The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 24, 1873, Image 1

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! - TELEGRAPH AND By Clisby, Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA, THUKSDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1873. NUMBEB.6,676 fa'ror*l“ TtlFKrmph Building, Hmh uJ Messenger, one year *10 00 T&wmib....:::.’ boo OmbouIi. 100 m-m-vit+ij Telegraph and Mweecgar, oaa " ""7. «oo gix month* 2 00 ■emaotk Weekly Telegraph and Meeaenger, tf. oolamoa, on year S 0. f)|X OdOOlht . •...•••■••••••••••••••••• 150 .—tele almps is edrxnee. ard paper atppped the uxsosij ran* oat, anlee* renewed. Tb. eeneobdated Telegraph and Meaeanger rep- .ajl i a imw. «a ..amsim> Iiir me I rawa In the Weekly at one debar per Masreof tbrea-qnartcr* of an Inch, eaeb public* ResuManeaa aboeid be made by express, or L mtl i la etona, order, or registered lettara. Tn BoM Adaertlaer of the Ifi h inrt. re- poata that Tiee President Wilaoa'e health la ■aab improred. The ntlltary at (he male fair. It will be awn by a note from Mayor Half, In this edition, that the preminm for the beat drilled company at the State Fair, open to the world, baa been raiaed from fire hundred aeran hundred and fifty dollara, and the charge for entry to contestants to withdrawn. Thia cer tainly will satisfy erery objection and remote erery obstacle to a spirited and magnificent contest for a splendid prize. Information far reoeived leads to the belief that the chal lenge will be aooepted by a large number of the beet volunteer companies in Georgia, If none oat of the State, and that the Fair Grounds will bo enlirened by a gergeona mill Itary spectacle. We hope the papers generally will call attention lo’thia change and improre- ment In the programme. gaasToa OaMaaoa. aooordlng to the Boston post, it oioapteaona among the third term! >M r because, saya the Post, he wants to defeat in Jouiata —It is now time for the Government to fit cat an expedition to search for tb* Tigrans and Janiata. Why pot it off till tuy era bojmleealyloat? Bap inmano —By patting flos instead of lit weeks' receipts from Friday, the 18 b instant, aa belonging to the current eotton year, we were aaiW to aay yesterday that fire times fl'teen is ninety, which Is not true. A VssvovT septuagenarian waa hut weak re salted to the bride of his yooth, from whom |a was divaroed some bait eentnry ago, having had a oenpla of other wives and a nnmerona fsally of ohtldren in the interim. Ms see an.—The Boston Globa says that the •itw Yolk hoard of underwriters bavo resolved te levy additional premiums of one per oent ■poo all M sneerd roofs after January 1, 1874 Homebody ought to expostulate with that Now York board. HxaLris or Bt. Lotus.—The St. Loots morta lly report for the week ending the I9.b, gives ths number of deaths at 191, being fifty more this last week. Of this number fourteen are reported as baring died of cholera, and sixty Bias of cbolera morbus. Ooo hundred and tUfty-thrse were under five yoart of age. Txi Gnome m Vimrae.—Private advices from Vienna, dated the 17th, state that opto that time there had been alxty-one cases of oholeia reported, forty-two of whiob had proved fatal. In a aioglo bote) thorn were forty-two hums attacked with aymploms of cholera, sod six bad died. The hotel was closed. garr Memo.—Nothing can be more distress- log and inexorable than the naage at the Vienoa Pair in raapaot to ohaire. Foot weary one ooms to a tempting lino of them, and rcahing forward to aaian a littlo rest, it presented with a not bill before fairly settled in the cushion. The mat la worth a penny a mlonte—Vienna SnmaaxD Fsxinr Tiaa.—Nothing, it is true, oaa be more aad and painful than the rnplnro ef family tiaa. Tbs Gontooset Evening Glow Worm la oonvnlaed with griof over the nDhnppy ■ifundaiaUndlng in the prophet Yoang’s fam ily which removes from the marital roof and •itsalira family ciroio the Boventieth wife of iba prophet’s bosom. Psx nr —Saya tbs Cincinnati Commercial, fin Laneaater Esgla baa the hardihood to talk of »Hio universal disfavor with which the now posts] law is reoeived.'’ The new postal law la ■imply that there shall be no free matter carried la Ike mails. That is right, and there ia no dis- fsror about it exoept among those who have bow enjoying privileges to whloh they wero not •stilled. Hosts CsaoLina ia in the apnams of an eleo- tiw upon right constitutional ’menmenta. One of ikssa amendmenta annnls a p'ovision rend- wiag II naoaaaary lo levy a tax to pay the in- IsiMt on the “special tax bonds.” Another egsblMwa biennial aasaiona of the Legislature. Iks Wilmington Star adjures the people to torn oat aad vote for throe amendments to save the State from bankruptcy. Taa Durr Mania.—The mania for running late debt, which baa affiioted everybody, more m lam, bat particularly Stales and corpora- that, for the past ten years, la now under treat ment by a harsh old practitioner—one Dr. Ex perience. Some of the patients ho will onre, bat a good many be will kill, because his treat ment ia wholly inflexible and berolo. Every body will gather a great deal of wisdom on the nbjooi of debt within the next few years. Kaooall?.—'The OIrclorille Tin Trumpet of Freedom saya an experienced husband sent Iso awltobwa homo to bia wife from which she <u lo make a selection, bnt before doing it he changed the tags, putting tba twenty-five dollar •as on the ten dollar switch and rice versa. After a critical examination by herself and lady friends, the choice fell npon that labeled twenty- its dollara, and abedeolded to keep It, notwith- •tanding her bnoband'a plaintive protest that ha eoold not afford to pay ont more than ten dol lars for aneh an arilola. Cm cr Macon, Matos's Omcx,> Macon, Ga , July 23, 1873. > Editor* Telegraph and Messenger-. The pro- mi urn offered by the oily of Maoon for the bast drilled military company, at onr approaching 8cale Fair, has been Increased from $300 to |JS0, wt-’k mo entry fee fa be charged. The preminm will, therefore, stand aa follows, and yon will oblige me by ao announcing: "For Ibe boat drilled volunteer military com pany of not low thon forty (40) members, rank aad fils, open to the world, $730. At least five sc tries required." Your*, eta, W. A. Errr, Mayor. Atlanta Herald, Savannah Advertiser, acd Augusta Chronicle copy one time and send bill to Mayor Hnff. Tn Coast Watxs Liwi and Westxxs A At- uano Canal —In the extract from a Washing ton dispatch taken from the New Orleans Her ald, the coast water Una alluded to was mis- takes for the proposed coast lice along the At lantic through Virginia. It was in reference to that route that the re mark was made that probably “not a half dexen parsons in Georgia” preferred It to the Western 4 Atlantio Canal. The word “Golf" was omitted In speaking of tha “ooast water linehence Ibe misapprehension. Of course a oanal across onr own Mate would ha necessary to connect Columbus with any sea- board lino. Wo make this explanation for the beoefit of the Oolomboa Sqp. Tax Iowa Moo so •.—Nothing oaa give a more lively idea of Western oivUixttion than the wrecking and robbery of that railway train near Dee Moines. Iowa, about • o'clock on’Monday night, by a party of armod miscreants, dis guised as Kuklnx. Tba traditional Mexican, Italian and Spanish bandits who derive an bon- ett anbrintenee by robbing the diligence, are altogether left in the shade by this new exploit of Western enterprise; and as for the stories laid on the South Carolina Knkinx, wo believe that fifteen thonsand pages of Congressional testimony fail to show a case of the violent wrecking and plunder of a railway express mail train. It la time the brethren were beating np the loyal States with their military detachments. Tax Salabt' Grab.—A special Washington disptloh to the Cbioago Tribone says: Parties who have v sited Long Branch re- oontly, and who hare conversed wtth the Preoi- dant, htat® that be ia eoneidcreblr tx^roieed tLr criticisms that have been tuade by the public preee on tha CoLgre* celery in- oreaae. They assert that the President will favor a repeal of the law at the next session of Congress. Whatever Coogreos msy do. the rtilary of the President cannot be chanced, as the C institution provides that the compensa tion of the President shall not be ohanged dar ing his term of offiee. Bat the President esc. refuse the $23,000 ad vance and return it tha treasury, and perhaps pa shall aee him do It. It Is an Ill Wind that mows Nobody Any Good. The prevalence of cholera in Tennessee and the West, baa tended very much to check the summer exodus abroad of our pleasure-loving end-health seeking people. Henoe they have been Induced to patron*! > very extensively onr own admirable watering plane, wbteh ia ao eaay of aoeeas to all. The Indian Spring, ao jnstiy famed for its healing virtnes, la at present the moat popular resort in the State. Tba hotels are brimful of guests, and every day witnesses new, and rapidly Increasing arrivals. Sinoe the war, owing to tha lack of capital to repair and refurnish the hotels,' the tide of fashion has set tn other directions, tbongh a goodly number of invalids, and a fair share also of those who love quiet, good cheer, and a salubrious climate, have continued to frequent thia old favorite refage from summer beats and complaints. The writer hsa very pieassnt remembrances connected with bis own sojourn with Messrs. Collier 4 Son, in their old rambling hostle, half roek and half wood, with nothing pretentions, bnt mnch that was both pleasant and comfort able. The Eldar Hones, too. Is deservedly esteemed aa a delightful retreat, where an ad mlrable view can be bad of tbe surrounding aoenery, and no pains aro spared to insare the comfort of guests. It is to bs hoped that the windfall or cholera scare of tbe present season will so recuperate tha oofferaof the hotel proprietors of this, really valuable Spa, that another year will witness new and permanent Improvement In tbe accommo dations offered to tha pleasure and health- seeking public. The railroad question should not be allowed to sleep. This ia tbe only project whieh wonld. secure oar on poort for State aid from the General Assembly. Georgia owns tbe spring, and can afford to pay something for tbe improvement of her own property and tbe sanitary welfare of her chi I dren. Tbe Third Term movement. The Washington Republican, regarded as Grant’s hand-organ, has this to aay in its issue of JnlylOt A few weeks ago a new York p*per started a discussion npon tbe third term question, which haa bean generally taken np by the Liberal Re publican and Democratic organa, who make it *he basis of a froth aerie* of assaults npon the President. Sofnraa tbe President is eonoemed. It oan be Raid with entire troth that no one has ever heard from his lips the slightest whisper on tha subject, and wo do not believe that a single ono of bia friends, advisers or support ers, ever bestowed a thought Upon the matter until it became a subjeot of speculation and oomment in the journals referred to. While the Administration occupies thia attitude of en ure indifference on the subject, it cannot bo d •- nied that tbe present ajandorons warfare that is being waged npon the President haa created strong feeling in favor of bis renomination among n large body of his supporters—a feeling that ia aa likely to sweep the country aa not, and give him a third torm in the Executive M ration by a majority more overwhelming than he re ceived in *C8 or in ’72. Tbs Republican is certainly ingenious, and tbe President, aa the viotlm of an overwhelming tide of popular feeling bearing him into the White House a third time contrary to his in clinations, ij to be pitied. The Modoc Trials. A correspondent of the World writes from San Franolsoo that tbe Military Commission appointed to try Captain Jack and otbera con cerned in the murder of General Oanby and Dr. Thomas, tbo Peace Commissioners, have concluded their labors. They met at Fort Klamath on the 3ih instant, and dosed the proceedings on the 9th. Tne vordlot is be lieved to be that tho accused Indians are gnilty of the ohtrges, although nothing is known yet of the daoision of tbe Commission. Tbe mtin facts connected with tbo massacre are so well known that no detailed aoccnnt of the evidence necessary. The Modocs arraigned were Cap tain Jack, Schonchin, John, Boston Charley, Black Jim, Sholooks and Bonohsw. Whatever findings msy have been had in their oase will be sent immediately to General Schofield and Washington, and will not be given to tho pnblio nntil action baa been taken npon them by ■ authorities The witnesses for the prose cution were T. F. Kiddle, the interpreter, and Mrs. Riddle, bis Indian wife, Peace Commis sioners Dysr and Heaeham. and the Hndoca Shark Nasty Jim, Steamboat Frank B igns Char ley, Hooka Jim and William. Tb* evidenoe showed that, from warnings given bv links Jim lo Biddle praviona to the meeting, there sras eve- cry reason to believe that tbePeaoeOrmmlssinn- era wonld be attacked. Riddle and Mrs. Riddle ao informed the Commissioners, who, however, determined to proeeed to tbo place. The Io- dmns who were fonnd at tha eonneii lent were eight in number; Captain Jack, Schonchin, John, Black Jim, Ellen’s Man, Boston Charier, Bogus Charley, Shack Nasty Jim and Hooks Jim. Three other Indians, bsaring cans, came ont of tbe roeka shortly after tbe firing oora- moneed. The evidence established ihst aft*r tho delivery of the speeches by Captain Jack, General Oanby, Dr. Thomas and Mr. Mesobam, and while Schonchin was speaking. Captain Jack cried, “Hetchet!” (all ready) and fired at Ganhv. Ellen’s Man also fired at Oanby. Schon chin shot at Meaeham; Hooka Jim obased and shot at Dyar; Boston Charley shot Dr. Thomas. The parts played by the other aooased Indians were not so prominent. Sholocks knocked Mrs. Riddle down and attempted to take her horse, while Shack Nasty Jim, Bonchew. and Ellen's Man, all three of whom came oat of the rocks, chased Riddle. When Mrs. Riddle was strnck Captain Jack ordered Sholocks to let her alone. Tbe evidenoe of Shack Naaty Jim and tbe other Modoo witnesses for tbe prosecution who were pnwent at the massscre corroborated what had been sworn to bv Riddle and his wife. Dyar, acd Meaeham. They farther testified that they had beard Captain Jack and Schonchin talking over the matter some ten days before the massacre, and also on the day previous to mud on the morning of the event. They all ad mitted that they Knew of ths purpose to kill the Commissioners. At the end of each wit- nesa’ testimony the evidence was read to the prisoners, who" were asked if they wished to ask any question, bnt they invariably declined to sav anything. The aoensed Indians had no counsel, and seemed to rely entirely for joatiee npon the Commission. Evidence for the defence com menced on the third day. when, at Captain Jack's request, Dave, Mose, and Seirfeced Charley were bronght in. ironed, to testify. Nothing of any immediste advantage to the prisoners was developed by their testimony, which was mereiv a narrative of the sayieg. and dolrgs of tbe Klamath Indians in connection with the Modoos since the beginning of the trouble. The trnm of iheir testimony was that the Modoos were incited to resistance by the Klamaths. Dave and Mn«e, among other things, swore that La Lakes, a Klamath, told them that tbe soldiers wanted to get Jack ont for the pnr- pose of making peace, and that they wonld then born him. Captain Jack made a long speech in hi* own defense. Ho said that before the trouble he sras living ne«r Yreka, and sras a “good In dian,” so known to all the whites, lived like the whites, subsisted npon what be oonld kill and citcb. and never begged. He denied any re sponsibility for tha war, and declared that he always wanted to live at peaoe. He waa finally driven to the lava bed by the attacks made by tbe soldiers on hi* people. While in the lava bed he still desired peace, and because he ad vocated it, the other Indiana would call him “squaw." He also said that he knew the whites would hold him responsible for what waa dona, aa he was the chief. The above contains the substance of all the testimony, both for the prosecution and for the defense, which was forthcoming daring tha trial. No and several persons strnck by lightning and ' lied. Tax World’* Berlin correspondent ia oon- vlnoed that none of those pious war telegrams to the Empress Augusts were written by Bis marck. BY TELEGRAPH. *>»**«■» D AT DISPATCH EM. Tbe Virginia*. WAsnifiorjx, Jalj 23.—The oorreepot.d;ace I I is paUitxhed covering the redent action of tho [ 45. Pendleton A Roea—Minutes Book Com in'$. Court 46. Truman & Green—Stove, etc , in Clerk's office 47. B O. Wilder £ Son—Lumber, etc. 43. J. M. Board in an—Books and sta- 49. T. G. Evans—(Order approved by Solicitor Generml)—Witness in State oase from Hcnston connty 50. O. W. Bjington—(Order approved by Solicitor General)—Witness in State case from Houston coanty... M 51. JameeE Kent— (Orders by Jnd^e Hill)—Bailiff at Bibb Saperior 52. W. A. Wylie—(Orders by Jadge Hill)—Bailiff at B*bb Saperior 53. Thoe. Pierce—(Orders by Jadge Hill)—Bailiff at Bibb Saperior Court 14 00 54. A. O. Audoin—(Orders by Judge Hill)—Bailiff at Bibb Saperior Watoikotojc, July 23.—The heedqusrters of I American Cont-nl, American ocmm&nder of the the Department of tbe Gulf were temporarily j Rnnboet K*csa«, ted of the Spanish eomznmder, removed from New Orleans to Holly Springs on Antrim, of the Spanish gunboat Btzmn, in re- the 20th instant. card to ruling of the steamer Virginias from The Cholera Poole tn Indiana. 4spinvsll, ni.der the eeoort of the gunboat Evasstillx, July 23.—Advioes from Prince- K»»*se Command* claim, that tha ton, about twenty-five mi!e» north of this city, \trgimn, by landing arms aod ammunition off report cholera in tb.t neighborhood. Three cr } h « I ‘ Und of , for inmrgents, bad fonr miles east of Princeton, on Indian Creek, ,aid Uu *‘ ll,b!e “P tora b T ■* Spanish ten persons have died since last Friday, and new «thorttie«, at any lima after the commission eases are reported daily. Reports were current ? f rmUUon of international jaws; tb.t the disease had broken out in Carrol and bot Commander Rood, of the Kansas, held that Moont Carmel, Illinois, but it ia believed the of thablocktda only laid[the vessel stories are unfounded. llsb!e w o*prere while in the sot, and that the Advices from Mount Vernon stale tbit there P*“* U T of *? eh * ct ? oUow ““P 8 - are only 1,500 people left in that rlaoe, and the Am,ncla <ym * nl ' Tnonngton. at Aspin- snrrcnnding town, are filled with Mount Vernon I* 11 ' ln re»l»n*« to a qnery from Commander citizens, who have fl-d from their own city. Keed said *he Virginias had a rirfit to fly the The board of health has requested aU personB Amtr, . c “ fla 8- “* precedentitheac- not to visit the place for the present H 00 , 0 ' Uinla “ t Harlburti in April, 1872, when — _ . the Utter reques ts! tho Katsis to esoort the .. _ f, . Virginias from the harbor of AspinwalL Nxw Yoxx, July -^.—Governor Dix haa ve- 0 n the 29ih Jane, 0-ipt. Rockendorff, of the toed the newpsper dsima bill and a bill re- Csn.nd.igus, whici b»d just arrived, Ordered moving Sing hing penitentiary. the Kane*, to es-ort tho V.rginina from tbe her- John McMahon, of New York, defeated Thos. I j, or which was done, the Bizin making no Copeland, of Can.d*. in a wrestling m»toh. I demonstration, acd Commander Antrim de- Stakes $.,000 in gold and >ha champaonsnip of I nonneed the Virginias as a pirate and haa effi- America. oially informed his government of the affair. Henim of New Tor* m»<I Brooklyn. Tna action of tho American fleet is indorsed Three hnedred and serentv-stx deaths in I by Secretary Robeson. ^ Brooklyn, including 258 under five years. Tb. Italian Padrone Committed for Trial. A heavy increase in mortality amorg the NzwHavzn. Conn , July 23.—At the trial of children in New York is reported, and an in- Glione, tho Italian padrone, before the City vestigation in the different wards shows cholura Court to-dsy, fonr boys testified that they had morbus, cholera Infantum, diarrtcei, intermit. b* en j Q this country for twenty-one months, and tent fever, and other diseases incident to bad h ad been kept in the Crosby street den, in New ventilation and over-crowded tenements and Ymk, until they were bronght to New Haven, lack of care of the l.ttie ones as the cause of I .even weeks age; that they were beaten and each mortality. kicked unless they broaghtin a prescribed snm Mortality In Chicago. I 0 f money every night, and were told by Glione Cmcioo, Jnly 23.—The beard of health re- | to steal it they oonld not earn the money, porta 423 deaths, including 149 of cholera mor-1 The contracts under which the padrone claims bos among recently arrived immigrants. a right to hold the boya. were traoslated and PuiLiDFLrnii, July 23 —Mrs. E. N. Thayer, laid before the coart, and it appeared that the the actress, ia dead. boys’ services had been sold to him by the pa. Manalnncbfer. rents for fonr or five years, at an average rate CoNOtBD, Kt , Jnly 23.—William King killed of aboat twenty dollars per year, and that with lk W. Sireinleib, both railroad contractors. the provision that the parents should pr-y for CuBan Politics. doctor’s services, and should forfeit the wages. .- _ ■ Havana, July 22-The Spanish Ccnserv.- ‘ tarmofss'r'ifce^ 3 8h ° ald C^teto-Ws^oJ <W- tives of Havana sent to Madrid by Ibe last mail rn ™ “ way durln S tba te ™ of s9rTio f- steamer a petition to be presented to the Cortes Tb8 , rece , n , It ' ll ; n li Z a np0 “ in which they pray “that so long s, a single we ™ *’ S K °. ' h \ coart - The statne armed rebel remain who cries “Death to the nndar ' bi 5 b °; 01n ® bad been , iEd '<; ted "« Spaniards,” and nntil a anffleient time haa P*^ d 1854^or the purpose of nulhfymg he elapsed for the complete establishment of Iran- fn S ,UTO 8 a ” ,8W ’ b , a , 1 w ' 8 n «ver nsed for tho qaiiity in the Island of Caba, no reforms be P ar P M ?- Tb « P* 0 * 1 ^ 18 P*>« '*tiom introdaced, such as are likely to prodnoe dis- “ T8 From Lee Connty—Good Crops and 1’lenly to Eat, Editors Telegraph and Messenger : The plan ters in this oonnty have never enjoyed a sea son of greater prosperity than thia; their fields 9 001 of corn have in some seotiocs suffered a little for the want of rain, bnt as a general thing the crop is snperb. I observed on some of the s a!ks in Mr. Pettis’ corn field, seven or eight ears to the stalk. Tho cotton ia splendid—all in fine order. Some planters have fonr or five I hundred acres, end bnt few have less than two hundred seres well cleared from grass. All 18 50 35 C5 21 3 a 1200 Court 14 00 I have nice large fields of sugar oane, from whioh they will make large quantities of excellent S3— 7 "“7 1 . 14 00 | ^ ,n P and The farmers are showing in domitable onergv acd thrift. Their tables are well supplied from their own farms, and every thing in abnndanoe sronnd them. Their farm ing interests aro not based upon liens, nor mortgages, neither are their meat houses nor Court 14 00 oorn-enbs filled from abroad, bnt abnndantly 55. Sam’i D. Rainey—(Orders by Judge Hill)—Bailiff ai BibbSn- perior Court 14 00 5G. A. O. Audoin—(Orders by Judge Hill)—Bailiff at Bibb Superior Court 57. Thos. Pierce—(Orders by Jadge HtU)—BaiLff at Bibb Saperior Coart 53. W. A Wjlie—(Orders by Jadge Hill)—Baijiff at Bibb Saperior supplied from their own rich and well cultivated fluids. That false theory has never existed in this connty, of depending on foreign States for the people’s snpplies. I fail to discover mnch difference, in fact, between these piping times 12 00 | of freedom and those of tbe olden time. The planters of Lee get along abont re well. This is their season for giving barbecues— 12 00 | first to their friends and neighbors and then to their freedmen who have been faitbfnl in the field. I attended one of those barbecnes on removal! Court 14 00 I Satnrday, the 12th instant, at Captain D. A. 59. Henry Kent—(Orders by Jadge Hill)—Bailiff at Bibb Saperior Court 60. J. E. K-nt—(Orders by Jadge Hill)—Bailiff at Bibb Saperior Oonrt — 12 00 61. Fred Sparks -Services as Janitor (one month) 25 00 61. Ssmnel D. K iiney, Bailiff at Bibb Saperior Court 14 00 62. Thos. A. Brewer, (Bibb Saperior Oonrt, 1871)—Witness fees 4 50 I 63. B H Wrigley A Co—Sewer pipe 49 20 | 64. Butts A Boss—Wood «nd oosl 113 00 63. Rankin, Massenbnrg A Co.—Med- ioines, eto 46 55 6G. Geo. B. Barker—Hospital supplies 466 72 10 00 PettiB’, who is one of the most energetio and snccessfnl planters in this connty. There were 10 00 I lively times and plenty to eat. tnrtmnnes which wonld only bo" favorable to the I wi'thlntont'm keepthtm «- g^ 8 Scaah-Uo^itaiac'cJuni The petition is signed mostly fiy wealthy in <?i? tate of servitI:d ’ a R alna t ,boi ^ wi11 - Hpsutards and alavehoiders and their depeZ ° l ^ The Republican Committee Railed to-day for I Another Horrid Harder. Spain to Jay their canse before the Cortes. I WmjAM-PiBT, Pa, Jnly 23-—Isbella Mo- They ask for more reforms—especially liberty I Bride, r.gtd 70 years, living with her husband of the press—tho abolition or modification of I OD a fsrm seven miles from this city, vras bru- Ihe censorship and the practical enjoyment of a I tally reordered last night by being shot through Republican form of government here as well as j ibe head. Her husband, John McBride, wsh in Sp&in. I knocked down with a club and received seven The Rpsnlfh Bnddle. • I "e**re cuts. When found this evening he was Hamid, Jnly 23.-A meeting which was at- |? i ! 1 B oa ‘ bo fl . , ? r weltering in his blood, bnt tended by aU the members of the cabinet and a 1,T,n «- J rb8 ° Id Pf°P ,a 1,ved , aIone ’ 8nd 7 8ra large number of the majority of the Cortes. a °PP0««a to have a large snm of money. Thirty was held last evening st the W.r office to die- ““oaand dollare were fonnd in the honse. cuss what measnre should be adopted to secure I 0 Qe tho mnrf ererP - the overthrow of the insurrectionary movements I l^arse Whisky Fire, in the conntry, and tho restoration of order. I Cleveland, O., Jnly 23—A fire to*day at Tbe Cortes has Approved a bill providing for I Frio's distillery, caused bv an explosion, de- tbe imposition of extraordinary wsr taxrs. Per- j etroyed five stores m a brick block occupied ex- son* who are known to be in sympathy with the I olusively by thnt firm. On account of so much Carlists are to bo taxed heavier than the loyal I infltmmable material, the fire spread with great popnlAtion. The minority of the Cortes have I rapidity. It is said thit a largo qu-.ntity of ispued a manifesto condemning the policy of the I fine wines and liquors were destroyed, government. I Cholera. not and Violent Weather In England Cincinnati, July 23 —Only one death from London, July 23.—Tho weather hero contin- J cholera was reported at the health offire to-day. nos very hot. At 12:30 o’olock this afternoon I Heath of«n Actor, the thermometer indioated 85 degrees. St. Louis, July 23.—John Wesley Hill, the A severe thunder storm, accompanied by I actor, is dead, sharp lightning, swept over Laneanshire ysster- From Mexico—The Inanrgenls F< Tested, day. Crops were damaged in_v»rions localities | Matamohas, July 23—An cfficial telegram 68. H- A Harman—Burping Alex. Jeffers, colored, (from jail) 5 00 69. John A Nelson A Bon—Meal, eta 14 40 71. E. J. Wall, (approved by Solici tor General,) B.iliff at Bibb Sa perior Oonrt, 1872 72. Harris A Peter—Medicines, etc... 73. Greer A Lske—Hospital supplies. NIGHT DISPATCH KM. from General Ceballos to tbe military comman der of this oity, dated at Tepio, 17th instant, announces the complete defeat of the revoln- tianisis in the State of JaliBCO and the capture Til- Ti-rr»« I ,,f their leai!or ' lhe fsmons chieftain, Lazoda, ,,, T , ... , , , I who has, for the last fifteen years, refnsed to Washington, Jaly -3 —A dispatch to H>® snbmit to tho nnthority of the Federal Govern- Navy Department from tit. Johns New Brans- m „ t> onrt who h „ B b . nd of ma !oon- 7"n » nn '>" n08a , ,b « arrl y» 1 °{, t 5 8 , T 15 r8Sa there I tents in armed hostility nearly all that time, today. AU well. She will sail Satnrday morn- I j D g > I Papal Intel licence. Cadet Drownrd. I Rome, July 23 —A Consistory will be held Cadet TL Eaness, of Iliinois, was drowned I next Friday for tbe nomination of Bishops, white bathing at West Point yesterday. | The Cardinals here have had instructions To be linns: for Mnr«lerlnsr a Squaw* . Attorney General Williams refnsed to recom- | a ^ (> ” —. *4* y ai » mend a pardon in the esse of Jes. Pickett, of “* * "" " 3 00 128 00 176 47 5 50 ] 75. R. B. Hall—Medicines, etc 53 50 76. H. 0. Stevenson, (Jadge Hill)— Printing grand jury preeent- ineuts and jury lists 84 00 78. Traman A Green—Hospital sup plies 138 00 79. J. F. Barfield A Co—Meal end flinr 29 40 80. A P. Collins—Hospital tills ren dered 250 00 81. A P. Collins—Hospital biUs ren dered 160 00 82. A P. Collins—Hospital bills ren dered 161 25 83. John W. Johnson—Meal for hos pital 10 00 84. E Rowe—Jlepairing water works at Court house 48 75'| S3 Geo. F. Cherry, sheriff, (Judge Hill)— Jail fees and expenses... 614 60 86. 8. D Rainey, (Judge Hill)—Bailiff Bibb Superior Oonrt. 12 00 87- B Dab, (Jadge Hill)—Meals for juries 21 70 88. W. A. Wylie, (Judge Hill)—Bailiff Bibb 8nperior Oonrt 12 00 89. A O. Andoin (Jadge Hill)—Bai liff at Bibb Superior Court 14 00 90. J. E. Kent—Bailiff at Bibb Snp’r Court 12 00 92. Tbomas Pierce—Bailiff at Bibb Superior Court 14 00 93. A O. Andoin—Bailiff Bibb Sa perior Court 8 001 94. 8. D. Bainey—Bailiff Bibb Snp'r Court 12 00 95. W. A Wyiio—Bailiff Bibb Snp’r Court 12 00| 96. Thomas Pieroe—Bailiff Bibb Su perior Court 14 00 1 97. O. H. R. A Banking Co.—Trans portation 89 80 98. James Tinley—Burying paupers, 3 00 99. Fred Sparks—Janitor at Court House (1 mo ) 27 6* 100. O. W. VanValkenbnrg—Repairs FOB SALE CHEAP CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS! 15 tierces CANVASSED HAMS, 1,000 pounds TENNESSEE HAMS, 290 bales TIMOTHY HAY, 60 bales CLOVER HAY, 100 boxeB BAR SOAP, 25 boxes BEST STAKCH, 600 ponnds CHEDDAR CHEESE, 300 bnabe.s COW PEAS, 400 bnsbels TE sN. GROUND PEAS, 2 car loads FLCUft, in barrels and Backs. Ail of tho above will be sold low down, by july22 lw JONES A BAXTER. PLASTERING HAIR, ETC. jJE3T Western Plastering Hair, in small bales. Chewacla (Ala) LIME, PLASTER and CE MENT, always on band and for ede cheap, by jnly22 Iff JONES A BAXTBB. DA TIERCES BEST MOLASSES, Ol/ in good order. In store and for Bale low, by July22 lw JONES A BAXTER. “FIRST QUALITY FLOUR.” F ROM selected new White Wheat, in Barrels, Whole and Half SackB. Received to day and for sale by Jnly22 lw JONES A BAXTER. LINES & WING A BE still at their old Btand, 53 and 60 Oheny street, ready to do JOB PRINTING! At short notice and moderate prices, feeling war ranted in saying that wa era compete with any hones Booth. July22eodIm FIVE |>E\UTIFUL BOOHS to rent, suitable for ofH- JD ces or bed rooms. Enquire of LINES & WING, Job Printors, 58 and 69 Cherrv street. Jnly22eodIm on Fulton bridge too 00 from the Vatican not to receive the Cora of 1101. George F. Cherry, Sheriff—Jail fees and expenses 423 60 J.F. - “ Printing Jffaterial For Sale! A. Nuttixo, President. Tho commission for the iiqnidstion of the 1102. J. F. Barfield <5:0".—Pauper ace’t I<H*ho,"sentoneedfob* trag i'nthaVterrito^‘. I ecoiesiasticai property opened its session here 103. S. 8. Bnmun-Salary for May I t 4 e . °Addre"e on Thursday. Ia August, 1872, Pickett dealt a ‘°- da 7- mi t V J^O 00 blow with a miner’s pick, on the sknll of an In- Fo ' 1 . le "’ ® 60 -- J K ’ ^rker-Pauper Account 102 35 dian woman, killing her almost instantly. He Vzbsaiixzs, Jnty 23.—The Assrmbly, this 105. A. P. Colhns-On account of was arraigned and tried by the civil authorities morning, after a most exciting debate, adopted Surgeon, etc... 129 91 of Idaho and sentenced to death, it being the the bill empowering lhe permanent commission, 106. Macon Daily Enterprise (Judge first oase where a while man has been sentenced " bi< * ai “ dnti ?B tbe re =f a . to prosecute the HUi)-Printing presentments, to Suffer tbe extreme penalty of the law for the inanUera ‘ b « Assembly. Memoil, in the eta........ ... 86 00 murder of a red tkin. course of a vigorous speech, denounced tho 107 O. Machold—Meal, eto 5 00 I dictatorship as the “daughters of Lyons,"and I 108. W. Dessau, E*q. (Judge Hill)— Kynopsin W«nther iMiemrnt. I j tC j are ^ that tyrannical Repnblics were Bure to I Taking down testimony Bibb WiB Dett, OiTii'E f'n;vy MasAi, OmrF.ji, | becet C:'.-mrs. Superior Court 50 00 Tlxreas. 1109. J. H. King—Beef furnished hos- St. John, N. B.. Jnly 23 —The United States I . „ P ital - 33 GO un.i I steamship Tigress, in search of the Polaris, ar- J10- Geo R Barker-Pauper account 201 66 cTond n /we.“.V h .n" t ^ ^ A " ' h ° 9 ' wtods? ptrTly*cllraJy ’Ind ’ —re rtmio. J 112 ' Medicines for'hospi- 13 80 I undersigned havo a complete nowepapor JL outfit, which they offer lowfor cash,or abort LINES & WING. Job , Printcrs, Macon, Ga. W. F. Goodal, Cashier. CITY BANK, Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS DIRH OTOK8. WM. B. JOHNSTON, IT J r , rr | JOHN J. GRESHAM, Viznsa, Jnlv 23 —•The Emperor of Anslria I ... 57 Jo . }alyZ2 ( m WM. S. HOLT, JN0- B. ROSS. oisar weatner; rortne Kortncns, ann me npper j p R nrno -_,SA,,,- n o hnmitnl lakes rising barometer, wesierly winds and in- will go to St. Petersburg in the antnmn. The I I1,5 - y Shoeing Hospital crossing clondraers; for tfan Ohio valley south- visit is regarded by the press as of deep poUti- 4 ^ KiM-Btof fmUted h^l - " -• —VlnKa- t.mnn.nrnvA I Cal SlgnifiCBCee. | d. XtiZSlUg DBfll inriUSDea DOS east and southwest w'nds, higher temperature and possibly local storms. Insnrnnco on HauKnrtl Roofs Raised. New Tone, Jnly 23 —Tbe Board of Fire Un derwriters h«T6 resolved to raise tbe rate of in. snranco on all hnildings with Mansard roofs, and invite ail insurance companies in the conn- try to nnite with them. | Tbe Rom Harder Mystery. WzsTcnxsrzB, Jnly 23.—Nothing new has de veloped in the Goss murder case, within tbe past two days, exoept the finding of the person who shipped the body to Baltimore, which was found in the rains of s burnt building. Udderxook's mother spent an honr with him Sr.ilf-VN'M’AI, STATE NEXT or Claims Aiainsttta Mr of BiM, Rend ere 3 to the Oonnty Board of Commfaaionera np to lat Jnly. 1878. audited and pasted by them and orders drawn on the County Treatnrer for 1 11(| w A n.ijaii„ the payment of tbe same Those tn Italics 119 - W - A- Wylie-Bailiff at Bibb 8n- p.eaed by tha Board since Ibe 20th February, I perior Court... 1873, the d*te of the organization of the Board; 1120. A. 0. Andoin—Bailiff at Bibb all others having been previously made by an-I Superior Court thoriiy from the Ordinary of «hs county and or- 1121. W. 8. Clark— Work on eeicere. pital. 115. Gas Light Company—Water rent to 31st Maroh, 1873. 116. Gss Light Company—Water rent to 30th Jane, 1873 117. 8. 8. Harman—Burying small pox cases 118. W.A. Wylie-(Jadge Hill) Bailiff at Bibb Saperior Oonrt ders passed b/ Judges Cole and Hill. this morniog. Most of tbe time was spent in 4373. prayer by the mother, who believes her son to | ,e gnilty, yet hopes in his ability to prove his i innocence. He is calm and collected, dresses himself with care, and is polite to the lust degree | with all oaUare. Kb.-iit-S hi, !«, hqi tot been ar- re .ted, as reported, nor will he be, as no evi dence era be obtained against him. A New Trotter. St. Loras, July 23 —The Krasas stallion. Smuggler, it is stated in a special dispatch from I Olstte, Ksnsjg, to hare trotted a mile over a coarse in that place, yesterday, in 2:19}. This horse was broken tu trot less than two years | ago, and has been in training bnt six months. The War In N|mln. Madsid, Jnly 23 —President Salmeron held I council of generals to-day. He was advised summon immediately into active service, 90,000 reserves. The civil Governors Seville and Albacete. have been dismissed and replaced by special | delegate*. General Msrtecez has superseded General | Valsoale ss Captain General of Valencia. The inhabitants of Utrera have defeated and I taken two go ns from an insurgent column, i which marched ont of Seville to carry into | effect tbe declaration of independence. As tho insurgent iron clad Vittona was sail-1 irg from Alicants, a German frigate, which was lying in the harbor, got np steam acd followed ber ont by orders from tbe German legation at Madrid. Farther Evacuation Movements. Pauis, July 23 —It is officially announced to-dsy that the fortified town cf Mezeiroes, capital of the department of ths Ardennes acd Charieyille, on the opposite side of river Nense, tbe same department, were evacnatid last night by tbe German forces, which hare occu pied them singe the conclusion of the war. The staff of General Mrateuffe. the commander of the army of occupation, will remain at Nancy for a short time. After its departure from that ,ciiy tho Verdna District will be the only French | territory occupied by German troops. French Neutrality. Fa ms, Jnly 23.—The Carlisle have made a I formal demand of France for tbe recognition of their rights as belligerents. The French Gov ernment has refused, and declares that it will remain perfectly neutral. In accordance with | this policy it has forbidden the Spanish Rspnb- licans from sending snoeor to Pnyeerda by wsy of Port Vendesa, a French town on the Mediter-1 racean. The Situation at Barcelona. BiSCXLOSA. Jnly 23 —The remains of Gen. 1 Cabrinettz, who was killed in the engagement near l’.ipopcL poll, between .he Repnbtieans and the Carlists, will be bronght to this city. Fearing disturbance* in consequence of lhe issue of the proclamation of independence, many of the respectable inhabitants are leaving the city. The oolonel of the civil guards has deserted | and joined the Garlista. The Cnrlln* Fere*. Batoxxx, Jnly 23.—Tbe Carliata claim Ihst I their effective force in Spain now nnmbers 30,000 men. They have disembarked a Urge I quantity of arms and ammunition from Eng-1 land at Reqnietto. Henry Singleton— Hauling loam for trees at Court house $ 2. Wm. Life—Whitewashing trees... 3. R. O. Wilder & Son—2G free boxes 4. A. Dewberry, Coroner—Inquests, Joe Barton, Catherine Herbert, J. O. Towler 5. 1L SIcCardel—Brick-work on new Honston read. ....A............. 6. A. Dewberrv, Coronet—Inquest on infant found in river 7. J. C. L icier—Nursing small pox cases S. J. H. King—Beef account for hos- 4 20 QUEEN BEE HIVE. Ga 10 I T™ H rVE has taken the premium over all I X other hives at several largo 8tate fairs, and 19 rn I at our late Bibb county fair was awarded a diploma. ic w \ The subscriber having bought the right for the county, is now ready to sell individual rights and 12 50 I to make transfers of bees. He has also the right I for Atkinson’s Honey Extractor, a simple contri- 50 00 I vance for extracting the honey witheat injury to I the comb. Thus the comb may be given oack to q qq I the bees to bo refilled, and in this way almost a 1 fabulous amount of honey may be taken from a Live during tho honey Be&son. Bee culture pays a better per cent, on tbe capital invested than other bu*iuesa, and requiros 22 00 | but little labor. Now is tho time to transfer 5 our 155 001 b ed and comb to the new hive and prepare strong 1 colonies for next spring- The hive may be eer-n at Messrs. Hardeman & Sparks’, and at B. H. Wrigley A Co *a, whore orders may be left. I am authorize! to eell rights to per* REMOVED THEIR 8TOCK OF STORE ROOMS BUT THE BEST. LaaM’s New Crop Turnip Seed buta BAGA, FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, LARGE GLOBE, ALSO, FRESH CABBAGE SEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Druggist and Pharmacist, 4th uid Poplar etreeta, jniy20 tf Hollineworth Block. SEG-ARS! SEG-ARS! Imported and Domestic. LA XSOIPOION. LA OARBA, FLOB DEL FUUAB, LA XLEOION, TENNYSON, LA NOYEDAD, LA UNIOO. UANILLO, FIGARO, And many other brands, all of whioh aro offered very low. BOLAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry etroet and Cotton Avenue. jn!y22 tf V** ! *<%. tq I M | M dentin / From experiments made the present season, we ora confidently recommend onr HOME-MADE FERTILIZER For Cardens, Turnips, Barley, etc. Consisting largely of ammonia and nitrogen, it yet does not born or wither the plant. We have it for eaio in any quantity wanted. Inly2)tf HUNT. RANKIN A LAMAR, Druggists, Cherry street TURNIP SEED. FRESH CROP TURNIP SEED 18 7 3, AT THE DRUG STORE OF RANHIN, MASSENBURG & CO. ]nly20 tf MULBERRY STREET, -UNDER THE SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE! A S every druggist has the purest medicines, of coarse I need not mention that fact; yet, aa I rooeive monthly ahipmeuts from the beat liouaes of New Tork, I suppose I have them also. For the accommodation of the laboring classes, among whom I am located, I am ready to wait on all at any hour, day or nignt, and give special at tention to the prescription department. Everett’s Remedy —FOB— CHILLS AND DISEASES OF THE LIYER Will give satisfaction in every cue, when taken according to direction.. Ladies will find the department of TOILET ARTICLES! Attractive and satisfactory. ICE COLD SODA WATER, on draught, tiU 12 o'clock at night. 8. D. EVERETT, Drnggist, ]n]yI8eod3m Fourth street, near Aroh. 8 00 I 122. W. & E P. Taylor—on acconnt of coffins and fnrnitnre 125 00 1-3. Thomas^ierM—£Jndgo Hill) Bri- ■ x sm aumorizoi io eeu ngnis to per- liff at Bibb Snoerior Court....... 23 00 e0 p, f rom th B adjoiiing countitB Bocs for sile. 5 901124. 8. D. Bainey—Bailiff at Bibb Su perior Oonrt 22 00 | 4." 50 | 125. W. A. Banks A Sons—Goods fur nished hospital 26 75 126. J. M. Boardman—Insurance, eto. 161 00 42 25 1127. A. O. Andoin-(Jndge Hill) Bai liff at Bibb Saperior Oonrt. 10 00 201 60 1128. J. E. Kent—Bailiff at Bibb Sape rior Court 12 00 22 75 1129. Maoon and Augusta Railroad Company—Transportation 39 75 ] 95 00 1130. W. A. Wylie—Bailiff at Bibb Su perior Conrt It 00 jnne2S lm E. H. LINK. pital 64 75 1131. Hunt, Rankin A Lamar—Medi- 10 00 9. Geo. Payne—Medioinos for hoe- 10. Geo. F. Cherry, sheriff—Jail fees and exptr.tes 1L 8. T.G. Murray—Summoningjury for inquest 12. A. Dewberry, coroner—Inquest infant of Emma Owens. 13. 0. T. Ward, ordinary—Money ad vanced for transportation 102 15 14. Dr. P. H. Wright—On aoeonnt for m'd-cil services and medicines 93 95 15-16. A. B. Ross (by Judge Cole)— Order from Bibb Saperior Conrt 200 00 17. Fred Sparks—Janitor a! Court house, (two months) 50 00 18. Geo. F. Cherry, sheriff—JaU fees and expenses 410 10 19. A Dewberry, coroner—Inquest J. M. Martin 20. W. H. Cordell—Road purposes.. 21. Maoon and Brunswick Railroad Company—Rent of guard honse 25 25 4 00 10 00 3 00 icines for hospital 19 00 1132. Macon and Ernnswick Railroad Company—Transportation 365 70 1133. Anderson A Ballard—Coal at Court-house 49 CO 2 00 1134. Batts A Ross—Wood for hospital 135. Thos. Battle, (Jadge Cole,) Bailiff at Bibb Soperior Conrt 136. 8. D. Rainey, (Jadge Hill,) Bailiff at Bibb Saperior Conrt 10 00 137. A. 0. Andoin, Bailiff Bibb Sa perior Conrt 138. Pat Crown, Bailiff Bibb Saperior Court... 64 00 139. Tho*. Pieroe, Bailiff Bibb Supe rior Court 12 00 140. D. Daly A Bro.—Meal and flour. 5 72 141. 8. D. Everett—Medicines for hos pital 11 40 10 00 1143. W. A. Wylie, (order on fine and 200 00 I forfeiture fund,) Bailiff at Bibb Oonnty Court 141. P- W. Wippler—Supplies for hos- SHIRTS! SHIRTS! THOMAS U. CONNER Has just received & new lot of be&utafal Fall Bosoms and Plaited Bosoms, from 13 to 19 inches in the neck. The Foil Bosoms are the coolest Shirts worn. DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS U. CONNER Has a splendid fitting Bummer Drawer, from 2S to £0 inches waist, rad all lengths of inaeam. HECK-WEAR! KECK-WEAR! u 001 THOMAS IT. CONNER jniyIStf Received yea’erday a new etock of Summer Neck-wear, in all colors. Lavender and white for evening wear. Linen Collars of all etylea and sizes MODOCS! 26 37 Are net coming, bnt 5 60 to April 1, 1873 500 001 pital. 22. Wm. Bone— Transportation of 1115. Thos. Wood—Coffins 45 25 children lo Savannah 30 00 1117. Johnson A Dunlap—Articles for 23. G. W. Gaatin—One quarter's sal- 24 Lines, Wing 4 Smith—Adterti- sing notice of claims against Bibb county 25. A. B. Boas, clerk— One quarter’s salary. MOSQUITOES ABE 75 00 7 50 3 00 I 50 00 PREPARE FOR THEM! 27. Ellis 4 Cutter—Lumber for hos- piial.. 28. 8. 8. Harman—Salary at hospital (two months).., 120 00 29. 8.1 Gnstin—wood for boraital... 49 88 30. S. Waxelbanm 4 Bro.—Blanket* for jail and hospital. 31. Johnson 4 Dunlap—sundries for hosnital and Oonrt-honse 1'2. Mi 4 Kirkland—shoe* for hos pital patients A- MoCaHie—Meal S. H. Everett—Medicine*, eto. 35. John Ingalls—Medicine* tie. John D. Lloyd—Meal rnd flour... 37. O. Machold—Meal aad floor 53. John A. Nelson 4 Son—Meal and 39. Thoma* Wood buffin* ?Z..~..~ 171 00 40. 8 D. Bainey—Bailiff Bibb 8. Ot. 6 00 41. Wing A Solomon—Repairing locks at Court Bouse 2 10 42. Bntta 4 Rare— Co*l at Court H... 24 00 43. P. W. Dit!*, Sheriff, (by Jadge Cole)—Ord. Bibb Bop. Court.... 44. Jehn Brown—BaL pay aa Janitor Oonrt-bouse aod hospital. 148. Milo 8. Freeman—Wood. Dr. J. C. Johnson—On medical bill 100 00 1152. Fred Spaiks—Janitor at Court house, (one month) 25 00 50 001133- Oliver, Donglasa 4 Co—Patting , stove in post-office, etc 6 25 PLATT’S PATENT CANOPY! 146 72 115°. Jones 4 Bixier—Hospital tup- fUt* 48 73 I have in slock 51 90 | 7 SO 6 50 3 30 11 80 39 75 2 85 32 33 14 80 $9,034 14 Ditid E. Blocxt, Chairman. EDWARD ROWE, GENERAL btate agent for the GANSTER COMPLETE GAS WORKS For Family nag. Hotels, Churchee, Etc. No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Macon. I juiyistf FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL,] (The handsomest fixture in Maoon.) Holmes’ Oriental Canopy. ARMSTRONG’S PATENT FUTURE! Holmes’ Hanging Kets. With other first class fixture*. Bobinet and American Lace and Gauze Nets, Pink and White. Prices to unit tight timee. Come icenook at them. THOMAfl WOOD, may 18 tf Next to Lanier Hon&e. MASONIC TEMPLE OPPOSITE THE- LANIER HOUSE, Whore they will be glad to) ALL OLD WE HAVE IN STORE 1000 POUNDS OF CHAMPION’S COTTON CATERPILLAR EXTERMINATOR. P UT np in sacks sufficient for fivo acre* at $5 00 per eack, or packages sufficient for one acre at $125 per packago. WE BELL NO RIGHTS. IT IS FREE TO ALL. Call or send at once to J. H. Z GIL IN & CO. Orders by mail solicited acd promptly attended to. June I7tf. ADD TO THE NUMBER ALL WHO ARE LOOKING FOB LAW CARD. •t Oonrt House 5 001 jon«19tf CSOB. COBTLAKDT and NEW CHURCH 8TS-, [ “1 fES£R3- WOODWABD & TOOLE, of Dooly \J NEW YORK. On the European PUn. HIGH-1 JjJL county, Ga, having formed a leg a,! copart- ABD F* FBENCH. son of the late Colonel Bichard I nerthip, reepectfuUy offer their service* to the French* of French’* Hotel, bee taken this Hotel, I pnblio, end will practice in the counties of Wilcox, . newly fitted up and entirely renovated tha same* I Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Maoon, Sumter end Hone- 195 00 [ Centrally located in the Businase Part of tbe City. I ton. BpecUl attention given aleo to ceaeu in the Lediea’and Gentlemens Dining Booms attached. I Supreme and Federal Courts. Addrees, Vienna, Ga. julylff d3n** BARGAINS! JnlyJStf IN OUR BUSINESS. Convention of Ex-Cadets GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITtlTB. The cx-Cadota and ex-Frofeeeors of tho GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Are invited to meet in Convention, at Atlanta, on the firat day of September next. Tho Central, Macon and Brunswick, Maoon and Weetem, Atlantic and Western, West Point and Atlanta, and Georgia Railroads will pasa number* of the Convention for one fare io and from the Convention. Let every ex-Oadet who loves the memories that cluster around his Alma Mater, and who cheriahe* a hope of seeing her resurrected from the ashes in which Bhermra boned her, come to this Con- venticn. JOHN XILLEDGE, Freeident of the ex-Gadot Association- jnlyQO-tileepl STRICTLY COMMISSION HOUSE JR. 3VE, WA.THH* «*> OO. 50 Broad SU, Wear Torlr, BANKERS —AS® — COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell contract* for future delivery of oot* ton. Deposit ecoount* of banker*, merchants en others ere especially aoliclied. july6d3m barlow house, AMEBIOU8, GA., WRIT JONES A CO., Proprietor*. Ia first-cUaa and in buainese center. Board per d*y t2. lodging or single moils 50 cts. may 9 6m PUMPS Of all kinds, HYDRAULIC RAMS, RUBBER HOSE, ETO , For tale at loweat cash price*. SION OF THE GOLDEN PUMP. m. HO vV El, No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Maoon, G*.