The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 26, 1873, Image 1

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BY Clisby, Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 26, L873. Number 6,678 bror*l» Tdeirapli Bonding, J»*eon. SL^Sdb.”. x» l^u-Wrakly Telegraph Hi Messenger, one ^ ,/!!!■**■' 2 00 g„£»otl. We*ly Telegraph and Me«enger, iteolam,oui«u 8 (a. Huawwba IN Mmbl* OnTa to sdranee, and paper (topped •Ixo tb* money nine out, nnlra* renewed. ,“1, u 4 Middle Flonde. Advertisement* at rea- ‘"Veb e rate. In tL» Weekly at one dollar per liiare of ihrae-quarter* of an Inch, each publica- , • „ {tMaittaneei rtxmld be made by eipreoa, or ,,, mad to none, order* or registered letter*. A Brtcarly Account of Empty Boxes. A Cdombia eorreapondent of tbo Charleston jfaM and C mrier interview* Treasurer Cardoso, ipoo bl( ratnrn from New York, whither be bad gone with State Comptroller Htga Tbe Tnaeorer report* the Stall credit in that quar- tw ntterly fata, and the bond* flat a* they can ba, which on gilt to be snrpriilng when we oon- ■iler how (tric’Jy Sontb Carolina ha, been re modeled after the leteet Btdieal platform. But that le only part of the bad newa. Tbe Treaanry i, emp'y—not s farthing there—and lb* dafloit on the appropriation* or tbe entrant jaar I* (boot 9800,000. The Treaanrer **y* tba laat negro Sanhedrim made appropriation, far eiwil rspenae* to the amonnt of (in round nambera) two and a half millions, and antbor. la*! a tax of twelve mills on the dollar, (jut israe time, tbe tax of Oeorgla,) to meet these appropriations, hat that tax on a total prop, aity valuation of one hundred and fifty million*, fait* largely abort of footing the bill. What I* to be done? With an ntterly bankrupt Btate government, following aoob an mormon, taxation aa haa been imposed on tbe Booth Carolina white*, we aee no road of aelf- ritrloation open to them. Conflagration In Baltimore. We are indebted to tbe Soathern Atlantio Tel egraph Line for tbe following dispatch, received at tbia ofllo* at 11:80 a. it. yesterdiy: BiLTiifoms, Jnly 35.—An immenae fire haa joat broken out corner of Olay and Perk street*, the oily of th* dty. Two entire tquares are in Ihbm, and great excitement prevail*. Tbe fire eommenoed in Thom**' Turning and planing Mills, which ha* • lumber yard »t- A general alarm haa been Bounded, and all tb* firemen are at work. It la tbe largeat ire that baa occurred in Bal timore for many yeers. Non lit Carolina Bond Frand>. Thar* 1* a report afloat that a apeoial session of the Sooth Carolina Legislator* ia to be oalled to countervail tb* scheme* of Uorton, Bliss A Co., to compel the payment of the Illegal scrip debt of Sooth Oarolint, but there aro two sides to the proportion, and perhaps the most dan- prone on* ia that a Legislators oalled to diaown tba debt may be bought np at a small price by tba naa of money among tbo negro member, aad faaten it on the State. Cincinnati Nonthcrn Railroad. A committee of fonr gentlemen and Ihe engi- ooer of the Cincinnati Sontbarn Railroad were la LrolavlU* on Uonday with a view to a oon- faranoe with tbo direotora of the Lonlaville and Omoinoatl Short-lme at their office, for tbe pupae* bf negotiating with that company for lb* rtrbt of way on their road bed for an indef inite dmiano*. It ia the purpose of tbe Oiuain. oati 8 .othern Company to bridge tbs Ohio at mam point in tho western portion of Cincinnati aad they (imply doairo to n« tbe road bed of lb* Sbort-lioe for n diatance not yet deoided ■poo, or at laaat cot.stated. A, the visit of tbo committee vh simply to make their wishes known, and lay the ground wo;k for anoh nego tiations, no definite propositions were made, aad tb* eatly notion token on tbe part of the baud of direotora of the Short-line waa tho ap pointment of a committee of fonr members to cmfor with tbe eommlUee from the Cincinnati Boo them at some fotore time. To Si. LdoIj miliars are in trouble. The oaw railroad Jaw In Illinois threatens to grind tbam quite as fine as their flonr. The rmilroad ntaaon fljur orosatog Illinois have already in- cnawd twenty oonta on a barrel, and a further rim of thirty oenta ia expeoted. It is now pro- posed to nsa tho Ohio river as long as barges eta second it, and then tbs Mississippi to New Orleans, tho Towboat Association to the month, and ocean ateamera to New York. This will bo neoessary to oompete with Min* aaaota fi >nra that can find an ontlet through Wisconsin to the lakes. A GrratCoafla|r*<l<tolB Baltimore. A little after 11 o'clock a. at. yesterday we were Indebted to the courtesy of the Southern Atlantic Telegraph line for a despatch announo log a great fire in progress In Baltimore, and, at present writing, with new, np to 2 r. it., the conflagration appears to be unsubdued, while a stiff breeze which prevailed at the time the fire originated, had increased to a gale and greatly augmented tbe peril. Four square* in tbe heart of tbe city had then been consumed, an area containing in all abont sixty building", and inolnding five ohnrehea. We trust that later news, before we go to press, will enable us to annonrci that the fire baa been arrested. Bat even if so. It ts a tgration of great magnitnde, and win add greatly to tbe feeling of pubiio insecurity arising from these snoees- sive. terrible and almost iooontrollable eocflt- grationa, which, in the last two or three years, have swept away the net earning, of the coun try in great holocansla of real estate.. What do they mean ? What la the cause of them ? *Wbat grand law of pubiio safety—wbat Indispensable provision for popn'ar protection la omitted or la violated in tbe eonatmetion of our cities, or In tbe polloe of tbe same, or to tbe machinery for combatting fires which im poses on tbis country, year after year, in con. ■tant succession, these immense annihilations of property value, of aucb magnitude as to de range its finances and stagger its credit ? These constant and sweeping calamities are of very modem growth. It la true, great con flagrations have now and then dotted the his torieal pages of Christendom in ages past, bnt never before such yearly carnivals of devour ing flame—never before such daily and hourly holocausts of valuabto property as All the col umns ,f the newspaper* in every issue. It seem, to ns, speaking in tho light of mere cur- sory retrospect, wo seldom print an edition of this paper which doe* net announce at least a hundred thousand dollar, worth of property annihilated by fire, where more extensive con Bagrations were Impossible; and the number of village s and towns destroyed within tho last few month, has been great, while four successive grand conflagrations in great American cities have been chronicled within tbe laat two years —tha whole destroying value by tbe hundreds of millions and seriously crippling the financial resources of tbe oountry. Now there must be some new causes pro ducing there novel effoota—something which onght to bo dlaooverod end remedied. Tbe modem advances in tha arts and applianoes of olvilixitlon are at fault—the ehange they have wrought In this particular ia a ehange for the worse, and not for the better. Wbat is the oanse and what shall bo tbe rare? THE AMERICAN DISPLAY AT VIENNA. Tbe Emperor Inspecting If. TnNsw Yobs Tams—The United State, mint at Philadelphia ia rapidly ooinlng th* new ailrar trade dollar. Tbo belief ts ex- prissid at Washington that within the nexi six noolha there will be anch a deollno In silver bullion m to throw some of these new dollars Into circulation In tbis oountry. This is alt> (other too good to bo true. There Is a tradi tion that our ancestors in thii oountry carried direr coin loose in tbeir pockets, bnt it baa (Town too dim and distant to ba easily cred ited. ^ Mohtalxtt it Pxmioona, Furaroa.—One of tha moat malignant fevers over know in this oountry Is said to be desolating Ponsaools. Out of s population of leas than one thousand, twenty a day Lava died. Ssfiroely an American la left. Among the deaths arc Dr. Blonangh, President of the Legislative Council; Mr. Har rison, United State, Attorney, and lady, the Navy Agent aad many othsrv. The troops have haa* partially affeotod, and aro removed. The Governor and Connell bava left the town. ComtonoBS Y *NnxBBix*T awb tux Txixoturn Tbs Courier Journal toy* that having secured control of 3,110 miles of railway. Commodore Vanderbilt's next achievement waa to get pos- sawioa of x controlling interest in the Western Union Telegraph Oompshy, tnd nrxt October h* will enter Into poaaenalon of tho big telegraph eompaoy, with its 70,000 miles of wire, its $40, 000,000 capital and its $3,000,000 or $3,000,000 Feck Mowtojwot.—We clip tho following items from tho Advertiser of Thursday morning Fsrman ware in town yesterday purchasing •’Paris green" to destroy the ootton ins cols. Thx cotton worm seems to be still on tho in A loss of fine watermelons, 30 or SO, sold yesterday in tho an barb* for fifty oenta. The inooosoions MbU vcodor *‘didn't know the Inw until h* waa too far from home.’’ Drxxao th* late cholera epidemic at Gallatin, Tsoxl, many mocking birds and canaries sick ened in tbeir oages and died, while those which fraqoaated the gardens, instinctively fijd to tho wood* and did not return until the oholera took its dspsrtnro. Thx Hill Home, In Clayton, Ala., A. Mar shall, Proprietor, wra bnraed on tho 33d tost A Yoon Qnx. Lotxs nis Lira moot Tpaon or a Sxaxa.—Dr. C W. Brooks, or Bavfisld, DL, was to town on Saturday, acd related to s gen tleman here a aad caao of a young lady who loat bar life by a shock of her nerve*, caused by faar produced by finding herself to dangerous proximity ton large rattlesnake, at his residence a little more than a week ago. Tbo doctor and Ms wife had gone out to gather mulberries, leaving tho youog lady at home. Daring tbeir >he’went into tbe lawn near the boose, sot coder the shade of a tree, and after sitting o while tha waa startled, she says, by feeling the hot breath of tbe anake on her cheek. She started to her feet, and screamed frantically, hsr crier reaching tbe ear, of Mrs. Brook", who earns home ahead of her husband. Mrs. Brooks sotted a gun and hurried to her amUtanoe, shot the snake, which on being meaanred proved to be atx feet long. The young Udy a fright waa so groat that she w»* thrown 1 “to spa*ms, and at intervals ahe wonld rav# abont the hot breath of the anak j. On Tuesday last ahe died to great agony, defiing all the medioal akili that oonid b> exerted to hsr behalf.—Scanttuu (tod.) AarmoL “Mast, did yon Via, yonr hand to the tleman opposite this morning f” *aid a oaretol mother to her blooming daughter. “Why, the gentleman had the lmpudenee to throw a ktaa clear across the street to me, and of course I threw it back indignantly. Yon would not have ms encourage him by keeping II—wonld yon ? A Vienna telegram of the 33d to the New York Herald aaya: The Emperor visited tbe Amerioan department this afternoon, accompa nied by Baron Schwarz-Seuborn, Count Selle- gardo and tha Minister of Polioe. Notice had been given tbe Commissioner beforehand. His Majesty wore a Field Marshal’s uniform. Ho was received at the entrance by Mr. GaiTot- son. Chief Commissioner, Minister Jay, Mr. McE’rath, architect Peck, and other Commie- doners. The Emperor, accompanied by Meurs. Gar- rotson and Jay, gave a close examination and scrutiny to every department to the Exhibition. Tbo original sewing machine made by E’.iaB Howe was examined with deep attention, the Emperor asking what additional improvements had been made. He went through the elabo rate exhibition of other sewing machine maun- factnres, oxaming specimens of embroidery and ntitoblng. After cnrlomly studying a map of Philadel phia, tbe Emperor a*ked Minister Jay where tbe site of the Centennial Exhibition was, and pnt other questions as to the resources and at tractions of tho city. The models of sobool- honaes of Boston and New York were examined at length, the Emperor inquiring into the meth ods of lnstrnotior. and tbe nnmbor of scholars. A model of the exoavation of Hell Gate, on tbo Etst River, was examined closely, and, after patting numerous questions os to the neocssity for the work, said to Count Bellrgarde: “Tbe engineering feats of these Ameriotns are in credible.” He visited the dental display and was much amnsed, asking the names of tho various mate rials for tbs manufacture of teeth. The display of ootton, sugar and rioe from tho Southern States, Interested the Emperor, who expressed surprise and gratification at the astonishing re- sonross of Bonthern production. Ha also ex amined the Ohio, Missouri, New York and Cal ifornia wine exhibition, asking about tbe qual ities of tho wines. A glass of Amenean cham pagne, offered the Emperor by an Amerioan ox- hihitor, was smilingly deolined. He spent some time studying the map of the Northern PACifio railroad oonmry and tho ao- oompanying orliectlon of wheat, furs and min erals. Looking at tbo map, ha said: “ton have an lmm*nse country, but don’t tbe Indians trouble you ?” Tho display of tbo American bank note engraving interested tbe Emperor, who asked the values and denominations of the notes. Ho was exceedingly pleased with tbe ehremo display, studying tbo landscapes and sea aoenrs, and asking what sections of the oonntry were repreaenled. Ho looked closely at tha exhibitions of gold pens, testing tbeir i mints, and asking as to their dorability and 1 anility of writing. The display of ores from Mioblgan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Indiana were scrutinized. Blocks of coal and Iron were interesting to the Emperor, who inquired tho quality and production. While bo waa passing through the musical department tbe Austrian hymn was played upon a parlor organ. The Emperor raised his hat. The display of boot*, shoes and leather was largo and examined critically and satisfactorily. A long time was spent to the arms department, the Emperor looking at every model exhibited, taking the aim", moving the triggers, inquiring into the mechanism, examining curiously the military saddles and accoutrements, putting hia foot into a wooden stirrup, testing and com mending models, especially tbo models of can non and of fortifications from the War Dspart- 05 When tho Emperor cim* to tbe sanitary car, tent, and the model of a hospital for wounded soldiers, he was deeply interested, asking about tbe oomforta of tho wounded, and wondering bow earn of snch unusual length oonid tarn or dinary curve*. Finally he said to Mr. Garret- eon. “ For improvements and new invention" sineo the laat exposition, Amerio* U without comparison in the entire building." In all, tho Emperor spent two hours in close scrutiny of our department. Perfect order pre vailed, altbon gh there were no police, and a large number of persons followed the party. There was no crowding. Tbe Emperor was received by each exhibitor to person. He said he wonld reserve another day for the examination of the Agricultural Hall, and the School-house and the machinery. At the end of th# department the Emperor shook hands with Messrs. Jay acd Garretson. expressing thanks for tho ooartesy shown him. Aa he left, Mr. Jay remarked that ba was sorry that tbe American Department did not folly represent the capabilities, industry and resource" of tba Uaited States. The Emperor, through Baron Schwarz, said “America makes here a more varied, instructive acd interesting display than it has shown to any previous for eign exhibition. Beyond doubt the most no- tioeable feature in your dnplay of industry and art lathe oonstont evidence that the artificer* are thinking men and that yonr labor seems in- apired by oonstant and active intelligence.” Stirring npTloalilitir* with Mexico. Dp to a lato hour list night, lays a Washing ton special of the 22J to the Courier Journal, tha War Department had reoeived no totelli- genoe confirmatory of the reported fight on toe Mexican border, and still appears to discredit it. A prominent staff officer, however, said he earnestly hoped that it was true, for to that case there wonld bo fan. General Sherman, who is utterly opposed to the Mexican annexa tion schemes oi President Grant and Secretory Belknap, say* that he sees no reason tor belter that any oolliaion had occurred. Bnt it to feiy trident that he has not been let into a knowl edge of Belknap's plana. When Mackenzie a incursion across the Bio Grande took place, the fliat intelligence the public bad of it was through private aonroes; and Gen. bhennan reccired no official intelligence on the subject until several days afterward®. All this time, however, itia shrewdly suspected that Mr. Bel knap knew exactly what had been done. The general belief here Is that Belknap a intention ail along haa been to force Mexioo into violent meeanres. It may be that the reported engage ment waa with tbe Indiana and not with Mexi cans, bnt those here who are generally well informed aay that they will net be surprised at any tame to bear definite totellifeno* of * brush with tbe Mexican*. Editorial Cotref pcndonce. LIFE AT THE 1*1*1 AS IFIMS. The Faison" Old Resort Itsewtat Her Voutb-riratj mt Fan, bnt at Formality —TbeDellahls afDsatlat, rilrilng end LounglBK” With th* Chill «•£——'The Place to HaUter Rosea aad Flank the Heaied Term. Isdiax Sranio, Jaly 35, 1873. Though I have lived forsixyeara within a abort day’s journey of tola famed old resort, tola is my first visit thereto. The wonder now with me ia that it should have been so, for certainly tons far, my experience of life here haa been of the pleasantest. The water is unrivalled of its kind; tbo climate, ender ordinary circum stances, all that dwellers to tower latitudes oonid wish for; tbe company exceptionally pleasant; and tba mods of life ea<y, iraouciant, ard free from all tbe weary, desperately “boring" eon- ventionalitles and stuck np formalities of ordin ary watering places. WBAT PXOPX.X DO AT THX SPBIXO. People here do pretty much aa they please, wear what they please, and enjoy themselves after their own fashion—to abort, take life and all its incident" “with the chill off." They dance or not aa they please, flirt, lounge about, read a little, sleep a little, and eat—i’ faith, a great deal of that—after a genial, nnfaablons- hle and thoroughly oomfortable style. They all, with one accord, eeem to have bidden worka day cares and bothers, business, dona, debts, polities and the thousand discom/orts and bores of civilized life, go bang for the time and to have eet abont having a good time with the least trouble possible. cm naxo! Given such a premise, aod the conclusion must be as it is, something to mark hereafter with a white stone to tbe arid waters of every day money-getting and bread-winning. It hu manizes and softens toe moral, as It freshens and re-vitalizes toe phyaioal man, and gives a healthy tone to every faculty of mind and body. To nse a slangy, but none the less expressiTe phrase, “I know how it is myself,” and I judge others from tbo same standpoint. WHO ABX AT THX SPEISO. I am, with some sixty odd other Maooninns, stopping at the McIntosh House, whereof Mr. Collier is host. Besides toe Mason people here, there are others at toe Eider and Indian Spring hotels, all of whom seem to be comfortable and bnsily employed doing nothing. In all, there are 200 or more visitors present at the three hotels— larger number than bos registered hny one season since the war. We have nearly 100 at the McIntosh from various localities to the State, but as tbe figures above given show, Macon leads the poll. Without reference to the register, I name from memory among them Messrs. Thomas Hardeman and family, James H. B’ount, wife and child, O. A. Uniting and family, Thomas J. Simmons and wife, Peter Solomon and wife, W. L. Ellis and wife, W. B. Johnston. J. B. Ross, W. H. Boss. Floyd Ross, Walter Ross, O. B. Willingham, Jera Holmes, H. H. Starr, J. W. Aderbold, S. Mack, L. Dab, R. Cotter, W. S. Ballard, Jaa. A Ralston, Ar- mand Butts and George Smith, and perhaps others whom I do not now recclleot These will do very well, however, to show that oar city is well represented. Augusts is rep re sen tod by Mr. George Sib ley and wife and Col. M. P. Stovall; Albany by J. J. White, wlfa and ohild; Fort Valley by W. B. Brown and wife; Foruyth by Mr., Mrs. and Miss Llppman—all of whom are at thiB hon<e. Mr. Jonathan Collins and wife and Mrs. L. W. Hnnt are it the Eider House. Mr. W. B. Gnerard, of Savannah, was here until this morning, and Col. John Batherford and wife, of Maoon, until yesterday. Tbis list will give you an ides of the ptrton• nrf of toe company, sod serve to prove that I have not overstated the matter to siying that the noted old watering place has been renew ing her yonth this season. wxATnxa A HD caors. The weather for more than a week has not been at all favorable, old J. Plnvius having evi dently resolved npon making np for lost time and the dry spell of the previous weeks of Jnly. It has rained every day during the last seven or eight, and great has been the distress of well starobed shirts tnd collars, and town and mus lin dresses. The doctrine of compensation, however, has come into play, as it nsnslly does, and theta showers have ensured a rare corn crop. Batts oonnty will not patronize Western granaries to any great extant next year, if I am rightly informed. Crops generally are good between this point and Maoon, the ootton fields and patches—especially the latter—making a brave show and promising very cheerful feel ings to the owners next fall. A FrECIMZN- DAT. The description of one day’s doings here gen erally answers for all toe others. The average man or woman manages to get np to time for stroll to the spring before breakfsst and re turn in time for tost very important meal at half-past seven—the interval between going to and returning from toe spring being spent to taking one or more doses of the water, accord ing to toe taste and bolding oapacty of the patient I use this medioal phraseology not with any disresepot to the water, but simply because it chimes so well with my own sensations when taking my portion. I drink it with grim regularity and resolntion, but do not hanker after u by any means. In fact, I think, if I di not say, “ beastly,” every time, bat I stick to it nevertheless. I realize its entire nnssvoriness; but I know it is good, or rather good for livers that need stirring np—a gentle flipping, as one may say. But I am running away from breakfast, which is not my habit—being a demnition bad one to anybody. That meal is first-rate to the exoellcnoe of its elements as served np at this house. Tbe mutton and chicken, especially, leave nothing to be desired, while toe bread and batter, the milk, eggs, vegetables, etc., are all excellent to quality and abundant in quan tity. The fare is emphatically good, and with some needed repairs upon toe rooms the “ situ- tion” could hardly be improved. After breakfast the men smoke and play va rious innocent games at cards, and tbe todies ooliect in toe parlor and sing, and play on toe piano and (perhaps) wish the men would finish their cigars. Abont 13 K. everybody goes down the hill for another dose, and then eomes dinner, after which there to more lounging on veran dahs, more tmskiug and little games, more chirping acd chattering, and cooing on toe part of young turtle doves with an affinity for each other, and then a square nap, which brings dose time again, and then tea and then the ball room, where, with Kessler’s fine band, the glowing hours until 11 P. X- are chased with daintily shod feet, and then to bed. By midnight everybody has gone to that dear old bnrg, “Shut- eyetown,” and so ends the round of the hours. “DOST XJXX THX PlCitUX, PArLDEX?” If so come up and yon shall aee for yourself. Witha'Buranoeaof toe moat diatiuguiehed con sideration and a shiver that tells me it is nearly dose time again, I am, etc., B. D%f DISPATCHES. The Baltimore Conflagration! FOUR SQUARES BURNED! WafHTHQTojr, July 35 —Several engines have gone to Baltimore to fight toe great fire now raging In that e‘.ty. Balttmobk, Jnlv 25 —A little after 10 o’olock this morring, a fire broke out to the planing mill of Joseph Thomas t Co., on the south aids of City street, between Liberty and Park streeis. Soon after a general storm was sounded, and the fire rapidly extended to the three ad- joining blocks, and an immense oonfligntion is now raging. A stiff southwest breeze ia now blowing, and great cinders are wmfred sev eral blocks off in tbe vicinity of tbe Cathedral. The locality of tbe fire ia in the immediate vieinity of too Presbyterian Cbnroh of Rev. Dr. Smith, corner of L-berty and Saratoga streets, where tbe Presbyterian General Assembly was he’d. The entire southwest ooraer of this block is burned. The particulars will be sent aa fast ss possi ble. Enter from the Baltimore CoeHagratlen. Baltixosk, Ju'y 25.—The fire extends from Franklin street to Howaid street, Lexington and Pork streets. Four churches have been burned. Tbe Cttbedral to threatened. It ia reported St. Alpbonsna C.tholie Church is bum- ing. Several lives are reported lost. No loss of life ia confirmed. Tbe water to ample and unless tbe "rind increases, the fltmee will be confined to the bounds above indicated. 8till Later, 1:43 P. H. The fire is still raging, but will probably be oor fined to the are a bo undid by L*xtogton street, south, Howard street, weet, Mulberry street, north, and Liberty street, east After breaking oat in the planing mill of Thomas A Co., on the south side of Clay street the flames rapidly spread across Olay to toe block bounded by Howard, Liberty, Saratoga and Clay Btieets, consuming nearly toe entire block. At this hour a few buildings remain at toe northeast corner of toe block, at which point toe Central Presbyterian church of Dr. Smith is located and whioh at ruc’ure to now on fire. The probability is the entire block will be consumed. From Clay street son'h, the fire woiked its way back to L-xingtoo street bnrning all the buildings on Park street. A Yxbitablx Mxewaid.—A supposed mer maid waa seen upon tbe beach to Brewster tost Tnuraday by a Mrs. Young and several children. Tbe bead of toia object, or mermaid, resembled flic:]" tkai of a child, wide tbe rest of the body was of fish form. When first seen, the tody became f lightened, bn; the children, less timid, approached it, and wishing to determine whether it was dead or alire, threw some sand in its eye*, whtrenpon i*. uttered ones like that of a child, and oommenoed rolling over and over down to toe water, and darted off into toe keeping the head above the aurfaca, and resembUng in every manner that of a chad swimming. How this creature cam* here ia Tet a mystery, bnt it is thought it was left here by the tide, or rolled upon the shore to the night of its own scoord.—PronnceUxcn Adto cate. . That wai a good, though rather revere pun, whioh was made by a student to one of our theo logical seminaries (and be was not one of toe brightest of toe class either.) when he asked, “Why U Profeesor the greatest revivalist of th* age ?" and *11 “giving tt up, said, “Be- otoM bt tba qIom of every sermon there is s greet evekmiBg.” BY TELEGRAPH. The Washington Market Fare. Nxw Yoax, July 25 —The papers are now being prepared for one .hundred suits against the city hy the deposed Washington market eland iio'ders. A raid will also probably be made npon toe booths and stands around Folton nniket. The aggregate rate paid to the oity by the stalls so far destroyed, was $20,000. The 11. I. Kimball Failure. A special dispatch from Boston says tbe failure of H. L Kimball, of Atlanta, Ga., the great hotel and railroad speculator in the South, create* much remark in this sea tion—he being an Eastern man and a former operator here. His liabilities are said to reach $5 000.0C0, and the list of creditors includes Morton, Bliss A Ca, about $1,700 000, Henry Clews A Co., abont $1,000,000, and others to a large amount. Force* Fires ora Lone Island. Extensive Sree are raging in the forests along toe Long Island railroad. Farm houses are threatentd. Tempest In a Teapot. Post Gabbt, Jnly 25.—In toe oocrt at Mani toba, during tbe discussion over the bail for toe kidnapper, of Lord Gordon, toe Attorney Gen eral oalled the oonnsel for the prisoners a dirty puppy. AU strangers are watched. An inva sion from Minnesota is apprehended. Love and Rapiers. Ecbahtoh. Jnly 23.—Two Frenchmen fought an honr with rsp’ers abont a tody, and displayed great skill. One was wounded in toe toft side and sent to the hospital. The fight will be oon- tinned when the wounded Frenchman reoovers. Cholera. ■ Moosr Vzbhow, Ikd , Jnly 25.—Seven oholera deaths yesterday. MIGHT DISPATCHES. Farther Particulars of tbo Great Condo* 'cratlon. Balthtobx, July 25, 2:10 F. M.—The fire is still raging, bnt has not extended to any gTeat extent beyond toe blocks named to the last dig. patch. The Central Presbyterian Church, Dr. Smith, southeast corner of Saratoga and Liberty streets, to a complete wreck, nothing remaining bnt the walls. With the exception of three brick dwellings on the southeast corner of this block. In thoim mediate rear of toe rains of the church, not a building remains. At this honr the wildest rumors prevail in regard to the fires in other portions of the oity, but an inspection of toe localities named as on fire, fails to verify the reports. The roofs of several buildings on Calvert street, north of Saratoga, have taken fire, among them the Children’s Aid Society, on „ Calvert, adjoining the city spring; bnt all have Tbe fire ts s ill raging to |his block. I been extinguished. On tbe west side of Park street, from Lexlng- Saint Alphonsus ton to Saratoga, nearly every house has been burned Fully two-thirds of the entire block bounded by Olay, Park, Saratoga and Howard streets, ha" been consumed. Tho First English Lutheran Church on Lex ington street, of wbicn Rev. Dr. Barclay ia pas tor. is entirely oonsnmrd. It is possible the fire will not extend muck beyond the four blocks named. It is impossible to get all toe particulars—the streets in the immediate vicinity, sad for s number of blocks a" j "cent to toe fire, being filled with thousands of people—furniture wagons, dray" and evrry vehiole imaginable— loading up with aud removing furniture. The greatest consternation prevails—toe streets being filled with frantio women, hurry ing ia every direction with obildren, bedding, orsdles, and various pieoes of fnrnitnre to their arms. The whole fire department of the oity, with two engines from Washington are suooessfully battling tbe fi imes. The supply of water up to this time is ample, and unless toe stiff breeze blowing inoreases to a gale and wafts the oln- d<ars in other directions, the fire will undoubt edly be confined to ite present locality. The diatriet burned ont was occupied princi pally by small shops, several faotories, and three story brick residences. At this time it is impossible to make any estimate of the loss. There are a number of rumors of parties of men, women and children being burned, but etriot inquiry haa failed to establish any loss of life np to this time—1:45 p. M. Two O'clock P. Bf.—Wind Increased to * A ale—Fire Still Spreading. By toe Southern Atlantic Line.] The conflagration is now (2 p. M ) raging with unabated fury. Abont sixty bouses are now in ashes, tnd if toe wind continues blowing a gale, as at pretent, tbe damage will almost oome np to that of tbe great Boston fire. AU is oohfnsion and tumult, bnt there appears to be an absence of toe panio that might be ex- peeled. Bows of oitizens are passing buckets of water to each other where there are no engines sta tioned. Pour squares are now destroyed. Including 8L Alphontns School and many other large buildings. The boundary of tha fire now is Lexington, Olay, Howard and Mulberry streets. The Washington engines have arrived, talcing forty minutes to ran here. The fire has now got to Centre Freabyterian Church. All the furniture to toe houses to that locality baa been removed. SPAIN. HoTcmenta of Don Carlos, Etc., Etc New Yobk. July 25.—A Herald special, dated Luxemburg, Frenee, July 24tb, says Don Carlos, by the advice of his generals, hesitates to ad- vanoe on Pampelnna, and la waiting for a juno- tion with the foroes of Dorregarray. His whole force numbers fifteen thousand men fully armed. Numerous French volunteers are arriving and demanding arms. Madbid, Jaly 25 —A Prussian frigate, des patched by the Geiman Consul in pursuit of the Spanish war vessel Vigilante, whioh was cap tured by the insurgents, overhauled her en route off Almiria, whither she was bound for the pur pose of proclaiming that province an independ ent oanton. Senor Galvez, a deputy in the Cor tes, was In oommand of the Vigilant*. The German Embassador has offered to deliver the captured vessel into toe hands of the Govern ment. , A dispatch from the town of Figneras, in the province of Germa, say3 the gates of the oity have been oiosed, the streets barricaded and the the authorities were prepared for defense against tbe insurgents. A number of Oerllata have been arres’ed and six priests suspected of intriguing for Don Carlos, have been thown into prison. The American steamer Shenandoah and a British min of war are in toe port of Malaga. Washciotos, Jnly 25.—Information from Madrid by telegraph, has just been received ta diplomats ciroleB that the Cortes by a large majority have resolved they will confer no fur ther poUtiotl privileges on Cuba until toe In surgents shall lay down their arms. FRANCE. loterestiaf Mews. Pabis, July 21.—The Government has re ceived information whioh it regards as trust worthy, that inatractions have been issued from toe head of the Internationals in London to Us subordinates in France to organize for a series of labor strikes throughout the Republic, to be carried into effeot daring the ooming recess of toe Assembly. Increased vigiisnoe on the part of the local authorities is ordered, and all oon- tact of toe soldiery with foreigners is prohib ited. Prinoa Frederick Charles, of Germany, has tendered to Marshal Bazilne evidence iu his favor on hia trial for too surrender of Metz to the Frmasians. The Marshal, however, de clined to permit the evidence to be introduced. The Journal DeParis of lo-daysays the project of placing a Prince of the house of Hobenxol- iern on the throne of Spain has not been aban doned. A number of discontented Carlist lead, ers and former Liberal Unionists are said to favor toe Hobenzollera candidacy. The Journal also says the cure of Santa Cruz was proclaimed a rebel by Djn Carlos for being eoneernsd in this intrigue. The permanent Committee of toe National Assembly to sit at Versailles during the recess of that body, is composed of ten members of the Left and o'ns Bonapartist. The Duke D’An mala to-day asked leave of absence from tbs Assembly for toe purpose of presiding over the court-martial of Bazaine. The bill authorizing toe construction of the Church of the Sacred Heart (a grand cathedral) on the Height, of Montmartre, overlooking Paris, passed the Assembly to day, after an exci ting debate to toa oourae of which much violent religions partisanship waa evoked. It is proba ble the Assembly will adjourn on Thursday next. EsEllak Crops sad Weather. Losdos, July 25.—The weather ia fair and favorable to crops. Hu unusual heat con tinue*. Mercury S3. Russia. St. Pxtxikbceo, July 25 —The Grand Duka Nioholaa haa returned from Khiva. Claclaaall Mew*. C n cits ati, July 25.—Aa explosion of threshing machine boiler killed two and hart five. E. Roberts t Co. are suing tha oity for lum ber destroyed in the great eoei oil fire in J one. The oil waa stored to violation of the city ordi nance. The Board of Trade adopted resolutions de precating the injury to eommeree sustained by tb* delay to turning over th* LouisvlU* Canal : to tbe Uaited Shite*. t Alphonsus German Gatbolio Cbnroh, a beautiful structure, at toe corner of Saratoga and Park streets, is in imminent danger, bat st this moment has not taken fire. DiBpatoheB have been read from Philadelphia offering assistance. About one hundred buildings have been burned. Still Later from the Fire. The fire is still raging. Eight bloeks and five buddings have been burned. Tbe authorities aro se: ding for outside help. The water supply is failing. Clay street, from Liberty to Howard, two squares, is burned out. This is a narrow street, filled with osrpenter shops end box faotories. The steeple of the Central Presbyterian Church is on fire at half-past one o’dook. The first portion of tbe fire wss on Saratoga street, between Park and Liberty streets, on the south side. Every house on tbe square is to flames. Tbe fire to this square came from toe back of buildings whioh reaoh to toe destroyed houses on Olay street. Up Saratoga to Howard street, on the south side, toe bouse, were still burning at 1 o’clock. The course of the fire, from Thomas’ facto ry, where it commenced, was np Park street, on one side and in the rear of St. Alphonsn’s Cbnroh on the other side. Buratog shingles and sparks started the fire in tbe squares on the north side of Mnlberry street, between Ca thedral and Park streets. The fire then dashed across the street to the Academy of Arts. The dome of the Cathedral at one time was on fire, bnt was pnt ont by oitizens who were stationed on the roof, prepared for it. At 11 o’olock the casing of tbe windows of St Alphonsns chnroh were on fire for the third time. Sparks were showered all over the ohnrch from toe burning houses in front and alongside of it Notwithstanding the intensity of the flames and tbe natural excitement incident thereto, no panto prevailed in the neighborhood of the fire, bnt all did their utmost to prevent the spread of the flames. The new Salvages corps appeared on toe scene and are doing good service. No estimate of toe damage is possible nnder the ciroumstances. The work of moving is go ing forward, and the streets are impassible. On Mnlberry street, toe building of the Amer ican Aoademy of Art has been bnraed. Dr. Dalrymple’s school adjoining is on fire, and three handsome privato residences on the north side of Mnlberry street, between Cathedral and Park streets, took fire, bnt were saved with considerable damage. A foroe of forty men are passing water to a dome of the Cathedral, whioh is covered with blankets. Clay Street, Where tbe Fire Originated. 3:10 p. m.—Clay street, on which the fire origi nated to-day, is a small street, beginning st Liberty street, abont midway between and par allel with Saratoga and Lexington streets, run ning west, interseoiing Park and Howard streets, and stopping at Eataw. The fire orig- inated on the south side of Clay street, near Park, to Thomas’ planing mill, as before stated. The Fire Under Control. 4:10 p. x.—The fire is now completely under control, and many who removed goods snd furniture on the blocks adjacent to toe fire, are now moving back. Reports are still circulated that several child- ren were burned and men killed, but a strict inquiry at toe Marshalls office fails to verify any death by bnrning. Opposed to Patent Bexar Boxes. ■Washisotoh, July 24.—A delegation of to- baoco manufacturers from New York and Phil- adelphia had a hearing before Commissioner Donglsss to day, and entered a protest sgainst the adoption by the Revenue Department of a patent segsr box, which has been favorably oonaldered by toe Commissioner as a preventive against frand. The proposed box has a stamp under the lid, and admits of its being raised and the segars exposed without breaking the stamp. The Commissioner reserved bis decis ion to the premises. Synopsis Weather statement. Wah Dip's, Oitici Curry Signal Oiticze, Washington, July 25. Probabilities.—On Saturday for too Eastern Gulf and Sonth Atlantio States, sontberly winds, increased cloudiness and local storms. For Middle Atlantio States, westerly winds, partly cloudy weather aud somewhat higher tern- perature. followed by cooler weather Satur day night for New England and New York, easterly winds, veering to southwest, with numerous light local rains, followed by clearing weather on Satarday night For the lower lakes and Ohio Valley, southwesterly winds, veering to northwest, with clearing and cooler weather, For the npper lakes and the Northwest, north westerly winds and clear weather. Ho Rove Free Passe* re Railroads. St. Louis, July 25.—An adjourned meeting of railroad superintendents, snd ticket and pas- senger agents, to confer on the question of commissions, free puses, eto., was held here yesterday. After considerable discussion, res- olntions were adopted declaring that no more free passes or half fare tickets shall be issued after the first of August next, except to offi cers, agents and employes of the roads. Twen- ty one road" were represented, two-thirds of which are West of toe Misaonri river. Wko tbe Railroad Robber* Are. The police of this oity, from facts which have oerne to their knowledge, believe that the rob ber" of tbe Iowa railroad train are the same gang that robbed the bank in St. Genevieve, Missouri, lut May, toe Baaselville, Kentucky, bank two years ago, the Gallatin bank of this S:ate, and committed several other bold rob beries. Tbeir rendezvous is said to be Jackson county, Missouri, and their homes aro scattered around to Jackson, Clay Lafayette and Bay counties. Some of their names are Jesse and Frank James, Bill Shephard, Cole, Younger snd McCoy. Their families are Baid to cultivate small farms in toe counties named, and their bouses are surrounded by those of relatives snd friends, who would not themselves commit crime, but would shield these desperadoes to the lost. Tbe "forth Carol lee Btate Fair. Balzigh, July 25.—Extensive preparations are being made for the ocming State Fair. Tt* grounds and buildings are toe finest to tbe South. [Except Macon’s.—Ei] The fair com mences the I3’h of October and continues one week. Hon. D. W. Voothees, of Indiana, haa aeoepted an invitation to deliver the annual address. A Royal Smaggler Held Uader Bead. Nxw Yoax, July 25.—Francis Gnatave Ool- berg, the natural son of the late King of Bwe- den, nod half-brother of the present King, waa held, to-day, with one Frederick Flat*, to an swer tha charge of amnggiing goods into this port. Hear Cable Laid. NiwrocxuLASD, July 25.—Captain Halpta has jnst snoeeasfally oompteted the laying of tbe fourth eable between Sidney, Cape Breton, aad Placentia, Newfoundland. Another Railroad Completed., N. O. July 25.—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Northwest ern North Carolina Railroad Company, was held at this place jesterdav. The company’s road is completed to Salem. North Carolina. The first train through brought too stockholders to the meeting. A. S. Baford, A. Y Stokes. W. T. Sntherlin, W. H. Marshall snd W. L. 0»en. of Virginia, and Thoa. B. Keogh. E Belo, B. L. Patterson, W. H. Wheeler, H W. Fries, Chas. E. Shober, aud T. M. Holt, of North Carolina, were elected directors. CoL A S. Baford was elected President of the company. The President was authorized to take imme- dials steps to extend tbe road through the Yadkin valley to Tennessee. miDSIUHr DISPATCHES. The Brooklyn Trust Company. New Yobe, July 25.—No list of toe deposi tors in the Brooklyn Tract Company has yet been pnbli6hed, and probably none will be for the present. It is said Plymouth Church bad a large balanoe there a few weeks since, which, however, was reduced to $17,000, that amonnt being there to toe churah’s credit still. A Hew Police Regulation. The police commissioners gave notice to-day that, in fntnre, no armed organization of any sort, that figured so disgracefully at Lion Park tbe other evening, will be permitted to parade withont special permission. The Long Island Fires. The forest fires on Long Island burned a treet abont a mile In width, from Lake Land to Patohogne, where ita progress was stayed. A number of farms snd dwellings were destroyed. A small settlement, near Patohogne, called Edenville, was literally swept ont of existenoe. Tbe Ware In Spain. Madrid, July 25.—It is reported that Gen. Oontreros, leader of the revolt at Oarthagena, is marching on this oity with 6,000 men, having left a foroe equally as strong at Oarthagena. It is also said that be has sent the frigate At- monsea to Malaga, and the steamer Fernando El Oololioo to Torrevieja with inetrnotions to tbe oemmanders to levy oontributions upon to- habitants of those cities. The President of the Committee on Public Safety in Madrid has fled from the oity. The Cortes has passed a bill suppressing the admiralty. President Salmerou has issued a proclama tion calling 80,000 men of toe reserves into sotive semes against tbe insurrectionists in toe oonntry. A Threat Against Germany. Contreros, commanding the rebels to CArtba- gena, threatens to seize the Gorman ships now lring in the harbor of that port, unless the Vigilante, captured by the German man of war, ia restored to tbe insurgents. There is a rumor, whioh need" confiimation, that the German consul, at Carthagena, has been arrested by the insurgents and is detained as a hostage. Returned to tkrlr Allegiance. Baboelina, Jnly 2i> —The gendarmero, of this city, wmoh left to join toe Carlists, recon sidered their determination and returned to their allegiance to the repablio amid the enthu siasm of the populace. Only their oalonel and his son went over to tbe insurgents. Beer Rioter* Sentenced. Frankfort, July 25.—Fifty persons who par- tioipated in the beer riot in the oity. several months ago, have been oonvioted and sent to prison for terms ranging from nine months to four years. London, Jnly 25 —Tho Shah of Persia will embark at Brindisi for Constantinople. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! THOMAS U.U0NNER Has jmt received a new lot of beautiful Full Bottom® and Plaited Bosoms, from 13 to 19 inches in the neck. The Full Bo-soma are the coolest Shirts worn. DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS U. CONNER Has a splendid fitting Snmmer Drawer, from 26 to 50 inches waist, and aU lengths of inseam. KECK-WEAR! NECK-WEAR! THOMAS U. CONNER Received yesterday a new stock of Summer Neck-wear, in all colors. Lavender and white for eveniug wear. Linen Collars of Julyl8tf all styles and sizes- REDUCTION IN PRICE THE PRATT GIN! TXTE arc authorized to offer these reliable and VV well-known Gins at BBDDOKD KATES. If you want a Gin you will serve your intoreat by ex amining them before baying oc any one. No dis appointment in getting one if you buy of ua. JOHNSON A DUNLAP, july24dltwlt No. 73 Third street. CYPRESS SM6LES! J UST received, a consignment of CYPBESS SHINGLES, rived and drawn. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE! For sals by B. H. WBIGLEY & CO. juneStf ANOTHER LOT OF HAY AND STBAff CDTTEBS APPLE MILLS And WINE PRESSES EXPECTED DAILY. For sals cheap for cash. EDWARD ROWE, No. 5 Hollingsworth Block. Macon. Ga. DENNISON’S PATENT SHIPPING TAGS. Over 200 millions have been used wiuun the past ten years, withont complaint of loss by tag becoming detached. All Express Companies use them. Hold by Printers and Btaiionera every. where. apr!3 ood3m Commission House at Leaiy, S. W. Railroad, Calhoan Count j, Ga* T HE undersigned has erected a store borne at Leary, Qs., on tha extension of the South western lUilroad to Blakely, and takes this method of announcing to the public th&t he id prepared to receive consignments of goods and produce of every description, which will be sold at wholesale or retail as directed, to the best advantage. Btrict attention will be given to the business, and satis faction guaranteed in every instance. Consignments solicited. marl6dfaw<fcwly D. W. TVEY. NOTICE. OFFICE OLEBK BUPE3IOB COUBT. ) Gltnx Co, Ga., Jana 14th. 1673./ B Y direction of his Honor W. Schley, Jadge Superior Coarts Etetera Circuit, notice is hereby given that Jade Echley will preeide at (ses sion of Gljcn Superior Coart, commencing TUES DAY, Jaly 8,1873, at X0 o dock a. m., for the purposo of trying the caae of B. B. BULLOCK, et- aL, vs. J. E. DABT, et *L Bill in equity in Glynn Superior Court. Counsel and parties at in terest will please take notice. a F. GOODYEAR, Clerk Superior Glynn Co., Go. - - junelS dtjy8 Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOtf THE BOOTHEBN DJ3TKICT OF • GEOBGIA. In the Matter of Thomas Bains—In Bankruptcy. T HIS is to give notLce once a week for three weeks that I have been appointed assignee of the estate of Thomas Bams, of Crawford coun ty, in said District, who has been adjudged a Bank- rapt, upon his own peiition, by the District Court for said District. ISHAM H. BBANHAM, julyS law3t Assignee, LOST ENERGY Weakness, Da epondsncy,B*ab- ■ fulnoes, Syphilis. For a epeedy core of these or other ailments of a private nature, rail or send stamp for private dr ooler of adrioe to both saxes. Address box “O,” Western Medical Institute, 187 Sycamore street, Omdnnati, Ohio. The remedies are so e« rare NO PAY will he required of reapoeaibiejperaoiia for treatment entd eared. A visit to its Museum will oouvmoe you that this Institute ia the only aura one in tbe United States to core Syphilis and re atora Manhood. ieoUaodMy REMOVAL EE-MCVEX) THEIR STOCK OF -TO THE STORE ROOMS MULBERRY STREET, UNDER THE MASONIC TEMPLE OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, Where they wQl be glad to] MEET ALL OLD FRIENDS ADD TO THE NUMBER ALL WHO ABE LOOKING FOB BARGAINS! jolySStf IN OUB BUSINESS. BUY THE BEST. LanMs New Crop Turnip Seed rcta baga, FLAT DUTCH, W bed top, LABGE GLOBE, AISO, FRESH CABBAGE SEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Druggist and Pharmacist, 4 th and Poplar atreeta, ]uiy20 tf Hollinaworth Block. SEQ-ARS! SEGARS! Imported and Domestic. LA ES0IF0ION, LA OABBA, FLOB DEL FUMAR, LAELE0I0N, TENNYSON, LA NOVEDAD, LA UNI0O, MANILLO, FIGABO, And many other brand*, all of whioh at* offered very low. BOLAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. Julj22 t f / % M ' ^akin ■v .cS* From experiments made toe present season, we o&n confidently rtcommond our HOME-MADE FERTILIZER For Gardens, Turnips, Barley, etc. Consisting largely of ammonia and nitrogen, it yet does not bum or wither toe plant. We have it for sale to any quantity wanted. Iuly20tf HUNT. BANKIN * LAMAB, Druggists, Cherry street. TURNIP SEED. FRESH CROP TURNIP SEED 18 7 3, % AT THE DBUG STOBE OF RANKIN, MASSENBURG & CO. July20 tf SOUTH MACON ME STORE! A S every druggist has the purest medicines, of course I need not mention that faot; yet, u I receive monthly shipments from the best bouses of New York, I suppose I have them also. For the accommodation of tho laboring classes, among whom I am located, I am ready to wait on all at any hour, day or nigut, and give special at tention to the prescription department. Everett’s Remedy —roa— CHILLS AND DISEASES OF THE LIVER Will give satisfaction to every case, when taken according to directions. Ladies will find the department of TOILET ARTICLES! Attractive and satisfactory. ICE COLD 80DA WATER, on draught, till 12 o’clock at night. S. D. EVERETT, Druggist, jnlyI8eod3m Fourth street, near Aroh. WE HAVE IN STORE 1000 POUNDS OF CHAMPION’S COTTON CATERPILLAR EXTERMINATOR. P UI up to sacks sufficient for five acres at $5 00 per sack, or packages sufficient for one acre at 8125 per package. WE SELL NO BIGHTS. IT IS FREE TO ALL. Call or send st ones to J. H. ZEILIN & OO. Orders by mail solicited and promptly attended to. June I7tf. Convention of Ex-Cadets GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. The ex-Osdets and ex-Profeesors of toe GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Are invited to meet to Convection, at Atlanta, on the first day of September next. Tbo Central, Maoon and Brunswick, Maoon and Western, Atlantio and Western, West Point and Atlanta, and Georgia Railroad, will pare members of the Convention for one fare to and from tow Convention. Let every ex-0ad6t who loves the memorial that duster around his Alms Mater, and who cherishes a hope of seeing her resurrected from toe asbe* in whito Sherman buried her, oome to tola Con vention. JOHN MILLEDGE, President of the ex-Oadet Association. Jnly20-tilaepl STRICTLY COMMISSION I0DSE K. JVC. WATHR» **» °°* SO Broad 8b, New York, BANKERS —AMU— COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Buy and eell contracts for fntnre delivery of cot ton. Deposit account* of bankers, merchants an others are especially .0Hotted. jnlySdSm PUMPS Of all kinds, HYDRAULIC RAMS, RUBBER HOSE, ETO, For sale at lowest ossb prices. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN PUMPi SI. ROWE), No. 8 Hollingsworth Blook, Maoon, O* TRENCH’S NEW HOTEL. pc 1/ OB. OOBTLANDT snd NEW OHUBOH STS., NEW YOBK. On tha European Pl&n. BIOH- AitD P. FRENCH, son of tbe 1st* Colonel Bichsrd French, of French’s Hotel, hss token this Hotel, newly fitted up snd entirely ren or®ted tbe same' OeotrsUy located in tbe Business Part of tbe Otty. Ladies’snd Gentlemen’s Dimng Booms sttoohel* JunelDtf