The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 25, 1873, Image 2

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Telegraph & Messenger. the rmumwinom nrn. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 25, l«;s. The tiluu Herald of yesterday haa the fol lowing with reference to the ltfeat dueling Mu tation : y A, I'alvertllr ol Georgia and Ifa Tara- I Considerable excitement >u manifested jee- tlana. terday on the ttreet by the rumor that the dif- A correspondent of the AngueU Chronicle and a£d cX WadU^? w Sentinel write* the following sensible article I eboal tpproeching a aeriotu termination. * relative to the Bute University. The enggee- It will jj remembered that a Mr. Phillips, the Hone made are eminently wise and praetioeble, ° nd ® Mr ‘ T bo ! D “ '‘ring In Opel! and deeerre lheconaideratlon of the anther,lie. fct p iJ**“ h * hSnrfSJfVr’t of the Dnirertity: Phillips had made aome reaarka about a young The epproechlag commencement of the Uni-1 * cbaraeSer. In the dleenaaion entuing vtrsity snggeat* the enbject of vacation ae one I opon this, CoL Waddell, of Beele, Ala, pub- worthy of disenssion, aad we hare thooght It I Uehed an article reflecting very severely upon xrortn while to present to the friend* of the j the deed man's character. Thia article ooming Unireraity, who are interested In everything to the eve of Mr. T. J. Phillip*, of Atlanta, he that appertain* to it* prosperity, onr view* on »* n l to j1. Waddell and demanded a retraction thia anbject, promising that we are influenced ot the article. Pending tn answer to thia de- by no other motive then the advancement of tbe mend, be and hie friends, CoL Ben D. Lay and interesla of tbe Unireraity and of tbe oanaa of H r -1* F. Bbecnt, went to Columbus, edncatlon. I Mr. Phillips and hia friend* reached Colnm- The vocation* are now one month In winter, I bus on Saturday evening, where they met CoL from middle December to middle January, end I Waddell and bisfrienda. On Monday they sub- five or air week* in summer, including a part milted their differences to a “board of honor,” of August and September. 1 oomposed of tbe best men in tbe city. Tbe We have mads it a anbject of Inquiry to de- I beard, after discussing tbe matter fnily, failed tannine tbe canae that brought about thia divie. ] to arrive at any conclusion, and referred tbe Ion of the collegiate year into summer and I matter back to the parties Interested, withont winter vacation, and have fonnd that In the early [ any advice. history of tbe University it was dependent * On tbo next day, Tneelsy, tbe principals, wholly on Southern Georgia for patronage. To Ibelra-conds, and Dn. KirkaoeyandColzey, took adapt the institution to thia Southern pair:,cage ptaeaga on the Jaa. A. Farley (steamer) down the vacation was given altogether in the winter ihe river for the Florida line, intending to belt non* in the anmmer. Bat tn later years, when * l Neill's Landing, the first available spot acres* tt.e ('Diversity aspired to l,e . university for the the ,inf ' kdA tb *' r '' matter by the la-r whole Bute, end not for any special portion, and sternest appeal—derringer* at ten paces, the effort was made to place tho vacation where 1111 FJfl mov or am ID* AT paraxsT. It wonld naturally occur In tbe summer, and Telegram* have been received showiDg that thia t ffor. wan only aueoeesfnl so far a* to effect lb® party passed Enfaul* without being arreet- tho compromise of having the vacation neither sd, and thenoe it la almost impossible that they In winter nor in anmmer, but in both; thus °* n . now. be interfered with by tbe offioers of furnishing another proof that compromise* are •*»« law, until they have had ample time to con- alwayn effected at a sacrifice of prinoiplo. olnde any plans they may have determined upon. Tbe vacations at Ibis University, a* well a* & was rnmored that Judge Hayden bad reoeived everything else that concern* it, should be fixed * dispatch from Phillips, stating that be would aa the broad principle of that which 1* beet for “Apht Weddell at daybreak—Impossible to set- the educational Interest* of the whole Steto— u ®-” A Herald reporter caUed at Judge Hay- All private convenience, all sectional interests I den's, but found that nothing had been received should l>e laid aside. b y him. Upon inquiry at other points, how- There does not ooour to ns a single sound « T ® r . «was definitely ascertained that such i reneon tn favor of perpetnating tho preaont ays- dispatch was reoeived, and efforts are being tem. It even haa not that strong aid to con- m*de, a* wo write, to have the parties arrested, servatism, tradition, In it* favor, for we leem They will, by the natural oourso of travel, have tbe present compromise was effected since the reached Hill's Landing by 1 o'clock this morn- war. But what aro the objections to It? Are in R. *nd «* »® writing at eleven, there will there any valid ones? If ao, they should have **> ”ry little time In whioh to take any praeti- due weight with them who oontrol tho Interests I C *1 action. They will fight at daybreak thia of the University. I morning. Tbe preaont system of vacations compels tbe j From the Colnmbua Sun of Wednesday we ■Indents to oontinua their studies and to nnder-1 obtain the following: go tbe ordeal of their long written examinations I . ..* ,. . - , during tbo oppressive and enervating dsys of . For * number of days the streeU have been July. W. understand that it is the experience °/ » b “ J ’ F - of tbe University Faculty, that aa a Ume for W^dell, doltator of BoMell conn y. Alabama, earnest etndy, the month of Jnly Is in fact a J°ung “f- **»&-<>* Atlanta, a nephew month lost to the majority of tbe ilndenl* , that “ f 1118 » ho WM k H l8d J" ■°?* Uk * tbe amount of carnet application i. by far lea. P 00 ^* The quarrel ls sidd to have originated In Jnly than in any month of the year. Against from “ •d»®rtiMment published in this paper, this single feet theories should have no weight oommenUng upon tbe evidence offered In the It follows if there is noUbly lets application lo r ° nDR , ? K oop0 , r ' “ “ ‘ book, and leotnrea, there moat ile a greater . r8l#t *f * tbe P 0rao E£ character of Mr. Phil- tendency to violate College law. and ordo?, and. fc *■.—**■ *»J°* «» m* «* Hoop- greater temptation to form extravagant habits. t r ,, fl ,„ 00 T j b , B re P^ rt elates that young The *xp«rienoo of nearly SlEfSb*. in | » <“> i^SS^S^ i££ the United Htatea, and eapeclaliy of tbe Boutb- em Blatex, has shown tbo propriety, we might I f- l# “ ° n aay the necessity, of closing their hells dnnng jJ*!®’, wb j !? *>* Ihi months of Jnly and August. principal, and Mr. Shepherd, of AtUnts, left the But whet sonnd reason o?n bo urged for die- ?' J: lnl *. ndlD « t ° Ulko tb f b8 ‘‘ t8t W°°I- 1,sailing tho college for an entire month In the folk * «** winter? It cannot be to give the atndentfl '° r ,° m ^ 2’’n ° P o ^° b ° from the eonthern portion of tbo State en op. SjCjJSSfW “°° 8a = Dre - B *® k \ portnnity to visit their homes, whiob they are •t 1 FMr n 1 ,o! t denied during tbo anmmer, since we under- »®T«a>f™mB*alewil join the party at Eufanle. stand that noue are doterrod by roaaon of the AU connected with tbe affair are kept supposed unhealthy southern elimato of the 7 8r F*I^ bnt tb8 / 8 ? 8Wl i e »“ rt i' I tha ‘•*“' toBto’r'smnmerv^tion^ toei'r -dsfl* the pariieaiive^uUlde e. IS5 ^,ror: r ro T Tow n ^“ m ,o-tb^ „«r h ? e v lbe iffalr ctn b ? se ,:- t*» mM in ... _.i| v n I (led without n fi^ht. Rumors are very plenti- homes in ra* well aa in w.ntor, and thus f , d w0 think every exertion should bo made tbe expenaes of the year are eousiderubly in-1, ’ uu m-uc creasotlT Probably wo aro not far from tbe ‘Vulegmm was received la.t night stating o7il!nh MtndTnt’s^A tocrssMd M'mrfch n« P l^dr, 0 , , 1,1 nt tlle boat had passed Eafania and no or oaob stndent are lncreaa<«I as mnch aa thirty u M been mad , ;_ oations P * r y# " y r °"° n an * V “ Wo ‘®' d that one who has been ad And 'again, how much valuable time is lost to T*** 1 "T* .HV™ b8 “ 8f tho otndent. Add at at least two week* before I tb,t lb8 maUer can b ® sottlod without a duel, vaoelion and two weeks after—and In many inatanoes more time then this la lost by the in- terrnptione of the vaoatlon—end wo have two months, and two of tbo hcal'.months of the year, lost to lbe majority of tbe stndent*. A university la a great machine that reqnlres lime to put In motion all Its parts, and time to oheok them. It is a great fomaoo which when onoe heated to be workod economically should be allowed to cool down as seldom as possible. When stndent and professors got wall warmed np to their work it ls simply suicidal to cheek tbolr enthusiasm in behalf of learning and ■cienoo by directing their thoughts into different channels, by interposing a season of rest when no rest Is needed. CATERPILLARS! A S THE TIME IB APPKOAOHISa FOB THK8E DESTBOCTr'E WOIIMd, the farm- I or* slionM be prepared for them by having a supply ... I of tho guanine WHI3ESANT3 DZSTBOYEB on 1 he secret of all collego suceesa, of all college j han J. di-olplme, la const ant. earnest work. Henna we advooste also tho abolition of SslnrJ.y holidays. To close tho lootnro room on Saturday la only I Thoxas Comrrr, Ga., Jnly IS, 1873. the retention of a traditional custom well We lake pleasur* in certifying we s.w tho enough for boys at a school, bnt not suited for WbUenant Cotton Caterpillar Destroyer applied to voung tuen at a utiivc ruty. Tbo lending col- I numerous etnlkn of cotton upon Wm R. llarr&lTe legea and nniveralUes in tbo United StAtes oon- I plantation yesterday oyening after sun down, in tinno tboir lectnreR on SatnrdAjA a<» on other t«n minute* After which a very heavy rwn fell upan dAjA of tho week, and ns our StAto Univereity it. wo *%w nothing more of tho cotton until now aspires to tsko rank as a flrst-olasa lnstltn- morning Upon examination this morning we *inn in.—tnn I wo fonnd thil tlterain bad not washed it off. and 5”i.i 1, im***! snite<1 *° P 0 ® 1 y«*« tliatall tbeoaterpilun that were upon theootton ahonldlio laid aside. ... woro dead and In a dying condition We are very By the employment of Saturday, about forty favorably impreasod with it. and are satisfied if more working days wonhl bo gained by the I properly applied it wilt give perfect eatiefactlon. student, and thia, too, without additional ex- (dopy) WM. B. BARRALL. pense. liulieving that tbo present system of I W. P. CLOWEB. discontinuing the leotnrea for one month in the winter and on ovary Saturday In the session falls (o promote the interesla of tho University and to advanoe tbe great ednoational interesla of tho Stale, we ask the publioatlon of ibis article. In order to eliolt disonasloc, if parents and the friends of edncatlon regard it of aolfi- oient intoreat. Bronx. Coital XorlhernNamuiering. A World Long Branoh correspondent says: The truth is, that a man of moderate means can I plant. I am wall pliaasil »Mi II. and am fully now spend his summer vaoatlon abroad with bis 1 satisfied if it is properly applied it will till all the • I Aatimviliri nnnn inn janttnn witlmnf inlnrr tn fnn wife for leoa money than U will cost him to put Ann AST, Ga., July 18,1873. This Is to certify I applied the Whisenant Cotton Caterpillar Destroyer to tho cotton npon two hot- tom places on my plintation, near this city, a few days ainoe. which had quite a nnmber of caterpil- lara npon it, and that it killed all the caterpUura that woro npon the cotton withont injuty to tho np for a month or six weeks at an American watering place, and the attractions of an Euro pean trip are doable those of such a plaoe as thia. To aatlsfy myself of the main facts about this I made aomo Inquiries to-day at the differ ent hotels hore as to tho oost of living. The nominal prioe at thoso luxurious caravansarios ls five dollars a day. But that outlay only aeonret for the boarder a email and almost in- accessible room, and by no means provides him with the necessities whlou oomo under the head of "extras.” A gentleman at tho West Eod Hotel, who has with him hia wlfo and a servant. caterpiUars npon the cotton withont injury to tho plant, and that ono band can apply it to four or I Ivw acne per day. (Signed) JESSE W. WATERS. Orders elioald be sent in early to HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Ju’yao tf Drugglate. K. KETCHTJC. A. L. BAXTKZSQX KETCHUX & 1LARTRIDGE, . tow m. that ho pau twonty-fivo dollars , d.y, Banters and Commission Merchants and thAt his extraa oost him about five] doJJam a daj moro. Another gentlemAD, | IxchAiif« Bn lid tig, SaYamaah, «ta. who I* well known to most of your readers, BxrxBUtcx.: Moses Taylor, President City Bank and who is putting up at tho Oooaq House, N. Y.; P. O. Calhoun, President Fourth M&tiouAl EDVARD ROVE. PLUM BIN Gr GAS FITTING In all their Li Auchoe. promptly Attended to by the best of NEW YORE WORKMEN, No. 5 HOLLINGSWORTH BLOCK MACON- E. J. JOHNSTON Dealer in Valdes, JbwbIif, Silver-ware FANCY GOODS, FINE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments, Strings, rra,rrc. Sole Agent for tho Celebrated Diamond Petiole Spectacle?. Eye-Glasses rrc. FArticulu attention given to Repairs on Hue and Difficult Watches. JEWELRY, etc.,.REPAIRED, and ENGRAVING (Dor. Mulberry A Second It* , Macon, Ga. A cell i« solicited end greet bergeins given in good end decireble good*. Many articles will be sold at end under coat. aprlStf GEORGIA CANE SYEUP 50 BARRELS CHOICE CANE BYBUP, aprSO eodtf JAQUES <k JOHNSON'S. Notice to Contractors and Bailders. ORDINARY'S OFFICE, HOUSTON COUNTY,! Pzbbt, Ga., Jana 7, 1878. f QHALED proposals for bnlldisg a new jail for O this county will be received at thia ofliee un til 12 o'clock x., August 12,1873. Flans and spec ifications can be seen at this office. The work will be let to the lowest bidder, who must give bond with sufficient security In the amount of bis bid for the faithful performance of hia oon tract. Proposals must be endorsed, “Bid for Jail,” and addresaed to the undersigned at thia office. A. S. GILES, Ordinary. Inuell dlawSw F. FABEL Manufacturer or STAR AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, LAED OIL. Office, Ne. 11 We«t M«dn Street, between First and Second. Factory, Nos. 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81 MAiden Dane, between Ohio and Adams Streets, LOUISVILLE. KY. Cash paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. apr25 6m ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. T HIS well known house ls now open to those who visit tho Spring for health or pleasure. It la eilnated nearer the Spring than any other publio bon.o, and is spacious and comfortable. The table is supplied with the best the market affords. Every attention is given to invalids who resort tbe waters of the bpring for health. Kates ol Board. Per day $ 2 00 Per week 10 00 Per month 85 00 Liberal deduction mails for largo families. W. A. ELDER * l-ON, Proprietors. fjQ TIERCES BEAEGBASS HAMS, 19 tierces LEAF LABD, 29 tiorces CAROLINA BICE, 2 car loads NEW FLOUR, 2 carloads FEED OATS, 2 car loads CHOICE HAY, 150 boxes POTASH, 200 boxes CANDLES, 125 boxes STABCH, 250 boxes WASHING and TOILET SOAP, At SEYMOUR, T1KSLEY & CCS. jnlyietr EXTRACTS FROM GEORGIA STATE FAIR! COMMENCING October 271b, 1873! CENTRAL CITY PARK MACON, GA. For best acre of clover hAj .8 60 For beet acre lucerne bay 50 For beet Acre of netive gress 60 For beet Acre pern-vine hey. 60 For beet Acre of com forage 60 For largest yield of Southern cane, on mere*.. 60 For beet ana largest dieplay garden vegteblee. 25 For I&rgeet yield upland otton. one acre 200 For beet crop lot upland short eteple ootton, not less then five bales 500 For beet one bale upland short eteple cotton.. 100 (and 25 cents per pound for the bale) For beet bale upland long staple oottou 100 (and 25 cents per pound paid for the bale) For the beet oil painting, by a Georgia lady... 100 For the beet display of paintings, drawings, eto. by the pupils of one school or college 100 For tbe beet made silk dress, done by a lady of Georgia not a dress-maker.*. 50 For beet made home-spun dress, done by a lady of Georgia not a drese-makor. 50 For best piece of tapestry in worsted and floes, by a lady of Georgia For best furnished baby basket and complete set of infant clothes, by a lady of Georgia.. For handsome it set of Mouchoir case, glove box and pin-cushion, made by a lady of Georgia For best half dozen pairs of cotton socks, kuit by a lady over fifty years of ago, (in gold).. For beet half dozen pairs of cotton socks, knit by a girl under ten years of age On gold)... For the finest and largest dieplay of female handicraft, embracing needlework, embroid ery, knitting, crocheting, raised work, etc., by one lady.... For tbe best combination horse For the best saddle horse For the beet style harness horse For the finest and beet matched doable toam. ICO For the beat stallion, with teunf hia colts by his side. 250 For the best gel For the best six- For tbe best single mule.. For Hie be*t milch cow For the best bull For tbe best ox team For tbo beet sow with pigs For the largest and finest collection of domes tic fowls. 100 For tbe best bushel of corn For tbo best bushel of peas For the best bushel of wheat For tbe best busbel of sweet potatoes For tbe beet busbel of Dish potatoes For tbe beet fifty stalks of sugar cane For tbe beet result on one acre in any forage For tbo largest yield of com cn one acre.... For the largest yield of wheat on one acre.... __ For the largest yield of oats on one acre.... 50 For the largest yield of ryo on one acre For the best result on one acre, in any cereal P. C. SAWYER’S * (PiTi.vriD mat SC, 1873.) With Adjustable Boll Box and Swinging Trout, for Ginning Damp, Wet or Dry Cotton. Also, tbe Celebrated G-riswold Gin, Genuine Pattern,with the OeeQlatingorWater Box. Manufacture! by F. C. SAWYER, Macon, Georgia. fill Gin Tool Tiiree Premiums Last Year. THE 8KWYEB ECLIPSE COTTON GIN with its improvements, has won its wav, npon its own mer its, to the very first rank of popular favor. It stands to-day without a competitor in all .the points and qualities desirable or attainable in a PERFECT COTTON GIN. . , Our Portable or Adjustable'Roll Box places it in the power of every planter to regulate the picking of the seed to suit himself, and Is the only one made that does. Properly managed. SAWYER’S ECLIPSE GIN will maintain the full natural length of tbe staple, aud be made to do as rapid work as any machine in use. xhe old GRISWOLD GIN—a genuine pattern- furnished to order, whenever desired. Three premiums were taken by SAWYER’S ECLIPSE GIN last year, over all competitors, viz: Two at the Southeast Alabama and Southwest Georgia Fair, at Eufaula—one a silver cup, the other a diploma. Also, the first premium at the Fair at Goldsboro’, North Carolina. NTJESW GIWS Da. J. A. Tiixoa, Of Atlanta, Qa. Ds. B. A. Hooke. Of Chattanooga, Tenn. MINERAL HILL. SALINE, SULPHUR T HIS favorite Sommer Resort, situated near Bean’s Station, East Tennessee, and nine mile* from Morristown. East Tennessee and Yir- ginia Railroad, has just MB 8PLENDIDLY fitted np for the Summer of 1873. OTJR, SULPHURS, (Red, White and Black), Alnm and Chalybeate Waters, need no comment, as their effects aro gen erally known: but we would call your particular attention to the wonder of the age, as a mineral water— OUR SALINE SPRING. better known aa Black Water, which ie magical its specifio effects in cases of RHEUMATISM. SCROFULA. DYSPEPSIA, all Diseases of the Blood and Skin, and eepeciallf adapted to tbe Dis eases of Females. Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths! the cool and bracing mountain air, together with the MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN SOiNERY, tend to make this one of the most pleasant tummer re sorts tn the South. These Springs are accessible by daily hack lines. Parties desiring to visit us will *top at Tor- ley Houee, Morristown, and c«U for William ^ Dickinson, proprietor Hack Lino to Mineral Hill. Address DBS* TAYLOR & HOOKE, Proprietors, Bean’s Station, East Tenneseeo. BOARD—Forty Dollars per month. Special ar- raugemetits for families. __mayI3 2m METROPOLITAN IRON AND BRASS W8RKS Canal Street, from 6th to Ttli RIOHMON O, VA. WM. E. TANNER & CO., Inpeers, Machinists anil Founders. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. Send for Circular. II. R. BROWN, 1anl4 It AGENT. WiU be delivered on board tbe cars at tbe follow, tag prices: Thirty-five Saws $18150 | Worth of property saved from the flames ••Absolutely the Heist Protection Against Fire.” [Over 1200 Actnal Fires put out with it more than $10,000,000 00 t gelding ; six-mole team 250 obtains two rooms, tho ordinary hotel fare, and so joy* a life which bring* on ennui at the end of twenty-four hours. For less money he can go to Eorope, make the grand tour, ex haust the repertory of the continent, and come back a rejuvinated man, with a new sense of hi* own importance, a fund of knowledge, and IT- ?• UNDERWOOD. JAMES 8. CLARK W. J. r.YDEBWOOD & CO. Provision and Produce Brokers Ho. i North Mala Street, su Loafs, Mo. ... ? -v i Orders solicited for Pork, Bacon, Lard, Flour without a humiliating sense or having been vio-1 Grain, Bagging, etc., etc, apr29 Sm timisod by negro servants and hackmcn. I i_ I missed at several of the hotels the familiar 1 OQOK 5 S T-T A T~ 7W a faoea whiob I have been aocustomed to see here. I 9 On inquiry I was told that tho persons I sought | PERRY, GA. had gone to Faris but would be back in Saptem-1 npHE attention of managers of public entertain* ber. I could not resist the fancy that at some I JL ments is called to this Hall, which has been future season I would come down here and find lately fitted up In the best style, with scenery, etc. FalJey. JOHN B. COOK. Perry. Ga. them for the cause* wnicn naa oiovmmumtw !*&«■*«*i the lamentable desertion they would tell me I Apply to that everybody, for economy’s sake, had gone f # bl9 6m* & Switzerland.^ VtariUteft the'm’ZKral CHAS. COUNSELHAN & CO, I • tour to Europe was necessary onoe every five General Commission Merchants, jmto In order to make up for four seasons of Boom It Oriental Building, CHICAGO, extravagant* >t home. Refer to IT. A. Hnff. Macon. m.y2em Srxorr.vo it Tr Ntiiix.—^Tbe London Spec-) flfTANYilT! flf SATTVTKTf?- T) A YS_ tator toils tu brief compass wb.t tbe London I ^ OALLLU-U u VAi. i Q. dailies have taken column, to say abont tbe Hhah thus : Tbe t^bab coi. to France to Jay, if . «... __ he ,loea not chancre bis mitd. lie ha* j PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. 8 Liverpool, where they showed bim more ship*; I and Manchester, where in a work-room 900 feet fUOl’61 UNI TO CALIT0RXU, CHINA long, all the girl* jumped on the looms, waving banners, and sang “God Save tbe Queen,” to his great delight. He has seen Madame Tnasand'a, where he poked tho fignreaa to see whs.t they were made of; baa seen A boxing match at Buckingham Falaoe, An exhibition which, though high ton At Teheran and every native capital in India, la said to have given great of fense to Windsor ; has paid A visit by himself to the Crystal Palace, walking among the peo ple and playing with tbe children; has bongbt forty plottirea, presumably bad, at the Albert Hal!; and baa been made to understand that a picture previously sold con'd not be resold to him, a real bit of instruction. And highly ad vantageous so Baron Rooter. So next week thare will be only tbe Claimant to make the dally papers unreadable. Tnx CaTiai'innaa is Ai.iriai._xhe Mont gomery Advertiser of Tueeday gaya: It la uaalew to comber onr columns re . ports from all the papers published in the cot ton belt of Alabama. They all have the same Had statement to make—that the worms have appeared in dreadful numbers and are now webbing op preparatory to their grand and de- ■truotivo charge in the next three or four weeks, gnry farmer with whom we meet, from this and adjoining oounUea, brings the name gloomy tidings. With rains to the beat part of the lnll nn. and worms when the ootton begins to develop, tbe proepect for muoh of a crop is JLXB JAPAN, Touching at Mexican Forts, AND CAKBY1N6 THE MJi 8. MAIL. Faros Greatly Reduced. O NE of the large and ap! undid Steamships of this line will leaTe Pier No. 12 North River, foot of Oasal 8b. at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 5:h, and 20th of eveiymontb(exeep.. When those data, fall on Sunday, and then on tb j preceding Saturday) for A8PINWALL, connect , big, via Panama Railway, with one of the Cor 1- paity's Steamship* from Panama for RAN PEA.' ,- CISCO, touching at MANZANILLO. Ail departure# connect at Panama with steam jra for South Pacific aud Central American ports. Mir Japan and China, steamers leave Ran Ft an- deco first of every month, except when It falk, on Bandar, then on the day preceding. One hundred pounds of Baggage allowed to each adult. Baggage received on deck the day U. fere sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads and paeaer ,gera whe prefer to send down early. An experienced burgeon on board. Mdiidne end attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or further in formation, apply at the Oompany’a Ticket Cffioe, 2? ***■? foot of Canal street. North River, 1 New York. A. S. PATTERSON, PROVISION BROKER 25 HUN STREET, IaOUISVXLUE, KYs Refers to Seymour, Tinsley & Co. end Johnson A Smith. Macon. Q*. *pr25 3m J* A* DUGIN. DUGAN & STILZ, Cora, flats, ffleat aat Ear, EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Second street, between Main and River, LOUISVILLE, KY. W AMPLE, STORAGE. Will fill 07 dera for Corn from points in Illinois, parties met icp pnrcheee eccepun* through Bill of Lading firm shipping point*.epr25 6m DR. WRIGHT, DENTIST JQ-fl 3 removed to Boardman'a Block, over Pen dleton A Boas’, corner Mulberry and Second at*., Mac on. Ga. oetlSIy ATTEXT10\ SPORTSMEN ! N 6W York State Sportsmen's Association. T I TRACT* 710X "EXTORT OF COWXITXXX CX STAKU- ABU roa SHOT." LL mannfsctnrars wi 1 have evenraal’y to conform, when .penmen require that their shot shall oom pare with tbe standard of excellence which your committee haa fixed. Upon the most critical examination, your com mittee have determined to adopt as the “Awebi- citf>*' the eerie presented to us by Messrs. Tho*. Otis Lo Boy A Oo .. New York. B. NEWELL, Chairman, N. M. SMITH. r. G- SKINNER. Sportsmen and dealer* deeirooa of having the above ecaut, or any information relative thereto, can promptly obtain the same by applying to THOS. OTIS LS BOY A CO, New York. juntfcdeodStn - top, For tho best display made on tho grounds, by any dry goods merchant 100 For tbe best display made by any grocery merchant. 100 For tho largest and host display of green- house plants, by one person or firm „100 For the best brass band, not lees than ten per- formers 250 (and $50 extra per day for their music.). For tbe beat Georgia plow stock _ For the best Georgia made wagon (two horse) 50 For the best Georgia made cart 25 For beat stallion tour years old or more 10 For best preserved horse over 20 years old.... 25 For boat Alderney bull 50 For best Devon bull 50 For beat collection of table app'es grown in North Georgia. £0 For best collection of table apples grown in Middle Georgia 50 REGATTA: Baco one mile down stream on Ocmnlgee River, nnder the ruloa of the Regatta Association of Macon. For tbe fastest four-oared shell boat, t open to the world $150 For the faateet double-scull shell boat, race open to tbe world 60 For tbe faateet single-scull shell beat, race open to tbe world 60 For the faateet four-oared canoe boat, race open to the world 60 (By canoe is meant a boat hewn from a log, withont wash-boards or other additions.) Tbe nanal entry fee of ten per cent. wQl be charged for tbe Regatta premiums. MILITARY COMPANY. For tbe beet drilled volunteer military compa ny of not lees than forty members, rank and file, open to the world... $750 At least five entries required. RAC-ES. rcasz ovi. >100. For Trotting Horses—Georgia raised; mile beats, beat two in three. let horse to reoeive $200 2d botse to receive 75 Si horse to receive 25 rcaaiiwo—$150. For Trotting Horses that have never beaten 2.10; mile beats, best two in three. let bone to receive $300 2d bone to reoeive 100 Sd bone to receive 60 FCSSX THESE—i *50. For Trotting Horses—open to the world; mile beats, beat three in five. 1st bores to receive.... $500 2d horse to reoeive .. JOO 3d boras to receive rcBSE fouk—$350. For Running Horses—open to tbe world; two-mile beats beat two in three. 1st bone to receive..— $250 3d hone to JOO ratal nvz—$300. For Running Hones—open to the world; two-mile heats, beet two In three. 1st horse to receive ——..$30 rrass six—$500. For Banning Hones—open to tbe world; three- mile beets, beat two in three. 1st hone to receive ...$500 Tbe above Premium* will be contested for under tbe roles of tbe Turf. The usual entry fee of 10 per cent on tbe amount of the pnne will be charged. GEO. H. BRADBURY, President. H. J, Bcixat, tjupt. aug2 Iff WAREXX X. HATVSOW. AABOX T. BASSOV. DEBU S W. GrXII hOBXBT U. BOTH. W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufaetnrata and Jobbers of ROOTS AND SHOES, IU AND HO GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Represented by OoL B. W. Hogan, ol Georgia. IwWl COUNTY EXHIBITIONS L To the county which (through Us Society or Club.) shall furnish the largest and finest display, in mem and Tanety, of stock, product* and reenlt* of borne in dustries, all raised, produced or manufac tured in the county $1000 2. Second beat do 500 3. Third boat do 300 4. Fourth beat do 1 200 Entries to be made at the August Convention in Athena. Article* cootribnted to the County Exhibitions can also compete for specific premiums in the Pre mium List; for instance, a farmer may contribute to the Exhibition of hi* county a bushel of Breed Corn, be can then enter It, individually, far pre mium m. junelDeod id Forty Raws.... 150 00 Forty-five Baws 108 75 j Fifty Saws 187 50 BixtySaws 225 00 1 BeventvSaws 262 60 Eighty Saw 280 00 To prevent delay, orders and old gins should be j sent in Immediately. Time given to responsible parties. YOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS! Aro furnished from various sections of the cotton ] growing States, of the character following: Locust Grove, Ga., October SO, 1872. Mr. P. O. Rawteb, Macon, Ga. Dear 8ir—Enclosed find draft on Griffin Banking Company for $150, as payment for our gin, wit. which we are well pleased. Yours truly, H. T. DICKIN & 80N. THE B ABC K 'IRE EXTINGUISHE R Tbe above letter enolosed tbe following testimo nial, addressed to Mr. Sawyer, viz: Locust Gboyjc, Ga., October 30,1872. We, tbe nnderaigned planters, have witnessed the operation of one of yonr Eclipse Cotton Gins, wbicb we think superior to any other gin we have I — ever seen need. It leaves the seed perfectly clean, P f\ (J V I bl (JN and at the same time tnrns ont a beautiful sample, eto. H. T. DICKIN A BON, E. ALEX. CLEAVE LAND, • M. L. HARRIS. F. W. FARWELL, Scc’y, 407 Broadway, New York. In daily use by the Fire Departments of the prin cipal cities of the Union. The Government has adopted it The loading railways use it. Send for “Its Record.” B. H. WBIGLEY A CO., Agent! febl2tf Mr. Daniel P. Ferguson, of Jonesboro, Gs., writes nnder date of October 10,1872. as follows: I have your gin ronnlDg. * * • I can say it is the beat that I ever saw run. It cleans the seed perfectly. I have been raised In a gin bouse, and I believe I know all abont wb*t should be expected in a first-class Ootton Gin. I can gin five hundred pounds of lint inside of sixtv minutes. Tbe first two bales ginned weighed 1100 pounds, from 8010 pounds eeed cotton, bagging and ties included. N. S. JONES, BROKER, No. 3 Pike's Opera House Building, 033a-OIJM3Nr^.TI. OHIO, Orders for Pork, Bacon, Hams and Lard promptly attended to. Refers to Seymour, Tinsley A Co mayll Sm Iuwnrroir, Ga, October 7,1872. Mr. P. O. Sawyer—Dear Sir: Tbe Ootton Gin we got from yon, we are pleased to aay, meets onr fullest expectations, and doee aU yon promised it | chan disc G. W McCREAQY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. And Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Meal, Hay, Corn, Oats, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Mer, Cleese, Eggs, No. 106 West Main Street, Bet. Third and Fourth, IjOTTISVIXjXiB, KY. Give prompt attention to filling orders for Her- should do. We have ginned one hnodred and six teen bales on it, and it Aa* never choked nor bro ken the roll. It pick* tbe seed dean and makes good lint. We b»ve h»d considerable experience with various kinds of cotton gins, and can, with | safety, aay yours is the best we have ever seen ran. THOMAS HOOKS, ELIJAH LINGO. Agent for “Hart’s” Beater Hay Frees. apr25 3m CHANGE OF SCHEDULE AD GO.) BEST. > 0,1873.1 WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD OO. Onncz Geseeal Pas*exoeb Aoest. Atiakta, Ga., July 10, On and after this date— uanrvixa xxtsess, For New York, Eastern and Virginia Cities. Leaves Macon, by Macon A Western Rail road 11.00 A.H .... 5.80P.M __ _ ...6:00 P. 11 ______ 10:80 P.W other gin with which beia acquainted. He e»y* he I Arrive* Chattanooga.....................1:10 A.|* ha* ginned eighty-six bales with it without break- ruUman Palace Drawing-Room and Bleeping- ing the roll. 6 1 I 0su > by this tram from Atlanta to Lynchburg and 1 all intermediate points without chasoe. Passenger* leaving by this train arrive in New PiTTT.eT,’.Bern* ar a. p t> t? I York the second afternoon, at 4:44 p. m., over Bcxxabd* Station,Jrouary 2C^ RJ7S. I Jhirteen hours earlier than passengers _by_ any Mr. P. C. Sawyer, Macon, Ga—Dear Sir—The Colonel Nathan Bass, of Borne, Ga., says be has Used Griswold’s, Massey’s and Taylor's Gins, and that he is now ranning a D. Pratt Gin in Lee coun- J ty, Ga . and an Eagle and a Carver Gin in Arkan-I ..... sas, and a • ‘Sawyer Edipee Gin” in Borne, Ga., and I Arrives at Atlanta, regards the last named as scpkbiob to any of the I Leaves Atlanta, others. It picks tastes and clesskb than sny I Amves Dalton., on l mirteen nours earner man paeuengero uy auj ntV unfa I other route can with safety reach New York, leav- Cotton Gin you repaired for me. with yonr im- I lng tbe 811110 proved box. give* perfeet satisfadion, and I take | „ D _ A f Y U EXtBiss. „. Tn „„ very groat pleasure in recommending yourginsto “ ■tiaT'w the public. W. O’DANIEL, M. D. Dr. 3. W. Summers, of Orangeburg, S. C., writes: All yonr Gins sold by me this sesson are doing well and giving entire satisfaction. I will be able to eeU great many next season. J. O. Staley, of Fort Valley, writes. “Yonr Gin is I tbe only Gin I ever saw that anybody oould feed I I have heretofore been compelled to employ a feeder for ginning, bat with your gin a child can | feed it and it will never break the roll. It gins both | dean and fast and makes beautiful lint.” Messrs. Childs. Nickereon A Co., of Athens, Ga.. write : "All the Sawyer Gins eold by us are firing satisfaction. We will be able to sell a num-1 ter of them the coming season.” | Arrives at Chattanooga 1:39 p.u Close connection at Chattanooga for all points [ West. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains. For farther particulars address B. W. WBENN, julyll tf General Palaenger Agent. ROGERS A BONN, WHOLESALE GKOCERS! * V *. OFFER FOB SALE \ ;• 20,000 pounds Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. 300 barrels Refined Sugars. ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS’ LINE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. jnne15tf LAWTON & BATES, WHOIaESAIjE -DEALERS IN- Cora, Oats, Hay, Bacon, laifl, Flour, So® Colo, Molassosi BAGGING, TIES, ETO., FOURTH STREET. - MACON, GA. JanSOtf JOHNSON & SMITH WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! FOURTH AND POPLAR STREETS, MACON. Jnn*6tf GEOEGE W. HEAD, -EXCLUSIVE- WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER AJKTX9 OXGAH MAHTUFAOTUHEH. No- 4 Blake’s Block. Poplar Street. Macon; Ga. O. J. GAMBLE. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE. BECK & CO. WHOLESALE Cochbu., Ga., January 7,1873. Mr. F. O. Sawtks. Maoon, Ga.: gxa—The Ootton Gin we bongbt of yon last Fall, I after a fair trial, has given ns satisfaction. It | make* good lint and deans the seed well. Yours respectfully, T. J. * B. O. LEE. IS 1PU1PIMPILT GROCERS, PROVISIOI il lljltl DE1LEBS. And made as good as new at the following low figures; New Improved Ribs ....60c. each Boll Box $10 00 each Head and Bottom Pieces. 160 each Babbitt Boxec 150 each NewBawa, per set 100 each Repairing Brash.... ..$5 00@$15 09 M OULDINGS, Brackets, Stair Fix tures, Builders’ Furnishing Hard ware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, Terra Gotta Ware, Marble and tiiate Mantle Pieces. WINDOW GLASS A SPECIALTY. Circulars and Pries List sect free on application by P. P. TO ALE, 20 Hayne and 83 Pinckney eta., octleodly Charleston, S. O. White Pine Lumber lor Sale' A. C. KAUFMAN. and dealer IN SOUTHERN SECURITIES, __ CHARLESTON, 8. C. Sew Brush 7. 25 00 | QOUTHEBN OOLLEOTIONS receiTe^the^pedd Painting Gin...—......................... 6 00 i?) and Personal attention ol this House. Returns made FAITHFULLY and PROMPTLY in Nev ■ York Exchwxo, which &ivr&Y9 rule* BELOW pu Oan furnish 94 different patterns of riba to the I tbe active business season, trade at 20 cent* each, at short notice. | Notes, Drafts and Acceptances payable In Booth North Carolina and Georgia can be concentrated at thia point with Profit and Saving of I< * bar *AU business attend sd to with fidelity and LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED Ol THIRD STRRJ3T. ERNEST PESCHEE’S Macon Standard. Miean Time* P. C. SAWYER, m*jl82t*w4w MAOON, GA. H AVING perfected my arrangements to eoneot tho slightest error hi the tone-keetjg ofi Regulator, by tbe erection of an observatory and one of the most approved TRANSIT INBTBC_ MENTS, fox the purpose of observing the meridian passage of the sun ana Stan, l Will be able to keel Use exact Macon mean time to within e fraction of a leoocd. dispatch. ,, . I Mpsetal atteetlSB rats t« cite Keealrthe aed rettai Si AM Waaemeai aa weU aa ts ■M-Quotations of Boutbatn Bocnritle* Issued I ——* lrffcls weekly. febllSm J " mrmmr