The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 03, 1873, Image 1

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\ k B By Clisby, Jones & Keese. IS- MACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, L873. Number 6,685 jiurtT«litr»P>> Itnlldinc, Rhm. ' »»d M«*»eng«r, one yew........ 110 00 ^TTooaUui 6 00 toiaMoUi 100 rekiy Talegiaph uj Messenger, oaa vaarT. 4 00 ■U months 2 00 Maaa oth Waakly Telegraph and Mw«m, ^*«eo!umna,oo®jear 8 ft. (t< months 1 to renbla always la advanea, and paper stopped eb« tbe money runs oot, nr. 1m, renewed. , joe eoneobdeted Telegraph end Messenger rep- reeente ft large emulation.pervading Mlddie.Hoctb- n and Southwestern Georgia end Eastern AJa- . and M *ddU Florida. Advertisement* at reft- Jiaatilr rale.. In tlte Weekly at one dollar per ensare of thrre-qnartera of an inch, eacb pnblloa. 7o E . Bemittaneee ebonld be made by express, — a mad la awoe, order, or registered letters. IVo Urd of Roars. Itae who lore lbs shades of retirement and lbs paeoe and qalat to be enjoyed in priva life, find no lLdneement to regret their lack ambition, when they learn the caret and re- ipoeelbiUrtes which greitneas intaila. Been an aldetm in ia ocnatactly running the (inntiet of pabllo opinion, and is pitched into by tame from almost every rank of his oonatlt' aaoey. If he ie prndent and frugal in hia re ecenmrndatkine, then tbe charge of parsimony , L d mranoeaa ie htried at his head. If be votes rsty for wcrka of general pabllo interest, be l,deoenneed ae rqnaodertng the people's means, perhaps for • Muuderation. If be fevore sob ateatlal aid to any poblie instilntlon, be ia teotartsnand bigot, and so it goes. Tne abarp prick of tbe tborn concealed in tbo roaa of pop. elaiity and preferment, ia oonaUntly felt, so Iballtfi eweetoeee is almoit entirely forgotten. Jtvra tbe poor mendicants who subsist npon pabtie ehsrity grow s.ncy and nngratefnl, and aalieit|lms with the air of an inj-irod man de- ■asadirg bis rights. Oca of there ffosnlly handed in a paper to fM of tbtdty fathers, in the abaenee of the jfayor, modestly asking for ham, sngar, coffee. Harsh and yaaat powders. The party was in. formad the city bad no supplies on hand, and arid to go to the Oonoly Commissioners for aid. •‘I ain't," exsialmed tbo indignant pauper; "for boars I have been hunting yon np, and do yon tappets I have nothing to do bnt rnn after yon peopta." Whereupon in a rage the tore np her paper and departed. Another beggar, some time since, wanted to know of e kind-hearted lady if abe coaid not be aoppliad with lamb and grten peat. These ire feels Who then would not prefer to belong to tbe tUftCti, and be free from snob vexations? Tartly honor is bnt sn empty show, and fame mors IIokle than tbe whistling wind. Hon. William haw, It was mentioned, yesterday, that this vener. ibis gentleman, ono of the oldest and most na'neot jariats In tbo United States, bad re- Mieed a severe Injury, by a fall from his horse, sear hia rammer rasidenoe in Clarksville, Ga. Aa h'a health has been falling for a twelve BWlh peat, this ink lilgenoe caoscs tho deepest eoeasra, to tbe numerous friends of the Jodge. Aay abock of this nature is very trying lo an rid men, end ha is now about four score. 'Jodge Law Is atill engaged in the practice of Us profession, and hte intellect remains nn- eUwJid and vigorons in a remarkable degree. Ihapaer and contemporary of Bsrrien, Petti- grew, K. M. Charlton, M. H. McAllister, and ■aay other noble and dlstlngnlshed jariats, ases txeelled him in legal aonmen or tbo graoes d sealery. Tee bead of a large family, he ever preferred the pleasures and retirement of demeat ic life, to political preferment, tbongh the moat daexllng importunities have time and again been present- id to him. □e ia a native of Liberty connty, •ad waa aalaoted to prononnoe the oration at Mdvay ehnroh on its oentennial anniversary Is list. Tbe writer eojoyid tbe plensnre of baarieg him on that oeoasion. Tho effort was ms of the grandest of his life, and might servo ■ •Dude] to the etndent of oratory, while dnoudlng with hlatorioal rerclnlsoenoos and personal sketches of the noble band who MtledSi. John's Parish, and were the first in Oseegis to throw off the British yoke. If we mistake not, the msnngcript of this nd- dnmltitlilinthehandsof Bon. John B. Mallard of WalthonrvIUe, Ga. It ahonld bo olatmed by Uw Georgia Hlatorioal Society, and given to the ■aril All will unite in tbe wiah that this noble rep. ranotallTe of the oldon time, n man indeed, t\mm a tmtrabUt, may recover from his in- jsrlts, and be spared to linger yet longer amid tbo seeoea of his boyhood and tho triumphs of Alar yarn. It affords ns ranch pleasure to call the atten- Iration of the religions public to the annonnee- made in another column, that hereafter, util farther notioe, the Baptists, Methodists, Frmbyteriana and Christ Chnreb, (Episco palian) will nnite on Sabbath evening and have but cm service, taking tarns in their respective rases of worship. This is ss it ahonld be ; and we are snre ail will bo tbe better for it. Christian fellowship ia this world la a fitting preparation for that eternal anion which mutt exist among tho faith- fnl of every sect nod denomination, in that “bettor land” where Christ alone shall rule as tbe great bend of tho chnreb triumphant. To-night Rev. A. W. Clisby will preach in the Presbyterian church under tho new annnge- *nt • rnvxxarrT or Gxoaon.—We oopy the fol lowing from the Athena Watchman of tbe 30th, and publish U for tbo benefit of those In terested: “The Alnmnl Soolety will meet In annual Nation on Tuesday, August S, at 10 o'olock a. X, in tbe Chancellor's ieotnre room, when aa Alnmni trustee will be eleoted to aerva in the Board of Traileei for fonr yean; and at 11 a'eloek tho annnal orstina will be delivered in Vlaw Chapel, by Bishop George F. Pierce; and at 7 r. a the Alnmni dinner will be served in the Mathematical Ball. A full attendance ia looked for. VTjt. Urssi W/iDnxxx, Seo'y. Tax Evens os Us Mas aim Woitcr cr Eso- fun.—A moat extraordinary statement has made Us appearance in that highly respectable paper the Saturday Review, to tho effect that English sreiety is getting so overcrowded with unmarried women that serious thoughts are Entertained of introducing polygamy as a rem- **T tar the enormous evils which this condition of things entails. GAs enormous sea serpent has lately been teen in Like Champlain, near Dresden. His axistenoe there bts been known for the last twenty years. He U said to be from twenty to forty feet long, and to have silver-like scales that glitter hideously in the sunlight. He lives either on land or in water as his taste requires. Tax Gallatin (Cena.) Eximioer says: “We may note among the incidents of the cholera epidemio that many mocking-birds and canaries in oagee sickened and died, while those which frequented tli* gardens instinctively fled to the woods, and did not return until the cholera took 8Ai departure.'' “ Btoijeiuh,’ the New York correspondent of the Boston .Tonrnal, writes that a book of saveral hundred pages is ready for the press, giving a minute history of the origin of the Wood hull. Bo wen Beecher soandal, and of all the parties connected with It. V WKEiris, D. P. Lowe, onr congressman, tup- ported the back salary bill: lietoired, That we demand that he resign hia seat in Congress, that bis place may be filled by an honest man nate&d of a thief.—Betoiution patted by a Kan- at Karmen' ConterUion. Tn girls in a Springfield (Mass.) factory are Applied by the proprietors with chewing gurn, itordtr that they may Dot waste time in talk- In Tbe gamma Palace. The point now before the American public is the President's Summit Palaoe. The President must have a summer palaoe—a grand one—in the oentre cf a park of G4Q acres—with towers and battlementa surmounted by soldiers with fixed bayonets and pipes in their mouths. gazing sternly at all incomers—especially at those not having on the wedding garment. There must be great Oakland elms—and splendid avennes ten miles long for drives with the President' “fast crab,.” There mos*. be hot bonses and conservatories full of the flowers and fruits of all climes—and xoologicnl palaces full of roar' ing beasts and al! manner of creeping things from every part of the earth. The birds of every lalitode must be collected in gilded cages to sing the family to sleep. The royal stables must be half mile in length and fillad with a thourand dainty steeds. Tho "honor of the nation ' forbids that our President should any longer spend his hours of esse ini a cottage by tbe asa. Chicago and Chattanooga have already got their fingers in this dish. The Summer j^alaee must be on tbe banks of Lake Michigan. The Summer Palaoe must overlook the bine and pla cid waters of the Tennessee. Boston wants the Summer Palace on an 1.1 and off tbe harbor, with the stormy Atiantio to baffl, intruders. Chicago promises tho President tbe sheep and cattle on a thousand hills—delicate fish from tbe lake—early fruits and vegetables from ail quarters, and any amount of amusement in fighting the tiger. Chattanooga talks of cat fish and the verdant heights of Lookout mono tain, and Massachusetts maunders about dams, lobsters, rook cod, haddocks and flounders. nation” is involved in 1L Tbe kings and queens of the earth (even one-horse kings) number half a score of paiaoes each, while here is oar king living tn a little oottage by tbe sea, on a paltry salary of $4,116 66 a month. It won't d i. Tho standard of the next campaign already floats In the brerzj, and npon it is in- scribed the legend, “A Third Term and a Summer Palace.’’ W he HIIDATIOX 1ST LOCI SI Air A. A Doleful Story. Daniel Dennett, tbe State agent of the Lou isiana Immigration and Homestoad Company, reoently delivered an addresi before tho Sonth- era Historioa! Society of New Orleans, on tho ooedition of that city and the State of Louisi ana. He says that “To Bent” and “For Sale,” are posted on more than six thousand empty stores and dwellings in New Orleans, and tbit Louisi ana lands havo depreciated in market valne from fifty to ninety per cent. The Louisiana planta tions were Uxad at a valuation of $284,000,000 in 1860, and $68,000,000 In 1870. Tin area in cultivation has fallen off two-tbirds. The State has 20,000,000 acre* tillable soil, of which less thsn 2.000,000 are la cultivation. The land agent of the Citizens’ Bank of New Orleans, owns fifty-one plantations, ont of whioh only six are cultivated at all, and of these some are occupied only by squatters, ip patches, at ■ nominal rent. While tbe negro population of Louisiana has increased by immigration 13,437 over tbe con sus in 18C0, not two-thirds as much food is pro- duaed aa in 1860. Nothing is plenty bnt whis< key and lager, and of whisky tbe State con- snmoa 70,000 barrels annually at a oost of forty- two millions of dollars—an amonnt exeeeding in value alt their sngar, rios, cotton and tobaeoo crops. Tbe population gathers Into the towns and spend their time in whisky drinking, card-playing and talking politloa. From ail quarters among the whites the desponding ex pression is frequently beard, “I would leave Louisiana at once, if I had money enough to pay my wsy ont of it” The people are thor oughly disheartened and becoming desperate and reckless. The negroes are also greatly ce- moraiizedby whitksy and polities. Such is re- ooBS'.rnoted Louisians. TBE GEORGIA PRESS. The Cttloi Ou erplllar Iffectaallf Flank eti—The K ran 1t. So Leaser Doubtful. The death of Mrs. Aliy Snipes, of Hart eonn-1 Tbe Tallahassee Floridian eon tains the details ty, at the age of one hundred and four years, I of some experiments recently made in that vi and of “Aunt Lotty,” a one hundred and nine I dnity with a mixture of Paris green and floor to yeara old Degrees of Dougherty county, is an-1 destroy the cotton caterpillar, and which proved nounoed. The latter, however, did not remem- entirely snooeesfuL. The information is contain- her Washington, which shows dearly there wes ed in a letter from Messrs. Earle A Perkin*, of something wrong about her memory. I that city, who, one day last week, visited the Cirrus Jobs W., one of the beat I Lake plantation of Mr. Henry Win'hrop, of managers and most akillfol planters in the State, Leon ecnnty, and witnessed tbe app'ication of died at hia reaidenoe on Jordan’s Fowl Town I the mixture to a cut of five aerea. The oom- piaoe in Dougherty county, last Sunday, from I pound was one pound of Paris green to 24 congestion. pounds of flour, and the result is stated"as fol- Dr. H. B. Lipsey. representative in tbe Leg-1 lows: Mature from Lee oonuty, died at Wooten, of At the time of the experiment, the entire out chclera morbus, on Tuesday night. I bad caterpillar in all stages. The application The Atlanta Ilsraid. of yesterday, lesras »” nsa3 « on U» centre rows by dusting the “that the contemplated atrike on the Maoon and poison over the top of the plant with a common Western Road by tbe firemen and wood paasers, I sif! er - In twenty-four hours not a live cater- has been abandoned, a number of the malcon- I 5®* w s* 1° h® seen. We examined the cut tents believing ih.t "a bird in hand is worth carefuliy; tbe top leaves were cr aped—the two in the bn»h"—to sooh an extent as to cause stock 4nd remaining leaves looking as fresh and this change in the programme.” vigorous as if the preparation had not been ap- n. t , o. «. plied. On a portion of tho leaves we found D*. Thos. J Cu ibltos, of Savannah, I ^ lt . number of dead worms, but none living, thrown from nis bnggy on Friday, striking on I slthongh the bottom leaves showed no signs of bis chest against a doorstep and receiving pain- poison. Two feet from this stock, aad where ML though not serious injuries. ,he P°i*°n had not been applied, we found a Tme s.,,=r«h A,„»U.r of P-ft, ^ "SSSjST □□known man got on the down (rain from Ma* I were they that we ooanted five worms on one con to Savannah at No. 9 Wednesday night, I leaf- We were told by tbe manager that where carrying a carpet-bag and a heavy load of ben- tie P 0 * 900 hld *>««“ “PP ,ied » number of the zine, and the condnotor reports thst he fell Gums 6* d d i* d .' to the ground and were * , ,, ‘ * cu eaten by the chickens, yet the chickens still live from tho train below ilillen, and mast have | on. We examined the cat where the pojson been killed, thoagh his body w&s not found, the I hed been applit d ar-d coaid fiad no worms, conductor not considering it atfe, as a freight I ^bich demonstrate* to our aati&fsolion that train was foiiowing. to hack down to the p.ace ^g^traiefoL Wr^rtThe where the aocident was supposed to have oo I plants and aeek njore healthy qnirters. enrred. I A preparation of 1 pound of Paris Green and „ ExcHiSots.—We find the foiiowing sonnd 2 * lbs. flour, was made anddn.tedin onr pres- It la a great qies.ion, and the honor cf the . .. , . . • - .. . . T ~ enoe over the cotton oontaimr.g the worms. In txlk under the above head in the last LaGrange BIleea Beoanda one cterpiUar leaped from the Reporter: | waa eaten by the ohickens, others A circular with tbe endorsement of the Geor» I crawled to the main body of the plant, woiking gia Press Association, is going the ronadsof tbe I their way to the ground, while others remained pres-*, declaring in favor of the establishment of I in a slngg'sa condition, a sample of which we a National Press Association, and of newspaper I brought to onr tffioe and In a short time this exchanges being passed through tbe mails free. I pest was dead as Heotrr. We have sinc6 been To tbe former of these propositions we have no I told by parties who v sited this cotton in the objection; bnt we desire to enter onr protest I afternoon that no sign of caterpillar could be against tbe latter. We hope no matter will ever I seen, yet the application had ooly been made hereafter be allowed to go tbroogh the mails I that morning. We visi'el this cat the next mf. free of postage. At first glimpse, tbe payment I ternoon in company with Dr. A B Havkins, cf postage look* like a hardship to tbe oonntry I W. R. Wilson, Geo. L*wis, Charles O. Pearoe, pres*, and so it is if (he present exchange sys-1 Mr. Wintbrop, Mr. Page and a colored mao tern is oontinned. Bnt we want to see that I from Mr. Poarce*s place, and cximined the abolished. We are in favor of stopping every I cat, and after a diligtni search not a worm free exchange and allowing every paper to snb-1 oonld be found. Mr. Pearce noticed BY TELEGRAPH. 1 I'fmakoal am> commercial winds and local storms. * - . . w . . f , . , m , — ] Latest Market Keparts by Telegrapli FINANCIAL. Naw Tcrk—Noon—Stocks steady. Gold steady st 15K Money ea*y at 4 Exchange, long if; abort 9)f. Govorumenta dull State bonds steady. Evening—Gold quiet and steady. Money S@3?^. dull at 9. Governments dell end steady. OAT DISPATCHES. Spaa fab Dl«lrc—ea Madbid, August 2.—An insurgent frigate en tered Malaga harbor and departed eastward, closely followed by a German vesaeL Her esp* tore ia probable. MlD.MGUr DISPATCHES. Tbe Bifcsrest Race of tbe Season. Saratcga, Angnat 2 —Tbe chief entries for | the n c»3 to-day were in tbe three mile race, in which Harry Bisaettand Wanderer again met. Grenada offerto surrender. In tbe Cortes lo day s resolution of een-nre d , , ' tow, ‘”> r > f " nDd “any backera. A goed states dull. direo'eJ aosinst the insnroent dennti.s .a* de- 8 a,t effected, Bisseit gettme away first, Xmporta for tlio week S3 5C0 0C0. hated Stror a Ward^rer secord. and Hubbard third. At tbe I Bink Statement—Loans increased $597,100, T>.trin<ie srw«i>h ^ u. ha, f mile post Wanderer was leading Biesett I specie decreased 577,100; lcg»l tenders increased ^^rJr^ab“"T“iaSon n wa: 8 ]8D «‘ h ’ 8 ^ dCC:M ^ 8177 -“° i CL ' CUlMi ° n adopted—195 to 15. chacoe o™conse'qusnoe^took rdaca rii their reia- Midnight—Governments 81s Ai-(; file 17: G4s sJSSSSSSsSSSs h ffftwaisr 1W 678 18;i; 088 ™ t iCmK the**iDteraarional’socie^'” 80116 ™ ««« 8 * firlist forn. l (V*i o™. .it..Vod’pinch the winner. At Ibis point tbe backers of Ss43: new45; Ieveo C? 17:8s 5'J; A!abima8a80; S* 8, * 8 ? ted Po . rla - the McDaniel stable sought to hedge their bets. 5s 47: Georgia Gs 70 7s W. North C.rolinas 27; Bllboa ’ ‘h] 8 mcrn, °ft- i and there -were large odds that Wsodarer would new 16, special ux 13K; South CaroUnas S3, now 3!f» Th» r e . vigorous and weoaraftri win flndi b , to % l6k , r8 . Tae IotUltH na . 15 AprU and Ociober 2J. defense. The Carhsts were defeated with t. HxwOnrniwi tlratlfc( ln^i „„ . , I certainty of raoiog was destined, however, to heavy loss, and_dmen over Salindo nyer. | reeeiTa * aaam iii Q5t rauo n . Wnen it seemed Sterung 26J<. Now York sight % premium. Gold 15.V- Lomijs—Noon—New 5s Consols 92)(. COTTON. New Youe—Noon—Cotton quiet; uplands £0% I 811 impossible that Wanderer could lose, Mnroia, has proolaimed iU mdependenoe A Hubbard, passing Bissett, rushed alocg at a j^ hra been organix^, ,he flrra mX of whM. tremendo ’ a(j P 7 qoe K obal:eD girg Wandore? and Th^ reTOrt lha? b the ?riMsSrid takin 8 ‘be lead from him. Entering the home _ iiine^ths inonr<rJd. 8 tp B , 8 t ret °b, Hubbard led by two lengths and won | mfddiini b 2uK 1 8 JC tft ‘U 8 ^^ 9883 - Futures opeoe.1 as follows: August 19X31913 32; ° Th. incTimwinnor. ia. a.- Tbe *esult of the 1306 oroated g-neral aston- September 18 5 16 *1811-32 The invurreclionary flset, which left the her- i 3bmant a3 bt f are the start, Oal. McDsniel ap- Bvornng-Oottou salts to-day G33; middlings bor of A^tmra wa, last seen heading for , ied fo ’ r mill9ion to ^ itbdraw Hnbbard, 20K: OrhaasMK: raaiaet du.l; net recei; ts 19J; Malaga. Two oth**r frrgatea, in the hinds of r.o;«ir Tho I Ricos S099. the rebels, are at Malaga trying to raise contri- nnrfflMha rn . Aa ran : rtr Altunina tn I Sbos of future* 2.400; market closed as follows: under the rales of raomg, declining to grsnt Aagaat i 9KjJ10 ^ lci 6 . l0@ i s X; Oo- permission, McDimel gave ont that he would I t0 ber I8&018 i5 Id; November 17 merely gallop Hnbbard and leave tbe race be- I December i7va^i7 1116. tween Bissett and Wanderer. I lbe market lor epot cotton dnring the week has A C hild Arrested for Harder. I b 0en more *ctiT6 Low grades h&ve attracted first xra o I attention, but prices nave xoabzsd from k to New York, August «. Ghnstine Dimer, aged I p fcrceu t. below cflbial quotations. At close of yea- twelve yeara, of Newark, has been arrested on 11orday, however, qiotauons were reduced }{c Out Madrid, August 1.—Parcelle«f, a prominent hilling Edward l^awley, aged I the market ruka dull and irregular, atd closed instigator of the Oartbagena insurrection has foar » wilfully throwing him down. weak. Contract stock has been in fair request, but hoen I The JeNnlU. I piiccs were nueettidd, closing with a dechuo. oeen arreeieo. dales of the week include 91,787 bales, of which From the P«c fic Count. ■™advices by to-day s mail slates that « m w ^ TO ^ncl stock, and 10*8/ foriumediate San Franci c oi, August 2 —Private Henry 1 , 6 e *P*"*® fr ° m Germany hive in part | delivery, ae follows; 4439 for export; 4301 for spm- Mnrphy, of Company M. Fifth Cavalnr. was I ^ onn ^ a Ee ^ home In Lincasbire, England. Af- I n era, i7l7 for speculation. stot d&ad by tbe camp batcher. ter ^7 had wandered through France, Bel- I isaltuiokk—uotiou, net receipts 59; gross £9; Only nine ships hive cleared with wheat and Eaglatd, brother S.apleton p!*oed an | exports coastwise 10i; ualea 7«ij stock 1657; mid- • - ' 1 estate at tneir disposal, and the fathers at onoe established a convent at Dillon Hall, with nearly bn lions from the citizens. Four German men of war are in the harbor watohfng them. Paris, August 2 —The Oarlists here announce that Don Carlos has captured Estella with the entire garrison, surrendered as prisoners of war. gainst fourteen at the some time last year— a fact which inolines dealers to hold tho new crop for higher prices. Fire In Ttomleh. dungs 20; market dalL New ujujtAwa—cotton, not receipts 177; gross one hoTdred £££“ OtheT cofonieT^“of Ge/. | £% 12(8121*; good ordinary 14}*@15; loir middiius ib The Radical Candidate lor Governor or Virginia. R. W. Hughes seems to be a very fit aasooiate for snch men as Muses, of Sonth Carolina, Potash Farrow, and other red-hot Radioals who, after tbe war closed and the Yankee side bad been demonstrated to be the strongest, made haste to spit on their red-hot secession reoord and prance in front of tbo victor’s chariot. He was one of the bitterest Demo orste in Virginia, and daring the war, as editor the Richmond Examiner, was the most ran- oorons and vitriolio assailant—on paper—of the Yankee army, people, and charaeter to be fonnd In the whole South. He “acoepted the nilnatlon ” in a hurry, however, taking ground in a paper, atarted in Richmond, in May, 1865, in favor of eleotiDg city officers who wonld be most acceptable to Gen. Grant. As the Rich mond Dspateb puts it, “like Queen Anne, whom Riohard III. wooed and won as she fol lowed her husband’s corpse to the grave, Mr. Hughes was wooed and won by the Federate before the grave had closed npon the Confed eracy to whoso perpetuation he bad devoted fonr of the best years of his life.” To tho question of will he be elected, the Dispatch replies as follows: Certainly not. A new Ligialatnre Is to he eleoted. This last fact insures Hughes’ defeat. Grant carried Virginia last fall solely because of the apathy of the veters west of tbe Blue Ridge, who cared for neither candidate and bad no local candidates for small offices to call them ont. Hughes will fall from fifteen to twenty thonssed votes short o7 election. He repre sents whatever in the political world is haled by the real people of Virginia, inoiading (he Smiths, Senerx, Wickhams. Lewises, and others of his own party. It is written in the book of fate that Robert W. Hoghes will never bo Gov ernor of Virginia. Ronth on One ol I lies Grabbers. The back paystere are catching it hot every where. Congressman Lvnison, of Ohio, who, we are sorry to say is a Democrat, voted for and pocketed tbe grab. The other day at a connty convention in his district, somebody offered a resolution denouncing the grab, and when Lam- ison took tbe floor and commenced a defense of it the “sovs" bowled him down with cries of ’get cut," “resign,” eta Lamison got mad and howled back that he would see thorn in first, but the “sovs" passed the resolution, any how. We would not advice anybody to bet much Lamison’s re-election, or that of any other Westers man, at least, who ia tarred with this atiok. Beast Bntler may escape the tornado and be elected Governor of Massachusetts, but that wilt only prove him to be in foil sympathy ith the majority of the people of that stuck np State—that they are as corrupt and devoid of moral sensibility as he has provedhimself to be. He is just the man for tbe Massachusetts Radi cals, and we hope to see him elected. sx Boston Journal says that about twenty- 6v«feonaand residents of that oily are now ab- •“W whom about a thonsand are in Europe. Tbs Christian Union (H. W. Beecher), speak ing of the speech by Professor Agassiz at tbe opening of tbe Anderson School of Natural H s- tory, sajs: “After a few opening words, felici tously suited to put all their minds into fellow ship, Agassiz said tenderly, and with touching frankness, ‘I think we have need of help, I do not feel that I can call any one hers to ask a blessing for ns. I know I wonld not have any body pray for ns at this moment. I ask yon for moment to pray for yourselves.’ Upon tils, the great scientist—in an age in which so many other great scientists have oondnded that pray ing is quite an unscientific and very Useless pro ceeding—bowed his head reverently; his pupils and friends did the same, and there, in a silence that was very solemn and very beautiful, each spirit was free to crave of the Great Spirit ths bleaaieg that was needed. For onr own part it seems to ns that this scene of Agassiz and his pupils, with heads bowed in silent prayer for the blessing of tbe Gcd of Nature, to be given to that school then opened for the study of nature, ia a spectacle for some great artist to spread out worthily upon canvas, and to be kept alive in the memories cf mankind.” Mamicsrszrrs finished np a drought of just ale ran weeks, on Tuesday last, with a rain that lasted forty -eight boon. Tire rain has given new life to everything, including crops, ora- vantioos and crimes. _ _ live scribe for whatever papers it wants. We believe I worms on a stock thst bad not reoeived the this would be best for all—oonntry weeklies, as I application and dead ones on the next row where well as oity dailies. We have made a oalcnla- I it bad been applied. All of tbe parties left tally tion in this matter. On one side we place I oonvinoed lh-.t it was a complete soooess. postage on nnmerons free exchanges, snd the Wednesday tbe first application was mads and coat of sending tbe Reporter to these exchanges. I on Friday night this cut was visited a very On the other we place tbe cost of papers we heavy rain and still the poison remained on the would Fubscribe for and postage on them. I plant, the flmr making a paste which is difficult We greatly prefer tbe latter. In this oalcu-1 to wash off. Mr. Pope, one of Mr. F. B Oof- lation we have made no aoconnt at all of I ten’s managers, who bss been experimenting, the waste of time in looking over numerons pa- I reports that after tbe poison had been applied, pen thst are of no nse to nt. We believe that the worms in tbe next 24 honrs deserted this we oonid take tbe mnney U costs to pay postage ! ent sed none ounld be fonnd. Mr. Isler, his on onr exohanges and to send enr paper to them, I other manager visited this cotton and reports and ivy a list of papers that wonld enable ns abont as Mr. Pope. He also stated that this to make a bettor paper than we now make, and I ootton bad put oo a new growth, showing the in less time than is now required to edit it. We I poison did not effect the plant Mr. Rufas get numbers of pipers that are of no possible I Tucker, a pract od planter, also tried the poi nsa to ns exoept to sell as old papers snd we I sonaxd says it is a complete Buocesa. He had doubt not every publisher in the B’ato can ray I worms ia a out, mods the application and next the same. We are in favor, then, of continuing I day conid find no live worms, dead ones appesr- poitign on everyhing, ar.d stopping the ex- ing on tbe ground and stock, charge systi m. N. ne of ns need one-third of I j n connection with this snbj 'Ct, we also Drint ?otk JhU°Z outof’Tow «*. COm “ aDiC ‘ l,OD ’ Whi * « fi “ d many paper* you made it up. You will be ss- I R>® Montgomery Advertiser: tonished at the resnlt of your inquiry. We re-1 Dzar.poxjs, July 26, 1873. peat, we are in favor of a total abolition of free | EditorI Adteriiier:—Genti.uiz.v—I have exohanges. I just been informed by Mess:s J. S. and George Tttp same paper say* “ that speci.i train on th© Atlanta and Weat Point railway of the At* I Groan in water—one pound to twelve gallons lanta Herald made only three trip*,” and “sns-1 of water, sprinkled over an aora of cotton with peals the Herald men knew thst the schednle a common watering pot—killing all the worms, would be changed in a few days before they ? h8 8ama h ” been need, with similar soooess, , . e ^ * I by Mffcsrs. Gordon and Robinson, near Maoon commenced to ran their engine.” We always g^uon, Hale county. These gentlemen are knew Waterman could deteet a hnmbng as I experienced and sneoef sfnl planters, and they quickly as any other man. I they think the mode above stated preferable to I, amoving ■ m«l apprcUU,, tule aod jagg- wm m ,, „, ppMr> p„ ft blB to o,n,m,DC, matical judgment. It says: I anew, and go through the regalar stages to the The Maootr Tklzoiijlph ikd Mzssknozi: — I position it ha* now aitained, and before it will We were glad to meet in onr sanetfim on last I be in a condition lo materially damage the oat- Monday, the olever and energetio traveling I Ion a good crop will ba secured; but if necea* agent of this excellent journal, Mr. T. J. I sary the samo application can be renewed. Lmier. He is representing one of the best and I Tho advantage they olaimiBthat the remedy mott ably edited daily and weekly journals in I can be applied with more facility, safety and the State, and we were glad to learn that not- much cneaper. Scbicbibeu. withstanding the hard times he is constantly I *** adding to its already large circulation. I Gbantiem xx Mississippi.—Grantism In Mis- Madison, Morgan county, reoeived 10,000 I siasippi, says tho Sun, aeema to have sunk very bales of ootton last season, of which amonnt I low. Coates, a ’oolored alderman of Vicksburg, 9,381 were sold in that market, reaching about has been doteoted in receiving and selling stolen $750,000. I goods. Tho President of the Board of Boper- Tns young women of Franklin, Heard conn-1 visors of Washington county has been oonvieted ty, comb their back hair so straight up that it I °f felony, and is now in the penitentiary. 1 an- lifts their feet off the ground. Tho safest kook, Clerk of the Chancery Court of Lowndes anchorage we know of, under such circum-1 oottnty, is in prison on a charge of feloniously stance*, is a mascnline arm with a good grip, j murilatir g tho records of his coart, and hes been The Dawson Jonrcai reports good seasons I convic’ed by two juries of gross neglect of offioial and crops flourishing. The fly is nnmerons on I duty. Frank McKenna, recently appointed Snp- semo plantation*, bat the ootton caterpillar has ] erinteudent of Education for Lifayette connty, not yet pot in an appearance. * I is charged with not bsing a bona fide citizen of _ . _ „ I the oonuty, and with having been accessory to Columbus Cotton FaoTOEiza—The Sun says: tho forgil , B 0 f bis own errdsn’.ia's as delegate Wo have been told in the last few days that I to a Grant Conviction. And with every official the cotton manufactory to be erect*d on the site I newspaper in tbe State filled with sheriffs’ ad- of tbe Palaoe Mills is assured of snooess. Mr. I vertist manta, the ltepnblicans propose to pnt Browne, who will be president, no donbt, and i on the tax payers the payment of the Union and general superintendent of the work, has already I Planter.’ Bank bond*, aggregating with the in- been promised by solid men over one hundred I terest thirty million dollar*. It is cot strange thousand dollars of stock. They Cave not for-1 (bat M'ffsis.ippians are to hare their mally written their names in a subscription, but I state divided, will the moment they sre called npon. We I are also informed that Mr. Browne, on hia late I Southzbn School Books.—A letter from u visit to New York, perfected the necessary ar- I Southern superintendent of schools, recoin raugenjents for material, eta, whenever it is men iingthe so-called “University Series” of required, and all a«ta whereon to b£90 mtelli-1 A - . .. - T _ . gent estimates. Oae can safely say this large I boots « ‘"Kg® 8 ' 8 . 88 T’ the New York mill of some ten tbonfl&nd spindles will be oom* I Tribnne, a bit of salnta*? rc flection. He urges pleted by December of next year. I that these books shcnld ba used not less because The same paper adds in this connection that I of their general excellence than of their “ nn- tho pay-rolls of the factories show about $31,000 bi ‘“ a ” 8 P ir . iL “ ® 1ia8 *" iQ lhe Soatb8 ™ 7°: I cabnHry. it is well known, means a belief that paid out as wages per month, of which the the Nortb wag ia the dnr i Dg tbe Iat0 re . Eagle and Phenix disburses $19,700. Tbe de-1 bell ion. Here are the questions which seem to posits in the savings bank of this factory, which I need a little consideration: Are school his- has been in operation only a few months, now toria ? for Sonthern children to be put together ’ Ion tho pnnoiplea that an nnhoiy resistance to amount to Borne $SS,nOO. I national honor and law was absolutely righteous. Wx quote the following from the last Albany I and that the Southern people are all martyrs ? Xews * I Are these children to be bronght np with no DoroHSUTT Cousrx Statistics-From Ml sentiment of lo.relty to their eotmlry, no real John Hooks, Tax Receiver, who is about com- alere f. t iD , it Vf*i rs ' 8cd , “ m , pre , he ° 8ion plating tho consolidated returns for this connty, tb ? c i t,z i an * dat ? * . AUs ! °l thB £°°> I3h P®0P'® we obfuin the foUowing ststl.tics: » b ° d « ire to 88nd down “qygh tb ? Namber of seres in ootton 28.073, In com 21,- Uon * **” °? nTioUoa thal reb€ ' Il0Q n 8 ht •' 342, in oats 3.144, in potatoes 159, in rye 81, in Let the Tribnne begin at onoe and expurgate wheat 27, in sugar cane 112, in peanuts 31, in all the Northern school book3 which teach that orchards 41. in vineyards 3|. Nomber of sheep the rebellion of 1776 wss tighL returned 566, number of bogs 1488, number of 1 cattle 2006, number of .horses and mules 1332, | Tax g ada n a (Mo0 Democrat responsible number of dog* 170. (Bnt few colored people I _ . .. ' returned dogs horses or mulea ) Polls returned: I * or t “® *° IIowln K : White 827, colored 1473. It will be seen that I We gave an aoconnt of Mr. Backcer*s death theoounty has 3-7ths in corn to 4 7tha in cot- I by lightning, near Greenrldge, a few days ago. ton. When the rule is reversed we may expect I Rev. Mr. Smith preached his funeral sermon on better times, bat not till then. The receiver | the day following, and three days thereafter estimates that at least 300 whites and 1000 I was killed by the same subtle fix'd. This was colored adnlLs have failed to make return*. I considered etrange ; but the most singular thiDg Chop Prospects—Cotton—Caterpillar — J connected with these daitls remains to be told. From information reoeived from planters, we The clothes worn by Mr. Buckner at tho time of are unable to make a more favorable report his death were hung upon a thrifty willow bush than that of last week. The few lire, energetio, in “® J"d,»° d trom that hour the bush wilted, enterpri-ieg m* n vhohsve resorted to the “Ds- “ d ls now dead - though one week has elapsed, stroyer,” report that it is no longer an expert-1 Can't somebody see this and go at Ieaat one ment, but a complete snooess. It kills the worm, I preacher better ? and retains its preventive elements for certainly I — twelve dayo. Where it has been used there is I While the New York polioe were engaged therefore no danger of eaterpillar before the one day last week in the demolishing of illegal 10thorl2ffi instant. After that nwffl lata full | hoMm at Washington market, Mrs. Martha twenty-one davs for a rally in sufficient foroe te I __ ® . . . do mnch damage, which will be too late to in-1 OHonnell, a market woman, sat on a box and jure tbe crop. Just now the second crop is I harangued an admirirg multitude ss follows, webbing, and while in that state the nnobier-1 “ I am Mra. Martha O’Donnell, the A No. 1 fat vant and inexperienced are apt to “lay the flat-1 woman of Washington market. I came into terieg unction to their sonis” that the insidnons I this market weighing two hundred snd ninety insect has disappeared. Hence, those who are pounds. I hive been here fifteen years; have cajoled into fancied security refuse to use the I paid eighteen dollars a month, and havo made poison, and, we fear, will wake from their dream one handled thonsand dollars, and intend to only when it is too late. The crop is well fruited make one hundred thousand dollars more. I and is eontinuins to fruit more rapidly than-sny I have a farm of ten acres on Long Island; sup- season for many years. Nothing bnt the ester-1 port a husband like a gentleman, and a family pillar can now prevent the maturing of a large I in luxury, and I give them fast horses and car- crop. I riages with which to enjoy themselves. I have — 1 1 »«■ I stood the most intense ooid in winter withont a Tex San Franc’sro “Bulletin” says: “An In-1 fire, and the greatest heat in the summer, and fatnated youth with a bar j j opened a strain of I have never taken cold or been overheated. ” In impareioned minstrelsy, laat night, under the I spite of her eloquence, however, Mrs. O'Don- windews of a boarding bouse on Clementins | neil'i market shanty was dismantled, street. He was suddenly interrupted in the midst of ‘Sweet Spirit, hear my prayer,' by a I Thz Faboltsu of Yrc* Pbeodxnt Wilson.— person in the third story who had to empty a I A Washington telegram of Jnly 2S to the New scuttlefnl of asbea. A policeman who rawed I York Times says: Private advioes reoeived the scene immediately after asserts that it was I here confirm the substance of statements pre- tbe toughest praying he had ever beard in hia I vionsly published regarding the health of the m,.” I Vioe President. Tbe paralytic stroke has left — Tr 1 Mr. Wilson’s features in a somewhat distorted Thx amonnt of freight transported in and ont I ooedition and impaired his speech. At present of Boston on the Boston and Albany road dor- j be ta under treatment for the restoration of his ing the past month reach 73,000 tons, snd the I general health, preparatory to a more levers collections in Boston on freight account were I mode of treatment which meat be adopted for $4S3 400. The freight money npon the eattle I the cure of the paralysis. Mr. Wilson is kept transported from the West and reoeived at I opoo severe regimen, and disposition of his Brighton station amount] to abont two million entire timeii made in aeoardanee with the di- dollare in a single year, the Boston and Albany I reotions of hia physicians. He la forbidden all Railroad aoooonting to the other roads between I mental toil. It is by no means certain that he and Chicago for ibfir pro rata than of I will imm tbe functions of bis office at tb® the amount reosived. J coming man Jesuits hsve established themselves at Nonwrcn, CoVnl Tu^^-The Bleaching I at Sb Bd8n08 ’ inNortb WaIe8 - I ^.mp^’^buadlngs f were burned today 8 1 ,, b p* ,w aT . I ‘^di 6aie3 ieg * mia - fnprxaS f f ^ j A ., ®° . Ision . .°^* reoeived lit the depot and esoorUd to thei _ Fifteen cars were burned, with tbe bodies of tbe person* killed. Cholera tn Evansville* Evansville, Ansnst 2.—Two fatal and two probably fatal cholera cases oocnrrod here yes terday. Debt «tn«l Afore Debt. Nlw York, August 2 —Tbe Comptroller's Baltimore rtjoioes at tbe return of ber pet regiment. ObsrqnloH of tbe Executed Men. Joshua Nichols' fnneral took pla<*e this nfler- in&iket anil and bare of cffeiiag. Chaullsto*—cotton, not roceipta 393; export* coaatwieo ; sales 60; stock 6421; middiicge 19>£; low middimge 18^; good ordin&iy 17>4; oidk- naiy i4^S15; market uu i and nominal. 1uobu.k—Uotion, net receipts 83; exports coast- noon from bis father's re idence, Eist Madison I wide 251; sales 3uu: stock li,9J5; miadlingd 18^; street. It was a large faneral proce&8:on, in- I low middlings 17@17^; market quiet; demand olnding twelve carriages. I moderate. Hollaban's faneral also took place to day, I —fWl®* ne ^ rncoipts _167; groes 2252; sUtement shows that the debt of the oity and under the anspiocs of the Prisoners’ Aid Asso- eal8B 25 otock Ib.OOo; miUoUnga 21; mantel quiet. •—< xt—tr_i .* * i . . - - - - - 1 howfoLx—uotuin, net rocoipM 6.4; exports clarion and his body was placed in a vault in low ’mtdXg" connty of New York coatinnes to inorease, Cholera in Snyton. I the Baltimore Cemetery, awaiting the arrival I i3>i; muket dwTantTnommaJ Cincinnati. Angust 2.—Fonr cholera deaths of his relatives from Canada. I juiamns—Cotton, net receipts 254; shipments yesterdaj at D jyton. I Tbo doming Knee. 222. stock 9261; low miJdlmgs 18}£; m.irket firm. Railway Accident. Buffalo, N. Y.. Angust 2.-Fourteen oar I G .fi VESTOS_ r 0o , , ^ D ’, lbt ,. , , e „ c ^ l “. I 77: e3cpor ? a Cumbeiland, Angnst 2—A freight train ran loads of horses from the west will arrive ‘o- mukot meady 118 ° IJI ' into a gravel train—killing one and hurting night, to participate in the races at this place l4iLAUELr.iiOo;tonmittdliDKs 2oitf: muket *’”■“* I next week It ia probable that the rains of the q met . Cleveland Races. j past few days, will piaoe the track in splendid I Livebpool—Noon—Cotton firm; uplands £%; Or- Cleveland, Augn«t 2.—Nellie won 'hsrace for I order. Tbe weather is now ooel and the hotels I lems 9K- 2:24 horses—time, 2 24} 2:24J, 2:25} Osstle are fast filling np with visitors. Oottou sales 12,000; speculation and export 3000. Bay won tbe race for 2.80 horg-a—time, 2:25, Ban J .clnto News. Fro “ , 8a '!- nn< ' U 81111 c . har ieeton, Sep ember de- mU^ranffinfrice ^ime^T/and^G* 18 ‘ W ° GiI ' TE "’ T , ON, At,g “ t 2 — Gen - Sida °y WHO btie7ISSSS* 8 ’ X ‘ mile running race—time, 2 4,J and -:46. I man, tbe last cavalry oommander of San Ja-I From SavAimxn and Charleston, August deliv- France— Popular Dt*tnrbnnce*. ointo, died in this city last night, and will be | ery, net bolow low middlings 8%. Paris, August 2.—Disturbances are reported I buried this afternoon with military honors, at Boon Letape, in the department of the I A special ta the New3 from San Jacinto gives I PRODUCE. Vosges. The sub-Prt feet was beaten by a mob, I an account of more Indian oniragea along the I who cried “vive Thiers’*—“vive Gambetta.” 1 frontier. At Fair City, Perias bridge and Bra- 1 New York—Noon—Floor dull and nnahanged. Daring the evaoaations of the Vosges by the j dy*s creek there is great excitement, and the I Wheat quiet without decided change; No. 2 Mil warn Germans, there were cries of “vive la Com- I people are abandoting tbeir homes and orop?. I ^ 09 * Com quiet and etoady; tteamer western mune.” Tbe Prefeot of lhe department of ■ - ... ^ mixed 61@55. A-crk firm: nen meea 1725. Laid U - p Pf r £°L~ b “ forb j dd ®° rales in the street* The Little Invalid s Matinee -There is a ^“duli'lit' 3 to common of the Radical journal “Le Petiole Linveram. I httle flve-jesr old invalid np lowh who has be- I a t ra jy ed . Freight, firm ^ The report was current that the Count de oomo quite s favorite with the showmaD, who Evening—Flour, southern active and unchanged, Parie had gone to Frohdorff to visit the Count never fails to visit him in passing through I common to fair extra 6 2o@6 75; good to choice de Chambord. I Cleveland. Yesterday morning the little fellow { 7 t5@7 90. Wheat a shads firmer, (turn slightly Dreadful Railway Accident in Enxlnnd. heard the door bell ring, and his face lit np I favors buyers. Fork quiet and steady. Naval. London, August 2.-A dre»dfnl accident oo ™ ,b W 88 “f- Baraum entered the sick room. “im’ enrred this moraiDgon the Northwestern Rail- The usual pleasant greetings ensued, and the r0 X auaffirfharauf Bold to “arrive at wsy, near Wegan, to a Soolch tourist express great manager threw hiB soul into the work ef L 10 ' Spuita turpemina, hosover, h’ w been dull, train from InndoD. Twelve persons were in- I eu l© r t aln,D B tfi® child as completely as when I aL( j cloned flit. ftantiy killed and thirty wonnded. Among the I sorrouedtd by thousands he talks to in bis great I Baltimore—Flourdull and steady. Wheat active; killed is S r John Anson. Many of the injured 8how * Tila ohild was Q eli g ht ed, bnt the sh*djw prime red 1 53$1 63. choice amoer 1 65. Cofh will die. J I wbioh is always aa near joy as the thorn is to I nominal; waits fc5@86; yellow 68^59. Oats dull; rnncrwH nr wnriiimA I the rose stole over the little “TrotV* face on I aomhera 43@59. Provisions quiet. Porkl7 00@ w _ » . *, n '* I reflecting that he oonld not see tho managorie. 117 50. Bacon, shoulders 9>£: clear rib sides 9%\ Bieltn, August 1 Germany proposes a | .. NoTe K r mind ,.. said M r. Barnnm; “if yon HS'iG. — - - nnot go to the show, we must bring the show Locdru.E-FlDur in f.i Wnisby flamer at 0£». Macon Street Railroad Company Office Maoon Etbeet RA-I.aoin Oo.,l August 1, 1873. j" "VIOTICE is hereby given that on and after the Xv sth instant, the rare upon the road will be aa follow.: 8m*l. fare 10e 16 heist. $1 00 ? ricket..., 6oo- 4 tickets 25c Ticlotsc\nbe secured at tbe following place*: From a.. B Oobb, Sscreta^y, at ths store of B H. Wngley 9c Co. ' From Greer, Lake & Co., corner of Cherry and Third streets. * From G. Yolger 4 Co., corner of Mulberry and Seoond streeie. From E. J. Johnston, corner cf Mulberry and Second streets. • FromKanRin, Massonbnrg A Co., comerof Mnl- berry *nd Third streets. ' From J. H. Zeilin A Co., comer of Cherry and Second streets. 3 From Jonn Ingalls, corner of Fourth am 1 PopIat streets. 4 From Roland B. Hall, Chony and Cotton Avenne streets. FiOm T. B. Ford, College itrect. (-ars will tun as follows: From 6:30 A- m until 9 o’clock p. sc FatunJays until 10 o’clock p. it. On special occasions cars will run as desired. Fare after regular hours will bo 25 cents. The directors would state that after an experience of nearly two years, they find tlio above ran* necessary to onable thorn to moot the actual ex penses of running and keeping tho road ia proper condition. They hope tint on account of tho great convo* n ence of the road tho pabllo will give it the p&trcnsgo it deserves. By order of tho Board. GEOBGE S. TBEAR, angl lw President B. O. Funnaoin W \Y. FlawnaqaN A-P. Asill.... R. S Mosanf. FLASi'iiXGAK, ABELL & CO., OOTTON FACTORS AND General Commissi on Merchants, 1S5 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, OA. M ANAGING agents for the Engli*h 8eooewaU Fertilizer, etc Bagging and Ties fund hod, suu each advances ma lo on consignments for sale in 8Av*jmab. or on shipments to onr cor respondents in Northern, Etstor or Enrop«*m L ^ nugl 6m A. M. Bloan. Arthur N. Solleo. G. W. Wylly, Jr. ■A.. JUT- 3UOAN CO » t’orrosi FAtiToiu AND — General Commission Merchants, Claghorn Cunningham’s Range, BAY STRE3T, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. B AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Libertl Cieh advances m»de on consignments for sale iu Savannah, or on ehipmants to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, or Baltimore. and dm W, Duncan. J. H. Johnston. M Maclean DTJNJAN. JOHNSTON & CO., corns FACTORS and General Commission Merchants, L. J. QUILMARTIN. JOHN FLANNERY. L. J. QUILMARTIN & OO., cotton rAorons AND General Commission Merchants, BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. A GENTS for Bradley’S Super Phosphate of Lime, Jewell’s Mills Yarns and Dcme«tic«, o. Bagging, Hope and Iron Ties always on hand. Usual facilities extended to customers, angl dw&swom LINES & WING street, ready to do JOB PRmTmG! At short notice and moderate prices, foeheg war ranted in s&yiag that we cm compete witn any honse Sonth. July22eodIm congress of mtritime powers to decide the . __ f t n n> ,__ w/a.ta'-xv- stains and treatment of the insurgent Spanish ff 11 ™ ?,° Locioville—Flour in fair demaod and nnchang- ships. y ‘ 8° “I S’ ba de P a ; ttd ’ “ d 8 baIf ofi: family extra 6 00. Corn steady; sacked 53®01. i hour later the ohild snd the whole family were p or ; t steady at 10 00@16 60. Bacon firmar and in t> ™ , o t. . ... . , I astonished to Bee s drove of elephants, otmels K ood demand; shoalaore 9K®9)f; clear rib aides K3HS, August - —i rime Minister Mlnghettl ac d dromedaries marched into the yard and 110H@i; clear sides IO&qii, packed. Bulk meats hai written a letter to his oonstitnents denying come to a halt near the child’s window. The I held at, shoulders 8, clear rib sides 9%; clear sides that th© Italian Government contemplates a J little ono was held np where he con'd see the 1 loose; packed }£ higher. Lard firm; choice new loan. I animals, and their keeper made them co thronah tierce 8@9^; kegs 10; sto&m 8)^. "Whisky m . I o vpnnhr nnrfnrmnnoa “Trnt” Mvn hin nrdAra I at 92 v ®93. dales of leaf tobacco curiDg July RIGHT DISPATCHES* to the unw1eldinreDhant 8 T ac d bt a ^un from ombracod 4605 hogsheads at an actual value of 1 onwleldly elepnants, and by a sign from 3553,623 50; sales from November 1 to August 1 Sunstroke*—Injunction Denied. ” k ®®P er th . o y w ® re “ obeyed. In half an I embraced 41,763 hoghsbeddsvalued at 81,776.423 26 NiwVnptr Ananaf 9 oi. mnotmhum htmr the matme0 termmated, and the detach- against 33,320 hogsheads valued at S3,932,816 13 for Nlw Yobs, Augast -. Six sunstrokes yes- men t of the procession marched baok to the I same timo last year, dtock on August 1, 82,076 lorcmy. _ * . , show grounds, leaving the child wild with de- hogshea 3s. Jadge FraJ, of the bnpreme Court, to day I lioht.—From the Cleveland Leader. 1 Cincinnati—Flour duUat6 23@6C0. Com quiet; rendered a decision snstain^pg the. authority of | ° , I fa:r to primo 43@44. Pork in demand at J6 00; ^wwaactBiswaa rncVib’; K. ; d i. diu™.;. 5k ” js mUsaoM or not, and destroy it summarily. If I flen timental or practical, for what quality she I in elevator. Whisky nominal at 9l. Pork quiet at the board exceed its powers, or do an nnaathor- e8le6CQ3 ycn aD ^ upon what she prides her- 116 69. Bacon stiff; some galea higher; shoulders ized act, the remedy is by action tor damages seIf . fl ^ eI8 have* also a mute expression, 8 s *»®“ t rtb •“““>*! clear aides 10X@10K— against the members. The injunction is dented. I wbich we ar0) in thia latfer aR6> loo proaaio I *55 Portland(Grecon)onFire—FireSpreadlnx;, and nnromanlio to nse. The Frenchwomen of treb i 0 6 50^7 60 (^17 8 C0@8*5 Corn PoBTLUiD, August 2.—A fire broke out at the Republic employ jewelry to symbolize qn j et . m j x ‘ od 03. y 0 u 0 w 65. rials dull at 49®12 4 o’clock this morning. Twelve blocks are now sentiment. PerbafS it is a recommendation I Bran dull at 85. Hay dull; prime 21 00; choice 28 00. in flames, and the fire is still spreading. The that it has none of the simplicity of tbe ons-1 Cork dull at 16 75. Drysalted meats scarce; shout- fire department of Van Oonver, Oregon Oity tom3 of older times and other nations with less Iders9#. Bacon in good demand and ecarce; ahonl- and Silem are on their way here. The water jaded tastos. A ring worn by a lady, when or- de Jf % aide f. Lard supply is failing. The fire commenced near namonted with pearls and garnets, signifies a dtdb the Metropolitan Hotel. Nearly all tho oity, sad heart A gordian knot in plain gold, worn ;) 5?Cincmnati, 1 00 offered. CoffeefkmMatl^ bounded by Gamhill street on the north, See* | by a gentleman, is an advertisement for a wife; 12UV£.* " ond street on the west, Columbia street on the if on the finger of a Jady, for a husband. A \\ilyington—Spirits turpentine qui6t at 33 — south, and the river on the east, is in flames, j doubt of the sincerity of a lover’s intentions is I Uosiu quiet; strained 2 4?: No. 2 5 u0; low No. 1 War Department Regnlatlons. I a riD ? the figure of a snake, with a precious I 2 70; extra No. 1 2 90. Crude turpentine firm; ’— ** 1 * ~ J ° ^- and virgin 325. Tar-quiet Lard 38a. Breadstuffs quiet. ment after by express Death of nu OI«l Citizen—Hot Weather. Richmond, Augast 2.—John Robinson, wealthy and highly respectable citizen, died an extensive assortment of rings thus relieves | herself of much embarrassing explanation. MARINE NEWS. New Tour—Arrived. Benefactor, Emily, B Sou- last night from" an over-dose of ohloroform, I be tn di^overed^o^th^site of^ome o'd^bnild I ^er, Charleston. Arrived out Algeria, Hecla. adminiftered b,his wife as an anodyne forim B^pgaistreet whhin, fn Jacinto,Huntsville, Sarah somnia. . , , , the city of London, There is a red brick bor- Oiiablestox—Arrivod, Georgia. Sailed Adeer, The weather is exoessively hot Tho tber- deri og with conventional trefoils in red, white Sea GulL ’ ’ S ’ mometer ranges from 96 to 98 in the shade. and black . Beln onIy Bbr€a feet be i ow the 1 One fatal oaso of snnstreke occurred yesterday. Btreet level it ig tboa „ bt to beloDg to a Iate pe . Saratoga Races. ried of the Roman occupation, the average Sabatooa, Angust 2.—Crowsmeat won the I depth of suoh remains in this locality being sailing race for two-year-olds. Time 1.19J. twelve or thirteen feet. Belmont’s Breadalbane colt won the signet I - __ stakes. Time 3 40J. Hnbbard won the selling I Geanoes in MapsachujEtts.—Attempts to | low for cash” or on timo. Apply at race for all ages. Wanderer was seoond. Time form granges of the Order of Patrons of Hnsban- Tiie War In Spain. I dry among the farce era of New England have MIdbid, August 2.—Many persons who joined I proved almost total failcres. Only one grange is FOR SALE OR RENT. A COTTAGE DWELLING HOUSE, contains five rooms, with all ntc-ieeary outhoueea I Poceestion given immediately. It can be bought j illy 31 If HARRIS A PETER'S Drug Store- DB. J. EMMETT BIiiCKSDEAB, the insurrection in tho Sonth and favored tbe | said to have been formed, and that is in Green- I PRACTICING PHYSICIAN field, Mass&chusetfs The secret features is one I ^^ ce ’ ^°* 2 Cotton avenue (up stairs,) next door great or j»ction, but the most serious that J Eesidence, Walnut street, (above Spring.) McBur- gxanges are likely not to go for the Republican ney’s tenement building, Macon, Ga. 1 decl lawtf independenoe of the Oantocs, have abandoned the cause in consequence of the excesses com mitted by the Insurgents. During the occupancy of Seville by the In surrectionists many buddings in various quar ters were set on fire. In a number of streets every house and store was entered by the In surgents and plundered of its contents. The oonduct of General Contreras in bombarding defenceless towns is producing an immense re action throughout the conntry in favor of the National Government. The frigates seized by the insurgents at Car tagena are partly manned by galley slaves. The Government has received intelligence from Malaga that upon the arrival of an insur gent frigate in that harbor the commanders of Uie English, French and German squadrons had a conference with General Contreras, fn which they urged him to order a return of seized war vessels to Cartagena. The government is farther informed that the commander declined to hold Gen. Contreras as hostage nntil the vessels sre returned. Eight seige guns and two mortars have been sent to the Republican troops before Valencia, to assist in the bombardment of that city. Ail communication between Madrid and the cities in Andalusia has been interrupted by insurrec tionists. Barcelona, August 2.—Don Alfonso and Sa- balls, the Carlist commanders at Prato de Lin- •aoes, are fortifying that town. They are also ireparing to order a levy en masse. Prato de ; jlusanes is in thia province, forty miles north east of Barcelona. Order In Alesja Madum, August 2.—3:x thousand workmen of Alcoy propoe© to etUblish a municipal gov ernment for that town and maintain order. Death of a Dncbess. London, Angust 2.—The Dachess of Inver ness is dead. Synopsis Weather Statement* Was Dxp’x, Omc* Chief Signal Omen, Washington, August 2. Probabilities: For the north went and upper lake region, and thence to and northweateily winds and oocaeiontJ rain along the river valleys, with clearing and dear feath er and higher temperature on Sunday; for the Golf States and Tennessee, northwesterly winds, lower temperature, dandy weather and rain; for the South, Atlantic State*, ooneeional rains the ooast; for the lower Ukoa and Middle States, rising barometer, slightly lover temper- •lure, northveeteriy winds aad cteering weath- MEDICAL CARD. Thz State Treasurer of South Carolina pub licly announces that he hopes the courts will I {bis D . B ; 5®GB88 m»y be .. , 4L , * .... . I JL" found, day and night, at hia office over liankin, d.Clare void snd worthless seven millions of the | Maseenburg & Co.’s Drug dtorc, co/n©r Mulberry conversion bonds of the Commonwealth. Thia | “JThird streets, is a plain acknowledgement that these bonds Macon, April 28,1873. od4pr28ea were illegally issued by the Radical thieves who I ("^ EOBGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Notice is hereby hare ruled and piuudered Seuth Carolina. | _ , 7V. T. , , . as a free trailer. - K1NDOLPH LENNIt-K. Feisce Adaibzbt of Frasaia biqneathed the | July 1.1873. Jaly4 1awlm whole of his private fortune, inelnamg a hand- ____ . __ soma pa'aee, situated at the Potsdam gate, in tJ W ABD Br’llli Z, hia morganatio wife, tne Baroness | -jyoT.UiT PUBLIC and EX-OFFIOIO JUSTItJE von Baraim, nee E asier, waohas offered to sell J_M OF THE PXAUR. I can be found for the the fame to government, ai her intention ia to present at all hoars of the day at my office, adjoin- resida in Austria. | ng the law office of A. Proudfit, over the etore of Jaqnen & Johnsons Third street, Macon, Ga., to ate Fuses has a pathetic picture of a married I tend to *- b 5iajiHteri»l bnaine**. ang couple on a calling trip. As they wait at the i rvnuuiccrm-rpmo.r r. . . . door where they have rang the bell, Augustus is thus OrtUtioneJ : ‘Angufctofl, love, let ma beg I county, will be sold for distribution, bflore the Court- of yon! Do not give way to any insane demon- hoaee floo-. in Clinton, between the lejil home of strations of delight before the servant, if she W&SSL SSSUSS says they re not at home! I well improved. anJ contain? ab ut three acres— krone as tbe 1711*y E. Pope late^a-Hrnce The Niagara hotel keepers are disenseirg a plan to stop visitors five miles from the falls and stuff their ean with cotton, to prevent them from even hearing the roar, without first paying three dollars. P. L. CLOW HR, F.S. JOHNSON. Ja- O. W. MANN. W. A. JUHAN, R. J.TURNKB, Commifsioners. HIGHLIT IMPORTANT. FORTY PER CENT. SATED -4 r CENTS PER DRINK! At “Our House’ I LfJ BaIood, can be found tbe finest Wines, Li- A colobed debating society in Trenfon, Tenn , has just debated lhe question, “Which is the most profit to mac—money or educa tion?' One of the d^batersargued that if it had not been for education the world won!d not have I q^ors and Lager Beer At prices that cannot fail to been half so large rs it is. This clincher was plewe mil. G. V. LAWRENCE, met, however, by the irresistible argument that I Jul»27eod2w Proprietor. If 'twan’t for money how yon gwine to ride I on de kjars?” It was at once decided in favor of money. FIVE B EAUTIFUL ROOMS to rent, suitable for offi ces or bed rooms. Enquire of LINDS & WING, Job Printers, 08 and 63 Cherry street. ]alj32eodIm PriiitiBg Material For Sale! T HE undersigned have » complete newepaper outfit, wh ch they effer low for cash, or short time. Address lines & WING, jaly22e^dlm Job Printers, M»con. G&. EDWARD ROWE, GENERAL BTATE AGENT FOR THE SANSTER COMPLETE GA8 WOEKS Far Family nsa. Hotels, Churches, Etc. No. 5 Hollingsworth lilock, Macop. jn’y 5tf COOK’S PERRY, Ga! T^BE attention of managers of pubUc entertain- X ments is called to this Hall, which has been lately fitted np in the best style, with scenery, etc. Tho Hall will seat about 400 persons and is conve niently situated in the large and growing town of Perry, to which the Southwestern H&iiroad hae lately construe, ©d a branch from Fort Valley Apply to JOHN It. OOOK, fob ID 6m* Perry, us. PUMPS Of all kinds, HYDRAULIC RAMS, RUBBER HOSE, ETC, For Bale at lowest cash prices. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN PUMP. 2D. aaow33, No 6 Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Ga. NOTICE. I WILL hold a Jaatice Oonrt for tho 71 f th Dis trict, G &L, at the ofiicjof Couins A tioaih, No 69 decond street, in the c.ty of Maoon, ou the SECOND SATURDAY of every month. F. M. HEATH Notary Public ana ex. off. J P , 7IBth District. O If ANOTHER LOT OF HAT MID STEAW GBTTiS APPLE HILLS And WINE PRESSES EXPECTED DAILY. For sale cheap for caeh. EDWARD ROWE, No. 5 TIollinesworth Block, Macon, Ga. BARLOW HOUSE, AMERICU3, GA, WILEY J0XE3 «fc CO., Propiletors. Is first-clasa and in boainea* center. Eoard per day $2. Lodging or single meals 50 cte. maj9 5m b. hill A e. mania. HILL & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 93 Cherry street, (up stairs) MACON, GA- Will practice in all the courts of the Maoon Cir cuit. hpecial attention given to Collections. Con veyances, eta jai?2 r tf Kabt. Grant ills was pressed to receive a present of diamonds from the Persian Shah, bnt positively declined, on the ground that his position wonld not permit the acceptance of the donation. Were Grant to be asked what he thought of sneb nnpresidential cot:diet on the part of the Earl, he would probably define him aa the biggest d—d (which stands for diamond^ fool out.—8L Louis TimeSu CHAS. COURSELMAN & CO., General Commission Merchants, Boom 14, Oriental Building, CHICAGO. Refer to W. A. Huff, Macon. m*y3 6m E. O. CO.. STANARD A PROPRIETORS EAGLE STEAM FLOURING MILLS, lor. Main aad BatM »ia, »«• Aoola, Mo. Capacity 1,000 barrel* p«r diam. api29 3m NOTICE. MACON A BRUNSWICK R4ILEOAD, } hCPERLNTESDSHTB OflM mnimn ' Micj.f, Ga.. July 16* 18 <3.) M ERCHANTS asd others desincg.that their SHIPMENTS from Eastern c.uee via Ha- v&nnah, should pa«s overth. Macon ana i*nmn- wick Railroad, will please have iheir fr^rhrs marked care of Agent of Atlantic and Gulf Rail- road, Savannah. JAg _ w B0BER7S0N. julyl7 tf General hnperintendent.# S EHEl J. ar. SMITH. J. M. BHAKl-Ri rhea, smith & CO. Graia, Hay, Flour aad Provisions. Ohio River Salt Company’s Agants, 32 SOUTH M1KKET ST., XA&flVILtE, TK.Y.Y. ORDEB3 SOLICITED. Betzbesci : Seymour, Tinsley A Co ; Coleman A Newsom. Johnson A South; Gamble, Heck A Co anr2(> G eorgia, m»cox couniy— m™. wi 0 n»- ford Duke, (wife of Azxriah Dnke, of ea d county), has applied for exenption of p-reonally' and setting apart and valuation of Lumeatead. and I will pare npon the a»me at 11 o'clock a. n , on the I5th day of Angnat next, at mv office. JUUN M. UhEEB, angl 2t Oidlnary.