The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 17, 1873, Image 2

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Telegraph & Messenger. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1873. Foivfgn Xoftti. TEXVALID yoh THE TXLE02AFH AND 21X850'GEB. Tho Shah of Persia bu arrived in Paris, where he was wc’.couitd by MacMthon end the Doke de Broglie. Ilia Oriental Majesty did not leave pleasant reminiscences behind in those countries he has joat visited, end the popular enthcaiaara fired by virions of barbaric splendor and magnifiocnce, has given way to a feeling of disgust and contempt. It const be borne in mind that the Shah is an Asiatic despot, abso lute master In his dominion* and not subject to tiny restraint, save bis own free will. The truth is, that Lie manners and oondnct are such as would exclude him from any well-bred society in any part of the world. We cannot find f anlt with the Prince, if he violates punctilious court etiquette, which, to the common mortal, is little more than a collection of ludicrous rulea and reg ulations; but to spit from one's box in a royal opera bouse on the andienoe below, is rather a novel and not oommendsble pastime. In BL Petersburg the Shah’s attendants amused them selves by catling the flowers out of costly car pets, and the heads out of family portraits banging on the walls In the Imperial palace as signed to them. At the royal banquet in Ber lin the Shah ate with his fingers, and whenever he disliked a dish, he took the food out of his mouth and threw it under the table. The court stood aghast at his mode of eating cheese. The Persians cut it in small* pieces, dipped them into butter, and after having licked them clean, put the cheese back on their plates. Though Mussulmans they took a liking to Marsala and Champagne, having found out, that being com pounded, these wines did not come nnder the prohibition of the Koran. Several officer* of the Shah's household attempted to carry a live lamb into his room in the royal pAlace in Ber lin; and, on being remonstrated with, they de clared Lbst the religious tenets of their master prescribed him to eat of finch animals only had been killed in his presence. They were not permitted, however, to carry tbo lamb into ibe royal presence, bat from traoes left, it was ev ident that the magnificent royal apartments bad been meda the placo of execution for a number of hens. It is but natural that nnder these eireuxn-* eaoh sovereign wished to get rid of his Persian Majesty as quickly as possible. In Ber lin be had been received with all the pomp due to tbo head of a great empire; bis dep&rturo was nnnolioed, and only the Prince Imperial ac companied him to tho railway station. Proba bly, the femalo members of tho royal family never felt ao mortified as at tho Shah's recep tion. The Princossesof the House being pre sented to him, lie passed the plain ones without any oeremooy, not oven bestowing a word or smile upon thorn. Prinoes of the blood be treated as if they wero so many lackeys, and only Bismarck and tho promlnont generals of the late war, arrested his attention. A charm ing ballet-dancer on tho Royal stage caused h!s imperial features to light up and bis amorous adventures in Berlin are r.aid to bo nnfli for pnblloation. Tho Bhah'a visit to the Occident wiU'have no lull aonco upon Persian civilization: it la only baao flattery, if European correspond ents aasnro us that Ills Majesty gave proof of intelligent and close observation; Nauired-Din and his suito have no desire to learn anything or to atudy wostern institutions and civilizations. Out of many anecdotes oircnlating in reference to the Khali we may yet bo allowed to report that pnbliehed by the Vienna Presao. At the Oonrt ball given m bis honor in Bt. Petersburg, the Persian King was terribly “onnnye.” With “ To Koto fta Three I■•▼•a." Crimson the heart of the wee coal fire, Resale and l, iu the ruddy glow. Her mother reads, so 1 the old grandeire Dream of hie youth in the " ioxg ago.” Quiet and warmth and love iu the room Now or never my *o:t to press; Where thrj hyacinths abed their sweet perfume. We p ay two games—one love ; one cheat, Qimd of the red, util queen of my hmrt, When will you wear my golden ring ? Flushing her cheeka the roses start, hljlj Bhe murmur*, •• Check to year Kiog." My pawn* advance, press on and die; The tisbop* tittle in lines cbiiqne; My brave kmgbta fall; but, I can t tell why. My heart grows strong as my game grow* weak. Darling, answer me, lift your eyes; Your mother sleeps, and the time approves, Speak, sweet mouth, with a glad surpass ; ** You’ll be mated, eir, in three more moves.** Then let fLis be one—and her dimpled hard Look all the fairer for plain gold ring; In vain I rally my scattered band As again ahe checks my poor Jo*t king. Nearer her gold brown curls to mine. The cheaa-mcn seem in a dark eclipse. Check!—Shall I die and make no sign ? And I steal a kiss from her ripe red lips. Male! —and her j uyocs eyes proclaim Who wins by love, and who in chees; And the pride of my life is the golden game. That was lost when I won my darling Bees- —[dcribner’a. A Hear View of Austrian Royalty. Vienna correspondence of the Toledo Blade. I Speaking of the Hapsburg family, I may as well indulge in a little garrulity. I have seen the Emperor twice, the last time I was within a couple of yards of him for a minute or two, and had a good cbauoe to study his features. His face is not psrticularly pleasing, neither is it the reverie ; i:n vron-t feature is the heavv nn- , _ . . t , .... d.r lip W hich Lpeculiar to He b« pI £?Sl'g a carewera appearance a« if there waa consid- for fi7a i7 w Tertnj STRICTLY arable hard work in being Emperor. He looked OABH. os if he would give a handsome bonus to be I Wo can furnlah the compound only to thoce who allowed to sit down quietly and take a glaas, or I have purchased the right to use iL two or three glasses of the beer of his native WHISENANT* CO TT O IV Caterpillar Destroyer W E are sole agent* for the State of Oeorg-'a for the comp jundwg and eale cf the atr ve preparation It has been fully tested and proved to Le A COMPLETE SUCCESS! We coolipre.e-t nnmerooa caitiJcate. U to I menu, bat herewith givs Jaznee H. Girrman’a, Washington county, Ttxaa, formerly of Decatur eoacty, Ot, to w.t: I I bare toown Mr. G. F. Whiaenint Ion* and TrelJ. and hare noticed Terr closely hia experiment* I for the past few year, to destroy the Cotton Oat* orpiller. which reealted in a foil and complete .ac cess in this county. JAME3 H. GIBTMAN Also, the following from Mr. Danilin: Fr. Gains, Jane 10,1873. Yesterday we aoplrd the Ootton Caterpillar De •trojer to a ootton plant npon wh’cfa wu a half grown caterptiiar, and npon examination this morning find the little peat, which bide fair ‘ desolate cur ootton plantatione, dead, hanging a leaf of the plant. LOUS PAULLIN Sworn to and eabecribed to before me this 10th | Jane, 1873. R. B. PETE BEOS, J. P. land, joat aa any of his snbjeotg might imbibe that wholesome beverage. His imperial legs were weary, aa be had been three hoars in the Exposition, and I have no doobt that hia impe rial throat wag dry and would have weloomed any moistening Hold. I was standing at the part of the Exposition devoted to Fairbanks’ scales; be stopped to examine the different varieties, from letter and gold ecalee np to one for railway oats, and an effort was made to get him to try bis weight, which heoonld have done free of charge. He can tip abont one hundred and fifty pounds—I should pnt him a little nnder if anything—bnt evidently be didn’t want to let the world know how much he amounted to in the avoirdnpois line. His upper lip has a blonde mustache, and he wears aide whiskers I that come down pretty low, and are rather heavy. Only his chin is shaven; his hair is tinged with gray, and he kdeps it cat with reasonable closeness, so that the Empress can not get a good grip in oase of any conjugal dif. fereneo of opinion. The oonrt oeremonies keep him pretty busy; be is op by C in the morning, and nometimes by 4 o’clock. The examination of papers and consideration of pnblio affairs keep him busy in the morning; by 10 or 11 begins the cere monions business which jast now HUKT, RANKIN & LAJLiK. janelSoodiwStn IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE MURRAY & LANMAK'S CELEBBATED FLORIDA WATER The richest, most lasting, yet most delicate Ml pcrfnmcs, for use on the HANDKERCHIEF, At the TOILET. And ia the BATH. ^ As there are imitations and counterfeits, always is specially heavy. If ho gets six hours sleep I uk for the Florida Water, which has on the bottle, out of tbo twenty-four be is fortunate. I ?"**>• '•* J ; ■*?punphlet, the names of wouldn’t trade place.* with him for life; I might 4 LAN1IAN > witnout which none be willing to try it on a month or two provided s For ^ ^ M porfam6I druggiet.. aealers the revenue and patronage of the place went * n f ADCV 00 jnIy8eod6m with it, but as for pure, unadulterated fun, 1 *— ELDER HOUSE Indian Spring, G-a j npHIIl well known houBO is now open to those there are a thousand things preferable to beieg Emperor. The Emprosa is one of tho handsomest women In Europe. Like Eagenie, eho was a great beauty in her younger days, and she continues .a. r,r,..» w. ~.:t ; r.nj... }°,kT%l£ “ “«mlX*ly A who vWt tho Springtot health'or pleiMro. oyoshilf eloted, ho lookod about, occasionally in nnblie “ i« situated nearer tho Spring than a5y oUter addroaaing n temark to soma mimatsr or dipio. “f h *'E F^bUo borne, sad ia spacious and comfortabis. mallat, DSIll a lady bsyontl the prime of Ilfn, but 5* receives tita greatest deferenco ana respeot. I The table is eupplicd with the beet the market attired in a very youthful tollolto seated st a Sbe ,*? “ ««»mphahed woman, but cannot ^r orJa . little diaianof, arroated hisattcnlion. He cave I "1™ “ er as a linguist, and there are I Every attention ie given to invalids who reeort hor a eign to opproeeb. Tbo lady hastened to TT 7 tew P areon ’ in Enropo who can. Besides to tho waters of tb > bpring for health, complv, «nd, Wing deeply btfoie the ruler of g® rm ? D ’ 0 th ® , EmF j' r ° r Eoglieh, Kat e« of Board. Hereia to henr some ilaltering cemplimenla; bnt F™neh, Spanish »nd Italian, and he can con- Per day S 2 00 the Bhah, speaking in brokeH French with slow hls anbjecta, Hungariacs, Croats, rcr week 10 CO intonation enquired; -Si tUOh-ti laide-ti Selavonians, and the rest-nineteen Fer month maijn-ijuevtna-tou* fairt au bait In Wies- kl ^« of P°°P Ie ’ n ° eteon T d J* er - baden ho made hie sppearsnee with three ladies ® nt '* n R ni 8 e * “ d dialects altogether. Judging of questionable virtue ho had attached to bis | “ fd “8 h ^f' nnitoln Berlin; the polioe, however, that ho might introdaco them st the bell given in bis honor, compelled them to relarn to Berlin. ed to his J LU l WH y euu atsposea oi nor etaest aangmer, , f clr j nc I *he believes in early marriegea. This girl, ’ II , n V“ I Giula, was but sixteen when the Empress bad ‘her married to Frinoe Leopold of Bavaria, and Liberal deduction made for largo families. W. A. ELDER A i-ON, Proprietors. Leopold of Bavaria, sent her to s qniet life in the country. Sbe bed never been *' brought oat,” nover had been in j Thero Is n religions revival progressing in urongni our. novor nau ceen in France, pervading til dtaaea of sooiely and as- I •® cle, T» ** waa ®°*» fac^ out of the Banda h. .a. a—J.I „hi„h Of governesses, when she went to the altar, bhe ATTEST10S SPORTSMEN ! New Tort Slate Sportsmen's Association, ■ Bidnonsly euoouragod by the Government, which forebodes no good either to the German Em IirUACTS FZ02E '‘RETOUT OF C3F2IITTEE ON STAND ARD FOR EROT.*' A LL manufacturers wil have eventually to conform, when tportmen require th&t their shot ah&ll compare with tho etandard of excellonco goverucBies, Is living at a chateau in the country, has ono piro or the Kingdom of Italy. Th7o“ec"o7l | , andh ® r bnaband ihas .Duoseoro. party aro rapidly extending their emnire from ta ^’’ (h ® °?° rt Jhey have To- w bi e h yonr committee has fixed domestto affairs over tho foreign relations of K»ther their inooms is said to be abont fifteen Upon tho moet critical exammation Jour com l'nniu .n.) t!„, .ii...,1 gf ar.n\i.h n n ■ I thoniand dollars a year, eo that they cannot keep mitteo have determined to adopt as tho Avebt- °P » *al of stylo. If rnmor speaks trno, ms sTasnam.” tho*c.lopresentedtonshylIoa.r». I.rerylhing that can be done to injurs the E K mprM , pnt he / foot in u b _ m i,ryinc bar Thos. Otia Le Boy A Co . Now York, proper safely and the neoeeaary liberties of the v™ *“ *■ * nniijmgiw . NEWELL Chabman Holy Soo abnll ba done. It is dirootly against Em^r^of Frnn-o° and Liqfrfa N * M * SMITH. * tho interest* of Italy to expel tho Pope, for J *"*?*}* Fraxiv ®L and met F. G. SKJNNEB. woro he to take refnge elsewhere, the Oatholios I HA**hurg a few years ago, thoy cooked up an j Bporttmen and dealers deairona of having the of all the world would be aroused and unite 6n K m £. e . m * Ilt *f l , we€n JP 0 ™ S2J!2? l l rtof * information relative thereto, aoainbt Italv”—ia aionificant for the amaaino I an:S hedan and the French Republic can promptly obtain the same by applyiog to rul nol«fiJiiJihiPha.n.nVZhfl cancelled the matrimonial business, and when TH03. OITS LE BOY & 00 , New York M fAT. “* 1110 I Ifco girl was sixteen the mother disposed of her June28deod3m as I have shown. ^ I „ B . En xa. j. at. surra. j. u. sum Tbe Latest IVrsonal Gossip Abont | RHEA, SMITH & CO. Frnnob programma within a few weeks. Pilgrimages to the many miraculous shrines and tmagoa are being organised nil over the oonntry, the moat aristoerntio families taking a ’-~*£3n——Fii, Bay, Bid ati Provisiois. .IlMlm. fwmi P.rlu T.illrt Ttp..t Tt.i^nnn. I pnia l.ulletin J I Ohio River Salt Oomnanv’a Acents. pilgrimt from Paris, Lille, Brest, Bayonne, Arras, Alsaeo, etc. Oharetto and Bonnia, Gcn- Yealerday was (he twenty-seventh annlver- •raia in tho former Papal army, who had slso BST y c * the Pope a election—all tho Homan pa- mads their appearanoe, were reoeivOd with P«™ “J the twenly^ighlh anniveivary of bis great enthnslnain. Tho holy pilgrlma, C8 an | elcotiou. This latter is tn orror. His Holiness j emblem, ate westing a rod cross, which has | now ? nt f” * b ® twenty.e.ghth year. Pins IX I boon blesaod with tho same words as the crosses w “ elo ° t ® d p °P®, the !****» of Jane, 1840, and of tho Ornaaders, who went to the Holy Land omwned cn the-Istof Jane. There was a very lo deliver Jern.aiem from tho hands of tho in- I Ana aoryice in honor of tho day at St. Peters. Ohio River Sait Company's Agents, 32 SOFIH MARKET ST., XABHVILLE, TEXX. ORDERS SOLICITED. Retebexos : Seymour, Tinsley A Co.; Coleman A Nowaotu Johnson A Smith; Gamble, Reck A Oo apr20 Sm N. S. JONES, out proper corrections being made by said Jordan. June 14. 1873. G. hi. BINE. janelS lawim fldelH. The bowers deposited in rarny le-1 r “ ,ho nf ‘ er “°° n < ho ToDenm wasanng, and PROVISION BROKER, Monial by tbo viaittng aooioties amount already 1 n?2JL.t C waa 3 mt0 ™* v . _ No. 3 Pike’s Opera House Building, to 0 SO. The refrain of the chant tho pilgrims I .y™ Kiano Sforzs, Archbishop of Na- cjiq-oiN3XrZk.TI. OHIOi are ainnim? incessantlT ia this • I pies, arnvod m Kerne yesterday, also several I * are singing incesiwmiy is irns. qUmt Bishops. Tho receptions at the Vatican Orders for Pork, Bacon, Hams and Lard O Dian vainanonr I have been very numerous within tho past few I „ . . _ prompjlf attend^ to. Lm itomo’e™ Franoo d «y s . there is a great deal of life and move- Bafera t0 Soynionr._Tinal.y_ miyll Sm An item tin aacro coenr.” I ™ent around and inside the Fapal pal tee. His NOTICE. At last, the Spanish government hat made np «?i!^ 0 T HEREBY warn the public not to trade fora its mind to re«ort to tile moat onergotio nils I }_* 1 , l ? re,nm8 bij old hab^its of liv- I DOte KiTfia t,y mo to J. G. Jordan about the Hioca to pnt an ond to tbaCarlist nairg. The la £‘. a “.end of mine, a Noble QuaiJun In I wth of Aniil last, for on. thoossxa4 (31,000) dol- Inaurgenta WlU bo summoned to surrender 8 ® r X‘ 08 tJ at th ,° T^V® 3 ,?; bM R iTea “ B aooonnt Tbe consideration for;which I gave within five days, at tho txpiratiau of which I Il;e Dope a daily life. It may be intereeting | haring: failed _1 wdl not_5»Yth»_ time a oordoa will bo drawn aronnd the inanr- I to yonr readers. leotionary districts, preparatory to tho oponing j /? 01n ® sa f r J soa * l half-past S o clock; of a decided campaign. his ,oi, , ot » into which entors a groat deal A declaration of independence tho Irreoon- of ahampoon eg. Then follotra mass after enables prepared to i.»co at Baroeiona has » 6im P'° collation of ooffrf, with four been prevented by Umoly measures of the f or bits of roasted bresfft After this anthontifN {ho holds an ordinary audieoca. Daring the The nevni from ell parts of tho country is morning ha hands to Mgr. Ocani, fte Prelate very gloomy. Tho Garliats ate gaining ground w . ho ch , ar ,f 0 ,°! lh ®, m f, al ’ S iass HZ d *?° and havo Hexed several important plaota. An- | ot bill of tare lot tho day. Then ha archy ia reigolng snpreme everywhere. !* carrle ^ ^. arL f, n ' 4 ae '^ b as Bismarck hat carried hia resolution formed been arranged lately for the Pope s daily prom- soma timo ago of withdrawing from the Pros- oa# ”. ** ,s ® n aTena J whWi is covered with aian foreign offleo into effect, and Herr too the ground jas been graveled and Bilan, an old and trnjtod friend cf hia, has I "‘Cdod.with great care; benchesland seatsihave boon appointed hia sneoesaor. Biamarck will, I been placed its foil length. Before his illness however, remain Chancellor of the German I n f, .1? wa ^ k a ?.^ r . as Fontana Empire. Thero are many reports circulating I deIIa * “ ,oeIIo i f °e one which is shaded by the I A BE composed of substances derived fromthfl as to the cause of his resignation. Bismarck’s RJ“* willow. Now ho only walks the half way JiL Y^etable Kingdom, and are parttadarly <S*- enemies are said to have sneeasdad in nreindio- I <be shaded avenue. Tnero has been ptacod I aignea to set gently, bat thoroughly on the Morn ing the Kie7sgrinvt'hiT'groat Minister who S«d*sth<.statute of Sx Peter, 2E baa, on a nsent oooaalon, been refuted «drn*- 1 CMe female"and infirm old ^“aa npon thl mo tance lo the royal pre- noa. It has, howoycr, ly Oonastl Qotmnn Qn the snntmUof Mt. Jani- vjg Cron8 system, eradicating every morbific agon been for a long tims his intention to withdraw I J“ am t commemoration of the first Vatican I invigorating the debilitated organs, buildicg up tho from tin* l’ «• in : i *r of -nuirnicat U'uncil of In- *. flagging nervous energies, and irnfartieg vigor to devoting his wholo timo to the business of the " midday His Holiness holds an extraordin- body and mind. German Empire I ftr 7 aodienco. At 1* o clock oomes the dinner. I ^bey increase the powers of digeetion, and exdt Th. aci‘:“t:o:i'a.Mi-:- : • - : .w propo-ed ls «* ^‘T served as its dishes are the absorbents to action whereby all impurities o renders the nnincky jonrnaliat liable to be I f'T “T F 0 ^ „ Th ® b “ olh * r favorite Itsl. Has given awav before the light of wdenoe. The pro'ccnted for any crimo within the rangs of “ l , f h i Homan dinner is complete without vegetable .kmgaom foimehos a remedy free from the penal code. Acoordmg to the statutes in “ J?«=«d«of brains, bits of bread, and young delotenona effects. ■<»■■■ juogmeui in me uuuaio. *» mojr bu*. i - h A / nrA t h* tflcfA fnr n.fw.i I D,il ous attacKs, palpiutionof the heart, pain in the tain the police, the edition is destroyed; if I jg**™”** taatfl fdr I mefco oftheMdaers. dsapnndepgyaad gloom, and they rclotse the seized piper, the whole edl- I as f and Koman.macaroni, develops; it haa J forebodings of evil, all of which are the offspring tion, after a fortnight cr month’s time, is re- on ' y ® cme f th,s . sp f i 5 R " ,v v. , | of » liver, tnrncd to the publiiaher, who his to dispose of I ? a ? n ,? * dinner the Pope takes it aa waste pap,r, without being entitled to cnly haU a gUaa of^^wine, and this is strieUy H- m-tt!- HOT, TTnwn fill any damage, on the part of the government. -or h.a e.omach a 6tka, acoordmg to Btble rnle; I JJJ, lilUS llllu JG.(1 IU HD The hardships to which the press is exposed | for n *J er was *.wine drinker in his j nnder this aystemwera r.Jmirably I'.’.nstratedby J? ar S ‘>»ys, and now eschews all nioety abont They are apedally reoommended for BOioa., Be- a reent ,e .--re of tl-e -tSV.-en ” e sa'irieii hl ’ t>0!U * > ear3 “S°- when Le first began mitteat and Intermittent Fevers, which prevail n paper unbilled i- Berlin. Tb'e ’•Veapen” bad to dritk wine at dinner . according to medical mjaamaaediatneUdaring theaummerand antumn. was the most prominent figure. The police w “ 0 P«. D .® d for b , IS n "- Tb en he ordered the I noa£ 01 “0 Uver and Bowele. president, suspecting an attack upon the sacred I ' r “‘,®,°/ ‘,‘ S oonntry to bo ae.ved to him, aa ’-t TOW nrrTT T a vn via. iilip person of Ilia Majesty, pouncednWt the whole c3 , a!d ^ bought on draught Trt Canape was AOK CHILL AND FEVER edition, and the' publisher had no choice left I r, R ^; e t fnn^the'sma'leTt < onantitv j 1:8 a apedfle. Fhreidana all admit tba bnt to pnn. another one lesa the objec.tonab.e I • ^ . , v . a,.S . 7 qninine onlv effecta a temporary armpenaion of tk* likeness of tbe Emperor. \\ hen in the subse- te , this dtv.ded into l.tUe flasks, a few attack* of Fever and Ague, unleea iu nse ia prs- quent trial it was eh^wn that the solution of the ^opi of oitve od poured on the wme. a wad ceded by a reliable mSSSwSEhSr rebna waa Wiihclm-hafcn, the new German ootton for oork; taemt is freah for a dey ot THE TESTIMONY OF THOUSANDS naval port, the police president returned the .... » — .. _ ' , eetabliahea berenda doubt that toe°Sr«'i™. P *ft” “^7"^ uot^lT /he boar tn a , >,•,=■ or;.rm ehTi" DR. TUTTS LIVER PILLS 810 — 1 ffiSSESSSSa? saswssaaa: safe™ f “ I holds pnvato conversations In the Bibliotheca. j. d. mu. DUGAN As STILZ, DSOLKBSIX Cora, Oats, fftai ii Hay, EXCLUSIVELY, So. 20 Second (treat, between Main and River, LOUISVILLE, KT. W AMPLE STOBiGE. Wfll fill or J«n for Corn from points in Illinois, Duties making purchase acoepung through Bill o! ; from shipping points.aprifi 6m GEOBGIA CASE STROP -Q BARRELS CHOICE CiNE SYRUP, ipr30 eodlf JAQUES A JCHN80N'3. G. W. MoCREADY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Wholesale Dealer In Flour, Heal, Hay, Corn, Oats Apples, Potatoes, Onitns, Butter, Cheese, Ejjs, No. 105 West Main Street, Bet. Third and Fourth IjOUISVIIiIjH, ELY, Give prompt attention to filling order* for Her- chan diee Agent for “Hart’a” Beater Hay Frees. apr25 3m JECAJBEL MAMDFACTUBZXIOF STAR AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, LARD OIL. Office, Ne. 14 West Main Street, between First and Second. Factory, Nos. 73, 75,77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lane, between Ohio and Adams Streets, LOUISVILLE. ICY. Cash paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. apr25 6m $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY Legalised by State Authority and Draw In JPablle In BU X*oala. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 KUUBEKN. CLASS G. TO BIS DRAWN JULY 31 1873. 5,SS0 PRIZES. AMOUNTING TO 33O3.OC0. prize of prize of— prize of.... prize of.„. prizes of.... prizes of— 20 prizes of.... ...$50,000 ... 13.450 ... 10,000 - 7.500 .- 5.000 _ 2,500 _ 1,000 prizes of. prizes of. Tickets 810. Half Tickets $5, 500 prizes of— $ ICO y prizes of—...... 1000 9 prizes ot 500 9 prizes of.....^.« 300 9 prizes of......^. 25G 30 prizes ot 200 36 prizes 150 180 prizes of........... 10G 5,000 prizes 10 aarters 82^0. always drawn at the time named, and all drawing.* aro under the supervision of sworn commissioners. W The official drawing will be published in the Bt. Louis paper.-, and a copy of drawing sent to pur chasers of tickets. -*&#- We will draw a similar scheme the last day of every month during the year 1873. 40r Remit at our risk by Postofflce Money Order* Registered Letter Draft or Express. Head for a cir cular. Address. MURRAY* MILLER A CO.. Pnutoffiee Box 1143. Rt. Loni«. Mo, FR- R- FR- CH0LEHA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARRHOEA, AND ALL BOWEL C0MFLAIHTS, Cured and Prevented by Radway’s Ready Relief I F CHOLERA prevails as an epidemic, the Pro ventive measures are the most wise to adopt. The Liter, Bowels and Stomach should be kept regular. Badway’s Pills, in small doses, will secure this requisite. Badway’s Beady Belief diluted ir water, tote tevpoonful to a tumbler of water), taken as a drink, three or four times during the day will disinfect the malaria inhaled in the sys tem and neutralize all acid or uchealthy elements caused by the combination of the malaria of the atmosphere with the gaeee of stomach, (which are often m theee epidemica acid), imparting warmth, energy and health, throughent' the eyetem, and p *eventiug the separation of the wateiy from other properties in the blood. If seized with CHOLERA, the Beady Belief should be given aa a iron g and often as possible. This will secure rest and hold the properties of tho blood together, ZQUiLizi5a its circulation, prevent ing congestion, and prevent tbe diminishing or lessening of the pulse, and stopping vomiting and purging. The body should be rubbed w th Beady Belief from head to foot, and along the epine. This will impart new energy and vitality to the nervous system, stop cramps, spasms, and induce free perspiration. As soon as the stomach is quieted, six to eight of Badway’e Pills (no danger of diarrfccei need te feared) should be given. The liver. Stomach and Bowels will atoace te resto-ed to their natural duties, and the neutralizad ele ments of dieease be expelled from the system. This treatment hm rescued thousands from death. Looseness, Dlarrl cea, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Spasms, etc , and all painful dir charges from the bowels are stopped in fifteen or twenty minutes by takirg Badway’s Bead/ Belief. No congestion or irflammation, no weakness or lassitude, wul follow the use of the It. K. Belief. YELLOW FEVER. This disease is not only cured by Dr. Badway’ Belief and Pills, but prevented. If exposed to it, put one teafcpoonfulof Belief ina tumbler of water. Drink this before going out in the morning, and several times during the day. Take one of Jaadway’t Pflls one hour before dinner and one ongoing to bed. If seized with Fever, take four to six of the Fills every six hours, until copious discharges from the bowels take place; also drink the Belief, dilated with water, and bathe the entire surface of the body with Belief. Boon a powerful perspiration will take place, and you wfll feel a pleasant heat throughout the system. Keep on taking Belief repeatedly every.four hours; also the Pills. A core will be sure to follow. Tbe Belief is strengthening, stimulating, soothing and quieting. It is sure to break up the fever and to neutralize the poison. Let this treatment be followed and thousands will be saved. The same treatment in FEVER AND AGUE. TYPHOID FEVER, BHIP FEVER, BILIOUS FEVEB, will effect a cure In twenty-four hours. When the patient feels the Belief irritating or heating the ekiD, a cure is poaitive. In all cases where paia is felt, the t elief should be used. Beady Belief 50 cents per bottle, and Pills 25 cents a box. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH S BEAUTY STRONG AND PUBF, BIOH BLOOD — IN- CRE4SE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT— CLEAR SKIN AND BEAU' IEUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! WAGES. T'OB all who are, willing to work. Any person, . old or youugjof either sex, can make from $10 to $5) a week, at home day or evening. Want ed by all. tiuitable to either dty or oountry, and any season of the year. Tnia ia a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out or money, to make an independent living. No capital being required. Our pamphlet, “HOW TO MAKE A LIVING,” giving full instructions, tent on receipt of 10 cents. Address A. BURTON A CO., Mor- risania, Westchester county, N. Y. rpHE BECKWITH $20 PORTABLE FAMILY X SEWING MACHINE,on SO days* trial; many advantages overall. Satisfaction guaranteed, oi $20 refundod. Sent complete, with full directions. Beckwith Sewing Machine Oo., 862 Broadway, N. B rpHE NEW ELASTIC THUS 4. An important In- X vention. It retains tbe ltapturo at all times, and nnder the hardest exercise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, snd if kept on night and day, effects a permanent cure in aiew weeks. Bold cheap, and sent by mail when reqaetted* Circulars freo, when ordered by letter sent to the Elastic Truss Oo. t No. 033 Broadway, N. Y-«ity. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trussed; too painful; they alip off too frequently. may 22eod£eowIy 9Ei PRICE 5 © SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, who Aid *rom the capital npon the approach of the Kassiias, have returned and submitted to General Kauflmaan, commander of tho Russian expedition, *ko under guard. Offioial advioes from SL Petnrsborg report» , -- r . , , ,, _ . , . that the Khan of Kh'va and all hia ministers 1 ^5 P r jy®” fohowed by private I ‘PjtaB - - audiences, at which affairs of tbe greatest mo- Uv,.. ^ meni tre Jiscnasfi At hilf.past ten o’clock he *“« ““**• lo “ ofa P- | takes a sonp ; . ThisU an ol b/i excellent l aiira gS^totfil placed them provisionally CQtj0 [ a ‘ -A litt.e before xuidnigb* His Holiness I ears, pain in the back, side and shoulders, high Jjlrxo. I 8°®* *° fiae ®P- I colored urine, vertigo and biliousness. While using «>»» I them 50 CHA5QZ cr diet os occctatiom is neoeasa- A Bsyjll Hjlrbxigx —That gallant voung ma- I *7- PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. Sold by all drug- Viaoma Portraits.—Mrs. Letitia Tyler Sam- riner Pnnoe Alfred Ernest Albert, CapjJn in I pie, of Baltimore, has presented to the Virginia I the British Navy, is at last engaged to be mar- h:*te L brary twj fine portroilfi. one of her I ried, and the final papers hav* been drawn, father, John Governor 0 f Virginia, and I The bride-elect is the Grand Dacheas Maris, of President of the L aitod S*ate« ( and the other I Kussia, a young lady of twenty years, the or her grandfaiher, Jojn Tyler, Governor of I Prince being nine years her senior. ’ Tha par- . kj William [ ties met a year or two ago at Hesse Darmstadt, and at once & tec dir feeling sprung np and flourished between them. Hence this result. Such is life. DE. TUTT’S Virginia. The .first Hart, of Kentocky, and the latt . .. I the great r od-daughter of Governor John T>>r, Sr. B Denison, from the origioal by Warren* Both pictures are good portraits, and really &d- mirable as works of art. aside from their vsIqo as memorials of two of Virginia’s eminent men. The portrait of the ex-President represents him in the act of vetoing the “Bank Rill.” IMPROVED HAIR DYE. This elegant preparation is warranted the BEST IN THE WORLD: # Its effect ia instantaneous; Imparts no ridiculous As an evidence of tbe force and effect of the I great storm at Fond da L&c, Wit., tod vicinity, i the 4th, it is stated that in one county 250 _ , , t . J barns were demolished. Wrecked bui’diugs, , l’bem.morandom woompanying the portrari,ted orchards and badly damaged fields ^ do^ b » aU Drx aayaofhlm: He waa a Man—wises., nob.ei’, I mark the track of the hurricane through Laboratory 16 and 30 Platt rt- N X yirmonaest, di*cre*!eit, best. | several oo untie., J aogUdeod.awAwly tints; will remedy the bad effects of inferior fta ; perfectly harmless; contains no •cg&rof lead; has no unpleasant odor, and Imparts a natural glossy color. Druggists- TAXILLA, LE3I0X, ETC., For Flavoring Ito Cream, Cates and Fastry. “With great care, by a new process, wo extract from the true, select Fruits and Aromatics, each characteristic fla vor, and produce Flavoring* of rare mmOmm, Of great strengOi and perfect purity. Fo poisonous oils. Ecery flavor as represented. Ab deceit—each bottle f ud measure, holdingcnefuilf more than others purporting to hold same quantity. Vse them once, «vid use no other. The most delicate, delicious favors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only hy STEELE & PRICE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. Frieds Cretan - Bakina Fencder. CHANGE of SAILING DAYS. PACIFIC MAE STEAMSHIP CO.'S nsorei hki to ciMToxm, c*m A_XD JAFA5, ToaeMng it Mexican Forts, AMD CAKRintS THE V. S. MHL Fares Greatly Reduced. O NE of the large and splendid Steamships of this line will leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal St., at 12 o’clock, noon, on the 5th, and 20th of evexymonth(exoept when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday) tar A8PINWALL, connect ing, via Panama Railway, with one of the Com pany’s Steamships from Panama for BAN FRAN- (UBOO, touching at w AN/AYTf.m. All departures connect at Panama with steamers for South Pacific and Uentral American ports. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran cisco first of every month, exoept when it falls on Sunday, then on the day preceding. One hundred pounds of Baggage allowed to aaeb adoxt. Baggage received on deck the day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced Burgeon on board. and attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or further In formation, apply at the Company’ll Ticket Office, on the Wharf, foot of Oanal street. North River, New York- GEO. H. BRADBURY, President H. J. Bullat, Bupt. augSlJ , DE EiDWAY'S SABSAPAfilLLM BESOIOT Has mad# tbe most sstoni«fcine cures. So quick, eo rapid aro the changeu the body undergoes, nnder the influence of tbia truly wonderlnl medicine, that EVERY D*Y AN INCREASE IN FLESH AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER! Every drop of tbe SABSAPARILLIAN RESOL VENT communicates through the blood, sweat, urine, and other fluids and juices of the system,, the vigor cf life, for it repairs th9 wastes of the body with new *nd sound material. Bcrofnla, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular Disezsos, Ulcers in tho Throat and Mouth, Tumors. Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Bore Ejes, btiamorous Discharges from tbe Ears, and the worst form of Bkiu Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Bores, Scald Head, Bing Worm, Balt Bheum, Ery sipelas, Acne. Bl&ck Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers iu the Womb, and all Weakening andPaicfal Discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life pricciple, aro within tho curative raDge of this wonder of Mod ern ChemUtry, and a few days* use will prove to any person using it for 6ither of theso forms of disease its potent power to enro them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the waste and decomposition that is continually pro gressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this the BARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure—a euro is certsin; for when onoethia remedy commences its work of purifica tion, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of w&etos, its repairs will be rapid, and every day tbe patient will feel hinuelf growing better and strong er, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does the BABSAPABILLIAN RESOLVENT excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin Diseases, but it is the only positive euro for I Kidney and Bladder Complaints! Urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes. Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick dost deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid,dark, bilious appearance and white bone dost deposit, and when there is a pricking Bensation, burning sensation, when passing water, and pain in the small of the back and along the loin3. WORMS! The only safe and enre remedy for TAPE, PIN, and WORMS of all kinds. FBI0E $1 00 PEE BOTTLE. An Important Letter! From a prominent gentleman and resident of Cin cinnati, O., for the past forty years well known to the book publishers throughout tho United Btates: New York, October 11, 1870. De. Bad way : Dear Sir—I am induced by a sense of duty to toe suffering to make a brief statement of tho working of your medicine on myself. For several years I had been affected with some trouble in tbe bladder and urinary organs, which some twelvemonths ago culminated iu a most terribly afflicting disease, which the physicians all said was a spasmodic stricture in the uretba, as also iefiam- mation of the kidneys and bladder, and gave it as their opinion that my age—73 years—would pre vent my ever getting radically cured. I had tried a number of physicians, and had taken a large quanity of medicine, both alopatbio and homeoe- pathic, but had got no relief. 1 had read of aston* abing cures having been made by your remedies; and some four months ago read a notice in the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post of a cure hav ing been effected on a person who had long been suffering as I had been. I went light off and got some of each—yonr Sarsapariflian Resolvent* Beady Belief, and Regulating Pills—and com menced taking them. In three days i waa greatly relieved, and now feel as well as ever O. W. JAMES, Cincinnati, O. Tomor of 12 Tears’ Growth Cured by Radway’s Resolvent! Bimtt, Mias.. July 16,1857. Da. Ralway:—I hare*bad Ovari.n Tnmor in the ovaries and bowel,. All tbe Doctor, said “there waa no help for it ” I tried everything that wu recommended, bnt nothing helped me. I saw yonr Be«olvent, and thonght I would try it; bnt had no faith in it. because I had suffered for twelve yean. I took six bottles of the Reaolvent, and one box of Badway’s Pills, and two bottles of yonr Beady Belief; and there ia not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, and I feel better, smarter, and hap pier than I have for twelve years. Tbe wont tomor wu in the left aide of tbe bowels, over the groin I write this to yon for the benefit of others. You can publish it if yon choose. HANNAH P. ENAPP- Da. J. A Titos, Of Atlanta, Qa. Da. B A. Hoor*. Of Chattanooga, Tcnn. MINERAL HILL. SALINE, SULPHUR. ALUM T HIS favorite Sommer Beaort, altoalfd near Bean’s Station, East Tenneaaee, and nine miles from Morristown, East Tennessee and Vir ginia Bailroad, has jost been SPLENDIDLY fitted np for the Summer of 1873. OUB SULPHURS, (Bed, White and Black), Alnm and Chalybeate Water*, need no comment, as their effects are gen- orally known: bat we would call yonr particular attention to the wonder of the age, ua mineral water— OUB SALINE SPRING. better known as Black Water, which is magical its specific effects in cases of KHEUM3.TIBM, SCROFULA. DYSPEPSIA, all Dieeaaea of the Blood and Skin, and especially adapted to the Dis eases of Females. Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths! the cool and bracing mountain air, together wilh the magnificent mountain soinery, tend to make this one of tbo most pleasant rammer re sorts in tbe South. Theso Springs are accessible by daily hack lines Parties desiring toviaitns will atop at Tor- lev House, Morristown, and c»ll for William A. Dickinson, proprietor Hack Line to Mineral HiU. Ad dree, DBS- TAYLOR & HOOKE, Proprietors, Bean’s Station, Iut Tennessee. BOARD—Forty Dollars per month. Special ar- rangemetita for famines. may 18 £m METROPOLITAN IRON AND BRASS WORKS Canal Street, front 6tb to 7tb, 3EHODBC2MCOMT O, VA WM, E. TAHNEK & 00., Eniiseers, MacMslsts asK Fosnders. EMaiKES OF ALL KIMDS. Bond fof Circular. H. R. BROWN, ianl4 Iv AGENT. “Absolutely tbe Beat Protection Against Fire.” Over. 1200 Actnal Fires ini out with it MORE THAN $10,000,000 00 Worth of property saved from the flames THE K ik. /f\ :iu 1,/ : •fife**’, IRE EXTINGUISHe! F. W. FARWELL, Sec’y, 407 Broadway, New York. In daily use by the Fire Departments of tho prin cipal cities of the Union. The Government has adopted it Tho leading railways use it. Send for “Its Record.” E. H. WBIGLEY <£ CO., Agents. THE MUD POWER H- Prom l/rompt, DR. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative and Reg ulating- Pills. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum. purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Badway’s Pills, for the cure of all dis orders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipa tion, Coetivenese, Indigestion, Dyspepeia. Biious- nees. Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a poeitive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury.minerals or deleterons drugs. CT Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or weight In tbe Stomach, Soar Eructations, Sinking or Flutter ing at the Heart, Choking or suffering Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the flfrin and Byes, Pain in the Side/Chest, Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh. A few doses of Badway’s Pills will free tbe sys tem from all the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Druggists. y&F ^ ba ® HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS ’AVE FROVED, FROM THE MOST xperience, an entire success. Simple, Jent and Reliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use—so simple that mistakes cannot be made in i them; so harmless aa to be free from danger, so efficient as to be always reliable. They nave the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Price, in large three-drachm rials, with directions: Nos. . Cures. ^ - Cents. L Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations, 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, 3. Crying-Colic, or Teething of Infants, . 50 4. Dfarrlicea, of Children or Adults, • 5. Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic, . G. Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting, ... 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, • • • . 8. Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache, . • 9. Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo, 1°- Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach, ... 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, • . 12. Whites, too Profuse Periods, • • • 13. Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, • 14- Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruption^ V 35. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, ... 50 13. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues, 50 R- Piles, blind or bleeding, .50 18. Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes, • 50 19. Catarrh, Acute or Chronic Influenza, Kn £0. Whooping-Cough, Violent Coughs, Jl. Asthma, Oppressed Breathing, . . 22. Ear Discharges, Impaired Hearing, • ao 23. Scrofula, Enlarged Glands. Swelling*, . 50 24. General Debility, Physical Weakness, • 50 25. Dropsy and Scanty Secretions, . . . . 50 26. Sea-Sichness, Sicknesd from Riding, . 50 27. Kidney-Disease, Gravel, . . ... 50 23. Nervous DebUity, Seminal Weakness, or Involuntary Discharges, * . • • .100 29. Sore Mouth, Canker, . . . - • • - JO SO Friuary Weakness, Wetting the Bed, 50 31. * Painful Periods, with Spasms, . . 50 32. Suffering* at Chango of Life, . . • -100 33. Epilepsey, Bpasms, St. Vltejf Dance,. 100 34. Diphtheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat,. . 50 S3. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions, 50 family cases. Case iMoroecol withalove 35 larga vialsand i Manual of Directions, . . • ; f 1 ? “X Caae (Morocco) of SO larpo flair and Book. 600 remedies are sent by the case or alnRlo l>ox to any part of the country, free of charge, ou receipt ot price. Address ^ Medicine Oo.J And by JOHN INGALLS, and HUNT, RANKIN is LAMAR, Macon, Ga. eod&awtf SOGERS Sc BONN, WHOLESALE GROCERS! OFFER FOB SALE 20,000 pounds Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. 300 barrels Refined Sugars. ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS' LINE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. JnnelStf LA.WTON-& BATES, WECOXiHS AL33 -DEALERS IN- JOHNSON & SMITH WHOLESALE SEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! FOURTH AND POPLAR STREETS, MACON. Jnne5tf” GEORGE *W. HEAD, -EXCLUSIVE- WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER ABTD CXG-AlU. MANUPAOTTTnEU. No. 4n Blake’s Block. Poplar Street. Macon; G-a. CO READ lZjSB AND TDCTEI” uia , Bend one latter stamp to BADWAY S3 Warren, earner Ghnrch street, New Information worth tbo at an da will' Beyls eod&wly -» fOULDINGS, Brackets, Stair Fir Ji tnree, Builders’ f nmithieg Hard- ; ware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire ; Guards. Terre Cotta Were, Marble and ; Slate Mantle Pieces. WINDOW GLASS A SPECIALTY. Circulars and Price List sent free on application by P* P. TO ALE, 30 Hayne and 33 Pinckney ate., i octleodly Charleston, S. 0. White Pine Lumber for Sale. 0. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO, Corn, Oats, Hay, Bam, Lard, Flour, Snpr, Mo, Iotas' BAGGING, TIES, ETC., FOURTH STREET. MACON, GA. JanSOtf WHOLESALE nu PROVISION AlLIf OR US. LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED OX THIRD STREST. A. C. KAUFMAN. BAT7K.MR. AND DEALEB IN SOUTHERN SECURITIES, CHARLESTON, S. R OUT BEEN COLLECTIONS receive the Special aujgtoiL O and Personal attention of this House. Be turns made FAITHFULLY and PBOMPTLY in New York Exchange, which always rules BELOW par during the active busmeee seaaon. mr Notes, Drafts and Acceptance* payable in Sooth fWrrriina, North Carolina and Georgia can be oonoentnted at this point with Profit and Saving of Labor. AU Mvfnftts attended to with fidelity and ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. H AYING perfected my arrugeaenU to eorrect tbo slightest error In the time-keepim? of aj fc* Regulator, by the erection of an observatory end one of the moet approved TRANSIT 1NBTBI* MENTB, for the pnrpoee of nlnei ting the auridian passage st the eon and stare, I trill be able to keep the exact Macon aaaaa time to within a fraction of a second. . „ , „ . Wenntel AHewMae teM te aa liawalilur scad reetng sf 1 QooWtat* Of Bonttm Beoorltie.. toned febllta i Witmee, MMI