The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 26, 1873, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS. SATURDAY MOUSING, JULY *6, 1873 P. O. Kit.—A poetoffls. key vu foni»d yes terday and left^t tbla < m-e. k’oax Hi it.—There were two or three shower* daring yoeUrd.y, hot none eery heavy. Brranioa Cocet.—Jadge Hill hold an all dry aeaaion of b!r oonrl yesterday hearing tnoliooe Nothing of pnblio intereet transpired. Braan ItcraovnimT.—Mr. Onatin pot bie plow into Heoond atreet yesterday, preparatory to snaking it one of the handsomest and beat streets In the city. Hcwawat.—A horse belonging to Ur. J. A Mill ran away with a baggy yesterday evening. He alerted in front of Seymour, Tinsley A Co.'s and ran to Fonrth atreet, then down Fourth to Plom and down Piam to Peegin's stable, when bo halted. The boggy was con siderably damaged. Kronenoic or Waoss.—The President of the Macon and Uranawiok railroad has given notioe that, on the first of Angnat, a redaction of twenty per cent, will be made on every salary, eommenoing with that of the President, and going down to the lowest salaried effleer of the road. No redaotion is made in the wage* of day laborers. Tnns F i ax me. atd Woonrasazss.—Notioe hav ing been promulgated that on the lit proximo the wages of the firemen and woodpaasers in the employ of the Central railroad end branohea would be rednoed from $1.75 to $1 50 e day, quite a large body of men Urns employed held e meeting last night in the old armory building to taka into consideration what aotion were beet nndor the oironmstanoes. Abont seventy-five were In the meeting. We did cot hear the re- salt of tbeir deliberation. A bice tirru stosi. Twin Art*we raslstS Bis D**. A Joke ou tns Belt Manx Idxx.—A eonple of well known gentlemen whom we will oell Bill and Jim, for abort, were In oonveraatlon yesterday npon various topics, when, by some msecs or other, the anbjeotof "self made men" oame np. The talk had progressed awhile npon this toplo when one of them said: “Well Bill, I always had especial veneration for self-made men.” “Why so Jim f" questioned Bill. “Because,” wee the reply, “they always show snob greet respect for their maker." That ended the argument, aa the man said when the bnU tossed him over the fenoe. The to Tax ContTT Court.—Judge Weems did not dispose of e single oese yesterday; bnt he le aned some fifteen or twenty warrants. He would have had one oese to hear, bad it not been for an nnfortnnale cironmatsnoe which permitted a prisoner to elnda the bailiff, the well known and irrepressible Borrel Top. A warrant had been leaned against one Patsy Biohardaon, oolored, and Borrel Top waa sent ont to make the arrest. He made the eeptnre and was re turning with his prisoner, when he stopped by tbs wsy to get a drink (of water) and while be was thns engaged the bird flew. It is snppoeed that abe has left tho oonnty, and Borrel Top now claims cre dit for ridding the oommnnity of her presence. Vndlius Kensislne. Brief mention was made a few d»yr ego of eoma Indian remains which had been fonnd by Mr. Hilliard Cherry on tbs banka of the Ocmnl gee, abont three mlloa below tba city. Mr. Cherry exhibited the relies In this oflloo yester day. They oonalatod of a skull, very much de- oayed and crumbling to piooes, half of an npper jawbone, the lower jawbone entire, and with an exoeljent aet of teeth atilt in it, a cap and a bowl, and a covering for the eyes csrved ont of atone. The cap and bowl wero of earthen ware, and bore some traoes of having been deo- orated with erode traoery and other designs. The tee.’h were in a fine state of preservation, and Indicate that tho deceased waa a yonng man. The ornamontation on the ntonaila fonnd with the remains indicate that deoe&acd was a man of rank. Mr. Cherry did not oxplore very far Into the bank where these remains wore fonnd, bnt be went far onongh to find the remAlna of riba and variolas, all of whlob wero in an Imperfect state of preservation. The Mayor's Court. Col. T. J. Mnrphy arrived by the train from Oolnmbos Thursday evening, all dnly sober, and la one hoar by the watch he was drank and on his way to the barracks. Morphy has ooooelved an Idea that bis destiny is to over oome Maoon whisky. Ho has made nnmerona honest efforts to fulfill his destiny and has lnvsriably gotten the feather In the wrong oap, The Colonel was np before the Mayor yester day morning. He was as fsmiliar-Iooking in that chamber aa any of the desks and chairs; for he haa been there very many times. “ Where do yon live, Morphy I” asked His Honor. “May It please yonr Honor, I live tn all the prinolpal oitles of Georgia,” was the answer. Ilis Honor oonld not find it in his heart to infliol a penalty npon tilts cosmopolitan, and dismissed him with the injanotton to get drank no more, or he would pat him to work on the Fair Oronnd. Morphy strode oat of the room with the sir of a ooeqaeror, paused at Van- nnokt’s and got a drink, and then came down town and got a few more. He la determined to light It ont if it takes him all trimmer. Some dosen or more persons were ap far vio lating the dog ordinanoe. Some had killed their dogs, some bought badges and others had no dogs. Who Wrote It? The lest number of the Telbotton Standard oontalnsthe following paragraph: In bia book notions tba local editor of the TxutoiurH axn Messixoih remarks, in his allu.iou* to the disputed antborsbip o! snndry fugitive poems, “the pnblio will remember how one J. W. Watson pilfered the ‘Beestifnl Snow’ from the grave of poor Henry Faxon." We are nnder the impression that Brother Wauon ia imstaten in the authorship of “Beau tiful Snow." That purest of all American poet- ioal productions was written by Miss Bora Shaw, a native of Wabash Valley, Indiana, the brightness of whore life was eclipsed in the gloom of e pitiable dishonor, and inexorable shame. The poem is the story of her life. Kead and see if there la not the tonoh of a bro ken heart trembUog yet among its aortowfnl symphonies. Gonuan has evidently been asleep for a year or two, or else failed to remember that the claim npon that poem, aet np for “Dora Shaw" by some sensational Bohemian, did not last quite e week. Bora Shaw waa nothing more than a very wicked woman, who oonld not havo written that poem, even if she tad been leas wioked. She may haTe palmed It off on each aavoeptible fellows as her own; bnt hor olaiiu was so flimsy that no one ever saw any necessity for combatting it. Wrrx its elegant new snitea of rooms, and the great improvements In Hanover atreet. the Amer ican House, Boston, bide fair to become a greater favorite than ever with the traveling pnblio. Meeara, Bice A Son deeerTS their popularity. 200 Bxst Coc.ttrt Chickens, fat and large, just received at S. T. Walker s 1 Auction sale this morning at 10J o’clook by O. E. Beeore, of bedsteads, chairs,tables, stoves, crockery end glassware. 11 A trixxiin) lot of fine French Candies, jast reoeived el S. T. Walker’s. It Oar friend Thoe. B. Art ope base magnificent yard deg. It is e most eegaciooa animal, not only keeps white end bleak rogues eff night, bnt declines to allow bia master to koock aronod in the yard too freely after dark. The dog ia entirely obedient to bnt one person, end is the oook. He haa to depend npon ber for rations, end, knowing which side of bis bread is battered, be obeys the oook with ee much meekness is Mery’s little lemb ever manifested. The oook is the only person who oen chain dog, with any degree of safety, end to ber assigned the dnty of chaining him of mornings and loosing bim at ntgbL On Sunday morning, from some cause other, the oock neglected this Important dnty, and Mr. A. hearing the dog rnehing erotrrd lot end barking vociferously, concluded would go ont end chain him himself. He no donbt be wonld be able to do so. If * ox knoweth his owner, end tbe ass his master's crime,” Tom did not see why his dog sbonld not reeognizs his acquaintance, and meekly submit to being tied by him. Accordingly went to the yard end began to ooax the dog him. It happened that the dog bad not had matntinal meal, and was not In one of hla miliar moods. Tom followed himaronnd awhile, nsing inch coax-words and phraaea as he oonld oommand; bnt tbe dog oontinned to retire, and onoe In awhile evolve a growl which seemed to sty, “I guess yon’ve followed me abont long enough, end yon'll get into trouble if yon don’l deelah" Bnt Tom had gone ont to tie the dog, end did not mean to desist Hia patienoe became exhausted after awhile, and, the dog giving angrier growl then nanal, Tom picked np roek, with the determination to bring him terms at once. The dog saw the rock, and saw it raiaed to be thrown at him, and at onoe eronehed like a lion ready to spring npon prey. Tom did not like this movement at It was not the kind of submission that he mired In a dog; but he had gone ont there chain ihe dog and meant to do it, and eonse- qnently let the roek loose. It Is probably unnecessary to say the dog was not hit. He eluded ihe missile with as mneb agility as a mosquito elndes a well directed blow, and then made a rash at bis master which astonished the letter abont as mnoh if a water-spout had opened at his feet dog leaped npon Tom, and made an effort fondle hla throat Foricnately, Tom’s throat daring the growing exercises of bis esrliar years, attained an altitude that the dog oonld not reach by abont aix Inches, and the animal waa foroed to confine bis attentions to Tom' somewhat expansive cheat Tom was satisfied of one thing—he had fight on hts hands, and the question was how get ont of it as quickly as possible, and without getting bit Ho had ohanged hia mind entirely abont wanting to tie the dog. In fact he waa willing that he ahonld remain at large nntil the oook had time to chain him. If it took all day. He had beard it said that if a person wonld boldly take hold of the two jaws of a dog, and firmly proas them apart, the dog wonld be unit bie to bite and would soon submit- He tried it With one hand he grasped the lower maxi! Isry of the animal, bnt just before bo grasped the npper maxillary with the other hand the dog closed his month—not with a snap, bnt slowly and steadily as the jaws of a vioe close, and as firmly. Tom felt the cnsplds, bicuspids and Incisors pressing against both the palm and back of his band—felt them press harder and harder—felt the skin give way—felt them plung ing through the flesh, and still he hadnohold on the npper jaw. There wss a change of opinion on Tom’s part at onoe. A sodden and eomplete change tactioa was made forthwith, and the off-hand, which had boon grabbling for tbe dog’s npper jaw, began a series of fondles and caresses that were aotnally charming under tbe oironm. staroes; and It Is estimated, on good author! ty, that, in the short space of a minute and half, Tom spoke more words of endearment to that dog than he spoke daring the whole term of his oonrtship. He didn’t know before that be was master of so many tender phrases. He ponred them forth, one after another, with an eloquence that subdued even tbe dog, and the animal, having nothing farther to avenge, dropped the hand very qnletly, walked off to hia kennel and waited for tbe cook to oomo and tie him. Tom has been wearing bis band in a sling ever ainoe, and says he doesn't care to be master of that dog. He prizes the animal very highly, bnt hereafter will admire him at long range, and whenever be ia loose he may remain so as long aa he wants to. He didn't know the dog wss so choloe aa to whom he wonld be tied by, or he wonld never have injured the animal' feelings as he did. He feels like making an apology every time he goes into the yard. Gold Dust Whiset at 8. T. Walker’s. J t Eagi.e Choice Flour from prime new wheat—at Eagle Mills. Mas. JoezraiNE Horne, artist, formally of Georgia. Address 122 Waverley Place, New York. Portraits and piotares of any size taken from old dagnereotypes in the highest style of art. Eaglo Familjr Flour from the Eagle Mills, is a very popular cheap flour. Bath tubs, water cooler*, mocking bird oages and fruit jars, for sale cheap at Oliver, Donglans * Co.'a, 42 Third street. jalj25 3t A Lanas lot of Sugar Cared Ham and Break fast Bacon just reoeived at 8. T. Walxxb’s. It Ketbuhino —u Jon f M i oppressed by the heat a-nd dost, jut step into Loh's, in tbe La nier Hoose building, and take a cool refreshing bath for only>* eente. Shaving, hair cnlring, etc., by the mow aklllfal ton aortal artists, and at the coolest establishment in the oil). Sir anger* visiting Maeon ahonld remem ber this—the people here all know it. jalylS eodlf ______ Fit Mutton and Bxxr, at B. T. Waleke’*. It Bewau cr OcCNTEarxiTs.—Parties baying “Central Oity Choloe,’’ “Year* to Count On," and “ Pride of Georgia " Regers would do well — wv ^ to we that George W. Head * name if branded 18 , F. A Oo.'< Ulaatrative descriptive circular*, pp the box. jalj21 iw i Bend forth Personal —J. W. Ansley.—“It has broken np several cases of long standing chills and fevers, and I find Simmon*' Liver Begnlator to be a great remedy in dyspepsia and liver oomplaints." Ask your grocer for Eagle Extra Flour from the Eaglo Mills, W. J. Law' ton & Co., proprietors. The fact that Sugar of Lead and Sulpher Hair Believer* have produced many eases of blindneea, and other disorders oomeqnent on their nae, ia the heat argument why Nattan'e Oryetal Discovery, which ie entirely hirmleee, ahonld be need. At any rate it will repay yon to try it. Get your druggist to get it for yen. Flour to the trade of the best brands on favorable terms, at the Eagle Mills, W. J. Lawton & Co., proprietors. Oarcrax Diseases, no matter bow they originate, and without regard to the eex of the sufferer, are cored without danger or inconvenience byHelm- bold'e Extract Bnchu, the great dinreUc, which acta specifically upon the kidneys, bladder and auxQiarr organs. No other prep»raUon poasesae* tbe folly developed merits of Helmbold'a Extract. It ia the only genuine Bnchn, and it never fails. John F. Henry, New York, sole agent. Eagle Choice Flour is becoming more popular every day. Be sure to give it a trial when you have occasion to buy. Hcjct, Rixn? A Iaikajl—This well known and reliable firm have received e Urge lot of Dr. Hood’s Eoreks Liver Modieine. It haa tbe praise of ell who here tried it. In bottles el 50 cents and f 1.00 List of Goods always on bend st F. P. To ale’s Bonders* Emporium, Charleston, S. C. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, Stair Bail ings, Newels, Posts and Stair Balusters, of his own manufacture, and satisfaction guaranteed. And Iks following, direct from tho manufacturers: Window Glass, Builders* Hardware, Marble and Slate Mactlepieces. Draio Pipe, Encsustic Floor Tile, Wire Guards for Store Fronts, and aU articles needed in computing a' first-class bouse. Price list sent free on application. Jafyi lm New machinery, new equipments, new wheat and new flour, at the Eagle Mills. Tux Chxatist aid But.—Hood’s Ecreka Lir- • Medicine gives universal satisfaction in the treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, 8ick Head vc^e, Co* tivenees, and all that class of die* arising from a disordered state of the stom ach and liver. ^ novSOIy Ip you want good bread, get flour made at the Eagle Mills. Bxwaix or Boors “BjLRLna!”—Tbe fact is, tbore is nothing ia the market to equal this oele- brated oook, and so accept none other than that which bears the imprint of Messrs. Stuart. Peter- eon A Co , Philadelphia. Tbs “Barley Sheaf,” with its several decidedly valuable improvements, oerta j n jy the olimax of exoellenoe, and we are not surprised to find it having aaale almost beyond tbs ability of tbs ftnn to supply- For the particu lar character and workings cf the improvements alluded to, ws would refer tbe reader to Messrs. The Uewxdt —To eecap> the worthless abomi nations < ffered under Lbs title of flavoring extracts and bakvug powders, and force them ont of the market, reeta wholly with the oonsomers, they are the ones that have to euffar. Purchase only tboee article* yon know by experience te be pnre. Look upon cheep goods as an evidence of their adulter ation and worthleeeneee, npon tboee that dea ers complain of a* t> ing too high to keep for pale argument in their favor fjr good, pare goods can not be sold ss cheap aa worthless onee, sod afford a leer profit to the mumfactnrer and dealer. Dr Price’s Special Flavoring* end Cream Baking PCw- ders are acknowledged by chemists to be the pur est, and the only scientifically prepared articles their kind in the market, and are now used in mi lion homes and daily increasing in popular fa vor. The Weu i9D Tux or Lint.—The cares, anxie ties and misfortunes of life have aa mack to do with shortening it as dieeaee. They aro in fact tho source of many ailments and physical disabilities. Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, affections of tbe liver, disturbances of the bowels, headaches, hypo, cbondria and monomania are among these distreat ing fruits- It is, therefore, of great importance that persons whose minds are oppressed with heavy business responsibilities, or huraaeed by family troubles, or excited by speculation, or perplexed by a multiplicity of enterprises, or in any way over taxed or overworked, should keep np their etami na by tbe daily use of a wholesome tonic. Thon- sands of persons thus eheumatanoed are enabled to bear np against the difficulties in which they are involved, and to retain their strength, health and mental clearness, by the regular use of Hostetter’ Stomach Bitters. Diseases which are prone to at tack the body when chbOitated and broken down by over-much brain-work, or exhaueting phyeical labor, are kept at bay by the resistant power with which ibis incomparable tonic endows the nervous system and tbe vital organs. At this season, when tbe heat is evaporating the elements of strength from every pore, an invigorant Is absolutely essen tial to tbe safety and comfort of the public, and required even by tbe more robust if they desire keep their athletic capabilitiee in statue quo. Hence a coarse of Hostetler’s Bitters is particularly use ful at this period of tbe year as a defense against tbe invisible disease afloat in a sultry atmosphere. It is the most potent of all preventive medicines, and for all oomplaints which affect the stomach, and liver, and tbe bowels, and interfere with the perfect digestion and aseimilati n of food, it ie the standard remedy. •Don’t fail to NtAMlAL k\\) COMMERCIAL Mothers, Mothebs, Mothers. procure Mrs. Wisslow’s Soothing Syrup for all diseases incident to tbe period of teething in chil dren. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind oolic, regulates the bowels, and by giving relief and health to tbe child, gives rest to the mother. Be sure to call f.r “Mw. WiyetoVs Soothing jane 25eod-6m Jot to the World! Wo max is Free!—Among the many modern discoveries looking to the happi ness and amelioration of tho human raoe, none entitled to higher consideration than the renowned omedy—Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, Woman’s Best Friend. By it woman is emanci pated from numberless ills peculiar to her eex. Before its magic power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures whites. It cures suppression of tho menses. It removes uterine obstructions. It cures constipation and strengthens tbe system. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never fails, aa thousands of women will testify. This valn&blo medicine is prepared and sold by L. H. Bradfleld, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price $1.50 per bottle. All respectable drug men keep it. Tcsktgee, Ata., 1863. Mr. L. H. Brad field—Sir: Pleat e forward us, immediately, another supply of Bradfield’s Fe male Regulator. We find it to be all that is laimod for it, and we have witnessed tbe most de cided and hippy effects produced by it. Very respectfully, Hurteb A Alexander. We, tho undersigned Druggiste* take pleasure in commending to the trade Da. J Bradfield’s Fe male Regulator—believing it to be a good and re liable remedy for tho diseases for which he recom mends it. W. A. Lahbdill, Atlanta, Ga. Pemberton, Wilson, Tailor & Co., Atlanta, Ga. Red wine A Fox, Atlanta, Ga. W. O. La we he, Atlanta, Ga. W. Boot A bos, Marietta, Ga. 8TATE OF GEORGIA—Troup County t This is to certify that I have examined the rccif of Dr. J. Ukadfiku). of this county, and auamed cal man prononneo it to bo a combination of medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all the dis eases of females for which ha reoommends it. This December 21,1868. Wal P. Beasley, M D. Hunt. Rankin A Lamar, Wholesale Agents. m&vlO d2aw£wly Maoon, Ga* ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER AND SUPPER TABLE, I*E.\ A PERRI.W Worcestershire Sauce. 13 INDISPENSABLE. JOHN PUWCAS’M NO.\N, New York. Agents for the United States. OBSTACLE? TO JHARRIAGE. HAPPY BELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from tho effocts of Error® and Abusos in early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage remov ed. New method of treatment. New and remark able remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, No. 2 South Ninth st., Philadelphia, Pa..— institution having a high reputation for honor able conduct and professional skill. J nlySdSm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CAUTION. HEREBY crotton all persons against trading tor a note given by me to W- L. Smith, agent of the Fittsbarg Lightning Bod Company, for tbe snmof Twenty-eight Dollar* and Fifty Cents, as tbs oonuideration for which said note was given has failed, and I have determined not to pay it. MRS. MARTHA F. 8MITH, Jnly2G 3t*Macon, Qa. $10 REWARD. TOLEN from a chest on tbe preminea of W. B. Caeon, on the night of the 21tli, a LOT OF TOOLS, consisting of planes, braco and bits, saws, hammers, squares, files, spoke reamers, oil stone, and oiher llm fa too tedious to mention. A por tion of tbe tools marked A. F. Sherwood. The above reward will be paid for the tools and thief, with evidence to oonvict jnly25 8t-W. E. SHERWOOD. ICE! ice t T „„ ICE AGON FACTORY ICE, from distilled water, TO BE HAD IN ANY QUANTITY, GEORGE BIGGS’, iOi Cherry atreet. Latest Market Reports by Telegraph FINANCIAL. N*w York—Noon—Stocks dull Money easy xt 8(i 5 Exchange, long 9%: abort 10. Govern- m»DU qeiet. State bonds quiet- Gold a ready at 15K Evening—Gold 15X- Money at 4 Sterling lower at 94&9K- Governments dull and steady. State bonds* very quiet. Midnight—Governments. 81s 19X: 17; 64* 17X: 65s 199ft new 17J£ 67s 19; 68s 18X; new 5s 1 10-40sl5K- Tennessee 6s bOM: new 80X; Virginia 6s 41; new 49: oouaol 52; deferred 10j£: Louisiana 6s 48: new 42; levee 6a 40: 8s 50; Alabama 8s 80; 5a 47: Georgia 6$ 70: 7a 88 North Carolines 27; new 13: special uxlS. South Carolinae 30, new 15: April and October 20. New Orleans—sterling 28. New York sight % premium. Gold 15V Loxdoh—Noon —Console Paris—Noon—Rentes 56f40c. COTTON. New Yore—Noon—Cotton, eslee 491; middlings 21: market quiet Futures opened as follows: July 20V; August mill 1-82; December 17K- Evening-Cotton aalee to-day 1117: middlings 21: market qniet; net receipts 96: gross 1277. 8 Oea of fatnre« 15.200: mtrket closed as follows: Julv 20 7 16/SYO 9 16; Angnat 19 7-16@19$£; Sep tan ber 183*; October 17 IS 16 Comfa&attvx Canos Statement—Receipts of the week at all ports 12 572. against 3.966 last year. Total for year 3,539.015; asainat:2.696.702 last year. Exports 14,589 against 4.793 same time last year; total lor year 2.454.694 against 1,894 930 aame tine laet year. Stock at all U. 8. ports 182,323, against 115 86 5 last year. Stock at interior towns 26,414, against 9.456 last year; at Liverpool 899 000, againet 965.000 laat year. American cotton afl)&t for Great Britain 67.000, against 31.000 last year. Baltimorz—cotton, sales 110; stock 3051; mid dlings 203^; market dull. Net receipts of the week 37; gross 259; ex ports to Great Britain —; coastwise 492; conti nent —; sales 1C60; taken out on contract — New Orleans—Cotton, net receipts »2 e ; gross 325; expor’n coastwise 867; oontinent 2141; Grest Britain 2317: sales 300: last evening 200; stock 23 628 middlings 18%; market firm. Weekly net receipts 2013: gross 2241; exports to Great Britain —-, continent ; coastwise 3566; sales 4400. Wilmihgtoii—Cotton, net receipts 54; exports ooaetwiee 42. sales 7; stock 12,050; middlings 18%; market quiet. Weekly receipts 221; exports to Great Britain ; coastwise 210, continent ; sales 71. Auot7*ta—Cotton, receipts 115; sales 211; mid dlings 18%; market steady. Receipts of tbe week 547: shipments 929; taken by mills 270; sales —; stock, *72. 8181; ’73. 8306. Satakhah—Cotton, net receipts 814; exports coastwise 985; sales 13; stock 6113; middlings 18%; market firm. Weekly net receipts 1936; exports to continent ; to Great Britain : coastwise 2096; sales 16L Charleston—Cotton, net reoeipts 70; exports coastwise —; sales 200: stock 4485; middlings 19%@19%: iow middlings 18%@19; good ordinary 17%; ordinary 14S15; market steady for good qual ity. Weekly net receipts 2875; gross 2905; exports Great Britain ; coastwise 2647; continent sales 1350. Mobile—Cotton, receipts 206; exports coastwise 51; eales 500: stock 11,359; middlings 13%; low mid dlings 17(517%; market doll. Net receipts of the week ISO; gross exports to Great Britain ; coastwise. 829; continent —; sales 4560. Bostoh—Cotton, net receipts 59; gross 315; sales 390: stock 10.000; middlings 2196; market strong. Woekly net receipts 136; gross 1286. exports Great Britain 23; coastwise —: oontinet —; sales 1500. Norfolx—Cotton, net receipt* 356; exports coastwise 170: sales 80; stock 3643; low middlings 18%; market firm. Weekly net receipts 1824: exports to Great Brit ain —; coastwise 2193; continent —; sales 15 Memphis—Cotton, net receipts 8;7; shipments 6S0: stock 9710; low middlings 18%; market firm. Weekly net receipts 1784; gross ; salts 1609; shipments 3018. Galyestox — Cotton, net receipts 69; sales 159; stock 14 026; good ordinary 14%; market qniet. Week'y net receipts £49. exports coastwue 569. sales 850—Cotton, middlings 20%: market qniet. Weekly net receipts 261; gross 2010. Columbus—Cotton, weekly receipts 93: tbip- ments 442: sales S52; stock. 2479; last year 233; low middlings 17%; market firm. Szlmi— Cotton, net receipts of the week 13; shipments S9; stock 533; last year 102. MojtTOOMERY—Cotton, weekly receipts 54; ship ments 786; stock 1897: last year 396; low middlings 17%; demand good; offerings lieht. Macox—Cotton, weekly receipts 120; shipments 371; stock 1893; market qniet ai*d firm; middlings 18. Nashville—Cotton, net receipts of tho week 409; shipments 2024; stock6437; last year—; low middlings 17; market quiet. Pbovidexce —Cotton, receipts for the week 9; sales 1200; stock 15.500. City Foist—Cotton, net receipts of the week 340. Liverpool—Neon—Cotton firm and tending up ward. Cotton sales 15,000; speculation and export 3000. Bales of the week 78 000; ixport 7.000: spocula tion 7,000. Stock 849.000; American 370,000 Re ceipts 72.000: American 55.000 Actual export 7000. Stock afloat 330.000; American 67.000. Pales include 8250 bales American Yarns and fabrics steady. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SIMMONS’ LITER REGULATOR! T HIS unrivalled medicine is warranted not to , _ ^ . n . 1 contain a single particle of Mercury, or any I Prof. W. J. Land, Analytical Chemist, City: injurious mineral anbetanoe, but is mhh "" “ 11 K v '“ **’“ *' , *“* r PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS tt bu proved it* great val ue la all dieoaee. of the Liver, Bowel, and Kid neys Tboaaands of tbe good and great in ail parts of tbe oonntry vouch for ita wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, otimuiating the toroid Liver and Bowel., and imparting new life and vigor to the whole eyaiem. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR ia acknowledged to have no eqnalaaa [Atlanta Lager Beer TRIUMPHANT I T HE recent analysis by Professor Land, of this city, of some lager beer made in Cincinnati . induced ns at once to execute a purpose deter- [ mined on some months ago, to submit a sample of OTaT ATLANTA MADE BEER to the same competent chemist for analysis—the result of which, with the correspondence, we give below. Atlanta, Ga., July 2, 1873. Dear Fir—Herewith we have the pleasure of submitting, for your professional examination, a sample of our every-day macufacture of Lager Boer, with the request that you subject the same to a close and rigid chemicil analysis, and report the result to us at your eailieat convenience, l&eopect fully, FECHTER Sc MERCER. Att.axta, Ga., July 10, 1873. Messrs. Fechter A Mercer, Atlanta, Ga. : Gentlemen—The sample of Atlanta “City Brew ery” Lager Beer, received from you. proves, upon a thorough ohemicil elimination, to be qaite free from all injurious subetanoes—as drugs, eto. PURE HOP RK6IN is the only bitier principle found in the article ; and the analysis below, show ing per centage of toe chief proximate cocstitu- It contains four medical elements, never united [ ents, would xecommend the beverage ti consumers in tbe same happy proportion in any other prepxr- | 0 f beer LIVER MEDICINE. PRODUCE. JVP JnlyZC In* notice. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, Ckktjui. R. R. A BiSKrsa Oo. cf Gzobou, 8xv.nnili, July 23.1873. N rod after Sanday, tbe 27tb inet-, there will _ be only one pu.enger train daily between Savannah aiid Macon and Savannah and Angnata, running as follow.: Leaving Savannah at 1.00 r. z. for Maeon: Leaving Savannah at 8.40 p. Ji. for Angnat.; Leaving Augusta at 2.15 r. x. for S.Tannah and Maoon s Leaving Macon at 7-40 t. w. tot Angnata and Bemnmh. Tba train to Angnsta mikea close oonneetiona at Augusta with trains goiDg North, and tba Macor tram at Macon with trains Ronth and West. WILLIAM ROGERS. Jnlyfg 2t .Goal Sup’t. 10 RENT. fT^WO TENEMENT HOUSES or one eight-room . House for rent. App’y to July25tf OLIVER. DOUGL1SS A CO mun B0ABDIN& HOUSE. ‘AVING opened a private boarding home in Daly’s new budding, nearly opposite Huff s new building, I am cow prepared to take a limited nmnber of boarders, ou reasonable terms, young men desiring day board can be aooemmodated rea sonably. Table supplied with the best the market affords. jnly251w MBS. B. A. HARRIS. COTTON GIN MATERIALS W E offer for sale of what is needed to make or repair, Iron, Bonnd and Sqnare. Saws, Bits. Bristles, Screw/, Twine, Glue, Babbitt Metal, et:.. etc. JOHNSON A DUNLAP, July24 2t No 7a Third street. FOR RENT. T WO DWELLING HOUSES, eligibly located. Apply to B. F. LAWTON, jnlyUtf At Exchange Bank, WANTED AT ONCE, O NE OB TWO Srat-claai prart'eal Gin Makers, (Breaater). to whom the highest wages will New Tobk—Noon—Flour qniet and unchanged. Wheat a shade firmer; No. 2 Milwaukee 1 4J@146. Com qniet; eteam western mixed 63@65. Pork firm: new mesa 17 25@17 37X- Lard steady, western eteam 8%. Turpentine steady at 43%. Rosin steady at 3 00(S3 05 for common strained. Freights firm. Evening—Floor, southern dull, in favor bnyers: common to fair extra 6 30@7 93; good to choice 7 95@10 75. Whisky firmer at 93. Wheat closed dull. Com a shade eiei-r. Rice firm 8%@9%. Fork a shade firmer; new mess 17 37% Lard steady. Turpentine active, ltosiu active. Tallow steady. Freights very firm. — dull and steady. Wheat lower; prime red 165(31 61. Fork unchanged. Bacon, shoulders 8%@8%: clear rib aides 9%: engtrenred bams 14(816. Whisky nominal at 95. Lard 8%<S9. Louisville—Floor quiet and easy: extra family 50 0. Com in fair demand: white shelled firm at 60(362: mixed easy at 58(860. sacked from Btore. Fork steady at 16 00016 50. Bacon in fair demand and firm; shoulders 8%(39%; clear rib sides 10%® IC%; dear sides 10%<S>10%, packed. Lard steady; choice leaf 939%. tierce; kegs 10; stoam 8%. Whisky steady at 92593 CurcEtxaTi—Floor dull and lower at 6 50. Com steady; fair to prime 42(345 Fork firm; hold at 36 CO. Lard doll; ateam 8%: kettle 8%. Bacon strong and active: shoulders 8%: clear rio aides 10 ®10%: clear sides 10%@10%. Whisky firm st92. St. Louis—Fleur qniet and unchanged; bnsineea small. Com firmer and higher; No. 2 mixed 39%@ 40%, in olevator; 45 sacked. Whisky firm at 91. Fork qniet at 16 50. Bacon qniet ard unchanged; abonMera 8%.’.r8»/: clear rib >IVe Id: clear aides 10(810%. Lard dnll: summer steam offered at 7%. New Okleass— Flour dnll; donble extra 5 25; treble extra 6 00@7 50; family 8 00(89 25. Cora qniet; mixed 60: white 72373. Cats qniet at 43. Bran firmer at 80(585. Hay quiet; prime 22 OOO 25 0J; choice 20 00. Fork dull and lower at 16 75. Dry salted meats scarce: shoulders S%. Bacon firmer; shoulders 9%; aides 10%@11; bams, ohoice 15%(316. Lard dnll; refined tierce 8%@8%: keg 10(810%. Sugar doll; good common 8%; fatly fair 9%; prime 10. Molasses, no movement. Whisky in goqd demand, supply light; Evansville 94; Lou isiana 95; Cincinnati 29@1 00. Coffee quiet at 18@ 20. WiLunroiox—Spirits turpentine dull at 38%.— Boaic dnll and declining; extra No. 2 52%; No. 2 2 25. Crndo turpentine qniet; hard 2 00; yellow dip aud virgin 3 20. Tar steady at 3 65. Livebpool—Breadatuffa firmer. Wheat, rel win- ter llBl0d&!2a. Evening—Common rosin 9j- MARINE NEWS. New Yoke—Arrived, Old Dominion, Oity of Ht- vana. Rising Star, Metropolis. Savxkkah—Arrived. Seminole. America. Chatoestox—Arrived, Ada. Sailed, Ashland, A. P. Emerson. MEMOIR OF LL\T0X STEPHEN'S. STEPHENS, I am preparing a Memorial Volume of his lamented brother, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. Friends who may have preserved any of his let ters which would aid my labors, will greatly oblige me by the loan of the a. If eent by Exprees to Marietta, they will be carefully kopt, and returned in the course of a few months. JAME£ D. WADDELL, Marietta, Ga. July24 6t\ I am, very truly yours, WM. J. LAND, Analytical Chemist. Analysts : per cent. Extractive matter, (dextrin, sugar, hop reain. albumen, etc ) 6 6390 Aloobol-per cenUge by volume 6 40lO Water 88 0101 Fp&cifio gravity of tbe beer....l 0158. The following is the analysia of cur Beer and the For liver Complaint and the painful offspring I Cincinnati Beer, each made by Prof. L»nd, viz ? ~ ATLANTA “CITY BREWERY.” a tion. viz . a gentle Cathartic, a monderfnl Tonic, an unexceptionable A terative and a certain cor rective of all im^nritiea of the body. Bnch signal bu:c.-8@ has attended its nt*e, that it is now regard ed aa the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC thereof, to wit; DYdPEPSlA CONSlIPATlON, I Jaundice, Bilious attacks. SlOK HEADACHE, Colie. Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, | *£;*** ( Sat ** ao 'i gg 1 w“e°.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ss.o? 6 6.99 Heart Bum eto. etc. Begulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is harmless, Is no drastic, violent medicine. Ts sure to cure if taken regularly, Is no intoxicating beverage, Ia a fan It lets family medicine. Is tbe oheapeat medicine in the world. Is given with safety and the happiest results to 8 r ^‘ e ° la employed. bp. Grav 1.0158 CINCINNATI BEER. Eit Mat (Nut. A ton ) 6 6283 Alcehol 6 4000 Water ViTiZ Sp. Grav 1 016i Tbe above analysis, made from a sample takon from the same tanks from which we daily fill casks for city consumption and for shipment, conclusive ly establishes tne great superiority of our Lager Beer over that made in Cincinnati, in that it con tains a so much larger percentage of nutritious el ements—dtxmne. (starch ) sugar, albumen, and pure hop resin. As no eugar is used in the manu facture, the saccharine matter contained in onr La ger Beer is only that derived from tne vegetable in- CHANGE IN BUSINESS! From this date tbe WHOLESALE branch of our bosineia will be conducted in the name of ROSS <$c COLEMAN, At onr present stand, aDd having admitted MB. W. 4. JUHAN, of Clinton, Ga., to an intereet in the RETAIL DEPARTMENT, that branch will be removed in a short time to S., T. COLEMAN S OLD STAND. And the business conducted in the nsme of W. A. JUHA1V cfc OO. We take great pleasure in introducing to onr friends Mr. Jnhan—a gentleman in whom we tav a entire confidence, and in whose hands we believe the reputation of onr bouse will !>•» fully sustained. With this assurance from us, we trust that a hearty welcome and a generous support await him. And now, that the obstacles which havo heretofore intervened are removed, we hope in a short time to icaugnrate in oar city the FIRST EXCLUSIVE JOBBING DRV GOODS BUSINESS iliat has ever been attempted here, and with all the appiianoea necessary to anstain ns, see hope to present such a dispiy of merchandise aa will at once arrest attention,and inspire sonfidonce. Folly conecioos cf tba eminent ability and enterprise of onr m archants generally, wo hope to merit a place in the picture which ehall represent Macon the leading market in the 8tate, and among our lar^o circle of friends *e hope there are enough of those who by their support, will insnre us a against a failnte. Having no fears of the result, we enter with oonfiicnce npon the new field. With thie announcement we unfurl onr banner to the breezo, proclaiming QUI0K SALES and 8HOBT PROFITS, and inviting oouqetition from any qt^rter. J. B. B033 ill. OOLEMan. Ma-on. Ga. Jnty L 1R7S. BACON-SIDEi 240 OiVSrtS OF CLEAR RIB BACON SIDES —FOR SALE ON- the moat delicate infant. Does not interfere with bnsineea, Dees not disarrange the system. Takes the place of Qiioine and Bitters of evory kind, Contains the simplest and beat remedies. We therefore confidently place our Simmons’ Liver Heplator, the Great Family Medicine, I volume, than any other offered in the South. It commends itself to all consnmurs as the most | healthful. Orders and continuances of favors solicited FECHTER, MERGER & OO. The German population has escaped the *late sickness here snd elsewhere in so marked a degree as to beget a spirit of inquiry as to the reason. Ir Obattanooga especially they have been exempt, and proudly ela m that an undisturbed use of their favorite bevorage haa save! them.—Republican Banner, Nashville, Tenn It is proper to state th«.t onr h^nse sells its La ger Beer in Chattanooga, and had recently shipped _ . a car load to that city, aud share* ia lie claims as SOLD BY ALL DETJG&ISTS. | referred to above. OITY B8EWEBT LAEER BIER THIRTY AND SIXTY DAYS’ TIME! In open and square competition with any other I manufacture, assured that aa a beverage contain. I Merchants and planters uhj can give good paper will fiod it to iheir interest ti call oame before ing a considerably larger percentage of nutritive buying. This lot of meat was BOUGHT BIGHT, and I propose to and tonic properties, in proportion to weight or I SELL IT AT LOUISVILLE PRICES, FREIGHT AND EXPENSES ADDED. Ia manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN Sc CO.. MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price $1 00 per nackage; also, prepared ready for nae in bottles, $100. W. A. NEW FLOUR, NEW FLOUR! Beware of all Counterfeits and Imitations. PERSONAL. FEC&TER, MERCER & CO. july25 St It may be observed that no attempt is made to i hunt np ont-of-the-way. or unknown places, to find ] names to indorse SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULA TOR. Hon. Alexanders. Stephens Jno. W. Beckwith, Bishop of Ga. General Jno B. Gordon. Hon. Jno Gill Shorter ex-Govemor of Ala. t — . -nTOT ■ rtnn : Bev David Willis, D.D., President Oglethorpe CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS, College. CITY BANK,] Macon, Georgia. Bishop Pierce (of Ga) Hon. James Jackson (firm Howell Gobb & James Jacketin'), Attorney at Law, Macon, Ga. Jno. B. Cobb- B. L. Mott, Colambos, Ga. DIHHCTOH8. TTTTE HAVE THOROUGHLY REPAIRED THE EAGLE FLOURING MILLS, AND ARE SOW V V receiving quantities of NEW PRIME WHEAT PROM TENNESSEE, Which we are grinding into our beet Grad,a of Floor, WM. B. JOHNSTON, JOHN J. GRESHAM, jnlyHlm WM. S. HOLT, JNO. B. BOSS. FOR RENT. Yellow Feveb 1 Yellow Fkveb 1 Wheee is •jhe antidote? lle&dar. you will find it in the timely uue of Simmons’ Liver Regulator This I /"\NE THREE ROOM DWELLING, plastered vegettble catbartio and tonic haa proven itaelf the | and with blinda to windows, excellent wall of sure PREYENTlYEjand cure of all diaeasoa of the I water, fronting James b’eymour’a residence; price, Liver and Bowels. I $15 per month. Also one six room dwelling near Choliea -No danger from Cholera if the Liver TatnaU tqaare, adjoining tho residence of E. is in proper order, and ordinary prudence In diet I Pnoe; three acres of land attached, good well of observed. The occasional taking of Simmons’Liv- | water; price, $25 per month^^Apply to^ Eagle Choice, Eagle Extra, and Eagle Family. Jn’y20 eodtf W. J. LAWTON & CO. er Begnlator, to keep the system healthy, will anrelv prevent attacks of Cholera. Jqiy2ti60dAwly jq1y!7 lm J. 8EY .lOUB RODGERS, at 8oymonr, Tinsley & Co. LAW CARD. SOUTH MAC0.Y DRUG STORE ! ]lfE38B3. WOODWARD A TOOLE, or Dooly I JxL county, Ga., having formed a legal copart nership, respectfully offer their services to the pnblio, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox, Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Maoon, Snmter and Hous ton. Special attention given also to cases in the | For the Prescription Department, where all Pre-1 Supreme and Federal Courts, ecriptions aro compounded with accuracy and de- B T| epatcb, the slanderous insinuations of the inter- ] eeted to the contrary notwithatandjng. Also, a good lot of J8 Jnat receiving another lot of PURE DRUGS! Address. Vienna. Ga. jnlyl5 d3m* EDWARD SPRINZ. PATENT MEDICINES! N otary public and ex-officio justice OF THE PEACE- I can be fonnd for the I present at all hoars of the day at my office, adjoin- Just received from New York. Come all and you I shall be satisfied, if fair dealing and prompt atten- I Jaques* Johnsons Th jd atreet, Macon, Ga., to at- I tion can satisfy you. | tend to all Magisterial businesa. i HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO, ABE NOW 0FFE3ING THEIR FINE STOOK OF CLOTHING AT JulyI5 3t 8» D. EVERETT, Dmgglst, Fourth, near Arch street. LOST. DR. SUSSDORFF Has removed bis office to O N Friday, the 11th, in the city, a BLAOK I nrrri'RRVSTRPPT nvor . ENAMELED PIN, (oblong,) ^circled with | STBEET ’ gH 0E STORE. | juneSsun.tues, thurs tf GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. eighteen or twenty email diamonds, let in silver; similar to . etar. Tne finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at the store of jnlyl31f J. W. BURKE A CO. JnlylSeodtm CALL AND EXAMINE. DISSOLUTION; Cldttox, Joses Couhtt, Ga.,) July 16,1873. j" T HE firm of JUHAN A GLOWER has this day been dissolved by mntnsl consent. Peter L- Clower will continue business at the old stand. Either one of tbe late firm can sign in settlement. AU person, having claims againBt tbe firm will KOBT. A. NCSBET, A.ttorney at Law Comer MULBERRY 8T. and COTTON AYE. (Over Payne's Drug Store,) Jpnel4d3m MACON. GA | The Emerson Method For Heed Organs. Lessons, Scales, Studies, Voluntaries, Inter ludes, Songs, Quartettes, and large collection of Ohoice Organ Music, fy L. O. Evebson and W- 8. B. Matthews, gentlemen of high musical culture, who havo produced a thorough excellent method/ filled with music which cannot fail ' E. O. STANARD Sc CO., r ,, grvu * pbopmetoes ndebted are requested to come forward without EAGLE STEAM FLOURING MILLS, | w it is mire tobe rapid. Price $2 50. ** delay and settle. I Cor. Main and Baton ntn., SU Lonln, Mo. Julj22 lw* JUHAN A OLOWEB. | Capacity 1,000 barrels per diem. apr29 8ra FOB SALE CHEAPIbarlow bouse, WILEY JONES fa CO., Proprietors. Is first-class and in business center. CLOSE THE RIVER OF LIFE. The Publishers announce the near completion this charming SABBATH SCHOOL SONG BOOK to which more than thirty of the very best writers and composers contribute. It will appear in July. CONSIGNMENTS! BoMd JP! rd * y * 2 ’ ^£“8 018in sh> moala 60 cts. I Bend orders early. Specimen pagea Jreo- Itetsii 1 may9 5m ... ... • . I price, 35 cts. 15 tierces CANVASSED HAMS, 1,000 ponnds TENNESSEE HAMS, 200 bale* TIMOTHY HAY, 50 biles GLOVER HAY, 100 boxes BAR SOAP, 25 boxee BEST STARCH, 600 ponnds CHEDDAR CHEESE, 300 bushels COW PEAS, 400 bushels TESN. GROUND PEAS, 2 car losds FLOUR, in barrels and sacks. AU of the above will be sold low down, by Jn!y221w JONES A BAXTER. NOTICE. MACON A BRUNSWICK RAILROAD, ) buPEanrnaiDXXT’a Office, v Macj.v, Ga., July 16,1873. ^ "1 f EBCHANTS and others desiraDg that their IjjL SHIPMENTS from Eastern citiee. via Sa vannah, should pass over tha Macon and Bruns wick Railroad, will please have their freghta marked care of Agent of Atlantic and Gulf Rail road, Savannah. JA9. W. ROBERTSON. julyl7 tf General Superintendent MEDICAL CARD. F ROM this date DR. WM. R. BURGESS m.y be fonnd, dar rod night, st his office over W.rnrin Mueenbnrg A Co.’s Drag Store, comer Mulberry rod Third streets. Maejn, April 23,1873. od4pr28es be paid. J>v the day or piece. jnlyUtf P. O. SAWYER. I MPORTED TURNIP SEEDS —Dickson’s Defi ance txtrs Rnu Bags. Improved Green Top Sooteh Yellow, (very se,eet.) Whit. Bomersmro, (fine.) Red Troksrd. Yehow Troksrd, Garby Whit. Stone, Orrogo Jelly, Broad Leered Euex Rape. Turnip Booted Ripe Ths shore hive late ly arrived from Q icon Victoria’s seedsmen, who have for many >uira devoted unremitting care and attention to the improvement of the different varieties. Ths stock we uow offer to the pnhds is of the moat select snd perfect character. )u3y222w GEORGE BEGG8. FOR RENT CHEAP. T hx two commodious STORES on Cherry street, at present occupied by Coleman A Newsom, are for rent from first day of October next. Apply to J- VALENTINO, juneStu 68 Cherry street. BE. J. EMMETT BLACKS HEAR, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Office, No. 2 Cotton avenue (np stairs,) next door to Mr. Payne’s Drug Store. Residence, Walnut street, (above Spring.) McBur- ney's tenement building, Maoon, Ga. decl lawtf JiXZfl S. BLOUNT. ISAAC Sixnxvia BLOUNT k HARDEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MAOON, GEORGIA. Office, at entrance Balaton Hall, Oherry atreet. deSStf NOTICE. I WILL hold s Jtutioe Court for the 716th Dto- trict, G M , st tbe offic. of Collins A Heath, Ho 69 Sojond .tract, in ah. c:ty of Maoon, on the BBOOSD SATURDAY of every month. F. M. HEATH. Notary Pnblio rod ex. off. J. P., 716th District, G. H B PLASTERING HAIR, ETC. EST Western Plastering Hair, in small bales. I L. X. WARFIELD. BOBT. WAYNX. | WARFIELD & WAYNE, COTTON BROKERS —AND— | COMMISSION MERCHANTS, | SAVANNAH, GA. P ARTICULAR attention given to purchase and sale of “Futures” in the Savannah and New | York markets, on tho moat reasonable terms. marlS 6m I Educate Yonr Daughters. NiSHYILLF, TENNESSEE. THE ORGAN AT HOME, For Reed Organs, 02 50. Clarke’s Dollar Instrnetor Tor Bred Organs “ “ Plaaoforte. « « “ Violin, Dealers will beer in mind these popoiars books, which will sell with the beat Jnjy9d2swAwtf CHA8. a. DITSON A CO , 711 Broadway, New York. OLIVER DITSON & OO., Boston. /GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY —Notioe ie hereby Or given that one month after this dare I ehall W. E. WARD'S SEMINARY FOR YOUNG IA- I commence doing Imaineaa m b lying ani selling Chewacla (Ala) LIME, PLASTER rod CE- I DIES cloaed on the 11th Jane with 33 graduates gcxxla on my own account, as a public or free ..... I and near 300 pupils. No school in tho Boatb, and I by the consent of my husband. MENT, always on hand and -or silo cheap, by I only three in the North, b »ve had as good success, j June 18,1873, CATHERINE BARATTA. 1alv22 lw JONES A BAXTER. I No case of protracted sickness during the past I _ I consent that my wife engage in feutineaa as * rear. Ita pupils being in tbe city, enjoy tbe best I free trader as abovo proposed. advantages of their respective churches. Grade I Ql*w4w VINOENZO BARATTA. of the last Senior Gluo 926. Fall Session opens I n x rr/xvjx , T w x ■ * J September 4. For catalogue address I LrtLLUA. o ItAlXL U X MU t*2**2*. W ~ V ™.'Tenn. [United States District Coart.I the ill effects of bad dyes and washes. Produces I! Q A TIERCES BEST MOLASSES, Ov/ in good order. Jn store rod for a ale Iow, by ]nly22 lvr JONES k BAXTER. “FIRST QUALITY FLODR.” F ROM eelected new While Wheat, in Barrels, Whole and Half Sacke. Reeeivf d to day rod for sale by Jnly23 lw JQNEd A BAXTER. IHSEUIATIXT a enporb Black or Natural Brawn, rod leavea tne hair Clean, noft rod Beautiful. The genome signed W. A. Batchelor. Sold by all Drag- gists CHAS. BATCHELOR, novI2 It Proprietor. New York. XL B. POTTER, M. D. Homce op a,this t. O FFICE Weed’* Block, Second atreet, third door below Johnston’s jewelry establishment. Residence Lanier Hones. Jnlyl5 tf FOUBNEW STORES MACON. A Ten Cent Store. A Twety-five Cent Store, A Fifty Cent Store, CLERK'S OFFICE, UNITED STATES DI3TRIOF COURT. Satasxah, Ga., July 22J, 1878. I T IS ORDERED, That the August Term, 1873, of the Diarsicr Cocet of the United states. toVbe 6 FIRST 6 MONDAY in < NOYKilBEB flSSS? |Notic8 in Bankruptcy. “j^f'Sftaet^'rodTu'others who are re- LN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED qnired to appear at the said Angnat Term, will 1^7CB, FOR THE SOUTHERN DIalRIOT take notice accordingly. I OF GEORGIA. By order of the Judge. In the matter of Henry M. Loyleea, Bankrupt—In JAMES McPHER’ON, Clerk. Brokmptcy. flSThe stated November Term of tha United (TX) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN—The under states Cieccit Court meets on Thursday, after the I al[.ne<l h.rehv eivts notioe of hi. appoint- a-i- . 1 narot a« assignee of Henry M. Loyleee. of the county of Twigand State of Georgia, within Km'rTP'F I district, who haa been adjudged a bankrupt up- HUliOJj. on hie own petition, by the Diatnct Court of said T HE public are hereby notified not to trade for district. ROBERT A. MS BET, two note, given by me to J. W. rod Martha I Jnly251aw3t Assignee, etc. first Monday in November. Jnly24 X an,3 I L. Burney, dated October 26, 1872, rod due—one I —’ Deoember 1, 1874, rod one December 1, 1875, each ■k’TV.+i/'ica IT) BflT!lnTirit.PV for Five Hundred Dollars. The consideration for JN OXICfcJ Ail J3ClAJ.AS.i LOy . which they were given having entirely rod totally „ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED lailed, I ehall not pay the same. h-patrs. for the southern DIbTRIot D. M. LANGSTON. Monticello. Jnly 1,1873. j.ilvi lawlm For particnlara, icqnire of W. A HOPSON A CO., 99 and 41 Second at., rod 18 ana 20 Cotton avs. jnlylS tf STATE3, FOB THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In ths matter of Wilkins T.incli, Bankrupt—In Bankruptcy. -| G WHOM IT MAY OONCEBN —The nnder- X signed hereby gives notice of hia appoint- ment a. assignee of Wilkine Linch, of the county PRINTING! . T-.r, . EOBGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Notice i* hereby A AJOJLl&r Store, j VX given that my wife, Amelia Dennick, haa my foil permission to do basineea on her own acconnt aa a free trader. RANDOLPH DENNIOK- ,... y Jnly 1, 1873. Jnly4 lawlm 0 j Ul ] gmte of Georgia, within said dia- — — . . _ . , I trict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt npon hie JM Otic© IT) raFITl U VlipLC V • I own petition, by the District Ooart of said district. I ■ ROBERT A. NISBET, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE^UNITED | ]„]j 3 5 Uw3t Aaaignee, etc- Bun Away from Borne, 6a. STATES, FOB THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of Lewis Linch, Bankrupt—In Bank- rnptcy. I it TIKE CLARKE, of the Iron Moulders’ Union, T HE Jobbing Department of tbe TELEGRAPH 'T'O WHOM IT MAY OONCEBN.—The nnder- J>± owing a bar bill of *36 70 to Wimpee A Mill- AND MESSENGER ia now nnder the charge A signed hereby givee notice of hia appoint- sap. He drew his money rod like another twin- of Mr. B. W. Smith, who la known aa an aeoam- ment u aeaignee of Lewis Linch, of Pntnsm mer.^pped to the first atationrod then mounted pliahed printer rod experienced workman. I oonnty, rod State of Georgia, within laid District, j the^ train and^left for Maoon, Qa.^ wUl^know QUEEN BEE HIVE. T HIS HIVE has t&kr.n tho premium over all other hives at several largo State Fairs, and at onr lato Bibb oonnty f&ir was awarded & diploma. Tho subscriber having bought tho right for tbe county, is now roady to sell individual rights and to make tranefera of bees. He has also the right for Atkinson’s Honoy Extractor, a eim?>Ie contri vance for extracting tho honey without injury to the comb. Thus tha comb may bo given cack to the bees to bo refilled, and in this way almost a fabulous amount of honey may be taken from a hive during tho honey eeason. Bee cnlturo pays a better per cent, on the capital invested than other bu*iness, and ifqairoa but little labor. New is tbe time to transfer jour bees and comb to the new hive and prepare strong colonies for next soring The hive may be seen at Messrs. Hardeman A Sparks’, and at B. H. Wrigley A Oo’s, where orders may be left. I am authorize 1 to sell rights to per sona from tho adjoiiing counties Bees fors&le. jnne2G lm E. H. LINK. EDWARD ROWE, GENERAL STATE AGENT FOB THE GANSTER COMPLETE GAS WORKS For Family nao. Hotels, Churches, Etc. No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Macon. Jnly’Stf Gbuix cl Isvaltds.—Life and health are God’s gifts, and it is a ain to imperil them by neglect. We can. if wa choose, promptly relieve the disor ders of the stomach, bowels, liver and nerrea, which lead to chronic dyspepsia, dysentery, diar rheal. liver complaint aud paralysis, by having re- conree to Tarrant’s Kffcrvcscent Seltzer Aperient. It has been a proven fact for thirty years, that this wholesome and agreeable alterative will always prevent tne minor ailments of tho body from cul minating in dangerous maladies, if administered at tbe proper time. Meet tbe first symptoms with this inestimable remedy. Self-neglect ia such cases is a crime. Sold by all druggists, j aly 19d2aw«kw2v $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY Legalised by State Authority and Brat* In Public in St. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. CLAS8 a. TO B2 DBAWN JULY 31. 1873. i»880 FKIZKfiU AMOUNTING TO $300,000, ■*> VTaa prise of 450.000 j prito 13,4.50 J prite 10,0001 prise of~~ tTT 7.500 j prises 5,0001 priaes of 2 * 50 ?l 20 prises of^. 1*0001 prises of ^ I prises of. 250 1 TiekeUllO. Half Tick S Qi ^ Oar lottenea are ch M b? al ways drawn at the time n -zed. an under the supervision c: * - rn co The official drawian w ’. . i.•> p Bt. Louis papers, and a oopy * / aw ehaiers of tioketa. jar We will draw a »imi *r - l ju; avery month durinr the ye:. * 18 Z fy Remit at our mk bj 500 prises of. 100 9 prises of 1000 9 prises of- 5(0 9 prises of-,-,,,.... 300 9 prises 250 36 prises of— r 200 36 prises of-.. > of.... . oL... _ 100 _ 10 bfifil^bMd*, ctrcnlui, powten, etc., (olieited firoin j BOBERT A. NI8RET, _ J .bia to grave Bun one. J JSlSTW “ rt . * >.1 city rod ooontry. jnlylS tl I Jnly25 lawSt AwignM, etc.