The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 24, 1873, Image 3

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COOIING STOTES ON MB. I TUI', GCuKkl k .STATE FAIR. ■»JM Hons iddrfm. fRUflAN Si GREEN ■ill tell any of the cxoelleot stove* u Mow for tb* work. ard go to work to dry. We mast teach oar boys, by preoept end example, that the past virtue of life and the necreaitv of the age la to be found in the trmh of tie o’:d Latin I maxim, “ Labor omnia t{nett." The people of Georgia should never be TWO SUIT WBITEU CITIES. What they R«j of Kadi Other. ST. LOUIS OK CHICAGO. St. Lottie is the city of the future and of the SE Mitdi'h Orncr, 1 Uioox, Jane 1, U73 > lotto Peoptecf Ipper and Lover Georgia-. _ . m6 «. . r A .. . K . w ' j r.e.itnn I rope ana mil dow suuiJ sun, or go Dacjc. A. yon ere .ware, the Georgia 8uie Agncul- . ‘ ^ K ! , L™. L The Chicago men are a set of Liters. Sell Chi- tnral Society will hold its next annual Air at I a ...i,.-?? 1 * ^. fclr , . ° nc ^ a P°^>cy will I out to . morro ,r an d her aiMcts will not ££“• ; *H 5sr*y? rx iira is »»»«« -?» v —^ s ^ . IshsississiffireTiito 5ni5.vsffij.f5 mtsas. Sr**** ssJsaiJwSt t*£s no west cash M»»«j^aaSeSia^lsaftwttr.gra^to^-a^^^ is way 01T to die northwest, oulai Je of whose dependent aDd depilate condition can tote & people proeperona nod hippy. We hive ■ . „ , ___ fJgoedaueplauLH. lie the 15tb of November here that ,ii T er«ftv of promotion and rentier boa *® “ e ?P'J’ oorn-erfb, f**. 11011 *how ^ _ — 1 adaptation of the various s-c’ions to the dif- | “ lst ? kfc ? .. wreU± ’ I ferent industrial patvnlt* which combine to _ next. | legitimate business growth, tale business centre of the West, an' The great,] id of a TTTtrrljnTTT TTUT'F'RFQT m,k< ' °P the netorsl element, sufficient for an n j*? re4ch ' d *» pnoed cotton, or re- T* VI.''J e T tT *.r “** ■**’— WllnUUl UN i JhllihO 1, In agriculture. aa in everything else “? T ‘ d in *“? T*? by che * p i IOn ’, U ,P L - doU ? r ,T 7 I ii>r ■ i ■ dJS^t nf a/s flora I The troth ia, we hive been betting onr bottom I for dollar of her indebtedness. T*o kiting m tree fatal cards, called | SL Louis ! Chicago his already reaped all th And gninateo the price to he si low, or Lower Than Next Fall. Oar eld boaineee friend* who have aold Btores for* arrant* t 3 *!. Larinoniuns concert of action strengthens and . supports each aeeticn of the State. Lower . an ’ onK on 'eiho , . , . , -, - ■ Gi,r K i.t.s b.rpeenIi«.ntererttofosUr«d cred,t - CDtt ?F- ,\ Bd “caterpillar,’’ that I bnstn&s to be derived by her splur^ efforts M I proVct at d her pre»t strength h i«m »« bow nothing left cs hat onr and r»ur'-fl : Lout.--, which hss only I The asme may be aaid of npper and I j?*?* 5 .*"* »*—^«*«**M wit of ton thy at. j jad hyi to tap the great j^ntgy behind it, | tral poaiLion geographically. have the advantage of thla I tena have provided within her limits fsir grounds and’rnninn,-nts equal if not snoerior I I ‘ LS * me,lt - we le,n * from the newspapers of the has a network of railroads branching out from | to any in the United Btatee fo’r the scootnmo’ °° nntr T ,h,t mor ® Und “ pisnted in cotton this it after the manner of Chicago? ■VERY MOVE GlIAR4'\TEE!)!l d * lionof v “‘ors and for the exhibition of any Kr“ r ,L *f ! “b or ‘"V'V. l iDr6 _!, he wsr ' ctncAGOOJt Chicago aj;d os st. louts. fciLnl BIwi* UUAIia.UIiult • I an( j eTer _ arl | c i e w hic.h mav be brnnoh* wood ® r , then, that we should be crying out I St. Loms has been one hundred and ten vt I s j m ww • _ u n u ‘ I for AAPd fmr.stvtrf/r/um I -- * * <L. iL.i n.?».oo k.. — _*J. We have in stock the Stoves as bolt. LOUIS. „ I „ VHUHHWN JUi _ l ten years I here for 'show. The Executive Committee for mme lrant P oriaUon - I reaching the growth that Chicago has made in and members of the State Agricultural Society rifteen years ago, when I first commenced forty. Chicago can always keep ahead of St. ... have evinced a determination to make this next the P r °duce business in Msoon, my Ituls orders I Louis. It’s the old stoiy of the lazy shilling COTTON PLAST Flstn, orwith IKs rTOir n th. p. eat p Ur of ,j, e Slite The handsome and for h™ 11 * cd meat seldom went fsither west and the nimble sixpence. Chicago can bor- *+■ T .,_ m ... „ I liberal premium list now being circulated I tt *° tb * fertl1 * hUI ' of ^ rokae Georgia, and I row money to create a city out of a marsh; iccra EBILLIaRT—Plain, or with Etaervoj l tbrongbont the State speaka for itself. An ex. I lbe n,rro,r valleys in E»st Tennessee. I had I to build forty^ight railroads; to rebnild the md Closet. I amlnatlou of Its pages will convince every one I t,m ® 11,611 io write and send letters for these I city when destroyed by fire; to build water- gCKES OF THE SOUTH. ! that the Society means htuinees. But th* * n PP , ‘ 6 ' , and wait the return of quotations be- I works, canal*, parks, tunnels, and can do the “ county displays” are looked forward to as the I fore hnying. I, with other merchants, pur. I business to pay for all these tiling*, while pow- promtnent and great leading features of the Fair, cb&6e<1 *here, at our leisure, all that was necas-1 der-posted St. Louis, a century old, is just be am! will doubtless present a grsnd panoramic I HllT l to sn PP'l tl:e wants of Middle and South- I ginning to talk about building railroads, and view of each county and section such as has western Georgia. Now we send onr immense I has never had public spirit enough to beautify never before been witnessed by the people of I 0 ™ era by telegraphic wires to the rich fields and I its city, drain it, or provide decent water for Georgia The purposes of this appeal are, I broad plains of Illinois and Missouri; and if, | use. Ji Loots, a centnrr old, is ashamed to therefore, to invite and urge every oounty in I ^ “F chance or ill lack, a railroad bridgo is I publish a guidebook. It ha* nothing under the Btsta, If posstble, to be represented in some I ?? I, !® d , or a ,ran * ler h®** ls sunk and a little I heaven tosbow a visitor bnt “Shaw’s Garden,” a way, so that we may have no blanks sn the pic- I b-ockade occurs m route, a panic ensues atd a patch of gaudy colored flower*, bequeathed to the tore. To do thla is a plain, patriotic duty; a 1 met., bread ana hay famine at once threatens I c ; t y hy one of ita ex-pork packers. The St. doty which, if zeatausly performed, will con- I * r I e . r F man “ d h**' 1 6011,11 of Chattanooga. I Louis folks are a shiftless set. They keep abed duce to tb* pro parity and snooea* of every I ^ bl * 16 onr oneerably poor end belplen oondi- I m ornisgs nntil the hens Jay their breakfast, county in the 8mic, without any regard what- boo to-day-fearful and unreasonable as it may Xhe troubIe whh iSt Lo U - w u th^ ph e thinksshe r er a““, Which geUl th . a 4,1000 P retuiam of - hS,e^5 orafn t de ,h^ e r 0Cy h ” a river - She hl “ noll,!n g but a ditch, fro- feied. Thin premiom will, of eoor«io, go to the I 2* . ly f in fo1 ? I xen up in the winter and dry in summer. St. county which Mltahl. the ‘‘latest ^ LouUbtCG^d Ameri^JfSXrw^ | end finest displsy.” But, a, wiU be seen by ^romethingU) tum un in the way ofcon- ORlT JACKET 000D INTENT. JflsTEBPlECE BONE OEOBOIAN. PUNTEB. CONSUL. ISOS WTPOH-Flsln. or with Btservclr. fiVOBITE—with Iteearvob and CInret paOTEOTOB—with Beaerrolr and Cloaet. tsljWf COLLINS & LITTLE 70 and 72 Second Street, G-A., Offering CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, To vrowmodaie our rapidly increasing trade, Save teken lb* .tore recently occupied by i Sea*, tad ws wul have for THIRTY DAYS 1 refarepcn loth, premium Itat, there are three it^ry C *w1 ^vITu^e^aw'ak^eil^U were® roVear ^“Lr" di‘tdTo'f a river | ^'szzjsttuL'r d “ Wbnted ss’i sissss? 1 ,". T^rno^'^oZ? in± T \ A , remmm of ire-, to the conid, making th. u f <6 « !t *»‘ *« “ r ” 6 !•<-•/, ttHWMi ■O-jlghfe. no viatj ap second beat disoUv. prodneing, *!I oomramirg, depeodM pmlA. I A premium of <300 to tho oounty making the And j 6 * 1 ”° lon 8 66 ,b8 fanners and planters of I *j| e bags ,dea J** , ‘ 1 ®. WI 1 w> ™ etlun K 11 1 thtrd'best displs^ snd° l * n ““ D8U ‘ e | ^1 I A premium of $2001 fonrtn best display. IhlluILI ^b7e«'to^Au^d'shbrauTe*Tim^ilong I SL Lo ”i* “only'as the po'pula-1 | concentrating all their vast powers and rwour- | .*!“* . lhe F b ® pitiable beggars and borrowers at j tionof St'Louis.- We m^ht as justly reckon [ . , ni i ' ° Georgia pursue their present mad policy of buy. l;ul ~v 11,6 nauonai capital, xter to the county making the ,D K taxers to make cotton to buy corn, bacon 5"“*“ ! de f " e r . c I‘ re r™ t6d b F 8UC >‘ n,cn “ F 8 1 anc i ba j, wu h, aLd then pay two per cent, a I tbe dead-beat, Reavjs. Site ha*n t got a larger I three prominent counties In “ onUl for mone F from A P riI t0 November of population than Chicago. By a fraud, she re known U. be bendm* and eacb ^ to ran this wild schedule, just so long «*>“«■“ a l Sb Lo ““ “unty as the popula-1 »ueeu». HUK ... their vast powVra and resour- Wl11 ,h,!y ^ p,tUbIe be PK» re » Dd horrowersat tl .°. n ° ( , SL LoD15 : " e l^kon oes upon this great eontert-^e in Upper Geor- tbe door ", of transportatiou offices and Georgia 611 Cook county in our*, fct. Louts capitalists J gla, one In Middle Georgls and onom South- 6hMl 2E '■bop*- provided a worse fate does not »re to-dsv investing in Chicago lota .in prefer- _ _ t, ~~ . ~ coad . wMtern GeormU a“« connues ^iU report ep6edu F °™ ute tbcm ' f n “ to tbeir ten years Chicago will Vi kh .jdre* L cw prices to progress, and enter the list for comperition at The truth i*. the whole oonntry has beoome v e » VfriTwifl dlTri^whota^le 0 ;.^. 6 5° nntr/ j . ,b6 »«t meeting of the Society, to be held in oneeom»».counting room and[huge gambling ,^ W V^;.‘ U 1° S, 1 ? AND WAGONS, Vt intend to foroe extra sales of tlO.OOO worth I Athena next month and mHHRHHHRRHPIHimPHMH we on% did with thoWe acd thS I t'-hol. -ilc msnufseturing brokerage; bat ofdwirsble’'Olearour Decks” for I Bat while the foregoing county prixes are In-1 b 06 . the plowshare and the reaping hook, we I V! 110 *? 0 Till distribute the goods Wervegotl tSe Fall Uampatan. There are bargains to be so- I tended to represent the leading features of the I now seek to accomplish by strategy andchanee, I hfty railroad* now, and we’ll have a hundred in f h ' at 39 and 41 Seeood atrsst. Call tally. I premium list, they are by no means the most I credit and speculation. And we mast, sooner I te ° vears. St. Louis talk about rendu ,,, . . __ attractive. The city of Macon has united with or l6, er, come back to first principles or we I *?_ Eu ?°P e b y water without breaking balk! I W. A. HOraON & LU. I the society in the effort to presold a list of re- must perish. We have too many able-bodied “by the grain sprouts before they are half way wards that will not only please but actually I J°nng men in ahsdy places; too much tape cut-1 across the gulf, supposing they ever get to the recompense the exhibitor for some labor and ting and pin selling and too little cotton chop- I 8“^. b . T the wiy of their ditch of a river. We I expense. And among others which msv be ro- P't-g and hay curing: too many yard slicks I can undersell St. Louts right under her nose— I - • L| U 1 at the St. Joe, Sedalia, Kansas City and all the | (otjlStf JUST RECEIVED AT ff. A. BAMS & SOS JO’ 0. I furred to with pride aod BAtlBfeetion, are tho I thrown aronnd looae on smooth-top counters I at theSL Joe, Sedalia, Kansas City and all the following: and not enough boe-handJes and plow-stocks; I wa 7 to Lenver. Chicago wilting! Not much. DR. WRIGHT, dentist! For beat aero of clover hay. 3 CO I to ° m8n F law books and lager beer barrels in For beat sore of lucerne h.t, 50 I proportion to tbe rsil-splittmg and ditch dig- For best acre of native grass CO I S™ 8 » to ° n,r ‘ c b foolish fashion and foppery. For beet sere of pes-vine bay jq I and notenoughsledge-hammersand saw-horses For best aero of corn forage...'.'.'.'"""".'.'" CO ~ in * ™ Td ’ 400 mncb vJuitesaU idleness For 1 orgeat yield of Southern cane, 1 acre... 60 Q®? 181 * to-dsy, bnned in the rich bosom For beat and hugest displsy of gardsn... of t<:r Ttne< ? 801 ' and precious mineral beds, vegetables • 2C 18 reater W£ml( b and grander results than can AT REDUCED PRICES! „ „ . For largest yi'cl.i of*u'pVond cotton, 1 'sere::" 200 * Ter , wo F ked ont . b F canal projects or TTAS removed to Boardman’s Block, overFen- 1000 Yards Catiooss at 10 to 12c. I For best cion lot nnland ah.,rtlt.r.i« Oongressicnal enterprises. And how la It to 1 TT. . „ , „ _ , , f UdtM’Linen Oollsrs. Lace Collars, Ruchlng, ton,- not 1ms than fivo b.lea t. COO !*• do ? e? ^ ot b F dreamy theories and myth- m!!™ 4 C,»°° 8 ’ *°"^ M °h®" 7 “ d Cueade Bottling, Broadway Frilling. Coronets, I Tor bast one bale upland short staple oot- 1 i “ l " J *“ *”* *" ,v *"~ ““ fc "* * 1 TELEGRAPH 8Rfl MESSENGER 1 RAILROADS. 1873. The proprietors avail themselves of the lull in advertising to present their claims again to the public. Nothing within the range of our ability is omitted to make the Telegraph and Messenger In all its editions acceptable to the reader. As & vehicle of the earliest news on all cur rent topics— and of careful and candid exposition, we concede no superior in this State. In point of circulation in the range of the country trading with Macon, the dif ferent editions of the paper are far be yond competition. They literally per vade the Central and Southwestern coun ties of> Georgia—addressing and inform ing almost every merchant and house hold. No business man of Macon can afford to be without the use of these columns as an advertising medium. No one abroad seeking a market for any commodity in this region can intelligently dispense with their aid in facilitating that object. For successive generations these two papers, united for the past three years in one, have commanded this great field of circulation, and their hold on the public confidence has never been disturbed or interrupted. "We aro to-day with a larger cash paid circulation than ever before, and we hope to go on increasing with tho progress of the country. We do not say it is the “largest circulation,” but within our proper field—where we can carry the earliest news, it is beyond even approxi mation by any other journal. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO CHANGE OF OARS BJCTWEk H GU8TA AND OOLUMBUB. ical plans, bnt in talking corn instead of oanal jog I —in diversifying and developing onr own vait I (and 26 cents per pound for the hale.)' resomces—in writing more abont home ejfort For beet bale upland long staple ration.... 100 acd , lea6 6bont foreign immigration—in planr- (aud 26 cents per pound paid for the bale.) I l n * *•* cot j°“ . and "•nofaomrtag more yarns. For the beat oil painting, by a Georgia lady 100 I J? ,b ‘?> ,nd tbls onl y> I 168 tbB S reat a0CT6 t of For the best displsy of paintings, drawings, Goorgm snocess-ngricnllaial as well as finan- <Sto., by tbe pnpils of one school or ool- 0181 aad °ommerc.aL We are immensely riebin lege 100 re ’ ouroes hot miserably poor in tbe handling of I For the best made aiui dres*. done by a lady , 'yhf 1 w * W6n ‘ “ vork—honest, hafd- of Georgls not s dress-mbker. 60 fiated » intelligent, well-directed toll, labor and <3 Second street Triangular block Macon! Ga. I For t* 6 * mad * bomo-span dress, done by a application in developing and utilizing what we U peroLu street, jna: guiar Dioes, recon, ua. | ^ of GeorR , a not ^ dress-maker.....:... M | b *”. h !™ 8 ! home rather than so many spas-1 Bail Back Ootabe, bilk, Luther and Linen Belts, lediat'end Mieses' Hose, Faolfle Levua, Neln- oot Vie. Lswns, Cotton Liaper, etc. Ladies' Bow at 100. per pair; Gents’ Half Hose •life. Asotber Osw4-4 Bleached st Ua, worth Ua A large lot Drew Good* at Coat, ill other Goods si Bottom Figures. W. A. BANES A SONS, HB. 1*IIICK 7 S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, JoncSMf MMialMiffiacaii, Tnaufts a General Banking Bntlncst. For but pleoe of tapestry in worsted and floss, by a lady of Georgia For best famished baby basket and com plete set of infant clothes, by s lady of Georgia For handsomest set of Moueboir-eaae, glove box and pin enahton, made by a lady of DtaxoTortsi I. 0. FIANT, D. FLANDERS, II. L. JEWETT, W. B. DINSHOHH, U. B. l’LANT, D. 8. LITTLE, G. H. HAZLEUmST. L O. PLANT, rraeldtnt. Iw. W. W1U0LE7. Cashior. mal0-tflnovl», _ . . ~ r^IZ I For ‘t>» fiovot aod largest display of female S 0. BONN. President. B. F. LA.riGt*, u r| handicraft, embracing needlework, em- modio efforts to bring from abroad that which we tlumld not buy. Onr poverty, like onr pride, ia the result of misapprehensions and mistaken ideas of ourselves, of onr oonntry 1 aDd of eaeh other. The abolition of slavery in tbe South has developed a vast world of siekly, sentimental, lazy, indolent, stup.fied. Inert | Georgia ’ 50 6nd ooap* population—a population of young For best halt do2en'i>at'r'7ot"'TOtton'"sookH! “ d ““ddle-ag^ mon, aome of whom have knit by a lady over fifty years of age, (in I known better days. These men pnt on old co j<iX ov 6tor ® “othes, bang aronnd dirty grogshop* and " . /•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ^ I iliftM Lnlnlo tmnlra stiaan neo.u ..J J.!_L For best half dozen pairs of oolton a. -ka, knit by a girl nnder ten years of age (m gold). HCHAKGK BANK BF MACON. uare tu ZIuB's new Build lug. RECEIVES DEPOSITS. BUYS AND BELLS EXCHANGE, X&ket JUvine©* on StMk?, Donds, Cotton In Store. AUo on GhipmcnU of Cotton. XLLK0T1ONH TBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO* hbUlj L 0. PLANT & SON, BANKERS AND BROKERS, MAOON, GA. Bay d Nell Exchange, Gold, Silver, Slocks and Honda. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. On which Interest will be Allowed, as xonxxD trees. dingy hotels, smoke cheap segtrs and drink mean whisky, affect old habits and anti-war | style, talk polities s little and curse destiny acd 1 free negroes more, fret and fume over the re sult of tbe late war, write and sign up mort- broidery, knitting, crocheting, rataed I g»go Hens on their ootton crops before they are work, eto., by one lady 7. 100 P l “‘? d ' P*? .POf^oenL interest on money For tbe best combination horse 100 for Bme “oDths in the year and then promise For the boat saddle horse 100 l ° P** mmually in tbe fall more money per acre For tho beat stylo barney horse 100 for commercial manures to Walter over their | For the finest and beat matched double Unda tb4a Bom8 of them originaHy cost. team 100 I And, finally, when inattention to business and For tho best stallion, with ten of his colts general bad policy and mismanagement have by bis aide 260 I brought them and their State to the extremity For the beat getdlng 2SO of desperation—when ruin and bankreptcy stare For the best six-mule team 260 I all tn tho face—wo issue proclamations, oall For tbe beat single mule 100 publio meetings, invite distinguished gentlemen For the beat milch oow 100 I from abroad to come here and sympathize with For the best ball joo I ns. We meet in banquet halls,dritik mnch eham- For the best ox team 100 pagno and discharge more gas over the great For the best sow with pigs 60 I a 11 * 1 abaotbing questions of canal schemes, Con-1 For tho largest and finest collection of do- gtessional aid and cheap transportation, than meatio fowls 100 I wa3 over expended by our forefathers in dis- For tbe best bnahel of oorn ,. 25 | cussing tho Declaration of American Indepen- For the beat bnnhel of peas ! -J5 I dence. And what does it avail? Will these For the beat bnsbel of wheat 26 I idle and extiavagant demonstrations ever work For the beat bushel of sweet potatoes 25 | out the great problem of Georgia independence? | TAXILLA, LE.VIOX, ETC., For Hatoring Ice Cream, Cales aad Tastry. With great care, by a new process, we extract from the true, select Fruits and Aromatics, each characteristic fla vor, and produce Flatorinrjt of rare excellence. Of great strength and perfect purity. Ko poisonous oils. Etery flavor t represented. Xo deceit—eaeh bottle full measure, holding one-half more than others purporting to hold same quantity. Vie them ones, wiU use no other. The most delicate, delicious favors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by STEELE & PRICE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. LOST ENERGY We&kneu, De spondency.Buh- ] r _ JP-- , w . fnlnAABjfljphjljg f For the befit bnshelof Irish potatoes 25 I No! Never until labor becomes popular will I For a epeedy curfi of these or other ailment* of a ! For the best fifty stalks of sugar cane CO I money get easy. Never, until we feed fancy I nature, call or »end tstaznp for private cir- I For the beat result on one ncro in anv for- law. and learn to fatten chickens and hogs cniar of advice to both 86xe«. Address box “O," sgecrop iso I more, will want disappear and plenty step in. “* , '*“ l ,f *" “ BABY CABBIAGES! MARKED DOWN! DOWN!! Western Medical Institute, 137 ttycamore street, Fortho lergestyieidof'ccroononoaore!!! 100 When these ptain secret* of life shall hava been ko lAT^in^ereqairld of* rereoneiMenere^M PA _ AT , T , JJw the largest yield of wheat on one sere. 60 I « al |j>« 3 . whan ‘he wlid mama for speculation } or treatment unttl^nrod. A -SStSfSto Mnsenm , F AY AnXiB ^>IKT OA T «Tj I For tho largest yield of oats on one acre.... 50 hare departed from our farm houses and I mil convince you that this Institute is the only sure tSianrva Hade on Cotton and Produce In For the largest yield of rye on one acre..... 60 | plantattoua.wheacKtrplan^eratihall le*m from | one inthe United Statu* to cure Syphilis and re | Store. C'oltectloiui Promptly Attended to* - fat* ly AW. Odium*. WM.lUzutarorr. J. W. Locxxtt. Cubbedge, Hazlehurst & Co., Bankers and Brokers MAOON. GA. I For the beat result on one'aere. in anv oereal I experience to abandon Wall street brokets and | tar* Manhood. I crop. 2001 “ontton futures,” and eoma to deal more di- For tho best display made on the ground!!, xecUy in the productions of square little “spots' I by any dry goods merchant. 100 of potatoes and corn, when agriculture shall For the beet displsy made by any grocery I become the rnlicgfeature and controlling inter- merchant 100 *at ixx our State-then, and not until then, will For the largeet and best display of green- w0 become an independent, prosperous and hjnse plants, by one person or firm 100 I H*PPy people. And we have Lore in Georgia For the beat drilled volunteer military oom- aU the elements neoeaaary to this great end. puny goo I Here God has blessed ns with everything essen- I For tbe best brass band, not lias than ten I tia! to the prosperity and growth of man or performers 250 I boast, if only wotked ont. Everything, from (and $50 extra per pay for their music) v: ‘' J OMiElIl! ^LE com a chickeo aDd a chnrn to a cotton field and a R ECEIVE DKFOSITB. BUT and SELL EX-1 For'the best Georgia medo plow stook " 25 1 0081 bed . from a ground pea patch on the sand CHANGE, GOLD, 8ILVEB, 8TOOKS, BONDS For the best Georgia made wagon, (two hills to a gold mine in the mountains. These ..... - —— - t norse,). ......'. 50 are among the rich, rare and multiplied rosouroea For tho’beot Georgia made cart .'.'.'..'..!!! 25 of Georgia; these constitute onr strongth, our These are among the many premiums offered I re - n S e aB d onr power. _ _ . by the city of Macon, and the State Agricultn- Think cf it, farmers and planters of Middle “b. Liver. Bowels and general circulation. They ral Society, aggregating in all more than $15,- Georgia! Here we are, in the heart of the 60166 kIndl J 0B ‘he tendor infant, the moot deli- 000. But it unotto the value th. premi- | Empire State, the Imreted owners oflands with-1 ISSBfSSSSSZga invigorating the debilitated organe, building up tha a ■ . , flagging nervou* *— be a great moral Influence growing ont of iu aac h or pea vines and hey can be successfully btrfy and mind. Tho politioal economist will here find food for grown on the same land the suae year, and yet They increase the powers of digeetion, and exalt tad Cneurrsnt Funds. X'olleeUons Slade on nil Aeeeaalble Feints. tf-OOoo open at all hours of the day. Int-lyr Cubbcdge, Hazlehurst & Co.’s SAVINGS INSTITUTION.! For the next thirty days we will sell about three hundred iposed of substances derived from the I E?Bll e SHeSSS£^S I an ^ Vehicles, of all kinds and sizes, at reduced rates. Our Stock consists of work made by the best makers, such as the firms of ASA MILLER & SON, ABBOTT, DOWNING- I bin tiion.!■.:*. 1 te artisan will with eagle we go to Baltimore to bnv guano to make a iit- the absorbents to action whereby all impurities o 1SIKBEST FAG) ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 I ©ye, the work of his peers. The thrifty farmer; I tie cotton to sell in Kew York to get money to tbe lyatcm aro carried off. The old stereotype fc HQ --.J STTJD'E'R A TTF.T? Xr ‘RPnTTTPT?!? rrniUirnr'IDO- I tho enterprising merchant; the fowl fancier! bay hay. oata and oorn away out in the rich | optotoo tt" calomei muat bo used j ' JU, I dilu OA ULMjDAALiXb OE DXIU AUDIvC), eLUDraClDg I and the stock importer; the horticulturist—all t Slates of Kentncky, Indiana, Blinois and Mis- /"kFIlCK HOUBS, FROM 8 a. w. to # r. h. I will be entertained, pleased and instructed. I »ouri. -And just so long as wo are tho volnnta- M 25™_ Here wo will learn the sources of supply and iy patrons of produce dealers, heartless rings Has given away before the light of science. The I /SO Slflfi RnriTIO 1 flitTr otirl f'lnvm+rrr "Rnfrcrioe — _ . n . __ . .ytt 1 demand in our own Stale. Here wo will learn I and pampered monopolies, such as now own J vegetable kingdom furnisbee a remedy free frou I kjawo ujyjx xxxg, \ytoy CLLLU. VkUUilliiy XJUgglCO. FTi r\ n| l’ C". r$ K A IM FV I where, tn our own State, each and every article I and control, operate and direct onr only lines of ah deleterious effects. II For Dyspepsia or ^digestion, 25 End or EHptic Spring Buggies. oonntry, they may follow that pursuit best I drafts and homestead laws, mortgages and re- I suited to their interest and taste, without being I pudiation. The Sonth must work out her own Headache, pain In tha shoulders, dizziness, sour 1 C rp_—esaa+arl — forced to Unnt homes among strangers, as is I independence. The remedy is onra, if wo will { eructations of the stomach, had taste iu the mouth, I A *-? 1 WU H bcUuvU -£jUffgl6S» • “L'*V be “5- Vpp ? r e *f”! rl ±.- To °. 0ttm ‘T* webeen beguil-j SZtHS L __ ponr tallet, aisoHaiA. discounts Paper, buys and , Gold ami Silver, accessible point*, paid on Deposits when made for a spe* ) EGXIVE8 Depoelta, discount A sella Exchange; also. Gold. OnUocrtoua made at all acceesil Ws. J. *«*,»»«*» FreaX. W. Z. Baowrt, Oaanler sawwsi Wo. J. Asdersoo, OoL Hugh I* Dennaid, Ool. L X. Falun. Dr. W. A. Mathew.. Dr. Wm. H. Hollinahead. del'tf DIAMOND SPECTACLES. THE8R Spoct*©!** *r© xn*nr.f*ctax®d from “AQn* 1 uu CryeUl Pebble*” melted together, *nd *re Dumond on juvxuint of their b&rdnee* end feLimcy. It ia well known that tpecuclee cot kon Brazilian or Scotch pebble* are Tory injurious lo th* eye, becaoae of their polanxing light. ^Haring been tested with the poianaoope, the '-^taoad lenuee have been found to admit fifteen P« ctet. lews heated ray* than any other pebble. , They are ground with great acienUfic accuracy, ^ free from chromatic aberration*, and produce a faiigbtnee* and maunotne— of vxaion not before *ttaiced in epee: vole*. ~atuf*ctuxed bj" the Boeaoer Optical Manufao - hn&g Company, hew York. For aals by responatbla Agerta in every sity a Union. s. J- JOHNBTOn, Jnreler and Optician, Is sole Agent tor Maron, Ga. t’.ui wb.iui they — n only be obtained. No ped- Cen ampioyed. __ The great demand for thee* Spectacle* he* in duced unccrupuloue dealer* to palm off aa inf com sod .panous article for tbe Diamond. Greet oar* should bo taken to *e* that tbe trade-mark «• which is protected by Amenoan Letters^Patent) ia on ovorr r»it octlMA-tV ». a. xsxx. j. x. twrrx. *• sssmrx; RHEA. SMITH Sc CO. Grain, Hay, Flour and Provisions. Uhi) Hirer Sut OjzapAuy’* Agent*, *1S0CTH IfiBKKT 6T„ MSHTILLK, TINS. ORDERS SOLICITED. lUrxaxwcs: Seymour, Tlneley A 0a; OoleaHB h Newsom Johnson A Smith; Gamble, Beck A to. aprSOtm Georgia will here find 8 market for the ready I ed by plausible schemes for great improve-’ I 1 1 Cl TVvrt Plonrt orvrT rt«ol TJ«_ XJ.f of mnch, if not of their pori*h*b!e *r- monte and financial rolief. Let us no longer be 0 j s diaeaeed Liver, ®P r »ng I J. {J i Op ir 13.310 QUO. COdJ. BOX BlIggl0S» tides at full, remunerative prices. In addition I lolled into a false security by any promises J grow ont of these annual reunions of bo many I Adds And hog pens, onr hay patches and can© Ur. butt’s Pills Have no EonaL S Victorias Barouches and Rockaways. of the thinking and working men and women I mills, it is here we shall find it. To this end j * 4*^* I of the country. Tho spirit of State pride ia I State Agricultural Society throws open the They are specially recommended for Bilious, Be- I 1 D V"»r\vx newl -rx..— ■ s , - , -rw - ~ fanned Into new hfe by these meetings, and I doors of hex Exposition halls, offers her pro- mittant and Intermittent Fever., which prevail n I A U vUllLOrCl JDUgglGS~~~A.DDOT.Ti. JJO WUlllg OC L/O. we forgot, as it were, our indvidual misfor- rnium lists to tho public, and invites competi- miaamatiadietrictedaiing the summer and autumn. 1 tunes in rejoicing over our mutual suooesses. tion from every section of tho country. 1 — *— •“"* * J Let us then devote one week in next It may sometimes suit tha interest of small October to tho very profitable work of politicians to excite Motional antagonisms in tha meeting and discussing tho important ag- I State; bnt no sneh petty jealousy is to be found rioultnral and commercial interests of the in the heads and hearts ot those engaged in the I day. Let it be a week devoted nnrelv I *"rdc.trial nnrsnita. AM are ewnccfct a. it.. I These diseases are invariably attended by dennsw- I m « e _ _ ment of the Liver and Bowels. I 10 Afifl. Mil IftT* BUggiGS. FOR nZTTT.T. AND FEVER [50 Two-horse Studebaker Wagons. Two and Four-horse Concord Wagons. 6 Six-horse Concord Wagons. . ... . 4—» | every oounty in the State to be represented. It I Tut TESTHIOSY OF TH0UBAND8 other things, let us prove, by the variety and will impart new life, vigor and energy to everv w—— a . M merits of our exposition, the great and absolute indust^; it will disseminate knowledge B nd “ta-lmhes beyond a doubt that danger and fo’.iy of looking to railroads, rivers culture among the great masses of the people ; T>T? TTTTT’S LTV I!If. pir yo or oanais for relief from “herd times.' Lot our j ,t wiU kindle a lofty emulation among the work-1 * ALJm . ,... - Fair in October be the only argument adduced i D g classes; it will present one vast field for followed by Quinine, is a positive cure lot Lam. | OD JXLllDUm W agOUS. by us to prove the utter fallacy of that grand testing theories and trving conclusions; it will *“ d Totut, and all bilioa* dieesees. I ° idea, that fatuus, called oheap transport- oement ua, as a people.'in the bonds of fritter- mvna X1H r>V>T1Ti , c o ■ avion, which has so suddenly beoome the all- nal union, and none should be deterred from ) X TIRom I BpriUg W&SOHS. abeorbing theme among men in search of relief, fear of defeat—for the triumph of one will be To take them is when you have nausea, loss of ap-1 ° For it may in time—indeed, it has already—be>-1 the trinmphof all, and there will be norejoieing I petite, yellow out of the ekin and eye*, rush o I M __ . come* serious question with thonghtful, ob- over any defeat. ° blood to the head, cold extremities, ringing in the 1 O J ©rSGV OT M^flTlrfX+- Wftfyirnc serving men, whether we have not now too From the ladies we expect much—vee almost 511 “*A> “^*“4 ahonlders, high I J • “ ■ ¥ <*&UAlo. mnoh transportation. Our seeming advantages everything. Without their kindly afd and ban- I fr‘flSu.°«h»« | ^ — _ ___ may someumes become our greatest misfortune, diwork we shall haTO no Floral Hall, and with- rrf^PftlCEM CTsnraABOi^SdbySTtoSl 10 OUe~ilOrSG WagOnS, That whioh is oft-times a convenience ia not al- out that pleasing feature in perfection the Fair gists. 7 Qnl * | way* a blessing. It may beoome a vital neoea- can never be a grand success. The good women | I _ — aitv for ns to inquire whether or not these im- of onr country saved us here two years ago— I I 2(J Kftl | Road Caj*tS mens* railroad lines—traversing SDd corduroy- without their timely efforts the Fair of 18711 DR. TUTT S 1 • log, as they do, our country from mountain to wonid have been an immense failure. Thair seaboard—ere really feeding or abeorbing ns ? hearty co-ops ration sow is all we want to Insure That transportation which loiters and enoour. 1 sucoesa. ages our improvidence while it deplete* our Let us then unite in one mighty effort to pockets, may be the transportation least of all throw together, in one common display, the others wanted in this country. And the objec- I grand and aggregate specimen resources of our hens now so strongly urged against our railroad I proud old commonwealth. Let it be such an ■y*teau might not be entirely overcome by | expocition of oca pride and our strength; such these proposed water lines. It ia not, however, j an evidence of oUr skill and taste, our genius the practicability of these grand ache mas for and our energy, and espeeially of our love for reducing freighu that we most stop now I agriculture and our homes, as shall challenge, to consider—for no matter how feasible I in kindneea, tbe competition of the South, they may be, Georgia is is in no I while it sxoitss the envy and admiration of the oondi tion to wait thair completion. Tbe aster- I world. W. A- Herr, geoey—breed—is upon us, and ws most go to I Mayor of the city of Msoon. IMPROVED HAIR DYE.I 20 Plantation Dump Carts. POST OFFICI BOX 497. DeLOACHE’S OLD STAXi), Hus elegant preparation is warranted tbs BEST IN THE WORLD; Its effect isJ".f*nt*noone; Imparts no (-“•dj tb* bad effects of in correctly hanaleae; tint*: will i djee; port© sugar of lead; has no t odss, and imparts i Fries One Dollar a Box. Bold by aB Laboratory IS and M Platt st- N T MgBdeod,sw£wl7 ’ July 11 lawtt COLLINS & LITTLE, 70 and 72 SECOHD STREET.. MAOOM. OA THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH and MESSENGER Is the largest weekly in the Cotton States, and prints 56 columns. Its ample space admits of a perfect resume of all the news of the week, domestic and foreign. The contents of a single number would make a large volume, and afford in themselves abundant miscellaneous, political and news reading for the week. This is pub lished at $3 per annum or SI 50 for six months. Specimen numbers will be for warded gratis on the receipt of an order enclosing stamp for that purpose. We would be glad if our patrons of tho Week ly would show it to friends who are not subscribers. This edition of the paper is sent to hundreds of Georgians who have emigrated to other States and keeps them perfectly posted in regard to every im portant public event in the old Empire State of the South. SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH ail MESSENGER This is published on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at $4 per annum—82 for silt months. We earnestly recommend this edition to readers at all points who re ceive mails two or three times a week. It is a paper containing few advertisements and full with fresh and entertaining mat ter in great variety. The Dally Telegraph and Messen ger is published six mornings in the week at Ten Dollars a year—85 for six months—82 50 for three months, or $1 per month. advertisements: In the Weekly are one dollar for each publication of one inch or less. In the Daily, one dollar per eight text lines first publication and fifty cents for subsequent , Contracts tor advertising made on reasonable terms—circulation of the paper considered. TO FAR] MER8 : The approach of act ire operations in cropping will render oi le of the editions of this paper invaluable in your pursuits. It will contain all the et irKert crop infor mation and general agr. -cult oral news. .CLISBY, JON GS fit REESE. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ? Gioboia Cumut Railsoad, > Savannah, July 6, 1873. ) O N and after Sunday, the flth met, Paesenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad, Its branches and oonnectiona, will run as follows: UP nix vain*. LeaveBsvannah , . l:00p* Leave Angnsta H;15 p * Arrive st Augusts... a:80 p K Arrive st MilJedgeville 11:04 p a Arrive at Eatonton ....12:62 A X Arrive at Maoou — 10:46 p * Leave Macon for Atlanta 11:10 p * L*av» Macon forEufaula 11:15 P a Leave Maoou for Oolnmbus..............10:65 p a Arrive »t AUanta.. - 6:50 a* Arrive at Eufaula 12:10 p a AmveatOolumbua... 4:00 a V Making cloee oonuection with trains leavtug At lanta and Columbia. DOWX DAI TBAnr. 1:00 a* 7-00 e V 11:00 a* 2:16 p * 8:80 P * 9:16 PX Leave Atlanta. Arrive at Msoon.. Leave Macon ’ 1 Leave Augusta "** Axrive at Augneta J Arrive at Savannah r lB r m This train oonnecte at Macon'Jrfth ‘the 8. W. Ao-. oommodatiou train leaving Eufaula at 10 20 p X. and arriving at Macon at 10:30 a. *. ' KIOHT TBAIKS 001X0 W.ST. LeaveBayannah 8.40P* Leave Augusta.............a..,....,., t .lo-uo p a Arrive at Savannah g 93 ^ _ Arrive at Macon..... ,, 7.95 k _ Leave Macon for Atlanta n' ; ou 4 K Leave Macon for Clayton.............. 8:00ax Arrive at Clayton.............. G:X0p* Arrive at Atlanta.... b;80p* Malang prompt through connections at Atlanta. MIGHT T&AIHB OOIMO M0BTH. Leave Clayton....*....... 7:23 a u LeaveCoitunbns 2:80p« Leave AUanta... 1:50 r u Arrive at Macon from Clayton 6:25 rj Arrive at Macon from Oolmubua 7.80 p a Arrive at Macon from Atlanta..... 7:2ufx LeaveMaoon 7:40Px Leave Savannah .7 8;40pk Arrive at Milledgeville 11:01 p a Arrive at Eatonton 12:62 A a Arrive At Augusta 4:00 A a Arrive at Savannah 6:00 A X Making perfect connootion with trains leaving Augusta. Paeuongere going over the Hilledgovilie and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Colum bus. Atlanta end Maoou, day trains from Augusta and Savannah, which oonnoci daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with the Milledgeville and Ea tonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL FOINTb can be bad at tho Central Railroad Ticket Oftioe at Pulaski House, corner of Boll and Bryan street*. Office open from 8 a xt to 1 pm,and fromS to6pa. Tick et* can also be had at Depot Offioe. WILLIAM BOGEBS, july 8 tf General Superintendent. CHANGE OF &CHEDUJLE SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFIOE, V CX3T.ilaL. itAILUDAD, ATLANTA DIVISION. J- Atlanta^ Ga., July 5,1873.) O N and sifter Sunday, July 6th, Passenger Trains on this road will run as follows : DAT I'A'-SSNOtn T£AIN. Leavo Macon 11.00 A. x Arrive ac Atlanta 6.30 P. x Leave Atlanta 1 60 p. x Arnvo at Macon 7.20 p. x aaoxt PAS3EKQEB BUI. Leavo Macon 11.10 p. x Arrive at Atlanta 6*60 a. x Leavo Atlanta a. x Arrive at Macon 7.00 a. m Making cloao connection at Macon with Central Railroad for tiavannah and Angnsta, and with Uonthwestern Railroad for Columbus and points in tionthwosteru Georgia. At Atlanta, with West ern and Atlantic Rahway for points West. julyBtf Q. L PURE ACRE, Snp*t. CHAHO£ OP S0HXDULK. IKT, > 8. i SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, tiOUTHWEBTEEM ItAIT.BCiJ OOMPAMX, > Macon, Ga., July 4, 1873. O N and after Sunday, the 6th inat.. Passenger Trains on this Bead will run as follows: cat xcraunji PAsszBQzn nns. LeaveMaoon 8:00A.a Arrive at Enfanla...«„................. 4:40 p.a Arrive at Olaycon 6:20 p. a Arrive at Albany........................ 2:45 p.a Arrive at Arlington 6:00 P. M Arrive At Fort Gained 4:40 P. M Leave Clayton —.... 7:20 A. a LeaveEclanla.......................... 8:50A.a Leavo Fort Gsince..... 8.35 A. a Leave Albany 10:33 a. a Arrive at Maoon......^..«. .. 5:26 p.a Connects with the Albany Train at Smithrille, and the Fort Gaines Train at Cuthbcrt daily exoept buuday. Albany Train connocte daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Trains at Albany, and will run to Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Wednes day and Friday, returning following days. ooLtmaca sax PASdzsozn nurs. Leavo Macon. ........10:65 p. Arrive Lt Columbus 4:00 a. LeaveOolumbus 2:30p.a Arrive at Haoon 7:80 P.a ZCPA7LA SSiJhT lfl2EIC!31 A 1 . be OK*ODAROM BAflt Leavo Macon.11:15P.a Arrive at Eufaula... 22.10 r. a Arrivoat Albany 7:67 A. X Leave Eufaula... ....10 20 r. a Leave Albany 8:8jp. a Arete it Haoon i....1030A. a X: aim will leave Macou and Enfaula on this Bchouuie Bunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights, and eennoe; at hmithville with Albany traira. VIRGIL jt-OWEld, July6 ly Engineer and Superintendent. Clians’e of Schedule. ON MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-One Miles Saved in Distance. O 1 OFFICE MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD,') Macon, May 18,1672. J H and after Sunday, May 19, 1872, and until _ 1 farther notice, the trains on this road will run as follows: DAY TEAEC—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon 6ibJ A. X. Arrive at Angnsta 1:15 r. a. Leavo Augusta 1:62 r- u. Arrive at Macon 8.15 p. a. <»-i'aseengers le.iving Maoou at 6.30 a. it. make close oonneotions at Camak with day passenger trams on Georgia lUilrue 1 for Atlanta and all points West; also, for Angnsta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on the Geor gia Railroad. «rXicke:8 acid and baggage checked to all points North, both by rail and by steamship* from Charleston. aug7tf a K JOHNSON, Bup’t. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. OmCE OF EsGISHEB A2SD SnrESISTlJtDErtT, 1 AuacsTA, Ga., June 28, 1873. j O N and after Monday, .Tune 3U, trains on this Road will run aa follows: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Augusta at 6.45 A. a.* Arrive at Port Royal at 2 16 p. sc. Arrive at Charleston at 4.45 p. a. Arrive at Savannah at......... 3.80 p. a UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN WiU leave Port Royal at 9 45 a. a. Leave Charleston at 810 a v. Leave Havinnab at D.SO a. m. Arnvo at Augusta at..: 6 88 p. a. DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN WU1 leavo Augueta at 2 10 p. u. Arrive at Port Royal at 11.35 p.a. Arrive at Charleston at '. 5.00 A. jr. Arrive! at Savannah at 12.30 p. a. UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Port Royal at 10.30 p. w. Leave Charleston at 6.00P.a. Loave Save nnah at 8.60 P. ». Arrive at A-Oguata at 8.00 a. x. PAssengerv leaving Macon by the 6.30 A. M- train oil Mao on and Augueta Railroad, arrive at Augusta in tune io make close connection with lbe down night paeseugor tram on thla road for Port Royal and t'AVSiuiah. .Taiwan n atni'itK. Jglyltf w -"*" JAMES O. MOORE, Engineer and Superintendent. Tbe Emerson Method For Reed Organs* Lessons, Beales, Stupes, Voluntsries, Inter laces, Bongs, Qu&rtcUes, and Iwge collection of Choice Organ Music. By L. a bnoi And W. B. B. Matthsws, goDtremen of high masicsi culture, who hsvo proaac.'od a thorougn excellent method, filled with mus-' c which cannot fail to m&ke the progress - of the learner most xgreexble, as it is sure to be rapid. Pn.'J® *2 60. the RIVER OP LIFE. The Publishers announce the nexr completion of this charming SALBATH SCHOOL 80Ntt BOOK, to which more than thirty of the very best writers snd oompoeeru contribute. It will appear in July. Bend ore era early. pages Jree* Betail price, S3 cts. THE ORGAN AT HOME, For Reed Organs. 82 50. Clarke’s Dollar Ixstrnetor forKeed OrgMs •• 55 •• nssMsrtea n u •« “ Tiollau Dealers will boar in mind these popular, books, which wiU sell with the beet. lolv9d2awAwtf CHA8. H. DIT80N A OO , 711 Broadway, New York. OLIVER DIIbON A GO., Boston. ■ jr. *W. LUKE, (Sacoeetot to CARR A LUKE.) COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ho. 303 Commercial at, fit. Ionia, Mo. Befer to Third National Bank. Union National Bank and bankers generally, and W. A. Hoff, Ms con, Ga. ap?n9 Sm E O. STANARD A CO., FBOFBXnOBS EAGLE STEAM FLOURING MILLS. Cor. lala asd Bates ate-, St. Leals, Mo. Capacity 1,000 bareeln per diem. *pr2t