The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 01, 1873, Image 2

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Telegraph & Messenger. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 1. 1873. Foreign Solfu. mmm ro* Tfl ttlit.lurrr axd nwisora Tbo discussion of tb* treaty with Persia in tbs German Parliament exdtod the general. , .. — » - mirth of the ilooro. Tbo Prince Chancellor **»?.*“ ta *°. f A ( *farloni Fact” Bilim Telegraph and Xutengtr : The fol lowing mty not be wit hoot interest to many of yonr nnmeroos readers of the myttic tie. from the Michigan F/eexnason, end orig nally appeared in the Masonic Mirror, published in dan Fr&ociseo, CalifomU: Ccavom Fact—A Roxas Oatbozjc G bam» Hum — llaeodiy, strange m it may seem, 01 WH ( " W,W Roman Cborcb toward! onr Order, was intro- introduced the treaty by dtremeg on Us oom- | j nco< j into N irlh America by a Roman Catholic, xneroial and poliUoal importance, and snggeaU 1 so zealous in hie attachment to his Church as ing tbo propriety of eeubliabicg a diplomatic I tbo bitterest peraecntion fortbeaake rcpreaenuiior. at Teheran j the Shah, be con- ST.™*** W *»? Anthony Brown Sixth \ K . ... . . . r_. 2 _ I vtsponnthlontsgne, who was Grand Mwterof tinned, while staying in BwUn, entertained a England in 1733. and by wheso ontbority Henry favorable opinion of tnob a measure and I Price war elected to tbs dignity cf Provincial promised (bat as soon u possible a Fenian Igoa. I Grand Uaater of Braton. Alua., where bo gov. lion would arms in Barilo to be accredited at , the Imporial Court. After two depolios had med the whole eraft cf North America. Lord MonUgce waa born in I CSC, and died In 17C8. Ilia family was one of the oldest in England, expressed the hope that tbs treaty wonld pnt a | his grandfather baying been a brother of stop to tbs peraecntion of the Christian religion I E »r! of Warwick. Ibe “King Maker," and t '"T'° “• stresses Introdnetion of the document, which is oon- in tbe HofUt of y^^ , B d antlered other pen- celred In French aa follows: i allies for bis conscience’. sake. As be recog- ■M« sen di Dim element e! mittrieardtaus/ I «>**** in Masonry lbs great lexer of toleration, Ba Mnjute tBmpereur fAIImuipSt, «T one I be (pared neither time nor treasure la propaga- r ^mrU et<So MagetU, dent :e H.l/il ntCttenrlird, I Bog «« tenets, as be foresaw that it wonld do ■iSicre, CAuauete ft Grand Monarnit, U I what it bae done, namely: Secure to the Chorea Suuteratn abteiu etCBmptreurdte Bmpermrtde\ • toleration In England, which it la beginning tout In Elate de Peru, d'autre part, tie." I to secure to other religions forma in Roman buSycriuiteTtfeTrfS^^ Church reaerred IU thunders „„ row^a days 1 * °here w» nf «c°hre ion - it roighT, like fashion, pass he found 7 in lha » W>T • ° ot11 respond. too well to the aspire- o' 18CG and that for .vc.vV-n*] ^ia£^ l ‘' oc * 40J need* of the human heart to bo lose .1® a a .. , r ? Te, y P»d eternal than these yery aspirations We can or with the wIl^oTood. 4 *AJu,?J£oA*tanher “ ffo,d 40 *•« J' 1 * 1 40 sho Aswan Cbnrcb; so we '*?, ° f n ■?«£„ will giye it tbo whole credit of Introdncing c tLcp *"* of jvi dent Delbrnerk laid tbs trefuee oonolnded l.y I mofct illnatnoma sons. J. W. B. Persia with the most favored nations before the inbjretS,o.“rx^p B tl».ft2!.ti““ Stt jSfjS Sf iSSuSE li’E*toe .1 _ i. J _ set TKIni--, o*ir.rlrlro el.-a at,. I diS-FlCt VuCTO thO XS0taI IS fOQQQ 18 BlODg tDG claded with Belginm e Jpnlrdce that the dnty on MacIntyre rlyer, on the high pla- exported or imported goods shall never exoeed I 7‘ iy* , I,’. ’ >ra«7.r« r ,, |. | teen of the Australian Alps, lbs ore occurs f.™Lt ami on to u oanal, in granite, and sVdigaeminattd aa | f lonHonI?Da?Sre fonB • llnJ of atock-wo k. The overlying J op * Fof the edification of tbo Jq , I P y I ^tirfaoo depoaits contain laroo quantities of ox- Hotle den then read the Intrcdaetlon of the I pB *‘. m l n,„ I ide of tin, end tt i» probable that a very Urge French.Peralan treaiyi I amount of ore will be obtained from the thg. •Bis High Majesty, the Emperor Napoleon, I ^rega or waabinga. In a aeries of trials reeent- whoaamajtwiy equals that of the Plenet oatnni, I |y made, twenty pounds of detiitnawero found the Sovereign Holer, the Sun of Boy ally, the . 0 yield from three ounces to two pounds of Inalre of the diadem, Ibe illoatriona and libera. cr# The tin bearing belt la known to extend monarch, etc.; and Mia Majesty, the Shah of I more than one hundred and fifty miles in length, Penis, whoso banner lt the Son, whoso army I these new mines may in time become is aa numerous aa the stare In the hwvena, I _ aita M pr odnctlve as those of Banca or Co:n- wboae liberality ie like that of Darina, the heir | of hU tbroco and crown, tho high and absolute I emperor,” eto. ‘‘It may be Interesting for the I A mtw company hu appeared in the city of I astroDomers In onr midst, 1 ' the speaker oon- I London called the Itlo Tin to, with Sahara cap- tinned, “to learn the strength of the Persian I ital of aomo twelve millions of dollars. The army In order to ascertain the comber of atari. I name at onoe indicates the pnrpo9e of the or- The regular army numbers 88.100. and the re-1 ganlxation, and betrays the poverty and thrift* nerves and militia included, 181,800 men. The | leetneea of Spain. It seems the projectors of honorable deputy from Htcover, who delivered I (be enterprise have bought from the Spanish a lecture on that subject yesterday, will learn I Government nearly 8000 acres of argentiferous with great satisfaction, that the Belgian treaty [ land, embracing Ibe town of Bio Ticto and the waa conclude.! in the name of God and begins I famous mines, which havo been such an lnex- wlth tho praise of Him, whose wisdom alone j binstible source of wealth for years past. The rules everything; (cries on tho Left: Halloo I) I property bos been bongbt for £3,830,000, paya- wboae supreme will contributes to eat obi tab I bis in ten yearly instalments. Tbo condition of friendly relations between tbs notions. The I (be treasury most indeed be desperato when gentlemen on Ibo Loft have jnat cried “Halloo!" I such sacrifices are made. Prim nearly lost his hot If yon read the treaty yon will meet with I power on the well known night of San Joso, bo- nioo r|-rentalIona on royally by tbo Graoe of I cause Fignerola had merely proposed tobypoth- God, end its great Importance. Among the I ecate these mines, titles of the Sbsb yon will alen find the peasage: I — "Hia power is invincible, like the Irrevocable I A Wctnss tdmiDistralion journal b#J made decrees of Fate.'* (Merriment atd laughter.) I tbe discovery that the platform of the recent Amidst great oonfouon of Ibo nonse, Ewald I Minnesota Republican Convention meets the slates that Ilia remarks of tbe speaker could not I demand of tho fanners execlly, and hence tbo Induce him to a reply, whereupon tho Persian I Utter can find an exoellent place to fight in tbe treaty U passed without any further discussion. I ranks of that party. Tbat book U a little too The new eoelesUeUcal Uwe are carried out bnngUngty baited to catch the farmers. Besides, with groat energy. The Archbishop of Cologne ‘here is an important laok In tho platform. To lias been twleo summoned before tbe Fubllo **> ■ nr ® “ does not Indorse the present admtn- Prosecntor for having pronounced the exoom- I Utration—a aignifleant oversight which also mnolcation upon two old Oolbolio priests. I ebaraoterized the Maine and Iowa platforms— Tho French Assembly continues to exoel by I hot In all of tbe farmers’ platforms there is a laok of political tense. The bill empowering | "«• censure of the President for signing the the Permanent Commission, which aits during "Mary bill, and they will look In vain for that tbe reessa, io prosrente Inanltera of tho Ataem- | i° tho Minnesota platform.—N. T. Tribune. bly, was adopted aftor an exotted debate. An I * attack mado by Jnlee Favrenpon the home pot-1 Aw enterprising Now York druggist has boon ley of the Government, reunited in a decided I prosecuted and fined by the antborities in triumph of llie Minialeta. He denounced their I Essex county, N. Y., for defiling the face of policy which punished with severity the insult-1 Nature by painting hia advertisement on rocks era of tbo Assembly, bnt permitted the press to I “d fenoos In that vioinity. County treasuries lcsnlt ex-President Thiers with Impunity. After I g"~ , vally suffering from a financial defloit haring also stigmatised tbs alliance between I m, o*‘ profit by the example of the mral New the Alonaroliists und Imperialists, a vote of cjn^l’ OI * K,rs - In tbe Government wee proposed and adopted by <00 to 270. Gates GnstwwooD relates, as an inaUnee of Tbo religions movement continues to be on- tl ? New England humor, that oonraged by tho authoritiee. By (To appr<*«- whc . n * Jo 0 ?* ■ vrifo made her first boy’- ballon of'llis Holluesa and the Biahona. France I P*? 1 * P 4 *®'*®'? V amp.e before as behind, th tho I be won’t know school or coming home.' CHAMPAGNE H 1 EIDBIEOK PIPES, pints. KBUG A 00., pints. ballon ofjllls Hollnofa and the Bishops, France V “P**.“ has lately been blessed with a pilgrim's month; Ibo lime from tho twenty-eoeond of Jnly until * w4l ® 4 * , * r b®e ROtng to eoboc tbe twenty-second of Angnst having been select ed for prayers for Franco. Tbe Execn'.ive Committee la selling a gnide: "Petit mttnutl du moit deptttrinayee” and atatea by Ua organa, “tbat the wives of severe! deputies to organias pilgrimages to tbe holy abrinea of Faria, thus continuing the work, their husbands have Initiated so well. General do Templeexborta the the French t “Prey, for are are not saved yet 1" There aro two competitive plans for ibe for- tlfleationa of Paris now before the Atssinbly, the one being proposed by General Froaaard, tbe other by General de Riviere. Hie former plan waa favored by Xblere, while the Utter U approved of by MaoMahon. According to Gen eral Froaaard's plan, the forts on the left l«r.k of the Seino aro to be advanoed so as to protect the mty against a bombardment from that side. General do ittvicro, however, proposes to ad- vanoo tho forts still further; ho wishes to give tbo cnoente such a oircumfcrenoo as will to-dsr a bombardment or liege almost impossible. Tho Bpanlah nation la carrying on a polttloal carnival, which surprise* ns every day by new and phantistio transformations, like tbe aver- dunging viowa of the Kaloidcasope. Poor, unhappy people! being suddenly released from three oenlnries political and religions bondage. It elands oonfnsed and bewildered, like tbe prisoner, emerging from tbe night of hU dnn- geon, la dsailed by the rosy light of day. Onr prnliotlon that tbe proclamation of a Federal i ltepnhlio would, probably, load to tbe dismern- MNOtlC© IU XJPTI KTliptCV. berment of tbe country, has boen sadly real-1 (red. l’rovinoo after provinco, canton after I ^ THK DISTRICT 1 OOUTIT OF THE UNITKD canton, and city after e.ty, dcoUrca iuclf L «»» TflK hODTHEBN DISTRICT dependent, and refuses allegianco lothe Fcde-1 , utuiiul . . ral Executive. If tbe drama enacted be for o In tbe “liter of Lewis Linch, Bmkrupt—In Bsnk- ruptcy- CONCERN—The under- se notice of bis appolnt- aesignee of Lewis Linch, of Putnam |. id 8tate of Oeorgla, within raid District, who his been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Conrt of eald district. ROBERT A M3BET. J nij 23 lawSt Assignee, etc. DRY 8KI1ZLNAY, (Mourn A Co ) pinto. CIPEIIAL CABINET, p nta. VERSS’ GOLDEN EAGLE, pinto and quarts. For sale by JAQTT.ES &. JOHNSON. Jn’ytTeodtf our eyee would not fill every tree lover of pro-, groao and tho human kind with despair, the I‘T' 0 I r ,MAY epeotaole at Oarlcgeaa, where Contrerau, aa I A JpUMWl gvj Oomraandor-ln-Cbicf of tho land and sea forces *inJnni5?T.rg-^ nt ll.. U.-Inn I .. . I I... ..1 . -I. I “»*• ®J «• of theOanlon of Mnreia, has addressed a cir cular to foreign powers, would bo highly amus ing. The obaos has become bo groat, that ono or tho other great I'ower may be involved at acy time, and heuoo may arise an intervention by foreign arms. For the foreign residents aro at the meroy of tbe mob, which is tho same everywhere. From all accounts received, filled with reports of mnrdsr, arson and pillage, the Rpanlsh mob has thoroughly warmed up for the I, " 7. 7- _ work of Mood, which U to Inaugurate that fab- 10 tt « mltter of Lofteas, Bankrupt-In ulons era of ifllaenee and peace. Tbo details I , *S~?P 4 ®J' acoompr.nying tbe Communist rising in Alooy, HT®^BBS—Hia nnder- a mannfactanng cily, »ro horrible. Three ^ rt L^uJ.‘ P o’f > U.e days the mob held possession of the town and connty of Twigte. and Btata of Qwrgii. within revelled tn brutal bloodshed and wanton do- I nid .l-strict, who has boen adlndgedatsnkrnptcp- ISTotics in Bankruptcy. IN TRE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED BTATE8. FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA atrnotion. Thanks to lhe genertl anarchy, the CarUaU I district *rs making rapid progrrsi and may soon achieve I jtilyM lawtt riot, who has been adjndged a bankrupt up on hia own petition, by the District Court of said ROBERT A XISBET, Assignee, etc. the triumph cf their oanse. That Bpaln has I T) 1 ... i any reason for congratulating herself upon tho I iN OllCG IU ijiUlKTIiptCy. ascension of Charles the Seventh, we are far 1 from bettering; bnt this seems, at present, tbe only hope for tho protection of life and prop, arty, at least. Let tbe lovers of abstract theories take warn. Ing frem tho anarchy in Spain! Caatelar, tempted by abstract principles, sought to re- m Jel his native isud after the Inst,lotion, of I Ihla coup try, without taking tho to^y differ- | of Fatsos, and State of Oeoryia, within said dis- EDWARD ROWE. PLUM BING GAS FITTING In all their breaches, promptly attended to the beet of NEW YORK WORKMEN, No. 5 COLLINGSWORTH BLOCK MACON. PROVISIONS IS QUANTITIES TO SUIT FARMERS AND MERCHANTS IS CIIEIP IS THE CHEAPEST —OFFXBED BY— Jniy27tf A. B. SMALL. No. 10 HoUingaworth Block. E. J. JOHNSTON Dealer In WatGliBS, Jewelry, SUTer-ware FANCY GOODS, FINE CUTLEBY, Musical Instruments, Strings, XTC., ETC. Solo Agent for tbo Celebrated Diamonl Pebble Spectacle?. Eye-Glasses, ETC. Particular attention given to Bepaixs on lino and Difficult Watches. JEWELRY, etc., REPAIRED, and ENGRAVING Cor. Mulberry A Second Sts , Macon. Ca. A can !« 8ol : ciUd and great bargains criren in good and desirable goods. Many articles will be sold at and under coat. aprICtf 1. A. DU0A9. DUGAN & STILZ Con, Oats, vmt m lay, EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Sooond street, between Main and River, LOUISVILLE. KY. AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, mtifu making puj. :..-." r ■. piing tlircugh Iiill of ; from chipping points. apr25 Cm ATTEMIUA SPORTSMES New Yorlc Stale Spcrtaei’s Asscciatioa A 1 xxmcTd now “axroar or covxnTZS ck exiSD- aud roi eu-jT." LL minnfactnrere wit havo evcntnal'y to l conform, whan .portmen require tbat their shot ahaU compare with the atandard of exceUenco which yonr oummittee baa fixed. Upon the most critical examination, your com' milieu have determined to adopt aa the “Wnt- c<N stakdaod" the acne preceded to n. by Mosers, Thou. Otis bo Bay * Oo . Now York. It. NEWELL. Chairman, N. M. SMITH. F. a. SKINNER. Sportsmen and dealera desirous of having tbo above eoau, or any information relative thereto, can promptly obtain tho same by applying to THOS. OTIS LE ROY A CO , New York. Junc28deodSm ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. I aUHt weB kgown house is now open to those J. who tho Spring for health or pleasure. It is situated nearer tbo Spring than any other pabiie bouse, and is spacious and comfortable. Tbe table is supplied with tho beat the market affords. Every attention ie given to invalids who roeort to tho waters of the fcpriDg for health. Kate* of Board. Per day ........S 2 00 Per week ; JO CO Per month.. 35 00 Liberal deduction made for large families. m W. A. ELDER A tON, Proprietors. -Q TIERCES BEAHUBASS HAMS, 10 tierces LEAF LARD, 23 Heroes CAROLINA RICE, 2 car loads NEW FLOUR, 2 car loads FEED OATS, 2 carloads CHOICE HAY, 150 boxes POTASH, 200 boxes CANDLES, 125 boxes STARCH, 250 boxes WASHING and TOILET SOAP. SEYMOUR, TIXSLEY & CO’S. JulylS tf ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOB THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of Wllkina Linch, Bankrupt—In Bankruptcy. O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN —The undcr- J. e:gned hereby gives notice of his appoint- trie*, who hu beon adjudged a bankrupt upon his ’’ “ ‘ du: cut condition* Into consideration, by the phantom of liberty, tbe Oortes weakened I own petiticn, by the District Court of .aid tho authority of tho Executive by dietiaodlng 1 " * v, “' tbe regular army and proclaiming a federation July25 Jaw3t erica. ROBERT A. NISBET, Assignee, eto. might* I No tlcoto Guntncton and Builders. dnoed RepwhHoan institutions and taeght the I ORDINARY^ OFFICE, HOUSTON COUNTY, people gradually how to use their liberty; bnt 1 “ - now we fear, the Republic will bo impossible Paaav, Ga., Jane 7, 1C73. '} - OEALED proposals for building a new jail for _ O thi. county will be received at this ofhee un- We havo dwelt on the aggressive poliev of h> 12 o'clock x., August 12,1873. Flans and speo- the French Uitramontanea towards Germany | idcaHcne can bo seen at this oflice. — • — - - -- -.'i The work srUl be let to the lowest bidder, who net give bond with sufficient eternity in the amount cf his bid for the faithful perfonnancc < of Ma oon tract. Proposals maet be endorsed, “Bid for Jill," and .. — -■ ’ ralgnod at this office. A. S. GILES, Ordinary . for a long time to oome. and Italy. Tho alleged .peeoh Atdreaaed by . . ... —- -— Viotor Emanuel to the French Embareadot MS folly confirms onr riiws. A wor d by I ^ contract. JueoII dlawSw aonr. wanea. France to restore Ibe temporal power of the _ Holy See will drive lady into the arms of Ger- | adirceecd to the undersigned at this office. • many. M In reply to the letcke of H : s Uolinras, tie ^Pnesthocki of Alle-'findria, the Bishop ex repted, .- hare tent an humble apology to the Vatican, asking his forgiveness forhtring assisted at tLe funeral of Ksurru Accjrdicg to “Fanfclia,” the Papal treasury, owing to large ooniribu- tiona to SL Peter's Fence fend, la well filled. Tbe Tope has sent several confidential agents to London and Parts to make investments, the returns of which trill bo spent to contribute towards the expenses of tho Pspal Court. Jasso. l. x. wainxux. WARFIELD & WAYNE, COTTON BROKERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, Gi. P ARTICULAR attantion giren fr i-pnrckaee and sals of “Futures” in the Sara nnah and Jiew Patent Wire fleddles Are made under one management. Also, SUPPLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN MIT,let promptly furnished. D. a BROWN, Julvfil 6m Lowell. Mass, U. 8. EXTRACTS FROM PREMIUM LIST GEORGIA STATE FAIR! COMMENCING October 27th, 1873! ram tin tut MACON, GA. HONTYALE SPRINGS aLOtJNT COCXTr, E. TENN: T HIS favorite eurnmor reeort io now open for the reception of Eueeta, and will be main tained is a style worthy tho patronage of a dis criminating public. The marked beneficial results attending the use of these Waters, in functional Derangements of the Liver, Bowels, Kidneys ard Skin, and tho care of Chronic Diseases, attest their Medical Properties. All the accessories for enjoy ment and recreation at the best watering places will be found here. Special attention given to tbe comfort and improvement of Invalids. Boat©: via E. Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia B. B. to Konx- ville; thence by K. and Charleston B. B to Mary ville. 1C miles; thence by m*il stag* nine miles to theSpnngi. Board per day, 32 50: per $16; per month, $50; children and servants hall pried. Addrww for pamphlets, etc. Jalyl lawlm JOS L KING, Montvale Spring-*, K. Tenn. CYPRESS SHINGLES! rU^T received, a consignment of CTPBESS I SHINGLES, rived and drawn. SUPERIOR ARTICLE! A For sale by JoneStf B. H. WEIGLEI & CO. HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO. ARE SOW OFFE31SG THEIR FINE STOUK OF CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JulylSeodtm CALL AND EXAMINE LAWTON & BATES, WHOZtBSAliB iron and brass WORKS, Cora, 0% Hay, Bacofl, W, Hour, Sagar, Coffee, Molasses Canal Street, front 6th to 7th, mOBCMOND, VA. •WM. E. TANNER & 00., Eniifleers, ffiacMnists ani Founders. Kfonras OF ALL KINDS. Band for Circular. H. R. BROWN, tanlt Tv AGENT. For beat acre of clover hay i For beat acre lucerne hay For beat acre of native graaa For best acre pea vine bay For beat acre of corn forage For largest yield of Southern cane, on acre... For beat and largeat dtaplay garden vegtablee. For largeat yield upland cotton, ono acre 200 For beat crop lot upland abort etaple cotton, not leas than five bales 500 For beat one bale upland abort ataple cotton.. 100 (and 25 cents per pound for the bale) For best balo upland long etaple cotton (and 25 cents per pound paid for the bale) For the beet oil palming, by a Georgia lady... For tbe beat display of paintings, drawings, etc. by tbe pnpils of one school or college 100 For tbe beat made sdk dreaa, done by a lady of Oooigia not a dresa-maker. For beat made borne-spun drees, done by a lady of Georgia not a dress-maker For beat piece of tapeatry in worsted and floss, by a lady of Georgia 50 For boat furnished baby basket and complete eet of infant clothes, by a lady of Georgia.. 50 eet or infant clothes, by a lady or Georgia.. For handsomest act of Moncboir case, glove box and pin-cnabion, made by a lady of Georgia £0 For be at half dozen pairs of cotton Books, knit by a lady over fifty years of age, (in gold).. 25 For best half dozen pairs of ootton aopka, knit by a girl under ten years of age (in gold)... For tbe fineet and largest display cf fomale handicraft, embracing needlework, embroid ery, knitting, crocheting, raised work, etc., by one lady 100 For tbe beet combination boras 100 For tbe beat saddle boras 100 For tbe beet style harness horse 100 For tbo fineat and beat matched double team. 100 For tbe boat stallion, with ton of liia colts by bis aide. 250 For tho beat gelding 950 For tbe best eix-mnlo team 250 For the beet aincle mole. 100 For tbe best milch oow. 100 Porthebeat bull. 100 For tbe bent ox team DO For tbe beet sow with pigs 60 For the largeat and finest collection of domes tic fowls J00 For tbe beat bushel of corn 25 For the beat bnabel of peaa 25 For tbe beet bnabel of wheat 25 For the beat bnabel of sweet potatoes 25 For tbe beat bushel of Irisb potatoes 25 For tbo beet fifty stalks of sugar cane 60 For tbo beat result on one acre in any forage crop . For too largest yield of corn on one acre.... For tbo largeat yield of wheat on one acre.... Fortbe largest yield of Oats on one acre.... For tbe largest yield of rye on one acre For tbo beet result on one acre, in any cereal crop For tbs best display made on tbe grounds, by anv dry goods merchant 100 For the beat display male by any grocery merchant..... 100 For tbo largest and beat display of green- bouse plants, by one person or firm 100 For tbe beet braes baud, not leas than ten per- formers 250 (and 550 extra per day for thoir music.). ■ For tbe best Georgia plow stock. 25 For tbo beat Georgia msde wagon (two horse) 50 For tbe best Georgia made cart 25 For best atallion four years old or more 40 For beet preserved horse over 20 years old.... 25 For beet Alderney bull.. 50 For best Devon bull 50 For beat collection of table app'ee grown In North Georgia. 50 For beat collection of table apples grown in Middle Georgia 53 REGATTA: Baco one mile down stream on Oemulgee River, under tbe rules of the Regatta Association of Haoon. For tbe fastest four-oared shell boat, t open to the world $150 For the fastest doable-scull shell boat, race open to the world 50 For the fastest single-sen!] shell best, race open to tbe world 50 For tbe fastest fonr-oared canoe boat, race open to ibe world 50 (By canoe is meant a boat hewn from a log, without wash-boards or other additions.) Tho uinal entry fee of ten per cent, will he charged for the Regatta premiums. MILITARY COMPANY. BAGGING, TIES, ETO., FOURTH STREET. MACON, GA lanSOtf ROGERS & BONN, WHOLESALE GROCERS! -OFFER FOR SALE- (WI1H LATEST liimOVElIF.NTS.) FOB £0 YEARS THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OVER 750,000 IN USE. If you think of baying a Sowing Machine it wil pay yon to examine tho records tf those now in ua® and profit by experience. THE WHEELER A WIL8UN r'TANDB ALONE AS THE ONLY LIGHT RUNNING MACHINE. U y lNG THE BOTABY HOOK, MAKING A LOOK STITOH, alike on both aides of tho fabric sewed. All ehut- tJe machines waste power in drawing the shuttle back after tbs Biitch ia formed, bringing uonble •wear and strain npen both machine and operator, hence whiio other machines rapidly wear out, the WHEELEB * WIUK>N LASTS A LIFETIME, and proves an economical investment; Do not t_. I: .11 Sl. . . . j nvnmtsa/) liW .n.fillli fl '‘('IlflUrt" 20,000 pounds Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. . 300 barrels Refined Sugars. ALL ARTICLES IN 6R0CIM’ LINE AT LOWEST MARKET BATES. Jnne15tf __________ SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Ga. FR- FR- FR. CHOLERA. DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARRHCEA, AND ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS, Cured and Prevented by Radway’s Ready Relief! I P CHOLERA prevalla aa an epidemic, the Pre ventive measures ore the cnat wise to adopt. The Liver, Bowels and Stomach should be kept rtgular. B&dway’a Pills, in email dose*, will at cure tins requisite. Bad way's Ready Relief dilated in water, lone tesu»poonfnl to a tumbler of water) taken aa & drink, three or foa* limea during tho day. will disinfect the malaria inhaled in the sys tem. and neutralize all acid or unhealthy elements caused by the combination of the malaria of the atmosphere with the g&aea of stomach, (which are often ia these epidemic* acid), imparting warmth, energy »nd health, throughout the system, and preventing the separation or the watery from other properties in, the blood. If seized with CHOLERA, tho Beady R»ltaf should be given aa strong and often as posmble. This will secure rest and hold the properties of the blood together, equalizing its circulation, prevent ing congestion, and prevent tbe diminishing or lessening of the poise, and stopping vomiting and purging. The body should be rubbed Ready Relief from head to foot, and along the spine. This will impart new ene»gy and vitality to the nervous system, atop cramps, spatma, and induce free perspiration. As soon as »bs stomach ia quieted, six to eight of Radway’s Pills (no danger of diarrhcD* need te feared) should be given. The Liver, 8tomach and Bowels will at once be restored to their naturat duties, and tho neutralized ele ments of disease be expelled from the system. This treatment has rescued thousands from death. Looseness, Dlarrlcoa, Cholera Morbns, Cramps, Spanns, etc , and all painful dieoharges from the bowels are stopped in fifteen or twenty minutes by taking Railway’s Ready Relief. No congestion or irfi&mm&tion, no weakness or laseitnde, wul follow ths utft of the B. B. Belief. YELLOW FEVER. This disease is not only cured by Dr. Radway’s Relief and Pills, bnt prevented. If exposed to it, putoueteanpoonfalof Relief in* tumbler of water. Dnnk this before going oat in the morning, and several times during the day. Take one of Aodway’s Pillsone hour before dinner and ODeon going to bed. If seized with Fever, take four to six of the Pills every eix hours, nntil copious dieebarges from the bowels take place; also drink the Relief, diluted with water, and bat ho the entire surface of the body with Belief. Soon a powerful perspiration will take place, and yon will fool a pleasant heat throughout tho (system Keep on taking Relief repeatedly every four hours; also the Pills. A cure will ho sure to follow. The Relief ia strengthening, siimu’ating, soothing and quieting. It is sure to break up the fever and to neutralize tbe poison. Let this treatmont bo followed and thousands will be saved. Tho wme treatment in FEVER AND AGUE. TYPHOID FEVER, SHIP FEVER, BILTOU* FEVER, will effect a cure in twenty-four hours. When the patient feels the Belief irritating or heating the skin, a cure is positive. In all coses where pain ia felt, tho elief should be used. Beady Belief 50 cents per bottle, and Pills 25 cento a box. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH! BEAUTY! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD —IN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUIIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DR. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Has mads tbe mntt aetonbbini; cures. Bo qnlck, so rapid are the changes the body undergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful medicine, that EVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN FLESH AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. CELEBRATED WROUGHT IRON COTTON PRESSES! THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER! All acknowledge Its superiority to any mado anywhere or by anybody. STEAM ENSUES AND BOILERS, SAW MILLS, SUGAR MILLS AND KETTLES, IRON RAILING, MILL MACHINERY, CASTINGS AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. believe all that is promised by eo called “Cheap machines, yon should reqairo proof that yeais of uao have tested their value. Money onco thrown away cannot be recovered. Send for onr circulars. Machines sold on e*3y term*, or monthly payments taken. Old machines pat in order or received in exchange. WHEELEB & WILSON MF’G CO.’S OFFICES ; Savannah, Augusta, Macon and Columbus, Ua. W. B. CLLVES. Gen. Agt., Savannah, Ua. W. A. HICKS, Agent, Macon, Ga. Jan 12-eodly Faugh.t’s 3?atent Gin Gearing! CHAS. (JOUNSELMAN & CO., General Commission Merchants. Room U, Orient*! Building, CHICAGO. Refer to W. A. Huff, Macon. . msy2 Pm For the beet drilled volunteer military comps- r of not lees than forty member,, rank and e, open to the world t75fl At leaet fire entries required. G. W. MoCREADY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Meal, Hay, Corn, Oats, Apples, rotate, Onion?, Batter, Cheese, Ej*?, No. 105 West Main Street, Bet. Third and Fourth, LOUISVILLE, H.Y. Give prompt attention to filling erdere for Mer chandise- Agent for “Hart's" Beater Hay Press. apr25 Sm FRENCH'S NEW HOTEL, C OR. CORTLANDT and NEW CHURCH STS , NEW YORK. On the European Plan. RICH- AuD P. FRENCH, eon of tbe late Colonel Bichard French, of French’s Hotel, has taken this Hotel, newly fitted up and entirely renovated the eame* Centrally located in the Business Pm of the City. Ladies’and Gentlemen’s Dining Bocms attached jnnel9tf WAGES. rosmt. Law Axgxalt.—The new postal card law of this country is decidedly qncer, and par. takes not a little of the Uibcrnlanism common ly known nit an Irish bnll. i; Ten t ho ingiinnlrv of tbe celebrated Rollina, the original and exdcotlre—Commissioner ot Internal K: reuse, would be tasked to interpret it. Tbe law asys that »Dy person who ahull read • postal card, not addressed to him, shall be oonitrned to have committed the >-.en.e- effenac u though he had broken ope-a a letter: a.J nearly at the same- breath, the !..w prohibits tie transmission of po-tal card* containing obscen. or drsloial sentimecu, figure s, pio- tnree, etc. iso#, too qne„tion qnne niilnrally arises: Does the department employ a necromancer, or doable sighted person, that it mey detect a vio lation of one part of the lair, w/.LoUt violating itself tbe first part ? The Danbury mac will Lave to be heard from t>efore thi* extraordinary problem is solved. )R all who are willing to work. Any person, JL’ old or young, of either sex, can make from itO to i5J a week, at boms day or evening. Want ed by all. SniUDle to either city or country, and any season of the year. This la a rare opportunity PK0 VISION BROKER for those who ore ont of work, and out of money, A. H. PATTER SON, 25 MUX STRE If r. EOUISVUXE , KY. Refers to Seymour, Tinsley «L 1 Smith. Macon. Ga. Co. and Johnson apr25 3m AARn* p. EA58CM. go BEST H. tore. W. A. KANSOjy £ & CO., Hannfactnrcts and It ,bbera Of BOOTS AND SHOES, 153 AND 1*0 GRAND ST. , NEW YORK. Bepx^utodbja. w. Bo** ;> of Georgia. to make an independent living. No capital being required. Oar pamphlet, “HOW TO MAKE A LIVING,” giving full inatrnction*. aent on reoeipc of 10 oente. Address A. BURTON A CO., Mor- riaania, Weatcheater county. N. Y. T HE BECK with”^"portable FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, on 30 day*’ trial; many advantages overall. Satisfaction guaranteed, or $30 refundod. Sect complete, with full directione. Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., 8S2 Broadway,N. X. rpHE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An important I»- X vention. It retains the Kup:ure|pt all time^, and under the hordes: exeroiae otttsevereet strain. It is worn with comfort, end if keptsion night and day. effects a permanent cure imsewwbdu. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when requested. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent tun bo Elastic Truss Oo., No. 633 Broadwr.y, N. Y. city. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trurnas. too painful ; they Bay ztood&eowly ahp off too frequently. RACES. rrssx one—1300. Har Trotting Home—Georgia raiaed; mile heite, beat two in three- let horse to receive $200 2d botae to receive 75 81 horse to receive 25 rrEaxnro—*150. For Trotting Horace that have never beaten 2:10 mile heats, beet two in three. let hone to receive (300 2d horse to receive 100 3d horse to receive 60 rrsax x&xxx—f550. For Trotting Horaee—open tn tbe world; mile beata, beat three in five. let horee to receive *5C0 2d boree to receive ICO 3d horee to receive 50 pcese xora—8350. For Running Eorsee—open to the world; two-mile beau beat two in three. let horee to receive..— $250 3d boree to receive 100 mass xiTE—8300. For Bnnnirg Horeee—open to the world; two-mile heate, beet two in three. Xat torse to receive (30 luasx six—$500. Foe Banning Horses—open to the world; three- mile beats, beat two in three. let horse to receive (500 The above Prftminms will be contested for tinder tire rnlee of the Tnrf. Tbe ueual entry fee of 10 por cent, on the amennt of the puree wilt he charged. COUNTY EXHIBITIONS L To the county which (through Ua Society or Clnbs) shall furnish the largest and fineet display, in merit and variety, of stock, products and result* of borne ia- dnatries, ah raided, produced or manufac tured in the ooonty (1000 2. Second beat do 500 S. Third boat do 300 4. Fourth beat do 200 Kntrias to be made at the August Convention in Athena. Article* contributed to the Ooonty Exhibitions cm , airO compete for epectfic premiums in toe Pre mium List; for instance, a farmer may contribute to the Exhibition of hia eronty a barbel of Bread Corn, be can then enter it, individually, far pre- mini ltd- jonelSeod td , “Absolutely the Best Protection Against Fire.” Oyer 1200 Actual Fires put ont with it! MOBE THAN $10,000,000 00 Worth of property saved from the flames THE DABCOC^ IRE EXT1NGUISHE F. W; FAB,WELL, Sec’y* 407 Broadway, New York, In daily rue by the Fire Departments of the prin cipal cities of the Union. The Government has adopted it. Tbe leading railways use it. Send for “Its Record.” feb!2tf B. H.WBIGLEYA CO., Agents. X. ETTCHClC. A. L. HABTtUDaa KETCHUM & HABTBIDGE, Bankers and Commission Merchants Exchange Building, Savannah, win. Bzncnzycxa: Hoses Taylor, President City Bank N. Y.; F. 0. Calhonn, President Fourth National Bank, N. Y.; John J. Cisco A Son, Rankers, N. Y.; Morris Ketcham, Banker, N- Y.; J. N. Norris, Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore; M. McMl- ohael. Cashier Firat National Bank, Philadelphia, marts POST AND IRON BAND WHEEL SHAFP. Made only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. NOTICE —Having made arrangements with Messrs. BCHOFIELD A SON for the sole manufacture of my PATENT GIN GEAR, with CENTRAL IRON SUPPORT, all others are warned not to Mann, css or SEhti the same, as I shall prosecute to the extent of the law all persons using or infringing on my Patent. L. B. FACGHT. Philadelphia, Hay 24,1873. julyldSm O. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO. WHOLESALE M OULDINGS, Brackets, Stair Fix tures, Builders’ Furnishing Hard ware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tilee, Wire Gnarda, Terre Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. WINDOW GLASS A SPECIALTY. Circulars and Frioo List sent free on application by P. P. TOILS, 30 Hayne and 83 Pinckney eta., ootleodly Charleston, S. 0. White Pine Lumber for Sale. A. C. KAUFMAN. Tt A TVTK-T1TV T AND DEALER IN SOUTHERN SECURITIES, CHARLESTON, S. C. S OUTHERN COLLECTIONS receive the Special and Personal attention of this Honae. Returns mads FAITHFULLY and PRCftlPTLY in New York Exchange, which always rnlee BELOW par daring the active business season. •Y Notes, Drafts and Acceptance* payable tn Booth Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia can be concentrated at this point with Profit and Saving of Labor. •EX* All business attended to with fidelity and dispatch. WT Quotations ot Boutham Securities Issued , weekly febllCm I* 4 **® •*» CBOCEOS, FEOnSM AHSIIPOB OEALEBS. LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED 01 THIRD STBBDT. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. H“ Koptiator* by tbe ereotkm of on obeerrotcry and one of the most approved TBA^Sd 1 'nisTBU- MENTB, for the purpose of obeerring tbs meridian passage of tbs sun and stars, I will bo to loop tbe exact Maoon mean time to witbin a fraction of a ssoond. AVZNG perfected my arrangements to correct the slightest srror in tbe time-keeptogof myfini Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOL VENT communicttes through tbe blood, sweat, urine, and other fluids and juices of the syetem, the vigor cf life, for it rep'aira the wastes of the body with now and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandal&r DlsovseB,Ulcers in the Throat and Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts or the system, Sere Ejuj, htramorous Discharges from the E&re, and the worst form of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Soros, Scdd Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum. Ely- sipa!a«. Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh. Tumors, Cancoie in the Womb, and all Weakening and Painful Discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life principle, are within tho curative range of this wonder of Mod ern Chrmittry, aDd a few days* nee will prove to any person uping it for either of these lorms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by ths waste and dt-compoisitiou that is continually pr^ grossing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this the SABHAPARILLIAN will and does secure—a cure is certain; for wuen once this remed> commences its work of purifica tion, and succeeds id diminishing tbe loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing belter and strong er. tho food digesting botter, appetite improving, and flosb and weight increasing. Not only does the iJABSAPABLLLlAN RE80LVENT exoel all inown romedial agents in the core of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin Diseases, bat it is the on’y positive cure for Sidney and Bladder Complaints! Urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases whore there are brick dost deposits, or the water is thick, cioudy. mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like whito silk, or there is » morbid,dark,bilious appearanco and white bone dost deposit, and when there ia a pricking sensation, burning sensation, when passing water, and pain in the small of the back and alonv mi kins. Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Radway’s Resolvent! Beyebly, Miss., July 10, 1887. Db. Rxlway :—I have had Ovarian Tumor in tho ovaries and bowels- All the Doctors said "there was no help for it ” I tried everything that waa recommended, but nothing helped me. I saw yonr Resolvent, and thought I wonld try it; but had no faith in it, because I had suffered for twelve years. I took six bottles of the Beeolvent, and one box of Radway’s Pills, and two bottles of yonr Ready Belief; and there is not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, and I feel better, smarter, and hap pier than I have for twelve years. The worst tumor was in the left side of the bowels, over the groin. I write this to you for tho benefit of others. Xotx can publish it if yon choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP* WORMS ! The only safe and sore remedy for TAPE, PIN and WORMS of all kinds. FBICE $100 FEB BOTTLE. An Important Letter. From a prominent gentleman and resident ot Cin cinnati, O., lor the past forty yeara well known to the book publishers throughout tbe United States: New Yobs, October 11,1870. Db. Had way s Dear Sir—I am induced by a sense of duty to toe Buffering to make a brief statement of the working of yonr medicine on myself. For . several years I had been affected with some trouble in the bladder and urinary organs, which some twelve months ago cnlminated in a most terribly afflicting disease, which the physicians all said waa a spasmodic stricture in the nretha, as also it (lam ination of the kidneys and bladder, and gave it as their opinion that my age—73 yeais—wonld pre vent my ever getting radically cured. I had tried * number of phyeicians, and had taken a large qnanlty of medicine, both aiopatbic and homeoe- pathic, bnt had got no relief. I had read of aston ishing ernes having boen made by yonr remedies; and some fonr month, ago read a notice in the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post of a core hav ing boen effected on a peraon who had long been srfferingaslhadbeen. I went right off and got some of each—yonr Sarsaparillian Resolvent, Ready Belief, and Regulating Fills—and com* manced taking them. In three days 1 was greatly relieved, and now feel as well as ever, O. W. JAMES, Cincinnati, 0. DB. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative and Keg* nlating Pills. Perfectly taetelese, elegantly coated with sweet gum. purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway’s Pills, for tho enreof all dis orders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipa tion, Costivenesa, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bilons* nees. Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Files and all Derangements or the Internal Yiscere. War ranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury,minerals or deieterons dregs, •ff" Observe the following symptom, retailing from Disorder, of the Digeetive Organ*.* Constipation, Inward Piles, Fall ness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity or I he Stomach, Kanaes. Heartburn, Disgnst of Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Soar Eructations, Sinking or Flutter ing at the Heart, Choking or suffering Sensations wnen in a Lying Posture, Dimneee of Vision, Dot. or Webs before tbv Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the «s,n and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Chest, Limb., and sadden Fiiuhet. of Heat. Burning in the Fleeh. A few doses of Badwmy’a Pills will free the sys tem from all the above named disorders. Price 35 oente per box. Sold by Druggist.. BEAD -FAXsSB JL2UD THUS? Bend one letter stamp to RADWAY A CO., So. 32 Warren, oomer Chnrch street, New York. Information worth, Utoniands will be sent you. cuylS eod&wly