The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 01, 1873, Image 3

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ON THE, Telegraph & Messenger. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST X, 1878. lienor la HotlaflrA. I From the Saturday Review] . . It la difficult to write eertooaly of tba dnel I ^ oai T»ri»i»n society. I between MM. Pen! de Oomognoa and Bene. " "" ~ Roton French dnela ara hardly ever mortal, , - . , . . nnleaa acme blondanr happena to ba involved *“ b « r K “»« «* a*r»n««o<mt of be ignorant that a combat with award* could not be maintained, with vigor and without pause, for anything lit* that time. Tbe combatant* came n* amiling, Joat like the pngiliatio hero** of Bell'* Life, bat the picture of their move ment* ia a mere danb. It la impoaaibl* to jadge whether the performer* in this, to onr eye* a grotesque proceeding, will obtain applanae or ndioola from Parisian society. We think that if Preoohmen cannot do without dnela thay might, at leant, fight upon their own soil. Lax- In a quarrel, aa waa the eaae when an Rogliab- roan named Dillon wae killed a few yean ago. tbe great poweu of Europe, who may thn* be regarded aa keeper* of rop< ( and Make* for tbe TELMAN k EBEEN Will sell or.y of Lb« ex**J1ont atOTM m below for the LOWEST CASH PRICES! For good eocepteiAoee, dae tbe 15th of November next, WITHOUT INTEREST, And guarantee the price to be ae low, or Lower Than Next Fall. I Happily the combatant* of Mender laat had 1UrandDaoheea Marie,’ the only danghter °f Onr old* friend* who have aold Btcree ^ | OEg praetjo^ , Dd ne |ther waa likely to I th ® Cllr of Bonis. The royal pair have already for m on commiwion bate th* advantage of thla I either kill hi* antagonist or to be hlmaelfkiUrd. *- 1 * * “ ‘ He had never h.d any ieevon in fencing until »®n*enl*tK>e of F, * ooh gW™"**. Pe»b»P* lifter the ohe'leoge had been given and accepted. Mr - K,eha ' d - or oU, “ m * mber of the and It is aaid thet bis master taught him only P«®«® P art /» w0 ?' d “ 0TB * n * ddr “« , one thing—namely, tbe guard, which 1* lech- ” rown “ th , e »£J®®* of »PP I 7 1D g arbitration to | nleally called He roe. It baa been often aaid »• ^ that a alight knowledge of the me of the (word ar »“ T,ll « be irstrnoted to write a dta is worse then none, and that lha beat ehaeoe P* ,oh oa fl “ Impropriety of tnrnlng Lnxom- j for a novloe la to go in reeolntely at bis antag-1 bor 8 inlo a oock-pit. onist by the light of natnre. Iriahmen surseed I _ , , __ “ In this plen in novel*, bat th* odd* would be I T “ Dak ® °* Eilnbnrg, the eeeond eon of heavily against them in an actual encounter. I Q 3 ®* 0 Vio*oria, baa, it appear*, wooed sndwon urangemect. ^ I been betrothed end tbe question of their onion It would have beecufe to "bet m thl* result.' “®T' ‘hurefore. be considered settled. The —* —| - ----- i 1 ni be remark able as being tba first __ _ , »nd perhaps the principal object of the duel “•rriage wiU be remarkable as being the first EVERY ST0\ 8 GUARANTEED ! obtain noloriet? tor the perfo.mera. fam'Iy alliance vh'ob bu ever taken place be- I O Ooonell began his politieal career by a duel, I tw *® n r°y*I families of Bnaaia and Eng- W# bar# in stock tho Staves as below; bBt h ® foo gh‘ with his pistol, which ia much ‘“ d ., Tha ‘ w 1 °. 00n “ l 7?*“ e 7" ^* T ® b ®« n T#r F less manageable than the sword, and he killed ® nd ‘hoogh their brier nnion against COTTON PLANT -Plain, or with Bmcrvoir and *jgTtj CoSES 1 COX'S EBILLXaNT-Plaln. or with Beaervolr ^rf«^m I ^^onM!oM. 0 ^ T “lJ*Jib'eaSd Und b « b f*“ d I«^°Wo*Uj C I 'heir peris, and were prepared to “satisfy I fPP°« d , & wooldbe decidedly overaangniue qcun of the south. OBAT JACKET. GOOD INTENT. MASTERPIECE HOME OEOBOIAN. PLANTER. OOXHUL. IKON WITCH—Plain, or alib Bcscrvclr. FAVOBITE—with Iteaenroir and Closet. FBOTECIOB—with Beaervolr and Closet. laMf r, .r -r it g t n V 1 ; W. A. HOPSON & CO. OFFEB FOB TEN DATS LONOER Japanese Fan* at Cc, worth 16c, A - rt —1 Ini of Fans at iOc to ‘.5c, worth 50c, Lacies' Linen Collars at 10c, worth 35c, Ladies' Linen Cuffs at 10c, worth Mo Ladies' Hose St lt>o. worth fit to per dta.. Ladles' Handkerchiefs at 10c. worth St per doz , Dinner Napkins at 10c, worth Si par doe., Bound Oombs at 10c, worth Me each. Ladles and Misses' Aprons at 10c, worth 85s each, uloves at 30o, werth 26c each. IUU Mitt* at 2fc, and lOo worth tl each. Ladies' Silk Jijws at 26o, worth 50o each, Oaots' Oravaia at 26c, worth 76c each. Boy* Linen Boils at 76c, worth tl So each. Beys' Msrsailles Holts at 75c, worth tl sach, I,a dim' ltuffifd Hnita at ti. worth $7 60 each. Fra* ch Embroidered Bela at 60c, worth tl 25. ISO pieces Dross Goods at X2n per yd , worth 26c I* Ms, Linen Dock for gents* wear at 2Se. worth ECc, And enmberleea articles in the show omasa from IBs and upwards. Ws cant stand those losses for a protracted parted. Ws cava now to go to bed snpperleee on arnoant of tb*m. After the expiration of the above time this do- [artinsat will bo closed to make repairs. :.„l be backward In Cooling forward. W. A HOPSON A OO., JaljJTIf 82 and ti HoooDd street. JUST RECEIVED honor” at a moderate r^£d!t£.‘of bto^d J° her “ d the prfdioUon that the ermiec of Die Tbe tame sort of thing need to bs dona ia A leas tw “ emplreewW never Com* into collision again, prrtentioas way among onrselvee. I * nd U WOD,d h® ‘H 11 mor ® Prepoaterons to snp- Ad extant handbill of the year 1700 contains P 0 ®®,^,* 1 lh ® P®? din 8 W F»I *HUnoe wUl have a ehslienge and aeoeptmoe to meet and exercise 2influence in delaying or preventing aueh an at aword and dagger and other weapons. Jams* If !. l, .» AU that can reawnabiy be inferred Harris, m»*terofthe noble mienoe of defense. f J°“ “* in * P 0 ^ 0 ® 1 .*®f“' « 0141 ti>e«l*Uons who formerly rode In the Horse Gnsrds, and I of ® r ®“ P 1 ! 1 * 111 ® td * l ptesent, had fonpht for a hundred and ten prized, and "PI**®? *° ^° a » P»fenUy **tlsf*cto.y foot- nc ver left * stage to any man, declares thst he iD ?: tD f '»>»» there ia no immediale prospect of will not fall, God willing, tomeot the brave and ? KnMi,n . P^ D0 *“ d ° d ‘og England anything bold invitsr. George Orly, at the time andptae. bu ‘* 9"***? *«f®“ bl ® ,6 * ldtD ?«- „ appointed, desiring sharp swords, and from him I K ^S > ®i?* t ° ll 'rII •**,* *° be ,^ at - I no favor. We by no means suggest that this “5 ,ld “- Th f 5“? r ® t i“ f“ h® • a “put-up thing” between Memrs. Gray and ■"■F ??■» —«*«» E?glW> »° d other- Harrls, but live aid let Uve is a wholesome ^ Tb ® Q ?“ d .?“ ehe “ maxim in all trades. There wonld be ranch U V*,® '* t ^, b ® Iib ®. r,JI F with beauty threatening, gesture and clashing of steel; tbe 8 The cbronle malan- speotatora would fee! that they had theirmoney’s 0,1017 of . b *7, ,,th f r ' tb ® Cz “> bM foood In “>* worth, and Messrs. Grsy and Harris wonld live «° m P®h!onshlp of his dsnghter one of Its ohitf to fight soother day. Sometimes arrangement* of . .■*»■*.»» lnla * of ^® Bo »- :re made beforehand, aa appears from a letter I taBflkWdHalw *7f 5r ® In tbe Spectsior etating that th* srritar over-1 P*M*.^ d 7 a **>• child who ha* bnt lately blos- heard two master* of th? sword In an ala-houM * ora ® d i , nto * ««■»»»• Them i* ovary •tfreelntj to qnarrol on tho next opportunity. I re .?* >n °# The following dialogue ensued: “Wrifyoa give T*' 1worth7 ° f J th ® ^“fih entaor receive?" “Keeeive ” “Are yon a p« • ter of th * °“ r ' Under hi* popular designator sionale man 7” “No, provided von ont no more COLLINS & LITTLE 70 and 72 Second Street, JVEA-CON, Gf-A-., Offering CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Under hii popnUr dMignmtion of <4 the Sailor Priroe,” be bna been somewhat nor no deeper than we agree.” AU thla may | f £*’ orIt * w ?. th hja Briliah peopi*. His popn- Si ' S H it waa im-1 lllrlt7 was rstbar dimmed a few years ago by t repntalion he got of being a little “mein" pecnrlary matters—of being liberal in beatow- hsve boen said, and when not aaid plied; and if yon obange tbe weapon to tbe rapier, and the soene to a oafe, yon will gat a ■ ■ . tolarably correct Idea of the sort of taeit n?der ‘"8 P”®* 0 ^ » od then asking.the naUon to pay standing bn which dn.Ia among French journal- the ”r b ^ ! n »,P rlo £® T ho J to a oot llk ® 17 to lata are now condnotid. 8 J ^ ® D J tbl ?8 higher than Dnke of rttxe-Oobnrg Tho reporter says that “the slightest mlt- 2°, lh \ *5S m ‘ 7 ^ «■*•* • f ‘ nIt 1 ®““ take wonld imperil the life of him who oom-1 "I!? 11 ' * m ®' ,, , . , . ... milted Itand no donbt this is true, bnt the I Tb * r ® \ i i„'® 2?®; P® 0 ^ 1 ® » bo If** performers had boen prsotioing for six or Sevan I I? nob mor ® hriiiisnt fntnre for the princes of years in order thst they might commit no mis- tb ® r ° 7 *} Uu, “, Ul « *»<f takes. Wo know nothing of the sonroe to which I orn * m ® nt *' 1 ® , * b !° l1 *^*T, now ,J?K^' they may h.vs applied for inslrnctlon, bnt we oI “® ^ po'' «<»« thtaker. be ieve that theBnUsh do know that tbe art of fighting daels withont 00 ' 001 ®’ * m f ? ,ol,h *S 7 *1 heritages for the serious result* I. i.ngbt in Paris, end ws .Iso T ° aDger ^ ot QaM “ Vl0, ? ri *' ® ltb " “ ^®®- know thst, if a parly of two principal, and four ”^°® boIdlD 8 » P°®‘“° n to that of tha seoond* go ont to fight in the early morning, 8ontb potentates in a confederated preparation for breakfast fo, six is n,naily msde m at an adjoining tavern. An eminent member I "“FhMpto matare a prpjaet o^tMi Mud, and I. A. BAKKS & SONS’ AMO Tarda Oallcoe* at 10 to 12o- Ladies' Linen Oollart. Laos Collars, Bnchlng, I rilOe. Another Cue i i Bloacbcd at 120., worth IBe. A lugs lot Dress Goods at Coat. All other Goode at Bottom Figures. W. A. BANKS A RONS, U Second beefsteak within twenty-fonr honrs after tha I Bydneyor battle. If two atrong men untrained and beery I Jff lboirr ??'t.^ e Bn, P*® t lhst a scheme like fight with fiat*, one of them maykiU the othe? ,bI ® woul l d u b ? «°“«*hat hindered by tte i Bnt a fatal rmnlt hardly ever ensue, from a sol- “T 7 h oh b ‘" h*®? « tb «' . entifio prize-fight. It is much the same with “ b,Uo1 ® *? the Bnssian sUiance—the epread of the bnilete of the Freneh press. One aooonnt 5 em0J 5 1 U ,° doot,1 2“ J! mo ?8 tb ®. *S bJe0, 2 0f I representa that M. Gambetta was eotfident that I ? a .®* n Tlo,olIt - .ThaOocrta at HL Peterabnrg his friend M. Bane would kill M. Camsgnao. ZW *<********«h? We should have felt tolerably confident that he ISfiJSfSS" J 0 !??, 1 / 1 D0 , dl ® Unt P? rIod 'las uawma, x^o. nouara. amenmg. would not. Tho only redeeming feature of ^hat 8 .nd ^ i’.nllling, Broadway FrlUing, Coronet*. I d yn! riT'o^ne o/^h« b M- T tlM I of ,he coIonics P into royal provinoes represent Bl(b Hack Oombs, Fllk, Leather and Unen Belt*. tfa n? this Dossibilitv is verv tb ® tw0 P° Ies of «P'on!ation on such matters. Lidias'S...1' Hose, I'actAo Lavas, Nain- I xhe sp.'oe ooVe^ed bTthe moveme/t* of the 1*“ trn,h P rob » b ’ 7 somewhere between ook Tic. Lftwno, Cotton Diaper, eta I oombelants wee only eighteen yard*, and there | lnem * •’ iioac at 10O. per pair; GenU’ Half Hoee i a a tredition thet two fencing meatere began a Avnxxxi.—At cerUin season a, ea in spring I dnel et one ©f the gates of Hyde Park and fia-1 *nd aommer, the appetite of even every robust isbed at the other. 1 1R apt to fell, and relish for meats and heavy Some of the beat descriptions ever written of I food to wane. This is all right enough, for dnela with the 8 vord are to be found in Soott*s I animal diet in warm weather heats the blood, iy _ BjArtFVB *x nunn ■ noTe ^ 8 *. horsemanship whioh he I tends to headaohes, and is generally onwhole- THAnenitr hiAoV fiin^[ fl. I “ ake ? JJ 8 h ? roe *.Pf rf °nn ■aro astonishing and | some, aniens sparingly used. On tbe other , TrU °80l“ block, Maoon, Ga. inoradible, bnt their performances with the band, fresh vegetables, berries, fruit, and bread JanalHtr | sword are like piotnres from aotna? life. One I are cooling, oorreotive, and what the palate feels Inclined to qnote the dnel ic ‘‘Peveril of I most craves. Don’t be afraid to go witbont tbe Peak” in reference to M. Bino and bis|mBatforamonthorso,ondifyoalike,livepnre- friend, M. Gambetta. Julian Peveril inns Long I ly on a vegetable regimen. We will warrant Tom Jeekins, the Doke of Bockingham'o man- I that yon will lose no more strength than is com of*all work, tbroogb the body, snd the Dake, I mon to the time, and that yon will not suffer inquiring into the partionlars of the combat, is I from protrsoted heat, as when dining on tbe informed that the hostile sword '‘fortunately I regulation roast. avoided the vitals” of Loop Tom Jenkins, to j Many persons regard a hearty desire for food which the Dake answers, “Damn his vitals! 1 1 as something unrefined, indelicate, and to be That combat was fooght in a street of London, I constantly disoonraged. This is a greater and In a ting formed by watermen. The reoent I more harmful mistake than that of ooaxing the duel, in which als3 the vitals of the combatants I appetite. It is jast as neoessary for the man were avoided, appears to have been fought on I who works only with his brain to eat beef and torf, which is by no means suitable for a dts- I mutton, aa for the man who labors eololy with r G UoNN. 1‘roMidoi.t. 11. K. LAWTON, Cashier | play of scientific fencing. It wonld have been his hands. The stomaoh and the brain are mrnTT > itmti v% i wvr nvs «v i nnti I mor6 convenient, alike to performers and spec I twins—the former being the elder, and having kirH A Nlik nArik n H MAMIN I tatora, if a pnblio room with a nioely boarded 1 prior right to care. Let that be well provided fiAUiULliUJa AIXLllik laHUIIllfi | floor oonld have been engaged fer tbe pnrpoee. I for, and it will sustain its brother. The people The arrangement for the neutralization of Lax- who strive to check a wholesome and natural embnrg was lately mentioned by Mr. Gladstone I appetite are the people who regard dinner mere* as creditable to the diplomatio talent of Lord j ly as a feed, not the centre of an agreeable so- Derby. Tho anthors of that arrangement will I dal enstom and aa the domestic event of the donbtlesa be gratified to learn that (hey have j day. We are sorry for them, as they must re- provided an arena for the gladiatorial exereises j g*rd eating at all &9 a prosaic doty obligatory on of Frenoh joarnalists. We do not qnite nnder* I them because they have a bias in favor of liv* stand why tho performers took the trouble to I ing. travel to snob a distant theater, unless It Firs! National M of Maul transact* a lieneral Banking Bailncu. DOBCTOBS: l a PLANT, D. FLANDEB3. H. L. JEWETT, W. B DINUMOBH, D. b. PLANT, D. 8. LITTLE, G. H. BAZLEUOB8T. L O. TliANT, ProaiJent. W. W. W1UGLEY. Oaahlar. inalO-tilnovl' HSlM la UnB’a a<* Bnlldla,. RECEIVES DEPOSITS. BUTS AND SELLS EXCHANGE, Ksies Adranes* on Stocks, Bonds, Cotton in Stora. Also on Bbipmenu of Oollon. COLLECTIONS FB0MPTLX ATTENDED TO iaM6 ly L 0. PLANT & SON, BANKERS AND BROKERS, MAOON, OA. Bax * Boll Ksehaacv, Mold, savor, Slefkl and Band*. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, We all know that we mnat,eat to Uve; I bnt we by no means Uve to oat simply because to Ifiyo greater eel 11 to the perforirftnee. The I we eojoy what we est. We are not’gonnuande present governmen; of France depends, aeoord- beesnse we relish chops, nor are we lnvaUds ing to the declaration of Its obief, npon divine I beesnse we want strawberries. A good appetite end military power for its support, and we I is a good thing, bnt not if it is to be worried by question whether either of these powers need feel obliged to interfere with a dnel between MU. de Oasesgnsc snd Ktne. even if the inter esting event ehoald be annoanoed to be “brought off" on French soiL ■ It must be owned that the journalists of Paris have not always avoided serious eonseqnenoes In their dneis. Dojarier was killed by Beaa- yaPod, and it waa aaid that Lola Hontez, who urging or by negioot.—Scribner'i for Augutt. IN UGEMENTS T _. . ... . ., i - I was to bs married to Dnjarier, offered to take I ttn Which Interest will bo Allowed, j jj Pr ] OTPr ' w p! (W 'o i and wonlti hSTe fongbt Bean-1 vallon with either sword or pistol. If she had I been permilted. She was mistress of her we*-1 -ABE OFFZBED- At aeaxan croa. PAlTALBIjII ON OATiX i Uvaa i Made sa Cstom ud Produce In Star*. Collections Promptly Attended to. . fsMIy . X W. OcaaxDax. Wk. HaxuapaaT. J. w. Loaxair. Cubbedge, Hailebarst ft Co., Bankers and Brokers MACON. GA. pons aa well aa of mnoh else; while Dojarier I conld wield only the pen. In the trial which I arms ont of this dnel Dumas appeared as a witness, snd referring to his own dramstlo I wrttirgi, received from the President ot the | Gonrt the retort which has beoome proverbial: “II y a des degree.” Domes stated thst Doje-1 ricr rim- to his honae and told him that he was going to fight a dnel, and taking np a sword I wbicn lay in the room Dnmas saw that be did I not know how to hold it. He advised Dnjarier I to choose pistols, bnt afterward learning thst I Beanvallon was to tie the opponent, retrloted this advioe, his motive being that, aa Beanral-1 tollecUons Hade on nil Atetaslkie Polotsk WOfflee epan at all boors of iht day. laai-lyr Cubbedge, Uaxlehunt ft Co.’s SAVINGS INSTITUTION. TO THE TBAJDE! B tons of JEWETP3 WHITE LEAD, 20 tens other brands WHITE LEAD, 500 gallons LINSEED OIL, 10 barrels TUBPENTINE, 300 boxes WINDOW GLASS, very low, 10 gross AXLE OBEASE. 50 kegs BI-OABB. SODA, asked *t lbs trial whether a swordsman of re- poted skill oonld honorablv exercise that skill ■ N i tltEbT PAID ON ALL 8CM8 PliOM «1 • » 0 ^ “ d b *.!I motive, and thinking his honor oonoerned, in- I aisled on pistols. There was next an attempt I to invite tbe interposition of Griaier, who was I I 0, D±\ b . n s And for everything in onrlineof bnsinesk Desist* this failed for the wmejmeeon. Dnmssthen udoUlwl w nob^ in quantity, wiU find ns to be sent Dojarier with hi* own eon to a ahooting I headquarter*, gallery, where he msde ahoeUngiy bad praetioe. 1 It waa his first doel and hia last Dnmas was HUNT, BANKIN A LAMAB, Wholesale Druggists, 82 and 84 Cherry straet. TO $5000. O FFICE HO0B8, FROM 8 A. K. to 61. M. janl-tf PLANTERS’ BANK] FOB! TAIAXT, COMBOIA. F.CETVEB Depoalta. diaoennta Paper, boy* and j V sells Exchange; also. Gold and fxilvar. Dollecuons made at all soomsIDI* points- Intern* ptad oa Depoaita wbao mads foga ape- ofied Ucae. Wa. J. Aanaasoa. prost. W. X. Baoww, Oasblar ooxoTOia; *n. J. Anderson, OoLBi M. L. X. Peiton Dr. W. Dr. Wm. H. Holiinshead. de!7tf *. l. CJtnvmwooD. iaxxa I. cuu. W. J. C5DIRW00D A C0„ Provision and Produce Brokers Sa. I H.rlb Bat. HnH, St. Loaia, Me. Order* solicited for Pork. Baoon, Lard, Flow Orain, Bagging, etc-, eta. apr29 3m DIAMOND SPECTACUES. THESE Onnntanlsi an manufactured from “Min- .1 nta Oryatal Pabblea" melted tagetbar, and an Diamond oa aooonnt of thetr hardnaM and brilliancy. It is well known that specsaotaacat from Brasilian or Scotch pebble* an very Injurious to tbe tya, because of tbetr polanam* bgbt. Htring bean tested with Urn P ol ®~»%*h* diamond lsoaea have be so found to admit Ifteaa par oenL last heated rays than any o«h« pebbto. They an ground with gnat setaettfie aeonney, art free from diromatie abarratkaia, and prodoe* i bngbtneM end «v»Ttinnlrum oS vklon not Diion Rtuined in •pectedee. . . - Manufactured bv tbe DdmO Optfoftl Kenaiee* korinf Oompany. New York. •JsS ^ " whto YSttf&KST ‘ Jswalar and Opttctan, Is sol* Agent for Maoon, Oa. from Whom thay aan only b* obrainsd Ho p*»- fiian smpioyad. Tb* gnat desnaad tot thorn Bpaetasisa baa Id- dacad onacrapidona dealers to pains off an infactot and spunooa aittplr for lb* Dtamaafi. Gnat can should be takas to too that tha made-mart-**- Whioh la prouetad by Amarioar Lattan Patast) la tUBpedofitTsrypatt. osUMAwly® remarking that there are “dark” swordsmen who praetioe elsewhere then in pnbUo rooms. Being pressed further, he answend that when yon get npon the gronnd questions of gener osity and delicacy, which are very' fine ques tions, disappear before the question of exis tences. The history of Frenoh dneling wonld famish many amusing chapters. General Onano was to good a shot that after tho first firs bs ad dressed his antagonist, General Bonnet, with tbe question, “Whst, sir, sn yea not dead?" It appeared that the b*U bad been turned by a five-fra do pteoe in Bonnet’s pocket, on whioh , , _____ , Ornano remarked, “Tons avex blen place votre | GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE argent." An important branch of the btudnem of the old fencing masteri wss the teaching to a , , , _ _ .... pupil some secret coup by whioh an opponent ^ ‘“Tiled to meet In Convention, at Atlanta, on might be disabled. It Is still possible to impart tbs first day of September next, myateries, or at least to pretend to do so; bnt 1 one Parisian fencing master would hardly un dertake to show to another a new thing. Tb* reeonroes of science whioh is neons aril y finite Western, Atlantic and Western, West Point and mnat hav* been exhausted long ago. The really I .. . - , formidable i sneers are the men who do oom- I Atlanta, and Georgia Banroada will pass mam hers mon thing* with superior qulrlm*#* and force, I 0 j Convention for one fan to and from the It is difficult for the most aooompliahed veteran j to contend against tha Ufa and agility of youtn. Convention. Convention of El-Cadets GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. The ex-Cadeta and ex-Frofe**ors of the The Central, Maoon and Brunswick, Maoon and Tbi* was well seen in the year 1851, when Pons I and Prevoat, two of the best men of their time, j Let evity ex-Oadst who loves the memorise that came to London aa sn essential part of sn SX- I cluster around hia Site* Mater, and who cherishes hibition of the remit* of civilization. Ponshsdl carried a lacee in toe campaign of Moseow, and ® b °f > *™ »“*“« her reenrroctol Horn tho ashes wss, therefore, considerably over fifty Jtrn ol ia which Eherman boried her, oom* to this Cau sae, while Fiwvost was in the prime of life. I . There has not been so good a match seen in I Tecuon ' JOHN XILLEDQE, President cf tha ta-Oadet Association. InlyaO-tUaepl London ainos; bnt, aa it it oan not be donbted, after this week's experience, that the sword ia I an important agent in modem society, we (hall I expect that the beat Freneh artists in dueling I will be Invited to th* international exhibition. I ■ „ . „ Wo observe with regret that th# literary aid* Unttfd StftttS DlStTlCt CflDft, of modem do*ling baa bees inadequately de veloped. Tb* writer in the Genloia ia a poor band. He ahonid take for bis model the col umns of Bell’s Life daring the palmy days ot prise-fighting. Every movement of every round waa pictured, to that the Instmoted reader oonld see the men aa if be wen on tb* ground. This style has now become obsalsts, and perhaps tbe ehief master* at it hav* been I at tan o'clock in tb* forenoon. AND WAGONS, ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. Bril from Pier 25. North River, Raw York. hTKBT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. _ Tbe paMeoger acccm- / r* mocUtiona on et earner* of } tbid line are unaurpaa^ed * £V\ * or comfort. . .— I, Cibln state rooma are all --Aw ou upper deck, thus ee- ^ curing good light and von- tuition. BATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, OB LONDONDERRY. Sat. Steamers. Wed. Steamers. Gold Currency. Cabins............*75 and $65. $7j and $65. Cabin return tickets securing best ac commodations €130 $130 Steerage, currency, $30. Certificates for pa®ssge from aty seaport or rail way station in Great hntain, Ireland or the Conti nent, at BATES AS ZaCW AS BT ATT OTHER FIRST-CLASS I INK. For passage apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Or to 7 Bowlicg Green, N* Y* T. H HxjrnzMON, Agent, Maoon, Ga. mayllSm CHANGE of SAIT,TNG DAYS. PACIFIC MAH STEAMSHIP CO.’S nsouei link to calitobsia, china AND JAPAN, Touching at Mexican Ports, UD OAKBnNS THE Di S. WAIF- Fares Greatly Reduced. O NE of the large and splendid Steamships cf this line will leave Pier No. *2 North River, foot of Canal St., at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 5th, and 2Uthof every month(except when those dates fell on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday) for ASPINWALL, connect ing, via Panama Railway, with one of the Com* pany’s Steamuhipa from Panama for SAN FRAN- CISCO, touching at MANZANIliLO. AU departures oonnect at Panama with steamers for South Pacific and Central American ports. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran- dsoo first of every month, exoept when it falls on Sunday, then ou the day preceding. One hundred pounds or Baggage allowed to each adoit. Baggage received on dojk the day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced Burgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Tickets, or further In formation, apply at the Company’s Ticket Ofiioe on the Wharf, root of Canal street, North River, Now York. GEO. H. BRADBURY,T’refcldeUt. XL J. Rttixay, tiupt. aug2 ly 1873. AT REDUCED PRICES! I BABY CARRIAGES! MARKED DO WIST I DO WIST I! GLEBE'S OFFICE. } EXITED 8TXTJ5S DWTBIOT OOCBT, > Bavanax, Ga., July 220,187E ) IB OBDZBED, That tb* Anyuta Tara, 1878, _ of tba DmtBicr Gocrr of tbe United Stats*, for tha Sotthan DMriet of OeajgL be ndjimned to the FTBST MOXDAT in SOTEMBKB MBIT, Junta, —n—hi and all others who an re quired to appear at th* aaid August Tern, will engaged aa special correspondents of th* dally newspapers, and hav* brought their power of . - - - eloee otwerrmtioo and aoeurate deeerlptkm to I beer npon the moT«nents of Xinge and Em-1 °*“ “ perotS. “Thedual had lasted fourteen mie- ■ This statement of the Ganiote is JAMES McPHXBSOS, Clerk. OTThe stated HovemberTera of the United States Osacrrr Ooart meets on Thursday, after th* too mnab in the atyi* of Felstar* “ whoU bow I first Meoday •» Hovember. by Bhrewabory dock. Th* writer oonld betdiy I Jtiykt A ang> For the next thirty days we will sell about three hundred and fifty Vehicles, of all kinds and sizes, at reduced rates. Onr Stock consists of work made by the best makers, such as the firms of ASA MILLER & SON, ABBOTT, DOWNING & GO., and STUDEBAKER & BROTHERS, embracing 50 Side Spring City and Country Buggies. 25 End or Eliptic Spriog Buggies. 15 Two-seated Buggies. 0 Top Piano and Coal Box Buggies. 8 Victorias Barouches and Rockaways. 10 Concord Buggies—Abbott, Downing & Co. 10 Asa Miller Buggies. 50 Two-horse Studebaker Wagons. 20 Two and Four-horse Concord Wagons. 6 Six-horse Concord Wagons. 35 Milbum Wagons. 5 Spring Wagons. 5 Jersey or Market Wagons. 10 One-horse Wagons. 20 Rail Road Carts. 20 Plantation Dump Carts. POST OFFICE BOX 497. DeLOACHYS OLD STAND. rhea!smith&c(T" Srali, Hay, Flour aid PromioE Ohio Biver Balt Oompany’s Agents, n 80UTI XiKKIT ST„ KA8HVILLK, TJXX. OBDEBS SOIilGITED. Rrmifan: Seymour, Tinsley A Co ; Ooleman __ _ _ Newsom Johnson A Smith; Gamble, Beok k July 11 lawtf MAOOW, Ct-A. On. aprkosm I COLLINS Ac LITTLE, 70 and 72 SEOOHD STREET, The proprietors avail themselves of the lull in advertising to present their claims again to the public. Nothing vrithin the range of our ability ia omitted to make the Txlegkath and MsssengeH In all it3 editions acceptable to the reader. As a vehicle of tho earliest news on all cur rent topics— and of careful and candid exposition, wo concede no superior in this State. In point of circulation in the range of the country trading with Macon, the dif ferent editions of the paper are far be yond competition. They literally per vade the Central and Southwestern coun ties of Georgia—addressing and inform ing almost every merchant and house hold. No business man of Macon can afford to be without the use of these columns as an advertising medium. No ono abroad seeking a market for any commodity in this region can intelligently dispense with their aid in facilitating that object. For successive generations these two papers, united for the past three years in one, have commanded this great field of circulation, and their hold on the public confidence has never been disturbed or interrupted. We are to-day with a larger cash paid circulation than ever before, and we hope to go on increasing with the progress of the country. We do not say it is the “largest circulation,” but within our proper field—where we can carry the CANDLES, SOAPS, earliest news, it is beyond even approxi- RAILROADS. K. FABBL SLiHCFACTUOEB OF STAR AND TALLOW LARD OIL. Office, Ne. 14 Wost Main Street, between First and Second. Factory, Noe. 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lane, between Ohio and Adama Streets, LOUISVILLE, KY, ' ; Gash paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. apr25 Cm mation by any other journal. Gsnaxtr.—Lifo and health are GoJ’s fta, and it ia a a'ui to imperil them by neglect, le can. it we choose, prompt'y rolieve tho diaor dera of tho stomach, bowela, liver and norvoa, whioh lead to ohrouio dyspepsia, dysentery, diar rhoea. liver complaint aud paralysis, by having re course to Tarrant’s Effervescent Seltzsr Apjrlsnt. It has beau a proven fact for thirty yoars, that this wboleeomo and agreeable alterative will always prevent tbe minor ailmenta of tho body from cul minating in duigerond mvadioa. if administered at tbe proper timo. Heat tbe first eymptoms with this inestimable remedy. Salf-nogloct in auoh oases is a crime. Bold by all druggists. Jqlyl9d2aw&w2w N. S. JONES, PROVISION BROKER No. 8 PJte’s Opera House Building, oxN’oxnrsrrt.Ti, OHIO Orders for Pork, Bacon, Hams and Lard promptly attended to. Befers to Seymour, 'Jineley <k Co. mayll 3m -ft® . THE MILD POWER liCURESi HUMPHREYS* HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Tnr AVB PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, an entire success. Simple, Troiapt, Efficient and Reliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use—ao simple thit mistakes cannot be made in u-tin? them ; so harmless aa to be fteo from dancer; ana so efficient as to be alaraya reliable. They have tho highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Price, ia large three-drachm vials, with directions: Nos. Cures. . Cents. 1. Fevers, Congestion, Infl.ommatIrma, • • 50 2. Worm a, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, * • 30 3. Crylnc-Colfc.orTeethingof Infants, • 30 4. I>lorrnoen, of Children or Adults, . • 30 5. Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic, . • 50 6. Cholera-ftorlms, Vomiting, . • * . 30 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, 50 8. ZVeuralyriA, Toothache, Faeeachc, . . . 50 if. Headaches, Pick Headache, Vertigo, . 50 10. Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach, . ... 30 11. NuppressedeOr Painful Periods, * * * 50 12. Whites, too Profuse Periods, . ... 50 13. Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, . . 50 M. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, . 50 15. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, • . . 50 16. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues, 50 17. Piles, blind or bleeding, . . ♦ . . . 50 18. Ophtnalmy, and Sore or Weak Eye*, . 50 19. Catarrh, Acute or Chronic Influenza, . 50 20. Whooping-Cough, ViokntCoughs, 91. Asthma, OppreaaedBi 50 257 Dropsy and ScantyBeCTedoos, • • • • 26. Sea-SIchneas,Sidoae«ftoxiiRiding, . 50 27. Kidney-Disease, Gravel, . • • • • ® w g- gg^^SSkytatiVtkiAa: S tasSsg«i®SSa:i2 35. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions, 50 fabily CASES. Case (llomem) with 35 large vfah Mnnuiil of DirirtMi/. - - • ■ - Case (Morocco) of !0 Un?e All and Book, 6 « irThoe remedies aro .ent by trie cZl or alnglo box to any yart of Ou Country, fr?e ofcMrge, on receipt OX price* Address Hl i m fi5^ip S a?tilcM C edIclneCo'' And by JOHN INGALLS, and HUNT, BANKIN 4 LAMAB, Maoon, Ga. eodftswtf W. a. X0BB7B. 8. ▼. BZZD. MORRIS & REID, Provision and Tobacco Brokers, Boom No. 1 Gollsge Building, comer Fouitb and Walnnt streets, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Befer to W. A. Hoff. mayll Sm DR. WOOD BRIDGE’S PAIN LINIMENT. most violent pains of NEURALGIA and ORBONIO BHEUildTISil, curing very eevere forma of these diseases in from one to five days; also the STIFFNESS OF TEE JOINTS which eometimee accompanied tbe laet It also caroe SPRAINS OF THE JOINTS in twelve hours: GUM-BOU.S, NERVOUS HEADAOHES, including those which follow Intermittent Fevers and Tooth Acbee, in from one to five minutes; also Colic, ting-worm, and Meningitis. Tbe second cue wae cared in Brunaaick, relieving in the last in a few zrinuUa, the pain in the head and neck, and the rigidity of the zanscles of the neck. Bee circulars, containing certificates of ka virtues from those who have used it, at the Drag Stores of B. B. HALL, Maoon, and B. V. ULMER, Savan nah, who have it for sale. Address orders to DR. D. G- WOODBRIDGE, mchfi awAwtf Brunswick, Ga. THE WEEKLY TBLEGBAPHaaa MESSENGER Is the largest weekly in tho Cotton States, and prints 56 columns. Its ample space admits of a perfect resume of all the news of tho week, domestic and foreign. The contents of a single number would make a large volume, and afford in themselves abundant miscellaneous, political and news reading for the week. This is pub lished at $3 per annum or $1 50 for six months. Specimen numbers will be for warded gratis on the receipt of an order enclosing stamp for that purpose. We would be glad if our patrons of the Week ly would show it to friends who aro not subscribers. This edition of the paper is sent to hundreds of Georgians who have emigrated to other States and keeps them perfectly posted in regard to every im portant public event in the old Empire State of the South. SEMI-WEEKLY CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO OlfJLNGB OF CABS BETWEEN AU GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 GZOBOU CxlmUL liXILSOLD, > Saiaanrii, July 5, 1873. J O N and after Sunday, the 6th mat., Paasoi.grr Trains ou tho Georgia Central Railroad, its branches and connection?, will run aa follows: Dav truss ooira south axd west. LeaveBavannau...— LOO r U Leave Augusta 2:15pm Arrive at Milledgeville ....11:04 rri Arrive at Eatonton..... — ....12:52am Arrive at Macon 10:45 P M Lb»vo Macon tor Atlanta...........11:10 r M Leavo Macon forEufanla 11:15 pm Leave M&ccn tor Columbus 10:55 P M Arrive at Atlanta..,.....—. —6:60 am Amvo at 12:10 P M Amve at Miking done oonneotion with trains lcavinq At lanta and Columbue. SIGHT TBACta OCIita X03TH. Leave Clayton 7-2Jaji Leave Collin bus..."L.'ll’........ 2:80 P m LoaveAtlanta I:50pm Arrive at Slacon from Clayton 6:25 pm Arrive at Macon from Columbus. 7.30 P M Amve at Haoon fromAtlaut* 7 : 2o p M LoaveMacon 7:40PM Leave 8avaxinah 8:40 P M Arrive at Milledgeville ......11:04 p m Arrive at Eatonton ia : 62 a m Arrive at August* a m Arrive at Savannah 6 00 am Making perfect connection with train* leaving Augusta. Passengers going ovor the MiUedgeville and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Colum bus, Atlanta and Jlaoon. day trains from Augusta and Savannah, which connect daily at Qordou (Sundays excepted) with tho Milledgeville and Ea tonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on aU night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can bo had at the OentralltaUroad Ticket Office at Pulaski Houbb. oorner of Boll and Bryan etroeta. Office open from 8 A m to 1 ph,and frrai8 to 6pm. Tick ets can Also bo had *1 Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, Jdly 8 tf : General Superintendent. SUMMER SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FilUM Macon, Broaswic!. S&yaimali and Florida. Offioa Maoon and Brunswick Kahjioad,? ilaoon. G*., July 22,1S7S. J O N And after Wednoaday, July ^3J, paaaen«or train* on this Road will Do run aa fouowa; DAY PAS3£NaKB, D±U<* t UUSOATi EXCXPTAD FOB THE PBE8KNT Leave Macon. 8:80 a.M Amvo ai Jecanp......... 6,45 r. u Arrive ai Bruixewick.... .......1... ....10.*6f. m Amvo at H&vannah..'..... ........... 10.50 r. ac Amve at Tallaliasaoo. 10:12 a h Amvo at Jackaouvilie ... .........10 12 a m Leave Jackauuvilie 2.40 v x Leavo Tailahaeetc *A40 i* x Leave Gavannah 6.»0 a. m Leavo Brunewiok U:0u a. m Leave Jessup UUUa x Arrive at Macon..................*•,... 8 00 t mi raasengois from Savannah will take 4 Jo r. w. train for, and a. ii. train lor Maoon. RAWKIXBYILLS AOOORMCDATION TRAIN, Dallel, (aLU— DAkO EX«JK^a'Ajl-.> Leave Maoon S 50 e. m Arrive at JiawkinaYilie 7 b0 f. m Leavo Hawkinaville b.Jo *. u Anivoat Maoon o 55 a u W. J. JAUYia, JnlySOtf Maater Tranaportaticn. CJBLANGJb; OP SCHEDUlb SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 7 OxnTUin liAinnoAD, Atlanta Divu.un, > Atlanta, Ua., July b, lb73. | O N and after Sunday, July 6th, raabtm&ur Trama ou this xoau will run aa folio wo : DAY PAiSINGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 11-00 a. x Amvo at Atlanta 6.80 r. u. Leavo Atlanta 1 50 p. u Amve at Maoon 7.2 Op. x NIGnr PASSENGER TRAIL Leavo Macon ~. 11.10 r. ax Arrive at Atlanta trbo a. m Leave Atlanta 1.10 A. X Arrive at Macon 7.00 a. m Making clceo connection at Macon with Central Bailro&d Lor Uavanuah aud AUgaata, and wuh ^ontnwoatcrn Railroad for (Joluzunua ana puinie in Bomb western Georgia. At Atlaata, with Mosl em and Atlantic Railway for pomta Nv eat. Jnljtitf G. L l OLLAORE, Sap’t. CMANGJS OF aCILKnULii. B UrEKINTENLENTS GFFIOii, » BouruwxeTzum Ruuiosd Uoktxui, - Macon, Ga., July 4, 1878. J U N and after Bunday, the Cthinst., Trains ou this ltoaa wilt renaa touowa; dav knxAtxa PASSzsazn xuairi. Leave Maoon 8:00 A. M Arrive at Knfanlv. 4:10 p.m Arrive at Clayton - 8:20 p. M Arrive at Albany 2:i6P.:« Arrive at Arlington C.U0 p. M Arrivoat Fort Gaiuto 1:401. m Leave Clayton 7:aU^M LeaveEnfanla —........ 8:60 a. a Leave Fort Gamoe.... 8.8b a. m Leavo Albany .io.33 i. at Arrive at Maocn... .. . .. 6:2b p M Gonnects wita tho Albany Train at Smuhvillo, and tho Fort Garaev Train at Cutnbert du.y uxcopt San day. Albany Train connects daUy with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Trains at Albany, and will inn to Arlington ou Blakely Extension Monday, Wednes day and Friday, returning following days. COZ.UXBCS i?ax t-xsszxaxo iiujx. Leavo Macon. 10:55 p. Arrivo at Cokunbus. a.b0_ Leave Colnmbna — 2:80 p. m Arrive at Maoon..... 7.CO t. M XUPX7IA UZiltiX rpmO-TC 0..._ b y00M*.OUaT10M m n Leave Maocn.... 11:15 p. m Arrivo aLEuranla.... p m Arrivoat Albany 7.1.7 «. m Leavo Enfaula. 10 20 *. a Leavo Albany 8.31 p. M Arrive at Macon. .....10Six. m Trains will leaTO Macon and Eufanla on this schedule bunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights, aud connect at bmlthvilie with Albany trains. VIRGIL x-OWEBS, JclyO ly Engineer and yupormlonst-nt. o s Thta is published on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at $4 per annum—82 for six months. We earnestly recommend this edition to readers at all points who re ceive mails two or thxee times a week. It is a paper containing few advertisements and full with fresh and entertaining mat ter in great variety. The Daily Telegraph and Messen ger is published six mornings in the week at Ten Dollars a year—85 for six months—$2 50 for three months, or $1 per month. advertisements; In the Weekly sj-q one dollar for each; publication of one inch or less. In the Daily, one dollar per eight text linen first publication, and fifty cents for subsequent ones. Gjntracts lor advertising macle on reasonable terms—circulation of tbe paper considered. TO FARMERS: The approach of active operations in cropping will render one off the editions of this paper invaluable in your pursuits. It will contain all the earl: feet crop infor mation and general agric oltural news. jCLI&BY, JOKE S & REESE €liangc of Schedule* ON MAOUN AN1> AUG JBTa RALL2GAL. Forty-One Hiles Saved in Distance. OFFICE MAOON AND AUGUSTA BAILHUAJD Macos, May 18,1872. f N and after Band*?, May 19, 1873, and until __ farther notice, tkb traane cn this road will run aa follows: CAT TRAIN—DAILT (87NDATS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon a. u. Amve at Augusta 1:15 r x* Leavo Augusta 1:10 p- ■<. Arrivo at Macon 8.15 p. n. <aT Fastfougora leaving Macon at 6.80 ▲. x. xsaka clobo connections at G&mak with day paa.ttugor trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all points Wost; albo, for Augusta, with trains going Not th, and with trains for Charleston; also, for A thou a, Washington, and all stations on the Geox gia iia. iroad. tjrl'icksts sold and baggage chocked to all points North, botfly tail ana by steamship* from tJuarleiiLen. *ug7tl B. K. JOHNBOH, Sup't- CBLABfGE OF SCHESUL£ AD GO.) OKAT. V U, UTS. j WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD OtnjK Gt.-EiiAL FASiEAOEU AOEAT. Atlahta, Ga., July lb, On and after this date— xxrBzss, For New 1'ors, Eastern and Virginia Cities. Leaves Macon, by Macon A Western Bsil- road Arrives at Atlauta..-.. Leaves Atlanta..^.*- Arrives DaJton. lo:30 P.x Arrives Chattanooga. ....1:10 a.x Fuliman Falaoe urawing-Room ana bleeping- Cars hy this train from Atlanta to Lynchburg and all intermediate points without change. Passengers leaving by this train arrive In New York the second arternoon, at 4:44 p. x, over thirteen hours earlier than passengers by any other route can with eafety reach Now kork, leav ing the same evening- DAY WP.8TE3N XXIBESS. Leaves Maoon »!....*• 11:10 p m Leaves Atlanta at 8:»0 a k Arrives at Chattanooga 4;3u p.x Close connection at Chattanooga for all points Tfeat. .. , , . , , Pullman Palace Cars on all night trams. For farther partiemars addref* B. W. WBENN, jolyll tf General Passenger Agent. O 1 PORT ROYAL RAILS.OAD. Omcz os E; oxveeb aud BuPEaisTxynx^T, 1 Augusta, Ga., June 28.J N and after Monday, Juno 3J, tnfcn on this Read will run as foiiowu: * DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN ECU leave August* at £ 4 .?t - Z" A: Tive at Port Royal at f r? " ~■ Ar rive ct Cbarlemon at *'* , p * An.t/e at Savannah at p. ik. UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Wfll leave Port Royal at E I® ?' Leav v Lharle.ton at. ,, " f *• Leav.t Savtnzah at. I'Sjfr Arrive at August* at iWffl NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will 'e- 70 Augueta at.................. 2 10 p. P- at Port Royal at 11.35 p. it. Arrive at C-hurio-^n zt 5.U0 a. a. IiSva at ttavanuab at 12.30 P. at. pp NIGHT PABbENGER TRAIN Will lexve Port Royal at li'.SO p. V. Leave Charleston at 6.w)r. m. Leave Savatnah at 0.60 p. a. Arrive at Augusta at 8.00 x. ». PxeseDgers learu.g Macon by tbe 6.30 x. at- train on Macon and Angnsta Raiituad, amve at ,-..;r.-ta in time to make cJOoe connecti-in wuh ibe d own Light paaaenger trnra on ibis road for Pu:. R oyai and cayunnah’. JAMES O. klOCRE, julylt* E-gineer and Supfiintendeat. ■ J. W. LUKE, (Successor to CARR A LURE,) COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 302 ('ommerti»l •(-, *L toali, Mo. Refer to Tl ird National Bank, Union National Bank and b udier- generally, and W. A- Huff, eon, G*. 3«