The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 29, 1873, Image 3

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ON TIMI. Telegraph <fc Messenger. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 29, 1873. TROIAN & GREEN | Correspondence) between €J«t. nuillb J me. and ex-GoY. H. V. Johnson. CHANGE of SAILING DATS. I may d:tm necessary for my own vindication— that nothing you said in your Macon "P««ch , __ . „ __ wui Intendtd as a reflection on myself, or as an PACIFIO HAIL STEAM3H1P 30/8 indor-eruent or comitenaLoe of any injurious * v 1 morci like to cunrosiu, emu 13 d jirur, jTOl sail any of tbs ex«3ant atoms as below for tba LOWEST cash PRICES !j rx Haying never done me tba justice publicly to correct the report of your remarks in the Tele graph and Messenger, which yon admit was in- oorrect, nor denied the jastness of the pablic inferenos xherefrcm, I trust that yon will see that the reqne-t I now make of you Is both rers- I mm CAJUtTIHG THE U. onable and right. | Greatly Reduced. Touching at Mexican Forts, 8. BUL. ▼vyrm77ATTG1 TTATfTl PT)"C 1 QT' I f ng language, io a speech, is impnted to yon: I meniable condition is the retdineea of di^aj WliilUU X lit JL H/XbUlO 1. I ‘"In refvrenceiomyadminHtrationasthoExeeo- pointed place hunters to malign the motives i I tire of the State, this mnch I will declare—/! tboee npon whom rests the disagreeable dnty i I am, sir, yonr obedient servant, James SI. Emuh. EX O3TUX0B rosxsos's TIMED Utllil. Sasdt Glove, Babtow P. O.. Ga ,> Jaly 17. 1873. I I". "..^.... wpow | _ jniy w. nr,a. > for South Pacific and Central American porta. toe oooaslon referred to, yon n*od, literally or H* KxedUney James iC Smith, Atlanta. Go.i For Japan and China, .tenners leave BarnTTan- SUf h imlallr. the Innonenn nlj-.rn /.maImA . I c.. . v* . ,a.l j . . • « • . - • -• • —• — - _ 0 >E of the large and splendid Steamship, of thia line win leave Pier 1 No. 12 North River, foot of Canal St., at 12 o'clock, 'noon, on the 6th, and 30th of evezymonibfexeepi I when those datee fall on Bnnday, and then on the preceding Saturday) for ASPIKWALL, oonnect- | mg, via Panama Badway, with one of the Cora* pany’s Steamships from Panama for HAN PHAN- I CISCO, touching at MANZANILLO. Ah departure, oornect at Panama with steamer. | Ponth Pacific s' HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO. ABE NOW OFFERING THEIR FINE STOCK CF CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. oovzevoe Dam’s rwrr nairxs. Att-awta, Ga., June 17, 1873. | Hon. B. V. Johnson : 8ib—The MAConTzLranArn axd Mevsesoze, I of the ISth instant, oonlstrw an aoeoont of a 1 osaewt to the correctness of what yon say in par-og dne the l&tb of November | dinner, given by the Macon Bar, in compliment reference to the degeneracy of the tunes; and 1 next , I to yonrsolf, at the Brown House, on the 14th 1 1 thins yon will agree with me that one of the instant. In that aooonnt the nse of the follow. I strongest evidences of the existence of this 1a- Ing, in a speech, is impnted to yon: I deniable condition is the readiness of dissp- ‘ " " * * " “ “ itives of . i dnty of a~l rttrantee the price to boss low, or | newer iwiW any one with /Was pnmismP | making appointmenU to offire.“ And (tnm ™ I -When I state that gentlemen who heard the . r*_ I. I speech delivered have expressed the opinion Lower Than Next rail. tl.*tin using ibis language yon intended to I mske an injnrioiu imputation againist myself, OCT old buaineae friends who have sold Btoves | yon. etnnot fail to see the propriety of my re- have tha advantage of this I qneiting yon to say explicitly whether, upon r»t.a«mmt. 1 168 occasion referred to, yon used, literally or j antstantlaily, the shove quoted; and 1 tin: Yonrs of the 10th inat is received, and 1 dace first of ever; month, except when it falls on I VTmTTT fin m AWn nTTfifTT mws V TTn ■ I ***** referenoe, if any, yon intended the same 11 confess I am snrpriaed and disappointed that I Sunday, then on the day preoedtag. I Ml 1 * all ■ * I 111 I II Ai I ■ 111 1 ■ I 111 I 11 I to have to myself. mine of the 4th is not satisfactory. Ono hnndred pounds uf Baggage allowed to saeh !■ f*. wlf F I III Iff IV F Ml rial lllll.' Candor compel, me to say that I have, from Your first letter complained that gentlemen ■*£- Baggy mestymaei^mk the day before XV14 Vf 1 UU U ill XV 14 If JL JJU U4I I to time, heard v.gne rumors of nnkind remark, who heard the speech delivered had expressed 3^?’ SSfSSSS’iS? 1-1 ladF “ <en « 6r * * 1 .-.Tn-nc PT ivr P!»in or with Pt ervoir an J raat *® by JOBi in reference to myself; but their j the opinion, that In using “the Ungntga* (the An* experienced Kars eon on board. OOTTOR PLANT—Plain, or with Be^erroir ana I nnserta^n^y has hitherto presented me from I remark complained of) “I intended ?o iike an I JuSESEZiL*^ .iiTt i.TitT —raw**, '"gw '“J 0 ! 10 ?* _imputslton against_yonrself." I re-1 For Freight or Paaeengor Tickets, or farther in- 1 l f cK*B BBIIiLIART—Plain, or vntn wee rro.r i imputed to you in the Tklzobxpb jlsd Mt>kzs- I nhed that they misapprehended my motives. I formation, apply at the Oompany’a Ticket Offiee, I gee. howeyer, and the construction placed upon I Ton further a^kad me to state “what reference, I 0111116 Wharf, fc *® * it by intelligent gentlemen present, leeve me if snv, I intended the same to have to yonr- HewIor:c * ___ _ , no alternetive bnt to make the above inquiry. | gdf ?" J | GEO. H. BBADBUBY, Fretident jnlylSeodlm CALL AND EXAMINE every STOVE GUARANTEED !j We have in stock the Stove, ae beLw t Medicine I ■idofli qCLEN OF THE BOOTH. OgAl JACKET. GOOD INTENT. aaiTEBPlECE BONE GEORGIAN. PLANTER. CONSUL. ISON WITCH—Hah*, or with Besermir. PaTORtTE—With Reservoir and Closet. PROTECTOR—with Reservoir and Closet. InlyWHf I am, sir, yonr obedient servant. Jam, JL Smith. I disavowed, in tnbsiance, having any offen sive reference to yon, and stated bow the remark ws, suggested; bnt that I did not intend to mske any charge sgainst yon of having deceived applicants for office, nor to express any opinion in reference to it, and that I was sorry that I was misunderstood. In your second letter yon veemed to be satir- fied with my disavowal of offensive intention ; I H J. RfiA.iv. Hapt. xx ooTzmroa joassosr's nttsr ixrrzn. Saasx Gcovr, Baarow Cocstt. Ga.,1 , June 21st, 1873. j HU EzcdUncy Jama 31. Smith, Atlanta, Oa. i I Szat I tbsnk you tor yours of the 17th in- | it affords me in opportunity of oorrect- I ing the remarks attributed to me at the Macon I bnt ■'*•* 1 failed to etate what application I I Bar dinner. I intended the same to have. * In brtef, that I W A (SIIPWIINJ At Without attempling to quote ail I said, I did 1wtat my intention was not, bnt did net , , IIVI wUil say, on the point concerning which yoo inquire, “V wb8t “7 intention teas." in snbetanee: As to toy administration, while I In m 7 re -P’y t0 th,t Iol, « r repeating the same Governor, I shall say bnt little. It is for other* I disavowal, io stronger terma. I stated what was I to p*ss npon its merits or demerits. And 11 .ffirmativeSy ray intention. And in my earnest ISPERlSHABi E FRAGRANCE! MURRAY Ac LANMAN’S CELEBRATED OFFER FOR TEN DATS LONGER JapaoeM Fane at lie, worth tfe, a.oirteO kit of Fans at lOe to Stc. worth 80e, lad—’ Lraen Ooliara at lOe, arortb 2Sc. LadH. Lraen Onff. at lbe. worth 28o. LaCm' 8m St 10c. worth tl CO par dos, ladwa' Handkerchiefs at lOe, worth tl per dos , puMr Napkin, at lOe. worth tl per dos.. Snood UamtM at 10c, worth 2Co eeeb. lade • and Mira.' Apron, at too. worth 88o each, mow. at lOe, worth 2Se each Hits Mltla at 2'e. and fOc worth tl each, latiw' BUk Row a at 2Sc, worth SOo each, Gwt.' Oravats ate, worth 75a each, buy.' Unen Bolts at 7te, worth*) Co each. Dev.' Uareaillee Hnite at 7Ce, wortti S3 each, Udi*e' Ruffled Snite at f 4, worth *7 CO each, Frercb Embroidered Hale at 60c, worth tl 25. 100 pieoee Drew Good, at Uo per yd , worth 25c to 40f, lraen Deck for gents' wear at 25c. worth COe. And unmberloee articles in the alow cases from 10r and upwarda. We eeut etand these loeeea for a protracted penal We etavs now to go to bed snpperloas on —-of r*— XXTS hate THOROUGHLY REPAIRED THE EAGLE FLOURING MILLS, AND ABE NOW VV receiving quantities of f NEW PRIME WHEAT PROM TENNESSEE, Which we *re grinding into onr beet Grades of Flour, I Eagle Choice, Eagle Extra, and Eagle Family. aft* it. expiration of the above time this do-1 Hon. H. V. Johnson, Harlow, Ga . . , And I - - concluded with ihe remark, “that I never de-1 <* f »* re *° show yoo sIL I brought yon into the . . ooived anybody." The words “with fa'se prom- iDne J ebamber of my thoughts, that yon might kT.OH.TT> A \Ji/ ATTlff. i«w," were added by the reporter, without io- H0 ° for yoarself, that if the remark had any * ASAAIAlu tending, I presume, to do mo or anybody tlui I referenoe to yon at all it was so nnappreotable injustice. It was sn occasion of good humor. ***** 10001,1 not define it, except by describing The richest. mo«t lasting, yet most delicate cf and the remark wes made in that spirit. I tba °P«»tion of my mind at the moment of •** P crfQm6a > for “* e ° a j* At the moment the obarge against yon. which ottering it. In yonr third and laat lelter, yon HANDKEB0HIEF. I have BO open heard, of having deceived appii-1 0,11 ,bi » meUphysical and dismiss it as un | At the TOILET, eants for office, come into my miod, »nd nag- J worthy your oocs.ueration. gested the remaik. Tbns far, I may be said to I ^ now ^ 1,,avow » f° r tbe third time, any inten- ( have Allad^d to yon. Bat I intended no saoh I tioD » whatever, by the language need, “to make *®k for the Florid* Water, which haa on the bottle, charge myself, nor to express any opinion in *° «oj<*ri°ti* impntation against yourself." I '* v beI i. reference to it. I not by the remark, and on the oo- I * IaA^MaN, without which none la Many of yonr friends were present, and I was “S’” m ch * r 8° J on ** tb de- Ke yJ£ n £ to b , aU psrfnmere, druggists. and dealers their guest. It wanld have been discourteous I °®i7* D 8 spplloants for office, nor to express any I i n f» DCT goods. inlySeodfim to them to have selected snob sn occasion to be I opinion in reference to such charge. And, that 1 offensive. I am sorry they understood mo <ts ,h,>,e ml 7 be no mUnmltrstanding aB to wbat j you say thoy did. I mean, I add, that I did not intend to do either - - - 1 of these things, directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly. As “to indorsement or eonnten- anco” of any charge, I can only sav, that the state of my mind whs just what it was rela tive to the expression of any opinion in refer ence to it. That is to ray—after the most care- fal seif-examination. I am not conscious that I jn’y20 eodtf W. J. LAWTON & CO. I am, sir, your obedient servant, HxsscnzL Y. John sox. aov. smith's atcottn r.rrrzn. Atiarta, Ga.. June 27, 1873. And In the BATH. As there are inflations and counterfeits, always [ DEi 3?R1CE J S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, ROGERS & BONN, WHOLESALE GROCERS! -OFFER FOB 8ALE- I)o not b. backward in coming forward. W. A HOPSON A CO., Jatyl7tf H and 41 Beooad straet. JUST RECEIVED ff. L BANKS & SONS’ Sin—Yonr letter of tho 21st instant has been I had any intentioo, either pro or con, as to in- received, and I regret to say that its contents I dorsing or countenancing. Cerisin it is, that 11 are not altogether such as I had hoped for. I never thought of snob a thing, until the receipt I I understand yon as sayir g. In effect, that of yonr last letter. Tho idea, never, for a mo- yon were led by the charge, ao often te trd by ment. entered into my mind, yon, that I bad deceived applicants for cfllcj I Yon think I insinuated that yon are too sen- to atute in reference to yonr own administration, I sitive. Yon are mistaken. I deprecate insinn- I as Governor, thr.t yon bad never deceived any. ations insnch a correspondence as this, looking body. Yon disclaim that it was yonr intention I to the healing rather than the i: fiction of I charge me with having deceived applicants I wonnds. All I meant to say was, that but for I for effioe, or that you meant to expross any the existence of tho charge alluded to, yon I opinion in reference to such charge. Yon wontd not even have snspicioned that yon were nowhero Bay wbst meaning yon did intend to referred to. No man can be too jealous of h.B I convey by tho nse of the words mentioned. I honor. If I offenl any person, justly or nn- In my communication of the I7ih instant, I jnslty, I am bound to ja-tify the offenBe, or to reqaeated, in anbetanoe, to be informed what I make snitable amends. I have redeemed that | rJjJoyTrd.fytccaf at 10 to 12c. I reterenoe, if sny, the language nsed by yon t obligation in this case. Ud'M’ Linen dollars Lace dollars Raching ** 9 intended to have to myself. Yonr answer Yon complain that I “have not corrected the | OmmU Raffling, Broadoty Frilling, doronets, *° **>»* "O"** *? that the ob- report of my remarks, nor denied ihe justness “77“ ' I noxionsremarh was made by yon with allnsian to I of tba pablia inference from them.” lr, in the Hi«ti Back OomlM, bilk. Leather and Unen BcR». I mysr If; bnt yon fail to slate what application I first instance, yon had simply called my alien - ladie.' and Mlssaa Hoae, Pactflo Lawns, Nain- I y OU intended the same to have. In brief, yon I Don to the matter, and suggested that course, oot Via Lawns, Cotton Diaper, eta I state what year Intention was not, bnt do not 11 would have promptly published an explanatory | ladies' Hose at ICQ, per pair; Gents' Half Hose | say what yonr Intention wes. I card. Bat I had no intimation of the misap- j Since this correspondence commenced, ao- I prehension ot my motives nntil I received yonr connts of tho dinner have appeared in many letter of the 17th of Jone, written only two papers, and have been published in a w n y to I days after the remark was made. I had a right leave nodonbt. whatever, of tbo general nnder- to suppose, and I did suppose, from that, that standing, that It was yonr pnrpose in making tie I yon preferred a different mode; and I there- remark referred to, to rellect injuriously npou fore doubted the propriety of publishing any me. In view of this, I cannot consent that the card pendiog tho correspondence thus inang- matter shall rial where yonr letter places it. I mated. I have always expected Its publication I mnat, reapectfnlly, bnt earnonly, rrqneat yon I »a soon aa terminated. It la quite oa desirable to give a fnll and definito answer to my inquiry to ms as to yonrsolf, for I am far from being 20,000 pounds Bacou Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. 300 barrels Refined Sugars. ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS/ LINE AT LOWEST MARKET BATES. jonelBtf TELEGRAPH ailO MESSENGER 1873. The proprietors avail themselves of the lull in advertising to present their claims again to the public. Nothing ■within the range of our ability is omitted to make tbe Telegraph and Messenger In all its editions acceptable to the reader. As a vehicle of the earliest news on all cur rent topics—and of careful and candid exposition, we concede no superior in this State. Tn point of circulation in the range of the country trading with Macon, the dif ferent editions of the paper are far be yond competition. They literally per vade the Central and Southwestern coun ties of Georgia—addressing and inform ing almost every merchant and house hold. No business man of Macon can afford to be without the use of these columns as an advertising medium. No one abroad seeking a market for any commodity in this region can intelligently dispense with their aid in facilitating that object For successive generations these two papers, united for the past three years in one, have commanded this great field of circulation, and their hold on the public confidence has never been disturbed or interrupted. We aro to-day with a larger cash paid circulation than ever before, and we hope to go on increasing with the progress of the country. We do not say it is the “largest circulation,” but within our proper field—where we can carry the earliest news, it is beyond even approxi mation by any other journal. D. PRATT GIN! RAILROADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN GUHTA AND OOLUMBUB. lu ll lOo. kootbm Caw 4-1 Bleached at 12a, worth 16c. Alt>|altt DrfM Good, at Coat. Allotti.r Good! at Bottom Figure*. W. A. BANKS A SONS, 4J 8ocoad .treat, Triangular block, Macon, Ga. | JoMiiUr MMiMlMlffflfflJ Irmsat ts k General Banking Batlnca*. of the 17lb tnaL I am, sir, yonr obedient servant. James JL Surra. HMNHI 1.0. PLANT, D. FLANDERS, B. L. JEWETT, W. B DINHMOfiE, H. & PLANT, D. 8- LITTLE, G. H. UAZLEHUBST. L & PLANT, President. W W. WBIGLEY. flashier. malO-tiioovl* I 4 Q. BONN. rrariJ.Lt. B. W. LAWTON, Ooalmr SKMGI BANK OB MACON. [ willed In nalt'snfw Bnllfilar* RECEIVES DEPOSITS. | BUTS AND SELLS EXCHANGE, HUM Advance* on Htoeka, Bondi, Cotton Alao on Shipments of Cotton. XLLEOIION'3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. frtllly L a PLANT & SON, BANKERS AND BROKERS, | UAOON, GA. aatisffod to have it believed that I woatd violate tbo propriety of a festive occasion in order to I assail yon. When IhiB correspondence shall be published, I doubt not the pnblio will have the | sagacity to see that I intended no snch thing. I am, sir, yonr obedient vervrnt, Hebschei. Y. John soy. OOVXEJJ0B SMITHS TOUBTH LXTTEB. ATLkXTi, Go., July 22,1873. xx aovxmvan Johnson a sxoond until. Banov Gnove, Baktow P. O., Ga.,> Jaly 4ih. 1873. ) Hit ExecUenty Jama 31. Smith, AUanta, Ga.. Sib—Living six miles from Bartow, I did not reoeive yonra of the 27th ultimo, nntil two days ago. I am sorry that mine or tho 21at nil fell | Hon. 77. V. Johnson, Bartow, Ga.: short of yonr hopes. Sib—Yonr letter of the 17th inatsnt has been The oecond paragraph of yonr last letter does received, and I take pleasare in raying that tbe me iDjnstiae. My reply to yours of the 17tb disavowal of any intention to rrflsct injnrions- nltimo does not admit, in substance, as strongly ly npon me, by anything said in yonr Macon as yen seem to think, that Ihe obnoxious re- I bar dinner speeob, is fnll and satisfactory, mark was mado by me in allusion to yourself. I It is proper for me to say. before closing this I will restate, in rather different langnsge, I correspondence, however, wbat I had often wbst I intended to be nnderatood to asy, in I beard before yonr speech was delivered, viz: order that yon may eatch the precise shade of I that a report had been circnl.ted in the eastern thought which I wished to oonvey. The reply I part of tbe State to tbe effect that I had vio- to the latter clanso of yonr question of the I lated a promise to yon by not offering von a Cotton in Store. 117th nltimo, neoesaarily involved the analysis I npon the Supreme Coart Bench. I had of a mental operation. I given no attention to tbereport, supposing that I am not, even now, after fall reflection, eon- it hod originated in tbe petty malice of some scions, that, at tbe moment of tbe remark, yon evil-disposbd person. When I learned, how- personally wore in my mind. Yon certainly I ever, that a gentleman of yonr consequence— were neither tho snbjeot nor the object of de-1 tbo person whom the report charged me with liberate thought. Bnt a certain mitter, to-wit: I having deceived—had nsed in a pnblio speech the charge that yon bad deceived applicants I language understood by persons present os in- for office, os a snggestive snbjeot of tbooght I tended to imply that the charge waa trap, it osme lDto my mind. It was tbns only that 11 became proper for me at ooce, not only to seek bad any reference «t all to yon; and that, not an explanation, bnt also to n quire a distinct as the subject of tho thought, nor the object I avowal or disavowal ot each inteuiion on yonr ■aj A Nell Earhangis Gold, Sliver, Hits It. I of the remark. Henoe, according to the law I part. It was doe to me that the explanation nml Bond*. of association, it was tho result of a rapid intel- I sbonld be very foil, and that the disavowal, if nwnne-vtrr. _ ....... lectnaloperation, of which the charge jnatlxinde, should be broad enough to meet tbe UlPOSITS REC£aV£D, I Stated was the suggestive oiroomatanoe offset— | charge, in all its aspects, with a negative. am pleased to rspsst that hi tbsas rrqnlre- FAXILLA, LE3I0X, ETC., for Flavoring Ite Crtam, Cates and Fastrj. TVith great care, by a new process, wo extract from the true, select Fruits and Aromatics, each characteristic fla vor, and produce Flatoringt of rare exalienee. Of great strength and perfect purity. Ho poisonous oils. Beery Jlaeor as represented. Ho deceit—each bottle full measure, holding one-half more than others purporting to hold same quantity. Use them once, will use no other. The most delicate, delicious favors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by STEELE & FEICE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. Price’s Cream Bakina Powder. MILD POWER sCURESi } JIOUFEOPATIII^SFECIFICS iTXave feoved, from tub most jamumuaiy [BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833. I 'y^’E offer to planters these well-known Gins, which aro eold whereever cotton is planted. OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND I * in . co 185ff * W8 Mk P^es wishing to bny to come and examine them, oapedalIy the IMPROVED GIV, hiving a Hater attaaned. It will pay them for so doing. They are warranted to give satiefaction, and time given to test them before payment is required* ■l") perfectly adapted to popular v simple that mistake* cannot be made in tisini? them; so harmless as to be free from danger; ana oetfidtfnt as to be a s reliable. 1 JnlylOdlUwtf JOHNSON & DUNLAP, No. 72 THIRD STREET. n_ ... . , ... . I thn mere punctum saliens. I have tbns given I*™ Which interest will be Allowec, | ycn u, 0 interior working of my mind, from which yon can see for yourself, “wbat refer ence, if any,"was made to yon. Tho reniatk | , . „ ,1 per se does not, necessarily, point to yon. and idioacew Made »“<* Produce In ' c;umol be offenaiva to yon, exoept from its con-1 nection with tbe snggeativefaot just stated, and npon tbe con.trnetion placed npon it by “in- lelligent gentlemen” who heard it. I have disavowed that construction. I have | no idea that any snch constroction would have been given to tbe remark, or that yon wonld have been so sensitive, bat for tho existence of thst charge. I am frank to say, however, that if it bad oeenrred to me at the time that my mo tive would have been ao misapprehended as it has been, I would not have made the remark ; or else have nsed seme other form of expretaior. AS AQEXXD cron. UAYABUH ON OAXili u Cottoi inia f Promptly AUonUed to. 1W. Ocnaxuas. Wh. Uaxixhusst. J. W. Locxxtt. Cubbcdge, Bazlefiarst & Co., Bankers and Brokers MACON, a A. plOEIYl DRPOSITO, BUY and «yr.T. £▼_ I For, rarely, I wonld not have taken such an oc It CHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, BTOOSM, BONDS cssion to be offensive. u.i Quoomnt Funds. I The only point in yonr last communication is, t olloctiourt yiacTn on aU Accessible that my reply of the ?lst to yonr note of the Points. troflee open at all boon of the day. JseMyr ments yonr last haa met my reasonable expecU at ion. I am, sir, yonr obedient savant, Jamils M. Smito. renderaatisfaatiao. l*rlcc, inlar^uUiruc^lrachia vials, with directions: ^ 2Cos. Cores. ^ Cents. \ 1. Fevers, Cnnscstion, Inflammations, , • SO I 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, • * • 50 I 3. Crying-Colic, orTeethingof Infants, *. 50 I 4. Diarrhoea, of Children or Adults, • • 50 [ 5. Dysentery, Griping-, BDiouA Colic, .?•’ 50 | 0. Chclera-Morbus, vomiting, . . 50 l ". Couchs, Colds, Bronohitis, JO [ 8- IVearalgla,Toothache, Faceache, . . J. 50 1 Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo, *. 50 10. Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach, • ... 50 11* Suppressed, or Painful Periods, . • • 50 12. Whites, too Profuse Periods, . . U. Cron ' Rheumatism, I 1 . . 16. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues, 17. Piles, Uind or bleeding, ...... U. Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes, . 19. Catarrh, Acute or Chrouio Influenza, . 20. Whooplng-Cough^Violent Coughs, J 21. Asthma, • 22. KarT * It GtSSrtixmtf.Fhyriral* 2J. Brave, and Scanty Boaettooe, 26. Kea-SlcJute«.Sickticaeftom Riding, . - X. Kldnej-JH*****. Grarab - • • * 25. Keiwoii* Debility, Semraal Weakness, • Great Soiitta Freiit anfl Passenger Line VIA CHARLESTON, S. C., TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. . nervous J»eon or Involuntary Dikharges, . Sore Mouth, Canker, . . K. FABEL MisrorscrrazsoF STAR AND TALLOW ; CANDLES, SOAPS, .100 2: SMSSmgW^ij 32. Safftring* at ehaaseof Ij --, ... *.100 SSX3^SSS£tS^S^: s 35. Chronic Congeatlona and Eruptioiia, 50 p* -> FASILY cases. - — «*»» Cue Olonwol with rtf. 3tt large vials and Manual of Direction*, . . . . *10 0* (Morocco) of 20 laree viala and Book, 604 wy-Tlir,c rrmedlr* are *ent liy the cow or single box to any jrart of the eountry, free of charge, on receipt or price. Addrcil ^ l Ht i> m Bomoo'p^thi < c < l'^odiclno Co.f Office and Dcjot, No. 562 BaoaDwar. Xxw Yoas. For Sul. by all DrugglaU, y ( THREE TIMES A WEEK, THURSDAYS, SATURDAYS. TUESDAYS, ELEGANT STATE-KOOM AOCOMMODATIONS-SEA VOYAGE 10 to 12 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD GO. THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH anil Is tlio largest weekly in the Cotton States ; and prints 56 columns. It3 ample space admits of a perfect resume of all the news of the week, domestic and foreign. The contents of a single number would make a largo volume, and afford in themselves abundant miscellaneous, political and news reading for the week. This is pub lished at $3 per annum or $1 60 for six months. Specimen numbers will he for warded gratis on the receipt of an order enclosing stamp for that purpose. TVe would be glad if our patrons of the "Week ly would show it to friends who are not subscribers. This edition of the paper is sent to hundreds of Georgians who have emigrated to other States and keeps them perfectly posted in regard to every im portant public event in the old Empire State of tho South. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 Gxoboia tjgwTT it. BanjioaDj > Savannah. Jaly 6,1873. > O N and after Bnnday, tbe 6th met., Faeeenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad, Us branches and connections, will run ae fellows: DP DAI railB. Leave Savannah.. ,,,,,,, 1:00PK Leave August*.. ........ 2:15rx Arrive at Angneta. 8:S0PK Arrive at MiliedgevUla — ......11:04 p X Arrive at Eatonten 12:62 AX Arrive at Maoon.. 10:45 P X Leave Macon for Atlanta................ 11:10 p X Leave Maoon forEufaula, 11U6 p x Leave Macon for Oolumbos ..10:66 r x Arnve at Atlanta..— 6:50 A x Arrive at Enfanla 12:10 p x Aravo at Columbus.4:00 A X Miking ffioee connection with trains leaving At lanta and Colombo* Leave Atlanta...??.™ DiI TB1IK ' 1:0 oax Arrive at Macon.. .....*****’**7* ....... 7-00 am Leave Maoon * * fv-nn a x Leave Angneta ” 2:15 px Arrive at Augusta H:S0 p X Arrive at Savannah * r „ This train connoct* at Maconwith'the 8. W. Ac commodation train leaving Enfanla at 10-20 r. x., and arriving at Macon at 10:30 a. k. kioht mm aoixa msr. LoaveSavannah 8 40 P K Leave Augusta holoo p M Arrive at bavannah g.60 A. x Arrive at Macon..... 7:06 ax Leave Macon for Atlanta................11:00 ax Leave Macon for Clayton...—.... 8:OOak Arrive at Clayton.............. C:'20px Arrive at Atlanta..: 6:30px Making prompt through connection* at Atlanta. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NOBTH. Leave Clayton....* 7:21 ax Loave Columbia 2:30 p x Leave Atlanta....... 1:60px Arrive at Maoon from Clayton 6:26 Pit Arrive at Macon from Colmnbue 7.30 p x Arrive at Maoon fromAtlanta..... 7:20 px LeaveMaoon 7:40px Leave Savannah 8:40 px Arrivo at Milledgeville 11:04 p X Arrive at Fatonton 12:62 Ax Arrive at Augusts 4:00 ax Arrive at Savannah 6.00 AX Making perfect connection with trains leaving cgneta. Paeeengors going over the MiUedgeville and Eatouton Alranca will take night tram from Colum bus, Atlanta and Macon, day trains from Augnsta and Savannah, which connect doily at Gordon (Sundays exespted) with the MiUedgoviUe and Eo- tonten trains. An elegant stooping ear on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be had at the Central Rolroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House, corner of RuR and Bryan streets. Office open from d am tol rx.aadfronS toflrx. Tiok- eta con also be hod at Depot Offioo. WILLIAM ROGERS, Jaly 8 tf General onperinteudent. SUMMER ^SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND XBOM OrncE Maoon and Bbcxzwiok Katlboad, 1 Macon, Ga., Jaly 22,1878. J O N and after Wednesday, Jaly 23d, passoRger trains on this Road wUl be ran as follows: DAT PASSENGEB, DATLT, BCNDATS XXOEPTXD FOB THE PBSSENT. Leave Macon «... 8:80 a.m Arrive at Joesnp.... 8,45 p. M Arrive at Rrnnswiok.... — .10.16 P. X Arrivo at Savannah ..10.60 P. X Arrive at TaUahaaeee 7:16 pm Arrive at Jacksonville — 7-16rs Luave Jacksonville 7:10 am Leavo TaUabaseeo 0:40 a M Leave Savannah 6.20 A. X Loave Brunswick C:OOA. X Leave Josanp 8.00 A. X Arrive at Maoon 8 00 p.m Passengers from Savannah will take 4.30 p. m. train for Brunswick, and 5.2U a. M. train for Maoon. BAWxrNsvmuc accommodation tuain, Damr, t«o»- DAVS EXOEPTED.J LeaveMaoon 8.60 P.M Arrive at Hawkinsvillo.................. 7.30 r. M LeaveHawkinsviUe 6:30 A. M Arrivo At Macon............ ; l J.65 A.X W. J. JARVIS, Jnly23tf Master Transportatloa. CHANGE OP SCH£DUL£ BUPEBINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 Cs»TUsils ii.ML.UOND, ATLA.NT* DlMSLOK, > Atlanta, Ga., July 6, 1873.) O N and after Sunday, July 6th, Passenger Trams on this zoaa will run as lollows : DAY PASaXKQEB TRAIN. Leave Macon 11.00 a. u Arrive ai Atlanta 5.30 p.m Leavo Atlanta 1.50 p. m Arrivo at Macon 7.20 P. X sianr passekgzb trax5. Leavo Macon *.. .11.10 p. u Arrive at Atlanta 5*50 A. m Leave Atlanta 1.10 A. M Arrive at Maoon * 7.UU a. m Making cloao connection at Macon with Central Railroad for tiavaunali and Augusta, and with boatnwoatom itaiiroad for Columbus and points in tiontmvestern Georgia. At Atlanta, with West* ern and Atlantic Hallway for points West. Jntygtf Q. L FOKEACltE, 8up’t. CflAAlOJS Of HCHXDULM, Cubbedse, U&ileburst & Co.'s SAVINGS INSTITUTION. :merest paid on all sums from $i TO e*000. O rnct HOU213, FROM • A. M. to 8 P. M. lAH4-tf PLANTERS’ BANK roktr WALLET, GKOMIL i cCLIVES DawosiU, discocnts Paper, buys and sells Eichang. - also. Gold and Silver. floliertiOM made at all acoeeaibls points, laiereet pmJ on Doposita when made for a ape* riled Urns. We. J. Axseeson. Preat. W. E. Bsowx, Oaetrler v rax cro ns: Jx. J. Anderson, Col. Hogb L. Decnord, Jet. L. M. Felton Dr. W. A. Mathews. Dr. Wo. H. Hoilinabead. dsl'tf w. I. CNDZBWOOD. JAMES I. CLOSE. W. J. r.NDKRWOOD A CO., Prevision and Produce Brokers No. X North Main Htreef, ML Loals, Mo. Orders solicited far Park, Baoon, Lord, Floor G^m. Rigging, etc., eta. oprJSSm DIAMOND SPECTACLES. T HE8K Bpectadss are manufutarad from “Min- nts Onratal Pebbles” melted uyether, and are called Diamond on aooonnt of their hardneee and brUhancy. It is well known that apectaclee cut from Bratuian or Scotch pebbles are wry injorioos to the eye, because cf ibvir poUnstng light. Baring been teOel with tbs poiariaoope, the d.amoad lenaes here bseu found to admit Aftees per oen:. lea« heated ray j than any other pebble. Diey are ground with great soientiflo accuracy, are free from chromatic aberrations, and prodoos a brightneee and distinotnsss of vision not before attained tn epectaeles. Maanfaeture«a by the Bpenoer Optical Mannfao* tvrinjs Company, Sew Yora. yor eale by responsible Acerfs In every city n the Date. E. J. JOHNSTON, Jeweler and Optidan, is sole A#ent for Maocn, Ga. from whom they oaa only be obtained. No ped dlers employed. The Kroai demand for these Bpectacles has In duced unscrupulous dealers to palm off an inferior and spurious article for tbe Diamond. Great oars should be taken to see that the trade-mark •<*’ vtiioh is protected by American Letters Patent) is ampsd oo every pw- ootlfdAvly* LARD OIL. I7thnltimo, is not fnll in this: that I stated ••what my intention was not,” bat did not say “what my intention was.” Having disaroweu lho obnoxious inteipretation given to ihe le- Lnark. which yon are pleated to consider the negativo aspect, I shonld not snppoae that yon . wonld feel any particular interest in the affirm- ] OA* 09 , —■ 1* VTcst Jlsin Street, between First and stive aspect. It seems to me, also, that both aspects are covered by wbat I said in my first !fl-L.v “ ^**‘ , " it ^ tt * )i jP” Mt ' | Factory, Nos. 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lane, - • - - between Ohio and Adams Streets, And by JOHN INGALLS, and HUNT, RANKIN & And connecting Beads Weet, In alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steamships to the above LAMAR, Macon, Ol Uffltr *—■- -..—.I— — .a- -TV *- -—- - - - - ■ tion with the foregoing paragraph. Still, how ever, I have not the least objection to meet this point more fnlly, if ponibie. Yon know, as well as I do, that in these de generate times, tbe absenoe of ingennonsness, candor and fidelity in high political qaartera, thongh not universal, is jet so prevalent and apparent oa to be obvions even to careless ob servers. Iffy administration was in a different dty. It had been bnt too kindly alluded to bv tbe first regular toast offered at the dinner. I was responding to it. It is now one of my most pleasant reflections connected with it, thst whatever errors I may hare committed, I tried toprtctioe tbe simple virtue cf sincerity: and by the remarks under consideration, amplified into its affirmative signification, I intended to imply, that in my intercourse with men, touch ing matters of constitutional and official dnty, to the beat of my poor ability, I exercised en tire candor and good faith. Referring to coth- iog particularly, but tbe degeneracy of the times on which wa have fallen, I supposed that I might imply that, without arrogance, I coaid Dot have said much more, without egotism. Is It possible that it is offensive to any living man? I am, sir, yonr obedient servant. Heb-ckju. V. Johnson. oovzsnos smith's thibd lutes. Atlanta, Ga , Jaly 10,1873. Hon. H. V. Johnson, Bartow, Ga. Sib—I acknowledge tbe receipt of yoar letter I of the 4:h ic-tar. . and re-re: to ,ar tlat. :n ray judgment, likethe one which preceded it, it falls j to meet the requirements of tbe a taation. Upon j tbe metaphysical points raised and diacassed I therein, I have nothing to say ; nor can I appre ciate tbe force of yonr icsitnatioc, tbit I am nndtilv sensitive when heM op. in lb? pnbtie estimation at least, by a gentleman so promt, nent and distinguished as yonrself, os unworthy ] ot respect and confidence. The wholo matter, in my opinion, resolves I LOUISVTLXJE. KY. | Cash paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. qpr356m Pcrte, invito attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in the l flnttor, stitco at tho PORT OF CHARLESTON, I Offering facilities of Bail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Fassengets not excelled in excellence and capacity at any other Port The following splendid Ocean Steamers aru regularly on the Line: K to nrxtw MA NHATTAN M. S. Woodhull, Commander. CHAMPION R. W. Ijockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON jAifts Berry, Commander. JAMES AUGER .T. J. Lockwood, Commander. Cazxnv.L Isvalh)3.—Life and health are God’s I JAMES AUGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. i>rafffwirtZe t0 njZrrir^^ n b fhe n6 rt 8 F 1 ^ GEORGIA £,. Ceowell, Commander. ders of the smmmh. P C P e^ Lmr and herre,; | SOUTH CAROLINA .T. J. Beckett, Commander. CLYDE J. Kennedy, Commander. ASHLAND Ingram, Commander. I which lead to chraaic dyspepsia, dysentery, diar- I rbcea, liver complaint and paralysis, by having re* | course to Tarrant’s Effervescent Geltzer Aperient. I It has been a proven fact for thirty years, that this I wholesome and agreeable alterative will always I prevent tbe minor ailments of tbe body from cul- I minating in dangerous maladies, if admin later ed WAGNER,HUGER*CO.,) . „ . a n WM. A. COURTENAY. I A S entg > Charleston, S. C. TO F-HILADELFHIAl zaoir ITEAMSHIFI. GULF STREAM Alex. Hunter, Commander &Cnt?50'Cent 3 per Boiile. * VIRGINIA C.Hinckler; Commander. ftsyniyouisen,13 per^ao.uu, ^ I Cases is a crime. Sold by all druggists. | SAILING DAYS—THURSDAYS. — — I J nlyI9d2*wAwffw * —' * ■ - — - It* the GROWTH, PRESERVES i- tbo COLOR, and inerrn-see the Vla or % gjil. and BEAl TV of the 11A1R. |( * Oran Tittxtt Yktss aoo Xme* KA-nuiwra r.'nraz Han. waa Srst rlaeed ia th. tr Untj it b\» obtained, is It iacr*a*« tho Growth aad 11 a we It is a dabjrbtfnl dremzng. It fndiatea l'mircl It prareoU lb* Hair from tominz Fv. It tffpi the he*d cool. And r*re» the hair *nch.»ot r . gioav appaannea. It t» toa UMX in ^CaSTinc andQraLmr as it waa ©wr a Qcaktxk of s Cen- TT*T Aoo, and is aold by aQ Drajcsvu and Coca- Vr Btotm ai only Fifty Cent* per 4 Sailing Days—Thursdays. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C, $300,000! TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. K f°I A' mch'2 eoddwly FoiaanjJBIoryk Her Hair. J-YON^S ATHAIRON itself Into this: In a public speech in the city v ft ej ce tO CjntMCtOrS and Builders. of Macon, yon took occasion to nse language which has universally, so far asl can learn, been ORDINARY'S OFFICE, HOUSTON OOUNTY,> interpreted injuriously to me os Chief Jlagio- l Pilot, Ga., Jane 7, 1873. J Irate of the State, and derogatory to my char- q vat rn proposals for building a new Jail for 148 arises octer AS a gentleman. J'oa admit, snbatan- tku ce-auty wffi be reoaived at thra office an- 1 T '* fc - tially, that inch language had reference to my-1 ui 12 o’clock w., August 12.1°73. Fiona and spec aelf, or was .negeated Dy a certain charge of ideation, can be seen at tins office. I or* under the npsrDriZToTZZZ “Z'XLi'Z.' • -• - - ■ 1 Tbe work will be let to the ,owe*t bidder, who | jw The *a*Ul Oram——"r™ TO BAXiTXMOHB, IMISSOTIBI STATE L0ITEBY cSSSSdS I SEA GULL Dutton, Commander I Legalised *r StaSe Autborlty axd Draw I 8AHJNG DAYS—EVERY FlFTH Day ixMnbueixSLLoHta. I PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TOIBOBTONT. Grand Single Number Scheme. STEAMSHIP MEREDMA, jSaur Every Other Saturday. JAS. AUGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. guaranteed as low as these of Competing line*. Marine Insnranee one-half of one per cent. THB0UGH BILLS 07 LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Pnoo?** Banroad Offioee in Georgia, Alabin a, Tenncoee and Mississippi. BUto be eecarea in adYraoe, without extra charge, by addressing Agents of the Bt«am- i raips P.OMraBB, At whose offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berths j assigned. Tbs Through Tickets by this Boots include Transfers, Meals and State Boom, while on »h*p board. 50,000 VCHBEBS. CLASS 0, TO BS DRAWS JULY 21. 1873. |s£se fEiiis, iMorxme to 1200,000. lpriss of. tv.non 500 prises of 9 prise* o&._ 9 prises o£_ 9 prises of 9 prises of. 26 prises of— Jb prises of 180 prises of.— 5.000 prises of. The South Carolina Sallroad, Georgia Bailroad 150 I And their connecting Lanes have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and 1® J Northern Cities and the South and West. Gomfortable^Nijjht cars, with the b} I Holmes Chair, wihout extra charge, have been introduced on the South Carolina OaMonariM^are'chutered 1 ** Branchviile. jOn^the Georgia Bailroad First-Class Sleeping Care. Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and night trains of deoeption which you had often heard; at the oame time you disniaiT^ that any offense waa intended by you. , N a ^* r lh ?L oiroom-stonocs, I staod m , ^ if charge*! before the pnblio by yourself with I adlreeeed to the nndenigned or thia office. faUhleraand duhooorable oondaot, 1 ooooeivs | ..... h. R GILES, Ordinary. TJAeta 6Ul Half Tiekeu SS. mr ? cb *rtere*, u, Ml. Du*a are _ -re under the rate?riiran*ofI?OT eommiieiMMj?*’ I ^oe* connection made with other road*, delivering' freight* at diatom point* with W The .floral 4rawt«iVSl^S“S!3uhl? uTthe Tb# will a« every exertion to eariafy their patron* that the line VIA Firat-Cl*** rt to be dan to me that la you reply to Util I Jonell dlaw9w ie South Osrolina Balhoad xcptneaa. mnat give bond with .efficient eeconty in the I fie bonis wiyt. and a eeev eC I aerpmed in Dirmatch and the Safe Delivery of Good*. ———cannot ba amount of hie til for the faithful performance of I ehoaerrof rickets. I For farther information, apply to J. M. HKLKIRK. Bnp’L Oharieatop. B. Q.:B n himutt g lUaistered Letter ] ALFRED L, TYLER, area laeeier uran or axprees. 1 Send^Pa^^ JmH TM rraUffitt Booth OkoUm “iftniH g g, SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH anfl MBSSiGEB Thu is published on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at $4 per annum—S2 for six months. We earnestly recommend this edition to readers at all points who re ceive mails two or three times a week. It i3 a paper containing few advertisements and full with fresh and entertaining mat ter in great variety. The Daily Telegraph and Messen ger is published six mornings in the week at Ten Dollara a year—85 for six months—82 50 for three months, or $1 per month. advertisements: In the Weekly are one d ollar for each publication of one inch or less. In the Daily, one dollar per eight text lines first publication and fifty cents for subsequent ones. Contracts lor advert ising made on reaspnable terms—circul ation of the paper considered. TO FAJRIMtERS: The approach of act ive operations in- cropping will render o:ao of the editions of this paper invaluahl e in your pursuits. It will contain all the earliest crop infor mation and general aj -ricultural news. JCLISBY, JO NES & .REESE. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, 1 bOUTBWESTKBH ROIIJIOAD COMPACT, > Maoon, Ga., Jaly 4,1873. j O N and after Snntlay, the 6th hut., Passenger Trains on this Rosa will run ss follows: DAY BDTACLA PASUHOXh TEAM. Leave Macon 8:00 A. M Arrive at Eafacls........................ 4:40 p.m Arrive at Clayton....................... 8:20 P.M Arrive at Albany 2:45P.M Arrivo at Arlington 6:00 P. M Arrivo at Fort Uaines 4:40 r. x Leave Clayton. .... 7:20 a. M Leave EnfAnlA.... 8:60 A. x Leave Fort Gainoa 8.35 0.x Le..vo Albany... .....10:83 A. x Arrive at Maoon..... 6:2dp. x Connects with the Albany Train at Smithville, and tbe Fort Games Train at Cutbbert dauy exoept 1 -Sunday. Albany Tfcxin connocte daily with Atlantic and Gclf Railroad Trams at Albany, and will tan to Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Wednee- uay and Friday, returning lullotviug data. OOLUMBUd SAX PABUXSaXh vtt.n*. Leave Macon 10:66 r. Arrive at Columbus...................... 4:00 a. Leavo Oolumbos........ 2:30 P.M Arrive At M»oon 7.80 I. X BUPA7LA nanx inrxorrr ta— mAi smxodaxiox ■AM. Leave Maoon .11:15 P. M Arnve atEnf.tnla....^.^... 12:10 P. M Arrive at Albany................ ....... 7:67 A. X Leave Enfanla....^...........10.20 t. x Leave Albany........... ... ......... 8:SJ P. X it Mioon .....I....10 30 A. X Trams will leave Mac.*n and Enfanla on this schedule bnnday, Tuesday and Thursday nights, and connect at bmitlivlUe witlt Albany trains. VERGIL POWERS, July6 ly Engineer ana Superintendent. Change of Schedule* ON MAOCN AND AUGUSTA RA." BROAD. Forty-One Miles Saved in D/stancC. OFFICE MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD,X Maoos, May 18, 1872. / O N and after Bnnday, May 19, 1872, and until farther notice, the trains on this road will run as follows: DAV TJUnt—DAH.T (SU2TDATB xxcxpixn). LeaveMaoon 6:80 a. X. Arrive at Augusta 1:16 p. x. Leavo Angaeu 1:60 P- X. Arrive at Macon 8.15 r. x. tf Passengers leaving Uocon at b.30 a. x. maka close connections at Camak with day passenger trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all points West; also, for Angnata, with trains going liOrth, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on tbe Geor gia Railroad. •^Tickets sold and baggage cheeked to all points North, both by rail and by steamships iron Charleston. ang7tf . S. K. JOHNSON, Bnp’t,. FORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Omcz OP ErOISEEB A8D flUPBSISTlTOIBT, 1 AujVsta, Ga., June 28,1873. j O N and after Monday, Jane 3U, trains on thia Road will ran as fellows: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Augusta at 6.45 a. x. Arnve at Port Royal at t 2 16 P. X. Arrive at Charleston at j 4.45 p. x. Arnve at Bavannah at. ....3.30 P. M. UP DAY PASSENGER TRAiN Will leave Port Royal at. 9.45 A. X. Leave charleston at 8.10 a X. Leave Savannah at...... .9.30 A. X. Arrive at Augusta at 5 38 r. DOWN NIOHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Angnsta at J2 » 2* Arrive at Port Royal at... **•"“ ~ Arrive at Charleston at Arrive at Savannah at • -la-ou P. x. CP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Port Royal at Leave Charleston at o'iS*'**' Arrivo at Angnsta at..... VJ'lTl". olVV *• *• Passengers leaving b J < b « 8.80 a. x. train oraMaoon and Angnsta HaUrmid, arrive it Angnsta in tune 10 make doee oonneotion with the ?sflsfs^ jalyltf rr ’ mn JAMES O. MOCRE, Ergincfir andSnpsriBtendent. jr. W. LUKE, (Snccessor to CARR A LUKE,) COMMISSION MEBCHANT, No. 302 Commercial at., St. loan, Ho. liefer to Third National Bank, Union National Bank and bankers generally, and W. A. Hoff, Ma con, Ga. aprt9 5m W. a. H0BRI8. 8. f. HUT* MORRIS & REID, Provision and Tobacco Brokers, Boom No. 4 College Building, corner Fomth and Walnut •treats, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Refer to W. A. Hoff. piyllSm