The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 06, 1873, Image 1

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TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER BY Clisby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1873. NUMBEB 6,687 K( «ncUi Tdltfnitk UilMlal, Imae Oc* BK*nt)u.......... 1 00 ,.Telegraph and Messenger, one 3 j»tf 4 00 glx month* 2 00 Ig^oUiWaiUj 1 ViMPl^k and Meeaenger, M eolocuit, one year 8 0^, 0U months . 1 loj alw»y» In adranoe, ud papor stopped the montj runs ont, ablete renewe*!. ccEiSObdetad Telegraph and rg#e0 U a Urg*- circulation, pervading Mi'MIe,8oa«*b- gru gad Southwestern Georgia and Eej*t« ri. A rasa and Kiddie Florida. Advertisement* at rea- fQB ghie ratea In the Weekly at one dollar per »-'ire of three-quarters of an inch, each public*- JJ* junuttanoe* should be mad* by express, or t j aail in oonej orders or registered letters punciTLTAMA Dxxociucy.—Tb« Democratic g».m Convention of Pennsylvania have called a Convention to moot at Wtikesbarro on the fTih ItatanL n lr a lore feaat in .New Haver, on Sandaj, a dgur poMiclj thanked God that ebe had cat* Hffd bar husband, because be would not let Iff t>« immersed. ilotir has gone back on Grant. He npitn on (bo Radical ticket lately nominated in Virginia, gad departs that he won't support it. He will bear watching, however. Ir lea remarkable foot that the moment voomb writes a letter she la frantio to pat ft in Ibe poatoflls*, although she may have been petting off the writing for friz months. Cmajtawoooa —The City Physician report# Ibedrttbe In Chattanooga for the year ending August 1873, at 454—including 183 whites and 371 oolored —and aJx*ydeaths from cholera. Tit* Chairman of the Democratic State Com nittee of Oregon, one Chapman, has resigned, gad renounces all farther allegiance to Jbe Democratic party, and declarei that benoeforth ha la a Repnblioan. The terms of the sale have not he eh made public. Tn* lliohmoml Faqairer makes a pleasant apology (or wrongly spelling tha name, of a camber of young ladles who attended a ‘‘hop at White Botpbar, and adde: "It don't matter moeb, however, M they all contemplate chang ing them aa aoon aa possible." A it tv In Maine writes that be baa discovered e rare enre for consumption in strong mnllein ■ leaf tea, sweetened and drank freely every day from three to six months. The mnllein leaves, Salem from yonng plants, must bo gathered More July 25, and dried In the abide. Ban —We note from the skies which canopy this part of the earth, that the dry season bss been postponed Indefinitely. A heavy rain fell all Monday night, and after a oool, olondy day, another ooplons shower la falling this Tuesday aftamoon. It has been the moat remarkable rammer for rain wo have ever witnessed in this latitnds. Bat we are bound to have dry weather some time or other. Delicious Buud —Mr. Mark Isiaos laid upon oor table yesterday, specimens of bread whioh far lightness, sweetness, and excellence, cannot possibly be surpassed. The loaves wero alpo as white ss the driven enow, and had a rich and nitty fltvor peculiarly agreeable. He bakes bretd of all sizes and shapes, and m*k, tea c.ko*, eta, for families. What greater simfort than good wholesome bread ? End or all Tanro*—Somebody sends aa o eopy of the Oarego (New York) Oazrite, con taining a fiaree onslaught npon the Great West ern and Atlantic O.nal, in which the writer ebargrs that it Is a second Credit Mobiller, and that bonds with pledges of honor written Across their (aoe have already boen pleood among numbers of Congiess, to be anbstltntod by Government bonds when the scheme has boen reeoessfolly bribed through Congress. After this heavy demonstration we are not surprised to see that the Gazette advertises the preaohing of the “World's Funeral Sermon” on tbo follow ing Snnday, by Kev. Pastor O. Woodjaid. We were thinking things were abont ready to “gin soil" In Owego. Verso Italians are selling in this city oheap. Fifty dollars for five yesrs' service is enough to tempt purchasers everywhere. It Isn't slavery, becanse tbetr lips ain’t thick enough, nor the color of their skin dark enough, nor has their hair tbo epproprtato kink. What we abol ished daring the war was African slavery. Ev erybody knows that tha other forms of servitude oonttnne to prevail, and will, perhaps, to tho end of time.—JV. Y. Con. Ade. {Rad.) That’s just what wo have always thought and said down this way. It was tho oolor that made the thing so mocstrona. If tho little Italian boys and girls con’d tnm negroes and vote, the whole Radios! party wonld rush to free them. Bat being whites and foreigners, the moral ideas crowd don't oare a continental for them. Whisht ixi>PaiLOLOor.—The Springfield lie- pnblioan says it Is a notable fact that the Ken tuckians always capitalize Bottrbon when they apeak or tho whisky of that ilk. Tbo Iiepnbll- oan evidently thinks this prsetloe grows ont of the Kentnoky devotion to whisky. They lov^ H to mnoh that they oannot permit It to be spelled with a ant all b. In this state of the oase It will be a piece of solid intelligence to inform the Bepnblioan that Bourbon whisky Is spelt In that way for the same reason wbloh Impels that peper tones a capital S when he prints Spring- field liepnblican. It Is not a practice dictated by eentiment or affection or carnal appetite. Tn How. a. Qovx says that If this inres out a good ootton crop year, it will be the first time la forty-one ootton crops that a wet year ever male a good crop. If the oaterpillar falls to take this orop he will neglect his badness and prove an axoeptlon to tha whole insect family. Every kind of insect has ran riot this year. Hardly a peach or an apple—a pear or a plnm has been free of worms, and the worms have eves taken the aoorns on the forest oaks, so that most of the mast has fallen In an Immature con dition. The oorn crap is extraordinary—heav • lar, he thinkr, than has ever been prodnoed in Georgia—certainly far heavier than any orop ainae the war. Bat whatever cottoa is gathered has yet to be produced. Favorable condition!" hereafter may bring a fair orop; bat, if «o, it will be the first one ever grown In a wet year. That mnoh we gathered in a conversation with the late M. C. for the late 4 th district of Geor gia. Twigg*- he says, is like old Egypt in Us fat years of Pharoah—fnil of oorn. Some Exvclts ir the Gsix.tas —A caries- pandent of a Northern newtpapsr who has been oat among the farmers of lows, in whioh State there are 1750grange*, with m total membership of 187,500, one-fon-th of wh >m are women and yonng men, aaya that one of the greatest direct benefits of the ord.-a tha gra iter and grow ing eooiah.litv of me ntecuOers. Iowa farmers were jn«t the aims isolated. nnpalished, nnso etal beings thst yon Aid in any of the other States. The grange* has dragged them forth from their seclusion and rubbed them together, jnst what they wanted to shake them out of the rate, and now they are beginning to understand each other better and to take broader and more intelligent views of men and things. Their co operative eyetem of baying farming implements and other necessities has ale a been highly ben- efisial ft nan ai ally. The wholesale dealers of the Large cities et first snubbed the State agents, to whom extensive transaction* are entrusted, re fusing to sell to them became it wonld “hurt their country custom." Bat the sealea fell from their eyes and now they solicit orders and offer special inducements to grange agents. As a re call they get sewing machines that are prioed at *50 for $30, and others that the makers ask 895 for the grange price is 857. A correspond ing rad notion is made in all sorts of. machinery Donas, one ef the Iowa salary-grabbers, has foand soother haven for hie'n. He is fast plao- ing where it will do the most good. Not long sines he pat e thousand of it into s grand piano. Now be has pat another thousand into a fins set of furniture, lately ordered tn Dnbuqoa. Where be will “pUoe” his other three «*»--■—-< dollsrs we wot not.— Dubuque Reraid. The “ f ichborne Claimant.*’ This la the last name that has been fitted to Beast Batter in oonnection with his raid npon the gubernatorial chair of Maaaaohnaette by his Bsdloal opponents In that State, and ex.Attor ney General Hoar has tha honor of being author. Butler's en.m'es think it very nett and ap propriate. It may be all that, hot certainly does cot lie in Mr. Hoar’s month or the menth cl soy other AtaaaachnaeUs Badieal to apply It to Batler. Of all the men in that party he beet represents its principles, character and policy. If he la an imposter the Hadioal party baa given him the power and proofs neoeeaary to go Into canrt and make a contest. He has the support of the Adminiatrailna and all its hirelings in Massachusetts, and Mr. Hoar may find himtelf turned out of coart when he attempts to show np the pretended Sir Hager. It seems to that this Sir Hager h-a a stronger case than the real heir to the name and estate of Badicalism In Massachusetts—if indeed there be one, Mr. IIoar and bis friends claim. Ha bears all the marks of identity, whether personal, mental or moral, and if be has changed so ranch that his early friends do not recognizs him, that easily aoconnled for by the life he haa led, and the oumpany he has kept sines his disappear ance in 18GO. He may not be Ibe reel Sir Hager, bat be certainly makes n marvellously correct personation of Mm, and Mr. Hoar may have yet to acknowledge hla identity. We hope so. anyway. Oae of the sweetest reverges the South oonld have, won’d be to se Bailer Governor of Massachusetts, and Mr. Hoer gal, the cream of Massachusetts respec tability, compelled to do him honor. In the olden time, that State prided itself, and with cause, npon the spotless character and pare breed of its dignitaries. It will indeed be goodly a'gbt io witness the triumph of such leper ea Batler, whoso whole career has been shack and a soacdtl to all the proprieties and tra ditlona of Massachusetts respectability. They were glad to ntilize his villainy In their scheme for tlje destruction of tbo Sonth, hnt now that be sake bis reward they are horrified. Wo en joy their disgust. The chickens am ooming home to roost with a vengeanoo. Let ’em roost long and heavy. Hut Week’* Cotton Figures, Etc. The New Fork Commercial and Financial Chronicle of last Saturday reports receipts of tbo week np to Friday night, 1st instant, at 12,255 bales, against 12.G18 balsa lest week, 13.883 bales the previous week, and 15,181 bales three weeks since, making the total receipts alnoe the first of September, 1872, 3,575.348 bales against 2,708.090 bales for the name period of 1871-72, showing an increase sinoe Septem ber 1, 1872, of 807,258 bales. Tho interior port roeeipts were 3,372 bale", against 475 last year—the shipments were 4,428 against 1,534, and the storks footed np 1,388 bales against 8,297 lost year. The Chroniole's table of visible supply shows 2 328,595 bales against 2,498,297 last year, and 185,100 the year before. This indicates a de crease in the ootton supply as reported last year am muting to 109,702 bales, and an increase on that of tho year before of 143,489 baleB. The Chronicle reports good growing weather throughout the week ending the 1st instant— frequent showers and high temperature. It had rained In New Orleans every day—it had been showery in Mobile—one day's rain at Selmi, in Montgomery it bad rained more than ha'f the days, showery three days in Colnmbns and Ha- con—five showers at Savannah—Charleston warm and dry—Nashville more wet than dry days, and In Memphis rain every day bnt two. Caterpillars were reported in every Gnlf State, they had done very HtU* injury nn far. The nse cf the oaterpillar daatrover—° onmr°''uA of Faria green and flour—had been attended with general snceess. The meronry averaged at Memphis 79, Savannah 82, Mobile 82, Selma Si, Maeon 81, Montgomery 8G, Colnmbns 83. The New York market during the week bad been more active at a decline of jb far all grades above ordinary. Grasshopper* In tho West. The State of Nebraska has jnst boen eaten ont of every green thing by the grasshoppers in the spans of two or three days, and on tha back of this performance wo read of a- hall storm In the neighborhood of Omaha, wherein the hail fell to the depth of two feet. The great clouds of grasshoppers which at not nnfreqnent intervals sweep over those far Western States, carrying niter devastation In their rapid progress, mast be altogether inoon- oeivakle to one who has not seen them. They obscure the snn and darken the horizon. All verdnre vanishes before them as Instantaneous ly as if touched by the wand of a malicious en chanter. They come and go like the blast of a hurricane, and the laws regulating their advent and fi'ght are alike unknown. Where the; oome from, and how and where they vanish, are both a mystery. Bnt it is a dreadful mis fortune, we should suppose, to cultivate orops In a eonn'ry where every leaf and stalk may dis appear any honr in the day. Dnngerona Counterfeit Gold Coin In Circulation. A Western press dispatch from Now York says counterfeit five dollar gold pieces are in circulation In that oity and Boston, so closely imitating the genuine as almost to defy detec tion. In weight and color, the counterfeit cor responds with the legal coin and is made of 813 thousandths gold alloyed with oopper; in trinsic valne 471 hundredths. The ontllnea of letters and eagle on the counterfeit aro not as sharp, square and angular as on the gennine. The Chief of the saoret ssrviee offers a reward of $50,000 for information leading to tho oap- tnre of the dies from which the spurious article was mode, and the arrest and oonviction of the parties guilty of making and petting it into cir culation. Counterfeit $20 gold pieoea are in clrcnlation, and efforts are making to trace them to suspected persona. A Ctannce to Secure Immigrants. Joseph Arch, the great leader of the English Agricultural laborers’ Union, avows his pur pose to come to Amerios this month, to see for himaalf whether tha country doe* not open a way of escape to tho English farm laborers, from penury and degradation. Arch wields s controlling personal influence over this large population, and his advice in the premises will be followed almost implicitly by them. What should hinder the Georgia landholders from ap pro icliicg him with a liberal proposition to fur nish lands to his inm'grenta and inch informa tion npon the resonrers of the State as would satisfy him that aa industrious farm laborer here can not oh\j cam a bountiful subsistence, bnt seoara a competency In a reaeonatle time? Sontttern Nccnrltlc*. Ujder this head the Herald of Saturday has the following cloudy paragraph In its money ar ticle: These were likewise doll, tha only transac tion at the Beard being Georgia sevens, which , old at 90. It is among the- probabilities of the future that a species of syndicate will be organ ized in New York, having its agencies radiating to every Slate in the Union, and every State m correspondence therewith, to the end not only that definite and oorrect information may be obtained, bat that pride, honor and possibilities may be atimnlated into action for the purpose cf securing the highest value to local securities now among the dost. • What does the wotd “possibilities'' mean in this conneetion ? That rather pozslea as. Can It mean balling tho “down among the dust,” aeonrities by baying np legislators ? That is oertainly one method of “atimalatir g" thst haa been extensively used. Beioham Orrxas to ConraottiiZ.—Salt Lake City. August 1—It is reported on good author- i y that t are# elders of the Mormon Church have v.sited A nn Etna Young to-day and attempted to effect a compromise between her and the Mermen prophet. They offered, her e boose and tot tn which she lived and $15,000. The hours and lot is veined at $20,000. Mrs. Young has not accepted the offer. Brigham Yonng went Sooth this morning. Joseph Yonng, hi* son, d*id*s tbs story. Caatlen to Flusters. One of tha largest sod meet intelligent plan ters in Doogberty ooonty, s resident cf, told the writer yeateidiy, that the too free nse of Paris Green was acting very Injuriously upon the ootton crop* in that regloo, cansing the leaves and yonng fruit to blast and wither. Ia the cases mentioned, it had been mixed with wheat floor and effectually destroyed tbs caterpillars, bnt aa stated, damaged the weed badly also. This may have resulted from nsing the poison in exeemire quantities, or want of thoroegh mixing. Oar informant farther says that the worm so far haa been very partial In its ravages, even in tha districts where they are reported to be most numerous. Plantations within several miles only of those visited by the insect, have so far, escaped en tirely. Tiers ia some reason to hope that this will oontinne to be ao daring the remainder of tha season. The writer has frequently seen the rack oot ton along the msrgics of awamps devoured, while other portions of the same field were spared, even is bad caterpillar years. That the Paris Green will deatroy the Insect la sufficiently proven; bnt the operation may eqnire to !>e repeated again the same season. The great desideratum it to learn how to com bine it with other substances, so aa to preserve ffiraoy, without harming the foliage of tho plant. This knowledge, constant experiment doubtless will soon supply. Until then, plant ers shonld nse the poison very cantionaly, or pro vide themselves with the preparations whioh are sold under a guaranty by chem'ata. The royalty e’aimed for the nse of Paris Green Is disputed by many of the most intelli gent farmers. Doubtless this question will be dell oitely settled by the eonrts. THE GEORGIA PRESS. A Free ions Souvenir. Oae of oar best citizens, a gnde mon hailing free bonnle sold Sootland,” has presented ns with a paper cotter made from wood grown at Abbottaford, the home of S’r Waiter Scott. Perhaps the noble 8ir Walter In Lis yonth haa disported amid the bonghs of this iden tioal tree, or paused when following the honnds beneath its gratefnl shelter. Whether this be so or not, however, it la impossible to lock npon each a relic without catching inspira tion from the scenes wbloh filled with exstaoy divine, the poet's heart, and gave birth to those charming productions whioh will survive the rise and fall of an hundred expires. There is an indivtdna'.Uy in the personal sketches and every dty life of this wonderful man which possess:* an indescribablo oharm. His lameness, genial temperament, abound ing wit, and large hearted benevolence, elioit a constant firw of sympatby which never deserts the reader, aa he ia borne along with the anther through the magioal delineations of the Lady of the Lake, or imbibes the true spirit of chivalry in Ivanhoe, Old Mortalily, and the Legend of Montreal. Aptly ia he styled the Wizard of the North, for seldom has been given mortal man tho weird power wbloh he wielded, and still wields, through his immortal works, npon the hearts of mankind. We shall prize most highly the tangible me morial alluded to, cf tbo home and career of this, one of the greatest of ancient or modern writers. One Swallow Dora not Hake a Som mer, Nor does a mognifioent stalk of a new and prolifio species of ootton, grown in a rioh gar. den—a crop. The troth of this apothegm was forcibly impressed npon ns when viewing s sample of the weed six feet high and orowded with bolls, whioh aotnally hnng in olnaters likfi grapes. This was reared by Mr. W. O. Sarin ton in nm epung garden, witn every appliance that manure and irrigation oonld afford. So loaded had it become with frnit, that the plant broke down of its own weight. While this splendid speolmen was undergoing examination, two Jones oonnty planters walked into the office, and exolaimed, per contra, that they had seen hundreds of sores of the staple that very morning which oonld not possibly yield a bale to ten acres. So mnoh for exceptional ootton on both sides. We suppose the juste milieu lot the whole crop would bo abont a bale to Jive acres. And even at that, we ehonld house a heavy orop. Tbe Vice .President Interviewed. The Boston Journal has aotnally had the en terprise to send m reporter way ont to Natiok on purpose to see the Vice President and bring back word of bla bcdily estate. Mr. Wilson was ont riding when tbe reporter arrived, bat presently returned, got down from the oarriage wilhont help, went straight to his bed room, and, while resting, underwent his interview. He was at work on his “Slave Power In Ameri- be aaid, when the stroke came. The mus cles affected were those in tbe right side of the face. He at once took medical advioe, was for bidden to read or write, and subjected to a treatment that has wrought a slow bnt unmis takable improvement. He sleeps well, enjoys meals and is assured by his doctor that he rcoovermg. His voioe isn’t qnite natural yet, bnt the mnscles of the forehead and ohsek are peroeptibly resuming their normil notion. Yesterday be had decided to disoontinne tbe medicine and tbe ice-packs hitherto applied to his back, with tbe view of testing the reality and peimanenoe of the apparent gains. He does not contemplate any surgical operation, dangerous or otherwise; bnt he does feel confident that the beginning of the session will find him in his place in the Senate, restored to health and ready for business. "His neigh bors,” the reporter adds, “da not speak so hopefully."—Springjield Republican, Was this stroke meant as s warning to Wilson oease his labors npon s work that oan only serve to k9ep alive and intensify passions and hates that shonld be allowed to die ? If Mr. Davis ehonld be thna visited while engaged on defense of his administration and of the ac tion of the Sonth in seeking separation from tbe North, we are very sore the .word “providen tial" wonld be in great request by Northern preachers and writers. About test Bolt.—Under this head the Springfield (Maes.) Hepnblican, says it may be set down ss a fixed faot thst there will be a bolt among the Hadioals of thst State If Batler gets the nomination for Governor, and adds: We wish we were half aa sure of the General's bolting, in'esse tha boot turn* ont to be npon the other leg; in case the agitated respectabil ities make shift to head him off in the State oonvention. There are a good many Hepnbll- can voters scattered aronnd over the hilts and valleys ot the old commonwealth, who are not supporting that style of “regular nomination,’’ at present as much as they were. They have made np their minds that they won’t vote for Bsr jimin F. Batler, this year, “no how yon oaa fix it;” and they iton'L Thb Gab cr Jcoouwaut a Mtth.—Another cherished belief gone! We are now told, at a day which Is certainly ridicclocs'y late, that the car of Jcggernant, so far as the crashing ot volnntary victims is concerned, is a hum bog. Dr. Pringle writes to the London Times thst the deaths icflioted by the oar are entirely doe to accident, though the native priests have no sort of otjretion to such accidents, being ex ceedingly glad when they oocur. It takes a crowd of 1,300 or 1,500 devotees to drag tbe moostroos car, with its sixteen hoge spiked wheels, and oonfnsed and entangled in the four or five long ropes which they hold, many of these poor wretobee naturally fall and are crushed ont of life under Iboee great wheels. Since an English commissioner ordered nets te be fixed to the car for the proteotion of the peo ple the deaths have beoome fewer. For the sake of humanity, we ere glad to know that these bar barrel performaneea have not been volnntary.. Bnt whet, we lak, is to become of all the primers and primary geographies to which Jcggernant has so long been a precious boon of picturesque awf nlneee ?—Anew York Tribune. , . Hoard Gixzut s Lawsuit.—It is not gener ally known that Horace Greeley owned reel ea. tate in Bockingham oonnty, Vs., and thst aom time before hi* death be vta one of the parties defendant in the Circuit Court of that ooonty ia the chenoery snit ol Denmesd et at vs. Bay ard et sis. At the May term of the Oowit hia daughters, Ida L. and Gabrieli* M. Greeley, the letter represented by J. B. Gilliam as guard- tan ad him, applied through eoonsel to b* ad mitted as parties defendant in plane at their ■»-—1|—a father. In addition to the Booking- ham property, Mr. Greeley owned a Urge tract of land In the Dismal Swamp region of Virgin ia. Tex Atlanta Constitution failed to reach ns yesterday. Was its balloon snagged, or was tha gas exhausted on the way? Hardly the latter, we ritonid thiik. Ool. W. T. Teokpsob, of the 8.varnish News, haa gone North to recuperate. That last two colonm osnal article seems to have com pletely exhausted him, as it did his readers. Tex Savannah wharves presented a ban tp- peeranoe on Monday, than not being a single steamship, and only eight sailing vessels in port. The 8an Jacinto, which sailed for New York thst day, carried ninety-two passengers —the largest number carried by any steamer tU* season. __ _ Tex United Stats* District Court which was to have convened at Savannah on tha 14th in stant, has been adjourned to tha first Monday tn November. Mb. Joseph Bzttaoe, of Savannah, has been adjndged s lunatic and sent to the asylum at Mitledgeville. A Nzw Tbadz —The Savannah Advertiser and Hepnblicau, of Snndiy, says: An svent has jnst occurred in the trade of Savannsh which bid* fair to bring abont some impart Mil results. We refer to the faot thst recently some three hundred and twenty thou sand feet of yellow pine lumber were shipped by nut frcm here to Cincinnati at a less oost than U coaid have been fchipped by water to any northern poita. Anrlher order has been re ceived in the oity tor a bill of three hundred thousand feet to be need in rebuilding the Gib son Honae, whioh was bnrned sometime ago. The cause of this is said to be, and very res- aonably, that while Urge quantities of freight have been brought to the r»nlh from different portions of the Wes’, there have been no return shipments, and the trams have returned almost empty. Tex steamship Darien will sail from Liver pool for Savannah between the I5:h and 30th of September. She has 500 tons of freight al ready engaged, and tffets an excellent oppor tunity for impotters in this snd other States td have their good shipped direct. The wall known drag store at the oorner of Bnll and Linooln streets, Savannah, recently oocnpied by W. W. L'nc'oln, was Bold on Mon day to satisfy several exeontione, amounting in gross to between fire and six thonsand dollars. The stock was inventoried a: $10,000. bnt only brought $4,250, Mr. Osceola Batler becoming the parohaser. Tax Stati-tics of Chatham Cluott —We qnote the following from the Savannah Adver tiser, of Sunday: Foils of whites, 4.919; polls of blocks, 5.488. total acres or land, 144,322; aggregate valne of land, $1 020 450; aggregate valne of ciiy property, $14 384,£93; nnmber of na lonal bank Bhares, 7.194; value of national bank stock shares, $083,430; money and solvent debts of all kinds, $4,504,631 ; merchandise, $2,180,490; shipping and tonnage,' $152,700; stocks and bonds, $l,983,Gtl; ootton manufac tories, $128,310; iron works, $59 GOO; miniLg interests, $2,000; fnruitnre, $216 230; aggre gate valne of whole property, $26,154 352 The Athens correspondent of tbe Atlanta Herald beats tbe world on felicitons compart sons. He says the speech of Mr. Scott, the or ator of the Demoetbenian Society, “was like the wild laxnrianoa of an eastern vine.” At last aooonnts, Mr. Scott was hnntlng that cor respondent with a stoat olab, and a pound or so of nitro-glycerina. Chaeles O. frrzEE, aged eighteen, son of Hon. A. M. Speer, of Gnffio, died last Friday. The Brunswick Appeal says: Thursday afternoon onr commnnity was oon- vnlsed with excitement by tbe announcement that Oiarenoe Fort, Joe Handy and Jerry Miller had escaped from j tiL The wife of the last named secreted a fi>e and carried it to hur boa- band by means of whioh the prisoners severed their manacles. They then oalled for water and the door beirg opened, they rnshed by tbe jailor while he was opening another door hard by, for clean the room. A hne and cry wMimmediaiely raised, and oor citizens, of alt ages and classes, joined tha pursuit en masse, some on foot and some mounted. The chase was very exciting bnt short, Clarence Fort and Joe Handy being canght in the bashes in the soathern portion of tbe city. Jerry Miller took to tbe marsh and esosped. The woman who osrried the file to the prisoners and the party who purchased it are sa*ely lodged in j ail. ’Sheriff Limb, do- arted Friday morning, wilh Clarence Fort and oe Handy, for the purpose of delivering ihem to the keeper of the PenitentUry. Hooi-b" is tbe way the Atlanta Herald spellait. There Is nothing like “enterprise"— in orthography, especially. A live alligator ia crnlsing in the Atlanta sewers and making things lively for stray chick ens and ebocy jnveniles. Atlanta policemen very the monotony of offi cial life by getting “slewed” on the street and being esoorted to bed at the nearest hotel. The voioe ot Umeo.tatioa is heard among the 'peach and honey” grangers of Upson oonnty. Tbe pet oh crop of tbe oonnty is rapidly rotting, and the prospect of foil jags is “mortal dim.” Gov. hurra spent last week in Thomsston, and while there addressed tbe sovereigns on ag riculture and the mineral resources of Georgia. Thi Thomsston Herald has these items: Dbowxxd —On Saturday afternoon last, two little boys of Mr. William F. Smith were in bathing below tbe dam at Heaps ss’ mill, when little Onatley not or innately got into a place too deep to wade and drowned. He was an obedi ent and goo i boy, beloved by his sssooiates and friends. He waaabont ten years old. Cheat Counsel —While standing at the hotel on Tuesday last, a negiees acooated the hostess with a singla chicken for sale. Upon inquiring the prioe she replied that she must have tteeniy oents for it, as she had employed the services of a oerlsin lawyer to represent her in a case before tbe conrt, and moat have the money to pay him. BY TELEGRAPH LINCOLN ON I'lKPXT-BAOQEBS* What He Thonxht of Rend I ns: them ta Craircas from the South. From the Chicago Times.] Mr. Lincoln’s views of what was right in LoiuisUna were somewhat different from the views now held at Washington. The following letter, written by him in 1861, expressed his opinions : Executive Maxsxex, Washington,'* , 4 _ _ November 21,1804. J Dean Sib : Dr. Kennedy, bearer of this, has some apprehension that Federal tffiuers, not citizen!, or Louisians, may be set np as candid dries for Congreaa in that State. In my view there oonld be co possible otjsct in anohan election. We do not partlonUrly need mem bers ot Congress from there to enable ns io get along with legislation here. What we do want U the conolnsive esideooe that respeotable citi zens of Louisiana are willing to be members of Congress and to swear to support the Constitn- tion, and that other reseeotable citizens are will ing to vote for them and send them. To send a parcel of Northern men here aa reptecenta- tivea, elected, as wonld be understood (and per haps really ao), at tbs bayonet, wonld be dis- graoefnl and dangerous; and ware I a member of Congress here, I would vote against admit ting any aneh man to a feat. Yours, very truly, - Asbiviv T.An -ln. Hon. G. F. Shepley. One cr Napoleon's Hubs —A strange lady, with elegant attire and dashing deportment, bis taken possession of the old Bonaparte plaoe, near Bordentown, New Jersey, claiming that she Is the grand daughter of the great Napoleon. She is a plausible talker, and gives orders and lays ont her plans, in the meantime taking pos session of the property. The retainers about tbe plaoe were pot to their wits’ ends. Some of them thought it most be true,and were no lit tie delighted in having a veritable Bonaparte again to light op the old mansion with imperial grandeur. The agent of tha property is not at boms, and what to do with this new and dashing lady became a question. There she was, and there, np to oor latest advioes, she remains. Haxttoxd haa a yonng gentleman operator, who, alter repeated calk foe a yonng lady oper ator in another office, at last got a response, and then “click, olick, click" (fortissimo), be telegmphed back to her vehemently: “I bare been trying to get yon for the last half an boor!” In a moment tbe following spicy reply came trippinng beck to him over tbe wires from the telegraphic maiden: “That’s nothing. Hmss ia a yonng man here been trying to do tbe mma thing for the last two years, and he hasn’t got me yet.” Duuno the late war an old lady went into n store and naked for noma oandiae, for whioh she bad to pay a higher prioe Ui«» nan at Upon re monstrating she wee told it wee owing to tbe war. \Im*’ I" ejaculated the poor old woman, holding np bar hands, “Wall, I never kaow«d afore that they fit by oaadle light! Well, to be DAT DISPATCHES. Mew Tork Items. New Yobx, August 5.—Sixteen prisoner* stilt in the Toombs oharged with homicide, i Numerous families bare been resoaoed penary by the recent Long Island fires. One family w.s forced to go to tbe poor-house. The police are after the oonccctors of a dr ooler signed Wight, Hobinson A Co., claiming to have exolnsive knowledge what horses will win in the forthcoming foreign races, and offer ing to send it from their office, 509 Broadway, ooreoeiptof $10. No snoh firm was found there. Marine Accident. The Ecgliah steamer Estby, drawing 2t feet of water, struck a sunken rook at tbe foot Nineteenth attest. East river, yesterday, and stove e hole in her how. She was brought into dock with great difficulty. This rock was un known to mariners. Important Baltic in Cuba. Mai! advices from Cuba s a’e that a very se vere engagement had taken place at Barranaas, nine leagues from Mac'zAnillo. The Spsni-h loss wsa severe. Thirty seven wonnded were taken to Manzanillo, and twenty more severely wonnded were left at Veguilia. The SpauLh ware very retioent abont tbe fight. Three oaass of sunstroke occurred yesterdsv in New York. ” ' lb® 17t*» Mrs. Yoneta Salt Lakh, Angast 5 —-Ann EKza Yonng’_ father and lawyer# oppose all compromise be tween her end the Prophet. It ia asserted that Ann EMza's first husband is nlivo and she wav never divoroed. A Printer and §300 Hissing Baltimore, Angn^t 5—A. D. Barry^jCprin ter, six yesrs in the G .zette office, went to bathe on Friday, ss his custom wns. The family four thst Berry was drowned. lie had with him $300 belonging to the Gezette Mntnal Benefit Society, composed of printeis in the G-zette office, whereof he was treasurer. English *y®wi. London, Ang oat 5 —TheBishoDof Efysncceeds D. Wilberforoe as Bishop of Winchester. In a railroad accident between Ashoton and Manchester eighteen were hurt, bnt none killed. Madrid. Angnat 5.^—\ large popular demon stration has taken place in Seville for the Gov ernment. ll/J ^j: : I Grasshoppers and Halt !u Kebraska. Omaha Aagn«t 5 —The grasshoppers lighted at noon on Saturday in the western nart of the State O irn and oats are gone. Wheat had been harvested. A fearful hailstorm fell yesterday. The stones were (wo feet d-ep in some localities, ('holers in Ohio. Columbia, Ohio, An cost 5 —Several new cholera oases are reported here. NIGHT DINPAl'CHK*. Cabinet Session. Washington, Angnst 5.—The cabinot fession to-day was not important beyond the transac tion of rontine business. Mnoh of the session, which oontinaf d abont two hoars, was employed in general social coo vers ition, nothing of ex traordinary consequence being under oonsider- ■ • 7?” ■ Capital Notes. Gen. Sherman has returned. Leroy 8 Brown has been Appointed marshal of the Soathern District of Mississippi. The President held a cabinet session to day. Present, Fisk, Delano, Belknap, and Williams. The President departs to morrow. Joo. B. Stickney has been appointed United Htaten Attorney for the Northern District of Florida. Synopsis Weather Matemenu Wab Dxp’t, Omens Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Angnst 5. Probabilities: For tbe Northwest and npper lakes, and thence to Soathern Indiana and Mis souri, falling barometer, warmer and olondy weather, with severe local storms near the lakes; for the lower lakes and thence to the Ohio Valley, generally clear and cool weather, northeasterly wind*, followed to morrow eve ning by olondy weather, rain and freRh sonlh- esrerly wind3 on the lakes; for New England and the Middle States, higher temperature, gen- ?5? lI I.S&ftr»«eathLr States, northeast ana southeast wind*, low< temperature, and partly olondy weather, with rains on and near the coasts. Important Election In the Cherokee Ra tion. 8t. Louii, Jnly 5 —An election was held yes terday in tbe Cherokee nation for members ’cf the national council, and delegates to the grand counoil at Oomnlgee, whioh meets on the first Monday in Deoember next. The interest of the election rests mainly npon issues whioh have sprung up in tbe nation during the past few years, relative to tbe establishment of a territo rial government for the Indian Territory and the allotment of inseverability. The progressive party believe they have car ried tho eiectiou, bnt owing to the remoteness of some of the voting precincts and the absence of telegraphic communication the result cannot be ascertained for some days. The new coun cil of the Cherokees will vote to ratify or reject the oonstitntion which was framed by the Grand Council at Ocmulgee in 1870, and npon this issne the campaign was conducted. Revenue Officer TrleU and Acquitted. Portland, Me., August 5.—Barabas M. Rob erts, tbe collector at Belfast, was tried to-day before William H. Clifford, United States Oom- missioner, on the charge of violating the law prohibiting officers of the revenue from engaging in trade. He was acquitted on the grounds, first, that a civil and not a criminal action shonld be bronght to recover the penalty; and second, that the evidence did not establish anything against him. Yellow Jack. Nxw Yobk, August 5 —The Saptain and part owner of the schooner Nellie I. Dinsmore, died at quarantine of yellow fever. Tho oaptain's wife died of the same disease on the voyage from Havana. Over 10,000 emigrants arrived here yester day. Colored Lynchers Arrested. Memphis, Angnst 5—Twenty negroes were arrested on the oharge of lynching W. H. Wyatt in Madison oonnty. All were released on $500 bail bnt three. The charge against Wyatt was disproved by alleged victims. Bathers Drowned. Two «ons of David Kendall, of Henrv county, aged 18 and 22, were drowned in West lake while bathing. A third brother, in attempting to save the others, narrowly escaped. Khoe Factory Burned. Nantucket, Maes , Angnst 5.—A boot and shoe factory, belonging to Mitchell & Hayden, was burned to day. Nearly $20 000 worth of machinery was destroyed, with 40,000 pair* of manufactured shoes, 150 sides of sole leather, and 150 bundles of upper leather. J * Attempted Bnletde. Boston, August 5 —A special deppatch says the rumor was current Sunday and to day that Sir John A McDonald had attempted suicide. Government organs deny the story. It is cer tain, however, that the Premier has been in a bad state. More Large Fire*. Brooklyn, August 5.—Tamer's Hall was burned to day, loss $150,000. Worcester, Ma~s , August 5 —The Town Hall was burned to-day. Lms $150,000. ■nelnjy at Saratefo. Saratoga, August 5.-~Bittle-axe won the mile raoe for two ye»r olds. Eight started. Time—1:45}. 8tr*chino won the two mile raoe. Time—3.3CJ. A Fratracide Captured. Cairo, III., August 5 —Breezo, the alleged fratricide, was oaptured after receiving a shot in the shoulder from the sheriff's po»e. Bmvnt Commander to be Removed. Berlin, Augusts.—Captain Werner, who re cently seized tbe Spanish gunbo&t Vigilante, ill be removed from the command of the Ger • min squadron in the Mediterranean. A Ely Olt Fire. New Yobx, August 5 —Five tank boats filled with oil moored to the dock of Rockefeller's oil works. Hunter’s Pjint, L I , trploded this evening and set fire to the barrels and tanks of oil in the yard. Tbe fire spread a'most instan- taneonsly and enveloped some three t quires, occupied by tbe oil works of various parties. There was a very light wind, and the vo!nme of smoke ascended to an immense height, of a density such as never before wa* seen here, oovering Brooklyn completely from the sunlight and extending for miles over the bay and ont to sja The firemen, who were promptly on hand, were unable to approach the yards or docks, owing to the heat and scffocating smoke. Pratt's oil work*, the L->ng Island City oil woik*, Lowenstein's varnish work*, and other oil works, were consumed, and also several buildings in the vicinity. Captain Meyers, of one of ihe tank boats, is reported killed by the explosion, and a large nnmber of boatmen jumped into the water and <shaped roasting alive. The fire burned from 3 o'clock all the afternoon, and is still burning to night. Various rumors of a large loss of life are current. SarnlA^a Races. Saratoga, Angnst 5 —Daffy won tbe steeple ohase. Bund Tom was second. The others were well np. Time, 5:48$. A Kins in tlto Dark. A young Naw York gentleman stopping at one of the lower hote T a requeued the proprie tor to change his room, as the next apartment to^his was oocnpied by that torment to bache lor#,, a crying baby. When he arrived from yjork he went off to take a drive, and on !s return to the hotel he was shown to his new apartm-jnt, with the information that the bag- gage of the former occnpaot had cot yet been removed, but that it would be taken away da ring the coarse of the’evening. It was growing dark, so our hero sat down by the window to in- dalge in a little twilight meditation, and possi bly a cigar. .Scddenly the door opened, the fiou froa of a woman's dress was heard, and soft voioe exclaimed: “Why, J^ck. dpar, when did you come down ? I am so glad!" and si multaneously with the exclamation he found himself ‘Tenderly damped In a loving embrace. With a pair of long l&sh 8 Just sweeping hla face “So am I,” was his very natural and invol untary re j rinder; wherenpon there was a shriek, a rash, and a slamming of doors, and my friend was left alone to meditate at leisure npon the charm# of tho twilight hour#.—Long Branch Cor, Philadelphia Ledger. SIMMQN^ A Rockville minister recently announced the meeting of some sort of feminine mis sionary society in this way : “The matrimonial society will me6t at the house of the pastor on Tanraday night’ 1 Th3 audience smiled, and the minister repeated it; bnt whether it was „ slip of the tongne, or whether he “did it a* pur pose," no man knoweth. Violating the Civil Rights . Bill —Little Rock, Ark., Avgust L—Oapt. L. R Brown, a conductor on the Cairo and Falton railroad, was arrested to-night, charged with violating the Cavil R ; ghts bill in refusing to admit some colored people to a oar on his train. He will be tried to-morrow before a magistrate. Five or six miles from the town of Staunton, Va., on the Harrisonburg pike, there is a willow tree from the body, of whioh, at the distanoe of four or five feet from the ground, gushes a stream of sparkling water, at the rate of twenty- five or thirty gallons perhaps per minute. It is quite a cariosity in its way. A sorr-headed fellow wrot9 his name wilh a diamond on a Saratoga window. A miss wrote under: When I see a looney’® name Written upon agiaea, I know he owns a diamond And hla father ouna an ass. B F GEiVELLSY'g have received a few boxes of this celebrated Tobacco. CROP OP 1S73. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, ang3tf Praegist’ SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is h&rmlee#, Is no dr&etic, violent medicine, Ia sure tocn r o if t&U^n regularly, I* no Intoxicating bevernge. Is a fanlt)e$8 family medicine. Is the cheapest medicine in the world, Ia given with safety ard the happiest results to tho moetdelioite infant. Doea not interfere with bnaineea. Does not disarrange th* eyetem. Takes the place of Q linine and dittora of every kind. Contains tho aimpleat and beat remedic?. Simms’ liver Bepiator, He Great Family Medicine, Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN Sc CO., MLCON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price $1 00 por package; also, prepared ready for use in bottlOB, $100. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Bowaro of all Counterfeits and Imitations. PERSONAL. It may he observed that no attempt is made to hunt up out-of-the-way. or unknown places, to find names to indorse SIMMONd* LIV^R REGULA TOR. Hon. Alexander H$ 8tephena. Jno. W. Beckwith. Bishop of Ga. Roarvi\u VrurOOTHx-A.- Ala. Rev. David Willis, D. D., President Oglethorpe College. Bisnop Pierce (of Ga ) Hon. Jamsa J&ckaon (firm Howell Cobb & James Jackson), Attorney at Law, Macon, Ga. Jno. B. Cobb* R. L. Mott, Columbus, Ga. Yellow Fever ! Yellow Fever ! Where is the antidote ? Reader, you will find it in the timely use cf Simmons’ Liver Regulator This vegetable cathartic and tonic haa proven itself a anre PREVENTIVE and cure of all diseases of tho Liver and Bowels. Cholera —No danger from Cholera if the liver ie in proper ordeY, and ordinary prudence in diet observed. The occasional taking of Simmons’ liv er Regulator, to keep tho system healthy, will surely prevent attacks of Cholera. july2 ‘eod&wly Jl A gentleman (who doss not desire his name o made public) writes thus: “I write yon this note congratulate you on being the proprietor of the best Liver Medicine, Simmons’ Regulator, known the human raoe. I have known it for a nnmber years, and I pronounce it, as prepared by 3on, ore and genuine; and I pray you, for the sake of nmanity, to keep it so, as long a8 it is in your keeping. You may prepare it, and recommend it, bnt yon will never know tbe true valne of it, unless you have a disordered liver yourself. It unelogs the liver of impurities with which it haa been con fined for years, and puts the wheels’ in their orig inal motion I have written these lines with no other view but to give yon my honest sentiments. The Regn-ator ij too good a thing to be called ‘medi cine’ that wonld range it with the 'thonsand and as’ other remedies on record in the newspapers, again repeat, that I hope, so long as you have anything to do with the preparation of it, it will retain its original parity ” fio J. H. ZEILIN & CO , Maoon, Ga. DENNISON’S PATENT SHIPPING TAGS. Over 200 millions have been used wuhin tbe past ten years, without complaint of loss tag becoming detached. All Express Companies a them, hold by Printers and Hta ioners every where. apr!9 eod3m MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. National Educational Association. Elmira, August 5.—-The National Einsa- tional Association met this monungin this city. Abont one thousand delegate* and members are present, and nearly every State in the Union is represented. The association wa* welcomed to the city by the Mayor, in a brief ppecch. and tbe President of tbe Board of Elocation, B. H. Northnp, responded in a graceful manner. Tbe question then to be diseased was very handsomely introduced by Hon. Eiwin 8. Pip pin of Philadelphia: “Ought Chinese ard Ja panese indemnities to be refunded uncondition ally, or be devoted to specific educational pur poses V 9 He was followed by Dr. MeCash, of New Jer sey, who made a very strong speech, tbe point of which was that the Government shonld be careful lest the fund fall into tbe hands of a re actionary party. The following named persons took part in tbe ditcurioD: Hon F. Hall, of (hie city; John Haaooek, of Ohio; Prof. Chao. Hammond, of Vaasarhnaetts; Prof. Atherton, of New Jersey; *nd Prof. W. B. Wedge wood, of Washington, D. G, the Ties ChAnoellor of the new univer- Vty in that dty. The subject under discussion was laid upon tho table to ooom np ante ft isolation. BUY THE BEST Lmteik’i New Crop Turnip Seei BUTA B1GA, FLAT DCTCD, LED TOP, LABGB GLOBE, ALSO, FBESH OABDAGE SEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Drnggia* and Pharmacist, 4 th and Poplar streets, jalyiWtf Holtinaworth B'ock. BIDIWIMMH ToBiiioNiL Invalids —In s’'cknei?s every por tion of tbe body sympathizes wits* tbe e&it of tbe disorder. When tne Btomach f*iU to per/orm the fnncsiocs, the liver, bowels, nerves, mnscles, veins erteries, etc , are all mve or leea affected. These delinquents require a medicine combining the prop erties of a etomichic, an altera*ive, a purgative, a tonic, and scdUive, to bring them bask to their duty; and all these elements, in their purest and most effective forms, are united io Tarrant'* IffarYescent Seltzer ‘Aperient. the great Saline remedy for Indigestion and all its oonc jmitaot consequence*. Bold by all druggist*. aog 2d2aw A w3|w contain a aincle particle of Mercury, or any it juriona mineral substance, bnt is PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS it lias proved its great vat ue in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kid neys. Thousands of the rood »nd great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and peculiarjpower in purifying the Blood, stimulating the toroid Liver and Bowels, and imparting - now life and vigor to the whole system. SIMMONS’ LtY£R REGULATOR is acknowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains fdnr medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other preptr- ation, viz . a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable A terative and a certain cor rective of all im. nrities of the body. Fuch signal succ o B8 has attended its use, that it is now regard- “d as the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC For Liver Complaint anfl the painfnl offspring ttuironf, to wit; DY8I-KPSIA. CONS IIPATION, Jaundice, Bilions attack,, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits, SOCK STOMACH Heart Born eto . etc Begniate the Liver aefi prevent Macon Street Railroad Company Office Maoon Etbxit Bitlroid Co.,\ Auguat 1, 1873. j "V*OTICE ie herebv given that on and after the -l v 5th instant, the fare upon the road will be as follows: Singlu fare.... 10c 16 tickets $1 00 a tickets....**’“** 60o 4 tickets *!!!*** 25c Tic seta cvn bo secured at the following place*: Wri^lS & Co O0bb ' BtcrelIL ' y - “ 1118 ,t0re 0f B H - Third streets. 1 ' ^ 4 °° - cornOT of 0b6rlT From E. J. Johnston, oorner of Mulberry and Seoond streets. From Banain Maseonlurg A Co., comer of Mnl- berry and Third streets. ' From J. H. Zellin * Oo., oorner ot Cherry and Seoond streets. J streets 1 j01m InglIIa ’ corner 01 fourth and Toplar From Boland B. Hall, Cherry and Cotton Avenue streets. From T. B. Ford, College ttreet. Cars will run as follows: From 6:S0 a m until 9 o’clock r. X Saturdays until 10 o'clock r. m. On special occasions cars will run as desired. Fare after regular hours will be 25 cents The directors would btate that after an experience of nearly two years, they find the above rates neoeeeary to enable them to meet ihe actual ex penses of running and keepirg the road in proper condition. They hope that on account of tho great conve- n ence of the road the publio will give it tho patronage it deserves. By ordor of the Board. GEORGE S. OB5AR, augl lw President. CHILLS AND FEVER. B. O. htausis W. W. Fl.tVNAQ13 A. P. A 'ill.... R. 8. Morgan. FLANNAGAN, ABELL & CO., ootton factors AND General Commission .luirchnnts, - 1S5 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. M ANAGING agents for the Euglish stonewall Fertilizer, etc. Bagging and 'lieu fnrtDhed, auu liberal canli advances made on consignments for sale ia 8&?Annah, or on shipments to our cor respondents in .Northern, ii*.s.or or European maikots *ugl 6m A. M. blow. Arthur N. bolleo. G. W. Wylly, ,Tr. A. JMLm SLaOAKT tl? OO » torron PA<:iok* AND General Commission Merchants, Olaghorn & Cunningham’s Range, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. B AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal Cash advances on oousigntm nta for salo in Savannah, or oa shq in *uis to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, New York, FLiiadolpiiia, Boston, or Baltimore. nugl dm W. Dancan. J. H. Johnston. M Maclean DUNCAN, JOHNSTON & CO., COTTON FACTORS a AND General Commission Merchants, . GDILMAKTIN. JOHN FLANNERY. L. J. GUILMARTIN & OO., COTTOKT T’AO'TOIIB AND General Commission Merchants, BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. A GENTd for Bradley’s 8upor Phosphato of Lime, Jewell’s Mills Yarns and Domeelics, etc. Bagging, Ropo ai d Iron Tios always on hand. Canal facilities extended to customers, augl dwAaw6m COOK’S HALL, PERRY, GA. lately fitted up in tho best style, with ecenory, etc. The Hall will seat about 400 persons and is conve niently situated in the large ard growing town of * Porry, to which the. Southwestern Hauroad haa lately constinoted a branch from Fort Valley Apply to JOHN R. COOK, feb!9 6m* Perry. Ga. NOTICE. WILL hold a Justice Court for the 716th Dis trict, G M., at the ofiloiof Colima A Hoath, No 69 Second stroet, in the c.ty of Mason, oa the 8«n«ND P „ 710th District, G. M AT THEIR HE W STAND, M U anfl 76 Merry Street, CONTINUE TO OFFER BARGAINS TO MERCHANTS SBfl PLANTERS, Anfl Invito a call from everybody skeptical on tbis point. angl tf CATERPILLARS! A 8 S THE TIME 13 APPROACHING P0B THESE DESTRUCTIVE WORMS, the farm er* shonld be prepared for them by having a supply of the KeooiBe WHItJENANTS DJS8TB0IEB on hand. Weakness, De epondency, Baab- foineea. Syphilis For a speedy core of these or other ailments of a private nature, o*U or send stamp for private ar eolar of advice to both sexes. Address box **0,” Western Medical Institute, 137 by earners street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tbe remedies are so *»»**»" th^ NO PAY will be required of responsible persona for treatment nntti eared. A visit to its Museum wffl eoovmee yon that tbia Inaffiate ie the only ears one in the United States to oare 8yphibe and re itotf Manhood Asciieod&wly , Thoshs County, Ga., July 18,1873. We take pleasura in certifying we saw the Wbisenant Cotton Caterpillar Destroyer applied to Lumcrocd stalks of cotton upon Wm R. HarraU’a plantttion yesterday evening after sun down, in ten minutes after which a very heavy rain fell npon and we saw nothing more of the cotton until morning. Upon examination this morning we we found that the rain had not washed it off. and that alt the caterpillars thxt were upon the Cotton were dead and in a djing condition We are very favorably impressed with it, and are satisfied if properly appiit d it will give perfect satisfaction. (Oopv) WM. B. HARR ALL. W.P.CLO WEB. Ale y, Ga., July 18,1873. This is to certify I applied the Wbisenant Cotton Caterpillar Destroyer to the cotton upon two bot tom places on my plantation, near this city, a few days since, which bad quite a number of caterpil lars upon it and that u killed all tbe caterpillars that were upon the cotton without injury to the plant. I am well pleased with it, and am fully satisfied if it ib properly applied it will kill all the caterpillars npou the cotton without injury to the plant, and that one hand can apply U to four or five acres per day. (Signed) JESSE W. WATER3. Orders should be sent in carl/ to HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, jonel5eod<fc*6m Druggists: W. B. HILL. 2f. X. HABB18. HILL & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 99 Cbetry street, (np stairs) MACON, GA. Will practice in aU the courts of the Macon Cir cuit. bpecial attention given to Collection*. Oon- voyances, oto Jul327tf NOTICE. MACON & BBUN8WICK RAILROAD, ) fcUPERINTE.NDJNT’e Ol-FICK, - Macj>, Ga., July 16,1873.) M ERCHANTS aHd others dcsiriDg that tnefr SHIPMENTS from Eastern cities, via fc-’a- vannab, shonld pass over the Macon and Bruns wick Railroad, will please have their froghts marked care of Agent of Atlantic and Galt Rail road, Savannah. JAS- W. ROBERTSON, jnly!7 tf General BnperintendenL ATrmiO.V fcPOKTSMKX ! New Tort state Sportsmen’s Association. EXTRACTS FT Oil “REPORT OF COS'MiTTEE CM STAN 1 • ABD FOR SHOT.” A LL manufacturers wi 1 have eventual’? to conform, when ►portmen require thit ihoir ehot shall compare with the standard cf excellence which your committee haa fixed. Upon the most critical examination, your com mittee have determined to adopt as the “Aykri- oin standard” the ac de presented to u* by Meenrs. lhoa. Otis Le Roy A Co , New York. R. NEWELL. Chair min, N. M. 8MITH. F. G. feKINNER. Sportsmen and dealers desirous of having the above E.CALE, or any information relative thereto, can promptly obtain the by applying to THOd. OTIS LE BOY & CO , New York. June28deod3m CYPRESS SHINGLES! J UST received, a contignmont of CYPB-S3 SHINGLES, lived and drawn. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE! For salo by B. H. WBIGLEY & CO. jnneStf J. A. DUGAM. DUGAN & STILZ, to, Oils, M aifl Hay, EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Second street, between Main and River, LOUISViLLE, KY. W AMPLE 8T0BAGE. Will fill orders for Corn frem points in Illinois, parties making purchase accepting through Bill of fading from shipping points. apr/5 6m K0BT. A. NISBET, Attorney at Corner MULBERRY 8T. and COTTON AVE. (Oyer Payne's Drag 8tore,) [onei4d3m MACON, GA. BATCHELOR’S HAIR D ?£ r T , HIS splendid Hair Dye ia the msr in the vobld JL The only True anu Perfect Dye. Harmlees, Reliable and Instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints or nr.plsaaant odor. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyea and washes. Produoe* Immediately a superb Black or Natural Brora, and leaves the hair Clean, Boft and Besutifu 1 The genuine signed W. A. Batchelor. Sold by all Drug- gist* CHAS. BATOHEUOR, novla Iy Proprietor. New York Notice to (Jjntractors and Buildeis. OBDINARY’S OFFICE, HOUSTON COUNTY, ) Pxket, GA.,Jone7, 11-73. J S BALED proposals for bnildiDg a ntw j Ml fur this county will be received at this office un til 12 o’clock X., Angnst 12, 1873. Plans ami spec ifications c&n be seen at this office. The work will be iet to the lowest bidder who must give bond with sufficient security in the amount of his bid for the faithful performance of bis oontract. ^ „ , Proposals must be endorsed, ‘ Bid for Jai., ana addreaaed to the undersigned at this office- A. b. GILES, Ordinary* Junell dlaw8w