constructed a branch from Fort Valley. Apply to JOHN B. COOK, febl9 6m* Perry. Ga. J. W. LUKE, (Successor to CARR ft LUKE.) COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ho. 303 Commercial St. Lon is. Ho. Refer to Third National B&nk, Union National Bank and bankers generally, and W. A. Huff, Ma eon. Ga. aprit9 3a A. H. PATTERSON, PROVISION BROKER, 25 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KY. Beftn to Seymour, Ticalsy A Co. and Johnson A Smith. Mioon. Gx. apr*i5 Sm s. v. Exn>- MORRIS & REID, Provision and Tobacco Brokers, Boom No. 4 College Building, comer Fourth and Vialnni itxocU, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Refer to W.A. Huff. mayU 8m THREE TINES A WEEK, THURSDAYS, SATURDAYS. TUESDAYS, ELEGANT STATE-BOOM ACCOMMODATIONS—8EA VOYAGE 10 to 12 HOURS SHOBTEB YU CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, s-y] concocting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen Firat-Glass Steamships to the above Perth, invit d attention to the Quick Time and Begnlar Dispatch afforded to the business public in the Cotton Btatca at the PORT OF CHARLESTON, Offering facilities of Bail and Ben Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled In excellenos and capacity at any other Port. The following Bplendid Ooean Steamers are regularly on the Line: TO SJ39W M A NTT ATT ATT ; M. 8. Woodeull, Commander. CHAMPION B. W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON James Bebby, Commander. JAMES ADOBE -T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, 8. C. GEORGIA -8- Ceowell, Commander, SOUTH CAKOUNA .T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE : *J. Kennedy, Commander, ASHLAND Ingbam, Commander, WAGNER, HUGER & CO., 1 » _ enta Charleston S C WM. A. COURTENAY. f A Seats, Charleston, a. C. TO PSZIjAXJBZiFBZJt.s IRON ITBABUHXM. GULF STREAM -Alex. Hunteb, Commander VIRGINIA -C. Hinckleb, Commander. Sailing Days—Thubsdayb. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, B. C. TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. TO BAIiTIMOHE. FALCON TTattttk, Commander MARYLAND Johnson, Commander SEA GULL .Dutton, Commander Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, 8. C. TO:BO*TON. STEAMSHIP MEREDITA, Every Other Saturday. .TAR ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. Bates guaranteed as low as theM of Competing Lines* Marine Insurance cne-half of one per oent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be had at all the principal BaOroad Offices in Georgia, Alaban a, Tenneeaee and Mississippi. Btate Booms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by addressing Agents of the steam- ships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all nnna, the Baiiroad Tickets should be exchanged and Bertha assigned. The Through Tickets by this Route in**^^* Transfers, Meals and Btate Boom, while on ship board. Tbe South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad trd their connecting r,in«« have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and Passengers between tbe Northern Cities and the South and West. Comfortable Night cars, with the Holmes Chair, wihout extra charge, have been introduced on tbe South Carolina Baiiroad. JlrsIrfRiss Raring galoon at Bxanchville. On the Georgia Baiiroad First-Claae Sleeping Oars. Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and night trains of tne South Carolina Baiiroad. Close connection msde with other roads, delivering freights at distant points with great promptness. The Managers will use every exertion to satisfy their patrons that the line Y1A CHABLK8TON cannot be d the Safe Delivery of Goods. ~ ’t. Charleston, S. 0.;B. D. HASSELL, Genen TOKENS, General Passenger end Ticket Agent ALFRED L. TYLER, Tm msUsBt Booth OaroUos BaCtasd. Obarisston, B? a surpassed in Dispatch and the Safe Delivery of Goods. For further information, apply to J. M. &ELKIBK, Sup* Agent, F. O. Box 4979, O&oa 317 Broadway, N. Y.; B. B. Fl METROPOLITAN ROGERS & BONN, WHOLESALE GROCERS! -OFFER FOR SALE- 20,COO pounds Bacon Sides ami Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family flour. 300 barrels Refined Sugars. ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS’ LIRE AT LOWEST MARKET BATES, jnnelStf- LAWTON & BATES, WHOLESSAXiE DEALERS IN- Com, flats, Hay, Bacon, Lari, flour, Sip, Cols, BAGGING, TIES, ETC., FOURTH STREET. janSOtf MACON, GA. IRON AND BRASS WORKS, Canal Street, from 61h to 7tb, BIOHMONO, -V-a.. WM. E. TAMER & C0„ Bpeers, MacMiists M Fowiflers. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. BOOTS AND SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Bend for Circular. H. R. BROWN, AGENT. A.. IB. SMALL HAS JUST BE0EIVED A FINE lot of CHOICE 1UGN0LIA HAMS, which ha is soiling under tho market. juneOTtf ' A.. B. SMALL HAS JUST RECEIVED T EN CAR-LOADS of CHOICE WHITE CORN, which its is sslliDg in lota to suit customers at remsrkably low prices. jUMjgtf A.. B. SMALL HAS ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF B acon, flour, OATS. SUGARS, COFFEES, WHISKIES. RICE, SALT, . And General Groceries, including a car-load of CHOICE HAY; all of which are going at the best prices. juneSDtf “Absolutely the Beat Protection Against Fire.” $10,000,000 00 Worth of property saved from the flames THE B A B C O C K F IRE EXTINGUISHEl F. W. FAR WELL, Sec’y, 407 Broadway, Hew York. In dally use by the Fire Departments of the prin cipal cities of the Union. Tha Government has adopted it The leading railways use it. Send for “Its Record.” B. H. WBIGLEY ft CO., Agents. feb!2tf I . DOORS, Sasl and Blinds, M OULDINGS, Brackets, Stair Fix tuns. Builder*’ Furnishing Hard ware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Gnarde, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. winnow 6LU8 a ■peciax.ty. Circular* and Prioe List sent free on application by P.F.TOJUUE, 30 Hayne and 83 Pinckney sts., octleodly Charleston, 8.0. White Pine lumber for Sale, A. C. KAUFMAN. AND DEALER Hi SOUTHERN SECURITIES, CHARLESTON, S. C. and Personal attention of this House. Retains made FAITHFULLY and PROMPTLY in New York Exchange, which always rules BELOW par daring the active buiinese season. tf Notes, Drafts and Acceptances payable in South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia can be concentrated at thia point with Profit and Raving of Labor. tf AU business attended to with fidelity and dispatch. tf Quotations of Southern Securities issued weekly. . febtl6m TECH 3NT©w Store,3XTew Stock I. L. GUNHOUSE & CO. W OULD reepectfolly announce to their friends and tho public generally that they have removed to their new store on Cherry street, and have opened a l&rge and oomprehenaivo stock of Boots and. Slioes For L&dies, Gents and Children, of the latest styles and patters, and from the best factories. COUN TBY MERCHANTS will do well to examine our stock and price lUt before purchasing elsewhere. T?e also keep a largo stock of Ladies' and Gents' • TRAVELLING TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, ETC.. To which the attention of tbe pnblio Is invited. apr*teod3m 0. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO, WHOLESALE LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED •b!3tf 31 THIRD STHHHT. South Carolina Railroad CHICAGO. Tbs Largrst and Most Complete Kotel in tbe World. T he Lessees (well known as the Proprietors of tbs SHERMAN HOUSE before Its destruction in the memorable Conflagration of October 8th and 9th, 1871.) take pleasure in announcing the comple tion of this new enterprise, which is now open under their personal menegement for the sccom* medfttionof guests. GAGE BBOS A BICE, Lssseee for Twenty Yesrs, CHICAGO, Jans 1st, 1873. June30taw8w ERNEST PESGHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. _ _ w b pftsesgc the exact Maoon mean time to within a fraction of asssood. ■special ansatm MM Sc the asp cart— Ua— CfMW V—kJHMI ■ wen as all btfeu