The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 14, 1873, Image 4

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/ OIT AFFAIRS ItOISDAl MOUSING, AUGUST 14,187S. Ahum I. idf* hu »“ tmportaiit meeting to night, at «t ,ch the presence of every member Jjd-rtl 8«« advertisement. r * bearing, bnt ell were ooo< TbxCuuxtt Cocrr —The court did not de velop « -regie MB of newe yeeterday. Three eur> ume op tioutd. Pistoi. Ssrr — A plate 1 shot erooaed thi low.i aboot half-past tea o'clock leaf night, but it b reported to hare been entirely acc J total. Nobody was hurt. AVnxnx is Ha ?—Maser*. Starr k Buan have aomeinformation of interest to Georg Heinrich Ebel, formerly of Fraakenthal, Bavaria, who ia said to be in Maoon. See their advertise meat. 8crp.—Havana, at the Merchants' Exchacg-, will regale the pnblio to-day with one of the beet toupe the city baa produced ainea the flood. He bee all tba advantagea of fine Ingre dients and professional skill. Goxx —Bee Holmes waa removed from the jell to the chain gang yeeterday morning, where he will serve out a aeotence of alx months. Crawford, who waa aentenoed the same day that Holmes waa, will be sent out to d,r. Kent—Between one end two o'clock yester day, a heavy cloud called from the west, bring ing quite a heavy shower, accompanied by noma thunder and ifghtnidg. After the shower waa over the atmosphere was much cooler then it waa daring the early part of the day. Thi Bosbicce.—Though the Volunteers can sot go to tha Fort Valley barbecne to-morrow, it il probable that Uscon wilt have a fair repre dentation, aa a number of merchants apeek of going down. It srill be a grand time amoDg the folks of Houston end adjaoent oonntiea—a sort of a jubilation between the leyicg by and the gathering of their crops. Pxnsoican.—Mayor Huff left for Athena by the Maoon end Aognata road yesterday morn ing, to meet the agricultural men of the State and poet them np in regard to the prospects of the forthcoming Slate Fair. Alderman J. W. Burke is attending tha Grand Lodge of Odd Fallow! in Atlanta. Alderman E lie la going on a trip to the North. IxraoviMXNT.—Tho building in wbioh are the office* of Ueesra. Cubbedge, Hazlohnrat & Co., and of tha Uaoon Bank A Trust Company, Is to be very materially improved at onoe. The building Is to be extended forward to a Hue with the other buildings in the tame block, and have a superb Iron and glass front. Messrs. Cubbedge, Hszlehnrat A Co. will then rear range the interior of their effiee, fitting it np w|th handsome desks and counters of the latest styles. The Ma job's Court.—His Conor, Ueyor Hoff, end b'a pro tempore Honor, Alderman J, Yf. llnrke, were both absent from tho oity yes terday morning, and the judioial prerogatives rested upon the ehoniders of Aldermen Cornell, who discharged the dntlea with his nsnel expe dition Bill! ability. The only oase np was against Henry Beago, charged with being drunk. Henry did net at tempt to deny the delicate insinuation, end will have to pay Arc dollars or work on (ho street* inn daje. Scranton Com.—The tax case between the city and tba Central railroad, was argued be fore Judge Hill yesterday. The city oleimed taxes on the Uaoon and Westorn railroad shops looatod in the city. Tho road claimed exemption coder an aot of 1869, exempting so much of property of tha Central road as was neoessary for tho operation of the road. The oaso was argued by Messrs. Lyon anil Irvin for the road, and by Mr. It. W. Jomlsuu for ibo oity. JaJgo Weems, associate oity eonntel, was engaged in hie own oonrt and did not speak in the case.— Judge Hill decided that tho property is liable to taxation. Gcttkiiiko,—Ur. P. H. Ward ia filling his contract for guttering the northeaat side of Cherry street In a most substantial manner, rising rook obtained from bis qnarry oat be" yomi tho oemetery. When completed this wll be a valuable etreot improvement, and will fur nish proper drainage for the intersection of Beoond end Cherry streets, which is greetly needed. Whenever a rain now fells all the crosslng-i are flooded, and people are left to a choice betweoo wailing through and waiting nntll the water rncs eff—either of which Is •ometlmc* very iooonvenlent. The streets ought to be so oonstruoted that tha heaviest rain oonld cot overflow a stogie crossing. Cototy Hones. — Farmers from adjacent oonntiea, who have been in the habit of hauling their prodnoe to Uaoon over the Thomaston and Monroe road, are complaining dreadfully at the condition of that road. Some of them bare declared that they do uot intend to bring their wagons to Maoon again nntll tho Bibb oonnty authorities have put the roads in good order, and will bey thsir bagging and ties, and haul their cotton and other prodooe elsewhere. It la sot infrequently the ease that their wsgon9 are upset and their loads damped by the wty- eidu. The Oonnty Commieliocers ought to look after this matter a little. Cotton will soon be reedy for the market, and if Macon la to get wbat the la entitled to, the poopla most have reasonably good roads over which to haul it. The heavy rains this yoar have been peculiarly hard on the roafcgyerywhere, and it ia neces sary that more ordinary diligence be need in repairing them, by the tiers the busy season fairly opens. . A Fox Chase — In addition to a boar and a monkey, John Banner keeps a fox for his own amusement and for the edifioation of his pat- roan. This fox, like other foxes, while it bore its restraint placidly, so long as there wax no means of helping itself, never seemed to enjoy Its moral felicity to any great extent. I.s diet wasgood eooagh, and its lodgings aaoomfortable aa a high-toned fox oonld desire; and yet it was not happy. It longed for the field and the wood and its den in the rocky fastness, where it could whisk its brush iu the faces of the hounds and fly away to Ita inapproachable burrow, A favorable opportunity offered yeaterday af ternoon, and Reynard at onoe determined to walk out to the enjoyment of free air and pier feet happiness. He came ont upon the streets, and before ha oonld fairly deoide upon the nearest rente to tho country and freedom, all the dogs, old and youog, great and small, on the streets. Immediately began the chase. It was but a brief run. Tho frightened fox fell into the cavern on* jaws of Ward A Nelson's big white deg and his career ended right there. Hie aspiration for liberty were nipped in the bud a* often have been the aspirations of men and na tiona of men. Benner laments the lose hie museum hu sustained, and will have to recruit from that oelebrated menagerie on Third street. Her. J. O. Bnuarb. The congregation of the Mulberry Street Methodist Church have granted their putor, Bsv. J. O. Bronoh, a few weeks holiday for rest and recreation, and, in order to make the hoii day a really enjoyable one, the exoellent ladies of the ohurch presented him e pone which will enable him to make a considerable trip North Mr. Branch left leet Friday. In New York he will meet Mr. H. L. Jewett, and the two will probably journey as frr as Canada. Curing the Ume that he hu been in charge of Ibis ohurch, Mr. Branch has won thh affec tion* of bia entire congregation. He la an effi cient minuter; but in the exercise of the hum bler bar not leal important duties of pastor, be has never been remiss, nor does beseem to have ever grown wear j. He baa been oonatant in hu visits to the poor and the afllioted, end bee Derar been absent when his proemoe waa need ed at the bedside of the sick. Tbe diaoliarge of all these duties makes the effioe of pus tor e very laborious one, end e few works’ rest now will not be Ume lost, but will fli him for a bet ter diaeharge of hie duties hereafter. We bops hie sol inrn in tho cooler atmosphere of tbe North will be enjoyed by him. and that bo will return twerulted te health and spirit*, and ready to resume bis oharge more cheerfully ■rxnxx. Kales* sad Bladfseas at a >s«r* Bsetlag. There la a negro eburoh in Twiggs oonnty, known aa Ghana* HiU Ohurch, where the ne groes of the surrounding neighborhoods meet seven nights in a week sod bold thalr hullabal loo ontil midnight, and then go on their noc turnal prowling and foraging expeditions. On tha night of the 10th instant, they had chetr uaual nocturnal yell, made op of preach ing. singing sad preying, with tbe regaler amount of threat-splitting, shouting end howl, ing, and the congregation had been dismissed. An yoaog buck of the crowd, named Gas Thorp, being overwhelmed by the surrounding ixUsances, and deeply srronght upon by tbe fas cination* of Cor* Andrews, the wife of John Andrews, he gave her a seductive pet on the shoulder, and uttered some sentiments in her ear which were neither religions—as the Ume and place weald seem to hare Inspired—nor each aa a men should speak to tbe wife cf an other Individual. Cora, instead of resenting this affront, as a discreet woman should, lent a willing ear, and returned smile for smile, iu a manner that waa well calculated to provoke the wrath of her hosbeod, who waa aa observer of this ill timed familiarity. Andrews waa incensed at the oonduct displayed by the pair, and at once proceeded to oeatigate Tharp. Ho had atroek him a few pretty severe blows with a stick whsn a largo portion of ths crowd gathered aronnd him and began to shout “Kill him! Catch him! Kill him:" etc. An drews told them to eome one at a time and give him a chance and be wonld attend to the whole crowd, but they yelled all ths louder “Kill him! Kill him I" Ardrewa then aaw that big only chance of escape from rough treatment was by rnnning, and he immediately put that plan into e x Motion, but unfortunately there were flseter feet than his In the crowd, and he was overtaken and stabbed end beaten to death. After he had fallen, they stamped and kioked him, until some of the more sober in the crowd persuaded them to desist. The prinoipel perpetrators of this crime are Obe Phillips, Ttllman Tharp and Henry Tharp, ell of whom are members of the above named ohnreh. Tillman Tharp is one of the high funo- tlonarlee, one of tbe sentinels npon the tower. Our informant does not state whether or cot any arrests have been made. New ComrrxBS.—Messrs. Tnrpin A Ogden have erected handsome new ooualers in their office on Mulberry street. Jttt.t Tujtblxbs, Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Tum blers, with patent labeled tops, for sale cheep at Walker A Dobbs'. augl3 St Mbs. Josephine House, artist, formerly of Georgia. Address 122 Waverley Place, New York. Portraits and plotares of any size taken from old daguereotypea in the highest style of art. ___ Excdsmon Tick its to New Yobk.—Tickets via Atlantic Ooaxt Lino for sale by Brown A Co. For round trip $43. This is the shortest, quickest and most reliable route. Meal and berths furnished between Portsmouth sad Now York. Information given on all rentes. angnal3-annAthnr tf Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, and Crockery and Glassware of all kinds at Walker A Dobbs'. angl3 2t PtrocHASX your railroad tioketa from Brown A Co. for tbs sums as at the depot. Informa tion as to time and connections freely given. Beeb Glasses, Beer Glasses.—One hundred sets of beer glasses, at fifty cents per set, at Walker A Dobbs'. augl3 2t FHA3CIAL AID COMMERCIAL WMklr ft«Tt«w •f lift* lark«L OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, 1 August IS-Fveoiaf, 1878 * The money and general mark at we quote as fol low* : nonw Baying UoT^mber delivery. 8#! September. not below low I VJJW middhnge 8%November and DsoemL-er *hiptr-“ A - 1 not beiew good ordinary, 6%. ADVERTISEMENTS New Toix—Nogr>—Fkmr firm Wheat quiet and Jr id; No 9 Milwaukee 1 5L Corn firm: western mixed 53ft55X* Perk dull; new mee*» 17 90ftl8 Oft. 1 Lard doll ard hrerr; old weetern efeam 9 7-169 ^ ^ ^ , Turpentine 43K* Rosin firm at 2 9533 00. »Vo P r.m | CXCXOWF 031 UUIMI. Borin*.... K off. Selling PM' 1’tiTnn state* cthmilvct—loawu. Per month percent GOLD AST, IILTIS. Bn yin* rate* for Gold 91 19 Beilin*.... 1 J5 Baring ratee for Silver.... 1 04 Beilin* ...1 07 STATE BOM DA. Georgia 8 per cent Rood*, new.... Georgia 7 per oent. Bond*. old Oeorgia 7 per oent. mortgtg* Bonds...'.;.* Georgia 6 per oent. Bond*, old CTTY HEITBmiK. Oity of Maoon Bonds, endorsed by R. B.... City of Maoon Bonds H City of Savannah Booda, old................81ft City of Savannah Bonds, new 810 KArr.RO.4D MEfTBITm. Georgia Railroad 7 per oent. Bond* Georgia Railroad Block 1. Central Railroad 7 per cent. Bond* Central Railroad Stock fionthwestern Railroad Bonds Southwestern Railroad Stock Maoon A Brunswick R. R. let mort. Bonds. Maoon A Brunswick Railroad Stock*. Maoon A Western Railroad Bonds... Maoon A Au*twta Railroad let mort Rood*. Maoon A Aneneta Railroad let mortgage Bonda endorsed Macon A Augusta R. R. Construction Bonds. Western Railroad 8 percent. Bonds, endorsed by Centra] Railroad and Georgia Railroad. Mob’!* A Girard Railroad Bonds, endorsed by Central Railroad 87 Montgomery A EufauJa 8 per cent gold en dorse bonds •••••.•••*••.90 South Carolina Railroad Stock...... 20 Atlanta A West Point R. R. 8 per cent Bonds Atlantic A Golf Railroad, consolidated mort* 8 Ten in*—Flonr in moderate request and un charged; common to fair extra 6 40#7 76. Whisky 9VS 9614 Wheat dosed quiet; bolder* anxious. Con: retire and 1 better, fair exoort and boms de mand. whit* western 74$4, Bice firm at 8%09%. Pork steady and more doing on * pot Lard quiet. Nava)* firmer. Tallow quiet Freights firm. Bamow-Flmtr dml: Baltimore mills, high graces declined 25c. Wheat weak. Com. white 72 976: yellow 5^Sf>n. Oata firm; southern 43^44 Bve firmer at 7i /S72 Provisions in fair demand; no sales of ronnd lot*. WbUky quiet. fl4>ci*viLix—Flour in fair d-mand and firm; stork light; famiJr extra 6 75 Corn e*rv; sacked undelivered at depot IMC8 Pork 16 75. Bacon - . steady; ehoniders 9%rg9%; clear rib sides UftiUf; 70 dear aides 11011*4 packed. Lard, tierce 8H@9>4; keg 9X911: steam 8,Y- 0ISCIW5ATt— Plour firm and steady at 6 25ft6 10. Corn in fair demand: fa»r to prime 454*43 Pro visions quiet. Pork 16 50017 00. general y beM at FOR SALE. ^ DESIBABLE BE6IDKN0E, containing a!x rooms, on Bond street; outbuilding! complete. Terms easy. Apply at jniySl It LAWTON <fc WILLKGHAAT8. THE FREED MAM’S SAVINGS & TRUST CO. RULES AND REGULATION’S BtLXTIVE TO Deposits and. Depositors. BUSINESS HOURS. - r . ... . . c ,-. c ., i 1* The Btnk phall be opened d*i!y for the traci- 17 00 lard, UerceS; kettle be.d at 8,.«•— i action of bn«ine«a, except on tiaudayi* and boii- Pecoo, shoulders P: ©ear rtosidta J d«ys, from 9 a. xr. to — p. x , and on Monday and sides 10%. Whisky firm at 91 f Saturday nights, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Bt. Loris—Flonr quiet and weak; concessions would have to be made to sell, round lots of enper-1 FUNDS RECEIVED, fine winter 37504 25 Cora firmer. No. 2 mixed 38 a. reposita of five cents or any larger earns may 038J4 in r-!*vstor. Wbirky quiet at 91. Pork firm j be received, bnt such moneys only a« are reoeived * 1 16 75017 00. Bacon firm for jobbirg and order | C n deposit by National Banks shall be taken. The lota: shoulders 9V(V9>4: c?e*r no aides 10X®ll; I Oomosny will pay inlise bankable funds. De- »... w j <^ e,r eide* 11011)4. Lard firm; cummer a.e*m734« | posit* of gold and silver will be paid in kind* .Nominal I "{JjJ^OMi'NS-Flonr fum ini! scare*: double ex- ' DEPOSITOR’S REOOBD. tra 8 25: treble extra 6 5 @@7 50; family 8 25@l 3. On making the first deposit, the d'poeitor 9 75. Corn firm and retres: mixed white 70; white shall enhecribe.hie or her name, occupation, reei- 75. Oat* quiet at 43U45 Bran ec*5ce at 85. Hay dence and poet office address, in a book containing M I prime 25 00 a 24 50; choice 29 00. Pork firm and the rules and regulations of tbe Company relating 02 1 tcaroe at 17 50. Dry salted meats, 9%. to depodta and depositor *, thereby eignifjing his Baoon firm and scarps: ehoniders 10: clear rib sides I or her assent thereto, but ro emission or failure llXt clear 12: hams scarce and in demand at lC-d to sign such book thatl reliove the depositor re- 16>J. Lard firmer; stock email, tierce 8Jf®9: keg I ceivieg a pass book containing these rules and IL Sugar, supply I’ght; fair to ful'y fair 9Jf«r95L I regulations from their binding force. Molasses, do movement. Whisky quiet; L-.uiaians 1 95; Cincinnati 100. Coffee 19*21% WtmisoTow—Spirits turpentine quiet st 40. 0. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO. WHOLESALE Boein quiet at 2 50 for str’ieed. Urndo turpen- gage tvT d ' ““' O I „ tine steulv; hard 2 00; yellow dip and virgin 3 30. B° na " I. I o «■, Exoubsion tickxts to Now York, vis Charles ton steamers, for round trip $43. Tickets for sale at Brown & Co.'s book store. Informs- tion as to time, eta., given. tuu&thurlf Coil Oil. Coil Oil—By theoxr-load. barrel, or gallon, at Walker & Dobbs’. augl3 fit Tux OnxiixsT end Best.—Hood’s Eureka Liv er Medicine gives nuivonel satisfaction in tbe treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Cortirenoes, and all that clast of dis eases arising from a disordered state of tbo stom ach and liver. ’ nov30Jy Tickets via Atlautio Coast Line, forjaalo by Brown ,fc Co. Firstolass fare $27. juljfiOjnnthur tf. Walkxn & Donns bare still a small lot of that cheap ohlua at the following prises; Real china dinner plates at $1 50 per set. Rea! china breakfast plates at $1 25 per set. Real oblna tea plates at $1 per net. Imitation china dinner plates at $1 25 per set. Imitation china breakfast pistes at $1 per set. Imitation ohina tea plates at 75 cents per set. auglS fit Tickets to New York, Philadelphia and Balti more by the most desirable routes, at Brown k Oo/s. JnlyfiCannlhur tf Hunt, Rankin k Lanas.—This well known and reliable firm here received a huge lot of Dr. Hood's Eureka Liver Medicine. It hoe the praise of ell who have tried it. In bottles at 50 oent* sad 81.00 Tux popular route to New York Is the Atlantic Ooast Line. julyfiOranthur If Fnurr Jans, Fecit Jass.—Gem, Mason’s, Allright and Valve Fruit Jars for sale cheap at Walker k Dohta’. auglS 2t Tickets to New York and Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Air Line, at Brown k Co's. july20snnthnr tf The Regulator, prep>red, goes finely here, after due trixh Everybody wants it, everybody praises it, and all are satisfied with it; in fact, it is in greater demand than offices are among a hungry aet of mongrel carpet-bagger* and scaUawags. Wx. Foestth Btnum k Son, Live Oak, FI*. Fsou tho Central Baptist, SL Louis: "A ftw day* alaoe a friend banded n* a ftw packages of Dr. Price's Cream Bakins Powder, with a request to ‘try If We tried it and found it superb. We gave small packages to a few friends, and tboy all came back'one for more. As wo were not pre pared. however, to abandon the conduct cf tbe Central to go Into the baking powder business, we were obliged to turn them away disappointed For their gratification end that of the general publio, we will say that this inimitable powder can be hod at most of tbe leading grocers in this oily, and at wholesale of Steele k Price, Chicago and St. Louis. Atlantie A Gulf Railroad Ronds, endorsed by Oity of Savannah 77 Atlaut 1 - k Gulf Railroad Coupon Bonds.... Atlont.c k Gulf Bailroad Stock MEATS. BAOON— Oar rib sides femoked) Shoulders Snnar-cured hims FOBS—Pickled rumps Pickled mess Pickled trimmings WHITE MEATS—O R Bidos...; Shoulders Bellies 19 a J2V l^ffl 3 OK 16 X* 17 15 00 20 00 10 001*11 00 10K® 14 om 9K @ U Tor steady at 3 30. London—Evening—Fine roein 33sidl5s. LrvxBPOOL—Xoon—Breads tnffs quiet. Evering— Cumberland cat 3Ss5d. Turpentine |82e6dS33e. ______ MARINE NEWS. New York—Arrived. Fcntia. California, San Sal vador. The Arndt has been signa led PaiLonsLFBIA—Arrived, Pennsylvania VOUCHERS GIVEN. 4. All deposits shall he entered open tbe books of the Company, and a pass book or certificate of I deposit shall be given i lie depositor, npon which [ shall be entered the sum so deposited, and which shall be hie or her evidence of property in the Company. D BAFTS. Drafts shall ba made personally or by tho order of the depositor in writing properly authen ticated, but no peracn shall be paid any part cf any deposit or interest dae ritbont producing the pass book or certificate issued to hiia or her. and having the amount so paid thereon. Provided, That ibis rule shall not prohibit Cashiers under the 95 egAIil AND HAT. CORN —... 90 MEAL 95 @ 3 00 1 OATH 60 fit JSIFLD PEAS 1 00 fS> 1 25 HAY—Western 1 75@ 1 90 Eastern 3 35 BAaanra and ikon ties. BAGGING—Bengal Lyon Borneo Gunny Dundee.... Patched......................... Arrow Fnr-ka FLOUR—Low superfine per bbl Standard superfine Extra Choice extra Family Fancy Family Brands..... LARD—Tierces Keg COFFEE—Rio Java OHEESE—Beetcresm..... New York State MOLASSES Georgia and N. O. Cane Syrup SUGAR—A White extra O New Orleans sugar Childs'). Tel'.ow 0 Demarsra Porto Bico MACKEREL—No 1 kita « 2 bbla 2 kits Chahi-eston—Arrived, Y.nco. Sailed, South Car- direction cf the Actuary, from making special olina. Veto, Toenmseli. | arrangements for deposits which may be withdrawn — rrs by check in accordance with the usual rules of Snow in Summer?- Yes. How ? I ^ ink "- 8 ”, b ^ ct 10 the restrictions of Rnies Where ?_ Just where you would never * n 10 mJMWWW . look for it In all the red hot ovens of c _ Campinr wir , „ » ^: 6 ply aIt deposits tho best wives and housekeepers in the on demand, yet it reserves the right tort quire city. What do you mean ? I mean that I sixty dava’ notice of intention to withdraw deposits, thn wlnrinnu lnnufwj fnhripnted from T ha inteot of tha rule being solely to protect tbe the glorious loaves laDricatea irom Blmk lnr] Ita de p0e uors in times of puoiio excite- I Wiley s A A XX resemble llllipatian I mant and danger, mountains capped with snow; only the interest. real mountains have red dirt and rocks 7. Sn h interest not to exceed soven por cent. ,6 « ,7 beneath them, and these wonderful hil- 17 O 18 locks are the staff of life, white, nutty and January mud July of each year, and will be payable 18 @ 19 I delicious twenty days after the first buaineaa day cf these 16 * ^ mouths. Interest due and not withdrawn will be 17 @ 18 « rnre fra added to the depositor’s account, and will, itself, I ^ ATB0XIZB Ehtebpbise —Mr. P. P. Toale, j j raw interest as a deposit Interest will begin on 914 I whose advertisement appears in another col-| the first day of e«ch month npon deposits of one 9J4 I umn. has broncht to a high state of perfection the I dollar or more, made on that day or during the 7 00 @ 8 00 If ZL. Jt .a », _ raf rirara,. precjding month, bnt such interest will not be dne ft TO rt. Ilr « oet “ a m «‘ complete manufactory of doors, ^ th J jnterest daJB Cj . ad , boTe . No , nterest 9 50 O sashes and blinds in the Southern States. His w in be paid on any turn loss than one dollar, nor 10 00 9 I warranted woik, untiring energy, personal appli* ( npon any sum withdrawn before the first day of « “ ® cation to business acd liberal advertising, have J ‘ na '7 ? r JW ,[ or . 12 00 @ t si ... , . ,, elapsed since the last interest, day except that de ll Placed his enterprise among tbe first in the South. p08 ' t8 la tlie , nm of not i M8 thin flfty aollars msy If <» 12>^ thus giving to his many easterners work and prices be received, which shall draw interest from the 23 (9 25 I that defy competition. Price list sent free on ap- date of deposit to date of withdrawal at the rate of 28 @ 32 I n'treimn four per cent, per annum: on o'inaition that the 18 j Pecauon. sums so deposited shall remain on deposit not less 91 30 65 at 12«® 9 © 11 © 12 @12K 1 75 “Sbbls—Large 12 ©I9 60 “Skits ISO @170 w’O 42 @ 6K@ 48 @ © so <n 18 » * 50 @ 450 2 10 © 1 90 © 2 00 5 75 © 6 60 Ujf . 10 © WHITE FISH—Half bbl. CANDLES—Beet star (full Hperm... Paraphino. RTAROH—Pearl.. . SOAP— BUTTER—Choice Tcnneaaeo .. Tennessee No. 2 Beat Gonhen Goithon Ko 2........ Country EGOS—Per doz CHICKENS—Per doz SALT—Virginia per sack Liverpool NAILS— - 4-4 MACON SHEETING *4 Shirting Ball Thread Knitting Yarn. OSNABURGS—No 1 No 2 Millodgcrille No 2 Waynmanville Sheeting... Honeton Sheeting Houston Stripes Columbus St ri pea «... High Shoal Stripes..,.... Montour Shirting—%..... Factory Sewing Threi d.. • YARNS— Georgia nnwaahed wool.. Gf*orgia washed wool. .- FEATHERS BEESWAX HIDES—Dry flint Green... EBT POTATOES WHISKY Common Byo TALLOW 7 Market reports of Fancy and Family Groceries Don^t mix Wiley’s XXXX Flour with dec EASED DEPOSITOR?. Pans Green to kill caterpillars. It won t 8 . Jn nte ot tho d8&th of 8ny dep08itf , r . th6 hurt them. Such flour fattens—don 11 amount standing to the credit of the ddceaeed will 11*41 kill b® t0 or k® r le 8 al ropr^aentative, 11^41 ’ I BOOKS LOST OR STOLEN. 9. In case of Io3t or stolen books, the Comp&Dy 2 00 © 2 25 I umKnwmumwmym xoucu mmmuummm | duly‘noUfiod oT^htoTo” 14 00 @14 60X | effects of Errors and Abaeos in oarly life. Man- tbe ,t. while tbs Company will, by all possible hood restored. Impedimenta to Marriago remov- means, endeavor to prevent losses arising from ed. New method of treatment. New and remark-1 HCt books, payments msde^thereon beforojaotico able remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, No 2 South Ninth at., Philadelphia. Pa.. 9 50 w I an institution having a high reputation for honor- g - able ooodnot and professional a kill. jiiysdSm received as above required shall be valid paymonts to discharge the Company. In case of books re- ported loo: or ileslroycil the Ccmoauy will require snob indemnity as the local committee msy deem [ jaatond proper. MARBIED WOMEN AND MINORS. 10. Deposits made by married women anil by minora are entirely froe from tho control of the For Alderman. Tho many friends of Henry Brcyfons hereby j hnsb&nd or guardfsn, and will be so held, nominate him for Alderman from the First Ward, lo fill tha nnexpirod term of Barron Carter, Eeq He will bo supported by ang!2td ALL THE PEOPLE. For Aldcrmnn. Tho workingmen of Macon annoncco P. O' Sawyer (the gin man) aa their candidate for Al* I depositors, after having been published^twico a TRUSTS. IL All doporils will be hold as trusts strictly confidential and private. AMENDMENTS. 12. The Tiusteos reserve the right to alter or amend these rules and regulations, end each alter ations ot amendments shall be binding upon ths dennsn in the First Word. apglOti 17* 15 14 W* 145C® 15 17 © 19 14K@ 15 10 60 © 1 61 © 30 © 40 45 © 48 70 © 75 25 © SO 16 @ 7 © l to ft 1 75 1 05 ft I 10 For Alderman In the First Ward. Tho many friends of Mr. P. Peyton take this op portunity of announcing him as a candidate for Alderman, to supply the vacancy rendered by the resignation of Mr. Baron Carter In tho First Word. Tho election will be held on ths 16th inet. Every citizen is ontitled to a vote. auglOSt MANY CITIZENS. week for three enccesaive weeks in lie or more of tbepubho newspapers of those towns and cities where the agencies of the Company are located. Approved June 12,1873.aus!4d2aw3w Election of Teachers. A N election for Teachers in the Macon Publio Schools will take place at 10 o'clock A. ft. on SATURDAY, August 16, 1873. Applicants mast be licensed teschers. The . . _ _ . , county superintendent will be in bis offioe on Cher- | Election far Alderman In tbe Flr*t Ward. ^ Btr eet, over M. R. Roger*’ store, from 9 a. si. to Tlie numerous friends bf L. W. Raed&l, Eeq., 112 v. eveiy dtyof the present week, for tho pnr I hereby Announce his name aa a suitable candidate I pose of examining persona desiring to be licensed. ' for Aidorman, to fill the vacancy in the Board , The teachers employed in the city schools dor- Aiuotiuau, W aaia via ing the past year may consider themselves Ji- cansed by the resignation of Mr.Barron Carter m the oensed. First Ward. The election takes plaoe on tbe 16th I By order of the Board of Education, inet., uid every resident of the city is entitled to I B. M. ZETTLER, vote. I angl2td Secretary pro tem. angStf M4NI CITIZENS. FINE HORSES. b I?! eo « LiS6 * Co - No8 - 62 Cherry,and MThird TorniTiT a nVKRTISRM PINTS BOBEBTSIMS,of Carliele, Ky.,will arrive streets, Macon, Ga. I iNJli fv AAJ V llilviiuijiuijlN iO I Jq Macon about »he 16th instant with the Choice Family Floor, with _ steady demand $10 60 ® 12 60 Bngar cured and pig hams 16 <3 Gilt edge bntter (new') 35 @ 60 A.. B.. Ex. O. and Brown N. O. Sugar 12 @ 14 Beet Young Hyson and Black Teas 1 25 A I f0 Old Government Java Coffee... • 30 White A Little Green Rio Coffee 25 09 -8 Choice Beef and Buffalo Tongnoe 75 (3 125 Cod Fish 12 (9 Potatoes 4 00 ($ 5 00 Messina Oranges, por box None. French Lemons 36 00 20 CO New Layer Raisins S 60 & 7 00 New Cun-ants and Prnnes 1C @ 20 Almonds, Peccans, Walnuts and Filberts 16 ft 25 Finest and best Champagnes... 25 00 ft 40 00 Old FamUy Rye Whisky 2 50 ft 6 00 French Brandy, for medical nee. 8 60 ft) 15 00 Domestic and’lmported Began.. 20 00 @150 00 Virginia and North Carolina To bacco 40 ft 1 25 Georgia Cane Syrup 60 ft 1 00 Diamond drip (White) Syrup.... 1 25 ft 1 50 Dried reaches 8 @ 10 [MIZPAH LODGE NO. 47, F. A. M. T HERE will be a stated communication of this Lodge on THURSDAY EVENING, August 114th, at 8 o'clock. The charter question will be considered, end the attendance of every member | is desired. WM. W. CARNES. W. M. H J. Petes. Secretary. ang!3 2t NOTICE. finest lot cf hones he has ever brought to Georgia | —con,i.ting of Saddle, Harness and Combined Hones. Thoee who may desire a fine horse will do well to call on Mr. tiirna upon hia arrival. ang!2 4t WANTED AT ONCE, /''V*02 OB TWO first-class pra2t:cal Gin Makers, V (Breaster), to whom the highest wages will be paid, by the day or pieoe. jnlyll tf P. O. SAWYER. FOR RENT. |oon, wUl call at o^^hTwiUJ^o^tlS^ | H,,?!™ ^Tf.' ^w/oi 0 ^ I F GEOBG HEINRICH EBEL, formerly from I Frankenthal, Bavaria, said to be living in Ma- I to his interest STARR A BUaN, >agl3 3t Oflico over Planters’ WarebDUi.e. TENNESSEE CORN. "|A BU8HELS CHOICE WHITE (JOHN, j JU in two bushel eocke. For sale by augUSt* JONES A-BAXTER. jatylT tf R F. LAWTON, At Exchange Bank, or to DR A. P. COLLINS. At Collins k Heath's. Hottentotj gathering Lnclm for Helmbold'e Extract has become almost s historical pictore. The great oontnmption of Dr, Helmbold'e Bnchu attests the important fact that thousands upon thousand* need a diuretic medicine. For dropsy, gravel, kidney complaint, and all diseases of tha urinaiy organs, either in male or female, there hoe never been a remedy equal to Helmbold'e Buchn Ita imitators ore mere trash. Hehnbo'd’s la the old reliable standard remedy. Choice Wheat, only thoroughly cleansed with a decorticalor like that oi ours, can make flour like tho Wiley XXXX. We know where to get It, and have alwava a heavy supply on hand. BURR A FLAXDERS. WniT wx Nun wuxx Duuutato.—Appetite and digestion languish at this setson. At the very time when the body most needs rerovation and support, the stomach, its oommieearut department, is apt to prove delinqnent. Under such dream- stances the necessity for a wboleeome stimulant, tonic and corrective Is self evident, and consequent ly the demand for that peerless combination cf the three required elements, Hostetler's Stomach Bit tors, is never more urgent than at midsnmmer. It is true that a few medical bigots—fossils ‘ ‘left over” from the dazk ages—recommend violent pur gation and water gruel as a core for indigestion and Us accompanying ills; bnt they make few proaoljtos. The majority of the community are sane, and all sane people are aware that a pure and powerfol vegetable tonic with alterative proper ties, like Hostetler’s Bitters, is the only cure for dyspepsia, bilionsnees, constipation, nervousness and the * ‘consequential damages*’ they inflict. The human intellect, unices hopelessly diseased Bran, Oats, lay, Meal, ate. 35,000 POUND3 WHEAT BRAN. 2,0CO BUSHELS OATS. 300 BALES TIMOTHY and CLOVER HAY. 300 BUSHELS OOW PEAS FRESH WATER GROUND MEAL. Iu store, and for xalo cheap by augl43t« JONES A BAXTER. POR RENT CHEAP. T HE two oommodion? STORES on Cherry street, at present occupied by Ooleman & Newsom, are for rent from first day of October next. Apply to J. VALENTINO, jnneSta 68 Cherry sheet. SB0EE8S, PM 11LIPOE DEALERS LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED 61 TUXHX> fltTriEJST. W. A. MAN & GO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GRANDEST SCHEME EVER KNOWN I Fourth Grand Gifo Concert! FOE THE BENEFIT OF THS PUBLIC LIBRARY of KENTUCKY 12,000 CASH UIF rs, 81,500,000! Every Fifth Ticket Draws a Gift! $250 OOO ~for $50! T HE Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorized by spe-ial act of tho Lefblatnre for the benefit of tbe Public Library of Kentucky, will take place in Public Library Hall, at Louisville. Ky.. WEDNESDAY' DECEMBER 3 t 1873. Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold, and one- half of these are intended for tho European market, thus leaving only 20,000 tor salein the United State?, where 100.000 were di-posed of for the Third Concert The tickets arj divided into ten c -upons or parts and have on their back the scheme, with a lull ex* plamtion ofth» mode of drawing. At this concert, which will be the grandest musical display ever witnessed in this country, the unprece dented sum of $1,500,000 Divided into 12,000 cash sifts, which will be distrib uted by lot among the ticket-holders- The numbers of tho ticket! to bo drawn from one wheel by blind children, and the gilts from another. LIST OF GIFTS: ONE GRAND CASH GIFT $450,000 ONR GRAND CASH GIrT ONE GRAND CASlI GIFT ON K GRAND CAbUG.FT 0 NS GRAND CASH GIFT 10 CASH GIFTS $:o.on<) each.... .SO CASH GIFTS 5.000 each.... 50 CASH GIFTS 1,«00 each 80 CASH GIFTS 500 each - . 100 CASH GIFTS 400 each UO CASH GI*1S 3X) each. 25o CASH GIFTS ;0() each L_I ■ 325 CASH GIFTS 100 each 3/,!S00| 11,000 CASH GILTS 50 each BftO.OOO New Boarding House. O N THE FIRST OF AUGUST I will open the Houae on Mu.barry street, opposite tbe La nier Houte, (.Granite flail) formerly kept by N Binewanger Board $25 per month, and tha table supplied with the beat the market * Korda. Poona cm bahad either with or Without furnitnre augG Ini E M. BROWN, Agent. NOTICE. I WILL hoM a Jastioo Oonrt for tho 716th Dis trict, G M , at rite oSo<Mf c'obins k Heath, No 69 fteooni street in tho c tv of Macon, on the SE00ND SATURDAY of every month F. M. HEATH. Notary Pnblio and ex. off. J. P., 716th District. O M LAW CARD. M ESSRS. WOODWARD A TOOLE, of Dooly couuty, Gu. haviD* fo mod a legal copart nership, reopectfaUy offer their earyicea to the public, and will practice in tho counties of Wilcox, Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Macon, Saoiter and Hone- ton. Special attontion given also to cases in the Bupreme and Federal Oonrts. Address. Vienna. Ga. jnlylB d8m* TOTAL. 12.000 GIFTS. ALL CASH. nraountini? to ; re-.....—...... £1*50!>,001 The distribution will be potitiv*. whether all tha tickets are sold or not, and the 12.000 gifts all paid in proportion to the ticket* sold—all unsold ticket? being destroys 1, at. at tbe First acd Second Concerts, and not represented in the drawinv. F&ICE9 OF TICKETS: Whole tickets $50; Halves S25; Tenths, or each Coupon, $5: Eleven Whole Tickets for $5f0; 22J4 Tickets for $1,000; 113 Whole Tickets for e5,WK); 227 Whole Tickets f >r $10,000. No discount on less than $500 worth of Tickets at a time. The unparalleled success ot the Third Gift Conceit, as well as the satisfaction given by the First and Second, makes it only necessary to announce the Fourth to insure the prompt stle of every ticket* The Fourth Gilt Concert v ill be conducted in all its details like the Third, and full particulars mav bo earned from circulars, which will bo sent free from this office to all who apply lor tbom. Tickets now ready for sale, and all orders accom panied by tbe money promptly filled. Liberal terms given to those who buy to sell again. . THOM. K. BkAMLETTE, Agent Pnbl. Libr. Ky., and Manager Gift Concert, Public Library Building, Lonisville, Ky. 91ECK LENDERG COUNTY, N. C. coal oiexjejxoik: ANTHRACITE COAL AND WOOD. W E will sell Coal daring the month of August at reduced rates Send in yoar orders now anl avoid last winter’s trouble, i eras cash, tugl dim BUMS & HUBS. OR. J. EMMETT BLACK8IIK.1R, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Oftlce, No. 2 Cotton avenue (np stairs,) next door to Dir. Pajne’a Drag Store. Residence, Walnut street, (above Spring.) McBur* ney’s tenement bnilding, Macon, Ga. docl lawtf DR. WRIGHT, DENTIST JJAS removed to Bc.ardm&n’s Block, over Pen dleton A Roes’, corner Mulberry and Beoond *ta., Marou. Ga. octI9Iy W. B. HILL. a N. X. HABBIS. HILL & HABBIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 90 Cherry street, (np stairs) MACON, GA. Will practice in all the conrts of the Macon Cir^ cnit. hpeci&l attention given to Collections. Con veyances. etc. joly27tf Thoroughly equipped* Seven professorships. Ex penses low. .S«-ssioa begins Fept 25th, 1873. Send ror catalogue. J. R. BLAKE, Chairman of the Facultyt KEXM0RE UMVJCRblTY HIGH SCHOOL, Amherst C. H. a Vm. Prcpara’ory to the Univerity ot Va. H. A, Strode I Math. Medallist U. Va.), PrinclDal end instructor iu Ma:h»matics. H. C. Brock, B.l it U.Va* (recently Aes’c Prof. Latin, U. Va-.) Instructor in Greek, Latin, French, Gorman and Botany. This is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and presents many advantages incomparable with those of otters. Stu dents also received tor the Bummer. New session begins September 15th, 1878. For Catalogue, address the Principal. ' Agents Wanted for tbe Yew Book. with the newest and best treatment for all cases. The only thorough work of tbe kind in the world. Embraces hmall-pox. Yellow Fever, Cholera and all analogous diseases. No Family Safe Without It. and all bay it. Has 24 chromatic illustration*. The big- vest chance of the season for agents. Address fl. S. GOOD5PEED «fe CO.. 37 Park How, New York. Valuable Plantation POH SjSLIiB. T HE “BLOOM PLACE.” containing 1721 acres. Bituated on Tob-eofkee Creek, only five miles from Macon, with dwelling and all necessary negro cabins, good gin*honf>e and screw Will be for BA.‘e nntil October 1st. Time will be given on part of pmch&Be money. For terms, etc., apply to anglOtikepl HOST. A. NZSBRT. Macon. Gs TAX NOTICE. T HE TAX BOOKS of Bibb county are now my hands, and I am ready for the people call np and pay their taxes My instructions leave me bnt a short time in which to collect all the taxes. My office Is on Cherry street, at my old plaoe of bneine9s. I am aiso required to receive, under oath, re porta of farm crops raised in the county, together with othor information reUtivo to tho farming in terests. W. T. NELSON, aug9 tcovlS Tax Collector. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS FOB THE RI3H. BARGAINS FOB THE P00G BARGAINS FOB THE OLD. BARGAINS FOE THE IOC5G. BARGAINS FOB THE WIDOW AND THE ORPHAN BARGAINS F0BE7' I \t( LW BARGAINS IN DO' E Tt08. BARGAINS IN NOTIONS ASD FANCY Q00D3. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. We can assure our friends that our minds have never been more earnestly set on Bargains than now. and we are determined to continue their d.a_ tribution in every section of Georgia. Just reoeived a fall assortment Leather, Morocco snfl Velvet Bolls, 10 4 MARSEILLES QUILTS at $1 50. augiatf FOR SALE! HAND FIRE EMU AND APPARATUS. To those desiring to purchase a good end relia ble Fore Engine, will find it to their interest to ex amine this one. It is a SECOND-CLASS SMITE ENGINE la perfect order and wai ranted to jive ettire sat. infection. Hold for uo fault, bnt to make room fora steamur. For/nrttier pirticnlara, apply to Secretary of Oomnlgee Fire Uo. bio. 2 or committee. O MAGHOLD, Foreman. H. P. WESTOOTT, F. A 8HONE3IAN. V KAHN. • JNO. VALENTINO, anc 81m PEN LUCY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. — AT — W ^3. "V7" El RXiY, T.VO MILES NDBTH OF BALTIMORE, JIB. The next eersion wi'l begin on the 18.h of September. I N tbe absence of the Principal, who is trarelicg in Europe with eomo or bis pupils, application fur places should be m&da to Malcolm H. John ston, i£eq , 31 St. Pant street. Baltimore H- M. JOHNSTON. Pen Lncy, noar Waverly, Baltimore c.'uuty. Mi, July SO, 3873. aug5dlwAwlm JiMJS h. Blount Isaac hibeemu. JOHN L lltBDEHAX. BLOUNT, HaBDKMAN Jt H1RDEMA.V, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Offio», Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. angICtf i & % M V * PLANT'S EXTRA.’ I PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Opposite Huff’s New Bnilding, | Cherry Street, batween Third and Fourth, MACON, GEORGIA. T HI3 well-known house being now suitably fitted up. tbe nndoraigned is prepared to ac- I commodate Boarders—Permanent, Transient and tines, threaten to take the inner membrane with them. To nee a significant catch-phrase the knock- do wn-and-drag-oul methods cf treatment are -played out.” It is dearly tnderstood that a medicated stimu lant u ff^ntiil io tba renovation cf an •xhanated frame and that yon oannot strengthen man or wo man by them with ptoetrating preparation* Thu is an era of oommon seoee, and common sense approves of Bostetter’s Bitters a* the best article* extent for invigorattnc, regulating and purifying the system and defending it against Latest .Market Reports by Telegraph j FINANCIAL. Niw York—Noon—3tocks steady. Gold 1514- Money 435. Exchange, long 8*4; short 9)4- Gov- Teraments doll. 8(ate bonds quiet. Shipments of 6232,000 bar silver to d»y. . ,_ a <t -—^ , ----- Evenlng—Money active at 4ft5. Sterling dull I ^TOT surpassed by any Flour mide in tho United I 5*7: • Ga 0 *!® Will receive best attention, and the at 8X- God 15X915^. GoTemment* dnlL— M> SUtea For sole by re.u——. ..—a. State bonds quiet. I augUSt* Midnight—Governments. 81s 19J4; ^2s 17; 64« f 17X: 65s 81J<; near 17X; 67a 19X; 68a 18; new TO RENT* 5a UK: 10-40* 15Y- Tennewoe 6< 82: new 81Jf; ViixinU 6a 43X: I A FOUB-ItOOM Hi new 50; coneol 5CX: deferred 11: Lonlaiana I XL Second and Arch streets, with double kitch 6s 49: new 43; lereo 6a BO; 9a 53; Alabama 8a 80; ! au. Posaeeaion given first of October. 5s 47: Georgia 6s 70, 7s 90: North Caroliu.s 27X: I Appiyto * MRS. M J. SHERWOOD, new 16 special ux 12; South Carfilinas 27*; new | aag 14H* Or MR G. W. SHERWOOD. 15K: April and October 23 Tablo supplied with ths finest the market affords. JONES k BAXTER, Agents. JalySO tf J. H. BbF.MER. Nxw Oolxaics—Rtetfing25%. New York sight % H 01118S IOr tile P©OPle ! prenjinm. Gold 15% I M Fabis—Noon—Rentes 57f45c. | rpHREE ot the most ELIGIBLE LOTS for pri- X vate residences, for sa e at low d^wn figures. Neighborhood the best in the city. Terms as rea sonable and accommodating as can be expected. Apply to JOHN D- McKEi LAB, No 62 Second st, next J. W. Buiko & Co ’a. augUtf FOR RENT. of I/~VNE THREE ROOM DWELLING, plastered jjj. I V_/ and with blinds to windows, excellent well of I water, fronting James Heymonr’s residence t price, $15 per manth. Also one six room dwelling near Tatnall rqaa»e, adjoining the residence of K. Price; throe acres of land attached, good well of water; prioe, $25 per month. Apply to J. BEY »■ OUR B0DGER8. jlily.17 Im at teymoar, Tinsley A Co. '"Write for a Price List to J*. IT. JOHIYSTOIV. GREAT WESTERN “ * - * 179 Smithficld St., Pittsburgh, Pa Eroecb-Loading Shot Gans, $40 ro $100. DoubleShot (Inns, to $150. Single Guns, S3 to $20. Rifles, $8 to $75. Revolvers, $5 to $25. Pistols, $1 to $8. Gnn Material, Fishing Tackle, etc. Large discounts to dealeri or dabs. Army Guns. Revolvers, etc., bongh, or traded for. Goods sent by express C. 0. D. to be e xamined before paid for. fn per day! Agents wanted 1 All IU q/iWU classes of working people, of either sex. young or old, make more money at work for ns in their spare moments, or all t^etime. than at anything else. Particulars free. Audreys G. SUN* SON A CO., Portland, Maine. COTTON. New Yonx—Noon—Cotton nominal and neglected sales 307: nplaudsl9}f; Orleans 20. •ruturc* opened as follows: August 18 18-16; Sep tember 17 13-16- Octobsr 18J4@18 9-19; December . 17 3*16. Srcnicg-Cotton dell and irregnlar; uplands 29^ ft50; sales 815; net receiprs 835, gross 2537 SOee of fntnms 92.000; market closed as follows: August 18X<®18 15-16; Septaffber i7J<ftl7 15-16; October 17 9 19; November 17$4: Docemoer 17 3-16 The first bale of cerrcoiton from Savannah w«s sold at anction to-day in front of the Colton Ex change for 19>£o por pound. Riltdcobx—Cotton. nt* receipt a —; gross 9; exports coastwise 115; sales 75; stock 2016; mid dlings 19%; market dull. TO RENT. SIX-BOOM dwelling on Pine street, Apply J. F. BARFIELD. Nrw Ouxaxs—Cotton, net receipts 176: groee pretty Call xndscene. BLACKSMITHING. H AVISO eecnrod tbe serricea of a FIRST- CLASS SMITH, we are prepared to have borte-eboetng and j :b workdonjat short notice. | Horse shoe i g a specialty. an«<14 31 FEAGIN a^: BRO. HAT£, HATS. W E are now receivioR onr new etyiee of FALL I HATH, in Silk. Far end Felt; all Tety 70 RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSES or one eight-room House for rent. etf fttna App’y to jnly2'tf OLIVER, DOUGLASS k CO. WANTED. 1 O NE FISE SHOE AND BOOT MAKER, and one good Peg Workman. Address, W. H. TILLERY, Dublin, Jolf29 dim Laurens County, Ga. 607; exports to Great Bnuin —; coaslwiee —; •alee 300; latt evening 300; stock 17,631; ordinary 19^12%: good ordinary 14$ffti5; low middlings middling* market qaiet. Whjgnqton—Ootto»>, net receipts34; exports ooa*t«i«e 310, aales 30; etcck 760; middlings 17,^; market quiet. Ator^ra—Gotten, receipts —; f ales 140; mid« filings 17%; market dull. angl4St 8INGLET0S. HUNT A CO. SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES. MAHKET GARDEN FOR SALE. T HS Finest Market Garden in the vicinity of Macon, adjoining Judge Knott’s place, ia ef- . „ . . _ , , fared for sale or rant It hac an area of twenty- TTTE will rective at Feagin & Ero s stable, op- one acres, in high cultivation. On it is a frame V Y poeite the Passenger Depot, on MONDAY, I building containing five rooms, and near it all neo tile 18th met , EIGHTEEN FiNL IIOllaLfi, for I eeeary outhouses and a fine well of water. Wos saddle and harness purposes. terms, etc., apply to EDWARD LONG. W§ ■ ■ Pardee wishing to porchue wDl find it to their 1 I can be fonnd at the market every day nntil 8avas>an — Cotton, net receipts 155: exports advantage to call before buying elsewhere, aa these nine in the morning snd on the premises the re- ooastwirs 438; sales 22; stock none offering. Cha&ijestox—Cotton, net receipts *138; exports —: sales 13S : stock 4818 ; middlings IS; low middlings —; good ordinary —; ordinal j —: market dolL Mobilx—Cotton, net receipts 32; exports coast wise 436; sales 200: stock a563; middlings 19%; low middlings 16K3?16)4; 8°°^ or,iinAr y 14)4®^14)4; market quiet. Boerox—Cotton, net receipt* 20; gross EC9; exports to Great Britain —: sales 200; stock 10.000; £4; middlings 17%; I horses are well broke and *ill bs sold low. anglidlw W. F. ANDERSON & CO. I m&inder of the day. angSlm* O SA.LOQ3ST. WING to the dullness of times we cannot af- I ford to charge FlF TKEN UKNT3 a drink for I AVENUE ST0BE TO BENT. T EE BTOBE cn Ootton Avenue, sow occupied pied bv Mra Hendrix. J Also, tbe FLINT HOUriE. containing twenty-five rooms, with garden and outbuildings. One of the j best stands for a boarding house in the city. App’y to angitf G. B. ROBERTS. than ,rar. H. U. Wttfal rirepterd, and hi, Si rit^b^ha, or tha worer w. (took loro* Urn. 1 drink. or eftTtetOMlT hnmboyged, decline, to astonish tha oV Whi.4y,but%rit ^nra^relKipS, Sretthat haman atcm«b withteaa phonic. low vdM&g* I <=“ b» fcnod, ocotnat ngof that, rushing Ake an avalanche through the intes- l8 . narket do ; L M un-His—Cotton. net nyteipts 185: shipments —: ‘.stock 7184; low middlings 18*4 ; market firmer. Gai.vzstc*?* — Corion, n*t receipts 5<: exports to Great Britain 1890; sales 5; stock 7097, good ordinary l5ftl5J4*. market doll and nominal. — Cotton, middling* 19)4; market doll. Lrrxxroor,—Noon—Cotton essisr sod partially a a shade lower; upland* 8%; Orleans 9% fVitton sales 12,000; •peculariou aod export 2000. From Savannah and Charieetoo, Acgcat dsfirerr, not below low Piddling*. 8%. Evening—Sales include 0700 bale* American From bavannah and Charleston, October aod UQCOR3, WINES, CIGARfi, etc, etc. At Standard Trices. W. F. HAVEN’S. COURTESY FREE. OlVILItY GRATIS. angl4 2t Agents, Read This I O UR goods matt be aold. We will pay agents a salary of 115 per week arid expenses who sngage with na at once Hteadr employment. Address G. W. bODIKE A CO , sag 14w«t BatCe Creek, Mich. TO RENT. T HE COMMODIOUS 8TABLE8, on Mulberry street, now oocnpied by the Macon btreet Bailroad Company. An ply to auglS St TURPIN A OGDEN. notice. MAOON k BRUNSWICK BAILROAD, 1 bcrxxiXTXxsxsT'a Onto, '- Micas, Go., July 16, 1873. j M ERCHANTS sad other* drehong tlmt their SHIPMENTS from Xaaiarn cai», ri* flx- rannah, sbonld para WM ths Naomi ami Bnma- wiex Railroad, will plaaaa hare (hair freghta marked core or Agent of Atlantis and Gulf Rail. road, Savannah. JAR. W. ROBERTSON, JalyV7 tf General Bnpminteodaat. Drs. Greene, Lindley M Benlley^s GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES! Their *acee*s attest their merits. The siflieted who have tried them «kr that DR. GREENE’S Fir CUHK will atop at once ail kinds ot Fits, Spcsms and Con vnliions. Epilepiy. Chorea »nd Nervous Wakeful, new are completely under its control. Tba* Comp. Ext. Corydalis is the greatest ALTERATIVE and BLOOD PURIFIER known. That Medicated v has so equal as a remedy in Broncbi(h>, Asth ma and Coueha. That Neuralgia Specific is jast what its name implies They are for sale hvallDruv- BietB. Pr*pwrea only by Dr?. GREENE, LINDLEY a BENTLEY. Charlotte. N* C. BUY THE BEST LaiH's New Crop Turnip Cool RUTA. B1GA, FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, LARGE GLOBE, ALSO, FRESH CABBAGE SEED for fall planting. JOHN INGALLS, Druggist and Pharmacist, 4th and Poplsr street*, July20 tf Hollinaworth Block. beast There is no pain or ME DIO IN E. swelling it will not relieve. Stiff and lame Joints are made supple. Curea more rheu matism, neuralgia, lame back, headache, toothache, sore throat and fcai sprains on man, and sore shoul der. stiff joints, sprains, ringbone, spavin, e!c„ on ani mal?, than all other remedies, in sometime. Whole sale agents, Solomon A Co., Savannah. Agents wanted in every county. Francis A EMiidge.Pro- prietora, 920 N. Front st, Philadelphia, Pa. BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY MEDICINE. SANFORD’S Liver Invigorator ! A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonie, for Dvspep- si a. Constipation, Debility, Sick Headache, Bilious Attacks,**!!) all derangements ot Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Ask your Druggist for it. Beware of imita tion. We eure the habit Pkrba.vkktlt, cheap, quick, without suflering or in- . . coavemence. Describe roar cue. Ad- 1 1 dress S. (I.. ARMSTRONG. M. D. f EATSRS.I Berrien Springs, Michigan. angl4dlaw4t GEORGIA No. 2. 15 CENTS GRIER HOUSE FORSYTH, GA. J G. GRIER, the propietor, has reduced the « rate* of board to $2 per day for the benefit of tr&velera and parties going to the Indian Spring. After the first of September the usual rates will be resumed. angSeodtf BATCHELOR’S HAIR D YE rrTOIS splendid Hair Dye I* the best in the world J. The only True and Perfect Dye. Harmloes, Reliable and Instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints or unpleasant odor. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes and washes. Produces Immediately a superb Black or Natural Brown, and leaves the hair Glean, coft and Beautiful. The genuine signed W. A. Batchelor. Sold by all Drug gists OHA8. BATOHELOB, novTS Tv Proprietor. New York. $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legallxed by State Authority and Draw In Pablle In St. Louli. Grand Single Somber Scheme. 50,000 HU11BEBS. CLASS B. 10 BE DBAWN AUGUST 30. 1873. 5^80 FEUKB. AM0CXH58 TO ISOMM. (Trade mark registered ) W E will in a ehort Ume h.Te ready onr m'xed Cbemicaie, which we recommend fur WHEAT, OATS, BYE. BABLEY acd JBASSE3. Wo'propose to make this qnite tui rapid a forcer as good PERUVIAN GUANO And at abont cne-third the coat Planters are invited to look into it. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Drug and Chemical, auglOtf 82 and 81 Cbeny atreot WHISENANT’S Caterpillar Desiroyer! Royalty Removed! w 1 will sell tho Whisenant's Caterpillar De stroyer to an; who wish to nse it at seven and x half cents a pound, advising the u*o cf twenty pounds to the acre. This ermponnd we bare no hesitation in recommending as the most effectual, and of little or no injury to the plant. Ths price Is abont os cheap as any farmer can prepare it—to sty nothing of the bad results which may follow the nse of snoh poisonous compannds when not properly or perfectly mixed. To place it in th, reach of ail the owner of the patent has waived the royalty. “ Albisy, Ga., August 1, 1873. “TheWhisenxnt compound has been experi mented with by a good many of onr p’oeters, and very thoroughly. It has answered every expect*- tion, and without it jury to the plant when applied os directed. “ N. k A. F. TIFT k CO." Onr terms ore cosh or approved acceptance Address all orders to HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, JuueI5eod«kw6m Druggists, Macon, Ga. ^^LL DRISK3, plain or fancy, are now fifteen cent* each at tbe Georgia No. 2. No charge In liquors. None kept bnt the best. CASEY A E3PENNEB, acg7 6t Proprieiors. E. B. POTTER If. D. Homcoop athist. O FFICE Weed’s Block, Second atreet, third door below Johnston’, Jewelry establiahment. Bestdence Lanier Boose. JnlylS tf 250 . 1000 500 prizes oL. 9 prize* oft., 9 prise* *>*-- ouu 9 prise* of. 300 9 prise* of 250 36 prise* of 200 16 prise* of. 150 180 prise* ofre. inn 5,000 prise* oft.. 40 prises oft.. Tickets <10. Half Tiokets IS. Quarters <2^0. tar Oar lotteries are chartered by the State, are always drawn at the time named, aad all drawings are under the supervision of sworn oommimioners. ttm- The official drawing will be published in th* St. Louis paperc. and a oopy of drawing sent to pur chasers of tickets. ... , ... am- We will draw a similar seheme the last day *4 •very month during the year 1873. _ Remit at our risk by Postoffio# Mom«y Orders TA1UB1E USD FOB SiLF. E IGHT hundred acre* of Jand, lying mile* from Fort Valley, Ga.. in a northwest direc tion, one-third cleared acd in cultivation, tbe bal ance well timbered land with oak, and hickory, and pine. Thi* body of land is all level and well adapted to the production of oorn, cotton, wheat, oate, and all farm product* of Middle Georgia. 8o situated that it may be divided into two farms of 400 act* * each, or four farm* cf 200 acre* e*ch» M d giving each division a portion of the cleared land. Thie land is a part of the real estate drawn by Mr. Henry P Everett from the estate of the late Janie* A. Everett. , 4 .. Thie lend will be offered st private sale nntil tb* firet Monday in October, when, if not dhpued of, will be sold at pnb.ic sole, to the bigheet btdler, in the town of Fort Vollef. . apply for information to Wm. A. Andeiwon. James A. Everett, or to the nndereigned, at Fort T 7wtii oho sell a well improved borne and krt of 40 oaree of land attached. This ie aoe of the beet improved loti in the town and eligibly attested- I very favorable term*. WM. I- GBU»t