The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 07, 1873, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 187S. Fmitoi — Mewr*. J. W. Barke A Co. have onr thaLkii for a copy of Peterson's Magtzine for Septe mber. Tbs Atlanta Gonatitntion can bn had every mori.icg at the stores of Messrs. Brown A Oo., and V «iger A Go's. Niw Butldtso—A large brick carriage boose, tor lb'* 090 of Ueafb A Porter, is being built adjoining their stable on Poplar street. It will greatly enlarge their business facilities. Weatheris!!—All fdgns of drouth disappeared about three o'clock Wednesday afternoon, and Rince then there has been such an ontponring of rain as does not oocnr about this time every Anguit. A Fioht.—A oonple of saffron-oolored roughs had a fisband-sknll fight on the avenne last night. A policeman approached and they fled. No caae for the Mayor. Srjvaircfz.—A few stray glints of snnahine flickered down about three o'clock yesterday afternoon, bnt they found the earth bo wet and muddy that they went back again as soon as possible. OrrroBTHr Xobtb.— Mr. 8. O. Dobbs, of the firm of Walker A Dobbs, will leave for New York this morning and promises to uhip to Ma con, at an early day, a stock of goods in hta line that will astonish the natives. Amos; other things will bo the gas fixtures for the new Masonic temple. 8Lima r.—-The heavy rains of tbo past two days appear to havo made the sidewalks very sleek. A gentleman measured his length upon one of them yesterday. He is about the only man in the city who oonld have reoelved such fall and gather up withont an exclamation of some kind or other. Cnxnrr to Whom Gain it is Du*.—In onr no- tloe of the presentation of a testimonial to Mr. Horaoe P. Glark, late of the MACon and West ern railroad, at Atlanta, we returned thanks Mr. E. IL Knight for tbo information. We got the name wrong. It nhoald hare been H. A. Knight, and tho latter gentleman will please accept onr thanks. Tin Btbkzt Kaxlboad.—Wo are requested elate that, owing to changes that are being made in tho street railroad track at the Gity Hall, for the next few days, bnt a single car will ran on each of tho Tatnall Square and Oollege Hill lines. This arrangement will last only un til the rearrangement of the track shall be com pleted, which will bo in a few days. Stab Gjzino.—A white man was seen lost evening lying flat npon his back in front of the passenger depot, gazing intently up into the heavens as thongh some remarkable astronomi cal phenomenon were about to take place. If he were looking for stats, his sight wai soon gratified, for ono approached him—on a police man's coat—and be qaietly discontinued his meditations to resamo them in the barracks. An Elopement.—As tho Southwestern train passed Powersville yesterday, a communica tion was banded to somo one on tho train giving the information that there was an eloping party on board. The female party to the elopement was tho wife of a man living in Chat neighbor hood ; bnt her husband and tho balance of tbo neighborhood seem to be somewhat relieved that they havo concluded to "woodbine" to gether. ^ CuTTUfo Aftbat.—It was reported on the Jtreots last night that a difficulty had occurred between Mr. John GHos, tho woll known rail road conductor, and a man named Whalen, and what Mr. Giles had boon severely cut. The it (fair is said to have occurred at Giles' store, out boyond Windsor Hill. Intelligent of it .reached ua at too late an hour for ns to attempt to gather any particulars. Wo hope Mr. Giles :ls not seriously lojared, as ho is too clever man to be laid up in any such way. Latch.—'We learn that Mr. Gilos reooived "three severo cuts in the abdomen and one in nhe shoulder; also, that Whalen is fireman on Giles' train. WMtlnf Tbclr Mnslc on tho Desert Air. A few evoniDgs ago a band cf amateur ac- oordeoneerB (all accordeouoers are amateurs) vent to the residence of the author of this col umn, and for half an hour produced all the dis cord that half a dozen aocordeons very poorly played oonld produce. Had all the mechanics in town gono thither to file their Baws, the dis »ord oonld not have been any harsher than it was. Tho alnless air was never before pnt to imch base nses, or mado to utter so much wick edness. But alas, for tho fun of tho musicians! The house was tenantloss and lonely. Not an ear was there to bo pained by the inexpressibly dul* and stupid sounds, and the party for whom the i«ronade was intended, was sitting quietly at Ida desk, writing paragraphs for tho next day papor. We wonld probably never had any knowledge <if this compliment had not one of the partiol jtanls, who thought he had the best kind of joke on ns, approached ns yesterday to ascer tain bow we appreciated it. That was our first information upon the subjeot. Morpheas had been*kind to the neighbors and put them all to sleep before tho jirring discord murdered (he RtUloesa of the air. There has not been a mos quito on the premises since that night. Another Excursion. Hsd a myriad of hungry Bengal tigers and a awarm of oatamounts been turned loose in Ma con last night, the noise could not have been any more terrific than it wat when the train on the Oentral Railroad arrived with a party of negro excursionists. The colored people of Maoon were advised of their coming, and •warmed around tho passenger depot until the darkness became so thick that it might have been bottled np and sold for Tyrian dye. The excursion consisted of tho Savannah Lincoln Light Infantry, all spick and span in flashy uniforms, and armed with any amount of drams, fifes, flags and other implements of war and eonfnsion worse confounded. There was a yell when the train eamo in, a prolonged yell as the shadowy soldiers disembarked, and then a prolonged yell that lasted until after midnight, and perhaps an hoar or two later. The city hes not been in such confusion since the last campaign. • The oompany, after leaving the train, marched to Tnird street, where a welcoming address was mado by Jeff Long, in the highest style of cotton-field patois. Jeff is an innooent sort of a fellow, but he docs murder the English awfully. After the speech tho crowd of darkies squan dered themselves about the street, and managed to keep on the pad most of the night. A Charleston company was to havo come up with this Savannah company, and did come as far as Savannah; bnt unfortunately, for the success of the excursion, the treasurer ab sconded with all the funds, and the company bad to exeurt back to Charleston as best they oould. It is a sad deprivation to be debarred the pres- enoe of some of Governor Scott's subjects, but we will buckle onr Teats tolerable tight and en- dsavor to eurrire the catastrophe. A 9IAKT ACCIDENT. A BUMrway Falls sad Harts Several Se- •rroeo. After Jeff Long tad oonclnded his address of weloome to the Savannah military company, last night, the whole crowd started npthe stair way In the alley between Cherry and Poplar streets, loading np to the negro dance bonse around there. They crowded np like sheep go ing into a pen, overtaxed the strength of the stairway and it gave way beneath the pressnre and fell, with a crash, startling the negroes un til they grew pole as the pale moonshine. Tbs wonder is that some of them were not killed. The casualties, as far as ve were able to aeoarUic, were as follows: One boy severely injured in the side. (He had to be carried away end was at first reported dead.) One boy's arm broken; another with bis shoulder dialooated, end a Urge number of them more or leas bat tered and bruised. Jeff Long was on the steps et the time, and ie said to have been thrown entirely across the alley, his bead striking a brick wall It is not known whether or not the veil was seriously damaged. -—^rl *1# The Coant j Cwart. Judge Weems bed rather e busy day of it yesterday, several oases being np for adjudi cation. Capt N. D. Sneed, of the Linkhorn Guards, and delivery oierk in the poet office, was ap for carrying concealed weapons. The oas* was not made out and the oharge waa dismissed. Chtrle? Augustas and Lmra .leeks were np for interloaive conduct. The case was not made out. Weeley E chords and Agnes ltegers were s!ho op for interlusive conduct. The hero of this little romance was fined fifty dollars and costs, aud the heroine, in consideration of certain cir cumstances, was fined only one dollar. Bichards proposed an arreet of judgment by means of marriage; bnt it was revealed that be already had one wife in the city, and that, in the judg ment of the oonrt was about as mnch as he oonld properly attend to. Falling in this be paid his fine and departed. The boys who robbed Brown A Oo. and Ha vens were np for a preliminary examination. Goa Roberta was brought np with them as ac cessory. The testimony in the case did not differ materially from the report given in this paper yesterday morning. The cane was not concluded, aa the attorneys for the defense de sire to make argument upon the grade of crime of which the boys are guilty. The court claimed that the charge of burglary in the night was made out, while the counsel contend that the grade of crime waa not above larceny from the house. The former is a capital crime, and not bailable. The boy Gas Roberts, who is not deeply im plicated in these crimes, will probably lorn State's evidence. If he does there will be no difficulty in making oat the charge of burglary so plainly that there oonld be no donbt about It Gns aaya Haven's bar room was entered with a key which nnlocked one of the doors. The boys were asked why they did not make a larger hanl at Havens.' They said they drank the wine which they stole, and drank some beer also, and got so drank that they oould cot carry anything more awAy. The argument in this oi6e will be beard by Judge Weems this morning. It will then be determined whether or not it is a bailable case. Tee popular route to New York is the Atlantic Coast Line. jalj^Ojunthur if Snow in Summer? Yes. How? w here? Just where you would never look for it. In all the red hot ovens of the best wives and housekeepers in the city. What do you mean ? I mean that the glorious loaves fabricated from Wiley’s XXXX resemble lilliputian mountains capped with snow ; only the real mountains have red dirt and rocks beneath them, and these wonderful hil locks are the staff of life, white, nutty and delicious. Tax Ciuiut AStD iti3T.—Hood’s Eureka Iir- er Med'due gives nnivenral satisfaction in ths treatment of Liver Disease, Dyrpepeia, Sick Headache, Co»tivenees, and all that class of dis eases arising from a disordered stace of the stom ach and liver. novSOIy Choice Wheat, only thoroughly cleansed with a decorticator like that of oars, can make floor like the Wiley XXXX. We know where to get it, and have always a heavy supply on hand. BURR & FLANDERS. Connell Proceedings. Regular Meeting, > Council Chamber, August 5, 1873.) Present—J. W. Burke, Mayor pro tern.; Al dermen G. Barka, Dempsey, Lightfoot, Deitz, Cornell, Ellis and Kahn. Absent—His Honor W. A. Ilnff; Aldermen Bnrdick, Shoneman and Dnrrett. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Alderman Kahn moved to confirm, except that portion that donated five thousand dollars to the Wesleyan Female College. Alderman O. Burke moved to amend by confirming the min- ntes as read. The ayes and nays were called upon the motion to amend, which resulted as follows : Ayes— Aldermen Ellis, 0. Burke, Dempsey. Lightfoot and Deitz—5. Nays—Al dermen Cornell and K&hn—2. The minutes were then confirmed. BILLS BFFSBBED. Harrison Jon**, J. W. Barka A Go., Burdick Brothers, W. A E. P. Taylor. BILLS PASSED. E. Crockett, $37 50; O. Ma6terson, $2 50; Anstin Brighthanpt. $12 50. Petition of Barr A Flanders for permission to bnild a sbedroom adjoining their mill building, npon E'.bert street, extending into said street ten feet, was referred to the Committee on Street Eaeroaohments. Petition of E. Bond for a redaction of assess ment npon his store bonse and dwelling house was referred to the Finance Committee. Petition of Mary Harvoy for permission to build a shod room on to her building on Fourth street, to extend on a line with her front fence, was referred to tho Oommittce on Street En croachments. The following report of the Finance Com mittee was received, road and adopted: The Finance Oommittce, to whom was re ferred the petition of tho Sisters of Mercy, be lieving that the education and care of orphans destitute of all means of support as conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, demand, at the hands of this Council, some aid and encouragement, we therefore recommond that the sum of $2,500 be paid them in monthly instalments, com mencing at suoh time as the Mayor may be able to spire tho necessary funds. J. W. Burke, T. O. Dempsey, R. J. Lightfoot, Committee. The following report of the Finance Com mittee was received, read and adopted: Hie Finance Committee, to whom was re ferred the petition of the Israeiitish congrega tion, respectfally state that it is not possible for ns to recommend the appropriation, for the reason that there are various denominations who are in like embarrassed circumstances, and that as no appropriation has ever been made to wards the building or completion of any honse of worship, we think it would be unsafe to in augurate m?h a precedence. This case is not a parallel one to tho appropriation to the col lege made at the last meeting, or the one re commended for the Sisters of Mercy, and if the Israeliiirih congregation should at any lime at tempt to bnild or endow an institution of learn ing, then it wonld be right and proper to assist them. We regret that we oannot recommend the appropriation, and that we aro compelled to recommend that the petition be not granted. J. W. Bubke, T. C. Dempsey, R. J. Lioiitfoot, Committee. Committee on Pumps to whom was referred the petition of E. O'Connell. John Marphy and others for a well to be sunk on Bay street, in East Maoon, reported favorably. Adopted. The following report of T. W. Mason, City Physician, was reoelved, read and ordered spread npon the minutes. Medical Department City cf Macon,> August 1, 1873. j To the Honorable Mayor and Council: Gentlemen—I beg leave to present my report for the month of July. Daring the month I have treated 39 cases And made 7C prescriptions, famishing the medicines. There has been two deaths, one child (colored) and one adult (white.) ~ have sent to the hospital three patients, have purchased during the month medicines to the amount of $14 40, the bill for which will be presented, approved bv me. The health of the city ha* been good. No epidemic diseases. Very respectful!v submitted, T. W. Mason. M. D., City Physician. On motion of Alderman Kahn— Resolved, That the donation of five thousand dollars to the Wesleyan Female College and twenty-five hnndred dollars to the Sisters of Mercy, be submitted to the voters of the city of Maoon for ratification or rejection, on the IGJi day of this month, being the day for the election of an alderman of the first ward. Lost. On motion oonncil adjourned to meet this diy two weeks at 8 o'clock p. m. J. A. McManus, Clerk. Revolutions Nrvxa Go Backward.—The phi losophical theory that the human system when weakene d by disease, oppressive heat, excessive labor or any other cause, should be toned and in vigorated instead of being subjected to the action of depleting drags, is gaining ground every day. The introduction of Hostetler's fctomocb Bitters twenty ye§rs ago gave a powerful icflaeuce to this common sense idea. As the extraordinary efficacy of tho great vegetable restorative became known, multitudes of debilitated invalids turned with loathing from the nauseous and strength-destroy ing potions with which it waa then the fashion to drench the sick, to this renovating, appetizing, vi talizing preparation derived from the finest roots, herbs and barks placed by botanical research at tho disposal of medical science. Revolutions nev er go backward. From that time to the present the importance of assisting aud reinforcing nature in her struggles with disease has been more and more widely and keenly appreciated by the sick and the suffering. In tens of thousands of house holds Hos^etter's Bitters aro lookeduponas the one thing needful in cases cf dyspepsia, general debility, constipation, nervons weakness, chills and fever, bihoos affections and all conditions of the body and mind that betoken a lack of vital en ergy. When the quicksilver ranges high, and the solid flesh is resolving itself into a den under the fervid temperature, this agreeable tonic is tbo best possible safeguard against all the disorders gener ated by a sultry and unwholesome atmosphere. It prevents and relieves lassitude and langor, and enables tho system to endure with impunity an un usual amount of exertion. Of all invigorating and regulating medicines, it is the purest and most wholesome. What They Bay.—Chicago Journal of Commerce says: Dr. Price's Flavoring Extracts are the fin est, purest, and best to be found in this or any other city, only necessary to visit his laboratory bo convinced that they are perfect in parity end superior in strength. Tho Chicago Tribune Re view says: Although the company, Steele Price, havo enlarged their facilities for the produc tion of Dr. Prise's Cream Baking Powder and Spe cial Flavoring?, they aro hardly able to meet the rapidly increasing demind for them. In this age of adulteration, it is gratifying to find one honest effort to stick by the old path of honesty, and con- snmors owo it to themselves to patronize those making the effort. For natural fi avoring none can compare with Dr. Price's, and to make the sweet- oe*, meet who’oeome, and easily digested bread use Dr. Price's Cream Bakins Powder. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS .FOR SALE. ^ DEdIKAiSLE RESIDENCE, containing «ix rooms, on Bond street; outbuilding* complete. Terms easy. Apply at jilySl tf LAWTON A WILLINGHAM'S BOARD OF TRADE. T he BEGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the Mac 3D Board of Trade will take place THIS evening, at 6 o'clock. I y o der of the President. tug? It WATCH LOST. A LADY'S Gold Watch, with word “Fan: written across the face. The finder will enitably rewarded by leaving the same at the au fe s It EXPRESS OFFICE. BOARD WANTED. B Y A GENTLEMAN AND LADY, with two child re j, in a private family where there are no other boarders. Any family living near the burinees poruon of the city and having a spare room cm secure gcod p»ying tenants by an early application at this office.aug7 It FOR SALE OR BENT. T HE FAMILY MANSION now occupied tf rs. Peter Stubbs, containing eight rooms'. Also a Five-room Dwelling bouse adjoining. All neoeesaiy outbuildings, etc. Apply to R W. kTUBBS. aug7 St Administrator. FOR RENT. T WO DWELLING HO08ES, eligibly located. Apply to B F. LAWTON, At Exchange Bark, or to DR A- P. COLLINS. jnlyl7 tf At Collins A Heath's. FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE PLACE IN WEST MACON, twenty-five minutes' walk to the business part of the city, bouse containing five rooms, from four to five acres of ground attached, good well * water, with fruit trees on the place. Apply to GEO. F. OHEBttY. ang7 2awlm bheriff Bibb County. FOR RENT. T HAT large, well appointed Boarding-house on Second s reet, near the business centre of the city, at present occupied by His. Freeman. Poseesston given on the 1st of October, or earlier if de«iied Anply on the premUee, or to aug7 eodlw* M. 8. THOMSON. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE MACON, GA. rpDE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION will begin October 8,1S73. For caUlogaee, containing fall information, ad- dreea BEY. E. H. MYERS. D. D., President. C. W. Smith. Secretary.ang7 2m GEORGIA No. 2. Tustue Sour—Messrs. Ells <£ Laney will sac rifice another tn.-tle to-day for the regalement of their customers. This will be in addition to their usual Inccb, which will be nnnsnaliy fine to-day, embracing many luxuries sr J substan tiate—all done up in tbe very best manner. Excrnsios Tickets to Nrw Yobs.—Tiokels vis Atlantic Coast Lino for sale by Brown 4 Co. For round trip $43. This is the shortest, quickest and most reliable route. Meal and berths furnished between Portsmouth and New York. Information given on all routes. august3-aneither tf Tickets to New York, Philadelphis and Balti more bj tho most desirable routes, at Brown 4 Co.’s. jaljSOsnnthur tf PissoSit, —J. W. Ans’ey— 1 “It has broken up several cases of long standing chiL'e and fevers, and I find Simmons’ Liver Regulator to be a great remedy in dytpepeia and liver complaints.'* Pencilisk your railroad tickets from Brown Co. for the tame as at the depot. Informa tion as to time and connections freely given. Mas. JbfiEnnsK Hoaxs, artist, formerly of Oeorgia. Address 122 Waverley Place, New York. Portraits and pictures of any aize taken from old dignereotypes in the highest Btyle of art. rnsoxii.—Jno. J. Allen “I have ured Sim mon’s Liver Regulator not only once, bnt often, and confidently assert that it has dons me more good than any medicine I ever need. I think It tho greatest medicine for diseases of ths liver made in tho world. Many of my ns’ghbors have used it, and all testify to its virtues ” Mothers, Motuebs, Mothers.—Don’t fail procure Mbs. Wisslows Sootuiko Sybup for all diseases incident to the period of teething in chi]' dren. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and by giving relief and health to tho child, gives rest to the mother. Bo sure to call for “Mas. Wissiow’s Soormsa Srnup." For sale by all druggists. jnno 25eod-6m Patrohizs Hove Entzbtbise.—Mr. P. P. Toale, whose advertisement appears in another col umn, baB brought to a high state of perfection tbe largest and most complete manufactory of doors, sashes and blinds in tho Southern States. His warranted woik, untiring energy, personal appli cation to business and liberal advertising, have placed his enteiprise among the firs* in the Booth, tints giving to his many cnatomerswork and prices that doty competition. Price list sent free on ap plication. Paeiabed.—For the convenience oi those not having the facilities of preparing ths powders, red to secare Simmons' Liver Regulator from being carelessly prepared, as well aa to protect tho pub lio from tho unprincipled substitution of spurious compounds for ths genuine powders, we manu facture it also in liquid form—prepared. None genuine except in our stamped bottle, engraved wrapper and label, with signature of A. Q. Sim moos and J. H. Zsilin A Cj. Prepared by one of the most skilful chemists, at our laboratory in Philadelphia, and put np in large bottles, making it the cheapest, purest and boat medicine in the world. Price 91 per bottle. Tickets to New York and Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Air Line, at Brown 4 Co's. julyl’Oiunlhur tf Don’t mix Wiley’s XXXX Flour with Paris Green to kill caterpillars. It won’t hurt them. Such flour fattens—don’t kill. Tickyts via Atlantic Coast Line, for sale by Brown A Co. First class fare $27. jalj-OsanUmr tf. Hunt, Rankin A i^^ar-—This well known and reliable firm have received a large lot of Dr. Hood ® Eureka Liver Medicine. It baa tbe praise of all wbo have tried it. In bottles at 60 oenU and $1.00 Wk earnestly reoommend oar readers to give up ths qm of poieonioas hair preparations, as they too frequently produce, first, headache, and after- wards, more serious complaints. Tee a restorer entirely harmless, and each a one Nations' Crys tal Discovery certainly Is. Brick Dust Deposit indicates kidney com plaint. Check it at once. Helmbold’s Extract Bachn, the Diuretic par excellence, is a certain specific for aU Diseases of the urinary organs and sexual system. Dr. Helmbold is the only man who ever really utilized and extracted the pre-eminent virtues of Bncha. His preparation is as much superior to the so-called "Baches," as cream is to skimmed milk. Ia fact, it never fails. Sold by druggists. Joy to the World I Woman is Free!—Amonj the many modem discoveries looking to the happi ness and amelioration of the human race, none is entitled to higher consideration than the renowced emedy —Dr. J. Bradfield'e Female Regulator, Woman's Best Friend. By it woman is emanci pated from numberless tils peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures whites. It cures suppression cf tbe menses. It removes uterine obstructions. It cures constipation and strengthens the system. It braces the nerves and purifies tho blood. It never fails, as thousands of women will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and sold by L. H. Bnuldeld, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price $1.50 per bottle. AI1 respectable drug men keep it. Tcssraz*, All, 1863. Mb. L. H. Ba id field—Sir: Please forward us, immediately, another supply of Braditeld’s Fe ral* Regulator. We find it to be aU that is laimed for it, and we have witnessed tbe most de cided and happy effects produced by it. Very respectfully. Hunter A Alexander. W<?, the undersigned Druggists, take pleasure in commending to the trade Du. J. Bradfield's Fe male Bzoulitok—believing it to be a good and re liable remedy for the diseases for which he recom mends it. W. A. Lanbdzll, Atlanta, Go. Pemberton, Wilson, Taylor A Co., Atlanta, Go. Red wine A Fox, Atlanta, Go. W. 0. Laws he, Atlanta, Ga. W. Boot A Sox, Marietta, Go. STATE OF GEORGIA—Troup County • This is to certify that I hive examined the recipe of Dr. J. Bead fi eld, of this county, and as a medi cal man pronounce it to be a combination of medi- c.neu of great merit in th& treatment of all the dis eases of females for which he rt cominer.du it. This December 21,1853. Wk. P. B*> sley, M. D. Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, Wholesale Agents. mavl0d2awAwly Maoon, Ga* Nervous Debilitt.—A depressed, irritable state of mind; a weak, nervous exhausted feeling; no energy or animation; confused head, weak memo ry, often with dabUitaring, involuntary dischargee. The consequence of excesses, mental overwork or indiscretions. This xxrvoub debilitt finds a sov ereign cure in Humphreys’ Homeopathic Specific, No 23. It tonee up tbe system, arrests discharge*, dispels the mental giocm and despondency, and re juvenates the entire system. It is perfectly harm less and always efficient. Price $5 for a package of five boxes and a large $2 vial of powder, which is important in old, serious cases; or il per single box. Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail on re ceipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS’ SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE OO.. No. 562 Broad way, N. Y. For sale by John Ingal s and Hunt, Rankin & Lamar. Macon. Ga. prl5 cod&aw tf OBSTACLE* TO nARRIAGE. HAPPf RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from ths effects of Errors and Abases in early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage remov ed. New method of treatment. New and remark able remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, No. 2 South Ninth et., Philadelphia, Pa..— an institution having a high reputation for hooor- | able conduct and professional skill. JalySdSm 15 - CENTS • 15- ^^Lti DRIXK9, plain or fancy, are cow fifteen cents each at the Georgia No. 2. No charge in liquors. None kept bat the best. OASEY A ESPENNER, aug72t Proprietors. WHISENANT’S Caterpillar Destroyer Royalty Removed! w E will sell the Whiaenant’s Caterpillar De stroyer to any who wish to nee it at seven and half cents a pound, advising tho use of twenty pounds to the aore. This compound we have no hesitation in recommending os tho most effectual, aud of little or no injury to the plant. This price is about aa cheap as any farmer con prepare it—to say nothing of the bad results which may follow the use of such poisonous compounds when not properly or perfectly mixed. To place it in th® reach of all the owner of tho patent has waived the royalty. “ Albixy, Go., August 1, 1873. 11 The Whisenant compound has been experi mented with by a good many of onr planters, and very thoroughly. It has answered every expects tion, and without iejury to the plant when applied as directed. “ N. A A. F. TIFT A CO.” Our terms are cash or approved acceptance, Address all orders to HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, JuneI5eod<fcw6m Druggists, Macon, Ga. G EORGIA, WILKINSON COUNTY.—Whereas, Bafas L. McNair, of said ooanty. has filed his application in this office for exemption and set ting apart and valuation of a homestead of person alty and realty, and I will pass upon the same at my office on the 16th day of August instant at 11 o'clock A. M. aug7 2t W. F. CANNON, Ordinary. W ILKINSON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE — Will be sold before tbe Conrt-hou«e door in tbe town of Irwinton. in paid c-unty, on the first Tuesday in September next, within tbe legal hours of sale, tbe following lands, as the property of Ell Frarner, to- wit: One hundred and forty-five acres of land, more or Jess, lying in t K .e 27th district of said county and adjoining lands of David Solomon. E. J. Mw07 and B. L. Smith, beinr tho place whereon said Eli Frasner lives, and which is in h's pozpesrion. and being parts cl lots No*. 199 and 200 in said district. Sold as tbe property rf said Frasner to satisfy one fi fa issued from the County Court of raid county, in favor of Mitchell Fountain v? «aid Eli Fra«ner. sueTtds J. K. BRAN AN. Deputy Sheriff- /GEORGIA. WILKINSON COUNTY.—Whereas V J John. McArtba and J. W. Branan, executors oi ♦he lost will and testament of Sarah Hudson.deceased, hare applied for diamisrion from raid executorship of raid deceased. These are therefore to eite all per sons interested to show cause within the time pre scribed by law why said letters of dismission should not be granted to applicants. Giren under my hand opd official seal this August 5,1873. au*7 3m W. F. CANNON. Ordinary. rvEORGIA. WILKINSON COUNTY.—Whereas. \J the estate of E.J.Rozar, late of said county, de ceased, has been represented to the undersigned as without representation. There are. therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear atmyoffioe, on orbe- r m .» dovlnJieptember ' fore the first Mo xt.aud show in' cause, if ary they have, why letters of Rdminirtrarion should not be granted to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other proper perron. Witness my hand and official signature, this, August — W.y.CANHOH- Ordinary Wilkinson County. G EORGIA. WILKINSON COUNTY.-Whereas. Joel J. Brewer, administrator of the ertate of Sarah Brewer, late of raid county, deceased, hss filed hi? application for dismission from said administra tion. There are. therefore, to cite and admonish all per rons concerned to be and appear at my r ffice. on or be fore the first Monday in November next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this Au*ru3t 5th. 1873. w-f. cannon, au*7-3m Ordinary Wilkinson County. f^hORGIA..WILKINSON COUNTY.-Nottce is V-S h-reby gtreu that we shall *pply to the October term of the Ordinarv Court of Wilkinson county for leave to sell the wildland? belonging to tbecs’ateof JoelDeese. deceased. TH-J3. M FkEEMAN. BARGAINS IN MILLINERY! H AYI ’iG determined to cloee up my business, 7. am offering from this date and until the en tire lot us disposed of, xcy stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods At prices that cannot fail to pleaee alL My stook consists in part of Lvdiss* Hats and Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, Lace Goods, Hair Goods, Collars, Cuffs, Zephyr Worsted, And m fact everything usually kept in my line. Call and examine my goods and buy them at your own price. 00^6 d2w MBS L. F. HENDRIX- New Boarding House. O N THE FIRST OF AUGUST I will open the Hon?e on Mu berry street, opposite tbe I*a- DierHouee, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N Binswanger. Board $25 per month, and the table supplied with the beet the market»ffords. Rooms can be hsd either with or without fnmituze. aug6 lm R. AL BROWN, Agent. Macon Fire Insurance & Trust Association. T HE Board cf Director* have declared » divi dend of EIGHT PER GENT, on the imount cf Stock paid in, p.v&ble on »nd after tbe 5tn mat. J. MONROE OGDEN, Sec’y and Treaa. Macon, Angnat 4,1873.ang5 3t FOR SALE. O NE of the most desirable places in V.n6ville, containing 45 acres, with good wells of wa ter. oomfortab!e improvenui to. with woad onougli to last a family for four or five years. Good or chard of rations kinds frnit Tbe place will be B0?d. or traded Jor city proDtrty in Maoon. Apply to * A. J. O 9B, angS eodtf At Oliver, Donfiaas A Co's. MABKET GARDEN FOR SALE. T HB Finest Market Garden ia the vicinity of Macon, adjoining Judge Knott's place, is of fered for sale or rent It has on area of twenty- one acres, in high cultivation. On it is a frame building containing fivo rooms, and near it all nec essary outhouses and a fine well of water. For terms, etc., apply to EDWARD LONG- I can bo found at tbo market every day until nine in the morning %nd on the premises, the re mainder of the day. aug5 In.* ELECTION NOTICE. TTTNDEB and by virtue of a resolution pasrfid by U the City Council of the City of Macon, an election will be held in the several wards of the city, on 8ATURDAY, the lfith day of August. 1873, for an Alderman, to fill the vacancy of Barron Carter, of the First Ward. Fells will be opened from 8 o’clock a. w. to 6 o’clock p. -M. at the fol lowing places : First Ward—At Engine House^of F:re Company No. 8. Second Ward—At Engine Jlouse of Fire Company No. 4. Third Word—At Comt house. Fourth tfard—At Oi y Hall. J. W BUBKE, Mayor Fro T em. Attest: J. A. McManus, Clerk O. O.augStd FOR RENT CHEAP. T he two commodious 8TORE3 on Cherry street, at present occupied by Coleman A Newsom, are for rent from first day of October next. Apply to J- VALENTINO, juneSta C8 Cherry street. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Opposite Huff’s New Building, Cherry Street, between Third *nd fourth, MACOM, SEOB3U. T HIS weU-known home being now »oit»b!j fitted np. the undersigned i» prepared to ec- commodate Boarders—Permanent, Transient and D»y. Guests will reoeive best attention, and tbe Table supplied with the finest the market affords. Jatj30 tt J, H. BttEMER FOR THE TOILET. JEXOEIDA WATER. (Murray A Lvnman’a,) MAGNOLIA WATER. (Bunee',) GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE, (orig'nal,) LUBINX GENUINE EXTRACTS, MAGNOLIA BALM. BLOOM OF TOOTH. MILK OF VIOLET BLANO DR FEBLE3, SOZOOONT, DAN FORTH'S DENTIFRICE. Also, a lull line of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC SOAPS, POiVDEB, POMADES. COSMETICS, etc, etc At tbe Drug Store of ROLAND B HALL, Comer Cherry street and Cotton Avenne. aug5 tf READY! W. A. JUHAN & GO. Beapectfnlly announce their Block removed to COLEMAN’S S. T- Old Stand, PEN 1UCT SCHOOL FOR BOYS TWO MILES NORTH OF BALTIMORE, HD. The next seesion will begin on the I8ih of September. I N the abeence of tbe Principal, who is traveling in Europe with some of hie pupils, application for places should be made to Maioolm H. John* eton, Eeq., 81 St. Paul street. Baltimore. K M. JOHNSTON. Pen Lucy, near Waveriy, Baltimore county. Hd., July SO, 1873. ang5 dlw&wlm AVENUE STORE TO BENT. T HE STORE cn Cotton Avenue, now occupied pied bv Mrs Hendrix. Also, theFLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five rooms, with garden and outbuilding*. One of the beat etanda for a boarding-bonee in the city. Apply to ang2tf G. B. BOBEBTS. JO RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSES or ono eight-room Honse for rent. Apply to OLIVER. DOUQLAS3 & CO. Wanted! Wanted! A SITUATION as Teacher of the English Lan guage, or Music, in an Academy or private family, by a lady of exparieuce. Terms moderate. No objection to the country. Beferences given if required. Address, ABO, Post-office Box 451, julySO 6t Macon, Ga. For HOUSE AND LOT Sale or Kent, in VineTille. "A TY HOUSE AND LOT ta Vinovflle h now for iV-L eale or rent on the mOBt favorable term*. l'ooaefBion given on the first of October. jnly33 lot W. A. HUFF. And their readiness to serve the oid customers of S. T. Coleman and J.,B. Boss 4 8. T. Cole man, and all the new ones who will, give them a call. In order to make room for an immense FALL STOCK We will close ont the remainder of our SUMMER GOODS At a sacrifice, and shall offer GREAT BARGAINS CLOSED OUT We desire to carry over as few goods as possible, consequently we are prepared to deal as liberally on this line as our FRIENDS CAN ASK. Call on ang3tf W. A JUHAN 4 OO. NATIONAL HOTEL, (FORMERLY SPOTSWOOD), NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, . THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY RENOVATED FROM BASEMENT TO ATTI0. BOARD S3 OO PER DAY. F. WHELANi Proprietor. AGENCY —OF THE— ESTABLISHED A. D. 1805. Specially Reinsured with the FACTORS’ & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY —AND THE— Louisiana Mutual Insurance Company, ALL OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. COMBINED CASH ASSETS, - - - - ^3.773,07-2 63. INSURES AGAINST FIRE. Losses Adjusted With Liberality and Paid Promptly. JAMES H. LOW. (Forojeily of Wood A Low, and late President La Equitable Life Insurance Oo of N. 0 ) Manager Rout hern Department Office No. 10 Whitehall street, James' Bank Block. P. O. Box 106, ATLANTA, GA S. M. FARRAR & H. £. BACKUS, ' Resident Agents. Office, Planters' Banking Company. BUY THE BES Lanireth's to Crop Tin® Se BUTA B1GA, FLAT DUTCH, BED TOP, LABOE GLOBE, USD, FEESH CABBAGE SEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Druggist and Pharmacist, 4th and Poplar streets, july20 tf Hollineworth Block MEDICAL CARD. F BOH this date DK. WM. B. BURGESS may be found, day and night, at his office over Rankin, Maesenburg & Co.’s Drug Store, corner Mnlberry and Third streets. Macon, April 28,1873. od4pr28sa WANTED. A N EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, desiring to locate in Macou, wishes to mike an en gagement with a responsible house for the coming Beason. Address, for one week, BOX 432. ]nly31 tf LAW CARD. M esses, woodward * toole, of Dooly county, Ga., having formed a legal copart nership, respectfally offer their Borvicee to the mblie, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox, lodge, Irwin, Worth, Macon, Sumter and Hous ton. Special attention given also to cases in the Supreme and Federal Coarts. Address, Vienna, Ga. jniylS d3m* E. B. POTTER. M. D. Homoeopathist. O FFICE Weed's Block, Second street, third door below Johnston's jewelry establishment. Keaidence Lanier House. July 15 tf WANTED. O NE FINE SHOE AND BOOT MAKES, and one good Feg Workman. Address. W. H. TILLEBY, Dublin, Jnlv23 dim Laurens Ooanty. Ga Mineral Waters. KISSINGEN, (artificial). VICHY, (artificial). CONGRESS, (artificial). EXCELSIOR SARATOGA, (natural), SODA WATEB, (in its excellence), All of the above Waters are on draught at the “Mammoth Fountain.'’ CONGRESS, (diamond 0). HATHOBN, (Saratoga). ROOKBKIDGE AL.OJI, (Virginia). IRISH GINGER ALE. KISSINGEN AND VIOHY SALTS. OBAB ORCHARD (Ky.) SALTS All genuine and in bottles, at the Drag Btoie of RANKIN, HASSENBURG & CO. ]uly30tf CITY BANK Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS. DIRHOTOKH. WM. B. JOHNSTON, JOHN J. GRESHAM, )nly22 Pm WM. S. nOLT. JNO. B. BOSS FOR SALE 100 000 FSET OF ASSORTED LUMBER. Call at julySO dlw CBOCKEITS WOBKS. FOR RENT. O NE THREE BOOM DWELLING, plastered and with blinds to windows, excellent well of water, fronting James Keymour’a residence ; price, $15 per month. Aleo one six room dwelling near Tatnall hquire, adjoining the residence of E. Price; throe acres of land attached, good well of water: price. $25 per month. Apply to J. BEYuOUB DODGERS. july!7 lm at tieymonr. Tinsley A Co. WANTED AT ONCE, ,NE OR TWO first-c!as3 practical Gin Makers, (Bre&ster), to whom the highest wages will be paid, by the day or piece, julyll tf - P. O. SAWYER. O 1 Eclectic Institute, T'OR YOUNG LADIES, Baltimore, Maryland. JC Number of Pupils limited to forty. For cir culars apply to the Principal. MRS. LEIITIA TYLER BEHPLE. augl dim Of Virginia. n.E0R9lA, TWIGGS COUNTY.-On the first Mon- y* diy is October next application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Twigs* county fer leave to sell the lands belonging to tbe estate ot James Balk- corn, deceased. late of laid county, for»he benefit of and distribution am peg ths heirs of raid deceased. J. F. B \LKCOM, . LAFAYETTE BALKCOM. sue. SOd*Administrators of Jqq. Balkecm. G EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.-Notise is hereby given to all persons haring demands against Jas. Lolkeom. deceased, late of Twiggs eounty. to present them to us. properly made out. within the time re quired by law. so os to rhow their character, amount and for settlement. All persons indebted to said de ceased are also hereby required to mike immediate payment. J.F. BALK COM. L-- LaFAYErTB BAT.KCOM. 7 601* Adm n estate of Ja-. Balk com. dec'J. c° OMMISSIONERS'SALS.—Agreeable to on order _ from the Honorable Superior Coart of Jones c-iuuty, will be sold for distribution, beiore the Court house aoor. in Clinton, between the legal hours of the first Tuesday in September next: One oure.aui lor, ia the town ot Clinton, moderately ell improved, and contains about three acres— nown os tbe Wilty B. Pope late residence Terms cash. P. L. CLOWKK, F. 8. JOHNSON. Jk„ «. W. tf ANN. W. A. JtiHAN. . , ^ , R. J. TURNER, jul?3Q d^wlm Comm*‘sinner NOTICE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE ) Macoi a*d Ac gust a Buluoad, - Augusta, Ga., July 81, ib73. j AN and after to-morrow, 1st proximo, tickets to Vy Now York and return via Charleston and steamers, eon be obtained for $48. by applying to Ticket Agent of this rood, at the Passenger Depot. ti. K. JOHNSON, augl lw Superintendent. MFORTED TURNIP SEEDS—Dickson's Defi- ance ixtra Bute Biga, Improved Green Top Scotch Yellow, (very ee.oct.) White Bomeraman, (fine,) Red Tankard. Yellow Tankard, Garby White Slone, Orange Jelly, Broad Leaved Essex Rape, Turnip Rooted Rape. The above have late ly arrived from Q teen Victoria's seedsmen, who have for many years devoted unremitting care and attention to the improvement of the different varieties. The stock we now offer to the public is tbe mist select and perfect character. Ja»y22 2v GEORGE BEGG8. COAL ORBEK ANTHRACITE COAL AND WOOD. W E will sell Goal during the month of August at reduced rates. Send in your orders now and avoid last winter's trouble, i erms each, tugt d3m BUPIS A 11088. Civil and Mechanical EN’GHN'EER.IBr& A T the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. Instruction very practical. Ad vantages unsurpassed in this country. Graduates obtain excellent positions. Reopens September 17th. For the Annual Register, containing im proved Coarse of Study, and fall particulars, address PROF. CHARLES DROWNE, augl dim Director. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. FORTY PEE CENT. SAVES 15 Saloon, can be foand the finest Wines, Li qaora and Lager Beer at prices that cannot fail to pleaee all. G. D. LAWRENCE, Juh27eod2w Proprietor. FOR RENT. S TOBE-HOU8E reoently occupied by Johnson 4 Smith, in the Planters’ Warehouse. Pos- see.ion given immediately. Also, one four-room DWELLING and six two- room HOUSES. Apply to ang2eodlm H. T. JOHNSON. S. M. IP. COLLEGE. T BE FALL TERM of this institution opens 27th inet. Tuition $60 per annum. B ard $200. Every department filled by experienced teachers. 8end for catalogue*. J. N. BRADSHAW, aug2eodlm President. DR. J. EMMETT BL1CKSHEAR, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Office, No. 2 Cotton avenne (np stairs,) next door to Mr. Pajne’s Drag Store. Residence, Walnut street, (above Spring.) McBar- ney’s tenement building, Maoon, Go. decl lawtf WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON, VA. T HE 24th annual session begins Poptember 25 1873. One of th. flrat Schools for loose Ladies in the South. Twenty-three teachers and officers. Scenery grand; buildings elegant; health nnenrpaeeed; feeble constitutions here restored : pupils from all the States from Maryland to Texas. Board and College Tnliion for scholastic year <240. For catalogue of S4 pages, address RAV. W. A. HARRIS, President, angfidlawlm „ - Staunton, Ya, MILCH COWS FOR S*LE. HAVE a number of fine Milch Cows, in good order, which I derire to diepesa of at fair piices anj3 lawlw JEBE HOLLIS. GRIER HOUSE FORSYTH. GA. J G. GRIER, the propietor, has reduc3d the • rates of hoard to $2 per day for the benefit of travelers and parties going to tbe Indian Spring. After tbe first of September the usual rates will be reeumed. augSeodtf THE 8TANDARD. Emerson A Palmeil $1 50 Unexcelled ns a Collection of Church Music. THE RIVER OF LIFE. Perkins A Bent ley 50 The Newest and Freshest cf Sabbath School Song Books. CHEERFUL VOICES. L. O. Emerson. 60 Very beautiful School Song Book. GEMS OF STRAUSS. Johann Strauss. 2 50 All the best Strauss Music. ORGAN AT HOME. For Reed Organs. 2 50 200 most attractive pieces. CLARKE'S DOIaLAK INSTRUCTORS For Reed Organs, Piano and Violin. EMERSON'S CHANTS AND RESPONSES. 1 00 DB- STREETER'S VOICE BUILDING. 1 50 Sold everywhere. Sent post-paid for retail prioe. 0HA8. H. DITSON A OO , 711 Broadway, New York. OLIVER DITSON A OO., JiilyftdSswftwtf Boston. 1 MACON BOARD OF REFERENCE. (By Permission.) R. M. Bazemore. of Adams A Bszemore. John O. Card, of Garh\rt A Curd B. L. Willingham of Lawton A Willingham 8. Waxelbaum. of Waxelb*um A Bro. J W Burfca, of J W. Burke A Co. J B Rops, of Ro*e A Ooiemsn. i W. Cubbedpe. of Cubbedge. Hazlehurst A Co. J Joseph Dairaenburg, of Nussbaum A Dannenbnnj. H. Plant, of I. O. Plant A 8on. j Asher Ayres Thomas Hardeman, of Haideman A Sparks. | Thomas G. Dempsey. aug4lm O. A Nutting. President Oity Bank. J. E. Jones, PresideT t Central Bank. I C- Plant. President First National Bank. W. J. Lawton, President Planters' Banking Co. S. G. Bonn. President Exchange Bank W. 8- Holt. President Southwestern Railroad Oo GEORGIA MILLS! WILEY’S XXXX, AMBER, PEARL DUST, CORAL. “ THESE ARE OUR JEWELS.” Wo h&ye Just completed many improvements and addition, to our Mills, and are turning out daily 250 BARRELS OF FLOUR I We wonld call the eapocial attention of merchants to onr popular brands, as we can offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Always on hand a choice selection of STOCK. FOOD. ALSO BRAN IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCASERS. BURR & FLANDERS, GEOEGIA MILLS. I STILL TRIUMPHANT. O. W. MASSEY EXCELSIOR Cotton Gin! PATENTED JULY, 1871. I^^OULD tatetbis method of informing the public that hundreds are now innse from Virgin^ reneral O** “s bt L5°J For the information of those who have not seen the Gin in use, would state that it runs fast, cleans seed perfectly, and makes a beautiful sample of cotton. The roll box is so coot ^ that it is impossible to break the roll or ohoke the Gin by any fair means, and a child ten flfl00 n feed it as well as any one. AU of which I guarantee, and warrant* every Gin to give entire as • no balk. . _ iha pflttoni* One improvement in my cotton or roll box Is, it is longer at the top than where tee pulled between the ribs. . . .. tale® Parties purchasing Cotton Gins would do well to look to this before purchasing other determined to protect my patent from any and all infringements COTTON 0** Parties wishing to purchase Gotten Gins would do well to examine THB EXCELSIOR OOi before purchasing. Samples eon be seen at Juiy29 deodSm cabhakt £ ocm’MPg.