The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, July 31, 1873, Image 4

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! CITY AFFAIRS. THURSDAY ;■ 1.KIN0, JULY #: -Yestard* marvel In No lUm- which TM a hardly knew bo* thronpb s wto> dry IIrr-urrr —Dr. Wxger.k! I tB piwfl wrohont rrtim- t Me parts. TI r J ■ Gallon »td hi'’ ebeda will be ereotod on the round In time fir thus giving «xhl- :•. i:g tn tMa line » gtol oppor,unity to exhibit i are only » f»» of the Improvement t p /ire ahead very qutelly, and which is me Fair Ground the meet cocre- j Olsnl, at it already li the moat beautiful en the I oontteenL Mayor H;S Jeaerres the greetwt rr.ed frytn credit for fci« srti-inq x*tl In the adornment of fcta bridal tow, looking w-’l and contented, m. rt( , part To liltu U die the enierpriao that if he bad sujoysd timse f '--inr ala trip. l‘..i j v*. oharacterlMd its maratormrat for ibe paat Udy did net return tri'h !'e. ’ ut *U rentals two yeart.tsd, if he tail the means al hie die- np the! ths hot w?»'.h*r has awns- J post', he wnold *refo»» the end of toother year vrhatabale; |g| | well snob ljltCfldTca|g|onitTniiiiaad Gnxz to Nxw Voitx —Mayor H-ff kit y teritay momirp for Near Vert, to be gone ab ten days or two week*. lie gore on perao ther. aorgtk. fcneioeee hot wti! j.rrtn y dr y " .cw v' about the fair arhilo he is knoc’rg elrouad among the Gothamite”. Eiarunon Ticxm —The Central railroad la now selling, at SU prneraj ticket effloa la this ■city, txeurri-o tictslq to oil the Virginia end Tcsneseeo welancg plenen. and tiro ij an the /•ahlonabie resort* In tho North. Thai* tickets are sold at reduced prices. Ocm.—Bis IConor, Mayor o cases before him jesteMay Tnz Mitci Doff, tad boi morning. Albert Tarver, crane* colored, ana op direr'oriy oaadeet, but big cuss was conttaui until this morn! r g, A lad w*a op for ahoodrg at plgsoe charge again si Mm ms ditmimed. I.tniw b'rnt'o.—The excellent proprietor tho Mclntoah H:nte, Mr. B. W. Ootjter, gives notice that be has Just received a saw lot farnltnrr, s*d U prepaid to accommodate hundred additional guests. Tbs hots! capacity of the spring has been folly taxed this hot this addition will greatly add to the earn fort of those who are no* there ai well aa those who arc going. Collier keep* * rood hotel, and. Kesslers baud Is there to make good made. ArnErr-Mrman.—JL well known Third street merchant, who boerda In one of the Macon ho tels, had his mind to occupied with business yesterday about noon, that bo went to dinner without ids c ist, and with bis suspender* thrown off bis rboulden and bangtrg around Ms waist la this diebahiUa ha went Into the dining room and ato Ms dinner, miking no discovery aatil he bad finished his meal, though bo wondered all the while what tbs other guests were greatly amused nt, sod why the ladles at an other table kept up such en amount of littering. When ho appreciated the situation it required bat a start while for him to get oat of (ho dialog room, ood then bo went at lehreCe to Ma store, musing at the rresaeonntable things that 1 may happen to a man In the poms* of an ordl nary iifo time. lireieu, FnraTin —We bear, from reliable quartern, that a great movement is os hand musical circles, coy comings musical festival !• bp fctidlMre during the ptalo Fair. The pro gram. mo 13 to perform a grand oratorio with full chorus, solo, orchcstn and organ, which undoubtedly a great cndertaklng fora diy of tba alia of Maoon, But wo are Informed, that oor lo cal musical talent are to be recruited from Sevan naii, Atlanta, (Mambas ecd Augusta, in fset, throughout the State, and that the Icstromestal parts will be entirely In the hands of protes- aloual musicluss. la (his owe It will prove be Ibe grandest ransieal performance aver wit' nosed In cur city. The prosesds asie Intended for tho Eistcrs of Mercy, who need a new dweh ling and are trylog (o rets* the meant to build • now house. We sincerely hope that tho ucdjrtnWng will aucooed, oml do not doubt that 6ur cltlsena will appreciate tho purpose,’ and lend the: parties- all possible BrsnrBS Iwraorsagurr.—Going around yes. lenlny, wo saw some substantial evidences of Improvement In trade. One Item was morn than It so six-male wagons earning In with Urge bales of ootton on them. [From Jones, we suppose.] Wo also noticed Greer, Like 4 Co, gettlrg m and opening new goods, which we would guess were bough by Mr. Gntcft, while on his way to Saratoga Springs. Among their ra- sortment wo observed those Boo Dabes’e raisins in bunches, cow currants, oitron, fresh English crackers, nuts, jsUiss, preserves sad pickles, largo lino of preset Ting sugars, golden and magnolia bams, now dour, lard, better, eta— Wo also noticed “Hardeman's Silver Wedding” rye, ned wore (M they have six different brands of tho finest champagne wine. There la no nso going off to watering places to get rid of your money, when you can get-aach good things to eat, drink, smoke and chew at homo— OarUn't rjrHut. Ntaet XXts Toot 09. • Homo men pneapecUva of net, ehlor cr pre vious condition] are born tmlaeky; soma have auluekineso thrust upon them, and aom# are nnlucky simply because they happen to aland in tho way cf every streak of bid look that oomoa along. Warren Dukas, colored, tots oltrk In the Macon postcQco, cornea under all (ha above beads. At ]uast,fastaunfaieky anobghto bs *° ranked. His forte Is In Retting shot. In that lino ho Is an ospccial lucre*. A pistol ball, or a charge of bind-shot going in Ms direction, never falls to hit him. Not tong ago Jeff Lung was fondling a (hopoatciSrc when one of tho barrels was discharged. Dukes was tn (he ofSce at tho tints, and of course ts received tba charge. It took Mm on one of hit Checks and 1 'caused him great surprise," bat be recov ered. Boi be was more surprised yesterday than ever be was before. Ha and • eomnds had armed thomirive:;: :JCra going out to shoots few birds. They were passing through n cut which was formerly ths bod-of the Central rail road, when they oama to • sort of a focec, un der which they attempted to creep. Dnkes hoJ gone under end his oomrado wav following, when the gun of the taller gft caught In a rail and was disoharged, lodging n full doss cf hlrd- ahot In one of Dates’ ankles. That ended Iho hunt. Dukes srus gotten back to ths city and Dr, Crowell W. Johnson was called In. Aider an examination of tho wound, ha fcaud tbit am- pautloa was aeoe*ary,' and, acJorJ ugiy, he performed tho operation yesterday afrcraoca, taking tho fcos eff Just above tho ankle. It was a utci' pfoco of carving, end done so gulek- ly, that It hardly hid tlma to hnrt. The patient Is doing, vary well, considering the circumstances, and is ready to svex then the next time he f/'Cf is A- j;i r tie .'ti£»1 must “carry an errow nad box, * CABinU i'itjr Piirlr* Tho Taik was never oo beautiful as It U sew. Tho work that has been doao up unit this year, begins to spook for i'.sslf; the new monads and terraces being fairlyaMocm withe of choice fi uwen Evcrywhoro there la sens sign that tho magedmeut grounds nso being K;: Iby Improved, and so u::k has been ^ jsa ti-'-t hss ns! added to thober.c'7 of■ C o luuCA-xpo. Workmen sra cuwcngrgcifis eompMlSg lie Jake. A sewe: tabctagaaaslru; ’ ftwecuthc lower end of Uiphlk. and ibsiirui fur th.- pur- puse of keeping I-a water pare, and la a few days tho whoifc of lha hks, in arigina’-’y d*- algnod, will to f=" cf water, t:f lug vary gre-.'r to the beanty cf tho j-lanrs gtonada. New walks ate being oou:'. j.1, vLi -;vcr needed through tho greaadj, and rji are as clear as if tbev w a-r ’ r -. ■ Ibe day. A htada-me stattoB houat (* ftO h* s/seted at Mao end of tho circet rsiiruuJ fox lira oemrexi of the pnblle, os well ssfer iis fur,::.’; moot of the gruru-Ir. The ererti.-s hippodrome, tor the jaapST pWMm of stoek—stmilur to tho ore on tie ' - ,'.o*story grounds—Is alio lncenUtr-.!iU 3U. Iljl i-'fltf probable that this w! i * ;;r ' to litre fur ths ■tote Fair. The ground inside the alia ;rs:k vhJ K plosred up at &n early day, ,cvrled well sed •owed down In rye. Xhls w£H be the purr-do ground for the military during the toir. The deer arc dole* wh3t they e 43 toward fcaoptng up the inicres 4 . c! the Fa- k. bavemi fawn hive already beer. ; 4 -do:od and core sxo expected. These ctJmms new hu\e ih - srhole raugo of West Dark, and it would /equire a good deer hunter to oust them from their am« e piaoM. Since this ecu path has besu mnlnaiil It baa grown to b« a perfee- w"df mots 8( bosh* HJ 1W^- Cllnrll I’ropcnllnr*. Ncoruc Mrrrrvo. » Ciuaaii Chamber. JoiySU, 1873 > Present—Hon. W. A. Huff, Mayor; Alder men J. W. Bnike, G. Burke. Dempmy, Light- foot, Dstlz, BurdlA, Cornell, Darrctt, dlls, Kuhn tod Bhonemsn. Absent—Aldeman Cut*r. Ths minutes of the last meeting ware read tad confirmed. C. Hasfsnvn, R. Crocked, A. Brigbihsapt, estate of H. Otsytsu. KXASIMSUto. Harrison .Tonvs. ? t 37; D. B Woodruff, •12£: W. A E. P. Taylor, *id; Harris A Peter, (1 DO; Oliver. Deuglsvs A Oo.. 821 *5; R> ImdB. Halt, 87 73; EKis & Cutter, 88 40; Ehroott & Krebs. ?!0 fit) O. Burke. 823 80; FsHxCorpn'. flO; BerndBron, 8( SC; H. F. Wesleott, esf>. .Ths petition of the Sisters of Mercy far. s donation of $3,000, for tbo purpose of meet ing s suitable building in srtxteh to educate tbo orphans under tbdr charge, together with other pupils, wss referred to the Committee on rot Aldxuos —By referees* to the proceedings of the Council published dnf where, it will be seen that the oeatjol Alderman Barren Gaiter has been declared meant, and an election ordered to Ml the vacancy thus oc casioned. No oau-iidatM are vet announc'd; bat we presume itcre are plenty of ger.-.lemeu , fs.u^cul aw eteem 8HS8H TurpeuUne heavy at 63. Bosis, 3 08 for eommon strained. Freighu steady. W«»lr Srvlrs or ISa SarfcrL FF.'dK TELSOBAPH AND MBSBSNOEB.t I w. Jn.1 SO—Evening. 1873. f ■ mcrey end general market we quote aj fol- tn ths t rat Ward who are wiKicg to tsra «1 dermenlc bonert thnist upon Ihena A Gaps Baesucux will be given at Central City Poik on Thursday, the 3Ut day of July. Tbs best cf viands and refreshments will be wired. Tidwtsoanbs secured at ths princi pal saloons In the city. Jal}27 4t Ti.-rrrs to NewTork, Philadelphia end Bdt! more by the must de=ir»b!e routes, si Brown 4 Co.’s. Ja!j20enultur tf Txcsiwa* ow wrw rer.r. Buying .... nar -''V'iBsr JJ in prpm SirSASrai oir *a.ti*7Ub. bertog Koff. 5e-mi par ry.Tr.D ST ATM CTSHTTCT—LOAN*. Per Bnrnai IH‘9W percent r*C r ^ LTD STLTd. Bcrtnar mtee for MH Selling...;- ...? l [^,^ ril ®* for3i!, ' eT .«! 34 .. 1 IS . 1 «4 .1 07 STATE ROVDK. GoorsU 8 p«r cf nt Bood^*. Georg:* 1 per c^nt. Bonds, old Neckwear.—Everything fashionable SS Sfc:::: in Bows and He*, selected by one of ihe Georgia 6 per eent. E-or-is. old , . ,. , .xt x- • 1 errr sfccsiTin. firm now in New lorlc, at Hertz, Virgin &■ Co.’s. City of tfaoou Banda, ecdoraed by B. B.. Oily of >!ven Bond* Cby of Savannah Bon-3*. old 81®- City of Savansab Bonds, new 810 rsii.roai> sEirsiDta. G*org < a Railroad 7 per eent. Bond* Georgia Katlroad Stock Pvtcaiez your railroad tickets from Brown 4 Oo. lor tbo same as at the depet. Informa tion ae to time and connections freely given. „ 7 , K- I Central Eal'road 7 per cent. Bonds Btrosyimra —If you feci oppress'd by tho j Railroad gtook heat and dost, just step Into Lob’s, in Ihe La-1 Sourr.xertera Railroad Bonds.. uler Homo building, aud lake ocoolrefreehiug riw"Bonds'. . ... bslh for only twenty 2re cents. Hbsvicg, natr | jfaron A Brunswick Rolhroad Stock Numlnal | Pork dutiat 37 00. cutting, eto., by the most sklllfnl tonsorial artists, aud at the coolest establishment in tho oily. Stringers visiting Macon should re mem ber thl«—the people here all know it julyl! eodif I I v C-v real Rsi'rrad aud Georgia Railroad. 90 Krentiig—Moor, southern heavy and ncchasged; common to fair extra 8 3S06 79; good to «bo:ce 7 86#" 90 whlrky ttrmsr at 96,'<. Wheat h«aw ind 1 lowerrh91<ters acxions. Corn steady and ;-.i fair demand, at earner weetern m'.-Tsd 51®59: vel- low weatern 68.3319 Bice Arm at 8KS9M l’ork .readier: new mesa 17 2S La-d firmer at S 3-16 4 8fi Tnroentine dnlL Fosin firm. Tallow quint at --’l^dS8;v. Freights firm; cotton per steam {-18 @K- „ BiLTiwoBT—Plour dull ind steady. Wheat scrivr; prime red 1 68^1 83; choica ara-vr l fit. Cora nominal; white bS®SC: yellow 68^99. Oatsdn'l; sontbern 48089. Provisions qule:. Pori 17 (ri 4 ? 17 60. Bacon, shoaMerr 9>,': clear rib sides 9V. engarenred hams H®16 WhUry drmcr at 95. Lard Xxwnsvnix— Flnur quiet: supciflce 8 50. Com firm: eaek-Jd 59>?fi2. Pork steady 16 00:31960 — Bacon firm ard in good demand; ehcalders W; dear rib sides clear sides W}<. packed. Lard steady; choice leaf titree 9X; kegs 10; Etcath R5 | BX- Whtskv Steady at 31 OntcniWATi—Flonrdn!lat615-?6 75 Corn in fair demont ood firm; fa r to prime 44 774S. Pork he’d firmly at 1C 00. Lord d-.’.I and nominal: steam held at 8X: kettle 8Y- Bacon firm: shor.1 *'rs 8Jf: r ear rln sides c ear bides he’d at ISJtf.— Wid-kv firm at 9) Bt. Lone—Flonr qn’ei aud odaspi. Ocm Id light demand; holders firm: No 3 mixed 39V©40 in elevator. Whi-kyDotrina' at 91. Pork quirt at 93 1 16 60. Bacon st-ff; eJme ea'ev h’gher: eli--n'd“rs 95 I ssf: dear rib sides il>X: r'sar sides 10Y@ 10>f.— 92 I Liird qnist: refined 8’-t^8.Y- Szw —Flonr coll: dcnb'o extra 695; treble extra 6 r-V:7 00; family S (0S8 95 Crrn 92 I score; mix'-d wb'ie 70. Oats easier at lll(*tl 65 I Bran dnU at 80. Hay doll; prime 22 f4k cboieo'i5 03. “ D-vsa! »! *r"i*-£ -n-r. r':ou - ino Wanted! Wasted! A EITCATION as Teacher of tho English Lan guage, or Music. In an Academy or private faxils, by a lady of expsrience- Terms moderate. No objection to ah* oouniry. Baferencee given If required. Address, _ ... ABO, Post-oSce Box 451. JulySO 3.* Maoon. Go. PLANTERS’ HOUSE, Opposite Hafi'e Bcfldlngv Cherry Street, irlwe*n Third and Fourth, H4C09, OEOMTA. T Ht5 well-known lnnee b?iog now suitably Sued op. the undersigned Im prepared to ao- commodate Boirier?—Permanent, Transient an<1 Day. GneaJs will receive b?*t attention, and the Table anpplied with the finest tho matkr»t affords. Jnlv30 tf J H BtiKMER New Boarding House. O N THE FIRST OF ACGCST. I will open the Horse on Mn'.beny street, opposite tho 1-a- Bocae, (Granite Had), formerly kept by N. Binewangf r Board 425 per month, and the table supplied with the boat the market affords. Boom: can be had either with or without fnraitnro. JalySO 3t E- M BROWN. Agent. Mason * 5V*,tern BsLL-oid Bond* 921 dere 9. Bacon in pond'deco.wd and scarce; aboil- Maoon & Augusta Railroad 1st m<\rt. Bonds. 88 I dors 9"': sides 11; hams, choice 165^@16. Lard iT&c-n -b Atpusia Raiiroadist mortgage Bonds j dnJh n flood tieroe8X@S«f- keg 10i<. Pugarsnd eadareed 90 j nolassee, no movement Wbi*ky firm: LMiiatana tfaoon & Augusta B. B. OaustrucUcoBaads. ™ — Waa’ornKa-iroad 8 percent. Bonds, endorsed try Central Railroad and Georgia Railroad. MoNBs 4 Girard Katlroad Bonds, endorsedby ■Gntnl BaBroad 87 Tto potitt<m ot tho tarielltiab oongreoaMon, of thw city, for a donation of (3,000 to aid them In tbo oomplotloo of their synagogue, was re ferred to the Committee on Flnaroe. Tbo petition of H. A. Benson for an rn-renrh- ment oo First itrsot, la front of parr of lot 1, square 63, was referred to tbo Committee on Street Encroachments. The petition of W. t. Lawton for an en- cruectunent ot elz feet lu front cf his residence on Poplar street, wss referred to the Committee on Street Enaroaehments. The petition of E. O Omroell, John Murphy end others for a well in Bay street. In East Maoon, was referred to the Committee on Pomps. The sppUcttfoB of /. Lawler foe the use of the rock qnsrry at the terminus of Third street, wee oo motion, laid upon the table. The following report of the Finance Commit tee wss received, end on 'motion to adopt, the yeas and nays were called, and resulted as fol- Yoas— Aldermen Ellis, 0. Burks, Dempsey, J. >V. Burks. Lightloot and Drift—G. Meyt—Aldermen Corn*!!, Dnrroit, Kahn, Sboneman and Burdick—6. The Finance Committee, having had under runatdcretlnn the memorial of the trustees of WcrJeyan Female College for a donation of ft.000, recommend that the application be granted for #5,000. 1. The money is sake<1 for such Improvements la the balldlng and ground i as o»Ill make them an ormuuhnt to the city—which can only bo done by bolding this u an irstituUon of great pnbffo value. if. The Institution should be fostered by the pnbllo, for It brlogr Into tba city and distri butes eunnally from one to two bundled thou ear d dollars among ah classes of oor people. 3. The Collego educates from ten to twenty dioRhters of widows and otheig of our citizens xrrfttoltca Ujr each rear. . 4. Tbs memorial of the Iruatoes la enstslced by a petition that It be granted, signed by near s hundred of among the largest property holders of (he ett v, with the exproseed opinion gener ally that the College ought to have the douatlaa from the City Treasury, while the fact also ap pears that hrd there been time to canvass far ther .between tho time of tbo meeting of the Board and the last meeting of Council, when It «H thought best to send In the petition, very many more sfcaatsres could have been p zoenrod to-said petition—showing that this donation raoqlves general favor.. ' Tho Finance Committee therefore recom mend Ihe adoptloa of the following resolution: Resolved, That the memorial of tho Trustees of Ihe Wesleyan Female College be granted by a donation, payable to the Treasurer of the College,- of five thousand dollars—oce-hsif pay. able at the option of tbo Mayor, and by bis order, before Ute first day of January next; tho other half in Instalments of $500 per month thereafter, till all te retd. 3. W. Btrssr, Cb. Fin. Com. Tuooua a. Dsarnx, B. 1. LtUBTVUCT. Ths Committee on Plnsooe, to whom was re ferred tho petition of W. C. donee, agent for the beira of E. .1. Aakow, for rednetion Of assessment on lot 4. block 19, N. W. C., re ported adversely on same. Adopted. The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the petition of Misuse! N. Barry, trustee, for A vednotion ot $5CO on tsieasment oo part of lot ft. square 17, reported favorably on tbo same. Adopted. The Committee on Market, to whom was re ferred tbo petition of .T. F. Holder to rent aud rncloso taro market stalls. Nos. 13 end 20, re- ported favorably on the same, provided it bo done In s neat manner end subject to removal by Connell. Adopted. Tbo Committee oo Streets made tho follow- fng report on the petition of E. Crockett, for i aawer to be built from the comer of Hawthomo end MoTnttxib streets to the branch that crosses mid McIntosh street, aud also to lay drain pipe from the well near the corner of Fourth and Ojrifthorpe Hired*, to connect with raid sewer, which was received and adopted: ■To tin ilayor and Council of the City of 3Trcon Tour commit tea hare the honor to report fa vorably npon so much ot the petition as refers to the sowersse of McIntosh street, and refer Ihe improvement And loving ot the Iron pipe from the well, to the Cemmltteo on Pomps. Hurts Enrrj, .Tons t. Coekft.t., D. M. PUBBEIT, Committee. The Committee on Shoe's, to whom was re ferred the petition of Charles Craig, to have the brti’r' over Iho bronob, at the corner ot Bny and McIntosh tfraets, raised, report that tbe improvements cbont to bo ocmmecoed on McIntosh atreef, will obviate tho necessity of raising tbo bridge- Adopted. Tho petition of John Davis. N. A. Megrath, „. J. Ltghltbot, John O. Curd, ogeut, and others for an encroachment of fifteen feet on Boundary street, the petitioners agreeing to keep Raid street Immediately in their front in good traveling condition at their own expense, the oonlm'.ltee to whom this matter was ro. rrred made tho following report, which was idopicd: That the petition be granted on the conditions named, and that tbe said encroachment to be removed at the option of tbo Council. Jobs J. Oossnx, T. C. Dmirszx, Bar. Busuics, Committee The committee to when wss referred the pe tti ion ef Mm ETzi Ann Irby, in referenoo to the sewer that empties on her premises on Pina street, made ths following report, which was adopted: . To the BimoroK* 3fe’-or and Council of (As C3y of Macon’ Tour committee beg Ieevo respectfully to re sort. that they have examined the premises of Sirs. Irby, and find her complaint requires tbe attention ot the whole body of the Council, sed not of the Street Oommiltce solely. We would recommend, however, that the city puv jire rota theecst -of bul'dlrg a sewer through the premits with ethers interested. IUtsb Euxr. .Tuns J. Oonszrs, D. If. C run ett, Committee. The Committee on Fire Department, to whom arts referred tbe petition of C. Mtehoid, Fore- man of Oemuigoo Fire Company No. 2. N. Erplcrar, Assistant Foretaan. and John Valen tino, Treasurer, to be allowed to sell tbe hand engine and apparatus of (aid company, sad apply the preoeods toward# Ihe payment of theis put ot the purchase money for a slesmer, repenkd favorably on the same. Adopted. The toRawIng report of Liecienaut H. Ot Taylor, acting Chief of Police, was received, read abd ordered spread upon ths minutes: OnrexCstrr cr Potics, Cirr cr Mrcus. > Maoas, Ga., July 20,1873. ' > (V BonoralU Mayor and Council: Ixan: I have tbe honor to make ths fol. lewtrg renort as to tho condition cf the street Ismp«: I Cad from tho report of one of -mv cffireis (hat there are twenty-ere lamps in bad order, eleven of which aro net lighted a; aU. Geatletpen, I have ths honor to remain your diect fectviBt. E. C. Tamos, lieutenant Police. On motion ot Aldenssn 3. W. Burke— | Resolved, Its* the Mayor be autkorirsd to oerrespoed with^ho Mxycr of 33 afitaors, tenner- iss aid to the snffererstn tho recent disuti-onj fire in thet dty—and la case Each aid will be received—ihet snob on smonut as may be here after determined upon by the Ccnnoti, be for warded hv the Maa or for ito relief cl raid snf- ferort reseed. On molira of Afdemxn J. W. Burke— ltesolved, Test the Mayor and tnikiiog com- cii'ee bo auiioriz d-to ptrchtac a suitable buUdirg. in the Third Wild, for a pulfe school- tos50. Fossed. Oa motion of A'.Jenntn Kshn— Basket 3, Thu; Ihe seat of Al.letman Birron Carter te dco’.ared vsaaat, aud that tbe Uavor r r.ier sc elretlantofiHsaM vsoancy on the 16th t r-'xjno. Passed. 'In motion O-nnoii adjourned to meet next Tcaedsy v. 8 o clock r. if. J. A McMasu3, Clerk 0. C. To PlSrEXOZBU GOISO NOSTH AND ElST.— Should call at Brown 4 0o.’a before purchasing | Monroorcory *_ Enfauf s 8 per cent gold en- thelr tickets. Juij 20snnlhnr tf 3J: CSnetarati, 1 00 offered Coffee dull at 18t^23H- WimisoTOs—Sririt* tornrntine quiet at 38 Rn*in Meadv; strained 2 50; So 2 6 nft low No 2 70: extra No 1 2 39. Crr.-Io tcrpentlna fl-m; , hard 2 00; yetiowdro and virgin 3 35. Tat quiet at 3 65. j MLorDov—Evening—Tarpectice S2e. marine" NEWB. done bonds 1 90 _ Sontli Caroline RanroedFtock 9° Jins. Joszrmxz Honsz. artist, formerly of | Atlanta ft Weet Point It. B. 8 percent Bonds 92 ,, »-I Atlantic 4 Gntf Boifiood, eooseUMsd mort- Georgia. Address J22 Weverley Place, New I RiU; eBooda 72) Nzw IoRK_Arrivcd. BeminoJo. Hnntevfiie. Pan York Portrsits and pictures of any six* taken AUintic ft Gulf Railroad Bonis, endoraei by I Jacinto. Thuringia, Blanhettsn. Jarra. Ban 8alv» _ ... 1 City of Pavsnnab 771 dor. Arrived ont. Caledonia, Dutehland. Egypt. from old dagnereotypes in tbe high s. .y.e J a Or.lf Rei'rosd Coupon Bc-nde wl Charleston—ArtiTcd, 6e» GuL Siiled, sonib art. J Atlantic ft Gaff Kallroed Stock 16 I Oiwolina. Ticxtts to Now York and PhllndelpMa, via Pennsylvania Air Lise, at Brown 4 Co’s. jnlyTOBunlhur tf rnwostL -J. W. Ansley—“It hae broken up eevero! coeeaof long standing chille and fevers. and I find Bimmons' Liver Begnletor to be a greet I WHITE MEATS—0 R Bide*.... remedy in dyspspeia aud liver eompfiints.” i PbonJders KEATS. BAOON—Clear rib eidee Crmokod) BhcnMere Bueer-ecred items POBK—rieklod rronpi Pickled mee* Pickled trimmings... Bellies flBAIX AND BAT. lf-fca IW NEW t*iO lOJtf 16 0* 37 is co 20 00 jo ormi co 9X(9 10 7K® 8 10X® 10H ADVERTISEMENTS If you want a stylish white vest of the j very nobbiest cut, go to H*rtz, Virgin & j OOB5 - on t* sw Co. 8. IGRIT3 X 85 *** "— ~ . . loeTS 60 © (55 Tickets via Atlantio Coast Line, for sa.e by | jrpguv PEAP 1 go fij't 25 HAY-Western - 1 76^ 1 99 , _ . Eastern «... 3 25 juIySOsunthur tf. | ragging and iron nra. . . BAGGING—Bengal 16 Of 17 Medicine gives tmlversel eatiafectlon to [Lvjin.rT..... FOR SALS. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, containing six rooms, on Bond stmt; outbnUdlcge complete. Tense easy. Apply at Julv3t tf LAWTON ft WILLINGHAW8. FOR SALE | ^^NE of the meat deairable place* in Yineriile, I containing 45 acres, known as tbe B ysnt Place. Apply to jnlySl eodtf A. J. 03B. At Oliver, Don,lees ft Co's. 17 <3 18 18 ©19 16 the treatment ot Liver Dlaeaee, Dyepepsia, Elsie I Borneo Headache, Oo*tireness, and all that close «.f <51— j - eases arising from a disordered elate of the etom- I acb and liver. [> novSOIy j SroiT.; TVhite Vests—linen and Marseilles I fxxjgb—Low superfine per bbi 7 oo <© oftha very latest styles, ju9t received by | standard superfine........ ® Hertz. Virgin & G^. | rffc 0 !r« extra JO ro o J V*n\ly 11 oo /© Host, Kasmf ft Lax-an.—This well known and - 13 co • reliable firm have received a large lot of Dr. Hood’s | LAED^-rterees , a FOR SALE OR KENT. A COTTAGE DWELLING HOI78E, eontalring five roomB, with all neceeBsry outhnnvoa jgxa 1 Poeeestion given immediately. It can be bought bvc I low for cash, or on tlmo- Apply at - I HARRIS * PETBR-S ]ult31 tf Dmg B‘ore 13K 2S S3 WANTED. A N EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, desiring to locate in Macon, wishes to make an en- | gagement with a responsible honao for the coming season. Addross, for one week, BOX 312. July 31 tf Eureka liver Medicine. It hae the praise of ell j COFFEE—Bio 23 © who have tried it. In bottioa at EO cents tad 81.00 I Java. 38 © , , , I CHEESE—Beet cream LtsTovOocP3 always on hand at P. P. Hakfi j ^iSS/ 01 * 1 8tate......... ^ ^ Bulldera’ Emporium, Charioaton. B. C. Doors, j Georgia aud N.O. CaneByrnp W Sashes, Hinds, Mouldings, Brackets, Stiir EaiT-[ BCGAH—A b^Ni^.lk.ete^BteteBMustera.ofhteosrnl ^rpsn^(bhds); I1M j ownp - otiHon . ^ th4tt hepayment of any debts. manufactnro, and eat-s-acticn guaranteed, ana { TetiowO J1 «i IIX ^ S eUTcr? of &ny pro ^ t y beiotging to said genirtrs....* ** I BtakropA. to him, or for hia nee. and tbo trar*^^ mOQOW UU33, liaUUMO uw.nwu, 1 „ V m’.; poo nahk I ot any property by hiro, are forbidden by l*w; Kate Hantiepleces, Drain Pipe, Encaustic Floor I MACKEREL—No I Ml*. n ra * & meeting of the creditors of the said Baukrnp .nfi.ii.rttctn. I J,,?. 11 uu ® f Z-if* I prove their debts, and to cbooeo one or moro »e- TJe, Wire Gtarda for Btoro Fronts, andaUartiaes | 2Mts........ _.I Z5 vigneee of his estate, will be held at a Court of [Notice in Bankruptcy. T HIS is to give notice that on tho 16th day of July. A. D., 1873, a warrant in Bankruptcy ' was leaned against the e-tate c-r Philip Clark, o-’ Daviaborough, comity of Washington, and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged e Bankrupt on bis needed in completing a firct-olaes house. Brice list sent freo on application- July* lm SMts. WHITE FISH—Half bbl CANDLES—Beat star (fnli w’t) Bperm Psraphino..,. • 3 bbis—Largo 33 012 BO Cascoaz Drezuis, nc matter bow they originate, and without regard to tbs sex of tho eafferer, are cured withent danger or InconvanisBoe byHeln-j STARCH—Pearl bold’. Ex treat Itochu, the great diuretic. SuTTEi^Ctoloe Ter.neeeee.. rate specifically upon the kidneys, bladder andl Tennc-eaee No. 3.. auxiliary organs. No other preparation poeseeaes | Beat Goshen, tbe fully developed merits of Hehnhold’s Extract, j Goshen No 2 It is tbo only gcnnluo Bnelra. and it never falls. I ergs—Phms.V.V.V.’.'.' 38 S John F. Henry, Sew York, solo agent. 1 OHIOKENS—Per doz 8 50 (31459 — - . 3 10 43 65.'© 48 © © so at Bankruptcy, to be hoiden at Macon. Ga., at the office of Bobert A Niebot, Esq . before Alexander G. Murray, Eiq . Begieter. on the 23th day of August. ' A. D., 1873, at 10 o’clock a. n W. H. BMYTH. July312t P. 8- Marshal, as Metaii-gcr, SALT—Virginia pereack.... Ths Bsssipt —To escape tb» worthless aboai- I IAvorpoo!.. J 95 © 3 £5 NAIT5— 6 75 (g 0 itO nations effered under tbs title ef flavoring extracts I «ft*B»-r • • g^mTTSa and baking powder*, and foroo themoutof thoj xfBhirtmg market, restewbollywttb the osnsumers. thoy aro | Ball Thread... tbe ones that have to suffer. Purchase only those j Knitting Tar?' articles yen know by experience te be pure. Look j 0S3 ' Ho 2?™. f. - upon choap goods oa an evidonee of tboir adulter- 1 alien and worthloeaneas, upon those that dea'ers complain of as being too high to keep for e*'.e as aignmcct lu their fevor, for good, pure goods nan not ha sold ss cheap as worthier* aces, and afford a lees profit to the manufacturer and dealor. Dr. kTinodgevfflo No 3 WaynnunrilleSheeting... i Houston Sheoting Houston Stripes. Giiombaa Stripes High Shoal Stripes Montonr SMrtiDg—X Factory Sowing Thread. 145f» 17 S» «K@ «) 0 i »dlO. Lieu tuDUnUIK MJ'XJX • » » lU*Wtl • Two hundred and two and half acres rf I.v>d, ad joining lands of B. P. Read imd Willlna T. Phillips, nnniber not known. Line tn tho S33d O. M. d-st rict W oriainaily Wilkinson, now Twijras county: levied on aa tho property of Haywood Ji. l'hillira. to ratia-y one fi (a Issued from the Twivss County Kopcrior Conrt. in fnvo- of Daniol Ballard vs Heywood H. Phillips and William T. Phidira. Property pointed ont bypIaintiiTs at'orney. Al-o. nt tho aamo time and niece. 2f0 aeres of land. Nc. I’d. Irina in tho haddO.M.district of originally . Wilkir.Eon. now Twigys county: isvici on os tho i”V I pripertr of H’illism E Phillips, to tatisfy one fi fa is | issued from tho Twigna County bnn-rinr Court, in .. I favor of Daniel Bollard ve Haywood It. Phillips and rixe I T. Phillips. Proporty pointed out by plain- ajrs I tiffs attorney. Also, at tho sBino time and place,231 aero of land, ManMtiW 26. eiiragymraeJ 15 40 Ter popular route to New York ts the Allantic Cpnst Ups. jo!]70nwUmr tf 30 Frioa’ iSpodalFlavoriDg* onfi Orosm Baking Pew- 7.7!.:” 1 61 m ders aro acknowledged by chomiste to be thupur-J ' ’ ’seonria tinwaebed wool.. “ " oat. and the only scientifically prepared articles of j Georgia washed wool.... their kind tn the market, and are now used * n * j bfeSWAX?.*.".'*.*.*. 4 . mlllon homes end tally incrcsring in popster ft- j hides—^Dry flhjt.V.V.'.V.'I.’w. vor. [ Green , IBWKET POTATOES The Warn arro Tzas cvLryr.—The car or. anxio-1 v.'UlHKV Common Bye... ties and mlafcritmre of life have aa much to do with J TALLOW eborteningit as disease. Thny are la fail tho source ot many ailments and ptyFici! disabilities. Nervous weakness, dyepepeis. affections or the|g- liver, dialurbanoee of the bowels, hsadachre, hypo-1 Ciieico Family Fionr, with cboodria and monomania aro among these distress-1 _ eleady demand......^.. SIO Bn <3 12 50 DO © 45 © 70 <e 25 © 36 7 0 lta (jin 1 Pfi & 1 10 7 satisfy one fi fa issued from tho Twiggs Connry Supe rior Conrt, in favor of Daniel Bullard vs Thomas il. Jones. Property pointed ont by idair.WTs Ktornov. Also, at tho same time and place, 270 acres cf laud. XoB.ka and Si. lying la tho 3'3i G M. district of I originally Wilkinson countv. now Twigra county; I levied on ns the property of Thomas H Jones, to sat isfy one 13 ts iu lavor of Lightfoot ft Jaunes, of Ma con. Ga. v» Thomas H. Jones. Property pointed out I by plaintiff. ' JAMES C. HERRING. ja]y31 3 m Drruiy Sheri!;. VJ undersigned, administrator cn the e<,*.»to of Henry E. A. Candler, late of said county, deceased, ri'»»hPities i JlarSet reports Of Fancy and Fstully Oroceriea I has mado application to the Ordinary of said county, source of many ailments and ptffWa. dLtbmttes. I Grce A cq jjj*. C2 Cherrv.and Ct Third I for leave to sell all tho real estate of said deceased, «f --1———*"**>«■» of' tha i—J — - | v>r diitribotion among tne heir«: Xhtid are, there W 0 33 Q tf'iaberuext* E.H. ZELLNER. Adminutrator. FOR SAIiE. 100 000 F£ETOFASSOI5TSd:ldjibeb ' Coll at InlySO dlw I ICE! CROCKETTS WORKS. ICE! Ing fruits. It is. therefore, ot gnat tayrtaaee K!'."! that persona whose minds aro oppreeacil with heavy I a.. B.. Ex. 0. and Brown N. O. burinoae rorponribUitios. or harrtaaod fc7 family I Bngar 12 © 34 troabfes. or excited by epocnlatlun, or perplexed J Bert Yonng Hyson and Black ( % — , fn by a multiplicity oi enterprises, or inany wayover-1 0 ; d j'aVaSirJi:::: Rd © 85 taxed or overworked, should keep up their etaml-1 While ft Little Green Coffee 25 © 28 na by the daily use of a wholeacme tonic. Taou-[Ohnic<i IioefandBuffaloTongnns 75 0 t 25 Bands of pereona thus clrcnmatanced are enabled I 4 J® • r ^ to boar up aga'njt the diEcnities in which they aro j ^Oranges," pi"box.’.’.".'."." Non? involvod, and to retail tbslr stronglb, hoalth and | FreccbXieioorui...... 20 00 0 2° ro mental claanscsa. tv lha regular nso of Bceteilcfa | Jew Layer Eaiains. 8 W ^ 7 W Blcmach Blttore. Ptesa^wMch *reC°o*to tt- j W taokthobody whan dtUIiUtcd and broken down I puberts 16 Cl 35 byovor-mnch brain-work, or exhanetieg physical | Finest and bast Champagnes... £3 00 @49 00 tabor, aro kept at toy by tho reeistant power with ^ F “htly Bye yrhiefcy.... 250 © 6 00—I French Brandy, for medical nae. 8 50 @1500 which Ihta [cccmparab.o tonio endows tho nervous I D oma ,.; 0 imported Began.. 30 90 @150 00 system and the vital organs. At Ibis season, when I Virginia and North Carolina To- thoheat laovaparztlng the elements of etnuigth | baoao 40 © 1 25 from ove^ pore, tn invigorant is obeolntcly eesen-1 i i? 2 lm tlol to ths safety and comfort of the public, znd is I japt^ Noito. required oven by the more robust If they desire to j DriodApp’es.. Nona. kc-ep their athletic capabilities lu status -uo. Hence I ■««>■■ tr. j ,i, « n m n a a course of HostoUer-aBitlcraiapartichiorly use-J Latest Market BepOrtS by Telegraph LEBflrClllS HBW GfOP 1 IlFfliP SfiCQ ICE! ^|"AOON FAOTOBYIOB, from distilled water, TO BE HAD IN ANY WANTITr, —IT— GEORGS BEGGS', lot Cherry street. JnIy2G In* BUY THE BEST. fn! at this period of tbo year as a defense against the invisible disease afloat in a sultry atmosphere. | FINANCIAL. It is tbo most potent of al! preventive taediciuf a, I . . — and for off complaints which affect tbe etomach, I — ... ■ ,,.. . _ - . .... 1 Money oasa at 8@4. Exchange, long 9, short B5f, and and the bow. .s, and w ... t_p J Gcvs:nn;cnte dr’i and steady, Btatf« tiondsB'oaaiy. perfect digosticn and aestutiaticnof food, it Is tie I Evening—Gold 15k?@15X- Money plenty at S«M. etandard remodv. | Bteriing quiot. Governments dosed eteong; bnsi- — ■«- | nets moderate. State bonds quiet. Twx fact that Scqar of Lead and Buftbrr Hah I .MidDlght—Governments, 81a 19J£; 63e 165f; 613 Ilcucv -s keys produced nary ease* of mcdueei. ^ 8d ^ S '^’ new and other disorders consequent on their nee, lathe I Tennessee Ca'"h: now 81; Ttreicia 6a 42; best argument why Nattau’a Crystal DIaceycxy, | new; 60 consol 62}^; deferred lit Louietana which Is entirelv htretlees, ehonld bo used. At any I 5* ^levee 6s 47:8s 50: Alabama 8a 83; _..* n ., I 5s 47: Goonrix fia 73:7s 93; North Oarolinas 27: renayvouta try:.. Getyo-r uruggirt I rGW jg. tsx 13'X; Booth Carolina* 83; new BUTA BAGA,. FLAT DUTCH, BED TOP, LARGE GLOBE. 4150, FRESH CABBAGE BEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Drnggist and Pharmacist, 4th and Poplar streets, JnlyJO tf HolUnsworth Block. to get It for yen. MorrzKs. Houma, Motszbs.—Don't fa procure Mbs. Wesbuow's SoorEusn Erzvr for ill diaoasas incident to the period of teething in ch : l- dren. It relieves tha child from pain, curee wind colic, rcgnlaioa ibe bowels, and by pring relief and health to tba child, pres rest to ths mother. Bo euro to call for “Mas. Wrseios'a Soorza-s Braux.” For rain by all druggif is. iuuo 2£eod-Gm 15; April and October 29. New Oaxxurs—Starting 27. New York sight % premium. Gold 15J4- Ijospow—The street rate for 8 months le X bo- low the bank rate. Pass—Soon—Berries 56fSSc. COTTON. Nrw Ycsr—Noon—Ootton quiet; soles 1078; mid dlings 21. Futures creuad as foliowi: July 20®20 5-16; Atgurt if 5-15 Z20-X-. Beptemb* 16K- Evonieg- Gotten safes to-day 1378; mlddllnga 21; market weak: net recants 108; groee 2530. Sales cf furores 19.500: market ctoeed os fellows: NOTICE. MAOON ft BRUNBWIOK BULBOAD, } BcrzEntTZSDZsi’s Ocncz, ifioo.v, Qs., July 10, IE73.) M EBOHANTB oad others dcsirmg that their SHIPMENTS from Eastern cities, via Sa vannah, should pass over the Maoon and Brose- wiok Railroad, will please have their freghts marked care of Agent of Atlantia and Gulf Rail road. Savannah. JAB- W. ROBERTSON, julyl? tf General Superintendent. Nravers Drmn-A depressed, irritails etato of mind; a weak, nerveue exhausted fecting; co _ enarpv or animation; em-'nsed head, weak meuj> | JnJy 1913 13@IS>/; August 19 7-I6<?t9?* Septem ry, often with debilitating, involuntary discharges. ] 3 s 3-1 October 17 IS lC-rsflTy^: Novem The cuusequenre cf cxxsses, mental overwork cr Ootton. net receipis 711; gross I veyanceit, etc. i2ii3cret.a!i3. Tills szivcr.-? dhhlitt 3.-d; & bot* [ 777; exportn —; aaIdo 800: laat erecftix * eroigu cure in Hr-rmiV: - Ji irtEorirsir Briar:.', | 3. b s-.-nck 25,018, mi.1 rings I8yf; market quiet and No 23. B tones jg. the syrtem. arrest* dtachargee, *‘^ 3(7 ^ t _ Cc;xc . 3et - reeripta 85: export. rpels the menu; poem anddeepondency. and re-1 ocutwice sales 2; stock 1089; middlings Sg£ Juvenates the entire system. It is perfsetiv harm-1 nurkc: steady. ie-s and always efilcien'.. Price 55 for a package of I APSUSza-jVwton. rooclpte 3St; ehipmenle HI; W. B. mix- V. B. BiBCTi HILL & HJlHBLS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW So. 90 Cherry etreet, (np etalre) MACON, GA. Will practise in alt the courts of the Macon Oir- ouit. Special attention g.Tcn to Coliectlons, Goc- July27tf HOUSE AND LOT For Sr.le or Kent, in TmetiUe. M Y HOUSE AND LOT Iu Yineriile I' now fot sale cr rent on the most favorable terms, l’oesersxn given on tha first ol October. Ju y23 lot IV. A. nCFF. INDIAN SPRING. T HE MrlNTOSH HOUSE has Jart received a targ* lot of new furniture, and is prepared to soroomioJate a hundred mare visitors Prof Boeder's ' Italian Band'’ at the Hones. loly29 3t B %V COLLIER, Acent. A SECOND HAND STILL, JN rx JELLEin CONDITION, wifi be sold at a bargain. Apply without delay tu OLIVER, DOUGLASS 4 00., Third street- jnljSSSt WANTED, CHANGE IN BUSINESS ! From this dote the WHOLESALE branch of our business will be ooodnoted in the name or ROSS <Sc COLEMAN, At our present stand, and having admitted MB. W. 4. JUHAN, of Clinton, Ga , to an ictew^t in the RETAIL DEPABTMENf, that branch will be removed in a short time to S. T. COLEMAN’S OLD STAND, And ihe bneineas conducted In the name of W. A. JUHAN rSa CO. We take great pleasure in Intiodueing to oor friends Mf. Jahan—a gentleman in *hcm ire hats entire confidence, and in wboae uanda we believe the repntation of our houee will be fatly enquired. With thii aaeurance from ue, we tnwt that a hearty welcome and a genoroue euppori await him. And now, that the obstacles which have heretofore intervened arc removed, wc hope in a abort timo to ic&ugurato In oar city the FIRST EXCLUSIVE JOBBING DRV GOODS BUSINESS that bns ever been attempted here, and with all the applianoee necessary to sustain ns, we hope to preset) such a disply of merchandise os will at once arreet attention,and inspire confidence. Folly conscious of ibe eminent ability and enterprise of oar marohants generally, we hops to merit a place In <ho picture which shall represent Maoon tbe leading market in the State, and among oar largo circle o. friends we hope there are enough of those who by their support, will insure ns a against a f&l’rr- Faring no fears of tbe resalt, we entor with oonfidonoe npon Ihe new field. With this annonneeusee' ws unfnr ' onr banner to the breeze, proclaiming QUIOK SALES and SHOUT PROFITS, and inviting competition from any quarter. J. B. BOSS ft S. T. GOLEM AN. ttaron. Ga, Jn>v T . 1878. O NE fISR SHOE AND BOOT MAKES, and one good Teg Workman. Address W. H. TILLEBY, Dublin, lulr29 dim Iianrens Conpty, Ga private’ mmm house. H ATING op»nod a private boarding bouse in Dale's new bmldlng, nearly opposite Hoff s now bniidtng, I am now prepared to take & limited number cf boarders, on reasonable terms. Yonng men desiring day board cab be acccmmodated rea sonably. Table supplied with tho best the market I affords. ItdyWlw MRS. B. A. HARRIS. PATENT ANTI FRICTION Cr I IN' Car ES I FOR RENT. T WO DWELLING HOUSES, eligibly mooted. I Apply to B. F. LAWTON. 1 jnJyl'i tf At Exchange Bark. WANTED AT ONCE. O NE OB TWO first-clear practical Gin Makers, (Breaster), to whom the highest wages will be psld. by the day or piece. lolyU tf P. 0 SAWYER. ’ HIGHLY IMPORTANT. FORTY PER G3EJVT. SAVED | -( X CENTS PER DRINK! At "Onr At/ Saloon, can bo foned the finest Wines, Li quors and Lager Beer at pricee that cannot fall to I pleasoa'J. G. D. LAWRENCE, Jul>27eod2w Proprietor. mortise, tonon, or a key to work Iooee. Every part bolted to iron. Over twenty in nto. Ah hsvo [ proven good. MX PATENT I Is tire mods of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Ba’la, rxtended arm to carry Ujo I Pulley and Pinion Shaft. AU persons using or making any part of my Patent, will bo proseented to tho extent of the law. BB, J. fiHBEtr BitACKSHKAB, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN I Oifiie, No. 2 Cotton avenue (np stairs,) next door j to Mr. Payne's Dmg Store. Besidenee. Walnct eireot, (above Spring.) Eel!or-1 rey’s tenement landing, Maoon, Ga. dect lamf FOR RENT CHEAP. T HB two commodious STORES on Cherry etreet, st present occupied by Coleman ft J Newsom, are for rent from first day of October next. Apply to J. VALENTINO, 3tme3lu CS Ohorry etroet. •JtORENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSES or one eight-room I House for rent. Apply to JnjyHltf OLIVER. DOPGLA83 ft CO Mineral Waters. KI33ISGEN, (artificial) TIGHT, (artificial). CONGRESS, (artifioial). EXCELSIOR SARATOGA, (natural). SODA WATER, (in its exoollonoe). AU of the above Waters are on draught at tho 'Mammoth Fountain." CONGRESS, (diamond C). HATHOP.N, (Saratoga). BOUKBBIDGE ALUM, (Virginia). IRISH GINGER ALE- KISSINGEN AND VICHY SALTS. GRAB ORCHARD (Ky.) SALTS. AU gcnnlce and in bottles, at tho Drag Storo of | BANKDT, MASSENBUBG & CO. InlySO tt I Build and Repair all kinds of Machinery at my Works, BRASS AND IH0.\ GASTI.fSS HADE TO OSDEB. Steam, Water, and GFas Pipes, and All their Fittings for Sale. Cali and seo at my Works, Fourth street, near tho Brown Houee, Macon, Ga. CT Send for Circulars. ,, „„ E. OEOOKETT. JuIySO tf W. A. HUFF, WHOLESALE DEALER IN P PORTED TURNIP SEEDS.—Dickson’s Defi ance .xtra Bnta Bags, Improved Green Top Scotch Yellow, (very ae.oot.) White Bomeraman, (fine,) Bed Tankard. Yellow Tankard, Garby White Stone, Orange Jelly, Broad Leaved Essex Rape, Turnip Booted ltapo. Ths above have lato-1 ly arrived from Qieen Vien.-, . < soedsmon, who have for many years devoted unremitting care and attention to tho improvement of U*o different variesi-rfi. Tba stock uro now offer to the public is I of tbo must select and perfect character. July22 2.v F101UC1 AND F10VISI01 ©cx cuaracier. aEORQB BEGGS. I0DB HEW STORES IS MACON.! A Ten Cent Store, A Twety-five Cent Store. A Fifty Cent Store. A Dollar Store, I For particulars, Inquire of W. A HOPSON ft CO., S9 and 41 Second st., and 18 ana 20 Cotton avo. JnlylStf RINTING! IT1HE Jobbing Departmont cf tbe TELEGRAPH X AND MEhdENGER is now under the charge of JUt. B. W. braith, who ia known as an accom* I pliahed printer and experienced workman. Ail Jobs sent to this cfBce will ba exocut ad with despatch, and at tho lowest paices. Orders for | billa-beada, circulars, posters, eto., solicited from I dty acd oonatry. July 15 tf O 5 FOR RENT. NE THREE ROOM DWELLING, plastered _ and with bltndj to windows, excellent weU of water, fronting James Seymour’s residence; prico, $15 per month. Also one six room dwelling near Talnail Square, adjoining tbe residence of E. Brice; three acres of land attached, good well of water; price, 525 per month. Apply to J. SEYMOUR BODOEB3. ]u.lyl7 lm . at Seymonr, Tinsley ft Co. MEDICAL CARD. ‘ 7B0M this date DB- WM. B. BUBGE83 may be I JC found, dav and night, at his office over Rankin, Maasenburg ft Co.’s Drag Store, oorner Mulberry and Third etreetg. Maoon. April 28,1878. o34pr28ea SBG-ARS! SEGrARSM Imported and Dorapslic, BACON, FLOIJR, BAGGING, TIES, SUGAR, COFFEE LARD, MEAL, five boxei and a ta. a e $2 rial of powder, which is j glr^jlsiocttonf' net''receipt* S3; exports unpertant ia c.d. eeriocs cases; or ?l per single I coaarwira 1CI: »ise 101; stoek 1123, middlings I8X; demand tight: cffariDga light. Cb.'.sixjtoi—Cctton. net roceipt* 413; exports coastwise —r sales 100: stock 4397; middlings X9!f; low middfings 18U£: good ordmary 17-tf; ordi- no: v 14315: market quiet. Mo?.'' *—Oor.on. net receipts 77: experts oust- Cfi; so-'es 60: stock 11.458; middlings 33J4; low bcr. Eold by al! druggists, or eent by mall on re- oeipt Of price. Address HUMPHREYS’ SPBCinc HOMEOPATHIC MEDIC 1ST. CO . Ns. 662 Broki way. N. Y. For bv J i:n toga; - and Hunt, .'tarkin .t I.amir, Mracn, Ga- p;35 eod Jew 11 ON THE EREAEi’AST.* LUN0HE05, DINNER ] '] AND SUPrEB TABLE LEA a PXBRI.VI' WorcewOpraUtre Wane*. 13 INDISPENSABLE. JOHN IllSlAfi’JI HUSH. New York Agents far the United Statue. OBSTACLES TO SARBUGE. HATPr Hruyy FOR YOUNG MEN from the effect* of Errors and Abuses in o*r!v life. Mon- tood restored. Iranediments to MArrioge reoor- New trclho.3 of treatment. New and remark able remedies. Books an i ctronlars eent free, tn sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION. No. 2 South Ninth at .. Pilledeiplita, I’a.,— an tcetUntion baring a high repnratios for honor able condnot and professional ,kdl. J a) ySdSm G eorgia, bibbcoumy.-noucs u beret. given that my wife. Amelia Penatek, has my fail permleeton to do business on her own account i a free trader. RANDOLPH DEUNICE July 1,1875. Boercv—Oottcn. grose roceipt* 1C9: sains 100: stc-r 13,PX: mi Idling* 21K; market, ilt'le doing. NcSFcTjt—Oottcu. net receipt* 158 : exports coictwtae STI: eaiee 50; etock 3551: low middlings 18-v mirket quiet. MErrms—Cotton. c«: receipt* 118: shipment* 2C3, etock PilS; low middling* 18K: market firm. GAt-vyrros — Ootton, net reoeibU 68; eelee 60; st-vk 12 9-S. Texas ordinary I2J(; good ordinary Ii j'ff’5: market steady. rumAtirjjAii—Cotton, middling* 20^': ertiorte ccutwise 443; sale* 163: stock 954; market quiet. 7 rrwTucnni.—Noon—Cotton firm and tending am ■ nds SX'SfJ-: Otleaos 9«f9>q. sreu races 16.000; epecniauon ecd export 4000. Prom Eavonnab and Char.'etton. July delivery, ^Lkter—7rrom 6avoar.oh oed Ghirlestos, July de liver... t.below lew rmudlteg* a IS 11. Fveo-o-—Seise toolnd* 9CfXt bales American From ravmnih and Charleston. Bspterebar and OetC’.rr ItiiTtcy, 8ft. PRODUCE. . Nxw Yoiz—Noon—Fioar quiet end si JalyiUwia] Wheat quiet tad steady; No. 3 KllwaukN MEMOIR OF LINTON STEPHENS. A T the instance Of Hon. ALEKtNDKB 8TEFHEN3. I am preptring a Memorial Volume of hia lamented broths, JUDGE LITOS STEPHENS. Friends who may have preserved any of hie Set ters which wool.1 aid my tabors, will greatly oblige me by the loan of them. If seat by Express to Marietta, they will be carefnl.'y kept, and returned in tbe course of a few months. JAJlEtJ D. WADDELL, Marietta, Cm ]u!v24 6t £. B. FOTrER, M. D. ’Hoznceopathist. O F PICK Weed’s Block, Second street, third doer below Johnston's Jewelry establishment. Beeidenoe Lanier House. Jnlylfi tf LAW CARD. -» f ES6B3. WOODWARD ft TOOLE, of Dooly oo only, Go., haring fonned a legal copait- nership, respectfnliy offer their servfcee to the pnblic, and will practice in ths coantise of Wilcox, Dodge, Lrw.n, Worth, Macon, BnoUer and Uens- ton. Special attention given also to oases in the goprems rad Federal Courts. Address, Yiensa. Go. 3a’yI5-dSa» EDWARD SPRINZ. N OTABIFU33UO and EK-OFFIOIO JUBHOB OF THE PEACE. I can be found foe the present at an boon of the day at my otSoe, odjoin- ng the law Qflloe of A. Froudflt, over the store of Jsquea ft Johusoua Third etreet, Ibeon, Ge., to s(- tend ts *U Mogtatenol business. sug LA ESCIFCIOS. LA CAR BA, FLORDSLFUMAB, LA KLEOION, IE5SY30N, ' LA SOTEDAD, LA USIUO. MANILLO, FIGARO, | And many other brands, ail of which are offered veiy low. BOLAND B. HALL. Ocroer Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. jatyZ2 if 0. A. Nrrasa, President. W. F. Goodal, Cashier. I CITY BAiMK,j Macon, Georgia. Cfi.M’JAL 200,000 DOLLARS. | SZRBOTOXiH. V7M. E. JOHNSTON, JOHN J. GRESHAM, jrjy22 fm WM. S. HOLT, JNC'. li. BOSS. Educate Your Daughters. JS A3 It VILAE, TESSEaSEll. W. E. WABD’a SEMINARY FOR YO'JHG LA DIES dtosed on the 11th Jnaa with 88 rradnotee and near 3tW pupils. Ro school in the S tath, and only three in the North, have had e* good success. No case of protracted sickness daring the pest rear. Its pspile being in the city, enjoy the beet edvantagea ef their respective church© . Grade of the last Benior OUee 926. Foil Seeeim o&sast September*. Forcatetoguejtddreee BULK MEATS, SALT, SYRUP, CORNER CHERRY AND THIRD STREET?, UNDER RALSTON’S HALL M A. CO 1ST, GEORGIA. JnlySO 8m ~ ja!y2a<aw*w3t W. E. WARE, Nuhrille Tens. I STRICTLY COMUSSION HOUSE M. WATBH8 rite OO. 50 Breed Sto, Sera York, BANKERS —AMD— . • COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bay rad sell contracts for future delivery of cot ton. Deposit accounts of bankers, merchant* on other, ore especially solid!ed. juiyfidSta I ROBT. A. NISBET, A.ttorney at Law Ooroer MULBERRY 8T. rad OOTTON AVE- (Over Payne’a Drug Store,) joneHdSm MAOON_GA._ "IeToTstahard sl co« PBOPBUTOM EASIE STB* FLOURING MIUS, Cmr. Mmtmmm* lleteseto .as. Eswis. Ko. Opacity 1,000 bands p«: diem, agrttM