The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 09, 1873, Image 4

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S3 y? s ffj-ff'S B i srs-5 5KF e» INDISTINCT PRINTS P <*<>•'S*- ^Wtf K?he train t^wj £gd reaebe<£»“potj * itr^dfMecoo, r jm wk At ^dMpfcg^fcg^, ,’ the earfM»cP ,, «ofBte4| maa^jiai tracked nlix ■ *& l ^Ur^'eheig. rf* knew Jj*e n^efo^Trear&og^ the uqSi. n^Mrl{y>n Aa w^fttlc^Vowiroh.t^ M^Vev^fcd jgj?engf£V ftruAio ^e. a?# tjfchttaShcjja.n th^rojAu^dy. crash- < %I^K‘I <An^l]^jf it jtfi DWR’horrible nuno' r. uihi ^£s kI^xhL-6 qu - __ f ,_j quickly as possible ^(Scked' to U^ctoa of the catastrophe to e A tba'lnost ghastly apecUciee ever wit- f any one. When first seen by the en- t jr?Doer tbs man vis lying with his faee down and his body directly across one of the rails. He was csnght by the engine and carried some thirty feet, and then the whole timin paxted over him. His body was eat In two jast above the hips, and the entrails had all tombled ont upon the gronnd. One of his arms was cat entirely off and thrown a distance of fifteen or twenty feet. One of his feet was cnt off and sras lying against his face. Oae of his shoes was fonnd several feet distant. A bole bad also been broken in the top of his ekalU The body was otherwise meat fearfnliy mangled and cnt to pieces. Of coarse life was totally extinct when I be was reached. The officers of the train made arrangements I for having the remains taken care of. There was no one on th6 train who conld Gessoes —Mr. K. Taylor, who is Master of I Identify the man. He sras apparently abont 55 the Georgia State Grange, Patrons of Hosban- years of age, acd wore a beard which had been dry, made ns a call last night. Ho says the I dyed. He was In bis shirt s’eeves. A bottle of t*t XarkdjfPnAfa OoU XX — raVrit- long £ ebon ».'<• bond. qaiet. C_Oold^IX a '5 ,- < Money esay at 3at Jl. dr.II ana steady. Stale L. and ateady. Mranigbi—Oosemments Sts 19'-'; rim 17J<: Ms 17M; C5« I»M; new 17H- 67a IBM; 6Ba 18*; new SsltX: 10-4U-15. Tern esaee Cs 81)tf: new 81 $(; Virginia 6s 43if: new 50: ooosot 63. ^eferr**d 31: Louleiaua 6a 43: new 45: leree 6- 47: 8a Alabama 8s 85; 5* 85: Georgia 6s 70 7« 91; North Carolinas 27; new 15K: special ui 12, Booth Carolinas 32; new It: April and Ociober 32. New OaLiaws—Sterling 36M- Sew York eight X premium. Gold ISM Losdoit—Noon-Con*o’« 91X- Xew5e9IJ{- Paaia—Nooo—Bentee 57117c. COTTON. ^ M<*lo\tnlbt (figV’aeyj he srill hare ♦^ed^^yilf sposl.tbia evening. Dos^^l^eibitptAln Tom Massenberg and others otfiltempUte a dove-shooting expedition into Iloaston oonnty to-day. The Captain was ont on a similar expedition last Tnesday, and sacoeed&d in bajglng twenty-two-birds. No Itiis.—Yesterday passed off witbont rain, though an iumenae clond piled itself npin the aoathwest daring the afternoon. It paaaed | around nr, however, and after a few mutter ing 11 paaaed off to water the ootton fields of | Southwestern Georgia. order is flourishing finely all over the Bute, whisky was found near by which told the whole Eighty-two Granges ars now actively at work, I sad tale of what brought about the poor fellow's and new ones are being organized every week I death. The bottle was broken, bat a small and almost every day. We wish them ail min- quantity of the liquor remained. Evidently the nor of speed. PnaoniL.—Wo bad a call last night from Major Bidney Herbert, the spsiklicg corres pondent of the Columbns Sun. The Major is jost on bis rnra from Alhons, where he has been reporting the University in hie usual graphio style. He was in a cbeerfnl mood as ntnal; but merely flashed in and out again, aa be wanted to leave on tho Augusta train last night. man was drank and had tumbled down upon the track to await his death. The man bad a tin pail with him cnnUiniDg a piece of meat. Upon inquiry at the bridge last night, we learn from Mr. Itichardaon, that a man named Hancock, who lives on Mr. Wo. Smith’s place, in this county, and who answers the above de scription folly, passed over the bridge yester day afternoon, going ont of town on foot He was nnder the influence of liquor, had on no ooat, bad a bottle of whlaky with him, and the CniniTT.—Thia is the subject of a lecture by tin pail with the meat in it There ia little the ltigbt ltev. William H. Gross, Catholic I donbt that this is the man, and If so, bo leaves Jti.hopof Savannah, delivered in AtianU on the a wife acd three children. 30th of July. The address has been printed in | pamphlet form, and is for sale by Messrs. J. W. Burke A Co. of this oily. Single copies five I cents, $3 per hendred. Tbe money derived I from tbe sale of the pamphlets is to go to the I THE COC.4TT COURT. Extent of Ita Jurisdiction. The Coanly Court, which is a new institution building fund of tho "now" Catholio Chnroh In I in lhI * county, has advanced to the front with Atlanta. I RO TAe * *n amount of business on its shoulders • I that the people have become deeply interested The Cor.vrr Ooui;T.-Jodgo Weems disposed , n it> tn<] , M MckinR to kn0T aU that is to be of no oases yeaterday. known abont Jt _ Ttl( . re i3 scarcely a day that Amanda Wood and Savannah Bose White and Sarah Smith, colored, wero arrested on the charge of keeping disorderly houses, and lodged in jail. They will bavo an andienoe with the oonrt this morning. The first two oocnpy a passes that we are not aaked more or less ques tions shoot it, and we find, among people who are not lawyers very little information. especial- 11y with regard to the jurisdiction of the Oonrt hence we ooncinde tbit it would be of service portion of bmith s brick row noar tbe Vineville I (o the readers of this paper to state in as sne- branch, and tho other lives In Dunlsp'a brick I duet a manner as possible what the jurisdiction row in the same vicinity. | of the Court is. First, as to tbe criminal jurisdiction. The A Giluct Soldim.—'The Lincoln Guards , were ont last night for a moonlight drill. As conrt h ‘ B J nrMlct,on °**“ oar<!D0 “ not P nn ‘ usual, there were was a crowd of colored boys i,b \ bI# ** dealb * or WTT 1 * * «>e pen!- around to hoar the drums play and witness lb. In “JconvicUon, the Judge may in- evolutions. One of the officers, being unable fl,ct ° c ° or 11 of ,bo «"*■« P nni8b ’ to keep .be crowd at a respectfci disUnoe, menl * = , An0t impr» drew his sword and gave one of the colored onmont ,n j,il not to exoe6d Blx “ onlhB : wotk boy. a severe cut in the arm. The boy went ta tb * tha P nbll » «■*» off for a peeler, but at isst ^counts the valiant tw0,T<s monlbs - *** P« rao “ de ^ r,n B to lnstI - ofllojr had not been found. lnle • P roR6cnlion * “» kfl * ffid " ll: ^fore | the Jadge, who draws an acensation and issues Waxdehehs’ ltrrcax.—Oolonol Thomas Har-1 a warrant against the offender; and in no-case demon has returned from his summering at the I is any oost exacted of a prosecutor, unless springs. Though bo docs not seem to have I shall afterwards abandon the case, or it should added on any new flesh, be la looking as well I appear, on trial, to be unfounded and mall aa could be expected. I cion:. Professor Zetllor, Superintendent of Publio I Next, with regard to Us oivil jurisdiction. Schools, has returned from a two weeks’ jsnnt Suits for $50 or less are beard and determined down tbe country. He is accompanied by his in fifteen days after they are commenced; sails family, and has gone to bonsekeeplng on Oak I for amonnts over $50, and under $100, are street, near second. 1 heard and determined In twenty days after they Mr. B. Ia Willingham has returned from a I are commenced. Saits for amounts over $100, visit to his old homo In South Carolina. Ho and not exceeding $200, are brought to the retnrned by way of Athens. Of coarse ho Is quarterly sessions, (which are hold on tha first well—ho always is. | Mondays in January, April, Jnly and October, ■— I and must be served twenty days before court, i nn Mayor sConrr. Alderman J. W. Burke I j n gncb caS0Bj judgments are rendered at the again exercised the judioiai prerogatives of the I fleoon ^ term after snit is commenced, os in the mayoralty yesterday morning, and heard what I .superior Court. cases wore on docket. I Tho County Oonrt also has nnlimited juris- Wash, liionut and Ed. Leyden were up for I fiction in tha foliowing oases, to-wit: To hear disorderly conduct, but their cases were post- I , n[ j determine all applications for eviction of poned until to day. I intruders; tenants holding over; partitions of Ool. J. Clark Linior was np for being drank personal property; possessory warrants; dis and committing a pnbllo indecency. In oon- tress warrants; to issne attachments and gar- slderation of the pationt'a youth, previons good I niahmenta; to foreclose mortgages on personal character, end high standing in society, and, I property, or liens; to attest deeds, mortgages, farther, in consideration of the fact that this eta . to administer oaths of all sorts; and to was a first offenoe, his Honor discharged the I and determine writs of habeas corpus, ex- Colonel with the injunction not to do so any I 06 pt j a capital cases. JOE H'CRART. ITc la Bron'ght In and Lodged In Jail, Wox His Srma.—Mr. K. J. Willingham, son of Mr. B. L. Willingham, has returned from Atheue, having completed bis oonrso at the State University, gradasting with the degree of Mas ter of Arts. Mr. Willingham is barely ont of dwri8t - Thursday evening, to Uko charge of his yonthhood, being only nineteen years of ‘ be ™" ndad ne 8 ro d«pcrado. Joe McOrary, age. He appointed unto himself tho task of »“ h h, “ “S’*“ ? bo ° r ^ ler ‘ Sheriff Cherry, who went out to the Warrior aooompiishlog tho degree of A. M., and by the day morning, and lodged him in jaib There most arduous labor and undivided attention to waa 00 " ho,r of resiatwoe on tho part of the his course of study has succeeded. Wo gues. as was apprehended and Sheriff * I Phavvw is nf itsa nninmn tht iha nnnnla nsst be c»n go Ibe balecce of the way alone. From parties vrho attended tbe ccmoaenoe- ment we learn that Mr. Willingham was r.n honor man, and was regarded as one of the most brilliant joeng mon who ever left the. a __ _____ t ^ . «. * * , , , . . . , . I character, and ho will probably bo able to stand University; And not only that, bnt he is eon- I., . , , v * , ... • * v I bio trial In ■ farw .lira Til A w-nnnJu In Via Cherry is of the opinion tha. the people ont there were unduly alarmed. They will hardly have any farther tronble aow, ts their leader is ont of the way. The negro’s wounds are not of a very serions aidered os pnre morally as ha is brilliant men tally. Wo like to hear such reports of our Maoon boys. Jonx Giles.—Giles semis ns word that he is his trial In a few days. The wounds in his breast were from dnek-shot, fired from a gun, while the one In his neck and tbe one in his thigh were caused by pistol balls. McCrary Is a most atbletio fellow, stoat as a not dead yet, and docs not mean to die tkis I ^tant, having a wonderful mnscnlar develop- time, if he can help it. There is lint one °f j mrnt. He has always been known as a desper ate wounds that U reganl ( d as at all seriens, I R te fellow, one who was feared even in the days and that la not considered necessarily drngerons. 0 f*ia Tery . ne had his own way then, none If no unanticipated tnrn intervenes he will be I daring to molest or make him afraid, ont in a short time. I Baring the war, upon one occasion, he was Tbe slateni'int was made the other day that I employed on some fortifications near a stream Whalen, who did the cutting, was a fireman on I 0 f water. Not performing bis duty properly, Gllee’ train. This was a mistake, aa he has anoffioer, who was superintending the work, never served in that capacity. I cursed him. The fellow tamed to the offioer, A warrant was sent ont for Whalen’s arrest, | picked him np bediiy and threw him far ont in* bnt, through Gils»' opposition, it was not I the stream. He handled the officer as easily ■erred. Giles says he does not settle his diffl- I ag though he had been a child, cnities that way; besides, ho wants Whalen to I There Is no disoonot on tbe fellow’s pluck, keep at his work and Iry to make a support for I jj e g (m avows that it was his determination to hia family. Whalen is at work at his trade as 1 U ts himself from arrest by shooting the men nsual, and has not been molested. | w h I were after him. It was not his fault that Another xeg'ro Kxruralow. ] bis gun missed fire. He is not snbdoed even Abont five o’clock yesterday morning the oily I yet; bnt Is as bold and audacious as though he ■as aroused from it* slumbers by the wildalaram I were at liberty., of the drum. Base drums, kettle drums, snare I Attempted Arson, drams and all other kinds of drams seemed to j As Mr. Charles Cromwell was going home have been tortured into one discordant effort to I about midnight on Thnrsday night, he discov. drive sleep out of tho neighborhood. I ered a light in the new reaidence of Mr. B. B. Tbe object of this dramming was to awaken | Barfield, on the corner of Third and Oak the negroes of the city, a large number of who I streets. He jumped the fence And discovered “laid down de shovel and de hoe," and went on I that some shavings bid csnght fire, and threat en excursion to Griffin. They went in crowds. I ened the destruction of the fine bniiding. He They waiked and they hopped, and they ran I aroused Mr. Barfield at onoe, and together they down the streets. They came in donda, ont of succeeded in t xtiognishing tbe fire, bask doors and bsek alleys and out-building*. I There is little donbt that thia was the act of They went and went, and went, until it seemed I an incendiary. The house i* in an unfinished aa if the city was about to give np tbe last ghost I condition, and hence is not occupied, and there of a negro In the city. I had been no occasion to have fire abont it. It The train left the depot at a very early bonr, is probable that some malicious person lighted oonseqnently many who expected to have gone I a match and set fire to the shavings in a spirit were left behind. Ganga of them, who fonnd I of pore mischief, and not because of any ani- themselves too late at the depot, concluded I modty to Mr. Barfield. He is a man who hat they woold head the traiu eff by running to the I few enemies—and none who would seek to do Vineville station. They ran to Vineville. Men | him so great a wrong ss that and women, boys and girls, crippled and sound, all ran toward Vineville. It was oniy a mile or ao to run, and they thoaght they coa.d oateh | r . . . . . np with the train in that distanoe, sc they ran. Mo&x cr Them—In onr notice yesteday of To overtake the train was to go on the exenr sion. To fAll to do so waa—death, or what was equally bad, work. Whether they caught the train or not we are i ioable to say. We oniy know that they tried to Aa i;> that they ran very hard in order to do ao. If one oonid bavo been perched on a high piace to look at that running, he woold doubtless bsve thought ■ hundred osrts hid been hauling char- eoal in the city and had spilled ever ao many streaks along all the streets. it if hoped the Griffin people enjoyed the visitation. It ia not often ao largo s crowd of gneats mah in upon ■ thriving little village like Griffin; and no doubt that town will holtTIU head a little high* tor a day or two-to avoid (ht perfume. attend tho meeting of th» Grand Lodge in At- Unta next week;, we emitted tbe names of Fast Grand Master J. W. Burke and Fast Gracds Leroy Crockett, Henry Jordan and A. P. Tripod. New York—Noor—Cotton quiet: uplands 20; Cr- Ie%D4 20V; •***» T3J. Pntnres opened as follows: Angnst 191-16^19K; September 18AJ6018V; October 17 K v Mi in r-Cotton, np’ands Wo, * 0 V-' xnirket steady: sales 1992: net receipts 327: gross 670. SUes of futures 12.800; msrket closed as follows: August 19 3 16019V: Septeuber 18^18 5)6; October YIX& 17 15-16: November 17K<®17 11-16; December 17 9-16/817 Comparative Cottox Btatemext Receipts of tbe week at all ports 12.020. aga.nrt 1.479 last year. Total for year 3.562,275; at aintt 2,700.181 lsst year. Exports 17.264 against 9,041 same time last j’ear; total lor year 2 441,181 against 1 910.956 same time Isst yesr. Stock st all U. S. ports 166 697, against 83,600 last year. Stock at interior towns V2,3*3, again*t 6 607 last year; at Liverpool 84VXX), against 936.000 last year. American cotton afloat for Great Britain 43.000, against 16.000 last year. Baltimore—Ootton, ne* receipts 51; Rroas 178; exports coastwise 9”*; sales 107; stock 2149; mid dlings 19X: market dull. Net receipts of the week 445; gross 1029; ex ports to Great Britain 8 \ coastwise 1292; conti nent —; sales SCO, taken ont on oontract — New Orleaks—Cotton, net receipts 447: gross 522; exports to Great Britain —; sales 100; last evening 100; stock 19,061: ordinary 12#121f; good ordinary low middlings 18; middlings 18# 018#: demand moderate Weekly net receipts 1817: gross 57* 9; exports to Great Britain 7727, continent 1726; ooastwise 453; sales 3500. WiLMncoTOS—'Ootton, net receipts 48; exports ooaatwire —, salee 37; stock 977; middlings 18#; market quiet. Weekly receipts 132; nports to Great Britain ; coasuriee 175, continent ; sales 872. Auofpta—(Jetton, receipts 142: sales 152: mid dlings 17.#(317#; holders Arm; buyers offering low prices. Receipts of tbs week 837: shipments 406: taken by mills 240; sales 792; stock ?3C1; last year 1730. Bav.ikkah — Cotton, net receipts 14: exports coastwise 602; salse 42: stock 1519; middlings 18#; demand fair; offerings light. Weekly net receipts 1307; exports to continent —; to Great Britain ; coastwise 1412; sales 185. Toe first bslo of cotton of this year's crop was shipped from Valdosta. Ga., by btegall & Lathrop, to-day, to Lathrop A Co , of this city. It wei; * 610 pounds. Charleston—Cotton, net receipts 397: exports ooastwise 365: sales —; stock 4405: middlings 18#: low middlings 18: good ordinary 17; ordinaiy 13#'S14#: market nominal. Weekly net receipts 2101; gross 2285; exports Great Britain ; coastwise 1513, continent S90: sales 550. Moiule—Cotton, cot receipts 15; exports coast, wise 131: sales 400: stock 1937; middlings 18#; low middlings 17; market irregular. Net receipts of the week 357: gross exports to Great Britain ; coastwise 16*7; ooetfogrt —; sales 1200. Boston — Ootton. net receipts 72: gross 168: sales 169; stock 10.000; middlings 20#; market doll. Woekly net receipts 470; gross 2C4t, exports Great Britain —; coastwise —; continet —; sales 1250. Norfolk—Cotton, net receipts 947: exports coaetwieo 300: sales 45; stock SU6; low middlings 18: m»rkct hardening. Weekly net receipts 2393: exports to Great Brit ain —; coastwise 2424: continent —: sales 290 Memphis—Cotton, net receipts 372: shipments 751; stock 7417; .low middlings 18#; market qaiet. Weekly net receipts 1817; gross sales 210; shipments S074. Galveston — Cotton, net receipts 49: exports coastwise —; sales* 100: stock 9839, Texas oril- nary 13: good ordinary 15#@15#; market firm; de mand fair. Weekly not receipts 459; exports ooastwiso 1002; sale 750 PHtLiDELP.nA—Cotton, middlings 20; market doll. Woek*y net receipts 763, grots 1953. Macon—Ootton. weekly receipt* 42; shipments 60: stock 72 460, 731678; low middlicg 18; market quiet. Columbus—Cotton, weekly receiots 85: ship ments 323: sales 201; stock, 1742; low middlings 16#; market dull Montoomebt—Ootton, weekly receipts 742: ship ments 227: stock 1615: last year 368; low middlings 17#; market qaiet; offerings light Felmi—Cotton, net receipts of the week 127; shipments 179: stock 348; last year 9073. Nashville—Cotton, net receipts of the week 763; shipments 1186; stock 6248; last year 587; low middlings 16016W; market quiet. Providence-Cotton, receipts for the week 14; sales 140; stock 18.000. Oitt Point—Cotton, net receipts of tho week ■eaf Bailet” G&E4T the —Of course I FUH^'K • I, NOTICE, on wJl^ead this reversely and know that it refers I The friends aro arqu-iutanoM of Mr. acd Mrs. o ]£e most popular domesticator of the day. It I J. W- On are invited to attend tho foneral of their has recently been greatly improved by tbe addition I infant son. Bicqiad. at the oemetery, THIS (Sat of a patent anti-dnst shaking sifter in tbe hearth, | urday) AFTERNOON at 3# o'clock, which sifts the ashes into a drawer into the ash pit, and retains the cinders and covl. which can be I EV^wtlwn fjr Alder maw Is the Finns Ward, pnt back on the fire through the feeder, making no | Tha numerous friends of L- W. Hasdai, Eeq dait The patent shaking and dumping grate. I hereby announce his name as a suitable candidate preventing any obstruction clinkers or coal, for AJJarman, to fill the vacancy in the Board together with the extra heavy centre pieces holding canted by the reeignation of Mr.Barron Carter in the the plates, and which are perfect gas borneis, are First Ward. The election takes place on tbe 16th admirably constructed additions, snd finely sn?wer Inst,' and every resident of tho city is entitled to the purposes they are designed for* Messrs. Btn- I vote. art, Peterson & Oo., Philadelphia, the manufactu- | *cgS tf MVNf CITIZENS, rers, wiil forward illustrate i descriptive circulars on applicatio l. I Dissolution of Copartnership What we Nfeo when Debilitated.—Appetite I rpHE copartnership heretofore existing between A the undersigned was dissolved on the first snd digestion languish at this season. At the veiy oiwoiveu on the first kL, ‘“i'* 0 !; 1 * ““‘“M consent. George F.Batrett time when the body most needs renovation and support, the stomach, its commiseariat department, is apt to prove delirquent. Under such dream- stances the necessity fora wholesome stimulant, tonic and corrective is self evident, and consequent ly the demand for that peerless combination cf the three required elements, Boitetter’s Stomach Bit- teie, is never more urgent than at midsummer. takrs the assets snd assumes the indebtedness of the firm. F q CabTLttN. GEORGE F. BARRETT. August 7 1873. aug8 St GEORGE F. BARKETI. Cherry Street, opposite Huff’s new building, Dealer in It Is true that a f«w medical bigots—foesila “left I PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE, POWDER over” from the dark ages—recommend violent pur^ FLASKS. 8HO C BELTS, CARTRIDGES, etc , gationand water gruel ai a core far indigestion T „ * / . .. .... !La •- m-. t, Zl 1 lo^PO.^Kj^gstoraturn thanks to the patrons and its accompanying ills; but they make few j c,f Barrett dt Co. for former favors, and trusts by proselytes. The majority of the community are strict attention to business to merit a continuance sane, and all sane people are aware that a pure and | the ** me powerful vegetable tonic with alterative proper ties, like Hoateiter's Bitters, is the only care for Gnu R^piirirg, Locksmithing dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, nervousness J And general repairing of Hetil Work done prompt ed the “consequential damages” they Inflict. The human intellect, unless hopelessly diseased j or egregionsly humbugged, declines to astonish the | weakened human stomach with fierce cathartics that, rushing like an avalanche throagh tbe inte«- tinea, threaten to take the inner membrane with them. To nse a significant catch-phrase the knock- | down-and-drag-out methods of ti satment are ••pliyed out.*' It is clearly rnderatood tint a medicated stimu-1 jant ia essential to the renoration cf an exhausted i frame and that you oannot strengthen man or wo- ] man by dosing them with prostrating preparations This is an era of common sense, and common ly and reasonably. ang8 3t FOR SALE! HAND FIRE ENGINE AND APPARATUS. w • L JLJ _, To those desiring to pnrcb&ee a good and relit- seme approrta of Eo,tetter’s Bitters « the beet | b ^ r , 6 h ^^ n B a ’ “ d il “ theif iut6Ioa t0 eI - articles extant for invigorating, regulating and purifjiofj the eyatem aid dif-nding it egiicst, __ , __ poiarn in the air web-eathe, or the water I SECONE’CLASS SMITH ENGINE drink. From tho Central Baptist, St. Louis: “A Lit j q p er ^ ac ^ or j er warranted to give entire sat- daya since a friend banded ns a ftw packages cf J lafaciion. Sold for uo fuu.t, but to make room Dr. Price’s Cream Bakins Powder, with a request for a t*team: r. to‘try it.- We tried it and found it enprrb. We For further p.rtieulaTS. apply to Secretary of ,, . . . ... lL „ Ocmulgee Fire Uo No. 2 or committee. give small packages to a few fnends, and they all I q MACUIOLO, F 98 LivzBrooL—Noon—Ootton, uplands 8#; Orleans 9#: market quiet. t Jot ton *ales 12.000: speculation and export 2000. Bales cf tho week 64.000; export 5,000; specula tion 5,000. Stock 845.000; American 347.000. Re ceipts 59,000: American 21.000 Actual export 8000. Stock afloat 352.000; American 48.000. Evening—Sales include 7000 bales American Cotton to arrive closed dnlL Yarns and fabrics quiet and unchanged. PRODUCE. New York—Noon—Flour dull. Wheat strong; No. 2 Milwaukee 1 43gl 44. Corn, steam western mixed f2@56. Fork quiet and weak; new mes* 18 00. Lard dull; old western steam 8#YS>8 7-16 Tnrpentino dull at 42/342#. Borin quiet at 3 05 for common strained. Freights firm. Evening— I'lonr, .-onthern unchanged and in moderate request; common to fair extra 6 20@ 7 75; good to choice 7 85@10 50. Whisky lower at 95. Wheat lfS>2 better; ecarcity of stock and h’gh freights chock export business. Corn c osed dull snd rsthsr heavy. Coffee higher; Rio 15#<920#. Rico firm: Carolina 8#@9#. Pork weak; new mess 18 00. Lard firm at 9#. Tnrpentine doJL Rosin dull. Tallow quiet at 8#. Freights actire and firm; cotton, per steam 5 ICrS)#. Baltimore— Flour dnll; Baltimore mills, high grades declined 25c. Wheat weak. Corn, white 72 ®7G: yellow 53<$Gn. Oats firm; southern 43@44. Bye firmer at 7u(&72. Provisions in fair demand; no sales of round lots. Whisky quiet. Louisville—Flour in good demand and firmer; stofk light; family extra 6 00(93 50. Cora 53@61, sacked. Pork steady: held at 16 25@16 50. Bacon in fair demand; shoulders 9#<$9#; clear rib sides 11; clear sides 11, packed; hams, sugar-cured 14^ fit 14#; plain 13:313V. Lard steady: choice leaf tierce 9^9#: keg 9#; steam 8#. Whisky quiet snd firm at 90. Cincinnati—Flour steady at 4 50. Com steady;, fair to prime 44047. Pork firm at 16 75: be 7 d high er. Lard quiet: steam nominally 8; kettle, jobbing sales at 8#. Bacon in good demand: shoulders 8#(ff-9; clear rib sides 10#; clear sides 10#. Wins ky in good demand at 90. St. Louis—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn dull and drooping: No. 2 mixed 36#<a*S8#. Whisky lower at 90. Tork firmer st 16 75@17 00. Bacon very firm: shoulders 9# offered and refased: only order trade done. Lard quiet, winter leaf 7#; re fined retails at 8#<38#. New Orleans—Floor strong; small choice; new scarce and In demand; donbie extra 4 44; treble extra 6 5067 50; family 8 53(S9 75. Corn scarce: mixed G2Q65; mixed white 75; white 77. Oats quiet at 41043. Bran quiet at 82#. Hay dull; prime 22 00; choico 20 09<a 26 00. Fork scarce and firm at 17 25. Dry salted meats scarce; shoulders 9#. Bacon active and scarce; shoulders 9#; clear rib sides 11#; clear sides 11#; hams, 15# <r16#. Lard quist; choico tierco 8#08#; keg 10#@11. Sogar and molasses da l. Whisky, Louisiana 94; Cincin nati 98. Coffee 1S02O#. Wilmington — Spirits turpentine firm at 38.— Rosin dull; strained 2 45: No. 2 5 00; low No. 1 * "0; extra No. 1 2 90. Crudo tnrpentine steady; hard 2 00; yellow dip and virgin 3 20. Tar qaiet at 3 55. Loncidx—Noon—Tho weather is favorable to crop*. Liverpool—Noon—Breadstuffa firm. Wheat, club 12s2d (T 12*4-1. Corn 2Ss6d. Fiovr 27a7d#28s 6d. Cumberland cut 37s. Evening—Tuipentine 32s. MARINE NEWS. New York—Arrived out. Russia. Savannah—Arrived, Amenea, Ohas. Dennis, Min nie. Cleared, Eclipse. Charleston—Arrived. Georgia. Mrs. Josephine Horne, artist, formerly of Georgia. Address 122 Waverley Place, New York. Portraits and pictures of any size taken from old dagnereotypes in the highest style of came back to ns for more. As we were not pre pared, however, to abandon the conduct cf the Gentral to go into the bakmg pew lor bn* incus, we I were obliged to tarn them aw&y disappointed For their gratification and thatef tho general public, we will say that this inimitable powder can be had I , Foreman, H. P. WE8rCOTT, * F. A 8HONEMAN, V KAHN, JNO. VALENTINO. house and lot .tmo.t ofth a leadiu e e ,o 5 era inU.i8Cilv,.oa.t For Sa j e or Kenf in VineTille. wholesale of Steele A Price, Chicago nnd St. Lome. 1 7 Snow in Summer ? Yes. How ? Where? Just where you would never look for it. In all the red hot ovens of tho best wives and housekeepers in the city. What do you mean ? I mean that sale or rent on the most favorable terms. Posse*sion given on the first of October. jaiy29 lOt W. A. HUFF. wanted. N EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, deeiring to locate in Macon, wishes to make an en- . , # . , . i gagement with a responsible house for the coming the glorious loaves fabricated from seism. Address, for one week, BOX 432. Wiley’s XXXX resemble lilliputian | { . f mountains capped with snow; only the real mountains have red dirt and rocks beneath them, and these wonderful hil locks are the staff of life, white, nutty and delicious. E. B. POTTER M. D. Homce op athist. ^~^Fl’TCJE Weed’s Block, Second street, third door below Johnston's jewelry establishment. Residence Lanier House. julyl5 tf WANTED. The Oheatest asd Best.—Hood's Euroka Liv er Medicine gives universal satisfaction in tho treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Co-tivenese, and aU that cites of dis eases arising from a disordered etato of tbe stom ach and liver. novSOIy QNE FINE SHOE AND BOOT MAKES, and one good Feg Workman- Address. W. H. TILLEBY, Dublin, jnU29 dim Ltureue County. Oa. WANTED AT ONCE, Choice Wheat, only cleansed with a dccorticator like that ot ours, can make flour like the Wiley XXXX. We know where to get it, and have always a heavy supply on hand. BURR & FLANDERS. C |NE OR TWO first-clas? practical Gin Makers, f (Breaeter), to whom the highest wages will ” 1 'O' «/ I La ns id hv thn datr nr ntAAA be paid, by tho day or piece, jolylltf P. O. SAWYER. Eclectic Institute, F OR YOUNG LADIES, Biltimore, Maryland. Number of Pupils limited to foriy. For cir- Fatronjzs Hove Entibwuse.—Mr. P. P. Toale, whose advertisement appears in another col umn, has brought to a high state of perfection the largest and most complete manufactory of doors, calsrs apply to the Principal. MRS. LETITIA TYLER SEMPLE, augl dim Of Virginia. FOR SALE OR RENT. T HE FAMILY MANSION now occupied by Mrs. Fetor Stubbs, containing eight rooms, e&nhes ani blinds in tho Sombcrn Str.tis. Ilia I Also a Five-ro-m Dwelling-house adjoin ng. All •warranted woik, untiring energy, personal arpli- n60Ja8ar 7 outbuildings, etc. A^pply cation to busineas acd liberal advertiaing. luvs S ng7 St Administrator. placed his enterprise among the first in the South. — 1 1 • ~ thus giving to his many customers work acd prices I FOR RENT. that defy competition. Trice list cent free on ap- rpwO DWELLING HOUSES, eligibly located. BARGAINS IN MILLINERY! NATIONAL HOTEL, (FORMERLY SPOTSWOOD), NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT. THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOBOUGHLY BENOVATED FBOM BASEMENT TO ATTI0 BOARD S3 OO PER DAY. ,,, L WHELAN, Proprietor. _ business, I am offering from this date Mid until the en tire lot is disposed of, my stock of JJAVISO determined to close np Millinery and Fancy Goods At prices that cannot fail to please slL My stock consists in part of Lxdies' Hats and Bjnnets, Flowers, Ribbons, Laca Goods, Hair Goodd, Collars, Cuffs, Zephyr Worsted, And m fact everything usually kept in my line. Call and examine my goods and buy them at j your own price. ang.6 d2w MRS. L. F. HENDRTX. WRIGHT’S IMPROVED New Boarding House. O N THE FIRST OF AUGUST I will op^n the Houae on Mutberry street, opposite ihe La nier Houee, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N. Binswangor Board $25 per month, and the table supplied with the be«t the market tffords Fooma can be had eithur with or without fumitnre. aug61m E M. BROWN, Agent._ Antifriction Horse Power Macon Fire Insurance & Trust Association. T HE Board of Directors have declared a divi dend of EIGHT PER CENT, on the amount of 8tock paid in, payable on and after the 5tn inat. J. MONROE OGDEN. Bec’y and Tress. Macon, Angnst 4,1873. aug5 St MiBKET GARDEN FOR SALE. T HE Finest Market Garden in the vicinity of Macon, adjoiuiag Jadge Knott’s place. i«j of fered for sale or rent It has an area of twenty- ouo acres, in bi^b cultivation. On it i* a frame building containing five rooms, and near it all nec essary outhouses and a fine well of water For term?, etc., apply to EDWARD LONG I can be found at tbe market every day until nine in tho morning »nd oa tho premise* the re mainder^! the day.aug5 lm* COAL OREEEL ANTHRACITE COAL AND WOOD. -yy'E will eel! Coal during tbe montb of AuptiRt | at reduced ratee Send in your orders now | arid avoid last winter's trouble n ' e rn)B rush. * ngl d3m EUflU A BOSS. FOR RENT. 0SLY “CAST STEEL PINION POWER” IT THE WORLD, water, fronting James Feymour’a residence; ; HPH _ ; price, T7[7 E preeent to the Planters of the South the best and only suitable HORSE POWER for Gionine $15 per monthu Also oue six room dwelling near V V Ootton, Grinding Corn, or Tlireohtng Grain, ever before offtred to tbe public We, tbe prupni Tatnall bquare, adjoining the residence of E. tors, having h d a unmoor of years'experience in predneing and prop wing Cotton for mark^aMem Price; throe acres of land attached, good well of without the fear cf contridiciun, that ia point of Simplicity, Durability, Speed and Ligktnjea of water: price, $25 per month. Apply to J. 8EY nOUB RODGERS, at beymour. Tinsley A Co. jnly!7 lm READY! WRIGHT’S IMPROVED POWER Far EhbJs any otter tilt has Ever Been Biel in lie Bniiel States, W. A, JOHAN & GO. i *i c * aim / or & that two good mule3 will gin three bales of cotton in a day on a forty saw gin and that four good mules wdl gin on a fifty saw gin four and a half to five bales of cotton ; that me’ gin. mng will be continuous, not being liable to interruptions from sagging of tbe m&chine-honm, M Power is self-adjusting, adapting itself readily to the upward or downward tendency of the floor, fibs entire fixtures accompany the machine, except an ordina«y king-pod and a lever, so that it can be placed in position for eoivice in a few hours after reaching the plantation. Bsepectful’y announce their stock removed to THESE POWERS ARE MANUFACTURED OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL S. T. COLEMAN’S Old Stand, And will be warranted for twelve months. The onlv part of a Horse Power most Iiabio to wear is the email piniomwbich gives epoed to tjie "Power." This we have remedied by having it (at a great cott) flllKll- iIaIiVAPCiI at nnrnLasov'a atstinn And tbeir readiness to serve the old customers of S. T. Coleman and J. B. Boss A S. T. Cole man, and all tbe new ones who will give them a calL made of the very best Ca.t titeeL Pries $115, or $150, delivered at purchaser's station ws ASK. ONLY A TRIAL. For farther particulars, address MALONE, WILLINGHAM &. CO , MACON, GEORGIA. In order to make room for an immense FALL STOCK, We will close ont the remainder of our SUMMER GOODS At a sacrifice, and shall offer GREAT BARGAINS GEORGIA MILLS! plication. A Apply to jIothebs. Momma, Mothzbs—Don’t fail to procure Mbs. Wbtsnow's Soothisq 6mur for all diseases incident to the period of teething in chil dren. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind oolie, regulates the bowels, acd by giving relief and heaitb to the child, gives rest to the mother. Be sure to call for “Mas. Wdsiow's Sooraisa j Srncp.” For sale by all druggists. jane 25eod-6m B F. LAWTON, At Exchange Bank, or to DK. A. P. COLLINS. At Collins A Heath's. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MACON. GA. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY BELIEF FOB YOUNG MEN from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man- j drew hood restored. Impediments to Marriage remov ed. New method of treatment. New and remark able remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, No. 2 South Ninth at., Philadelphia, Pa.,— an institution having a high reputation for honor able conduct and professional skill. j alvSdSm rpilE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION will begin October 6, 1873. For catalogues, containing fall information, ad- BEY.E. H. MYERS, D. D., President. O. W. SarrrH, Secretary.aug7 2m GEORGIA No. 2. IB- CENTS- 15. ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DEiNEB | AND SUPPER TABLE, 1EA a'PEBBINS* Worcestershire fiance. IS INDISPENSABLE. JOHN mJNCAS’M SOX9, New York. Agents for the United States. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ^^LL DBINK3, plain or fancy, are now fifteen cents each at the Georgia No. 2: No change in liquors. None kept but tbe heat. CASEY Jt ESPENNEB, ang7 6t Proprietor.. CLOSED OTIT! We desire to carry over as few goods aa possible, consequently we are prepared to deal ae liberally on this line as our WILEY'S XXXX, AMBEH, FRIENDS CAW ASK. Call on augStf W. A. JUHAN A CO. PEARL OUST, COR Ala. BUY THE BEST Laitelb’s Hew Crip Tamp Seed “THESE ARE OUR JEWELS.” FOR SALE. _ from the Honorable Superior Court of Jones county, will be sold for distribution, belore tbe Court house door, in Clinton, between the Jesal hours ol DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, containing six | *ale, on the first Tuesday in September next: One rooms, on Bond street; outbuildings complete. Terms easy. Apply at jolySl tf LAWTON A WILLINGHAM’S. FOR RENT. LARGE DWELLING HOUSE on College house and lot, in the town ot Cliaton. moderately well improved, and contains about three acres known os tbe Wiley B. Pope late residence. 1 ~ P. L. CLOWER. F.S- JOHNSON, Q. W, MANN, W. A. JUHAN. R. J. TURNER, Terms cash. .Jk.. jnly30 d&wlm Commifsioners. FOR RENT CHEAP. fine." dUb ‘* to0f ' I 'T HB commodious STORES _on Cherry Apply to aug9 2t CLIFFORD ANDERSON. FOUND. X street, at present occupied by Coleman & Newsom, are for rent from first day of October next. Apply to J- VALENTINO, juneSta 68 Cherry street. A BUNCH OF KEYS, on the street, near this cffice. The owner can have them by paying > AVENUE STORE TO BENT. for this notice and satisfying the finder. aug9 It MUTE BAG3. T HE STORE on Cotton Avenue, now occupied pied bv Mrs Hendrix. TAX NOTICE. Also, theFLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five I rooms, with garden and outbuildings. One of the best stands for a boarding bouee in the city. Apply to aog2tf G. B. ROBERTS. r ^HE TAX BOOKS of Bibb county are now in I TO RENT. I T w Ho^f™fS HODaE8 “ one ei * ht - room me bat a »hort time in which to collect aU the taxes. My office ia on Cherrv street, at my old place of business. I am also required to receive, nnder oath, re ports of farm crops raised in the county, together with othor information relative to the farming in- OLIYEB. DOUGLASS * OO. sug9 tnov!5 W. T. NELSON. Tax Collector. SOMSTMff GOOD TO EAT! art. Febsoxil— Rev. W. F. *-I have used Dr. Bimirons' Liver Regulator in my family for dyepepaia and lick headiche, and regard it an invaluable remedy. It has not fxiled to give relief any instance." 200 Fresh Country CHICKENS, 10 bushels Very Ltrge SWEET POTATOES, 10 bushels Very Large IRISH POTATOES, 10 bnthela Yery Large ONIONS. FRESH GROUND FLOUR! (NEW WHEAT) CITY BANK, Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS DIRHOTOIIB. WJf. B JOHNSTON, JOHN J. GRESHAM, July22 fm Ax able physician of Baltimore, H.J. Rogers, says: I cincot find a particle cf anypoitonona or orious ingredient in Nattana’ Crystal Discovery, after a cartfal analysis. I hare therefore used it to restore my gray locks, wrick it has done to my en tire s»tii faction, proring an elegant dressing. I cheerfully recommend it. Sold by druggists. Fixx Ast i.—Brown, the enterprising artist, makes the best pictures. Duplicates from Bid. die's old negatives can be obtained at No. 13 Cotton avenue, for cash, when ordered. aog9-2l* t [ | - Bud-shot—6, 7 and 8. ang9 ot Outik, Docobiffi Jt Co. Thi Begulator, prepared, goes finely here, after a due trial Everybody wants it, everybody praise* it, and all are satisfied with it; to fact, it ia in graaiee demand than office ar. among a hungry ■at of mongrel earpet-baggen and soallawags. Wh. Poisvth Bnran A Box, lavs Oak, Fla. Don’t mix Wiley’s XXXX Flour with Paris Green to kill caterpillars. It won’t hurt them. Such flour fattens—don’t kill. Ecxt, Itixn* A Lahis.—This well known and reliable firm bare received a large lot of Dr. Hood's Eureka Liver Medicine. It has the praise of all who have tried it. In bottle at SO cents and 91.00 A fresh supply of FANCY CANDY, HAMS, BREAKFAST BiCOX, 3UGAB OF ALL GRADES, GOLD DUST WHISKY And everything else in the Grocery line. Jost re ceived, and for sale cheap, at S. T. WALKER’S- »ns9 2t TO IMPORTERS! A, Hottestots geibericg bccha for Belmbold's Extract has become almost a historical picture Pus great contmmptiou of Dr- Helmlo.d’a Buchu attests the important fact that thousands upon thousands need s diuretic fiie-dkine. For drop by. gravel, kidney complaint, and all diseases of the urinary organs, either m male or female, there has never been a remedy equal to Belmbold’s Bachu. Its imitators are mere traah. He'mbold’e ia the old reliable standard remedy. . Tha Br. Steamship I> ARIY3N HaviDE been thoroughlv overhauled, will leave LIVERPOOL FOR dAVANNAH DIRECT Between 16th and 30th September. Importers throughout this section can have their goods shipped direct to Savannah. Messrs. MAN- oEhGH, GRAYSON A CO. are the agents in Liv- erpool. anK 9 gt FOR SALE CHEAP. A FIVE-BOOM COTTAGE, with all recessary outbuildings. All new, in good order, and in a pleaaaot location. Possession given when ever desired- Apply st angdSt TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER. W. B. HILL. N. K. HABBIS. HILL & HAEBIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 90 Cherry street, (op stairs) MACON, GA. Will practice in all the courts of the Macon Cir cuit. bpecial attention given to Collections. Gon- Jaly27tf vevsnees. etc. Educate Your Daughters. H15IIVILLL’, TENNESSEE. W. E. WARD’S SEMINARY FOB YOUNG LA DIES closed on the llth June with 38 graduates and near 300 pupils. No school in tbe South, and only three in the North, h ive had aa good raxefs. No case of protracted richness daring the past ▼ear. Its pupils being in the city, enjoy tbs beet advantages of their respective churches. Grade of the last Senior Class 926. Fall Session opens September 4. For catalogue address W. E. WARD, july22d2wAw3t Nashville.. Term. Civil and Mechanical EivrGiKrmmiKG A T tbe Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, Hew York. Instruction very uractieaL ad- BUTA BAGA, FLAT DUTCH, * BED TOP, LABGE GLOBE, ALSO, FBE3H- CABBAGE SEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Wa have J net completed many improvements and addition, to out Mills, and are turning out daily Druggist and Pharmacist, 4th and Popltr streets, juiyao tf Hollinaworth Block. JfllSOI i SMITH 250 BARRELS OF 1 FLOUtt I AT THEIB NEW STAND, Wo would call tho especial attention of merchants to our popular brands, &s wo can offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Sis. 74 ail 76 Mew Sliest, Always on hand a choice selection of CONTINUE TO OFFEB BARGAINS TO STOCK. FOOD. MEBGHANTS anfl PLANTERS, ALSO BRAN IN’ QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCASEK- 0 . And invite a call from everybody skeptical on this point. FLECTION NOTICE. BURR & FLANDERS, GEORGIA MILLS. TTNDEB and by virtue of m resolution passed by U the City Council of the City of Macon, an election will be held in the several wards of the city, on SATURDAY, tbe 16th day of August. 1673, for an Alderman, to fill the vacancy of Barron Carter, of the First Ward. Folia will be opened from 8 o’clcck a. v. to 5 o’clock f. it- at the fol lowing places : First Ward—At Engine House of Fire Company No. 8. Second Ward—At Engine House of Fire Company No. 4. Third Ward—At Court-house. Fourth Ward—At Ci y HalL J. W. BURKE, Mayor Fro Tem. Attest: J. A. McMinus, Clerk O. O. aug5td FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL. FOR THE TOILET. FLORIDA WATER. (Murray A Lanmsn’s,) MAGNOLIA WATER. (Barnes*,) GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE, (original,) Z2J8DTB GENUINE EXTRACTS, magnolia balm, bloom of youth, milk of violets, BLANO DR PERLES, fiOZODONT, DANFOBTH’S DENTIFRICE. C OR CORTLANDT and NEW CHURCH STS , NEW YORK. On the European Flan. RICH ARD F. FRENCH, son of the late Colonel Richard French, of French’s Hotel, has taken this Hotel, newly fitted up and entirely renovated tbe same* Centrally located in the Business Part of the Gity. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Dining Rooms attached janelStf . very practical. Ad- antagea nnampasaed in this country. Graduates obtain txosllcni positions. Reopeu September 17th. For the Annual Register, containing im proved Courts of Study, and fall particulars address FBOF. GHABLE8 DBOWNB, angl dim Director, N. S. JONES. PROVISION BROKER, No. 3 Pike’s Opara House Building, OLNCINNATI, OHIO, Orders for Pork, Bunn, Hams and Lard promptly attended ts. Beferi to Seymour, Tinsley A Oo. mayll 8m Also, a full line of niPOBTED and DOMESTIC SOAPS, POWDEK, POMADES, COSMETICS, etc, elo. At tho Drag Store of BOLAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry street and Cotton Avenue, aogti tf DR. WRIGHT, DENTIST yjAB removed to Boardman’s Block, over Pen dleton A Boes’, comer Mulberry and Bsoond eta., Maoon, Ga. oetlSly Mineral Waters. KISSINGEN, (artificial). YIOHY, (artificial). C0N3KE83, (artificial). EXCELSIOR SARATOGA, (natural)- SODA WATER, (in ita excellence). AU of the above Waters are on draught at the ‘Mammoth Fountain.'’ CONGRESS, (diamond C). HATHOBN, (Saratoga). BOOKBRIDOE ALUM, (Virginia) IRISH GINGER ALE „ „,, KISSINGEN AND VICHY PALis CRAB OBOHABD (Er.) All genuine and in bottles, st the Vrog 01 BANKIN’, MASSENBUBG & CO. JulySO tf • LAW CARD. M essrs, woodward a toole, of3« county, Ga., haviDg formed a n era hip, reapectfuliy offer their eep ,,c < f? public, and will prachoe in tbe counUee o! " Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Macon, Sumter and Hoar ton. Special attention given also to c“ ee m supreme and Federal Oonrt*. , ° Address, Vienna, Ga. julylKSB.