The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 02, 1873, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS. SATURDAY MORNING, Al'GU-IT 2. 187S. The liet of premium. from which the U aioo qaolee inolode. only the epeciel prtmiom. offer* by the oily of Maoon. The city, ve teke it, bee | the right to offer tiro or two hundred special Go**.—Mr. J. W. Truman, accompanied by hie Udy, her gone to rostloete * few deye on the Ielo cf Rope. ^ Exccemti.—A colored exeareion perty from Eafeole came in lent night with e bend e ploy ing, end ell on boerd the train uniting In e good deal of long practice. Mxrnxo or -m* IUb.—The members of the B»r ere reqnestod to meet et the oonrt-room this morning promptly et ten o'clock, to arrange for the funeral of OoL W. K. deGreffenreid. IrrroBTiST Aneivxia.—An eight mnle teem tree in the city yeeterdey leaded with cotton. Another wrgon came m loaded with wheat, end another loaded irilb com in the shnek. No indignation meeting wee held. No Barr—We hare ent another notch in the rafter. Yesterday passed without rain. The nun rose clear in the morning, and the few eloeds which vere in sight sailed far np toward the >ky. Trae, it waa hot; but there was a breeze stirring which rendered the temperature not altogether disagreeable. Tux NanosAL Hotel.—By referenco to adrertlaoment in another oolnmn it will be seen that Mr. I*. Whalen haa taken charge of the Bpotawood Hotel and changed the name to the '‘National.** The building haa been thoroughly renovated acd refurnished, and we have doubt that, under the management of Mr. Whalen, It will become one of the moat popular hotels in the city. Tux Coc.vrrCom.—Henry Owens and Min nie Adams, whits, were married in the court room yesterday afternoon, non. John B. Weems, 3. 0. 0 , cfSciating. The pattlra adopted Ibis conrse to avoid tho tronble and expense of lit! gallon, acd went away far better eatiaffed than If each had been snbjroted to a fine of a hen dred dollars and oosts. It la neodtoaa to state that the Jodge performed the ocremony with all the dignity and oclat of a regularly licensed olergjrnin. . Dentil or Col. cleUratTenreld. Col. W. K. doGraffenteid, ono of the meat prominent and beat known members of the Ma oon bar, died, abont threo o'clock yeaterday af ternoon, after A palcfnl and protracted illness, aged abont fifty yottra. The Oolonel baa boen in feeblo health for long while, and haa been oonfined to hla room for a good portion of the past year. He strug gled bravely against bodily ailment, but waa laat oompellcd to yield to the all oonqneror, and ho paaaeJ quietly away. His funeral will take place at throe o'clock this afternoon. Notloo hla tnneral Is given elsewhere. Duo—Mrs. Sarah Jemlson Winn, rellot the late Dr. Geo. A. Winn, died on the morn ing of 81st of Joly at the residence of her son- in-Uw, Mr. Job E. Taylor, of Monroe ooonty, aged fifty-fi70 yoars. Mrs. Winn waa a sister of Mr. II. W. Jemlson, of this city. She has boon a sufferer for a long time from a malig nant cancer, which ultimately ended her life. She waa bnriod yeatorday besldo her husband, at the old family burying ground, at Betheada Church, in Monroe oonnty. The faneral ser vices were conducted by Rev. A. W. Cllsby, Pastor of the Presbyterian Chnrcb, In this city, and wero attended by a large congregation the friends of the deceased. I'xr.fios*al—Mr. Jero Holmes haa relumed from Indian Spring, Improved fu health and cheerful. Mr. A. W. Kennedy, who, for a longtime haa been a clerk with Messrs Johnson 4 Dun lap, of this city, has bidden Macon farewell, and goco to take np his abodo in “the City by the Sea." no haa oagngoi to clerk for Hart ,t Go. of Charleston. Col. E. F. Best, O. E. Campbell, Mias M. L. Campbell and Josopb Prey, all of Maoon, wero registered at tho Atlanta hotels yostorday. Col. D. E. Norris, OoL Burr Brown, OapL Zjph Ooncorand Major H. Ellis havo gone ont to tpaod a day or two with Gen. J. D. Holt, at hla oonntry residence, a few miles from the oily. Crawford Coauty AKrlcnltnral Report. The tax receiver cf Crawford oonnty tar nishes na the following report of the ogricnltn- ral returns aa made to him by the farmers of that oonnty: Acres. Cotton 2O.03S Com 18,841 Wheat....: 1,018) K'co ltje 87 Birlej 12: Oita.. ~ - 1*941 Hvreei potatoes 37 Irish potatoes 19 Bogaroane 2t Borghnm 28 Orchards 943 Peanuts..... .*. No. animal*. Sheen 77t» Doga 1.180 Mule* and horses 1,312 Hogs 4,471 Oattlo 3,065 nORACC P. CI.4RK. Mr. Horaos P. Clark, who, for some years past, 1ms boon agent of tho Macon and Western Itailroad, at Atlanta, has resigned that position, the resignation going into effect yeatorday. lie left Atlanta last night for Portsmouth, Va. where ho will fill tho position of forwarding agent of the Atlantic Coast Lino. Mr. Clark will leave behind him many friends who will regret his departure from the State, bat none who will more deeply regrot It than tho employes of tho road who havo tho best opportnnity for knowing him well. At noon, yesterday, a number of tho cm ployes of the road, assembled In tho office in Atlanta and sarprisod Mr. Clark by presenting him with a handsome silver service, selected by Mr. E. A. Knight. The service was presented by Mr. Charles A- Atk nson who aaid t Jfr. dark .• Ooly a few hours remain be fore you will bid farewell to ns all, and leave for a now fl *LI of action. The employes at this end of the Central Railroad, who have been nn- <ier your immediate charge, and have had am ple opportunities of appreciatingyonr merit, feel that they would do themselves and you an lejn'tloe if they allowed yon to leavo without tome poblio manifestation of their gratitude for your continued kind treatment, and their sinofto sorrow at your departure. 8;uoe your connection with this office your demeanor has always been such as to win the highest admiration and esteem of all—ever conrU'OUs and polite. Yon have never given any one canse for oomplaint, and I feel that I am only speaking tho voices of my ms aociates, when I say that your resigna tion has canoed a pang of regret t< each, and every person connected with the road. Bat is is not by wards alone that the depths of leehrg shonld be judged. Thinking that you wonld appreciate some small token of regard from ns, we, the employes of this end of the road, beg yon to aeoept as a tribute to yonr merit, and a token of onr esteem, this case of silver, accompanied, as it is, by our sincere wish for yonr abundant suocess in life. As stated above, Mr. Clark waa taken ntterly by surprise, but he relumed his thanks in a very handsome manner, which showed that he felt a good deal more than be said. We are indebted to Mr. E. A. Knight for the above foots. ___ - MACOJY STATE FAIR.** What m Dollard Has to Say About If. The Milledgeville Union and Recorder, when U don't want to see a thing, can look as far in the opposite direction as any other paper in the country. Ia a late article upon what it chooses to call the “ Macon S*ate Fair,** it says: In the stereotyped “ Mayor Huff's Address" whiob has, time oat of mind, 1*000 occupying so large a *paee in the coiomus of cur worthy and exoeli >ut contemporary of Maoon, the Tax.* booofh a:a> Mbssesoek, we find a list of pre miums offered at the ensuing Slate Fair which bears some singular features. We shall not 100 but one to day; other* shall receive attention hereafter. In the line of paintings, the following premium* (and no other*) am offered: “For the beat oil-painting by a Georgia lady $100. For the beat display of paintings, drawings, etc., by the pupils of one echo*.! or college $100." 1. Why no premium on the best painting in tcuter ookra by a “Georgia lady?" The indi cation is that the premium is pre cngogeiL Wo >t k candidly, why not in water ooloxs also. ? 1. Wbrt is a * display” of painting*? How many mal:o a “display?" Why restrict the premium to popils of “one school or coliege ?" Why not open the fjste wide to “displays" of. premiums, jaot as the authorities see fit. If they want to give a premium of one hundred dollars for the best oil painting, and don't want to give a premium of five cents for the beat water oolor, it is of do oonoern to sny one. If the Agricultural Society, which gets op the premium lint, had made such an omis sion, then there might Lave been some groand for complaint. Bat, just to show how nnneoemarily onr 00- temporary haa fliwnoffthe handle, we quote the following from the regular premium lift: Beat oil painting of a Southern land scape,' from nature Pitcher, $25 00 Beat oil painting of on animal, from n&tnre Pitcher 25 00 B»st oil painting of fruit Pitcher 25 00 Best painting in water colors Pitcher..... 25 00 Bast pencil drawing........... Cup 30 00 Beat crayon drawing — Cup 10 00 Best drawing by girl under sixteen years of age — .............. 20 00 Beet collection of paintings and draw ings, the work of a single exhibitor... 20 00 Beal collection of paintings and chro me* by one house, where the same are kept for sale... .Silver modal. Now if to this list of liberal premiums, Ma con wants to add one hundred dollars for the best oil painting by a Georgia lady, and one hundred dollars for the best collection of paint ings, drawings, eta, by the pupils of one school or college, no one has a right to complain be cause the city does not put her hand still deeper into her own pocket, and offer other special premiums. The Union and Reoorder, even, has no right to complain. Again, in answer to the question of “how many” paintings “make a display,” we snppoas that two or three painting would mako a “dis play.*’ We arc certain that two or three hun dred would. We, furthermore, are oertain that two or three good paintings wonld make a bet ter display thin two or three poor ones wonld, and a con .elections committee wonld so award. The premium offered by the city cf Maoon, on her own responsibility and which ahe ex pects to pay ont of her own money, is rest rioted to the popils of “one school or college, 1 cause the purpose is to give it to a school or col lege, rather than to a private collection paintings, and being offered to the best produc tions of “ono school or college,” prevents co operation between two or more schools or col leges to get the prize. The school that gets this premium maybe the Wesleyan Female Col lege, or it may bo the Masonic Female College, at Covington, or the Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, or the W. E. Ward Seminary, at Nash ville, or Vaoar College, New York. There no telling which “one school or college” will get it, but it is certain that the one, that, in the view of the oommlttee of jadges, exhibits the best display of paintings will get tho hundred dollars. If a hundred schools or oolleges com pete fer it, only ono will get the premium. PzasoviL —Ino J. Alien.—“f have u»ed 6im loon** Liver K^ulator not only once, Lot often and oouideot y assert that it boa done me more good than any medicine I ever need. I think it the g-eateat melictne for d:s »aeea of the liver made in the world. Many of mv neighbors have used it, and ail testify to i‘* vl-ta** ” OR9T4CI K4 TO *ARRIA«K. HAPPY BELIEF FOB XOCffili MEN from the effects of Error* and Abases in earlv life. Man hood restored. Impedimenta to Marriago remov ed. New method of treatment. New aotTremork- able remedies. Books and a'mnlare seat free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOOIA TION, No 2 South Ninth at-. Philadelphia. Pa, an institution having a high reparation for honor able coniujt and professional tk-.ll. j jlySdSm Morxcaa. 31 rtarai. Mot 3*as —Don’t fail to procure Mas. WcoiLOw’a Soothixo Btuup fqr all diseases incident to the period of teething in chi! dren. It relieves the child from pain, cares wind oolic, regulates the bowels, and by giving relief and health to the child, gives rest to the mother. Be sure to call for “Mas. Weston's Boozmsa 8raur.** For sale by all druggists. jane 2Seod-6m Mbs. Joarrnnns Horse, artist, formerly of Georgia. Addreai 122 Waverley Plaoe, New York. Portraits and pictures of any size taken from old daguereotypes in the highest style of art. Tex Cbziimt ajtd But.—Hood’s Eurska liv er Medicine gives universal satisfaction the treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Co tiveneee, and all that class of dis eases arising from a disordered stale of the stem *ch and liver. novSOIy Hust, Bum? A Laxab.—This well known and reliable firm have received a large lot of Dr. Hood’ Eureka Liver Medicine. It has the praise of all who have tried 1L In bottles at 50 cents and tl.00 Luscn To day.—Messrs. E la A L%ney will to-day, at eleven o’clock, sharp, set the finest lonch ever set in Maoon. They propose to sur pass everything they havo over done heretofore. Among tho delicacies that are on tho bill aro mock tnrtlo soup, roast beef, mntton chops, SAlmon sandwiches, ham sandwiches, lobster salad, potato salad, tomatoes, onions and other things too nnmerons to mention. Tho resources of thoir establishment aro to bo folly taxed provide a lunch that would bo a credit to Del- monioo. Attention, Beer Sellers. — Ono hundred sots beer glasses at 50 cents per set. aug2 2t Walker £ Dobbl Revolutions Keyes Go Bacewasd.—The phi losophical theory that tho human system when weakened by disease, oppressive host, excessive labor or any other esnso, shonld be toned andln- vigorato J instead of being subjected to the action of depleting drugs, is gaining ground every day The introduction of Hostetler's Btom&ch Blttsrs twenty years ago gave a powerful icflaenco to this common eonso idea. As the extraordinary efficacy of the groat vegetable restorative bocamo known, multitudes of debilitated invalids tamed with loathing from the nauseous and strength-destroy ing potions with which it was then the fashion drench tho sick, to this renovating, appetizing, vi talizing preparation dorifed from tho finest roots, herbs and barks placed by botanical research at the disposal of medical ecionce. Revolutions nev er go backward. From that time to tho present the importance of assisting aud reinforcing nature in her struggles with disease has been more and more widely and k scaly appreciated by tho sick and tho suffering. In tens of thousands of boneo- holds HosteUer's Ritters are looked upon as the ono thHg needful in CAsea cf dyspepsia, general debility, constipation, norvous weakness, chills and fover, biLous affections and all conditions of tho body and mind that betoken a lack of vital en ergy. When the quicksilver ranges high, and tho solid fieeb is resolving itself into a den under the fervid tomperatnro, this agreeable toniois tho best possible safeguard against all the disorders gener ated by a sultry and unwholesome atmosphere. It prevonts and relieves lassitude and langor, and enables the system to endure with impunity an un usual amount of exertion. Of all Invigorating and regulating medicines, it is tho purest and most wholesome. Wx have a few more fruit jars at $1 per dozen. Walk an & Dorn?. 0aug2 2t Wx OArnestly recommend our readers to give up the use of polsonious hair preparations, as they too frequently produce, first, headache, and after wards, more serious complaints. Use a restorer entirely harmless, and such a one Rattans* Crys tal Discovery certainly is. PATaorrzt Hot x Enteuteis*.—Mr. P. P. Toalo, whoso advertisement appears in another col umn, lias brought to a lrgh state of ptzfection tho largest and moat complete manufactory of doors, s as bos and blinds in tho Southern States. His warranted woik, untiring energy, personal appli cation to business and liberal advertising, have placed his enterprise among the first in the South, thus Riving to his many enstamers work acd prices that defy competition. Pcice list sent free on ap plication. West’s No. 1 keroseco oil by the gallon, bar ren or car load at &ug2 2t Waixxb & Dcbbs*. rBzriRED —For the convenience of those not having the facilitiee of preparing the powders, end to aecare Simmons* Liver Regulator from being corelt»s*ly prepared, as well as to protect the pub lic from the unprincipled substitution of spurious compounds for the gonuioe powders, we manu facture it also in liquid form—prepared. None genuine except in our stamped bottle, engraved wrapper and labal, with signature of A. Q. Sim mons and J. H. Zsilin A Co. Prepared by cue of tho most skilful chemists, at our laboratory in Philadelphia, aud put up ia large bottles, making the cheapest, purest and beet medicine in tho world. Price $1 per bottle. Fbctt Jabs, Fbuit Jabs.-—Gem, Mason por celain top, Mason Union, Hero, All Right, Valve and many other kinds at reduced prices, at aug2 2i Walxzb & Dobb j*. Bb'cx Dust Dxroarr indicates kidney com laicL Check it at once. Helmbold’s Extract Buchn, the Diuretic par excellence, is a certain specific for all Diseases of the urinary organs and sexual system. Dr. Helm bold is the only man who ever really utilized and extracted tho pre-eminent virtues of Bachu. His preparation is as much superior to the so-called “Baches,** as cream is to immed milk. In fact, it never fails. Sold by druggists. • Wx SrxAK by tux Caxd! when wo say that tho merits of th% “Celebrated Barley Sheaf ’ oocking stove ahoald not be discarded, bat rather pro claimed to every household in the laud. This re markable store possesses more good qualities than we are able to particularize. The recent Improve ments. a patent anti-dust shaking sifter, a patent ,ti dast ehakieg and dumping grate, with the very heavy gas burning centre pieces, holding the liles ore especially important, and wo hope the trade and families will take early opportunity to inspect them. Messrs. Stuart, Petorson £ Oo, Philadelphia, are the manufacturers. Wxat They Say.—Chicago Journal of Commerce ssys: Dr. Tiice’s Flavoring Extracts ore the fin est, purest, and beet to be found in this or any other city, only necessary to visit his laboratory to convinced that they are perfect in parity and superior in strength. Tho Chicago TriDune Be- ,«w says: Although the company, Steele A have enlarged their fsoihtiee for the produc tion of Dr. Prioe s Cream Baking Towder and Spe cial Flavorings, they are hardly able to meet the rapidiy increasing demand for them. In this age adulteration, it is gratifying to find one honest effort to stick by the old path of honesty, and oon* tamer* owe it to them selves to patronize thoee mtLing tbe effort. For n»ttAl tUvoim* none cm /•red b, pritatt ir-ti.nduais u wall M to j gompw, with Dr. Price’,, and to make tha awoet- -'aoboola and oollagaa ?” The word “college Jo a Macon advertisement is localum. eat, mnat who;etome, and easily difaatad bread oaa Dr. Prioa'a Dream Powder. Jot to tux Woxld! Wo jus m Fsez!—imonR tl a men; modern diacoverie, looking to tha happl noaa and amelioration of the human race, none is entitled to higher consideration than tbe renowned emedy —Dr. J. Dradfield's Female Regulator, Woman's Beet Friend. By it woman ie emanci pated from nnmberleaa ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power ell irregularities of the womb vanish. It enrss whites. It cares suppression of the mensee. It removes uterine obstructions. It cares constipation and etrengtheca the system. It braces tho nerves and purifies the blood. It never fails, as thousands of women will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and sold ty L. H. Bradfield, Drnggtst. Atlanta, Ga. Price $1.50 per bottle. An respectable drag men keep it. Tcsk-oxi, Al\-, 1S69. Mb. L. H. BniDntLD—Sir: I’leaee forward ns, immediately, another eappiv of BnaxtncLP's Fx- mai.e Kigciatob. We Bod it to be all that is Iatmed for it, and wo have witnessed the most de cided and happy effects produced by it. appy effects prodm Very respectfully, Bcbtib & Alexandzb. Wr, the undersigned Draggists, take pleasure in ommsnding to the trade Da. J BaannrLn's Fe- oommending stale ItzauLATOB—believing it to be a good and re liable remedy for the diseases for which Be rcccm- mends it. W. A. IiasrsniLL, Atlanta, Oa. Primra-roy, ViLLBoS, TatLOB & Co , Atlanta, Ga. Bedwixe A Fox, Atlanta, Ga. W. a. Lawsue. Atlanta. Ga. W. Boot A Sox, Marietta, Ga. 8TVTE OF GEOHQIi—Tnorp Oouktt • This is to certify that I have examined the recipe of Dr. J. BaADriELD. of this county.and asamedt- ca! man pronounce it to be a combination of medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all tbe dis eases of females for which he recommends it. This Deoember 21,18 IS Wot. P. Beiblet, M- D. Hunt, Bankin A Lamar, Wholesale Agents. mavlOdTawAwly Macon, Ga- ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER AND BUITEB TABLE, LEA A PEItKI.W Worcesterstalre Sauce. 13 INDISPENSABLE. JOHN DlIHCAVtl MI.VS, New York. Agents for the United States. ToRihowax, I.vvalids — In e-cknees every por tion of the body sympathizes witu tho seat of the disordor. When the stomach fails to perform tho fnnc'.ions, the liver, bowele, nerves, muscles, velnr, arteriej, etc , are all mere or tecs affected. Thesu delinquents requito a msdiems combining tho prop- erties of a stomichic, an alterativs, a purgative, a tonic, and sedative, to bring them back to their dnty; and all these elements, in their purest and most effective forms, are united In Tarrsni’* Kfferrcscent Saltzer Jp*rlent. the great Saiiuo remedy for Indigestion end all its concomitant conseqnencss. Sold by all druggists ang2d2aw&w2w HJNG1UL NOTICE. Tbe friends and acquaintances of Col. W. K. oz Gn.UTexr.trj) and family are invited to attend his funeral, from bis lato residence, THIS AFTER NOON at 3 o'clock. Macon Slreei Kailrosd Company Omci Macs* Etsest Rah-uoid Co.,) August L 1WS. } "VTOTIOE is herebv given that on and after tho _L\ 6th instant, the fare npon the road will be as follows: Single fare.;... ICe 10 tickets 31 00 8 tickets 50c 4 tickets 25c Ticietseuibe secured at the following places; From J. B Oobb, Secretary, at tbs store of R. □. Wrigley A Co. From Gresr, Lake A Co., comer of Chorry and Third streets. From G. Yolgsr A Co., corner of Mulberry and Second streets. From E. J. Johnston, comer cf Mnlbeny and Second Btrceta. From Rankin. Massenbnrg & Co , corner of Mul berry and Third streets. From J. H. Zsilin A Co., comer of Cherry and Second streets. From John Ingalls, comer of Fcnrth and Poplar streets. From Roland B. Halt, Cherry and Cotton Avsnne streets. From T. B. Ford. College street. Cars will mn rs follows: From 6:30 a. a until 9 o'clock r. u Satutdays until 10 o'clock ?. m. On special occasions cats win mn as desired. Faro after regular hours will be 25 cents. Tbe directors wonld state that after an experience of nearly two ye trr. they find the above rates necessary to enable them to meet the actus! ex penses of running and keeping the rood in proper oondilion. They hope that on account of tbe great conve- n'eucecf the road too publto will give it the patronage it deserves. Bv order of the Board. GEORGE 3. OBEAR, angl lw PreaUeoL B. O. W. W. Fus.vaoas A- P. A hi ix 8. Moaois. FLANWAGAIT, ABELL A C0-, COTTON FACTORS AID General Commission Merchants, 1SS BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. M ANAGING agent a for the English Stonewall Fertilizer, etc. Bagging and Ties fnrnuhed, aua liberal cash advanct-e made on consignments for sole ia Savannah, or on shipments to onr cor respondents in Northern, Easter or European markets angl 6m rttASCIAL KM) COMMERCIAL l./FIDE TELEGRAPH AND HJOSSENGRR l August 1—Evening, 1873. f Cotton—There has been no change in the prioo of cotton in several wteka Fine cotton* bring 18c. Poor cottons are very low and in little demand* Buyers are scarce. The receipts since laat report have been 84 bales; tbe shipments during the tome time have been 123 boles, and tbe soles 151 bales. MAOOJr OOTTC5 9TATjXT3rt. Stock on hand Sept. 1.1872—tales.. 112 Received since last report 34 BoowvuU pr«nooslyj................51,—61,£26 62,038 Skipped since list report 121 Shipped previously. ....... . 6 5,lte2—60,845 Stock on hand this evecinr. Latest Market Keports by Telegraph FINANCIAL. New Y«bx—Noon—Stocks steady. Gold 155<-— Money SK- Excharge, long 9-, short 95i- Govern ments dnlL Stste bonds dolL Evening—Gold 15J< Money nnchsnged at S@4 Starting Jail at 8K'S 3 - Government, dull snd * l Midnight—Governments. 8U 19K; 62a 17; 64s 17X: 65s 18X; new 17X: 67a I8Jf; 68a 18>f: new 5s US- IIMls 15*. Tenuesse. Ss 81: new 81; Virginia 6s 42: new; SO consol SIX; deferred 11: Louisiana 6s 48: new 45; levee 6s 47: 8s 50; Alabama 8a'80; 5s 47: Georgia 6a 70: 7s 9vh North Catolinas 27; new 15: special ui lSVf; Booth Carolines 32, new 15: Apnl and October 21. Nxw Obixaxs—Sterling 26Jj. New York eight K premium. Gold 15V. j _ : Losnox—Noon—New 5a 90J£. Evening—Consols 92}£@9254- Pams—Evening—Rentes 56f52c. COTTON. Nrw Yokx—Noon—Cotton irregular; sales 1332; middlings 2L Futures opened aa follows: August 19X@1H 7*16; September 18X ala 7-16; October i7 16-ld @13. Evening—Cotton sales to-day 2a0: middlings 20X; Orleans 20K: market irregular; net receipts 161; gross 747. a ilea of f mores 10,600; market closed as fouowe: August 19 7-16; Sept.nberlS 7-16; October 18 l it November 1711-16@l7tf: December 1711-103 1713-16 . . . Comparative Cottox Statement—Receipts of the week a* all pons 11.240. agamrt 2.ft0 last roar. Total for year 3,550,1(55; At ainst 2.638,702 loot year. Exports §.811 againrt 6,985 same time last j ear; total lor year 2.4o3,917 against 1.901.915 same time last year. Stock at all U. S. ports 108 5JO, against 106,335 last year. Stock at interior towns 2o,489, against 8,338 last year; at Liverpool 848.0U0, against 985.000 last year. American cotton afloat for Great Britain 53.000, against 18.000 last year. Baltimore—Cotton, net receipts —; gross 31; exports coastwise 126; sales 125; stock 2833; mid dlings 20%; market doll. Net receipts of the week C57; gross 995; ex ports to Great Britain—; coastwise 1U3; conti nent —; sates 755; taken out on contract — Nxw Ublzams—Cotton, net receipts 316; gross 3G6; expor»s coastwise 269; sa'©* CC0; lost evening 6UU0; stock 26 263; orc ina , y 12; good ordinary 14}£ @15; low middlins 18; middlings marktt firm- Weekly net receipts 1803; gross 2143; exports to Great Britain , continent ; coastwise 4508; sales 4500. J Wilmhiotox—Gotten, net receipts 23; exports coastwise 107, sales 10; 3 toe a 10io, middlings 18%; market eteady. . „ . . Weekly receipts 182; f rports to Great Britain ; coastwise 3i9, continent ; sales 54. Augusta—Cotton, receipts 212; shipments 163; middlings 18%; market eteady. A . Receipts of the week 752; shipments 210; taken by miild 626; eaies76L 8ava»a3—Cotton, net receipts 133; exports coast wire 149; e&lee 41: stock 16*4; middlings 18%; demand fair for low grades. Weekly net receipts 856; exports to continent • to Great Britain ——; coastwise 1C67; sales 223 Charleston—Cotton, net receipts 484; exports coastwise 297; sales 200; stock 4023; middlings 19Jf; low middlings 18$$; good ordinary 17&; ordi- our 14 dl5; market du.j and nominal. Weekly net receipts 23S3; gross 2905; exports Great Britain ; coastwise 2815, continent sales 850. MoaiLK—Cotton, net receipts 176; exports coast wise 451; sales 150: stock 11,079; middlings lSjtf; low middlings 17@17jf; market quiet. Net receipts of the week Z42; gross — exports to Great Britain ; coastwise 1024; continent—; sales 10U0. UosTOM—cotton, net receipts 97; gross 441; sales 259; stock 10.0C0; middlings 21; marzet dull. Weekly net receipts 178; gross 1822, exports Great Britain 23; coastwise —; continet —; bales U50. NonyoLX—Cotton, net receipts 210; exports coastwise 385; sales 63; stock 3194; low middlings 18)4: market quiet. Weekly net receipts 2182; exports to Great^ Brit ain—; coastwise 2581; continent—; sales 333. Memphis—Cotton, net receipts 380; shipments NEW A n V UTISEMENTS FOR SALE. Y DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, cbntsiniag si rooms, on Bond street; outbuilding} complete. Terms easy. Apply at jalySl if LAWTON £ WILLINGHAM'S. TO RENT. T HE STORE in Triangular Block, now occu pied bv W. A. Bank* £ Sons. Also, theFLINT HOUSE, oontainirg twenty-five room*, with garden and ou'buiitiing*. Dae of tha beat i*tande for a boarding bou«e in the city. App'y to aug2tf G. B ROBERTS. FOR RENT. S TCR^-HOUBE recently occupied by Johnson A Smith, in the Planters’ Warehouse. Pos session given immediately. Also ore four-room DWELLING and six two- room HCU3E8. Apply to ang2exilm H. T. JOHNSON. TO BENI, A N eligible COTTAGE HOUSE, containing five rooms, with kitchen. Poaseaeion given im mediately. Also, several other houses to rent. Possession given October lat. Appiy to J. A. PUGH, ang2 St Paph’s Gallery. S. 3X. I-\ COLLEGE. T BE FALL TERM of this institution op3ne27th intt. Tuitijn 86 J per annum. B *ard $200. Every department filled by experienced te&CLeis Send for cataloguer. J. N. BRADSHAW, ang2eodlm President. AT THEIR NEW STAND, Nos. U and 76 Mnitay Street, CONTINUE TO OFFER BARGAINS TO MERCHANTS and PLiNTERS, To llooKbiuders. W ANTED, a flrat-class general workman, one who tboronghiy understand all the routine of a Bindery. He must be a good Baler, and well posted in Printed and Black work. To save inquiries, to a competent man I will give $25perveek and a written agreement for con stant employment one year. Apply to K H. PUGHE, Book acd Job Printer, Acgusta, Ga. ang2 It• ' REVISED CODE OF Q- E O R G IA, IN I>3ES3, AND WILL B2 ISSUED AM tie First feet ii September, 852: stock 9229; low middlings 18)£; market firm. Weekly net receipts 1653; groas ^salts 1700; shipments 4850. Galveston — Cotton, net receipts 161; exporta coastwise £645; sales 8; stock 1408, good ordinary xnarkot steady.—Colton, middlings 20$$; market quiet. Weekly net receipts 252, gross 2788. Macon—Cotton, weekly receipts 65, shipments 163; stock *72 445, *73 1705; miudlings 18; market ^Columbus—Cotton, weekly receipts 67; ship ments 284; sales 123; Block, 2986; low middlings 1/^4; market firm. .. Moniooxert—Cotton, weekly receipts 72; ship ments 165; stock 1768: last year 877; low middlings 17#; demand good; offerings lirfht. Nashville—Cotton, net receipts of the week Nashville—Cotton, net receipts or tho ween 45 ; n the thirty-first district of originally Lee, row 652; shipments 438; stock C65X; last year 9G3; low Marion county.^ Levied, on as the j property L of de- middlings 17; market quiet. Providence —Cotton, receipts for the week 61; ealee 1809; stock 15.000. City Point—Cotton, net receipts cf tho week 140. , A „ Liverpool—Noon—Cotton firm and tending up; uplands Orloxcs 9K* .... Ootton tales 15,000; speculation and export 4000. Later—From Savannah and Charleston, Septem* brr and October delivery, not below low middlings. 8 13-16. Sales of the week 111,000; export 11.000; spocnla tion 16.000. Stock 845.000; American 355,000. Re ceipts 39,000; American 24,000. Actual export 7000. Slock afloat 379.000; American 53.000. Kvonmg—Sales include 9256 bales American. From Savannah and Charleston. September de livery, not below low middlmgs From New Orleans, Angust delivery, not below ordinary ‘ 15 16. PRODUCE. A. M. Sloan. Arthur N* Sollee. G. W. Wyliy, Jr. . M. SLOAN db CO. COXI’OIM FALTOR^ A ND — General Commission Merchants Ciaghom £ Cunningham’s Range, BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. B AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal each advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on ahipmsnts to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, cr Baltimore.j anel Rn W. Duncan. J. H. Johnston. M. Maclean DUNCAN, JOHNSTON & C0. t COTTO.Y FACTORS General Commission Merchants, 92 BAY SIREEr. SAVANNAH, OA. angl 6m Civil and Mechanical BW&INBHHXNG- A T the Ktnueltcr Polytechnic In.titcte, Troy. New Yorfc Iontractioa Terr pr*£t:c.L Ad anUgee naesrpaesed in tliia conatry. Gradnitee obuin (xcelltn: pcsitiona. Reopens Hep: ember 17th. For tha Ana ail Register. conU'ning im- nrOTed Course of fttndy. .nd fail psrticnlars, idrees FBOF. CHARLES DBUWHB, sag] .nn Director. NOTICE. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE,) Mscot J»P Arorsrs Riij.»o»d. AreCtTs, Ga., Jaiy 31,1373.) O N snd after to morrow, let proximo, ticket, to New York tui r^tnro *:s Cbir'eston snd steamers, can be obtained for f t3, by applying to Ticket Agen: of this road, at lb > Passenger Depot. s. K. JOH>SOS. angl lw Soperinteod^rt BSTHAT. G 1 EORGIA. MARION C0U VTY.—Notice irhereby that two oxen tiare thij day be«n wtrave-i „ ... NN i«iri*, rf fr.Tih di iri-.t 0. M., M said county, described «X/d *i ;.rat*ed as jollown ; First. Black «ides. whit« and click belly, nr. mark ei b'aodod. four feet hua. five yean olds worth ?J : . Jecond. Dua*i»ecal*d. unmanied or branded, lour feel hich. lvssears old; worth W ime*j my hand. J aly 28, JAMES M.LOWB. aa#l 6Js (Priaterts fee, 16 ) Ordinary. New Yobk—Noon—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet without decided change; No. 2 Milwau kee 1 44 Corn quiet and eteady; steamer western mixed 51^55. Pork steady; new mow 17 25— Lard dull'and nominal; weetern etaam 8K@ 8 5£ Turpentino quiet at 43(®43J-£. Borin, 3 CC(g 3 07^£ for common strained. Freights steady. JftEvenmg—Floor, southern in moderate request: common to fair extra 6 25@6 75; good to choice ' 85(a>7 9D. Whitky 96)£<597. Wheat heavy and _ lower; white western 143. Com inactive; state e&eier. Bice active and firm; Carolina Pork active; new mess 17 40; old 16 50 Lard weak. Turpentine doll. Rosin bnict. Tallow quiet at 7#(d8K* Freights firm; cotton per steam 5-16(3 Baltimore—Flour dull and steady. Wheat active; prime red 1 53^1 63: choics amber 1 65. Com nominal; white fc5@S6; yellow 58@5^. Oats dull; snutliorn 43@50- Provisions quiet. Pork 17 00@ 17 50. Bacon, shoulders 9>£: clear rib aides 9Jf; sngarenred hams 14(®!6. Whisky firmer at 95. L&rd8,¥@8X- Louisvillr—Flour steady; family extra 5 00. Corn firm; socked 53^62. Pork eteady at 16 00@ 16 50. Bacon steady; shoulders 9; clear rib Bides 10X<®I0££; c ’ ear side* 10X(gl0%. packed. Lard, choice leaf tierce 8%@9K» kegs 10; steam. 83^.— Whisky steady at 91 Cincinnati—Flour quiet at 6 25^3650. Corn in fair demand; fair to prime 43(ji44. Pork held at 1G GO. Lard nominal; steam 8){; kettle 8}f. Bacon firmer; ahonliers 8J£; ciear rin sides lOj^alOX; c*car tides held at 10^. Whisky firm at 91. 8t. Louis—Flour quiet and unchanged. Cora dull acd drooping; No. 2 mixed S9}-£@39; sacked 42; elevator. Whi-ky nominal at 91. Pork quiet at H53. Bacon stiff; soma sales higher; elioaldere clear rib sides 10}$; clear sides 10}£@l0y^.— Lard quiet; refined 8i£@8%. New Orleans—Flour firmer; double extra 5 55; treble *xtra 6 50^)7 50; family 8 10(5 8 93 Com firmer; mixed white 73. Gats easier at 41££@42. Bran dull at 85. Hay dull; pnme 21 00; choice 28 00. Pork dull at 16 75. Prys&lted meats firmer; shoul ders 9. Bacou in good demand and scarce; shoul ders 9V; sides 11; hams, choice 15%@16. Lard dull; reriaed tierce 8X@3}{: keg 10}*. Sugar and mola&ses, no movement Whisky firm; Louisiana 95; Cincinnati. 1 00 offered. Coffee dnll at 18<§293f. WiLMiNoros—bpints turpentine quiet at 33.— Roein fcteady; strained 2 5r>: No. 2 5 lU; low >o. 1 2 70; extra No. 1 2 90. Crndo turpentine firm; hard 2 00; yellow dip and virgin 3 25. Tar-quiet at 3 55. Liverpool—Noon—Lard SS-*. Breadstuff's quiet. London—> oon—Tallow 4 2s3d$4 2t6d. Evening—Turpentine 30a6d. Common rosin 9o9L MARINE NEWS. New Yobx—Arrived.Leo, Terry, New Orleans, City of New York, Caetolia* Arrived out, Hol.and, City of Montreal, Leipaic. PEIYATI B0ABDIN& HOUSE. H AYING opened a private boarding hous_ _ Daly's new building, nearly oppoeite Hnff i sew building, I am now prepared to take a limited number of boarders, on reasonable terms, loung men deairing day board eon be aoccmmodated rea sonably. Table supplied with the beet the market afford*. July.5 lw MTS. B. A. HARRI9. EDWARD SPRLNZ. VIOTABYFUBLia and EX-OFFIOIO JC3TI0E IS OF THE PEACE. I can be found for "the present at all hours of tbe day at my office, adjoin* ng the law office of A. Proudfit, over the store of Jaques £ Johnsons Third street, Maoon, Go., to at tend to all Magimterial basine**. ang* C OMMISSIONERS’ SALE.—Arreeable to an order from the Honorable Superior Court of Joae* ornuty, will be »o!d fer d;?triburi3n. beiore the Court* hQuse ao-^r. in Clin ion. between the legal hour* of e. on the first Tuesday in September next; One ol Cliaton. moderately house and lor, in the tow rell improved, and erntaini mb at three aerM— irown as W3cy B. Pope late re?Henee Itruu co»a. P. L.CLUWKK F.b JOHNSON. J« O. W.MANN, W. A. JUHAN, K. J. TURNE8. jn!y30 d»kwlm Commhrif.n* T HIS will only be sold by subscription, and will not be for sale in the bookstores nntil all eabjeriptious are filled. Messrs. J. W. Burke £ Oo , Mac in or Atlanta, are tho only persons au thorized by aa to dispose of the book, and all or ders sent to them at either of the above places will receive attention. Tbe namsB will be entered m the order of <•a^soriptioD, and niled accoidingly. Tbe price cf single volume, well bound, is $10. Two volumes, interleaved, $12. All orders contaiog money will bo at the eesder' risk, units* sent by poatoffije money order, or ex press, or draft oa any city in Georgia, or on New York. This book is cne of the moet important ever published in Georgia, and will be valuable not only to lawyers, but to merchants, bnilders, ex pressmen, insurance officers and citizens gone-- ally. Address J. W. BURKE & CO., Macon or Atlanta, Arid secure an early copy. The compilers. Constitution. Ohronic e and Sentinel, Savannah News and Columbus Enquirer copy 2t and x or ward bill to J. W. Burke £ Co. aug2 3t G eorgia, macon county.—wherejs. wn liam ii afar, administrator on the estate of John u. Parker, late of tsaid county, deceased, ap plies for letters of dumission from said administra tion: This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appe »r at tne Court of Oidinary of said county on the first Monday in November next, to show cause, it any. why said letters should not be granted. ■ , _ . , , . . Given under my band ana omen! bi mature this the 31st day of J uly, i373. J OHN M. G RE EH, aogi 3m Ordinary. yiEORGIA. MACON COUNTY.-Whersas, John VX L. Bleckley arplics for letters of administra tion on the estate of Daniel Klecklcy, late of said county, deceased: .... This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said coun’y on tho first Monday m September next, to show, if anj, way said Jeitcrd thould not bo granted. aug2 301 M arion Bounty sheriff’s sales—wui be sold, before the Court-house door, in the town of Buena Vina, on the first Tuesday in September next, within tb* legal horns of Bale, certain landi which were astigned as dower to the wicow of George Bnnta. late of said county, deceased, to satisfy three Justice Court fi fas in favor of Samuel Green vs. J. B. Alien, executor said Uocrgo Ennis. Number of acres and numbers of lots not known. Levy made by JB. R. Gill, consta ble, and returned to mo. Said lands situated in the 31st district of said epunty. #t . XT Also, at the eamo time and place, lot of land No. 164 and C6 acres of lot No. 16* in the fourth district of originally Muscogee, now Marion county. Levied on as tho property of defendant to satisfy a fi fa is sued out or the Superior Court of Marion county. Joicph T. Bilk and Holli? B ik executors of Joseph Bilk, hr., deceased, vs. John S. Bmittt. Also, at the same time acd place, lot of land No, fendant to satisfy a fi fa in my hand. Joseph Bilk, ar , deceased, vs. Joel F. Kush. One bay m&re mule, inted out by the driendantas the property of the pointed oui defendant. Also, at the same time and place, 50 acres of land oflotNo.Sointhetwenty-fifth district of originally Lee, now Marion county. Levied on as the property of defendant to satisfy a tax fi ia in my hand, mate and county vs. Henderson .Smith. Levy made and returned to me by cocstabie. , , Also, at the same time and place, 30 acres of land, including the residence thereon, and other appurte nances thereto. Levied on as the property of do- lendant to satisfy a ii fa in my hand. J. 11. Bryant vs. JohnF. bnnmons. _ . .. . Also, at tho some time and place, half of lot of land No. 1S2 in the thirty-first district of originally Lee, now Marion county. Levied on as tho property of S. 8. Walker to satisfy a Justice Court n fa in my hand. Beojamin Jones vs. 8* ti. Walker, Levy made and returned to me by constablo. &ug2cds D. N- MADDOX, Sheriff. the town of Vienna, on the first Tuesday in Septem ber next, within the legal hours of sale, tho follow ing. to wit: Lots of land Nos 207,179 and 104’ i acres of Jot No. £06. in third district of said county, containing 500 acres, more or less. Bold to satisfy a buperior Court fifain favor of Shadrack Ware vs J. W. Brown. Property pointed out by plaintiff. All of the above lands being and lying and situated in third district of Dooly county. AlfO, at the same tiino and place. Iota of land N03. 203. 204 and 213. in tho sixth district of Dooly county, containing GuO acres, more or less. Sold to satisfy a fifain favor ofitawles £ Lathrop vs Roily Boat- right. Property pointed out by plaintiff*. All of sail lands situated in tho sixth district of Dooly county. Also, at the same time and place, int« cf land Nos. 233 and 236. in ihe sixth district of Dooly county, bold to satu-fy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of William Roberts for use of James Brown vs Edward Mixon, containing 40u acres, more or less. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, at ifcefame time and place, lot cf land No. 92. in the third district of Dooly county, bold to sat- isly a Superior Court fi fa in favor of Berjamin Stripling vs Nelson Meye. containing 2U2>£ acres, more cr less. Property pointid out fcy plaintiff s at- Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No. 233. in the third district of Dooly county, bold to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of S J. Ito wan vg John W. Cone, containing 160 acres, moro or less. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot of lard No. 246. in the seventh district of Dooly county. Hold to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a Justice Court in favor of W. H. Byron vs W. H. Mimes and L. B. Bray, containing 101J+ acres, more or less. Troperty pointed cut by W. II. Byron. Also, at the sime time and pl&'e, 60 acres off of lot No. ioO, in the third district of Dooly county. Said land lying on the east side of lot 169. Sold to satisfy sundry Justice Court fi fas in favor of DanielPatti- *hall and Nathan Youngblood va Jams* C. Taylor. Property pointed out by plaintifls* attorney. Al*o, at the same time and place, lot of land No. 2^8 in the second district of Dooly county, bold to satisfy a tkunty Court fi fa issued from Urson coun ty, in favor of Dtvis Dawaoa vs Enoch Bragg ani William W. Mudiock, maker, and J E. Tomlins, endorser. Property pointed out by plaintiffs* attor ney, containing SOffif acres, more or lea*. ang2tds W. L. GRAHAM, Sheriff. erder of the Court cf Ordinary cf Macon county. will be sold, before the Court-house door, in laid county, on the first Tuesday in September next, twenty acres of land, it being ten ecres in the South east corner of lot No. 2, in the 13:h district, and ten acres in the Northeast corner of lot No. 17, in the 2d district of originally Mu<cogte, now Macon county. And invito a call from everybody skeptical on this point.« angl tf COW AND CALF FOB SALE. jpOR PALE, a yonrg Oow, four years old, with calf. Apply to angl 2t B. H. WBIGLEY, CS and 63 Second street, Macon, Qa. Eclectic Institute, F IR YOUNG LADIES, Baltimore. Maryland. S Number of Pupila limited to forty. For cir cular. applv to the Principal. MRS. LETITIA TYLER SEMPIdJ angl atm Of Virginia. Notice of Dissolution. T HE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between W. A Collins. W. E. Fiarders and E. D. Hugnenin, under the firm name of Collins, Flandeis <k Co . has this day expired by limitation Tbo business will be continued by W. E Flanders and E. D. Haguenin, under the name of Flanders £ Hugnenin, who are authorized to settle the accounts of the late firm. COLLINS, FLANDERS £ OO. Angust 1.1873.angl It COAL OH.33EK ANTHRACITE COAL AND WOOD W £ a will sell Coal during the month of August reduced rates &end in your orders now and avoid last winter’s trouble ** erms cash. h ■angl d3m . EUPlS & ROSS. POR RENT CHEAP. T HE two commodious STORES on Cherry street, at present occupied by Oolemau £ Newsom; are for rent from first day of. October next Apply to J. VALENTINO, juneSrd - - 68 Oberry street. no RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSES or ono eight-room Honse for rent. App'y to Jnlyattf OLIVER. UOUOLAS8 A CO SEG-ARS! 8EG-ARS Imported and Domestic. LA ES0IP0ION. LA OABBA, FLOB DEL FUMAB, LA ELEOION, TENNYSON, LA NOYEDAD, LA UNICO. MANILLO, FIGARO, And many other brands, all of which aro offered very low, ROLAND B HALL, Comer Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. jnly23 if Mineral Waters. KI3SINGEN, (artificial). YIOHY, (artificial). CONGRESS, (artificial). EXCELSIOR SARATOGA, (natural). SODA WATER, (in its excellence). All of the above Waters are on draught at tha 'Mammoth Fountain." CONGRESS, (diamond C) HATHOltN, (Saratoga). EOOKBUIDGE ALUM, (Virginia). IRISH GINGER ALE KISsINGEN AND VICHY 8ALT3. CRAB ORCHARD (.Ky.) SALTS All gennine and in bottles, at tbe Drug Stoie of BANKIN, MASSENBUBG & CO. jnlyfii) tf MPORTED TURNIP SEEDS.—Dickson's Defi anee .xtra Bata Riga, Improved G.-.ea Top Scotch-Yellow, (very ee.oct,) white Bomeraman, (fine,) Red Tankard, Yehow Tankard, Garby White Stone, Orange Jelly, Broad Leaved Essex Rape, Turnip Booted Rape. The above have late ly arrived from Qieen Victoria’s seedsmen, who have for many years devoted unremitting care and attention to the improvement of the different varieties. Tbe stock we now offer to the poblio is of tbe moet select and perfect character, jn'yia 2» . GEORGE BEGG3. LAW CARD. M ESSU3. WOODWARD * TOOLE, of Dooly county, Ga., haviDg formed a legal copart nership, respectfully offer their services to tho mbltc, and will practice in tho connties of Wilcox, 5odgo, Irwin, Worth, Macon, Sumter and Hous ton. Special attention given also to cases in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Address. Vienna, Qa. j uly 15 din,* FOUR NEW STORES IN MACON. A Ten Cent Store, A Twety-five Cent Store, A Fifty Cent Store^ CHANGE IN BUSINESS ! From this date th« WHOLESALE branch of our buainsM will bo oonduoted In tho name of RO88 <Sc COLEMAN, At our present stand, and having admitted MB. W. 4. JUHAN, of Clinton, Ga., to an intsreat in the RETAIL DEPARTMENT, that branch will be removed in a ebort time to S. T. COLEMAN’S OLD STAND. And the business oond acted in the name of W. A. JUHAIV cfc OO. We take great plaasure in introducing to our friends Mr. Jnhan—a gentleman in whom we hare entire ocnfidence, and in whose bands we believe the reparation of our house will be tally sustained With this assurance from ns, we tinat that a hearty weloome and a generous support aw lit him. And now, that the obstacles which have heretofore intervened are removed, we hope in a short time to inaugurate in our city the FIRST EXCLUSIVE JOBBING BRT GOOBS BUSINESS that has over been attempted here, and with all the applianoee necessary to sustain ns, we hope to p7esea such a dispTy of merchandise as will at once orreet attention,and inspire confidence. Fully conscious of the eminent ability and enterprise of our merchants generally, we hope to merit a plaoe in tbe picture which shall represent Macon the leading market in the State, and among onr large circle of friends we hope there are enough of those who by their support, will insure ns a against a failure. Having D0 fears of the result, we enter with confidence npon the new field. With this annouuoemont we unfur on* banner to the breeze, procloimiog QUICK SALES and SHORT PROFITS, and inviting competition from any quarter J. B. ROSS £ S. T. COLEMAN. Mar on. O*., July'. 1873. A Dollar Store. For particulars, inquire of W. A HOPSON A CO., 39 and 41 Second at., and 18 ana 20 Cotton ave. JnlylS tf PRINTING! Sola as the property of the estate of William M. Meadows, late of said county, deceased, for the pur pose of distribution. Terms cash NANCY MEADOWS, aug2 tds X MBAUUWO. Administratrix. STAR CANDLES! PH0GT0B * GIBBLE’S ‘LIGHT OP DAY” BRAND STAR CANDLES. Are of superior quality and the Standard Brand. Sold by Macon, Atlanta, Angntta and Sa vannah Grccere. augldAwSm T HE Jobbing Department of the TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER is now under the charge of Mr. B. W. Smith, who is known ib an accom plished printer and experienced workman. Ail joes sent to this office will be exocuted with despatch, and at the lowzst pbiczs. Orders for bill8-heads, circulars, posters, eta, solicited from city acd coantry* july!5 tf MEDICAL CARD. F ROM this date DR. WM. B. BURGESS may be found, dav and night, at hi* office over Bankin, Haseenburg £ Oo.’s Ding Store, corner Mulberry and Third streets. Macon, April 28,1873. od4pr28ea G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Notice is hereby given that my wife, Amelia Dennick, has my full perihis8ion to do business on her own account as a free trader. RANDOLPH DENNIOK. July 1, 1873. Jqly4 lawful CITY BANK, Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS, Educate Your Daughters. NASXIVILLI', TENNESSEE. FOR SALE OR KENT, A COTTAGE DWELLING HOUSE, contairing fire rooms, With all neoeaaary oathoo*e« Po<-?e*rion given immediately. It can be bought low for eeeb, or cn time- Apply at Harris a PETER’S juijSl tf Drug Store. W. E. WARD’S SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LA DIES doted cn the llth June with 33 graduates and near 300 pupils. No school in the Soitb, and ly three in the North, h »ve had os good succees. cose of protracted eickoeea during the post year. It* pupil* being in the city, enjoy the best advantage* of fheir respective churches. Grade of the last Senior Class 926. Fall Sesrion opens September 4. For catalogue address W. B- WARD, jaly23d2wtfew3t Nashville, Term. HOUSE AND LOT For Sale or Bent, In Yineville. M y HOUSE AKD LOT to Vinevffla la now tot rata or rent on the moet favorable torn Foeeeceion given on the fiat ol October. July** lot W. A. BUFF. direotohb. KTATIOKTAL HOTEL, (FORMERLY SPOTSWOOD), NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT. THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY RENOVATED FROM BASEMENT TO ATTIO BOARD S3 OO PER DAY. P. WHELAN, Proprietor. Gr I 3NT GEARI JT RUNS TWENTV-FIVE PEN CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose, proven good. Evet; part bolted to iron. Itie made without a Over twenty in use. All have MY PATENT la the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, extended arm to carry tho Fulley and Pinion Shaft. Ail persons nsing or miking any part of my Patent, will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. I Build and Repair all kinds of Machinery at my Works, BRASS AND I HOY CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. Steam, "Water, and Gas IPipes, and All their Fittings for Sale, Call and see at my Works, Fourth street, near the Brown Honse, Maccn, Ga. *3~Send for Circnlais. E. CEOCKETT. July30 tf W. A. HUFF, WHOLESALE DEALER IN BACON, FLOUR, BA&etlNQ-, TIES, SUGAR, COFFEE, LARD, MEAL, WM. B. JOHN8TON, JOHN J. GRESHAM, jnly22 Cm STRICTLY COMMISSION MSI ft. M. WATERS tib CO. 56 Broad NR New Yark, B ANKEBS —ABD — COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy aud sell contract, for future delivery of oot- ton. Deposit aceoont. of bankers, merchants an others are especially solicited.jnlybdam DK. J. EMMETT BLACKSUEaB, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Office, No. 2 Cotton avenue (up stain,) nsxt door to Mr. Fayne’a Drug Store. BULK MEATS, SALT, SYRUP, Etc, CORNER CHEERY AND THIRD STREETS, UNDER RALSTON’S HALL, Residence, Walnut street, (above Spring.) McBur-1 nay’s tenement building, Maoon, Ga. I dec! lawtf MACON, JnlySO 8m GEORGIA PATENT ANTI-FRICTION I *