The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 08, 1873, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST S, 1873. Pn«r>xu.—Mr. Joo. J. Griffin, Western Agent of He Greet Southern Freight Line, lu the city. locking After the intercut* of tbie favoriteline. _ A Fioirr —Two negroes named lieary Snake and Churlie Odom, bed a fight in the Perk yes terday. Odom carded Snake’s bead with a brick, and H eke glided array io the liveliest sort of time. Our Aon:r.—One of the colored men who fell from the scaffold at Mercer University some time ago, has no far recovered aa to be upon the streets, with the aid of a pair of crotches. An insurance company could take a ri*k on his life with impnnity. Runaway.—A horse ran away with a wagon near the City Ilall yesterday. Eoooantering a gutter, the wagon was npaet, and driver and horse both landed fiat of their backs in the gut ter, with the inverted wagon over the driver. That ended the runaway. Np Baht.—Yesterday paused without rain. The son arose clear and smiling in the morning, and taken altogether, the day was abont as clever as any that we have had in sometime. There wan breeze enough to modify the ardor of the son. How long it will remain clear, this deponent wil! not risk his reputation as a phil osopher by attempting to guess. Buiotvzd.—Mr. D. W. Croft, who for ssven year* has been one of the politest and most popular condactors on the M&oon and Western Kail road, resigned that position on Wednesday. His resignation was handed to Captain Fore acre, Superintendent, at Atlanta. The travel ing pnblic will reget the loss of Mr. Croft from the road. Always attentive and agreeable, it was a plearare to travel with him. May “bis lines be oast in pleasant place®." THI WAIBIOR. A JVegro Deipfraila B*sta*s Arrest ait la Mot. Some days ago, at the instance of several parties, whita and colored, living in the War rior District, a warrant waa issued for the arrest of a notoriously bad negro named Joe McCrary, who is charged with keeping a gaming house, and with selling liquor and gaming on Sanday. This negro is noted in his neighborhood as being an extremely vicious and dangerous one, and he is inspected of being at the bead of a gang of negro thievee and gamblers who are depredating upon the country. They bad grown to be so bad that they had actually become a nniaanoe to tbe colored people as well as to the whites, and both classes were nnited In a deter mination to have him arrested and prosecuted. Accordingly several of them, all good and peaceful citizens, came before Judge Weems, of tbe County Coart, ststed tbe osse, and had a warrant imned for his apprehension. The warrant was plaoed in the hands of s bailiff ont in tbe Warrior district to be executed. McCrary, somehow or other got wind of the fact that the warrant had been issued, and he announoed his intention to resist arrest even to tbe death. He avowed that he would not be taken alive. FimCIAL AMD COMMERCIAL OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER.! August 7— Ermine. ISIS, f Cotton—The market is Mill without change. Tbe receipt, moo. last report bare been 84 bale.: tbe shipments daring tbe earn, time bare been 72 bales, and the sales (8 bales. xaoow ooTToa rithdt. ■ttock on hand Sept. 1. 1872—bales. - 413 Received since laat report. 84 Beoeired prertoa.!j ....61.826—61.710 62,122 ... 72 ....60,345— 67,417 Shipped rices Iaet report Shipped prevional y Stock on hand this eveninp 1,704 Tbe money and general market wh quote as fol lows: EICRtNO* on m TOST. Baying par. S-ihirig 310 prem nToii. on sat ANNas. Boring Koff. Selling par. CNrrtD states cubuxct—loins. Far month 1X91K peroent GOLD AND sum. Boring rates for Gold 13 Selling 1 15 BnyingratoefcrSilrer 1 04 Selling... ...1 07 I’m* Esonrr fob Salx.—Oomn'gee Fire Company No. 2 baring parohased a steamer, the arriral of which Is expected daily, are of fering for sale tbe fine hand engine wrhiob hes done anoh good serrioe erer since It bss been In the department. Tbe engine is hrst-class In every particular, has always been well used, and la, to-day, almost aa good as It waa when left the shops. At the annnal parade of tbe Maoon Fire Department last April, without any extraordinary effort beiog made, this engine threw a aoiidatream of water 172 feet 4 Inches, whioh is abont aa much aa moat hand enginea do when they do their best. The engine be sold low, and some of the towns in Georgia, which hero no fire department, will find this machine an excellent undone for one. Pistoling.—It is frequently the case, “oft In the stilly sight” when the dogs bay deep- monthed wdoome (o the soaring moon, and tho little froge sqnat upon their hannehes beside the hlagnant pools and chirp their pretty rounde lays, that "Tbe abort, sharp hark of Derringers Like hnll-pnrps cheers the parse.” They can be heard bang, banging away, in ah moat every direction, and it wonid be a blessed xdlef io belalod travelers to know that tbe villainous gunpowder were not expiodteg just behind a snng liltle nngget of lead. Carrying murderous weapons may bo the modem idea of "the manly art of self defenoe,” but firing them permisenonsly in tho streets, on a dark night is oalcalatod to make one feel dreadfully uneasy became, after a ball onco leaves the chamber of a pistol, it Is no respecter of persons, snd is as liable to lodge in the extended frame-work of an Innoocnt city odltor as io tho live oaroass of some fellow who Is prowling around for no good nnder tho moon. The County Court. Tbe osse against Thad. Allen, Kobl. Tosstin and Gns Roberta, was resumod before Judge Worms yesterday morning. The oonrt decided that Tosstin was guilty of burglary in the nfgbt, and ho was committed to jail without baiL Thad. Allen waa oommitted on tho chnrge of larceny from tbe bouse, and being unable to givo an eight hnndred dollar bond, also went to jalL Gns Roberts gave bond In the sum of three bnndrod dollars and was liberated. He will probably be UBed as State's ovldenoe when the oasb conies to trial boforo tho Superior C.inrt. The Navannah Notdlery. Tbe glossy members of the Savannah Light Infantry, spent yosterday in loanging and drib ling about tho streets. They went down to tho park and evolnted some; and performed aome *lullltary marvels in the streets, to the great edi fication of a cloud of negro small boys. The prtnotpal feature of the company waa their oolor, whioh waa mostly of an intense variety of blaok. A very blaok eat would have been a ligbt-oolored patch npon most of their faces. Every mem- bet of the oompany appeared to be a thorough taetiolao, at least they eeemed to think so, as each went aooording to bis own inclination, re gardless of tho captain's oommands. Such dril ling was never before seen in Mscon, not even when tbo Llnkbora Guards were out. The oompany will leave for home to day. Georgia musical Festival. The preparations for the approaching Grand Musical Festival, to be held here daring the tits to Fair, are going rapidly forward, and the Indications are in favor of a brilliant and sno- oeaafnl entertainment. A number of the best mnaleal talent in the State have kindly aooepted the Invitation, and many moro are expeoted soon to follow. We are to-day, able to give a more specified programme, which we hope will generally in terest tbe lovers of fine music. The festival will last three days, vir: Wedneslsy, Thursday and Friday, October 29, SO and 31. The find day will be devoted to the reception of the mmioians and to a great rehearsal. The seoondday will be performed : Hayden’s grand Oratorio “Oieation,” for full chorus, soli, orchestra and oigan. The third day will bring a mixed classical programme, with the following pieces: Mendelssohn * Wedding March, for orchestra: Cherubini's “Ave Marls," soprano, with or- ohestra; Gloria from Mcztrt'a Twelfth Mass, full chorus, orchestra sud organ; parts from "Moses in Egypt,” by Bosaini, etc. As will be eaiiiy remarked, the programme Is strictly classical, snd promises to prove a fine musical treat. Tbe rehearsals for the chorus will begin next week, snd parties not having joined* yet, and wishing to do so, will oblige the directors by making their application soon to the Sisters of Mercy. STATE BONDS. Georgia 8 per cent Bonds, new.... 100 . .t . .. . n ._ . . Georgia 7 per oent. Bonds, old 85 This came to the osrs of tbe bailiff, who, Georgia 7 per cent, mortgage Bonds 9J acting npon the information, deemed it discreet Georgia 6 per cent. Bonds, old 70 to summon a posse of men to assist him in I CITT RECTIima. making the arrest, hoping thereby to terrify the a'w ot 75 negro Into an abandonment of hia porpoee of cityof Savannah Bonds, o!d.""".""!”.’81<s resistance. Some half dcxra good citizens were Savannah 81@ summoned and proeeeded to McCrary’s home. RAILROAD SKClIRIIin. When they entered McCrary confronted them 9°°^.* ^Ailroad 7 per cent. Bonds 93 with a double-barrelled shot gun, duly loaded. Central Railroad 7 per cent. Bonds 92 He attempted to fire upon the party aa they en- Central Railroad Stock 81 a j u-4 - - . . » I Southwestern Railroad Bonds 91 tered, but, fortunately, the gun missed fire. Southwestern Bsilrosd Block 82 Seeing tbe war-like attitude of tbe fellow, the Macon A Brunswick R. B. 1st mort. Bonds... 66 party drew th.irpi.tol, and five shot, were fired “J at McCrary, oca striking in the neck, one in the Maoon A Augusta Railroad 1st mort. Bonds. 88 breast and one in the thigh, neither of whioh | Macon A^AuguetaltailroadletmortgageBonde produced a necessarily fatal wound. Even af- Mac ^„ AAagaaU R R.* OtoaMttoa Bondi! ter being shot thus, tbe desperado had to be WesternRAilro»d8 percent. Bonds, endorsed overpowered, having obstinately refused to sur- Mo bill AoSrf liinra^^endSbj render, even to tbe very laat. This til oocnrred I Central Bsilrosd 87 on Wednesday. I Montgomery A EufauJa 8 per cent gold en* , . . ‘ , , I dorse bond* 90 A physloitn living In tbe neighborhood, was gonth Carolina Railroad Stock called in, snd after examining tbe wound* said I Atlanta A West Foint R. B. 8 per cent Bonds the negro could not he removed to town th*t Atl “;^' I “";‘ a ; ™““ n0,t ; day. Yesterday morning, however, be informed Atlantic & Gnlf Railroad Bonds* Vndoriedby the bailiff that the man might be removed. I . CSty of R svannah..... ..... ..... . . .. . .. . I Atlantic A Gulf Railroad Coupon Bonds A reliable report was brought to the ear of Atlantic* Golf Bsilrosd 8tock the officer thst McCrary's gsng bsd resolved to I resene him, snd he deemed it sdvissble to keep I _ * ,EATS * him nnder s strong guard until to-day, snd then I BAC °shoSidera n ! ) .! 1 ..!^.^! ] ?? k .^ bring him in. The authorities in town were I Sntrar-cured hams notified of the sitnatlon, snd Sheriff Cherry, I Marram—Cotton, net reoeipta 440: shipments 604; stock 77*6; low middlings Is, 1 *; market quiet. GAxrrsros — Cottoo, net receipts 40; exports ooastmee —; sake 900: stock 9782: lexaa ordi nary )S; good orlfcary 16%: market steady. Pin Atm h 4 — Cotton, middlings U; market doll. Litxxpool—Noon—Cotton, uplands 8%; Orleans 9% market quiet and steady. OotTon sales 12,000; speculation and export 2000. From Savannah and Charleston, September and October delivery, 8%. Evening—Sales include 260 bales American Livfkpool—Noon—Breadstuff* quiet. Lard S Q e: Lo>dTurpentine opened Sis Cd, and closed at Sis 6d to 32a. PRODUCE. Nzw Toix—Noon—Flour quiet and without de cided change. Wheat firmer. Corn steady Fork firm: new mess 18 00. Lard dull and heavy: old western steam 87*16. Turpentine dull at 42%. Rosin quiet at 3 00<g3 05 for common strained. Freights firm Evening—Floor, southern unchanged and in moderate request; common to fair extra 6 20# 7 75; good to sboioe 7 fi6@i0 60. Whisky lower at 95%. Wheat 1 #2 better, with a good export de mand and large Luaineea; winter red western 1 52. Corn a shade nrmer, with a fair home consumption, export and trade demand. Coffee active and stronger; Bio 1S%#20. latter for home cargo lots. Rice quiet. Pork steady; new mees 18 00 Lard weak. Turpentine quiet. Boein quiet. Freights firm; cotton, per steam 6-16(5>M- Baltimore—Flour dull; Baltimore mills, high grades declined 25c. Wheat weak. Corn, white 72 #76; yellow 53#6G. Oats firm; southern 43^44. Bye firmer at 72. Provisions in fair demand; no sales of round lets. Whisky quiet. Locthyilz-x—Flour in good demand and steady; family extra 6 5J. Com firm; sacked 57(362. Pork steady; held at 16 25#16 60. Bacon firm and in good demand; shoulders 9%; deer rib aides 10% #11; dear aidee 10%#11; dear aides held higher for packed; hams, sugar-cnrtd 14%<?cll%: plsin 13313%* Lard quiet and steady*, choice leaf tierce 9%; keg 10; steam 8%. Whisky quiet and firm at 90. Cn»ccrxati—FI our quiet at 6 2506 50. Com firm; fair to prime 44(g47. Po»k 16 50; held higher. Lard quiet and unchanged: steam 8; kettle 8%. Bacon steady: shoulders 83 9; ciear rio aid*a 10%; Caear sides 10%. Whisky firm at 90 St. Louis—Flour quiet and weak, but not qno tably changed. Com firm: No. 2 mixed 37@38%. Whisky steady at 92. Pork firm at 16 75#17 uo. Bacon firm and higher for email lota; shoulders 9; dear rio sides 10%; dear sidee 1o%#ll> Lard quiet. . New 0blea5s—Flour dull; double extra 5 25; treble *xtra 6 50&7 50; family 8 50@9 75. Corn firm and scarce; mixed 65; white 80. Oats in light on I demand. Bran quiet. Hay dull; choice 26 00. Pork w I firmer at 17 00#17 25. Dry ealted meats scarce; shoulders 9%. Bacon scarce and in good demand; shoulders 9%; dear rib sides 11%; clear aides 11%; hams, 15%'<«16. Lard dull; refined tierce 8%; keg Pcaica at 11. Sugar in good demand: fully fair 0%; yellow 10%. Molasses da L Whisky quiet; L uio':ana91; Cincinnati, 1 00 effored. Coffee 18# 22%. Wn.ynroT05—Spirits turpentine dull at 87%— 77 I Rosin firm: strained 2 49: No. 2 6 00; low No 1 50 I 2 70; 6Xtra No. 1 2 90. Crude turpentine steady; 16 hud 2 00; yellow dip and virgin 3 20. Tar quiet 1 at 3 65. KTATIOKTAL (FORMERLY SPOTSWOOD), NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER REPOT. THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY RENOTATED FROM BASEMENT TO ATTIC. BOARD S3 OO PER DAY P. WHELAN, Proprietor* FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE PUCE IN WEST MACON, twenty-five minutes' walk to the business part of the city, house containing five rooms, frem four to five verse of ground attached, good well of water, with fruit trees on the place. App'y to GEO. F. GHKRaY, aug7 2awlm ,bheriff Bibb County. FOR RENT. T HAT large, well appointed Boarding-house on Second s reet, near the business centre of the dty, at present occupied by Mis. Freeman. Possession given on the 1st of October, or earner if desired. Apply on the premises, or to aug7 eodlm* M. 8. THOMSON. WESLEYAH FEMALE COLLEGE, MACON. GA. rpnE THurrr-EixrH annual session win begin October 6, 1873. For cataloguer, oontaiuing full information, ad dress BEY. E. ri MYERS, D D„ President. O. W. Smith. Si crel ary. ang" 2m 11K4 13 10V© 10K 16 © 17 15 00 20 00 io no®u oo « 9 <3 @ MARINE NEWS. accompanied by oonatable Lansy and others I Picklo l trimmings went ont to taka charge of the prisoner. There | WHITE MEATS-—O B Sides.... were serious apprehensions that an effort wonid be made laat night to release him; bnt the sheriff probably had a guard out there strong [ GRAIN AMD BAT. enough to frighten the negroes from any such I Jj^L 95 @ I 00 attempt It la hoped that tho negroes will have j onrTS.V.V.V."..'.'..'.'.....'..'..".! 85 sense enough to attend to their own affairs OAT8........ 60 © »Dd let the law Uke IU course. HAY-Weetera 1759 190 The sheriff has orders from theoonrt to bring I Eastern 2 35 the prisoner in at all hazards, snd it is quite Nxw Yobjc—Arrived. Fisg. Anglos, Hansa, Cleo patra. Ghasumtox—Arrived. Willio, Luce. Mavata, B. Y. W. Simmons, Lizzie Evans, Ashland. SavassiH—Arrived, Constitution, Emma D. Fin- 9)4 I n0 -’ Gertereo, Mnrroid, Seminole. Sai.ed, Magnolia. GEORGIA No. 2. 15 CENTS 15- j^LL DRINKS, plain or fancy, are cow fifteen cents each at tbe, Georgia No. 2. No charge in liquo’a. None kept but the beet. CASEY A ESPENNEB, augT 6t Proprietcrs. v ^. JSinin of Joaes county, wiK be sold for distribution, beiore'the Court house door, in ClintOD. between the legal hours oil sale, on the first Tuesday in September next: One house and lot, in the town ot Clinton, moderated well improved, and contains about three acres- known as the Wiley B. Pope late residence. Terms cash. P. L. CLOWBR, F. 8. JOHNSON. Jb.. «. W. MANN. W. A, JUHAN, ■; / B. J. TURNER. ju1y3Q dJ^wlm Commissioners. BARGAINS IN MILLINSBY H AVISO determined to c’ose up ray bnsines*, I am offering from this date and until the en tire lot is die posed of, xrj stock of Millinery and Fancy foods At prices that cannot fail to please all. My stock consists in part of Ladies* Hats and Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, Lace Goods, Hair Goods, Collars, Cuffs, Zephyr Worsted, And m fact everything usually kept in my line. Call and examine my goods and buy them at your own price. an^6 d2w MB8 L. F. HEUDBIX New Boarding House. O N THE FIRST OF AUGUST I will open the Hou-e on Mulberry street, opposite the La nier Home, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N. Binswanger. Board $35 per mouth, and the table supplied with the best tbe market affords booms can be had either with or without furniture. aug61m E M. BROWN, AgenL_ Macon Fire Insurance & Trust Association. T HE Board of Directors have declared a divi dend of EIGHT PER CENT, on the amount of Stock paid in. payable on and after the 5tn mat. J. MONROE OGDEN. 8ec*y and Treas. Macon, August 4, 1873.aug5 St FOR RENT CHEAP. T HE two commodious 8TORES on Gharry street, at present occupied by Coleman A Newsom, are for rent from first day of October next. Apply to J* VALENTINO, joneStd 68 Oherry street I Elecilou for Alderman Io the First Ward, Tin numerous friends of L. W. Hasdai, Esq., I hereby announce his name as a suitable candidate I for Alderman, to fill tho vacancy in the Board I rooms,'with garden and outbuildings. One of the caused bytheresignationof Mr.BarronCarterin the I besteUnda for & boarding-house in the city. First Ward. The election takes place on the 16th | Apply to AVENUE STOBE TO BENT. T HE STOBE on Cotton Avenue, now occupied pied bv Mrs Hendrix. Aleo, theFLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five BAOOIXO AMD IKOM Tire. probable that he will reach tho jail abont noon BAGGING—Bengal to-day. I Lyon... Bill Hardison, an accomplice of McCrary’s, I ' was bronght in yeaterday and lodged in jail. I Dundee. Patchod Tbe Odd Fellows. | • 16 (S 17 17 9 18 18 ® 19 16 17 @ 18 15K 9\< 1 9X 7 IX) 0 8 00 Rtandard superfine. 8 50 9 Extra 9 50 0 Choice extra 10 00 0 Family 11 00 0 Tho Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Georgia I FLOUR—Low superfine per bbl will assemble in Atlanta next Tuesday and will be in session three days. Macon will be repre- aented by M. It. Rogers, Grand Master; John G. Deilz, Grand Beorotary; O. J. Btroberg, Grand Chaplain; B. Lowenthai, Grand Herald; J. H. Otto, Speciel Deputy Grand Mastor ; D. B. Woodruff, representative from United I OHEESE^-Reetcream Brothers Lodge ; T. J. Simmons and H. J. I New York State. Ilsrvey, representatives from Franklin Lodge ; . M0 Oeo^'acdN.o'.CsneSynip Spahr, representative from Germania I SUGAR—A. Fancy Family Brands.. | LARD—Tierces Eeg I COFFEE—Rio Java. 12 00 @ 13 0 23 (3) 28 @ inst, and every resident of tbe city is entitled to | vote. ang3 tf JI4NY CITI2EN3. | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE. ^ DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, containing aix | roams, on Bond etroot; ontbnildings complete. Terms easy. Apply at jnly3l tf LAWTON & WILLINGHAM'S. 1214 \ FOR SALS CHEAP. G. B. ROBERTS. TO RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSES or one eight-room Hones for rent Apply to jnly35tf OLIYER. DOUGTASS Sc. «L Wanted! Wanted! A SITUATION as Teacher of the EngliBh Lan guage, or Hnsic, in an Academy or private family, by a lady of experience. Terms moderate. No objection to the oountry. References given if required. Address, ABO, Post-ot&ce Box 151, jolySO 6t Maoon, Qa. HOUSE AND LOT Lodge; F. A. Shouemao, representative from Macon Union Encampment, and past Grands Geo. K. Barker, H. O.. Taylor, B. St. Paul Gaorrardie, and Geo. F. Cherry. White extra O New Orleans sugar (hhds). Yellow O Domarara.... Porto Rico...I MACKEREL—No 1 kite 2 bbla 2 kits. sn # 65 # 12%# 12%# 9 # 11 # A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, with all necoesaiy For Sale OT Bent, ill VinOTille. cntbnildings. All new, in good order, aod | _ _ location. — - ■ • - - ' Apply at ELKURA 11V liK in a pleaeant location. Foeseseion given when-1 TI TY HOUSE AND LOT In Yinevilio is now for | ever desired. Apply at | ill ang83t TELEORATH AND MESSENGER. [ Dissolution of Copartnership. _ sale or rent on tbe most favorable terms. Posseesion given on the first of October. ju»y29 lOt W. A. HUFF. Mbs. Josephine Horne, artist, formerly cf Georgia. Address 122 Waverley Place, New York. Portraits and piotnrea of any size taken I WHITE FISH—Half bbf from old dsgnereotypes in tho highest style of I CANDLES—Beet star (full w’t) . I Sperm.... ftru I Farapbine , STARCH—Pearl.. Don’t mis Wiley’s XXXX Flour with soap— t, ■ — .i-ii , -ii t. BUTTER—Choice Tenneeaee... Paris Green tn kill caterpillars. It wont] Tennessee No. 3. Best Goshen. Goshen No 2.. kill. I Country ■ —mi. I EGGS—Per doz Hturr, Rawxiy & Lajcae.—'This woll known and I S^5 K ^' s ^? erdo1 -; reliable firm have received a largolot of Dr. Hood’s “ liV^oL. Enreka Liver Medicine. It has the praise of all I NAILS— who have tried it. In bottlea at 60 cent* and $1.00 I *•* MACON SHEETING. ‘ V Shirting.... “ 3 bbla—Large 12 @12 50 "8 kite 150 @170 „ MEDICAL CARD. T HE copartneiehip heretofore existing between I the undersigned was dissolved on the first I I .’DOM this date DR. WM. R. BUBGE8S may be 12 @12K I instant, by mntnal consent. George F. Barrett I JC found, day and night, at hia office over Rankin, H I takes the assets and assumes the indebtedness of I Massenburg & Co.’s Dxug Store, coiner Mulberry the firm. F G. Oi&TLEN, and Third streets. GEORGE F. BARRETT. | Macon, April 28,1873. Angnst 7.1873. ang8 St 2 00 0 2 25 14 00 @11 60K 1 75 od4pr28ea 21 GEORGE F. BARRETT. | Cherry 8treet, opposite Huff’s new building, : Dealer In ELECTION NOTICE. TTNDEB and by virtue of a resolution passed by LJ the City Council of the City of Macon, an election will be-held in the several wards of the city, on 8 ATUBDAY, the 16th day of August. 1873, rV I GUNS, PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE, POWDER I for an Alderman, to fill tho vacancy of Barron 6K@ 8 * I e r , B r, mmri'vrTr mir-Bmava Carter, of the First Ward. Polls will bo opened — I ILASKS, SHOT DELTA, CARTRIDGES, eto , I from 8 o’clock A. v. to 5 o’clock p. a. at tbe fol- In reopening, begs to return thanks to the patron. 48 @ 50 I of Bmett A Co. for former favors, and trusts by No 8 ®econd WArd-At Engine strict attention to business to merit a continuance | ® , j,..y .. 3 A of the eame. 50 # J8 # 3 50 Gi 4 60 2 10* & 1 90 @ 2 00 5 75 & 6 60 U% .. 10 # Ball Thread Knitting Yarn OSNABURGB—No 1 No 2. MilIo3gevillo No 2 Waynmanville Sheeting... Houston Sheeting. Houston Stripes.. Columbus Stripes, High Shoal Stripes. Montour Sliirtine—%..... Factory Sewing Thread... _ YARNS— 1 61 Georgia unwashed wool.. SO # Georgia washed wool..- 45 @ . ... | FEATHERS 70 # beneath them, and these wonderful hil- beeswax..... 25 # locks are tho staff of life, white, nutty and I nLDE o7e^t7 ^.V.V.V.V.V.V."' J 7 @ delicious. I sweet roTATOEsV.V.V.V.'.’.'. l to @ 1 75 Snow in Summer ? Yes. How ? I \yhere ? Just where you would never look fbr it. In all the red hot ovens of tiro best wives and housekeepers ia the I city. "What do you mean ? I mean that tbo glorious loaves fabricated from Wiley’s XXXX resemble lilliputian mountains capped with snow ; only tbe real mountains liavo red dirt and rocks UH0 17 0 UXO 60 & Gan Repairing, Locksmithing And general repairing of Metal Work done prompt- iy and reasonably. ang8 3t FOR SALE! HAND FIRE ENGINE AND APPARATUS. To those desiring to purchase a good and rolir- ■ —- nnifawn" ble Fire Engine, will find it to their interest to ex- I sJ. 0 ™* - amine this one. It ie a Court-house. Fourth Ward—At Ci y Hall. J. W. BURKE, Mayor Fro Tern. Attest: J. A. MoMaucs, Clerk 0. 0.angStd HIGHLY IMPORTANT. FORTY PER CENT. SATED V r CENTS PER DRINK! At "Our Hi U Saloon, can be found the finest Wines, Li quors add Lager Beer at prices that cannot fail to please all. G. D. LAWRENCE, jnl>27eod2w Proprietor. FOR RENT. S TORE-HOUSE reoently occupied by Johnson A Smith, in the Planters’ Warehouse. Poa- aeasion given immediately. Also, one four-room DWELLING and six two- H. T. JOHNSON. SECOND-CLASS SMITH EN&INE S. aVJ. F. COLLEGE. Thk CnxaiEST akd Best.—Hood's Eureka Liv- I Medicine gives universal satisfaction in | Market reports of Fancy and Family Groceries I In perfect order and warranted to give entire sat- tha treatment of Liver Disease. Dyspepsia, Sick t>T Green Lake A Co., Nos. 62 Cherry, and 64 Third iafacUon. Sold for no fault, but to make room I j£ e — department filled by exp Headache Co-tiveness. and all that das. of die- gg*^ , Fdr f “pwticnlars, apply to Secretary of J ’ N ’ eases arising from a disordered state of the stom ach and liver. no\30Iy steady demand $10 50 @ 12 60 Pngar cured and pig iiama J6 0 Gilt edgebntter (newj ......... 35 @ A.. B.. Ex. C. and Brown N. O. Sugar 12 @ Best Young Hyson and Black Teas Y 25 9 1 10 Old Government Java Coffee.... SO @ 35 have always a lleaw supply on hand. | ChoiMBeaf and Buffalo Tongues 75 @ 1 25 ■ BURR & FLANDERS. * -T 4 ® 600 1 Messina Oranges, per box None. French Lemons 16 00 9 20 CO Choice Wheat, only thoroughly I cleansed with a decorticator like that oi I ours, can make flour like the Wiley XXXX. We know where to get it, and WMtaAuSTdnn BTo U Coiree Ocmnigee Fire Co. No. 2. or committee. C MAO HOLD, Foreman. H. P. WE8TOOTT, F. A. SHONEMAN, V KAHN, JNO. VALENTINO. rag 81m G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Notice is hereby I given that my wife, Louisa S. Green, has I I my full permission to do business on her own ec- | count as % free trader* aug8 lawlw JAMES W. GREEN. T HE FALL TERM of this institution opens 27th inst. Tuition $69 per auunm. B iard $200. experienced teaciera. ■ _ . N. BRADSHAW, vh aug2eodlm President. t G m EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.-Four weeks after the date hereof applieation will be made to the I Cqnrt of Ordinary of Dooly county for an order to I Fell the lands belonging to the estate of Skidmore I bpaizht, deceased, fortne benefit of tbe heirs and I creditors of said estate. This A u ? u«t 4.1S73. . , LOUISA SPAIQHT, ragS 4w Adminisjatiix. Tti«* Heror'a Coart. Hil pro tom, Honor, Aldermin J. W. Burke, presided over tbe Msyor’s Court yesterday. The interest of the oonrt wm vested in a sin gle ca«e against Matt Brooks, a female woman of oolor, who waa np to answer a charge of dis orderly conduct. The circumitanoea of the oaae were about as follows: A neighbor of Matt'a was speaking to hia wife of a friend re cently deceased. The wife spoke in very kind terms of the dead man, and the husband re joined, “That's the way with yon women. You don’t care a cent for ns men while ire’s alive; bnt noon's we's dead yon bsgin to praise ns.” Matt, overheard this remark, and being of a highly concentrated religions torn of mind, said aho didn't oare who lost their fnends so long as she had her Savior. She waa told that the pre vious conversation waa not directed to her, whereupon she grow angry, and ripped ont snob a lot of oaths and abases as were never before beard in that neighborhood. Her husband, who heard her carrying-on was asked why he did not oheck her. He said there waa no doing nothing with that woman. When abe got in one of her ways it was useless to try to check her. She would talk and foes and swear, and the only way to do was to let her go on nntil she got dene. As an apology for b6? proclivities she eaid she waa thunder-at ruck ouoe, and talked like lightning ever since. She was fined fire dollars. Robert Foster, who was fined Wednesday for a oaae of aimple drank, waa up again ; but hia oaae waa dismissed provided he would leave on the first train for New York. Moses Elder was charged with violating the lioense ordinance, bnt the case waa diamiarad. Colonel J. Clark Lanier waa lodged in the b&rraaks yesterday. He had l>oen patronizing tbe bar-rooms too freely nnder tbe fifteen oent dispensation. He will probably make his ap- pwaranoe In oonrt this morning. , I * sjxiuiuuo................ JO UU igf IU Nxnvocs Dxbujit—A depressed, irritable etato I New Layer Raisins 860 6» 700 of mind; a weak, nervous exhausted feeling; no Nen'Cnrranta and Prunes. 16 @ energy or animation; confused bead, weak memo- I I ’ ecc * na ’ WlInul « wd ^ tj, often with debUiUting, involuntary discharge*. I rinM t and'beat Champagnes!” 25 00 <3 40 00 The ounsequenoe of exceaeee, mental overwork or I Old Family Rye Whiakv 250 9 600 indiscretions. This siavora dxbujtt finds a sov- fvencli Brandy for medical nee. 8 60 @15 00 ereign cure in Hcwmraxvs’ H 0 «oraT B .o Erxcmo, 20 00 @150 00 No 23. It tones np the system, arreeta dischargee, I baeco 40 # 125 dispels tho mental gloom and deepondenev, and re-1 Georgia Cane Syrup CO & 100 Jnvenatee the entire system. «i. perfc«ilyh ra - g?“^p (White) Syrup.... 1 25^9 150 lees and always cflident. Price $5 for a package of DriedApplee.. None. five boxes and a largo $2 vial of powder, which ia I ■» , mirniifi i.jjli _l.lj n important in old, eericu. cases; or 81 per single Ltfest Market Reports by Telegraph d«Jte.,yr!i«tion will be made to the Court of box. Sold by all druggists, or eont by mail, on re- | | ofDoolj county for an^order^to a ell atl the oeipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS’ SPECIFIC *" ‘ HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE OO.. No. 662 Broad- way.N. Y. For sals by John Ingal s rad Hunt, Rankin A Lamxr. Macon, Ga. pr!5 eodAsw tf FINANCIAL. New Ycbe—Noon—Stocks dull. Gold 15%.— Money oasy at 3#4. Exchange, long 9; short 9%. Governments dull and steady. State bonds dull. land* belonpiiff to the estate of Charles H. Everett, , decemsel. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of 1 said deceased. Ihis Augunt, 1873. 0. P. SWEARINGEN, augS 4w Administrator. ] i f° r the benefit of tbs heirs and creditors of I said deceased. This August 4.1873 . a PET KR BUCK HOLTS. Executor. augS4w NARCISSA IVEY, Executrix. OBSTACLES TO BARBIAGE. bonds quiet. TTAPP7 ugi.THi 1 pgr vnnvG "Kfisv fmm I Midnight Governments, 81s 19%; 62s 47%; 64s HATH KEL.EF FOR YOUNG MEN from the 65, is% ; new 17%; 67s 18%; 68s 18%: new effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man- I 5s 14%; 10-40x15. hood restored. Impediments to Marriage remov-1 Tennessee 6s 81%: new 81%: Virginia 6s 48%; V; ‘ Ne T” 0th ^ 0f tre ‘ tm<,Et - *7 “ d rem “ k - 6. 8 42: it* 4s“ei« 6 6i OtTsO, Alabama^'K? 1 able remedie:. Books and circnlsra sent free, in £s 85: Georgia 6s 70; 7« 90: North Caroiinas 27; sealed envelopee. Addrees HOWARD ASSOOIA-1 new isv,: special Ux 12; Booth Carolina* 82; new | TION, No. 2 South Ninth at., Philadelphia, Fa..— ” ‘ ' Sterling 9. GovernmenU dull and nomrnaL Btate j administration npon the estate of L. S. Daniels, late of said connty. deceased. All peraons interested are required to be and ap- ear at the Court of Ox dinary of raid county, on the , first Monday in September next, to show cause, if *ny they have, why letters should not be granted. I Given nnder my hand officially. p aue" 30d J.R> HOLMES, Ordinary. 14: April and October 22. New Orleans—Sterling 26%. an institnUon having a high reputation for honor- pr ; mjnm . oold 15 New York eight % able oouduot and professional skill. jalySJSm ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER J AND SUPPER TABLE, LEA A PERKINS)’ WorM.ler.hlre Since. IS INDISPENSABLE. JOHN DUNCAN’S BOSS, New York. Agents for the United States. WANTED. A N EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, desiring I to locate in Maoon. wishes to make an an* I gagemeot with a responsible house for the coming I * " BOX 432. Losdox—Noon-Conaola 9:v. Bullion inc*euei Address, for one week, 307.000 pounds. ' I _Jnlj31 tf Farm—Noon—Rentes 57f20c. Evening—Specie in the Bank of France has de creased nearly d,000,000f. AT THEIB NEW STAND, *• -w.U’jV - Nos. U and 76 Mulberry Street, CONTINUE TO OFFER BARGAINS TO MERCHANTS ami PLANTERS And invite a call from everybody skeptical on this point. FOR SALE. O NE of the most desirable places in Vin6ville, containing 45 acres, with good wells of wa ter. comfortable improvements, with wood enough to last a family for four or five years. Good or chard of various kinds frul. The place *ill be sold, or tradod lor city property in Macon. Apply to * A. J. O^B. aug5 eodtf At Oliver, Douglass A Co>. IMPROVED Anti Friction Horse Power ■ TEE OMiY “CAST STEEL FINELY POWER ” IY THE WORID. W E present to tho Planters of the 8outh the best and only suitable HORSE POWER for (Hnnin Cotton, Grinding Corn, or Threshing Grain, ever before offered to the public We, the err DrwZ tors, having h*d a nnmoer of years’ experience iu preduomg and preparing Cotton for rnarkit »» without the fear of contradiction, that in point of Simplicity, Durability, Speed and Lighin m r Draft, the oj WRIGHT’S IMPROVED POWER! Far Eiseeii any slier tint las Ever Best il;ti in tls Mltl stales. We claim for it that two good mules will gin three bales of cottor in a day on a forty saw gi n Erd that four good mules will gin on a fifty saw gin four and a half to five bales of cotton ; that Uie’ Bin ning will be continuous, not being liable to interruptions from sagging of the machine-houeo, aa tk * Power ie self-adjacting, adapting itself readily to the upward or downward tendency of tho fljor. Th« entire fixtures accompany the machine, except an ordinaiy king-poit and a lever, so that it can he placed in position for service in a few hours after reaching the plantation. THESE POWERS ARE MANUFACTURED OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL I can be’ found at tho market every dav until I And will be warranted for twelve months. Tlio only par* of a Horse Power most liablo to wear is ih« nine in the morning *nd on tho premises the ra- small pinion which gives speed to tho ‘Tower.” This we have remedied bv Ii living it (»t a great «s mainder of the day. aug5 lm» | made of the very best Cast Steel. Price $i6o, or $155, delivered at poichaser’s station 6 WH ASHL OlffXsX A. TRIAL For farther particulars, address MALONE, WILLINGHAM Sc CO., » n! » 8 1”.MACON. GEORGIA MARKET GARDEN FOR SALE. T HE Finest Market Garden in the vicinity of Macou/adjoiniog Judge Knott’s place, is of fered for sale or rent It has an area of twenty- one acres, in high cultivation. On it is a frame building containing five rooms, and near it all nec essary outhouses and a fine well of water. For terms, etc., apply to EDWARD LONG. coal oheixjb: ANTHRACITE COAL AND WOOD. W E will sell Coal daring the month of Angnst at reduced rates. Send in your orders now and avoid last winter’s trouble. TermB cash, ingl d3m EUIMS A R033. ~ NOTICE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, J Macox asd Avgusta R*iluoad, > Augusta, Ga., Jnly 31, 1873. > O N and after to-morrow, 1st proximo, tickets to New York and return via Charleston and steamers, can be obtained for £43, by applying to Ticket Agent of this road, at the Passenger Depot. B. K. JOHNSON. augl lw Superintendent. AGENCY —OF THE— FOR RENT. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1805. Speoially Reinsured with the . , FACTORS’ & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY —AND THE— Louisiana Mutual Insurance Company, ALL OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. O NE THREE ROOM DWELLING, plastered , and with blinds to windows, excellent well of COMBINED CASH ASSETS. - frrtntmff .Tiwtoa KAVtnnttp'a TUui.lennn . msaa I water, fronting James Seymour's residence; price, $15 per month. Also one eix room dwelling U6ar Tatnall fcquare, adjoining the residence of E. Price; three acres of land attached, good well of water; price, $25 per month. Apply to J. BEY «lOUR RODGERS. july!7 lm at Beymoar, Tinsley A Go. _ - S3,773,673 63. INSURES AGAINST FIRE. FOR THE TOILET. FLORIDA WATER. (Hurray & Lanman’s,) MAGNOLIA WATER. (Barnes’,) GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE, (original,) LUBIN’S GENUINE EXTRACTS, MAGNOLIA BALM. BLOOM OF YOUTH. MILK OF YIOLETd, BLANO DE FEBLES, SOZODONT, DANFOBTH'd DENTIFRICE. | Also, a full line of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC SOAPS, POiTDEB, POMADES, COSMETICS, etc, etc. At tho Drag Store of ROLAND B. HALL, Corner Oherry slreet and Cotton Avenue. aug5 tf Losses Adjusted With Liberality and Paid Promptly. JAMES H. LOW. (Formerly of Wood * Low, and lata President La Equitable Life Inenranee Co of N. 0 ) Manager Southern Department. Office No. 10 Whitehall street, James’ Bank Block. F. O. Box 106, ATLANTA, GA S. M. FARRAR & H. L. BACKUS, Resident Agents. Office, Planters' Ranking Company. MACON BOARD OF REFERENCE. (By Permission.) O. A Nutting. President City Bank. J. E. Jones, Presidert Central Bank. I O. Plant. President First National Bank. W. J. Lawton. President Planters*. Banking Co. S. G. Bonn. President Exchange Bank W. S. Holt. President Southwestern Railroad Oc. R. M. Bazemore, of Adams A Bazemore. John O. Curd, of Garhart A Gnrd B. L Willingham oFLawton A Willingham. 8. Waxelb&nm. cf Waxelbram A Bro. J W Burke, of J. W. Burke A Oo. J. B. Ross, of Ross A Goleman. R. W. Cubbedge. cf Cabbedgo. Hazlehurst A Co. | Joseph Dannonburg, of Nassb&um A Dantenian?. R^H. Plant^of l. O.l'Jant A Son. Asher Ayres. ,m 15 * ” I Thomas O. Dempsey. Thomas Hardeman, of Haideman d: Sparks. aug4 lm READY! W. A. JOHAN & 00.1 Bespectfnlly announce their stock removed to S. T. COLEMAN’S Old Stand, And their readiness to serve tho old customers of | S. T. Coleman and J. B. Ross <fc S. T. Cole man, and all the new ones who will give them a calk In order to make room for an Immense GEORGIA MILLS! FAlLL stock:, WILEY'S XXXX, AMBER. We will close ont the remainder of onr SUMMER GOODS At a sacrifice, and shall offer GREAT BARGAINS PEARL DUST, CORAL. COTTON. E. B. POTl’ER. M. D. Horaoeopathist- O FFICE Weed’s Block, Second street, third door I bslcw Johnston’s jewelry establishment. New Yoke—Noon—Cotton irregular; uplands I Residence Lanier House. 20%; Orleans 20%; sales 350. future** opened a* follows; August IS 13-lfig 19; September 18 3-16&1S 6-16; October 17%; De cember 17%. Evening—Cotton, uplands 20#70%; market ir regular; sales 20,000; net receipts 83; gross 83 S\ies of futures 12.500: market closed as follows: Wbat Text Sat.—Chicago Journal of Commerce says : Dr. Price’s Flavoring Extracts are the fin est, purest, and best to be found in this or any other dty, only necessary to visit his laboratory to u 4 ^ ^ **..**, uuecni M 1UUUVK b, convinced that they are perfect in parity snd I lSX'»in5~6?Sept»n; I ber 18 5 32018»S superior in strength. The Chicago Tritnae Be-1 October 17 6 32# 17 3-16 view saya : Although the comp an r, Steele A I Baltmoe*—Cotton, net receipts S9; gross —; Price. ^.^UrgedtbeirfacUiU- fee the pradne- ^ 2U °' Uon of Dr. Pnse s Cream Baking Powder and Spe- I Nrw Orixan»—Cotton, net receipts 92; gross cisl Flavoring?, they are hardly able to meet the I S18; exporu to Great Brit tin —; «tiM 590; last rapidlv increasing demand for them. In tfrif xge I ov®°ing 200; stock 18,539: orcinaT 12#12%; good of ad alteration, i, i. gratifying to find on. bond W effort to stick by the old path of honesty, andoon* j WmrctQTOii—Cottoo, net earners owe it to themselves to patronize those I ooastwise —, sales —; stock 927; making the effort. For natural flavoring none can I nur ^ ei ^ a *^* _ ~ « . . A I AosrrrA—Cotton, receipts 63; sales 152; mid- compare with Dr. Trice a, and to make the sweet- | 1TJf . mvrket qQi et. DR. WRIGHT, DENTIST -yy a yTFH j | | ^ removed to Eoardman’s Block, over Pen- O NE EISE SHOE AND BOOT vswww uj d}* 0 " 00m “ Mulberry and Beoond rta., one good Peg Workman. Addre«». I Maeon, Oa. oeOSIr Jul:29 dim W. H. TILLERY, Dublin, Lanrena County. Ga. WANTED AT ONCE, O NE OB TWO first-class pr»2t : cal Gin Makers, whom tbe highest wages will P. O. SAWYER. be paid, by the day or piece, juiyll tf Eclectic Institute, receipt. 14; exports I B,ltiB10re . Maryland. JI7; middlings 18>4; f Camber of Pup0s hmited to fony. For cir- ’ I caters apply to the Principal. IF0PUL1B NEW MUSIC BOOKS For tlie Coming Musical Season. THE STANDARD. Emerson A Palmes. $1 50 Unexcelled as a Collection of Chnrch Music. THE RIY1B OF LIFE. Perkins A Bent- 50 cat, most wholesome, and easily digested bread nee Dr. Prioe'a Cream Baking Powder. t Principal. a MRS. LETITIA TYLEB SEMPLE, angl dim Of Tirginia FOR SAXE OR RENT. Satxxmah — Cotton, net reoeipta . c 64: exports ooaetwies 263; ealee 62: stock 1980; Tniftitiinga 18%; holder, firm; offering. Lght. .... I rpUZ FAMILY MANSION now oecupied bv Ba:rx Derr Dxfoarr indicate, kidney com- I CmaaLasroa—Potion net receipts It: exports X. Mrs. Peter Stubbs, containing eight rooms* P ,amt. Check it at once. HelmboH,*^ Buchn, tbe Diuretic par excellence, ie a eertaan I l3)%01*)t: mark« du !. B W. HTUBBS specific for all Disease* of tbs urinary organa aod I . **£??"*—“•* 88: exports coast- * *— ^ sylm. Dr. Heimbold ZEZJfiZ who 18 * svsr really utilized and extracted the pre-eminent I Bostos—Ootton. net receipts 162: gross 1217: virtues of Buchn. Hia preparation is as much I ***** stock 10.000; middlings 20%; market 1 quiet. a.. . KoraoLE—Cottoo, net receipts 370; sxports skimmsd milk. In faot, it never fails. Sold by I coastwise 125: sales 45; stock 3U6; low middtes druggists. 118; market quist and weak. ang7 3t Admin is trator. FOR RENT. T WO DWELTJNG HOUSES, eligibly located. Apply to B T. LAWTON. At Exchange Bask, or to DB. A. P. COLLINS Jnl.»17 tf At Ooilina A Heath’s. Tbe Neweet and Freshest of Sabbath School Song Books. CHEERFUL VOICES. L. O. Exxasoa. 60 Yery beautiful School Bong Book. GEMS OF BTBAUdS. JoHAjra Stsjlcss. 2 60 All the beet Strauss Music. ORGAN AT HOME. For Seed Organs. 2 B0 200 moat aittactive pieces. CLARKE’S DOT,TAR INSTRUCTORS For Reed Organa, Piano and Violin. EMERSONS CHANTS AND RESPONSES. 1 00 DB- BTBEETKB’a YOIOE BUILDING. 1 60 Bold everywhere. Sent poet-paid for retail price. CHAR H. DITSON A OOV 711 Broadway, New York. OLIYKB DXTSON A OO., Ju!j29d2awAwtf Boston. . CLOSED OTJT! We deeire to cany over as few goods as possible, | consequently we are prepared to deal aa liberally | this line as our FRIENDS CAN ASK. * Call on ang3tf W. A. JUHAN A OO. “THESE ARE OUR JEWELS.” We have Just completed many improvement and additions to our Mills, and are turning out daCy BUY THE BEST 350 BARBELS OP FLOUR I LaiiM's Neff CroD Turnip Seeij BUTA BAGA, FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, LARGE GLOBE, ALSO, FRESH CABBAGE SEED for fell planting. JOHN INGALLS, Druggist and Pharmacist, 4th and Poplar streets, joiy20 tf Hollinaworth Block. We would call the especi* 1 attention of merchants to our popular brands, as we can offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADS* Mineral Waters. BJ3SINGEN, (Artificial). YICJHY, (artificial). CONGRESS, (artificial). EXCELSIOR SARATOGA, (natural). SODA WATER, (in its excellence). All of the above Waters are on draught at the ‘Mammoth Fountain.” CONGRESS, (diamond C). HATHOBN, (Saratoga). BOOKBBEDGE ALUM, (Virginia). IRISH GINGER av.g. KB8TNGEN AND YIOHY SALTS. ORAB ORCHARD (Ky.) SALTS. an gamine and in bottles, at the Drag Store of BANKIN, HASSENBUBG & CO. Jaly$Q tf Always on hand a choice selection of STOCK F O OX> ALSO BRAN IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PUROASERS. angStf BURR A FLANDERS, GKCB0M PWJA