The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 12, 1873, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1?, 1B73. Band* m lh< Heavy clouds passeel mat of Lbe city hf err.oon, dropping slight showers here y h Kicluiti,—Hr. W. li. Cordell, road con tractor, took another gang of oonviots out to th*. chu u gang yesterday morning. tbi coraxr cortr. Am Art fa I tMtffrr w»< aa Illegal Marriage. ft emob Coubt.—-The Superior Coart m®* terdaj morning, Jadge FItil presiding. The in/ was for the purpose of hearing some Niubu Fite.—This steamer was oat for trial •gain yesterday morning, and this time trans acted her bnaincaa satisfactorily. She had too tnacb sand in her craw before. Rettmed.—Mr. B. P. Walker, of Wa.kar A Dobbs, after a six weeks sojourn in the oonntry. has retained, recruited in health, and ready for the business campaign of the winter. Election cr Teaches*.—By reference to a notice pnblished elsewhere it will be seen that an election for teachers in the pnblto schools of Macon will take place next Saturday at ten o'clock. Htdboph nr a.—A dog on the premises of Col. W. T. Hollingsworth exhibited s&ch strong sympton.n of hydrophobia Sunday morning, that it was deemed expedient to kill him at onoe. The dog was killed. Maoon and C:?*cd.nati Railroad.—At s me et- ing of the Board of Directors of the Macon and Cincinnati railroad, held yesterday morning, Col. W. A. Lofton was eleoted attorney for the road, vioe Col. W. K. deGr&ffonreid, deceased. A rnr.uL from Savannah, per Sontbern and Atlantic Telegraph line, informs ns that the Drat bale of new cotton from Florida was re paired and sold in that city yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at 21 cents per poned. Five Stock.*-CoI. Robert Sims who, for J8 years, has boon bringing stock to Maoon, writes to Messrs. Heath A Porter from Carlisle, Ky., that he will be here on the 15th with the finest stock of saddle, harness and combination horses ever kroogbl to this city. Fix* Ghowto.—Mr. L. B. Pike exhibited last Saturday night a stalk of oorn fourteen feet high, and a stalk of cotton seven feet high. Tbe corn was grown by Messrs. A. A U. Water man, of HawkinaviUc, And the cotton by Dr. Daniel Psttlaball, of Hoaston coanty. The latter wonld have been folly eight foot high bad it not been trimmed. Wnanx shall I have this prescription com pounded, Is often Rfk;d by persons who have consulted tbelr family pbysiciau. Without det riment to tbe many other excellent druggists in onr city, we can safely recommend Mr. It. B. Hall, of Triangular block. Prescriptions com pounded at bis stoic are entrusted to none but those thoroughly oompetenL Judge Weems transacted no business of a general interest yesterday, there being no crim inal cases ready for fioal adjudication. A case of some richness has lately developed in this oonrt which shows that tbe artful dodger may come to grief no matter how craftily he sets his pegs. Last Saturday Jaae Epps came iota the court and asked that warrants issue for tbe arreat and proaacotion of herself and Tom Williams for interlusiva conduct. Her object was to force Tom to marry her in due form andaooording to the laws of the oouutrf. Tbe warrant was plaeed in the hands of Pridgon, otherwise known as Sorrel Top, assistant bailiff of the oonrt. Pridgon started to Haven's as* loon, where Tom is employed, to make the ar rest, bnt Tom, seeing the enemy advancing, smelt a small-sized mice, and evaporated. Now, it seems that Tom also has another woman with whom he has been living and by whom he has some children. In order to evade a farther prosecution, Tom marries this woman on Sanday, and yesterday snips his fiager in Pridgen's face and laughs at the joke he has played on him. But Pridgen was not entirely satisfied that the joke was all against him. However, he laid the matter before the Jadge, and the Jadge said Tom had married the wrong woman. This time the joke was in Sorrel Top's favor, and he lost no time in habeasing Tom's corpus and arraigning it before the bar of jastice. The Judge told Tom he must give bond in the sum of one hundred dollars to answer tbe charge of interlnsiveneas, preferred at the in stance of Jane Epps, one of his ooncubines. To say that Tom was appalled at this announce meet is to put the case very feebly. To a cas ual observer, for two minutes after the an nounoement wai made, be woold have passed very well for a white man. Tom gave his bond and will appear on Saturday. Laat week, or the week before, Henry Owens and Minnie Harris, alias Adams, were arrested on tbe charge of interlosive conduct, and con victed, and moved an arroet of judgment by marriage. This was acoeeded to, and the cere mony was performed by Judge Weems. It has transpired, however, that Minnie Harria is not a whito woman, bnt was a former slave of Col. Harris, of Milledgeville. This of course vitiates the oontract of marriage, and the parties were rearrested yesterday, and the original prosecu tion will proceed. n.UXCIAL AM) COMMERCIAL Liitefct Market Kepjrts by .Telegraph FINANCIAL. New Yrax—Noon—Block, ve-y Anil- Gold 15V- Money esey mt !'c 4 t ichor, ge. long 9; short 9;V Government. doll- Brets bond, qoist- Evening—Money in demand et 3n4. Sterling verk. Government, s little h-gber. blele bond, defend nominal. A Hidnigtlt—-tovernmente 81a 69e 17Vl 64a 17X: 65* 19V; new 1~X. 67. 19V. CSa 1BX; aew 6* !4Xt 10-40. ltX- Teu. e-eee Cr MX: B «w 8'K: Virginia 6. iVX: new 30; oou.ol cS, deferred 11: Louisiana 6a 43; new 45; levee 6a -47: He 60; Alabama He 85; 5e 85: Georgia 6] 70 7a in. North Carolina* 77; new 15X: special ox 12, r-ontb Carolina. 32, new 14: Apnl and October 22. New OaLaiSf'—sterling 26X New York eight X premium. Gold 15 V- Loroo.v — Noon - Conaole 92X®92X- COTTON. In conee qnenoe of the lots figures at which Truman <fc Green have been offering their atovea a large nnmber of them have been sold. Parties deslronj of a cheap stove are advised to call wnlle tbe assortment is jet complete. anglO 31 Tux AnaicrLTcnir. Contention.—Delegates to the Slate Agricultural Convention, which as sembles in Athens todij, have-been passing through the city slnoe Sanday. Some left lost night by way of Atlanta aid others will isave this morning by way of the Macon and Angnsta road. Tbo Slain G range of tho Patrons of Hiuband- ry meeta to-morrow night. Who IIx Was.—The namo of tho man killed on the Macon and Angnsta ralliotd last week was Ed. Vann. He was in the employ cf Mr. Unbbard Reynolds, of Twiggs connty. This makes tbe seoond white man employed by Mr. Reynolds, wbo has lost his Ilfo throngb intemperance within a year. Some months ago, It will be remembered, John Martin, while drnuk, attempted to cross Walnnt creek bridge, fell In and was drowned. Mr. Reynolds onght to organize a tcmpiranco soolot; on his plantation. Attimftzd AnsoN.—Last Friday night an at tempt was mado to barn tho residonoe of Mr. Matt. R. Fret min, by setting lira to some of the ontbnildings on his place. His kitchen and store honso aro separate buildings, bnt are built close together, there being oDly a small orack between them. Their backs are against tin alley. The ineondlary stack a piece of light wood between tbe Dnlldings and set Are to it. Fortunately tho lightw,>0,3 burned oat wilbont setting fire to tbe bnildings, thongh It charred a considerable placo around. Mas. Josn-mNX Homos, artist, forroorly of Georgia. Addreas 122 Wavarley Plaee, New York. Portraits snd pictares of any size taken from oid dsgnereotypes In the highest Btyle of art Tbciun A Gnr.zN aro still selling spoons, forks and plated wars generally, at tbe old prices, notwithstanding that manufacturers of these goods have advanced heavily. JVW is the time for hocsekcepers and others to bny. anglO 3: BniD-sBOT— 6, 7 and 8. anj.9 3t Oliver, Douolass A Co. Merchants visiting the city aro requested to call and examine the alock of Trnman A Green before “ goiog farther and faring worse. Money can be saved by baying from a home markot. anglO 3: Don’t mix Wiley’s XXXX Flour with Paris Green to kill caterpillars. It won’t hurt them. Such flour fattens—don’t kill. Snow in Summer ? Yes. How ? "Where? Just where you would never look for it. In all the red hot ovens of tho best wives and housekeepers in the city. What do you mean ? I mean that tho glorious loaves fabricated from Wiley’s XXXX resemble lilliputian mountains capped with snow; only the real mountains have red dirt and rocks beneath them, and theso -wonderful hil locks aro the stafTof life, white, nutty and delicious. A Great Oonteniikcx —Upon enquiry, wo iearn that lbe "all night drag store” is now be ginning to pay its proprietors. The physicians appreciate tho importance of being able to get tbetr proscriptions Ailed promply at any hoar of the night, and the pabiio owo Oapt. Masaenbarg a liberal patronago for keeping np this great convenience. Thongh it has boen a heavy ex- penao and no profit to its propriotore, it has nevertheless been a great advertisement for their business, and they know that advertising pays. The Cortlell.Yann Canard. In onr Sunday morning’s issue we gave what seemed to ns to be a tolerably well authenticated report of the killing of Reese Vann, a chain-gang convict, by Rev. W. H. Cordell, the road con tractor for this oonnly. We are glad, this morn ing, to be able to state that the report was false In every particular. Mr. Oordeil not only did aot kill Reese Vann, bn*, or tho contraiy, did not attempt to ahoot him, nor did Vann attempt to make his escape from the gang. We are at eomo loss to know how ths report started; bnt it was on the toegns of every one Ratarday night, and iatein tho afternoon Vann’s mother and other relatives believed the report to be true. We are assured upon tbo authority of Mr. Oordeil that not only Vann bat all tho other members of the chain gang ore well and work-, ing well, and no one has attempted to escape, and Mr. Oordeil filled his appointment to preach on Sunday night in Jones’ Chapel. Mr. 0. is doing good sorvioe as road con tractor with tbe hands that aro being furnished him from the Oounty Court. Ho works them vigorously, (rests them well and ia getting the roads in good order as ho goes. Ho has not yet bad to adopt any Tioient measure to prevent tho eaoape of any of bis convicts, and he hopes by the exercise of dne precaution that he will not bo compelled to do so. Ho has firmness enough to oontroi his force withont tho aid of violent measures. Choico Wheat, only thoroughly cleansed with a dccorticalor like that or ours, can mnko flour liko tho Wiley XXXX. Wc know where to get it, and have always a heavy supply on hand. * ' BURR & FLANDERS. OBSTACLE* TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from tho effecta of Error* and Abases in earl? life. Min tnod restored. Impediments to Marriago remov ed. Now method of treatment. New and remark* able remedies. Bocks and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, No. 2 Sooth Ninth st., Philadelphia, Ite.,— an institution having a high reputation for honor able conduct and professional skill. j alySdSm New Yonx—Noon—Cotton dull and nominal’ sales 71; uplands 20; Ciltjana20#. rutnres opened aa follows; August 18#@ 18 15-16; Septemb r 181-16, November 17#. Evening— Cotton weak and irregular; uplands 21 @31#; sales 315. Sues of tutor f* 12.6T0; market closed as follows Angnst 18 15-16; September 19^181-32; October 17#@12 11-16; November 17 7-16. December 17# daltinobe—Ootion, nt* receipts —; gross 1*28; exports coastwise —; sales — ; stock —; mid dlings 19#; market dull aud nominal. New Ojojcax*—Couon, demand moderate : mid dlings 1B#©18#; net receipt* 492; gross 588; ex ports to ureat rfriuin 1,£91; oaelwiee 124; sales 300; last evening SjO; stock 16,26 s. Wilsonotoi*—Cotton, net receipt* 141; exports ooaetsisfc —, sales 25; stock 9S3; middungs 18#; market dnlL ataciTA—Ootton.receipts 49; shipments 55; mid dlings 17#; demand moderate. 8wa>»ah — Cotton, net reoetpta 243: exports ooaetwie® DO; sales 23; stock 909; middlings 18; market doll. Tbe first bale of Florida crop, and several bales of Georgia crop of oottoa received Ln Sunday, the 10th inet. Charleston—Cotton, net receipts 196: exports 767; sales 100; stock 4139; middlings 18; low middlings —: good ordinary —; ordinary —; market quiet and dill. Mobils—Ootton, net receipts 106; exports coast wise 2C3; sales 150: stock 9460; middlings 18#; low middlings 16#@I6#; good ordinary 14; market quiet and steady. Boston— receipts —; gross 598; exports to Great Britain —; sales 1:00; stock 10.UGU; middlings 20#; market dull. Nobeou—ootton, net receipts GG8; exports com twine 650; sales 89; stock 3221; low middlings 18; market dull. Memphis—Cotton, net receipts 3G7: shipments 4*7: Block ( iow middlings D.Y; market doll. Galveston—Ootton, net receipts 161; export coastwise 114; sales 100; stock 8301; good ordinary 1 tfc 15#; market light.—Cotton, middlings 20; market qnut. o LinmrooL—Noon—Cotton quiet: uplands 8#; Orleans 9#. ootton tales 12,000; speculation and export 2000. From Savannah and Charleston, August delivery* not below low middlings, 8#. Evening—Hales include C250 bales American From New Orleans, Augost deLvoy, not below low middling, 8#. PRODUCE. New Yobk—Noon—Flour etexdy. Wheat 2(22 better and active. Com without material change. Pork Orm; new mess 18 00. Lard tteatly; old weet- c-rn fcieim 8#. Turpentino dull at 42#. Itoain dull at 2 99@2 95 for common strained. Freights firm. • livening—Flour in a l.ttle better request tut un- chattel. Whisky eteat'y at 91#. Wbeat l«r2 better and in fair demand for fnture delivery; new red Ohio 1 52. Corn closed steady. Bice firm at 8#("-9# Pork a shade easier. Tuipentme firmer. Itoeln dull. Freights firm cotton by steam 7-16. Baltimore—Flour dull; Baltimore mills, high gra !<-m declir)*”l 95c. Wheat weak. Oorn, white 7/ yellow 54@60. Oats firm; southern 43^44 Bye firmer at 7u<&72. Provisions in fair demand; no sales of round lota. Whieky qaieL Louisville—Floor in good demand and firm: stock light; family extra 5 25(&5 53 ; No. 16 75; fancy 7 25<§>7 69. corn firm at 5-(SCO. Pork firmer -v. i : : ! aj 17 7.7. Baron firm; shoulders 9; - '*9#: clear rib sides 10#@U#; clear sides 11#, packed. Lard steady at 9^9#; choice leaf tierce 9#@10; keg 8. Cincinnati—Flour firm with a fair demand at C 15(36 35. Cora in good demand; fair to prime 45g47. Provisions fiim. Pork quiet at 16 75. Lard qa!et at 8; kettle he!d at8# 8 8#. Bacon in good demand; ebonlders 9; ctear riu sides lu#; ciear sides 10#. Whisky firm at 91. 8t. Louis—Flour quiet and unchanged. Com dull and droopipg; No. 2 mixed 37(333. Whisky steady at 91. Tone firm at 16 75@17 00. Bacon st’ff; shoulders 9##9#; cloxr rib sides 10#@ 10#; rib sides 10#. closing With alvancing ten dency. Lard quiet; small lots refined at 8#(28#. New Obleins— Flonr scarce and fiim; extra 6 53 @7 00; family 9#9 93 Corn firm; yellow 70: mixed white 74&75; white 70. cats scares and firmer at 44345 Bran firmer at 82#@85. Hay quiet; prime 23 00&25 00; choico 25 00#S7 00. Pork firm at 17 60. Dry salted me&u scaice, acave and higher. Bacon, shoulders 9#; clear rib aides 11# @11#; lrama, IC‘416#. Lara quiet; tierce 2#<g b#; keg 11. Sugar in good demand, supply light; fair to good fair 8#@9#. Moiisses da 1. Whisky quiet; LcuLuana 95; Cincinnati 93. Coffee firm at 19#21. Wilmington—Spirits turpentine IBgborafcSS#. Boein steady at 2 45 for strained. Crude turpen tino unsettled; hard 2 00; yollow dip and virgin 3 35. Tar quiet at 3 33. Liverpool—Neon—Breadstnffs buoyant; dub wbeat 12c4d@5s: red winter 12@12<3d. Oorn 28e9d. Floor 28@29l B*ef83. Evening -Common roein S.Gd<®9. Losaas—Noon—The weather ia unfavor&bleo to crops. ‘Lvening—Common resin 9a3d@9e6d. Turpen tine 32t6d$S3. Bzab. Locsk.—Benner’s be&r is a festive cit izen. Under ordinary circumstances he is as well behaved as could be expected, even if a half civilized bear; bat once in a awhile he slips his cable and waltzes around through the city, to the intense admiration of the public. Ia faot the people admire it so much that they seek to get upon high places in order that they may see well. The second fctory of a honje, with tho front door closed, is a favorite posi tion. Some climb trees, and others mount upon goods boxsis or signboards. So great is their admiration of the bear's movements that they detire to see as muoh of it &1 possible— at long range. The friaky bruin escaped from his mooring Sanday evening, and pranced around town con siderably. On Seoond atrect he showed his agility by climbing the trees in front of Brown A Cob. Some colored girls came along and their attention was called to the animal, when they gave shrieks that wonld have done credit to on ordinary steam whistle, and bounded off at a speed that distanced the expedition of springbok. His bearahip next went to the rear of Brown A Co.'*, where, beneath the shadow of tree, re poesd the remains of one who had been engaged in a crusade against the Bourbon family. The ooming of the bear aroused the sleeper who, rolled over a few times and then climbed a tree with tbe dexterity cf a monkey. The bear then proceed farther and entered Oasey A E«pinn*r’e kitchen. Thence he pro ceeded throngb the restaurant to the bar, crea ting an amount of consternation, not to have been expected on a quiet Sunday afternoon. What other freak* this sportive bear per- riemed we are not advised. He seems to have dot* no great amount of mischief anywhere, aad yesterday be was as quiet and orderly & bear as^oe wonld wish to see. Whit we Need when Debilitated.—Appetite and digestion languish at this sesson. At the very time when tho body most needs renovation and support, the stomach, its commissariat department, is apt to prove delinquent. Under each circum stances the necessity for a wholesomo stimulant, tonic and corrective ia self evident, and consequent ly the demand for that peerless combination cf the three required elements, Ho jtetter’a Stomach Bit ters, is never more urgent than at midsummer. It is true that a few medical bigots— foesila “left over'* from the dark ages—recommend violent pur gation and water giuel as a cure for indigestion and Its accompanying ills; bnt they make few proselytes. Tbe majority of tbe community are sane, and all sane people are aware that a pore and powerfal vegetable tonic with alterative proper ties, liko Hostotter's Bitters, is the only cure for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, nervousness and the “consequential damages" they inflict. The human iLtallect, unless hopelessly diseased or egregiocsly humbugged, declines to aatonbsb ibo weakened human stomach with fierce cathartics that, rushing like an avalanche throngb tho intes tines, threaten to take the inner membrano with them. To use a significant catch-phrase tbe knock- down-acd-drag-cut methods cf treatment aro “pltyed out.” It is clearly rnderatood that a modicated stimu lant is essential to the renoration cf an txhansted frame and that yon cannot strengthen man or wo man by dosing them with prostrating preparations This is an era of common sense, and common sense approves of Hoetetter's Bitters as the beet articles extant for invigorating, regulating and purifying the system and dtfinding it against poism in the air we breathe, or the water we drink. The Cheatest and Best.—Hood's Eureka Liv er Medicine gives universal satisfaction the treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Co*tivenoss, and all that claae of dis eases arising from a disordered state of the stom ach and hver. nov30Iy Jot to the World! Woman is Free!—Among the many modern discoveries looking to the happi ness and amelioration of the tinman race, none is entitled to higher consideration than tbe renowned emedy —Dr. J. Bradfleld’a Female Regulator, Woman’s Boat Friend. By it woman is emanci pated from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before Us magic power all irregularities of tho womb vanish. It cures whites. It cures suppression of the menses. It removes uterine obstructions. It cures con9tipation and strengthens the system. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never fails, as thousands of women will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and sold by L. H. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Trice $1,50 per bottle. All respectable drug men keep it. Ttsitoee, Alv., 1868. Mr. L. II. BainriELD—Sir; Fleato forward ns, immediately, another anpplv of B&ADnrLD's Fe male ItrorLiTOL. We tied it to be all that is laimed for it, and we have witnessed the most de cided and happy effects produced by it. Very respectfully. Hunter A Alexander. MARINE NEWS. For Alderraas. The many friends cf Hanry Dreyfon* hereby nominate him for Alderman from the First Ward, to fill the nnexpired term of Barron Garter, Esq Be will be tamponed by ALL THE PEOPLE. auglStd For AU«rnia*. The workingmen of Maoon announce P. G* Sawyer (tbe gin man) as their csodidate for Al derman in the First Ward. auglCtd For Alderman In tbe First Ward. The many f.ienda cf Mr. P. Peyton take this op portnnity cf announcing him as a candidate for Alderman, to supply the vacancy rendered by tbe resignation of Mr. Baron Garter in the First Ward. The election will be held on tha 16th inat. Every citizen is entitled to a vote. atifelO 3t MANY rmZF.y*. Election fitr Aldermas lu tbe First Watd. Tha numeron* friend* of L. W. Basdal. Esq , hereby announce hie name as a suitable candidate for Aiderman, to fill the vacancy in tbe Board canted by tbe resignationof Mr. Barron Carter in the First Ward. Tbe election takes place cn tbe 16tb inst., and every reddent of the city is entitled to MVffi *f MINI CITIZENS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HOMS B & L ASSOCIATION. R EGDLLR month’y maetinfl THI3 EVENING at 8ii o'clock. "Paynenta nmat be mode be- toio that hour to tare fine*. MILOS FREEMAN, angUlt Sec’y azd lreaa. AT A BARGAIN. rpHREE ELIGIBLE BUILDING LOTS at the JL head of Walnnt strett, for sale cheap. r ~ ^Apply to ang!2eod3t * JOHN B. GOB D. Election of Teachers. A N election for Teachara in the Macon Public Koho i.e will uka place at H» o’clocx a. a. on bATUBDAY, AngUat 16, 1873. Applicants most be licensed teachers. The county superintendent will be in fils office oil Cher ry street, over M R. Rogers’ store, from 9 a. n. to i2 w. every day of toe present week, for the par pose of examining persona desiring to be licensed. The teachers employed in the city schools dar ing the past year may consider themselves li cenced. By order of tbe Board of Education. , B. M. ZSTTLEB, sugl2td Secretary pro tern LAWTON & BATES, WHOLBSALB Cora, Oats, Hay; Bacon, Larfl, Floor, Sow Colo, Molasses BAGGING, TIES, ETC-, - - - . . MACON, GA. FOURTH STREET. JanSOtf fflmXDM IS QUANTITIES TO SUIT FARMERS AND MERCHANTS AS CHEAP IS THE CHEAPEST. — OFFIBED BT— FINE HORSES. jyj-R. ROBERT SIMS, of Carlisle, Ky.,will arrive _m i“ Maoon about tbe 15th iueraut mtb the ficeet lot cf hone, he has over brought to Georgia —coDci.tiDg of Saddle, Harueea and Combined Horace. Those who may deaire a Sue horse will do well to colt on Mr. Sims upon hie arrival, augld 4t W. A. JDHAN & GO. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS FOB THE BI0H. BARGAINS FOR THE POOR. BARGAINS FOB THE OLD. BARGAINS FOB THE YOUNG. BARGAINS FOR THE WIDOW AND THE ORPHAN. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY. BARGAINS IN DOMESTICS. BARGAINS IN NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS AND EMB30I0ERIE3. BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. Wo can assure our friends that our minds have never b3en more earnestly aet on Bargains than now, and we are determined to continue their At tribution in every section of Georgia. Jn$t received & fall assortment Leather, Morocco and Yelvet Belts. 10 4 MARSEILLES QUILTS at $1 50. augI2tf New Yoik—Hrrived. Flag. Samaria, Idaho. Ar. rived out, Nevada, City of Antwerp, Westphalia aud OJvmpia. Charleston—Arrived, Virginia. Savannah—Cleared. James H. Finch. From the Central Baptist, SL Louis: “A ftw days since a friend handed na a f&w packages cf Dr. Price’s Cream Bakicz Powder, with a request to *try it* We tried it and foaud it superb. We gave email packages to a ftw friends, and they all camo back *o us for nora. As wa were not pre pared, however, to abandon tho conduct cf tbe Central to go into tbo baking powder business, we were obliged to turn them away disappointed. For their gratification and that cf tho general public, wo will say that this inimitable powder can bo had at most of tbe loading g.’osors in this city, and at wholesale of Stoele A Price, Chicago and St. Louis. WHITE ROOK POTASH/ BY THE POUND. TURNIP, CABBAGE, BEAN And other eeeds suitable to tho season. FINE lTq,UORS Jdly27tf A. B. SMALL No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. # * txt & % M & t in & (Trade mark regiatered ) W E will in a short time hays ready onr m'xed Chemicals, which we recommend fur WHEAT, OATS, RYE, BARLEY and GRASSES. We'propase to make this quite aa rapid a forcer aa good PERUVIAN GUANO And at about one-third the cest. Planters are invited to look into it. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Drag and Chemical Warehouse, 81 and 81 Gherty 8 treat. anglOtf PEN LUCY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. — AT — wa-vehiiY, TWO MILES NORTH OF BALTIMORE, MD. The next session will begin on the 18lh of September. I N the absence of the Principal, wbo is traveling in Europe with soma of his pupils, application for places should be made le'Malcolm H. John- aton, Eeq., 31 8t. Paul street. Baltimore. ii. at rniiwi R- M. JOHNSTON. Pen Lucy, noor Wavorly, Baltimore county. Md., July 30, 1873. i,ng5 dlw&wlm FOR SALE. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, containing six rooms, on Bond street; ontbnilding, complete. Terms easy. Apply at jnlySUlf LAWTON & WILUNGHAM’8. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MAOON, GA. FOB MEDICINAL USE. Hunt, Rankif A Lamar.—This well known and reliable firm have received a large lot of Dr. Hood’s Eureka Liver Medicine. It has the praise of all wbo have tried it. In bottles at 50 cents and $1.00 Hottentots gathering bcchu for Helmbold’i Extract has become almost a historical picture. Tho great consumption of Dr. Helmbo'.d's Buchu attests the importtnt fact that thousands upon thousands need a diuretic medicine. For dropsy, gravel, kidney complaint, and all diseases of tha urinary organs, either in male or female, there has never been a remedy cquil to Helmbold’s Bachu. Its imitators aro mere trash. Helmbold’s is fhe old reliable standard remedy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Notice in Bankruptcy. T HIS Is to give notice that on the 31st day of July, A. D., 1873, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate or Roily Boatright, of , county of Dooly, and State cf Geor gia, who has been adjadged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that the payment cf any debts, and celivery of any property belonging to sail Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; that a meutmg of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to cbooae one or more as signees of his estate, will bo held at a Oonrt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Hawkineville, Ga , at the office of O. O. Kibbee, Eeq., before lease Beckett, Eeq , Register, on the 25th day of An just, A.D., 1S73, at 12 o’clock M. W. H. SMYTH. aug!2 2t U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. Notice in Bankruptcy. We, the cnleraigned Druggists, take pleasure in commending to ths trade Da J. Bkadfxcld's Fe male RkGULiToa—believing it to be a good and re liable remedy for the diseases for which he recom mends it. W. A. Lots dill, Atlanta, Ga. Famexaton, Wilson, Tailor A Co # Atlanta, Ga. Redwix* A Fox, Atlanta. Ga. W C. Laws he. Atlanta. Ga. W. Boot A bon. Marietta, Ga. PuacMAMyoar railroad tickets from Brown A Co. for as at the depot. Informa tion m to time^nd cwmeotions freely {given. STATE OF GEORGIA—Troup Couwtt • This is to eertrfy that I have examined the recipe of Dr. J. BaADriXLD. of this county, and as a medi- eal n*" pronounce it to be a combination of medi cines of great merit in the treatment of ail the die- eases of females for which he recommends it. Tins December 21,1868. Wa F. Beaslrt, M. D. Hnni, Rankin A Lamar, Wholesale Agents. mavlO d2awAwly Maoon, Ga* An able physician of Baltimore, H. J. Rogers, eajs: I cmot find a particle of any poisonoos or injurious ingredient in Nattans’ Crystal Diecovery, after a cart fol analysis. I have therefore need it to restore my grey locks, which it has done to my en tire satin faction, proving so elegant dressing. I cheerfully recommend it. Fold by druggists. IS THE DI3TRICT COURT THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE SOUTHERN DlaTiUOT OF GEORGIA. In tho matter of JAS. J. MATTHEW3. of Lump kin. Ga —In Bankruptcy, J*o. 718 r k HE said Bankrupt having petitiored the Court _L for a discharge from »JI hie debt-* prorable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2 1867. notice ia hereby given to all person* intert-eud to appear on the 28th d*y of Augnat, 3S73. at 11 o’clock a. v. at Chambers cf said District Coart b* tore Isaac Rock ett, Ecq , o_ifc of the llegiMerAOf said Court in Bankruptcy, at tho cfficecf K F- Watts, Etq., in Lumpkin. Ste?art coanty, Ga.. and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrnpt ehon'd not be granted. And farther notice Is given that the second and third ^nestings of creditors will be held at the same tune anl place. Datgd at Savannah, Ga , this 9th day of Angnst tugIS It JAMES Mc.PHERSON, Clerk. Imported and Domestic Segars AT BOTTOM FIGURES. Prescriptions compounded with core and prompt ness by competent persons. BOLAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. aug!2 tf T HE HATHOBN SPRING has 1 Italy acquired a reputation that placee it at tbe hoaa of all the springs at Saratoga. Aa eminent physician, recently returned from Saratoga, says teat it is twice as good (melicin.1- ly) as Congress Water, and that at the sprtnga fonr glasses of Hathom are drank for one of any other spriDg. We have the Bottle, Dozen or Case! RANKIN, 3LASSENBURG & CO. angI2 tf Notice in Bankruptcy. T HIS ia to giv3 notico that on tho Slat day of July, A. D., 1873, a warrant in Bankruptcy wsa leaned againet the estate of Edward J. Nixon, comity cf Dooly, and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on Ins own petition, and that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for hia u»o. and the transfer of any property by bim, are forbidden by Jaw; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to cLooee ouo or more as signees of his est4te, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden a: Hawkinsville, Ga, at the office of O- O. Ei^bae. Esq . bi fore Isaac Becker, E*q . Beriater, on the 2-th day of Augnat, A. D, lb13, at 12 o’clock m. W. H. 8MYTH, aagi2 2t U. 8. Marshal, as Messenger. 'pHE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION will begin October 6,1873. For catalogues, containing full information, ad- BUY THE BEST Lpisl’t M Crop Turnip Seei BUTA BiGA, FLAT DUTCH, LED TOP, LARGE GLOBE, ALSO, FRESH CABBAGE SEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALIS, Druggist and Pharmacist, 1th and Popltr streets, julyttO tf HoIIiuBwonh Beck GEORGIA MILLS! WILEY’S XXXX, AMBER, PEARL DUST, CORAL. “ THESE ARE OUR JEWELS.” B efore starting on a journey, or leaving towu on yonr earnmo* vacation take care that you have 81MMON3* LIV£R REGULA TOR with you. If you should have Sit k d eadache. Constipated Bowels, Sour Stomach. Collie or a Bilious a.tack, you will be thankful for your fore- thonght. in providing yourself with a medicine which is*a sure, unfading specific for these mala dies “SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR U certainly a specific for that clans of cjmplalntP which i' c’aims to cure. Of its medical composition we know nothing, bnt of its beneficial effects we do know something. And from pergonal experi ments it is our opinion that its virtues have not been exaggerated by the mtny flattering notices of the press If any of your fellow baings are suffer ing from hepatic disorders and have doubts in re lation to the efficacy of this popular preparation, we can only offer them the simple and candid ar gument of Philip to Nathaniels ’Com? and see* Try the proposed remedy, a"d then von can judge for yourselves. REV. DAVID WILLS.” Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Macon, Ga. President of Oglethorpe College. J. H. ZEILIM A CO., Maoon, Ga , anglOtf Proprietors. We have Just completed many improvements and adJition* to our Mills, and are tnrning oat dally 250 BARRELS OF FLOUR I Wa would call tha especial attention of merchants to our popular brands, ae wo can offer Th SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. the le as Sr as so< Spani ELECTION NOTICE. U NDER and by virtue of a resolution paseed by I the Oity Oonncil of the Oity of Macon, an election will be held in the several wards of the city, on SATURDAY, the 16»h day of August, 1873, for an Alderman, to fill tlie vacancy of Barron Garter, of the First Ward. Polls will be opened from 8 o’clock a. m. to 6 o’clock p. m. at the fol lowing places : First Ward—At Engine House of Fire company No. 8. Second Ward—At Engine House of Fire Company No. 4. Third Ward—At | Court house. Fourth lYard—At Ci y Hall. J. W BURKE, Mayor Pro Icm. Attest: J. A. McManus, Clerk 0. C.augStd Always on hand a choico selection of TOCIi FOO FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL, C OB. COBTL4NDT and NEW OHUBOH STS , NEW YORK. On tho European Flan. BIO B- AitD P. FBF.NOH, eon of the late Colonel Bichard ALSO BRAN 1ST QUANTITIES TO SUIT PUROASERS. French, of French s Hotel, has taken this Hotel, * newly fitted up and entirely renovated tha same* Centrally located in the Business Tart of tho City. I Ladies'and Gentlemen's Dining Booms attached. jnnel9tf CITY BANK, Macon. Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DQLIABS.I BURR & FLANDERS, GEORGIA MILLS. WRIGHT'S IMPROVED DinEOTOKB. WM. B. JOHNSTON, WJI. S JOHN J. GRESHAM, JN J. J |uly22 fm drees BEY. E. H. MYEES, D. D., President. 0. W. Smith, Secretary. ang72m GEORGIA No. 2. 15 CENTS • 15. LL DRINKS, plain or fancy, are now fifteen cents each at the Georgia No. 2. No change in liquors. None kept but the best. CASEY A ESPENNEB, ang7 tit BLOUNT, HARDE1UN & HARDKHAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. 0flis3, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. anglOtf Valuable Plantation .•E'OOEt SALFl. T HE “BLOOMPLACE,”containing 1721 acres. tiitnated on Tobeeofkee Creek, oaiy five miles from Maoon, with dwehing and all necetsary negro cabins, good gin-hou?e and screw. Will be for sale nntil October 1st. Time will be givon on part of purchase money. For terms, etc., apply to aogiOtilsepl BOBT. A. NI3BET, Macon, Ga TO RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSES or one eight-room House for reut. App’y to jnly25tr OLIYEB, DOUGLASS & CO. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALB. Notice in bankruptcy. G EORGIA, BIBB OOUSTf.—T W. Freeman has applied for exemption of personalty and I % ill pass npo 3 tho same at 10 o’c'ock a. m on the 2.'tb dir of Auguer. 1S73, a: my office. Given un der my band cffiriaily. O- T- WARD, au«ci2 2t Ordintr FOR RENT. S TOR 7-HOUSE recently occupied by Johnson A Smith, in the Planters* Warehouse. Pos- teetiou given immediately. Alto, one fnur-rocm DWELLING and six two- room HOUSES. Apply to ang2eodlm H. T. JOHNSON. G EORGIA. EIBIi COOKTY—Notice is her«by g.van that my wife, Lcniea a. Green, has my fail pdim'eaion u do business on her own ec- oonnt as a tree trader au».& law4w JAMES W. GHEES. EDWARD SPRTNZ. ■VTOTAHY POBLJO and EX-OFFICIO J USTIOE 11 OF THE PEACE. lean be found for the present at all home of the day at my office, adjoin- ng the Law office of A. Prondflt, over the store of Jeqose A Johnsons Third street, Maoon, Ga., to at tend to all Magisterial bn tineas. aog T HI8 is to give r.nllco that on the 12th day of Jaly, A. , 1&73. a warrant in Bankruptcy wa« issued againet the estate of Joeiah J Clark. ofKncxvdle. ciunty of Crawford, and State of Qeorgia, *hoh*e been adjadged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and tha; the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for hia u«e, and the transfer of any property by Liu, ere forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the creditors of tha said bankrnpt, to prove their debts, and to choose one ormoieas- higreea of his estate, will be held st a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Fort Valley, Ga., at ihs office of Avant A Branham, be foie Isaac Bockett, Eeq., Register, on ihe 26th day of August, A. D., 1873, at 3 o’clock a. x. W. U. SMYTH, aug!2 fit U. B- Marshal, as Meeserger. Notice in Bankruptcy. E IGHT hundred acres of land, lying 3# miles from Fort Valley, Ga.. in a northwest direc tion, one-third cleared and in cultivation, the bal ance well timbered land with oak, and hickory, and pine. This body of land Is all level and well adapted to the production of com, cotton, wheat, oats, and all farm prooncts of Middle Georgia. So situated •that it may be divided into two farms of 400 acres each, or fonr farms cf 270 acres each, and giving each division a portion of the cleared land. This land is a part of the* real estate drawn by Mr. neory P Everett from the estate cf the late James A. Everett. This landfill be offered at private sale nntil the first Monday in October, when, if not disposed of, will be sold at public sale, to the highest bidder, in the town of Fort Valiev. apply for information to Wm. A. Anderson, James A. Everett, or to the undersigned, at Fort Valley. I will also sell a well Improved honee and lot of 40 acres of land attached. This is one of the best improved lots in tbe town and eligibly situated. I sell on very favorable terms. auglOtcs WM. J. GREENE. TAX NOTICE. T HE TAX BOOKS of Bibb county are now in my hands, and I am ready for the people to call up and pay their taxes. My instructions leave IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOB THE tOCTHERN DI3TRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of GEORGE W, BROOKS, of Lump kin, Ga—In Bankruptcy, So. 717. T HE said Bankrupt havieg petitioned the Court for a discharge from all bis debts provable under the Banainpt Act of March 2.1867. notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on tbe 28th day of Angush 1873, at 11 o’clock a. if. at Chambers of said District Couit before I*aac Beck ett, Keq.. cue of the Registers cf said Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of U. F. Watts, Esq , in Latrpkm, Stewart county, Ga., and show cause wty the prayer cf the said petition of the Bankrupt shoal J Dot be granted And farther notice is given ihat tha eecond and third meetings of c.editors alii be held at the eame time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., th.a 9th day of Angnst, auglfilt JAMES McPherson. Clerk. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTr —Robert Lodge has applied for exemption of personalty and I will pass upon tbe same at 10 o'clock a. >. on the 22d day of Angnst, 1873, at, my office- Given under my hand officially. ' u, T. WARD, ang!2 2t Ordinary. bat a abort time in which to collect all tho ss. My office is on Cherry street, at my old place of business. Iam also required to receive, under oath, re porta of farm crops raised in the connty, together with othor information relative to the farming in terests. W. T. NELSON, ang9 tnov!5 Tax Collector. B. HILL. N. E IIALT.IS. HILL & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 93 Cherry street, (up stairs) MACON, GA. Will practice in all the courts of tho Macon Cir cuit. bpecial attention given to Collections. Con veyances, etc jalj27tf Anti Friction Horse Power JOfliOI k SMITH AT THEIR HEW STASH. fe 74 aiJ 16 Milterj Street, CONTINUE TO OFFER BARGAINS TO - rovings 1 knd blatant i I'lTnSLE’g •Itraotive tal •peninf; art •eaporary It Lmea -Qrah: Montrose. J followed the le been inve: toi 'itaryoper: l»ve enaned. •Weftain eq, lights of Ki •’■w "electioi J’gszine are No. 17 B Mas itohaeii T of th, ng eg. IT/toR articio; [THE 0XLY “CAST STEEL FIXI0X POWER ” IS THE WORLD. W E present to the Planters of the South tho beet and only suitable HORSE POWER for Girafcg Cotton, Grinding Com, or Threshing Grain, ever before offered to the pnblio. We, the prepns- I tore, haring h.d a nnmner of years’ experience in predneing and preparing Ootton for mark=t. as.eit withont the fear of contradiction, that in point uf Simplicity, Durability, Speed and Lighintu Draft, the ’ And invite a call from everybody skeptical on this point. WRIGHT’S IMPROVED POWER Fai.Eiseeti any (tier (lit las Ever Been Use! in tie MM Slates. augl tf DR. WRIGHT, DTD NTT ST ’AS removed to Boardm&n's Block, over Fen- , We claim for it that two good mules will gin throe bales of cotton in a day on a forty saw gin, tad that four good mules Will gin on a fifty saw gin four and a half to five bales of ootton ; that me | ning will be continuous, not being liable to interruptions from sagging of the mactaine-hon**, ae t*- 1 Power is self-ad joe ting, adapting itself readily to the upward.or downward tendency of tb* fl >^ r - ^ . I entire fixtures accompany the machine, except an ordinaiy king-poit and a lever, ao tb*t it cia m I placed in poeition for service in a few hours after reaching the plantation. , „ A 830 j^OO; the f° w for which “ * ganger fichine is pm r $39. Fron [ a Parlor or^ ll °Q seem? t jl^-olegale deale 1 whatever j f T0 * the farme 9 Co -operativ< yonnp w( THESE POWERS ARE MANUFACTURED OF THE VARY BEST MATERIAL H And will be warranted for twelve months. The ODly part of » Hoiso Power most liable to wmtm&J small pinion which gives speed to ihe’■rower.” This wo have remedied ty haviog it (at a great 4*1 made of the very best Cast Steel. Price ©145, or S15U, delivered at parchaeer’o station ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where W33 ASZX. For farther particulars, address ONLY A TRIAL. LoomReeils, Harnesses — AND — I Patent Wire Meddles MALONE, WILLINGHAM & CO., MACON. GEORdib, Are made under one management. Also, SUPPLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN I MILLS promptly forniehed. D. O. BROWN, Joly24 Cm Lowell, Mass , U. S. C° OMMISSIONERS* SALE.—Agreeable to an order | ^ from the Honorable Superior Court of Jonei ounty, will be sold for distribution, before the Court- house door; in Clinton, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September next:. One ( house and lot, in the town ot Clinton, moderately well improved, and contains about three acres— known as tbe Wiley B. Pope late residence. Terms cash. P. L. CLOWER, F. S. JOH2iS0N, Jb.. n \u kiiiDiLT HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO. slndy of i !“ 1? «r»ily at A. 1,,,0 r net; t, on, y fonr I 'be y C m n Urnes, anc *■ T ben th, '“ctiee in the Wl| b the smat women fl!U a to beoo [ 4 “ ot "«rd eno, ,’ the Preci eing. 811 Sihir ■°rgi«, ... Ter y oioa s' “ueded to C P “teis)n, ^flve da redh, urring, f„, -'ever.,,*. "’“Sht tninbl, thi 8°od in oa bole. pdial >«« C f P8M. jalySO dAwlm G. MANN, W. A. JUHAN, K. J.TURNEH, Commifrionerg. ARE NOW OFFERING THEIR FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING AT T "* . New Boarding House. O N THE FIRST OF AUGUST I will open the Home on Mol berry street, opposite the Do- IIoure, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N. Binewanger. Board $25 per month, and the table supplied with the beet the market tffords. Booms can be hoc either with or without furnittue. angSIm E. M. BROWN, Agent. FOR RENT. O NE THREE BOOM Dwzi.l.Tvu plastered and with blinds to window., noellant well of eter, fronting James Seymour’s rsstdsnoe; price, 815 per month. Also one six room dwelling near Tatnall Square, adjoining the rssidenes of X. Prioe; three sens of lend attached, good wall of water; prioe, tic per month. Apply to J. SEYMOUR RODGERS. Julyl7 la at Seymour, Tinsley A Co. LAW CARD. ■\fE8SB3. WOODWARD * TOOLE, of Dooly ILL coanty, Go., having formed a legal copart- nsrbhip, rebp>ectfalJy offer their esrvicea to the public, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox, Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Macon, Samter ana .Done- ton. Bpecial attention given also to cases in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Addrees. Vienna. Ga. GREATLY REDUCED JPJRXCf^ CAUL AND EXAMINE. jolyl5d3m« AVENUE STOKE TO BENT. T HE STORE on Ootton Avenue, now occupied pied bvMrs Hendrix- .... Also, the FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five rooms, with garden snd ontbaiidinge. One of the beet etends for a boarding-boute in the city. AddIv to aag^tf O. B. ROBERTS. TRUMAN A GREEN A be wbrldng off their cheap Stoves rapidly. Parties wishing a low-priced article ore io- I vitsd to coll while the wortment is yet complete. anglO St TRUMAN ft KTATIOKTAH. HOTB^ 1 (FORMERLY SPOTSWOOD), NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DKP° T ' THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY BENOYATED FROM BASEMENT TO ATTIC. BOARD 83 oo PER DAY. F. WHELAN* Proprietor. angl tf Bae * Law e. a t posl w. Jot htimber ®P»r.. w of favo —orably te . IU ®braoea l ^Xoelleak " ^ of New J Fill