The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 09, 1873, Image 3

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f. s. HOPSON & CO Or«B FOB XES DAIS LO.VOER — ruiatfe. _ t’ZZSu* of F*o" »t IOC to 56c. worth «):, Collin it 10c, worth 25c. letS- ££.o Cnff* it 10c. worth 86c I****-Hon it 10c. worth *160 per dn . leJS-HuTnwrtucri it 10c. worth t J r<r do* 1*®S vuk» »«lf«. worth tl P« doe Ousata It 10c, worth 86c neh. •5S and »■••*’ Aprons at Ulo, worth Uceach. I ,, toe, worth 8*c aieh. "tfwilli •» *!« ,0 ° worth (1 each. 0**-ouk Bowiit 85c, worth 60crich. crania at *e, worth 70s oich. 5S?lioaw Holla it Tie, worth tl 50 neh M*. tTuniUaa Hula at 7*e, worth t'l aaeh, 5°?* * bmCB d floita 11 tl worth 57 60 cacti, ; A Mahroolcrulttel.»t 61c. worth* 185. I^pwoaa Wraa. Ouoda at 18o p<w yd , worth S5c ■ **5. peek far ganti' won it 86e. worth 50c. JT* airtta***** Mucin In the ahow cue* from H'S^JT^tioH than loasea for i protract ad ^ ft DOW to co to bod supper: cm an •‘^Sr'^a'npiritloiiof thaibora t'ma thia do- v ,||i ba ctoaad to mika repairs. KzZh ba backward la earning forward. *•*" w. a Hopson a go.. ■und 83 and 41 ttcorod a reel. JUST RECEIVED ff, i. BANKS & SON 0 t ,(C Tarda Calico** at 10 to 13c. ! > <wa' Liarn Dollars. Lane Collara, Kuching, C|| ->. Rtftho*. Eroadw/J Frilling. Coronete, c j. jack Oouba, bilk, Leather and Linen Belli, g^ai'and Minn* Hois, Fadflo I.a>:na, Nain- ^ Via Lawn, Cotton Llipcr, eta Ij^m Hos* it 10c. par pair; Oarin' Half Hot* atltc Imstet Cm H Bleached at 18a, worth 15c. jlwftlot Dim Oooda at Coat briber Oooda at Bottom Figure*. W. A. BANES A RON'S, 0 (lanod atrret, Triangular block, Macon, Ga. ;uaW flBH STOVES ON TIE, mUHIAIV & UREEiM (jl rail an* of tha excellent atom aa balow for tha IOWEST CASH PRICES! For pod acceptance*. doe the 15th of November next, WITHOUT INTEREST, lid guarantee the price to be la low, or Lower Than Next Fall. Oerold btulnm frlenda who ban sold Stores bar* tha adranug* of this EVERY STOVE GUARANTEED! Ws bar# In atock the Stores aa below: COTTON rLANT—Plain, or with Beterroir and Quart. IDCKS CHILLI ANT— Plain, or with Beaerrolr ■1 Cheat. ttCMN OF THB SOUTH. OUT JACKET. GOOD INTENT. XunEBPlEOB. BONE OKOBOIAN. rUNTBB. OONBCL. WON WITCH—Plain, or with Ktasrrclr. UTOBITE—with IteaerTolnand Oloaet. PBOTBOrOB—with Beaerrolr andCioMt. HlfTDtf FirslNatioMMifHati. TraaiacU > General Banking Business. 10. PLANT, D., H. L. JEWETT, W. B. DINSMOHB, & li. PLANT, D. 8- LITTLE, Q. H. HAZLEHUKST. I. O. PLANT, President. W. W. WIUQLEY. Olehier. malO-ttlnov'.* 10. BONN. ProaldouL B. F. LAWTON, Caahter HCHAHGI BANK OF MACON. Oflfeo In Unit’s new Bnildlafr RECEIVES DEPOSITS. BUT8 AND SELLS EKOHAN'OE, laker A Jrancee on Stock*. Honda, Cotton In Store. Also on Hhlpmonta of Cotton. XLLEOTIONS I’llOMlTLY ATTENDED TO Wily I. 0. PLANT & SON, BANKERS AND BROKERS, MAOON, a Aw Baj .1 Sri I Lxchnner, Gold, Sliver* Stocks and Bonds* DEPOSITS RECEIVED, On which Interest will be Allowed* JLI A0XZXD UFO*. PAYikBUB ON QATjIj irancM Bade on Colton and Produce in Store. Collections Promptly Attended to. fifty A W. Otdmdos. Wx. Himwx J. W. Lockett. Cubbcdge, Haileburst & Go., Bankers and Brokers MAOON, GA. nrcKTVE DEPOSITS. BUT and SELL EX- II CHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS u4 Cncurrent Funds. CeUKtloui Made on all Aecealble MMa (rose* open at all boura of the day. lut-lyr Cubbcdge, Haileburst & Co.’s SAVINGS INSTITUTION. ISIKKEST PAID ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 TO *5000. Telegraph & Messenger. SATURDAY MOSOTHO.' AUGUST 9. 1873. PLANTERS’ BANK rOKf TALLEY, GEORGIA. ) ECXITES Depoetta, disoonnta Paper, boy* and V aaUa Exchange; alto, ~ faper, b , Gold and StlTir. Villsrtlqrw mads at all aocesaible polnta. lataraat p»ld on Depoaita whan made for * epe- stadOM. Ya. J. Anxxeox. Preat. W. E. Known, Oaaoler fa J. Audenon, Ocl. Hugh L. Dennord, ALl Felt.n Dr. W. A. Matbewa. Dr. Wm. H. Holltnshead. delTtf Harlow house, AMEBICUS. GA, fflisr JONES Je CO., Proprietors. bud la flnt-claaa and In bcainea, center. 12. Lodging or eingle meale 50 ct*. DIAMOND SPECTACLES. T^SE Spectacles are manufactured from “Mln- Pebble” melted together, and are rt“*- Diamond on account of their hardnen and *2?* ** f* W*D known that spectacle* cot . - l-l:ir. or S?jich pebble* are very injonooi becatue of their polarizing light. . ‘“▼tar been teeted witn the polaru»oop«, the leasee have been found to admit fifteen •^Lj^at. leas heated raye than any other pebble. wv Rroand with great ecienuhc accuracy, ’■Jftifrom chromatic aberratione, and produce and diaur.dDOM of naion not before m .{-ectacloa. aiuufaeiured try the Spenoer Optical Mannfae- '*~t Cimpaoy. New York! “*• b J raaponatbia Agar ta In aTwry oity a i~ L , L ‘0U- E. J. JOHNSTON, jeweler and Optician, la aole Agent for Macon, Ga. , a *6nm they oac only L obtained. No p*d- employed- kiea: demand for thea* Bpectaclas baa In- “Oeed umcrapnlona daalera to palm off an inferior apnnona artida for the Diamond. Great ear* *“>nld be taken to aee that the trade-mark -o- pwtaoud by Amerioan Uttara PatanOi* ttaoptd on M#J7 pni,. ootltdAwly* •Separate. BT W Ik It it IIKTULXD. *' And. if then wilt. rem»mber; And, if thou wilt, forget !" Area* the awfcl gulf which yawna. I leetru to aay. “ Hood-bye forawerl" Though roons. a nirbta or dewy dawn*. Our ahall touch, O neycr, nerer. Mr word e. Indeed, are "calm and cold;" My " emil oR Una betray no feeling Bat acUnc heart- there are. which bold Wonnda deeper for the prond concealing. I hare In modi contempt the pain WMeh tlmeta itaatf for pnbllo riewing; And making moan when moana are wain Telia all the world of LoTe'a undoing. So my quick laughter com— and gone A- though the pu'sa with icy were throbbing Only the hollow'd eyas dirck»e The tears width fall in secret nobbing. Toe lata, toola'o. your outstretched hand' Tire gi't yon room’d la pant your reaching. Or*! may your life on ,ea or land Be no tier for this learon'a teaching. Ute rarrot which wan I'rrarnlrd to a Clergyman’* Wife. From the Detroit Free Proa*. J Last winter a Gratiot atreat mloon keeper want to Cincinnati on a visit, and while seeing the town he came across a saloon sporting the wickedest old parrot which ever leiraed to speak the Eogliab langnage. Gratiot street atood by and heard the bird "rip and tear" for a straight hour, and when he came home that parrot came with him. All the way np here the purchase “went for” brakemen acd baggage men, ripping out oaths which Captain Hid couldn’t have handled, and the further North he came the mote wirked ba grew. Beaching Detroit, bis cage was hung np io tho saloon, sod "Jack" hut been there ever since np to Friday. It waa a poor day when he didn’t l«arn seme new oath or slangy expression, and final ly he became so that nobody hat a hardened villain oonld talk with him. He waa sold laat Friday for $20, and bis owner kept him abont so boor, and then sent him sa a present to a minister's wife who had heen attentive to his family daring sickness. She wss very grate ful, having often thought how nice it wonld he to have a talking parrot aronnd the bon«t<. "Jack" seemed pat oat by the change of own - era, and he sat on his perch all Friday night and refnsed to Ray a word. Satnrday morning the minister's wife started for Fontlao, and she oarried "Jack'*’’ cage into her husband's study that neither might be lonesome. She had been gone about an bonr. and the good man was scribbling away, when all at once the parrot shonfod: “Hearts is trump!" The good man Rave a jump and looked ont of the window, thinking that a conple of bad boys were plsyiog cncbre nnder bis shade trees. He conld see no one, and supposing that be wss mistaken, ho seated himself and began to write again, when the parrot shouted: " Not any gin, thank ye!" Horrified, the clergyman looked around and bo saw “ Jsok” frying lo wink nt hint. Half doubting It arts the bird which had spoken, yet determined to find ont, he inquired: “ What ?” " Shut np, or Til pnt a head on ye!" replied Jack, banging to the cage one c'.aw and shaking his feathers. “Is it possible?" exolaimod the good man, drawing nearer to the eage: "Champagne Charlie was bis name— Champaguo Charlie was Lis name,” sang Jack, swinging fnrionsly on the slick. “Vile bird, yon shall go ont of here!" said tbs minister in an excited voice, “I would as soon harbor a highwayman.” "Uonse mit him!" cried .Tack, and then he cbnckled and cackled as if he waa laughing heartily. ’It 1* a sin and a shame that men havo taught an innoeent bird to nse such langnage,” oou tinned the good man, as he picked up the cage. “Hit him with a beer tumbler," replied the parrot, trying to fasten his claws into the minis terial leg. “Little did my wife drenm what n viper she wss bringing into the house,” mused the man. ‘I ahall hire some boy to carry you away. “Send for tha Black Maria,” replied the bird, and while be waa being carried out he continued, ' Who stole the wheelbarrow.” The minister reached the stoop and called a boy who was playing mnmblety-peg cn the grass. “Hire, bob,” he said, as the boy onme np; “like this bird off somewhere and give him away, and I'll give yon two shillings.” “Ob, dry np now I” growled “Jaok,” seeming know that he was to change places again. “Give him to anyone who will take him, contlnned the mlnistsr. “I haVe received ; shock which fairly makes me tremble.” “Cbnek him nnder the table 1” called the bird, he went throngb the gate, and when he was nearly a block away be conld be heard singing: “We won’t go home till morning— TUI daylight does appear.” Boy Torlnrlng In Iowa. I Western papers msntion an nnnaual instance of otnelty perpetrated npon a boy 14 years old, in Limer township. Marion oonnty, Iowa by two men named McEiosick and Hart. The boy, who waa living at McKinick's, was Roomed by the men of robbing the others. With pistols in their hands they fiercely threatened him with death if he did not confess. Failing to extort confession, the raw hide was mercilessly ap plied, at short intervals, till the evening, when re was taken to a well aomo ten feet deep, with abont five feet of water in it, and, with a rope aronnd bis neck, bo was lowered repeatedly head foremost into tho water, nntil nearly drowned. The same night he was taken np-atatrs in Mo- Kiasick's honso by McKissick and Hart, and there l*id on his (nee on the floor, bis feet bonnd with a rope passed over the rafters so ns draw his feet some twenty inches from the floor. HU hands were bound behind him, and drawn np in the same way to abont the same elevation, and bis bead lashed to a bed-post by a cord from his neck. In this condition ho was left until 1* o'clock the next morning, when some neighbors discovered and released him from bis position, more dead than alive. Mo- Kissick and Hart, who are both men of property, were arrested and held to answer for assanlt with intent to inflict gnat bodily injury, and also served with notice in s civil suit for $5000 damages. Tbe Great Merchant Breaking Down. Tbongh Alexander T. Stewart has gone abroad ostensibly on business, tbe real purpose of bU voyage ia said to be his health, which continues vary precarious. He baa by no means recovered from his lato attack, and there U doubt if he ever wilL He has been so vigorous in the post that ho does not quite oomprebeid tha charge in his system. He wss averse to going to Eu rope this summer, acd would Dot have gone if bis physicians had not told him tbe journey waa absolutely essential to his health. Before sail ing, be pnt all his worldly affairs into shape, ex-otly as if be had no idea cf returning. His wife (the does not nsnally go with him,) his legal adviser, cx Judge Hilton, and his private physician accompanied the miliionare. Many persons here think tbe merchant will not live return to these shores. He is now 70; he has physical troubles that generally prove fatal men much younger, and he has overworked for tbe hut balf-centnry. His prospects cer tainly are not brilliant for many more years, rersons of his temperament and constitution, when they begin to break, generally go fast, and there is no reason to believe Stewart will proTO an exoeption.—Letter from At to York. Thnrlow Weed. Speaking of old men who are not long for thia world, I am reminded of Thnrlow Weed, who can hardly tarry on this planet mneh be yond the snmmer. He was recently, and is still, I think, at BicLfisId Springs, and so weak that he oonld hardly get abont on cratches. He has been serionsly ailing for over a year past, and has been ao often at death's door, only to get np and walk ont of another door, that few per sons can believe him so near the grave. He ia almost tbe last of the politician* who were so prominent twenty-fire years ago. All the friend* of his yenth and mature manhood have gone, and the world can have little charm for him now. He is still hard at work dictating his “Betnlnifcences,” and has nearly completed them. He Is deeply interested In hi* wotk (his daughter Harriet acts as hia amanuensis— should I say a-woman n-ensis?), and says that when be has finished it be will be ready to de part.—yea York Letter. A Lrcxr Bast —A Mrs. King had a surprise at Shawneetown, HL. the other day. It was an accident that Mrs. King happened to be at Shawneetown. She did not intend to go there, but the steamboat Jennie Howell, on which she was traveling, struck a anag and suck in the Ohio river. Several of the passengers were drowned, and among them some children. Mrs. King had a child on board whom she mourned as lost, and was taken to Shawneetown without her babe. The Jennie Howellsunk deep in the water, and the next morning men went to the vessel lo recover tbe bodies of the lost. Soon sfter dajlight a mattress was discovered floating in the cut■m. wL.oh was filled with water nearly to tbe ceiling. Upon examination a child, a little boy, was discovered on the mattress, sleep-- ing as peaeefnllv as if nothing unusual bad hap pened. His bed was not very dry, for It bsd annk a good deal from soaking, bot still sus tained its living freight. In due lime the child wwa sent to Shawneetown, where tbe other paa- sengera had been landed tbe evening before. IU coming made an exoitement among the wrecked travelers, for more than one mother had loat children by the disaster. It vas a touching aoene when Mr*. King reoognixed the child aa her boy, whom she had mourned as lost for nearly twenty-four hour*. He bsd been tossing abont on the waste of waters in the cabin | all night, and waa brought to hia mother alive in the bonr of bar deepest affliction.— Miuovri Bepubiiean. It contains four medical elemenls. never nnitad „„„ w m “the eama happy proportion in any other prepay pullrd bet H we6n the rtb> an tmaxflanfeS&tJA Atlrlti™ tnd°’ I parchMing Cotton Gina wonld do well to look to thin beforo purchasing othor bakes, aa I am rtc^^f ^nZ nrin‘ of lo determined to protect my fatikt from any and all Infringements rccova of all im -unties of tho body. Such signal | P „ lje . wi.hing to purchase Cotton Gins would do well to examine THE EX 3ELSIOK COTTON GIN before parchiaing. bam plea can be seen at ■ ■ HU body. Each eignal anreva baa attended ita uae, that it is now regard* J - tho Am Knormau Woman* Coroner Hartman, of New York, bold an in* Satnrday, in the cam of Jo—phioa Jami* a colored woman, who died anddenly on Friday craning at No. 203 Dalanoar atreat. Tho daoeaaad woman waa a natire of Virginia, and a tbongh bat 25 years of age, hid attained ooor- moaa proportions, and weighed nearly 500 pound*. She bad been buffering from aathma for a long time put, and her death waa doe to thia diaeaae, aggrav&’ed by tbe great accumula tion of adipotte matter abent tbe longs and beirt. Aft^r her death her relative* were ocim- ; pelled to have an immense wooden box made to contain her remains, ai.d, aa the box waa Coo large to be carried np-staira, it waa placed in the back yard, and tbe body, after being pre pared for banal, waa carried down-stairs and placed in it. After tbe box was closed it was found neoeeaary, in order to oarry it oat Into tbe street, to tear down a portion of tbe rear fence. Tbe ftzneral service was held jester- d *7- How Tigkb? aee Cauoht.—A writer In the London Times tell* bow tb^y trap tigers in Ia- di*. and describes the trap in use in some parta of the ooantry. Strong posts are fixed in the ground so as to form a oirole of paliaades 10 or 12 feet in diameter. Another large circle is form<d in tbe ssme way outride the other, leaving the apace a foot and a half between the two. In tbe outer circle a small door is made of a width equal to the space within tbe circles. A goat or a calf is tied to a post in the centre, and the door is opened, so that It stands across the space between tbe circles. The tigercome.i .v* i aronnd tb<? outer circle till he find* the entrmnoe. He enters, and walks aronnd fLt- till he meets the open door, which he poshes back into its place. The spsoe is too narrow for him to torn round or exert his great strength, and he continues to walk round and round till morning, when be is easily killed, and the bait extricated unhurt. AGE iTV'*' I INDISTINCT PRINT IEK OUS MOM . ESTABLISHED A. D. ISO. Specially Bcin-ured with the FACTORS’ & TRADERS’ INSURANCE Ov. Louisiana mutual Insurance Compaq ALL OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. COMBINED CASH ASSETS, - - S3.773.672 63. INSURES AGAINST FIRE. Losses Adjusted With Liberality and Paid Promptly. JAMES H. LOW. (Formerly of Wood A Low, at J lata President La Equitable Life Ineuracce Co of N. O ) Manager Southern Department. Office No. 10 Whitoball street, James’ Beck Block. P. O. Box 106, ATLANTA, GA s. M. FARRAR & U. L. BACKUS, Beeident Agents. Office, Planteis’ Banking Company. MACON BOARD OF REFERENCE. (By Permission.) O. A Nutting. President City Bank. J. E. Jones, Preride t Central Bank. L O. Plant, President First National Bank. . . ... . - W. J. Lawton. President Planter** Banking Co. A DBUMMKB for a New York bouse told me he I a. G. Boon. President Exchange Bank never paid carriage hire upon arriving in a I W. S- Holt. President Foathweatem Railroad Go. atrange^ity. He always bad a supply of oarda I B w. Cubbedae. of Oubbedge. Hazlehorat Jt Go. of wt-li kr.uwn hn-mtss honaes in h:a pockets, I B. H. Plant, of I. C. Plant A Hon. and, arriving at a place, when assailed by back- Thomaa Hardeman, of Hatdeman A Spark*, men, wonld look aronnd mnf seirchingfor some I * m one, acd exclaim, “No, get ont of tbe way; I am looking for tbe m:n that always drives me.” Of coarse they would all abont be was not there, having just gone with a loid; and then select- I ing a carriage ho would get inside and order | himself driven to some oorner near hi* hotel, and banding tbe driver a card with some well- known bos nets name wonld tell him to call aronnd in the morning when he wonld settle. Tbe driver, looking at the card, of bourse wonld be satisfied, and tbe rider wonld never more be I found, tho driver calling in vain next day at tbe [ diriction.—Neie Or leant Picayune. B. M. Bazsmore. of Adams A Btzemore. John 0. Cord, of Oarhart A Card B. L. Willingham, of Lawton A Willingham, t s. Waxetbanm. of Waxelbanm A Bro. J W. Burke, of J. W. Burke A Oo. I J. B. Hoes, of Rosa A Coleman, j Joseph Dinnenburg of Nusabaum A Dannenburg Asher Ayres | Thomaa 0. Dempeey. STILL TRIUMPHANT. O. W. MASSEY EXCELSIOR Or to t. n . maylllm MET. IRON AND BRASS V* Canal Street, front 6ik to 7h RICHMOND, W-A WM. E. TAMER & CO., Eneiseers, Machinists anfl Eonnfler?. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. Send tor Circular. H. R. BROWN, AGENT. JET. JL-TAJl EL T HIS unrivalled medicine i<s warranted cot to contain a nincle particle of Mercury, or any iojorioud mineral aubetanoo, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS it haa proved Ifs great val ue lu all diaeaaea of tbe Liver, Bowel* and Kid- I neye. Thousands of the Food *nd great in all parte of tlio country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the toroid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new life and viaor to tho whole system. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR is acknowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. Cotton Gin PATENTED JULY, 1871. W OULD take tLis method of informing tho public that hundreds are now In n.*e from Virginia to Texu. Wherever it has been introduced it has proven a success, and becoming in general uae. For tbe information of tboce who have not seen the Gin in uae, would aUto that it runs light; gius fast, deans seed perfectly, and makes a boantifnl sample of cotton. The roll box is so constructed that it is impossible to break the roll or choke the Gin by any fair means, and a child too years old can feed it as veil as any one. All of ahich 1 guarantee, and warrant every Gin to give entire satisfaction or no sale. ’ One Improvement in my cotton or roll box is, that it is longer at tho top than where tho cotton GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC in1 - rt3d60dto CASHART Sc CURD’S. Agents. MACON, GEORGIA For Liver Complaint and tha painful offepring thereof, to wit; DYdPEPSI K. OONSIIPaTiON, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colie, Deprn.ion of Spirit*, SOCK STOMACH, Heart Burn, etc. etc Begulate tho liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. preat Mem Freight M Passenger Line VIA CHARLESTON, S. C., TO AND FBOM SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is harmless, Ia no drastic, violent medicine. Ta euro to enre if taken regularly, I* no intoxicating beverage. Is a faultless family medicine, Is tho cheapest medidne io the world. Is given with safety and the happiest results to the most delicate infant. Does not interfere with business. Does not disarrarge the system. Takes the place of Qiinine and Bitters of every kind, Contains tho simplest and bost remedies. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, the Great Family Meflicme, | Is manufacture! only by J. H. ZEILIN Sc CO.. MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. [BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING OmES. TUESDAYS, THREE TIMES A WEEK, THURSDAYS, SATURDAYS Price 8100 per package; also, prepared ready for Cotton States at the nee in bottles, $100. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS,! Beware of ail Counterfeits and Imitation*. ELEGANT STATE-BOOM AOOOMMODATIONS-SEA VOYAGE 10 to 12 HOUBS SHOBTEB VIA CHARLESTON. [TOE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., And ooncecring Hoads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen Firet-Claes Steamships to the above Forts, invitj cttsntion to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in the PORT OB' CHARLESTON, Offering facilities of Bril and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled In excellent and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the Line PERSONAL. Ht may be observed that no attempt is made to mt np ont-oMhe-wav. or unknown places, to fine’ names to indorse SIMMONS' LIVER REGULA TOR. Hon- Alexander H. Stephens Jno. W. Reckwitb. B.sliup of Ga. GsnertI Jno B. Gordon. Hon. Jno Gill Shorter ex-Governor of Ala. TO I MANHATTAN. M. S. Woodhull, Commander. | CHAMPION R. W. Lockwood, Commander hunt np out-of-the-way. or unknown places, to find I CHARLESTON James Berry, Commander. I JAMES ADGER -T. J. Lockwood, Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. I GEORGIA .S. Crowell, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA .T. J. Beckett, Commander, Bsv. David Willis, D. D., President Oglethorpe I CLYDE .J. KENNEDY, Commander. College. Bishop Pierce (of Ga ) Hon. James Jackson (firm Howell Cobb A James Jackson), Attornsy at Law, Macon, Ga. Jno. B. Cobb- B. L. Mott, Columbus, Ga. Pillow Fevxb ! Yellow Fxtxb ! Whiex is I ASHLAND .—— Ingram, Commander. WAGNER, HUGER & CO.,} . i q p WM. A. COURTENAY. f A S« nts > Charleston, S. C. TO SPBXIa&OZIXaPBXAi XH.09T STHABSSHXPS; VLfLXil ^ I ^STREAM. Alex Hunter, Commander vegetable cathartic and tordo has proven itself a VIRGINIA .C. HlNCKLEB, Commander Sailing Days—Thursdays. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. sure PREVENTIVE ind cure of *11 diae&aee of the Liver and Bowels. Cholxra —No danger from Cholera If the liver in proper order, and ordinary pradenoe in diet observed. Tho ooeaaional taking of Simmon*’ Liv er Regulator, to keep the avetem healthy, will surely prevent attack* of Cholera. july2660d&wly TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. KOBT. A. NUSBET, A.ttomey at Law Comer MULBERRY 8T- and COTTON AYE. (Over Payne's Drag Store.) jnnel4<3m MACON. GA STAR CANDLES! PBOCTOB FG AMBLE’S LIGHT GF BAY" BEAM STAR CANDLES. Are cf tuperior quality and the Standard Brand. Sold by Macon. Atlanta, Asguria acd Sa vannah Grocers. an*ld& w3m TRICTLY COMMISSION HOUSE 3VE. WA.TBH.B rib CO. SG Broad Hu, Hew Verb, BANKERS —AND — TTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lav and sell oontracte for future delivery of cot- __ T ' Deposit accounts of banker*, merchant, and oiher* are especially so belied. Juty6d8m TO FALCON Hainie, Commander MARYLAND Johnson, Commander | SEA GULL Dutton, Commander Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BOaTOXJ. I STEAMSHIP MEREDITA, -Sails Every Other Saturday. JAS. ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. Bate* guaranteed a* low a* these of Competing Line*. Marine Insurance one-half of on* per cent. THBOUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can bo had at all tbe principal Railroad Offioes in Georgia, Alabaxr a. Tennessee and Mississippi. Bute Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by addressing Agent* of the rtteam- ships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berthe assigned. Die Through Tickets by this Bouts include Transfers, Meals and State Boom, while on ship board. The Sooth Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad And their eonneeting Line* have largely increased their faalitie* for the rapid movement of Freight and Passengers between tbs Northern Cities and the South and WeeL Comfortable Night cant, with the Holmes Chair, wihont extra charge, bare been introduced on tbe South Carolina Railroad. First-Oast Eating Saloon at Branchville. On the Georgia Railroad First-Class Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and night trains of the Booth Carolina Railroad. Close connection made with other roads, delivering freights at distant points with great promptness The Manager* will use every exertion to satisfy their patrons that the line VIA CHARLESTON cannot b* surpassed in Dispatch sad the Safe Delivery of Goods. For further information, apply to J. M. SELKIRK, Supt, Charleston, B. 0.;B. D. HASSFT.T., Genera Agent, P. O. Box 4879, Ofioe 117 Broadway, N. X.; 8. B. PICKENS, General Passenger and Ticket Agent Booth Carolina Bsllroed ALFRED L. TYLER, saMas Wise sot Heath Oarolina Railroad. OharlMton R O tans u. Bunin. taaao ittitma x. bxtctt*. a . Haraunoi KETCHCU A HABTBIDGE, Notice to Contractors and Builders, | ORDINARY'S OFFICE, BO08TON COUNTY,), Ga., June 7, le78. j BLOUNT Sc HARDEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MAOON, GEORGIA OOoe, at entrance Balrton Hall, Cherry street. COOK’S HALL, FERRY, QA. rpHE attention of managers of public entertain- _ , ^ , A Boom ie eriled to this Hril, which ha* beat must give bond with sufficient secunty in the j lately fitted np in the beat style, with scenery, etc. amount of hi* bid fur the faithful performance of 1 Tbe Hall wul *eet tbo*t 400 per*on* end i* oonve- his contract. - _ | shaUf situated in the iatge and growing town of EALED proposals for building a new Jail for this county will be received at thia office un- o'clock sc., August 18. 1S7S. Flans ami spec ifications can be seen at thia office. Tbe work will be let to tbe lowest bidder, who Proposals must be endorsed, "Hd fer Jail,” and I Perry, to addressed to the undersigned at this office. A. h. GILES. Ordinary/ ]until dlawSw lately irsteUimied a branch from Port Valley. Apply to JOHN R. OOOK, ftbtffim* Ferry, Ga- Bankers and Commission Merchants Kxrhnct JPw tuning, Bnwt «ta» Boxmnc**: Mom* Taylor. President City N. T.; Pe O. Orihoun, President Fourth Nttions) Bank, N. X.; John J. Cisco A Son, Beakers, N. X.: Morris Ketcfaom, Banker, N. X.; J. Jf. Norris, Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore; M. McMi> shari, Csshier First N**™* 1 Rank Philadelphia. CHAS. COUNSELMAN & CO., General Commission Merchants, Boom 14, Oriental Building, CHICAGO. Refer to W. A Buff, Macon. may? Sa XIAXOFACTCBEB OF STAB AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, LAED OIL. Office, Ne. 14 West Main Street, belwoen First and Second. Factory,. Nos. 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lanp, between Ohio and Adams Streets, LOUISVILLE. KY. Cash paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. apr?5 6m MB* PBIdB’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, to bi as an aa seeking a this region ca, their aid in facii. For successive g papers, united for the * one, have commanded tha circulation, and their hold o. confidence has never been dist interrupted. We are to-day with a. -ger cash paid circulation than ever before, and we hope to go on incre.ising with the progress of the country. We do not say it is the “largest circulation,” but within our proper field—where we can carry the earliest news, it is beyond even approxi mation by any other journal. jLE. a£ TSAin ^aniiah and Florida. .JON and Bbuxswick Batluoad, \ Msoon, Qa., July 22, itii& j ..ter Wednesday, July NM, pasaon^wr on this Boat! will oo run aa iouch e: VANILLA, LEMON, ETC., for Flavoring Ico Cream, Cakes and Pastry. "With great care, by a new process, we extract from the true, select Fruits and.Aromatics, each characteristic fla- vor, and produce Flavorings of rare excellence. Of great strength and perfect purity. jYb poisonous oils. Every flavor as represented. Eo deceit—each bottle fuU measure, holding ontLialf more than others purporting to lurid same qiMntity. Vie them once, trill use no other. The most delicate, delicious flavors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by STEELE & IFIR-ICIE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. A. C. KAUFMAN. BAnnacsR, AND DEALER IN SOUTHERN SECURITIES, CHARLESTON, S. C. S OUTHERN COLLECTIONS receive tho Special and Personal attention of this Houso. Returns made FAITHFULLY and PROMPTLY in Now York Exchange, which always rules BELOW par during the active business season. CJ" Notea, Drafts and Acceptances payable In South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia can be concentrated at this point with Profit and Saving of ■' All business attended to with fidelity and dispatch. 8m Quotations of Bcuthern Securities Issued weekly feblirm BE composed of substances derived from the xjl Vegetable Kingdom, and are particularly de signed to act gently, bnt thoroughly on the btom- ach. Liver, Bowels and general circulation. They act a* kindly ou the tender infant, the most deli cate female and infirm old age, aa npon tho mo vigorous system, eradicating every morbific agen invigorating the debilitated organs, building up the flagging nervous energies, and imparting vigor to body and mind. They increase tho power* of digestion, and excit tbe abeorbents to action whereby all impurities o the system are carried off. The old stereotype opinion that calomel must ba used “TO CARRY OFF THE BILK” Has given away before tbe light of ecienoe. The vegetable kingdom farniebe* a remedy froe from all deleterious effect*. For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, pain In the ehoulders, dizrinees, eom eructations of the stomach, t ad taste in the mouth bilious attacks, palpitation of tbe beart. pain in tbt region of the kidneys, despondency and gloom, and forebodings of evil, all of which are the offspring Of a diseased Urer, Dr. Tutt’s Pills Have no Equal. They sre specially recommended for Billons, Re mittent and Intermittent Fevers, which prevail n miasmatic districts dm ing tho snmmer ana autumn. These diseases are invariably attended by derange ment of the Liver and Bowels. FOR CHILI. AND FEVER They are a specific. Physicians all admit the quinine onlv effects a temporary suspension of tht attack* of Fever and Ague, unless its use is pro- ceded by a reliable anti-bilious medicine. THE TESTIMONY OF THOUSANDS establishes beyond a doubt that DR. TUTT’S LIVER PILLS followed by Quinine, is a positive cure for Chills sod Fever, and all bilious diseases, THH FHOPSR TXMB To take them is when you have nausea, loss of »p- >etito, yellow cast of the skin and eyes, rush o >lood to the head, cold extremities, ringing in tbs ears, pain in the back, side and shoulders, high colored urine, vertigo and biliousness. While using them xo chauge of Dm or occupation is neceesa- ry. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. Sold by all drug- gieU. DR. TUTT’S MPROVED HAIR DYE. This elegant preparation is warrant Ld tha REST IN THE WORLD: Its effect is Instantaneous; Impart* no ridiculous tints; will remedy the bad effects of Inferior dyes; perfectly harmless; oontains no soger of lead; he* no unpleasant odor, and imparts a natural gloaay color. s* On* Dollar a Box. Sold by afi Draggiata. Laboratory 18 and 30 Platt a*.. N. J. ugUdeod.iw&wly THE WEEKLY TELEGBAPIefl MESSBMEB Is the largest weekly in the Cotton States, and prints'56 columns. Its ample space admits of a perfect resume of all tho news of the week, domestic and foreign. The contents of a single number would make a largo volume, and afford in themselves abundant miscellaneous, political and hews reading for the week. This is pub lished at S3 per annum or $1 50 for six months. Specimen numbers will be for warded gratis on the receipt of an order enclosing stamp for that purpose. We would be glad if our patrons of the Week ly would show it to friends who are not subscribers. This edition of the paper is sent to hundreds of Georgians who have emigrated to other States and keep3 them perfectly posted in regard to every im portant public event in the old Empire State of the South. * JJSK^QEIt, DAILY, SUNDAY 3 EXCEPTED FOB TSE rHESEM. .oavo Maoou. ................... 8:30 A. K Arrive at JcbdUp ...... 6.46 e. m. Arrive at Lrunawick.... lu.*o P. x Arrive it hi>v>tmiAh ..... 10.60 p. M Arrive at Tallahauaee lUiiJ A X Arrive at Jacksouvule Leave JackaoiivUiu 1U 12 A H 2.4UPM Leave Tailahaeaeo 2.40 P X Leave Savannah 6.-U A. « Leave Brunswick. 6:00 a. X IiA&Vfi JcMtllU. y UJ A M Arrive at Macon *. 8 00 r ** Paeueugors from SavaLnah will take 4 30 p. m. traiu for RruLsw.cii, and o.ima. u. train fur Maoon. SAWXiaSVILL£ AOOCMKCDATIOif XUAIH, DAU.X, t«C&- DAYS XXGAi’ZJhD.^ r aiva Macon 3 60 P. M Arrive ar llawkinaville 7 50 r. re LcaY A HfivlrinsvillA 6:30 jt* X Arrive mt Maoon ............. 0 65 A. V W. J. JABViR, JuIySOtf Master Tran»portauoi». OOZlUXBUa DAY arASSXBUEB TIsllN- Leavo Macon 10:6? p. Arrive at Columbus a. 00 a. Arrive at Maoon. 7.80 P. x ZUFA7LA XZaiXT i 11003.1* L-t.m ^WOXUODaTIOX 7IU1S. Leave Macon.. Arrive atiinfaula 11:16*.* i2..ur * SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH anfl SESSEMGEB This i3 published on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 84 per annum—82 for six months. We earnestly recommend this edition to readers at all poimts who re ceive mails two or three times a week. It is a paper containing few advertisements and full with fresh and entertaining mat ter in great variety. The Daily Telegraph and Messen ger i3 published six mornings in the week at Ten Dollars a year—85 for six months—82 50 for three months, or $1 per month. advertisements: In the Weekly are one dollar for; each publication of one inch or less. In the Daily, one dollar per eight text lim a first publication and fifty cents for subs< xpient , Contracts for advertising m; tde on reasonable terms—circulation of the paper considered. TO FARMERS: The approach of active operat ions in cropping will render otne of the editions of thia paper invaluable in your pursuits. It will contain all the earliest cx op infor mation and general »gi -iculturr I new*. CLISBY, JOKES & R. SESE. CHANCrL OF SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, I Cxsxart, liiii-uoiD, Atlanta Divis.ox, S Atlanta, (ia., July 6, 1873. J O N anfi after Sunday, July 6th, l’ansonsur Trains an litis loan will ran a* follows : nix rAvexxoiot tillin'. Leave Macon U-00 a. x Amvoat Atlanta bSox. u Leave Atlanta X 6u r. M .Arriveat JUacon ... 7.zur.*r Dianr fis*exgxb tiisi.i. Loot. 1 ' Macon 11.10 r. a Arrivo at Atlanta b-oo a. m Loavo A 'lama 1-tO A. a Arrivo at A.’»oon 7 (Ml a. a Making clot'tf connection al Micon with Central Rallroaa for vannifi and Augusta, and with Southwestern Eai..*°» d ,oc UoIuiuuub and pernio in SoutiiweL'tom Ue>‘ n S ia - At Atlanta, with iVeot- eraandAtiauUc lUIxO* CHANGE OF >CEQU)U1*E„ SUPERINTENDENT ^ OFFICE, » iJouinwiioTxitM Rau V*™ t Macon, G»„ . kly i, 1873. ) O N and after Sunday, tho 6th ina-N P*a*eu&or Trains on this Bo&a will run as feu* : DAY XUFAULA PAESINGXB 7UA1K. „ Leaveta*con 8; Arrivo at Eufanla 4:Au *• K Arrive at Clayton 6:20 r. x Arrive at Albany 2^5 f. a.* Arrive at Arlington 6:U0 r. u Arrivo at Fort uamos t. m. Loave Clayton l:xo a. at LeavoEui&uia . b:uu a. x Leave Fort Q&inoa.... *. m Loavo Albany.......*, Ill:83 a. a Arrivo at Macon............. ... .. 6:*»p u Connoots witn tho Albany Train at Hznuhville, and the Furt Qaxnej Train ac Guthbert dai.y exuopt tiuuday. Albany Train connects daily *itb Atlantic and Gulf Railroad ir^na at Aib&uy, and wm tun to Arrington on Blakely Extension Moruiay, Wc-uuoa- aay and Friday, rotuxning Xollowing da} a. Arrive at Albany 7:67 a. at Leave Eufaula 10 20 *. * Loave Albany b x Arrive at Macon *....10 3Ja. x Trains will leavo Macon and Eufanla on thus echodulo bun day, Tuesday and Thursday nightd, and connect at bmithville with Albany trains. Y1BQIL rOWERb, Jnly6 ly Engineer and baperiatenaent. Change of Schcdnk. ON MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-One Miles Saved ia Distance. OFFICE MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD,> Macon, May 13,1879. s O N and after Sunday, May 19, 1679, and nntil farther notice, tho trains on tin* read will run ao .'oIIowb ■ DAY TBAIN—DAILY (*U3DAT8 XXOXmD). Leavo Maoon 6.3U a. k. AirtTO at Anguota 1:15 r. a. Leave Augusta l:tO v. «. Arrive at Macon 81b p. m. rpaoeongoro leaving Macon at b.8b a. m. tnak* olooo ccnnectiona at Uamak with day paoctngor trains on Georgia ltfulroad for Atlanta and al] points West; also, tor Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains lor Charleston; also, for Athena, Washington, and all stsUons ou the Geor gia Railroad. OT Ticket* sold and baggage chocked to sll point* North, both by rail and by steamships i.-um Charleston. ang7tf B. g. JOHNSON, 8np t CHANGE OF SCHEDUJLia WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD OO. ) Quick a al PAs>Esoni Ageat. - Atlanta, Ga., July lu, *173.) On and sfter this date— uonrsi^G EXPRESS, For New York, E&atern ana Virginia Cities. Leaves Maoon, by Macon A Went era Rail road 11-00 a u Arrives at A tlauia £.30 p.x Leaves Atlanta b:uu r.x Arrives Dalton lu:80 p.X Arrives Chattanooga. 1:1ua.m Pullman Palace .Drawing-Boom and bleeping- CaiB by this train from Atlanta to Lynchburg and all intermediate points without chaxge. Pasaeijgers leaving by this tram arrive in New York tho second alter noon, at 4;44 r. x., over thirteen hours earlier than pataengera by any other route can with eafety reach New lork, leav ing the same evening. DAY WESTEES EXtBZSS. Leaves Macon at 11:10 r.x Leaves Atlanta at 8:30 a m Arrives at Chattanooga. 4:3j p.x Close connection at Chattanocga for all points Wefct. Pullman Palaco Cars cn all night trains. For further particulars addreea B. W. WBENN, julylltf Qereral Paeeenger Agent PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Office of Eyoi^Exa aj*d Superistejtdekt, { AujCsia, Ga., June 23, JS7J. J O N and after Monday, June 3J, trains on thia Beal will rua aa foliowa: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TBAIN Will leave Augcsta at JJ** Axnve at Port Royal at * p ' Arrive at Charleston at , p * “• Arrive at Havannah at. p. m. UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Wffl leave Port Royal at Jj A - “• Leave Charleston at. Jj JJ; A M * Leave Bavinuah at rowt* “* Arrive at Auguata at j o3 p. . DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Angnata at 2 10 p. r. Arrive at Port Royal at 11.3a p. x. Arrive at charleston at 6.00 ax. Arrive at Savannah at 12.30 P. m. UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Port Royal at 10.30 P. X. Leave Charleston at 6.00 p. x. Leave Savannah at 0.50 p.m. Arrive at Auguata at s.oo a. m. Passengers leaviLg Macon by the 6.30 a. m- train on Macon and Augusta RaiLuad, arrive »t Angnata in time «o make close oonnectiou with ibe down night passenger tram on this road for Port Royal and havannah. JAMES O. MOCRE, jalyltf Eog'nPer and bnp^rinteisdeut. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Notioe io hereby given that ou« month after this date I rh«il oommeuce doing bosmess m b viug and *elhug goods on my own account, as a public or fred trader, by the consent of my hnabsud. June 18, 1873. OATHKRiNJt RABATTA. I oonaent that ny wife engage in kutihees as a free trader as above proposed. diawiw Vincenzo bahatta.