The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 23, 1873, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS •WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 23, 1873 Don to td SraiNov—Colonel J. B. Rom loft for Indian Hprinp yesterday morning. B« will be gone a week. Nrw Buildn«o—A Dee brick building is be log oommeneet on Poplar at reel, adjoining lleath X Forter'a atablaa. Thi Matos's Oocrr.—Hia Honor tbe Mayer had only two oaaea before him yesterday, and they were not of mnch importance. A Fictthk.—Teelre able-bodied negroei, of both aexea, aeated upon the tame piece ■canlling, and feasting npon the same water melon, was one of the street soenea yesterday. Kcsimxo a* OrriczJt.—Offleer Simpson at tempted to arrest a citizen of Jones county on the charge of disorderly oondnet, yesterday afternoon, when tbe latter resisted and at tempted to asaanlt Simpson with a knife. The wight of the official baton, preaaed with some energy npon the bead of tbo gentleman from Jones, induced the Utter to go Tory quietly to the barracks. Tbe case will come up before HU Honor Ibis morning. Macon atn> Bacnswiac Roan.—By reference to tbe lima table, printed elsewhere this morn ing, it will be seen that some important changes hare been made in the schedule of the Msoon and Brunswick road. The passenger trains now leave Macon at 8.80 a. or., instead of 8:00 a. or. aa heretofore, and arrive at 8:00 r. or. in- atead of <1:65 p. or. as before. The Hawkins- ▼illa aooommodatlon now leaves at 3:50 p. or. instead of 8:15, and arrives at 9:55 a. or. instead of 10:10, aa heretofore. These changes go into effect to- day- Tna WuTnxn.—Since Saturday we have been having a rather remarkable spell of weather. It haa been olondy for a greater portion of the tlms during Iho day, and cool enough, at times, for October. This is singular, as It is shout this season of lha year that the ann usually does 1U “level best," and umbrellas and gauzy cloth lug are In greatest demand. But suoh haa not been tbe ease for Ibe paat two or three days. In faet the weather has been decidedly nnsum meriab, and does not feel like wholesome weather at all. Line Mioizisxa.—Messrs. Brown & Go contlnno to reoelve the August numbers of all tbe leading monthly periodioaU. They have handed us Scribner’s, the Atlantic, the Qalsxy and the Eclectio, all of which preeent special attractions. Soribner’s begins a new story by Bret Hsrte, wblon will run through three cum lisrt, greatly enriobing them. The AtUntio contains poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes and Thomas Bailey Aldrich, besides a number of other excellent papers. Bat it is ateieis to enumerate articles when all the magazines are so full of good ones. • lixorrszo.—The polios hare succeeded in recovering the chair that was stolen from Mrs. BUokshear’s porch one evening last week. Tbe ohalr has been Identified and returned to Its owner. Another chair—a lady’s sewing rocker —was recovered at tbe same time, and is now in the barracks awaiting seme ona to oome and identify it. Both those chairs were recovered from par Use to whom the sneak thiof who stole them had sold them. A bed sproad was also recov ered and returned to Us owner. The thief is ■till et large, but the polioe entertain some hope of being able to catch him. They think they know who it is, and are keeping a sharp lookout for hia eppearanoe. Got Train Hour.—Those Msooa capitalists who awoke a few mornings slnoo and found money bequeathed to them by the Louisville lottery, have received the wbolo amount with out rebate. Tney are now engaged in planning finanoial schemes that would astound Jim Fisk, ware he living, and do probably cause the bones of that hero to rest nuersily beneath the green sward of Bralllehoro. Msoon invested about twelvo hundred dot Isrs In this lottery and gets out of it the muni fioent amount of twenty-fivo per oent. of the in treatment. This is divided between four or fivo larky individuals, who are now debating wholh. er they shall proceed at once to oonstruct the Msoon end Oiuolnnatl railroad, or build the Atlanlio and Great Western Canal, or whether they shell make a joint fnnd of the wealth and squander it in a week's oonvivialily at Indian Bprlng. _ A MD.M-ruor.T Nciaiscnc—Front the way watermelons sre devoured on the sidewslks and in tbe streets of Msoon, and the rinds left to rot where the eaters throw them, it la very reasonable to apprehond that if tbe city Is not attaoked with the rind-erpeat, or some other equally disagreeable visitation, it will not be for the want of somothlng to attract it. It is ■boat as nuwholaomo to bresthe the odor of de caying vegetation as to eat stale melons or cab bage. The hogs ere doing what they oan to relieve tbs oily of this evil, but, thongh most of them appear to enjoy good appetites, their efforts to devour all the rinds thrown npon the street, her, so far, been a failure, and there are some localities through whloh a person osnuot walk without stepping on pieoes of rind. The au thorities ought to stop this, and if people will persist in eating melons on the streets, they ought to be foroed to oarry the peelings off with them. The County Court. Judge Weems disposed of only one eeso yes terday, as follows t Borne Ume alnoe one Augustus James, a col ored apology, grew weary of the wear and tear of oily life, went into Holland district in search of repose end happy domesticity. In order that the latter might be as beaUfio aa possible he took with him e colored female woman, who left her husband in the oily. Things went very well for e Ume, Ull Alioe Boynton, the brevet wife, went a little wrong, and than Augustas chastised her severely. This threw him Into oourt to answer the oharges of adultery, forai- oat Ion and committing a battery. He was con victed and sent to the chain gang for six months In default of the payment of $50 and coats. Judge Weems issued some half a dozen war- rants yesterday, and wrote out aa many accuse, tiona. Among the parties affected is Mrs. Em- ma Webb, who Is well known to the habitues of Blue Ruin and to the polioe in general Bbe has been arrested on tbe charge of keeping a disorderly bouse, and has given bond for her appearanoe to-day. Whan this accusation shall have keen disposed of she and her whole house hold—which is composed of both white and black females—will be arrested and disposed of e« vagrants. She is one of the leaders of the ton In Blue Ruin, and her citabllahment is said to be an annoyance even to that notorious com munity. David Williams came into oonrt yesterday af ternoon with “a tale of wo," and asked that a warrant be issued for ths arrest of Green Ro berts on the oiutrge of haring committed a bat tery upon him, the said David. David was promenading with his girl Monday night, when Green met him and dunned him for a half a dollar. David was not prepared to liquidate the debt, and told his creditor sc; but this did not ■ettefy the latter, and an altercation ensued. Green threw a brickbat which struck David square upon tbe nose, leaving npon it the im press!on of a poorly executed monogram of an inverted T with the arms drooping like the bosrs of Lyra Bebyloaioa. The blow ac tually spread David’s nose all over his faoe, bat Dr. Metteuer gathered np the fragments and pasted them up again into the shape of a de cani sort of a very fl it nose, with a soar running down and another croatwiss. Tbe same brick bat rebounded from David's nose, and gave his girt a severe blow in the forehead. Green was arrested yesterday evening and gave bond for his appearanoe. The case will be beard at ten o'clock this morning. A gentleman from Rutland diatriot staled yesterday, that slnee the prosecutions for lnter- 1 naive ooodunt have been going on lathe 'Jounly Court, there have been more weddingi in bis district than were ever known to Lave taken |.i«q« before in the same length of time. Ir you want crockery, china, glassware, sil ver-plated wire, dinner sets, tea sets, cham ber sets, go to Walker A Dobbe'. jnlj22 2: A Abort Alady lb SI ale rat History. Tbe average American boy. no matter where be la found, la a grievance. This remark refers to boys from thirteen to fifteen years cf age. They, about that period of life, oonceive the idea that they are boys no lorger, and, as they have neither the stature nor the stamina of men, beeome noedeeoripts in manners snd morals, and are totally uninteresting, except to an ill nalnred man who is in want of something to abase. The boy is nearly ubiquitous as U possible for tangible fl -eh sod blood to be. Heprowis around with an indiseriminateness that would aslonisb a man who had never seen many boys. They hang around obnroh doors, to watch the girls go in and oome ont of church. They are the first fellows at a cock fight, a horse race, a camp meeting or an auction, nod they monopolize al! tbe scats and most of tbe conversation, and tbe meanest sagars. If you go to the circus early in order to get a good seat, one or more boys are seen to get just in front of yon, and just at the moment when the down is performing his funniest antic, and yon are abont to let loose the especial laugh you have been holding in check for that particular point in the perform anoe, the boys rise before yon, obstructing your view and destroying the best laugh in your oacblnatory repository, and yon involuntarily enbstltnte therefor some exclamatory remarks which we have an ntter aversion to seeing in print. Bat, if there is one pisoe at which a boy en joys himself snore than at another, it is at a funeral He loses no opportunity to attend one. He feels cheerful while going to tbe grave and cbeerfnl while returning; bnt he has an Idea that it wonld not look well to seem as oheerfnl as he is, so be begins a droll faeial per formance, in order to overcome his cheerfulness with a more seemly gravity; and the effeot is abont as Iadlorons as a down with his face folly painted and chalked, who seeks to lessen his ridiculousness by donning the oowl and cloak of a monk. , Yonr average boy is a pretty steady chnroh goer. He likes conspicuous pews, snd he can usually tall who ware at church and where they ■at. He is not a very devout member of the oougregstion; but whiles away the most tedious sermon by writing bis name and sundry other remarks in the hym book whioh be finds in his pew, aud then carves his initials in the back of the pew in front of the one he aits in. When he is through with that, having nothing else to amuse him for the present, he slowly lowers himself in his pew and then hoists his legs jnat high enough to thrust his knees against the neck of the gentlemen who sits in front of him, and in this position he snoozes comfortably nntil be is awoks by the brisk tresdof the congregation rising to sing tbe Doxology, and when the ben ediction is prononnoed he makes a rnah for the door, being afraid that one of the girls will get ont before he hss a chance to leer at her under her bonnet. He Is ambitions. There is not one of them who does not expeot to grow up to be a Napo leon, or a Washington, or a Gay Fawkes, or a Jim Fisk, or a Joe Jefferson, or a Joe Miller, or a Joseph, or a Robinson Crusoe, or a Jark the Giant Killer. They do not dream of pass ing through life at an ordinary gait over an ordinary oonrse whioh every man may travel; bnt is confident that he Is reserved for some great event—that he will some day astonish the world by leading a groat army, making a great speeoh, writing a great book, riding a fractious mule, killing a mad-dog, or saving a yonng lady’s life from a burning building or a raging torrent. He has plenty of inch ideas as these, and expeots to live nntil some one or more of them is realized. His vision may be wealth, and he will dream of becoming a Grooms until he willbeoome ao it fitted that he will hnrryoff and spend his last dime for a bocket-book lo hold the money that he expecta to have. Ha la a Utopian. Things, to him, movo by im aginary causes, and he earroaads himself with a perfeet maze of extravagant circumstances. One of his ideals is that he is a fit creature to be very mnch in love with, and time he justifies the weakness ho exhibits In being very mnoh in love with himself. He is painfully (to his friend:) aware that he is a perfeot Adonis, end loses no opportunity to express the opinion— not by words precisely, but by actions which are twice as eloquent. But this is only an ont- cropping of his ntopisnism. Taking him all and in ail tbo boy is rather a rare oomponnd of oddity and nonsense—just FINANCIAL All) COMMERCIAL' Latest Market Reports by Telegraph | FINANCIAL. Xzw rose—Noon—Stocks heavy Money easy I it 1-0 5 Exchange, long 8V: ehortlO. Govern ments quiet. Bute bonds a eady. Gold steady at J6tf ^ Evening—Gold steady at 1&»18X. Money easy at 3*4. Jtortit.g -:eady Governments closed atrong. Bute bond* steady. Midnight—Governments, 81a 20; 82s 17; «t 17K: 65a 19X; new 17«f: 67a 19, 88e 16)6 new 5slt)(: KWOalSK- Teni.e-wee Ca HU: new SO!-,': Virginia 6a 44: new 50; coneol 6aM; deterred 10X: Louisiana | 6a 49; new 43; levee 6. 40: Rs 6": Alabama 8a 80; 5a 54: Georgia 6a 70 7a 86 North Carolinas 27.V; new 15 special ux 12. Booth Carolinas 28; new 14; April and October 20- Nxw OxLXxrs—sterling 27Jf- Sc* York sight % premium. Gold 16 J-okddx—Noon-Consols 9SXS92J( ; new S'a 89H pirns—Noon—Rentes 56f He. Feasxxoet—Noon—Bonds 96X for C2’a. Fasts -Evening—Rentes Sit rJo. COTTON. New Tout—Noon—Cotton, aaiee 593; middlings I 21: market qnieL Future- opened as followi: July 20X: August 19X®1»X; Heptembir 16y,<s 18 8-16; October 17J{; December 17X- Evening—Ootton sales to-day 770: middlings 21: n.erket quiet aud nominal; net receipts 299. groat 1205. Sties of futures 15.300; mtrket closed aa follows: Julv 2 Angu-t I9X: September l-.a; Octo ber 17 13 16®X7X- , Baltiwoxx—Ootton, net reoelpta —; gross 72: exports ooaatwise 115; sales 305; stock 3257; mid dlings 20X: market quiet- New OaLXAsa—Ootton. net receipts 221: gross 293; sales —; last evening 300; stock 32,758; mid dlings 18X- WiurnraTOS—Ootton. net receipts 72; tales 2; stock 1672; middlings 18X: market qnieL Augusta — Cotton, receipts 118; sales 339; mid dlings 18; market qnieL Bavaxhas—Ootton, net receipts 227: exports coastwiea —; aaiaa 31; stock 6202; middlings 18%@ UN; market firm. •Jhaklzstok—Ootton, net receipts 315: exports coiatwise —; sales 100: stock 4463; middlings 19)f; low middlings 18X: Rood ordinary 17X: ordinary 14 it IS; market Him forgood grades. Mobile—Ootton, receipts ; exports coast wise 44; sales : stock 11,351; middlings I8jf; low middlings nX'Sl'X; markei doll and nominal. Bortox—Ootton, gross 131; sales 200; stock 10.- I 000; middlings 21; market quiet and little doing. [ HBOtl—Ootton. net reoelpta 293; exports coastwise 638; aaiee 80; stock 3740; low middlings 18X: market steady. Mzjtrms—Ootton, net receipts 162: exports coastwise 586: sales —; stock 9442; middlings 18X; market firmer and lower. GAtrzrrow—Ootton, net receipts 59; sales — : stock 13,718, good ordinary 14X; market quiet and steady. l’mLinrLP.m—Cotton, middlings 21; market quiet but firm. Ltobtool—Noon—Ootton steady; uplandc 8)1; Orleans 9. Ootton sales 10,000; speculation and export 2000. From Savannah and Charleston July and Angnat I delivery, 8X; October and November, new crop, 8 9-16. IrvzaPOOL—Evening—Yarn* and fabric* quiet | and unchanged. Bales include 5750 bales American. REMOVAL I Jt REMOVED THEIR STOCK OF PRODUCE. such a oreatnro ns is disooverablo nowhere ont- nido of first trowsers and long ooats. He en joys the exquisite faonltyof saying things on all improper occasions; of being oxastiy where he ie not wanted; of doing preoieeiy what was not expeoted of him; of always being in some body’s way; of Leaving all the doors open in oold weather and closing them in hot weather; of always being ont of the way when needed to go on an errand, and is the way when sister’s yonng man calls to spend the evening. At the table tarns over his plate before graoe Is done; takes the piees of chicken that soma one elsj wants; always wants more eager in his ooffee; pals the napkin in his pocket when he leaves the tabte; steps on the oat’s tall if she oomes about during the meal and makes himself un- pleisint in & thousand ways too tedious to be mentioned. In the coarse of a reasonably long life time one occasionally meets with a good little boy; but the seeds of hereditary disease are in their bodies, and they ail die youug. At least, we suppose so, as few of that kind are ever found between the ages above mentioned. Bxwabx br OouxTsavuTs.—Parties buying Central City Choice,” “Years to Oonnt On," and “ Pride of Georgia ” segars wonld do well to see that George W. Head’s name is branded the box. jnly21 lw Sate yonr frnlL Use the best—Mason and Gem frnit jar, by the dosen, case or gross, at Walker A Dobbs’. 21 New Yoax—Noon—Floor dnti and unchanged. Wheat quiet aud without decided change; No. 2 I Milwaukee 1 4991 60. Oorn quiet and steady; rlrtm W' .I'-T;: ni.Xf-1 57. Fork aieaiiv; new mess I 17 06. Lard dull and heavy: western steam I 8X- Turpontino dull at 44*44X. Roein firm at I 3 13 for common strained. Freights firm. Evening—Flour, inactive and firmer; common to | fair extra G43@8G0; good to choice 8 05® 10 75. f Wheat 2^3c lover but firm : new white Matyland 1 90. Coin heavy at 3®>2c lower. Coffee strong; 1 Rio 18@I9X- Sugar strong and advancing ; fair to good refined 7$8X- Molasses dell and un changed It c i strong at S,g9. l’ork ateady ; mesa I 17 50 Lard weak; Weatarn steam 7&7X- Tor-I pentine dull. Roein firm. Tallow ateady. Freights I ateady. Baltimobu—Floor very qnieL Wheat afeady. Corn firm an ! roarce; wlnjo 8'ighfi; yellow 65. Oats dull: southern 50(352. Meae pork 17 25. Ba con in fair demand and unchanged. Lard quiet I and steady. Wn:eky firm and scarce at 85. [ Louisville—Flour easier: fancy family 7 GO. Corn firmer at 55(362, sacked Fork lower; held at I 16 00®16 25. Saoon in fair demand for order Iota; [ shoulders 8)(; clear rib eidea 9X: doer aides 10X. packed Lard, tierce 9®9J(; kegs 10; etoam SX; I mull Iota ; -iV higher. CtxcnXATt—Flour dull at 6 50® 7 10. Corn doll at 42. Provisions gbade firmer for bacon. Fork dull: held at 16 00. Lard dull and nominaL Bacon 1 quiet and firm; ehouliera 8;<; eidea OX'S’lO. [ Whisky steady at 92 St. Lons— Floor email business and unchanged. Corn dull and nnebanged; No. 2 mixed 33339. in I warehouse; 45 eaoked. Whisky firm at 93. Fork I quiet at 16 60. Bacon qniet and weakfor small lota: I shoulders 8X; aides OX'alO- Lard dn!I; refined I STORE ROOMS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SUMMER ^SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AXO JPBOX MecflB, Brimi icl, saramali asd Florida, j Omcx Mioox Ann Bauxswicx Batlsoad,! Msoon. Ga., July 22.1873. f O N and after Wednesday, July 23J, passenger trains on this Road will be ran aa follows: DAT risssnaa, DAar, suxdats excepted tos TUB PEZSZST. Leave Macon. ...... 8:30 a.* Arrive at Jessup 6,45 r. a Arrive At Brunswick.... ..10.15 P. Arrive at Savannah.. WOdtenholm's Pocket Cutlery. ^ LARGE IMPORTATION just received by Joly23 St TRUMAN A GREEN, Cherry Street, Msoon, Ga. TO KENT. T WO COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOC3E3 to rent—one ou Flam street, opposite the former residence of G. B. Obesr, The other on Fourth street, next door to W. J. Totten. Foe- session given first of October. Inquire of MRS. O. T. O'HANLON, Corner First end Fine streets jnly20 St Msoon, Os. NOTICE. OFFICE MACON STREET RAILROAD OO , Madox, Ga., July 19. 1873. T HE snnnsl moating of the Stockholders of this Oompanv will bo held at the office of the Arrive at xauanassee 7:4(3 p M 1 Ootton States L'fe Insurance Company, at 10 ArriTOat Jacksonville 7 16px Leave Jacksonville 7:10 am Leave Tallahassee 6.40 A Leave Savannah 6.20 a. a Leave Brunswick C:00a. a Leave Jessup 9 00am Arrive at Maocn 8 00 P.a Passengers from Savannah will take 4 So p. a. train for Brunswick, and 6.20 a. k. train for Msoon. XAViinniu AoooaxoDAiiox Tract, daily, (auv- DAia axciPTzu.j Leave Macon 8 60 Arrive at HawkinaviUe..... 7 30 LeaveHawkiuaTiUe 6:30 Arrive at Msoon '9.55a.* W. J. JARVIS, Jaly23tf Master Transportation. o'clock A. at., on Wednesday, 23d ineL Stockholders are requested to be represented either in person or by proxy, and to be prompt in their attendance. JOHN B. COBB. julyWSt Secretary. BITS' THE BEST. JUST RECEIVED AND FOB SALE CHEAP, r:s LanW’s New Crop Turnip Seen *■ * BUTA BAGA, FLAT DUTCH, BED TOP, LABGE GLOBE, ALSO, FBESH CABBAGE BEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Druggist and Pharmacist, 4th and Poplar streets, july20tf Hollmawoitli Bock. Twenty Boxes Cheese] DR. SUSSDORFF Hag removed hia office to CHERRY STREET, over SOHALL'3 SHOE STOBE. juneSgap.tnee, thure tf AXD OXZ CAS LOAD TENNESSEE CLEAR SIDES TO BENT. T HE STOBE in Waehingten Block, on Mulberry street, recently occupied by G. Volger A Co. I Also, two desirable office rooms over the etore Jalyl8 3t J M. BOARD MAN FOB KENT. I rrwo DWELLING HOUSES, eh'gibly located. I J. Apply to . B. F. LAWTON, julyl'i tf At Exchange Bank. July23tf A. B. SMALL At No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. I MPORTED TURNIP 8EEDB—Dickson’s Defi ance extra Bute Bags, Improved Green Top 8ootch Yellow, (very seject,7 White Bomeraman, (fins,) Bed Tankard, Yellow Tankard, Garby White Stone, Orange Jelly, Broad Leaved Essex Rape, Tnrnip Booted Rape The above have late ly arrived from Q leen Victoria's seedsmen, who [ have for many years devoted unremitting care and attention to the improvement of the different 1 varieties Tbe stock we now offer to tbe public is f of tbe most select and perfeet character, jq'yli 2 v GEORGE BEGQS. « . % M % % DISSOLUTION t "Win ^ A Clixtox, Joces Cousti, Ga.,1 July 16,1873. ) T HE firm of JUHAN A GLOWER baa this day From experiments made the present season, we been diseolved by mntnal consent. Peter L I can confidently recommend our Clower will continue business at the old stand. 1 Either one of tbe late firm can eign in settlement. All persona having claims ageiDst the firm will. , _ , —TrnnmTT T r7PTI present them at once for payment, and all persons HOME-MADE FERTILIZER indebted are requested to come forward without I delay and settle. jn!y22 lw»JUHAN A OLOWEB. New Or.i.EANs — Flour dnll: double extra 6 25; i Irebie extra 6 tn«t7 £0 family H 50®9 60 Corn | in good demand: mixed 62®63; yellow BO; white 70. Oata firm at 44t{. Bran scarce at 75. Hay, prime I 29004822 00; oboioe scarce, no sales. Fork dull at 17 25. Dry salted moats lower: shoulders 8. Bacon scarce: ebonldors 9X; eidea 10@10%; bams. [ choice U>u 'Ilf I-siii. refined scarce; tiercas g’X: keg 10. Sowar, fair to fully fair 8®9. Molasaea | dull: plantation reboiled 50 Whisky finer; Louisi ana 91; Cincinnati 37. Coffee 1H©20 Wilxixoiox—Spirits turpentine higher at S9}<. I Rosin qniet at 2 40 for strained: low pale 8 50; window glass 5 00- Crude turpentino steady; hard 2 00; yellow dip and virgin S 20. Tar quiet at3 50. LrvrnrooL—Noon—Breadetnffs heavy. Wheat | 12a@17s Sd; winter 11s 10. Flour 27.®28s. London-—Evening—Fine Roein 13a. Liverpool— Evening—'Tatpentino 35e Gd. marine” news. New Yobk—Arrived, Ivhmalie, Genoa, Leghorn, I Canada and Columbia. J CnA tj'.zston—Hryived, Ashland, Falcon, Her- I mony, E. H. Moirison. Saxaxxh—Ariived. Linda Steward. Gardiner. | Cleared, Bullivito, Mary H. Evans and Seland. MULBERRY STREET, -UNDER THE Kxaoaxxx Oil, 110 fire teat, by ths gallon, hsml or on toad, at Walker A Dobbs'. at Walked A Dodbj will sell s few more frnit jars at $1 per dozen. 2t You can find any kind of pocket knife yon wish at Truman A Green's. They have a very large assortment, and at low prioss. jy203i Bur few more days, remember. Walker A Dobbs are offering crockery, china, glassware and silver-plated ware at greatly rednoed prices. St Eagle Choice Flour from prime new wheat—at Eagle Mills. To Travellers Gorxo Kobth.—Persons go ing North via Savannah oan have berths re* served without extra charge by oalling on T. H. Henderson at express office, agent Black Star Line. jniyl5 lw New machinery, new equipments, new wheat and new flour, at the Eagle Mills. Mocuixo bird cages of the best quality can be bought from Truman A Green, and at re- duoed prioee. jniy203t O. H. Baied will be pleased to see his friends and customers at his new stand No. 8 Ootton avenne, under Brown's picture gallery. jnljSO 2t Abe yonr grocer for 'Eagle Extra Flour from the Eagle Mills, \V. J. Law- ton & Co., proprietors. J. F. Bauteld A Co. are reoeiviog twenty tubs beet butter once a week. juljttf Eagle Family Flour from the Eagle Mills, is a very popular cheap flour. Watxr coolers and ice cream freezers at oost at Truman A Green’s, Cherry street j;203t Ir you want good bread, get flour I made at the Eagle Mills. Betreshiso.—If yon feel oppressed by the I heat and dust, just step into Loh’s, in the La* nier House building, and take a oool refreshing bath for only twenty-five cents. Shaving, hair catting, etc., by the most skillful tonsorial | artists, and at tbA coolest establishment in the [ city. Strangers visiting Htoon should remem ber this—the people bore all know it julyl2 eodtf Tbe High Kills ot Asia. A NODE. Eng-lang clioo, fou poo-yon, Yankstekiang ling chang ton ; One poyang, tachouEe ching. Chop ete ping loo chon fing. Cbeeling foocht, palawang goocha, Pekin choo-ka chieng oobeschay; ShuiEza heloo chee fialing— Lougste pu-!o hi-lang ming Hing-la poo, qhang le fou, Fo-ling hlang, «tango loo; Irriwadla lochs, sipo yang, Sangloo f onche, ling chon pang I Having submitted the above in the original die- I lect to Ab-Web, we are favored with the following free rendering: Here the Chinese yonth and maiden Send afar the package laden. Fill'd with Tea from Rivas Panton To the distant city Cantcn. 7 hence it goee by ships of commerce To where Chang and Eng went from us, Lind of freedom o'er the seas. Where we send our choicest Teu. Thence to where the Ienndiga, Wafted by tbe Atlantic breeze, Bears it on to PurzzL'a Geoceet, There you'll find our choicest Teas. JuiyWIw Hurt, Raxeix A Lamai This well known and reliable firm have received a large lot of Dr. Hood's j Eureka Liver Medicine. It baa the praise of all who hare tried it. In bottles at 50 oents sad 31.00 The Chcatzat axd Best Hood's Eureka Liv er Mtxlicine givea universal satisfaction in the treatment of Liver Disease. Dyspepsia, Sick I Headache, Coetiver.eee, and all that class of dis eases arising from a disordered state of the atom- j acb and liver, nov30Iy MASONIC TEMPLE OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, Where they will be glad to MEET ILL OLD Fl FOB SALE CHEAP CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS! 15 Heroes CANVASSED HAMS, 1,000 pounds TENNESSEE HAMS, 200 bales TIMOTHY HAY, 60 bales CLOVER HAY, 100 boxes BAB SOAP, 25 boxes BEST STARCH, 600 pounds CHEDDAR CHEESE, 800 bushels 00W PEAS, 400 bushels TENN. GROUND PEAS, 2 car loads FLOUR, in barrels and sacks. AU of the above will be sold low down, by Jnly22 tw JONES A BAXTER. For Gardens, Tcrnips, Barley, eto Consisting largely of ammonia and nitrogen, it I yot does not burn or wither the plant. We have it for sale in any quantity wanted. July20tf HUNT. BANKIN A LiMAB, Druggists, Cherry street Convention of Ex-Cadets CHANGE IN BUSINESS ! From this date the WHOLESALE branch of onr busineas will be conducted in the* name of ROSS & COLEMAN, At onr present stand, and having admitted MB. W. 4. JUHAN, oi Clinton, Ga., to an interett in the KErAIL DEPARTMENT, that branch will be removed in a short time to w. S. T.* COLEMAN’S OLD STAND. And tbo bcaiaeeo conducted in tbo name of A.. JUHAN cfc OO. We take great pleasure in introlncing to onr friends ilr. Jubaa—a Rentlcman in whom we bare entire confidence, and in whose handa we believe the reputation of onr bonao will be fully ouatained. With thi* assurance from no, we trust that a hearty welcome and a generous support await him. And now, that tbe obstacles which have heretofore intervened are removed, wo hopo in a abort time to inaugurate in onr city tbe FIRST EXCLUSIVE JOBBING DRY GOODS BUSINESS that haa ever been attempted here, and with all the appliances necessary to sustain ns, we hope to present each a dispiy of merchandiee aa will at once arrest attention,and inspire confidence. Fully conscious of tbs eminent ability and enterprise of onr m indicate generally, we hope to merit a place in tbo picture which shall represent Macon the leading market in the State, and among onr largo circle of friends we hope there are enongh of those who by their support, will insure ns a against a failure. Having no foare of the result, we enter with confidence upon the new Bold. With this announcement ws unfutl onr banner to the breeze, proclaiming QUICK SALES and SHOST FBOFIT8, and inviting oompetit on from any qnarter. J. B. BOSS A S. T. COLEMAN. Ma'on. Ga.. Jqly 1 , 1R73. HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO. ABE NOW OFFERING THEIB FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE F0D1 Niff STORES IN MACON. A Teu Gent Store, A Twety-five Cent Store, A Fifty Cent Store, A Dollar Store. For particulars, inquire of W. A HOPSON A CO., 39 and 41 Second et., and 18 ana 20 Cotton ave. jnlylS tf 10 KENT. A HOUSE containing nine rooms, situated on Flam street. Healthy location, end conve nient to tbe bnaineee portion of the city. Apply to E. L. Bn’ltDIOK, At Burdick Brothers, 63 Third street. jnlylS Itv FOR RENT CHEAP. T HE two commodious STOBE8 on Cherry street, at preeent occupied by Oolem&n .k I Newsom, are for rent from first day of October J. VALENTINO, juneStd 68 Cherry street STORE FOR RENT. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. X can be rented on far rable terms. " Posses sion given immediately fur the coming year Bent from now to first of October extremely moderate. Apply to julj!2 6t W. T. NELSON. PLASTERING HAIR, ETC. EST Western Plastering Hair, in small bales. Chewacla (Ala) LIME, PLASTER and CE MENT, alwayB on hand and for sale cheap, by jul;22 lw JONES A BAXTER. B 1 Oft TIEBOES BEST MOLASSES, Ovr in good order. In store and for sale low, by Jniy22 lw JOSE3 A BAXTER. “FIRST QUALITY FLOUR,” F ROM selected new White Wheat, In Barrels, Whole and Half Sacks. Reoeivid to day and for sale by Julj221w JONES A BAXTER. The sx-Cadets and ex-ProfeBsors of the GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Are invited to meet in Convention, at Atlanta, on the first day of September next. The Central, Macon and Brunswick, Macon and Western, Atlantic and Western, West Point and flit. J. EMMKir HUCKSllKAR, I PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Office, No. 2 Cotton avenne (np staire,) next door to Mr. Payne's Drag Store. Beeidence, Walnut street, (above Spring.) McBur- ney's tenement building, Macon, Ga. decl lawtf B NOTICE. OFFICE GLEBE SUPERIOR COURT. 1 Glvxx Co , 0a, Juno 14th. 1873.) Y direction of his Honor W. Schley, Judge Superior Courts Eastern Circuit, notice is I Atlanta, and Georgia Railroads will pass members hereby given that Jnde Schley will preside at a Bes- ‘ b * aion of Glynn Superior Court, commencing TUK8- of the Convention for one fare to and from the DAY, July 8,1873, at 10 oclock a. m., for the purpose of trying the case of B. B. BULLOCK, et. aL, vs. J. E. DART, et al. Bill in equity in Glynn Snperior Court. Counsel and parties at in- Let every ex-Oadet who loves the memories that tcrest will please take notice. C. P. GOODYEAR. Clerk Snperior Glynn Co., Ga. W. P. Goodad, Cashier. I vention. cluster around hia Alms Mater, and who cherishes j a hope of seeing her resurrected from the ashes in which Ehermsn buried her, come to this Gon- junelB dtjy8 CITY BANK, Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS, DIRS OTOnS. WM. B. JOHNSTON, JOHN J. GRESHAM, ]uly22 Cm SEGARS! SEGARS!] Imported and Domestic. JOHN HILLEDGE, President of tbs ex-Oadet Aaaociation. JolyRO-tflaepl LAW CARD. H/TESSB3. WOODWARD A TOOLE, of Dooly ill. county, Ga., having formed a legal copart nership, respectfully offer thtir services to the public, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox, Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Msoon, Sumtor and Hous- WM. S. HOLT, | ton. Special attention given also to cases in the JNO. B. BOSS. I Supreme and Federal Courts. Address, Yianna, Ga. july!5 d3m* WANTED AT ONCE, O NE OB TWO first-cli83 practical Gin Makers, (Breaster), to whom the highest wages will I FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL. C OB. CORTLANDT and NEW CHURCH STS , NEW YORK. On the European Plan. BIOH- I AiSD F. FRENCH, son of tbe late Oolonel Richard French, of French’s Hotel, has taken this Hotel, newly fitted np and entirely renovated the same- I Centr&Uy located in the Business Part of tbe City. Ladies’and Gentlemen’s I>inmg Rooms attached JnneI9tf R0BT. A. NISBET, ■A-ttorney at Law Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AVE. (Over Payne’s Drug Store,) Junel4d3m MACON. GA be paid, by the day or piece, jolyll tf P. O. SAWYER. LA ESOIPCION, LA OAR BA, FLOB DEL FUMAB, LA KLEOION, TENNYSON, LA NOVEDAD, LA UNIOO, MANILLO, FIGABO, And many other brands, all of which are offered very low. BOLAND B. HALL, Comer Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. July22 tf HOUSE FOR RENT. I '\X7'J5 will rant the Two-story BRICK HOU3E, | VV comer Poplar and Second streets, adjoin ing DsLoache’s carriage store. One of the best localities in the city for a Boarding House. July 15 6t LAWTON A WILLINGHAM. PRINTING!! WE HAVE IN STORE 1000 POUNDS OF CHAMPION’S COTTON CATERPILLAR EXTERMINATOR. CATERPILLARS! THESE DESTRUCTIVE WORMS, the fann ers should be prepared for them by having a supply of the genuine WHISENANT’S DESTROYER on hand. , Thomas Oonxrv, Ga., July IS, 1873. We take pleasure in certifying we saw the Whieenant Cotton Caterpillar Destroyer applied to numerous stalks of cotton npon Wm. B. Harrell's plantation yesterday evening after ann down, in ten minutes alter which a very heavy ram fall upon it, and we saw nothing more of the cotton nntil morning. Upon examination this morning we we fonnd that the rain had not washed it off. and that all the eaterpillars that wore npon the cotton were dead and in a dying condition We are very favorably impressed witb it, and are satisfied if properly applied it will give perfeet satisfaction. (Copy) WM. B. HARB4LL. W- P. GLOWER. Albasv, Ga., July 18, 1873. This is to certify I applied the Whieonimt Cotton Caterpillar Destroyer to the ootton npon two bot tom places on my plantation, near this city, a few days since, which had quite a number of caterpil lars npon it and that it killed all tbo caterpillars that were npon the cotton without injuiy to thg plant I am well pleased with it, and am fully satisfied if it is properly applied it will kill all the caterp liars upon the cotton without injury to the plant, and that one hand cap apply it to four or five acres per day. (Signed) JESSE W. WATERS. Orders should be scut in early to HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, jn'y20 tf Druggists. SOUTH MACON DRUG STOBE! 8 eveiy druggist has tbe purest medicines, of ceureo I need not mention that faot; yet, as I receive monthly shipments from the beet houses of New York, I suppose I havo them also. For the accommodation of the laboring classes, among whom I am located, I am rei dy to wait on all at any hour, day or nignt, and give special at- tention to the presoriplion department. Everett’s Remedy —FOR— CHILLS AND DISEASES OF THE LIFER 'Will give satisfaction in every caao t when taken according to directions. will find the department of TOILET ARTICLES! Attractive and eatisfactory. ICE COLD SODA WATER, cn draught, till 12 o'clock at night. S. D. EVERETT, Drnggi6t, Julyl8eod3m Fourth street, near Arch. STRICTLY COHESION ROUSE Jet. AX. WA.TEP1S tS3 CO. 5G Broad St., Naw Yorlt, BANKERS Buy and sell contracts for future delivery of oot ton. Deposit acconnts of bankers, merchants an others are especially solicited.jnly6d3m P UP np in sacks sufficient for fiva acres at S5 per Back, or packages sufficient for one acre at 8125 per package. T HE Jobbing Department of the TELEGRAPH I wy cctt. \n STfiTlTfl VP it vnvp Tfi ATT AND MESSENGER is now under the charge 1,0 illGUTS - 13 FB -- E T0 Educate Your Daughters, j SASHVIUr, TENNESSEE. W. E. WARD’S SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LA DIES closed on tbe 11th and near 800 pnplls. No ■ I only three in the North, h >ve bad aa good snocess. No case of protracted sickness during the past year. Its pupils being In the city, enjoy the best advantages of their respective churches. Grade of the laat Senior Glass 926. Fall Session openH September 4. For catalogue address W. E. WABD, joly22d2witw3t Nashville, Term. of Mr. B. W. Smith, who la known as an accom plished printer and experienced workman. All jobs Bent to this office will be exocnted with despatch, and at the lowest PBirsa. Orders fer biils-heads, circulars, posters, etc, solicited from city and country. ]nly!5 tf LOST. O N Friday, the 11th, in the city, a BLAOK I ENAM ELED FIN, (oblong.) encircled with I Coil or send at once to 3. H. ZEILIN & GO. Orders by mail solicited and promptly attended to. ’ jnneI7tf. GEORGIA CANE SYRUP T„'„ Xht* ig eighteen or twenty small diamonds, let in silver; ind “d® "hnilar to a star. The finder iill be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at the .tore of InlylStf J. W. BUBKE A CO. 50 BARRELS CHOICE CANE SYBUP, TURNIP SEED. apr30 eodtf JAQUES 4 JOHNSON'S. Flour to the trade of the best brands on favorable terms, at the Eagle Mills, W. J. Lawton & Co., proprietors. Fmsxbvino Sugar in quantities to suit pur chasers, st J. F. Barfield & Oo/s. jolj4tf Eagle Choice Flour is becoming more popular every day. Be sure to give it a trial when you have occasion to buy. Mas. Josephine Hoene, artist, formerly of Georgia. Address 122 Weverloy Piece, New York. Portraits end picture* of eay size Ukea from old deguercotypce in tbe highest style of art Nervous Pebtutt.—A depressed, irritable state I of mied; a weak, nervous exhausted feeling; no energy or animation; confused head, weak memo ry, often with debiitatiog, involuntary diaehargw. I Tbe consequence of excesses, mental overwork or I indiscretions. This keevous debility finds a sov- I ©reign cure in HratPaarra’ Homeopathic Spxchtc, J No 23. It tones np the system, arrests discharges, I dispels tbe mental gloom and despondency, and re-1 jnvenates the entire system. It is perfectly h&rm- I lees and always efficient. Price c5 for a package of I fire boxes and a large $2 vial of powder, which is I important in old, serious cases; or $1 per single I box. Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail on re- I ceipt of price. Addroee HUMPHREYS’ SPECIFIC I HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO.. No. fC2 Broad way. N.Y. For sal© by John Ingal a and Hunt, j Bankin A Lamar, Macon, Ga. prI5 eodJtaw tf OBSTACLES TO XIA RBI AGE. HAPPF RELIEF FOB YOUNG MEN from the I effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man- j hood reetored. Impediments to Marriage remov ed. New method of treatment. New and remark- | able remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD AS8O0IA-1 TION, No. 2 South Ninth et., Philadelphia, Pa.,- an institution having a high reputation for honor- I able conduct and professional rk.Il. j z!ySJ3m PtasoKAL.— Editor Telegraph and Messenger, Macon, Ga., says: 4 *Ws h&ve tested its virtues personally, and know that for dyspepsia, bihouL- nera, and throbbing headache it is the best medi cine the world ever aaw. We have tried forty oth er remedies before Simmon*' Liver Regulator, but none of them gave us more thin temporary re- I lief; but ths Regulator not only relieved, but cured at.” ADD TO THE NUMBER ALL WHO ARK LOOKING FOB BARGAINS! jaiyMtf IN OUB BU8IH1BS. n BORGIA, MACON COUNTY—Mrs. Samen- Vj tbs Htone (widow of Thomas Htone, late of said oounty, dacnaaed,) has applied for exemption of personalty and aetung apart and valuation of [ homestead, ont of the estate cf the said Thomas Hums, deceased, and I will pass npon the same at 10 o’clock A. at. on the 8th day of August next, [ at my office. JNO. M. QltKKlt, 1 jqly22 9t Ordinary. G eorgia, maoon oounty. Aston fjuTu I haa applied fur exemption of personally [ and I will pass npon the same at 12 o’oloek M- on [ the 3d day of Aunmt licit, at my offine. JNO. U. OliEKR, |nij22 2t Ordinary. FKESH CHOP TUBNIP SEED 18 7 3, EDWARD SPEIWZ, N otary public and ex-offioio justice 07 THE PEACE. I can bo found for the [ preeent at all hours of the day at my office, adjoin- I ng the law office of A. Proudfit, over the store of I J&ques & Johnsons Third street, Maoon, Ga.,‘to at- [ tend to all Magisterial bnsinefla. sag NOTICE. MAOON A BUUNflWIOK RAILROAD, ) hUPK&INTElIDZMT's OfllOI, V. Madon, Ga., July 10, 1873. i M ERCHANTS and others deeinng that their BUIPMENTH from Eastern cuie*. via Ba- vannab, should pass over the Maoon and Bruns- | wick Railroad, will please h*vd their freghts i marked care of Agent of Atlantic and Gulf Rail- | road, Savannah. JAB. W. ROBERTSON, julyI7 tf General Superintendent. DOG LOST. T HE party antioed from my premises on last Handay night or Monday morning, a BULL PUFFY with black and white spots, will confer a favor by retnrning same or giving information where the said Dog can be fonnd. A. McKENSA. Jolyl7 St Fourth street AT THE DRUG STOBE OF RANKIN, XASSENBUEG & CO. jnly20 tf EDWARD HOWE, GENERAL BTATE AGENT FOB THE 6ANSTER COMPLETE GAS WOBKS For Family use, Hotels, Churches, Ete. No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Macon. | JuiytStf ANOTHER LOT OF :|MY Al STBAff GUTTERS APPLE MILLS JAKES H- BLOUNT. ISAAC TTATtmnffAW. BLOUNT & HARDEMAN, |ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MAOON, GEORGIA. Office, at entrance Balaton Hall, Cherry «treat. de2Stf NOTICE. I WILL bold a Justice Court for the 716th Dis trict, G M.. at the offica of Collins & Heath, I No 69 Second atreet. in tbe city cf Macon, on the I SECOND SATURDAY of every month F. M. I1.KATH. NOTICE. ATOTIOE Is berety given that the Maoon and J> Brunswick Railroad will continue to receive its Fare bills in payment of Freight and Passage heretofore. BARLOW HOUSE, AMEBICUS, GA, WILEY JOKES & CO., Proprietors. Is first-class and in business center. Board per day $2. Lodging or single meals GO cts. maj9 6m MEDICAL CARD. F ROM this date DR. WM. R. BURGESS may bo fonnd, day and night, at bis office over Rankin, Maseenburg A Co.’s Drug Store, coiner Mulberry and Third streets. Macon, April 28,1873. od4pr28ea BliHWIMMH Car mis vl Invalids.—Life and health are God’s lifts, and it is a ein to imperil them by neglect. Ve can. if we choose, prompt’y relieve the disor ders of the stomach, bowels, liver and nerves, which lead to chronic dyspepsix, dysentery, diar rhoea. liver compliint and paralysis, by having re course to Tarrant'* Effervescent SollzBr Aperient. It has been a proven feet for thirty years, that this wholesom i and agreeable alterative will always prevent the minor ailments of the body from cul minating in dangerous maladies, if administered at the proper time. Meet tbe first symptoms with this inestimable remedy. Sslf-neglect in each cases is a crime. Bold by all druggists. J oJyi9<i2aw<fcw2w G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Notice is hereby given that my wife, Amelia Dennick, has my fall permission to do business on her own account as a free trader. RANDOLPH DENNICK. July 1, 1873- Jnlyi lawlm Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA In the Matter of Thomas Bains—In Bankruptcy. T am is to give notice once a week for three weeks that I havo been appointed assignee jqiyi lOt GEO. H. HAZLEHUBST, Receiver. E. B. POTTER, M. D. Homceopathist. FPTOB Weed’s Block, Second street, third door I below Johnston’s jewelry establishment. Beeidence Lanier House. jnlylS tf O FOR RENT. QNK THREE BOOMED WELLING, plastered | And WINE PRESSES EXPECTED DAILY. For sale cheap for caah. EDWARD ROWE, No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Maoon, Ga. PUMPS Of all kinds, HYDRAULIC RAMS, BUBBEE HOSE, ETC., For sale at lowest caah prices. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN PUMP: T7l- HO WE, No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Macon. Ga. notice. T 1 HF nnblic are hereby notified not to trade for two noteatfven by me to J. W. and Martha IWO nui*» R * 1B70 ami NOTICE. and with blinds to windowa, fluent well of I T HEREBY warn the publio not to trade for a I Y .‘w® D ?^ZiOctober 26° 'lflli. 'an<r?ne^0De *»jer, fronting James Seymour's residence ; prioe, 1 note gkren by me to J. G. Jordan about the L Buroey, aaw* ud ono Deoember ,, 187Si ^ •15 per month. Also one six room dwelling near I 34th of Apiil last, for one thousand (•1,000) dol- L>eoemDe£*, * — mu- -—•-»—**—--- Taknall Pquare. adjoining the mid Anne nf w. I i*rm. The oonnideration for which I gave the not4 Tatnall Square, adjoining the residenoe of E. I lars. The consideration for which I gave Prioe; three scrag of land attached, good well of I having failed lo part, I will not pay the note with- —s—. prioe, $26 per month. —• ■ 4 * — out proper corrections being made by said Jordan. ^ June 14, 1873. Q> M« BXNB- july!7 la at Beymoor, Tinsley Jt Co. 1 junel5 lawlm ■j. BETaOU^BOMEBa forKveTHuildred'Dollars. Tbe consideration which they were given having entirely and totally failed. I .hall not pay the same. failed, jj. n. LANGSTON. Montieello, July 1,1873. julyl lawlm the estate of Thomas Rams, of Crawford coun ty. in said District, who has been adjudged a Bank rupt, upon his own petition, by the District Court for said District. ISHAM H. BRANHAM, jnJyS law3t Asaignee. MONTVALE SPRINGS BLOUNT COUNTY, E. TENN; T HIS favorite summer resort is now open for the reception of guoets, and will be main tained in a style worthy the patronage of a dis criminating public. Toe marked beneficial results al tending the use of these Waters, in functional Derangements of the Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Skin, and the cure of Chronic Diseases, attest their Medic*.! Properties. All the accessories for enjoy ment and recreation at the best watering places will be found here. Special attention given to the comfort and improvement of Invalids. Route: via E. Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R. R. to Konx- ville; thence by K. and CbarJ.> >ton R. B. to Mary ville, 1C miles; thence by mail stage nine miles to the Spring*. Board per day, $2 60; per week, •16; per month, $50; children and servants half price- Addreas for pamphlets etc.. . w08. L. KING, julyl lawlm Moatvale Springs, £. Texm.