The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 29, 1873, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS. TUBBDAY MORNING, JULY *9, 1873. Mom IUiU.—Another heavy rain fell abont noon yeatrrilav, accompanied by tbnnder and lightning, ltua oontinned to (all at interval* daring the afternoon, bat no more heavy abow til occulted. Foartx. Cain*.—Boaioeea men generally are toting ednet*gee of thla new and economio*! ay Mem of postages to transmit droolers and hnolneai eards to their friends and patrons, firing them to this offloe and have them neatly (dinted. ^ Aocsoxars.—One of Captain M. J. Ci&oey'* children fell from a high porch Saturday, and Jnjcrad itself severely, bot noi dangeronaly. A child of Mr. Ollleeple, who raaidea on Fop- far street, fall from a porch on Ssnday, re ceiving a aevore cot In the forehead. Dud.—Thomas Springer, a young man well known In Haoon, and an active member of Fire Company No. 3, died on Sunday of ooneomp- tloo. Ilia brother died of (he same disease a little over two weeks ago. The fire oompany toned ost to the funeral yesterday afternoon. Branca ax LiOBijnno.—During the storm last Friday, the lightning struck a negro eabin over In Janes oosnUy. There were nine negroes sit ting In the eabin at the time, and all were more o* leci shocked, though nono were seriously tort. They were, however, about as badly Meed as any set of negroes ever wc>e before. Tsa Ooosrr Couct.—Judge Weems disposed Of bat one eese yesterday, and that was against 'WaaUy Haney, charged with bdrglary at night. Mansy broke Into CoL Lawtpn's realdenoe and ffitote.goods therefrom, which goods were found la his possession. Tho testimony against him Was conetoslve, and ho waa committed to Jail ha await the next term of the Superior Court. CsKaiianT.—Some men enjoy the faculty of very disagreeable. Two of tbla kind bad 0 quarrel on tbs streets last night, and though they sailed each other an aorta of cues words And bad names, ereatlng In our anxious breast ■ the mtet flattering hopes of a flrat claas item, after quarreling for half an honr they quietly disparted and went away without having attack • single blow. FotTit Manias. — Gainesville, Newaan, Quitman and Hogansville, In this Btase, have noeotly been mods money order oflloei. The Poatmasler General has lately had ooci- rton to state that partlea are allowed to write only on one aide of the postal cards. That is, arrttJng Is done on the flee, whloh la reserved tot the dtseetlon of the oarda, or If other writing It in any way attached full letter postage will teeoUeoted. rhl iCCOSOtnSHT. A Hbort Study In taaataral History. Philosophers m*7 oontlnus to designate light ning aa one of tha most useful agent* operating In the great laboratory of nature; but our opinion i.thst the mission of lightning will never have been fulfilled until it shall have exercised its ntility in striking at least one chronic ao- eordeonist. We hive seen a beantifnl tree which nature seemed to have reared as a com pliment to her own husbandry, whose branches were stretehed out, as if to invite the weary to come and rest thereunder, and whose top was lift* d aloft In beatiful symmetry, nntll ft seem to wind aroaod its head on Imperial oleod-crowo— we say we have seen teeb, by one Impetuous bolt, riven from topmost branch to lowest root, and its lovely and shadowy limb* scattered belter fkdter upon the ground, for yards and yards around; but a lazy negro, with a creak ing pblhlsloky aooordsoo, may sit day and night on the opposite oornar, making a whole neigh, borhood hideous with discordant sounds, and thunder storms may arise, and “from peak to peak leap the live thunder,” and the lightning may dart from cloutis to earth and earth to clouds again, and yet no errant bolt takes cfT the owner of that horrible aeoerdeon. Tornadoes may aweep over a vast 800po of oountry, sweeping whole forests of trees as with ■a besom of destruction," and yet no uprooted ‘mouarob of the tonal" ever falls upon and exterminates an aooordeonlst, Cholera may mount upon the wings of the wind, and ride In triumph over tho world, breathing Its deathly miasma, beneath which the populations of cities and towns dwindle awsy, and happy families dismembered or ex- terminated; still that acoordeouist may sit upon the oorner and grind away by the honr and never feci a cramp. Who ever beard of ono of them dying In a ■mall-pox hospital; or of meningitis; or of poll-evil, king’s-evil, or any other kind of evil whloh attacks decent fo’ks ? Who ever heard of ods of them being lost at sea; or smashed up by a railroad oollialon; or falling from* scaffold; or getting drowned while on a fishing excursion; or being killed by the explosion of kerosene or glyesrene; or shooting three fingers off with a deringer; or being kicked to death by a musket or a mule; or dying with the asthma or the oonBumption; or gotting bit by a rattlesnake; or getting lost in the swamps; or bitten by a mad dog; or killed by a falling chimney; or getting aaffooated by fire damp In amine; or plugged by a bah that was aimed at some derent fellow; or alaln in an election riot; or ran over by a fire engine; or die of delirium tremens; or take a dose of strychnine instead of something else; or chop bis foot eff with a broad-ax; or lose sn arm in the war; or thrown by a vicious horse? All there accidents are constantly occurring and killing somebody, but no Tbm Maxoa'a Doubt.—Ills Honor the Mayor t fcc3r j 60n (jt ia of the number. At least we tutfonly a fow oaeesup yesterday morning, and I tma h84r 0 , any> It , g very afd they wera of trivial Importance. The opora- - Maas of tha County Court havo thinned out the jnatertal upon which tho City Court •• grind*,' Good men sometimes die of oid age, and bad ones not unfrequently die at tho expanse of the Stale, but the ncsordoonist sllll lives. Innooent beoee lb* judicial business or the Msyor Is on j b , be3 aaj , „ Jtb tho collo, glow with (he i deoHne. Thq chronic low breakers, who I meaa i 05i rin t with tho whooplng-oocgb, or Err.i.e Choice Flour from prime new wheat—at Eagle Mills. Tsx Cn&n*T a*d B**t.—Hood's lit er Medicine giree nniTer**l eattofecllon in the treatment of IiW Dii^ua, Uj*p*paU, 8ick Headache, Co tivere**, mod all that clawi of dto- eaaee arising from a disordered state of the stom ach *"<1 liver norSOIy Eagle Choice Flour is becoming more popular every day. Be sure to give it a trial when you have occasion to buy. rMticut aud ce«.wacm|NEW ADVERinsEMESTS yoBB NSW STORES IN BACON. Hcirr, Biycir 4 Lawax.—Thu well known and reliable firm have receive! a larg* lot of Dr. Hood's Eureka Liver Modtcine. It ha* the praise of all I 6* 45; new 45; levee 6s 48: 8a 5": Alabama 8a 85; C . J — - —* - - - - C - r" — . fit. Ve«4t. flaimlttiaa OT. Latest Market Keports by Telegraph FINANCIAL. New y.'M—Noon—Stocks steady Gold 15*<. Money ewy tt 8K Exchange, long 9}£: short 9K Governments dull and steady. State* bonds quiet and nominal. Evening—Gold Money, prims dis- connts 5%<&7. Storting week 9>£. Governments doll and •:©*3y. State bonds qai*t. Midnight—Government*. Hit 19V; 6*a 64 1916 tte 19K; new 17V: 67* Ibtf; IB; new 5* IS’*: lfMR-If X_ Tern ewee 6s 81V new; 50 oonsol IfX : Lonislftns LOST. A LAbi'i BROWN LEATHIB PURSE, contain- leg shoot twenty dollars. (9JO), with other artidee, in pew 86, Second Street -Baptist Church, during morning service. The finder will be suit ably rewarded if left at this office. jr.ly29 It HOUSE AND EOT Sale or Kent, in Tineiille. For ■» pi HOUSE AND LOT Is Tinerillo I- now for ill isle or rent on the moat favorable terms, new 81; Virginia Ca 42:1 Posse-sion given ou the flrat of October. ju'jM 19t W. A. HUFF. who hare tried it- In bottle* at 50 cent* sad *L00 54 47:0eors?l C* 77 7* 90: North Carolina a 27; 1 new 15: sped*) tax 13S; tenth Carolina* SI; new New machinery, new equipments, new wheat and new flour, at the Eagle Mills. List or Goons always on hand at F. P. Toils'* I BoHdara’ Emporium, Chartertcn, 8. O. Doors, Saahes, Kinds, Moulding*, Bracket*, Stair Bad- dlinea 21 15: April and October 20. Nrw Obleass—Sterling 27. premium. Gold 15%. INDIAN SPRING. u*t received T he Mointosh house his Ur *i l0 . t of ”4* furniture, •* — — I aiMfirnmnnatA • nnnAv*A mn*A hu j i, and is prepared to COTTON. accommodate a hundred more viaitora. Prof Kessler's - Italian Band" at the House. jolj29St B W. COLLIEU, Agent. New Tobi—Noon—Cotton quiet; sales 19; mid- togs, Newel a. Posts sed Stair Balusters, of his own manufacture, and aatiafaction guaranteed A SECOND HAND STILL, Fituree opened u follows: July 20 94* August I T N EXOELLENT CONDITION. wUI be Mid at \KSKX1Q V« T«. Uanlan.hav »ft V TA X.UHS I Aod tmil 11-16; September 18 S-16&18X. 1 Evorutg—Oocton wUe* to-day 1300; middlings 31: market quiet; net receipts 656; gross 740 Sties of futures 9.300: market closed u follows: the following, direct from the manufacturers: Window Glass, BuHdjra* Hardware, Marble and olate Mactiepiscee. Lraij Pipe, Encauaiie Floor | Juiv 20%: Auimat 19H'@19 5-!C; S.ouaber 18%; TTin wiwi finai-la for store Front, and ill article* I October 17K^ 1715-16; November 17 9-16; Deeem- bargain. Apply without delay to julj29 St Tile, Wire QuarJa for Store Front*, and aU article* I be, needed In completing a flrat-claaa bones. Prioe | aiiramaa—Cotton, ne* reoeipta 23: gross 233; 1 exports coastwise 151; tales 95; stock 3447; mid- WANTED. completing list sent free on application. julj41m tilings 20%: market du!L Eacle Familv Flour from the Eagle I Nxw ovixa-n.—t onon. net receipts fS4; groea — c I • cvruMrta ruaaHrian 7 aatoa Vf/l- llsf owonintr Milb, is a very popular cheap flour. O NE FINE SHOE AND BOOT MAKES, and one good Peg Workman. Address, W. H. TILLERY. Dublin, JnI-29 dim Lsnrene County. Ga Patrons of Husbandry. A BPECIAL MEETING of tha Georgia State Grange will convene at Athens, Ga, on the J 13th of August next The Central, Western and bold’s Extract Bachu, the great diuretic, which I aavixxaw—Cotton.' net receipts 253: exports I reaS^J^usVlMa^'to'ena fremthe meeting apecifically upon the k'dneys, bladder ^fwaatwtuwa; ntolli aHO vSSj middUngH 18%; J f^ne f*£, * and from the meeting auxElary organs. No other preparation posseaeei tho fully developed merits of Eelmbol-Ts Extract. 1 ooa-twiro 145; sale* 200; stock ' 3750: middlings 561: export, cnaetwise 7290; aal-w 2C-0: last evening 4(0; stock 26,025: middlings 18%; market firm. WrucxoTox—Ootton, net reseipta £8; exports 08 c crBX matter bow they originate, I coastwise—. sales 10; stock 1251; middlings 18%: and without regard to the sex of the sufferer, are market steady. icar-ra—Gotten, receipt* 433; sales 15; mid- cored without danger or inconvenienod- by Helm- I market’quiet n** <fn I Mtsttrs of all local Granges in the Btate tre urgently requested to attend, aa LUAines* demands It is the only genuine Duein. and It never fails. 19%®1C% low middlings IB%@19; good ordinary John F. Henry, New York. Mis agent. I «*= oternuy 14 S 15: inarhet quiet.. their attention. jnly29 dAwlt E. TAYLOIl, Secretary. _ . , . , . m j 11,670; middlings 18%; low middlings 17@17%;mar- If you want good bread, get flour ket qniet. Moeilx—Oottoo, receipts 96: sales 500: etockl EOROIA,TWIGGSOOtJNTY—Floyd A Finch ““ IjT applies to me tor valnMion and setting ipart . , exemption of realtyand personalty, and I will pass Ut«7C5—Cotton, gro*»a receipts 164; sxles 826; I upon the s&me on the 7th day of Aug oat next, at stock 10. CO?; middlings 21 %; market steady. Kobfouk—Cotton, net receipt* 515; exports A. SOLOMON, Ordin&ry. made at the Eagle Hill**. Xtrx nxvmr._To escape the worttdes. abomt- I ^^SSSTTOlT-oSHB; nations offered nud« the title of flavoring extracts 118%; market steady. InflTinTlTl lT73tTT WTTCITfl UnflFO and baking powders, and foroe them ont of the Mocrsts—Oottou, net receipt* 844; shipments rli I ll LtAri N R ff Ifl lullt fill II R l) market, roets^wholly vrith the ronsmners. they sre I GTsE^noO; the ones that havo to suffer. PnrchAse only those Btock 13,778. Texas ordinary 12%; good ordinary articles you know by experience to bo pare. Look 14%®15; market firmer. upon cboap gooda as an evidence 0 f their adulter- I Unmanrxr.TU—Cotton, middlings 20%; market | atlon and worthlessness, npon those that dca'era d L^mirocn-Ncon-Ootton tuovant andadvano- oontplain of as being too high ta keep for eale aa I nplanda 8%@8%: Orleans 9^9%. argument to their favor, for good, pura goods cin- Gotton sales IS.OOU; speculation and export 4000. From Bavannah and Uharleston, September de- For the Coming Musical Season. | THE STANDARD. FMnnsos & Pauikb. St 50 Unexcelled as a Collection of Church Music. POtbaaoMaaeb^.. worthier., ones, and^ord | | TH ® a lees profit to the msuufacturer and dealer. Dr. I Orleav- Augn.t and Beotemher delivery, not below Price’s Bpocial Flavorings and Cream Baking Pow- low middlirga, 9. dors are acknowledged by chemist* to bo the pur-1 Latsr—From Savannah mr* Charleston, August est, and the only scientifically preparsd article* of J *^JS£552fta3Ste uSS their kind in the market, and are now used in a I The Newest and Freshest of Sabbath School Bong Books. CHEERFUL VOICES L O. Ehebsojt. Very beautiful School Song Book. m! lion homo* and daily increaeing to popular fa- I November shipment, 8%; August delivery. 811-16; GEMS OF STRAUSS. Jonamt BxnACia. 2 50 I JnH? »Titl Jkfiffnut tlnTirArv. rtnt TtAlnv Iriw ynMiUrncva I ...... The Weis asd Teab of Life.—Tho circa, aaxio- tiee and raiaf orttmes of life have aa much to da with shortening It ae dice see. They are to fact the source of many aliments and pbyrioal disabilities. Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, affections of tbo July and Augost delivery, not below low middlings, 1 811-16. Loxdos—Noon—Consols 91%@97%. Fasts—Noon—Rentes 56.'25c. PRODUCE. All the beet Strauss Muaio. ORGAN AT HOME. For Beed Organs. 200 moat attractive pieces. CLARKE’S DOLLAR INSTRUCTORS For Heed Organs, Piano and Violin. ..... New Yovk—Noon—Flour dull and unchanged — I jjqnjBSON’S OHANTS AND RESPONSES. ICO liver, disturbances or the bowels, headachee, hypo- gSfqg‘ilrfdnU^d DR. STREETER’S VOICE BUILDING. 1 60 cbondria and monomania are among theaodiatreaa- I vrot'tfrn eto&m 85^. Tarpoatxna Lo&yy at " ” * *■ * " * ‘ ‘ ‘ ,J M Ing finlta. It to, tbereforo, of great importances I 43K« Boem quiet at 3 C5 for common strained, that persons whoeo minds are oppreeaed with heavy I Freighte etea/ly. . , business responsibilities, or harrassed by famOy ^.«>5mo_n to fdr | Sold everywhere. Bent post-paid for retail price. CHAU. H. DITSON * GO . 711 Broadway, New York. OLIVER DIToON 4 CO., Jniy29d2aw4wtf Boeton. „ , ,, —— w—i r.— to choice 7 85@7 90. Wheat troubles, or excited by speculation, or perplexed closed heavy andle lower: oommoa winterred In- i _ rnp . T . T aitrfwu rnnvrv .v n . by a mnltipliaty of enterprise, or in any way over- 1 « Cora heavy; .teamer westeru mired G^of Ordtea^^cSatus S^ymn. ...... » .«* , , ■— w-— - - I taxed or overworked, ehould keep up their etomi- I KJ®54. .vpllew weetern 583C9 Pork Ann. new I tratorcum twtamento annexo of Edward J.Blark- ter. ,rteWT^ 7 ’’Tan“oT.teud n the m^icef ^ ^ mamp,, ;. bnt aon ° oI n» by the daily nee of a whoieecme tenio. Tta-SS'^te 5*2^ uThte ten or thirty day* cannot stana tne music jI i things come to toimsnt the aooordeonlst. lie I a ands of persona thus ebeumttaneed are enabled I B ;r.T:2innr—Flour dolt and steady. Wheat active; duties under the will of tenstor. and that he has “ fifty dollars and costs, or six months in the I Dercr the jiundioe, norths oholora morbus, [ tebear up against tho difficulties to which they are primo tod 1683163. choice urar 1 6i. Corn wtti 4118 i,gut8ea ,nd oiedUora ef Attain gang,”hence they have changed abiding f , H(1 never rnns a tu cnoD j L involved, and to retain their etrength, health and ““?{“« .Therefore, thwe are to cite and admonish all and 1 , nto hi, foot to give him the lock-jaw. Io fact, mental clearness, by the regular use of Hostetler's Sw?fiST!!hoSa«94> rtoUdee 9#; S t, | Pandora might lot all tho who!* oatelogue ^ U ® 16 ’ ^ & _ iilevilaloosa Intbecrownof hlshat, andihelist t&cktheb °7 w . ‘ , I Loui*jviiak—Floor quiet and ewy: extra family I ^ hand aa(i officUl^sjfnature, this at modSto t"o~ono ct Mr. Jure HoSia’ ono would forsake him and fly away to torment ^wer^ B^il^rksf^y2?fl*3&£ oklldrea. whloh, but for tha promptest atteD-1 some respeotable cltlron. v - - lion, would oertainly havo proved fatal. The j It Is a wrong rale of natnre to permit bo many him was to give the ohild a dose of quinine, I ills to curse tho world, and still not allow one | tho boat la evaporating the elements of strength I *y 8tetey*st 92* When, by mistake, an equal dose of morphino I of these 111, to beoome a blesilng by ridding I from every pore, an iuvigorant is absolutely ossen-1 Oisccifati—Flonrdull at 6 50(316 93. Corn firmer; •*• Bfvec. Immediately, and, fortunately, arrived there In I Tho sound! he prodnoes bear the same relation | '““P their athletlecaoahiUUM in atatus quo. Henoe j @8%;_o;ear ns^eidsa 10%ai0%; c-ear SsMott x FaTAt. Mutaec.—A mistake was KMkdo yesterday morning In administering trial signature, l J, B. WOLFE, Ordinary. the court in their petition, duly filed and entered"on record,, that they^haye fully^ administered A. W. Denny's estate; rM. At soon Ba tho mtotako was" dto-1 tbo neighborhood of that fellow who alia on the f tial to thaaafety and comfjrt of tha pablic, and ia I iSfe SS d I kindred and Sod iSS’S shoycaa^lf w «* I K I >*• tb A mn-a rnhnkt <f thev (Iftsira to I at 16 °° 8 anil ana nominal; steam bold at 8¥; I any they cam.wh? said administrator and adminD- I, Dr. Hsll was sent for and went ont I oorner and plays at that aceordoon all day. I required even by tho n.o.e roaoct u tuey uos re to i j; 6lt j e Btoon in gooddomand; ehouHera 8% | tratrix should not be ilijoharttcd from their adminij- ■ - - _ - - Iin nnn HpnrsA I ^o,y. —i—— w*m*u. sides 10% I traticti. and receive letter.* of dismisaic*- — * v -- a course of Hostelter’s Bitters is particularly use-1 Whisky arm at 92 Mr. Hollis lives about four miles In the oountry. — ion on tho lint AIrnJay in November, 1873. Given under my haul officially. . J. R. HOLMFS. 3m Ordinary. lime to aav* the child. When he left it, at ono I to mu,Io that a humming bird doe, to a hip-1 nsriodo'iro vow as a defense against I ® T - Lours—Floor firm and unchanged. Coral Uiron Ujo^mftorxxoon. itwas out of danger. | popotamu*. They are a cross between the noise , Bnt ln . an ,try atmosphere, a&jg STS^WM^^W mk^ - Ja -^ “ *" mado b J ft P ! 8 • S at6 and l “ 6 Sndoatriocs | i t ^ ^ moct patent of all prevontiyo modiclnes, I at 16 60. Bioon Aimer for JobbiDg and order lota; I fJEORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—To all whom it filing of a bandsaw. | for a U complaints which affect tbo atomach, teS^oli^Stl’.&SSf JSSSStebS and liver, and the bowels, and Interfere with tho I -^*7 sS: ^ met ’ Bummcr e ' eam “ e! “ *«> ro | oa the estate of Gabriel Butler of aaid eounty: lhia porfect digestion and asrimilati n of food, it is the Nr* OnnEiss-Flonr dnll: donbio or Ira 6 25: it my^ffic^ - * . — — w - - — I fvnlilA Av4m J) IJ1.5i7 f fl. familrt k! mi IrtlO O . /Vim I , t. — ■ 1 — _ — 11 • —..) L— * _ _ ■ _* . ■,, Dixd m Jail. 8 —Tho public of Mbooo was cbuiSb very fatniliar with tho name of Milly UoUto, a short while ago, by her arrest and lm* prlaotunent, at the Instance of Dr. Mann, of Vonjih, on the ehargo of having robbed him miller very peouliar clroom&tancos. This woman has been ln jail for some months, Buffering fill tho while from a loathsome dieoase, of whloh she died on Sunday. 111! LIT ART. Vnfereatfnfc Action of the leers. (neon Tolnn* I ataodard romody. treble extra 6 00^7 00; family 8 60@9 25. Com ] withiD thetimn allowed by law. aad ahowezuso, if quiet; mixed BBfA white 72^73. Oato quiet at 43. I any thoy can, why permanent administration should . Feufokai*—J. W. Antley—*'lt has broken op | Bran dnU at 80(385. Hay quiet; piiruo 22 00-^ I not bo gractod to E. J. Folds on Gabriel Bntleris At a moeling of the Macon Volunteers held BO veral neoa of long tUndlng ehUIe and fevers ^ ’scuc^ thotSm' VX “S “wi? 8 " ®F hand and official sisnature, this July at their armory last night, Ensign W. G. White and I find Simmons’ Liver Regulator to bo a great | ^■SSiSTmS’SSL iTvclin”,?hTc« 1*• E HOLMES, resigned, and Corporal John R. Griffin was | remedy to dyapspsia and liver complaint*. firm; ehouldere 0^: eidcnl0%' r $10%; b&cn. choice 155^(^10. Lard dull; refined tierce keg july29 33di Ordinary. OUl to the nearest letter'd Sold, nod tho Sev. gentleman, who was her prosoetrtor, may feel that he Ia revenged at last. His money to gone, and so Is the thief who goi It. Hymeneal. At the realdenoe of the brido*s father, on | promoted to that position. The remaining oor- j Tm! fiCt ^ BnKUr of Lega uj Sulphur Hair I 9%^riMi lo^MoUaSb^no’moveaSt. WhUJry ^T C a n fnd P JioMrte porala wore then Advanced one grade, and their Ben0 . c „ teT . produced many cases of blindnoes, p good demand, supply light; Evausvdle-94; Leu- teurt«“yean #SSi?J«i5,« rf e ‘id? 9 “nty : Tb'S mnk flllsd by (hecleetion of private George H. and other disorders consequent on their use. ts the “ 1W iU° t c “m of Sf^^fXite&l’teto he^dTeSt Plant to the position of Fouxth Corporal. I boat argument why Nattana Crystal Dtocovery, j WiLyn«Groy-l8pirit8 turpentine 8Q4f^— I after the expiration of thirty days from tho first The oompany adopted a fatigue uniform—the I which to entirely harmleefl, ehould bo need. At any I Boain dull and declining; extra No. 2 62K; No. 2 I publication of tbto notice, wid show cause, if they me .s that of the West Point oadete-gray rate it will repayyou to try It. Get your druggist ^-JSMffXSteSr °° ! ^ -- - ■ — i tup Kin >“8“ ° —o w. I tho said Hardy Royal. Witnesa jnly29 lm Ordinary, A Ten Cent Store, A Twety-five Cent Store, A Fifty Cent Store, A Dollar Store. For particulirs. Inquire of W. A HOPSON & Ot».,# 89and41 Second *t.. and 18ana20 Cottonav*. july!3 tf PRINTING! T HE Jobbing Department cf the TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER ia now under the charge of Mr. B. W. Smith, who is known ae an accom plished printer and experienced workman. All joos sent to this office wiU be exocuted with despatch and at the lowest fsices. Orders for bitla-heada, circulars, posters, etc., solicited from city and country.julylS tf The Favorite Home Hemedy, SIMMONS’LIVER REGULATOR! F eminently a Family Medicine; and by being kept ready for immediate reeort, will save maty an hour of suffering, and many a dollar in time and doctors* bills. After over Forty Years* trial, it to still receiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtue*, from persons of the highest character and respon sibility. Eminent physicians commend it aa ahe most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For aU dtsoascB of tha Liver. Stomsah and Spleen. Anrel with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and food ntay ho faced without fear. As a remedy in MALARIOUS FEVFES. OOM- P LAI NTS, DYBPEP3IA. MENTAL DEPRESSION, RESTLE -SNE8S, JAUNDIOK, NAUSEA, SICK HEADACHES. COLIC, CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS IT HAS NO EQUAL. C3~So!d by all Druggists J. H. ZF.ILIN & CO., Proprietors, Jcly27tf Philadelphia and Macon, Qa, and CHANGE IN BUSINESS! From thi* date the WHOLESALE branch of our business will be conducted in the name of ROSS Ac COLEMAN; At our present etand, and having admitted MB. W. 4. JUHAN, of Clinton, Ga, to an inters in the BE PAIL DEPABTMENr, that branch will be removed in a short time to W. S. T. COLEMAN'S OLD STAND. And the buainees conducted in tho name of A. JUHA3XT cfe OO. We take great pleasure In introducing to our friends Mr. Juhan—a gentleman in whom we hat > entire confidence, and in whose hands we believe the reputation of our house will he folly snelaitej With this assurance from us, wo trust that a hearty welcome and a generous support await him. And now. that the obstacles which have heretofore intervened are removed, wo hope in a short time to inaugurate in our city the FIRST EXCLUSIVE JOBBING DRV GOODS BUSINESS that haa overborn attempted hero, and with all tho appliancoa necessary to euetam ns, we hope to project such a dtoply of merchandise as will at once arreet attention,and inrplre confidence. Folly conscious of the eminent ability and enterprise of our merchants generally, we hope to merit a place in tho picture which shall represent Macon the leading market in the State, and among our large circle of friends we hope there are enough of thoee who by their support, will insure ns a againpt a failure. Having uq fears of the result, wo enter with confilence upon tho new field. Withthie announcement we unfur our banner to the breeze, proclaiming QUICK SALES and SHOBT PBOFITS, and inviting competition from any quarter. “ - — Ma^on. Ga., July 1.1873. J. B. BOSS *t 8. T. COLEMAN. STILL TRIUMPHANT. O sl FOR RENT. NE THREE BOOM DWELLING, plastered l and with blinds to windows, excellent well of water, fronting James Seymour’s residence; price, $15 per month. Also one six room dwelling near Tatnall Square, adjoining the residence of E. Prioe; three seres of land attached, good well of water; prioe, $25 per month. Apply to J. SEY >iOUB RODGERR Julyl7 lm at Seymour. Tinsloy A Co. MEDICAL CARD. F ROM this date DR. WM. B BURGESS may be found, day and night, st bis office over Rankin. Massenburg A Oo.’a Drug Store, ootnor Mulberry and Third streets. Macon, April 28,1373. oc4pr29ea SEG-ARS! SEG-ARS Imported and Domestic. LA ESCIPOION, LA OABBA, FLOE DEL FUMAIi, LA ELEOION, TENNYSON, LA NOYEDAD. LA UNIOO, MANILLO, FIGARO, And many other brands, all of which aro offered vory low. ROLAND B. HALL, Oorner Cherry street and Cotton Avenne. jaly22 tf TURNIP SEED. FIIES1I CROP TURNIP SEED 18 7 3, AT THE DRUG STORE OF RANKIN, MASSENBURG & CO. julyWtf same trimmed with black. to get it for you. r steady I MARINE NEW3. Tho oompany also passed a resolution extend-| motbeus, Momms, Montana Don’t fall to I log an invitation to one oompany of the Seventh I procure Mas. Wmanow’s Bootuiso Bvscr for all k New y 0 SK—Arrived, City of Antweip, Clyde, I an! New York Regiment, fo visit Macon daring tho I diseasos incident to the period of teothing to chli-1 Alabama, Konig Wiiheiin. Arrived out, Minnesota, I Fourth street; at thrso o clock yesterday after- i ipproachlnR ^ UU5 Fair „ ^ gneata of the | dron. It relievos tho child from pain, cures wind Blyvia Boon, Mr. Gostum. Nu»bnum was married to | Tbo ]nfiutlon %m ^ by colic, regulates the bowels, and by giving relief I Clara B. Droyfous. Eov. A. Harris, or I Mfl wh() , #tveg tof Xav Totk to . mor . and Loalm to tbo child, gives rest to tho mother, hasten. Sailed, America. nnkh aMaIiiIaA I J ... _ ______ _l Tin aurA tn fitll for “Mftfl. WRIHIOl’d GoOTEI.Nfl I 1 11 1 11 Savannah, officiated. Both these parties are welt known Is Haoon, aud tha avast, whloh was so happily consum mated yesterday afternoon, has boon antici pated for some Hue. They wore married ac- awtdlag I —a moat aolemn and Interesting oaremony—in tha prases ae of a large number of their friends. | row, and delivered to the Colonel of the regi ment ln person. The people of Haoon, and of the State, will be pleased to see a oompany of the celebrated Seventh ont here, and if they Se euro to call for "Mas. Wtsetow’s Soonuaa | Bruur.” For sale by all druggists. June 25eod-om F PORTED TURNIP SEEDS.—Dickson’s Defi- anoe extra But* Bags, Improved Green Top I Scotch Yoliow. (very seteet,) White Someraman, .dentation belonging to ths estate of Elijah Butt*, ate of said eounty, deceased. JOHN F. LEWIS. JAMES J. BUTTS. • , „ ANN J - BUTTS. julyBmr Executors and Executrix. Building Lots for Sale. Ncavocs DEBiLmr—A depressed, irritable state I (fine.) Red Tankard, Yellow Tankard, Garby I rpHBEE eligible BUILDING LOTS at head of mind: a weak, nervous exhausted feeling; no I White Stone, Orange Jelly, Broad Leaved Essex I _L Walnut street. Will be eold cheap. 1 r PanA Tnmln PaaIoiI Tlann r PTva shnva nsva lata. I Annin 4a “ ’ ” 7“ . oome they wlU bo gallantly entertained by the ‘"V™ ’ “ f Rape, Turnip Booted Rape. The above have late- to the ceremonies of the JewlahOhuroh I V l l I energy or animation; confused head, weak memo-1 Iy ^j T6 a ftSm Qneen Vtetoria’s seedsmen, who s*» I ry, often with dehUitating, Involuntary dischargee. I have for many years devoted unremitting care I A Gas Oommjvct— A oorresuondont enters The ooneoquonoe of excesses, montal overwork or f and attonUon to the improvement of the different A UiH UOM.LAIST.—A oorresponaonr enters - ■ varieties. The stock wn now offer to the cublie is Apply to JnJy27 St JOHN B. 03BB. TO RENT. mopTMOBVO OI saatko UUUAAJOA UA UA47AA AAAVU4A9. ■ A viAi-ji i.m.—a wirespuuuwu * — ’ , 1 v&riatiea The atoak we now offer to the tmblto to I w# woro hooored with an lnvlUtloa to be pres-1 up the following oomptolnt tgalnst some ono I ^ n ^j !icrotlon f' Kxnvoua Drururr * e07 ' I of the moit select and perfect character. 11\1"^ FflE8ENT BE5IDENOE—a new five-room 0OL bat the Inexorable demanda of baaineas I or more of tho authorities, on aooonnt of what Humpotxys Holeopatiiio SFEcxno, „ a,. t » a I at . M i»__. No 23. It tonea op tbo system, arreetodiachargo8 f ooanpelled ot to forego the pleonmo. Bat we appears to be a grievance to the oommonHy In tbo moaUl g loom anddeepondency, andre- are airored by tLot»e present, that the affair was I vhioh he resides : 1 • nv* htttttant one. The party wm moat hoe- pliably and handsomely entertained Droyfoo*. and good wishes enongh wore . |ln „ lDR U)0 ; r at(eDtion wlll be oalIed to an . „ „ v „ , . . , , , pieahad Io make the oonple as happy af need I oversight, or may be a alight, to the citizens I Sold by all dxnggidte, or eent by mail on re- lio, if bat a tithe of them were only fulfilled. I living at or near the oorner of Fourth and I neipt °f prioo, **■ ij.m Mr. and Mr*. Naubsum left last night for 11’tue streets? GEORGE BEGG3. I HI House, with well of good water amt garden ~ of every variety of vegetables, roseeasion given atep6ia tnemomat gioom ana oesponnoncy, inunt- ■ FOR REflT CHEAP. | j’jjolStre a So lAaa Hffier BUGGY wtthnew Juvenates tho entire system. It is perfectly harm- | 'pHE^riro ^ecmmodlious^STOBEa ^“^Chorry | harness, .which I will sell for $100. ’ July 27 2t FOR SALE. Mew York. They will go first to Saratoga, Where they will spend some weeks, and then , On or abont June 14th, the globe from the I way, gss-Iamp In this vioinlty wss removed and the I Yr “ aoon ’ "sahlo horseman” hag $ot had an opporiuultyi prloeodkswtr Addroes HUMPHREYS’ SPECIFIC HOMEOFATHIO MEDICINE CO.. No. 162 Broad-1 A FKE BUILDINa LOT. well located to a way. N. Y. For sale by John legal s and Hunt, I -ti- fU>od neighborhood, and near the business Stoneware Fruit Jars, HP-TOP THING, AT COST-«l 75 per dcz. templet* tbter lwfci ymcon by visltiug other I to “throw any light on the subject,” and we foriflonable resorts. The beat of good wishes I desire to know If It jj of more use at the OBSTACLES TO IHAKBIAGE HAPPY BELIEF FOB YOUNG MEN from the effects of Errors and Abuses to early life. Man hood reatored. Impediments to Marriage remov ed. Now method of treatment. Now and remark- , . . . . . . ... tt xt i ahlo remedies. Books and circulars sent free. In very latest styles, just received by H*btz, Vm- j BMled ^ejopo,. Address HOWARD ASSOOIA- part of tho city. Apply at july'ff 3: Torms oasy. THIS OFFICE. T«-TT3VXja.3NT jnly278t rib G-RBEKT. • | "Park" or on the "Hill" thanwhenoe It waa go wlUt them on their journeying*, and we 11 wm0Tea We ^ nae for , rep ]y. Bon. give tfism welcome npon their return to Haoon. I _ . I Work Vzstb—linen and Marseilles—of the BIM OMsty Matlallta. Mr. R. A. Henson, Tsx Receiver, has just l completed the oonsolldatlcn of the returns from 1 Bibb oannty, and through his kindness wo are permitted to give the subjoined statistics: polls, raonsstosts, rxc. (whits.) Total number of polls r — 1,165 | served. Number of profoerions 62 I pal saloons In the olty. TYtf|tif*Vi . 5 j 1 ■— —— — aw- . I Pbotogfipben 4 | A large and o>refally selected stock of pocket I of the Fittebarg IiightniDg Bod Gompeny, for the BM"**’ 1 * - - .,6 | and table cutlery (mosUyjust received) | S^SSSSX^kJ^^ST&Z has failed, aud I have determined not to pay tt. suns. BUY THE BEST. julj29 3t TI0Ni No. 2 Bonth Ninth st., Philadelphia, Pa. A Gaum Baasacux wUI be given at Central “ InaUtuUon baring a high reputation for houor- Oity Park on Thursday, the 31«t day of July. I » b!a professiouri ekiU. julySdSm The best ot viands and rofreabmenta will be . Tickets oan be scoured at the prinoi-1 CAUTION. I HEREBY caution all persons against trading for a note given by me to W. L. Smith, agent HLaiM’j Nev Gnu Tomp Seed HIGHLY IMPORTANT. I FORTY 1*1711 CENT. SAVED I i pr CENTS PER DRINK ’ At “Oar House' | JL*J Saloon, can be found tbo finest Wines, Ll- please all. jul}27eod2w D. LA WHENCE, Proprietor. july27 4t Otrtldreo between 6 and IS years 1,188 1 •„ ,j, e jobbing trsde. juiy27 3t “ mote Mo. of hoods between 21 and 60 years. Lawn, stocks, aro. (toil) 3 400 Tsuwui Jb Glees. Nxceweul—Everything fasb-onable fn Bows nud Ties, rcleoted by one of the firm cow in July26 3t* MRS. MARTHA F. BUTA BAGA, FLAT DUTCH, BED TOP, LARGE GLOBE, ALSO, FBE3H CABBAGE SEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Druggist and Pharmacist, 4th and Poplar streets, I W. B. BILL. N. E. HARRIS. HILL Se HARRIS, (ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 89 Chany street, (up stairs) HAOON, GA. Will practice to all the oourts of the Macon Gir- I cult, bpocial attention given to Collections, Con- j vcyanoes, etc. joly27tf jci.vSO tf Hcilinsworth Block. jalySO St Mor tenl of land New York, at Huns, Vironr * Go’s. Valae of same |i,at,53| ,.,.^,0’ Valoaof city property..— 4,183,231 tbora# In National Back!,. S0.SC0 Money and solvent debts...... 609,,29 Merchandise 1,097.329 Steti and bond* 1j9>;.704 Iron works Household and kitchen (urmtor- $10 REWARD. S TOLEN from & cheat on the prsminea of W. H. I Ofteon, on the night of the 2ith, s LOT OF I I TOOLS, ooneieting of ptonea. brace and bite. eaw9 ( [ hammers, eqoaree, filee. tpoke reamtra, oil clone, SOUTHIAC0N DRUG STOSS! (INDUCEMENTS A S every druggist has the purest medicines, of I course I need not mention that /act; yet, as I -ARE OFFERSD- BxmsKsnnro.—If you feel opprewtd by the I and other thirgs too tedious to mention. A por- I T - „ ... .. I ■ — , heat and dust, Inst step intoLrfi’s,ln tho La- tioneftbo toms marked A. F. sheiwood. »a 11.™ 8 *"“P***stepmaote fromthabesxfaoate) * ■* I ahnra maarH trill hn . *air4 fAv tl>a uier House building, and take a cool refreshing mlh eTiJeEoa t0 eo^rict ■2,000 J bath for only twenty-five cents. Shaving, hair | juiyH St' 113,800 1 - - SEHSStr boaebinii house. city. Strangers visiting Msoon should remom above re wardrrlll ^^aW I ■*-—*«*■ ^ 1 bavathte, ri«». I For bo accommodation of the laboriDg claeeee, I W. E. SHERWOOD I ^P 2011 ^ ^bom I am located. I am ready to wait oa I 1 all at any honr, day or clgot. and give epodal at-1 TO THE TRADE! 'property : Aggregate value of proporir. . 971.232 [ bar this—the people here all know it. Afterdeduoting f200 per poll S,710,182 1 Tax** 00 polls aud profoaeions 2,095 j rmern's hktciot. Hn—W * f r />ll8 ..i ' in— MI He. acres of tend... Value of ram* $115,745 Value Qf »'! other prop-rty 14 214 Aggregate value of property. 132,959 julyl2 cod'd Iv vnn want a strli.h Wurrs Vest of lhe me3 "tetBOg aay DOaw era oe aoocmutcaatea rei 1 „ a vn- Table supplied with the beat the marke: H AVING opened a private boarding house to Daly's now budding, nearly opposite Huff s cow building. I am now prepared to take a limited number of boarders, on reasonable terms. Young men desiring day board era be aooemmodated rat- verv nobbiest out, go to Hsstz, Viboix £ Go's. July29 3t I affords. Julri?5 la MRS. R. A. HARRIS. TO RENT. After dedootlug >200 rerpoil I stock of stoves, tinware and house furnishing Amooul of tax on polls.— CM I goods generally in the Stete. Goods sold at Mrccnixrs visiting Haoon will please note the fact that Truman 4 Green have the largeet | rpwo TENSILE ST HOUSES or one eight-room TBS DXVALLXaXS. Thore are eight defaulters for whom the fol lowing rel ante are made: Humber of pollv - 1C | No. seres of land f'lij Value of land $ 4,500 , Vttae of city property • 25 Oixi Moasy .rfA solvent debts 11,8201 Valae ot 20,797 Btock* sad -i- 65,000 I Boavehold and kitehan fordtore 900 | goods generally bottom figures. july27 3t lex caxuc rxxrzxas, refrigerators and waier- ooolera at ooat. Tavxax A Gum. jujy27 3t * | J. Kouso for rent. Apply to jciy25tf OLIVER. DOUGT.1S3 A OO. NOTICE. MAOON A BBUNSWICK BlILBOAD, > &crEannxxDiST'a Omc*. J- Maoox, Ga.. July 1C, 1873.1 M ERCHANTS and others desineg that their SHIPMENTS from Eastern ctiiea. via Sa- tentlon to the prescription department. Everett’s Remedy —TOR— CHILLS AND DISEASES 0FTHELI7ER ttil! give satisfaction in every case, when taken [ according to directions. Ladies will nod the department of TOILET ARTICLES! Attractive and satisfactory. ICE GOLD SODA WATER, oa draught, till 12 | o clock at Eight. jgly!8eod3m 8. D. EVEHETT, Dniggift. Focrtfi gtreet, ne*r Arcfc. shirts: shirts: Other propofty not eurmeiRtcd I on the box. Bkwjlrx ct OcmmarxiTg.—Partlea buying I vanr.ih itocld over the M&oon aud Bmna- I wnrnxr a q TT PHIMU up "Central (Sty Cboioe," "Year, to Count On," wick Brilro»d. will fnnbm thrir fregnts 1 iaUalAo U. bUJMHJSK ,. . „ I marked care of Agent of Atlantic and Gnif Ran- 1 aegare would do wqU I rotd 1 JAS- W. ROBERTSON. jclyI7 It General Saperinteadent. —IS— 5 tons of JEWETTS WHITE LEAD, 20 tons other brands WHITE LEAD, 500 gallons LINSEED OIL, 10 barrels TURPENTINE, 300 boxes WINDOW GLASS, Tery low, 10 gross AXLE GREASE, 50 kegs BI-GARB. SODA, And for everything in cnrUneof business. Dealers and others who bay in quantity, will find us to be headquarters. and "Pride of Georgia to see that Gsorgo W. Head’s name la branded julj21 Iw Aggregate value.. Rat value. Btm tube, water coolers, mocking bird cages I and fruit jars, (or mle cheap at OUver, Douglaea | A Co.'a, 42 Third street. 3t Akr your grocer for Eagle Extra 2,792 J pjour fhim the Eagle Mills, TV. J. Law- ton & Co., propiietora. aIm Josxrnxsa Hoan, artist, formerly o( I Oal owners timlaad of by the back*. The eon-1 Georgia. Address 122 Waveriey Place, New | i of this la that a large amount of sash I York. PortralU and ptetum of any alae take: f!29,: | .... 258.534 oxuroToran. Aggregate value of taxable property... f9,233.453 After deducting $300 per eeplta 9,060,039 Total aamber of poll* The grand aggregate ia reduced far below its (0*1 value by the act of the Legislature, which requires bank stock to be given ln by lndlvid- ICE! ICE! if :k! ICE! MOON FACTORY ICE, from distilled water, TO BE WAD JN ANY QUANTITY, —XT— GEORGE BEGGS’, 8 in* 10i Cherry street. Has Just no IT* I a new lot of bcAoufal I uii Bomu and Plaited Boeom., from IS to 19 inches in the neck. The Full Bosorna are the cooieet Shirts worn. w •teak held to thla county Is not given to at all, I from old dagoereotypea ia the highest style of as the Tax Receiver waa unable to find It. Aooocdlng to this snauasnenl tha avenge I •ahw of load ia Bibb ooaaty la $9 90 per aore. Tha vahte ef the load owned by colored peo- |X90 Si pw MM. FOR RENT- T WO DWELLING HOUSER, eligibly located. Apply to B. F. LAWTON. Intel Vtf Flour to the trade of tho best brands on favorable terms, at the Eagle Mills, W. J. Lawton & Co., proprietors. At Exchange Back. WANTED AT ONCE O NE OB TWO fint-olMi practical Gin Makers, I (Brassier), to whom the highest wage* wifi j be paid, by the day or piece. 1 julyUlf F. a SAWYER. DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS U. CONNER Hx s a epSendid fitting Summer Dawtr, from A6 to fO inches waist, and &li ieogths of inseun. 4ECM-WEAR! AECK-WE4R! THOM AS U. CONNER julyUtf evening wear. Linen Collars of aU styles and sires. Jnte27tf HUNT. BANEIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Drngg 'ate, 82 and 84 Oberry strreL MEMOIR OF LIXT0I STEPHENS. A X the instance of Hon. ALEXANDER H. STEPilKNS, I am preparing a Memorial Volume of bis lamented brother, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS, Friends who may have preserved any of bis let ters which would aid my labors, will greatly oblige me by the loan of them. If sent by Exprqps to Marietta, they will be carefully kept, and returned in the oouxse of a lew months. JAMES D. WADDELL, Marietta, Ga: Joly248t ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. Sail from Pior 23, North River, New York. EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. The passenger accent- modations on sto&mcr* of this line are unsurpassed for eleganoe and comfort. Cabin state rooms aro all on upper deck, thus se curing good light and ven tilation. BATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. OR LONDONDERRY. Sat. Steamers. Wed. Steamers. Gold. Currency. Cabins $75 and $65. $75 and $65. Oabin return tickets securing best ac commodations $130 $130 Steerage, currency, $30. Oertifioates for passage from any seaport or rail way station in Great Britain, Ireland or the Conti nent, at BATES AS MW AB BV ASS OTOEB HOST-CLASS LISE. For passage apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Or to 7 Bowling Green, N. Y. X. H. Hewdebcox, Agent, Macon, Ga. mayllgm Convention of Ex-Cadets GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. The cx-Cadots and ex-Frofoeeora of tho GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Aro inritod to meet in Convention, at Atlanta, on tho firat day of September next. Tbo Central, Macon and Brunswick, Macon and Western, Atlantic and Western, West Point and Atlanta; and Georgia Railroads will pass members of the Convention for one fare to and from tho Gonvcntlot. Let every ex-Cadet who loves the momorles that duster around his Alma Mater, and who cherishes shops of seeing her resurrected from tho ashes in which Bherman hurled her, come to thte Con vention. JOHN MILLEDGE, President of the ex-Cadet Association, July20-tila*pl O- W. MASSEY EXCELSIOR Cotton Grin! PATENTED JULY, 1871. W OULD take thia method of informing the public that hundreds are now In use from Virginia to Texis Wherever it bag been introduced it haa proven a bucckss. and bocomicg in general nee. For the information of those who have not aeen the Qin in use, would lUte that it runs light; gins xaat, cleans seed perfectly, and makes a beautiful sample of cotton. The roll box ia so conatructej “ ,a inmoaBMe to break the roll or choke the Gin by any fa'r moans, and a child ton years old can Sr no balk**** ^ any ° nC> 1 guarantee, and warrant every Gin xo give entire eatiafaetior 9, n ® lUiprovemont in my cotton or roll box ia, that it is longer at tho top than when the cotton is pulled between the riba Parties purchasing Gotton Gins would d. well to look to thia before purchasing other njees aa I aa deteimined to protect my patent from any and all infringement* Parties wishing to purohaeo Cotton Gins would do well to examine THE EXCELSIOR COTTON GIN before purchaeing. Kamploa can be aeon at CARE ART & CURD’S, General Agents, July29 dood2m MAOON, GEORGIA ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS, i “Eclijse ” Strew Mi Pres [PATENTED FEBRUARY 21,1871.] MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GA. FASTER, MORE. DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER, THAN OLD WOOD SCREW, EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS* M 11 i in 1 Tht rvgi oh* oft fret 'sw slwi legil ary com tsrfi law the and \ H the i is bt whei and OWJl dicta sny' .exigt quasi erre to ns of ad and i piiril then prof! Th bowe lUlmi maud tatioi ooero biten ness frleni Sue and a ere g rodno andp the n hearti good the fs iady, the di tie ne those sornbi the oi pgair. Two to IIircD Hands or One Light Mule Packs a Bale In 2 Hurts Biles of Cotton packed by this PreBS rango from BOO to 8D0 pounds. CITY BANK, Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLABS. OIHB OTORS. WM. B. JOHNSTON, JOHN J. GRESHAM, Joly22fm WM. 8. HOLT, JNO.B. RGBS. EDWARD ROWE, GENERAL BTATE AGENT FOR THE GANSTEB COMPLETE GAS WORKS For Family use, Hotels, Chinches, Etc. No. 5 Hollingsworth Block, Macon. JulylStf DB. WRIGHT, DENTIST 'AB removsd to Boardman’s Block, over Pen dleton A Bore’, oornar Mulberry and Beeond sta., Macon. Ga. MtlSIy WE GUARANTEE TO MAKE GOOD, FREE OF COST, (and pay expense of transportation) ANY PORTION OF THE IRON WORK THAT MAY PROVE DEFECTIVE WITHIN FOUR YEARS AFTER PURCHASE. AND WARRANT AGAINST BREAKAGE WITHOUT LIMIT A3 TO TIME. Tho 1 ECLIPSE 1 cm ho furnished all complete, or simply tho Irons, as parties may deelro. rreten arranged for steam or water power when required. —Tf 6 TESTIMONIALS from many of tho Largest and Rost Planters in Oeorgia (and all the offie cotton mates) nung this Press, whose natneg aro as "familiar as houaehold words ” Planters rieitirit mS??5n!?^J? 1 , eBtly f dvi88 3- notto P nrcll,B8 aOotton Press until they EXAMINE CLOiELY A5P THOROUGHLY the "EOLIF8E," aud JUDGE FOR THK51BELYE3. Send for Doacriptive Finphle:! containing testimonials and prices.; K. FINDLAY’S SONS, * FINDLAY IRON WORK 1, MACON, OA. CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER FOR DRIVING- COTTON GINS. BIC1TLT STMGTMM AND IifiOTND, NOW PMCf. MANUFAOrUEED SOLELY RY B. FIDLAY’S SONS,FINBLir IRONWORKS, HAOON, CL The superiority of this machine over all others intended for eame pnrpoeo (indodinc both tho old ind new faahion** Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE. OB ASK NO MONEY. This power ia ahinped in one piece u it were ^requires no mechanic to put it up; sit* on ground; is attached m no way to anv portioa of house; and ia independent of flaor •nagging** etc.; can be used in ANY KIND OF HOUSE (one or i*° 150111 the rower and Gin can be run on ground WITHOUT ANY HOUSE; drivee a tfa fr° a 275 to 370 revolatlona per minute. rUIXY WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials and Price List E. B. POTTER, M. D. Homoeopathist- Rc-ceivcd yesterday a new atoek of Bummer Neck-wear, in all colors. lavender and white for ^^FFIOX Weed’s Block, Beeond street, third door below Johnston’s jewelry establishment. Residence Laniet House. LAW CARD. ’ll rE38R3. WOODWARD * TOOLE, or Dooly JXL oounly, G*.. having formed a legal copart nership, respectfully offer their services to the public, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox, bodge, Irwfn, Worth, Maoon, Snmter and Hous ton. Bpocial attention gteon also to cases in the Bupreme and Federal Courts- Address, Vienna, Qa jalylfidfliL* 1 EDWARD SPRUWZ. N otary public and zx-omaio jubticm OF THE PEACE. I can be found tot the present at all boon of the day at my offioe, adjoin- ng the law office ot A. Prondflt, over tho store ot Jaquae ft Johnsons Third street,Maoon, Ga., to at- juiyiS u [tend to all Magisterial buatnee*. aog N. B Parti ss preferring the “old fashion” Gin Gear or "new fashion” ditto, with centre tnpport, »a be accommodated at very reasonable figures. R* FINDLAY’S SONS, Findlay Iren Works, Macon, Ox MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS And all kinds of machinery and castings, etc., etc. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GL juiy27eodTy BOBT. A. NISBET, A-ttorney at X-aw Oorner MULBERRY BT. and OOTTON AYE. (Over Payne's Drug Store,) junal4d3n MAOON. GA. s. o. STANARD & CO,. FB0TBZZTUA8 EAGLE STEAM FLOURING MILLS, Cor. Mala aad Bates ate., Bt, Lon la. Mo. Capacity 1.000 haml* pet dioa. aprtSSm STRICTLY COMMISSION ROUSE it. 3VT. WATHnS rib OO. 56 Broad St, R«w York, B A. N K E E S —AMD— COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Buy And nail ooctnota tor fu.nre dolireiy of ool* ton. Deposit Aooounts of bankers, others An eepeoUlly eolidted. jolyWoO i A d matloc menti olalmli per mo besidei The his old stamps throng, Mm It hard, t about t W. A tnd m househ lion aa oellent limits epsoe i huslnee ff In h ■ fact ala I rery f e I had per Mr. , ibis Hit tnd oth depot,: tre dis, operatic M Geoi Buoh ra tone, more a tnd sue] KtruggH diaoouri teeroha: Oolo: Post, d< oeratio sett*. - hlsmooi •agthe And he Md-line if at, r, Not c ttaunoh *•1 ahse most oo forlng t fulness •atlsfac; (tetters tela too. Hot < Some of rtObloa otoareli Bade to httlins, teat oan butthej atid stor ■poU in Noth! tela dan «•«, eu disease, tela mat teg. In c l J aaat, Point as tea 25ti °«oarr» P«ari *1 d*niy r WUxati At W