The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 13, 1873, Image 4

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A.IRS. .O. AUGUST 13, 1873. ral John B. Gordon tu in .Ige a meeting on itn- • lonafi for Thursday evening. i K»ih. — Yesterday morning was vsry hot. nt il e middle of the afternoon there wee a -Lower, after which the weather again waa , 1 nx Odd Fxtxowa.—Home of the Macon Odd Follows left for Atlanta yesterday morning the remainder went laat night. The sittings the Grand lodge will probably extend throngh to-morrow. “Wrireoix are Wrarxo Oor.”—The Western Union Telegraph Company, in order to meet the increasing demands npon Its lines, is patting np s new wire north from Meoon and two aoalh—one on the Central road and one on Sooth western. Hrli, ran Powaox.—'The following letters are held for postage ia the Meoon pont offloe MLae Mary Jackson, Colombo*. Ga.; Allison A Simpson, CotbberL; Mira 8. J. Penny, Sa vannah, Ga.; Hon. James B. Deveanx, Clinton, Ga.; Mrs. F. 8. Johnson, Jr., Clinton, Ga. Ixttted TO Four VaiiXT.—The Maeon Vol- nnteera have been invited to Fort Veiiey to tend a grand barbecce to be given by the citi xeneof Houston county, and adjacant coontiaa, next Friday. Owing to the absenoe of a large nomber of the members of tha company, and other cansca, the invitation will hava to bo de clined, but it ia with relnctanoe. G concur Mt'-.tcaL Ecrecrto —From Uewi. Gmlford, Wood A Co. wo have received the Angnat number of their Georgia Mnaleal Ecloo- Uo—the beet camber that has yet been isaned. Itooctalnaa fine variety of original and leoted reeling matter, and some six or eight pegca of good mnrlo. We always read this magazine aimply because it ia well edited and wall printed. Tire AoaicCLTUBii. Oomrxreiox.—Hr. 'Mai- oolm Johnson, laic Assistant Secretary of the Georgia 6late Agricultural Society, baa been •lectod Secretary, tier OoL Sam. Barnett. This election will giro the fullest satisfaction to every one who has any business with the Society, Mr. Johnson ia an efficient officer and a moat courteous and obliging gentleman. We learn from private advices that there was a considerable spat in the convention yeelerday between General Colquitt and Colonel Ysnoey. The lattor la an applioact for Gen. C.’a position as PrealdonL Wo learned no particulars. Doo Lxss.—Oar yoang friend John Vir gin bat been the happy possessor of a favorite dog. In tho absenoe of something else to love John Las been lavishing all tho wealth of his youngaffoo'.ion* npon the frisky little animal. Hot it is ocr pleasant doty to announce that this dog was run over by a dray yo9terday, and bla head almost entirely severed from his body. It is needless to add that the pnrp ia dead. His little tall will eliminate no moro wags, and bis voice will never «giln omit any of those yelps for wlilob ho was distinguished. John Is incon solable. Wo oommend, for bla oonuolallon, the following ■ Twee ever thus from childhood's hoar I’ve tson my foedoet hopes decay, I never lovod a tree or flower Bat 'twaa the flret to fade away. I never a word a little purp To glad ms with lie eoft black eye, But when it cimo to know me woll And love mo, it wse enro to bo rnn over and get klllod by tho vory first dray that happened to pate by. Tho foilulj Court. Judge Wecmi disposed of a few cates yes terday. John Crawford, a yonng man who is cm ployed on one of tho railroads, was fonnd guilty of carrying cocoeiled wonpons and fined one hnnred dollars and costs, in defanlt of whioh he goes to tbs chain gang for eight months. B. Holmes wai tried for riotons condnct. He, In oompany with two other youths, went to Vmeville a abort timo ago and callod at a negro homo ont ther e for whisky. Upon being refused they broke Into tbc man's kitchen, emptied churn of milk over the fl >or, and commuted di vara other misohlef. Tho olhor parties have eeosped so far, and aro rnstioating in Crawford oonnty. Holmes was fonnd gnilty and sentenced to pay fifty dollars and costs, or servo six months in tho ohaln gang. The oase of Speneer Hancock waa oonlinned until Monday. In the moantime he is ont npon a five hundred dollar bond. Another Fnrmcr 31 su from Jones. A friend over in Jones Tory kindly sends ns the following note, for whioh he will please ao- oept our thanks: Cuxtov, Ga., Angnat 11,1873. Local Editor Telegraph and Messenger herewith send yon an open boll of cotton just as it waa gathered from tho stalk on the Oth in- etant, from the crop of G. W. Mann, Etq., at Clinton. This is from a pat oh that promises COO pounds lint to the sore, and ia but little above an average of a good many aores In the Vloinily of Clinton. Mr. Mann's crop is adja- oent to his bsr-room in Clinton, and either hts good judgment aa a farmer or bis good whisky, innat soeount for his excellent cotton pstdh. Mann Is also onr Jnatlos of the Fssoe and No tary Pnblio, and, withal, a clover gentleman. The sample of cotton eame all right, and in dicates that Mr. Mann's patch will pan ont well. From the samples of Jones crops we have seen and from what we have beard from over there, we think tho county Is miking a living this sea son. I>rafts Payable wills Current Kate of Ex change. The snbjoinod correspondence, which Is taken from the Angnat nnmber of tho Bankers' Mags xlne famishes earful and conclusive information and authority concerning the payment of drafts. Attention to this matter will save deal ers with banka, as well as the back officers themselves, s great deal nf unnecessary trouble and delay: Lorx&nuje, July, 1873. To tki Editor of t ht Banker j Magazine—The hack with whioh I deal here gives me New Yotk excharge free of oharge. I wish to nae snob exohangc! to pay my acceptances and cotes hare, and drawn “with New Yorkexehacgr,’'“in New York exehanpe,” or "with euiront rate of exchange in New York." Can the holders re fuse to check on New York, and demand legal tenders and exchange ? SXTLT. Yon have no right to require of a bank bold ing far collecting yonr paper, payable “with current rate of exchange,” to ISOMS in pay meet therefor the check of another bank in New York. Payment is due in current funds and the premium added. If yonr acceptances are payable “in X.w York exchange,” then the bank holding would probably take in payment the draft of a bank in unquestionable credit. Bat we think that no just dealing man wonld inaiMt even npon this; for it ia a gross iojastioe to compel the bank, which has all the trouble of collecting and remitting, to do it for nothing. The small profit of exchange is all its compen sation, and it is little enough. are what every cultivated (Indent and writer of English prosody will acknowledge as "allowable rhymes,” aneb aa are found in the metrical eompoaitiooa of almuet every med on language. French veraifleatioo exoepted, and fnqaently used by the master a of our own. It a hyper oritieinn to assert tbe contrary. Servl e attention to perfect exactness of rhyme ia well enongb as a toeory, but wuen tbe prac tice of standard writers loenleatea legitim* deviation from aueb proeruetean trammels, the exception to the ruts certainly ennoot be de non need as a defect, or a “blight,” Using the idea of a standard au'bority on tbia aut jeot, wa submit to tbe editor of tbe Telegraph and Messenger that the want of reoolleeting the licenses of our best writers, and bow agrwable they occasionally are to tbe nature of car poetry, baa often been tbe canse either of choosing a weak eXpr-eeion for tbe sake of perfeot rhyme, or of relinquishing a valuable one, for no other reason than tbe want of it. To illnvtrate this, sod possibly to avert the blight of ktlliog criticism from Mr. Hnbner's lyrical banlUrg by bolding up the example of those far greater than be, who have disregarded “tbe meebamoal rfquiremente of verse," quote at random from a few careless poets, wnom tbe world has heretofore reonguiz-d as tolerably well skilled in tbe art of poesy. Parnell, one of tbe sweetest singers that ever touched the Apollonian lyre, baa this: Even here I aieg, whin Pope supplies tbe thn fcbow my own levs though not increase his fame Quaint and rollicking Oldham saya: Draw next tbe patron of that tree. Draw Baoehus and soft Cup d by. Garth makes this bad rhyme: She's deaf to beauty's soft persuading power. Nor can bright Hobs'* charms her bloom secure Pope, <be moat polished and harmonica mas ter of Eigliah verse, wofally d.sregerds the mechanical requirements of verse as follows Immortal Yida, on whose honored brow Thu poet’s bays and critic's ivy ffrow. And again: High on Parnta>na top her sona aba abow’d, I And pointed out Iboua arduouj paths they trod. A similar example from Dryden, the father of English verse: ■ ^^^0 ■ Trumpets and drama shall fright her from tbe throne, Aa sounding cjmballa aid the Iab'ricg moon. I Prior makes “errs” rhyme with “cares,” and even Addison perpetrates bid and blighting rhymos in his lyrioal rhapsodies: When in tbe eultry gltbe I faint. Or on tne thirsty mountain pant. [“And these are only a few examples !”J We are willing to admit that Mr. Watson, as he himself claims, could have produced better rhymes than those in question, and, if it is all the same to onr mnscolar Macon friend, we wonld be glad to have him “pal! off bis cost end come down to tough wotk for an hour or two,” in the reconstruction of the rhymes of such cureless poets as Pope, Dryden, Addison, Par nell, Prior, etc. Certainly to him ’twonld be —“oomora difficile Than for a blackbird 'Us to whistle,” nor wonld tbe work interfere with his poetical penchant for beef and cabbage. A few hoars tough work wonld forever rid the flowerbeds of onr English Parnssscs of the noxious weeds and raetrio debris which, in tbe oonrse of centn ries, hive there aocamnlated. Tho flret reading of thla article satisfies ns of two things : (1} Mr. Hubner owns a “Walker’s Rhyming Dictionary," which he nses to advan tage in bis own behalf, and (2) Mr. Hnbner adopts a very hnman line of aotlon when he at- tempta to shadow his own fanll-i behind tho fanlla of other men. Without reference to tho “Rhyming Diction ary” we can cite Mr. Hnbner to a worse rhymo by Dryden than any quoted by tho “Rhyming Dictionary” and oopied by Hnbner therefrom. For instance, bo makes “gone" rhyme with “fruition," which even Hnbner will admit does not setra to bs “allowable,” even though Dry- den uses it. Again, Parnell, Oldham, Dryden, Pope and and others referred to, bid moro reputation than Mr. Hnbner has yet won, therefore they did not fear to rl9k an □□-“allowable” rhymo, ocoe, perhaps, in a thousand verses. Mr. Hnbner glvos ns three wholly nn-“aliowabIe rhymes” in twenty-fonr linos of song. Besides this, Mr. Hnbner's rhymes are less “allowable" than any qnoted, because all of theirs preserve the same final consonant sound in both mem bers of tbelr rhymes which Mr. Habner does not. Tho lew whioh requires tbe preservation of the ooosonsnt sound is more inexorable than that which seeks to preserve the vowel sound. Sxo* in Summer? Yes. How? Where? Ju«t where you would.never look fur it. In all the red hot ovens of the bot wives and housekeepers in the city. What do you mean ? I mean that the glorious loaves fabricated from Wiley's XXXX resemble lilJiputian _ mountains capped with snow; only the real mountains have red dirt anil rocks > — —<•-* -.i.***..**- beneath them, and these wonderful hil- FNAXCIAL A3D COMMERCIAL Latent Market Reports by Telegraph FINANCIAL. Nrw r. hi—Noon—Stocks eteadr. Gold 15#". ney e**y at 8#<S4. lung 8# ; t-Lort w»rk at 8#- Go d 15#®15#. Gov©rnmenu steady. Stale bond* dull. lock* are the ,-taffof life, white, nutty and I delicious. Ss 14V: 10-4IM13X- Tenueaeee 6s tnj/: new 81 Jf; Virginia 6s 4SJf: FOR SAXE. DESIRABLE RiiSlDENOE, containing si rooms, on Bond streak; outbuilding! complete. Terms easy. Apply at julySt tf LAWTON A WILLINGHAM'S. TRUMAN & OREEN A RK working elf their cheap Storee rapidly. Parties wishing a low- priotd article are in vited to call whi e tbe assortment is yet complete. »QglO 3t TRUMAN A GREEN Ncsvocs Drarurr-— A d*pree#ed. irritable state I new 50; consol 65#; deferred 11#: Louisiana 6a 43; new 43; levee C< 56; 8a 50; Alabama Se SO; 5e 47: Georgia 6a 70 7a 90. North (Urolinaa 27#: □ear 15; epedal ui 12. South Carolina* 32#; new 15#: April and October 23- Nrw Orleans—fetritag *4. New York eight # j premium. Gold 15#. COTTON. New York—Noon—Cotton dull aod nominal' perfect]t harm- I sales G3J; upland* 20; Orleans20#. Futures opsoM as follows: August 1S#@18#; September 17 15-16®18 Kvonicg—Cotton quiet; uplands 19#@30; sales 759. ^ ir | J ■ t i _. t 8Ues of futures 13,300; market closed as follows: oaipt of price. Addre^ HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC I iTirT^nTwnhir 17V- P Drambir 111% ° Ctob “ HOMKOPATHIO MEDICINE CO . Ko. 562 Brood- 1 17 *• * 7 *. U«ember 17 3-6. of mitid; a wsak, nerroua exhausted f celiug; no energy or arimation ; confused heal, weak msmo> ry, oftso with deb iitallog. involuntary dischargee. Tbs Cjn<*eqnenoo of ex^easas, meut«l cvemork or indiscretions. This ntavous D*Bfxnr finds a sov ereign curs in nncraaiTs* Hokeopathio Fpxcinc, No 21. It tones up the syatem, arrest* dischargee, dispels tbs mental gloom and despondency, and re juvenate* the entire system le*s and always efii'sent. Price i5 for a package of five boxes and a Urge 32 vial of powder, which is important in oM, serious cases; or il per single box. Hold by all druggists, or sent by mail oo re- ,. .. u lit.. I II . I lULTMou—Oott4.u, D3» rectipts 44; jrr^ss 2C6; Eil IrlSMfJl **“ ■* Hant ' evporu 95; «ic 165 ; .took 2197,- min- Rankin A Lamar. 11 aeon, Ga. prt5 ood&aw if r\ i. • i»r ; i * ywv •.i I dlingc net reoeipte 271: gross 761; l)on t inix i\ lJey a XXXX FJour with I port* to iir<Mt Britain —: cj&alvriao —; i Paris Green to kill caterpillars. It won’t aoo; lot evening 50; etock 19.024. mid- ex- sales hurt them, kill. Such flour fattens—don’t WrLaa»OTOH—Oouon, net receipts 53; exports ooaetwUe —, sales 17; stock 1030; middlings 17#; market quiet. arooi *—Cotton, receipts 158; Eal&sl23; mid- Tnz Regulator,, goes finely here, after j dlings 17#: demand good. a das trial. Everybody wants it, evexy body praises it, and all are satisfied with it; in fact, it la in | Tl^ greater demand than cfiices are among a hungry ‘ ast of mongrel carpet-baggers and scaliawags. Wm. Foiistth Rtvum A Sox, Lira Oak, Fla. Sataxxak — Cotton, net reroiots 188: exports ooastwiee —; sales 21; etock 10l7; middlings 17#; Choice Wheat, only thoroughly I j o.o j ,• • v-1 .a 0 . i wioo n.nj; wiea aw: siuca wu; miaaiinga —; cleansed with a decorucalor like that oi l lownujdUeK. i6X-.aiejf: good ordinary Chaulestox—Cotton, net receipts 211: export! coastwise —; ealea 20 ; stock 4,640 ; middlings 18; low middlings —; good ordinary —; ordjnaiy —: market dill and nominal. Moeiix—OottOD, net reoeipte 42; exports coast wise 490; sales 200: stock 9317 ; middlings —; oors, can make .flour like tho Wiley market quiet and steady, XXXX. We know where to get it and have always a heavy supply on hand. M' " BURR & FLAXDERS. ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER 1 18 ' 1 ®^|L ot | middlings 20X: market dull. Noexolx—Cotton, net receiots 293; exports I coastwise 273: sales E0; stock 32*2; low middlings MDSPH3—Cotton, net receipts 211; shipments 25; stock 7177; low middlings ; market quiet. Gu-vtstos—Cotton, net receipt* 155; eiportr AND SUPPER TABLE, LEA A PERRINS* WareMt.reblr. Sauce. 13 INDISPENSABLE- HW JOHN DUNCAN'S SC .IN, New Torlc. ““{S? 8 ~ l 80: * tock *** BOod or “ mar ^ 1 lCfc 15.V: tuirket urm Agenta for the United States. OBSTACLES TO nARRIAGK. HAPPf BELIEF FOB YOUNG MEN from tho effect* of Errors and Abuses in earlr life. Man- hood restored. Impediments to Marriage remov-1 jkwa How QriauA October and“Nov?ml^r" dfr Phujjielp.iii—Cotton, middlings 19Jf; market quiet. Litibpood—Noon—Cotton dull and nominaL Cotton sales 10,000; speculation and export 2900. From Savannah and Charleston, October and No vember delivery, not below low middlings, 813-16. ed. Now method of treatment New and remark- livery, not below good ordinary. 8%. Savannah able remedies. Bocks and circulars sent free, In “J Charleston new crop »H- sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD AESOOIA-1 Evening-Sale, include 0:50 bale. American TION, No. 2 South Ninth at., Philadelphia, Pa..— an institution having a high reputation for honor able conduct and professional skill. j alySdSm New Yoitk—Noon—Flour a shado firmer. Wheat held l(g 2 higher. Corn steady. Perk quiet and “ Lard qoiet and un- As able physician of Baltimore. H. J. Borers, w«»k: new mess 17 90@18 00. sajs: I exucot find apariicle ofanypohouon. or » fiWSiWfifJSSSffl injurious ingredient in Nattans* Crystal Discovery, FresgUts firm after a cirefal anafreis. I have therefore nsed it to | Lveuing— Flour in moderate request and a ahade restore my gray lock:, whi:h it ha. dons to my in- better; common ra faa extra 6 41@7 76 Whisky 1 li:m ht 'jl#. ^heat 2.uJ butter; the light tup- tire sathfiction, pioring au elegant dressing, cheeifally recommend it. Sold by druggists. I p.'y and repoxted break in the canal strengthens I ho.dtre. corn 1 better. Orffee decidedly firm and verv quiet; Rio 19#@20#. Sugar active an l strong Jot to tots World! Wo max is Free!—Among at 7#60#. Molas&es quiet and firm Pork steadier. tho many modern discaveries looking to the happi- I wetk * 1 xx . ,1 UaxTiMoaE—Flour dull; Baltimore mills, high neea and amelioration of the human race, none ia declined 25c. Wheat weak. Corn, white 72 entitled to higher consideration than the renowned I @«G; yellow 5*4<S60. Oats firm; southern 43^44 emedy —Dr. J. Bradfiold’a Female Regulator, Byefinnbr At7u&72. Provisions in fair demand; Woman's Best Friend. By it woman is em.nci- and firm: pated from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. I n to;k light; family extra 5 60®5 75 ; No. 1 6 7o: Beforeitsmagicpoworallirregolaritiesofthowomb fancy 7 25@7 60. Corn firm at 5 @60. sacked and vanish. It cares whites. It euros suppression of I delivered at depot Pork held at 16 75®17 00. Ba- , It removes uterine obstructions. cures CDnstipation and strongthona the system. It I at 8#^tf#; choice leaf tierce 9#@10; keg 8#. braces the nerves andpnrifies tho blood. It novor GrucixNATi—FJour firm with a fair doomed at fans, r thousand, of women will testify. This £££*^£0?E? ISSUff 5BS valoabio modicme is prepared and sold uy L. H. q a s e t at 8; kettle hold at 8#^8#. Bacon in Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price $1,50 per I good uemaod; shoulder* 9; dear ru sides 9#@ AT ▲ BARGAIN. T HREE ELIGIBLE BUILDING LOTS at the head of Walnut utreot, lor sale cheep Apply to ao*19*od3t JOHN B COBB. AYJKNUE STORE TO BENT. T HE 8IORE cn Cotton Avenue, now occupied piedbvMra Hendrix. Also, the FLINT HOUtiE. containing twenty-five rooms, with garden and outbuildings. One or the best stands for a boardingLouse in the city. App’y to »og2tf G. B ROBERTS. FOR RENT. S TOR?-HOU8E recently occupied by Johnson ^ A Smith, in the Planters* Warehouse. p w s- seesion g ven immediately. Also, one four-rocm DWELLING and s;x two- room HOUSES. Apply to aug2eodlm H. T. JOHNSON. PLAKTERS’ HOTEL, Opposite Huff's New Building, Cherrp Slrtet, bJtwetn Third and Toorth, MACON, GEOR3IA. T HIS well-known house beiDg now suitably I fitted up. the undersigned is prepared to ac- commodate Boarders—Permanent, Transient and I Day. Guests will receive beet attention, and the Table supplied with the finest the market afford*. jnl?33 tf J H BSEklER ROSS & COLEMAN, JOBBERS OF Bools, Sloes, Bats, (Midi and Fancy Ms MACON, GA Eleciion of Teachers. A N election for Teachers in the Macon Public I School* will take place at 10 o’clock A. ft. on SATURDAY, August 16, 1873. Applicants must bo licensed teachers. The county superintendent will be in id* office on Cher ry street, over M. R. Rogers* store, from 9 a. m. to 12 ft. every day of toe present week, for the pur pose of examining person* desiring to be licensed. The teachers employed in the city schools dur ing the past year miy cmeider themselves li- I are pleased to announce that our arrangements are a j perfect, in a business point, as we could desire, Having made the change con temp*ated fn onr business, by dispnsiug of ourBetail Department, we FOR SALE! HMD FIRE ENGINE AND APPARATUS. To those desiring to rurcha«s a gcoj and rail, ble Fire Engine, will find it to tbei, intore.t to amine this one. It ia a tx ~ SECOND-CLASS SMITH ENGINE In perfect order and warranted to give entire sat mfaction. Bold for uo fault, but to make imL for a bteamar. Pooia For farther prrticulais, applv to Secretary of Ocuiulgee Fire Uo. No. 2 or c mmittoe 3 1 O MACQoLD. Foreman H. P. WKSrCOTT, F. A SHONEMaN. V KAHN, JNO VALENTINO. ^ EP %; censed Py order of the Board of Education. B. M. ZETTLEB, augt2td Secretary rro tern FINE HORSES. I and we aro now ready for faturo operaiiona. Feeling permanently located In this ecuntry, wbero our friends live, and to which early associations I attach nr, we do not expect or desire to make a fortune in a hurry, but will content ourselves with tbe M b. ROBERT SIMS, of Carlisle, Ky., will arrive slow process of bnildmg up the most extensive bu jiners of its kind hy making large sales on small oom- in Macon atout ihe 15th instant with the , , tin tot lot: f horses he has ever brought to Georgia nusetous —comiatiug of Saddle, Harness and Combined Hones. Those who may desire a fine horse will do well to call on Mr. Sims npon his arrival. ang!2 4: WANTED AT ONCE, To this end we Bhall strain every nerve and devote all onr energy, and any benefit that may result shall be mutually shared by our patrons. Without enumerating in detail, we will briefly state that our stock is large and eomprehensii o in every department, and we extend a cordial Invitation to merchants to oall and s.e what we can do, compared O NE OR TWO first-class practical Gin Makers, CBreaeter) .o whom the highest wages wiU I other markets whore they have bought heretofore. be paid, by the day or piece. Jaiyll tf P. 0. SAWYER. FOR SAXE OR RENT. T HE FAMILY MANSION now occupied by Mrs. Peter Stubbs, containing eight rooms. Aleo a Five-room Dwelling house adjuin-ng. All necessary oulbuudiDgs, etc. App^ to U W. oTUBBS, ang7 St Administrator. ROSS & COLEMAN. FOR RENT. T WO DWELLING HOUSES, eligibly located. Apply to R F. LAWrUN, At hxebango Back, or to DB. A P. COLLINS. jnlyl7 tf At Collins A Heath's. X%\ c;ear sides 10%. Whisky in good demandat 01 ht. Louis—Flour quiet and weak. Corn, No, 2 mixed 36@36%: elevator lore 38%@S8. Whisky bottle. All respectable drag men keep it. Mn L.H BatDrrenD-toJ^PtoMn^w. 1 ^;. I etesdyat 9f Fork firm at 16 76017 00. Bacon immediately, another supple of BaanrniD's Fr- tiffin* at ^ m.u.e UrncuTon. We ttod it to be all that is Lard firm, small lots wmter at 9; laimodfortt. and we bavejitnessed tbe most do- | "2^? ddod and happy effects produced by it. Very respectfully, liu.rnn * Alexaxdib. Nxw Oauus—Flour fitm: treble extra C 5'(? @7 50; family S@1U 00. Corn firm; yellow 70: mixed white 74>j75: white 70. cats scitoi and firmer at 44945 Bran dull at 8i%<§85. Hay iniet; prime 23 00325 00; choice 25 00@27 00. Pora Ws, the nnlarstgned Draggfats. taks plsamrs^ln S commending to tb« trade Do. J Bradneld s Fe- | k;..i,*v. .u n Ma M in. au.w»k ui/. wiLiHiooiTnOB—believing it to be a good mrd re- |“* h * r k. Lird tjSSaBS Again, Mr. Hubner ought to know that the I ** a ble remedy for the diseases for which ho recom- 8%: kt-g 11. Sugar in good demand, supply light* exactions of critloism aro more rigid now than they ever were before in the history of poetry. There aro now at loast one hundred good judges of poetry who aro competent and unrelenting oritios, where tbere ia one good poet; and if Tennyson, or Morris, or Bryant, or Longfellow I state OF GEORGIA—Tnotrp Oocktt wero to send out snch “allowable rhymes” uq I Thla is to certify that 1 have examined therccip9 .. - . i, I of Dr. J. BaannrLD. of thia county, and aa a modi- tbose quoted by the Rhyming Dictionary I mln prouoanco it to be a combination of medi* and oopied by Mr. Hnbner, nothing oonld cincs of great merit in the treatment of all the die- mends it. W. A. LiHanru^ Atlanta, Ga. I'xwBEaroa, Wiusoa, Taxxob A Co., Atlanta, Ga. J!edwire A Fox, Atlanta. Ga. W 0. Lawsse, Atlanta, Ga. W. Roux A Sow, Marietta, Ga. 'avert the blight of killing critloism. If “Mr. Habner does not know that the words” “do not rhyme together,” then he has not learned the alphabet of metrical composi tion ; and if Mr. Habner can prodnoe a “ culti vated student and writer of English prosody' who will say are “allowable rhymes,” we are eases of females for which he recommends it. This December 21.1858, War. P. Bejslet, M. D. Hunt. Rankin A Lamar, Wholesale Agents, mayio d2awAwly Macon, Ga- fair to good fair Moltsiea do I. Whisky quiet; Louisiana So; Cincinnati 99. Ccffee firm at 19021. WrxjunoTos—Spirits turpentine ateady at 40 Rosin fitm at 2 50 for Grads turpen tine unsettled; bard 2 00; yellow dtp and virgin 3 35. Tar quiet at 3 39. Livebtood—Noon—Breadstuff, firm; dub wheat 12.4d<§6s. MARINE NEWS. New York—Arrived, 'Jerry, Tordre, Greeco, Maas, Charleston. Montgomery. Arrive 1 out, | Spain, Adriatic, Calabria, Victoria and City of Brooklyn. For Altlrrmau. The many friend* of Henry Dreyfoua hereby nominate him for Alderman from the First Ward, to fill tho nnexplred term of Barron Garter, Esq filing to hoist the name of onr Atlanta yonng I He vfil bo anpportod by NEW ADVERTISEMENTS friend to a niche in the same temple with Dry den and Pope. We alwayskoowthe poets were hap-hizard set of fellows, but who wonld ever have expected losee one of them defend him- self in a wretched violation of tho laws of rhymes, as Mr. Habner does. In conclusion, with referenoe to the old mas- aug!2td ALL THE PEOPLE. IHFOBTAST TO THE SICE AND AFFLICTED! [ Hear and Rejoice, for I Bring yon Glad Tidings of Great Joy. JACKSON’S MANIC BALSAM! TI1K GREAT MASTER OF FAIN, . Is curing the sick and afflicted to an extent nev- .... ;, •* if, tTnkvia* v A I c * announcing him as a candidate for I er before heard of in the annals of medical science, ter*, cited by Mr. Hnbner, we do not think ho V|1 ,^„, t0 BappIy tho Ttcincj rocdetea by tho U „ curing, wbhout fail, would care to make them his models in every of Biron c „ tor ^ tUe Fir9t Ward. partienlar, as Dryden wrote Sigismonda and Tho election will bo held on the 16th intt. Every For Alderman. Tbe workingmen of Macon announce F. C- Bauyer (the gin man) as their candidate for Al- dorman in the First Ward. angICtd For Alitermnn fn the Flmt Ward. The many friends cf Mr. F. Peyton take this op- Ouiteardo and Pope wrote A Farttull to Lon don. The same order of morals manifested in either of these prodnetions wonld damn Mr. H. more inexorably than his un-“alIowable rhymes.” Jellt Tumblers, Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Tum blers, with patent labeled tops, for sale cheap ] Walker Sc Dobbs'. angl3 2t Is cocsrqnence of the low flgnrcs at which I Truman A Green have keen offering their | stoves a large nnmber of them have been sold. Parties desirous of a cheap stove are advised oall wnlle tbe assortment is yet complete. anglO 3i citizen is entitled to a vote. auglOSt MANY CITIZENS. Election for Alderman In tbe First Ward. The numerous friends of L. W. Rssdal, Eeq., hereby announce his name as a suitable candidate I body, for Alderman, to fill the vacancy in the Board The worst Neuralgia iu from 5 to 20 minutes The worst Croup in 5 minutes Tho worst Tootbacbe in 1 minute. Tha worst Rheumatism in from 23 minutes to 10 daya. • The worst Inflammation in tho Eyes in 1 week. Tbe worst Pain in the Side, Back and Breast. Tbe worst painful Tumors in any part of the Tire worst Sprains, Ew.llinga Bruises and «u.edbythore.iEnatioa 0 fMr.B.rronO«terinthe “Jhe^orat Catarrh in the head it relieved in 1 First Ward. The election takes place on the 16th ve ek. iusL, and every resident of the city is entitled to ' au'gS tf MANY OITTZEN3. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS The worst Palpitation of the Heart in 10 min utes. The worst Cat. Chafe or Flesh Wound. Tne worst case of Bronchitis is relieved in a few miuntes. The worst case of Inflammatory Rheumatism. The worst Burns and Hcalds in 20 minutes. And for pains and inflammation in any part of Drxoren Sets, Toa Seta, and Crockery and JLL at 8% o'clock. Payments must be made be- I and no permanent)'- as 1 fore that hoar to esve fines. 1 MILO S. FREEMAN, 8so*y and lreaa. Glassware of all kiD.’s at Walker ,t Dobbs'. augl3 2t auglSlt Mrs. Josmnre Horse, artist, formerly of MIZPAH LODGE NO. 47, F. A. M. Georgia. Address 122 Waverley Place, New _. , , . Tort Portraits and matures of ins «iiA tsb.n r PHEBE will be a stated communication Of this York. Portraits and plotures or any size taken oa THURSDAY EYENING, Angnat from old dagnereotypea In the highest style of 114th, at 8 o'clock. Tho charter question will be art. Beeb Glauses, Beer Glasses.—One hundred I sets of beer glasses, st fifty cents per sot, st j Walker A Dobbs’. augl3 fit Ocmulsee B. & L. Association, tbe human*body, either externally or internally, ® I there is no remedy in the entire world that subdues TYEGULiR monthly meeting THIS EYENING pains and inflammations so positively, so promptly ■ a. -- a1 ' ---I—v- ■■«■■■ Huh.- a. i ld e0 permanent)}'xe Jackson’s Magic Balsam! P. YAN ALSTINE. Proprietor, BarnesviUe, Ga. Sold by alldinggiata at 25c., tGc. and il per bottle. WHY NOT considered, and the Attendance of every member | LET THE PUBLIC KNOW IT it desired. WM. W. CABNEtJ. W. M. | If JtckBon . g Klg(a jjCeun bis by repeated trials and permanent cures proven itnelf to be the bent harie lotion cr horse remedy in tha world why not let the people knew It ? It ia caring the worst FOR RENT CHEAP. T HE two commodious STORES on Cherry I street, at present occupied by Oolem&n A Newsom, are for rent from first day of October next. Ajiply to J. VALENTINO. NATIOKTAL HOTEL, (FORMERLY SPOTSWOOD), NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY RENOVATED FROM BASEMEST TO ATTIC. BOARD ©3 OO PER DAY. junoStd 68 Cherry street. FOR SALE CHEAP. A N half-acre lot with a s : x room dwelling, kitch en, outbouses, etc , situated on Second street, between Oak and Arch. Is within a few minutcB walk cf the business put c.f the city, depot and workshops, and has proven to be a healthy place. Apply to D. D. CRAIG, augtCeodtf It. A. MOKltld. augl tf P. WHELAN, Proprietor* THE D. PRATT 6IH! HIGHLY IMPORTANT. FORTY 1’jEIL CENT. SAVED | -f r CENTS PER DRINK! At “Our House” JLi/ Saloon, can be found the finest Wines, Li qrors and lager Beer at prices that cannot fail to I pleaeoaih G. D. LAWRENCE, July27eod2w Proprietor. FOR SALE. O NE of tho meat desirable places in Vnoville, I containing 45 acres, with good wells of w&- ter. comfortable improvements, with wood cnongh to last a family r four or five year*, (iood or- chard of various kind* fruit. Tho place will bo | sold, or tradod lor city prootrty m Macon. App’y to ‘ A. J. ORB. &ug5 eodtf At Oliver, Douglass & Co’s. «UUKJU£YA£B.lft WHITE KOGK POTASH! BY THE POUND. TURNIP, . CABBAGE, BEAN, And other seeds snitsble to tho season. FINE- LiTQ-UORS FOB MEDICINAL USE. Imported and Domestic Segars | AT BOTTOM FIGURES. Prescriptions compounded with ctro and prompt ness by competent persons. BOLAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. aug!2 tf BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833. W E offer to planters those woll-known Gins, which are sold whoreever cotton is planted. OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Have been Bold since 1856. We tsk parties wishing to.bny to com9 and examine them, especially the IMPROVED GIN, having a linter attached. It will pay them f r eo doing. Thoy are warranted to give satisfaction, and time given to test them before payment ia equired. JuIylOdRawtf J0HNSOH & DUNLAP, No. 72 THIRD 8TREET. GEORGIA No. 2. 15 - CUNTS ■ 15. DRINKS, plain or fancy, are now fifteen ceuts each at the Georgia No. 2. No chacgb in liquors. None kept bat the best. W. A, JUHAN & GO. —CF7ZB— BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS FOB THE BI0H. BARGAINS MM 1 aug7 6t CASEY A, Proprietors. FOB THE POOR. New Boarding House. O N THE FIR8T OF AUGUST I wffl open the House on Mnlberry street, opposite the La- Dier House, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N. Binswanger. Board $25 per month, and the table snpplied with the best tho market iffords. Rooms can be had either with or withont furniture. »Qg61m E. M. BROWN, Agent. BARGAINS FOB THE OLD. BARGAINS FOB THE YOUNG. H J. Peter. Secretary. WANTED. Tacuct & Greet aro still selling spoons, Seoond and Plum streets. A SITUATION as carriago driver or porttr. Ap- | Coho in horses or males in 20 minutes, and so fly on premises of Airs. Howes, corner prompt is it in curing Colio that the proprietor dw* ~‘ ’ fe A Few Non, a.d Garelesu Poet- Some weeks ego an unlucky article sppssred in this department of the Tmours inn Mxs- rxxoxz, in which tho writer, presuming npon his sge and his affeotion for Mr. Charles Ilnb- ner, a yonng Atlanta poet, of some promise bnt more negligence, criticised some rhymes whioh Mr. H. had permitted to go before tbe pnblic with bis name attached aa author. We will not repeat what we then said; bat will merely say that the bad rhymes—or rather no rhyme* at all —to which we objected were “serene” and "dwim," “fame," and “again,” and “dream" and “sheen.” Hnbner, who is one of the editors of the Georgia Musical Eclectic, oopiea our article into the August number of his journal, and then prooeeds to “peel the bark” eff of ns in the fol lowing style : We presume that Mr. Hubner Is indebted to hit genial friend, Mr. Asa R. Watson, the tal ented editor of Ibe Macon Ttrioarrs sxd Mxa azN iKS, for tbe above "bitter-,.^;" compli ment. Tbe opinion of a writer of acknowledged abil ity d literary subjects is alwsys worthy cf con sideration, end the litetary world derives bene fit from itre proper diaoussion of tbe eaaona of legitimate entioism. Simply for Ibis reason we oall attentioa to tbe wofnl disregard of princi ple and preoedent ortnoed by onr Maeon friend, ia charging tbs writer of this song with “wo fally disregarding the meohanioal requirements of verse ” Mr. Habner does not know that the words quoted by tbe Tznioaara aim Maasmoaa are “blights," and do not rhyme together; they forks and plated were generally, at tbe old prices, notwithstanding that mannfastnrers of I these goods have advanotd heavily. Now is tbe time for housekeepers and others to tny. anglO 31 Faurr Jins, Fnurr Jana.—Gem, Mason’s, Allright and Valve Fruit Jars for sale cheap at j Walker Sc Dobbs'. augl3 2t Melciukts visiting the oily are requested to I auglS li« TALBOT O. THOMAS. FOUND. will in each and every case, where 2 oz. m a pint of water is given to a hone or mule tnat has tbe Oolic. refaul tbe monoy where It does not cure in 27 minutes. It is aleo tbe very best qotion in tbe yrnrld for all saddle or collar galls, fitsh wounds, A PAIR of SPECTACLES, which the owner c\n bruises, strains, lameness, old soree, sand crack, oave by proving property, paying lor this pole evil, foundered feet, cuts, wounds of all kinds, adTerlisemsnt, and suitably rewarding too finder. I poisons, .nil wherever .welling and inllunmition App y to Henry White, at “DOR HOUSE” 3ALOON, auglS It Third Sixeet. NOTICE. exist, either internally or externally. Tbere is no liniment or horse lotion in tbe world that can Lo gin to compare with | JACKSON’S MAGIC BALSAM, , .. 10 I TF GEORGE nENNICK EBEL wjl call at our And the time is not far distant when everv owner oall and exstntne the stock of Iranian A ureen JL office ho will receive eomsthing to his interest. I of and dealer m stock w.11 have this valuable med- before •• going farther and firing worse.” Money can be saved by buying from a home market. auglO 3: anglS St Waixxrr Sc Dcbss hare still a small lot of that cheap china at tbs following prices: Beal china dinner plates at $1 50 per set. Real china breakfast plates at $1 23 par set. Beal china tea plates at $1 per set. Imitation china dinner plates at $1 S3 per set. Imitation ohina breakfast plates at $ I per set. Imitation china tea plates a: 75 cents per set. ang!3 fit Coal. On., Coan On.— By the oar-load, barrel, or gallon, at Walker A Dobbs’. augl:! Hust, Rarer? A Lucas.—Thia well known and reliable firm have received a large lot of Dr. Hood's Eureka Liver Medicine. It has the praise of all who have tried it. In bottle, at 60 cent, and 61.00 TO RENT. T HE COMMODIOU3 STABLE3, on Mulberry street, now oocupied by lire Macon Street 1 e ‘ Railroad Company. Apply to angl3 3t TURPIN A OGDEN* in his ettble, ready for any sickness and dis tress amongst his .took- Try it. P. VAN ALbTINE, Proprietor. Barn Seville, Ga. Sold by all druggists at 25c, 50c, 81 and 25 per augl2w3m SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. CrewiL RaitaoaD are Baretvo Co»nsv,>, (ia.. Augu ,t 12, lbTS. > T HE following articles of unclaimed freight mil bs sold at the deyo: cf this company, TUES DAY, 16th September, at 10 o'clock A At.. Pendleton Guano Company—1 sack guano. J. H. Dougherty—1 box hardware. IaAW CARD. M essrs woodward a tools, or Dooiv couniy, Gu. hiving formed a legil coparti UM>hip, r6*p«clfulJy cff*r their cervices to tho pnblic. and will praciica in tho counties of Wilcox, Dodge. Iiwji. Worth, Macon, Sumter and Hous ton. Sped&l attention given also to cites in the Su; rf mo and Federal Cjoits. Address Vienna.^ylK dS* • r> EOaGIA.-lllBB COUSTJf.—T. W. Free:a*n „ m H VJ" has applied for exemption of poreonilty and W. H. Haygood—7 bundle* agricultural imple- j I will piascpoa the same at 10 oVock a.ii on tbe NOTICE. WILL hold a Justice Court for the 716th DIs- trict, G M., at the offici of CoUins A Heath, No. 69 Second street, in the city of Macon, on the SECOND SATURDAY of every month. F. M. HEATH. Notary Public and ex. off. J. P. t - 716th District. G. M T HE HATHOBN SPRING has irte'y acquired a reputation that places it at tbe head of all the eprioga at Saratoga. An eminent physician, recently returned from Saratoga, aaya that it is twice a. good (mericiual- ly) as Don ress Water, and that at the springs four glassea of Hathorn are drank for one of any other spring. We have the XX A. T H O H. UNT Botlle, Dozsn or Case! BAJfKIN, 3LASSENBUBG & CO. SUgiatf WANTED. BARGAINS FOB THE WIDOW AND THE ORPHAN. BARGAINS FOB EYERYDODY. BARGAINS IN DOMESTICS BARGAINS IN NOTIONS AND FANCY GOOD3, BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS AND EMBR0IDEBIE3. BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. We can assure our friends that our minds have never been more earnestly set on Bargains than now, and we aro determined to continue their dis tribution in every section of Georgia. Just reoeived a fall assortment [ Leather, Morocco and Velvet Belts. 10 4 MARSEILLES QUILTS at $1 50. auglitf AT THEIR NEW STAND, Nos. U and 76 Mnllierry Street, CONTINUE TO OFFER BARGAINS TO O N one?Mll^4®“d B Addr«s™“ d | N0ttCetoC0ntMCtOr8 and B « ilder *' j alt 22 dim W. H. TILLERY, Dublin, Laurens County, Ga. ORDINARY'S OFFICE, HOUSTON COUNTY,? Pibey, Ga., June 7, lfr73. j Minim* GiUTUMtf vnv ClIU O eax HD proposals for building a new Jsil for Fl&A&Li trAAULri rUtt OAluii o this county W be received at this office nn- —nr» . . .. - I til 12 o’clock «., August 12. 1873. Plans and epeo- ification, can bi seSr at this office. (Trade mark registered ) W E will in a short time bsve ready onr m'xed Chemicals, whioh we reoommend for WHEAT, OATS, RYE. BARLEY and GRASSES. We'propose to make this quite as rapid a forcer aa good PERUVIAN GUANO HUST, KASHIN & LAJIVR, Wholesale Drug and Chemical Wtieko se, auglOtf 8i and 81 Oheny atre:L LOOK OUT! T H E SOUTH MACON ERUU STORE! H AS just received another lot of Drugs and Medicines from New York: OPIUM, MOBPEINE, (Mo, Quinine anfl EngM Calomel —F03— PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT, This department being tho most important, I give it special attention. Also BREAST PUMPS. PAPER ENVELOPES, etc. ]nlvlBood3m P. D. EVERETT, Druggist, Fourth etreet, nesr Arch. a H m ► * H « offire Y OU want a beiu'ifal front room for or sleeping room ? If to, apply to LINES & WING, Job Printers, 53 and 63 Cherry etreeL July22eodtm„ And invite a call from everybody ekeptical on this point. DB. WRIGHT, DENTIST Jjp.3 removed to Board man’s Blook, over Pen dleton Sc Boss’, comer Mulberry and Beoond rta. Macon. Oa. oetlSIr ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where LoomMs, Harnesses — AND — Patent Wire Ifeddles B. K. K in pm in—1 b?x merchandise. Macon and Bran«w:ck Kailroa i—IS barrels oil Gre«eom A Go-—l cue merchandise Mary Mime—1 Bedstead (three packages)- Mary Mims—1 bundle bediirg. W F. 8HELLMAN, angl3;ds Agent Central Bailroad. 2'th d.y of Ansa*?. 187J, at my office. Given un- C. T. WAKD, Ordinary. ia any inatacce.** PiasoxiL —Bev. W. F. Easterling. ‘T have used Dr. Simmons’ Livpr Regulator in my family , _ . for dyspepoia and tick headache, and regard it an I JTotlCS 1H B£l21x£HiptCy*. invaluable remedv. It ha* not failed to gire relief _ 6 1 IK THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE SOUTHERN* DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of Bichird R Davi*, Bankrupt. r|X) WHOM IT MAY CONGERS.—Th:* ia to give X xotice once a week for throe weeks that I have bten appointed assignee of Richard K. Davie, Bankrupt, woo was, npon hi* own petition, ad- ja J gc*d a bankrupt by said D.*tr ct Court. Given uaaer my hand, at Mjigtn. Calhoun coun ty, Ga , ta* 7th August. A D. itlS. JE^?E H. GRIFFIN, Assignee ^at. of Richard K. Dan*. Bank? apt. aaglSaSw 1 " MULCH COWS FOR SALE. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Robert Lodge has applied for exemption of personalty and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. u. on the 22i day of August, 1373, at my office. Given under my hand cfiirialJy. C. T. WARD, aoglJ it •Ordinary. Tex Chxafest and But.—Hood's Eureka Liv er Medicine gives universal satisfaction in the treatment of Laver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Cottireness, and all that class of dis eases arising from a disordered state of the atom- I Bankrupt, wno v>h and liver. novSOIy Motmkss, Momas, Mothms.—Don’t fail to procure Mss. Wc« show’s Sooth no Btbup for all HILL. ft. ft. Hiaurp. HILL ft HiBRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 90 Cherry street, (up stairs) . MACON, GA Will practice ia all the courts of the Macon Cir. cult, cpecial attention given to Collections. Con- Tevacess. b:c j disessoa incident to the period of teething in chil dren. It relieves the child from pain, corse wind oolic, regulateo the bowels, and by giving relief and health to the child, give* reel to the mother. Be sure to call for “Mas. Wmaiow's Boontree Bracr." For sale by all draggists. Jana 25eod-6m TO RENT. A SIX-BOOM dwelling on Fine street, to Apply J. F. BARFIELD. L Maoon, adjoining Judge Knott’s plaoe, is of-, , fsred twjsn^- gi^b^tb sufficient seccrhy in the one acres, in high cultivation. On it is a frame . „ T „ building containing five rooms, and near it all nee-1 oo.apv nnthnntAa ■ nrl a tinea wall nJ m4m I CODlTftCl. --— — -—---- ,. , . .... , . Are made undoroneinnn&goment. Tbe work will be let to the lowest bidder, who ’ aIso, SUPPLLE.s need in COTTOS snd WOOLEN ‘ J MILLS promptly fornuhed Amount of his bid for tho fsithfnl performance of ess&ry outhouses and a fine well of water. For terms, etc., apply to EDWARD LONG. Proposals must be endorsed, “Bid for Jail,” and irme, eic., app.v «j Zeuwauu LONG. I aadreased to the undersigned at this office. I can be found at the market every day until J GILES, Ordinary nca in tliA mnmin? An.] nn thfl Uromiaaa tha wa- I . .. .. . 1 * nine in the morning end on the premises tha re- mainder of the day.ang5 lm* JuneU dlaw8w OOAIi OJEU32E2K. 1NTHRACITE COIL iND WOOD. I I Valuable Plantatioa FOR SALB. T HE “BLOOM PLACE,” containing 1721 acres. Situated on Tobesofkee Creek, only five miles from MacOD, with dwelling and all necessary negro jnJy24 6m BROWN, Lowell, Maes , U. S. To Rational Invalids.—In sickness every por tion of the body sympathizes witn the seat of tbe w* will sell Coal daring the month of August | purchase money. at reduced rates. Bend in your orders now and avoid last winter’s trouble, 't eras cash, ugl dim BUTT8 A Rosa TO RENT. J HAVE a number of fine Milch Cows, in good J ^pWO TIN1IME5T HOU8E8 or one eight-room order, wtnea I dsaire to (Lapoee of at fair prices sags lswlw JERS HOLLIS. X House for rent. App y to julyiStf OUTER, DOUGLASS A CO. E. B. POTTER, M. D. Homceopathist. O FFICK Weed's Block, Beoond street, third door below Johnston's jewelry establishment. Beatdenoe Lanier House. JolylS tf Wffl£7o?Sto dieotoer. Whan porfonnthe nnffl Octobsr leh Tims wiil be given on part of | “ delinqc ent * require a medicine combining the prop- v ertiea c f a stomachic, an alterative, a purgative, a - i tonic, and stdative, to bring them back to their I duty; and all these element*, in their purest and most eff ec Uve forms, are united in For terms, etc., applv to auglOtilsepl BOLT. A. NISBET, Macon. Ga EDWARD SPRINZ. N otary public and ex-officio justice OF THE FEACX. I can be fonnd for tbe peasant at all hoars of the day at my office, adjoin- ng tbe law affioa of A. Proodflt, over tbe store of Jaqrua A Johnsons Third (treat, Kaoon, Ga., to st and to all ttagiatariai bn tineas sag TgrriD t’A Iffcrvetcent Seltzer Aperient. the gras 111 aline remedy for Indigestion and all its ooncomi ta it ooneequence i. Bolt' by all dnigglaU. augfi^Ja yiw2w FOR RENT. O NE THREE ROOM DWELLING, plastered and with blinds to windows, < xcelhnt well of water, fronting James heymonr’s residence; price, $15 per month. Also bue six room dwelling near Tatnall tquare, adjoining the residence of E. Price; three acres of land attached, good well of water; price, $25 per month. Apply to J. BhYnOUR BODviEIW. julyl7 lm at teymour, Tinsley A Co. Notice in- Bankruptcy. T HIS Is to give notice th&fc on (he Slat day of July, A. D., 1873, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Roily Bohtright, of , county of Dooly, and 8tate of Geor gia, who has been adjndged a Bankrupt on hifl own petition, and lhat the payment of any debts, and celivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, aro forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditor* of tho sa d BaLkrnpt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of his estate, will be held at a C< urt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Bawkinsville, (ia , at the office of O. O. Eibbee, Esq., before Isaac Beckett, Eeq , Register, on the 25th day of Auguat, A. D.. 1873, at 12 o'clock m. W. H. 8MYTH. &U^12 2t U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. ^ Notice in Bankruptcy. T HIS is to givo noUce that on (ho 31st d&7 of July, A. D., 1873, a warrant in Bankruptcy was ifsued against the estate of Edward J. Nixon, county of Dooly, and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to eaid Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, end the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; that • meeting of the creditors of tbe said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at Hawkinsville, Ga, at the office of O. O. Eibbee, E«q . b< fore Isaac Socket, Etq . Benieter, on the 2oth day of August, A. D , lb/3, at 12 o’clock m W. H. SMYTH, aug’2 2t U. 8. Marshal, as Messenger. Notice in bankruptcy. T HI8 is to give notlco that on tho J2th day of Jnly, A. D , lb73, a warrant in Bankruptcy was iesued against the estate of Josiah J Clark, of Knoxville, county of Crawford, and State of Georgia, who ha* beenadjadged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that tho payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belotging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for hi* use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden bylaw; lhat a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signee* of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Fort Va!ley, Ga.. at the office of Avant & Branham, before Isaac Beckett, Esq., Register, on the 26th day of August, A. D.. 1873, at 9 o’clock A. m. ’ W. H. BMYT0, augl2 2t U. 8. Marshal, as Metsetger. _ VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. E IGHT hundred acres of land, lying 3# miles from Fort Valley, Ga., in a nortbucir dirtc- tion, one-third cleared and in caltiv&tioa, ibe bal ance W6U timbered land with oak, and hukory, and pine Thia body of land is all level aLd well adapted to the production of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, and all farm procuct* of Middle Georgia. So situated that it may be divided into two farms of 400 acres each, or fonr farm* cf 2L0 acre* each, ard givug each division a portion cf the cleared land. This land is a part of tli9 real estate drawn by Mr. Henry P Everett from the estate of the late James A. Everett. This land will be offered at private sale nntil the first Monday in October, when, if not disposed of, wiil be eold at pnblic sale, to the highest bidder, in the town of Fort Valley. Apply for information to Wm. A. Anderson, James A. Everett, or to the nndereigoed, ac Fort Valley. I will also sell a well improved house and lot of 40 acres of land attached. This is one of the best improved lots in tbe town and eligibly situated. I sell cn very favorable term*. anglOtc* WM. J. GREENE. TO IMPORTERS! The Br. Steamship 33 R I m 2W Having been thoroughly overhauled. wOIleaTS LIVERPOOL FOB dAVANNAH DIRECT Between 16th and 80th September. Importers throughout this .notion can havs theh soodiahipped direct to Savannah. Meears. MAN- BKBGh! OBAYBON 4 00. era the agent, in Lv rpool. "